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Bridal Anniversary edition

Anniversary livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDDjHmcb94I

Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH5xSE1OC1U (JP)

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

Version 1.8 "Realm of Illusion" is LIVE

>Snowbreak 1.8 Overview & News

>New Banner Type Details

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Special Chapter "Realm of Illusion" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jun. 17 - Jul. 1] Virtual Breach - Kill Streak & Challenge Stages
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] Dawn Restored - Battlefronts/Encampments mode
[Jun. 24 - Jul. 8] Hero Games - Co-Op Gameplay

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Shadows of Indigo] Katya - Blue Bolt
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Seastar in Solitude] 5* Crossbow: Neptune Nova

>New Outfits Available
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Private Secretary] Katya - Blue Bolt
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Feline Grace] Mauxir - Shadow Ka

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

>Recent FAQs
>Does the new [SP] aka '100% Guarantee' banner pity carry over to the future?
Yes, both the pity count and the 5* random box count will carry over to future SP-type banners.
ST-type (50/50) banner pity will continue to carry over to future ST-type banners, respectively.

Previous: >>483967468
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Well, Nitabros, you sure showed me. How's the free anniversary Nita treating you?
Does server region matter or do they all get the same shit?
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Eatchel post hahaha
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what weapon should I pick for the anniv. T2 alloy truth seems spicy
Wyfe game
CN bwo here again,
breads are so alive lmao
was so slow a few days ago.
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Wolf of seasoned taste
2 T1 Straightened Taiwan are better, bwo.
Any translators know what skins will be rerun? I only saw a few of them.

The stream was received extremely well. I'm blown away honestly.
Yeah it's going to be like this on news day, and we just got a bunch of stuff to look forward to.
How was CN's reaction to the stream and news?
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eatchels, and then also roll her
katya weapon.
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Full wood blossoming.
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She's next patch. And she'll look like pic related.
Alter Marian is after that patch, and she'll be the most For-(You) operator to date. Psychotically, even.
well I rekon all of them?
They showed all those 5 star limited ones, but i've not seen any season pass ones.
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Her face reminds me of this emote
what the fuck is that
I don't need brickchel, hags only
yeah, i'll consider this one
Very poetic. My wood is still blossoming from that Katya pole dance.
>Psychotically, even.
we already have tess bwo
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um nitabros? how are we doing?
they wont going to ruin the summer with pajeet either. she will be after summer at best
I hope so, but I didn't see thug Lyfe or Katya's short-haired skin and those are the ones I'm looking for.
Were those both battle pass skins perhaps?
very positive and ready to go to war with the gacha illuminaties / Weibo femcels if they try something.
At the very least I hope they give the overlooked launch characters swimsuits. Being skipped for two summer events in a row would suck.
Enya enjoying herself in the massage chair still makes me kek
Wait, where is Nita?
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>gacha illuminaties / Weibo femcels if they try something.
They will. They absolutely will. CN bros must remain steadfast.
Also I don't kown if a lot of people posted or not.
For the free weapon selector box during anni.You can pick weapons up until 1.6 patch.
You can also select 30 fragments.
Which means if you plan to pull lyfe/fenny weapon during anni you can just exchange for the dup o7
I'm so excited for dorm 2.0 bwos. It's max comfy.
>oriental dancer Nita with pubes sticking out
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Fenny Won.
In her designated street
kek everytime
Is this gacha poorfag friendly? I just want to adjusr my expectations going in
>final flash
Vegeta looking real good
which ones were your favorites?
It is very friendly.
The freebies can pretty sure give you 1 5 star per patch.
And when a version has 2 5 star banners, you will get one of them for free.
The endgame autism gives you nothing of value at all and everything else is easy. they give you a shitton of new SSRs sometimes completly free. It's very poorfag friendly.
Yeah, very. You can clear all content with almost any character and you pretty much get enough free currency for one character per patch (if you skip their 5* weapon, but the cope weapons are good enough)
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I will Lyfe and sex.
And Fenny also.
Why is she fritting
If you get the monthly, you can guarantee the banner character every patch with the 100% banner. Even if you don't, you still get enough for it I believe.
Sig weapons are optional for the limited characters so you can save your prem currency for characters if that's more your cup of tea. There's no real meta.
>pretty sure™
All of them.
>Free Ultimate Fenny
Oh my god, this is AMAZING! I was so scared of having to roll for both she and Lyfe. Best anniversary ever
lyfe? fenny? i spent everything on sirius and dont regret it
It's okay. We have a 100% banner now so you can plan your rolls better. We get 5* units for free a couple times a year and you can farm dupes without having to roll for them. The gem economy isn't great if you don't buy the monthly but you'll usually make enough for a character every patch if you don't care about rolling for weapons. If you want weapons, even with the monthly you'll have to skip some characters.
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>which ones were your favorites?
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Yes and no.
From a gameplay standpoint it's very easy even for a gacha game. It's a shooter designed to be played on phones so if you're playing it with mouse+keyboard you'll rarely find yourself challenged unless you're doing things WAY out of your league.
The rewards for ranking high on the one piece of flex content this game has is also very, very minor. It's not more roll currency or anything actually useful.
However, the game's focus is clearly on its coom content. The anniversary solidified that. And you'll coom a lot harder if you can pay, because that's the only way to get most of the sexy skins.
Just out of curiosity how many free pulls do you guys think one can get during a patch in your calculations.
>69/100 on syris banner
Perhaps I was lucky not to roll her early after all.
Also are we sure new fenny is electric ? She looked thermal to me
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All the girls were cute
>you'll coom a lot harder if you can pay
or you can just check this thread and check the webbums for free.
I'm glad she's getting more love this time around. The way she appeared out of nowhere saying some concerning shit in the last cliffhenger made me worry about her safety
>Blonde bitch talking to the fucking wall
Slugs finally confirmed that she's complete yo yo
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>Why is she fritting
So Fritia's alt can use a Shotgun with a railgun mod
Agave game don't reply with "who" you fucking dipshits
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can we change Siris to her buffed version in the dorms or we still stuck with garbo siris ?
I'm F2P and i have every 5* released so far, but have in mind i play since day 1 and i skip every single weapon( which is fine since the game always gives you a viable cope weapon )
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All of them.
You will, just like the lolipedos, understand one day that you are unwanted and will never be catered to again.
I'm biased towards a specific one but the fact that we got these for everyone is amazing.
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All the skins that will be rerun
I'm so happy she and Lyfe achieved SSB Super Saiyan in the same path. Truly the best rivals
It just makes sense
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>he doesn't know
That's very unseasoned of you, bwo.
There are more.
They showed some more during live stream.
>Nita's kabedon
I like the fritter skin but I just can't bring myself to buy it for her since she's so bad I will never use her.
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Sorry bwos i'm too busy right now, no time answering your questions.
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CNbros already did the math. This is how much we got this patch (42 days), assuming you complete every event task, weekly, Jotun, and dailies.
>f2p (real)
>Monthly pass
>Monthly pass + battle pass
The rest are the various limited packs you can buy in the store.
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I bet Meursault put her up to this.
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The jiggle looks nice but I'm not looking forward to updating every single mod I already made.

Enya game btw
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>caressed Lyfe into a kabedon
>Fenny put on her lipstick using the adjutant's lips.
>Acacia teased and went in and the video stopped right before locking lips.
>Frit got bonked and did a cute little sway
>Cherno put down her cake and instead went to feed Adjutant a cherry through a kiss
>Haru kissed TWICE
>Katya went for the long kiss
>Marian was about to get missionary'd
>Getting licked by Mauxir
>Eatchel was adorable
>Soothing Enya
>grabbing Big fish from going overboard and getting pecked.
Where's my Tess, Nita, and Yao kiss? otherwise
I'm almost at the limit.
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>not only a new model but a new rig and animations for each individual toe
This must have taken ages... is it really worth it? Who's gonna see this and go "Wow! I want to play Snowbreak: Containment Zone"?
They are ripping off gfl2 so hard lmao these chinks are unhinged
And Jack.
lazy sex with yao
>Who's gonna see this and go "Wow! I want to play Snowbreak: Containment Zone"?
My money well spend. Unironically
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Seasun said 1 would be free every anniversary and summer. They haven't lied to us, and they are Amazing for that.
Don't be fooled by the rewards they give out in the beginning. The cash to upgrade stuff is pretty scarce and rather expensive.
If you start playing right now (which you should be doing) you don't really even have to level up characters for some time since all the story missions give you free trial characters.
But if you happen to get 5Fenny (Coronet) through the beginner benner, I highly recommend raising her so you can partake in extra content like the Paradoxal Labyrinth (roguelite mode) as she's a fairly solid unit and can easily carry you through most content. I also recommend raising one character at a time.

Snowbreak also makes it so you can achieve any character's max "rank" (Manifestations) though the passage of time. It'll take 8 straight months however to get them from M0 to M5.

I've been playing just a little before 5Cherno's banner ended in 1.7 and I have enough currency to guarantee a 5* and their weapon through the 100% banner, as well as 30 tickets for each limited banner.
They will use this technology for future skins.
New Lyfe looks so stupid with the inflated water balloons.
Still saving for her.
If Skyrim modders can do it for footjob animations then it can't be THAT hard.
I'll get Katya's skin despite already paying for her secretary skin. Katya love.
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Something tells me this slag is weak to anal
>lazy footjob
New Lyfe looks incredible with her titagen upgraded body
If Seasun want to manifest SB as "the ultimate coomer gacha" then yes.
P. S. Bad news for GBF2 honestly, feet content was the last bastion Mica had.
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Same as usual bro. Thinking about my wife
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So 10k+25 tickets as f2p? Thats not enough to guarantee an operative.
New Lyfe and Fenny both look so hot I rip the skin.
I'm not a nitabro but I still like her quite a bit and I'm not losing hope for her ssr version.
>116 pulls with the monthly
That is absurdly good
Why people hare slow threads so much? They are so comfy… its hard to keep up when we have 5 threads a day…
>Frito killed everyone just to win.
Bros.. The pink menace has gone too far.
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check you mail snowbro
This proves you cannot guarantee an operative per patch as F2p
>people so focused on feet nobody noticed yao panties
stop it.. I can't kneel harder than this... my knees are gone alreadt..
It's f2p/poorfag friendly in the sense no content outside trying to rank that requires caring about the meta. This isn't like Nikke where your story progression can be gated if you don't have the right characters or gear.
All white kwai district
> that the "new" one
Dunno, slow threads are good if you want to have an actual discussion. Hard to discuss anything when the thread is a glorified chat room which blitzes through the bump limit.
Yeah, they are gradually updating dorm panties. Cherno was the first.
You need to be a massive lucklet to hit hard pity.
Not only that, they also don't shy away from giving strong units like lots of gacha. 5* Enya actually helped me with hard content more than a couple times. I don't see a stronger version of Fenny being weak either!! I can't wait to use she and Nu-Lyfe together
more pantsu? bwos...
This fucking game, first gacha I don't regret spending a bit on.
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There's no better way to get seasoned than getting married
unless you win the pity most of the time
Or you skip one operative sometimes
Yes it is.
10k currency = 62 pulls
+25 = 87
The soft pity is 80 on the 100% banner and you're EXTREMELY unlikely to ever go above 90.
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when my login screen is the equivalent to this I'll drop gf2.
If you're talking about PURE f2p, then no. It won't be enough for hard pity. It's 87 rolls which puts you in the soft pity zone.
But if you're at all invested in the game, the monthly pass is a no brainer, which does guarantee a hard pity and then some.
And you are moving the goalpost
write better bait
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>the 5% that hit hard pity
You need to put the new account goodies into it too, with them you can get everything with the montly
Also cashback from purple dupes.
Anons, soft pity is 80.
That's hitting soft pity, not guarantee.
>and you're EXTREMELY unlikely to ever go above 90.
We've had anons here go above 90 and even 99 rolls.
>suffering builds character fags are here
fuck off
If they actually give her a hairstyle and outfit like this, I'm rolling for her day 1, which is crazy to think about considering how fucking ugly she currently is.
You don't need to go full 100 rolls unless you're a lucklet. Also you can convert "Reward Code" for more tickets.
How can I make sure I get every anniversary goodie if I start today?
Do I also input those codes somewhere in the game?
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>Sees this
Wow! I want to play Snowbreak: Containment Zone
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Cool. Then say that from the start.
>Fenny flirts with the Adjutant
>Lyfe starts aggresively pushing her buffed tits against his hand
I love this autistic girl so much.
>We're all one person
You asked for info and I simply provided it. Now fuck off if you don't want to play.
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>plain white
How boring.
>not enough for hard pity
poorbros how could this happen to us...
That's pretty good, too bad it's also gfl2..
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Me going 100 rolls on the Siris banner I'm back to 14 tix 8k digicash tho
Seaslug what about lobby's background ? Can you change it ?
it's the best
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I'm currently at 85 rolls in the Katya banner.
It's 85 pulls which is average expect pull for 100 banner. also there is rebate for each pull. you get about 6~9 more pull depend on your luck
I did twice, for eatchel and for Tess. luckily i got Siris in one x10 pull
No, you're just an idiot. Expected return is around 80. Even if you hit hard pity a couple of times (extremely unlikely), you will also get early pulls sometimes (even though they're also unlikely on the guaranteed banner).
If you just save currency after you get the rateup, you can pretty much guarantee one SSR per patch.
>but what if I go to hard pity literally every single banner
Completely unrealistic and pedantic.
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How did we go from this...
You're a god damn retard
They literally announced it.
>tfw it took 92 for Siris
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>How boring
This is exactly why it fits Yao the most anon.
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The answer is Sex, don't even bother trying to understand.
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to this
god that's so much better
Seasun no longer giving a damn about being consistent. You can argue this is a good or bad thing, considering the point of a live service (gacha) is to bring in as much revenue as possible and people play this game for sex appeal.
The trees change colors too
>muh consistency
They're here.
Is this for 4lyfe or the current 5lyfe
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So there was an intervention from the foot supervision departement after all.
We have come a long way bwos
They stopped pandering to everybody and went for the Niche market. good on them honestly.
That's also true, and any extra promos/apologems that might happen.

Yes, and those scenarios are posted about precisely because they're unlikely to happen. On the flipside, you might also get an early pull and the currency you "save" from this will carry over to the next banner. It evens out. Assuming that you'll hit hard pity every banner is completely moronic.
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4*lyfe, and it'll be free too.
This is what sex does to you
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Can the foot suprevision department have a look at these?
i like astronaut skin that we have now and i like this art better than new one. but it's good to have both i guess
Lyfe :D
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>go to sleep before stream
>wake up
>have to go through 2 threads
>stripper Katya
>***LIMITED*** weapon selector, wtf
Holy shit, these are things that I never expected.

So does this Twitter thread:
Have basically everything I need to know in it? Or is there something else I'm missing?

Also, I won
>Monopoly v2
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>globe earth
And here I thought Seasun was based.
>seething at the truth being uttered
cry more nigger
I think they're very consistent on their upgrades, actually.
Oh, well that's nice, guess I'll still have to buy at least one skin for wild hunt then.
God I hope the katya skin comes with the interactive too...
You know we're winning when trannoids are big mad.
In all practical terms you can get one rateup SSR per patch. You're just a mathlet.
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>It evens out
Proofs? Also currency gain is not static.
>Niche market
>straight dudes
fucking clown world
They're consistently upgrading playable characters, though?
Fenny's dress is fucking superb.
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And doesn't new Monopoly v2 look like it's taking more inspiration from 100% OJ? They ditched the 3D chibis this time and they're going for more the 100% OJ look.
>no argument
lol, thanks for playing spud.
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that's pretty neat
>early game Lyfe is a cold and stoic autist
>current Lyfe is a warm and gentle autist
What was that Enya yoga segment about?
Is this replacing the current Astronaut Lyfe skin that no one uses?
>early game Lyfe
You mean currently non-canon Lyfe.
Lyfe and Fenny won. BIGLY.
Intermission during the stream.
Stop saying that word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a niche market for anime shooters, any straight dude would just play DOOM, Gears or CoD this is from my experience with gymbros.
No; it's a new one
huge improvement
Pretty sure that and the Katya poledance were just eyecatches.
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Look in the OP, for fuck's sakes
Also, while the devs could always alter currency gains, it's been pretty consistent and there's value in it being consistent for them too. (Also, this is a completely different argument as it applies to all gachas.)
She's still canon, just grew to be kind and motherly.
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I want this! GIVE ME THIS! I WILL RIOT!!!!!!
thing is, the art looks way better than the in game version. Better colors and the suit hugs her body more tightly to bigger show her figure.
They sure got my attention.
hmmm nyo
Did anyone made a FULL webm of that? The one posted here was short
It's too good to be a stream only thing. The animation already exist. I really hope that's a future furniture or something
Don't think so but the full vod of the stream is on Youtube so someone can clip it into one.
I don't know how to make webms.
Now I know why I failed to pull for gold fish.... It was all for this moment
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Current girls are the canon ones, retard
this isn't genshit bwo where they reduced jims gain after they distributed a lot of apologems on previous patch.
You say that as if we haven't already been getting cool animation teasers that would look great in game but never arrive.
>Adjutant are you surre this will help us defeat the titans?
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Do I roll on this or should I save up those tickets? It seems exactly like that duty commands stuff, just less expensive.
Will they really remove Gavin?
First ten chapters are non-canon
Man the new Fenny looks cool as shit. Honestly bros they've been knocking it out of the park with these horny techwear bodysuits since 5Cherno.
I mean he's double dead already
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Yes, it will make my cock hard and my aim perfect!
Every PV has cool stuff that doesnt get added, it is what it is
Newfag here, is now a good time to start playing? When's daily and weekly reset? And have I missed any anniversary shit in game yet?
Write better bait.
>Cyber wulin combat gear.
You'd think that'd be more Chen's thing but Fenny looks good in anything.
Roll until you get the 5 star.
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That's what I said!
Only roll using the standard ticket until you get *5 then stop. Do not use the purple crystal.
We need a message in OP: "Anni rewards start 7th July, get in before getting bricked"
Considering him and Sartre were the antagonists in GoS, I'd say no. They got killed off for good.
Blame the retarded stigma against "fan service" for men.
It's okay for girls and women to cream themselves over handsome men, little boys and anime characters, but sexy girls are "objectifying" women and if you enjoy them you're a porn addict.
Feminism fucked the minds of way too many people.
>>483991969 (Me)
Oh wait... I'm the retard
>all this coomercel pandering
>game still dying and getting mogged hard by Love and Deep space
maybe it's the gameplay
Bros? How do I snogg now? For some circumstances my mom on my room living me, I can't snog like this! She will judge!
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I'm on Chapter 4 now. I'm doing everything I can to speedrun this. I roll and roll whatever meager rewards I can gather and nothing. Only minimum rolls.
Katya's butt looks so far away. I am losing hope...
reminder, 2x top up will reset

just woke up did we win
Any others?
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>For some circumstances my mom on my room living me
I don't think they'll rewrite girls personalities in the upcoming story rework that much.
I'm kneeling so hard there's a hole in floor
Use them. Those tickets can only be used in the standard banner, that only gives "starter" characters that are all kinda mid compared to limited girls. Basically, they don't have much value, so grabbing a 5* in 50 pulls gonna help you a lot in the early game!
look at the OP for the codes bro
Tau and Agave sex doko
Snog your mother and play the game together.
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>star master gets a rerun
>gradient of souls doesn't
it's not fair...
How do they manage to make game with constant boners
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i have come to your general and only considered playing the game because someone shared your webm, so, me.

i'm sure i'm not the only degenerate who wants feet here either.
If you're rerolling go with the 50/50 banner. Or just start now and save for anni special banner.
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I noticed your need for (you)s. List 5 of Love and Deep space's competitors on the market right now.
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Who tf thought of these "names" for codes. ChongChong must lurk too much.
>star master gets a rerun
go back
Bros, who's sig is more valuable between Eatchel and Tess?
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I hope she gets to show up in the new chapter atleast. She didn't get much this patch.
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I knew I missed something
Seaslug my life is yours
Acacia won
No seriously, you have enough time. Just try your best
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We haven't had codes in so long that I forgot it was even a thing to put them in the OP.

The foot guy loves his job
Eatchel is for fathering, not for lewding as confirmed by the anniversary.
Maybe who you use more? I am gonna go with Eatchel for max comfy!
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Trannies are seething.
Weaponlet Tess is absolutely completely useless.
Eatchel can still do her work just significally worse.
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Alright, I just hope there are some big boobs involved.
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Eatchel's gun has a value of 300%
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Today! I will remind them once again!
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I cropped out the Nvidia bar
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who asked
stop posting competitive bumboy
I’m not sure what I am supposed to do anymore but coming this far I’m not in the mood to reroll
Yeah I cam too far to give up.
Think they will hand out rewards before her banner ends though?
Seasoned Wolf vs Seasoned Fish. Who would win?
if you mean relative to cope gun, Eatchel, because Eatchel is near-useless without her sig
Tess is the better pick if you care about performance over comfort
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>Eatchel's gun has a value of 300%
This is the reason that I'm going to pick Eatchel's gun for the limited selector. It's the most bang for your buck.
Why does it feel like the quality of this gif gets lower everytime I see it?
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Bwosss. I was kneeling IRL and accidentally cracked my floor. My snobble anni money nyooooooo
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Here we go, bros.
What am I in for?
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>Eatchel's gun has a value of 300%
What is the T1 vs T2 numbers? Is T1 300% better than copegun? If so, how much better is T2 than T1?
Deserved for kotposting.
I can feel the day when we login and we are immediately in the dorm with a brand new interface for doing everything.
I'm trying to think of games that are like that, where you login and you're just in the world immediately with no menus.
ch 1-10 is a slog. ch 11 is giga KINO. after that it gets good. There is a "skip" button.
casual chill shooting
Did youtube ban the videos or something? The links in the tweets don’t work
Goddamn! I'm hard now
before i start, which characters are the feet characters?
Just duct tape i bro
Siris in dorm
Tourist here. Is it 200% better to start early or is there a welcoming event or shit later in anni update?
Monthly shop will reset soon and don't forget to trade your reward code for more tickets.
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I'm glad you guys did your class assignments!
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>We're getting a 5* limited weapon selector
>But you can only select a weapon from 1.6 and before( That's Eatchel patch, right? )
Pretty cool. Which girl gets particularly stronger with her signture, bros? Katya?
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invest in frit
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bwo... just use ur eyez...
Fenny is THE foot character. The always put subtle focus on her feet in the PVs (even the cosplay one) and her interactive furniture is literally putting heels on her.
Everyone will get the same event for anni in terms of gibs desu. Starting now is always better as you can get some stuff out of the current event still
Ops, sorry. This anon already made the same question >>483992654
>4/5 standard girls have big breasts
Chances are on your side!! Good luck!
Alloy Truth is great if you don't have it
Katya's weapon is really good
Eatchel goes from a brick to a comfy support with her weapon
Feels good when your picture gets used by the general. Thanks for making me draw again >>483993803
Eatchel is still a good healer with her copegun, but she doesn't really do anything else. With her 5* gun, she also gives a nice ATK buff. Eatchel's signature is effectively 300% better than her copegun. Everyone else is ~20-30% better with their signature weapon pretty universally across the board.
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Like the other anon said. 5Cherno and Eatchel are yet to get a skin that shows off their feet in gameplay though.
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Welcome to the ojisan general.....
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>I can remember and recall all the girls names
Sign of a great game, truly snowpeak
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>launch game
>start game screen is actually just a "disembodied view" of Adjutant chilling in the Dorm 2.0 menu
>when you actually start the "start game" disappears, camera zooms in, and it smoothly transitions into the normal player-controlled angle and hand it over to you
Start now so you can farm mats. Nothing's going to be worse than having a girl and not being able to build her.
Gaming experience for avg. of 30 year-olds
It's even better; you can pick between limited weapon, OR 30 weapon parts.
>skip story scenes until at minimum Chapter 10.
>don't invest into a character until you obtain the one from the beginner banner, or you obtain the limited character you want)
>you can wait on the 5* selector after Chapter 5
>invest into one character at a time (4Fenny, 5Fenny, and the upcoming FennyAlter are all worthwhile investments)
>Logistics are your "gear". Some logistics can only be obtained though events or from one of the menus in the shop
>game is rather easy overall since it has to be "beatable" for mobliefags
>Can T2 Fenny's weapon immediately
Don't tempt me like this seaslug...
He's talking about the rebate shop where you can buy 5 of every pull each month
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kek snobble just jumped up like 50 places on the ios top grossing list after the stream
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Seaslug has greatly exceeded my expectations for anniversary. I still can't even begin to understand how or why we're getting a 5* weapon selector. I've never heard of that every happening in any game in the history of anything before.
The golden thing you get when you get character from gacha.
You've probably played too many Genshin-likes
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thanks. downloading now
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Thank you, ChongChong. Go take a break after all that overtime!
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>Infinite Sight
Will I finally be able to notice?
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I still say 7-10 are good even if they'll be rewritten later. Enya purging the french is still a highlight
Wait I don't get it
Should I get Tess sig yes or no ?
Thanks bro. I'm F2Poor so i always skip 5* weapons. I like Mauxir a lot, so i probably gonna follow your advice and pick Alloy Truth, then.
Nice!! So far i've been using Eatchel as a comfy healer and nothing more. Thanks a lot, anon. Probably gonna pick Mauxir's weapon since my cat could totally use a buff.
Thank you for funding the servers anon.
5* selector for anniversary is really common for not genshinlikes
here you go
Those are definitely full of milk!
Tess is weird in that you only really use her in NS where she's a staple. If you don't care about ranking in that mode you don't really need her sig (or her at all honestly)
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I have never played Genshin. The only 3D gachas I have ever played is Snowbreak and I played Star Rail for like a month because it's a piece of shit. Also, this is I think only my 3rd Chinese gacha.

What gachas give out free 5* limited weapon selectors for anniversary? How is this supposedly common and yet I've never experienced it?
If you're f2p a busted support weapon will probably do you more good too since it'll fit more teams when you decide to switch dps characters.
If you care about ranking or want use Frit lazor for a bit longer.
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all characters with beach skins
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>these default controller settings
Does anyone have any that are good? Even changing them around a bunch, I barely feel a difference. Heck, making the numbers lower somehow makes it faster.
I saw the tweets from the official page with a bunch saying "today", hence my double-checking.
How about the reset times though?
Tess and especially her sig are for neural ranking only, so if you care about that, yes. Otherwise, you will get nothing out of it in general gameplay
Which is better, kaguya sig or 5kot sig?
What's the fastest way to max labyrinth?
4am jst daily, the week ends with sunday
5kot easily. Even after the buff kaguya's sig isn't that good
just like genshin
I can understand it. I nearly bought more currency to roll on Katya and her weapon after it. I don't even like or want Katya.
All Jap games give selector, chinase are filthy and cheap of them(like genshin) that's why you don't know of them
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It's so nice to be called like that, and feel that's the case
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>800 digicash from the codes
>another 520 digicash given out of nowhere.
Holy based
I dont care
Is Alloy Truth better on Kaguya than her own sig?
Seaslug, I can only kneel so much...
All Japanese games do not in fact give a free limited selector for anniversary. That is false.

>chinase are filthy and cheap of them(like genshin) that's why you don't know of them
Can you not read? I just told you that I don't even play Chinese gachas. This is only my 3rd Chinese gacha, and I would really say that I basically didn't even play Star Rail, so this is actually only my 2nd Chinese gacha.
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>I've never heard of that every happening in any game in the history of anything before.
>How is this supposedly common and yet I've never experienced it?
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I have fun though....
Good point, anon. Thanks. I'm gonna take that in consideration
i add every 4fritter i see in giga
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I lose the 50/50 once again
Kaguya can't use Alloy truth. Different weapon types.
A T5 Prismaiic Igniter is almost as good as her sig though.
Even if you hit hard pity every single time all the beginner gibs + rebate tickets will get you the final ~15 easily
So would you be able to use old skins on the new versions? Considering the amount of skin 5fenny has it would be fucked if you can’t.
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>t2'd cherno's sig right before this announcement
>will get eatchel and her sig next
I'm brainded gameplay maxxing.
>Is Alloy Truth better on Kaguya than her own sig?
>>483995473 is a retard, Kaguya can't use Alloy Truth
Alloy Truth is an SMG, Kaguya uses pistols
anyway get Alloy Truth, it's better than the cope support SMG (Frigatebird) by a greater margin than Pine Aurora is from its cope weapon (Prismatic Igniter)
Alloy Truth can also be used on a variety of other characters to good effect
To think we almost ended up like that Sakura Wars gacha game that also completely killed the IP
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「裁きの時だ。世界を裂くは我が乖離剣! 受けよ! 『天地乖離す開闢の星エヌマ・エリシュ』!!」
i always have to log in twice a day to get that to activate
I haven't seen it mentioned, so I'm assuming no.
>All Jap games give selector
This is when your argument immediately become invalid.
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so how is Lyfe going to cuck Fenny in the new event?
The way the alts look and move, probably not. I even remember some mod anon posting here how every skin had different rigging despite being from the same character.
What went wrong with that game, anyway? But yeah, Snowbreak started in a very humble state, but it managed to turn things around. If only Astra managed to do the same...
>300+ post already
Holy shit we are going fast!
I'm still catching up on the previous 2 threads...
Then anon, I don't know which god forsaken lands you have wanderer around but the gachas I played(Jap) always give shit or selectors in anniversary, maybe you were just unlucky
So the week ends in about an hour?
The bottom pic is cherno bwo. Someone ot fooled by the bluish hair.
How long until chinks figure this out and send Seaslug their opinions on the matter?
Im sure they will also say something about this right?
>people say the game is too easy
>literally the only game in existence where you can fail the login check

Shit is literally impossible.
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Seaslug needs to make Lyfe's brests the rights size. They got buffed too hard, my autist wife has medium sized boobs.
Is the server crowded or something? Trying to take screnshoot for >>483994145 but I've been stuck on title screen for minutes. Asia server btw.
>always give shit or selectors in anniversary
You just keep moving the goalposts though. You're also samefagging.
(>>483995271 >>483995516 exactly 2 minutes apart)
I have played gachas that are generous and give out lots of things like pulls or whatever for anniversary. Snowbreak has previously given a Standard 5* unit selector during the Mauxir patch. I have previously played gacha games that have also given out a selector similar to this. However, I have never played any gacha that give away a free *LIMITED* selector for anniversary, and you have still not named a single game that has done so.
Alloy Truth or Eatchel's gun?
>How long until chinks figure this out and send Seaslug their opinions on the matter?
It's been this way since the start and has been known. I'm not sure what you're expecting.
Alloy Truth, hands down
Mauxir is incomparably more valuable than Eatchel
I'm retarded and wrong, it's 5am jst so 2 hours for daily and 1 day 2 hours for weekly.
Hopefully, it would probably buff old skin sells if they allow skins to be used interchangeably
you were supposed to stop them in the past. they wont stop now
is Katya a virgin?
Asia servers are probably being hammered by horny newbros after the anniversary stream.
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Best girl never stopped winning.
Katya is desperate because her eggs are about to dry up.
>have to decide who's your favorite kot
i'm going with my black cat
Never redeem. Hoard it until EOS
> only true way
Crusader's quest literally threw them at you patch after patch.
Vespa, (King's Raid) before they became money hungry zombies gave them away.
There should be quite a few more, but I wouldn't know. My first gacha was some obscure DMM porn game about dragons.
Free shit, sure. But selectors are usually paid.
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A maxed out Frigatebird is apparently only ~10% worse than Alloy Truth, though a T2 Alloy Truth is 32% better than T1 Alloy Truth.

Eatchel's signature is 300% better than her copegun.
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Oh crap
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>exactly 2 minutes apart
Anon, take your fucking meds. I'm not arguing with you about what digital gambling simulators do.
Much obliged
doesn't this meant Lyfe is pregnant so her boobs grew?
>I wasn't actually samefagging
I'm never going to believe you because 4chanx exists.

Thank you for naming at least 1 game that has apparently given out free limited selectors before. I have heard of King's Raid but have never played it.
>What went wrong with that game, anyway?
Pretty much everything
>none of the original, or even the cast from the soft reboot, in the gacha game.
A controversial producer, Hideo Baba (who made a bunch of subpar and shitty Tales of games)
>shilled VTumors without them being in the game
>same idiot thought he could compete with FGO for some reason
>players claim the models were ugly, which led to low reviews
>couldn't even release content in time, so the game missed out on typical gacha events like summer and Christmas events
>basically not Sakura Wars at all due to Power Armor and not mecha units.
Just a mess all round because Sega never knows what they're doing.
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don't post this again, as it's highly misleading
assuming only 50k life for Mauxir is giga retarded, and as I recall there were other issues with the calc as well
I liked astronaut lyfe in the art and wished the in-game one looked that good. All it really needed were some good animations and a way to unzip the front to let her boobs out. New one is great but it doesn't feel like a space suit
List your games.
The JP gacha that I played only have paid selector.
They were still big in the old art style = they have to be big considering the new art style.
Wyfe won
Do you have a better chart? I just go by charts that get posted. I've never seen how or why Eatchel's gun in 300% better either when the typical signature weapon is ~20-30% better.
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Playing further, and everything just confuses me more.
These default controls are actually somehow incorrect. Skill isn't on Y, and Jump isn't on B. Y is Take Cover, and B has Lyfe fire using her funnels. Changing the aim controls also does nothing at all. I genuinely do not understand this game's controls.
It's been saying that for hours now
If Esther is recruitable in snoggemon, does that mean we could get something retarded like Njall? That would be cool.
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pretty sure it's supposed to be a "battle damaged" version of the suit/she took off most of the suit
Then you may be retarded, young pup. If I was going through that effort I would've made the posts quicker specifically because of
>2 minutes apart
>some obscure DMM porn game about dragons
Fucking dragons, dragon girls, or girls that ride dragons?
If they add invincible Joe then I'm exploiting the fuck out of him.
Nice Pip-Boy
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They're 4k videos.

>young pup
I've been here since day 1, and I already told you that you were samefagging and that you are never, ever going to convince me otherwise, because you were samefagging. Sorry about it.
Problem is Mauxir only really works well with ballistic focused shotguns/snipers (and Katya I guess)
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Thank you a lot anon, I actually even installed 4chan-sounds-player to hear the song from this one I am usually too lazy to even do the simplest of things
>i've been here since day 1
Sure you have, buddy. Sure you have.
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Wednesday butt
Is Katya-Blue Bolt worth rolling for?
>Hideo Baba
Oh, fuck. I remember now. Like 1 year ago people on /fgog/ were super distressed because there was a rumour about this fucker being involved in the new story or something. I don't even know if this got confirmed or not. Anyway, you need a special kind of retard to kill an "easy" franchise like Sakura Wars
People have been doing insanely fast clears with Mauxir Cherno Tess.
You should probably ignore that and just figure it out as you play. The controls are haphazard and aren't even consistent across game modes. Some modes you can jump. Some modes you can't. Most modes you can't use your active character's support skill. Some modes you can.
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>when caught in his obvious samefag, he lies about it, deflects, and starts calling people newfags
That's mighty unseasoned of you, young pup.
yeah she has a nice ass and great tits
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I can only get one of them bwos
She's pretty strong and has lots of fun content, yeah. But at this point it's all about if you like her of 6* Lyfe more
>Do you have a better chart?
no, but if you really wanted to you could dig for old calc videos about it
>I've never seen how or why Eatchel's gun in 300% better either when the typical signature weapon is ~20-30% better.
basically a function of Eatchel's cope gun being hilariously bad and anti-synergy to her own kit
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It was made by DW's FGO devs. The same retard that wrote a book on how to make a game thinking he was a successful developer even though everybody repeatedly shits on FGO for its sham of a gameplay and outdated greedy features, that it is carried solely on its plot and writing of which DW had no influence whatsoever.
The answer is "yes", and I've been maining her for a long time now. The question you need to ask yourself is whether you want Katya or Anniversary Lyfe (or Eachel).
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How's your dorm?
>no benifit from the doll
>half benifit from the logis
Probably because Mauxir was his most built supply no way an equally well built Enya wouldn't be way faster
katya or eatchel for dorm purposes
>>no benifit from the doll
It's still an extra hitbox, bwo
Her is flat
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>I can't fucking take it anymore, Adjutant
What controller you actually using?
Also are you play via steam. if so steam controller my override button
Not after (you) were done with her every night.
You really don't see the benefit of having an AoE hit two targets instead of one?
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Imagine if Cherno wasn't held back by her low self esteem. The other girls would stand no chance.
depends on the levels of development of your other characters
don't pick Haru or Eatchel though
Dragon girls.
If I'm remembering right, you had to kill the boss of different rankings in order to get more copies of the girls. Then you'd fuck them.
MC had different haracter classes you could level up by fighting different girls too. It was pretty good like a decade ago.
It counts as a part so no double explosion damage. Unless you just mean not having to shoot at a moving boss which is fair I guess
*might override button
>acacia, mauxir
Good picks.
Strong but no longer the top.
>Haru, Eatchel
Only do it if you really like them.
It's counts as a body part so the explosion doesn't hit twice. If it hit every body part speratly she'd one shot fiend solo
Wait, are you saying that Cherno's explosions don't deal damage to Kebe-chan? I don't actually use Cherno with Mauxir, so I don't know. I thought you were the retard, but if Cherno's explosions don't deal damage to Kebe-chan, I guess I'm the retard.
Maux 4 is the only one that the explosion double-hits, but maux 4's puppet dies too fast to be *massive*
Tess-Eatchel-Cherno is my best Cherno team desu, Maux is still good however (the ballistic buffing is still good, but more importantly, the ATK buffs)
Katya is probably the strongest in a vacuum. Personaly i enjoy using Haru more, since i'm bad at aiming and Haru can just spam her skill in a very braindead way. Eatchel makes you pretty much immortal in 90% of the avaiable content. In Genshin terms, she's almost like Zhongli.
Your controller might be on DirectInput mode.
>can't spell 'benefit'
>doesn't understand the importance of the mummy for building up stacks and additional damage
>doesn't know that Mauxir being used to support Cherno uses Twilight logis for additional resistance shred
most unseasoned wolf, possibly ever
Pick either Katya or Eatchel for dorm completion. Katya is probably better, but if you already have 2 good DPS characters (or plan on going for Anniversary Lyfe) then you don't really need Katya even though she is a very versatile DPS unit. Probably no one will ever "need" Eatchel either, but her healing makes things very comfy and I consider her to be a nice QoL.
What's this and how do I get Katya that way?
5chen are good too.
>Hideo baba
That piece of shit ruined Tales of Zestiria to shill a character just because he was fucking the VA for that character
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Nice Katya get.
nice digits newcutie, it's just the operator menu showing what you haven't unlocked if you scroll down. he's asking who to roll for
She can't keep getting away with it.
Why don't you show us your games and let us see how much effort is put into making characters in your games?
Even not all PNG collectors give free selectors. The one I know that gives a free selector only allows you to choose from obsolete characters.
Checked but man am I tired of Gachafags stealing all the GETS
soo.. anyone translating the Chinese trailer?
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after 800 from code
I can't even kneel anymore seaslug. my knee is stone
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>Twitter instructions say to repost the specified posts with your UID and server.
>All the twitterfags keep on replying to the posts instead of reposting them.
Why are humans so dumb nya...
What does the 520 mean I see they keep putting resources at that number.
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why did Global chat have to tell me about the free codes that give you 1000 gems but /snowg/ didn't tell me.
Shut up mauxir
I don't know how twittter works bwo. I just reposted and left a comment
post it then, nigger
which trailer, there's some JP trailers but the intern running the jewtube EN account is still sleeping
Quote retweet with your UID and server so it's on your profile
Based Katya SEXtets
>520 means "I Love You.". When read out loud in Chinese, the number 520 sounds similar to the Chinese phrase which translates to "I love you." 520 is widely used online and in text messaging as a declaration of commitment.
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total destruction of all kots (and related)!
Get Katya now and you can get one more of them later
is this the reworked base or a separate instance? The current base/hub we have looks like a mental asylum.
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because you can't read OP
520 = Wu Er Ling(五二〇) = That almost sounds like Wo Ai Ni(我爱你) = "I love you" in chinese
Damn. I went looking and only found some recent game "tenkafuma" and an older game that was dragon's view or something. I don't think either or what you played, but i'm surprised at the L2Ds I did see of them. I remember most I ever looked at were all static CGs for scenes.
Oh look, its the pink jobber that let the opposite team scored 7 times.
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Snoggers and Fennybros, please help me select
- 2nd Alloy Truth dupe
- 2nd Katya wep dupe
- 2nd 5Chen wep dupe
- 1st Sunny Payback
Coronet is M5 btw
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where's the JP trailer? Does it have en subs?
I don't like participating in CCP data gathering, even if it's Seaslug. Plus, I don't really have a Twitter, I just have an account that I made solely so that I can follow people who post or draw porn.
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Wo Ai Ni I love you
When you press the retweet button, there's an option that says quote. It lets you retweet the post with a comment. The comment is where you should put your UID and server.
Wait and see desu. If you fall in love with Fenny or Lyfe's new kit then you might want to take a support weapon that helps them. If other supports appear to be incoming, you might want a DPS weapon instead.
I'm waiting myself.
Just make a burner account
Do your Jotun runs now bros. Don't miss your free digicash.
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30 weapon parts for T2 of new Fenny's weapon
i assume you're a newfag since EN trailers are that, JP trailer with subs. so no they don't have EN subs
There's auto-translate which is not bad
That is the official Snog JP channel btw, might be worth bookmarking
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whats going on with this twitter stuff you guys talks about. Should I make a account?
I remember them showing tactics eval on the stream, did they mention if reworking it will reset the rewards? Wondering if I need to grind that shit asap.
I haven't even unlocked the inbox yet!
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Ah cool. Thanks bwo
They're doing giveaways if you follow their account and retweet their posts.
either Alloy Truth or Katya wep
5Chen is niche and archaic and you'd have to be a fool to pick a standard weapon when you'll definitely get it over time via throwing free tix at the standard banner or getting spooked (or using mileage, but that's not recommended), and Fenny is also old and weak
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i have an account i dont retweet shit
fk social whatevers
Pretty much you enter a pool, 100 people will get 10 rolls. I'm not doing it myself, too lazy, and I also am a prolific swiper so it's better if someone else gets the 10 pulls
It's a raffle. Not worth it unless you always won your lottery.
this is the way
That game EoS'd 5 years ago, and its funny because it was the main one I used to play too. also used to play Osawari Island.
I found it, It's called Dragon Providence. Here's a link to some CGs
They uploaded EN stuff but for some reason its still processing on YT. You can check the xitter https://x.com/SnowbreakEN/status/1807065495407096028
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Do weapon parts only let you cash in dupes or can you just buy a new weapon flat out, I forgot this was a system
Don't they choose the winners based on "exposure" anyway? Like, has anyone with 0 followers ever won any of these? They want you to retweet it so that other people can see it, not so that zero people can see it.
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>old and weak
I worded that awkwardly, I mean't that EN trailers are just JP dubbed with EN subs.
No, your follower count has no bearing on the outcome. They need the algorithm to pick up their posts so it gets more views to their game/page. Reposting and liking helps with that.
Ranma's remake? is suppost to be announced around the same time as Snowbreak's Anniversary. Collab confirmed.
obviously dupe only
Only dupes
How many gold weapons do I need to trash for enough currency to buy a dupe weapon?
So is newFenny a support? What's her role.
so are they reworking how the current mental asylum base looks like or are we getting a new floor?
she gives you special bullets or something so probably damage buffer
>Dragon Providence
That's the one I was forgetting when I said "Dragon's View." It's a good thing I never got into DMM gacha. Unless the gameplay was actual irredeemable dogshit i'd probably never escape. A grinding game with regular updates with porn and little stories sounds made for me.
That's a lot.
Like 4Frito?
New floor. But they're also adding stuff to the lobby apparently. I think I saw a mini camping furniture thing during the stream.
do you get stuff 100 percent or is it only a chance?
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Not really digging the designs but at least Fenny is free.
If you roll weapon gacha it's gonna pile up sooner or later, You get 10 (1 weapon worth) from Paradox too.
Are you perhaps homosexual?
It's a raffle. I'm doing it just to help boost Snobble's visibility just because they worked so hard on the game. They deserve it.
man, they should revamp the lobby instead. The current one looks like a psych ward.
like it or not, it's true
the gulf between the new characters and the old ones is hard to overstate
Just a chance, it's a lottery like others said.
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Clipped this for ya.
Coronet's potential is there, we just need her BIS supports WHEN SEASLUG??
Because it is. We're a essentially medical facility with a dorm.
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they made Lyfe's modest tits too big.
S-she's just lazy!!
Yes I am!
Thanks for noticing, sweetheart!
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I'm fucked.
Wait her buff works on the npcs? That's huge
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>3 threads in one day and counting
Do you guys think we will ever get back to slow threads or after anni this is gonna be our new reality?
With the right buff everything melt fast on paradox tho. 5chen with Spark are atrocious.
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>only gonna be able to score one thing this anni because I busted my newpup load on t2 katya
Fenny is at least free but goddamn lyfe is probably going to be retarded
Maybe I'll get their sigs on a rerun?
How long till nipple bumps ?
full vid of >>484002674
>Paradox clip
don't make me go look for the clips/pics of Yao doing 2.4+ billion damage
Hmmmmmmmm nyo
It will slow down again, even the fastest threads slow down considerably at times.
Yeah that's not a bad plan desu, the sigs really only matter for chasing NS or if you are an autismo collector for your girls like me.
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>even gayshit had nipple bumps
We need nipple bumps and cameltoe STAT
She's not retarded, just a bit autistic...
lol no. I have her and her boob are smooth when I disabled the half nude big boobs mod.
Thinking about it, 5enya is just vastly weaker sparks, right?
I know that we all (rightfully) shit on it these days but Gayshit was pretty heterosexual at release.
I could easily fap to Mona and Barbara's beautifully textured asses without any mods required.
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I should probably wait with this mod until they add ass the physics.

I don't want to waste time fixing mods later.
I'm so sick of the blatant favoritism Liyue gets, man. Mondstadt women got censored for less, and then they release Shenhe and Yelan and Xianyun after censoring Mona and Rosaria.
Does this game have anything like that?
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whoever bakes next you can add https://snowbreak.gg/anniversarystream/ over the 1.8 writeups.
fucking nice.
Will she have a skirt?
I didn't know you needed to do al that, thanks for the heads up
I'm not gonna win shit, but at least I'm gonna give it a try
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Get used to it, old man
Seems to be, although she seems to function "fine" on-field as well.
Probably gonna be a Cherno+Enya situation again where the free character fufills more of a support role for the new limited character.
Tess or Eatchel who should I grab?
>Does this game have anything like that?
This game has it in reverse. They're adding girl's underwear in dorms.
I bet she's tailored made to be run alongside Alter Lyfe and 5*Fenny, just like Enya with Cherno
It will probably be an option. But I have to figure out how to get physics working on the default skin.

I'd rather have it replace a default skin than a paid one so anyone can use it.
I think it both.
support skill doesn't interruption on-field operator which is first.
While her active skill of swap ammo type(or gun model since there are some frame where her pull out crossbow) is very detail to be just be onlysupport
>Mona had one of the best asses in gaming with modeled cameltoe too
>Fischl was a jailbait parading around in glorified underwear
>Jean and Barbs succulent asses
Genshin in its first 2 years was a completely different game.
Well I mean specifically something like preferential fanservice.
Genshin actively REMOVES non-Liyue fanservice, censoring designs before and/or after release for the other regions, while Liyue gets the lewdest stuff and also yearly freebies and other shit despite being the least-popular nation.
>It will slow down again, even the fastest threads slow down considerably at times.
Really? I only use this thread here but when I'm the catalog I see some generals having 3 threads at a time, that seems like hell
>A Nick & Lever bro
Personally, I think most sigs are overrated. Cope guns work just fine for 99% of content.
Hey don't fucking speak for me.

I have taste is all. I play mature games for a mature gamer as myself.
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We told you several times nyagger
>Game Mode: Star Master
>Will be permanent and "less grindy"
Acacia won
Thread autism is different and Snowbreak does not have this (that is when autists fight over making the "right" next thread. With the desired image/text in the OP.) Many of those threads will get removed by jannies as it is against the rules
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>snobble gets a massive get during our anniversary hype
Day 10 of begging a modderbwo to remove the sleeves on Katyas OL skin...
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I'm immune to evil women.
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Where is the depressed Lyfebwo? Is he happy with canon marriage?
Our threads routinely function healthily, getting to later catalog pages before someone bakes a new one. Thus we do not have this problem and it is unlikely to happen here. Example: The anniversary getting to 1.1k would be unthinkable in those other games generals, as people will make new threads early so they can "own" the next thread. BTW, even some slow generals have this problem which is funny.
Weird. It looks like she is an AR, but one of her skills (not the default or the ice one, but the fire one) turns her shots into basically a shotgun

I wonder what dictates whether you have the [none], the [ice], or the [fire] aspect to her skill, or if they just cycle through in order
Ganyu my beloved...I'm sorry I had to leave that kusoge.
Oh I see, I thought it was because they were posting so fast that they needed more than 1 thread.
I didn't know that was thing
Every girl is sexo here but there's clear Katya favouritism.
in divegrass? is hgg2d kill? who are horses? Is that uma musume?
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>just used all my resources upgrading my fenny coronet
>better, cooler fenny comes out
This is why I hate alters
>as people will make new threads early so they can "own" the next thread
I really don't get why they do that, I made a thread here once but seeing the eye on my 4chan extension all the time was getting on my nerves so I don't bother anymore.
Maybe it's because I'm a stupid retard and this shit only happens to someone like me
Technically Nita (she is indian) doesn't have SSR suit and doesn't have any significant role in the story for far. She even got her dorm room this patch despite her being 1.0 character.
Don't reply to him.
hgg2d died, yakuza was too powerful
Considering Katya is the one who saved the game. It’s to be expected.
Queen of snobble
It's a game to them I think, a competition. I never make threads myself so I don't know much else.
why not use both?
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>but there's clear Katya favouritism
Fenny*, Katya is a femme fatale that steal other girls spotlights. But is ok since Lyfe will fix it becoming the 1st wyfe.
If I were to guess, the direction she dashes while using her E, that's the only thing I see that changes in that clip
>Well I mean specifically something like preferential fanservice.
In Snowbreak, every girl is being redesigned and retconned (for better and a few cases of "for worst") to be completely for (You). The only preference seems to be for HUGE FUCKING TITS even if that means retconning a character who used to have smaller tits, seriously every new thing that comes out they increase the cup size by like 5 sizes, and also Nita is the most neglected character, so I hope you don't like her.

Also, they are slowly adding panties to the dorm gowns, where they have previously had spats and shorts underneath.
>>Game Mode: Star Master
>>Will be permanent and "less grindy"
Easily the worst part of the anni. Such a dogshit awful gamemode.
We have the exact opposite problem. No one wants to bake the next bread. Only a couple of anons here bake our bread.
ask after they add the ass physics because it will 100% break mods.

It will probably be easy to fix but I don't want to fix and reupload dozens of small mods
I fucking love snoggemon.
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Anon wants to forget.
>the direction she dashes while using her E
Nice catch, it looks like you're right.

>Left/Right = unaspected
>Forward = Fire
>Backwards = Ice
how do I get the random event at the dorm? I only see the regular stories.
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>HUGE FUCKING TITS even if that means retconning a character who used to have smaller tits
what the fuck
and players are okay with that?
Katya. They keep shoving her into events where she doesn't really have anything to do just to have her show up. Gets a big focus in any outside-game content.
Yeah, but the tit enlarging isn't preferential. All new characters are getting it.
That's just preferential disservice at this point.
Offtopic avatarfag shitposter
Why? He's one of the good shitposters. He's ruining the life of the moderatorss, not the posters
you get one a day
I'm not. I want breasts of all size.but I'm a filthy white monkey so our Chinese Overlords don't care.
I should have stuck with this game back when it came out.
>umas did maximum murderball to prevent horse porn
Some are happy because BOOBA. whilst others are pretty pissed about it.
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Ok, fanservice aside, are there any actual improvements to gameplay coming in 2.0?
this game desperately needs some larger, semi-open world maps like crysis or ghost recon. missions are just too linear and repetitive, no proper use of terrain, too many checkpoints, no variety or creativity in approach is allowed. I find myself coming back after each patch update, rolling a bit, and dropping again within a week. seasun has an opportunity with this influx of new players, but most aren't sticking around based on my friend list. there needs to be improvements to core gameplay.
Never too late to come back desu, it's a pretty easy going game. You will have missed Cherno's extremely KINO event story however, but it is on youtube afaik. Right now is Siris story, it's up for about 10 more days.
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Fenny won.
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>and players are okay with that?
Well, Seaslug keeps "upgrading" the tits because it keeps being well received by the masses. The newfag tourists shitposters here call you "gay" or "faggot" or "homo" if you don't agree with the massive fucking tits.

Personally, I do like big tits, but I prefer smaller tits. It's fine to me if Seaslug wants to add girls with massive fucking tits to the game, I just wish they would stop "upgrading" preexisting girls. At this rate, every single girl is going to be G+ cup by next year. A harem game needs multiple body shapes, not just "thick girl with huge fat tits".
come home white man
I have a strong preference for fat tits so no
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don't let the anniversary hype distract you from the fact that the french deserve it
I'm happy for uma, even though we went out on a bad game we still made playoffs in our debut and made the vg roster which is crazy for a 1st attempt. Uma only got their first regular season win after 2 years this vgl. I wish them luck
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>new fenny default outfit is better than the wedding dress
Not sure how I feel about this.
Siris chapter is permanent
Je suis francais enculé.
and how do I get which is a random event and which is a regular bond story?
Nah, frankly speaking the game was not worth playing at the time.
I think they update their faces too? New Lyfe looks more attractive
>Alt Fenny can support herself (5Fenny)
Fenny game
Shenhe got hit with censor-stick too anon. Just wasn't as bad as the others. Mondstadt had the more cuter and sexier designs, so the girls got hit with the stick. Look and Jean's cleavage. Heck, Barbara Dev was the only one that got away with her panties under the white pantyhose.
All real "coomers" turned into doomers after
That being said, Ganyu censorhsip would've caused a riot because she was the first female limited Banner. She got patched too though, although it was only in her face with her blush and her facial structure.

But again, this game has it in the opposite. They're buffing the designs of all the girls. But Katya and Fenny seem to be Dev favorites. for now. We'll probably be getting more even distribution for the other girls soon.
Ok bwo, I'll be sure to ask again once that jiggle update rolls out
>and players are okay with that?
Yes and? Flatfags keeps losing
my dick
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So far redesigns have only happened to unpopular characters but Cherno got hit the hardest. I didn't recognize her at first.
>Now you'll be able to skip to the fifth and tenth stage of each chapter of Tactic Evaluation while getting clear rewards for all skipped stages.
lazy bros, we're winning
The one with three dot text bubble are the one with random event.
On the one hand you are correct, on the other hand I need to mating press her in the wedding lingerie too
Maybe my taste is bad, but I love all the base outfits over the skins (minus the Katya dance skin)
>We'll probably be getting more even distribution for the other girls soon.
I hope so. I like all size of tits. having only huge breats is boring
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Limited Weapon parts returning!
Nta but I agree. Having harem with girls of various bodyshapes are much better than just “attaching cowtits” on.
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changed from small to a more medium size
changed from small to FUCKING HUGE
changed from medium to FUCKING HUGE
changed from medium to FUCKING HUGE

Nita is up next. She's the least popular character, so she's going to get FUCKING HUGE tits as well. The homogenization of tit size is the worst part of this more recent push for (You) pandering. They even added a dorm event where the (((noticer))) character notices the change.
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How convenient for them to put that in after I grinded that dogshit mode for gems to get my last 10 roll
I refuse to accept that out of the 50 people working on Seaslug nobody likes Nita even a little, like really no one?
At this point just kill her and let me out of this suffering...
>Due to the issues with the livestream (multiple stream crashes), 520 digicash will be given out to all players as compensation.
oh so that's why we got that mail
>gayshit talk starts
>another same old melty about the size of girls tits
I'm noticing
I used to sympathize because I agree their should be variety, but all the never ending shitposting from flatfags tempered that abit.
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>those digits
>I need to mating press her in the wedding lingerie too
I also harbor this need, but my need for her drills is huge, and the wedding dress seems to remove them.
Nice, I didn't know
Hopefully they add the old chapters as optional (downloadable) packs so people can check them out. That way it won't add file size to the game willy-nilly either.
There was a time when Gayshit was known as Genshin
>Easily the worst part of the anni. Such a dogshit awful gamemode.
we'll have to see what actual improvements have been made in practice before we can properly judge
hopefully there's a better balance between damage we as the player can do and the damage of our mons, hopefully the AI doesn't suck total shit like it did last time, and hopefully the maps are less empty
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Yeah, I am noticing.
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I'm only 83...
She wouldn't have gotten a dorm or intractable dorm furniture if no one liked her.
Her being a remake of Lida means someone at seaslug really likes her trope too
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wtf how
>tfw 99
i'm so close...
holy KINO
Only the most seasoned can do it
Awesome. I don't need to grind out old Tactics stages for the revamp, I just need to continue to not do them and then just do them way faster.
That's medium size for anime bro
It was people falseflaging at both sides to make both seem retarded.
Once they leave you could see how the discussion is much more civil.
>but all the never ending shitposting from flatfags tempered that abit.
the more they shitpost, the more i want the devs to turn every girl into a cowtit monster. Flatfags are a bunch of annoying shitheads repeating the same shit as if their opinion matter to chink devs
they really can't help themselves
they could help us by leaving, though
I noticed too that it's a png
>bride season
Snowg won...
Complaining about tit changes is a fairly common topic, what has genshin got to do with it?
It fits my narrative. Shut up.
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He hasn't reached the daily snog enlightenment
The tourist newfag drama shitpost "noticers" love to shitpost and stir up drama. Who knew?
Anons are too young to rember the mega milkers x dfc threads in /a/
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>hopefully the AI doesn't suck total shit like it did last time
They will need to completely rework this shit to make it playable.
That picture from tieba always gets me kek gayshitters forever BTFO
Dailies are stupidly fast in this game. I don't even make any effort to speed run it and it goes by in like 3 minutes. As long as you're playing on an SSD to eliminate almost all loading times it's literally just a few clicks.
>you post this
>both sides get even more aggresive and say more shit to each other
Hmmm really makes you think
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Where are we droppin' boys?
It depends on what the dress looks like from all the angles they couldn't show
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For me, Cherno's biggest change is her hairstyle. I liked those white spikes she had.
what is this?
>mega milkers x dfc threads in /a/
The argument isn't even mega milkers x dfc though, the argument is that this game needs both, so it needs to stop making every character the same fucking massive tit size. I want both, but the way things are going, every girl is going to be Enya size by next anniversary
When katya bride season!?!?!?
Same man. At least she still has those in the dorm.
Those raiders troons from gayshit always gets more aggressive when they call out for their never ending shitposting about breast sizes, i blame all the /v/ threads from bringing all those losers here
I wish the new Lyfe had longer hairs like this
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You're not wrong. I like girls of all shapes and sizes, but I like think to think these changes to the current girl's general size are what would've happened if the Devs didn't care about trying to appeal to everyone in the first place.
Most of the cast had the same silhouette based on their starting shapes, like the new age fortnite models. Now most of them are on the larger side, but with subtle differences in B/w/h and etc, almost like the Senran kagura girls, who mostly have huge tits.
Maybe my thinking is just too optimistic, but I'm sure we'll have more characters with smaller chests sizes in the future, although the game seems to be having a big boobies bonanza.
What the fuck happened to the ENG Youtube videos?
And faggots here don't get to complain when they were ok when the devs removed important character details because one (1) schizo in china throught it was gay (it wasn't)
intern-kun too horny to add subtitles properly
I am Bakerson, son of Bakerman, heir to the third Baronet of Bakerton. And I have bread somewhere else to bake. May snowg's oven never run empty.
This too.
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I just did 1-4 and unlocked basically every menu option.
Are there multiple versions of playable characters, or is it all just costumes? Do I just hoard my purple crystals and recruitment chits? Would future banners need a different type of chit than this orange one I have 9 of? Is Acacia a guaranteed 4* from that mandatory pull?
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Gut Brot
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This seems really low. I started playing a month ago and had like 2mil at one point. Surely day one players could have hoarded a lot by now.
You guys don't know how hyped I am. I play all gachas you could name, I have never been this hyped before. I am going to take a tour to all generals and shill the fuck out of Snow breaker. Thank you Seasun games.
if you look back through historical threads, you'll see that the troons are often the first few people and post fritfag trash, and then as we approach bump limit (starting around 675 or so) they come out again to shit up the thread
just ignore them, it's very obvious who they are
why did they do nothing for pride month?
here's my thinking process: Seasun didn't care about tits size at the beginning. at all. which meant that most girls used to be on the little size. See: Acacia, Lyfe, Maxuir, Cherno, Siri. Now they're overcompensating, but I believe we'll reach some sort of middle ground. I mean they didn't give Cherno huge tits, but a wonderful medium size. that fits perfectly with her new ahestetic. the same can be said for Lyfe. and honestly? I haven't noticed a big change in Fenny's new size either. it doesn't look disproportionally bigger than before. Have faith snowbro.
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>We'll probably be getting more even distribution for the other girls soon.
>Maybe my thinking is just too optimistic
I think you are being way too optimistic. Seaslug is even making the girls who weren't small, like Fenny and Lyfe, way the fuck bigger. If we're lucky, and I mean if we are incredibly fucking lucky, then Fritia, Acacia, and Mauxir will remain on the smaller side, but even that is up in the air. In reality, I think Fritia will get changed to maybe like old Siris size (even her new destroyed clothes skin has bigger boobs then the original), I think Acacia will get upgraded to nuCherno size, and I think Mauxir is in danger of becoming nuSiris size.
LOL no.
Try to level your characters and gun#, you'll always be low on cash.
They gonna be moaning in that massage thing ?
I'm day 1 and have like 5 or 6 million? Leveling logistics just eats that shit up. You'd have to never level stuff to keep it going up or use purple crystals to get more which is dumb
No you dumbass, don't fucking shill in other generals. That's how you get raiders.
characters have 4* and 5* versions but newer characters only have 5* and some 4* don't have 5* version yet.
you can hoard if you don't want any of the current banner characters. there's standard tickets and limited tickets
yes she's the guarantee
the chinese guy was on the cn forum. he admitted that he hasn't rolled a single character since launch or something like that kek
dump every energy on the event auto
There are multiple versions of most characters. and costumes are only for a specific version of a character.
Purple Crystals hoard unless there's a limited banner unit you want. Same with the limited weapon/character tickets, there'll be useable on future limited banners too if you don't want Katya.
Standard banner tickets just burn when you feel like it. Don't spend crystals on standard banners though.
Acacia I believe is guaranteed.
listen to >>484008608, don't do it
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If only you knew....
>Are there multiple versions of playable characters, or is it all just costumes?
There are 4* and 5* versions of all of the original girls (plus Siris). The new-new girls only have 5* versions, and for anniversary, we are getting new "alter" 5* versions of both Fenny and Lyfe, so it looks like they're going to start cycling through with new alts. So far, all of the same instances of a girl are playable on the same team. You can use a 4* girl with the 5* version at the same time. I think this trend will continue, and so next patch you should be able to run a team that is 3 different versions of Fenny or Lyfe, but we don't actually know this yet.
That only nets you 60/100.
Training to use Yoga Fire
>watch stream to see news
>chin cheng gong gin geng
>close video

Someone tell me all the new stuff.
>But Katya and Fenny seem to be Dev favorites. for now. We'll probably be getting more even distribution for the other girls soon.
Man, I wish they shilled Cherno more after her boost in popularity from GoS. Oh, well
This general really brings out the autists
It's gonna be snogging time soon bwos
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This is why Lyfe is the more popular Valkyrie.
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LazyGODS we won BIGLY.
my fast af daily is
auto personal file
all energy on event
buy one stuff on shop
then i get everything

i havent crono it tho
Unpopular opinion:
I dont like alt characters
I dont like the rampant powercreep that has been going on since katya.
You hoard purple crystal and manifest echo convenant for limited operative you want.
operative recruitment chit are standard pull.
just use it to pull begining banner until you get a 5 stars. there should be enough of it to hit pity from beginer missions.
It's not particularly against you anon (acacia posters are very nice) but frankly after all the smug bastards here were acting real fucking cancerous about
they completely deserves to get filtered by the game focusing on those character sizes and proportions, and looking at Katya or Siris's reception and the new Lyfe/Fenny, and the game's revenues, it seems clear to me they managed to capture an audience of hagchads willing to support the game and I doubt you'll see more than a token "loli" from times to times, and even then, they're gonna look like Eatchel.
Personally I love seeing karma in action, and I couldn't be happier with this direction.
How many tactic evaluation stages are there? 10?12?
forgot to add the send energy to friends, that its one click
zoomers simply dont know any better
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It's called an opinion for a reason.
I don't like this game.
I'm going to stay here and whine until the game eos's
yeah its pretty obvious
You're going to be here for a while then mate. We're hitting 50mil+ in revenue this patch.
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Shill Mechabreak instead. You gotta remember the Mechabreak devs helped us out directly and they deserves success as well.
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hello im autist
I finally got steady work, gonna whale for ani. I wont be free any longer, but I welcome this bondage
how bad will this general be when the charts come out for July and we beat the mihomo games
>I'm going to stay here and whine until the game eos's
lol. After the anniversary patch this game ain't going anywhere. They found the secret formula
Fennybros... Why isn't my wife's tits bigger than Lyfe's...
i actually believe we can reach at least 30m or even 50m with all platforms this time
>someone fucking saved a picture that I made
Am I an internet developer now?
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alright, time to play
>how bad will this general be when the charts come out for July and we beat the mihomo games
All of our revenue is on PC, which the charts don't show.
Seasoned wolves that dutifully grinded it all out should get a medal or something.
Fenny diets bwo
Snowbreak make 70% of their revenue on PC and those meme charts are mobile only so that will most likely not happen, sometimes chinks will gather the data of every platform, but those thankfully are usually not posted of Leddit
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>alright, time to play
I'm sorry, are you saying the new Lyfe's chest size is medium?
she didn't accept adjutant's food while lyfe listens to everything he says like working on her ass for her one wild hunt skin
>2 paid skins with scenes AND a weapon skin
>a regular skin
>2 weapons to pull
this is fucking expensive.
Couldnt they have cut us some slack and give us fenny and her weapon

Its even worse for me because i also need to pull chenxing
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huh? we already had nipple bumps in the official art.
Paradox is much more cancerous than Tactic Evals...
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Which figure are you buying, bwo?
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okay, I'm back
The Fenny alt is free anon. It's freed up alot of digicash for me thankfully.
Although I want a plushie Cherno more
Do you guys really pull for weapons? I usually try to get every single character instead
I'm all snogged out again...
no one likes chenxing
Huh? I somehow missed this bit.
>cherno maid figurine
I need to see it first but it's tempting.
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>they made lyfe and fenny's tits bigger
oh my god... fritia is gonna become a shortstack
There's no powercreep basically, compared to certain gacha I could mention. It's not like the game is unplayable if you don't have Katya or Cherno. Njall is very annoying without Katya I guess, that's the worst thing about the game currently.
As for alt characters, it beats introducing completely new girls out of nowhere all the goddamn time, destroying the story with irrelevant bs and then do nothing with them for years.
Coof coof PGR wheeze coof
how often does this game get main story segments?
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>fucking zoomers need a fucking cheat because they have patience and ability to focus on a task lower than a disabled banana
who cares about some random ass art bro put it on the game
I don't, you can't sex weapons so it's useless.
Every patch. That is to say every 40 days.
>there is no powercreep
shut the fuck up retarded bootlicking cunt
*no one dislikes chenxing
>on the game
*in the game
so ch 13 next patch?
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We should pester seaslug to make those snogger plushies that Enya has.
>There's no powercreep
True for any casualChad, a lot of my weapons are not even fully level up
Every month give it or take
Yeah should be.
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You didn't earn it.
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>There's no powercreep basically
Go check the dps charts of mihomo games and come back.
With her new skin i wouldn't count Marian as medium anymore
my thoughts exactly
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>the Tactic Evaluation rework was adding a skip button
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>fritia is gonna become a shortstack
no, I'm saying that Lyfe's new size fits perfectly her new tacticoom ahestetic.
I did them two weeks ago and it made me feel like a disabled banana. I hold no grudge against anybody taking advantage of the change.
I hold a grudge against Seaslug if we don't get literally anything for having done it before the change that shaves a couple hours off. Even if it was just a few blue resources or something.
you mean the game where the 1.0 4-stars are still as good as new 5-stars, four years later? I still use mona in the abyss, you are clearly just shitposting.
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it's probably for the best. I think they just want to focus effort on new game modes first.
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>all major gameplay is improved with a skip button
I don't roll characters I know for sure I won't use anyway. That let me saves rolls for actually good weapons.
This game mode is going to be so kino. I can feel it in my bones.
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How do I fuck my boss?
>shilling mihomo games here
Go back faggot
Huge L4D2 vibe from this
ew delete this fat nigger image wtf
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I'm not a genshitter, but I suppose you don't know about HI3 and the horseshit that happened there.
just ask bwo
But Lyfe is your wyfe as well.

Also, I don't see many Siris in co-op, it feels like most players skipped her for Katya or saving for Anni.
I don't want to piss people off by bringing up other gachas, but I really appreciate that the Adjutant isn't just a walking camera. Coming from a certain other gacha this is like whiplash, but in a good way. I think I'm going to enjoy my time here.
>doesn't know what shilling means
Lurk ten years before posting.
>I suppose you don't know about HI3
Of course not. You can't say mihomo games and then pretend you were talking about their least popular game kek
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boss sex soon, trust the plan
and you can do that in snobble too with fenny but i guess that doesn't fit your narrative
>but I really appreciate that the Adjutant isn't just a walking camera
I know a few gachas like that. This is one of the reasons i love snowbreak so much compared to the others
Bakerbwo... I'M HUNGRY!
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Back to drawing faggots!
>You can't say mihomo games and then pretend you were talking about their least popular game kek
It's hard to believe today, but a very long time ago Mihomo used to be based.
I have every girl but pull weapons occasionally. Like I'm definitely pulling Fenny's weapon
>still shilling his dogshit homo game here
Legit go back massive Hoyodrone faggot, go pull for your gay ass characters in your mixed toilet garbage
>people calling for bread on page 7
What happened?
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never forget...
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Cope tranny
we're not even on page 9 yet
I will never forgive them censoring Seele's panties.
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Why draw faggots when you can draw cute women?
tourists, as you can see from the gigshitter shitting up the thread
>There's no powercreep basically
>It's not like the game is unplayable if you don't have Katya or Cherno
these are two different matters
the game being generally easy and playable even with weak characters like 4Nita is a totally separate issue from relative strength levels
I mean really, Fenny would maybe be just about done breaking one leg's armor by the time Cherno's done killing the tank, and this is far from the biggest difference between old and new character performance—Njall and Pact say hi
The Luminous Path is closed to Gwailos
>says the faggot who is proud to play Gayshit shitpact
All of your homos are trannies and you are a tranny for playing that dogshit trash, go back to your /gig/ shithole
KEK, nice one bwo
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We've come a long way
HSR has heavy powercreep though? Almost none of the rerun characters sold well because of that.
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They will sneak it back in. Trust the plan.
We can't get any news that those faggots come here crawling to shill their homo game
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cope tranny
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Remember to do your jotun because today is the last day before it resets
But how much is that from the support and not cherno herself?
I gotta say there is powercreep in this game but it's not affecting how much digicash you can mine each patch.
You can always freeride in COOP.
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Baker, do your thing
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Seeth /gig/ tranny, keep pulling for your homos while getting cucked by shippers in your homo game
We have 800+ post already what's that page 7 thing and how do I check?
We usually create a new thread when we hit 800 post
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cope tranny
>Look at my friend list
>Everyone is seasoned now
fucking kek
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I did it day one, thanks to you probably you
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I did the discounted 8-roll thing, and I got this.
Is she good?
no, reroll until you get fritia
Probably the only relevant standard left
only if you have her 5* gun
She needs her weapon, but it's one of the best ones
You need her weapon (space cowboy) to reach big dick numbers, but yeah. She's lovely otherwise
>The faggots keep replying to each other
When you'll you ever learn unseasoned pups...
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Seeth and go back to your shitgame tranny /gig/ger
How do I check the page we are? Which one should we avoid? I don't know what pages are... I'm getting old...
Neuronic order for Katya?
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I'm free to bake. What should the next OP pic be?
And I only need to add in https://snowbreak.gg/anniversarystream/, right?
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cope tranny
wait what?, im farming level 11 now
not particularly relevant, because the game is designed around the use of three characters
it's like pointing to Njall and saying 'well, Katya is clearly the only good character in the game, because Njall cucks the shit out of everyone else solo'
anyway, solo performance of new characters can often embarrass whole-team performance of old ones:
Am I the only one who gets the end of day pikmin feeling from this.
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I dunno if I'm strong enough to reroll, bros.
I'm kinda lazy.
It's so obvious when is just one guy talking to himself back and forth trying to start shit up
>No Tau or Caroline message
Yggdrasil corpofags LOST HARD
To me it looks like No Mercy evacuation.
Use the confession video. I dunno if someone made webms out of it yet though.
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Yao my beloved is still great but need her rifle
i mean if you just roll for a limited later you basically never use your standard characters unless you like them so it doesn't really matter
You will get a free selector ticket later. Just get Fenny from it. Her and Yao are the best out of these.
Raiders from /gig/ doing what they know best, not a surprise coming from that shit game and their shitty cuck community
Eh, every standard 5* sucks and fucks nkw, we just pick one as our main wife to shitpost on snowg.
which of the artifa- logistics stats are fixed and which ones are random?
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who do you think let you have all this harem fun?
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I feel like this is Fennyfag propaganda.
Am I being swindled? Should I pick Lyfe instead?
I heard we're getting one of those two for free somehow soon, but I know nothing.
Any suggestions on what the OP pic could be? I'm gonna use the Fenny Alter webm if not
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Snobble for this feel?
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I think this >>483990962 looks nice, but wait for more suggestions
or this >>483994740, it's the full one this time
But if you want something that is not a webm, maybe this
Meant for >>484013138
Absolute state of of retardness, take a break anon, we deserve it
Lyfe is so hot! MY WAIF LAIF
It absolutely is Fenny propaganda.
but it ain't wrong, Fenny and Yao are the best standard units we have, the rest need too much investment to be good
If you got Yao you should get Fenny with the selector for sure, fenny shilling or not, it's correct in this case. 5Fenny works well with the free yellow shotgun you should have already, while all the other girls need their sign weps
Her armpit looks weird
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i wish we could swap her for the upgraded 5* version
no, fenny really is the best standard. We are getting fenny alter for free, not fenny standard.
We will get a new 5Fenny for free during anni but standard Fenny is a decent until you get a good limited. She carried me well before I got my hands on 5Cherno.
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So I'm not a Marianfag, but to me they don't really look bigger. It looks like they just declothed them.
This skin is making my heart throb
it doesnt fit his narrative if he posted proof
Pagecounter is right next to postcounter (Posts/Pictures/Page). Thread will only get archived after page 10
>replies 2 and a half hours later just to shitpost
they fixed it a while ago lol
>all the mihoyo polish without the shit game design

bros... we're going to make it...
bro what about his narrative?
No, they are right, Fenny and Yao are great. At M5T2 they can deal 45% of M0 Cherno/Katya/Siris damage. Pretty cool!
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>did not watch shit
>not going to
Thanks for a free pulls, I guess
No one asked bwo
You don't deserve the seasoned avatar
No one cares bwo
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this. + my dick
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katyabros... don't look...
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>no "bumps"
boooo. Come on Seaslug, you know you want to.
i asked. I care
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jesus christ
Lyfe has inverse nipples
It's inverted
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So, what is his plan? He got a Porsche and a bigger Snobble team.
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>only the sczg chads in my list are seasoned
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They keep giving characters little "clit patches" but they wont give us cameltoe or nipple bumps
how do i get the seasoned avatar?
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Imagine her going from cold queen to flustered mess as you suck them out...
>he doesn't know
expose the chinese gacha industry
debunk "CCP mandated" censorship
reveal industry leaders are bending the knee to women
Hmmmm hire more feetdevs
Alright, fine, I'll pick Fenny when I get the free pick (whenever that is).
I just got the 4* gun for Lyfe and the tutorial to equip it. I'm guessing I shouldn't even put resources into blue and green weapons at all?
>So, what is his plan?
Marriage system for the second anniversary and sex for the third anniversary
>He delivers his sense of being seasoned from social manuredia
You are not a wolf, but a pathetic lapdog
Sorry bros, I went with my dick and made a Fenny Alter OP. That ass-shot is to die for.
If I'm still awake I'll use >>484013801's pic related as the next OP as it also looks really nice.
I'm not up to date on my Lyfe lore, but shouldn't she have heterochromia if she's unleashed?
Do what he's always passionate about, 2D ML games.
eatchel looks like this?!
Where's the new soulca anyway
Not really but Yao's second best weapon is the correct element blue one even if it's nowhere near her sig. You will eventually switch to using event purples.
>Create a character with what's basically a devil trigger (Titan trigger?=
>Make her an off field support and only use her transformation for a 1.5 second animation
Still the most baffling thing Seaslug has ever done in this game
Yup. I don't get it either.
Seasun does all this for (You), and instead of at least staying quiet you go and say this >>484014434 like an ungrateful child
Same thing with Tess. Her skins are pure sex but you never get to play her.
>metashitter thinks anyone cares about his braindead op dmg%
lmao even
>keep getting atk% in almost every siris logi i buy
>no hp ever
This game is mocking me.
not only are you flat out wrong, because mihomo characters from day 1 are still used TODAY, but
is not a alid argument
Kys mihomotroon lmao
>there is no powercreep
>ok there is b-b-b-but
goalpost: moved
your ass: destroyed
your axewound? gaping
this game is Neon Genesis Evangelion meets The Division so no there's not excessive chinkwank, if anything the one chink girl (Chenxing) gets clowned on pretty hard and the Asuka and Rei expies (Fenny and Lyfe) get way more attention.

The most SEXOOOOOOOOO girl in the game is a not-german international assassin named Katya Klein

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