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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>483961464
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hol up
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i am depressed
depressed because the character update is affecting me more than it should
>I want off bros...
>Yoshi plz...
why did they not show golbez's face?
niggas be telling my malidster that pictomancer isnt a serious job meanwhile he hittin them niggas with the cartoon mallet
Anon painting isn't a real job you need to get a real job.
I think Wuk Lamat is cute and I won't let bad voice work detract from that.
*hits you with the cartoon mallet*
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nice graphical update
i think that middies and fiddies should
Finally, I can see through both eyes at once
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Wuk Lamat would be cuter if her character development arc wasn't so recycled by previous characters.
You fucking niggers need to just turn the voice acting off or to some other language rather than kvetching about troons all day.
BROS... after the upgrade to the actions for Monk at like 92/93, the bootshine successor is NO LONGER THE HARDEST HITTING MOVE...

Dude now you gotta do Rising Raptor > Twin Sanke > Rising Raptor for highest potency during Perfect Balance...

I'm gonna be so fucking sick dude.
>war won
>sch won
>blm won
Poll for Dynamis players
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She is my retarded latinx wife!
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BRD won
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Woke Lament is such a bad character. They could've at least given her tits and an ass, or some kind of sex appeal. Something to turn the neurons in my brain on, because every time she speaks it just makes me start yawning and want to crawl into bed.
Just reached Mamook... I feel bad for Bakool Ja Ja now ;_;
His JP VA really knocked it out the park showing his grief and guilt
I like Zazool a lot more
alisaies ass is so fucking flat its unreal
damn this place is a shithole
do not the cat
Thinking of jumping ship to Duskwight.
Why does the south american inspired placed and main city have Swing music playing
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I'm finally free
I am never getting that time back
But it's finally over
>>blm won
does he know?
I filled your white paint bar :3
>underage girl in puberty has a flat ass
Wtf bros...
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do the big cat though
How do I not get kicked?
>elezens get upgraded
>catgirls get upgraded
>glubbas get upgraded
>face 4 femras in the ditch
Maybe ill fanta...........
a lot of them have well developed asses
girls at my high school didn't have no flat asses
Crystal pls queue for Woqor Zormor
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high on high i stand gazing down
to see.
by playingh
>"Poll for Dynamis players"
>the top response is "I don't play on Dynamis"
I'm Wuking
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Thinking about tapping that ass.
i clapped i recognized the reference honestly
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>just vibing and completing each fishing log as I come across bodies of water while doing the MSQ
I missed this.
why do you care? you're just going to use face sculpts and mod it away anyway
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I swear to fuck they knew I wasn't going to like Wuk Lamat even after hours of having her on screen so they just gave her a cat face because they know I can't get mad at cats for too long.
Because she's attention starved and wants (you)s for complaining when her character will barely look like a femra again when mods are back
>elezens got upgraded
substantiate yoru claims
Why would you play this game just to skip the story or to not talk to anyone
first sentence wuk lamat made and I'm already sick of her
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>leave for 5 minutes to make brotein shake
>come back d/c and to 608 queue
yeah can we enact total reddit bugman, tranny, NEET, and powertripping mentor death on gayther pl0x
these niggas contribute nothing to society, or this game
>Verification not required.
yeah you know that how it be
>moonie feet got upgraded
I wish I could prove this to you but my pc is having a bug haha...
can someone post some just to prove my claim? haha .. ^^
Cold take: mounts or island sanctuary endless sprint should be allowed in the new city.
when the story ends, what do you do anon? an MMO needs more than a story to support it
A 600 queue is like 3 minutes now, shut up nigga
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cool seam thanks yoshi
Skippers won this time, the story is retarded. It's literally diversity and trans allegory and dei.
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I Am convinced that people who hate Wuk Lamat, are either using the ENG version, or are utterly incapable of understanding anything written above above third-grade level
I think your face4 looks better now, but I generally didn't like your mods.
>complaining about a 600 player queue on an expansion launch
Go make another protein shake princess
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*wiggles my massive futa buncock*
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the sylphs, aka floating gysahl greens, are so cute :3
You are brown
This post is for you >>483996710
Guess the face sculpt (there's none thats how i know your professional advice is worthless)

I lierally replied to a pretty looking elezen!!
I'm at 438 and it's been just over 20 minutes
naw I got semechki
>all these posts complaining about people complaining about wuk's voice acting

I swear I see more people bitching about the complainers than I do the actual complainers themselves.
Can you play the game instead of worrying about your fucking Barbie doll?
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That's a weird looking dog.
Hunt spoiler.
Should've had a 3rd option where you nope out or start laughing at him.
I want seishun complex to give me a footjob so fucking bad...
Needed a better voice actor to make her characterization more tolerable. I guarantee if they actually got a qt latina girl to voice her this expansion would be lauded.
Or y'know. She's just boring and can't carry a 50 hour story where she hogs all the screentime.
I have one but I'm a catgirl, is it better for you~?
>sidequest involves anointing objects with blessed saltwater
>item description implies we drink it
Bros, are we retarded?
Good morning/afternoon.
people buy skips just to play Savage and Ultimate, because they're fucking WoWfugees who think the game is just pressing your rotation and parsing, and bullying people
Try not playing a shit race
The people complaining about the voice acting is funny when the character itself is written badly because she's literally just Lyse: Furry
>didnt have antiafk standalone running
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Buns flight escorting
I play in JP voices and only a third grader could be impressed by this writing. my opinion is my own, but i think wuk lamat is a terribly written character. people have pointed out the flaws
>becomes main character
>where's wuk?
>wow i love wuk
>i can't wait to meet wuk!
>umm wuk!
everyone became instantly obsessed with this blitering retard despite her having 0 time or buildup to seeing these people. she is nearly every single scene and takes away from other character's i want to read about on this journey. it's a poorly written character
wuk is unironically the best option with her only problem being that she's like 17 with no experience.
Nah Wuk is way more likeable than Lyse.
They are going to revisit the way lighting hits facial hair, right? They aren't calling it done, right?
>think the game is just pressing your rotation and parsing, and bullying people
those are the fun parts
Why would I play machinist (gay job) when I can play Gunbreaker and not be gay?
You're joking right? the 2nd brother would be the best pick, because he wants to bring technology to Mexico.
It must be an engine limitation by this point, right?
If only most criticism was this fair. But most people don't seem to be able to understand any story-beats deeper than a puddle
god DAMN that is bad
>you can't complain about X because Y is also bad!
This is the weirdest take I've seen today.
I don't hate Wuk, but I'm also on JP and I agree that there should be more Krile story or something, or whoever that new bitch is, I haven't met her yet which makes her an obvious baddie.
Oops posted in old thread
Crystal housing bros what were the pros and cons of ditching balmung now that we can just travel there
I've been on/off the game for years and my characters are on balmung but fuck me is networking a pain in the ass there
those are the best parts of the game though?
I am the viper
whats the tldr of the dawntrail story? is it good/bad and how does it compare to shadowbringers and endwalker
i am not talking about your screenshots today while mods don't exist, i am talking about you in general. it's stupid to care about how something looks when you're going to bend and break it to what you actually want instead.

it's not hard to tell what isn't and is modded, especially considering the shitty mods you obsess over like the calvin klein ones. multiple people have told you your base character is fine and there's 0 work involved.
Wasn't this expansion supposed to do something with the friend's list where it autodeleted people who unfriended you? Why is my list still full of people?
meow fuck out the way bitch
I am God.
>'grafix update'
i enter the viper
Maleroe beards look fine

>t. Maleroe
kill urself my man
at least the Lord has blessed me with lactose tolerance and blue eyes, I could still be embraced by daddy Yakub hopefully...
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Anyone in the thread trying to make gil this way?
You vish to vash and vipe the vindows?

I DID steal that from an old joke book my dad gave me. How did you know?
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The best would have been Wuk and Koana co-ruling
koana would bring modernization but I think the point of the story is not to kill your soul and keep to tradition. they both would be best as leaders working in a duo to balance each other out.
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oh we are SO BACK
you'll actually be able to get a house on another server
most of /xivg/ hangs out on balmung most of the time, so you'll have to do a lot of world traveling if you like interacting with your retainers often.
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back to the grind, bwos
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that's kinda gay man
wrong and you are the problem
go back
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>incomprehensible gibberish name
*skips cutscene*
I like to look nice in screenshot i take (modded)
I like to also look nice without mods/mare (what other players see)
I can want both
I'm still not very far in the story but it honestly feels like it's going towards a metaphorical dual ruler scenario by having two leaders in a joint endeavor.
lol, /vm/ game
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I really like the new lighting engine
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i never played wow though
literal cp do not open
how did you do that, is it safe to force inject glogons now?
>koana sees anything mildly inconvenient
>halfway into the story
>already starting to browse the thread while clicking on my screen during cutscenes half the time bored
Bros, I think this might be the first MSQ that I skip reading
Wat'choo meki-meki , dude? I wanna see what'cha make-y make-y.
wow that was HARD
Fuck off, tourist.
you're giving trans aura
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What should I buy w/ gemstones? what sells?

I'ma be gone a week and wanna make use of the 1.2k gemstones I have now
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I am
A femra that finally got more vodka and wine
How many variants of this message are you going to post? Get a life.
Are you at the very beginning of the MSQ, he goes through a whole arc calming down and reasoning with his sister
mhh yes, even worse than 'ominsan gibberish
*cums on your face and hat*
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Transphobes LOST

Dynamis tonight?
i never managed to get those bodies to work years ago... but thanks for posting...
Pictomancers are bullies.
HOLY SHIT i'm literally doing this all the time..even as we speak. MSQ is so fucking boring
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>role quests are comedy skits
>anon never learned how to read phonetically
She has a lot to learn. She's basically been sheltered her whole life.
this is fucking ridiculous. at this rate my entire early access is going to be wasted before plugins are back
Desire to lick tummy... rising!
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pretty cool, the snow thingy was neat, 7/10
>mystery nigga
p2 arena is amazing but the mechanics are boring as hell, 4/10
>queen eternal
seat of sacrifice but with a robot. cool everything, would get vored again. feels like more mechanics than in old extremes. easy 10/10 were it not for cutscene/story bits, which fucking obliterates the experience right back into 3/10 (yea I mad)
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That's the first time I've posted it so I guess its a common feeling
either two or three tbdesu
Wuk and Koana together express the heart/mind (or brain/brawn) duality that's core to Mamool Ja culture - all the two-headed ones that we've seen have a "physical" aspect and a "magical" aspect, and even the single-headed Zoraal Ja has a single-headed mage that he brings with him everywhere. Also Wuk and Koana have contrasting color schemes with Wuk being orange and brown, warmer colors, and Koana being turquoise and purple, cooler colors. A LOT of japanese stuff loves the red/blue color-personality contrast dynamic.
however i like just now heard an interesting theory that it's three instead since you have the three racial castes in Mamool Ja culture and while Zoraal Ja is ruthless and harsh he's not without merit as a ruler either
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Honestly I don't really personally care about Wuk's evolution as a character for me this is about helping Krile find out what happened to Galuf. Krile has been very cute so far this expansion.
>graphics update is needlessly heating up your room
i don't know if i like this
i've been paid like 10 mil from my friend
but im also sick and he is retardedly rich
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Can you vipe my windshield.
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>Space ships are just looming on the horizon now
I'm glad they decided to make the plot interesting after wasting so much time.
Sis, your AC? Your heat sink?
People are forgetting that while Koana's ideas and motivations are great, he knows nothing about his people, their culture and what is important to them. He needs just as, if not more help than Wuk Lamat in that regard
That being said, it would have been kino to follow him around instead
Ohokaliy Dhokaliy
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>can't just storm the base because they'll claim we're the baddies (weak excuse)
>here go collect shit
i hate this fucking rabbit more and more with every scene he's in
all lalas fucking suck
krile sucks
your taste sucks
they're gonna try and make that the next lali-ho aren't they
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maybe he got someones personal repo? im getting the same as >>483998248
hello my queen

oh nooooooo bro ...
I'm not forgetting it.
I literally said it'd be better if the story was teaching him to be fun and personable instead of trying to teach a retarded cat to be a good leader.
>another perfect rectangle arena that you teleport on top of
Cmon... at least make it visually more appealing that just a random square pillar.
it's 93 degrees in my room right now
i'm so friggin immersed!
i sure hope so
is it fun in pvp
do i like malera?
I respectfully disagree.
The incoming BLM buffs that they always get whenever another caster does more damage than them? BLM sissies are Yoship's pet job. They always get stupidly buffed before savage patch just like last expansion. RDMbros are just eternally suffering because of their raise.
I just don't really care enough about their country. Nothing so far has made me feel invested. In every other xpack I felt something for one side or the other and this one I am just indifferent.
ac isn't common in nordic countries...
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Is Mablu a squirter or part of the cream team?
That's what I'm saying too, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about the people saying Koaba would be the better leader without fail and not taking his own flaws into consideration
I also agree that following him around and teaching him about his people would have been better
>viper uses scouting gear
>basically all scouting gear looks like trash
>just use textools to turn a basic glam into the viper set
well at least i look cool to me
>being european
I want this cat to grind on me
That is a child, sir
sex with Naago
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alright ill use this
now what kind of tail do i give her, big fat gator tail?
So when is the potency hotfix patch?
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idk man, i'm not really feeling the animation for it
Out of ten?
do male pelupelu have barbed dicks as well?
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>talk to Wuk Lamat
>walk with Wuk Lamat
>cheer Wuk Lumat
>Wuk Lamat Wuk Lamat
>catboy ends up being the best character in the MSQ
>makes him a side character instead of in the main cast
Bravo Yoshida
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why isnt pictomancer's style based on medieval ink painting or something like that and instead looks like they brought in valeronts graphic designers for it
I'm just using the dalamud-betakey, not doing anything special
That's a 14 yer old.
so why is it called Solution Nine
and what's the beta key?
>In this battle, you will play as Bakool Ja Ja's left head
>wears pink when every other Pelopelo wears red
>wants to be a merchant
So she's gonna meet Tataru in the post-patch right?
Good afternoon. I love femlalas.
i like it a lot but i'm struggling to figure out the playstyle at the same time, especially in cc
i'm sure it'll feel more comfortable with experience, it's an odd combination of several different jobs
Tell me about crystal, goblin
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Humiliation ritual.
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Anyone got the pic of Krile drawn as a shortstack by alphinaud?
The previous 8 final solutions didn't work
>Wuk while stupid wants to keep the traditions of Tural
>Koana does want to bring modernization but doesn't like the traditions of Tural
I like this glam, you using mch/gnb for a gun?
I am glad you came out and comfortable enough to show us pics with your boyfriend
"DalamudBetaKind": "apiX"
"DalamudBetaKey": "empanadas"
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I remember seeing this place several times on Ancient Aliens
i think gator tail SUCKS
Bakool Ja Ja is literally me.
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i know they're not citizens of tuliyollal but you don't have to call them aliens
most quit cause they still don't have hats
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*aims at the red spot*
I fanta'd to femhroth
No.... NOOOOOO!!!
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What level does the MSQ get good at?
this expansion forgot the gameplay.
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how did this happen
I have a small brain. Can someone pls explain viper job gauge?

I get that whichever side glows more is the one you press and corresponds to which button has the combo dotted outline.
But then each side also has the blade cut in half for the tip half and the hilt half. What does these lighting up mean?
I'm afraid it never does anon
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>whole questline about trading items
>people still doing empty /handover emotes even though in the fucking benchmark WoL holds shit in his hands and people pass physical objects to each other
fuck this i'm going to sleep
bro if you got all the way to motherfucking yawntrail you're gonna buy it
>Macchi is now shitting up steam reviews
How soon until they start leaving reviews on metacritic?
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Paizuri with Wuk Lamat
Blowjobs with Wuk Lamat
Sex with Wuk Lamat
Creampies with Wuk Lamat
Impregnation with Wuk Lamat
my divorced maliddie is drunk off mezcal
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Whoops, missed this thread
First serious attempt at a VPR glam, wish my horns didn't get covered tho
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Eurochad here, what do tacos taste like? I very rarely consume the squalid refuse and filth that subhumans dare call "cuisine".
And how do you eat them? They're supposed to be crunchy, wouldn't they break in pieces when you take your first bite?
i haven't seen one person this assbroken by a game since the OG Bazztek himself
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How do I make reshade work with FSR?
post him or else
Is there vendor level 100 Crafter/Gatherer gear available? I wanted to do some of that stuff but my gear is absolute shit and I can't make the gear that's better than my current gear.
brooo the weight of your lies just disconnected me from the dungeon i'm in and now i can't fucking get back in!!!!!!
this looks normal to me
Contrarians will argue it, but they tried way too hard with the names with expansion and its going to backfire. Nobody is going to remember the time they visited the Bax'triblu to get the Ayohalupia for the bhramamatrira ingredients. Its all letterslop pretending to be ethnic. To normal people its just "Go to the village and make the food" because they cant pronounce the fucking names.
bro your soul is leaving!
>didn't pre-order dawntrail
>buy it anyway after it releases
How fucked am I?
uuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hey
i cannot for the fuck of me figure out a comfortable way to put viper buttons on my bars
Yea, right here *unzips*
lol i just did the first melee one and it was hilarious
kinda wanna farm vanguard before continuing the msq so im glam ready for solution 9
>most job updates were adding a single button to an already existing finisher
>story was written in an hour after Yoshi P binge watched ancient alien episodes around the Andes Mountains
>graphics update made the game go from a 2011 PS3 game to a 2014 PS4 game
Genuinely how did this xpac take 3 years to make
He's right about the visual novel levels of gameplay.
is zadnor zone 3 the way to go for leveling
>Its all letterslop pretending to be ethnic

anon these are all real words
It already left
what the fuck take that shit to /x/ that is too spooky
Already 1000% better than the EW ones then.
Who would’ve thought xivg would be filtered so hard by something as simple as reading text boxes
Why do all miera look so eepy
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you unironically don't. also cute bnuuy
Pictomancer has too many abilities, think XIVcombo will be able to atleast get rid of two them, maybe three
do you uumm do you like uuummmm
Smarr multibillion dorrar famiry company. Please understand.
they're up all night having gay sex
it's only level 98 for now
if you get scrip gear then it will be better than crafted level 98 gear unless you pentameld that
Whats a Xbr'axx Rax then? Do it without looking it up.
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Can you post a screenshot of your catgirl's /pose thanks
please understand, they were all busy working on ff16
Southern front is faster because fates are closer together and closer to aetherytes
*teleports to ur dungeon with my husband to give you and your gay husband a baby*
*teleports away without saying shit*
>obnoxious sexpests magnetize together
hope you like a schizo tranny sis
nigger just because they're real words doesn't mean i have a degree in incan linguistics
mine looks especially tired to be fair
i'm happy with it, even if it trolled the eyeliner

i've had enough of this... *growls and bares my fangs* .. don't think you can get away with it... *pins you against the wall*
Fuck off tranny
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Some of the physical things said are real words, but the names of places and people in the expansion and complete slop.
Stay here chad
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Not this time fruit loop
galool ja gulol la galul ja
bruh am i supposed to remember these people
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Is this what you're talking about?
why is Krile's hood designed in such a way that it's impossible for her ears not to clip
if you're gonna design clothes for a lala character at least have it make sense
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How do I get the testing version?
How dare a fantasy world use fantasy world names for locations.
>trusting the plan of an idiot kid whos end goal is "i'm gonna duel him"
why the fuck is erenville so fucking DUMB
Yes exactly this, thank you so much
When do plugins usually update after an expansion? This is literally unplayable
pictomancer sounds like a tranny job
>game has multiple sidequests that are "were you paying attention checks" to find specific Mamool Ja
>if you just go through the motions and talk to all of them you get called out for thinking they all look alike
Gotta admit it made me laugh the first time.
I’m almost to the 2nd dungeon and I’m enjoying myself. MSQ is pretty good I’m enjoying the more slower paced story. Moblins are fucking great I love them so much. The healer role quest so far is excellent and the deliveries you can do so far seems fun. 9/10 so far and I’m not even halfway through the story
>Y'shtola shows up
>Story gets better
It's that simple
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These DPS queues...
maybe stop being gay
he just had gay sex with his boyfriend
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Don't forget to do the Fashion Report!
Emperor's New Gloves + Pearl Ring in the lower (left ring) slot will get you an easy 80!
Then why is wuk a warrior?
he has a backpack with his dirty boots hanging off the side of it
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>zoraal ja has a tiny hitbox in p1
>"hey maybe tanks will have to position him properly in EX"
>zoraal ja EX starts in his fat bitch form with a hitbox that covers half the arena

yep, kino expac time
Any job can be a tranny job if you're obsessed enough.
All im saying is that if they're difficult to pronounce or remember, people will not care to remember them and that affects the reception people have of the MSQ.
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Here ya go
not like this...
yeah but pictomancer in particular like what kind of class/job fantasy is that
>everyone who criticizes the story is assbroken
So does this mean that FFXIV is extremely difficult like the Elden Ring DLC is and just filtered too many people? Because that's essentially what you're saying. Are you SURE you want to claim that?
>Actual saloon
So, this is going to be new /xivg/ hangout spot right?
Yea I think I've had enough of the MSQ at this point, going to skim read it and call Wuk Lamat shit when I finish.
damn what a cute abuelo
It will be for me at least.
I am a little handicapped, is this the ilvl 700 scrip gear?
i'm not gay bro *punchess you 22 times in the chest and then teleports behind you* *scratches you with my alpha wolf claws and dark flame lightning darkness fire explosions send u flying into the ground*

fuck you
That's pretty much what they have been claiming all along. That and go back to wow already
the motifs do not need a separate render button
if i've already fucking painted the stupid fucking picture the button should just switch to render it
what am i gonna do, unpaint it?
fucking RETARDED!!!
What can I gather to make a bunch of gil...
Bakool Ja Ja owned.
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just pair up with a healer.
Well actually I think that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FLRHejWAo8
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Did you forget to fake-criticize WoW in your post?
Its the new gimmick for face 1 miera
more like /trann(y|ies)/i
and maybe /\btrans\b/i too if you like
Its not 'difficult' its refined. Its mature and thought provoking. Something fools cannot appreciate and it scares them. DT is the deepest, richest MSQ yet due to its variety of ethnic cultures and characters. But the drooling masses only want nonstop violence and action.
>fuck you
You have no idea how hard I laughed at the sheer level of defeat implied by this
Holy guacamole
thanks bro
Spoilers, retard.
I post the same type of godmode RP shit as this can we RP fight one day?
>Thancred and Urianger helping Kano having fun bro moment
>We're stuck with a tranny housecat
gosh i hope shes not with us 24/7
That makes sense, but what do you have to say about all the people who think this game is too EASY? That they're wrong? And in order for FFXIV to have a better critical reception, do you think Square Enix should make the game easier?
Thanks for the chuckle, I needed it.
Does the Mog Station work yet?
Squenix doesn't want my fucking money!!!
We'll meet at this Saloon on Kraken
Monday 5pm PST
She is
Can the devs explain why they add all these new items then make like 1% of them available for housing? Like the items are ready to go arent they?
that moldy gay miera is annoying
we get it, you are a faggot and love your gay faggy boyfriend
shut up
You can stop the ironic shitposting now, Macchi.
MMOs are supposed to be fucking easy. If you want to play a game that takes actual mechanic skill to be good at go play CS2, go play Valorant, go play literally any fighting game out right now not a fucking Japanese MMO made for a fucking console back in 2010
Dawntrail bad
in the time you've been asking this retarded shit in thread you could have made millions (like me)
ok how
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the reason why the majority of dawntrail msq sucks so much is because you faggots didn't hate 6.x enough, in fact a lot of people were like "wow I love Zero she's great i'm so glad she's the focus of every single patch" and they saw those comments and decided to do it again with Wuk Lamat
this msq is mid af frfr
ive been enjoying the music overall but had to mute the train montage. holy shit what the fuck were they thinking
no it's ilvl 620 purple scrip gear
>love all of the zones and music so far
>fights have been cool
>falling asleep at my desk while trying to slog through the MSQ
Bros, does this ever pick up?
t. lvl 96
I feel that way about all mierda.
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Finally someone says it, I'm so tired of people picking MMOs to be hardcore about. You will never be a world first raider you will never get paid to do MMO races, the "hard" content gets cheated on anyways please just shut the fuck up already about challenge.
please help
Hands off my husband.
your post is agonizingly reddit please don't post it again thank you
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Sorry but "overhearing gossip that somehow is exactly about the topic at hand" is an absolutely horrendous way of dumping exposition and I don't know why I've seen this like 4-5 already.....
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i learned chinese naming conventions from wuxia slop

i will learn mesolop from the msq

and i will enjoy it
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hmmm that hat certainly looked better on my cat
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thats my cue to log out, see you later tonight :) im gonna do all of these sidequests
Okay, but you just said that FFXIV is difficult. Everyone who dislikes Dawntrail's story was filtered by the difficulty of the game and is "assbroken". And yet, you want FFXIV to be easy. Doesn't that make FFXIV a bit of a bad product then? Why do you play FFXIV if it's the opposite of what you want?
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there's no beta keys yet, this is an old pic
>the reason why the majority of dawntrail msq sucks so much is because you faggots didn't hate 6.x enough
Square Enix developers don't care what English speaking people on an imageboard say, they don't even read their official English forums.
>no the people in this civilization can't just be talking about the biggest thing that determines the socio-political future of their society that's bad storytelling

ofc bro

*runs U over in my harleyy wit my middle finger upp*
>verstone and verfire STILL don't upgrade to verstone 2 and verfire 2 with AOE
I expressed my dislike for 6.x pretty much every patch iirc and the resident schizos told me to go back to wow even back then. But even after 6.x I'm still surprised how boring the MSQ has been so far, but hopefully things will turn around now, just did the first trial.
Good point, but none of this explains why you trolled a P1S party in 2021 and are still malding about it.
They were reading too much isekai manga / murim manhwa.

my jianghu brother........... you truly see mount tai...........
RPR actually. Gotta get that edgy in.
>we get it, you are a faggot and love your gay faggy boyfriend
but that's my gimmick
90 tomestone gear
90 relics
has a 0% success rate, why do you keep trying?
So what's the best healer?
but zero was hot. that makes it completely different
can you tell me exactly what you dislike about face 4 now
is it really that bad
Man, I am tired of these 3rd world accents. Think it's about time I switch to a different dub.
Maybe it's 0,0001%....
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Do we like KKona?
Man, I am tired of these 3rd world posters. Think it's about time I switch to a different tab.
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after shadowbringers and endwalker
>please a chill expansion, no more end of the universe and old characters
after dawntrail
>wtf this is so boring bring back emet-selch

to be a mmo dev must be suffering
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>two random dumbasses in the crowd explaining exactly what the audience needs to hear to further the plot constitutes as organic storytelling and dialogue
Stop confusing me with other people I was unsubbed all the way from 6.0 to 6.4......
Human flight had a 0% success rate until the Wright Brothers.

You are a pussy.
Good, say hi to twitter for me and this time please stay there.
yes, he should have won
DT's entire base plot was written before players even got to play 6.2.
sounds like a disease
No, you don't get it. We want lower stakes but we want every Scion to die after being raped and murdered. We want a comfy expansion where the WoL is tortured and maimed. We want relaxing zones where we can hear the screams of women and children. We like this. No... we LOVE this.
I like when he puts his shotgun in my mouth and calls me a useless whore...
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i wish he was a moonie
I went back and listened to the EN voice acting
holy shit what the fuck happened, it's worse than the 2.0 voices
i hate his hair and weird green jacket but he was a fine character.
the truth is it's fairly competent and the whole package including the experience of exploring new zones and dungeons is still very entertaining
the story itself isn't gonna blow anyones mind but it never was
You go to a new continent to stop a war from breaking out that could throw the star into another calamity that's backed up by aliens and acians, where is the "chill" expansion?
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>I do everything in the story
Why is 90% of this thread just samefagging from one guy who failed P1S?
>fuck up a mechanic on ex1
>everybody survives except rdm
>fuck up a mechanic on ex2
>everybody survives except rdm
I should probably lock them out of PF
all sovl is lost
When are you going to take your meds?
It does amuse me that half the complaints about the story is that the WoL is playing second banana in the MSQ.
I kneel......
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Tan fiddies with ethnic names.....
go to a country bar and tell them that
Shhhh you can say that out loud anon
See >>484002894
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What did SE mean by this??
>go from killing gods for two expansions straight
>SHB is peak ffxiv, nothing will or can top it
>get a soft reset arr styled expansion
of course its going to be received badly the shit is boring compared to the constant escalation we're used to
Stay up king
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Are these role quests required or can we skip them this time around?
I am
A Frothgar
On Dynamis
I need a moonie that will let me do this to her...
>>SHB is peak ffxiv, nothing will or can top it
yeah as long as you skip every cutscene between the end of holminster and the start of the second kholusia trip shb is great
Your ass is going to be pregnant before I'm even done fucking it
>start msq
>one of the first npcs lecture me about proper names and not to cause offense
>race that was barely more than bestial bandits says that they were merely pretending to be retarded and wuz kangs
>tranny furry sits at the front of the ship while player character looks up at her adoringly
jesus fuck and its the first quest, please tell me its only the first quest actually
It will take like 1 hour to do them so it's not like it's end of the world if you suddenly hit a roadblock at 99/100 when you haven't done any.
>Yoshi-P filters off all the johnny-come-latelys and we go back to comfy XIV times
Yeah I'm thinking based.
This. I think it's bad when you are actually the protagonist of a story, but good when you are completely irrelevant. People just have no taste when it comes to storytelling.
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worse than ex1 but still relatively decent
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>turn off my gshade preset to see what the new graphical update looks like in its raw form
>everything is so washed out
god damn how do people play like this
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>exposition exposition exposition world build lore irrelevant time-wasting bullshit
The soul has returned.
But what everyone else who also criticized the game? Steam reviews are currently "Mixed".
hello wife
That was probably an answer to someone's question but it wasn't an answer to mine. Thanks for your input, though.
>"So I became... the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker™".
Top 10 kino moments in anime
Are the people defending Dawntrail for being more grounded and lower stakes just shitposting or did they not finish the MSQ?
> proceeds to link the cp again

You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you
For me, its the Obsolete Android's Cloak of Scouting.
I don't care, I just think it's funny that macchi keeps popping up everywhere to complain.
Go play DOOM you fucking spas
the first quest of many, 5 whole expansions of wukkin time
>ever comfy times
1.0 and ARR thrust the adventure into a story they didn't want to get evolve in when they were originally just looking for work.
they're still listening to wuk lamat monologue in Tuliyollal
I'ts obviously macchi spamming negative review on alt accounts!
You know.
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that armor would be among the best armor in the game if it wasnt for the GIANT FUCKING ELBOW PADS WHY
low stakes comfykino requires a degree of non-linearity that XIV has never had nor made any attempt to have.
Primal hermanos el chupacabra is real in Urqopacha.
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I am
a bun
who traveled to Dynamis
for instant leveling roulette queue
I queued with a healer
He's probably referring to the wave of twitchfags and brown people that ShB brought in
How hard are the two EX trials this expansion?
why are we stuck with the ugly rabbit for funny old west section.. just give me estinien instead..
They have barely reached level 91 and are defending content they haven't even seen yet.
that's just shitty bait right?
I WAS A froth on Dynamis, but then I got upset with how they looked. I hope she makes you happy, anon.

Agreed, and it is complaining. But you have to admit that a lot of people are complaining too, they just don't share usernames between websites. It's become a systemic problem in FFXIV. We picked up the wrong users who play this game for the wrong reasons. Why do you think that is?
pput the squid hair on her
>make glam
>it's not casual
Now I stick out like a sore thumb
it actually launched in japan first, they kinda make it. whole nation of brown people made the game you enjoy.
>brown people
Abducting this cutie to a real data center and making her my wife.
False shaded spectacles would look cooler?
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Should I play MNK, NIN, or RPR for Yawnfail
Yes that’s me the Warrior of Light, Godslayer and savior of the Universe. This is Wuk Lamat my new friend vying for the throne of her homeland Tural. She’s doesn’t have a lot of experience but she has a lot of heart and really wants to know about the people and cultures around her to better govern should she win the rite of succession. I’m not the main character she is and that’s a-ok.
I'd say medium difficulty, but I did it with a gitgud group so it's difficult for me to judge whether PF will have an easy time
no "follow the dorito" fight like zodiark, but dps checks seem low
if it ain't white, it's brown
>accidentally get mnk to 100 well before finishing msq
>decide to start on pct
>dps queues are completely fuck because of course they are, we have two new dps jobs
Well I sorta fucked myself on this one
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>make glam
>it's just the AF set
Yeah it's gaming time.
Erm who said anything about looking COOL? I want to look like a profoundly retarded bunny.
I'm glad we agree that things happening is indeed bad. Me, personally? I think it's good that the expansion sold on the premise of adventures has in fact no adventuring whatsoever, so we can enjoy comfy tasks such as talking to NPCs and getting rocks, which is what we do on vacations. I think people are particularly entitled to expect adventures, but what can you expect from WoW refugees?
I've been here since 1.0 because we like bad video games

I can't speak on mexicans or what not
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Notorious African-American man Naoki Yoshida
>>it's not casual
bro? you're supposed to be on vacation..
>so it's difficult for me to judge whether PF will have an easy time
Anon... We both have played this game for a while and used PF occasionally. the answer is obviously yes they will struggle with it
not him but what gloves are those
viper feels so similar to dancer that i'm subconsciously trying to use slither as en avant
Please no body checks anymore Yoshi
>make glam
>it's just a full set with the legs replaced with 2b leggings
my femra vpr uses slither
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>So you want a low-stakes, chill-out expansion, that's completely balls-to-the-wall and filled with magitek robots?
>it's the casual glam expansion
My bun's entire life has been for this moment. MY moment...
Bozjan Wristwraps of Scouting
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Already cleared, and sure enjoyed it more than collecting rocks and fetching llamas for the first 6 hours of the game........
peak exaggerated swagger of a black teen
>every fight should be able to be 7 manned so i can buy clears easier
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Notorious X.I.V.
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so there are three normal trials but only two extreme trials? why doesn't the third trial have an extreme version?
where is tales of adventure for picko and viper............................
You're actually projecting.
>"Please make the game easier for me yoshi I dont want to play perfectly in the hardest content!"
cute ewbab
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That's it. Hand it over anon
EX3 is always added in x.1
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>second dye channel doesn't change the color of the ribbons, just the color of two small gems
>can't have a white brim with colored ribbons to match the rest of the outfit because the ribbons on on the same dye channel as the brim
They are going to fix this right?
so you're just sperging out over a subset of americans and not...what is clearly a toasty brown man.
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There's an S Rank on Leviathan, Primal in i2 of Shaaloani.
They do that every expansion
do U rike it
that's not an S rank
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lmao no.
>They are going to fix this right?
I'm skipping them now, I waited 20 hours to be interested in the MSQ and I'm not waiting 20 more
You needed more people in your life to order you to sit still and not be a spaz.
Low stakes are fine, but it's so slow
The only fun I've had was dueling the Jalool
Resolving conflict through dialogue is all nice and peachy, but doesn't make for engaging gameplay
I'd rather that than the boring slog we got in endwalker
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>people actually defending body checks
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Remember Hydaelyn Ex and Zodiark Ex coming out at EW launch and Endsinger Ex coming out later?

Same thing friend. They did the same with Lakshmi Ex and Ravana Ex and then Shin Ryu Ex for Stormblood. Titania Ex and Innocence Ex followed by Hades EX for Stormblood too.

It's always been a thing my friend. If you liked this response, please give a shoutout to Solution 9 Kyoppi.
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It is.
Anyone who bought DT from greenmangaming receive their full expac code yet?
The fucking MSQ have had Manderville-tier skits
Which in of themselves are fine, but what're they doing in the main story?
>body check
You need to keep up, ecelebs aren't parroting this buzzword anymore
hahahaha my man bought his game from greenmangaming?!

Yea bro you ain't ever seeing the expac...
My apologies sis I don't keep up with our XIV ecelebs, what's the new term?
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How hard are the first two EXs?
I want to get my wings once I've got those puppies unlocked
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>second dye channel doesn't change the scarf thing, just the lines
"Healer design" I think
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The official Dawntrail poll, please vote!
not yet cleared by a red mage
>server down
uh oh
i don't remember making this post.
dye update has been so disappointing lmao
That's not as snappy as body checks is.
Go complain to Xeno and Arthars about it, not me.
i think the whm dash should have 30s CD instead of 60s
just saw a RDM use their LB as a flashbang and get like 12 people killed
Have the devs just forgotten how to write an interesting MSQ?
i havent yet
Wow this game is kinda pretty.
I love the dungeons and trials so far, nice that they added some actual difficulty and mechanics to normal stuff.
no you've just forgotten how to read
lol i guess the wrong tobli twice
get fucked dumb cat
Based. I always did this on the 3rd nier raid, train part. AST LB also works.
my femro picto uses smudge
Whats wrong with the MSQ? Its like the Road to El Dorado what am I missing?

Dont tell me Destiny 2: The Final Shape had a better ending....
There should be an option to give negative commendation
Low stakes means grounded in reality. Low stakes does not mean no action. There should be war more emphasis on:
>Assassination attempts
>Wild animal attacks
>Small skirmishes between tribes actually still happening
oh shit new race?
Why are there “electors” when the king said outright that whoever finds the golden city wins?
Its ok, its Final Fantasy XIV so whenever they give you dialogue options every one leads to the same outcome
it doesnt have enough Michael Bay Transformer movie explosions and action
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What is your level?
Do you enjoy the story so far?
I haven't gotten to dt just yet but I also just met the tiger lady everybody's talking about. I fucking hate her. she's old old yda but annoying

did you just skip the cutscene or what
>the very basic starting clan marks gives more exp per minuyr than leveling roulette
Is this new or have I just not noticed they give that much?
its just ok
literally running around picking up shit
thanks i like this pose a lot..
I've been enjoying everything past the duel with the dawnservant the first section of the msq is such an unbearable slog, but it does get better
Just did the first EX
This feels less like an adventure and more like a bad escort quest
Even if we weren't on vacation I'd stick out for not being in all casual
what did he mean by this
>Whats wrong with the MSQ? Its like the Road to El Dorado what am I missing?
Anon, just because it has a golden city doesn't mean its anything like the Road to El Dorado
i hate when socially maladjusted retards use 4chan lingo outside of 4chan
>skipfag commenting on the story
i shat myself while laughing
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>a dude in my group streamed his pov from ex1 kill on discord
>he's clicking his skills
>on drg
>he gets purple parses
am I fucking drunk
Whats with literally every zone being like
>Oh you wanted to go to the next? Sorry bro there was a landslide that broke the ladder, the stairs, the cave passage, jammed the river
I'm unironically considering resubbing to wow after this shit
>a race of brown eternal lolis
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whysat anon?
Clickers won
oohhhhh nnnooooo no no no no
Didn't mention skipping once, retard
The only thing skipping out is my interest
What a fucking terrible joke.
i click on nin and im usually low purple its not that hard
cause she has a smug smile knowing the viewer wishes for her to throw that ass back in a rhombus
you literally cannot finish the msq in 24 hours without skipping
Is there a vendor that sells Golden Alpacas? When can I unlock it? I'll buy one right now.
so the "rivalry" between the scions for the race to put their promise on the throne turned out to be an absolute wet fart
Level 100 already: Loser who hates the game
Level 95-99: Gamer
Still level 90-94: Dadcore
>Didn't mention skipping once, retard
Do you think everyone is as browntarded as you
Oh, this is my bad
I said EX but I meant trial
does the ff9 music have orchestrion rolls?
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Femlala EB for my Malera
how in the fuck do you look at where you're supposed to stand n shit while clicking at the same time? i don't think about my rotation at all and i still need a moment to think about mechanics
Anyone in the 95 range is playing the game like a full time job and so is a loser, trust me.
Evens no. Something crass like Road to El Dorado doesn't compare to Dawntrail's sophistication. It doesn't have dumb, mindless popcorn for the masses where the characters go on adventures to find a mythical golden city. Dawntrail appeals to a higher class of readers, where you might think you want to search for a Golden City, but you in fact do not do that and pick up stones to make an AC. This is the sort of low stages, comfy vacation kino Yoshida thankfully delivers on.
its the wind duh, the wind did it
I expected it to be a friendly rivalry the moment they announced that, they're never going to have scions risk seriously killing each other when they have merchandise and mogstation outfits to sell
Yes I’ve been skipping non-voiced scenes because I’m already fatigued on the story
>Enjoy something for the sake of it even if its low quality
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bro I'm lichterally just chillin rn idc about nuffin
you needed more people to tell you not to be a faggot
Case in point
He’s probably a runescape chad those fags do 6 actions per .6 seconds
what went wrong?
uh lol?
Suramar had a better story than all of xiv
currybros our shitposts aren't working why aren't the steam reviews dropping
you just get used to it i guess i only really look at my hotbar during bursts anyways since i press my 123 keys
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it was the 2nd nier raid this time but yeah theres a lot of potential pvp in that raid series
You lost. Its widely agreed the cutscenes are bad and reviews show it. Cutscenes can be enjoyable to sit through depending on context but these arent it.
Nta, bu I'm almost 95 and I've spent more time doing nothing and being mentally afk or leveling picto than progressing DT so I think being 100 is more than possible without skipping for people that are fast at reading and have the energy and willpower to push through the slog.
Not really. Story takes forever to take off and the buildup/background lore dump before it isn't even interesting.
>Its widely agreed
in your jeet call center maybe but those opinions aren't relevant to most people
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Both of these are totally understandable.
gonna hand you a parking permit for that cat's ass in game someday
Its 57% mixed. Thats the lowest of all by a mile what do you mean
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Seen some shit!
It's been pretty funny to me watching people complain endlessly about the start of msq because they can't comprehend world building
I meant trial instead of ex, but what got me was that leveling roulette was fucked for a few hours so I getting instaqueued all the way up to 98, then doing WT and a few quests got me right to 100
No, I'm just going to skip the rest of the story I've had enough.
>Dawntrail has Rhino Beetles
>Stormblood had Rhino Beetles
I need my cock in this cat's mouth, immediately.
What the god dammed?
>Players in queue
I don't get the RDM flashbang meme. It's not that bad, at least not enough to distract you from cast bars and mechanics.
i look like that and say that
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cool place
shame about the story
>world building
>when you don't talk to any pelu or hanu for the entire rest of the msq
Im having fun desu
How the fuck are people 100 already
>2nd trial
>It's just the void 2.0
Dawntrail MSQ so good when you don't got a bitch in your ear tellin you it aint
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Good Gato tho

They found a shiny!
Examples of good low stakes adventures.
>A treasure hunt.
>A huge monster is threatening to destroy a village in it's path.
>A local bandit gang threatens to destabilize the region.
>Goblins be wrecking my aught.
>The great tournament to determine who gets to fuck the princess is taking place (be careful with the asshole wizard).
>An ancient evil has awakened, but really it's just like, moderately ancient, not even as old as the allagans, dumb skellyhead can't really threaten much more than a city, but it could escalate if you get lazy I guess.
same shit as EW
A lot of the critters in the New World are lifted from the first shard
World Building doesn't mean that you have to bore your players to tears, you can have it also be engaging
People were 100 within the first 12 hours bro.
I won't call DT Stormblood 2.0 until we got our post-MSQ,

If that post-MSQ is as kino as Stormbloods was THEN i will start calling it the true second coming of Stormblood
what is the best way to level besides dungeon spam?
no lifers and skipping
or they pooled a metric shit load of xp from WT and challenge logs
Whoa I can just swim across the water to the other area instead of having to get thrice enchanticized magickanical pool floaties before I'm allowed across.

This is a much more concise way of what I wrote earlier.
They needed to give us like 5 paths instead of 2, and have like

I think changing the lines is better in this case. I don't know. I'd really want to be able to change all 3. Some items should really get a 3rd slot, while every item should have 2.
Am I really the only one seeing this flickering issue with the fog weather effect?
Maybe stop erping and play the game for once
holy shit vanguard is aids as blm
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lol Thancred
by playing all day? i havent even finished msq and only did like 3 rouletts yesteday and im 99
anyone got any idea how to fix MXAO in reshade?
>Thought things were picking up with the trial+dungeon
>Cooking arc
bro i haven't skipped anything, i started by levelling picto, and i'm almost 97
it's not that weird for people to be 100
Is the joke here that you've just described DT's MSQ in order by zone?
They play the game. If you started when early access was released, you could easily be 100, even more if you did your Wonderous Tales.
That’s it? What’s the ER dlc at they failed there too
>playing EN dub
Lamat is actually super cute if you don't a tranny doing the line reads
you are one hell of a speed reader then, you won't remember shit about the msq in a week lol
You are right, but when /xivg/ says SB they mean story, not the content because vast majority of the current posters didn't play back then and their only experience of SB is the story and unsynch mount farm.
skill issue
AMDbros, please speak to me. I need to know I'm not crazy.
Yeah I just got hit with that also, I thought I got to the part where it finally picked up and now these faggots are talking about cooking and pots.
*puts my cock on your face*
I can do both, now kiss it.
I skipped a bit too much and skipped the part where it was revealed that Thancred and Urianger is on Koko's side. What was the reason for this?
oh wait now that i actually looked at the clip it was 2 PCTs, but it's probably just people not expecting it. SMN can put a lot on the screen but RDM's goes the extra mile with the screen shake and extra screen effect instead of just having it based in the world
everyone further than me in the story is a sweaty nolife cutscene skipping poo in loo and everyone behind me in the story is an erp modbeast tranny gray parse casual
Okay lads, I'm level 100 and did the full job questline.
Where do I get artifact armor?
i've just been playing the game since early access launched, it's not that weird
People who speedread or skip cutscenes entirely. There were legit some people doing ex trials at like noon yesterday because streamers gotta get those videos and guides out for views
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Quite a good gato yourself hun. Have a /pet
probably true
same reason we're on Wuk's side
he asked them nicely and it sounded fun
What are the electors and keystones for?

I must have skipped an important cutscene by mistake
I am going to Fanta in to face 4 malezen
He hired them first. That's it really, they just talked first.
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>not enough glam plates to cover all jobs
>PCT is bumming off of BLUE gear
>half of her clothes look clownshoes
I hate it
>q for leveling routlette
>eta 30 mins
Because Gulool Ja Ja thinks all four claimants are pretty shit and wants them to try to be slightly less retarded before giving them massive political power
He tells you this explicitly
humiliation ritual
Koana getting really passionate and angry then quickly composing himself again right after is really funny
some people in my static are finishing up on their raid alts already
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>you think our boat is some kind of "arcane vessel"? I'm not sure I believe you, but ok.
>btw the festival involves us all going Super Saiyan Blue and the boat shooting lasers out of its eyes and raining energy over the crops which then triple in size
Are the birds stupid?
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got that working, but after setting 3D render scaling to 99, it increase the sharpness of everything, while breaking mxao again
Should I switch to Fr*nch, German, or Japanese? Which better matches the subtitles? Can't take Wuk anymore.
1-5: Resub now and buy the expansion.
6-0: Wait for the first patch at least.
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And a /pet right back at you
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>GNB aoe combo isn't a gain on 2 after 94
>but fated circle IS a gain on 2 after 96
stupida fucking game
>get gangstalked
>because I'm so unobservant of my surroundings, I never notice them
>After a fww days, they get bored and leave me alone
>I was never once aware of their presence.
>fake tits
I've been #2 in leveling queue for the past 20 minutes
>t. 81 pct
god i want to rape the queen
Moments like that make me mad we have to follow Wuk instead of Koana, he would've been a cool main character teaching him how to be less autistic
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okay I understand Wuk being the main character when you're doing the succession stuff, or even when you're fighting space niggas that invade her lands. but why in the world is she still the main character when it's virtual aliens time that falls right into what WoL has been dealing with for years now? there isn't even much reason for why Wuk is there at all.
>There is a Trolley Arc 2.0 in the Wild West zone
Bros... KINO
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>All these vipers
The only one of those that arguably happened was the bandits, and it included one 10 second battle with 3 NPCs, a stealth mission, and then it didnt even resolve the bandit issue itself. They needed things like
>Buildings being torched
>Bandits carrying away people they kidnapped
>Some big solo instance or dungeon against the boss of the bandits
>Chasing him through a maze of traps in their hideout
>Helping build up the militia after the bandits are dispersed to prevent it again
>we could have had koana, urianger and thancred
>instead we get wuk and twins
Anon that's just standard vanu-vanu, I mean, hanu-hanu stuff. Glowing while dancing.
you have a future wife, slut
Tuliyollal on the market street somewhere.
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>you won't remember shit about the msq in a week
neither will anybody else
The ER DLC is bad yes. A cool location but marred with bad fights, imbalance, terrible ending, and technical issues. Its nothing like the base game which was peak.
>People are playing the new job
What's wrong with /pets?
the lasers don't actually have anything to do with the ritual they just do that
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>lots of people are playing a new, easy job with widespread aesthetic appeal
>Why are people playing the new job!!! Mindless drones!!!!
Do you even hear yourself
Then I guess I didn't progress far enough through the story because I feel like I've checked every NPC and can't find it.
5th zone musics a little tangerine dream isnt it
>twitter reaction image
>retarded post
Dawntrail has more war in it than current world of warcraft
>*Kiss Wuk Lamat*
catboy lips look so smoochable now
>Meanwhile they only have like two other jobs leveled
K vipers
Nobody else will either anon.
>Hey remember when we had to get the arab'telakia and the maribalufarts for the Xar'Vixiankas in the Mapachoochoo village? That was kino
level 93 sisters. my scores
>world buildlig

the fucking WE DONT REALLY TALK LIKE RETARDS IN EORZEA MAMOOJOOLS retcon was the stupidest thing ever.

all and all im having a good time the the party is trash.
>erenville, alisaie, wuk, krile

all need to shut the fuck up.
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it's not your story anymore chud, step aside for wukgeta prince of all saiyans
Viper is fun

I like seeing so many people run around with the unsheathed animation the run cycle looks goofy as fuck
Why call her Sphene and not just Garnet like she is obviously supposed to be?
Is there a place to see all the new weapons/armor?
>Aspiring GPOSEE
what does this mean
I am responding to your post.
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It's just a /pet anon relax
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And I'm going to kiss her nose
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Anamnesis is kill so I dont know
Koana is the first catboy that I want to fuck my sunnie, bravo Yoshi P I can't wait for mods to be back.
>Zoomers literally cant handle a story that doesnt have explosions and violence every minute
Has there been any news on whether someone will make a fork of Anam?
lvl 90 mfs with no search comment what's wrong with you
>Get to non-voiced filler cutscene
>Skip it
>Skips a 15m voiced section right after, doesn't segment it
fuck this expansion
>EB someone
>get super close with someone else under the guise of being "friends"
>leave them, the server and your fc out of nowhere
>constantly post in the thread about it
god i bet he feels terrible lol, you two are the worst
we don't need anam anymore because we have glamourer and ktisis, but they haven't been updated yet
it's like 10% zoomers and 90% pajeets shitposting in the threads of every new game
You would use a Glamourer as an alternative most of the time but there is a little nuance right now...
erenville is based
feels like being in wow legion where everybody had the same weapons and looked the same
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I'm tapping out I'm sorry
can we all agree the samurai changes are shit and literally no one asked for tsubame gaeshi to be changed
Anyone who falls for that shit deserves the ache. Simps need to grow the fuck up and get a life.
Does glamourer have an option where it shows glamours sorted by added date?
>comfy old west time
>here comes a fucking starship
ok well i guess there goes that fun..
There's no way people are defending DT's story ITT
They been EB'd since 2015
Is the last town the best ffxiv map ever created?
Complimenting Erenville's cock size in front of his mother
You don't get to have any opinion about the MSQ.
>Play game of Frontlines
>Check end of match results to see who had the most deaths
>Top 3 most deaths are all Vipers and are all on different teams.
It really is so same-y this shit just happened with Elden ring
i don't know what to put there
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>hire a new leader writer to write ShB and EW
>she delivers pure undiluted kino and singlehandedly makes XIV the most popular MMO in the world

>don't have her write Dawntrail

someone explain this line of thinking
Anam has a way better UI and layout. There's a reason why pose making moves to there too
>if you don't spend the tsubame immediately after midare, the tsubame gaeshi ready charge just disappears
>shoha is no longer a circle so aoeing down mobs is a pain in the ass
yeah they suck ass
anyone know what the special fate mount looks like?
Switch to JP voice you fuckwit
>t. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aEth-5h74BE
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What should I be spending Purple/White crafter scrips on in Dawntrail?
>filtered by a lion girl
Japs don't like to be successful
I'm on JP voice, its about the MSQ in general not some twitter meme
Fixing her voice doesn't fix her shit character
they'll keep bootlicking and keep asking how it got this bad, they never learn
Hopefully EX3 will rule, but too bad we'll have to wait until 7.1 for it.
>They been EB'd since 2015
lol I literally fuck her once a week
Yea stay away from these jobs for awhile.
Why even bother with a contest when Wuk Lamat has the universe's #1 schizo murderer on her side
She has to go save Finaru Fantashe Sevenoteenu
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I am fucking losing my mind over this white flickering in the distance, this has to be some driver issue, does anyone with AMD see this shit?
She’s literally doing ffxvii
It's back to being fun once they realize how boring the writing was and jump the shark again.
It happens with every major release
The Dragon's Dogma 2 threads were the exact same and one of them even admitted to it
Post SS's
>story becomes kinda woke
>villain is more likeable than protagonist
i bought the motorcycle
Their self defence tool literally roots them to the ground
they turn into like little eggs waiting to be crakced open and scooped out for that sweet sweet battle juice
Glamourer's a sack of shit, it doesn't let you order stuff by release date and there's no preview icons of items. also takes a lot more clicking to do functionally the same thing. anamnesis also updates way faster than glamourer
nobody cares about the other final fantasys

it's a dead series outside of XIV
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Side with Wuk Lamat or you're on the wrong side of history, chud.
Wuk will 100% being lyse'd next expansion right? We wont see her again
Mark my words, this is the PLD chad's expansion,
We're still friends. Stop talking about things you know nothing about.
>I literally fuck her once a week
It really amazes me that people type stuff like this completely unironically in this general like type fucking someone over discord or XIV means you actually had sex
Level 90 MSQ is company of heroes tier
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You use JP voices because you are a weeb, I use them because I am a transphobic Bigot. We are not the same.
I dont disagree
honestly i dont know since they use voice acting im guessing theyll focus on koan now? unless some literal whos in the western town or solution 9 get attention.
I left out DD2 because that shit was pretty disappointing but yeah you’re right. The worst part, and I bet it happens with DT haters too, is it makes you look like such a faggot for being associated with ESL Indians making the same sars this is slop posts. Like they fulfill the role of a falseflagger better than any falseflagger could hope to achieve

And yeah at this point the pajeet that keeps making dd2 threads is just deranged
>We're still friends.
lol, that's what people who do shitty things say to make themselves feel better about their actions
So how do I get the Classic Spectacles?
I couldn't find anything on it
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why cant i make my wol look like zero?
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I was literally browsing that thread when that post was made. What a wild week that was.
you will NEVER be zero
>it's real
jesus christ
your wol has zero bitches
Patata just wanted Junewoober all for herself. I don't blame them.
you MIGHT be zero
Zero uses a custom male viera face so you might have issues doing a 1:1 imitation
>being this mad no one wants to fuck you
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>have CUL leveled
>dialogue actually mentions it
I'm sorry, but it's a 10/10 expansion.
buhh duhhh muh woke ummm duhh sjws buhh
when do i start to feel like vergil when i play SAM
>loses the hat
one of my literal WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!?!!?!
Its a thing that happens here often. People love being contrarian and devil's advocate because its 'funny'. Its not that they actually believe it, but stirring up arguments is entertainment.
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its not fair
Why do I have this nagging feeling that I've seen that black fighter somewhere else?
Is he based on some other character?
>here is PROOOOOOF
>some anon larp
dang i guess i better hate an entire country now
So do enemies AoE attacks calculate the damage when the orange indicator disappears or when the actual visual effect happens?

I've been doing the msq and the game has been easy as piss until Lahabrea and I assume I'm just not dodging right. sry for scrub-tier question, I don't play mmos, having fun with this one though.
i think it does that if you just have cul at all
mine is like level 10 and it still said that
gm sir
if only we had a ogcd who could serve the same purpose as the additions to meikyo shisui, being cast before every iaijutsu, and would reintroduce flexibility and variance to the job rotation.
if they just made shoha have a small aoe around you aswell as the line it would be fine, having to aim a LINE is aids, but a cone is okay.
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There's nothing wrong about hating Indians.
mine was always like this bro
2 hours into dialogue boxes and boring cutscenes
does DT get better
Submarines. Or just buy off market board
I dunno if you can still buy them off there anymore, you could when it was a fashion accessory at least. The sellers might have to re-list them to be valid items again
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Please respond.
A mystery for the ages.
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to look like... me...? where i'm from... everyone takes on the appearance... of those they have devoured... it is the law of this world... the weak are consumed... by the strong....
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they always say the same thing
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(screams internally)
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already did
Probably materia.
>wuk doesn't offer her brother, my catboy husband koana, a job immediately
i hate this stupid bitch so much i wish i could kill her myself
The orange AoE indicator, if that vanishes with you in it, even if the animation for the attack visual is delayed it will hit you. Always trust the orange indicators, never actual animations or effects
she did get cuter the moment she removed that shitrag from her head her hair looked amazing compare to her in 6.55 looking like Arnold in the first act of total recall
do two-headed mamool ja eat with both heads or only one
there are a fuckton of dps and healers playing this expac because i've been getting <1 minute tank queues for every msq duty. even in endwalker there i had to wait at least a couple minutes.
i really hate how plump and juicy everyones lips look now
*violently throats her cock to steal her aether*
Is X still the highest tier crafter materia?
June Sunnie+...
Those fat large balls...
Why can't it be me...
you're about to look like a 2.03 m tall version of my cock here in a second
Ikr? Can't look at a nigga anymore without getting horny
look into a mirror and rethink your life
>Elden Ring dlc dropped a week ago
>Got a limited allowance for videogames so decided to wait for Dawntrail, see which one would I get
>Apparently Elden Ring dlc was pretty underwhelming
>It's fine, got an expac to rely on
>Dawntrail is also apparently underwhelming af, even more from the sound of it

Well shit man, what do I do now? I feel blueballed.
I swear 90% of the impasses in this game could be fixed with some rope and climbing gear.
>Oh no we cant get down this cliff because the stairs are broke guess we gotta go around the continent
the real question is do they fuck with both dicks
*violently plugs her throat to replenish her aether*
>Decide to update my adventurer plate
>Find out that they included ARR beast tribe framer kits
This is 7.0 stuff right? I don't remember this being here before.
either head, considering what happened to him..
are you cute? i can tank for you
Nice one brother. I think it's only been this fight so far where they all kind of stack on top of one another and you have to time them out, ig i was getting a bit confused with the animations and indicators seemingly having like a 3-second difference, Maybe it's a ps4 thing, this game chugs when I'm in any hub area ffs
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Hey anon, do you remember the alamo?
smt5v if you want a real answer
>We're still friends
Oh so he's doing the msq with you and June right? Like friends do? You've talked to him recently, right?
Yeah fucking right.
that catman do be lookin a bit zesty tho...
It's XII now.
>side quest where a lalafell is scamming people
I live an hour away from the Alamo but have never visited
Thavnairians are not Eorzean.
now that we're no longer in fantasy india what are we going to spam instead of GOOD MORNING SER
Where can I buy it? Radz only goes up to X.
oh those are the ones going for 1mil no for no reason other than new listing.

Guess i'll try submarines at some point, never did that content so it would be fun
>that gjj fight
>does nothing but laze around the hotsprings and jew people out
we should kill lalafell
>>Got a limited allowance for videogames
Get a job god damn nigga, grown ass man saying your parents give you an allowance
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You do know other avenues of communication and hanging out exist other than FF14 yes?
we left fantasy india but we have real india in the thread with us
>>Apparently Elden Ring dlc was pretty underwhelming
What delusional motherfucker said this
Why do you care soo much about literal Who's?
>he listened to all the trannies and streamers who got filtered by the first sign of adversity in a series with a reputation for being hard
good you don't deserve kino of the erdtree
solution 9 is pretty cool i could see myself running around in circles here aimlessly while i wait for pf's
Howdy pardner
Yeah I'm guessing all the old cheap listings got removed since it's not the same item anymore. Give it some time and I'd imagine people will put reasonable listings back on. I bought mine for 100k for example last week, they really are cheap when people start putting them up again
Thavnairians are not Eorzeans
We left Aether to rejoin our friends of many years who have returned for DT. They wanted to stay on Aether. It was a difficult decision but the choice was made and the parting was amicable. And yes, I have since we have contact outside of XIV. Anything else?
he's just exporting lalafell culture to tural
Souls fans that like medieval fantasy RPGS but dont like anime weebshit
Sir, remember the 66 Jewillion.
I applaud CBU3 for their jewish representation
Ngl face 2 femroes lost I feel mostly neutral about my face 3 but I will say my big grin was nerfed which is pretty tragic
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I did. It was mediocre. Empty map, most bosses were uninspired, radahn's fight was shit, the story was shit.
Now write your NPC skill issue then go cope in a corner
>she's already been lizard'd
if you walk into a temp agency you'll be working the very next Monday for $15+ so long as you pass a drug test
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I need to get there someday soon unironically
howdy bitch
unironically i would rather die then flip burgers
i'm not.. but thankfully it popped early!
thank you regardless
unless you're a miquellafag sote is a really meaty dlc, plenty of shit to keep you occupied
my white boy maliddie is tapping into the power of his hunter ancestors kemosabe
Don't reply to nutrolls.
i eated a moony
What lead in your curry does to a mfer
I have plans to take my niece and nephew there once they're old enough... assuming the world lasts that long.
make a new thread you colossal faggots
or else
*spits some into your face*
My hispanic sunnie enjoys the new zone locations but she's very bored of the story itself
>female character has sucked 50 cocks
>male character has had his cock sucked by 50 different women
which is based, which is cringe
moonie pussy
or else what faggot you can't and won't do shit because you're a little fucking bitch boy too scared to copy paste a handful of fucking text
Didn't realize you lost your fingers
May I plap?
both are based
>healers go on strike becuase healing have no point
>people will just do the trust system in the leveling dungeons
>mosy people will level up healer anyways becuase not everyone is a world first raider skill level

who the fuck even care about this joke of a strike outside of zepla who is now just the swamp hag version of asmongold
The male who sucked 50 cocks is king
male is instantly based
if the female sucked male penises she iis cringe, if it was female penises it's based
sluts are based because i get to fuck them
i don't care what other guys are doing since i'm not interested in fucking them
have some FAITH
solid idea anon thanks, any tips on IT work though
Both are cringe
Don't temp agencies cost money?
Well you seem to really care for some reason.
I thought that said
>male character who sucked cocked from 50 different women

Which is actually the right answer.
neither, only virgins who are saving themselves for marriage are based
the female who has sucked one cock 50 times
>get to go to a zone without wuk lame
>plot still finds a way to shove wuk lame down my throat
you are not supposed to look up, chud
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sex with sphene

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