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Translated trailer for MGQP Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LSK1EcbLdTc

Castle of Temptation has finally been released
Youmaen has finally been fully translated with the exception of a few small scenes : https://mega.nz/file/QcVh1Z5I#PVcqsRLRzl4fvZfmPMqBToPCpEFJbroV53FqEZlLIKI
MGQP has been delayed to 2024. Further information here: https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/4710/article/727502
SHRIFT II chapter 2 has been mostly translated but the link isn't updated yet https://mega.nz/file/6UNn2KCL#5M2quBjZq39HZhuCno7LbbA2UtftLHj2GxE3PHvmyfs
New MGQ Wiki: https://mgq.miraheze.org/wiki/MonsterGirlQuest_Wiki
New MGD Wiki: https://monstergirldreams.miraheze.org/wiki/Monster_Girl_Dreams_Wiki
Three Charms Lonesome Spirit collab translation has been updated; Link: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/435693950/#q435711784

Game guides and resources: https://pastebin.com/ATqygPX7

You can get the latest translation of the Paradox Part 3 Demo translation files from ArzorX's Bitbucket:

You can get the Part 3 Demo files directly from Fanza here:

You can read a guide on how to apply the patch at ArzorX's Blog here:

ToroToro Resistance's blog:
Previous Thread >>483056353
Can I stick it in her butt?
Ilias? Cute, pure and perfect
Alice? Ugly, slutty and shit
As long as you do it lovingly

Yes you should anon
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>plap thief
>breed bandits
Ilias? Lost and died.
Alice? Won and claimed Luka's shota angel dick.
>angel succubus ilias
>angel succubus ilias rape
>fox porn
>granberia crying
>harpy forced room
>true love paradox luka sonya
SONYAbros... we won...
Anon? Funny, original and novel.
I miss fake hero Luka. It's fun watching a retard grow even if it's not for everyone.
I love Luka as a protagonist, but I'm not much of a fan of him as a H-game protagonist.
Which (other) monster girl game protagonists would you have liked to see in Paradox's Collaboration Event?
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>wait 7 months for returnatis to come out
>its gameplay is half-baked
>over half the enemies were available in a demo and all the animations if not in the demo were posted to his twitter months earlier
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What did she see?
Sweaty Hairy Serval Facesitting and Rubbing on face POV.
Yeah... most modern monster girl games are scams.
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Here's a weird idea for an MG game
>Play as a guy who knows how to fight
>Trapped in an MG manor
>Fight MGs and their servants
>As you fight, you slowly become an MG or MB who has the powers of the MGs you've defeated
>Here's [anon's fetish]
You had me until the last part.
I guess the Adventurer from Desire Dungeon and Mana Tank from SEQUEL could work.
Kinda sucks because most other protagonists don’t hav much of a personality/are mute. It would depend on the partner they bring over to do the talking.
Lars worked because of that as Rovissa talks about how they couldn’t ignore people in need and how heroes like him speak with the eyes.
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I think that Lesser Imp's growth potential isn't worth the amount of EXP you dump into her on higher difficulties.
I wonder if that'll be true for Demon in Wonderland too.
is retarded
Well she is a fox.
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Fuck her. Alice is my sister.
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That's just The Three Charms.
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just realized I could have sequenced all of these together in MSpaint
Good news is monsters aren't picky.
Bad news, monsters aren't picky.
I feel like I've heard someone say something like that before....
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Hey /mggg/. Recently i started with the part 3 demo, and after some fights, i started noticing that Nanabi sometimes counters with a normal attack. I'm pretty sure it didn't use to be like that, did they change the counter mechanics?Usually she would counter with Kitsune storm talisman.
I would love to rake that fairy.
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Random image edition

Album of my lewds: https://catbox.moe/c/w5gtyf

Friends commissions: https://catbox.moe/c/vo902u

Big post, still needs updating: https://pastebin.com/DCfArGfe

The latest, Sonya and Karen Oyakodon: https://files.catbox.moe/ylo8yh.jpg

Tamamo marriage: https://files.catbox.moe/njcbqc.jpg

>Wife escape
Such pressure... my knee is bending on its own...
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Anons look at what my bf is making me!
Black Alice...
Tell him to blink three times if he needs help, we'll send Ilias Kreu- I mean a team of helpful professionals to assist
Keep us updated, this looks pretty cool.
>girl game girls

Sounds like we need a new general for this.

What are some hot girls from girl games?
I'm jealous there's this anon and then there's the other anon with a femdomy prom like mate who probably amazon presses him all night
I have a weakness to adventurer and knight girls
human, monster, angel, all good
Requesting an edit of the kimoi girls meme with Alice (XVI) and Ilias laughing at "VERY EASY" mode players.
That guy is living the dream
You might have an easier time asking on the /v/ or /trash/ request threads.
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Yeah they did something funky with the counter/parry system. Sometimes Lest uses a normal knight sword Parry instead of always using Flash Counter.
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Fucking hell man. I spent hours in the Labyrinth to get the perfect Nanabi counter build and they just go and ruin it immediately. Hopefully they fix that somehow.
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I love you Youmaen Translator Anon! Thank you for translating the game!
it IS a demo of a game in the bugfixing phase
Hmmm strange there no superstar advance job unless
Is the translation fully completed yet?
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Like 99.9%. All the scenes and the story are translated. There's a couple of lines in the gallery that aren't but it's not like that matters a whole lot.
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More advances!
like that setouchi comic of luka training with a human girl and then she rapes him
Does anyone still have that desire dungeon link, the thread purged before I could get it
Where do you get all of your fanart from?
You can't say that and not post a link
Very nice! Did he print off an enlarged image of the Angel Halo or draw it himself?
>South Park backpack
>You like watching little boys kiss, don't you Fujoshi?
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D-do fujos like Reto...?
Then why isn't Augusta on all of your teams?
>there are homosexuals browsing this thread right now
>there are namefags browsing this thread right now
We have at least two flatfags
we always knew homosexuals were here
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On Toki's site every month he posts all of the fanart he's gotten.

There's also a nice gallery on pixiv and other image hosting sites if you search 魔立ロリサキュバス妖魔園
We begin! And this line sounded kind of ominous to me.
I liked that one. The fairy reverse bullying scene was my favorite.
No worries. Entire game feels like it was made by MGQ fans that wanted kinder monsters.
I feel like it's less that they are kinder than the average MGQ monster, and more that the guy is less pathetic.
Well none of them are murdermonsters, not even the succubus. Hell, the slime doesn't even try to vore you.
It's kind of a mix. There is only one of each so they are more of friendly duelists, but since they also have some degree of adaptation to his actions the MC also has to back his own. So when he is beaten you don't feel it was beacuse he was weak and since they will come back just like he will there is no murder and none of the heavy humiliation some monster girls do. They are expecting him to come back and have their rematch.
That's why I said average. Most of the girls in MGQ don't do that either.

You know, something funny I noticed back when I went through each H scene is that most of the girls aren't even trying to humiliate Luka(Besides the whole rape thing.). Like most of them point out his inadequacies in bed, but most of the time, it's out of surprise, astonishment, or outright confusion rather than a desire to put him down. Many of them even tried to lift him up by telling him it was fine that he came in a few seconds.
What did you say? You want me to wait? You think I care. Just look at my face. Where was your mercy then, from you and your pitiful race, and why should I give you the same when you'd leave us in disgrace?
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I'm sure there's nothing shady about the priest.
It's not my fault
If in God's plan
She made the monster so much hotter than a woman
>Try to go at it
>Meet Fairy
>Recklessly attack
>She heals and crits me
>MC takes a header right into the dungeon wall and then hits the floor
>Fairy apologizes for going all out not expecting MC to be this weak
>Won't do anything because of how badly hurt MC is

I should feel humiliated by this but seeing genuine concern over seeing someone get a concussion is making me feel oddly reassured the people in here aren't bad
Cardboard angel halo needs to be a weapon in Paradox. Like some guy is selling Luka themed merch out of a stall and you can buy this. And there's a line of monster girls waiting to buy genuine Luka underwear (used) (fake)
>VN bubs loss
Where was Alice?
Even if she's going to dump Luka for losing like every other scene (despite this being something she considers her responsibility), she still has to get rid of the bubs.
Do we just consider this non-canon?
If Alice managed to fuck up so badly that Cassandra managed to vore the entire world in one timeline then I wouldn't be surprised if she let the beelzebubs be in another.
>be weak
>want to fuck a fairy
>the fairy fucking crits and oneshots you
>as you pass out, you hear "Yeah... I won't do anything this time"
Is it a sin to be weak ...?
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Remember to beat her through arousal and then not fuck her a few times, she won't be nearly as nice the next time you lose.
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>Want a cool sword fight
>The men give up after a few hits
>Expect rape on loss
Why are men like this?
>The men give up after a few hits
Because those hits knocked the wind out of them.
Most humans can't keep up with a monster.
>Expect rape on loss
That's what 99.95% of monsters do.
Frollo would scare the shit out of Monster Girls.
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What sounds best for a Venefica commission?

I finally played the Time loop event and i will be honest I'm kinda disappointed of how little it flash out the Character
How on earth are you suppose to beat Fighter? She does way too much damage to be able to take down her HP before you take her down and her defense means lewd attack and physical attacks only do 1 dmg to her, I thought the witch girl was tough but once you buy the accessory to deal with her gimmick she's as beatable as fairy and wolf but Sword sonya is really kicking my ass, she's raped me 4 times now
Do some grinding and use magic.
Oh and you tell me that Selene's get her hands on the statue and the bubs still somehow got unsealed ?
Human + Love = Angel
Angel + Love = Cupid
Get the fairy to 100% horny state and then smack her with your sword. Then come back and fight her again but lose. You get a special scene. She's the best girl.

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