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Peppermint edition

Previous Thread: >>483890302

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng/
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/

Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
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SEX with Alcy everyday!
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September 2024
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You love to see it.
Heisei bros
How can we compete
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we'll get em next time
I'm playing RJ01117269 right now. There are a bunch of ningen scenes though if that bothers you.
still waiting for 7th door game....
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Just bought black panda's new game
If he didn't add any new scenes I swear to god I'll never buy anything from him again
Not trying to be spoonfed, but please reccomend me good tentaclege.
Already played so man y that I don't know what to try next.
Agnietta and Cage of Tentacles are goated
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tsukinomizu games are the gold standard
seedbed wars
barraged... when...
Where is the encoded link?
The lil' nigga who only plays lolige betrayed us...
I just read the dlsite description. I'm a fucking idiot
Yeah, nightmare girls is probably my current favorite h-game ever, I really should check out other shit by them.
sorry anon, I'm not sharing anything here anymore
Why not?
There was one anon several threads ago I asked for something, and found it before he posted; then he posted anyway and it felt like I made him waste his time.
If that was you I'm sorry.
Not that anon, but one time I posted something here and within a minute it was up on eyny (I know this because I marked one of the files)
Since then I never post anything new
just edit the rpgmaker exe with racist slurs
>no breast expansion
literally missed opportunity: the game
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Anything similar to RJ01111622?
I like... tentacles... and vore and ... mashing A+D to escape tentacle vore...
Redpill me on the Kaiju Princess games
Xao cute
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Still a virgin.
Completely worthless Chinese shovelware "games"
good /teg/ SLG
any NTR games where the heroine unknowingly sucks dick or eats the NTRmans cum?
Its living in my head rent free because of nympho priestess
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Games you have real, legitimate emotional attachment to?
For me it's Monster Girl Quest. Read that when it came out as a teenager and Rogue translated it in mere months, that man is still the most impressive translator I've seen to date. I was just a shitty normie before so the story actually blew me away.
is there any place to keep up with new english/fan translated hgames now that the game archives are dead?
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Sequel games
same. More games need mechanics like that.
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Youmaen. I wish it had about twice as much content even if none of it was erotic content. It was a lot of fun being their Sensei and love-correcting them.
Never give source.
Because someone will do it for you anyway.
speaking of, am I screwed if I get the 2 weeks before getting fired before getting all love events?
or is there gonna be a co-pout
Didn't think it would work. Thanks anon
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I'm looking for a specific kind of scene kink:
a raging lesbian that wouldn't let anyone get close to a X girl (be it heroine, secondary, doesn't matter) eventually being mindbroken into submission by someone else. Do any of you remember a game with this scenario? It's not uncommon in doujins.
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You should have read the contract closer.
NG+ gives you 30 days. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to get the True End without the time extension+blue mark.
Be a good person.
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just remembered one: this happens in Musumaker
btw, is Yumeo a real name? Seems like a TL mistake for Yumeno.
She only did anal so far. She's still pure.
But now he's used goods and will never get the girl of his dreams
It is Yumeo
FMCscholars, have there been any recent ge with at least one vanilla route
Ariadne and Night Tail, easily.
It's a legit name. https://jisho.org/search/yumeo%20%23names
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I was playing Kunoichi Karin a day or two ago and there are tons of mini events that lead to vanilla endings with ojisans.
Why isn't there a "voiced" tag on the bin?
Sometimes I download some huge ass game thinking it'll have a shitload of content, only to find out it's mainly voice files and nothing else.

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How can i easily tell what engine a game from the bin uses? Cause i'm a handheld fapper and apparently Joiplay can only run these?
But there's even multiple versions of RPG maker? I downloaded a few games and most of them give me the "not supported" error.
Are there more plugins i can download so they can work?
post nut clarity is a heavy burden
reply to this ge if you are gay
>Male mc game where heroine can be battlefucked/harassed/Raped in a casual way and not be treated seriously

The best kind of game for sexy entertainment
what games
She falls in love with some ugly bastard?
No cuck "deserves" his girl.

That whole line of thinking is dumb anyway. If she cheated or never saw him as fuckable the guy should realize she is
>A toxic bitch
>Wasting his lifespan
Even if theres hurrdurr magic involved its lame as hell to keep seeing a character chase after Backstabber-chan. Whether it doesnt work out or does its bad for your brain.
Reveal them to me
It's not recent but I'll let it slide since I haven't played it
That being said, it sounds like it's just the ending that's vanilla. Erina was much the same way. I mean it's nice but I'm looking for something raburabu all the way through
Sometimes it says what engine the game uses on the store page. Otherwise you just get used to what kind it uses simply from how the game folder looks. Nowadays it's going to be RPG Maker VX Ace, MV, MZ, a Unity game, WolfRPG, or Pixel Game Maker. Joiplay should work with the first three, but not with the others.
Imos deserves the world
Does Guts not deserve Casca because she got raped?
there was Shin Sei Den and uhhh the fox girls never betray one and uuuuuuhhh... thats all I can think right now, I wish there were more like that
>Avantgarde will produce an actual netorasege before his only good game gets a remotely legible translation
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I prefer forced NTR though. It's not cheating if she has no choice.
If Guts was smart he wouldve found some other broad to want to fuck.
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Anyone want to place bets on what the 7 (ignoring any who got it as add-ons to other tiers, as we don't know how many have done that) "flower" backers are getting? That's the "scene with a humanoid female unit", for the record.

The valid candidates are in pic related.

And yes I'm reposting this.
They do more than NTR scums!
T. Pure Love Warrior
I really hope D and P gets more scene variety, sure it has a ton of heroines but they all feel samey
The Familiar of Sphilia
MGQ/P and Demons Roots
MGQ was the series that got me into H-games and DR made me feel again
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That's what the loli witch was for.
true I almost forgot that one, despite the fact of being one of my favourites kek
The funniest thing about Avantgarde is that each time he does vanilla it's great. It's like he's cursed. Demon Harem is obvious, Immoral Quartet's vanilla content was good, and Amelia's game fucking skyrockets in quality once you reach the true endings (which are ALL vanilla).
I dont remember his name, but when will he give us a game already, doesnt even have to be not-Schierke but his lolidesigns are superb
>protagonist goes back in time every time he cums
wait what's their next game?
> ・幼馴染の女の子といちゃらぶえっち!
Holy fuark I thought you were just shitposting
I kneel anon, thank you
>when will he
he's dead anon
>Game uses completely unnecesary L2D in standing model of charas
waste of resources
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sexy miko fox
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i'm bad with names
Call him Goku and blogpost parts of your playthrough so it can be used as shitposting fuel in /dbs/
Does the quality of NTR improve with multiple girls? And more importantly, how many is too much?
wtf dlsite
where's my seasonal flower gacha
No, the feeling of "Injustice" is soon overtaken by "You got greedy" if the NTR protag had some harem of unsexed girls despite being your typical oblivious nice guy
But how many is too much? Id say 2 is still quite good especially when both dont confess their feelings out of respect for the other
that was my feeling with knights of messiah, and I say it as someone who did a virgin run first, at some points when it was clear they all wanted cock but he would still be the nice guy not going for it I was rolling my eyes
This is why the Leane games never felt like real NTR. In 2 the ntrman even tries to set you up with his sister iirc.
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Awful game
>Buy elden ring and the dlc for 60 euros
>Buy 6-8 H games I really liked but played thorugh the bin to support the devs

what would you do bros
buy hgames, pirate elden ring
I think two can work but there's no point if the two girls have the same dynamic with the MC, probably better if one is clearly the main heroine and the other is more a motherly/older sister/support figure, this way you can go for the one-two punch of having the support girl behing swept away too when MC neeeded her most after he lost the love interest.
Two works for what you said, and you can show off parts of how they each like the MC for different reasons and stuff
Naturally it's all as ash in the face of NTR magic/drugs/megadick
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Yes, two girls are optimal. Imagine the cuck-kun in grief from being cucked and then 2nd girl comes in to comfort him only to be taken away as well. Kicking cuck-kun while he's down adds to the anguish and despair exponentially. A 3rd girl would be too repetitive and cuck-kun should be mindbroken by then.
its not really about their dynamic, I just think its more interesting to have two different types of corruption, like one being bratty and getting blackmailed while the other is gentle and gives up on MC to let heroine 1 have him
also just because you can go for different designs of the heroines, if they look the same and get the same scenes its trash
>still mad about the NTR sisters game
>be me
>scrolling through /hgg2d/ like the degenerate I am
>mfw I realize none of you have ever actually bought a game
seriously, guys, what the actual fuck

we're out here fapping to the hard work of kamige and kusige devs and artists, and you can't even drop a few bucks?

all of you freeloading pirates are why we can't have nice things
which NTR sisters
>none of you have ever actually bought a game
>be me
Fuck off faggot
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>mfw devs have to survive on instant ramen and broken dreams
>tfw you won't even shell out for that sweet, sweet 2D waifu action

at this point, I'm more disappointed in you than my parents are in me

support the industry, you cheap bastards

or are you too busy spending your money on body pillows and bath water?

>pic related: it's me crying over the state of /hgg2d/

literally, NTR sisters RJ306772
some anon kept writing reviews about how good it supposedly is
well, theres no good end, the heroines are literally twins, so same body and face and what little difference their personalities have vanishes after the first bits of NTR shenanigans so they end up the same
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guess again nerd
I buy most games that make me want to finish them or that have good enough eros, which is admittedly only a few, what I have never done in my life is buy a game I didn't pirate first to try it.
I buy around 10% of the games I play, and they only get my money because I pirate them, otherwise I would never know about them
>Twins are just lazy hair recolors
I liked the design but the writing, which is arguably the most important factor in NTR, was shit and the corruption was too fast
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Any games where girls don't fall for shitty blackmail tropes?
doesn't happen irl
of course not, pornographers don't deserve money for low effort
>UnHolY dev said that he lost "tens of thousands" of yen to a paypay refund scam
how does someone make multiple games but lack the computer literacy to fall for scams like that?
japs are retarded just look at the オれ scam
just once Id like them to get metamorphosis'd for their shit
>"Heard you talking shit like I wouldn't find out..."
>"tens of thousands" of yen
So like $3?
i buy and upload games every now and then to support piracy
I buy games I liked on steam
I buy games that are worth paying for, there just don't happen to be any H ones
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I support the devs in other ways.
sup bros
any good new translations in the past month?
you trap their creations in your cum-museum?
Did anyone play RJ01033712? It's a kino game but I'm fucking stuck.
I'm on 24\26 phase 1 quest progressions and I can't find a single available quest anymore. All of the quests in my journal are completed and tell me to wait for future developmens and the one quest with the discipline committee president that is at 6\7 tells me to progress other quests first but scored through all the maps and didn't find any single new active NPC.
Quests I've done: the guy trying to save his girlfriend from getting "abducted", blonde girl in debt, toxic gamer, student council president whoring herself out, and the teacher giving a playboy a blowjob.
I've spent like 20 minutes running through all the maps agains and the only active NPC is discipline committee quest who just tells me that she doesn't know what to do with tea ceremony club girls (and they are not active). Getting pretty mad right now.
did i miss the fumiball?
i fell asleep DX
kamige status?
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>start RJ358346 on hard
>fun & weirdly nostalgic like some flash game, but takes way too long to kill basic goblins
>i'll just start over on easy
>only difference seems to be weapon swing stamina
>decent little hour or two
>beat final boss and check gallery
>it's a gallery that doesn't fully unlock when you beat the game
>it's a gallery that requires you lose to everything, including non-respawning bosses
>it's a gallery with some mob or boss I never even saw
>hard probably has exclusive content
God damn it I am SEETHING.
>Slender body type game
instant pick up
Oh, I think I've unstuck myself, you need to run near the blue haired girl between the new and old school building (who doesn't have a (...) sign above her head btw, tell her that you don't believe in god and than tell her that you believe in ghosts, that will give you a password to occult clubroom.
Leaving it here if maybe someone gets stuck here in the future and searches for RJ in the archives.
reminder that rape-victim used-goods are STILL used-goods and they don't deserve happiness in their life anymore
It's a very good NTR game with unironically very decent story, it's been a while since I've been reading anything without skipping shit.
idk the rj but it was called Everyone's sex supporter or something like that
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no game
>reminder that rape-victim used-goods are STILL used-goods
Which games have a post-defloration scene where the girl laments over losing her virginity without her consent?
I see this mostly in Guilty's Toriko VN series (usually alone in the bath or in her room where we hear the girl's thoughts) which is fucking great.
I've played so many kino games, god bless h-game devs.
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Hmm these blue coins seem really important. Seems like a good grindin spot too, and lucky for Fumi it's right in the beginning. Hmm, "cleaning out" the bandit camp twice didn't have them repent to our hero, and the coins arent respawning. Not good for our hero.
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I'd imagine h-game devs would be honored if you told them you ejaculated to their work. It's basically a thumbs up.
>it's a gallery with some mob or boss I never even saw
if it's like RJ304542 (which I'm pretty sure is actually the same dev) bosses have 2 scenes with just a slight variations like if he's holding up one of her legs or not and it's 50/50 which scene you get. So you need to lose to each boss multiple times until both happen to unlock them all.
As always, I will blame Canela McWitch for our loss even when she wasn't on the field.
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>supposed NTR guy is built like a twig like the cuck MC
This game drained my balls for like a month straight.
I'm nice, so I'll overlook it
>loli x shota
cool anon but wrong thread
You cunts don't get to say that when you embraced Ricca's game
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I only play lolige!
NTRfags need big buff niggas lol
When will you come back to /vn/
The only scene like that in the gallery in this game was the fat perverted priest at the very beginning. He offers to give you a massage and if you take it he puts you to sleep with a spell. One variation is vaginal and the other is a blowjob. Then he cleans her up and mends her clothes with another holy spell and she's none the wiser. This isn't a game over and right at the start and pretty quick to get.
The scenes I was talking about was a 10 foot tall futa demoness. Turns out the final boss instead of spawning some dorky fan from her original world successfully summons the demoness the cult was trying to the whole game.
Considering the boss I fought in easy didn't spawn I guess I would've had to do two runs either way.
how do you fap to vanilla lolishota? It may even warm my hearth, but it genuinely wont make me very horny besides the bare minimum
I see. Pretty fucked up of the dev to do that but from his games that I've played he doesn't seem very good at making games so it doesn't surprise me.
>one guy spammming Ricca is the whole /hgg2d/
Good to know at least some of his other games are worse about it. I tried this one out because it was officially translated (true), but I don't think i'll try the others.
ricca has the ACT pass so she's fine
>genuinely good game
>one guy
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Any lolige with great breast sucking scenes? Bonus points if mommy play. I already played sex ticket and Francette's game.
she'll never blob
´RJ for Fracette?
>ricca midshit
>only gor and ryona
>good game
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Which maid from the upcoming escude game is your fav?
for me it's the one with the smallest chest
anon, this thread is specifically 2D, retard. it's in the name: 2D, also,
>Fetish discussion outside of the context of video games:>>>/h/
>Visual novels:>>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng/
>Non-Japanese games:>>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/
red one seem horny, so I'm gonna have fun with Her.
I've never played an ESCU:DE game. Which one should I start with if I play only rape games?
all of them have rape
Yeah sure, but any recommendations on which one of them to try out first? Should I play by release date?
>Game only has "battlefuck" if you lose

I hate it, sexual harassment attacks should be mandatory
Any peak guroges since Demonophobia?
Casca was a bitch and a cunt. Guts deserved better.
Isn't the point of sharing it to share it though?
I mean I get the idea of waiting so the creator can make some money but why care if someone shares it elsewhere?
>"battle"fuck game
>female doesn't battlefuck back
That's just a rape game.
some of you really don't get this whole anonimous thing right?
Imos didn't deserve the suffering, but he was barely a character outside of that, certainly not enough to deserve anything good.

In Leane two the entire thing is about the king making descendants so the fucked situation doesn't happen again. He avoids any girl you've slept with (after it was patched in because of butthurt lol), but even before then it was canon he only went after virgins so he would know they're his kids. It could be entirely avoided if he just sexo'd the girl(s) who's into him.
Post your favorite BF games
>RJ01144461 is finally out
>Not a single person is talking about it
This thread truly is dogshit.

Absolutely ZERO right to be telling anyone what does and what doesn't belong here you EOP secondary.
Honestly if I made an allagege and no one made any porn of it I'd probably be insulted/consider myself a failure.
it was talked in the past thread, that game wont ever get a translation because you have to type in it, unless dev does it
In those cases (and even before honestly) just extract the assets. It only is somewhat bothersome if there' a scene you really want to see, but more than half the time (for me anyway) the cgs show me I'm not missing anything.
>if you git gudder you can extract the text for the scenes too
I know. It's all the more reason there's zero mention of is all the more embarrassing.
>Not a single person is talking about it
maybe if it was uploaded anywhere
The art looks like something I'd enjoy the cgs for, but not enjoy playing such a game.
FURTHERMORE, >loveydovey
I vehemently avoid such these ge because on the off chance it hits me in the feels it feels really bad.
there, talked about it
If you're not willing to pay for it, you don't deserve it.
>paying for porn
>thread specifies 2D
>hmm nah I'll post 3D and get mad when get called out
Said it before but it is amazing how some people who dare post are this retarded on here. Stick to lurking (shutting the fuck up), thanks.
>lovey dovey, male protagonist
Picked u-
>streamer simp simulator premise
This is a hard sell
I do enjoy streamer games like the happypink ones but those are FMC
See: >>483898634
Rich. You cry that this thread is "dogshit" (massive irony) and then you call others "EOP secondary" (irony again) when you clearly didn't even look at the previous thread.
i would like to tell nonose dev i jack off to nonose
I'm not fan of 3D (IRL or ge) but in his slight defense there are 3D games in the bin.
But yeah it's part of the OP that this isn't the place for 3D, so it's one of those things where "you can maybe get away with talking about it because conversations drift but this isn't the place for it"

But anon if it's not being talked about RIGHT NOW then it doesn't exist! You have to help him stave off the fear of nonexistence and his inevitable mortality or who knows what perilous thoughts his mind might have! It's the conversational equivalent of the computer screen going black for a moment and seeing your own reflection.
>computer screen going black for a moment and seeing your own reflection.
this makes me hate vanilla lovey-dovey ges...
the game drought is making anon go insane
>too many games to play
>ends up not playing any
>"game drought"
ahh im going insane
games where good girls are punished for being good and suffer? like that doujin where a JK helps a drunk guy who fell over walk home and ends up being violated by him who thought she was hitting on him, then gets raped by more people when thugs "rescue her"
What's the difference between the Female Protag and FemMC tags? I see protag doesn't show up in the untranslated bin, does that mean it's an EOP thing?
One is Fumika the other is NTR
>Those replies
Literally no one talked about it, lmao.
Be a good blob.
And there are other posts that didn't quote it but talk about it. Game is a miss for here, anon--unsurprising due to ASMRshit. If you want to talk about it then you start talking about it. Much like those posts who effectively make a blogpost and if nobody replies, who cares, they don't get upset. I do it often,
>liking this game so far, has interesting x/y/z, but I'm not liking this and that
Then move on.
The point is to share it with anons, not a horde of random chinks
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My problem is that I have a huge collection of cream of the crop games I already finished for almost every specific scenario and fetish I randomly get horny for and quickly refap to them. I end up just hoarding the new releases.
Chinks re-upload it to a shittier host files.
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He is back
This is not a drill
No one that bought VP and rated it well cares about VH if VP lacking corruption is such an issue.
If VP is truly a shame to VH then it'd have been bombed in rates, the corrupted anons are in the wrong here
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Nazuna is evil.
I bought Polca, Lily and Black Alice acryllic keychains from Booth
is that......................
Post Vyner one more time and I will
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>it's real
We're so fucking back bros
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I don't know why you always target Ricca when Core Awaken and Spin Around Sayla were in the bin since 2018
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It has been posted ITT.
It's up to you to find it.
I bought Dungeon Town
is this how blobs are made? by putting regular girls through a blob press?
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i keep telling myself that i will play them later but i never do + i have some bad hoarding issue
You only have a 1 TB drive and that's it? lmao
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why can't we have lewd girls like this in hgames
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Ehhh what kind of timezone is that
Russian hours?
This. It's only battlefuck if both sides use sexual attacks
Games where I can whore out my female traveling companions like in Skyrim?
grand ende 2 was too kino for this world
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No. Idol games are rare in general.
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>only 1TB
>Windows Installation in the same partition as his games
lol, lmao even
Loli assassins in flimsy clothing are the best trope
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she's doing her part to stop world hunger, all the money from pimping her out and selling her into slavery is going to charity merica
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i kneel
how could i speak with you without it anon...
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How much longer until H-games are considered high art and normies are hanging lifesized naked Yue posters on their walls?
Sex with Arisu, dog sex with Fumika, pussy sandwich with Kanade and Shirabe... Idolge dokovvmsvy
reminds me of Ima Ria, these shit are hot
Dont tell lies
Yeah, exactly.

Really, damn shame.
is it a real thing that femme-fatales and kunoichis really do have sex with their marks...?
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Guys, sorry for asking something this stupid. But there is a way to get corrupted Tyrca in Venus Blood Frontier without playing the scene with the stallion?
Probably never.
I really like Yue's VA in this game, by the way
He's reactive on twitter and announce his plan to finish the game.
He specifically say not updating until the game is v1.0 completed.
>Disappear for 5 years
Who the fuck would believe him?
Hell it needs a damn near full remake, some of the worst maps in an hgame I have ever seen
for me, it's the lady fortress
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You're like a little baby. Watch this.
And I'm actually resilvering my RAID6 array to add another 8TB disk right now, lmao.
Any good ge where gaining the girl's affection is the focus of the gameplay? Ex the streamer game mentioned earlier ITT seems like one where you're trying to manipulate the stream mechanics to have the girl fall in love with you
Are there any slow burn games with thorough progression like groping>kissing>BJ>intercrural>anal>vaginal? Don't say zeven dev games
The whole corruption thing is about destroying their mind and body.
And well Loki's gonna Loki.
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Okay, thank you. I quite expected that, it's just that I had some strange hope, because I really like tentacles and all other tortures if they are made by the protagonist.
I don't think so, IIRC that's a corruption h-scene and not just a chaos route choice, and you need to go through them all to fully corrupt her.
If the fact that she's not gonna be pure bothers you, you will probably have a rough time with Chaos route. There's stuff like Freya having a shota orgy and a futa Tyrca and Rigret walking down the hall in base while fucking. They're still devoted to you as their master, but they're still sex-obsessed.
If it matters, VB Hollow's corruption has less of that (though there is a scene or two).
thank god it's censored
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All according to the plan.
Are there NTR games wherein the girl still has her hymen despite having "sex" with the micropeen cuck? Koharu in Jin's legendary work is my go-to for this, but it's a doujin.

>Are there any slow burn games with thorough progression like groping>kissing>BJ>intercrural>anal>vaginal? Don't say zeven dev games
RJ01116468 is the most thorough one I've played so far (not sure if it had anal before vaginal though), followed by RJ275785 (this one has anal first).
I also enjoyed the slow burn in landcut's games, but I don't think any of them have anal first.
>his avatar is a kani with a head crab
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I fear that I'm starting to want more and more context in my H i.e. I am veering into becoming a plotfag
As a raburabufag this is quite concerning
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My wife likes a good horse from time to time.
Thank you, I still will continue with Frontier and later try the others too. I really liked the saga
You're simply evolving. I consider context an essential element even in nukige.
Congratulations, you finally grew taste.
anal isn't really required in what I'm looking for
What I'm looking for are games with a wide variety off scenes that slowly progress in relative order of how lewd they are
Anyway, I'll take out RJ275785 from my backlog. Thanks.
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2-4 months and the project will become vaporwave and shelved forever like the last 3 games he "started" but never finished
for me, it's project2
Is there a way to properly delete saves in games using the kirikiri engine? Even if I delete the save file locally, it still appears on the game save list. It's autistic I know, but I like to keep my saves clean and delete redundant ones.
I really hate netorare, bros
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Why aren't you playing marupon-dou's new kino?
I speak 2 languages, not 3.
Fair enough.

It probably differs from person to person. I would definitely say some do, as it's easier to put them in a vulnerable position as such. Little reason not to if they're horny as well.

They're called hickeys, and it's an act of breaking the blood vessels near the skin, but not damaging the skin itself (i.e. not a bruise). It's typically suction yes, but the force varies. Some people's necks are very easy to hickey so basically anything more than a kiss will do it, others you have to pretty much use a vacuum hose on.

The games that I've had to do that with, have something like a global save, that keep track of other saves. I've found that deleting that makes the game restart it, and it only keeps the logs of the ones that are then there.
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Here's a shooter.

Known issue - Sometimes the game glitches out and the game no longer tracks the position of your mouse. Will need to close the game to fix it.
>global save
Yeah, it's 'datasu.ksd' and deleting that also effectively hides all saves, not just the deleted one. I tried deleting it, starting a new game, and reached a point where I can manually save, still doesn't work--even when autosaves are made. Doesn't recognise the regular saves that are still locally present. Oh well, guess I'll just have to live with a dead save there that freezes the game if I click on it.
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Oh shit it's up
You just have to let otomi games install a miner no big deal
This is just a higher res remake with voice acting
Not worth it unless you are REALLY starved for lolige
Proof that otomi-games downloads have miners? None? I thought so. Stop spreading lies faggot. otomi-games is clean.
A lot of times the issue is that a lot of NTR fetishists focus on the less fun parts of NTR and more on the degrading aspects. This ends up going with the ugly outfits and designs that are supposed to be slutty and hot, but end up just looking outlandish and stupid.
When are we not starved for lolige?
I've always preferred it (Pronant is my favorite) but I've reached the point where blatant nukige feels so lame unless it has a high degree of interactivity to it
I tried VNs but the format inherently makes me want to take things way, way more seriously. Reading a really good VN with a strong plot and great H-scenes is an unparalleled experience. But if you're a raburabufag your content is only slightly less rare than raburabu H-game plotge. There's a reason why moege fags have so much shitposting ammo
so your point is you need to go through NTR so you can get the highest tier of vanilla story?
>NTR Dojo
>married woman comes in for lessons
>grope her a bit during session 1
>next session, the game just hard cuts to full-on sex in the protagonist's room after some minor groping
What the fuck is this pacing
The classic chink slop pacing
If you sexually harassed a person and she coming back for 2nd round it means she's giving you full consent
This would make sense... if the game didn't have the airhead wife go "wait, this isn't normal instruction" when you grope her too much.
Even without that though, who makes a NTR game without h-scene context? What's the point?
Does she have a blob?
I'm seething he didnt add shit, wasnt he supposed to add a third girl?
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Shera and the Three Treasures started in Auto mode. 'a' didn't work. I was too afraid to press anything else. help me
I think it's just that Avantgarde is simply better at writing vanilla than NTR?
Try pressing other things retard.
I really enjoyed that game. Shame his other games are nothing like it. The entire section where she prostitutes herself in the red-light district is 10/10.
yeah, I've seen your gushing for it in the archives. That's why I'm playing it. Cant remember what you wrote though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Soon, as in never, because this guy has scrapped like five games by now.
What's your old trusty game for fapping anons?

I find myself coming back to coom to RJ223611 from time to time no matter if years pass by if whatever game I'm playing doesn't have a good enough scene or I dont feel like reading a doujin.
Yeah, he will upload an append later on
With the new girl and extra scenes for the main girls at least that's what he says on cien
For what it's worth, the dev posted that image a few hours ago so at least he's still actively working on it instead of crying that making games is hard like he usually does.
RJ148565. Nothing has topped Ren's design for me since Evening Starter was released.
Fran's game
Liz's game
Those two never let me down
Tsukinomizu and Kurasuke no Ko's games
Even if he manages to complete something I'm not expecting much
He insists on having his girls be huge sluts from the get go which is fucking stupid in a porn game
It's like playing an RPG with end game gear from the beginning, there's no "game" with that
Speaking of barony sengia, why did RJ01093808 fail to sell as much as his previous games?
6k sales compared to 16k means there's something that the new game was lacking. I personally don't like the FeMC's design.
For me it's
Any good game with ojousamas?
Ren is hit, but the H in her game is mediocre.

Fran was not very fapworthy. Her design was great, but none of the scenes were any good.
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I rotate between a few games that I always come back to for a quick fap but the only games that never leave the list are Leane 2 and VP.

Back in the day I was fond of VH, Salvation, and MUGEN. Recently I've been fapping to how to build a magnificent kingdom but I just got tired of it.
>(insert heroine name)'s game

Between that and acronyms I realised my brain is aging, oftentimes I just never connect I to a game
I haven't played VO because I'm weak, but I always wondered if VP has an endless mode like many slutge do where you can just walk around enjoying situations or scenes or in VP everything is linear and non repeatable
There's like 5 different Frans what are you guys talking about
I don't like to replay games bro there's new stuff to discover
mah brother
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There are tons of repeatable scenes and side events. It's not linear
The entire noble route with her trapped in the dungeon and mindbroken is one of the hottest things I've ever seen
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Makina's game
That's not even the same dev and personally I find Tiina completely unfappable due to how many smelly hobos there are.
It was too cruel and didn't last very long.
I guess I may give it a try then, seems like very fappable if I turn off my empathy
>That's not even the same dev
No shit sherlock.
Anyway, it's an ancient meme because they look similar and their translations came out at (relatively) the same time.
I know. I complained back then about how disgusting all the male characters were in Tiina and I'm still doing it today.
Sometimes a man just gets super horny and playing through a new game will make him pop a vein because of the time it take to get to the h-content.
Kurasuke is already working in his next game, cant wait to see the new heroine
eris dysnomia grunt defeat scenario
I thought the H in Ren's game was pretty good. Not great but also not mediocre imo. The porn thing was super hot and so was the prostitution.
what game?
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Quarta games, i do challenge runs like no items, no equipment, defeat at least once every enemy, try to beat every boss with all the traps on, etc
I like arcadey shit so Canela's game or Cattleya's are always a good choice for me.
Because avantgarde's "NTR" are shit
>"I will never betray anon"
>*1 second after you inserts cock*
>"Ou ou oh this 10 inch cock is too powerful I'm now your woman fertilize my womb with your seed"
thats all ntr
That's just realism. Small penised manlets aren't people.
Probably because it's currently bugged where if you let the girl get penetrated in battle, it goes on forever. Even if you start winning QTEs after penetration, she never breaks free.
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Works on my machine?
They should stick to vanillakino
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Speaking of NTR:
How the FUCK does Nebel Geisterjaeger's gameplay work?
Like what the actual fuck is even happening??
Of all the MTL butcher jobs I have "read," this is the only one that was so incomprehensibly bad that I had to stop playing despite really enjoying the game
What a waste
Kana and el bastardo move through the "other" dimension as you move through yours, but you can still lock doors or light torches or whatever on their side. And there are demons on both sides that you can help with killing by taking down mobs
So the objective is to force her on a path to the objective with not much resistance. IIRC you can just fuck off to the objective at light speed and nuke the boss and she'll be fine
>horrir show dev's new game has a body paint scene

God is it September yet?
So to get the NTR scenes you just don't help her and sit around letting the time tick down while putting cameras?
Yeah, and even then I think people were complaining at release about how hard they were to get
People play games for the stuff they can't get IRL.
Now look at that data once again and despair.
Also take the part of the brain that uses that /dbs/ lingo and kill it. If you happen to wipe away too much of the brain because it's so small then so be it.
You are angry
So in Nebel you both navigate the same dungeon in different time dimension. She will fight her way to the boss room on her own, but if she lost in battles she'll backtrack to the nearest rest area to recover and that's where she gets sexually harassed by the bull.
Get harassed enough and the bull will also starts harassing her in town during nighttime.
Winning battles on your side will lower the difficulty on her side in that particular room. Fighting battles alone will not giving Kana exp but during weekend you can partner up for overtime grinding and that will give her exp. Equipping her with better stuffs will also help. Alternatively you can use mtool to give her 9999 stats and she'll never lose a battle meaning she effectively cannot be NTR'ed by any means.
You can install cameras in the resting areas to "view" the ntr scenes. It also helps you confirming if a NTR is happening so you can call and cuck the bull. Installing cameras in corridors can help you locate where she is. Both are optional as once the conditions are met the NTR in this game will happens automatically at the background regardless whether you look at it or not.
I like them cuz there just like me :)
>IIRC you can just fuck off to the objective at light speed and nuke the boss and she'll be fine
Not true without cheating; she has to make it to the boss as well. Which means she has to make it through the mobs which get leveled up as you progress through the game / as you get to the boss quickly the previous run.
The run through strategy only works if you teleport her there which is again cheating as it also resets the time.
It's still avoidable NTR though, as to really progress through it you have to avoid her during the non work parts. Lawrence will try to spend time with her but if you show up she ditches him clearly uncomfortable. You have to continually miss your dates with her and overall ignore her for him to make any progress.
Betas complained about the grind so the latest version of the game included a warp cheat next to the boss room.
If you made it to the door you can click open portal and Kana will teleports to the boss room.
Just finished THP. I expected something more depressing tbqh
If you want something more depressing just go look at a mirror
Virgins being coerced into prostitution is always a win in my book. Ren being smoking hot is icing on the cake. Fuck, wish more games have this.
It wasn't depressing, but desu I did feel bad after playing it.

Post pics of wife first or no.
Ren was only a virgin in name though. She wasn't exactly bashful or intimidated by it.

The best part of having the icy cool personality is to see the cracks in it start to show when she's put in new unfamiliar situations.
There is a specific subset of NTRfags that strictly belong on >>>/aco/weg and I believe we are sharing the thread with some members of that subset at this very moment ITT
more kino like this?
>Ren was only a virgin in name though
At least the game bothered to add deflowering dialogue which adds to the immersion. Some devs like Clymenia couldn't be bothered, shame.
Fumika Fantasy
>evening starter 2 is not Ren ge
>evening starter 2 mc design looks mediocre
>no Ren in sight on all the ci-en posts
wow now im mad
Ren is just a porn actress now.
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I usually just fap to text AI slop and/or asmr slop now, but for a long time it was osake riesz. Now I guess it's lost life when I'm feeling like geing
Reply to this ge if you are gay.
something like "the savior of the city accepting gangbangs" are kino
Kino or Kinoe?
I like the artist for I'm Moralist
multiple artists though?
who hurt this unfunny trannyniggerfaggot?
what's the difference?
Any other lovey dovey consensual vanilla game besides Gran Ende 2 where the rest of the game and non-h scenarios are totally cute and fluffy innocent stuff.
But the h-scenarios and CGs are utterly depraved NTR/Mindbreak tier of falling into pleasure and going full retard from cock?
Hey, if I go visit my old hometown and everyone is suddenly talking about some ancient gay porn artist since he got covered by the news, there's no reason the same can't happen here
Post a link and I'll talk about it
Well, I'll fap first, BUT I'll come later.
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why are her eyes so sexxo? whatever the CG her gaze always make my dick hard
Probably the only thing that qualifies for me is the Cefilia / mother scene from VH. I usually enjoy new material but a few I save and that's one of them.
I'm 99% sure you're aware, but on the off chance you're not, it's because she's a direct copy of a girl from classroom of the elite. The author was pretty good with character design.
I really wanted to enjoy this game, but I couldn't get over her wonky shoulders. Her neck isn't in the middle of her body. One shoulder is longer than the other, and I could never unsee it.
Isn't that how Geralt of Rivia knew that Yen was a fucking ugly witch before she changed?
Vanilla corruption?
>Emerald Misty with all traps
Is the only way to win that fight is to hope she doesn't drain your TP before you can use your ultimate?
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Fox are friend
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> Celesphonia dies in three hits to sever mob on NG Crisis
That's a bit cruel
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Sex friend
Thanks as always, anon
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We got fresh new ONEONE1 Goodness.

1. we have shiro gulping down a shitton of semen
2. we have shiro and japslut getting their brainrewrired
3. we got Shiro and Jap slut scissoring
4. We got japslut utterly getting raped by tentacles.
5. And finally we have Shiro getting raped in VIDEO
The rest other 300 scenes are in the old folder

and with that a toast to sunday and orc semen
Just grind out the weaker ones in first two rooms for a while to get few levels
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It has been a long time since I last seen such a retarded face that needs a good slap (and correction).
thankyou wanwanwanshill bro
I wish this game had a pube toggle feature
hands too big
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3D games are generally fine as long as they're actually games. The rule is mostly to prevent the thread from being flooded by Illusion crap.
holy shit she's fucking dying, what is this?
Frieren reference? Dev confirmed bro.
I want this too, vanilla but with animalistic sex is the best
I want Fumika to fuck me.
anyone knows if it is possible to free yourself from sex attacks in RJ01201951?
I think the QTE prompt will bug out if you're holding ctrl or playing with speed hack when it happens
Technically, yes. Switch to all ages version so you don't get a sex scene. You can turn sex scenes back on after. (if I remember right in Frontier you can freely switch between all ages and 18+ version)
the QTE is working, but it doesn't matter how many times i hit "succed" the MC cant free herself.
>you can freely switch between all ages and 18+ version
You can at least in the translated games, but you have to go to the gallery and set the mode there,it's global. Honestly I just play with the "all ages" mode, don't think I'm missing much with Frontier's corruption scenes and the sooner I get back to the autism the better
I am trying but it's really rough. Reached level 4, and two enemies at the same time feels like a death sentence. Which it is for now.
ignore what i said, if you dont hit ctrl at all then the succeed chance of the QTE promp works.
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That's not even a big deal. It's just a minor art thing. What's most important in lengthy corruption games is the substance, meaning the writing, pacing, and progression. This game fails because it all boils down to swapping between maps to increase her lust and nothing else matters. No idea what the dev was thinking with this design. Probably nothing at all.
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Thanks anon!
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Hate 111 formula
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Some time ago people were discussing 2d games that were similar to higurashi, but I can't seem to find the posts in the archive. Can someone help out by giving out the RJ or the post number? Thanks.
games where we stop the most evil human beings on earth, the americans, from continuing their ruthless global cruelty by kidnapping and eating them.
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>Set release date to June
>June approach
>Ninja change release date to late July
>July approach
>Announce he's taking a break

What does it mean
Games where you play as a female game developer?
That he's a moron. Don't just casually announce release dates that you're unable to fulfill. Finish the damn game, including as much bug hunting as possible, send it to fucksite for internal review, then drop the release date once they give the A-OK. This isn't rocket science.
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Could be worse.
>game description mentions of an update that will flesh things out
>It's been 2 years
>no ci-en or anything tied to the account
At least I can still expect something else coming next month
It means that the dev is a Yutaka
>game isn't done and won't meet quality standard by predetermined date
>What does it mean
It means he cares about his game and his consumers by not releasing a rushed and unfinished game. I hate how you people treat delays as something negative within development, it's only negative for you because you have to wait longer. It's a net positive because it means more time spent working on the game and ensuring a proper quality
Games where you play as a character that lives in a world with deep dive VR (sao)?
NTA but what about dev who only posted updates on paid-only patreon instead of ci-en. What do you make of those?
how do you get to the comic event in exploding imouto dlc?
me too DX
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>You'll never have an older sister with big tits fulfilling every of your sexual fetish and sucking you dry

Why bother
There was an update for it today, might've fixed that issue.
>older sister with big tits
>fulfilling every of your sexual fetish
You disgust me!
>It's a net positive because it means more time spent working on the game and ensuring a proper quality
or it becomes a never ever, or after all that time it still can't deliver what people expected from it (and those expectations did rise due to the delay)
I implore you to reconsider

Post a game instead of gay CG set shit and maybe I'll consider it.
If she can't turn into a Fumika then I don't want her.
>emotionless sex
This just feels sad
Yes that's one of my favorite tags, how did you know?
ha... you think that's bad
dev literally made a ci-en account advertised gameplay features with art and screenshots, now its basically abandonware because on twitter he's talking about how he has no clue how he's going to code the game. and ofc health issues
Because you like hags!
He's actually running an NTR ARG.
i hate Japanese so much
Need scatge
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>incest series
>dad catches them
>"actually, me and your mom are siblings too"
anon draws blobs
and gets naked
Name 5 games that do this.
bro I dont even know one game
i dont even know a doujin, I just know that i read like 3 that did this
Hyperbolic rape chamberge doko
Recent and future releases list? My backlog is empty...
My Rance '89 bugged out. I know that Leazas was actually evil.
Do I have enough info to just move on to 2?
Innocent girls who would never do anything to hurt anyone?
You mean Rance I? The translation is buggy as hell. Play 01, instead. The final scene is pure art.
Leazas is not evil, stop drinking the Helman koolaid, retard
Well I was startng from the old series first because it's non-canon somehow now, but I was right at the end I think.
Are all the old game translations as buggy?
I could be wrong easily enough. I was just going by that OVA where she sexually tortured some peasant girl.
>Are all the old game translations as buggy?
No, just that one.
>This shit is 2GB
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>still no navelge
Alright. Thanks.
as inflated as the big fat breast.
What the FUCK is the difference between gender morph and gender change tag?
A fox farm?
I think one is temporary while the other is permanent?
I wish you could rape her in game
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why can no female in h-games keep this face on for more than two thrusts?
>be sick
>jerk off to NTRge
>profusely vomit as soon as bull makes contact with the girl
>3 weeks later
>still can't jerk off to NTR
I am finally cured...
If it's 100% mind control with no corruption and it turns on/off and she hates it when it's off I'm done with this guy for good. Better be more like Karen where there's gradual corruption.
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I came here to laugh at you
why I gotta play and view scenes from mcuck's point of view? I don't care about him.
NTR isn't for you if you're not gay.
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There're so much copium in this one page of Japanese dictionary
A game.
Feminism was a mistake. It is scientifically proven vagina stretches and loosens with use.
>draws shotas
>gets absolute buck-broken by a shota
this nicca haven't heard of earplugs, sounds like bullshit unless he lives in one of those japtrad paper houses
Sorry, I don't associate with emotionless scum. Leave us hag bros out of this.
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I am almost back in early 2010s with mod install instructions like this. This is pure torture.
>>3D games:>>>/h/hgg/
Eeerm there is no /hgg/, just another /hgg2d/...
Guess all the 3D discussion comes back here, anon.
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make your own /hgg/
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Looking for good quality analges, or good plotges with a decent amount of anal.
Also, Nanako best girl
>Eeerm there is no /hgg/
did they get kicked out, again? that'd be like the 4th time
They've been dead for several years, anon. The rise of gachashit meant they couldn't stay alive on this board and they kept falling off page 10. They had a brief stint on /jp/ but gave up.
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I'm guessing that most of the h-scenes will be from the girl's POV like his last game.

I have 4 bucks left on steam wallet, anything worth buying?
>last game was below 4.5 rating
was it broken or low cg count?
csgo skins
ah its the dev of not scars of summer
tell me, is it better or worse than sos
It was a kusoge and the gameplay was just "pick a route and then keep skipping days until the girl gets fucked and more h-scenes get unlocked"
banana jpgs
compensated dating with a stinky neet (female)
I fucking hated yukata, I like clueless heroine but she was not just clueless but actually retarded and annoying
ntraholic just isn't that good
I hate this dev so much for not letting (you) fuck her
Duh its a scars of summer clone.
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this is my type of lore building worlds
this could be great if it was a little more than a clicker
Why are you people so useless?
I'm the 500th poster! I broke the 500+ hymen!! Gah ha ha ha ha!!

Also, are there *any* decent platformers where you're the rapist? The only one I've seen is Satan Woman 2. (Satan Woman 1 is alright but 2 makes it redundant)
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You should narrow it down a bit friend.
Literally anything below 4 bucks that is worth the money.
Anyone else play porn games for the gameplay?
they came from /jp/ in the first place, then /vg/ then /h/, so if they did go back to /jp/ that would've been their 4th time kek
VanusBlood autists do
A lot of them I play simply because they are more likely to contain sovl.
>they came from /jp/ in the first place
hummm no
we technically came from /hgg/
from /vhg/ to /hgg/, and then split to /hgg2d/ because of AA2 or some other autismo 3dge
Just buy the novel, Anon!

Also, still looking for games I mentioned
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>Kubeldev acrylic stands
>Gatekept by pledge history on Ci-en
I suppose loyalty ought to be rewarded...
if you're going to go down that route then it was /vhg/ on /v/ before moving to /jp/ which then split honey
>how many times have /hgg/ been kicked out of their host board
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New girls from RJ405415 and RJ01088206 dev's next game. The blonde one is the main girl. Thoughts?
Tags for this game?
Any chance his other games will get a proper TL?
good art but the dev's content kinda sucks
Retarded as always
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RJ01088206 is getting a translation from Daedroth. RJ405415 has an edited MTL on f95, not sure if it's getting an actual translation ever but it's something.
Witch is cuter
He didn't say much about it, but he did say there'll be no NTR (probably). I assume it'll just be a regular feMC game.
The RJ405415 MTL I got from F95 was so dog shit, has it gotten better?
Once again the side girl is better than the main one. The witch girl should've been MC.
The ci-en article says the witch will be like a secondary protagonist. Hope she gets a decent amount of scenes then.
No, there was one in the works, but a known rewriter sniped some no-name f95 dude, pushing his dogshit mtl to the front page.
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>keeps adding yuri scenes since meritocracy
>not a single futa scene since penance
oneone1 means nothing to me
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spicyredspider NTRge getting a trial soon for a late July release
Surprised the dev is FINALLY releasing something
I just can't get the irito's music box BGM out of my head, help.
God I hope so. We don't get nearly enough gloomy heroines.
I noticed this general only talks about games that just came out or games that only have demos yet, does this mean everyone in this general has already played every other 2d hentai game ever released? If so, which ones are must play?
Your mom
How do people even enjoy this scuffed shit? The H content is also all over the place and not enough of a single thing to appeal to anyone without them having to sit through a bunch of other shit they do not like.
Wasted potential
It appeals to me because I'm not a faggot.
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The quintessential hgg2d game list
>Violated Heroine
>Black Souls 1 and 2
>SEQUEL blight, awake, colony, ASYLUM, kludge, and L.Depth
>Fumika Fantasy
>Thug Hero Party
>Night of Revenge
>Depravity of a Lewd Vampire
>Pronant Symphony
>MY]R, A New Game, The Mercenary's Adventure
>Taima Miko Yuugi
>Ambrosia, and Celesphonia
>Liz of the Tower
>Naedoko Demon's Ground, and Nightmare Girls
>Summer Memories, and Winter Memories
>Ayura Crisis, and Eris Dysnomia
>Setalia the Demon Realm, and Seal of Lutellaria
>Vitamin Quest 1&2
>Fallen Makina
>Kunoichi Botan
>Core Awaken The Yuka
>Succubus Affection
>War Demon Kirsten
>Demons Roots
>Monstrous Horror Show
>Goblin Conqueror
>Mage Kanade’s Futanari Dungeon Quest
>Pray Game
>Erina and the City of Machines
Is this real?
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>all ages
>t. faggot
It's a decent list, though hardly all inclusive.
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>aieee are those tentacles?!
>save me niggerman!
>all that kusoge
it's funny because all the corporate streamers ended up having to delete this from their channels regardless, biggest case of FOTM
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Actually a solid list, good job anon.
Anyone have the files to Monster Girl Quest Paradox? Lost it in the transition to another computer and I remember the translation process being a pain in the fucking ass.
Pretty sure the monster girl thread has it in their OP.
holy manuel
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Any games where the heroine wants to become /hgg2d/?
List your kamiges then. Go on.
Any game you dislike, because my taste is good, and yours is trash
Shrimple as that
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People these days are too scared of having their PR ruined
Now post good games that aren't CG collectors.
>Copy pasted bodies.
even for all ages games, this is a no no
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The oldfags memoryhole the older games and the newfags never knew them from the beginning, hence the discussion gets focused on new games and never-evers that get blog posts.
Not that you don't see older stuff anyways as long as you lurk more.
cute butt
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that dumb noja foxgirl is right too. There's a lot of good games that don't really have much to discuss so people don't really mention them. Doesn't mean the games aren't good.
Need more like GE2 and Pronant where you fulfill the age old dream of protecting girls and eventually sexing them as they get closer to you
So basically.....mid VN lite garbage?
Hard to believe the dev for this was the same one for Imperial Gatekeeper.
And speaking of this one, did it ever get a full TL? The bin just had a half translated version as far as I remember.
I think it got multiple translation attempts but no idea if any of them ever got finished. If one exists it's probably on fag95
>com3d2 rendered to sprites
>id it ever get a full TL?
partial tl + MTL for the scenes
Gran Ende 4 is coming out
doubles*core's games are usually the opposite with the girls protecting you but there's usually some twist that ends up with you protecting the girl
Dungeon with Girl might count
Both of the Runaway Girl games might count depending on your definition of "protecting"
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Neat, RJ01033351 got a bugfix update. I thought that the dev intended to just leave it as-is since he already started working on his next game.
I meant to report it to him ages ago. Oh well.
wanna know what I want?
An NTR game about a shy otaku whos slowly opening up to me and in the process of becoming more outgoing makes friends with gyarus who turn her into a slut becaue its REAL
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you ok, dude?
not im not ok, thanks for asking
>I thought that the dev intended to just leave it as-is since he already started working on his next game.
well, since last time your shared the game the dev has been bug patching it in stealth mode (dunno why dlsite is fine with that).
thank you for sharing bro ;)
>shy otaku girl turns into a gyaru
I fucking hate this shit. I know that people like corruption but it's going from a rare and hot archetype to an incredibly common and boring one.
Lucky you and lucky her.
>wanna know what I want? An NTR ga-
Say no more, no I don't
except the first exists and the latter is a meme
>the first exists
There are barely any games with them, especially compared to ones with gyaru MCs
Since the yen is flimsier than a flower-brained girl's excuses at the moment, I dropped all 3000 yen at once.
Sup long time paypigs, I'll be taking the full set too, gyaha!
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>Black pandas game
>No new scenes
>Well at least theres the new girl
>Shes DLC (not out)
Jesus christ
Is this still just guro or is there preg content or actually good stuff?
I don't know how you do it but whenever there's a sex scene with Serena I reload.
Embarrassment, exhibitions? Fine but all those things that hurt and make her cry I can't stand
Didn't you see her killing her baby?
Same but I do this anytime there's ever a sex scene in any game with any girl
based woman hater
I wouldn't call it boring but the lack of shy otaku girls has left me in despair as well.
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I'm so horny for Serena so I only feel bad after I go into post-nut clarity.
Really depends on their reaction for me. When it happens I want it to be special, some kind of turning point, I don't want some cheap rape in the public toilets.
But Serena, she keeps crying and the scenes aren't even that great. I wish they expanded on the groping and dancing in the brothel because that's the stuff that gets me hard.
Seconded. Market has been saturated with this garbage for so long, NTRfags get the rope whenever they think they're allowed to ask for more.
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>incredibly common
name 5 gyaruge now
Wouldn't a woman hater view the scenes anyway since most scenes have a sadistic nature?
The scenes are great. What are you talking about?
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>no new scenes
Literally what's the point then? What's new?
why is tiinas slime massage still the best anal scene to date?
meant makina
It's an understandable mistake. Tiina>Makina after all.
Only girls can be used goods. The concept of men being used goods is just another feminist virgin incel cope.
no its because everyone calls him tiinadev
the scenes are great, if it was a doujin with detachment I would fap, the problem is I am actually attached to Serena, she's an amazingly designed character so I just can't see her suffer like that even if my dick reacts
i dont remember why but I found Melty really underwhelming
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Where's your 50% off coupon, bro??
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Need big titties games
>more than 5
You failed the test, I'm sorry.
i love twintails like you wouldn't believe
Need flat non-loli games
I guess I just don't like the lack of a buildup in some of these scenes.
You get get raped because you took a wrong turn, there's no undressing, no lengthy foreplay, these are the things I like.
Is there ever a scene where she has to blow a dude? I'm not finished yet but I'm at the part where I need to collect 10000G.
Is the brothel ever coming back?
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Any games girls like these?
Hex Maniac better have a bush
sex with the flat one
Voice Acting
all of them better have one
well anon, I may be able to help if you tell what game is that one
left and right's leotard shows that they shaved
looks like rance
machine child when
Buddy, I have 105 games on my dlsite account, fuck off
No, that's Evenicle 2.
>9 years
is evenicle worth playing?
so no actual work for him
did he at least get real kids to voice act them? this is black panda we're talking about
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Uhh bro your Lilitales? Your Ricca? Your Quarta series? Your Dog Princess???
There are tons of buildup for the scenes, they're just not similar to the formulaic kind in the usual games like groping>undressing>BJ>sex. In the brothel scenes, the buildup starts from her sensual dances where the patrons undress her with their eyes and excitedly clamor on having a night with her. Then there's the drinking scene where she gets groped before being abruptly fucked when she passes out. The game just doesn't follow the same old formula. She gets fucked first and then the men push their desires on her. There are blowjob scenes in the game, they just happen after the the initial penetration. It's mostly a rape game after all and not a corruption game where the men slowly break down a girl's defenses.
I was talking about petite but charismatic and confident girls.
>Still no non-loli flatge posted
Reply to this post with 5 non-loli flatge or your mother will NTR you
VH Serena, yes. VP made her much more submissive.
Annelle's game
more like cocky gaki
Who the fuck is Annelle?
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Trash art, don't care lmao

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