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Turtle Roleplay Edition

>Currently discussed servers:
Turtle Wow - https://turtle-wow.org/ (Vanilla+)
Onyxia (Warmane) - https://www.warmane.com (Vanilla-Wotlk Progressive)
ChromieCraft - https://www.chromiecraft.com/en/ (Progressive Wotlk client, currently at TBC)
Ascension - https://ascension.gg (Classless)
Athena - https://twinstar-wow.com (Cata)
Mistblade 2 - https://stormforge.gg/mistblade (MoP)
Sanctuary - https://www.sanctuarywow.com/ (Vanilla)
Valanior - https://valanior.com/ (Vanilla+)
永恒之望 - https://cn.everlook-wow.net/ (香草+)
Ashbringer - https://wow.classic-plus.com/ (Classic+)

>Upcoming servers
Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Legion)
Wallcraft - https://www.wallcraft.org/ (Vanilla+)
Crusade-Storm - https://crusader-storm.com/ (TBC) - Coming July 5th
Frostforge - http://frostforge.servegame.com/ - Coming July 5th

>/wpsg/ Guilds
<Not in OP> - Mistblade 2 (Horde)
<Khazar Milkers> - Mistblade 2 (Alliance)
<Full Moon Company> - Turtle Wow (Crossfaction)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news

Previous thread: >>483452701
strange lack of the new everlook realm in op...
everlook's right there bro
Is there any point to playing starfall if I live in the Midwest, or will my connection just be too bad
It's banilla, half second lag barely matters.
yeah that's normal the tranny who makes the new thread is a retard
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i wanna go back
Trying to samefag in a general with 3 people in it is so very uncouth
can you name who is in it?
me, you and my inner voice
pearl, warhorn and the guy that hates pearl
I want to roll on starfall but alliance (since I've never played it) how is pvp alliance side? Do they do ok?
Tar Island status?
Chink status?
PVP is ignored by most players, but alliance usually has the better pvpers because the human/gnome racials.
stormforge tbc fresh hype
i will be making an alliance guild on starfall soon please reply if you are interested
ugh fine you're getting me interested in starfall
what faction are we playing? what do we need class wise
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Good luck to all of you starting on Everlook!
Remember to take it easy and have fun; there's no point in lonely poopsocking to 60 in vanilla.
Unless you want to get the very first Tidal Charm by rushing to level ~35, but if you didn't know about it, then it's already over.
damnit anon im on horde
if there isn't a least an UBRS worthy amount of anons on starfall i'm not interested
i'd be interested but not if there's going to be like 3 players
same amount of english speaking people as Sanctuary more or less
what server did all the km players go to?
we all rerolled horde on mistblade 2
you still have time to reroll my fempriest is only level 11........
how about you reroll and make a horde guild with me, faggot
I tried to warn you guys about shartfall but you just wouldn't listen.
I knew the neo nazis would drive everyone away and it would be dead on arrival. It's Sanctuary all over again.
i finally got cookie's wand to satisfy my apetite until the next wand, i hope twow adds extra dungeon stuff soon
these are all the same people
im none of those people but im new to the thread, hope its not noticeable
Did you have a fun Saturday night with Rutt, Pearl?
Ion know who pearl is but I had fun doing deadmines, I got a cool parrot pet out of it
Can I say nigger on starfall?
aww shucks, I guess that means I'm gonna have to roll on retoilet and play as a dragon tranny...NOT!
not sure what the next dungeon is but its by far the best part of wow already
But I've seen them on at the same time
but not in the same room...
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>Ion know who pearl is
Pearl confirmed as insider, I guess.
You know if you guys spent less time obsessing over trannies and more time actually playing the game you might have fun and be happy.
>obsess over trannies
>whilst they discuss choice of dildo in the thread
they are the problem
I really don’t know what possessed Pearl to post his dildos in this thread other than he got really really horny and needed an outlet for it. Either that or he trusted another anon with that info and that anon is now fucking with him in the thread. If I had to guess it is the former rather than the latter.
But really the best thing you can do is just report it and ignore it, which seems to be what other anons do. To an extent you really can steer the thread back toward the game just by posting about the game. If Pearl posts screenshots of his character’s butt, just start talking about the game and other anons will reply. I’ve noticed Pearl gets fewer replies to his hornyposts so it’s clear a lot of anons don’t want to engage in it. But I bet they would be willing to talk about wow private servers with you.
Get a good VPN if your ISP sucks and you have no other options in your area.
why are you replying to yourself
no one believes it was pearl's dildos, not even you
writing out this long ass paragraph giving advice for a situation you know isn't happening
they were monogrammed
the stream was pretty good though
What are the best hoonter pets in vanilla for various situations? 3 stable slots is fuck all to work with and training a pet is such an investment, I'd like to at least try to level with something I can use at 60.
Daily reminder that the schizo making all this shit up about Pearl isn't actually mad at Pearl, he's mad at Sylma, whom he thinks is Pearl because of reasoning no one in their right mind would consider conclusive and only makes sense to him because he's struck with grief because Sylma was his ERP partner that left him and he feels NTR'd. All this tranny shit is just him projecting with things they ERP'd about.
For PVP boar for the charge or a pet with a fast attack speed for pushback against casters.
For tanking birds because they can hold multiple npcs thanks to screech.
For dps cat.
For raids wolf for the melee buff.
FMC had the potential to be really great and Pearl/Sylma killed it by leaving.
FMC was a lot of fun but I think the main problem was that most of the fun of Vanilla/Turtle Wow is the leveling experience and so once you hit 60 you’re kind of finished with the game. Pearl wasn’t the only anon to get burnt out. A bunch of anons hit 60 or got close and then tried alts for a bit or started pug raiding a bit before quitting.
For me the one thing that keeps me playing on that server is roleplay. There were attempts to do some roleplaying within FMC but simply put not enough anons were interested (and some were only in it for ERP) so it just didn’t work out.
Was fun while it lasted and it was nice meeting some of you in-game for a change but all good things.
okay so reporting an issue of harrassment after the world pvp and stating that there was no issue with the pvp part at all in the support channel is only cause to be berated, insulted, and made fun of? what the hell is wrong with you people?
so is that everlook server good or what?
PVPers are real babies and if you even remotely criticize PVP they’ll get super defensive about it.
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Brokentooth is meta, and Lupos is good until it stops doing shadow damage.
In any case, both are going to be camped 24/7 by the chinese, and if you start taming them first you can be 100% sure they'll kill them just so you can't get it.
Ignore the guides, and just get a normal pet; endlessly camping those two in particular isn't worth it.

At one point you had at least 15 unique players in the guild; are you telling me that no one could keep carrying the torch, or at least keep in contact with each other to play together?
In any case it's probably unfair to place all blame on a single person leaving: things are often more complicated than that.
We all joined for the Elf ass.
And then just leaves to go GM another guild on a completely different server.
I'll never forgive him. I will shitpost him by saying he has dog dildos all day every day to punish him for leading me on like a little whore.
Not that anon. It’s like I said in >>484060379, pretty much every anon hit 60 or got close then got burnt out and moved on. Blaming Pearl for it is just dumb but to be expected as people will look for someone they can blame.
As for keeping in touch some anons who met through FMC are doing that and still playing together.
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loot window opens - fish gets denied
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>Turtle Roleplay Edition
Best edition.
>make healer
>remember how awful healing is
>make dps
>find no groups unless you're THAT class
i'm not rolling a tank AGAIN
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That screenshot is from the Nightingale Fairie, which has been held a couple times in a couple different locations. A GM spawns the buildings in a location, and the organizer rents out stalls to players to sell their wares or run carnival games, and there's also plays and such. Sadly, I was told the next fair may be their last as the organizer can't organize them any more.
>play tank
>there's too many tanks
>play healer
>there's too many healers
>play DPS
>have to rely on midwits as your healer and tank
You can't win bro
Shame all the RP I saw was just people erping in whisper/semi-local. I'd love to have some RP in Azeroth.
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It isn't at all. For example here's a screenshot from the Tourney of Valor which was held for the fifth time again recently.
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And here's one where the Wolfskull Clan helped hold off an attack by the Legion on the Warsong Clan.
Oh, I have no doubt that there is good RP happening, I just only saw the erpers, and checking the discord revealed a cancerous group of people I've known in other games. People being a generous way of describing the wretches.
If you run into an asshole once, he's an asshole. If you're running into assholes all day, you're the asshole.
>>there's too many healers
don't think i've ever seen that one but the last point hurts the most
Standard turtle troon out
It's a bunch of they/them sorts who commit criminal acts and scam the elderly and underages. They travel in packs to different MMOs, worm their ways into the heart of the community and try to get leadership if it's a private server. Grifters who use the rainbow flag to deflect any criticism about their illegal acts.
I took my pills. I'm okay now.
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Well there's your problem. Truth be told only a couple roleplayers at these events are active on discord. The rest at most check discord for events. And even among those who are active on discord, only a portion of them are they/them trannies or whatever gender weirdos.
It's really not that hard to avoid them either. Even if you don't check the discord you can see their profiles have "lgbt+ friendly" and "they/them" in it and go "okay you're that type of player" and just avoid them. They all play elves anyhow so it's not like you're missing out on epic RP. Elf RP always sucks dick and you don't want to be a part of it anyhow.
>schizo PEARL ranting about trannies and niggers
>real Pearl posting butt pics of his trooned out elf and panda
>Roll as Human Warrior, Arms
>Solo Classic / TBC Dungeons with WoTLK talents.
It's pretty funny ngl
It's a PVP realm. You can't ignore it.
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To be honest I regret playing female nelf priest, everyone tries to erp with me or assume that i'm a woman or something. Should've played glorious male helf priest like in le heckin wc3
i saw a helf priest top up a water elemental that was about to expire
are they canonically retarded?
Delete your nelf slut and be a fucking man.
All elves are retarded
pay for an appearance change)
You use the slutmod to give your nelf priestess big tits and a fat ass.
>too many healers
i only play healer and had to quit raiding on turtle because my guild was a magnet for priests and paladins
every fucking week we would have a new priest in the raid and 70% of the core long term raiders were also priests. cursed class.
Yes. Horde is good at World PVP because they gang up on Alliance 5 to 1.

Play as Gnome or Dwarf because of their racials. Gnome Warrior is essential if you want a slight chance to kill a Frost Mage with Racial + PVP Trinket. Dwarf has Stoneform which removes bleedings and poison from Rogues.

is this chain repeatable ?
holy kino
100% certified doa
holy dead
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looks pretty based to me desu
posting links for ur convience
I thought no addons was just a 4chan meme. No cooldown count is crazy to me
Multiple melee classes require a swing timer to play properly and healing with default raid frames is nearly impossible.
Gummy’s just a stupid cripple who continues to show he has no idea how WoW is actually played.
I guess I could see it for wanting it to be less focused on damage meters, but I've had a cooldown count since vanilla. The sundial is really crappy
Any thoughts on EP/GP loot system? I've only ever been in DKP or loot council guilds so I've never had to deal with it
what guilds did you retards join in starfall?
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<Auschwitz> Alliance. Were fighting off the Chinese from Horde <Unit 731>
Anon why do you get a little chubby every time the Hordeniggers kill you?
EP/GP is a fairly good system for large guilds that want to distribute loot fairly and don't want to manage a loot council. It only works in guilds that have consistent players though because the way the system works basically almost guarantees new players always get the first item they want, if you have a lot of turn over your raiders won't get shit if every raid is going to have like 10 new guys who'll suck up a piece of loot each and then never raid again. If you have any more than like 2 new people on raid night then at that point just cut the crap and do MS>OS rolls.
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Is this quest broken on Turtle or something?
I must have killed like 20 enemies at this point and not a single quest drop.
this guild basically reserves the right for big ticket items to be given out at the discretion of a loot council. Idk why people complicate loot so much, basically no guild on turtle does loot council when its obviously the best system
You're killing the wrong murlocs sis
Loot council was used back in the day to gear up the tanks and healers ASAP so you could actually clear content.

These days people do 40 minutes on MC clears with level 58's and green gear. Loot council is only ever used anymore by the biggest lootwhores, and everyone knows it. DKP/MS>OS rolls is the far fairer system, especially on private servers where turnover rates are higher.
dkp is how you end up with meme specs getting good items that make half your raid look for greener pastures
Turnover rates are exactly why loot council is the best.
Only tried and true people should get good loot.
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Today I heal crescent grove on hc
current starfall pop is 2100, fucking lmao
reminder that doashirre had 4k on launch
It's been consistently around 2100 since launch, I think the only people playing are Everlooks active players
I actually have a character your level if you want to meet up.
so it means 1300 in a week and 700 in a month
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I won. Got the robe for healer and neck
Good numbers if theydon't include any third world niggers.
>dilation gloves
two more weeks yeah
Grats! You look like a fucking clown.
Unironically had a dream about playing retail and I haven't played it since a month stint in BfA (It was awful)
dreaming about homosexual acts is a sign of change
Is Druid Tank good enough for Phase 1 TBC as a MT? I want to tank Heroics + Karazhan.
>Meet a bew player to WoW
>He asks me advice
>I tell him to think for himself for which talent spec he finds most useful than guides

Did I give him good advice? He was a Priest.
no, thats awful advice for someone asking for help. The people who can think up of good specs
specs usually have thousands of hours on this game
Okay, so where am i supposed to go?
He asked me should he be Disc or Holy. I told him to choose which he finds more enjoyable.
>Deep Prot in Classic + TBC
>Tanking in WoTLK

Which tank is closest being Protection Warrior? Is Blood DK good enough to get a raid inv?
Warrior is still the preferred main tank. Druids technically can do it but gearing them up is harder AFAIK. Still good offtanks. Pally tank is only there for add fights.
You can get away with blood in pugs and shitter guilds but progression guilds are going to want frost

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