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>The Final Shape

TWAB (06/27/24): https://bungie.net/7/en/News/Article/twid_06_27_2024
Patch https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8_0_0_5

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Clan: https://www.bungie.net/7/en/Clan/Profile/4995217

Previously on /dg/ : >>483880180
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have you completed salvations edge?
What killed the hype?
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gay characters are good, guys. buy silver.
herald is a really boring encounter
your judaism
The bungie sleeper agent goblin when I ignore the unlocked bungie store popup
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>me with my Truth
what build is actually best for soloing dungeons these days? I used to be able to solo the first 3 on solar titan but that got nerfed because stopping solos is more important than balancing pvp or raids
solar titan
solar titan
behemoth titan
Still bonk or Banner of War. Assassin's Cowl Arcstrider should also work since Galvanic Armor's on the artifact again.
Specifically for GoA radiance warlock with acrius
Every melee snap = big damage and trench barrel for your shots
What's my opinion on minigame
You call it minigame.
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I used two blueberry friends to practice oracles in Atheon knowing we wouldn't be able to one phase him but convinced them it was worth a shot
depends which one
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Guess the title
>This could be the most broken build in Destiny History
Pre Patch
Trying Out The Most Broken PvP Build
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its shit
stop complaining about episodes guys
timegating is fine
I know he's lying through his teeth because his income depends on this shit, but there's so little to it that I don't know what there is to like, and I sincerely doubt another gay robot, 3 battlegrounds, an an Infinite Forest exotic mission will change that.
How can anybody be ignorant of Datto's shill status, he pulled the exact same shit with the TFS reveal even while it was tanking in Pre-orders
but even the most obvious shills have to pick their battles, lets the risk being exposed. Even Aztecuck did his whole shill video on MTX and he still probably spends 100s advertising it either directly for bungie or indirectly. The episode system is launching on the back of what he thinks was one of their better seasons, that had grown stale due to the lack of innovation in six years. So bungie went ahead and innovate it by adding more time gating, they literally changed nothing else but arbitrary time limits. Can't wait for too see the numbers going into Marathon and see this dead studio and all these carrions die
People lost their fucking minds when the preorder infographic came out, even though disastrously low preorder numbers were the cited reason for them missing their revenue target by 45% and the layoffs. Tranno's revenue depends on Destiny being popular, but I don't get why normal people are so eager to defend a company as incompetent and transparently greedy as Bungie.
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Does this image explain why so many trannies play destiny
the only blatant PSO+Destiny player I know of is cammycakes because he wouldn't shut the fuck up about PSO2 for the longest time until that game finally killed itself
everyone i became friends with in phantasy star universe and pso became forever destiny players. a staggering number of them also transed out or became weird and gay. guess it's something in the formula. i can't get enough of it though
anyone want to do grasp of avarice or ghosts of the deep?
The specific people seething about that weren't normalfags, at least from what I saw, but a very specific vocal demographic that supplant their personal identity onto the corporations that make their games and pay them lip service one month over the year. They are basically sportsball boomers but even more fucking hay and retarded and will literally defend anything bungie does up to and including the firing of people, despite also self identifying as a socialist.
Replace Drengrs with Banner of War
Replace Consecration with Roaring Flames
There I fixed Prismatic Titan
what about unbreakable?
make it work off of barricade (like the other two aspects) and its fine
Keep it as long as the thermite grenade instantly doing full damage glitch is in. Once bungie fixes that replace it with the void detonation one.

Replace knockout with touch of thunder. Yes bungie will have to make new versions of the pris nades. Yes they will have to do work for once in their lives.
There needs to be a way to message people on fireteam finder when they sign up, people just ignore the tags.
Is there an image that can explain your obsession with us?
SRL in 2024?
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It's still pretty useless and pointless
Banner of War is now basically useless on par with overshield
Roaring Flames is good but at this point you're just going to play worse solar titan
Titan needs a complete rework of aspects, abilities and exotics, not just prismatic
It all just doesn't work for the modern destiny design
>Like 90% of the titan toolkit is tuned to melee and survival
>All survival shit is basically useless because enemies do too much damage
>You just can't get into melee because opponents do too much damage
>The moment titan starts to survive even a little bit bungie nerf it
Hunter and warlock have been powercreeped with each expansion while titan basically stayed at forsaken level if not worse
Like, look at picrel. What the fuck is that?
>They'll give it a surge mod and call fixed
I think there's a fireteam finder chat channel
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I am going to watch a vault of glass guide then try to join an lfg
I've never done a raid before
good luck
gl anon, you got this
i believe in you anon
I really wish Bongo would bring back the Haunted Forest over the stupid lost sectors. I know the forest can get repetitive, but in my opinion it was a hell of a lot better than the sectors. What does /dg/ think?
whats a haunted forest?
Can my other characters that havent finished the Final Shape campaign do the raid?
How much longer does it have to be before I can say TFS just plain sucked without being lynched?
Probably already can. Pretty every post on Reddit is negative
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Been playing nothing but prismatic warlock since TFS dropped.
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i honestly think they'll put icarus dash on prismatic
dude... what if the vex used siva?
imagine the ornaments
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>keep getting the invisible guns/model bug
what is going on
We can pretend spending one image post out of every thread on this is no big deal. But if we were to count every time this has been posted, the total would amount to many, many entire threads
Looking at thumbnails like these at their original size makes me want to kill myself and i am not kidding
i got it earlier in a nightfall, its interesting how buggy this game is every time
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Bring it back
>don’t worry guardian I’ve brought the full might of caitl’s cabal empire
>missraks and his splicers
>and a guardian of great renown… Micah-10
literally who
Bungie’s design philosophy is fundamentally broken. Why are people asking for a “rework” when it would end up even more useless than what we have currently. Titan needs some nerf reversions, and then we can start talking about new things for the class.
The problem isn't that titan exotics are weak, its that they're fucking boring.
Not all warlock exotics are winners but they all at least try to do something different.
Want grenade based gameplay?
>Starfire, Verity, Sunbracers, Contraverse
Want some melee shit?
>Felwinter's, Karnstein, Claws of Ahamkara, Necrotic Grips
Love gunplay?
Rain of Fire, Boots of the assembler, Chromatic fire, Ophidians, Cenotaph
And all of them are trying to do something INTERESTING from a gameplay standpoint, while titan's exotics do literally everything except give you good neutral game shit.
I have like 6 buffs they could throw at titan exotics right now that would make them more fun
I don't give a fuck what his reasoning is or what his opinions are but the timegating of the episodes doesn't worry me. However the garbage quests we got that are exactly the same drivel of do something stupid, listen to people talk, watch holoprojector, listen to people talk, come back next week.
Fuck off bungie.
>Revenant brings back Tangled Shore
>Heretic brings back Dreadnought patrol area
Are you hopeful?
i'm wearing it
good luck, I hope you don't have to deal with people like my clan who think they're god gamers who can solo the final encounter then forget to kill the gatekeeper and wonder why the portal won't open then blame us then leave in a huffy
uh good luck
they won't add a new patrol, that would require effort
no its gonna be like nessus, and its just gonna be brrought back for the seasonal event then vaulted
I'm using Lorelei on Prismatic and it gives me Sol Invictus. Does that speed up my ability cool downs like it does on Solar?
No there’s a ton of exotics for titan but they’ve been so so badly they literally cannot to what their descriptions say. Literally all the leg exotics are dead.
>and it gives me Sol Invictus.
nigga what? lorelei works?
Yeah if you have a solar super equipped.
VoG is one of the more fun raids, i hope you enjoy it bro.
I really want them to reprise the loot and give everything there a facelift.
oh shit, i never knew
might actually use prismatic now
It honestly feels really good.
in one of the recent TWIDs they noted all the exotics that were changed from "on a [element] subclass" to "with a [element] super", those work on prismatic.
in english buddy?
they didn't note all of them they gave examples
more than the ones on the list work with prismatic
Also if you use your solar super, make sure to cast your barricade during your super. That way Sol Invictus can make you throw more hammers.
Why doesn’t wicked implement have rewind rounds or complete ammo refund like Polaris? It’s complete dogshit, outperformed by 1(one) bleakwatcher turret
because its super low damage and slow gameplay style would be far too strong if it got even the slightest damage buff
t. bungie I guess
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I think it would be cool if exotics were rolled into subclass abilities using cod's skill point system
Sorry had a little too much vodka tonight. What I meant to say was: No there’s a ton of exotics for titan but they’ve been nerfed so badly they literally cannot do what their descriptions say. Literally all the leg exotics are dead.
But that’s not a damage buff, that’s let me use the weapon’s shit perk for more than a handful of bullets. Polaris and even ToM reward precision much more
idk what that is but kys
i think the Witness was too hard to understand from a villain perspective, which they tried to make him in the end. all the talk of entropy and stuff is too convoluted and kinda nerdy imo, i think it's why someone like Oryx was a well done villain, because he had a simple goal, and straightforward.
i honestly hope they drop the whole high-brow overarching villain, and go with someone who is either super maniacal or just plain evil for the fun of it or something else.
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vog was fun :) the lfg was super friendly and we even knocked out some of the triumphs
no mythoclast sadly but I got the warlock chest which is cool
>diametric crush is the rarest flawless shader
>only 500 redeemed on charlemagne
>others raids would be up to 5000 by now
I fucking kneel bungie
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based warlock bro
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gj anon, glad you had fun!
Banner of War + precious scars along with woven mail is probably one of the tankiest builds in the game, double down by using a glaive to block some of the bullshit.
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>just got around to buying final shape for me and my brother
>final mission where you have to fight the witness and it loads you into excision
>brother accidentally backed us out
>have to sit through cutscene again
>join mission
>bugged and doesn't spawn the second cornerstone
>have to leave and sit through the cutscene again
This shit better not bug again.
>This shit better not bug again.
thats the feature of a 12 man mission lol
Managed to get through it.
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how the FUCK do you fashion with this exotic?
Dawnblade with the new super, Karnsteins, a glaive or ergo sum
Rolley polley hunter with liars handshake class item or just the regular liars build
Lorelei Titan or Scars titan personally I like Scars on void because you can also do invis and controlled demo
Invis Hunter
Arc Warlock is sometimes really good with vesper or getaway but the prismatic build with getaway is super tanky
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>Wormgod Caress were meta for I'M POOONCHING builds for long time
>they even buffed them half a year ago or somethin
>Bungie wants Titans to be a punch bots
>still no ornament for them
This company min-maxes engagement and tries to squeeze every bit of dime out of players, but they're also completely fumbling obvious easy pickings. What a clueless bunch of seattleites.
I wish we had some big shot that actually cared.
You can't, the best option is to just run the seasonal prismatic set. People who miss out on the season will forever look bad when using a prismatic class item.
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i feel like when bungie was designing ron, this is what they thought people would do during the nez fight (and this is probably what the testers did)
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Are they ordering thumbnails from the same guy? They all look the same direction wise. Is there a fucking meta for thumbnails?
Who behind D2 tuber thumbnail mafia?
Their logic is that an exotic that is powerful has to be easier to see at a glance but things like Wormgod have long since been powercrept by everything else.
Yep and the meta for thumbnails is have someone pog facing on the cover with emojis and a partially clothed woman with huge text
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Yours at least plausibly looks like some fancy cowboy action belt if you don't squint hard enough. And have minus eyesight.
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I do everything I can so its less visible

Looks like my nanas Lampshade
The pants gave me an idea you could do a wrestler sorta mog with the class item as your champion belt
Cowboy hats are fucking cringe and the exotic class items are fucking dogshit. Nubungie designs are fucking lame.
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>Cowboy hats are fucking cringe
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Kinda amazing how hard nuBungie went into novelty art direction.
Doubt any Destiny 2014 players would even believe that these are from the same franchise.
What's so cool about it? They're used by guys who smell like cow shit.
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lamshade for reference
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It reminds me of that episode from the Chris Hansen show about a fat pedo wearing a cowboy hat. No wonder why you trannies love them so much
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thank you for giving me an excuse to post this
also, I don't care what you think of cowboy hats
this game is stupid as shit anyways
lmao full video for reference: https://youtu.be/gZb0Zpn2u4w?si=y42tPIAsfIX4X6P0
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you're cringe
I just shotgun punched a bubble titan in crucru.that must have been the first non npc bubble titan that I have seen in a month.
i got horn plus abeyant
it pretty nice
Them nerfing bubble for no reason made the usage rate go from 0.05% to 0.01 %
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nice player count micah-10 sisters
I honestly dont understand why they did that..
Because they're retarded and don't play the class. There is ZERO use for a purely defensive super in this game
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Gay homo detected.
71k at almost 5am is pretty impressive
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>Not liking a hat related to the unwashed cow herders pretending to be spaniard vaqueros is now gay
I will use prismatic when I can run a full sunbracers or starfire warlock with 6 slots
willing to bet those dumb fucks probably did it because of PVP and not because of any sort of balance reason
probably.yellow piss gamers are infamous for their whining and hypocracy.so many complaints about the khostov and that warlock helmet but nobody mentioned the 50% hunter usage etc.its obvious that bungie doesnt playtest stuff which why we had all these buggy quests and why you can now encounter champions in the basic bitch strike playlist.
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now that the witness is dead are there any stakes left in destiny?
xivu doesn't even have a throne world anymore
we're going back to kino low level threats(not actually, gay theory for the 50th time)
the gays won't get a happy ending if we don't give failsafe random weeds every week
Yea, being a huge gay faggot makes you gay. That's how it works.
some Not!The Witness will show up again or maybe it'll be the winnower
catgirl gyarus could save destiny
What the fuck is it going to take for Bungie to nerf Titans? What the fuck are they smoking over there.
They nerf titans pretty much every time they update the game. So apparently what it'll take is for them to update the game again.
Obligatory Hunter/Warlock seething over Titan post
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Play Gambit.
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was it ever explained how she time traveled?
Good one
>we're going back to kino low level threats
he doesnt "consume enhance replicate" know
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so its two more weeks till new rocket sidearm?
>consecration spam
this build is INSANE

More important: Why does Ghost call her Elisabeth instead of Elsie? What a nerd.
bastion is actually good now
i took it into a lost sector when there was a -35 power delta
but really only for warlock for ranged melees
He is still mad because she called him a Little Light.

And kept doing it even after he protested during Glassway. Poor nerd keeps getting bullied by the robot Stacie.
whats a catgirl gyaru?

post some examples for research
Um......Titan builds?
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>Destiny writing use to be goo- ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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People loved mocking that phrase. And one with the wizard from the moon. They bullied Bungie so bad, they actually ditched Dinklage and instead hired a submissive & breedable voice actor.
Punch and punch.
I am tired of punching
Where is the ass pissing titan?
Titan is punch class
Hunter is now punch class too

You shall drift.
There is no light here.
You shall drown in the Punch.
Try being a warlock. We slap things
i love exo boobies
He got banned for it and is afraid to post it again.
Finished Dawntrail. Can't believe i'm saying this but Bungie won.
Lion Ramparts are still useful but niche
Peacekeepers are still useful but niche in pvp since its no longer an SMG meta
Peregrine Greaves are still very good.
Pheonix Cradle does what it says but it relies on allies walking through your sunspots and they aren't doing that lol
Burning Steps are nerfed from the 40% bonus and should be rebuffed back to it instead of the shitty surge mod.
Abayant Leap are still good but overshadowed by banner titan.
The problem, again, is that of the Titan exotics that do soemthing unique, it forces you to ask the question, "Why would I want this outside of PvP?"
Literally just buff their neutralgame exotics and we'd be fine.
Why the FUCK does no backup plans work off void overshields instead of just granting health back on shotgun kills
you have the best neutral exotic in game that works with everything and doesn't require anything special
It's Heart of Inmost Light.
>Hunters make up more than titans and warlocks combined in trials
>Literally just pris hunter is more than all warlock subs or Titan subs
>Hunters have 75% usage in contest completions
>Titans have 1%, an unprecedented low number

Yet despite all this warlocks are getting nerfed in pvp. Titans got 8, EIGHT nerfs just to wormgod's builds. And the worst subclass in the game for all content, behemoth, got nerfed.
see >>484042301
I'm talking things like
>Actium War Rig
Grants a stacking damage bonus for consecutive shots landed on target, its literally Target Lock that stacks with targetlock. Mobile weapons platform identity.
rapid kills give you the halo style frag grenade from forerunner. Literally just do that.
>One-Eye Mask
Defeating marked targets gives you bonus damage for a short time
>Cadmus ridge lancecap
Make activation requirements less picky
>Alpha Lupi
Turns your barricade into a dome shield that heals allies within it
>Ashen Wake
Give it an ornament that makes it less fugly
>can recognize those abomination by just hovering
i hate sega
i hate globniggers
i hate NGS
EOS can't come soon enough
Fuck punch builds
*runs rocket chestpiece instead*
>anon didn't respond so he replied again
lmfao pathetic
>Ashen Wake
>Give it an ornament that makes it less fugly
done but now instead of football shoulders they're jet engines
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Who asked for this 10 dollars on pump 4 ass fucking perk?
where's my fucking rampage?
igneous hammer is jsut easy mode
what the actual fuck nothing else compares to it
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No, NGS and PSO2 global are the games filled with trannies(starting from the CM) who sit all day in lobby jacking off to their abominations with their discord friends
PSO is an actual game and not a dress up simulator
Desperate Measures is 3% less damage but you can also build and refresh stacks with abilities. It's only worse than Rampage if you refuse to use them.
>its only 3% worse than rampage
so why does it exist when rampage does? why does it exist when GOLDEN TRICORN does
Again, who asked for this?
man I should play PSOBB again some day
desperate measures is good unless you are shit at the game
Golden Tricorn is locked behind matching elements. Desperate measures is a more relaxed and weaker version of this.
Ephinea is still the best server
I'm waiting for the anniversary event, need to power level some characters since the EU server are always empty and TTF spam is boring as fuck
So what do we do now
Wait for more layoffs
I've been doing the weapon event in nurglebonk
the new double barrel shotgun is fun
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Shard or keep?
What's a shard, grandpa?
Currently reading
I think I'd rather be doing GMs right now
I miss sharding
I sharted.
>you now remember that one guy who really wanted StL + Headstone on Perses-D
Keep it, its a cute novelty.
HOIL on class item gives the same amount of ability regeneration or it's nerfed?
I don't understand what's so bad about this line.
HoIL has been nerfed to the point where you don’t feel it anymore
Same amount
nerf regen
its not bad, not game breaking, better on titan and warlock cuz of 3 charge melees and hunter has infinite abilities with combo blow
osmio is the real crazy class item perk, osmio verity is actually really really good
>become more powerful than ever!
>in fact become more nerfed
Incredible marketing.
Don't worry you'll be wanting to do gambit by the time you finish.
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i felt more powerful when we had the 6 months of solo op and beefed up solar shit
bring back solo op so solo shit is way easier
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you don't like running in circles looting chests and then resetting?
Sneed it.
>Bungie mentions that the exotic mission in Act 3 is one of the biggest they've done and it's all thanks to the episodic model. It takes place on Nessus and greatly expands on this world
>Finally I can play a good game and drop destiny for a few months
>After 6 hours of grinding fates to get Picto up to MSQ level I stopped playing and am now doing VoG farm runs
getting all the prismatic fragments fucking sucks
you're gonna love getting exotic khovostov
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>Nicest flawless shader we've had since Cryptic Legacy. Consistently shades most the weapons introduced in TFS with a very clean white, textured black, and gold. Also has a very nice resonant like glow.
they can make good shaders when they want to, shame 0.01% of players will have this
I'd say fantasy sets, like the queenguard ornaments from Defiance or awoken set from Lost. Or just embrace the dissonant look, like a cowboy who found an alien artifact.
>we cut 3 real pieces of content to make this exotic quest 1.2x bigger
>if you point this out our army of shills will say you don't understand game dev
reminder they said duel destiny was their biggest, it's not even close to being as large or as high quality as zero hour or the whisper
it just requires two people, that's it
for a quest that's half the size of any other exotic quest. Wish keeper blew it out of the water
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Playing titan in pvp feels like I'm handicapped
>Doing bash dash is too strong
>Teleporting in any direction at will is fine
dual destiny is also mostly reused assets too, really felt like it should have been more grand
>Playing titan in pvp feels like I'm handicapped
that's because you are
a class with a strong neutral game has to be hobbled otherwise it will overperform
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wait, isn't it good with knock out making you diamond lances?
Please replace unbreakable with something else on Prismatic
no, buff unbreakable so it can be a real survival tool instead because I'm already using thruster instead of barrier.
I don't understand why Unbreakable wasn't just a class ability
Heh imagine thruster + bastion
>Its okay guys act 1 was intentionally meant to be like the seasonal model. Acts 2 and 3 will TOTALLY be different. Don’t you trust us?
that's as close as i'm gonna get. ain't farming no mo
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
>Any powered melee final blow triggers an ignition
This mogs anything Titans have on the class item for melee wtf
Hunter has been the best melee class for some time now
So what is titans current role as a class?
Div bitch (which has also been nerfed)
patrol god
They never said this
Trash removal at best (since ults are trash and not needed in the dps phase"
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Nice! Got both column 3 perks that I wanted with BnS.
Better fashion
>no charge time masterwork
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Titan fashion sucks
For Hunter and Warlock you can throw in literally any piece of armour and they'll look good
Seriously, I have 2 pages of armour unlocked for titan but it's still easier to make an acceptable fashion for other classes even though I have like 10 items unlocked there
Especially with some exotics
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lmao even
Good in standard vanguard strikes
titan here, i get more best dressed awards than you
Hey at least we have the rocket chestpiece
Best dressed is the pity commendation for the person that contributed the least.
more like shard time lol
Below pre-TFS
>asks for player count at 8 am on a sunday
>tranny grammar
many such cases
They're fantastic in a lot of hard content because with Prismatic they can string everything up and do big slams to nuke high health targets. Prismatic mode lets them slam over and over and chain stun even bosses. They also have Peregrines on Void that can 1 shot champions even on GM while under leveled. I'm pretty sure you can do that too with Hammerstrike and Knockout on Prismatic, but don't quote me.

I would say the only things they don't have going right now is a good damage phase rotation and no way to do good damage to airborne targets, therefore no one wants them in raid or dungeon content. What they need is an exotic that gives out weapons of light and lets them shoot through bubble so people would actually want them in raids. That or the rocket chest piece needs to do something even better than it already does.
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>Going back to the grindstone for a 3% dps increase
Done grinding, not sharding
The 'tranny grammar' guy is that insane leftist btw
Best dressed it's the only commendation I put some thought into, since it's impossible to evaluate who's the fun-haver and who's the joy-spreader or whatever the others are called
Best Dressed is the only award that matters. The rest is non-sense fluff.
>prismatic is the best subclass
Why do quests that have you go inside a lost sector never work? It's been the same bug where you go inside and no enemies spawn and there's no quest marker over and over and over again and it's still happening.
Yes in any content with gold or blue commendations. Otherwise it's the only one that matters also sometimes I obviously carry and people give it to me anyway because I'm just that well-dressed.
FYI combination blow doesn't work with synthos. Keep farming.
wtf actually is tranny grammar?
At this point it's just any post that he doesn't like
i know. i didn't want synthos but i'm done with farming this shit unless it becomes less of a chore

It's up
I think it's because the quest generates an unique version of the lost sector and it doesn't always work if you don't have a proper "start it here" quest banner like you have with the daily legend lost sector. Or maybe they messed something up with the change to exotics from lost sector drops to Rahool.
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'Tass Sisters.......
zoomer movement killed destiny pvp
PvP was always bad
i like arc in pVp because of amplified and running faster
marathon status?
For a second>>484109352
Ive got those its pretty fun, but im probably using it wrong since i die alot punching things.
This dude might have the most punchable face I've ever seen besides Datto
I miss the slow pace of D1 pvp
Tassi sisters... How can we ever recover from this?
What ruined Destiny for me was letting me go balls deep in the cookie jar only to rip in away

>zoomer movement
Fast movement has been a thing since Quake, Anon. Halo slowed multiplayer shooters.
they just made quake to cash in extra early on the zoomer demographic
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What ruined destiny for me is how ass lightfall was, the gap to final shape, and not having anyone to play with anymore.
But now I can use my old guns that I actually like again, and prismatic is pretty cool.
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Tass says to consoom, and so I will.
LOL no. That's gen x and millennial movement. Zoomers just want to get high and play on their controllers. They loathe movement tech.
No. They keep making Quake games because they want to bring back xillennial movement shooters even though zoomers don't want them and xillennials are too old and having kids to play them.
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This is just the issue of video games becoming way too popular. Average level of skill increased drastically in past 10 years.
What was acceptable decades ago, nowadays is barely good enough to even hang around, you're just a punching bag to somebody to have fun with, not an actual opposition.
Real life inequality and competition bled hard into the PvP games, which also lead to even bigger proliferation of cheats. There are literal fucking companies with support services and subscriptions that make millions.
Modern PvP games have a shelf life of 2 weeks or month at most, until they inevitably devolve into pits of misery and sweat.
a random number texted me this morning, they knew my name and asked me if i still played destiny.
i assume it was one of my high school friends, but i blocked the number because i don’t like talking to others
>Implying xillennials are having kids
but what if it was a really hot girl?
but what if it was a really hot transvestite?
i only knew of one other girl in high school that played, but i think she quit before D2
a trans server at IHOP called me cute once
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I texted one of my high school friends this morning, we needed 1 more for flawless patrol. It's a really cool shader, shame he's not interested.
Are you doing cosmodrome patrols?
>flawless patrol
bungie would never
I always give best dressed to the most abhorrently disgusting guardian. Somehow there's always someone like this.
You should've complained about harassment to the IHOP manager.
Fucking trannies still thinking like rapists and trying to look like dishwashers.
>higher than Critically Acclaimed MMORPG FFXIV
>open gm.report solo speed leaderboard
>99% bugman cheaters
coming back after a few years off, is it worth doing wq and lightfall campaigns on legendary or is just normal fine? not sure what the rewards are
>In Crucible, Gambit, or Vanguard playlists, defeat any target with precision final blows from Sniper Rifles.
But anon that isn't counting the gazillion players not launching from steam
Bug GODS are the true world's first clearers
>a trans server at IHOP called me cute once
Cute! I bet you are cute anon. You should have smashed that bussy.
You get a pick of two exotics at the end of each on legendary. If you don't feel like it, you can level Rahool's reputation to max and decrypt an exotic engram into them for the cost of a cypher, which you get from Xur, who is now permanently near Ikora's spot. They changed the lost sector system and this is how you get new exotics.
And it isn't counting the 90% of Destiny 2 players launching from consoles and EGS.
Look at this chink nigger clear https://gm.report/pgcr/15217842458
Why bungie not banning these retards?
He's just a pvp gamer what's the problem
The pve mind can't comprehend the sheer amount of skill displayed here
7 minute solo with his loadout? You WISH you could do that
>which you get from Xur, who is now permanently near Ikora's spot
neat, thanks. guess i'll go through em then
When is the solar rocket sidearm coming out? I want to only use Khovostov for the rest of this game's lifespan.
Your godroll indebted kindness?
2 weeks and 2 days
Two weeks. But its third column perks are shit.
I pretty much only came back for Pantheon and to kill the Shitness, but based off the perks I saw >>484126830 I'll just have to run Warlord's. Heal Clip/Incan sounds fun, but I've gotten too used to Lead from Gold.
Is there a way to quickly restart a cyst? Takes me longer to get there than to complete it.
Im new to this game too. I was having fun doing lost sectors for exotics. How do I get them easily now? I dont have lightfall or many of the dlc that let me get some exotics.
You need to max rep with Rahool by having him decrypt engrams. That unlocks tier 3 focusing, which lets you get unobtained exotics for an exotic engram and exotic cipher each.
Damn I didn't believe you guys at first but overshields really are a joke in PVE
It's basically wet tissue paper in d2
Used to be something in D1
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>Had a weapon with a perk, or a certain fragment when Void 3.0 rolled out, all I know is that i gave an ovy
>I kept looking for it
>Finally look at health bar, its the same fairweather overshield I get from sitting in a rift, so its made of glass
Never switched off something so fast
So how do we fix overshields in pve?
I dont really give a shit about pvp
Bungie is afraid of something being even slightly as good as Woven Mail and/or infinite Restoration x2 for some reason
It's 45 HP with 50% DR. They should have increased the HP value ages ago and just given it negative DR in Crucible, but they're terrified of the Sentinel kit that they made.
The worst part is it lasts like 5 seconds on Prismatic
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>infinite Restoration x2
Was there someone in that office who thought Warlocks were weak? I've been stuck on Solar for various reasons since Forsaken.
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The sandbox lead from year 3 to Lightfall was a diehard warlock main that exclusively played top tree Voidwalker and top tree Dawnblade, which had more Trials usage than every stasis subclass pre-nerf. It's why the 3.0 rework looks like this.
I will never believe this shit. If my job was working on Destiny, the last thing I would give a shit is "class favoritism" since I would slave over the game to the point of not caring and not wanting to play that slop
>I will never believe things that the guy himself said in interviews
>Stasis gets an entire rework in Final Shape
>no new grenades, melees or supers, you know things people actually care about
>shadebinder and revanent become miles improved overnight
>behemoth remains irrelevant
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>"they cooked hard"
Remember season of the wish?
>shadebinder gets increased melee tracking extended super time, buffed osmiomancies and increased freeze time in PvP and PvE and increased rift freeze range
>behemoth gets slow on melee
what interview?
>>behemoth gets slow on melee
In PvP. They also gained a lot of downtime because glacier grenade and Shiver Strike are on the highest cooldown tiers.
Wait it doesnt slow in PvE? Why?
>Fast movement has been a thing since Quake
Fast movement is the least important aspect of Quake.
It does, it's just that it already did that, so its only direct buff was exclusive to Crucible.
Multiplayer, Anon.
Im going to be honest I main titan and I never fucking used the melee as anything other than a movement tool because its fucking suicidal.
Yeah because when someone talks about Quake they think about singleplayer
Behemoth got much worse because of the retarded stasis shard cooldown
are vanguard rewards still bugged for warlocks?
It's every ritual playlist, and yes.
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well fuck, how the hell does that even happen?
they stuck live service and space magic onto a halo engine made for consoles from 2009
make it work like DT in Fallout New Vegas. Being able to ignore enemies like ogres, wizards or shriekers for a certain amount of time would make it more desirable.
>Fallout: New Vegas mostly moves away from the exclusive use of Damage Resistance (DR) in Fallout 3, towards Damage Threshold (DT). Like in previous games, DT can function as an outright subtraction: if a shot is fired with a damage value of 40 against a DT of 10, then 10 damage will be ignored.
>As with the player character's damage, the difficulty multiplier of incoming damage is applied after the damage resistance and damage threshold calculations. For example, a regular deathclaw does 125 damage and Very Hard difficulty's inbound damage multiplier is ×2. If the player character has no DT and DR, the damage dealt is 250. If the player character has 40 DT and no DR, the damage becomes (125 – 40) × 2 = 170.
>To sum up, high DT is enough against low- but fast-damaging opponents (e. g., any fast-firing humanoids) unless they don't get critical hits; however, enemies with powerful attacks (mainly deathclaws and humanoids with explosives or single-action high-end weapon) should be countered with maximum DR instead.
Striker and Stormcaller stopped getting any benefit from resilience in Plunder while every other subclass was fine. Shit in this game just doesn't make sense.
Then you clearly haven't played Quake.
If you think GOTTA GO FAST is anywhere near as important as map control, resource management and zone denial, you haven't even watched a quake match.
link the interview
hmmm I wonder what's the purpose of fast movement
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imagine the feel of her perfectly engineered synth-flesh titties (created to prevent her from getting robo-psychosis)

They gave a sick nigga an exclusive exotic in d1, now this nigga gets a ghost shell? Lmao
next guy gets a ship
Who wants to farm GM a few times?
good guy bungie :)
trapped in a time loop after the dark future of her original timeline where Eris becomes evil.
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Why the fuck does every guide and video recommend Arrowhead brake on everything? The recoil in this game is negligible. Do people suck that bad controlling what little recoil the guns in this game have?
Console players
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Non-exotic Daito weapons doko?
It's to force it to be vertical recoil, but man I get tilted when I see arrowhead brake suggested on a hand cannon or smg with 90+ recoil direction. Stability is what you'd go for to reduce actual recoil.
honestly it's probably worse in TFS since you can often max recoil with just the recoil mod, but:
>no negatives
>generally competing with options with more range or more stability
>most range options have negatives that are bad, especially if you care about handling at all and many weapons/setups do. going all in on range also is rough with low recoil mangement since you'll miss more crits
>low stability is considerably more manageable with high recoil management since it's at least not random
honestly, if not arrowhead, I usually go corkscrew, fluted or rarely extended if it's like a GM weapon and you're literally just holding down the trigger at a distance
honestly I think there are faggots with closer sexual preferences to mine than the obese furry female demographic
I think stasis titans should get a super where they throw a singular improved ice lance and it should deal as much damage as celestial golden gun
Uh, can't have Titans using a long range super
Bold Endings has fucking 94 base and Arrowhead's still on 20% according to Light.gg.
ok so give titans a super where they freeze the enemy and shatter him with an one-inch punch that does celestial GG damage
No one asked, faggot
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Sorry, the new Behemoth super is Bladefury but with diamond lances glued to your knuckles.
Exactly the type of shit that pisses me off. Just use small bore for range/stab, fluted for stab/handling, or if you HAVE to be autistic about 100 recoil just use chambered comp at that point.... Or the recoil mod.
there are several better options but it's kind of unsurprising when it's mostly a gun for lucky pants which support swap builds that want to hit headshots
honestly I'm less confused by smallbore's underuse than I am by arrowhead's overuse. second highest stat total on a barrel with over 0 range and easily beats corkscrew in a lot of scenarios
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>finish final slop campaign
>Mara telling us all the allies she brought
>mentions Micah-10
>never heard of him, look him up
>it's a tranny
I love how "concerns" about "classes stealing each other's identity" is only brought up when its titan getting some shit from another class, but not other classes stealing shit form titan.
>Hunters get a better punch build than titan? sure go ahead
>Warlocks Rift being a better safepoint than any barricade in pve? yuuuuuerp thats warlock shit alright
>Needlestorm is still the single highest damage super (unaugmented) take it, even if that's supposed to be Hunter's thing
>Hey can titan get a super that isn't complete dogshit in PvE?
its so blatantly biased
Stasis titan should get an ice mace and a stasis cannon attached to their arm for supers.
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>all titan supers have to be close range
>no way to effectively buff yourself to prevent getting shitted on when the boss you hit with your super stomps and flings you into a wall at a billion miles an hour
It's like the people making the game don't play titan, and don't give a shit about what the people that do play titan say.
So does master mode SE add anymore champions or is it really just bloated health pools and turdge modifiers
Micah's an old character and was originally just a young male colonist that was put into a female exomind because Clovis wanted to see what would happen(and had no idea that she'd ever been anything but female), but then they went back and made Micah's entire characterization is that she's trans. This included getting her a trans VA named Pooya that can't act.
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Titans also can't get back something that was originally theirs because it was given to warlocks around 5 years later.
>named Pooya
who the hell would name their child that?
literally none of this is true
Its funny because even in the super using the melee can get you killed so you end up using it only on crystals or launching completely frozen enemies off the map.
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I'm glad people are finally catching to what I've been saying since BL
dude's got the facial physique of a chad why would he want to be a woman
Congrats anon
The intern they get to multiply the vanguard rep by 2 accidently divided by 2 instead.
It's up
it's down
This video came out 4 hours ago and I already saw at least two LFG posts asking for peregrine titans for GMs specifically over the hundreds of "outbreak / bring overload / turret spam/speaker warlock" posts lol
I love small bore. It's my pick if the gun has good handling, or good recoil already. Otherwise I like fluted.
Peregrines have been good for a while, there was a couple vids of people smacking master nez to death with a team of them.
I hate "content" creators so much it's unreal.
People did solo Nezarec with them too. Then they got nerfed against him.
"we heard your feedback and added scorch fields to every mellee'able enemy to prevent uncontrollable physics based deaths (It isn't fall damage we removed that)"
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Naz has been soloed by every class by now right? I know warlock did it first with starfires I think.
Whenever I get put on add clear on witness and I'm on titan, I just make it my job to go shoulder charge the subjugators with peregrines
Shit's hilarious. One-shots them on normal, idk about master
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Gonna be honest I dont think a single warlock or hunter gives a shit about getting access to overshield, or amplified.
Correct, they do suck
whats daitos gimmick? jade is excellent and twin tailed fox is futuristic,
Being anime. 2 Tail Fox's lore is literally an anime opening song.
Class item farming is really fucking boring
I mean it's nice to catchup on shows and shit but I just wanna play games but also at the same time I wanna get a good class item roll
There is no hype here...
What killed the hype?
We are in control
We... I-... I don't understand...
You dont understand because you're STUPID
Bungie should have made the strand grappling it's own keybind like with transcendence
Bungie has made Nessus really cool looking with these clashing new and old plant life. Really hope the consider adding these changes to the free roam space.
fucked up the pic
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How do we fix the hype
Remove surges completely
Buff titan
Clan houses
D1 moments of triumph raid update
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i don't like "the call"
its not as good as indebted kindness or the dungeon sidearm
maybe you'll like the solar one coming in act 2
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i want it for my solar subclasses, resto extending is about to go insane
>just a young male colonist that was put into a female exomind because Clovis wanted to see what would happen
people really think Bungie of all companies would write something like this in 2020
>indebted kindness or the dungeon sidearm
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I think destiny 2 character dialogue would be better if they made it that every other sentence plays a whipcrack sound effect and the camera zooms into their face like oblivion
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I remember seeing someone who appeared to have bare arms on their transmog. I don't remember the class. since you all are degenerates, surely one of you has the armor/shader combination on hand, right? pic unrelated
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>the call isn't as good as a basic stasis sidearm
Peak of sidearms
they know no one reads the lore books
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Who at bungie authorized this?
That's Mykel's.
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i know this has been done to death but....
>hunters complain about having swarm nades on prismatic
>"we hear you hunters, as a result now they're the best pvp nade in the game and great in pve"
>titans get shit nades
>people complain
also give warlocks a solar nade that does damage so i can use sunshot with my verity class item
peak of dungeon sidearms
that's indebted kindness
peak of stasis dungeon sidearms
frankly I'm glad we got something that isn't just another generic warlock hood, though it would be better if it was angled back like vex heads
what a shame
they’re mewing HARD
What's weird is that they tried to go for a samurai look for the rest of the sets and the shell, but then warlocks get a Mandalorian lemon slice.
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>what microcosmers think they are
I still haven't done Excision. I can't work up the ability to care about finishing the lukewarm microwave pizza that was "cooked".
feel free to leave. we don't want lazy faggots in this general
someone say cooked? true and real fr fr
bruh ong bungie cooked fr, this expansion is goty
So is the rocket chest piece the go to for Titan?
Why did TFS flop?
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yeah, pretty much
it does excellent damage even in gms
It does as much damage as baseline Thundercrash.
it's fine I just wish it had a better ornament that gave you some kind of missile pod instead of back vents.
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really? its gonna catch a nerf, isn't it?
I've been expecting it to but so far it's escaped the axe.
>Titan tool that does decent damage at range
Doesn't the rocket chestpiece do fuck all damage in red mini game?
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Is YAS still dead? and if so are there other builds for hunter that are similar to it?
In what situation would I want to use microcosm
>Is YAS still dead?
>and if so are there other builds for hunter that are similar to it?
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like what? infinite nades?
Deletes Subjugators (must pick for Dual Destiny and Iconoclasm only) and lazy Witness DPS
(it's Thunderlord 2.0 in terms of LFG obnoxiousness anyone who actually bothers to do a damage rotation of any sort and not die during DPS will out damage you)
how can you do damage without a blueberry running infront of your face?
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Need more hunter players like this
same way you prevent shooting a grenade launcher shot in your teammate's back
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I am now done farming.
Perfect roll would be the mag increasing perk I think instead of accelerated and liquid coil mag perks but I give up after this.
Ionized and Enhanced let you use Backup Mag, if any other mag don't use that mod
i can get up to 7 in the mag for mine, should i use that instead of the 2% damage increase?
it's one of the bugged weapons that gets less reserves when you use backup mag
This is literally the perfect roll, like impossible tier drop.
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This is me on cenotaph Microcosm with novabomb. We had two golden gun hunters on the team. Used two novabombs during damage phases.
I actually did more damage with cloudstrike+crux but I switched to cenotaph+microcosm because teammates complained about subjugators and lack of heavy ammo even though I made like 4 bricks per phase with just ammo finders on helmets. Cenotaph ensured there were bricks that I knew they could see so I just called them liars when they said there was no ammo.
Is Cloudstrike plus Crux only good on Witness or is that good damage anywhere? Because I wanted to try that with Titan Rocket chest piece and Twilight Arsenal.
pretty sure it's only enhanced battery that lets you use backup mag without losing reserves
same exact bug as cataclysmic when that was meta
love it in GMs, once i have 6 rocket barrage i stun the champ and blast them, then shoot two shots of my rocket launcher and they dead.
it melts wyverns and gives me the damage boost against the boss as well
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It's good anywhere, Generally grenade launcher rotations are much better but the amount of moving around you do on Witness means I blow myself up, rocket launcher I can just bunny hop and fire two rockets and go back to Clodustrike. Honestly a solar rocket with reconstruction+explosive light and Still Hunt might be better. This is my Crux roll.
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best i can do is titan main
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is that zavala?
Requiring mods to kill champions is retarded. Anti barrier champions should generate normal breakable shields, overload champions should either have additional health or attack spam, and unstoppable champions should be unable to flinch or stagger and that’s it.
damn is that Zavalr? I wouldn't mind tongue-punching her fartbox IYKWIM
Skill issue
I don't see a cock?
God she sets the bar too high for fem Titan mains. Everyone's gonna hope that you're Zavalr when you have a girly Titan. I can't compete with that.
do you have a pussy?
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>Bungie wants titans to be the melee class
>Makes every titan melee ability hot ass to use
>Design every boss to punish you for even thinking about getting close
>Borderline suicidal to try to melee enemies in higher level content
>Makes hunters a better melee class than titans

What the fuck is their problem?
I wish.
Now show her face.
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does she have eyebrows? this is important
>Big boobs
>Actually really good at PVP
It's over
What do you mean its over?
how is she buff?
How are you supposed to go up against all that?
Well I mean, fit, she works out a lot.
being good at pvp means shes 1 bad day away from anheroing
anon, she's just skinny
>How are you supposed to go up against all that?
just be yourself anon
Why the fuck do I keep getting this bitch in my recommended when I've never watched her
anon I don't know how to break this to you...
she has fat tits and a great voice
Willing to bet money that her BF is the one playing.
that makes it better
They broke up and she was always better than her bf at pvp. I watched them fight each other and trials, it was 4-4 and a 1v1 against each other and she won.
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I need to know what Elsie looks like naked. For science.
She looks good. Trust me, I've done the research.
Titan is masculine therefore toxic
>no comms
is there a bigger red flag in an lfg listing?
skill issue
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Just one more Atheon checkpoint and Vex will surely drop...right?
Got Eternal Warrior and Star Eaters. My Titan DPS phase mark has arrived. I have every one I want except for HOIL + Contact Brace.
Don't forget to do a catalyst run afterward :)
>grinded for vex
>have never used it cause i don't have the catalyst
Play solar titan
>throw my hammer at a taken enemy from a distance of 15 meters, as bungie intends
>it warps 5 pixels to the left
>because my hammer has no tracking it whiffs completely, sailing off a cliff and leaving my defenseless
Play threadrunner
>throw threaded spike at enemy
>it boucnes through them, doing multiple 180s to clean up the entire group, producing a tangle i can then throw again
>returns to me for free
>sucks my dick and calls me a good boy too
Why is life so hard for sunbreaker?
Just equip hallowfire heart and never use your super
Alright that's funny.
explain to me why we can't focus exotic class items at rahool
grind for exotic engrams still takes long as shit and focusing them is expensive
you just cant okay
>Just equip [shit exotic]
I will slave away getting the catalyst immediately afterwards just so I never have to think about this damn drop anymore ever again
>peregrine titan joins GM
>tries to shoulder charge the very first overload champion after we stun it
>immediately leaves
i don't believe you
I Do Believe You
trying to melee a enemy in GMs is a meme
I believe you.
What gun ist das?
Choir of One, the act 3 mission exotic.
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>act 3
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don't tell me you only paid for act one. right anon?
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>act 3
Holy shit the amount of people writing essays defending the final shape on steam is astounding
stop reading essays about this game, retard
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what settings in private mode do i do to get infinite heavy? i wanna pratice well skating
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Let them cook
Tokens were a good system
>always been a console fag
>finally built my PC that can handle bigger games or games in general with ideal settings
What should I be expecting when making the jump from xbox to PC, dg bros? The only current issue I'm aware of is the enemies killing you faster if your frames are too high.
This. NO CAP!
Was in another run, it did actually happen and it was a chill group too so he shouldn't have expected us to care if he did die
He over-extended trying to swing around from behind past the rock that first champion usually spawns by and he got sniped by the wire rifle dregs further back in the process
Prepare to get shit on even harder in crucible/trials/gambit
>What should I be expecting
Your wallet being drained because Bungie wants you to rebuy all the expansions again for switching platforms
Why are shills like this?
go to the abyss downstairs behind the relic
Gonna play Heavy Rain for the first time. Wish me luck, bros :D
the where?
the place with the floating discs above the abyss, behind the relic in mars where you shape weapons, the platform there gives you infinite ammo.
Go to Mars. The relic is the place were you craft new weapons.
it broke for me midway through, realized i had to download the mod patch for it, i'm definitely gonna replay it at some point
I-Is that a common issue? Fugs, thanks for telling me anon. I'll check it out.
A lady strips at some point
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I look like this irl
>t. dad
>dad bod
>no pulse rifle in raid loot
Why does Bungie avoid referencing the Rise of Iron as much as they can?
>Choir of One
What is is and whats it do?
That's a good thing. I don't want Nu-Bungie putting their hands on WOTM
Oh right. Why do they hate Siva again? The common theory I see floating around is that the current writers don't want anything to do with the old writers of Bungie but they make exceptions sometimes.
Jealousy. The B-team made something better than their A-team, so they fired the B-team and memory holed the expansion in the name of diversity.
IF we ever get SIVA back it'll come saddled with more Clovis/Ana/Elsie drama
That season will end with Ana channeling light through her ghost to create the same feels-beam that killed the witness, but it will kill clovis instead. Every season from here on out will be feels-beaming the seasonal enemy to death.
>Hey guardian...
Decent ad clear with peregrines or the rocket chest, biggest flaws are the fact they have 1 good super that only works in melee range and in PvP theyre just inferior in terms of movement, and now inferior at holding objectives since bungie decided to make yellow minigame about holding a point.
Bubble is much worse well and now needs an exotic to work like the old version of it, you got 4 flavors of striker that are mediocre to bad, and thundercrash literally doesnt work.
Why did Bungie block their already crappy shooting range with this shit?
Wtf lol
I hope Clovis molested them and they secretly "hate" him because they want his dick again.
micah-10's quests
do exo chicks have working parts?
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ikora should look like this
Who the fuck starts a conversation starts like that? I just opened the thread.
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>attractive black woman
Not a fan of her nose ring but c'mon anon, you know they aren't allowed in.
You should look like that
Yeah but I expect gay/horny/racist/horny gay shit not statutory rape
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>barely any correlation between intelligence and wealth
no wonder the whale economy works so well
I don't care what quest is attached its blocking their half assed range.
She looks like she only fucks white males and Exos.
People who understand women.
>People who understand women.
I think knowing that your grandfather got an entire colony killed because he thought listening to a random voice tell him to build a vex portal is enough reason to hate him. It doesn't have to be some weird sex thing.
I recall someone from the dev team saying that Siva was too powerful since it just takes over everything so it was hard to write something interesting about after its role in RoI. This was years before they killed off Rasputin for the same reason, so it sounds like something they'd do.
clovis should be raised as a warlord
>I think knowing that your grandfather got an entire colony killed because he thought listening to a random voice tell him to build a vex portal is enough reason to hate him
Women pretend to care about things like this but they don't. These characters are also likely the writers writing themselves in and trying to get the attention of the man who raped them.
come to think on it, now that rasputin's dead wouldn't the fallen just roll into the now-defunct bunkers and strip them down to the last screw?
It's not like the defenses work anymore, and all the guardians are busy jacking off currently.
Anon I get that you're misogynist but come on.
real coincidence that they just decided after 3 months after adding the Cosmodrome to D2 to drop all the work that would expand it into the Plaguelands because "we want to focus on making new content" then proceeding to abandon Shaw Han as a character on top of it outside of giving him a wall of unvoiced text for stuff like gjallarhorn or whatever
How are there still fallen, we've killed like a couple billion at this point?
>Shaw Han has Last Wish armor
>Doesn't leave his shitty campsite to help us defeat the Witness
Fucking secret chest exploiter with no friends
fallen go at the back of the bus
House Salvation dedicated breeding farms. Eramis turned a blind eye to the enslavement of her fellow fembugs because she needed soldiers (and the only reason she wasn't there was because she's barren - stasis was the last straw for her poor ancient bug ovaries)
Anon, he never did last wish. It was pointed out last season. He bought it from a store and didn't know it was real bones. He thought it just looked cool. Then he wished for a fireteam to make memories with. He now never forgets their deaths.
I wish I could kill just about every character in this game.
>nooooooooooooo the ahamkara genocide was a bad thing
>they pull this shit fucking daily
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linears are so fucking grim right now
thunderlord is better
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i think i did alright
>they pull this shit fucking daily
only if they're slacking, a proper diet is three square scams a day. With snacks between.
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Um anon, Clovis is a scientist and everything you do in the name of SCIENCE! is justified, go read a book ok?
Science is only SCIENCE if it aligns with my feelings. Otherwise it's misinformation/malinformation/disinformation.
Not bad actually.
Two exotic armors for Titan were removed and given to warlock and now it's warlock identity.

I can't believe Kevin got away with that retarded, completely wrong and revisionist tweet just because he lied about death threats from a 13 year old.
holy shit is that true? KWAB
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how to fashion with THIS exotic
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someone in my raid group made fun of me for using thunderlord...
Yes. The helmet from the post I replied to was a titan exotic that let you float in the air while aiming and have you better accuracy. Now it's in the solar lock "identity". The same thing happened with another exotic for titans called Twilight Garrison.
its better than the dogshit linear available now from the nightfall
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Too many devs knitting I’ll say
All that pvp “balancing” for what. Red game mode is still worse than ever. They should revert every single nerf and not touch anything. If everyone’s super no one is.
How the fuck do you not die on gm glassway when everything swarms you in a room and you can't leave since the boss will 1 shot you if you leave? Our success rate is like 50% and it seems like it cokes down to rng if both champs teleport on top of us at one or 1 at a time.
where is your cc?
Lol nice
pardon our dust with blinding nades (or any other blinding nades) and a warlock with speaker's sight which trivializes most of the bullshit of GM, also focus the shit out of wyverns when they come out.
Can timelost weapons get enhanced perks?
That seems silly, why not?
too hard
they need to knit more
I'm honestly shocked they give Failsafe so much flirty dialogue. You'd think she'd be gay like everyone else in the universe.
She's the token straight character
Take turns using supers/transcendence on each wave of reinforcements. Try to fight them in the mid doorway and fall back to midway between left and mid door.

Suspend and freeze are incredible here. One stasis turret will reliably halt both wyverns and overloads (though you may have to hide for a second while it gets the freeze/stun).

When you want to kill barriers outside, have 1 player kite the boss over to the left corridor/doorway while the other 2 work the barriers.
The guy below didn't explain the difference between an indie dev and tripe A studio other than the size difference. Also, there's been plenty of devs from different sizes of teams and studios that basically confirm what the top guy said.
>AAA is much larger
So they should be able to do more right?
All of their man power is focused on shitting out cringe ass emotes and cosmetics for eververse.
She looks Finnish. And I do not mean it as a compliment.
So it seems like double-perk drops of world-pool weapons (Deep to Wish season) are seemingly tied to your last clear of Lost Sector. So if you got Master clear, you will get double perk drops out in wild. And if you go tier below (expert) and complete it, all your drops turn back into regular "no additional perks" drops.
Need more testing to be sure, but I can't be arsed. I was already too spooked after I started getting regular world drops without additional perk all of a sudden.
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howd i do?
2 wasted golfballs
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>he doesnt know
lol lmao even
sex with failsafe
You forgot the bit about it giving you 25percent energy back if you hold the button to catch
Can't play the game right now become I'm away from my PC for military training. Are snipers viable in PVP yet? I never see anybody using them on YouTube.
fingolian women are gems of this world

Its so fucking bad you cant even 1phase the phalanx from prophecy

I hope they remove the nerf to them they did in lightfall but I cant see them buffing them 40-50percent
i don't play pvp but they've systematically nerfed every aspect of how special weapons get more ammo specifically because they couldn't figure out how to balance snipers, now everyone spawns with 1 ammo
The last I played was April of last year. Back then it felt like I never had enough sniper ammo and I was alway getting team shot. You're telling me that there's even LESS special now?
yes, double primary is meta in pvp
however snipers are a lot better in pve, they keep getting buffs every patch
Smokes got sorta buffed so I can see Khepri's Sting being better now and sorta being like YAS
The latest Titan Trials set has bear arms
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have they ever explained why this weapon archetype was made to be dogshit?
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>however snipers are a lot better in pve, they keep getting buffs every patch
Does that mean my rewind round praedyth's revenge is finally viable in PVE?
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theres like 10 different snipers with that perk that are better right meow
Okay but mine also has high impact reserves and it's a rapid fire frame so you get more shots out. Sounds pretty good to me.
crafted supremacy absolutely mogs your shit weapon
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you know, after really thinking about it
red death isn't a pve weapon, its a pvp weapon
essential you use to stay alive in pve and it does an excellent job
however, what class are you using it on?
yes lots of class can't sustain themselves or have any defensive options but the ones that do either don't need help or just need a singular solar primary to keep them alive
prismatic hunter? why aren't you using liars handshake/assasins cowl during running phases?
prismatic warlock? you have devour you don't need to spec into any survivability with your weapons
prismatic titan? why are you playing a joke class?
it would have been the best gun in the game 3 years ago but nowadays we have a gun thats both weaken and devour on command and no one is using it
tldr red death is great but has no legitimate use cases in pve, hopefully the catalyst will be crazy to make it useful
I am tired of prismatic
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>"LFR are only good for boss damage! They should be number 1 in DPS!"
>"BAAWWW! I'm tired of only using LFRs! BUFF OTHER HEAVIES!"
>go back to first one
the cycle repeats
look man
i don't want to die and throw because some nigger is moving in the well out of my control
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sir no slurs in here
you cannot say the w-word
You guys remember the last time we had a Fusion Rifle Gunsmith bounty? Feels like I haven't done one in literal months.
i haven't done a single weapon smith bounty this year
encounter design in everything now is dump 20 adds into a room have fun so i don't think snipers are ever gonna be much use outside of pvp
i get endless cores form dismantling shit, xp is irrelevant now. for what reason are you doing gunsmith bounties?
Please stop playing warlock.
I am confused. Why wouldn't I just use pure Liar's Handshake with prismatic instead of a class item with Spirit of the Liar that isn't any better?
cause you can get calibans with it
i've got inmost light which is okay cause i get back my nade quicker
snipers feel unusable in pvp now
what did they do?
i've heard that they increased the flinch on snipers by 100%
i’ve heard that they reduced the aim assist on snipers by 100%
inmost is far better than calibans with liar's in anything but patrol
When I'm really bored and only want to play Destiny for like 15 mins.
in what universe? i want ignitions
the ignitions are really underwhelming
liar's + inmost with grapple melee = way more fun
is that ability spam?
I liked it in momentum control cus the ttk is like .1 seconds
whats your godroll for the hunter class item then?
How much money have you blown on this game?
Not a single good player in all of my GM runs this week. Grim.
not as much as i’ve blown your mom lole

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