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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>Previous >>484034062
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use the smithscript axe
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>didnt get to see Godwyn
>didnt get new lore on Godwyn
>didnt get to choose Miquella
>didnt get to choose Trina
>didnt get new aquamarine dagger or similar stance-based weapons
>didnt get to learn about Miquella's and Malenia's shadowbound beasts
>instead, got a bunch of shitty retcons about the fingers, the greater will and Miquella's incestious hornyness
>what ring setup
i'd pretty situational. i switch mine around all the time. throughout the DLC though, i've generally be using
>two handed talisman (i will typically swap this out for another elemental damage talisman, like the golden braid or firedrake talisman+3 if needed)
>crimson seed talisman+1
>pearldrake talisman +3
>dragoncrest greatshield talisman
if i'm tanking however it's going to be different
>two-headed turtle talisman
>viridian amber medallion+3
>pearl shield talisman
>greatshield talisman
if you become elden lord for the order of gold you get sex with marika.
I do. But I don't have these sweet moves.
Holy poiseclown
It's a Marika DLC with Miquella added as an after thought because Miyazaki fucking hates Elden Ring
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Co-oping Bayle is hell. Every time.
If your outfit is ugly, you didn't beat the game
the absolute very first fucking thing i do whenever i engage in pvp is fine an extremely confined and narrow space to fight in so they ADHD zoomerniggers cant fucking hop around and sprint in circles at mach 12. i dont know why but that shit looks so retarded to me
So why is there the night armour set in that jar prison? Theres only 2 people that wear the night armour, one is a puppet with her body trapped in an unreachble part of a wizard tower, who invades you (on ymirs orders/control?)
They're the most mysterious new group in the dlc, assassin sisters who helmet makes them look like Sauron
Why do so many of you retards want to see more Godwyn when his entire fucking shtick is one of the most complete stories in the fucking game oh my god
Awesome, appreciate the help, and everyone else. Sorry that other guy made it seem like I was a prick
Cute knees
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>I'm fully prepared! Now, onwards to the boss fight!
>Again with that fucking shield! Throw that shit away and fight us fair and square!
cheers lad
Marika just wanted the best for her people :/
>retcons about the fingers
The base game actually did allude to this
>greater will
What we learn is literally what hyetta tells us
Yeah that was retarded
His entire point is to be dead and unrecoverable, otherwise it trivializes marikas grief over the shattering and makes ranni seem less bad. The final boss should've been malenia as that actually has build up, namely that we don't kill her and gowry won't shut the fuck up about her having two more blooms to go before she fully ascends, and we only see her bloom once and don't get a "God slain" when beating her.
Bayle has only one knee these days
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>Marika DLC
And that's why it's KINO
>muh Mike
Honestly seeing the shotanigger meltdown is worth the pozz'd Radahn shitpile of a boss.
>didnt get to choose Miquella
Getting grabbed by Radhan twice is choosing that
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You tell me, /erg/, deep lore or laziness?

>Jolán and Anna share most of their facedata
>Dancer of Ranah shares 90% of her facedata with Tanith
>Moonrithyll and Moongrum are very similar
>A bunch of NPCs are just bald fuckers (Dryleaf Dane, Moore, Hornsent/Greater Potentantes)
>Rellana has no face at all
coop/invasion/arena meta level now?
commander gay ass might be one of the biggest pile of shit boss in the entire series
Radahn was being mindcontrolled.
Malenia's role was to kill Radahn and send his soul to the SR.
Marika was a god and grew the Erdtree before the Shaman genocide.
The reason for Shaman genocide was a betrayal by Marika.
Shamans aren't specifically a race, but people in tune spiritually (explains the theory that Numens were shamans, but not THE shamans).
Hornsent are trying to bring back the Crucible (Spiral Tree).
The Fingers are (((them))), they're behind all the bad shit that happens, likely manipulated the Hornsent into genociding the Shamans, & likely manipulated Marika to genocide the Hornset.
The entire GO religion is based on Metyr and the Fingers idea of the GW because the GW fucked off a long time ago.
We aren't following the GW because it's gone, all the grace that guides us is 100% Marika's influence.
Messmer was cursed as fuck, just like his siblings.
Marika implanted her grace into his eye to hold back his curse, as she viewed it as something very horrible, calling it the 'original sin'.
Messmer & Melina are old as fuck, likely some of the oldest demigods in TLB.
Godhood & Divinity is a cage that binds Marika & possibly Miquella into being nothing more than vessels.
Check your scadu as soon as they summon you. If it's sub-15, sever.
because Miquella was almost attached to Godwyn as he was to Malenia.
Also, the earliest theories was that the "scadutree" was just an erdtree strangled by deathroot, so the theory was that miquella would go to a place to find a cure for deathroot.
You did marry her, right?
in the final fight of the dlc i purposefully let him grab me because getting hugged by miquella makes me all tingly
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>zoomer who beat elden ring once back in 2022 with constant phantom carry, hadn't done anything but main storyline and hasn't played since learns there's dlc
>buys and installs
>learns dlc is locked behind this mohg guy they never met
>find guide to sequence break using the epic "no maidens?" dude
>get sorcerer phantom to kamehameha mohg
>go to dlc area tuned for level 150+ at level 40
>don't get any skadoosh fragments
>summon people for bosses and get one shot before they even make it through the fog gate

Rinse and repeat for the next three months.
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>Japan does gay couples better than all of the West combined put together

Why can't the West just admit that homosexuals are nothing special?
What spell school should I do
What's the best area for pvp duels then, if its not the arena
And those were theories. Stay mad your headcanon was proven wrong lmao.
The best DLCs are the ones who take previously mentioned background characters and make them shown.
DS1 shows you all the nights of gwyn as well as the origin of the abyss. Both of which are only ever reference in the main game.
BB shows you a lot of the hunters with "complete stories" pre DLC like ludwig and laurence.
>Just repeating what we see in the game
Amazing. Vaatividya saved the DLC.
He sucks but he's like D tier. From Software has a large repertoire of F tier bosses. I forgive them because they also have a bunch of S tier bosses.
>really cool comfy cloak
>looms perfect for mage builds
>flower collection disappears with certain head pieces
>ruined by the fingers coming from the chest area abd severed fingers dangling from the back

I fucking hate this so much. I don't care if it increases damage of finger sourceries I want it without the fucking finger shits hanging or on the chest.
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What axe is that
1.sisters, makes sense
3.probably related so ok
5.not a player model so its fine
Where the fuck do you get that Snake Flail from? Looks awesome.
Even a Draconic Tree Sentinel can't save these redsissies from my wrath.
I'm so good at this game and reds are all bad. Every single one.
>We aren't following the GW because it's gone, all the grace that guides us is 100% Marika's influence.
Ehy does she show grace to Tarnished if she doesn't want anyone to succeed as Wlden Lord?
Can I trade in furling fingers somewhere for something other than runes? I don't need 100 of these. I don't even need 1.
>The reason for Shaman genocide was a betrayal by Marika.
I messed this up and forgot to change it.
Vaati said that the Hornsent viewed their purge as a 'betrayal', implying that Marika & the Hornsent knew each other and were in an alliance/partnership of sorts.
>1 health shitter busts out the sleep crossbow after he knows he was beat
>1. It triggers madness with weapon art almost instantly, like 1-2 hits of its multi hit spam projectiles in pvp (Y/N?)
Madness Triggers, and appears to do a sizable chunk of Deathblight build up, roughly 3 R1s seems to trigger the DB right after with a build that is just min-maxed and is +1 Somber on both at level 30 invasions.
The Phantoms I can nail down pretty consistently, sometimes the starting armor the host wears has enough vitality I cant proc them as easily and need an extra hit
>2. They carry deathblight including buff from shotel WA (Y/N?)
Yes, the Deathblight buff carries over to the torch, I had cases where the Nanaya WA RNG multi hits the target and they get Deathblighted wwhile stunned in madness
>3. Its enough to deathblight people from the weapon art alone during the madness stun timer, making it a true one button 100-0 combo (Y/N)?
Im min-maxed for the weapon at level 30 so at this point, its not a 100-0. But neither was the Crossbow, it took two volleys I think to deathblight IIRC. Maybe an FTH/ARC optimized build focus on status can do it?

You'd also need some poise if you want to take on a DLC gank party from all directions. At this low level the poise tear was enough to tank through most phantoms.
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>A Power Shred Debuff will not stack with other debuffs of the same type.


Are there different types of power shred debuffs that can stack?
If they're all the same type, the original text could just be "power shred debuffs do not stack".
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>Forget about Maliketh
>Forget about Hewg
>Forget about Messmer
>Forget about Rennala
I despite Marikafags so fucking much. "She did nothing wrong LOL I'm not a porn addict" *posts porn*
Kill yourselves.
>We aren't following the GW because it's gone, all the grace that guides us is 100% Marika's influence.
so the Godfrey cutscene is Marika guiding Godfrey to us to beat us?
Can somebody give me a hint to get to the eastern / middle part of the map? Only place I haven't figured out how to get to. I've beaten Commander and Mesmer.
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I know it's not the hardest challenge run, but it will be the first one I do for DLC on my NG+5 character. 40 Dex is just to hit max cast speed with Radagon's Icon. I'm going full caster with no defensive talismans.
fat fuck
Why is it so easy to make Caucasian to make themselves but making a Caucasian woman that doesn't look Asian or weird and lumpy is impossible?
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I wanted to give miquella a hug
>Th-thank you for mending me, tarn--I mean, my lord...
None of them had "complete stories." They took small tales from the game and expanded on them. Godwyn has an entire fucking story going on that leads to an ending. The equivalent is more like saying "why didn't we get an entire DLC about the fair lady and lost izalith's witches?"
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Pretty good actually.
you got carried by the FKGS guy bro
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After finishing the DLC I have changed how my character is gonna rule as Elden Lord. The demigod twins Miquella and Malenia are responsible for like, 90% of the bad shit going on apart from Marinara during and after the Shattering. They have caused so much pain and damage and my character will rectify that. The first thing he is gonna do as soon as he reaches Godhood is that he is gonna burn the twins home down which is the Miquella’s Haligtree and kill all the inhabitants there. All traces of their evil legacy must be cleansed. Then, he will hunt down and crucify all of Miquella’s and Malenia’s followers in both the Lands Between and Shadow of the Erdtree indiscriminately. After that he will just rule normally I guess I dunno, but those are definitely gonna be his immediate first orders as Elden Lord for sure. Fuck Miquella and Malenia and those who follow them, fuck them for what they did to the Radahn and Mohg and the whole world. I will rid the Lands Betwixt of their stain.
You don't have to kill the caster, he stops sniping by the time you reach the one down the stairs
Post sliders
darklight catacombs
seek it
illusory wall in shadow keep sewers, near the painting
>you're a god slaying one-man-army that has BTFO several demi-gods, a god, eldritch horrors, beasts and space monsters
>btw you look like a hobo or typical serf
Guys, is Elden Ring based on true story or it's fiction?
dumb brat
Godwyn is an item description.
Fia's entire questline is vague and based around her own biased worldview of death and you making headcanons.
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How do you get up here? By the temple town ruins
Interesting that both Carian knights look alike
Siblings or maybe that's just how Liurnians look in general?
My gay ass OC that's suppose to be from Liurnia has the exact or very similar shade of eyes.
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It's real
>Sister so ok
>Tanith was a dancer/prostitute before Rykard took her so makes sense
>Carianface so maybe, leaning more on lazy
>Those are all unique minus the butchers I believe
>Not a player model
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It's just that getting back to the grace will be a bitch if you leave him alive
>And those were theories.
Dude, have you seen half of the lore items of miquella before the DLC? Half of them are attached to Godwyn you mongoloid retard. There's an entire castle concerning just Miquella's devotion to Godwyn.
There's an entire MECHANIC connected to how much miquella wanted Godwyn to get a proper death.
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Throwing stuff is fun.
>Mohg's Greatspear
>Bloodfiend's Arm
>Bloodfiend Ritual Spear
>Putrescent Axe
>Meteoric Greatsword
What other Str/Arc weapons exist, or is that all? Any good infusable weapons to add?
Also, if your elden lord has children with marika, keep them humble and they know to stay in their lane or this will happen all over again.
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You weren't the one she was rooting for.

>Radahnfag hating on the twins as usual
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
it's literally the byzantine empire
What is that second outfit and weapon??
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Your graces are pointing at each other as by that point you're the only two Tarnished left who can do anything that matters
Yeah. She wants her ex back.
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This comic strip got oh so debunked hard lmao
>need to remove characters armor with third party software to see their face
>its nothing special
>wtf is this lazy design
Youre a genuine retard.
I also believe this.
There's a spiritspring nearby
Godwyns story also isn't over, considering he is actively fucking everything up with deathroot. You see that shit happening in real time.
>Marika was a god and grew the Erdtree before the Shaman genocide.
>The reason for Shaman genocide was a betrayal by Marika.
So he's a hornsent apologist trying to smear good Marika's name. Truly, a cocksucker of the highest order. The amount of cocks he probably sucked rivals even Marika, ironically enough.
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I'm still midway through the game but I think it looks nice for a faith character.
There's a spirit spring to the left of it, I'm pretty sure. You can go up to fight bear man, iirc, or there's a ledge you can go on that leads to that structure.
This is what people have been saying pre release when leaks and datamines of all of the dialog and descriptions came out. I think vaati just takes theories from this place now since he doesn't need to credit anyone.
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So enir-illim is the elden ring version of tower of babel except the horn sent succeeded in constructing it. They just need a vast amount of sacrifices to make a god(in this case it was the shaman) marika betrays them somehow and becomes the god and massacres the hornsent.

Is this about right?
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>You don't have to kill the caster
I want to kill the caster
Those Who Live in Death is Godwyn's entire fucking point anon, that's what I'm saying. That's his story. That's explored everywhere through that entire quest. We get tons of perspectives on it. We see, constantly, everywhere, the effect of what his living within death is doing. Was fighting his old corrupted dragon buddy not enough? You need the boss fight for him? Being a fucked up corpse fucking up everything everywhere in the whole story isn't enough somehow?
Marika is my wife.
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>Godwyns arc is already completed
>Conveniently forgets that Radanh and Mogh's arcs were also completed in the base game.
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As much hate as Malenia gets, I wonder why Millicent doesn't get any either.
I just beat Mogh but I don't see the DLC girl at the egg. Do I have to beat Radahn aswell?
>The Fingers are (((them))), they're behind all the bad shit that happens, likely manipulated the Hornsent into genociding the Shamans, & likely manipulated Marika to genocide the Hornset.
Talk about infantilizing Marika and taking away her agency.
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My normie friend got me this game plus DLC. Does it have cute lolis in it?
And he failed. Let it go. Lmao. It doesn't matter anymore. He's velka same with gloam eyed queen. Seething won't change it.
Mogh doesn't have anything egregious in this DLC. No one is defending Radahn. Retard.
You had me until
>Mohg and Radahn dindu nuffin
I have no sympathy for gay incestuous pedos.
>But they were drunk! ON LOVE!
Yeah that doesn't hold up in any court in the real world. Kill every demigod.
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Still don't know if I prefer the Rellana armor or the blue silver mail chet piece (with the cloack removed)
he based it all on the fact that Ymir called them defective lmfao
Needs correcting.

Thanks, I already was doubting :)
No that's only DS3
>I have no sympathy for gay incestuous pedos.
They were literally being midcontrolled.
more like pretty dark.png
only shota
Shut the fuck up. retard
Is there something in-game that tips everyone off to parry the Winter Lantern guys? I've been playing offline and saw a whole plethora of spooky dev messages about not fighting them and not letting them see you, but I haven't seen anything telling me to parry them. I figured I'd find a key item or something in the Manse that damaged them or made them vulnerable, but everyone's just been saying to parry them as though it's common knowledge.
>He's playing with basedjak dolls he's so mad
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how do i get here?
Torn Diary Page in the Midra Manse
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You kill his dragon "fighting" against Deathblight, you have an entire questline about Fia, yet this results in nothing.
His face shows up 3 times, you find his real body, we see him in every location of the game while also being able to see it's le bad, just look at Rogier, at the Wormfaces, etc.
But there's no conclusion about any of this. You have to headcanon through it, like many other things in the game.
Kill yourself and go back to slop archive faggot.
Why does he think that the woman that had her village genocided needed to be convinced to genocide hornsent in revenge? His take diminishes Marika's character.
Utterly innocent and mind controlled by her brother most like.
Cure her and send her off to retirement. Maybe give her her wife Finlay's ashes.
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stfu retards
Sanguine Hood, Thiollier Robes altered, High Priest gloves, Ansbach boots. Ansbach's obsidian scythe
>I have no sympathy for gay incestuous pedos.
Bro Miquella is the molester here, not the molested
>Godwyn is dead in soul but alive in body
>Has grown like a cancer at the very roots of the Erdtree, spreading deathblight
>Numens probably travelled to this world via coffins, harnessing the power of 'being' dead
>We do the same using coffins to go up and down waterfalls
>Godwyns head has become like a clam, his legs have fused with his lioncloth to give him a fishtail like a merman (Whats the connection to death and sea life?)
Now lets talk about how we could have solved the Godwyn problem and end the deathblight and give him a final death
>Consort Radahn is the combination of of Radahns souls put inside Mohg corpse
>What if we could put Mohgs or Morgotts soul into Godwyns body, giving it life so that we can kill it permenantly (Rykards could work but I think his soul is tied to the serpent god and may not work)
Would it work anons?
Thanks. I thought the dark atmosphere soothed my character's darkness very well.
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Where were you when the Elden Ring was shattered?
I really want to make Marika's Hammer (or any other 1hand mace) work but they're just too short range. I feel like I always end up having to take out a GS just to fucking hit things
The summon room in front of messmer. Just put a red sign down and someone will summon you. Very convenient.
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>Malenia was bewitched
>Mohg was bewitched
>Radahn was bewitched
>Everyone in the Haligtree was bewitched
I sure love eating slop. Thankfully all characters never actually had any real personality. I love this DLC.
In theory, but seeing how PCR acted, it's like a 50/50 shot
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Assuming you sided with Millicent, when Malenia wakes up, she'll probably have a mad crush on the Tarnished considering she'll have all of Millicent's memories.
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Hi would anyone like to see the 4chan archives links of where he took each and every point from? I've seen all of the points in vaati's vid talked about here before release and shortly after, these points were NOT talked about on reddit, /v/, twitter, or his discord. He got literally every single point from posters here. Every. Last. One. Is he known for stealing ideas?
No because his body has already seeped into and corrupted the roots of the Erdtree, that's why his squid face is fucking everywhere, it's a sign to show how his rotting divine corpse is corrupting the Erdtree.
Nope. Maybe there's a mod, idk
>advertising mentions killing radahn and mogh
>steam posts from bandai saying you need to kill radahn and mogh
>"guys do i need to kill radahn and mogh"
are bows useable yet
what's the issue with the tanith one?
What is a meta frenzy build for duels right now? I was hoping the new sword had build up but its still good.
Sure, why not. But you're also preaching to the choir since I've known he's been a plagiarist since the bloodborne days.
I mean like that's not really stealing points
My interpretation on what Marika wants was helped formed by like sofacussionsb here
Tanith is probably from Ranah
>Castanets used by dancers from foreign lands. Received from Patches. The passionate dance comprises no seductiveness, but merely a dignified beauty.
>The dance of Ranah is one of burning passion, and the most passionate dancers never allow their fiery dance to end, losing even their names as they dance on. To see the passion fade is to see the dancer's flame extinguished.
>Is he known for stealing ideas
He stole most of his Bloodborne lore from the dude who wrote that huge essay called the Paleblood Hunt.
I don't get it, why did they advertise Mesmer as if he was the main boss and the story would focus on him
>put shield up against Gaius
>still fucking hits me and takes off half of my hp
what the fuck is this bullshit
I use my bow to kill the bird in mohg area all the time
Maddening Hand can insta proc if the weapon art connects pretty good
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>Led does not approve
What do you want it to result in? What conclusion are you hoping for? As things go, you get an ending justifying the existence his undeath brought forth. You get interesting perspectives everywhere on it including 3 NPC questlines through the game. Yeah, the endings of ER kinda suck, so it takes the sails out a bit just like everything that's not Frenzy Flame or Ranni, but there's so much fucking content revolving around him and he exists to this point. What did you actually want? Would a bossfight with Godwyn the Grotesque have been so much more satisfying? A huge part of the point of him is his pathetic, pitiable half-existence.
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Give me one legitimate reason outside of "you just can't okay" that I can't marry rya. Hard mode. No mentioning marika or ranni.
Millicent never reached Malenia sadly, so I don't think she "returned" to Malenia, stupid as it is.
Here's a fucking gay ass idea I had to conclude that stupid fucking plot
>beat the attack by the 4 sisters
>she becomes a summon to help you with Malenia
>Once you beat Malenia, her last moments and such are by Malenia's Aeonia bloom, obviously change the dialogue a bit
>once you reload the area, a second smaller Aeonia bloom is sitting by Malenia's big one
ALL THEY HAD TO FUCKING DO! It'd still be a dumb tragic end kind of thing, but it would be far better narrative wise and actually feel satisfying.
God I fucking hate it every time I remember that damned questline.
Why is her face so fucking flat
>>484044508 (You) #
Lorefags please read and tell me if I’m wrong. I feel like this has to be the answer to the riddle, because it just really looks like the trailer shows the Golden Star’s arrival. I cant imagine what the fuck else the alien womb could be and the divine gate looks like it had an exit wound from an asteroid impact
Leda is a schizo
The second the charm breaks, suddenly she's like "Whelp, off to kill fucking EVERYONE."
I just want a single line that says "yeah he's not spreading shit anymore. don't worry about it."
Simple as that. Instead of going like "ummmm, what the fuck was his deal? will it spread and infect the whole world?"
I can't marry Rya because I kill her every playthrough. Sorry, but that's what you get for luring tarnished to the volcano manor.
too much time prostrating before Miqqy
>Is he known for stealing ideas?
Yes. None of the loretubers come up with their own ideas it's all from either reddit or 4chan. Vaati was even in the thread, constantly telling people to wait for Vaati's video to make sense of the lore
>n-no that wasn't him
Yes it was you you disingenuous nigger
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Alright I'm new to the game and I've bene playing for roughly one month.. I finally beat Mohg and Ramadan so I can play the DLC and I'm level 129. Do you think I should play through the main game first or will I be ok if I jump into the DLC?
I don't care about lore after the DLC
I used to care.
Go to the main gate cross site of grace then turn to face opposite from the castle, there should be a path going of to the right
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i prefer claws of night

i didnt even bother trying them when i originally picked them up. makes me wonder what other hidden gem weapons there are in this DLC
>What do you want it to result in
>Godwyn's going to kill the entire world bro, make the best of it
>We can use DD to cut him off
>We can't deal with Godwyn but we can perma-quarantine him
you'll get salmonela
and I'm fine with that
How do I fucking kill Furnace Golems easily holy shit
>Throw a pot into its head!
The motherfuckers keep spamming that fucking rain of fire bullshit as SOON AS THE PREVIOUS ONE ENDS, HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO THROW ANYTHING EVER
The biggest lorebomb in this whole DLC is the fucking Meteoric Ore Greatsword casually mentioning that "old gods" used meteors as weapons.
The entire point of becoming Elden Lore in all endings is to produce certain solutions to problems and giving you the godlike power to implement them.
You'll be fine, though as far as I'm aware you won't miss anything if you go to the end of base game first(it'll as you before starting new game+ so don't worry about doing it accidentally)
No. Actually my biggest hope for From Software's next project is a complete archery overhaul. Problem with that is that would require a complete AI overhaul and that has never been their strength.
You'll probably be fine playing the DLC. It's tough at first but if you keep upgrading your Scadu level with fragments you should be fine. Just be sure to have your weapons upgraded.
You don't need the furnace pots, you can use the normal big pots too
I beat it at 138. You get a ton of exp so you'll blow past that if you're not capping yourself.
Miyazaki couldn't even care enough to put her in Castle Sol as a summon. He doesn't care about any questline other than Ranni's.
Many such cases.
So, again, you have to resort to headcanon. Which is stupid as fuck.
>hidden gem weapons
they're one of the most retarded and unbalanced weapons in the game
I don't think that has anything to do with it.
I agree that whatever imagery is in Farum Azula is not meant to be the Elden Ring because I personally never subscribed to the "Placidusax was an Elden Lord in the Godfrey sense" theory.
But the reason those with horns (omen/hornsent) are more common in the land of shadow and not the rest of the lands between is simply proximity to the crucible I imagine.
>Whirligig Saw
>hit leg until fall down
>hit head
I changed build and now I'm too strong what do

Scadu 3 only and I one shotted rellana, fire giant, godskin duo mslekith radagon and elden beast today
>get summoned for messmer
>host is some bloatmaxxed caster in full bullgoat
>spends 30 seconds buffing up with everything from howl of shabriri to jellyfish shield
>walks in and immediately dies to the explosion
you just know he had scorpion talisman and soreseal on as well, why wouldn't he...
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i like how she manages to convince hornsent to side with her, even after trying to kill him
okay easy fucko
what furnace golem? each one has a trick to defeat easily
But we don't know what kind of solution can solve Godwyn unless you take Fia or FF. We have nothing on how to deal with Godwyn.
IDk about any answers but I really like the theory that the Erdtree's power is almost diminished; it doesn't bless anymore, it doesn't hold souls anymore, Omens are born more commonly now, it all hints to the Erdtree reverting back to the form of the Crucible.
>get summoned
>summoner is int caster
>don't enter bossroom
It's that shrimple.
>caster in full bullgoat
They should bring in Runescape's armor system and make it so heavy armor actively decreases your magic scaling
So sick and tired of bullgoat
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She has the charm Saberfaces are usually endowed with.
yet to see a single person using them in pvp aside
just sprint bro
You're a fucking dunce if you believe that. That is just Gideon's copium explanation for why he no longer sees the grace of gold and you do more in days than he's managed in all the time he's been putzing about in his office.
So my understanding of Marika's motivation was that she started to grow to resent the Golden Order or atlwast that she at some point during the death of Godwyn, decided to go against the plan and shatter the Elden Ring.
She then said to all her daughters and sons that they do whatever they want but that if they fail to become or make anything of themselves that they'd end up dying.
She then set it up in such a way that even if someone were to 'win' and get the runes required then they'd be incapable 9fbtaking the final step and so the war would go on forever.
The gist I get is that like she wants everyone to be able to live free from the Golden Order vassalage and thinks that the infinite shattering war is the best bet for people to not be subjugated by an outer being and keeping people able to do/become whatever they want.

Is that even accurate enough pre-dlc and did the dlc mess with that like at all?
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Can you actually get here?
I've seen a lot of people say this DLC reveals a lot about Marika but I haven't really seen shit about her in anything I've found.
Nah she's way better than saberfaces because she's comically insane and doesn't have Nasu's sad wet fart idea of a tragic backstory to make them justified in the end
Leda is just a delusional paranoid yandere and that is okay
I was thinking of switching to moonveil, is it good?
>Miyazaki couldn't even care enough to put her in Castle Sol as a summon. He doesn't care about any questline other than Ranni's.
I don't mind her not being in every single spot of her journey, that's okay. But the ending is what ruins it.
I couldn't figure it out if you can.
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>he didnt find the secret
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finally beat the fucking fight as a mage
had single digit number of chances and it ended up just being Darkmoon greatsword the fight

What an absolutely atrocious fight. One of the worst fights I've ever seen. I don't even feel like I won because I had a huge leg-up, I felt like I won because he never did the cross chop when I was low and spammed Miquella's light
yo when the fuck is it my turn to attack on bayle phase 2
I honestly didn't think the greathammer would end up being my favourite DLC weapon. there's just something so satisfying about being abig poise blob and having something quicker and more nimble flipping around and fucking about and you just hammertossing your great hammer into its face from across the room and knocking it flat on its ass. Also has the longest range of any thrown weapon
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The best thing about it, in my shitter opinion, is that the weapon art comes out lightning fast, unlike many other weapons that make you commit to a 90 billion second animation

So it's perfect for a bad, overtly cautious player like myself.
I like to think she killed off the rest of the Needle Knights because they lost faith in Miquella or something.
She was a good little comrade before the charm broke, after it broke she just said fuck em all.
If I summoned you and you say my MGS with a staff sidearm would you still help me anon? I most spam charged R2s during boss fights.
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Posting this bug again:
I got bugged into the obsidian lamina having only one follow-up to its weapon art but it had two hits rather than one
The move looked a bit like spinning slash but nothing else I ever saw.
It went away after switching weapons and reloading. Couldnt reproduce it ever since
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can someone explain lamenters to me? why did the hornsent fear them?
>one of the most retarded and unbalanced weapons in the game
On what planet? Claws are mediocre in general and the L2 is just a slightly better Bestial Sling. They're decent but far from busted.
>She then said to all her daughters and sons that they do whatever they want but that if they fail to become or make anything of themselves that they'd end up dying.
I don't see it that way, I see Marika saying that as warning them that ideas are fine but strength is better. Miquella gets btfo not necessarily because he's wrong (he IS but that doesn't matter) but simply because the Tarnished of No Renown pushes his boywife's shit in. So you can do whatever you want, but you had better be sure you're strong enough for it.

>She then set it up in such a way that even if someone were to 'win' and get the runes required then they'd be incapable 9fbtaking the final step and so the war would go on forever.
That was all Radagon and the Elden Beast walling you out. Marika wants you to succeed so you can kill the EB for realsies.
If you use int I'm not helping you.
rune of death is unbound, things can die normally again
the tree, which godwyn's corpse is attached to, gets set on fire
he's not a problem anymore
Do you have anything to "deal" with the Scarlet Rot problem? Or the Frenzy Flame problem? Or so many other problems? We don't go around getting such explicit problem solvers for anything. Yeah, these games always had a healthy dose of headcanon and speculation especially with endings, the fate of the world, etc. It's how it goes. Make your own fucking omelette out of the plethora of ingredients we have. Solve it with the power of autistic goldmask math. Dung can't become undead. Not like anyone can tell you without headcanon what happens in any other ending except FF.
I would be glad to sit there with a shield and poke the boss to death for you.
hugging and comforting loli Marika...
anon you could have just used the new bleed sorcery and killed him in 10 seconds
Is there a list of DROP-based gear in the DLC? I'm cheating in dropped items and crafting materials.
>mlgs is split damage/scaling
Y U C K !
If you're getting your ass torn up by claws of night of all things I'm sorry bro but you're bad at the game.
So the Divine Bird Warriors are at the same level as the Divine Beast Dancing lions and above the Horned Warriors (lion headed spellcasters with the two handed swords)
Or ar ethey on the same level as the lion headed Horned Warrior, also why do they share a name with those horned knights that don't do spells and aren't as eluvated in godhood?
it opens up after the frenzy flame ending and you fight the three fingers there
>Do you have anything to "deal" with the Scarlet Rot problem?
We know how to deal with the rot already, fire keeps it at bay and you can just kill the rot god again if necessary, some hobo in blue did it before.

>or FF
FF isn't actually a problem unless you're the lord of the frenzied flame yourself, it basically has no hold on anything.
Ok, been like a week, surely people have figured this out. What are all the ways to consistently deal with Radahn's Right-Left-Cross combo?
This item description doesn't make a lick of sense to me. It feels as if the translation broke. Then again I'm a filthy ESL so who know.
I just use perfume bottles and he dies in 11 seconds. I havent actually seen that move
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same as this high ground near the start of the game
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So let's just put it all on the table. Who's the top in this situation? Miquella or Radahn? Is malenia really a fujoshi? Did she write fanfics about these two before she lost her eyes?
Warped Axe and the Sword Lance are similar to the Bloodfiend Arm in that they have more buildup than other weapons of their respective classes when infused with blood.
The Flowerstone Gavel is also a STR/ARC weapon, though the L2 is pure ARC.
There's also the Marais Executioner sword.
>FF isn't a problem
>meanwhile in villages across the lands between
also I'm sure caelid is eagerly awaiting your easy rot fix. Just gotta drain the swamp right bro?
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Did Marika go on her godhood quest in response to the hornsent genocide of the shamans or did the hornsent genocide the shamans in retaliation for Marika taking over the world?
>upgrade the fire perfume bottle to +24
>does nothing with rolling sparks
did i upgrade the wrong one....am i suppose to use the lightning one or frenzone one..
>Just gotta drain the swamp right bro?
Unironically yes, flowing water kills rot.
>So it's perfect for a bad, overtly cautious player like myself.
Hey that's me!
>just kill the rot god again if necessary, some hobo in blue did it before.
>rot manifested a new goddess
>still blooming independently in the shadowlands too
yeah he clearly fucking solved it huh
Did you even explore this fucking game anon? I've got a lake with a waterfall that disagrees.
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All of those areas are related directly or indirectly to her.
>Messmer, her churches, her blessings/runes
>Shaman village, hornsents
>Bayle and Placidusax (previous Lord)
>Belurat and Grandam, Godhood
Even the part where you find St. Trina had the "Knight of the Gloam Eyed Queen", so it would also be related to her. Miquella discarding his body parts should also apparently be because the "roots are tainted" (Marika).

And you don't think that's a problem? What's the point of telling a story if most of the explanations you need to come up with is "make it up, lol"
You're not connecting things, you're not thinking about it. But straight up just making shit on the spot. It's a fucking retarded habit Miyazaki has and it's made worse in Elden Ring.
"Oh yeah we have an explanation about the "fake" Roundtable Hold, but we won't tell you guys about it"
He should step down from the company when it comes to writing any fucking story.
Both of those variants have a spot in the high ledge you're suppose to throw the pot from where it's SORT of safe (the one on the way to the church district, the spot isn't totally safe)
I can take a screencap of both spots if you want. Just give me a few
Point is, wait in those spots until they stop spamming and approach. Maybe you'll have do dodge his jump and arm swing but that's not too bad. Eventually he'll try to use the fireball again but here's the kicker.
Furnace pots stun them. Once you hit the first, the other two will follow easy.
What is Miquella going to do about Godwyn cancer? Did he perfect his needles? Why does he want Radahn to breed his bussy so badly? Why doesnt he drop a mending rune? Why does he think the Tarnished he killed all of siblings is going to just roll over and die? Why doesnt he cooperate with the tarnished champion or better yet offer to be his consort given he sees them oneshot every other demigod/Godfrey? What is his problem with the Golden Order/Marika? Why does he leave mysterious messages everywhere noting to a conflicted and deep character when he is just a sick fuck? What is St. trina's deal? Why did he abandon her? Why did he have to go to the realm of Shadow? What is at the flesh mound thing marika was at in the trailer? What are the broader consequences for the story? Why does the Tarnished even bother going there? What did he have to do with the Night of the Black Knives? What about the Gloam eyed queen/Formless mother/god of rot/Moon/Nox/Crucible etc etc? All of that ignored for the cruz of the story being Miquella is a deranged horny femboy thirsting for radhan cock? I waited 2.5 years for THIS!?
>killing Bayle with the Dragon Hunter R2
>Igon screaming bloody murder in the background

why use cold over magic?
rot lake apparently hosts the god itself and after 5000 years it hasn't even spread beyond the confines of that tiny area dude
This invader was too good... after 74 hours they've finally managed to kill the host on my watch...
lightning if PVE
frenzy if PVP
I wanna do a run with it but what's the best affinity? Apparently smithscript have some fucky scaling that makes fth and int both factor into physical AR.
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I don't need anything else.
Igon is the best NPC
Is Romina "inventing" scarlet rot a mistranslation? How did something some rando non-god invented become an inexorable curse of one of Marika's children?
This got old like 1 week ago
Because cold applies frostbite and scales differently. What a dumb fucking question.
>it hasn't even spread
>has literally posessed a demigod who transforms into a new goddess who has spread it to all of caelid
you motherfucker what are you saying
>Miquella discarding his body parts should also apparently be because the "roots are tainted" (Marika).
Oh that's why he did it? I thought he was just retarded. I mean he still is retarded but at least now I know he was being retarded for a retarded reason.
Finally killed Rellana. Funny how fighting Messmer suddenly makes her seem inconsequential.
it was meant to be
aim down
my bad g
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by the time that she would've fallen for the tarnished she would probably also have begun to feel that she isn't worthy, like she does with tanith. post-game she returns from her journey and makes her kind and uncompromising champion into her husband, of course.
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What summoning pools do you DEACTIVATE?
I have the following turned off. It's like all the new bosses aren't really focused on summoning at all, the health bloat they get is real and hosts unlikely have any decent skibidi levels
>Final DlC boss
>Maliketh fight
>Scadutree Avatar
>Miyr Hanging Bell
>Fissure Depths
>fought all the dlc story bosses except for the frenzy guy because I can't find him and radahn/miquella because fuck finishing it early
how the fuck do you get to the abyssal woods? and to that crypt structure on an outcropping near castle ensis? is it a warp gate?
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sex with fia, sellen, and marika
If you didn't kill Radahn with Scarlet Aeonia you did not beat the game.
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>invader was too good
>host dies to a fucking bear
lmao get fucked
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>Radahn gets more lore that confirms he worked for his strength while training under the Alabaster Lord, whoever that is
>Malenia gets nothing and is just a master swordstress because she's Miyazaki special valkyrie goddess of war who has never known defeat that he puts in every game
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You gonna let him in?
the fire and frost bottles get less hitboxes for rolling sparks for some reason. Like 6 compared to 12 for the lightning/frenzy flame ones.
if you made it to radahn's second phase, you beat the DLC. everything beyond that point is a challenge run. there's only so much bullshit one human can take.
It's basically a shitpost. The lamenters are "denizens of paradise" because they're just crying forever, and the hornsent fear the contagious temptation of just breaking down and crying forever.

Someone at fromsoft had some pent up feelings from crunchtime.
She found divine essence of the rot god and nurtured it which sprouted into the first bloom of it.
I did unironically
took me way longer than I'd hoped
What makes it a dumb question?
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Bitch do you know where you are
lightning and frenzy bottles
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I still haven't tried out any of the DLC drip.
Radahn becomes a pedo and a retard
Malenia becomes a cuckquean
pick your poison
>oh so he learned gravity magic to help his horse lol
why are redditors like this?
you look like a chud
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How do i get back up there? Is the item lost? What was it?
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absolutely the type of woman to be choking the shit out of you with one hand while on top bracing herself on your shoulder with a closed fist around the knife shes going to slit your throat with after she's had her way with you 100%
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I kill rot too. With my penis. Water flows(cum) out of it. This is how you actually save malenia. You constantly cover and pump her with cum. You impregnate her. You ensure your semen gets on every inch of her body. Miquella knew this but was gay and wanted radahn, so he made a temporary stop, the alloyed gold she has all over her. This is why miquella didn't want the tarnished to fight him and stand aside, he wanted tarnished to impregnate his sister so they could hold hands while they're plapped by their respective husbands. This was their goal all along. Marika couldn't allow this, she wanted tarnished married to a proper God, only her or ranni could do. This is why she has us kill them. This is why marika is the real villain, she stopped us from marrying our true love, malenia and forces us with herself or her smelly neet step daughter
What? Just...climb back up the ladder?
i think it's intentionally in archaic and weird sounding language because it's from the POV of a lamenter
>170+ attempts to get the full mausoleum armor set
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I like the way St. Trina pronounces Mikyuella. I'd tease him for it if he hadn't thrown her away and broke himself in pursuit of godhood.
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Are there any certified FAT FUCK legs in the DLC apart from Verdigris? I've always disliked Irving using Niel's legs but the thick thighs mean they're some of the few that actually lead up somewhat decently into prelate's belly.
>Is the item lost?
It might not be since its the only one in the game, but its also FROM
It's pretty obviously specific that it's a seme/uke dynamic even if one is the one that more "calls the shots" like miquella would. So Miquella calls the shots but it's still top radahn bottom miquella
Bro, your head piece???
the ladder bro
Miquella tops from the bottom
>Hating humanizing character traits
>Every character must be a stoic emotional retard
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>What's the point of telling a story if most of the explanations you need to come up with is "make it up, lol"
Nta but the reason is because miyazaki enjoys watching people's theories and making sense of the world. He wants us all to experience the feeling he had when he was younger of trying to put together english books based on what little he knew of the language. This has been the case sense the start. The lore has always been and will always be C0da
Sorry but I'm not investing the 2 fth I need to wield it
I think I'm going to play xiv bros
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>An Affair from which gold arose. And so too was Shadow born
>What follow was a war unseen.
>There never was any hope. They were each of them defective. Unhinged, from the start.
>Marika herself. And the fingers that guided her.
>No matter our efforts, if the roots are rotten...then we have little recourse.
>Ever-young Miquella saw things for what they were. He knew that his bloodline was tainted. His roots mired in madness.
>A tragedy if ever there was one. That he would feel compelled to renounce everything.
>When the blame...lay squarely with the mother.
Upon reading this dialogue, I'm not really sure if Count Ymir is talking about Marika or Metyr. So take that with a grain of salt.
Miyazaki doesn't care about the lore. Neither should you.
>I've got a lake with a waterfall that disagrees.
If you're talking about the Haligtree, the infected rot part gets cleansed. Same happens with the Lake of Rot, the water gets purified once it reaches his arena.
I'm not sure about best but this is my setup. It has A scaling for heavy. There are probably ways to better optimize but I'm happy here.
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am i doomed to just wait for 20 seconds every time i want to melee this fat fuck? i'll have it down soon i'm sure but is there something i'm missing
just beat gaius with impenetrable thorns and barricade shield
almost made me summon
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This took way too fucking long. Fucking load times.
Again, this is the one that isn't perfect. Be careful because he can still hit you with the fireball spam. But it works most of the time.
Idk I haven't fought bayle
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barricade solves most of the dlc and the basegame for that batter
What skibidi blessing is considered BEATING THE GAME when you get to Gaius or Bailey?
Also, whose fucking idea was it to make it so that lock-on put you squarely on bailey the faggit's head?
media is so full of horribly written women characters, only made to "empower" and "subert" and whatever the fuck

and then they make a little snake woman that is just a dorky weirdo and everyone loves her, I have not seen every piece of fan art of her, because there's too much of it
>Beat the DLC 3 times (Str/Faith, No-Hit and Mage)
>Bored of spear poke co-op
>Maxed out to 99 rune arcs after taking meme pvp builds into invasions (Bottles)
bros i'm starting to feel like I'm gonna retire elden ring...
>Just do thing
Thank you 4chan, I would have never guess I would have to do the thing to get to the thing.
>caring about this
who asked
>tried to coop bayle for at least 100 times
>we've won 2x aside from my original win
why the fuck does he seemingly have 900x the health as when you're on your own?
i care, thank you
You didn't no-hit the DLC lmao stop lying
You missed your turn several times already.
Oh, what's that? You didn't recognize the half-second window among Bayle's dozen thrashing animations that send him moving across the arena? Too bad, gaijin.
just play the game dude
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Ranni chads, we fucking won. All the miquella and other fanboys who shrieked about "Ranni is le evil and horrible just wait till the DLC to see how mid she is"

STILL the most fleshed out character, STILL has the most interaction with the tarnished, STILL the only demigod to beg for BTC (Big tarnished Cock), STILL the only demigod to actually fix the world with her final plan, STILL has the most reasonable and intelligent Keikau plan unlike Miquella who just wanted cock

We fucking won.
>reddit just steals memes off 4chan
>if you point this out to the redditors they go "heuheuh he admits to using 4chan"
>but they just steal the memes off 4chan
Why do they hate 4chan but then act like all the OC made here is somehow actually made on reddit.
Hosts likely don't have the same Scadutree level you do, so your damage is extra nerfed
I did a no-hit clear of all of the bosses
After reading a few fat fuck martin books it’s hilarious to see how from turned his world building into a mess of vague youtuber bait. Absolutely incredible. I really don’t like how he writes characters for the most part but the man can write, but here we truly do see the jap lack of story telling. This was it souls shitters, this was your best chance of a good world building experience outside of “man did x because dragon did y”. I hope they give us a good AC6 expansion and a better action rpg after this mess.
because he does? summoning increases bodd hp
check blessing level
anything less than 18 is a sever
She is using you, just like she used Rogier, and Lionel, then tossed them aside.
She is a bad person, just like Ranni and Marika.
do something else then
or do an SL1 run without upgrades
I hated it in a good way
>reddit humor
And this is for the second golem at Charo's Hidden Grave
This one is completely safe. You can sit here forever while he spams his fireballs and they won't hit you. But you gotta be fast getting to him once he's close enough to the ledge.
>malenia referred to as a harpy in base
>miquella the mass manipulator; his alter was likely born out of guild
>radahn was seen as kind compared to miquella and malenia in the dlc according to miquella; fucking warmongering radahn

lol. people were so easily fooled.
the L2 headshots people in neutral even if they I-frame it, which combos into another L2. basically you have to backdodge very early or it's a guaranteed bleed-proc + shotgun, forward dodge or side dodge = get headshot through i-frames
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Michael should just design a party based game like Dragon's Dogma. Companions are cool but they trivialize a game designed to be beaten solo. It would be nice to play dressup with them too.
>check blessing level
mines maxed?
how do you check theirs? does yours show up as theirs when in their world?
I think the idea is that since being hornsent was viewed as a divine blessing, the tower people went to great lengths to hide those who were hurt or maimed by it, so as to maintain their image.
He oversaw armored core games with really good upfront stories that the player could direct with choices AND great lore. This stuff is shit in comparison
best you can do is get one hit in every final hit of his combo
welcome to 4chan, anon
here you can post whatever you feel like without needing to be asked first
You did not no-hit Radahn. Stop lying.
Miyazaki already makes everything depressing every game and kills off all the characters. Just let me be charmed by Miquella and give me the ending that has the unused/unfound dialogue you faggot
I'd rather it be consensual but you make the world so shit to be edgy that you might as well let me get my mind controlled bad (good) ending
>using you
I help her deliberately. She's probably Fortisax in human form anyway.
There's a secret room in shadow keep with a painting and an illusory wall, the path that will eventually lead to the woods is behind said illusory wall
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Replaying ER for the first time since release.
When should I replace the +8 Halberd I got in Castle Mourne?

I know I can like run around and get a +8 weapon that way... But I'm trying to play the game naturally just from memory.
I kind of fucking hate this upgrade system, though.
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Fuck me muh image.
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It's really not hard to no-hit bosses if you just spec full dmage and murder them
Sekiro too. I do agree the story telling in these games are often disjointed and can be shit, but my post was simply meant to show its intentional and meant to be mostly headcanon.
The brick hammer you can find in Stormveil Castle.
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he's so kind that's why he invaded leyndell ^_^
You didn't beat him. Thanks for confirming.
Yet at the bottom of the waterfall it's still rot. It takes more than just some simple stream feeding into a lake or a waterfall out of it to do it. You can't just go dig a few ditches or spray it with a garden hose and beyond that it is a divine manifestation which will keep occurring.
Learn the AoWs
You can keep the Halberd, definitely better weapons but you can attune it to a scaling or element, and then throw a sick Ash of War for some damage potential.
Radahn didn't have to be a limp-wristed fag to be kind. He was a good leader and all his followers literally went on a death march in the aidslands. All Miquella needs is both a strong and just ruler, and I didn't see Radahn putting babies in jars or trying to create an age of dung like every other fucked up NPC that had some potential to reach the throne
AC's stories before 6 were kinda whatever, there's a reason why ACfag latched onto the series.
>caring about anything reddit NPC's say or do
No seriously, how do I get back up.
And before you say "ladder" no, there isnt any ladder, i checked.
>Killed the boss
>Didn't get hit
it's pretty easy anon
in my world, something like the Magma Wyrm Scale blade does something like 2120 damage at my current level
When I enter someone else's world and see my weapon does less than 1200, then I know they have shit for a Scadu blessings
Interesting line I didn't think much of before but kinda raises a question.
When you get back to Ymir after sounding the first bell, he's cradeling the baby fingercreeper he took in as his replacement child. He's talking to it and seems to have an understanding of it. Particularly, he says:
>Oh my, you poor thing. Another bad dream, Yuri? Put that rotten thing out of your mind. That tangled mess can't hurt you.
What does this mean, you think? What is the "tangled mess" that the fingercreepers see in their dreams? I can see a few possibilities:
>The Crucible - perhaps the blending of life interferes with them
>Metyr - since he called it rotten perhaps he meant the things original mother that is still calling out to the children
>The Thorns at the Erdtree - The Fingers didn't seem to know about them and got freaked out when they saw them.
>Messmer's flame - it's often described and visualized as a tangled mess of snakes
never read any got but fevre dream was pretty good
would play an adventure game based on it
Marika told all her bastards to fight and kill each other until only one is left standing. He is doing what the god of the world is telling them.
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part of the plan baby, I knew they would steal it
>bear communion
>only one incantation

Motherfucker. I want more bear and runebear-related things. Fuck dragons.
check your own status it'll tell you the Blessing level
Radahn was portrayed as kind and surprisingly gentle-hearted from the start, what with the horse and gravity magic and all. Part of the reason he inspired such loyalty was just being a fucking good dude.
reached radahn with 16 skibidis, takes me like 5 minutes just to reach phase 2 with the absurd chip damage. I am NOT going to autistically scour the fucking map to figure out which of the FIFTY skibidis I'm missing. so I guess this is it.
>frenzy still a pvp gimmick after all the shit they got in the dlc

Ymir wants to be the new mother and keeps bashing Metyr, so probably her.
Where does it say the Hornsent were putting people in jars and praying over them? I thought the Hornsent were killing them to make the Gates of Divinity and the Shaman were putting their own dead in jars and praying over them.
i hate miyazaki's retarded justification
>uhh durr when i was a kid i didnt spoke english so i made it up
motherfucker you always had the entire thing in your hand, you can read then RIGHT NOW since you know english
same as when you make the lore of your fucking games what a fucking hack
Y-yeah, I am…
before entering the dlc
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I don't care
Ranni needs someone to tell her this
>Latest AC game
>filtered everyone despite having fast paced player deterministic gameplay
>strong story and characters that stand on their own
>latest souls game
>turn based combat, wait for your turn and attack if you dodged well or heal if you didn’t. Yet can also be cheesed in seconds if you don’t want to play
>lore that sounds interesting on the surface but might as well be AI translated if you look deeper, next to no story, next to no real characters because they have no agency
I hope from leave you all behind, sekiro is the only good souls game they’ve made.
when you feel like it?
I'm an autistic retard so I don't get questions like this. You pick the weapon you want depending on your playstyle and preferences for scaling/ashes/damage types/affinity...?
>no slam attack incantation
fuck you
Who said it was skillful
I like optimizing games and killing the boss on my second playthrough with cheese was pretty fun.
Why does it get you so mad? Did you put too much of your self-worth into clearing Soulsborne games and seeing someone beat bosses quicker than you did makes you feel inferior?
Almost certainly Metyr
obviously metyr
Go to the whipping hut
based as fuck
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omfg sooooo true haha
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That's how virtue signalling works
The non text box writing
>shield-poking secret ~
>I'm tired of seeing it!
>he seems upset...
/qa/ lost
his horse was called Leonard in the game files btw did you knew that
watch a video of the locations, it took me less than an hour to get the last few i needed and most of that was because i was being retarded and skipping ahead in the video for things i thought i had
No i kinda mean, when can I get a +8 naturally? No farming or looking up stone locations, you know. Just merchants, Bell-bearings..
no shit, I'm level 30
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where the fuck is that aldder supposed to be?
the fingercreepers feel like a huge retcon unless I'm missing something, it always felt like they very obviously came from rykard.
The point of "no-hit" runs is to do the fights honestly and fairly as a show of skill. You didn't do a no-hit run, you did a meme cheese run.
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Many. The Radah dancer's outfit is her robe if altered. She was a bonified whore, working her way straight to the top waiting for the perfect moment to backstab and steal Godhood. This was the original sin.

This is also the real reason why all her children are cursed. When a woman fucks a man, part of that man's DNA remains in her for the rest of her life. She fucked a whole bunch of things from Hornsent to snakes, and the above plus the fact that Numen biology melds flesh easily meant that her children were all genetic roulette wheels, absorbing the traits of everyone she'd let have a spin.
Were there any other encounters with Dryleaf Dane aside from the 1v1 initiated by emoting and him showing up for the gank squad later?
my cuckfu...
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Every AC series has had a good story minus perhaps the first depending on your standard for story telling. But if you enjoy souls you can’t call the AC1 run poorly told stories, just shut you fucking mouth because we both you you’ve only recently arrived.
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>Millicent never reached Malenia
She left her dew on the needle...
>she used them
Seems like they had the same goal. You could argue that I guess.
>tossed them aside
How did she toss them aside?
regionlocked, you can get a +13 in liurnia
Shamans were closest to the earth so their flesh is good for crafting. Hornsent really wanted their gate so they used the best material. Shamans were all shoved underground so while I imagine they did some weird shit down there because it's Miyazaki's schizo edgy lore, given their circumstances they don't exactly have the freedom to live in huts and eat their plants peacefully. They've gotta make do with what they've got
>it took me less than an hour to get the last few i needed
nope, not doing it.
You can get a +8 rapier from Rogier after you beat the Stormveil boss
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let's be honest man, almost everything in the dlc is
depressed fuck, why aren't you fucking her brains out
all the way on the other side of that building
>it's really not hard to kill bosses if you use a clearly unintended exploit to do it
Maybe try beating him for real one time instead of claiming you did it three times
int/fai is the best, yes, but that requires super high investment.

Just go heavy. It's got A scaling
>Millicent never reached Malenia
>player deterministic gameplay
Don't anyone tell him about the dual gatling wheelchair threads.
I beat him with 11 scadutree things, and yeah if you don't have a meta build it will certainly take some time. As long as you're not getting one shot and have enough vigor/armor for that, and due to the fact understanding phase 1 means you know how to already dodge half of the phase 2 attacks. So just really ingrain those attacks in you, and you'll see especially since you're not doing much damage and you spawn right outside you really can learn his attacks well, and the only way you beat him is if you really understand him.
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You're truly the most based of us all, anon-sama.
true and canonical
Literally just killed him with my DMGS mage about thirty minutes ago but keep projecting anon. Maybe you'll get him down eventually.
They were, that finger weapon said it outright, but for some reason, From altered the item description after the v.1.0.
ER went through a massive rewrite just as it was going to be released.
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This makes too much sense
So is a flame FKGS the best use of it? Or some other affinity?
I’ve never got this either, his example was the lord of the fucking rings. If you can’t find a translation of that you’re a fucking retard, and reading it without one makes you a moron.
>oh I just inferred the writings of perhaps the greatest writer of fantasy to ever live
Come on now. Understanding is a fundamental of reading
I can't dodge his gravity attacks, like at all.
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Bless you anon.
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a ghost says something about shaman only being worth stuffed into jars. But isn't that just saying "the only good shaman is a dead shaman." The Greatjar description seems to imply going into the jars is a shaman burial rite. We also don't see any jars around the Gates of Divinity in the story trailer or game.
>Do the fights honestly
then why do almost all of the DS1 no hit runs immediately go into hyper mode to instagib bosses
and flame skewer or lance
lance is better for buffing and has a laser beam attack
skewer is better for regular DPS
>strong story and characters
Weebs need to be fucking eradicated.
>the souls shitters mind goes to making the gameplay easier
I meant picking contracts and who to side with mid mission, where the story takes you. AC6 was watered down but it was still there
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I was almost gonna give up on this shit when i noticed theres a stone ramp leading halfway across this rotten place that leads up to that damn ladder
Thats an actually helpful advice, thanks.
Looks like the game cared to spawn the corpse back in but not the item. Guess It's gone now. According to the wiki it was an INT/STR sword. too bad.
The whip says Shaman flesh is good for mending the flesh in jars harmoniously.
How do I get to this part of the map am I stupid?
Pelt of Ralva looks fantastic with the Banished Knight armor. If you can't stand the chest plate on other knight armors like the Raya Lucaria or Redmane set then altering it and putting on the Pelt of Ralva removes it.
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I flip outfits constantly but like hwres my current one
Why are old men always the best bosses? Midra, Bayle, Godfrey, they're just the coolest.
it just seems like a really autistic and pretentious way to say 'i want to capture the sense of wonder i felt as a kid' but kinda feels like he got lost in the method rather than the actual goal. but who knows you also had itsuno saying he wanted dd to be like a tablestop rpg while also saying he had never played any.
What bugs or glitches seem to have been introduced with the DLC?
Any weird ash interactions?
You mean the ones he pulls you in right in front of him? You can just roll to not get pulled in. Even if you do get pulled in, just run backwards and jump, but I'd recommend just really learning to never get pulled in, since the phase 2 counterpart is kinda annoying.
"Oh for pity's sake. Your place is in the jar. That's the fate of shamans like you."
I think it's more implied that Shamans were the ones being prayed to in the jars as the tooth whip says that Shaman flesh was known to meld harmoniously with others
It’s one of the most western influenced mech franchises out there tourist, all the way back to brit bong mech origins and murican scifi political dramas.
Sure anon, that's what you meant. Which is why you contrasted it to the GAMEPLAY of Souls games with it's heavy focus on dodging and retaliating at the appropriate opportunity.
Which by the way AC6 had a lot of as well in it's bosses despite positioning and dodge direction being more important (as there's next to no iframes)
Just admit you wanted to make a cute little shitpost yea?
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the marika stuff is more interesting than the miquella shite desu
Find the Darklight Catacombs
The sense of wonder is actually pretty good, Soifra well is still insane after all these years
The problem is the lore when you look in deeper
and having lore doesn't take away the sense of wonder desu
You can find his talisman on a ledge down one of the rivers and a bit beyond that a body sitting under a waterfall with his clothes. Or maybe he came with another dryleaf and they decided to sit there until they died IDK.
ladder down from the entrance of the shadow keep storehouse (to the left of the fire knight as you exit), walk behind a waterfall, smack some invisible wall, ride a coffin, jump down a lot of cliffs, pass through darklight catacombs, kill boss

I think?
Deathblight glitch is back via Script Smith Shield and/or Nanaya's torch
It's such a sad scene...
why do i keep getting pulled into that stupid fucking greatsword grab whenever somebody uses it? and of course it nearly kills me from full health so they can finish me off easily
Anybody??? Outside of meme answers like these?
>after all these years
Just over 2?
He has captured that feeling for tons of people though, and they like it. Piecing together fragments instead of the whole story has proven to be a massive success. It's okay if you don't but he's completely right about it being a good feeling for a lot of people.
There's not really a consistent way.
You can use Omen talisman and backstep it into roll, but most of the other ways are frame perfect + spacing dependent.
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the whip says nothing about jar

"A greatjar... Attire of the shamans who perform worship at goals... They offer their prayers to the innards..."

The hornsent aren't mentioned in the description at all, "They offer their prayers" cannot refer to them.
Have you tried blocking it with a greatshield?
>omen talisman
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Something I've noticed from these threads is that the fashion matters less than the area lighting for disguising mismatched armor. A lot of these images are "women taking pictures on myspace" levels of deceptive.
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What does Turtle Pope think of Miquella?
>invading for first time in a long time
>lvl 150
>want to try out the new DLC locations
>every invasion still takes place in an open field in limgrave
>it's a 3v1 where they're just waiting to gank to me
kek. this playerbase is so gay. thank god "nearby only" is an option
The fight is ludicrously overtuned to the point where even many soulvets swap to cheese builds using shieldpoke, sekiro deflect, perfumes, etc. Wait for a balance patch to inevitably nerf it. Even fucking no-hit runners are convinced the fight is going to get nerfed because some moves require literally frame perfect dodges with perfect placement and a lot of good RNG to not get hit by them.
I mean all the gravity attacks, save the beyblade attack. the entire fight is bullshit.
Bro where did you find the whip? What did the ghost say? God damn.
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its such a strange thing, too. 99% of people don't care about "making things up" (just look at any video tarnished archaeologist makes)
they like to see things that can be connected to others, using game references. it's like looking at the map in oolacile and realizing its the same as darkroot garden and going like "holy fuck" but his approach seems to be different now
the sense of wonder is mainly related to the open world, unironically. not necessarily because of the story itself.
Might work for phase 1, but phase 2 just pushes you into the light, and you still get damaged anyways.
He's doing the move where he's swinging at your back
>is mainly related to the open world
it's been present in all the games from DeS to current so no
I don't get it
Hut near Bonny village.
The ghost says that the Shamans need to stop crying and get into the jars, they were born to become saints and nothing more.
>in this game
there will be another
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>caring about online multiplayer PVP in this fucking day and age
>in any game at all
I think it's a mistranslation desu
why would one ghost imply that Shamans were nothing but jar stuffing but then immediately contradict it by saying Shamans worshipped the innards
Is this your first Fromsoft game?
Not my intention at all, but if you want to go that way AC6 despite being way too easy in my opinion still have far more determinative game play. You act and use instinct to move around the danger taking constant action as fast as you can manage, sure you can go heavy and tank souls style but there’s so much more fun to be had. Elden ring? Wait to hit the boss you slug, go on, post a massive one hit phase skip clip to prove me wrong while missing the point. But as an aside, first from game? Other action games you play?
what level are you guys for the DLC stuff?
I see 150 thrown around, but that's for PVP autists no? idc about that, I just want a decent experience where I'm not over/underleveled
Sorry, it's my nickname for the Talisman of all Crucibles that grants all the crucible talisman effects
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how do i get to the red area north of Cerulean Coast?
>still get damaged
you take absolutely nothing with a good greatshield and the holy damage resist talisman. You can sit and eat it for days. Very simple. Cast Lord's Protection if you really want nothing to hurt you in it.
Just need a clarification, madness build up scales with ARC like other statuses right?
>beat Radahn
>they fall over
>but you actually only beat Radahn and Miquella is literally a soul at this point so you didn't really do shit to him without Destined Death
>he just fucking charms you
>he rapes your ass
>ending #6 unlocked as the boytoy's consort
Thanks Miyazaki
Praying doesn't always mean worshiping, you ESL tards.
i do like it, i just feel kinda that after so many games they're running up into the limits of the approach, or maybe grrm's approach didn't quite mesh
If you leveled past 150, you didn't beat the DLC.
Right, they're putting them into fucking jars with it, that's where flesh is melded. They are useful to the process and produce better results.
Curseblade enemies drop the ascetic set right?
I've killed like a dozen and got one drop even wearing the silver scarab. Is this just insanely rare?
I've gone in at 100-120 and its been fun leveling up in the shadowlands. But I first played through at 150.
i'm talking about elden ring and repeating what i've read people say about elden ring
Can I get a QRD on Metyr and her
I always assumed the Two Fingers were gross avatars directly from the Greater Will but this thing just popped them out? But she's some sort of Greater Will envoy herself?
Flame or Sacred for DLC? Seems like a lot of fire enemies
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Best place to farm this?
cope faggot
200 is the current meta
Praying means to worship
PREYING is being a predator
"Your people all deserve to be cremated/buried/burned at sea/gassed/other burial rite." -ghost in whipping hut
Okay but Elden Ring doesn't exist in a vacuum and his statement about capturing that sense of wonder dates back before Elden Ring even existed so that seems like a dumb approach
there's a knight by the elevator in shadow keep
He hid a message saying "fuck reddit" in the original image, only revealed when you shift colors to make it more visible, knowing that reddit would steal it from 4chan. They did, and now its visible on there
I'm surprised, since those are the least bullshit part of the fight, from meteors to the pull and figuring out if it'll be beyblade or pull. What's more bullshit is that triple slash, and just the visual clusterfuck which also lags most PCs in phase 2.
Oh, that's cool
specimen storehouse floor 1, just turn around and go down the lift and kill the one that is wielding it in front of the gate.
His dumb approach has created a beloved iconic game series that is arguably the most influential thing for action RPGs in the past twenty years...
I haven't felt the need to go past 150
damn swift spear is actually kinda cracked ngli
ER is the furthest from the traditionally understood gameplay of Souls that from ever got within the "Souls" games. The sheer number of ways to build your character such that you can utterly ignore the "dodge and hit" gameplay means that "cheese" isn't cheese, it's the design
You're meant to build a character that can burst damage, not just rely on dodge and R1.
In that sense Armored Core 6 is similar. It's about getting the stagger as high as possible before unloading. Instead of dodging you're meant to either be too mobile to hit or position yourself properly.
"Hey, your fate is going to be to get stuffed into a jar into sainthood. This is your religion!"
People will fucking worship it because they are being forced into it and that's the life they know you retard. They may lament it, but it's their salvation offered, too. Get it?
how can an adult get molested by a child bro
i accidentally lvled to 153 when i intended to stay at 150

not sure what to do now...should i push to 175 or whatever...not sure what the next arbitrary number is
Playing at all level 99 stats is the most fun for me because I get to use every new thing on my first playthrough.

I love changing builds like in AC6
The thing that gets me about the lord of the rings stuff is language is a pretty big part of those books, if you want to get the most out of them you need to study the included languages of the various races in them. I remember flicking back and forth from the current chapter to the end trying to get more out of a certain elden poem. But oh the Japanese guy couldn’t be fucking bothered wow amazing
Armoured core games have always featured player determination in the form of multiple player choices mid or pre mission how could you not get that? Is this actually your first from game minus the souls ones?
i wish it was actually a swift attacking spear
instead its regular attack speed but with 2 hits
Gotta go to dragonland
Scadutree matters more than leveling anyways, past like 125 you probably have something decent, and scadutree will just make up for the damage + defense that is needed.
By dumb approach I meant "talking only about Elden Ring." It's the same puzzle fragments here as elsewhere. Some games had clearer stories, some less through FS's history.
I've been seeing more and more people using the lightning perfume bottle in pvp in the past days
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He says "why don't you want to get jarred, you'll become close to a living saint?" or something to that effect. The jarring process probably started out as shaman burial practices and over time got corrupted into what Bonny Village is doing, just jamming everyone into them to become holy.

Climb over dragon corpse.
I know what both words mean, you idiot, I'm saying the Shamans were offering their prayers to the innards because what used to be people got turned into fucking innards. They're lamenting what happened and are giving their sympathies.
She's a two way radio and they're broadcasting towers. But the GW stopped communicating with her and they all went crazy.
By force
>joins you for multiple boss fights
>gives you her needle so you don't get frenzied
>kills herself to avoid being rot-god
why is it that bad? i've been out of the game since DS3. just picked it up for funsies since the dlc came out
>land of reeds only gets the base armor set, the white reskin of that set, and the Ronin set if you want to be generous
Weebbros were robbed in this game
Metyr and EB arrive from space
Metyr births fingers
At some point Metyr hooks Marika up with the path to godhood and has her Two fingers advise her
Metyr wants further answers from Greater Will but it's never responded to her since her arrival.
Metyr spends all her time in a cave trying to talk to the GW but it's not there. The two fingers thus don't have the guidance of either the GW or their mother, and fly blind through the entire story.

This also means by extension that Goldmask was talking to a wall and didn't actually manage to contact the GW.
There's a trick (not skill trick, just having the right items) to setting up your character right but the greatshield meta is the meme going around right now. Which is surprising considering perfume is clearly the quickest and easiest way to kill radahn
she is literally all the good parts of malenia.
Ac6 is not armored core.
She and the Elden Beast are siblings in a sense.
She is the one that communicates with the big G and guide the world though him. But something went wrong, and the GW stopped responding, leading to her to guide the world with outdated commands.
No. Only poison, bleed, and sleep scale with ARC. Madness, rot, deathblight, and cold all scale with nothing.
For pity's sake your place is in the jar, nigh sainthood awaits you with in, this is the lot of you shamans or something like that
bitch it makes sense in dark souls because the time span is a fuck ton of years or some shit. of course things are going to get lost. of course you can't have insane details about lost civilizations.
>um this is actually dark souls 2 2
kill yourself
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See this coming for you in pvp
what do
I fucking knew Goldmask was the path of the foolish.
here's the JP text
Vaati says that the DLC has amazing writing and you're only angry about the lore because you don't understand. I recommend everyone to watch his new video and learn from your mistakes.
Hello sirs. May I rape.
Bone bow is goated for pvp
Kek that's pretty funny
>Armoured core games have always featured player determination in the form of multiple player choices mid or pre mission how could you not get that? Is this actually your first from game minus the souls ones?
AC6 had absolutely no multiplayer to speak of on release. This isn't AC5. It's primarily a single player game.
You also don't seem to understand what player determination even is. As usual you reduce ER to "circle R1" gameplay when it's as far from it as you can get.
Now please stop shitposting thanks. I'm sad /acg/'s dead too.
Just started the DLC and beat the lion thing (fuck them btw) and all I want to know is if you can fuck over Miquella and ruin whatever plans he has?? Also do those Omen warriors drop their weapons and armor or do you find them later on in the DLC so I don't have to waste time farming.
Have you considered the fact that no one asked?
Only bleed and poison buildup gets increased by arcane with all other status effect buildups being static
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It gets better really. Why was the original sin so sinful? Because Marika did nothing to stop the slaughter of the Shaman. She let them be turned into red jelly and be fused together into the Divine Gate, while staying hidden as an unassuming dancing girl. To the point that while her people were literally being piled into a mountain of bloody viscera, she was turning tricks on the spot.

Ever wonder why Marika is half naked at the Divine Gate? Well the Caterpillar Mask says that potentiates are particularly vulnerable to "thoughts of impurity, doubt, temptation, and other wickednesses" while absorbed in divine ritual. Well whoever the leader of the Divine Gate ritual was (probably a fucking snake), she seduced him to give in to temptation and got him to fuck her right there at the height of the bloody ecstasy, then killed him mid-coitus to walk through the gate herself.

This is exactly the kind of shit GRRM would write as a backstory.
senessax has to be the worst fight in the game
Fucking of course he's going to say it's good. His income depends on it you fucking moron.
Keep crying, 6baby.
>bitch it makes sense in dark souls because the time span is a fuck ton of years or some shit.
There's a lot stuff about Lordran that makes no sense. And things like Nito and the Four Kings are complete nothings.
I like the DLC
>Angry about the lore
Only the redditahn garbage. But my lore is better and isn't headcanon like Vaati, my Marika willingly genocided the hornsent, and unlike Vaati I'm not a cucked Hornsent apologist
May I plap
That's assuming Ymir is trustworthy (no) and correct (highly unlikely.)
Is 60 vig just not enough for Radahn-sama?
Goldmask was an absolute autist who was interpretting "signs" of the greater will. He's like the schizos who start seeing spirals and fractals and creating math from them. Real thing btw.
for me it's when Bayle reaches 5% health and starts jumping around from one side of the arena to the other for 2 minutes
4A is an objectively worse game.
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>AC6 had absolutely no multiplayer to speak of on release.
But it did.
>ESL tard
>I'm saying the Shamans were offering their prayers to the innards
You are arguing the same point as me, and that makes me think you're the actual ESL. My post was >>484052515 if you'd like to screenshot it and ask your teacher to help you through it.
Make a new character, that one is unfortunately now ineligible for having beaten the game.
Not even in the same ball park, elden ring just lets you ignore the core gameplay set before you with magic/big shields/jumping big boy weapons. AC6 stagger was a disappointment to me but it still holds the franchise heart of fast paced aggressive battles and doesn’t punish you if you move away from it out side of weapons having a franchise all time low range stat. But you’re still fast, able to evade and deal damage at all times if you’ve got the skills. You can do cool stuff at the same time as the boss. Elden ring is watch the boss do cool stuff while you wait to jump heavy. Now again, fist from game? Just curious
Sleep scales with ARC too, but that's the only other one that does and the only way to make it work anyway is sleep grease on a ripple weapon.
Going over 60 VIG isn't going to help. You get almost no HP past 60. The difference between 60 VIG and 99 VIG is only 200 HP.
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Think Miqqer ever took a hit from St. Trina?
>get on my horse
>skeet sticky white pest thread all over his face and chest as he slowly crawls after me, mouth ajar

nta but 4A had an objectively better multiplayer experience*
* dependent on regulation you were playing on
dual swords drop, the 2h one doesn't. Armour drops.
Damn that sucks, and kinda matches with my experience when a beat him a couple days ago. I'm a medium roller, and had managed to dodge that attack a couple times, surprisingly what helped was doing a jump attack at certain placement, and due to still "crouching" the first attack whiffed. But even that was quite RNG based, depending on what I did earlier, and really is a shame it seems there's no proper way to roll through it properly either. Really feels like a departure from anything else, first attack which really can't be dodged by just rolling/moving around in I'd say in the entire game.
the item descriptions confirm she isn't currently communicating with the GW
>The Mother received signs from the Greater Will from the beyond of the microcosm. Despite being broken and abandoned, she kept waiting for another message to come.
AC6's only multiplayer it had was on release, then everyone who really liked and might get into AC6 multiplayer deeply realized that the damage systems were absolutely fucked and the entire stun meta is completely unfun.
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the status screen doesnt play favorites, that's the standard I use
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>luring tarnished to the volcano manor
She's a Scout. Rya is giving tarnisheds' locations to Tanith so she can hand out assassination letters. You are nice so she invites you over instead.
Is it me, or is there a serious uptick in faggots who just sit at the grace and refuse to play the level when invaded?

I usually give them a minute or two or an "honorable 3v1 at the grace", before I intentionally stay low on HP to lure them out into the level.
I went 186, puts you just out of range of being invaded by lvl 150 invaders(I suck at PVP) and it gives me lots of points to play with so I can test out new weapons and spells without having to use up all my larval tears. Skibidi levels are more important in the DLC anyways
Hey can you delete this? It's ruining marika for me and many others. Please let us have this W. Fuck off.
I am actually a VDfag, and we had fucking kino raid bosses.
I do wish they moved away from souls stats, running into a road block and going back to the drawing board swapping things out and fine tuning is great.
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sorry but I'm a boy
the DLC ties the two fingers to hallucinations, so the roundtable hold might literally be some form of hallucination.
Her remembrance and the items you get from her say he is correct. The GW is gone, and the fingers have been running blind, doing what they think is their mission from the big G.
>nta but 4A had an objectively better multiplayer experience
Oh yeah AC6's multiplayer was so disappointing. I was so excited for it and it ended up being shit. I don't play AC for pvp though.
>Vaati says that the DLC has amazing writing and you're only angry about the lore because you don't understand.
This is so funny I want it to be true. Timestamp?
I think some Morgott/Margit attacks can't be rolled through because of how they catch rolls but that was almost always like, taking a dagger hit for 5 hp instead of Radahn chunking you for 60% + Change.
there's no combination of stats, talismans, flasks, etc that will make you tank hits from radahn connecting with you. You can build 99 vig, 20 skibidis, great rune, dragonshield crest, ritual shield, crimson amber, golden braid, etc, you're still going to die in a single combo if multiple hits connect, you're still going to lose 1/2 your life to a single big hit

on the other hand any retard build can just equip a greatshield and hold block and you'll negate 98% of the bosses damage and barely need to manage your stamina at all
>hello sirs
I uh, think he knows already. I think he likes it better.
>headgear of a shaman praying in a prison
>I hope that someday, I will be reborn as a good person
Why does the SFX in Elden Ring sound more similar to DS2 than DS3?
No it didn't. Matchmaking and lobbies with the maps it had does not constitute a "primarily" multiplayer game. You can argue it does now with ranked and other perks they added in, but at release?
No reward system, no customization to speak of exclusive to multiplayer. Release multiplayer was only fun because the combat WAS that good (despite the usual Nip netcode being ass) and /acg/ was a moderately fun general.
He already said sirs.
Yeah they fucked up. Radahn doesn't feel playtested at all. He's 100% getting the nerf bat and for the first time that's a good thing.
I assumed he was Indian
>multiple player choices mid mission
you’re a fucking retard mate, re read and feel shame. Don’t bother replying
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what a loser, he got molested by a child by FORCE!!!
your only option is to run
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fucking hate stoners so much
is that miquella sliders
The integration of melee and ranged and several other aspects of the combat are good, but the fundamental loop of stagger and the particularities of damage calculation (and damage ranges) are totally and completely fucked.
That last one was a fluke. Yet another redshitter has been easily destroyed by me and my superior skill, confirming once again all reds are dogshit at the game.
Who knew building an entire combat system around not letting your opponent move (in a game with shit netcode) is a bad idea?
>The Radah dancer's outfit is her robe if altered.
that's a point against it though if you follow the (overt) tanith connection
>The passionate dance comprises no seductiveness, but merely a dignified beauty.
Oh shit, forgot about that because I looked at the items once and they went into the trash heap of "part of the boss held in your hand." Fucking lazy shit like that annoys the fuck outta me, pay one of the dope artists in the studio to make a weapon that is a weapon evocative of the boss, not just a body part.
if you're not full of shit this would imply its a shaman rite
The EN encompasses the entire clan as doing this prayer practice, while the JP makes it a personal account of a single shaman. Two very different things.
This DLC lore discussion is going to get even messier when when more JP translations come out isn't it?
Nah, I remember doing all of his attacks hitless with medium roll, the thing sbout daggers is the throwable ones can be outrun, and the ones he does after a combo and a spin can be not triggered due to positioning.
SotE is literally just ASOIAF lmfao
150 is what dromsoft started people at in test demos, but starting lower and leveling up would be fun
I just played with a fucking beast of a bitch of a host who taunters tongued our ass through the level
I don't even like ganking but he didn't wait when we got invaded, he was going to finish the level
Magma wyrm in the middle of an invasion? He's pulling the boss

The only reason I didn't die accidentally was due to shitting lightning all over the place that just so happened to knock the invader I didn't realize was behind me over, saving me a rolling spark one shot.
Was surprisingly fun. For us. Probably sucked shit for the invaders to just get sucked into ganks like that.

Especially because I apply Golden Lightning Fortification immediately 100% of the time due to the uptik in rolling spark users, of which we had 7 before we finished.
Then how do I survive sir
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What did the Finger Reader mean by this?
There is none beyond light roll weight and backstepping it. Keep in mind that in the review version it was even stronger and would stunlock you into a true combo.

yeah they're nice
So let me get this straight /erg/ for waifus:
Str and str hybrids get marika and nepheli
Fth and fth hybrids get ranni and rya
Int and int hybrids get sellen and roderika

So what do pure dex builds get? No hybrids but pure dex?
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I spent like 2 hours listening to DS3 Jeeslop and Chaselop as background noise
Horns grow too much and grow into the eyes
No proof one way or another
hold up your hands and it's like you're playing patty cake with miquella!
Read the second paragraph.
roll or block
I really suggest blocking with a greatshield
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range on the weapon art is actually so far it can trade with a lot of casters
it's definitely the elden ring but think you're on to something. metyr's weapon art talks about her being forced to bow and the act filling her with hatred and rage, and the one thing we know of that 'commands the stars' is the elden ring.
which is to say, I think metyr usurped the elden ring upon the creation of the erdtree. this may be what is meant by the elden stars description about the 'golden star bearing a beast, which later became the elden ring'.
Dex gets the men because you're a faggot.
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>Want to run through the DLC again
>Have to deal with the Furnace Golems all over again
>Their prayers are offered to the contents of the jar, hoping for them to be reborn as a good person someday. It is a cycle of reincarnation by human hands.
i think it makes more sense this way. said ayy species is...hands. some of those hands are sages that can talk directly to the greater will, but most are just common hands.
He literally doesn't say anyrhign, his conclusion that he comes to is just that like the Golden Order has to be self correcting, and not rely on the gods
I took my level 99 in and leveled him up to 150 over the course of the DLC. It was actually really fun.
They're really fucking easy though. Throw fucking furnace pots into their head when they've fallen down.
To properly beat Radahn you can't rely on just rolling unless you're tweaked out on stimulants and spend ages memorizing every pattern. He just does too much fucking damage with too many aftereffects.
It's easier to no-hit every other boss in the entire soulsborne series than it is to get through Radahn with just rolling. It's going to be very difficult unless you invest into a secondary way of defense.

The most common, from cheesiest to least cheesy
1. Instant Kill with hypermode (Avoid the fight)
2. Greatshields (Trivializes the fight)
3. Bloodhound Step AoW and/or Raptor Mists
4. Medium/Small shield and Sekiro Deflection Tear
5. ParryGOD

I'd also recommend getting the Braid for massive Holy resist. That plus some Skibidis means that the Miquella's Light nuke doesn't actually do that much damage and you can just tank it and spend the time applying buffs and healing while he floats down.
I'm white but I eat a lot of curry and work at a call center as my second job. I'm a windian. Therefore I must rape.
Hello sir
They should have been loyal if they didn't want to be killed. Simple as.
yeah this and rolling sparks are getting nerfed into the ground

most of the tears suck, there's only a couple great ones. Just leave them. I hope they nerf those things healthwise, they take forever to knock over.
What stuff do you want from them?
>furnace pots
arent those limited...
>Throw fucking furnace pots into their head when they've fallen down
holy shit that works?
how long do they stay down once stancebroken?
Just run past them, they don't block access to anything.
>Praying means to worship
Incorrect, a prayer is a wish and has no bearing on divinity or even respect.
next line already mentions it
it's the haligtree medallion that albus have
>reads our fingers
>yeah the old albus will trust you, miquella's favour can be yours
>doesn't matter since it's just a random line they added to be cool
there's no combination of stats, talismans, flasks, etc that will make you tank hits from radahn connecting with you
why are you being such a disingenuous faggot. for him i had
>60 VIG
>dragoncrest greatshield and marika's braid
>opaline hardtear
>medium armor
>golden vow for the first 80s
>fucking 15 blessing
and his attacks do like 1/4th - 1/5th of my health, it's completely manageable. that one swift slash he does that eveveryone hates just barely tickled me.

people need to stop exaggerating radahn. just change your equipment (not even your build) and you can give yourself much-needed headroom against him.
Okay now explain to me how I throw furnace pots into the FIRST furnace golem, the one that introduces you to the enemies AND is gating the most important tear upgrade to let you play sekiromode

>stagger the furnace golem
>throw a pot into its head while its on the ground
Dexchads are the greatest around we're based and straight not for homosexual sex.
having to change your build is a sign of bad design
>ER just lets you ignore core gameplay
Not it does not. The core gameplay is creating builds capable of approaching the bosses in alternatively ways. Autists like you just refuse to accept that ER isn't meant to be played like DS or DaS and keep trying to play it like such and get blown the fuck out for it
>But you’re still fast, able to evade and deal damage at all times if you’ve got the skills.
You just literally described every single action game ever made. Congrats.
> You can do cool stuff at the same time as the boss. Elden ring is watch the boss do cool stuff while you wait to jump heavy.
Again, you simply refuse to accept ER is meant to be played different. This is your fault's not the game's. You're the exact type of idiot that refused to accept AC6 was built around stagger and tried to play it like the old ACs and again, was destroyed for it
>Now again, fist from game? Just curious
Literally irrelevant question. If I tell you no, you won't believe me. If I tell you yes, you'll just take it as "Ha I win" despite the fact I've dismantled your arguments entirely. But hey, if it helps you sleep at night to win an internet argument. I played AC4, found the game absolutely abysmal, and never bothered with the other ACs until AC6 came out.
He's a retard who plays with no armor and then cries about getting 2 shotted.
Scadu was a mistake. This stuff is going to be a massive pain in the ass to collect every single time you want to play the DLC.
no it fucking doesn't i tested it and got pissed.
anon mentioned another method of riposting them and once they are going up you throw one, but i'm not even going to bother testing if it's true or not
Is armored core bad design?
>watch first two minutes of Vaati video
>"Now I heard a lot of people complain this [image over Miquella riding Radahn], but there's a lot more to this story than some are giving it credit for-"

I will assrape this subhuman to death.
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If it has no leg armor you hit the leg until it staggers and then riposte the face for half it's health.
If it has leg armor look for the spring jump nearby and when it's close to the ledge throw hefty fire pots into it's open head.
What was the reason Malenia and Radahn fought that people believed before the DLC?
And what was the reason we think they fought now that the DLC is out?
Please help a lorelet out
Sounds like a Chad

Yeah, this is fucking retarded and should be patched

Changing your talismans is not changing your build. Changing your build is equipped un-nerfed bloodhound's step to deal with waterfowl dance, or doing any number of things to deal with Gaius's charge. Increasing your defenses against a boss that deals a lot of damage is not "changing your build".
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I think the Radah dancers and Tanith's dancers are two different groups. Radah is all about passion, Tanith is about dignity.

Alternatively, maybe they're the same, but either changed over time, or Marika used their supposed "dignified" position in order to amplify her seduction.

Like a slutty nun. The ultimate forbidden temptation.
the fingers are two-headed worms anon. they're parasites. metyr is absolutely INFESTED with parasites to the point her flesh is bursting at the seams. godwyn had them too, which is why his eye starts pulling a gif related when he dies.
no, it doesn't work
pots don't hit them while they're staggered, only hurts them while they're upright
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Okay, Ymir's words are legit getting to me now.
Is there any actual hard evidence/reference to the Greater Will beyond the bits about it sending Metyr and the Elden Beast to the Lands Between?

Even the holy incantations seem to be all made by the Golden Order, Radagon, Miquella or the Two Fingers. None of them say they gain their power from the Greater Will itself.
And while the Elden Beast is called a "vassal of the Greater Will" and the Finger Slaying Blade and Mirror Helms talk about fending off or harming the "vassals of the Greater Will", they don't directly mention it itself.

i've already gone to Jagged Peak, do I need to beat Bayle?
I was talking about the decisions you could make during your mission brief after getting some story, and the mid mission choices you would get after getting more context. AC6 didn’t do it the best but it was still there. Post mechs if you’re such an old fag
it sticks around in NG+ :) Just start a second journey

That's not a souls game.
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>heard it described as the DLC's golden seeds
>it doesn't carry over between NG+ cycles
literally just go around them
I wouldn't say that, Phase 1 (excluding that attack) really flows damn nicely once you understand the attacks, and phase 2 has more annoying bits but when you get a long string of hitless it really does feel nice.
I'd honestly say this was an intentional design choice, an intentional fuck you to those who keep playing ER as a DS game instead of using the new mechanics the game was designed around.
anon, thank you for testing and making the sacrifice. i would have totally wasted a furnace pot without you. thank you.
Bonny Gaol
Bonny Gaol

I tried that on the one right before Shadow Keep and it seemed to do no damage. Couldn't even lock onto it anyways. And the one around the church with the spirit spring, that barely did any damage either (it was the new big pots, yes). Feels like I'm getting memed on.
Yes it does.
Combination of the last three is really good.
>deflect his shit
>parry the easily parryable stuff
>swap weapon and raptor the explosion
The only time I changed my build in armored core was equipping the stormruler for the stormruler boss.
What's the new arena, invasion, and coop meta level?
that's a glitch
It does though?
>there's a lot more to this story than some are giving it credit for
Kek, all this ammounts to is that Miquella is evil and mind controlling everyone. This is the amazing revelation Vaati says salvages the DLC's lorerape.
>before the DLC?
The demigods waged war against each other as part of the shattering so that one of them could become elden lord. Radahn and Malenia (on behalf of miquella) fought during this war and ended at a stand still.
>after dlc
uhhhhhh either to force Radahn to keep his promise to Miquella or to give Radahn an honorable death and free his soul so he could become Miquella's lord. It's unclear.
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We will marry and then adopt Millicent.
Uhh Rannibros? I don't think our girl is evil enough. I'm joining the Marikachads after reading this.
Kill Carians
Cuck Carians
Drive Carians mad
Divorce Carians
Betray Carians
He's literally paid by Bandai to advertise their games. What did you expect?
People don't realize their "savior of the lore, the all knowing" is just a big ad channel at this point
>big shield, little sword
>can’t die while poking
>I have mastered elden rings intricate combat
The sad thing is, sekiro is a pretty good action game in the same formula yet apparently you haven’t even played that. It was the last fucking souks style game the made dude come on
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First time in an ER DLC discussion since was playing blind, but to anons really call scadutree "skibidi"? Like really?
150 to 300
Everyone used the runes they got from playing the dlc to level up
What are your top 3 bosses for this DLC?
Mine are probably Bayle, Messmer, and Romina
It does, retard.
How can you not? I'm 31 and I can't help it.
The alternative is calling it Dadadoo from Garyen of Banban
skibidi tree is shit tree lmao
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I call them Skadoo fragments.
If I cheat engine in a bunch of smithing stones and larval tears, what will happen to me? Will it be detected?
She's birthing them. Game says they're her children. Please stop making fanfiction up.
There is a lot of shitposting yes.
Get glorious merchant.
Miyazaki will come to your house and twist your balls.
Messmer, Midra and Romina (Who gets it as a consolation prize)
Every other boss is too bullshit
I immediately used the Let Us Go Together emote at the start of the second phase where Radahn is standing there and Miquella hopped down from his should to facefuck me and call me a faggot
Real and true, do it yourself
it's a funny word
larval tears will get you banned, key items in general will get you banned
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>before the DLC?
>after dlc
I hope he said this because he invited the problem to begin with with all his misinformation.
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It's just a joke you autist.
Do you call it "scadu"? It's shadow.

You will be put into a jar, shaman.
Nothing happens, they can't detect anything but items you can't actually get like Fia's panties. I've given myself hundreds of larval tears and still play online
This is my Faith Build, but I'm gonna rock this armor because it just looks dope
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I out traded him with wildstrikes and the perfume that makes you metal
Really sad Rellana didn't get a cutscene
Went up to level 211. Am I too high level to get summoned anywhere now?
Bayle, Midra, Metyr
Based using the mechanics of the game player
ymir is also birthing them anon, guess how he accomplished that. stop confusing flowery language for literal statements you autist.
How are you people having trouble with the tutorial furnace golem with the gimped moveset?
>jump over stomp
>gallop sideways from kick
>go behind it for the grab
>hit legs until it falls then bop it on the nose
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>uses CE for unlimited rot pots
cheating fat fuck
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why is she looking at us like that
It is pronounced scadu
>watch new vaatyslop
>he's just jerking himself off over the things he "got right"
My brother in Christ, they literally just retroactively added what you said to the lore, you didn't get it right, you wrote it and they used it for free. That's also why it sucks.
God nu-Miquella is such a retard
What's that
>Do you call it "scadu"? It's shadow.
I dont pronounce it like some dead language would.
If that language was so good it wouldnt have died and be relegated to being used in Nipslop video games to make themselves sound more clever than they really are.
I haven't gotten banned for Tears yet, added 30 of them a couple weeks ago. Did a little of coop so I definitely have gone online.
Nah you're fine
I don't really understand the hitbox on madding strike, but maybe that's for the best. I don't think it's active for very long.

She wants you to endure.
There's the Nox being sent underground but that has been recontextualized to me as them blaming their civilization getting fucked over in a natural disaster as an act of God. I can't remember where I saw it but there's a civilization in SotE that was sunk beneath the earth because of collapsing moon (or so the legends say) which sounds very familiar
I think it's reaching to claim her robe is the altered Radah robe.
Where do you guys test out weapon damage at?
skub fragments
To add to this, the old Hornsent woman you meet, the one who summons the Divine Lion, refers to Marika as a "strumpet", which literally means whore, and as "wanton", which is used to describe a woman who fucks many men. Marika literally fucked and sucked her way to the top.
elden ring has no japanese dub -> the english version should be seen as the definitive version
jee's weird french canadian inflection bugs the shit out of me, don't know how people can stomach that guy
don't like chase either, he comes off very fake
How do you pronounce gaol?
pvp or coop. if i need to do it quickly i go to one of the more difficulty enemy gauntlets in the lategame. haligtree "prayer room" site of grace is pretty good for this
>you can't rely kn just rolling unless you're tweaked out on stimulants and spend ages memorizing every pattern
Literally me, had 3 play sessions, first like 4 hours, got used to phase 1, but struggled with phase 2, 2nd more than like 14 hours (which started after already an allnighter) since I wanted to "beat it this session", was fucking ingrained in the boss fight, genuinely felt time going at different rates and started making stories about each moveset with the voices. Reached the part after the orbital strike like 5 times but always fucked it up at the end since was too tired. Basically passed out, then beat him on my 2nd try after waking up.
what part of 'abandoned by the greater will' is hard to understand? the greater will went for a pack of smokes and is never coming back.
>beat Malenia with my DLC weapon of choice already
>starting to get bored collecting skibidis
>want to start a new toon and try out more DLC weapons
I'm never going to finish this shit.
>purple liquid that puts you to sleep
Are there any good Faith/Int weapons now?. I'm tired of using Sword of Night and Flame
>watch something you refer to as slop
OR you just hate marika and marikaposters and are desperate to put your shitty waifu at top because everyone loves her now fuck you ill eat your liver
What an amazing insight you have, anon, no one ever calls someone mean names unless it 100% describes them. Faggot.
That’s how most from soft games are, Japanese being the primary language is an oddity for from not the norm.
gay hole
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Truly, there is no better feeling in Elden Ring than killing a host right as a blue is summoned so know you just wasted some massive faggot's time
So will I get banned or won't I? Getting mixed messages
Yeah the Greater Will is my dick and that's why it has no influence
there are two different kinds of furnace golems
the ones with wooden feet just have to be hit until they die, the ones with protected feet have a high place next to them that you're supposed to get on and then throw furnace pots/hefty fire pots into their heads until they die
No, at the first dragon after the pit go south to where the giant corpse is instead of east towards the mountain.
Where does it say Radahn agreed before the fight with Malenia?
Marika ascended to godhood, but not to where she can rewrite the laws of the universe like Miquella wants to. It implies different levels of godhood.
hivemind. spooky
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Seems pretty shit compared to when I was level 180. Is there anyway to lower level except hacking?
t. wanton whore in denial
I feel like Miquella abandoning his emotions was just typical nipslop and fromslop trope of "BECOMING A KIND GOD IS LE BAD, ACTUALLY"
So they hamfisted it into his story.
You won't get banned unless you add illegal items. Larval tears aren't illegal items. Adding key items you need to pick up like whetblades can be counted as illegal because it has additional flags to even allow it being used.
Smithing stones are fine add as many of them, even ancient ones.
Bit worthless now since Malenia's fucking dead anon.
I get the symblism you're pointing to but it doesn't translate as well as just having her be there for the damn boss fight.
Maybe the GW was destroyed by the Astels or other cosmic entities
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The lore for the land of shadow is pretty cool but it's really frustrating that it added in new lore instead of answering stuff about the Godskins, the Gloam Eyed Queen, the Three Fingers, etc.
For a "Land of death" it's crazy that we got nothing about the Deathbirds outside of a single Death Rite Bird as an area boss.

My honeymoon with the DLC is over and now with the realization that the next From game is at least 2 years away, I'm pissed that SOTE wasn't more expansive despite sucking up 2 years of dev time. The map itself is pretty great but it really needed some more legacy dungeons and mini-legacy dungeons for some of the remembrance bosses like Romina.
Malenia isn't dead anon.
It's very, very similar to her outfit.
Not unless you backed up your saves earlier
I wonder how many people are sticking to 125-150 after the dlc? Level range is feeling a bit empty at the end of the dlc to me while an sl200 friend says it’s very active.
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you wont, just do it bro
also not true, you can check it on tga table just fine
Half of the mental gymnastics in the bottom came from Maleniafags trying to rationalize her being a cuckqueen.
>horah loux remembrance ash of war
>alexander shard
>roar talisman
this is fun in pvp
Hse isn't dead, she has another bloom incoming with her needle and dew back.

I fo agree Millicent should've just been a summon for the fight though, with dialogue about needing to incapacitate her before returning the needle. Nee falling in that battle to complete her mission would be a lot more appropriate.
Actually I like Marika a lot now. Again if you know GRRM, this is his writing to a T.
2H heavy armor trivializes the fight as well. You just trade during his chip with your hyper armor and he'll get staggered in 3 hits, you heal, then you hit him and he phase changes. Then you run at him at the start of phase 2, hyper armor, and then tank the big aoe nuke because it does fuck all damage and stagger him again.
The chip only matters for non-tank builds because it bleeds your resources. Hyper armor 2H strengthshit punishes almost all of his moveset with a couple exceptions that are easy to roll because of how much time you have the chip that starts all the combos
I don't play shields anon. My time with greatshields was DaS and DaS3. It was good times though
>didn't play Sekiro
I did. Got up to Genichiro. Didn't like the game, not enough customization.
150 is the very bottom of what should be considered at this point
No. I have 999x of each smithing stone and the same for Larval Tears, and I've been playing online for years. I always cheat in infinite Larval Tears because I think limiting respecs on a game that has this many possible builds is stupid. They should have made it cost like 100k runes or something so you could farm to buy them.
>skibidi level 18
>done everything in the DLC except beat Bayle and Rahdan
>no idea where the last few fragments are
This is Sekiro prayer beads all over again, I didn't find the last two of those until NG+ 3
I'm in the lower-mid 200s and I've got pretty decent activity all over the place. Even invaded someone who was clearly first timing it into Sellia Crystal Cave somehow.
i've been interchangeably calling them skadoo, scoobydoo, and skibidi fragments
>also not true, you can check it on tga table just fine
They do have extra flags, if you just add the whetblade you can't infuse with that element until you actually pick it up in the world.
Me, I did it on a new character because I didn't want to go find them.
>Leave the host and his two phantoms, scoundrel
truly nothing cringier than blues
200 is the new casual meta for coop/invasions/FCs
bayle isn't that hard with the correct resistances, I beat him at like +9
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I'm putting together a team /erg/ who am I missing
>not enough customisation
Sekiro gave you a far bigger move set and move defensive options, you just didn’t have the option to “build” out of the game play.
probably the potmen in the rauh parking lot tunnels account for some. God those are such fucking obnoxious ones.
Abandoning emotions/body is probably half Asian lore about cultivation and ascension involving abandoning your mortal ties, and half some process of becoming just a soul which is the reason why the gods were functionally immune to death if Destined Death wasn't involved
Does pure int work, or is int/dex or int/str the best way to go?
I call them Scooby snacks
>needed some more legacy dungeons
Fuck that, what we needed is the ones we already have to be much bigger and more labyrinthian. The only decently sized legacy dungeon is shadowkeep, but things like Belurat really were a waste. Fantastic setting and music, but you fully explore it in like 30 minutes.
Did you find the crazy hidden path from Enir Ilim back down to Belarut? It requires platforming around the edge of the castle and a lot of drops.
NTA but
>Forced to play as le honorabu Japanese katana man with a shota fetish
Sekiro was shit.
Huh, don’t even know what i’d put more points into on my dex fag build. Guess i’ll grab 25 faith for buffs and just take dex to 99 and grab some more stam.
int caps at 80 so you're probably going to dip into something else eventually anyway
>she isn't dead.
I know there's talks of 3 blooms somewhere but it's pretty clear she's dead. You take her great rune and you have her remembrance.
You kill her before she can get to the third and drown the world in rot.
It can work but cast speed depends on dex unless you use the new dlc talisman.
>Griffith, Finnish Griffith, and Miyazaki Griffith

Nah L1kiro isn't that deep.
Belarut was cool as fuck to me. It had a nice variety of branching paths. I wish there was more to the poison swamp area though.
I tried to stay at 125 but then I realized everyone else is going to level to 150 minimum so I did too
It's just too overloaded with Sekiro bullshit for builds that struggle to get above 40 vigor while actually functioning, so 125 doesn't cut it. And even if it did, it means you'd only be getting matched with the absolute turbosweats who can beat the game at 125 instead of a mixed bag of people that just happen to like PvP
There are more than 2 varieties of furnace golems
the one in the starting area is nerfed and doesn't have the cluster missile attack at all, it will ONLY use its foot stomp attacks if you get behind it, making it easy to melee to death
others will spam missiles even if you get close and make it nearly impossible to melee, and then you get the armored variant where you can't kill it with anything but pots
Use millicent prosthesis or rotted wingsword insignia with it too
>story motivation is gameplay
>gameplay variety is story choices
Still haven’t posted mechs bitch boy
I know but it's an aesthetic thing not a gameplay thing.
I'm not dissing Sekiro by the way. Not saying it's bad or anything like that. I just didn't like it personally. Wasn't to my tastes that's all.
Make a "perfect" level 1 character already.
Instead of doing insanely autistic routing to grab all your shit you'll have it at the start.

After doing 9 (yes nine) perfumer runs I snapshot a save AFTER doing all that unfun bullshit. Makes the start significantly faster. All killer no filler.

There's new paired light greatswords that have the same gimmick. One sword is magic and the other is fire.
If you just run circles around them when they do the homing missile attack none of those will hit you. Super easy to horseback fight them anon.
why doesnt this game have any green armor sets?
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i wish that everyone in needle knight leda's company was permanently charmed to follow miquella, and that throughout the DLC we were helping and rescuing miquella to create a new place for the people of the the lands between to go regardless of any decisions you made as a lord with the current ending we have right now in the dlc being the bad ending where you oppose or dont help miquella
is bayle supposed to be a dps test or something? I don't see how you're supposed to kill him besides spamming l2 with the dragon katana. He never stays in place and his head jumps around everywhere.
Something created those things and people named that something "the Greater Will," but it fucked off after Metyr landed in and doesn't actually impose its will. People either blindly followed the fingers which kept sending outdated messages, or used the GW as a pretext to advance their own interests.
>Manhandle Bayle solo at skibidi 2
>fail miserably in teams of hosts that are 10+
What the fuck is going on.
There's no way in fuck I suddenly got substantially weaker.
blues can't be summoned when there's 2 phantoms
do you even play this game
either a host or an invader should learn this from experience
Is that what you're meant to do? For those with leg protectors they had a spirit well next to them, so I'd jump up, wait for them to do fire attack, then jump on them with horse and attack, then fall on spirit well so won't take fall damage. Rinse and repeat until dead. Was a massive pain to do, worst part of the DLC
you did actually, by virtue of bayle's HP being tripled because of your presence in the host's world
I found the lift back down by the grace not a crazy hidden path though I'll go look for that

Maybe I'll go double check there too
>parking lot tunnels
lol I hate that area
There's a note near shadowkeep that says to keep furnace pots away from them, and I think another somewhere about fire in their bellies being effective
int dex
The hidden path will take you all the fucking way down to the bridge that spans over the poison swamp in the lowest part of Belarut finally, it's quite a trip down.
i'm at 150 and get absolutely nothing for radahn
You're supposed to summon the reddit npc that does a million stance damage to him.
So... the ideal finger build is full int with arc tax? Or full arc with a hefty int tax?
>kill first phantom
>few seconds later
>blue pops up
many such cases
at 180 I was getting summoned at every boss besides Radahn. Now I've only getting summoned for people who want babysitters through the level which I don't want to do at all. I just had 8m runes from being summoned and decided to use them like a fool. Now I gotta figure out how to hack this shit back to 180.
Alright fuck it, going Dex/Fth like the ultrafag I be.

Should I be aiming for 60/45 or what?
>Now I gotta figure out how to hack this shit back to 180.
how do you still have stuff to buy?
i'm just blew all my DLC runes on 999 titanite
depends what you want to do and what weapons you want to use

sacred/flame art weapons scale almost entirely off of faith. but you can also go keen with 80 DEX and use faith for buffs. some unique weapons scale differently

Let's assume I'm mainly using the Backhand Blade and, uh... fuck it Messymer's spear.
If they're god.
I'm of the opinion Thiollier and Ansbach just drag it out and they're actually worthless. With a fight like that you need to get the battle over as fast as possible and their HP bloating the boss (and who knows what else to his defense, etc.) is counterproductive to that.
I'm running that but I'm also not exactly using effective spells. Dragonbolt of Florissax takes 56 fucking faith so I'm rocking 40/60 with a few hits to my vigor to get the amount of poise and stamina I like.
messmer's spear mostly scales off of DEX but also scales off of faith a little. so you're probably best off going DEX focus and then putting your leftover points in FTH. you can buff your keen backhand blades with electrify armament to squeeze extra damage out of your faith. it should actually work decently well because it's an innately dual wielded weapon, so it should get double benefit from weapon buffs that add flat damage.

going DEX/FTH with those weapons in mind makes you pretty hungry for attribute points in general, so you should probably be popping rune arcs with godrick's rune and wearing stuff like millicent's prosthesis and okina's mask for extra levels. so you can leave your DEX at around 70 and reach 80 with those bits of gear
12, 15, 24, 30, and 42 faith are the breakpoints for which it is most useful as a utility stat
how a was the nerf to radahn's bow?
what are we using to summong turtling hosts now if something else?
i call them scatdoo

Ah, so probably better for... 70 (80 with items) dex and 25-30ish FTH?
scooby snacks
Did anyone else beat Messmer easily first run? I stove his head in with two-handed Devonia's hammer. I'm not "gud" really, so I'm just wondering about other peoples experience.
I don't have anything to buy that's why I leveled
yes generally speaking there's not much point in going half and half with your attribute points with DEX and FTH. either you take just enough FTH to support your DEX scaling weapon with buffs, or you just go full FTH and only take enough DEX to use whatever weapon you want to use that scales with FTH. the messmer's spear won't really let you do the latter, though, so you're basically forced to do the 1st with that in mind
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I have shit reflexes and the PS4 version's framerate. I haven't easily beaten a boss since the tutorial.

Ah, I understand it now.

So 25 fth it is then, thanks for helping my tard self understand.
yeah ftr you can leave your dex at 67 and reach 80 with okinas mask, millicent's prosthesis and a rune arc

you should never end up over 80 since thats the softcap. and you don't really even *need* to reach 80, there are some diminishing returns before that too.
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I read it as "sardaukar tree" for a while until coming on here.

Nice, nice.

Speaking of talismans that'd also let me, focus on Dragoncrest/Rotten Sword/Prosthesis/Twin Headed Turt?

Just gotta find armor that matches the mask.
>knock furnace golem over
>start flinging hefty furnace pots into it
>they do no damage
>smack it's face thing
>40000 damage
They do not work as intended, I found the note describing how you should use pots and they did nothing, what the fuck am I meant to do as a player when that happens?

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