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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484043110
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First for Lyse
Have you finished the MSQ yet, anon?
Do any of you even get anything good from quick ventures anymore? I get pure garbage and I've been running 3 of them every hour since the expac came out
>trade quests with wuk lamat
I'm so close to skipping these cutscenes man
all i do is run around, hand her shit, and then she /handovers it to someone else
remember in shb when the intro was a bitch getting turned into a sin eater?
i'm not saying it has to be life or death shit but you need to pull your reader in somehow holy fuck i'm bored out of my mind
evens i tough it out, odds i skip for this section
you should post femlalas in this thread
All fiddies are henceforth malera owned.
I'd like "What is RNG for 100"
I miss Ryne, bros...
Skip all of these and the bird quests, then resume watching after. Trust me on this.
No I keep falling asleep
>servers now heavy enough to lock out my FT
My buddy is considering giving up being a malezen
how did it come to this? he's been playing one for 10 years
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hope and optimism restored
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my beautiful wife..
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Imagine the sex
How about a fat lip instead you little shitstain
is he fucking retarded? malezen won the hardest of any race
>Lighting and Shadow improvements
i'm 98 and only just did the coronation...
Scrollin' by without sayin' howdy...?
whys the dialogue like a marvel movie now
>skip quest
>something interesting happens for once
>watch cutscenes and read quests a tiny bit
>lasts 5min
>quests are boring and filler again
Rinse and repeat
Are lalas jews?
>viper has no buyable primal weapons. period. this is an expansion first.
>literally only 1 shb and ew raid weapon
>it has the worst run animation of all time
how did they get so fucking lazy
No, I've only just finished the first dungeon. I keep going to big fish windows...
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Come to Golem Aetherqueuebros
I don't talk to pedophiles
it's less marvel than endwalker
are FATEs a good way to grind my jobs up from 90-100? i'm going for the mount anyways
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and cat tummy

{Heart of Corundum}

nah face 1s lost
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Last thread confirmed that if you don't like Dawntrail you're a poor third worlder from Latrin America.
Great. Now I'm horny for Lyse porn. Is that what you wanted?
>By the time the ebins have finished avoiding spoilers and come back to the general, the mods will be fully ready
Tik tok haters of ebins
Looks like those brazilian skull face paints
meowdy partner
>Have you finished the MSQ yet, anon?
I haven't even started it.

I'm doing Viper job quests and levelling and trying to figure out how the job is supposed to be played and seething because it only has 13 buttons whereas my HUD layout is designed to accomadate 30+.
on two chars
we knew that already
This only makes sense if he's gay. Malezen have become more masculine so it might displease him if he liked the sissy malezen look.
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like, dude
would it have been so much to ask
in a fucking *trade quest*
for them to animate the actual handing over of goods???
fuck me man. I wanted to give it a chance. I'm worried if I skip this shit I'll "wake up" several quests later when it might be decent, and won't know what the hell is going on. So I'm trying to stick with it but it's like they went out of their way to make this as bad as possible
ngl she looks really bad, looks like a minor side quest npc more than a major character
Just now finished it & didn't skip anything. It was alright.
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we are so back bros
Might as well while you grind up the shared FATE ranks
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It's fucking painful seeing all the little details that made you choose your different facial options changed just enough to make your character feel like doppleganger.
Yes she deserves worship
Personally, I would have preferred that it be a trade minigame where I have to actually trade shit. I don't want to run from person to person being told that I am successfully trading.
i haven't even made any progress on the ew msq yet
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This scene cannot be skipped.
Nope, just reached the third dungeon
Pretty good so far but I'm kind of concerned how it'll go from here because it seems like the most interesting plot points are tied up and I'm only just now finishing the third zone
every plugin still needs to be updated
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PLEASE lets have a CC meetup so we can level our shit
i know you all hate each other now but it wasn't that long ago that we used to do this all the time
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They are improved. They correctly show how deformed femra are now. Remember last year when someone posted a picture the .dds files on blender and everyone laughed at you?
skip this dick zesty ass nigga
yeah I will, just was curious if it'll be significant XP-wise. might as well try and find out myself. saw some guy get 1 million XP from a forlorn + bonus FATE alone.
do picto gposes with a nazi armband and i might
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i sure do love beach episodes
No.I'm still in stormblood.
I have the same issue with my face 2 femroe.
for real, it's like they forgot they were making a game or something. there were so many ways to implement something like this. and what's even the buildup? so i can watch wuk catch an alpaca? bro I WANT TO CATCH AN ALPACA
fuck it really is just a supervised field trip simulator, I'm praying some twist intervenes to fuck this up because this is #1 out of 7 of these places and idk man idk
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It's decent and consistent. Not way too fast but good enough I think
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The expressions in this game are cute
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I want to visit everyone as soon as possible! I miss all of you <3
>just a red roe with fur
whats a cc
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mfw there's some gay lizard or cat drama going on and I don't care these bitches whine so fucking much do you know what I had to do I fucking saved this world and I'm here dealing with your stupid bullshit squabbles over nothing and I'm like fuck I could be in Ultima Thule saving even more races from literal annihilation but no the fuckign baby lizard is crying now I hate this so much I just want to fish
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>that one melee dps who saves LB until it overkills the boss
Who the hell do you think you are?
How long do you think it'll be before they open up neon hair dyes to players? Ul'dah's going to become a lightshow.

I was planning on hosting one once travel is freely opened up again, but that's a ways off still.
This is like, a fucking game of "aim well or go to jail".
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seriously it wasn't even funny the first time
val clone
I'm tired of questing
Who's helping me stroke
it sounds lame but im actually upset at how bad this msq is. i started playing the game for the story and seeing it improve so much in shadowbringers and then endwalker completely surpassing that and being genuinely amazing was so cool. seeing it regress this hard sucks. i hate wuk lamar so much
the drill and pierces the heavens?
Sorry Macc.... can't dc travel atm.
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I'll take the two on the left
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I am currently doing 6.55 msq missions. I have been leveling pictomancer to level 90 and now I will work on getting Viper to 90.
>endwalker completely surpassing that and being genuinely amazing
Lmao, all the ginger cats look the same because of no mods. Val, Appal, Slutcat, Newfags, every sunnie with a face 3 is the same lololol
my femra needs her feet back asap
we can have different ones for each DC like we used to back in the day
pictomacchi is really cute...
>midlanders channeling their serious side
God why is this so attractive
come to qs NOW
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i'm a big fan of this dynamic
I just finished it and it improves after the first 3-4 levels or so. Has another part that drags at the end but that's about it imo.
you are forgotten...voided by all...
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I was about to post about how the aether currents felt more hidden than past expansions and then I realized the aether compass exists and I forgot all about it
I'm hoping the MSQ grabs me, but I finished both of the initial branching areas, then I did roulettes because I wanted to actually play the game and still hadn't made it to the first dungeon, and then I went to sleep and I haven't even logged in yet. You are absolutely right. They passed up so many opportunities to implement gamelike mechanics in their game, and yet they did not.
>100 on pct
its shit

what tank is good now?
My wife on the far right
I agree that it should have been something a bit more interactive, for your WoL to teach her an actual lesson and it would have been cool

I have no problem with Wuk being the main character and us being the mentor though. This is her and Krile's journey, and we're simply here to help her along the way, passing on the same lessons we were taught as we grew into our WoL status. For the most part, we don't outright give her the answer she needs, but we guide her to it, same as her fathers attempts to do, so that she can grow and feel like she made that growth herself and reflect on it later.
If anything it's like a shonen anime
>Whenever Wuk's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "where's Wuk?"
This will be your post 7.0 MSQ
can you give me an actually full on macchipost
preferably one that ends with "Rape!" again those are pretty funny
Me on the right
Glamourer needs to be updated right now...
File deleted.
The new lighting/textures make dark skin look like it's made out of fucking clay now.
The negative reviews on steam are mostly over their character's look being changed.
So far, DT's MSQ is the best early MSQ of them all. Anyone complaining is just doing so to be a contrarian or has really bad taste.
People I speak to in game seem to all be loving the early MSQ. The early writing, pacing, first dungeon, getting to unlock flying early, it's a big improvement.
If skippers say the early MSQ sucks and then it gets kino in Yak, and even more kino at the end, then I dunno seems like it's best expac.

Where the heck did you get that bike. How's Dynamis been?
yeah I won't lie I'm more in this for krile at this point than anything, and I barely even like krile. I just want her to get some closure and thought it was such a dick move of wuk's pappy to be like "I could tell you rn but muh contest".
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The guitar OST in this area is fucking great.
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Hello my wife.
two more years
genuinely the best part of the expansion lmfao
I feel like this went through an RTX-ON filter
im in HW
>So far, DT's MSQ is the best early MSQ of them all
I wouldn't go that far
ShB had a very strong start. It went completely to shit for 6 straight levels after that, but up to Holminster is really fucking cool.
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Erenville im watching your stream why are you trying not to laugh bruh that’s disrespectful as shit bruh stop fucking laughing bro
Is... this allowed?
Do kittens like sunnie+?
>the single biggest mmo
>insane budget and profit margins
>still cant pay to have the entirety of the msq voiced for some reason
It's weird how after 4 expansions of NPC's punching their palm as an emote they suddenly decided that it needed a sound effect with this expansion.
he's so sexy why doesn't he have more screentime
Wuk will find a way to join the Scions, right?
pelupelu? more like pepepupu
>So far, DT's MSQ is the best early MSQ of them all. Anyone complaining is just doing so to be a contrarian or has really bad taste.
I swear these publishers are paying people to astroturf common forums with good sentiments to quell the anger. This is the same exact shit we read when Dragonflight dropped. "This is the best WoW questing has ever been, seriously guys the sub numbers aren't that low, please play the game, you're just contrarian if you don't like the forced gay shit!"
did you see how many poorfags we had bitching about their drive space after the patch went up
Yeah I started in stormblood and I would put endwalker on par with that. Shadowbringers was a complete fluke for them, it's clear at this point. Endwalker is a complete mess and had a completely shit ending to the overall saga.
Uhh, can I get the Y'shtola in a separate pic without the children?
Bros and friends check out the Alter vid I made for the Endwalker endcap

https://streamable.com/s8x0th (higher bit rate so you can watch it)
https://files.catbox.moe/829bo8.mp4 (perma link / DL'able)
first the + now the doc

predditors never gonna beat the groomer allegations
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Ofc she will.
it's eorzea, she expects you to get the rest of her litter pregnant too
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one femlala
yeah i'm crafting in a shopping mall now
Ffffuck man, dt making my ps5 overheat. Is anyone else having this issue on console?
dragonflight is unironically the best wow has been in years though
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awesome expansion couldn't believe Yakubs army invaded .
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I think they should kiss.
but that's gay...
Shut up Fujo
omg...koana is a siscon...
why is the wait time for leveling dungeon over 30 mins
Welll considering Legion was 8 years ago, "In years" doesn't really mean anything at all. Anything would be better than BFA and Sneedolands, they were atrocious.
Poncho lala????
>Just lie there and take it and don't complain just eat your slop and thank your god Yoshi P
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how are my bars, bros..
>6000 VPR and PCT in queue
ShB early MSQ had strong *moments*. Like literal seconds. The guy you first run into. Seeing the everlasting light and its effects. The first Sineater encounter. Vaulthry. Mool.
You'd get one cool line, one cool frame in a cutscene, then so much slog between it. And the actual moment-to-moent writing itself was not very good. I think if you replay it you'd see it's actually quite bad.
... but Dragonflight is the best WoW in years lmao is this sarcasm?
I have friends playing WoW who I haven't seen play in fucking ages.
i'm a koanacon
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Did they put an EW credit sequence in the DT MSQ or did I accidentally forget to do a bunch of quests for post EW?
My gf just broke up with me and not only do I want to fucking die I will now associate this entire expansion with these negative feelings.
Not blood related...
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I cant believe they got the arbiter from halo in the msq!!!
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can you stop stealing my look please x*aela
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Hold the fucking phone. I didn't realize PCT gear had boob window before cutscene showed topdown view.
the queue for this final trial is driving me fucking iunsane
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Im tired...
Imagine being this pathetic and miserable.
Same with HW unfortunately
I think about HW often and how much I love it
I am NEVER replaying it since the last time I tried.
dios mio el abominacion
.If you didn't do Eden does Gaia just not show up at the end of 6.5?
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what's up
Dragonflight is a good expac hollistically but it probably has the worst story/quests quite literally ever. It's Ai generated tier.
almost immediately upon release, thanks to a number of modders. I'm myself working on updating my own, and Aleks (YAB Creator) is already fixing up the latest YAB to be BPF compatible.

it's ok we look completely different.
>ummmmm don't yuck someone's yum okkkkk
4chan has fallen
i hate how it just switches from voiced to non-voiced so abruptly. there was one voiced cs that was extremely short; "is everyone alright?" then it's all text immediately after.
Maybe slow down and take your time so everybody else can catch up? :)
So is it true that you can add someone to the blacklist without actually seeing them in-game, and if so, how? A lot of people have been saying that's how it works.
Turn off TCSMAA camera jitter and dynamic resolution
i am still
a viper moony
That's what your mother said when she birthed you, favela monkey.
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anyone else think their lips look weird after the update?
>spent all day getting picto to 89
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>WoL is just a Kingmaker now
>even worse, a Kingmaker that play by the rules instead of butchering the retards threatening us all the time

Im so tired of this MSQ
I skipped nothing. If others can't play all day with minimal sleep, that's on them. Bend to my will bitch
Is Lavabod back up? How do I contact you to get dalamud and penumbra back?
>I could tell you but muh contest
I'm only down in Mamook at the moment, but he specifically said he couldn't because he can't afford to give any one promise an advantage

I have theories for what he meant by this:
The fact that Galuf was requested specifically, despite being from across the sea, means that Galuf had helped unravel parts of the mystery of the Golden City previously, and thus helped the Dawnservant find it, but didn't get to see it himself. This would mean that revealing anything he knew about Galuf would help Krile figure out where the Golden City might be while inquiring about her grandfather faster, or give insights as to how to go about finding the Golden City with that information

Galuf was Erenville's master. E's master specifically told him to become a gleaner in Sharlyan, which means that they were either from there themselves, or had dealings with them, both of which are possible if it was Galuf. The only reason I'm not completely sold on this is because of the cutscene at the top of the mountain where E notices his master's name, but it wouldn't be odd to have a different name on a different continent
Well, not the gf breaking up and this expansion in particular one, but I know the feeling of going through something shitty and associating it with what you were doing at that moment.
Anyway, you'll pull ahead anon. Just wallow in misery for a while and then realize that's an opportunity to get a better gf.
I am
A gay catboy
who are you referring to?
I want to kiss both ginger cats at the same time
>Criticise Dawntrail
>Get called "brown" because even though they're woke anti-racists, they're actually hugely racist
I have a highlander and a femra I play and after the update my highlanders' lips are just fucking weird I can't look at her anymore and despite her being my main, I have yet to touch her, I just don't feel like seeing her weird new expressions. It seems like most of the face is the same but the new mouth is FUCKED
>in-game blacklist applies to 4chan
woah, when did they invent this?
someone queue the final trial on dynamis im tank
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Can't possibly be worse than old lips
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>It's got a carbuncle on the caster jacket
how? you can do it in a few hours with synced trusts

maybe you shouldn't click on spoilered images anon
he's using textools, which has been updated for dawntrail (a number of times actually)
dalamud has a beta up, but penumbra doesn't have any post-launch commits
>Level 99 Quests
>My character is officially a side-character now.
this is fucking retarded
touched a nerve?
what method did you use?
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Arrrgh I'm going giga gay mode
yes, my femlala's lips look terrible with some facial expressions. the new eyes bother me too.
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They're far more pronounced that's for sure..
low stakes does not mean boring. this msq had a million ways to make itself interesting and entertaining but they failed all of them
Apparently DLSS isn't implemented well?
What's wrong about it and how do I fix it? I don't really notice it myself but that's probably because I don't even know what I'm looking it.
>I'm only down in Mamook at the moment, but he specifically said he couldn't because he can't afford to give any one promise an advantage
yeah and I think that's a dick move, specifically since he said he'd only tell her if wuk won and not just "wait until it's over" or something. at that point I'd just ask to withdraw myself as wuk's assistant so i could get my info and leave lol
bro what does voiding have to do with 4chan
i am
straight catboy
in love with fiddies
Never used em
this isn't porn, please never waste my time like that again
Thanks for coming to the PF, till next time
thats just how it is alphinaud used to be the main character
Is there a difference in the XP gain between Trusts & Duty Support?
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im mad chillen rn
howdy roro
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Mine look alright
based FUCK those dark scales!
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The pictomancer 90 quest never clarifies whether the final boss is really who he says he is
I have taken the Elezen pill
What are the best graphic settings with this weird ass sharpening/blur they've got going on now?
Going to paint you white with my picto femra.
Turn it off and use HBAO standard
>sexy AND smart
holy moly
Queue Dreaming Dark crystal please.
How many times are they going to pull the "cute innocent looking girl is the final boss" card?
I got the bike at a local catch-a-riiiiiiide (formerly a mogstation until the plot was bought up)
dynamis is fine for the most part, I'm actually keeping my retainers busy for once but I'm really feeling the lack of pvp queues especially when I want to get that umbrella on the new series

for now I'm finally in stormblood proper and it's already been a blast, still in the initial ala mhigo section but soon... doma! especially no longer then will I be denied to enter shirogane plots
>Never used em
just walk to the dungeon entrance you can sync them so you don't have to level the trust npcs, otherwise you have no reason to be complaining you're purposely choosing the slowest method possible
can someone make a mod to just loop the second half of the tuliyolal theme
Why did we bring the twins with us again? They've no reason to come, they didn't do anything in the entire MSQ and could have been written away and nothing would change.
I would do dungeon spam instead. FATEs are only worth it if you don't want to do the former or are aiming for the mount concurrently, in which case you'd might as well do them even if it's slow(er).
Don't forget that he's filipino
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>Kris ahead of me too
I'm so fucking SLOW

Correct, I'm enjoying this

He gave Krile motivation to ensure Wuk wins, or at least grows enough in the process and I guarantee he fully intends to tell her anyway, no matter the outcome. He wants to help Krile grow too, in a way
Remember, this is coming from the head of resolve, not the head of reason. I think the head of reason is dead, under the guise of being asleep, but that remains to be seen.
In endwalker we got an ugly girl and then an uglier girl in the raid.
The level 100 Aesthetician quest confirms you're bald now shut the fuck up.
>Why did we bring the twins with us again?
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woly moly
I am
a straight malera
who is also in love with fiddes.

I hope you find your one true fiddie bro.
That fiddie looks absolutely horrendous wtf. Did you pull her out of a david lynch film?
No, but Bibo+ and Tre+ are. Some Gen3 bodies are being ported. Dalamud has a beta key up if you want but nothing really works yet:
>"DalamudBetaKey": "empanadas"
>"DalamudBetaKind": "apiX"

Though, really what's the point without any posing tools available for a bit.
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what is it about moonys/moonies ?
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>Didn't care for the story for most of the expansion
>Heritage Found got me interested
>got emotional at Living Memory
Despite their best efforts to ruin it with goofy shit filler I think SE realised killing parents was the easiest way to resonate with people after babies first nihilism flopped.
Setup for the next patch if I had to guess based on interactions so far.
They're learning what makes a kingdom strong, and figuring out what Garlemald and other Eorzean countries lack compared to the peoples of Tural in that regard.

It'll be expanded on later, for sure.
no exp difference in actual completion trusts are just faster by a marginal amount
All use femezen players pre-DT know each other. We will be excluding you bandwagoning glubbers and dumbras hopping off your sinking ship of lizzers. Get off our race, you did not earn the right to be one of us.
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why does my whole body look like this
Hey WoL god slaying savior of the universe do you mind doing this menial bullshit fetch quest for me 100 times so I can be kang?
when the criticism gets real the astroturf really starts, and its always the most generic abstract defense possible, its really funny, even the wording is artificial as fuck

not even leave a you for these cultists, they can rot in the AI database they come from
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There’s no way there are people genuinely defending the MSQ ITT

It’s gotta be contrarianism
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Yeah, they're smaller now, and less upturned at the edges
Plus the philtrum detail is insane
The more I look at it the more I hate it
I think you could argue the old lips looked more cartoony but now they feel like they abruptly "end"
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You in Gpose?
It's the DoF, it's fucked.
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Nothing wrong with slow. Surely it means you've gotten better sleep than I have.
>half filled clique party
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many people are saying this
I decided on these jobs. Four gear sets.

Black Mage
Dark Knight
Why do all catgirls play face 3?
>forced to deal with wuk lmao
>start choosing all the negative dialogue options at every possible time

It's the small things
It had its moments and the cutscene animations are way better now, but yeah...
I'm white.

I just think it's funny how you're supposedly not racist but still throw around "brown" as an insult. It's a bit hypocritical and makes you look like a two faced coward.
ingame dof is broken in gpose?
you intentionaly mischarecterising Shb to ru ndamage control has to be one of the most retarded defenses ive ever seen

go fuck yourself
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fucking dalamud pruned me again from beta testers didnt they
>how you're supposedly not racist
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it's around then where Wuk started feeling like a real character desu, I was really annoyed early on but they're finally getting to the point Wuk needed to be at least 2 zones prior.
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Not exactly fond of flying huh?
do NOT promote scale on scale violence
>doing the first duty
>lizardman says ive learned the viper arts
>while im fighting his as reaper
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>shadowbringers song kicks in
>the hroth has a partner
Thanks now its extremely sharp
He's a schizo who's imagining you as someone in particular.
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>finishing up post endwalker quests
>world tour around the source showing zero how much i did in the last expansion(much better than endwalker) and how good it was

Who is this for
i will stop just for you my ginger lizard princess ....
Sorry I meant GTOA standard
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i don't understand. why did they play it this way?
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I'm defending that I'm enjoying it being a low stakes, okay written adventure story so far. It's a basic "coming of age" kind of story where we need to pass on lessons and take a backseat as the guide rather than the main character, and I'm here for it.

>go to bed at 2am
>get up at 8am
Not really, I think I'm just being slow, and writing too much theory about what's coming up in the MSQ rather than actually doing it lmao

I don't think it got updated with everything else, is the issue. It's really fucky
But there's no negative options, you can just praise her and call her awesome
>trade this for that
>trade this for that
>trade this for that
>trade this for item needed
oh my fucking god
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>world is currently full
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Malerabros how we doing
but there are
you can call her a shitter after valigarmanda for example
cute retarded catboy
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I don't know how to describe it but my femra's lips are quite different yeah
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why are you homosexual
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shit wrong pic
>amaurot for the third time
uh oh skipfag moment
What about my vast collection of hair mods? Should I just clear out my penumbra folder and start again?
she looks like she fucks hroths
I cant imagine a male middie warrior of light like ardbert making the same expressions as my moonie during these cutscenes in dawntrail
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more like mad stinky lol
Thank you my friend
i just wanted to primally hatefuck renda-rae...
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I'm not a huge fan of the updated philtrum, or my roes eyes
this is the best face 1 i've seen so far in dawntrail... i kneel..
It's closure for him. She knows, but because she was only really brought up by the Dawnservant she sees him as her true father, but understands the difference. She doesn't feel the need for closure herself, and never has, thus never sought her birth parents, but with the adventure she had, she understands that she's not the only one who matters, and can give him some closure that he might feel better about what he felt he had to do.

She doesn't feel emotional about it, because she never prioritized it. There's nothing to lament, nothing to regret for her, and she wants him to feel the same way.
At various points you can say you don't want to help, take a nap, tell her dad she sucks, etc.

I am convinced they have a team examining every a spect of Shadowbringers to emulate going forward.
do you like malera??
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why did i delete the post i just wanted to delete the image
god i'm so fucking retarded
ugly ass retards will post here with the most abominable shit imaginable and call others gay when they get called out
cute retard /pet
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i hate these trannies so god damn much
>dungeon boss is literally just E4S
>right down to the mechanics
the lips aint it nigga. also
>side profile
face 1 aura are so fucking ugly now
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Your modbeast fiddie looks like shit bro, and I'm saying this as a strong advocate for fiddies
What ilvl is the 99 dungeon? Can I still use my 660 bis from savage?
That's be nice if my lvling gear is the same set throughout all the jobs
A Lizard blessed by the Grace of Gold.
>more like mad stinky lol
>"go play the game faggots you'll get your plogon later"
can square see how often people skip a cutscene? i'm curious to know how many are skipping this dull opening
if you're calling the neon purple zone amaurot you're legit retarded please kys
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Remember that shadowbringers once lived
This is not even the last trade
that sequence takes maybe ten minutes
you guys are pussies
>why can't they just skip all the stuff for the game they enjoy and spend time developing stuff for and continue just developing stuff so MY life is better, fuck their experience
Plugins will come back, fucknuts, let people enjoy the game they have paid for.
Modern games (especially chinese gacha) can and often do track these stats.
This is an ancient ps3 game so 100% chance of no way they can check this.
this shit is so fucking stupid
modfaggots are brain diseased
Howdy. move along now...
I remember one time you walked past me in Old Sharlayan. You handed me an egg and said "Don't worry about it." then walked away. It was warm and lightly wet. It smelled vaguely of fish and copper. Anyway, I lost it. I just wanted to let you know.
must pump.
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Is this going to be on the test later?
>fuck their experience
this but unironically, slave away you fucking estrogen-high autist and give me PLOGONS
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sorry you can set deadlines when you pay them
not before
Clearly anon is talking about last dungeon
>I'm defending that I'm enjoying it being a low stakes
That changes pretty quick 96+.
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Wake the fuck up, Samurai.

We got a Solution to burn.
>main city of an expansion is almost completely deserted 2 days in
sure, that makes sense. i guess i'm mostly confused about the second bit, where he's the one who establishes that boundary when she starts the confrontation about it.
i guess he knows it's not really "his daughter" anymore.
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Oh my goodness gracious.
>hate Wuk Lamat
>turn on JP voices
>suddenly kinda like her
Yes but I think you'll get access to AF before that, just like last expac
the difference is only 30 item levels so it's not a big deal even if you go in at ilvl 660
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>go find and talk to X people in this area
bwo you lost our son???
built for femlala saddles
I dont know what job to play, every job I touch yoship ruins and theres nothing left..
I don't care for her character and I've been in JP voices the entire time, she's written insanely boring
Old Sharlayan was not much packed too. There is not much reason to stay in first expac city.
I wish yoshi would disable them for good so those retards would just fuck off back to second life and VR chat. Every single one of them is an abomination. I used to shit on all of the tasteless shitters on Aether who'd gather around the Limsa aetheryte with their trash glams and obnoxious ultimate weapons out but holy fucking shit I'd take those players any day over the average modfag. Just fucking throw them in concentration camps and be done with them.
what's that jacket?
Can we even turn DLSS/FSR off?
Is there a way to turn obsolete tomes into poetics?
Stay away from the new ones esp Viper.
sharly felt pretty bustling for a good while, probably because it had a cozy layout with everything you needed near the centre
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Mor Dhona
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>they nerfed the ass on 2b leggings
Why isnt there more of an outrage over this?
I replayed them all somewhat recently.
The high points of HW are amazing, but there's things it does terribly like the introduction to the first areas and integration of beast tribes, and then the post MSQ where it takes so long to have a celebration. There's the obvious great post MSQ moments too, but like ShB they're just moments and it sucks when replaying all of it and not just remembering that one moment.
Stormblood was actually my favorite expac replaying it, except I had to start cutscene skipping a bunch of Yanxia and the final siege. A lot of the side writing was really nice in Stormblood. Even just the little chat bubbles of characters being little shits.
Hey, I was just saying...
Stormblood is really nice. I love the confederates, the turtles, Yotsuyu... I love the Raen, the Never Conquered™ steppe.
Shadowbringers gets worse on the 2nd playthrough when you see how much it drags on without the initial excitement of certain moments. Stormblood gets better.

It was really kino yeah

Did you use the fanta? Or is it just the lighting and angle? That looks way better, like your old one.
I'm not too bothered about dealing less damage anyhow, it's just a bit of a headache trying to juggle all the jobs gear while leveling. It's the first time I had the last tiers bis going into an expansion, it's really nice not having to worry about ilvl for once
please respond >>484055660
auriana, mor dhona, north of aetheryte, up the road, wayside booth
It's kino
I am so glad to finally get an armored set that reveals tummy AND looks good
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Dudes what the fuck did they do to the lips in this game
Set it to activate at 30 fps assuming you never dip that low
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>like MNK
>gets ruined
>like DRK
>gets ruined
>like SCH
>gets ruined
>like MCH release
>gets ruined
>like mage BRD
>gets ruined
>like dot SMN
>gets ruined
I have a feeling that you're a faggot anon
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don't you want me to go away? because i'm hardly around in-game
My Husband

Is noclippy available on the beta injection? Probably not

Die. Balance the statistics you cunts love to quote by becoming one yourself.

As I would expect it to. I know it won't stay this chill forever, so I'm enjoying it while I can. It's like playing a TTRPG where your character can look back fondly at being like, level 1 and helping merchants and doing odd-jobs that are relatively low stakes, reminiscing about it while they fight a fucking dragon that's powerful enough to topple cities. There's a charm to it and you can forge friendships and shit during the easy times that help you through the hard times, which is what this is setting up, clearly. It's shounen battle anime writing so it's troped to the gills, but I like it

It's been a long time, and he knows, realistically, he's her father by birth and laments that he had to do what he did. He's both practical and sentimental. Were it not for circumstance she would be his daughter through and through, but he's proud of what she's become anyway, and doesn't want to linger on the "if only", choosing to push ahead into a brighter future.
you don't get it i had to stop every stage to spin in my chair and scream
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Caster chest piece from the 4th dungeon

it's got a carby graphic on the front
>It was really kino yeah
Skipping that shit
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HOLY COPIUM, the WoL has been a side character this entire expansion so far.
Gonna save that pic
>proving people who say "It's good cause you can't understand it" right
why did you crop out the other option
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>cooking contest
what an absolute shit story and expansion, total fuckin' scam LMFAO
ty bro, still feels a little off to me at some angles so i might do some tweaking later when plugins come back
yea they're cool
just lighting and angle, the last screenshot was just a random msq cutscene screenshot
Shouldn't skippers like this expac the most?
It's more cutscenes, less text boxes, which skip extra fast. This is probably the fastest expac ever to skip through.
>cropping the other response
Nice narrative
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I just asked for a nap, why are they all lookin at me like this...
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hehehe see ya!!
>they didn't even show the alpaca wrangling
>they cut to a fucking BLACK SCREEN
>after all that
dude fuck this
>screenshotted from a stream
holy fucking kek they are beyond desperate
the artist alphinaud and his assistants
>yeah they're cool
wanna eb my malera?
If it's interesting I'll sit through it and watch it or read it.. If it's boring or yawn filler I'll just skip it
It's mixed. Most of the hair mods are broken due to the new way textures are handled. However, most of the ones using vanilla assets seem to be fine to port over.
yea they look weird without mine on them
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>Linkpearls can reach across the sea
Why do we not utilize this more often in the MSQ, why is it only ever local

I guess pray, return to the waking sands would count, and our /tells between eachother does too, but man, I really didn't think they reach that far.
>need to find a goldsmith for feat
>nobody remembers the elezen goldsmith we met like 30 minutes ago

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I think my issue with it was listening to a japanese story with anime tropes in english, which just makes for jarring and sometimes outright nonsensical dialogue
once you treat this as an anime VN then it all settles where it has to
wuk lamat goes from a retard moron furry to a genki air-headed kemono tomboy and it's kino
one of the only good jobs still standing.
maligayang pagbabalik kuneho
oh fuck I have to now go and do all the aether currents. well I guess that can wait for tomorrow
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>Why do we not utilize this more often in the MSQ, why is it only ever local
Because before this, garleans could listen to our conversation.
Did they nerf it again?
Last time this happened it was a bug and they fixed it.
Did the new graphics boil you? You look weird but I can't tell exactly how.
I'm starting a reaper after not touching them at all last expansion. Do they ever get an ability that makes their 10% damage debuff not super clunky and actually flows with their kit?
>muh garleans
sorry anon i'd have to get to know you before i considered it
can someone tell me where the cock cactus is?
am i weird for not leveling pictomancer or viper and rawdogging the msq on whm
i dunno but yeah i look kinda off
Why is it that even the throwaway dungeon bosses are better fights than EW alliance raids? Were these made by different teams?
we can do that then, let's meet and get to know each other
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shut up fag
Did I miss this somewhere? That's kinda wild if true. I know you "Pair" linkpearls, but I don't actually know how they transmit, so theoretically it'd be like being able to intercept radiowaves, and if it was done via aether more conversations would be easily intercepted...
>bro just do trusts
>all level 71
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>maligayang pagbabalik kuneho
idk what that means, my nick is from a chinese novel (LOTM)
Demand 100k gil from every VPR and PCT who can read your shouts to queue for instances. This is the gold rush opportunity
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I to the part of Wuk and I know immediately why people dont like it and I can word it correctly. Her cadence is off from how someone would naturally speak, it sounds forced with the tempo of how they are talking and it seems unnatural on how they are carrying it. it sounds like someone is trying too hard to speak instead of having it come off as casual if that makes any sense.
Almost like a man is pretending to sound like a girl you mean
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Cancelled my sub, woke trash story and xpac, yoshi p should be ashamed of himself for bending the knee.
duergar lookin mofo
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How chuuni you are depends on what you answer here
>Uoh femlala tummy

Ah gomen, I had a friend who I'm pretty sure went miera > catgirl named Merlin who is a flip
alright man cya
lmao keep calling em brown shit skins its pissing them off.
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NINchads won
The MSQ gives you about enough exp for two jobs so you're going to end up wasting at least like 40mil exp by only leveling one I think.
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>do the MSQ till I unlock the last area
>stop everything and gather mats so I can craft the new house
>sell the large house for 10M Gil
>doesnt even take 1 hour to gather and craft the house

yeah sure... the 15min dungeon is worth 100k gil bro... haha...
>it sounds like someone is trying too hard to speak
A lot of transgender people go through something called "voice training" where they consciously learn to sound like the opposite gender. Every word requires conscious effort. It's the equivalent of someone speaking in a second language.
No I know what you mean but it happens to almost every character in this game because of the way you can have it pause between spoken sentences, so every sentence feels like it's done in an individual recording rather than a full recorded conversation cut into bits

There is no good way to change this without forcing the voiced cutscenes to be unpausable.
who cares
sure if you're on my server on primal cuz i think dc travel and world visit is dead rn
Thats Galuf or Ketenrann?
How do you get the free fanta?
I think im gonna swap off of fiddie
I'm deleting my files all the same. Gonna have to just look for what works manually, I guess.
That's Ketamin
but I couldn't tell you if they're the same person yet
It's mentioned some times in the MSQ, it's also why minfilia tells us to go to the waking sands rather than talk to us directly. Nero also shown to be able to intercept and disrupt out linkpearl comms and gaius used something to cut off the comms completely.

>lorelet is mad
Stay Fiddie, please... I won't send you a tell saying you're cute if you're Miqo'te.
Do Eureka Idiot
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anyone wanna come over to my apartment to watch some netflix, we can order aethereats
sadly i'm on crystal
maybe next time then
its a blue quest in uldah by the marketboard
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No Dalamud....no ploogons....3 days....
literally night city
Too long, I'm still on Pagos.
dalamud is working though
That does make sense, it's been a hot minute since I did ARR. Which means they're using some other kind of signal that the garleans uniquely could intercept, which is kinda cool
Based on zones I am 1/3 through

At this point in Endwalker, we had the Tower of Zot, The Tower of Babil, the Solid Snake mission, and the Zodiark trial

At this point in Shadowbringers, we had the fairy queen

At this point in Stormblood, we had the Zenos duel and the Samurai primal

At this point in Heavensward, we had the bug primal and Sohm Al

In Dawntrail, we fought a dragon and a giant

So actually Dawntrail is a par for the course type of expansion. Endwalker was just much better than average.
fuck you mean
WoW will never have writing worth paying attention to. WC3 is the only reason people even pretended to care for the first two expansions.
You wouldn't send me a tell even if I stayed fiddie
But don't worry, I'll NEVER go catgirl
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Post Fiddie
Not really no, Wuk Lamat is just a shit character, that's literally it. She single-handedly makes Lyse look like a competent fuck.
when dc travel opens then! feel free to say hi sometime if you see me
penumbra doesn't work so its pointlesss.....
she's significantly more competent than lyse thoughbeit
sloppy froth kisses
>skipped endwalker
>now I get to do the entirety of endwalker and dawntrail as viper which is cool
What am I in for
Nobody sane has ever cared about the WoW story beyond maybe just piecing together lore to justify a raid's existence. The game play and engine carries it and Dragonflight had that in spades (after the like year of tragically broken UI that was skeleton crewed by a bunch of DEI interns after they fired all the oldboys and whites)
Reminder that if you do not like the plot, you are from India or the Philippines.
Some are back if you manually inject but if you don't already know that just wait until its ready for end users because you'll just crash and not know how to fix something
this credits song sucks
i'd send you a tell
I’m convinced EW alliance raids were so easy because people bitched about both ivalice and nier raids
where my eu sisters at how are we feeling
Very beautiful femra, wish i had a f4 wife like yours
will do
take care anon
> cant log to own server cuz full, wont let me queue
> cant visit another world
wtf bros
You're ignoring a ton of shit in Shadowbringers
>the entire eulmore introduction segment
>ahm araeng refugee camp
>ranjit when he was still cool
>holminster switch and the moment right after we clear it
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It's like Cleyra all over again...
So if you didn't start leveling your trusts in shadowbringers do you just not get to use the system or did they remove level requirements for dungeons and leveling them is purely cosmetic?
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Now the good part starts, right?
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Was thinking of going femlala (forma de pure)
about tree fiddie lmaoooo
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its so over.....
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I think that + her Puerto Rican accent makes her sound particularly flat. Add that with a character people dislike as much or more than Lyse, and there we go. Her voice is the least of her problems, but it’s the one you hear most often
On Chaos, being comfy after questing
greenland here we hate wukker lamat
You can use Duty Support but not Trusts until you level them up to the requisite level.
long endwalker queue times
Early shadowbringers was slop
Are you playing on a PS Vita, what is up with those graphics
Not at all, take your meds
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are dungeons fastest for alt jobs from 90-100 or is it fates with the forlorn maiden buff
dude you can't make fun of anyone when you're sitting like that
Doing dungeons with NPCs
But the nier raids werent hard.
The former. You probably started with the three 6.55 quests. I forgot to do those too.
I lowered my graphics so my laptop can run faster
People don't want to examine why they don't enjoy something because it makes them attempt to think critically about it, which makes them confront their own biases and thought processes, which is a scary thing for many. It's easier to hate and justify it on something superficial or outright not justify it at all.
So is XIV no longer a fantasy setting like every pic I see of this game now is people in modern clothes with computers and shit in the background.
i kept trying and got in eventually it gave me the error a bunch though
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Please tell me that Hroth's armor is available for player characters.
shut up secondary. kys
People will justify it by going
>b-but FF7-8!!
dungeons are definitely faster than fates, unless you're a dps in which case good fucking luck lol
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>So is XIV no longer a fantasy setting
Just want you to rub your feet across my face...
Nice resolution
Anon, we talked about this.
They are people now...
Sure, it's not a hub zone, but there's precedents.
anyone else feel like the update made their lips too dark?
And by former, I meant latter. Which side was that, Private Pyle?
Oh this one. She's cute.
Femlala are cute too.

Fates give like 4% exp base. Did they really buff Forlorn that much? I thought it's only like 20% more so 4.8%.
Dungeons seem to be giving more exp this expac. 65% or so.
But also keep in mind a new Foray is coming so you might as well save leveling jobs you don't actually play for those.
holy fucking secondary
>the FFXIV community is unironically segregating itself based on race because only brown people are bored with the story
Huh? I thought FFXIV was the sweet and wholesome MMO? When did we become like WoW?
most likely will be the tome set for the first raid tier

got it, ty
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oh so NOW you can hold an item in your hand
Fates while you wait for your Dungeon queue
>he doesn’t do dungeons with trusts the first time through at a minimum for the flavor
It's pulp fantasy which means wildly different tech levels and cultures are able to exist on relatively equal footing until plot demands it.
First fino fanta?
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Just finished 3.0

Kino, I hope it doesn't go down hill from here.
thanks, it looks nice and I want it!
>Shadowbringers gets worse on the 2nd playthrough when you see how much it drags on without the initial excitement of certain moments.
I was honestly looking forward to replaying SHB but that might've been because I remember the key moments the most...
Also this is 4chan where hating trans people is a daily activity. I think Wuk is an underwhelming expansion lead, and I haven’t been endeared to her. But changing the voice language won’t help that for me. Thank you for the thoughtful response.
Your game is not Touhou bro, everyone has played this garbage.
the end of almost every ff game has retarded futureshit technology. the first boss of the first game is a time traveler.
Yeah, I did a quick google check and saw the same. Was confused as hell when EW credits popped up but I guess that's just how absent I was in post EW.
endwalker pacing was really on point, the only miss was that last labyrinthos section, i dont know why they decided to waste player time like that together with the choice of music, without that it would have been perfect
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yes people will get mad at you for pointing this out though and go BUH MUH FF6/7/8/etc ignoring that the theming and aesthetics of those was completely different and that the tech was less modern and far more archaic magic shit
every time until i win
You have 0 idea what that term means.
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I think I found the ERP hub
He owns a whole resolution. Grown from his grans potato garden.
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4.0 is mostly trash
5.0 is kino
6.0 is both trash and some kino moments, but mostly trash
7.0 so far is trash at 98 in the msq.

HW and SHB are flukes.
>insane schizos inserting race war rhetoric into opinions on a 14 year old japanese fantasy MMO

wew lad
Final Fantasy fucking 1 had you finishing the game in a giant alien space ship fighting aliens. It's the Might and Magic style fantasy where you are all cavemen who find guns in a ruin and blow each other up.
seething secondary
Even allagans had robots and combuters left and right. Hell there's even a joke ingame that the tomestones we gather are pretty much their ipads, but we can't operate them.
thank u
whats stopping you from finding one ? >>484058076
sounds good, hope you have a good sleep
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>the theming and aesthetics of those was completely different
think carefully about the difference between the ending of a singleplayer game and stuff being introduced into a live MMO throughout, not just at the end.
7-8 were mentioned for a reason. others were not mentioned for a reason as well.
my femlala spent a few hours after meeting koana making sure we got to know each other very well...
>Also this is 4chan where hating trans people is a daily activity
Yeah, it's totally an internet-only thing. I guarantee you that the construction workers, electricians, office workers, policemen, trashmen, farmers and security guards you see everyday totally love trans people.
She's still a very poorly written character at the end of the day. The voice acting isn't good, but it's not the main problem with the character.
Any noticeable glams on your treasure hunt expansion?
Is it literally every other month that xivg gets someone pretending to be new in the most obnoxious way possible?
who asked? i hate you lalaniggers so god damn much its unreal
most people do not go around railing about trannies, no
Final Fantasy has always been varying degrees of science fantasy, lil bro.
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i'm logging in
I asked, you bigger.
If I go out in public or in my daily life, I don’t hear about it. If I go anywhere on /vg/ I do, daily. Simple as.
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I can guarantee you that your construction workers and trashmen do not sit around thinking about trannys daily that's something only your closeted porn sick brain does
Surely next expansion will finally be the tank/healer job expansion right? They can't just keep throwing dps jobs into the game and then also bitch about how they can't adds tanks and healers because everyone just wants to play dps.
Nope, not yet anyways.
>voice of reason died
>voice of resolve makes the most retarded contest possible with horrible candidates for succession

it's like poetry
buying the 7.5m mount is what they want you to do, raid tier is right around the corner and you won't have money for gear if you buy it!! don't do it!!
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stupid cat
cute doe eyed xaela.....
thanks bro
last time i checked it also made no sense to enter the first city of every mmo ever and see retards jumping on the tables and roof of every building
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You think the average person thinks and talks about how much he hates trannies 16 hours a day? You think that's normal behavior?
Adding more tanks and healers wouldn't solve the main issue of both roles being insanely boring because of how fight design is and how homogenized they are to make sure as many party comps can clear. You'll just get the same shit as what already exists but with a different color filler spell
>Get a tell in the middle of a cutscene.
This shit should be an insta ban.
There being millions of player characters isn't canon in nearly every MMO ever, faggot
Even when there’s a new tank/healer job, more people will STILL be playing dps because tank/healer is more visibly “responsible” for party success. Playing either for a long amount of time is a one-way trip to realizing how badly most people play. Being a DPS is mostly brain-off unless you’re in hard content
If the trannies would force themselves upon these "average people" 16 hours a day? Yes. Remember bud light?
Anyone else riding their chocobo more with the new mount animation changes? It feels really nice now.
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I really like how limbals look after the graphics update. Might have to adjust my own.
>failed endless housing lotteries
>just want a small plot for a comfy home
What are the odds that due to the new dlc less people are bidding on kugane plots
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I think her being "underwhelming" is a good thing, because it means she's personable. While I'm still only at Mamook, and I know world-altering shit is still going to go down eventually, having her set up as someone who isn't a mary sue and will have to rely on others is overall pretty healthy for the world building. Think of the Eorzean leaders, they're strong, sure, but they aren't Garlean or Tural leader strong. She's a tropey character, for sure. She's dopey and some form of dere that is changing slowly as we progress, but she's showing signs of growth that are extremely promising for her as a character. It comes down to whatever SE does for her going forward that can build her up or knock her down.

I think she's an alright character for what the story is, especially so far. It feels like the other promises are going to back her claim for the most part, except the one who just got eliminated who will probably get his token anyway because "this lizard was a cunt with an agenda"
pay me
>Remember bud light?
>amazing new city that looks awesome
>really nice tavern
Why would people go back to uldah?
makes me nauseous.
i've only ever ridden my chocobo but it looks a little weird now, how it seems to lean hard when you're turning or something
i need a fiddie wife...
>she's personable
She's going to have to do a LOT of growing before I feel that she's a relatable and realistic leader.
Does it have a marketboard and somewhere to fuck?
No and no one else does either, stop watching porn and maybe you would stop thinking of them so often
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This hoe got semen in her eye.
I don't raid m8, I do have a sub empire though
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2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
>I thought mine were nice and subtle.
>I now have high beams on.
Bud Lite sponsored one (1) trans influencer one time for a very short ad, (they sent her a can with her image on it) and conservatives who drank bud lite threw an absolute shit fit
Why are you bringing up some shitty American nascar beer in a Final Fantasy thread
Thank you
I have trouble falling asleep thought somehow
Are WE the baddies?
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Is it better to have more battle retainers or gathering? I already have BOT/MIN/FISH retainers.
>bud light
what the fuck did he mean by this
>somewhere to fuck
>Remember bud light?
lmfao bro
way too much wuk. would separate wuk and erenville archs/or krile handled evenly make it better? The straight man erenville shit wrangling wuk was dumb stupid and boring.
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are we having fun yet
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>doe eyed
i'm going to explode its never been so over yoship bring back the original top outer corner eyelash direction and un-moe my fucking eyes
>one of the main villains wants to make people understand war, because they want peace, and in order to uh.....truly want peace people need to uh.......truly suffer and experience war

I actually can't believe this shit. When they put a cage around Matsuno, this games story went to shit.
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i like my dodo more...
Remember when Summoners thought they were going to get shiva/ramah/leviathan summons in 4.0 then in 5.0. then in 6.0. then in 7.0
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Considering riding it less the constant wobbling back and forth looks so shit and it's the only mount I've ever used, I have ignored all raid mounts for my choco, but maybe it's time he takes a vacation as well
FF1 has a floating city made by an advanced civilization. The original game. Technology is a part of this series. Complain about the aesthetic or whatever fine, but come on.
hello my wife. how are you liking DT so far? i just finished, it was nice
Matsuno was only around for the Ivalice raid and Bozja (which got truncated) though
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It's a fantasy that anyone called it beer!
pelu pelu stuff was fine. even the hanu hanu stuff was okay.

the wuk 90 percent of quests was bad.
i managed to get mine looking a bit better by messing around for ages with the eyeliner/ eyeshadow stuff in the settings
t. fellow face 4
you look really nice now anyway
>[22:55]You failed to follow your objective. Return to your starting point.


Well, i havent found a cute one in my dead server that wants to be my wife (male)..
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>mfw JP krile speaks
I went on the Kugane side quest from this expansion and realized there’s a bunch of blue quests I never did from Stormblood
god dammit you caught me off guard lmao
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Why am I fighting the Arbiter? Where's the Chief?
this shit is dull
nah, they doubled down on the advertizements
conservatards didn't throw a shitfit, they just stopped buying from companies that endorse mental illness. budlight wouldn't even sell for $1 a case
>expert on beer primarily drank by underaged teens and rednecks
>calling other underage
you really need to unplug from the internet and go to bed
Why the fuck did they pick jazz music for the new city? I always associated jazz music with ancients so what the fuck?
>fight through giant robot tower
>man that was rough
>ysh/alph/est just materialize out of the ether
matsunos washed up. bozja and ivalice were dogshit. kys tertiary.
why the fuck is your text box so small
n-no they're adding it in 8.0...
trust the plan... please...
When matsuno wrote anything for this game he just did a repeat of FFT and wrote fordola 2.0. He's a hack.

The only writers worth a shit are Kazutoyo Maehiro (HW) and Natsuko Ishikawa (ShB+EW).
LOL this is LITERALLY Shadowbringers. hack game
I randomly found a blue quest in a SB zone that lead to 3 trials and a whole storyline about Japanese gods and elementals. And it was some dude in the corner of a map near a beach
does anyone knows?
Present your argument. Flying Fortress wasn't introduced at the end of FF1 either.
>viper has either the highest or second highest apm in the game
How fast will people drop it
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"Frankly, we find your American beer is a little like making love in a canoe."
"Making love in a canoe?"
"It's fucking close to water."
>and a realistic leader
This comes down to your personal experience, anon. What do you think makes a realistic leader?

One person alone cannot and should not rule a nation. To me, a leader should be someone who understands their people, and caters to their needs, because without them, what do they lead?

A leader needs to be self-aware of their flaws, and look to fill the gaps they have with either more knowledge or with people who can help them run parts of their nation using their knowledge. A leader can be a figurehead, as long as they are still respected for it by the people they work closest with. This is why ministers, aides, consultants and many other positions exist, to help achieve the goals and dreams of the leader, pursuant to the good of the majority.

Many in Tural presently enjoy the peace provided by the current Dawnservant, and would like it to continue, even those who back the other Promises, because they don't see how their peace could be lost if anyone else takes the throne.

They will all rule, but Lyse will be the Dawnservant.
>I always associated jazz music with ancients so what the fuck?
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i cant believe after so many years of experience they tried to pull StormBlood 2.0

do game writers are even real? do they get stuck in time and write the same thing over and over like a trained chimp? Do they read fiction so they can at least get inspired into doing different arcs? How is tis level of creative laziness even possible?
Its a good idea to have em. Combat retainers can hunt specific mobs, which can also yield bicolor gemstone mats for crafting (EW for example, had Ophiotaurosskin).
you go to it very close to the end. wtf are you talking about.
Why must I follow the gay bandit?
Why cant i just shove my entire scytheblade down his throat?
Why cant I tell my pet ghost to eat him?
Can avatars safely consume gays or will he get sick?
you can do ff1 dungeons in nearly any order
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noooooooo... it's supposed to be a blind eye, and it was milky white.. now they added a dark iris.... my look is ruined...
Anon FF1 is like 10 hours long. You could go to it 7 hours into the game it would be "close to the end" in spite of only being 2/3 into the game.
so its better to stack more combat retainers? Im thinkingg 100% about crafting only
>been seeing a lot more shitnoses in the wild
I hate it
I really like Gulool Ja Ja
I miss him already
the apm in this game is slow as fuck so that means nothing, even less when you consider that viper is a face roll class
>blowjob veil

nice sis.
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Yeah I called it
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demi ozma changed
When does Viper get fun? Level 85 btw
Why do you type like a retard?
Viper has the most numerous and most constant positional requirements on top of being very high apm. It’s not exactly faceroll
What is it supposed to be now?
I want to be on the fujo bait team instead.
I'm at 95 and it feels like the slowest melee dps in the game.
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i didn't even realise they were changing the chocobo animation desu but i'm enjoying riding mine a lot more with them
We all do bro
playing vpr and I forgot how obnoxious it was to maintain self buffs between packs
your fingers will hate you after 2 hours of playing with those jutsu keybinds
i don't even think there's any good keybinds for that shit..
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More like stormblood 3.0, bozja was stormblood 2.0. They just don't know how to write man vs man conflict other than do SB.
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>finally started up Dawntrail
>eyes are starting to hurt
Okay what the fuck did they chang to cause this
I can use a fucking Quest 2 for hours without getting a headache or eyestrain
Good news, you are.
I wish I was able to not hear about trannies everyday just like them, but alas this is impossible on this game.
But for real, one of them see a tranny on the street. What do you think
goes through their mind?
Lol they are feigning ignorance.
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i dont recognize it
it was yowu stwength that made me pwoffer my hand in fwiendship and its yowwu stwength that makes me pwoffer my bwade
PLEASE telle me the landsguard sets in that one quest are gonna be tomestone sets or something.
what the hell...
>Did they really buff Forlorn that much?
Yes, forlorn buff is like 15-20% of your exp bar - although I'm just eyeballing it.
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Upgraded my monitors and scaled up the resolution but haven't changed the UI settings in xiv yet, so everything is very tiny.
It's the area you get black holed into during the fight with Ozma in Weeping City.
cope spic, keep eating the slop and wasting thine life
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that scene where koana makes alisaie suck on the barrel of his fully cocked gun while he calls her a dumb cunt was kinda odd
>enjoys riding chocobos
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woah i bet he has some interesting things to say about god
Oh I think it's supposed to be the zone you fight Ozma in in Weeping City when he sucks you in?
they are gonna be tomestone sets or something.
gentle reminder that somalians, not a care in the world for wuk lamat. i believe we've got our guys.
can i have some
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Why cant I queue with trust what am i doing wrong?
I cant click register for duty
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Umm akshually I play Nyanja like I play a musical instrument. It's not hard. I play like that all the time.
that scene where wuk lamat stares at the camera and proclaims trans rights after she becomes queen of tural was a weird design choice by Yoshi-p
Generally, since MIN/BOT can gather supplies and materials used for food/potions at the very least, its a good idea to keep them as those items tend to have a high trade volume and are consistently sellable or used. A combat retainer rounds out the remaining materials the MIN/BOT retainers can't gather, such as meat, eggs, feathers, and skins, so you can passively stockpile crafting materials to process into items.

I don't believe FSH has much in the way of ventures for crafting mats, although they do have unique rewards from their ventures (Blue Footed Booty comes to mind), so it depends on what you value more.
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It's cool, I got semen in both my eyes.
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Enter Ihuykatumu.

Forming party
0/1 0/1 1/2
Time Elapsed: 0:32/Average Wait Time: 22m
try closing the flashing selection window that's still open
how much?
scions refuse to group with a pictotroon
What’s that blood borne looking armor set people have now

Looks cool and edgy
Some of these are Tataru’s grand adventure stuff from EW. And variant dungeon.
Do I have to do picto job quests at all? Also Eureka Orthos provides good EXP
Adjust your brightness and gamma
bro? trusts? on your first time???
That's not Trusts, that's Duty support, and you can't click register because you need to close the party member select menu.
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Happy Femra Friday!
Have you had water today, food, have you stretched yet, and are you sitting up like a human being?
set your FSR to 99
Combat + Bot is usually the best. Its got you covered for making your own pots/raid food. Only gear you're missing out by having no miner. If you're buying more retainers then you can basically mix/match what you want, but at least have 1 of each. Fisher is often useless as a retainer but rarely the BiS raidfood needs a fish then they become valuable, but generally they're not worth it if you're not buying mass amount of retainers.
im only 91 but so far everything has been a major tldr
grey gatos are cutest gatos ty anon *smooch*
but i finally got around to doing MSQ...
I have 20m its all for you...i just want it so bad
I see, thanks bro, just got +4 retainers and gonna level them
>thancreds battle animations
I dislike my upper lip so much I was considering chugging a fanta. I'm not, but i was considering it.
theyre just keeping with ffxiv tradition
it just isn't your turn..
Because they removed it years ago.
Past midnight and the queue is still fucked
Matsuno is a hack, but this shit is garb.
>heh you think you understand peace? I'll teach you peace!
>starts murdering everyone
Feels like an actual 12 year old wrote this slop.
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so how long will it take to level all DoL/DoH jobs to max from 0?
we have what he doesn't...
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Just use the free one from the new quest
I have a total of 7 now, just got +4
But im not really thinking about raiding, gonna use them to help me with crafting (gil making)
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>autoretainer broke
>yes already broke
>teleporter broke
What exactly does +Camera Jitter mean in the AA options?
He'd have mods if he still had aether lmao
I would trade my aether for those moves tho
which npcs would mod
thancred would surely
These are fricken poop beans aren't they
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I dunno dude nothing else started out this slow except maybe arr
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Awkward. Poor Erenville.
depends on how rich you are
considering you haven't leveled anything i'm guessing not very
if you take the free route of doing beast tribes and filling out your crafting log, with the occasional leve/GC turnins, you could do it in a couple of months
endwalker was 100x slower in the beginning
I did it (with road to 70) in a weekend. If you are dedicated, you can get at least to 90 in a weekend. Personally, now that I'm caught up, I just turn in the starred Expert Deliveries every day until I get maxed out that way, so I have no idea how long it takes to level the newest set of 10 levels for DoL/DoH jobs.
>devs say that some plugins might take a bit to get back up working
>people are shocked they aren't working 2 days in
who the FUCK did Zoral fuck anyways
my femlala already swapped sides...
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but you know what's working?
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ya mum
How bad is the monk rework?
There are other games to play if you'd rather be collecting buzzard asses than interacting with the story.
I'm a femlala who was queuing and then her power went off because someone turned on the oven.
but you actually like the characters in endwalker
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could been worse
damn that's a sick looking RPR
I can't speak for servers that don't have it but the road to X buff made it amazingly fast for me since I got from zero to +65 for crafters and +70 for gatherers in two days, only reason I'm not more than that is because I stopped to continue the MSQ
it's bad enough that we lost rough divide only recently...
agreed, thancred seems the type to mod his games if there were any, I think alisaie would too to make things more difficult on purpose
bros i cant play...
gilgamesh is full, please log out
they flanderized all of my favorite characters.
I'm not shocked, I'm just bemoaning the lack of QoL that I grew accustomed to.

kek is there a list of what's working? Do you force inject Dalamud, or is there a beta or something? Either way, I wouldn't use TextAdvance for the MSQ. As much as it pains me most of the time, I do actually pay attention to the MSQ
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the forbidden lean
do not redeem the fish sar
Who's the kitty in the armor? I wanna date her
Depends if you just buy everything it's a few hours it's really not that hard with ishgardian restoration stuff, then you just do the EW quests and craft each item in the log once or the 80-90, but if you're at zero then you're probably a newfag and too poor to get around the gil sink then gathering everything and doing leves for the gem materials is going to take significantly longer
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Yeah i'm waiting for mods and plugins to come back. Once they are i'm going to mess with things to see if i can recapture the original look more closely. I'm already trying out things like new lip color and whatnot.
But since i'm so used to the modded hair i had on it makes me wonder if the way it framed the face might help recapture that original vibe.

Thank you though anon, i'm glad you were able to get yours to a look that you're happy with i hope.
I didn't think about fucking with eyeshadow/eyeliner stuff to get more of the right look, so i'm going to have to try playing with that sometime tonight.
Overall i think my femrar looks fine when the lighting doesn't make her lips look like she licked a lemon but i'm autistic enough to try and recapture the original feel when glamourer makes it easier to preview things
I also like how she looks when using facial expressions now
I've been having a lot of fun with DT despite not even being at the first dungeon.
I keep fucking around in pre 7.0 areas to check out the lighting. The lighting changes are really cool even though it completely fucked my house so i have to redo the lighting for that and theres been multiple times where i'm honestly impressed by it.
It also makes me excited for future updates because of how some of the dual dye channels work for the newer gear, and knowing that any future gear that comes out is being made with that in mind.
Isn't this the same stuff that led us to the Omegascape?
I'd prolly do something like 3 combat, 2 bot, 2 min in that case then. Or 1 min 1 fisher if you don't mind gathering stuff yourself, fisher retainer minions often sell for quite a lot since nobody has fisher retainers lmao
You can cut down on combat jobs instead if you're going to be doing fate farming for bicolor gemstones, you can buy the combat materials through that instead of passively through the retainer
Post your hand your hand and then I'll post mine. I bet anything I'm more white than you.
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max height maliddie vs 90 height malidster
i'll just skip through boring parts like i always do lul which has been the whole uninteresting unimportant opening
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>train cutscene
>"looks safe to skip"
>skip it
wtf. what happened?
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Where's my
"I have killed literal concepts of reality, you'd be just another tally mark" option?
The absolute browbeating of that bottom option though, you know I'm taking that one.
I have heard nothing about mnk. do people still play mnk? it got a rework right?
you're a tranny
>Man vs Nature
>Man vs Technology (60s - 90s only)
>Man vs Reality
These are the patrician conflicts.
These are your consequences.
there's a beta, key empanadas and kind apiX, lmk if you dunno where to put those
there's not a list as such that i'm aware of, i just opened it and sorted by last update and the only 2 i can find are both nightmarexiv plugins so i can't imagine he's been doing much msq
How do you refresh Noxious Gash?
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/xivg/ trying to plap literally anything on a desperate and horny night be like
I finished the Role Quest, where the fuck is my AF gear?
it'd get boring to pull that card every time, we gotta reserve it for when someone is really, crazily, extraordinarily full of themselves
More surgery
there's too many of these scenes to my liking; I've killed God why would I be afraid of any of these people.
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35 emo menders
32 pink menders
9 green menders
There were also 2 other hrots, but they seemed less numerous than greens so didn't bother waldoing them.
I'm just going to say it
ALL femhroths are built for my lalaboy
every single one of you
When does the fucking KINO start...
I'm currently trying to find wuk lamat after she got kidnapped
Forget to roll your mom over. for a day.
reminds me of the cutscene skippers in the raid series suddenly to be greeted by this fucker
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>big explosion at Erenville home
>Big airship comes out and heads towards Tural
>Savaged get murdered by advanced tech soldiers
>First promise returns to claim the thrown as a suited up advanced tech warrior
>Duels his father and wins
>before he leaves he says to wuk lamat to prove her strength by going and attacking his fortress as a challenge.
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hell yeah
Xboxer here
Fuck you Yoshi I fucking jumped. I feel so stupid for it
keep trying sis youll get in eventually
So what is the fastest way to get viper and picto to level 90? Finally finished the msq and I want to get started on them tomorrow.
Now that I got sidetracked with the unfinished Stormblood quests, I can see first hand that I’m not imagining anything and Dawntrail is genuinely the worst expansion
thanks man i was wondering if i should run them real quick to get my af set, not gonna bother yet then
i didnt skip cutscenes and i was confused anyway
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holy moly
Your base dual wield combo OR one of the dualblade combo finishers. On the opener, it first goes it with the dualblade burst that follows the swiftscale combo.
I guess that part's coming up

We're not afraid of these people
Wuk is the one who needs to feel the fear and adrenaline, which seems to be working. She's building the resolve side of her personality through this sorta stuff, which is nice to see. She's more sure about herself than she was earlier and it's bringing out the warrior in her.
the red button in the opener otherwise with the twohand combo from there on if you can I think. you want to do the red button combo as little as possible is what I'm getting from it.
Oh you passed it.
It was last year.
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You're AT kino though
Everyone does bro don't sweat it.
Do you think 1 miner have more value than 1 combat?
I can do bicolor farm and do 2-2-2-1 fisher but if the combat retainer is way more valuable than miner, I should just have 1 miner right?
>summer vacation expansion
>literally just doing chores for a boring person and not getting to hang out with my actual friends
this sucks.
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Me to a lot of the anons I've met through this absolute shithole of a thread
Just like I thought pajeet. Shut the fuck up.
>you want to do the red button combo as little as possible is what I'm getting from it.
It’s a priority thing like monk, it seems. Always do the blue skill, then always do the green, and lastly do the red.
how do i make gil with my gatherers and crafters with dawntrail
>>summer vacation expansion
The story has aliens and cowboys halfway in what the fuck are you on
Gather and craft.
>killed literal concepts of reality
I don't know how everyone just collectively jumped to this conclusion. It's just a bird with a bunch of sadness energy dude. The only reason it was a threat was because of a gimmick basically.
me when I'm having sex with my eb irl
put on a cute dress and go to qs and gather cum
being poor is a mindset. think different and the riches will come.
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Only done with the third zone, progressing with all my frens in disc and we're all chatting about the story and being silly and they all take turns bullying me
How much is left after the 2nd trial? I can't take more of this Wuk Lamat garbage.
>see other people's glam
>immediately think my glam sucks
Is it because I'm a malera?
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Galuf was a hyur?
>not voiced during Eureka
>voiced in DT
Anon kun.....i.....
Time to do Danwtrail... on my alt..
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oh its holiday seasonn
Sweet, thanks for the hax
>and they all take turns bullying me
god i wish that was me
not sure bro but be more confidant in your self khagan
Jesus christ the graphics are set so low that it looks like a completely different area
Its because your glams suck
XIV Galuf and Krile aren't blood related.
Don't kun me bro just tell me..
If you're doing bicolor gemstone then 2 miners fine. They are the primary one you need to make gear, it's just after raid patches botanist becomes the better money maker since pots/food are used throughout after everyone has gear.
People just highly value combat retainers since it's tedious to get the combat mob materials drops, you gotta kill stuff yourself or through bicolor gemstones which needs you to kill stuff in fates. When you can be gathering the materials with your own botanist/miner, people would rather gather themselves than go kill stuff.
What are best methods to get VIP and PIC to 90?

Bozja, Eureka Orthos, dailies, lvl 80 beast tribe quests anything else?
So what shard is Solution Nine from
Are they too dumb to farm birdseed for themselves?
I do not know this cat
Stop asking

Do not fuck your tulpa, you'll just end up with a mess you need to clean up later
Still quite a ways to go if you are a cutscene watcher.
look at that one's face
yeah, they are
No VC dungeons, they only net 1mil xp per clear
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>need to replenish the aether in their land, a process of which is annual but hasn't been performed
>just farm, dumbasses

Interesting that it needs to be replenished, though.
Regular sidequests if you have any left? Complete them on a leveled job easy then use VIP/PIC for hand in exp. It's a good way to get them all off your minimaps at long last
sex with mithra
Only Ascians would be able to know.
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god can i get someone who treats my bun like this
they were so much better than miqote...
reaper needs more interaction with the avatar
I want the idle from the trailer with it looming over my shoulder
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glad you figured it out
you jus gotta trust whats goin on inside yo gut
I just got the second keystone but I am in the process of finishing up some sidequests before I continue.
>wuk lmao kidnapped from her full entourage by some rando going "uhhhh you totally need this thing not mentioned for the contest, come with me alone"

this is fucking parody levels of retarded. brazil is doomed.
As if we were going to stop Wuk anyway
why is she so smug...
I want to be but it's an uphill battle when your self esteem is trash
How do I improve then? Glam guides are too vague and nothing I seem to come up with as a concept is able to be made in-game
Asian anon here, I am deathly allergic to working out timezones, when does Mogstation maintenance end?
not as doomed as your sex life.
I see, thanks for the info homie
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>Can't do basic math
Next time make your shitpost more believable.
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I am neither of those anons, but here's what I do
>think about the items you want to use
>think about why your character would pick them, do they have significance to your character?
>What does your character prioritize? Practical and form-over-function? Flourishes of colour and extra parts that make it pretty?

Think about how your character approaches the clothes, and it'll help you feel better about any glams you make. It helps it make sense in-world as well because you're using a different rationale than we use in meat space.
I'm serious, I hate working out timezones. I think I'm UTC+08:00.
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I think I get why people are confused about Viper's rotation since you can go back and forth between skills, but don't you just want to do the ones with the orange highlighted outline? That way you get two rotations of twinblood<>twinfang yeah?
You seem retarded and incel.
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Why, it feels like this is the 6th time I've seen this message and I'm only halfway into the MSQ. Stop padding the time Yoshi P
who knows
why did they even add the branching skills
shits dumb
the madman actually fucking did it, you're such a legend.
aliens invaded cowboy land
this doesn't tell me anything :(
Brasil is really doomed, we have a thief running the country, fucking the poor while saying he himself is a President for the poor.
>stop telling me a story
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didn't think i'd actually miss the xp curve, im about 35-40% away
o well its just 1 frontlines roulette i think
Yeah it's literally just press the orange button and you'll do more damage then 90% of the playerbase.
>but don't you just want to do the ones with the orange highlighted outline?
Yes it is by far in the top 2 most braindead jobs to play of all time.
I don't know how retards still manage to get confused by it.
You will never be white. Calm down with the racism, chud.
I don't need 10 minute segments of unvoiced cutscenes to tell a story
Do some fates, anon
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dont worry about it man
you know i had to do it to em
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>Speak with Wuk Lamat
>Speak with Wuk Lamat again
>Speak with Erenville
>Speak with Wuk Lamat
Bro I'm 95 and I haven't even fucking left Urqopacha yet.
yes you just go for the highlighted skill like dancer. it's that easy, there's no point in caring about the way you go about it because they will make sure you do the path that gets you the buffs and not have to really care about a chart
it's not necessarily that it's confusing i guess, it's that i just don't understand WHY i'm pushing the orange button. like, obviously i can do it, i'm not a 2 year old, but i have literally no idea what any of it actually does, i can't keep track of the fucking positionals, it's like there's no actual skill involved. there's no room for any skill expression and it doesn't feel like you're actually doing anything because you're fucking playing simon says
Huh? The MSQ doesn't give you enough exp to keep up with the quest chain? When this happened in EW it was accidental and they increased the exp you get in week1 patch. No fucking way they made the same mistake again?
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Because it's thematic, but that's probably about it. Kinda wonky to balance on a hotbar but I was expecting something actually bad.
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Yeah I was right
Find a center piece. Usually it's a chest piece, but sometimes pants or a hat work too. Then build around it
There isn't any skill involved. It's braindead.
you look better now
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haven't had that issue to be honest
It's because there's a fucking wall of text with each ability
Yeah it just comes down to PRESS THE HIGHLIGHTED BUTTON but no shit it confuses anyone who wants to optimize their rotation
What do the keystones do
It's the key to your heart retard.
>It's because there's a fucking wall of text with each ability
And because you cant hover over the skill to read the tooltip in most of them.
/kneel before wuk lamat
the guy who makes these is so based I can't wait for more of these two bitches getting hypnotized
Wasn't this a quest in WoW TBC...
>a quest
Oh anon... do you really want to know?
>builds a pc to play DT
>buys super deluxe edition
>log on
>forgot you don't have any friends or FC
>stand in town listening to bard music
WTF am I doing with my life...
make some friends or go erp

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