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Lovesick carian women edition
>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password
Former >>484046256
So Radahn > Millania?
Consider Marika
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what's a title that suits them both? they're the same char, but with two completely different vibes depending on the kit.

also, post yer tarnished
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Chinks don't even try do they?
member when briar sorceries were bad
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Aah, you were at my side all along.
My true mentor... My guiding starlight...
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>Miquella was a great big Griffith reference
>The crucible seems to maybe have been some sort of unchained uncontrolled primal life giving force
>The Greater Will is basically the the Godhead and TLB and maybe the Badlands too are just part of a microcosm that it's ignoring/bored of
>Melina has gloam-eye origins much like her brother Messmer
>Greattree doesn't seem to exist or possibly is the Scadutree
>The Shadowrealm and Scadutree is basically an underworld/spirit realm and equivalent to the Qliphoth in Kabbalah

How'd I do boys? Never ever tell me I don't adapt to to new proofs or admit losses. Also /r/equesting this pic but with Gideon sprinkling runes or glintstone or something.
She's my beloved mother in law.
where do I go after messmer? it's a dead end

is it the lower lift out of the castle that leads to the jungle area? If so, was messmer optional?
The absolute state of PvP
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wait a minute, those flowers...
Mohg at home and Predator at home.
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ill take it
The base game ones are still worthless and the new one isn't a briar sorcery, it's a scadutree sorcery.
Ranni talking honestly about her plans.

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Never forget what the hornsent took from you
Gotta have those cookbooks if you want to become the Elden Burger King.
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marika was the loosest, sluttiest, most fertile, most beautiful and most sexy woman in the elden ring universe
>Predator at home.
mad warrior set my beloved
So what exactly is the significance of Melina's left eye? Isn't her right the Gloam Eye? Why wasn't it the one that was shut?
Yoda's lightsaber is based. That's what that is btw. Onze/Yosh are Yoda. The sword is green. He can force grab and parry you with it. One of them even knew that Star Wars would become cancer if you take a meta vibe to the descriptions.

Wow badly fucked that post.
>2 years later
>see the exact same question from days after release
>Never ever tell me I don't adapt to to new proofs or admit losses.
You're still insisting Melina is the GEQ and Messmer is somehow connected without any actual evidence of this. Fuck off. Messmer having snakes and fire does not connect him to the GEQ, especially when his fire is the wrong color.
Messmer isn't optional, no. To progress you need to find the way out of the shadow keep to Rauh.

I wish the flippy dippy yoda moves were part of the normal moveset, too.
Tester anon here, yea its cool but its not a gank destroyer which kind of sucks but its lelz worthy to see people try to heal up after a frenzy burst only to combust into thorns and flies
AAAAND dropped guess I'll be marrying nepheli instead
It is really cute that the followers of rot teach you how to pickle things. Like rot's not all bad.
*shruggy guy emoji*
I actually have always really enjoyed full physical game guidebooks. Favorite one was for Bloodborne. Funny thing is I played it blind first playthrough. But then I played it again with the guidebook and it was such a great time flipping through and referencing stuff.
bravo miyazaki
I didn't get to see either of their movesets since I just staggerlocked them with DMGS.
it sucks that it has a basic moveset and the weapon art is just spam l2
should have been aquamarine dagger
>adapt to loss
>still posting his schizoid theories about "MUH UNDERWORLD"
Doesn't even bother to correct the part about the crucible when it's been 100% proven right as well
Most pill free schizoid.
Nah fuck off with your cringe ass dagger. That sword is based as shit and much cooler AND better.
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I mean it's not like it was in a good state before
The Lands Between.
couple of queers
give me back TWOP jesus christ
>A pedophile bagged my groceries today so not all pedophiles are bad!
This is what you sound like.
the sword is the most basic katana moveset in the game and the scaling sucks, you're better off with an uchigatana
the weapon art is mind numbing
aquamarine dagger was actually fun and unique
>Melina is the GEQ
No I'm not. I clearly said otherwise. >>484062125

It's like Malenia and Rot God. Messmer and Melina both have the influence of the GEQ in them
>But GEQ isn't an outer god!
Yes but "original sin" implies Marika fucked the GEQ or something similar. Radahn gets red hair from Radagon and his Giant curse, Messmer gets snake powers from GEQ and Melina gets twinbird Destined Death shit. Maybe GEQ cursed Marika to have death snake babies. We don't know.

Radahn has to die to go the the Shadow Lands so Miquella can use his soul and put it into the vessel.

It's an underworld. You're just stubborn and navie. Already shitkicked your shitty attempt at a refutal last thread see:>>484062503
So will Greattree schizos find a way to bullshit a new interpretation of their crack theory or did the GW = God confirmation put the nail in the coffin on that
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It's kind wild how FROM ran out of buttons to use on the controller, meanwhile MH has WAY more complex movesets yet never had that issue

Weapon Arts and offhand weps/shield bother the shit out of me
Rot isn't bad. Malenia but made it fucking terrible.
Marika is America (just look at the names, duh)
The golden order is capitalism (values gold = money above all)
"Having grace" = being wealthy

Elden Ring is just social commentary
the death knight weapons are cool but they suck ass
Vaati's friend is going around saying they are the one who first discovered the jar lore. However I checked their history and they talked about the jar lore on the 23rd. I saw some faggots talking about jar lore in a small forum on the 22nd, one full day before the cliche. Meh
>>A pedophile bagged my groceries today so not all pedophiles are bad!
>This is what you sound like.
Holy unprovoked projection. Go back to your containment discord
>and the scaling sucks
Confirmed to have not used it properly.
>the weapon art is mind numbing
Confirmed to have shit taste.
Sorry anon, I already accepted your concession last thread. I'm not going to argue again. I was just posting to remind you and everyone that you're wrong. It's important to remind schizos like you, so you don't get uppity.
>GW = God confirmation put the nail in the coffin on that
There was zero relationship between those theories so... You're still retarded. Greattree is dead/on life support until maybe some clever lore scholars figure it out but the GW and "God" had nothing to do with the theory.
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>I never said her Numen biology doesn't lend itself to freaky shit but the fact is the only son of hers that's cursed in any way is Messmer.
>The twins we now know aren't cursed. Heck we always knew because we always knew horns and such weren't a cursed, they were merely VIEWED as such because of the old connection to the crucible.
First off, more of her children than just Messmer are cursed, he just appears to be VERY cursed.

The Omen twins do seem to be cursed. The Omen and the Hornsent seemingly share features, but on the Omen they're far more malign. And the twins both share bloodflame, despite Morgott not wanting any part of that.

As for Miquella and Malenia, where does their weakness stem from exactly? Malenia was afflicted with the Scarlet Rot seemingly from birth. And explaining Miquella's eternal youth due to a weakness resulting from his eternal youth is circular logic.

All of this is also a very standard GRRM-ism. people trying to explain weird things plaguing people with magic or divine influence, when actually it's all genes. Again, Marika's genes spreading through the Erdtree explains why the Erdtree population produces Omen, it ties everything together.

If you want to discount the whole "Marika was a whore" idea, just the nature of her biology as a Numen explains so much about the Erdtree.
>not a single dlc weapon is as close to good as Blasphemous Blade and DMGS
feels bad man, there's only a handful of super fun ones that are sorta good and everything else feels undertuned. Going to try to cope with Fire Knight Greatsword...
>way more complex movesets
>twinbird Destined Death
The twinbird, it's outer god, and deathbirds have ZERO association with destined death you fucking lorelet. Deathbirds just used to burn the dead in ghostflame to prevent them from coming back as skeletons and shit.
>Yes but "original sin" implies Marika fucked the GEQ or something similar.
Actual schizo. It doesn't imply that ANYWHERE.
There's two versions of that theory, the TA one with the stump and grafting or w/e and the Vaati one where the big bad GW came over and replaced the Greattree with the Erdtree
Like the Shaman village?
>Miquella severing parts of his body
I thought that fucked up looking thing in Mohgs Palace was his body?
Did they forget their own lore?
>have to fight pvp niggers
DMGS isnt on the same level as Blasmph
Do you think Miquella made Mohg rape him for strictly pragmatic reasons, or was he into it?
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Malenia is a fujoshi
Marika is a danger milf
Carian women are all lovesick nerds
Ranni is a NEET
Patches is a primordial universe hopping entity
Igon is literally too angry to die
Miquella is a literal hypnofag
Mohg got miqlested
Mohg is uncle ruckas
Godwyn fucked dragons
Vyke fucked dragons
Messmer is mommy issues mcgee
Loretubers(especially vaati) steal our ideas
Am I missing any of the current thread memes?
you gay ass niggers told me that if i went through shadow keep i'd be able to get to the area thats at the bottom of the cliffs bonny village sits on but after going through the whole place and draining it there was still no path. did i miss something somewhere? i really doubt thats supposed to be an end game area only. its just some random messmer soldiers on some tiny cliffs that don't go anywhere and one random building of ruins that you can find several other places.
From was making Ninja Blade when DMC3 and NGB existed. It's clear they never knew how to make complex controls and just rolled with that limitation in Demon's Souls.
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You failed utterly and your failure stands as a monument to my theories and their

>The twinbird, it's outer god, and deathbirds have ZERO association with destined death you fucking lorelet.
Wrong. The Twinbird is a death god.
>Deathbirds just used to burn the dead in ghostflame
As part of the Twinbird's world order.
>Actual schizo. It doesn't imply that ANYWHERE.
Anon, "Original Sin" is when Eve let the snake in the garden of eden trick her into eating of the tree of knowledge.

What a fucking IRL lorelet. This nigga doesn't even known IRL lore much less Elden Ring lmfao
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>Igon is literally too angry to die
>Thiollier can only watch as you effortlessly suckle the nectar from Trina’s tiddies and receive her words
Incest, unrequited love, adultery, cuckoldry… this dlc has it all.
>Messmer gets snake powers from GEQ
fucking what though
>Amerimutt thinks the world revolves around them
Its about India's cache system and obsession with gold
Patches is the furtive pygmy and the gloam eyed queen
Why don't you just screenshot it and posted on twitter
woah...... this guy just solved ER lore
who are the communists? im joining them
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I wish there were more fanarts of Marika based on her story trailer build instead of bimbo with giants tits n°380 (which i also appreciate)
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Yes, actually
>but there's crouch attacks and running and...
It's all R1, R2, dual hand, jumping attacks, and a seperate "cool" button for WA. That's what matters and that's literally every weapon.

All I'm saying is that the MH team can squeeze a lot more attacks into a control scheme
>The Twinbird is a death god.
Source: your ass
>Anon, "Original Sin" is when Eve let the snake in the garden of eden trick her into eating of the tree of knowledge.
And what the flying fuck does this have to do with Marika or the GEQ you fucking schizo?
The vaati version involving the GW doesn't matter. TA's version doesn't imply or claim the GW wasn't involved

>Wilt thou be taken in the jaws...Of the abyssal serpent, shorn of light.
He's talking about a black fire snake.
Remember the area with the burning boats, the midgets, and the flame knight? Look around that spot for a ladder.
why does everything in the dlc have a grab attack?
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>The Omen twins do seem to be cursed
Being cursed is subjective. Prior to Marika's rule the horns are seen as a blessing. No matter the answer, both are propaganda.
dragon communism
eat the rich's hearts
seek painting,
and then hidden path ahead
>Smoughtown the diehard Miquella's supporter said Miquella mins controlled Radahn
>Trannies made a mess of his comments until he walked back on it
>Vaati said Miquella mins controlled Radahn
>Nothing happened
Well at least his popularity is good for something
He's a schizo, ignore him
The twinbird isn't even an outer god, it's an envoy of one. And you're calling someone else a lorelet?
>And what the flying fuck does this have to do with Marika or the GEQ you fucking schizo?
GEQ is a snake. The godskins are her kids and have snake features. Messmer is the lynchpin. Marika fucked the GEQ [a big white snake] and birthed Messmer.
perfume busted
nayana busted
sword of niggardry busted
greatsword of damnation busted
turkey leg busted
dueling shield busted

how much did you want

Argument refuted, Marika is America. Why would they make her name a-Marika if it wasn't the case?
Geq is a female. How does that work.
half of those are glitched and the other stuff isnt close
this is peak schizo shit, calm the fuck down Charlie
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You are now a lorefag for Miquella the Kind. What good is gameplay? Simply an illusion to overcome in anticipation of revelations. What's the use of PVP? You have no enemies.

In His kindness, we recognize all that is withstanding must be achieved with ease of heart. That struggle only begets struggle. Recognize the perfection of the moment and live fully within it as if you were in the highest heaven.

Understand the true lesson of Shadow of the Erdtree. That ruinous, insensitive battles only delay salvation further. And that through each clash, the hunger for conflict eventually becomes a blight that turns the host against themselves, disrupting, inverting, contorting and distorting all they hold dear that they may bring their sword to it in an arena of detached amusement. It's so pervasive, that it has even affected the messengers of Miquella the Kind: From Software themselves, making them, as one who has inherited the Frenzied Flame on the path of lordship, no longer fit to be scribes of His kindness.

Renounce here the haggard path of strife, of vanity and wasting. Become again as a child following after His true form in body and spirit. Open your eyes in carefree innocence, fearing not the specter of death and ruination as if immortal. Turn your gaze to Eden, rendering kindness and mercy onto all.
>The twinbird is said to be the envoy of an outer god
Irrelevant nitpick. The lore community colloquially refers to the god the Death Birds serve as the Twinbird. The outer god has remained anonymous and that merely strengthens my argument because maybe the death god is a snake who's serves by birds.
But Ranni is the one who is obsessed with freedom.
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>find a skibidi fragment in a random black dude holding a pot
you dirty whore
not even miquella's charm can get me to read all that
Daily reminder, whether it's the GEQ or Marika, they are just Metyr in a wig in the end
The Godskin's symbol is just Metyr's face ergo the GEQ is just another unimportant pawn
Anon you've already been told his a schizo. Ignore him.
>GEQ is a snake.
Source: your ass
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why are all the hottest women npc's have to obssessed with another when I can clearly fix them?
Is anyone else struggling to cope that Elden Ring is over? It was fun, don't get me wrong, but it feels like its time to move onto other games...
need to bring back Type B bullying by invader chads
The GEQ is literally the GSGS
Marika is an Indian name.
Try harder, cheeseburger.
Ranni encapsulates all the Libertarian theories born from a-Marika, it checks out
I'm convinced everyone who takes souls pvp this seriously tried street fighter once and got shit slapped so hard that they never went back
you cannot fix leda
you WILL die trying
In your headcanon maybe. Look at this nigger >>484068808
>le fix her
Go back
The gender roles in regards to reproduction are super blurred. Radahn and Miquella? He ditched Trina? How's he supposed to have kids and beget a new pantheon? Seems off. Maybe he can but we don't know.

Luckily we know snakes can do pagan rituals to procreate so this doesn't refute or harm the theory.



But remember

>the Gloam-Eyed Queen cradles newborn apostles swaddled in this cloth
Do you think somebody other than their mother swaddles them?
I wish SF stayed 2D man the spritework looked so cool
The only main boss I beat on the first try is Golden Hippo.
how do I check my host's skibidi frags?
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This guy ranting about the GEQ and snakes is either a schizo or a troll. Ignore him and he will go back to reddít or discord eventually, whichever one he crawled out of.
The stuff that's broken is broken for PVP, not PVE, with the exception of things that are literally broken like rolling sparks or the dueling shields not receiving stamina damage when blocking with guard frames.

Should I do Carian Sorceries or Glintstone sorceress as my next build?
What are the spells I should get for either?
>only practical application for gravity jet suit is a first responder rescuing someone dying from another gravity jet suit accident
Note that marika can lead you down ranni's questline and is okay were her replacing her.
America leading to libertarianism.

Yeah marika is amerika
jolan became my personal companion so I'd say we won
Miquella would say the same thing but shorter
That's not well supported enough

>Godskin seal looks like Metyr
Is not a sound theory. It's a jumping off point. Start scholaring and actually dig in. Find proofs. Come back with a yarn and pushpins board or give up.
People said envoy longhorn was glitched and it stayed the same all the way until dlc and then just got a flat damage nerf, and faith builds got rolling sparks to replace it anyway
You lost.
vgh the kino spacing...
Anyone have a link to that high res weapons image page?
Where exactly does the Radahn meteor land in phase 2? Is it always behind you?
Isnt it implied that even Mohg is too far in one direction for the hornsent via the lamenter?
Swift Slash is more cancerous against low ping guys
There are more proof in that post than your "theory" little shit
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artbook marika best marika
alsi why does she dress in such a revealing way, doesn't she have any shame?
IS there some shortcut in Castle Ensis that lets you skip everything? Because Im doing a lot of invasions where some of the enemies like the Carian Knight are still alive and shit but these fuck are already on their way up the elevator to the boss
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It has nothing to do with buttons
The choice to not having combo chains is what makes Souls games so good and precise when fighting fast enemies and PVP opponent, because setting up true combos is part of the skill ceiling and the game doesn't work on predictable combos. You can delay your attacks, you can deadzone them, you can work on prediction, hardswap and softswap. Elden Ring has far deeper ramifications to combat interaction which is why it needs the most precise and fluid controls.
I've yet to see swift slash, luckily. I'm definitely afraid of it, though.
Mebbe it's a prosthetic like Messmer's, or at least, it's whatever he had replaced; pretty sure I heard somebody in these threads call them siblings
Just got done with Romina. Shadow Tower + Radahn is what, 2 hours* of content left?

*only counting getting to him
okay bud.
Playing the dlc with her hammer was kino
It just seems to me like it his the middle of the arena. I never got hit by it
you can just walk in front of the carian knight and he doesn't give a shit about you lol, theres an open door to the right of him that exists entirely for you to just go around his aggro range
>Pajeets are so obsessed with America that they name their women after our country
It's hit all over the place for me, if I'm as far out of the center of the arena, it will still somehow hit behind me.
Indian Americans are more intelligent and more financially stable than normal Indians. Still fits. She's america
anyone on pc feel like helping me take down a ghostflame dragon?
Carian you want piercer and greatsword/Adula's (Adula benefits from the Carian staff for the blade sorceries) as your go to. Could also nab the various variations of the phalanx. And Loretta's greatbow/mastery is fun for an opening move.
to be fair I also have to reference the guide books in MH every time I try a new weapon, meanwhile it takes precisely 30 seconds to learn how to use any weapon in elden ring, at least in terms of which buttons you press
people run past anything they can./
was that webm supposed to be proof? that doesn't have meaningful differences from ER movesets
Oh! I didn't know the bow counted, rhats awesome!
Do yoy have any reccomendations of lime
The glintstone pebble equivalent? Like the really easy little chip damage thing?
Normies don't kill trash mobs, they run past them.
What is the flavor difference between fire affinity and flame art
Gotta say one thing I really appreciate about ER is that your character controls like a racecar
Chunky controls aren't bad but playing MH and moving around gets to me sometimes
Does Romina P2 kill anyone elses framerates? even at lowest settings it brings me down to sub-30 fps
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Again it's all subjective. When you look deep enough the correct one is the one that you think is the coolest.
Carian Slicer is by far the best spell in the game and it's not even close
One is magic fire, the other is you being really into fire and believing hard that your fire is really hot.
hi erg
im still on the base game since i started an ng+ awhile ago and decided to just play from the beginning to get back into the lore and whatever. my first playthrough was dex with some faith for incants.

this time around i went full int basically and holy shit
>im having so much fun with all the spells
>int is absolutely fucking broken

i only have malenia, maliketh and the final bosses (godfrey, radagon, beast) left.so far i havent had to respect anything at all, i just obliterate everything with astel meteorite or comet azur. and during normal pve (non boss), rock sling, night comet, the blade sorceries, loretta greatbow, etc decimate enemies. again, im largely ignoring everything, just keeping some space and obliterating them. and roiling magma holy shit balls this spell is so much fun man. enemies that havent noticed you actually walk towards the glowing ball of magma thats about to explode! and it does so much damage

i think maliketh and malenia will tear me a new one but so far its been really fun and like, zero struggle. im so surprised. i havent had more than 3-4 attempts on any boss yet. I just killed placidusax, melted him with astel's meteor spell. i know you guys are vets but man i wish more people recommended doing an int-heavy playthough
i assume having an affinity for fire means you're naturally good at cooking stuff but flame art is you're very skilled and practiced. home chef and professional cook, i'm not sure i know the difference between flavor, sir
Maybe if you're a PVPfag, in PVE it's just fine. Shit for bosses, good for trash.
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Now that Comet Azure has been nerfed, what is the doyen sorcery these days?
I don't get it
It doesn't, sorry if my post implies that.
It's just a fun opener to use. Bow into swords all of magic variety. And they're coloured similar.
Fire = STR
Flame Art = FAI
The former is a situational elemental damage option for an otherwise physical build
Int being goated in the base game is why I'm glad faith was favored in the dlc
Anon, the point is that there's quite a bit more varied attacks per weapon and that's on the simplest weapon there is.
Horizontal pokes, diagonal, vertical, charge + finisher, guard pokes, guard charges, sprints + deflects/finishers and backhop pokes. And that's on 2 atk buttons and a trigger.
And here I am 2 handing my weapon or unequipping my shield every time I want to use a WA
The bow does not count, people just use it because it fits into the aesthetic pf conjured blue weapons. People also throw in the Gavel but that isn't a Carian spell either and the staff doesn't buff it.

Fire enchantement vs some sort of holy religious heat you create through your faith and zealotry provoking a higher power to bnenefit yhou.
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exposed chests not being seen as an inappropriate or sexual thing is decently common in premodern peasant cultures, probably just that + the classical greco-roman styled rennesance and early modern aesthetic of divinity emphasizing forms over regal vestment
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What needs to be added to this? I haven't seen anything new so far...
That's not what I asked
best marihammer build?
Faith was pretty good in the base game too. Int was ironically always a blunt intrument. It did a ton of damage, but not much else.
fire is strawberry and flame art is cherry
Finger sorceries
this is a really good post
I think Finger Sorceries and Horn Incantations are the two main ones. Also like one Miquella spell with a new sigil.
Finger spells, Messmer spells, Belurat spells.... I think that's it.

None of the DLC bosses save for Relanna seem to resist magic at all and MANY are very cold vulnerable.

The DLC is just more balanced.
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She's a god. How can you shame a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence.
they are cursed in the sense that the horns are just physically disruptive, growing without any rhyme or reason and more often than not killing any child afflicted with it very early
they are also afflicted with nightmares constantly
hell mohg apparently lost an eye just from one of his horns growing into his own face
regardless of how they are treated by whatever society, I don't think it's anything a reasonable person would wish on themselves
don't worrry bro all redshitters are bad at the game so all you have to do is kill them with your superior skill
it's easy
It's kind of wild that she gave Messmer's Knights a Gold Breaker hammer of their own

like that's her signature move, she must've loved him a lot
I was just using a meh 54 strength/40 faith build and the WA worked great
>Fire Snake is the only good new incant
But whyyyy
>crucible is a tree
i still don't understand this
pest spears exists
thanks I'll be here all night folks
i think the dueling shields are bugged
if you hold block and attack at the same time your blocks consume literally 0 stamina, only your attacks do
you can literally poke block and your only stamina cost is your attacks, blocks cost 0
it also does very high damage
Oh yeah, Pest Threads but more.
Disgusting ass spell

I guess there's Dragon stuff? idrc about Fdt/Arc shit
Holy cope
Wrath from Afar
Multilayered Ring of Light
Knight's Lightning Spear
Pest-Thread Spears
Giant Golden Arc
Situationally Messmer's Orb and Watchful Spirit
FTH chads are eating good.
The Crucible = Holy Grail
Godfrey = Arthur
Crucible Knights and RTH = Knights of the Round

This is the answer. But in Elden Ring it's not a messianic aritfact but rather the source of all life that the knights and king are looking for
Being an all-powerful super-being leaves you with a pretty lax dress code, it appears.
Messmer's Fire
Finger Sorcs
>invade near
Only covers literally the specific section of the dungeon you're standing in. If you're on the first floor of the storeroom and they're in the second, get fucked
>invade far
>pulled into fucking Ashen Leyndell
Why is from allergic to the middle ground?
you're gonna have to lean heavier into melee in the dlc. the bosses give you no room to breathe.
The Crucible is "the primordial form of the erdtree" because it's all the same power.
It always hit where he takes off for me.
multilayered ring of light and knight's lightning spear are very good for their respective damage types
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Miquella's sword looks really cool as an UGS.
Messmer's Orb is gas. Jump over 90% of swings for massive damage
The crucible spawned life and the original Greattree which was later entangled by the alien Erdtree.
they want fast reactions so we spawn close to one another and don't cause a stalemate where the host pussies out.

My blue ring seems to summon me either to the very same areas I'm in or something random. But when it's the same zone? I often get called right to the fight, near the host or invader.
That looks like shit
>hell mohg apparently lost an eye just from one of his horns growing into his own face
Or the horn could have been in his eye socket from birth. The omen curse isn't about them, it's about Marika's order.
Don't forget the guy who dresses like he's homeless
The crucible is the scadutree. What's not to understand?
>Omen Noble
>Ambush Knight
btw, nice job lining up the grass, did a double taketo see it was two images
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oops posted it in wrong elden ring general

i beat it with no summons yay

i think its not as bad as everyone says if u max ur fragments but idk it was still pretty cancer
The amount of people in PvP who don't seem to know how to actually dodge it is insane to me. I've caught SO many people with it and VIG checked people with the full charged explosion.
am i too late anon
>>invade near
>Only covers literally the specific section of the dungeon you're standing in. If you're on the first floor of the storeroom and they're in the second, get fucked

to be fair this is good for avoiding getting into host entering the boss invasions but yea youre right that its pretty awful that theres no sliding scale to it
not at all. set your sign down at the moorth ruins grace, and set ur pass to erg
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Do Marikafags use her as their signature weapon?
....so is miquella mimicking serosh here?
phoneposting on the porcelain throne the bathroom rn be there in ~70 seconds or so
So am I going mental with this idea, or do the Dancing Lion and Divine Warrior summoning storms puts them related to Stormveil and its old king?
The one Godfrey defeated.
And as well, Godfrey's association with the lion motif through Serosh.
>Elden Beat Turns Radagon into a sword
>Swords hilt is clearly Radagon doing the T-Pose
>instant invasions in the first area of Belurat
>completely dead everywhere else
Are folks still just starting the DLC or what? This is weird. I didn't expect Shadow Keep to be completely empty on a saturday night.
That's Radagon.
i think its a cool design that miquella is like his cape but i wish he had more presance in the fight or i wish the whole second phase was just miquella, kinda lame for someone who is a "god" to need to use radahn lol
Curing, marrying, and deprogramming Malenia.
Miquellas Light is best sniping tool
You aren't allowed to like Marika if you don't like Radagon.
lmao 2 kat
Good job anyway.
No that actually makes a lot of sense now.
>mindrape shota
>has to use the stonrgest man ever to accomplish his goals

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Heh. Well you might not be aware, but actually Radagon IS Marika!
Notice how the blade is more like two blades woven together, that join together to create one sword. This directly relates to the relationship of them both and how Marika and Radagon are two people (blades) in one person (sword).
I remember this weapon was trash back then, is it good nowadays?
ER = hardest bosses overall
ER = easiest world/mobs overall

The disconnect between this in the DLC took me out of the game. The runs to the bosses were far too easy in comparison. I would have preferred the world and mobs to be equally as hard.
I also like both a LOT but wish there was more variety.
gloam sorceries would have been cool
Somebody call Vaati!
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Huh wow the black flame IS metyr's face. What's up with that?
>Form clearly Radagon
>have an idea for a Souls game
>it's just BB again
too bad you get it at the end of the fucking game
The only people that say Radahn ever agreed to be consort are Miquella and his lackies.
Even during the memory where presumably Radahn is being asked directly he never gives an answer.
Therefore I'm running under the assumption that the entire promised consort thing is Miquellian cope and him actively rewriting history.
Is there literally any counter to blind spot, or do you just lose no matter what if someone decides
>I'm just going to press L2 when you do literally anything
so disappointing that every dungeon had trash mobs of the same peasants / gravebirds / inquisitors that you couldn't possibly die to unless you go afk
Could be about rejecting the fingers as much as following them. Remember, the fingers [as are we] are children of the GW. Metyr is just Momma and GW and Grandmomma
>>have an idea for a Souls game
>Its sex simulator
No. Elden Beast separated Radagon and made him into a sword. Like how St. Trina became a flower. Marika is still there after we defeat Radagon and he is turned into a sword.
what is that chest armor, gamer, reminds me of schmuckers from ashes of ariandel
It just occurred to me the Metyr is basically an AI generated hand
Is metyr a gilf? Can I impregnate her?
it looks dumb as fuck and I bet Miquella must be vomitting from doing backflips on Radahn's back
>The only people that say Radahn ever agreed to be consort are Miquella and his lackies
and Freyja and the literal text of the game on his health bar
So will ranni also get a milf body? I kinda wanna fuck and marry her mom too... idk how this whole lovesick carian women thing works so yeah
Why couldn't we save her...
Did Metyr also birth the Three Fingers? Or is that all Frenzy God's doing
That run to Garrew was annoying though because of the fire barrels. Yes he filtered me. No I am not good at the game. The other Knight I killed immediately. Garrew's arena is unfair.

Buckle up kiddo. AI hands predate AI. DEMONS
Are hammers still the best guard counter?
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how do I get over there? I've circled around the area a dozen times and there's no way up.
I gave birth to Miquella.
His hair was that long at birth too.
I was pulling hair from my cooter for months.
based holy anon. thanks. that fight is quite a chore without holy damage like yours
Look for a hole at the base of one of the walls.
Zero proof but Abyssal Woods IS very close to Rhia but yeah. Still no proof. Three Fingers certainly understands the world though. Ymir almost sounds like a Frenzyfag when he discusses the cosmology, that really stregnthens the idea of the shattered monad as being a major inspiration for ER and it's gnostic shit.
There were ashes of war or weapons that used the storms related to stormveil right?
I can for the life of me remember that I've seen the vfx's used for the storm parts of the divine lion in other places.
>my Str/Fai build is a Haligtree Knight who wanted to go and rescue Miq

man how the fuck do i go through the ending sequence of the dlc in-character
you only need 14 faith to get slightly less levels of damage sir
GEQ was never confirmed to be a God, merely an empyrean. She probably communed with Metyr and used her face as her symbol in her war against her fellow emypreans/Marika
>So will ranni also get a milf body?
No retard. She burnt her body.
the greatrune broke, and you woke up
He has a Crisis of faith because of the shit Miquella pulled during the DLC?
According to Jap translation lore, Miquella's language implies naivety/submission as he's talking so he's entreating Radahn, so Radahn's in a position over him in whatever negotiation we're seeing in the memory.
I mean, you can sort of get that from the existing English audio but the Jap's apparently move obvious due to the words used.
What is the lore reasoning for all of the Haligtree forces to be so much better equipped and trained compared to their counterparts throughout the lands between?
is it "worth" going to 80 strength if I plan on two-handing a weapon? someone told me to go for 54 since when you 2h it you get x1.5 which gets you to 81, but 54 seems low on a strength juicer build
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Furnace golems are the worst enemies they’ve ever made.
Holy christ there's a hole? I parkoured that shit.
>using the regen shield
Look for a piece of wall sticking up on the opposite side of the structure that you're looking at. Use the horse to jump it. There's a really good item in there.
Ok im done with Elden Ring, I uninstalled to make sure I dont try reinstalling it
pretty sure Shadow of The Erdtree's version of the Aquamarine Dagger has a much more limited stance set than the one in DSIII, am I not mistaken? I picked it up once, tried it, and forgot about it; don't really feel like playing the gimped version of a weapon I enjoyed.
You can go past 99 in ER, don't worry.

Those guys are easy. Fire Knights are way worse.
I'd just go 80. Every point gives damage.
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right where the cursor's focused at there's a hole in the wall like anon said >>484071284
Put the saved points into END/MND and maybe ARC/FTH/INT for some buffs.
60-ish is the second softcap anyways. the difference between 60 and 80+ is minimal.
>shitter even looks like poopa
Should I go past 50 FTH for a smithscript hammer build?
brainlet takes. The amount of times the gains from that would give you a kill in less hits than otherwise are infinitesimal.

Use other stats or revel in the lower level bracket favoring you.
My build only needs VIG and STR, I don't care. More damage is more damage.
>Fire Knights are way worse
They're not so bad if you have a great-weapon and fire resistance gear.
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>Finally got to Bayle/Igor fight
Holy absolute fucking Kino
i unironically do just fine on 49 str 64 end build
You shouldn't level FTH at all.
I don't see it desu. There's only the vague shape but even as an abstraction its loose. If the emblem is supposed to be Metyr's face it's a really poor representation, and vice versa it's even worse.

I still think that the Godslayer emblem is depicting a womb with the black flame swirling at the center
why not
how do i kill bayle
Do you think Sellen minds that I occasionally pop by to nut on a random mask hoping it's hers once she's turned into the sorcery orb?
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Why did this actual nigger put endgame spoilers in his thumbnail?
Only in PvE. More damage probably won't help after a certain point in PvP. You gotta have more options and tricks or layers of minmax in PvP.

PvE works even at level 0 with bare fists.
>eternal sleep bolts on the shotgun crossbow
Lmao this is actually super fucked.
Fire Knights are a fucking joke. I have no idea why people complain about them, they have zero poise and any good AoW bullies them into the floor.
>E FTH scaling
Gee I wonder.
Can I trade torrent in for a different horse? I don't want a horse that was previously owned by a mentally ill tranny.
you hit him really hard
Yes, the guard frames do not drain stamina at all, which is very obviously a bug. I don't really know about the damage though. Sometimes it feels high, sometimes not. I ended up using a 2H dueling shield to beat Radahn because I liked the moveset much more than I anticipated. It's just fast and with the exception of a few moves like the running R2, it does exactly what I want a weapon to do. I tried my hardest not to spam the guard frames intentionally, but there were probably 2 or 3 times where it saved me from getting hit.
Imagine my surprise at how easily my friend beat them with a collossal weapon.

Eventually all returns to unga bunga.
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You forgot:
Tarnished (me) fucked the dragons
Because he's a fag
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finally found it ty
I Spammed +9 dragonwound slash as Igor harpooned Moby dragon dick for back up and chugged all I had
because he's an artless hack who lost his integrity with e-fame
How much DEX should i pump on a STR build? I guess 18 is the minimum to use most of the weapons in the game, but 2 more points up to 20 are probably very efficient for shit like storm hawk axe, since it's the first major soft cap. Please, help me, minmax chads
Why do people complain about these guys? I've had 0 problems with them. I'm horrible at the game btw.
The trick is to pick an invasion zone that you like to invade near in, and only invade far if it doesn't trigger an invasion. I like the first grace in Leyndell, the Stormveil ramparts graces, and pretty much all of the Haligtree or Farum Azula graces, for example.
The system is janky as fuck, but it works well enough.
Miquella said his first words while I breastfed him, he said
So how do I get up here? Am I missing something? I have the graces over here and did the scorpion river catacombs. Still can't find a way to get up there
They're annoying because they spam a tracking projectile and have an uninterruptible backstep they use to escape stagger and create space to spam more fireballs.
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good because anything that can kill enemies beyond their aggro range is inherently broken, especially if it doesn't even aggro them instantly when you start casting it. or when they get hit. or at all

its still obnoxious in pvp especially gank squads since it forces you to constantly run
Wait do marika and ranni rape the tarnished?

It's a fucking fingerprint
The longsword ones are some of the best new enemies in the game. The dagger ones are a pain in the ass to fight if you don't melt them quickly.
Because that's what your wrote in your porn fanfiction.
Skill issue. Get a big weapon or a good AoW and bully them. I've never once had an issue with them and I've gone through the DLC on 3 builds so far.
Shadow Keep
this seems to be the logical answer. GEQ was a demigod follower of metyr.

the lack of godskins in the dlc is interesting, when as we saw in base, they'd fit them in wherever they could.
Those dagger ones and their 20 hit combos annoy me. No no, it's okay. I'll wait. It wasn't my turn to attack after all.
>Malenia is a fujoshi
No she's a lesbian
>Marika is a danger milf
Define danger
>Carian women are all lovesick nerds
>Ranni is a NEET
>Patches is a primordial universe hopping entity
>Igon is literally too angry to die
>Miquella is a literal hypnofag
>Mohg got miqlested
>Mohg is uncle ruckas
No. That's Morgott
>Godwyn fucked dragons
>Vyke fucked dragons
>Messmer is mommy issues mcgee
>Loretubers(especially vaati) steal our ideas
>Am I missing any of the current thread memes?
You forgot that Hornsent asked for it.
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>>E FTH scaling
you know you can change its affinity right nigger
What's the fucking point of the weapon upgrade system? It just makes every weapon absolute shit until you grind some stones to level them up. Why would that retard Miyazaki want us to lose all hype every time we find a cool new weapon because we try it out and it hits like a wet noodle because it hasn't been upgraded a lot yet?
More like abysmal woods
thats fucking literally normal radahn you stupid niggers you can see the motherfucking arrows sticking out of his back
>from decided to elevate everyone to cheater status so you get all your shit back after arena
>sleep bolt crossbow every other match

this is actually unbearable I don’t know why you would implement this unless you just want people to stop playing
It's just annoying if I want to say invade all of Belurat, but not into the Gravesite Plains or, god forbid, fucking Limgrave. Belurat is broken into like 4 different invasion zones so I have to constantly rotate around to see more than 1 grace room.
how dare they put spoilers in the lore overview of thing??
how would you know the thumbnail has endgame spoilers unless you already know the final boss of the game? in which case its moot
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>have to spend probably 5 years for the next souls game
>have to live with 5 years of Miquella Radahn discourse
>What does Radahn have to do with the DLC
>Unless... hes important????
Fuck you Vaati, kill yourself
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We're starting to get more. More people care about her now after the dlc.
They are the idf of TLB
That's not the point
just got elding on sale
what are the best starting weapons?

mace like in ds2 or normal sword like in ds3?
I've dated chicks like Marika
Miquella's destroyed anus barely kept intact by his own healing magic.
>Malenia is a fujoshi
>No she's a lesbian
these are not mutually exclusive, lesbian fujoshis exist
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Yeah but they're weird.
is the fundamentalism text translatable?
>finally get to Promised Nigger Radahn
>16 Skibidi level
>50 Vig
>still getting one shot

Ah yes I love the Michael Zacky experience
60 vigor + holy def or bust.
Yeah. People complain about not having any lore, but I think there is meaning in her absence. Maybe implying that she wasn't all that important in the histories and may have been recent, relative to what we see in the dlc. The snake in Bonny Villiage may hint to my earlier point. Snakes were clearly used in some religious capacity. Maybe she was one of the people who used them as such.
>nu-Star Wars lore video uses Palpatine as the YouTube thumbnail
So it's after messmer?
You should be wearing the golden braid and dragoncrest greatshield talisman at all times during that fight.
why does he talk like he's almost on the brink of crying all the time?
What is it with overbearing warrior dads raising sissified magic user sons?
Comedy gold
>50 VIG
60. Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman. Marika's Braid. Opaline Hardtear. Crab, if you want.

Beat him at 15 skibidi with a 2H build medium rolling. Do not ignore damage negation, it is a basic mechanic of the game, and just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I will tell you this, as someone who specifically chases after fujoshis in games and online, and make sure I only interact with non troon ones, like half of all fujoshi are lesbians. At least the western ones. I've been chasing them for almost a decade now from when I was 17 to now at 27. I could have a degree on fujology if it was a college course
No, Messmer doesn't even gate off 2 exits out of Shadow Keep to other areas. He only gates off the very end ala burning the thorns to get into the Erdtree
trying (very poorly) to give a sense of gravitas
what do you even do here except find items
>as someone who specifically chases after fujoshis
Okay and? You didn't specify an affinity you dumb bitch.
Elden Beast with Torrent is just turned this fight into a 10/10
I'm very confused now. So there's an exit in the shadowkeep that leads to them? I've looked all over it and I'm only led to messmer. Is it before or after the museum
there's like 3 or 4 alternate exits from shadow keep
First floor of the museum. I have no idea how this is one of the most common questions of the DLC, it's not even hidden.
Punch goats, get crazy, fight a boss.
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Does anyone know how long Eternal Sleep lasts in PVP? Does anyone have a webm of it in use?
Someone said it lasts forever but that seems impossible.
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All the Monster Hunter combos are just shallow attempts at creating cuhrazy combat that just turned the game into guardframes spam.
>Doesn't even know the controls
go back >>>/v/
I was groomed into doing sexual stuff by one in middle school. I wanted to relive that experience i can only get off to creepy women who want to use and abuse and ditch me for their sexual pleasure and make me do homosexual things so they can get off.
how the fuck do i learn to play the game
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Your life sounds like a living hell.
If I'm asking about FTH I'm obviously using a FTH affinity dumbass. I've just heard that 50 is a softcap but I'm not sure, and there might be high FTH affinities worth going for.
60 or 80
I see thank you. I assume all of the exits are in the museum area?
listen to st.trina
I'm thinking about respeccing into the 70 arcane Bloodfiend's Arm meme build just to shit on Radahn I literally can't take this faggot anymore
He literally just cycled between a few spells, it's not that impressive anon.
Does anyone have footage of the DLC on a base PS4 by chance? I can't seem to find any actual footage of it.
I just want a proper DS1 remake with the better roll and an import of the most recent character creator. also would be against them trying to bring scrapped stuff to life. Such as that original Witch of Izalith boss fight that got turned into the bed of chaos. Of course the game should let you pick between just the OG stuff and the new stuff when starting a character.
Messmer's Spear is simultaneously both really good and and mid.
In duels you can get away with doing a lot of random shit because the game has a tonne of 'mid' tools that are good enough to be a threat but not good enough for cookie cutter drones to touch. So they never see them.

Once someone starts spilling their spaghetti they're just going to panic roll into everything. It only really works in the arena though, because in invasions they'll just run from you and heal.
learn to freeaim attacks
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is this whole area seriously just for a random giant bear that only gives runes?
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I finally swallowed my pride and just downloaded a mod that lets me buy every bolus. I refuse to just lose because some faggot is spamming status effects with items he clearly didn't farm.
>guardframes spam
Which is hilarious because MH guard and iframes are so shit they may as well not exist outside of special cases like Lance being guard gods and Longsword having tons of free iframes.

I once got bored and spent like 6 fucking hours practicing dodge timings to try to get good enough to make dodge iframes reliable and I got it right maybe 10 times in those 6 hours. I couldn't do it at all consistently even as someone with 1k+ hours in MH games.

I went looking for a guide and found a video by that team that does perfect runs where they equip the skill that boosts damage based on missing health and then bomb themselves down to 1 hp and do fights without getting hit for even just 1 damage. Their guide said "dodges aren't reliable iframes even with maximum dodge window buff so just get the fuck out of the way instead."
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its not even 1/10th as strong as perfumer but okay
Pretty much all of ghostflame related spells, including magic of the Deathbirds, have this description:
>Sorcery of the servants of Death
Their outer god is Death. The same capitalized Death that Fortisaxx was fighting inside Godwyn's spirit/dreamworld.

>After Godwyn the Golden became the Prince of Death, the ancient dragon fought long and hard against the Death within its companion
Fia's death sorcery even shares background sigil with Deathbirds spells.

I believe 'outer' gods are not cosmic aliens, but rather natural laws that exist outside of the Order. They're kami, not lovecraftian beings.

>The Elden Ring is more a representation of the law of the world, the rules and the order. This Golden Order is something that the Elden Ring may have once represented, but not directly. It's more about how you apply those rules and how you enforce them on the physical world and what effects they have on it. (Miyazaki's interview)

Since Marika with her 2 braincells removed Death from the world by sealing away Rune of Death from the Elden Ring, Death became an outer god, same goes for the side effects of it - decay (Rot), bleed (Formless Mother), possibly combustion (Fell God)
Why do you feel the need to make a post about this anon?
The WA has fantastic chase and is hard to get away from. Very useful for pursuing a summon that wants to heal.
But at the end of the day it's just a greatspear and that's a terrible moveset for a 3v1.
there's some earlier I think
Because I'm mad.
I haven't found it yet and I found the shaman village without guides. First floor? Really?
dungeon to one side
armor set on top of the pile
Unfinished stuff for the leadup to cut Godwyn content, preeze undastan / you rike?
It's only going to get worse, anon
>all the eternal sleep stuff requires only respawning mats, no more Trina's Lillies
>All the new frenzy pots are purely respawning mats
In a week everybody is going to be running around with touch of death sleep shotguns because they're so accessible you don't even need to cheat for them.
I'm using a perfumer build but I am not doing nearly as much damage. Post stats.
Is that dungeater's better looking cousin?
You get a crossbow with sleep bolts. From decided refreshing ammunition was balanced so arena is now just going to be this soon might as well hop on early
cool schizotheory but where does the lord of the night and frenzy fit into it
It's a legacy mechanic from when Souls games were actual RPGs with choices.
its open world so it doesnt matter
you can pretty much grab what you want early on, the game will start throwing tons of weapons your way if you explore

the absolute best early game weapon is the bloodhound's fang which is a curved greatsword you can find in one of the goals.
>They're kami, not lovecraftian beings.
They can be both. They may even introduce concepts to the world. They may be eldritch progenitors of metaphysical concepts, while their influence manifests as the introduction of those concepts into the natural world.
Basically yeah. Honestly, basically every area outside of Gravesite Plains and Altus was fucking nothing. It's wild to me all of this took 2+ years when I spend 90% of the DLC fighting the same phantom hollow dudes.
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Reminder to take the dark moon pill. It is the only correct choice.
It still could be but it needs a testing ground or something, I don't know.

>find new weapon mid game
>looks cool
>dump all my stones into i
>it's actually shit
>From reverted Deathbligh glitch fix
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It's fun and balanced.
The moveset is very normal and consistent, as is it's damage output
The WA is anime, has some strong and versatile traits, but isn't undodgable spammable dogshit OP garbage like Swift Slash or Blind Spot
The throwing R2s are situationally useful and very very fun
It also looks quite neat. I'm doing a fresh NG+ playthrough with it and the crucible feather so I can actually backstep
my minmax optimization brain is getting fucked by softcaps and breakpoints in this game
I know it doesn't matter and that I am just being a retarded autist, but I can't help it
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Bayle >>>>> Romina >> Midra > Rellana > Scadutree > Divine Lion > Metyr > Gaius > Putrescent > Messmer >>>>> Radahn

I didn't beat Radahn, I cheated not only the game but myself, hollow victory with nothing risked and nothing gained, but it was worth it to be done with that shit boss. Get whoever made Bayle to direct the next Elden Ring please for the love of god
The L2 and R2 are amazing and it can shieldpoke, what's not to love?
Big game sense of progression
Thank you I love you
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>mfw wasting an Ancient stone on a +25 weapon only to find it out it's outclassed by a weapon 5 levels below it
Damn shame I don't remember how to do math.
back in my day we had to upgrade armor too *takes sip*
I am not touching PvP until next 2 patches
Back-up your save retard
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you can do up to 36k per hit or so with maxed out stats with your options of
>up to 80 dex / 80 faith
>perfumer talisman
>alexander shard talisman
>aged ones exultation talisman
>lightning scorpion talisman (or red feathered if you are crazy)
>lightning damage tear
>bloodsapping tear
>golden vow prebuff
>howl of shabriri prebuff + self madness proc
this webm isn't even 80/80 stats
I remember when I started elden ring I was so confused trying to find how to upgrade my armor
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>ranni killed THIS body
Unless she can turn back into it I see no reason to join her.
>AI Ranni voice doesn't sound like Ranni and also sounds sped up
So this is the power of AI.
Regalia of Eochaid
Lordsworn's Straight Sword
You can get all of those in the first region of the map with almost no effort.
You can also get a Banished Knight's Halberd already upgraded to +8 (out of +25) by going along the west coast of Liurnia and beating an NPC invader, which you can do within 10 minutes of starting the game.
A part of me thinks an armor upgrade system would be nice for this game. Say you get like a 50% or so increase after fully upgraded.
Oh yeah, being able to shieldpoke from time to time is really excellent. In general guard point attacks are useful
Please forgive him, he's Argentinian
How soon will lightning bottle get nerfed? I just need to know how long I might have to beat the game with it to prove to my friends I did it.
>absolute shit until you grind some stones

>get miner bell bearings
>take nuke sword
>go to frogs
>genocide until brappillion runes
>buy a bunch of stones
>upgrade everything to almost-max
shrimple asp
Just beat sekiro's final boss and had more fun with it than anything in elden ring DLC. Fuck elden rang

AC6 > Sekiro > DS3 > DS1 > DS2 > Elden Ring
Bayle was awesome.

>hits me, only does half of my health or knocks me over unless it is a very telegraphed giga fuck you move

That alone made him the best. I'm not sure why some random faggot knight in a hut can hit me for 300000 damage and an elder dragon only seriously hurts me but I appreciated it. The game is more fun when you aren't immediately exploded like hot popcorn.
>ds3 > ds1
Stopped reading there.
I already encountered one of these fucks leading a 3man ganksquad and had to bust out the Swift Slash to deal with it. Until they patch it, the deathblight talisman is going to be meta.
why are greatshields only becoming popular now? they are really busted i wonder why they weren't much used in the base game
That body was tainted by the fingers.
does anyone know what flame skewer scales off of? is it weapon damage or faith?
you're a god damn retard
>Regalia of Eochaid
Regalia of Eochaid is NOT a good starting weapon. It's fucking useless early game. It becomes a delete button at endgame but without the crazy talismans and flask setup to make it a nuke it does no fucking damage.
Tarnished is canonically a strength retard, so no making or solving things.
Because the hardest bosses of the base game heal on hit or inflict bleed through your guard, which disincentivized blocking. Plus there was nothing in the base game as cancerous as Radahn phase 2.
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>dueling shields have guard frames
>dueling shield guard frames actually give better shield stability than blocking
... what?
>dueling shield guard frames have startup frames and persist during attacks' recovery frames
okay, well that's not too b-
>dueling shields can shieldpoke
>because you're blocking, there are no startup frames
>because the shieldpoke has guard frames, the shield gets better stability
what the fuck? these things make backhand blades look balanced in comparison except blind spot and swift slash are literally the only thing that can beat this, ironically, so they're more broken. lmao

should guard frames DECREASE your shield stability?
DS1 just isnt finished. The peaks of DS1 are higher for sure and I liked the level design but ultimately the unfinished ending is a huge negative. Can't realistically rate it higher than a finished game.
Do you not remember the fingerprint shield scourge when the game came out
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I just realized Miquella and Radahn is some fanfic of Link marrying Ganondorf.
thanks anon. i fucked up a bit on the crop though
With the DLC at play, she killed her flesh for no reason because the fingers are schizos with no power
>Bayle >>>>>
Stopped reading there. I think your list would be really popular on Reddit though.
Last time I fought a dueling shield, even what it was buffed up with scholar shield or whatever I was still able to do enough damage through it with Messmer's Spear to just chip him out
Compared to a big ass spear, their range is not significant. I think they're also parryable but I'm not sure
>should guard frames DECREASE your shield stability?
This is how they nerfed the guardpoint weapons in DaS3 after they became meta and everyone cried about them.
>Their guide said "dodges aren't reliable iframes even with maximum dodge window buff so just get the fuck out of the way instead."
MH is 90% positioning. The only time people try to reliably roll through shit is roars which have standard timings.
From doesn’t give a shit how they balance anon and they think making this known will somehow lower sweat instead of accelerate it to unplayable cancer
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Supreme tier taste coming through
What do you guys think of the Ailment Talisman? Big enough boost to be worth it or should you be working on preventing it from happening in the first place?
>nooo you can't like cool things you have to be le edgy contrarian to impress 4chinners

I don't know what reddit likes, unlike you apparently but if they like Bayle they have good taste
I like Igon fine, he just doesn't elevate a shit boss fight above all the much better ones in the DLC. No need to get so upset buddy.
I agree.
At endgame/NG+ though, you can farm millions of runes in minutes from Palace Approach Ledge-Road and just upgrade any weapon to +24/+9 and see if you like it before using an Ancient stone on it, since the power jump between max level and the level before max level isn't really that significant.
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Honestly I have not enjoyed the DLC very much. Even with the skibidies, everything is so overtuned. I absolutely hate that my health bar goes across the entire fucking screen and it still drains down to nothing or I get one shotted from basic trash mobs. It just feels like absolutely nothing matters but glass cannon rocket tag, The most fun I had was probably the imp dungeons (deathblight one, darkness one, etc) just because they were neat to explore and more interesting than "stand in front of gate, buff for 10 seconds, get one shot by the boss, reload, try again until I finally manage to kill the boss because I didn't get the bad giga rape attack pattern"
too real
I forgot to mention that the ranking was objective fact btw, Bayle is one of the best Bosses From has ever made even without Igon in my objective opinion
>every boss now starts the fight with a stop buffing/summoning attack
Fuck off Radahn.
Miquella is mine and mine alone.
blease respond
>been killing the hornsent's divine warrior for an hour
>still no headpiece
The hornsent genocide will fucking continue until you give me that fucking headpiece.
just use fingerprint shield and mimic tear
It's faith
Blame Azur Comet Cheesers
>Elden Ring 2 happens
>every boss arena now has antipersonnel mines in front of the fog door
>beast claws in pvp
Holy fuck this is podracing.
Bayle isn't even nearing the best dragon fight in the series.
i tried to use it on malenia. the plan was to let myself get rotted phase 2, flame cleanse me it and get a free ticket to pound her pussy for the full duration of scarlet aeonia blooming. it was a fucking terrible idea and I just got rotted/dotted to death instantly
thanks anon
Yeah, which pissed me off so I switched to Insect Glaive and "positioned myself" in the air above the monster, helicoptering back and forth between its ass and head.
It does good damage early-game and you can rush Somber stones much more quickly than regular ones for upgrades. Magic damage is useful as well as only a few enemies in the entire game resist it.
Arcane starts out with an average level of power compared to other builds and then becomes astronomically OP at high level, but Regalia of Eochaid is a very solid level at every point of the game.
as he said
all the difficulty is in bosses

base game had
>mogh bleeds through shield
>malenia heals and rots through shield
>malekith max hp debuff through shield
>hoarax loux grabs through shield
>radagon / elden beast grab through shield

dlc bosses either get all blocked or have really unthreatening grabs like radahn that doesn't even deal damage and you can simply hotkey an item to get grabbed any number of times for free punish windows
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>tfw we get things like ailment talisman in the same DLC that gives us two-handed sword talisman
I get not everything should be OP or viable, but the weird shit should at the very least be able to do "its thing" right? RIGHT?!
Regalia is literally worthless without Millicent's Prosthesis + Winged Sword Insignia at bare minimum and you can't get the Prosthesis until Altus at earliest.
Just finished the DLC as arcane. Loved it, had fun. Enjoyed that there were a lot of new arc weapons to play with. But now I want to try out more of the weapons i didn't really have the stats for
Should I go through with strength (plus a touch of faith) or dex next?
I noticed this too.
It was extremely fucking annoying.
Put it on the fire knight greatsword. It gets an extra boost.
The tl;dr is that
>the best greatshield (fingerprint stone shield) was only available after beating mohg in subterranean shitting-grounds
>summoning spirit ashes and abusing L2 spam / magic / high stance damage was enough to beat most base game bosses
>malenia heals on hit, making greatshields less effective against her than abusing knockdowns like giant hunt or taker's flames and using high stance damage to stance break her repeatedly
>most of the early game n00b equipment (like bloodhound's fang) relied on L2 spam and high stance damage

The truth is that greatshields and specifically shieldpoking have been trivializing FromSoft games since Dark Souls. Or possibly Demon's Souls, but I've never even considered using a greatshield in DeS, although using the Purple Flame Shield for Flamelurker is a well-known tactic.

It wasn't necessary in Elden Ring because FromSoft consciously made sleeker, sexier accessibility concessions so that, in their words, "anyone can beat the game". Base game Elden Ring taught n00bs to cheese their way through the game with very specific tools, only introducing ol' reliable long after they'd already picked up a weapon like Bloodhound's Fang. The first 100% block greatshield you get is in Stormveil: the Manor Tower Shield, which is an optional area in Stormveil that many players might miss. Other than that, you'd need to rely on random drops from knights or the two merchants in Altus who sell greatshields. By that time, you're already locked into to spamming L2 and jumping R2, if you're not using magic. With the DLC, everyone has access to the Fingerprint Stone Shield and Antspur Rapier from the beginning, and if they don't it's trivial to get either.
The two-handed talisman isn't even that special, it has no effect on ashes. It's good but it's far from absurd.
just got one to drop for me ;)
Be my bf
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Are greatswords still the best weapon category post DLC?
All of the strength weapons are the same as bae game, just a big fuckhuge slab that scales good and lets you unga bunga. Same with dex, oooh wow a fast dashing slash that procs bleed.

Faith is probably the only stat that got anything interesting at all for weaps since they have baked in AoW that scale off your faith.
Have fun. It is the best weapon.
They weren't even the best one pre-DLC lol, they even nerfed the DMGS in the DLC patch to hammer the point home.
He's such a cunt, he got big with bloodborne when he stole Redgraves ideas and presented them as his own. I'm convinced he has minions here to take our ideas to make videos
I just used it as an example because I can equip it and see an immediate 15% boost in my R1s and R2s, which is pretty crazy. I need to test it properly but I am hoping I can make something funny with the talisman that increases attack when your spirit ashes die, and run it with something like rats so the buff is just always up...potentially.
Which curved greatswords should I powerstance? With what stats?
If they don't nerf perfume bottles and backhand blades, no. If they do, yes.
Yeah most of the bosses in this DLC are not fun. The only ones who disagree with this are coping due to recency bias.
The only bosses I had genuine fun with were Rellana, Romina, and Bayle.
Besides for the minor dungeons and some of the exploration, Shadow of the Erdtree has been the least amount of fun I've had with a FromSoft game since Dark Souls 2. If I would've bought it, I would've asked for a refund, so I'm glad I had the foresight to pirate it instead.
Because it's solemn and weighty
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Its true you can easily buff up somber weapons but regalias moveset is just so mediocre
faith builds can get cipher pata off the bat and spam its broken as fuck weapon art, regalia is a really clunky weapon art that needs a big punish window and otherwise is just a mediocre straight sword

its not like its the best arcane scaling somber options available early, you get reduvia and bloodhound fang in limgrave
>kill every boss in roughly 5 hits with a Bloodfiend's Arm
The fact that this isn't even close to being the most OP thing put in the DLC is hilarious.
Cease. They cannot be older than Godwyn, Morgott, and Mohg. You have no evidence of this.
Disagree hard. Every single greatsword is a banger. The only negative about them is the caveman animations, but that's more of an aesthetic flaw then gameplay.
Another shitter filtered
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I dunno, even back before Dark Souls 2 released he was being treated by FROM as an ambassador for the game to western audiences. The whole situation with Redgrave the paleblood hunt aside, Vaati is an icon of the Souls community, whether or not we like it.
>Divine Beast Dancing Lion
>not shit
>sunflower boss
>anywhere above mid
I kinda agree with some of your other picks. I don't know what people find so special about Messmer but he's not *bad* per se.
This is some serious mental damage.
love radahns base game swords so much bros but I cant make them work with bosses without jump attack spam UGH
Miyazaki gave me a dream through the aether.
The true original storyline of the DLC!
>We would save Miquella from sacrificing his own body and personality.
>Prove to Miquella that Rodahn the Childscourge is not worthy of the title of lord!
>Help Miquella overcome his indecision , his doubt and vacillation from Radahn's grooming!
>Together the Tarnished and Miquella create a new gentle world!
>Living with Miquella and your children!
What weapons can you throw? I saw a video of a big hammer getting chucked
Anything with Smithscript in the name and Messmer's spear.
Are Ranni hand jobs worth the dick splinters?
wasn't messmer marika's son before she even left the land of shadow?
>YouTubers are making videos on the Eclipse Shotel again the moment it was talked about here
YouTubers should neck themselves
>talk to old lady at Belurat after beating Messmer
>she mentions "no one will dare bother you" as she praises your kill
>figure "oh shit does that mean the tower people won't aggro me?
>Nope, still get attacked on sight
What's even the fucking point of a comment like that.
>cool and edgy
>tough but fair; can learn his move set after a few rounds and it ends up being very much a choreographed death
>still a spectacle fight

I never felt "WOW YOU FUCKING CHEATING NIGGER" against Messmer so much as I did against Radahn or other shit bosses. It was usually my own fuck up and getting NBA Jam'd by one of his spear attacks.
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>This is some serious mental damage.
From now on it's Kind Link and Starscourge Ganondorf.
As a Fudanshi, I disagree.
It's like 90% straight women and +60% have boyfriends. They ship men because they love men.
I was, in fact, presented art of myself and a Uni Prof making out by a girl who shipped us. I dated her later on.
are the talismans that improves dodge roll but gives you increased damage taken considered unfair?
the engine of the des remake with mizacki oversight would be good enough for me.

a ds2 remake would be the absolute best though.
Messmer is actually quite fair, more fair than some shitshow like Gaius
Gaius was a cunt just because of that charge attack with its insane hitbox. Otherwise it was okay.
Divine Beast Lion just had the usual "lock on and endure shit camera" for me. If I unlocked I was fine so I had to remember to do it during certain attacks of his. Helped to stay at a distance and let Tiche or Finlay tank so I could hit him with Loretta's spells.
>horniggers are lying and duplicitous
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Is there a talisman of this type for Cold?
She's being a plucky old lady, anon. You're not supposed to take her seriously.
In my case I really can't tell what my deal is. I hate fujo bait and there are straight ships I like just as much if not more than gay ones. I rarely like yuri, but some BL relationships really hit it for me and some are just awful and I want nothing to do with them. For instance, the design of Radahn and Miquella appeals to me because it looks like two people fiercely loyal to each other fighting for one cause but the lore behind that is anything but so it feels hollow instead. Like if I saw the design and knew nothing else I would say "kino" but knowing the lore I can't help but think it's stupid.
REAL tier list:
DS1>Elden Ring>DeS>DS3>being forced to eat eat actual shit>getting run over by a truck>DS2>DS2 SotFS
BB isn't a real Souls game (also I never finished it), and Sekiro isn't even close to being the same thing.
It clearly is finished. The only reasoning for that argument is "Lost Izalith is bit empty", but even like that, both Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith are more itneresting to explore and have more pathways and secrets than almost any area in any FromSoft game made afterwards.
Dark Souls is one of the best games ever made. It started the entire genre, despite not even being the first game in it. It's the DOOM of Soulslikes. It also has unparalleled world design in terms of 3D Metroidanias.
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Yes, it's hidden in one of the dungeons in the mountaintops, the Heroes Grave I'm pretty sure.
>decide to try mimic veil in the deathblight dungeon like I saw in some webms
>still builds up and I die
I guess it was patched?
shota seller, i need your brattiest miquella
Just use Assassin's Gambit
Has infinite crimson whorl been patched out yet or is it still ruining PvP?
>ds2 remake
Personally I think DS2 would benefit most from a Miyazaki reimagining rather than a straight up remake.
I only works in a couple sections.
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A remake of Dark Souls with Lost Izalith having enough time for to complete all their ideas would be cool. Like fighting Xanthous King Jeremiah atop the bed of chaos as it rampages through the areans
>bad at Elden in general
>Frenzied Burst lets me jew 99% of all enemies in the DLC because it's outside of their range and I can just keep backing up
Feels good. I love being scummy. I miss sneaking behind tree sentinels and fallingstar beast and blowing poison mist up their assholes. All the DLC minibosses are cracked and aggro'd out.
As long as he doesn't touch the lore.
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Post kino webms
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nothing personnel kiddo
I hate how surgically planned Radahn is. He has enough space between combos to sip exactly fucking 1. If I try 2 sips I get cut.
It feels like I'm fighting the developers more than an actual in game enemy.
I beat SotE on NG+ on my first run, and took down 2 of the Remembrance bosses on my first try.
I've also beaten every boss in the base game using nothing but parried and ripostes. I doubt you've even beaten a single boss in the base game using parries.
>people get "filtered" when the devs release a shit game
Yup, mhm. Just like how a lot of DeS and DS1 vets got "filtered" when FromSoft released Dark Souls 2 and everyone with a brain realized that it's literally one of the worst games they've ever played. There are still loads of people who gave up on the series altogether as a result of DS2 and never bought or played another Souls game again.
member when 4kangz was considered the peak of souls difficulty
i member
where's that anon with the sick fire knight fashion? i need inspiration
dude they spammed like 50 minotaurs like elden ring reused catacomb bosses and then had the giant legs. that's literally the entire ending segment of the game almost

bed of chaos was a placeholder fight too
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>koreans already making Miquella NTR shit
What the fuck is wrong with that country honestly.
where do i find moore?
when he got sad i told him to put it all behind him and now he is just gone
>Invader gets mildly inconvenienced doing whatever their build is
>Immediately swap to perfume
Every faggot just has this in their back pocket now, huh?
>He has enough space between combos to sip exactly fucking 1. If I try 2 sips I get cut
gaius feels like that too
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The greatest Soulsborne plot twist was that Aldrich didn't want to eat Gwyndolin but Gwyndolin had a big vore fetish and forced Aldrich to eat him. This is why only the Gwyndolin part fights back instead of most of Aldrich's body.
>get filtered
>bitch about it
>get called out
>"hmm I actually beat the game one handed on NG+7"
sure thing buddy
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that doesnt work either wtf
Don't act like you aren't being a fag yourself with your buddy carrying a backhand blade
Eveyrone knows that Aragorn did not beat Sauron though
It was actually Frodo with his dex/fth build.
>b-but Frodo had phantoms
Nah. They weren't there for the bosses (Shelob)
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UNIRONICALLY bring back Durability.
It's removal was a complete and utter fucking mistake. It auto balanced thin/spammy weapons vs large/thoughtful weapons.
Having Moonlight Greatsword break in Dark Souls 1 vs Unlimited Blind Spot use is a major gulf of shit.

Bring back Durability, but instead, make it chew durability only on spammed/consecutive actions, and have buffs from certain talismans increase the durability wear (and include a new talisman to offset and eat a slot).
All skills eat durability. R2's use the least durability as they're more controlled/timed actions.

If you spam a skill within a short space of time, the durability cost keeps climbing each time it's spammed with a hidden meter that cools down. You get 2 warnings of weapon durability before the final "SNAP". Vary the durability cost based on the skill (endure etc shouldn't use any, Malenia's should use a bunch)

When it breaks, which every player should endeavor to avoid by not being fuckups, you need to repair it with equivalent last upgrade material. If this was a +10 weapon you broke, well guess what dipshit, you need a Somber Ancient to fix. Be careful next time, or head on over to NG+ to fix.

Prove me wrong.
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>I beat SotE on NG+ on my first run
what does this even mean? are there people who beat sote on their second run?
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double sipping has always been pure greed
She's a senile old bat who mistakes you for a Dancer if you go to her with the Dancing Lion head.
Man, I could never get the divebomb dodge timing. I keep on treating it like Malenia's Scarlet Aeonia.
He has a couple combos with longer windows after they finish, with the cheap double slash into cross slash being the one that immediately pops into my head. Also, a couple of his anime combos in the second phase, iirc.
Anon I say this from experience while yours will certainly be different than mine I've personally recorded info from hundreds of them
You just like loyalty it's not gay
The Sellen ending
Anon they just made it so you get all ammunition and consumable back in arena. They are going in the exact OPPOSITE direction of what you're asking
All of this was a ok until the durability repair
just eat the black pellets
is it possible for ansbach and thiollier to survive the final battle?
Meaning they entered the DLC in a NG+1/2/3 etc state instead of "base" level.
>You just like loyalty it's not gay
Yeah that's probably right. probably why I can't stand NTR either.
bro just fingerprint shield+antspur rapier
I miss repair powder too. The idea about repairing broken weapons is retarded though.
They die at the end even if you don't summon them
>When it breaks, which every player should endeavor to avoid by not being fuckups, you need to repair it with equivalent last upgrade material. If this was a +10 weapon you broke, well guess what dipshit, you need a Somber Ancient to fix. Be careful next time, or head on over to NG+ to fix.
Retarded take. Durability never needed this.
When your weapon reaches "0" durability, it's not actually broken. You get a warning "Durability lost".
If you use the skill/weapon again another time, a second warning appears.

If you use it again one final time, this is when it breaks. If a weapon EVER broke, the player fucked up and should be punished.
>be aggressive against a boss
>get punished by weapon breaking
Never get into game design
just wait for the inevitable nerf
and keep pretending you beat him pre-nerf
show some respect, she's an empyrean
run sideways and roll the 5th one
Oh, no, I'm using the throwing shield. I'm also a faggot, but at least I'm a faggot in the confines of the rules. And I have no buddies. I vehemently dislike the majority of the hosts who summon me.
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>The only negative about them is the caveman animations
Thankfully the Knight's Greatsword has Lucatiel's Mirrah Hollowslayer Greatsword moveset.
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>and keep pretending you beat him pre-nerf

I'm not pretending though
Legitimately you don't. Every Radahn win I've seen is either

>1. Perfumer Bottle/Bloodfiend Arm jew trickery where they delete him in a few hits and never deal with that shit
>2. Tank-maxing fingerprint shield/rot spur rapier pure suffering where they just tank and poke him and pray to not fuck up after 10 minutes
>3. Austic Ongbal tier autism where they have memorized every move and all the frame data and are the sweatiest piece of shit imaginable to no hit him

There is no just "normal guy rolls now and then and hits him until he dies" stuff because he is an overtuned piece of fucking shit. Just bottle him or bloodfiend arm him to save your sanity.
son of a bitch
No it doesn't. Where is the poke???
Either use a greatshield or summon some niggas to take some of the heat, this doo doo boss is not worth enough effort to learn the retarded dodge timings
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Honestly you usually have enough time to run out of range without rolling. That's just insurance. I've been trying to use Miriam's Vanishing to i-frame the entire thing, but it doesn't seem to be possible sadly.
FACT: there has never been a truly great greatsword. You're either don't have the poke or you're slamming your sword into the ground like a retard
No, that's mentioned literally no where.
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>Messmer's spear
60/40 DEX/FTH?
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>mfw we never fought prime radahn
>all we fought are his dying self and mohg body clone of his weaker younger self
>we could've had something better but we still got a bootleg
nah fuck off with Radahn. Give us a new boss. Something different.
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>wanna do a new FTH/DEX character
>but with a light greatsword
>already upgraded Milady to +25 so you can't mule that
>can mule Leda's Sword with the added bonus it upgrades with Somber
>it has a shit skill + terrible Faith scaling
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Prime Radahn got his ass handed to him by Morgott. He's nothing special.
What sword is that?
>Tell him to put it behind him
He is part of Leda's squad at the end of the game, you get his armor and shield when you defeat them.
you will have no vigor/end/str if you do that
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I used rolls, deflects and parries.
>ymir does the zanzibart shit too
Miquella must be the top. He has to be.
Radahn couldn't possibly fit inside of him.
Neither could Mogh for that matter.
The throwing shield is absolute cancer in a gank party and only an annoyance at best in duels
Who's penis is larger. Radahn or miquella? Let's say radahn hypothetically has a 12 incher that's thick is it possible that miquella has something larger? Do you think he has to use his magic to not faint when erect? Discuss.
>theres a fucking wall with no collision in scorpion river catacombs
fuck everything this DLC was rushed as hell and I'm going to cheese everything now
I wanted adult Miquella but knowing how popular Radahn is, he's bound to get another DLC to himself then his own game.
And that's precisely why I say ALL that would be required to make Radahn a fair fight is lower his damage
that's it, that's all

if you didn't have to be a total autist who memorizes all the moves to get no-hit, then normal players could make a few mistakes in a row, flask back up, repeat and struggle their way through it
instead radahn has so much damage that his combos will 100-0 a 99 vigor dragoncrest shield opaline crab build, and most normal 60 vigor builds will lose 1/2 to 2/3 of their hp from normal attacks that connect even once, and leave you in a state where you either use an opening to flask up or the next hit kills you, and if you get hit while flasking you're still 1 hit from death again

Just lower his damage, keep the moveset exactly the same.
You can snipe a lot of field bosses, including Divine Beast 2.0, with Loretta's Mastery/Greatbow.
Bed of Chaos is absolute shit, the single worst "boss fight" in the series, but I don't see why anything else there is a problem. The Taurus and Capra demons are strategically placed to encourage you to pull and fight one at a time. Or you can simply not fight most of them if you don't want to. There are other enemies there like the statues that spit fire, the acid worms, the Chaos Eaters, the Chaos Bugs, the NPC invader, and the Pyromancer. As for the dragon asses, I don't see why that's such a big point of contention for so many people. Do they believe that they HAVE to fight and kill every single enemy when they play through the game? Those are placed there to serve as environmental hazards, much like the giant crows and dogs in Caelid.
The point of all those big, tough enemies in Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith is to make the area feel dangerous to be in and explore. It's a worldbuilding thing, like how you have to sacrifice one of your ring slots to equip the ring that lets you run through lava.
Like, I think Lost Izalith could've really used a connection/tunnel to Tomb of the Giants to give you more exploration options, but otherwise I think the area is fine. It has layers to it, like the hidden Chaos Servant shortcut, the underground sewer area, and all those neat little mini platforming sections with the tree roots in the city section of Izalith.
i will get his ass with raptor of the mists i just need to progress further in the dlc. i haven't been able to play as much because my consorts demand creampies and another needs to jerk me off for a half hour minimum
So messmer's right eye is a seal but whys the left one closed
Miquella has a third leg because shotas with big cocks are hot
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>Also I want both Mohg and Radahn dead but I'm not going to compel my sister to kill them.
>My plan is completely fucked if nobody kills both of them.
Just bring a good medium shield, some damage resistance talismans, and learn to parry.

Carian Thrusting Sword. It's not very good, but it's very fun. Still not gonna stop bitching about my straight sword catalyst until Memehackazaki puts it in the game.
>late to beating radahn
this it it? this is the "worst boss fight in FromSoft history"? i get that the visual effects in phase 2 are disorienting, but the entire DLC is full of enemies and boss that drill the concept of using the right dodge option for the right attack into your head. roll left, right, forward, back; strafe; sprint strafe; jump; sprint jump; or just run the fuck away. i realized that this was the lesson the DLC is trying to teach you when i got to Rellana, who's incredibly weak to jump dodges.
beat him at 15 skibidi with a medium roll build two-handing freyja's CGS.

>teleports dash
if you're close to him, roll through diagonally towards him. if you're not, roll to the side. rolling to the left worked well for me.
>teleport slam
if it's the follow-up after he launches the meteors, you specifically need to run AWAY before sprint jumping the meteors because his clones have a limited range. sprint strafe the clones to the right (his sword hits slightly to your left) and then roll to dodge the real one. i can't recall if he can do this from neutral, which would be the only attack i have no clue how to dodge.
>sidestep into teleport dash
roll forward, then roll forward again with a very slight delay. the clones make it difficult to see when you should roll.

don't listen to anyone telling you need to use a greatshield and / or cheese him. don't rob yourself of a challenging fight just because it's difficult to learn. practice makes perfect, and maximizing your damage negation using the tools the game gives you doesn't hurt either. talismans, buffs, your physick, and consumables are your friends.
I wish people would discuss the perfumes outside of Rolling Sparks
Are you American? I can say there's a lot more LGBTQwhatever people amongst the American fujos I know.
As an oldfag(lmao) I can remember a time where those fags hated us Fudanshi for "fetishizing" gays... Whatever that horseshit means.
bros im not gonna lie the dual rellana swords are fucking fun
You just found out that /erg/ is full of shitters, congratulations
you might be right, it's been over 10 years. I'll still say that DS1 is at least on par with DS3 if not worse like I'm remembering. I think the main thing DS1 did better was how interconnected everything was. It felt like a real world and so secretive
anywhere from 50 dex 50 faith to 65 dex 35 faith has basically the same AR for it anyway


really it comes down to what else you want to do aside from use that spear
I maxed one out and I regret it tbqh. I have tried 50/50/ 60/40, etc. I ended up respeccing and I use 35 Dex + 70 Fai and only ever spam the AoW and charge R2s to throw at shit.

Bosses poise through the AoW and just delete your entire life. It's okay for bullying retards in PvP. The best value I got out of it honestly was free-throwing charged R2s to kill enemies without spending FP or ammo around cliffs and shit.
Play as a pure INT mage and come back to me one that
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forgot pic
>the hidden Chaos Servant shortcut
Is it a shortcut when the runback to the boss is as long as the normal path and has a respwaning Titanite Demon that is the strongest in the game.
Lost Izalith was meant to be a swamp, hence the great swamp Pyromancers come from.
BUt yeah the Bed of Chaos is the worst boss From ever made, it just doesn't work and its pure rng if the boss spawns that instakill fire attack in the tunnel to the chaos bug or not. If bed of chaos was in elden ring it would be more fun since we can jump now.
This is literally Dark Souls 2, and it fucking SUCKS. I once completely broke my Black Knight Greataxe whilst fighting King Vendrick minus a single Giant Soul.
I had weapons break on me several times running through the Frigid Outskirts just killing all the fucking unicorns, before I had even found the boss. In DS2, weapons sometimes take several times the normal durability damage. I think the reason is due to the "sweet spot" mechanic on weapons like halberds and greataxes and such. Basically, if you hit an enemy with both the blade of your weapon and the pole, it does double durability damage, causing your weapon to break in 30 hits instead of 60. Wow, neato. I love warping back to the hub area every 20 minutes to repair ALL of my shit, on top of having to warp there regularly to level up. Fantastic game design.
>this it it? this is the "worst boss fight in FromSoft history"?
I certainly wouldn't say that but I honestly just found it extremely underwhelming and annoying. Not particularly difficult but full of visual diarrhea and hectic garbage. In terms of raw difficulty I wouldn't even say I struggled with it more than Gaius but in terms of enjoyment the whole thing just felt very hollow. I didn't particularly enjoy the fact that Radahn was the final boss either, so that might factor into my negativity.
I'm a pure int mage >>484077536, unless you count 20 str for jellyfish shield (which I basically didn't use all DLC)
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What do I put in the last talisman slot? Running a magic build with a Chilling Mist ash
I beat Rellana via Claymore with Piercing Fang. She's only slightly less blind than Sulyvahn and you can dodge so many hits just by circling her the right way. I thought the lesson was to stunlock enemies to death with poise damage.

I laughed when she tried going phase 2. I piercing fanged just right to stun her then charged heavy when she got up. I was using STR/INT so a cold Claymore and I think it proc Frostbite just right too. I think I should've used a build without Frostbite because she was too easy.
>I wish people would discuss the perfumes outside of Rolling Sparks
I like the cold perfume.
I just want to BFB and throw this shit at bosses as a funny meme. I'm not ganking, invaders force my hand
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I did it with a Carian Thrusting Shield, mostly blocking (I mainly used Bloodhound Step for the meteors and the shooting star) and using Guard Counters.
It's still a shield and I blocked, but it's not a Fingerprint at least.
Put repair powder on your consumables bar.

Yeah, give it a month and (most) people will get their panties untwisted about it, just like with Malenia.
>60/40 DEX/FTH
Only if you want to exclusively use Messmer's spear. That breakdown would make most infusions on other weapons wildly inefficient.
has anyone here fucked with the great katana's overhead much? When I get summoned I basically cheese bosses with it because it chain staggers and heals with swaddling cloth but when I'm playing solo I feel like there aren't many openings for it. It's normal moveset is slow enough that I'd rather just use a colossal weapon over it
Yeah I played Dark Souls 2 and boy having everything break against Sinh fucking sucked, I dunno why that sweaty retard wants durability back and with such awful drawbacks

I'm glad /erg/ is not doing game design
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Can I help this guy?
crimson seed talisman
graven mass talisman
radagon icon
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This is my DS2 weapon of choice. I love the moveset.
i forgot the most important piece of advice, which is DO NOT ROLL BACKWARDS AGAINST RADAHN. the light beam follow-ups in phase 2 are specifically designed to punish panic rolling backwards. i can't think of any any attack he does that you want to roll backwards, except the bloodflame explosion if you're caught off-guard by it and don't roll the initial sword slash to the side.

my next build is either going to be pure caster INT/FAI or a pure INT spellblade, so we'll see. i look forward to trying the DLC bosses again.

i think he has an issue with presentation like several of the DLC bosses. Rellana is by far the worst offender, because her dungeon is basically a glorified open world dungeon like Castle Morne or Carian Manor, and because she lacks a cutscene, a good boss arena, and any real relevance to the narrative of the DLC. in Radahn's case, it's purely the narrative element.
>Radahn dead but I'm not going to compel my sister to kill them.
Did you miss the part where Malenia nuked an entire continent just to try and kill Radahn?
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Let's settle it once and for all then, let's see what you think

>3 "legit" radahn clears by INTniggers using shields
the fuck is going on
warming stone to heal him
can you show where that guy is on the map?
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Also, no. I don't think Radahn and Miq looked good together design-wise at all.
Lothricbros did the "uke+bishie" and the "uke as a cape" shtick before and better, it's not even a comparison.

Also, I think Mohquella is more fun. The most fucked up dude ever with the cutest and purest lil guy just works better and is a new twist of the formula.

I literally never had a weapon break playing DS2, but it was a moot and silly mechanic. Just a souls tax and busywork every time you rested at a bonfire.
Also most people used this: >>484078060
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That's true, it made me use Impaling Thrust for most of my playthrough.

Lucatiel's sword did have a thrust attack in Dark Souls.
And he survived the entire time until the player came along. Didn't remote-compel Malenia to finish him off.
Rellana being immune to stagger (NOT stance damage) is what threw me off her fight. even Malenia can be staggered, so I was just like, "what the fuck do i do" and fished for stance breaks, which is what made me realize how many of her attacks miss if you jump (her follow-ups even miss if you don't roll out of jump attack animations, because you'll low profile them).
Warming stone
>Still not gonna stop bitching about my straight sword catalyst until Memehackazaki puts it in the game.

I get ya. The Carian Knight Sword's R2 is garbage, I dunno why it has it.
I cleared it without a shield but I used Dung Eater as my tank
I feel like such a fucking cuck rn
Didn't consider crimson seed.
>graven mass
Doesn't that only affect actual spells? I never cast anything, I just whack people with magic sticks.
Perfumes are kind of slow to attack but seem to have a big of lingering hitboxes and can get pretty huge damage because its multiplied by some busted talismans as pure element, but not mitigated by most pve or pvp
And even using rolling sparks without bugging it would be a decent long range sniper that makes you hard to approach

Getting 589 base damage at 80/80 stats then gets 1.2x perfumer (no pvp nerf), 1.2x lightning tear (1.125x pvp), and 1.12x dealt / 1.1x taken scorpion (1.08/1.15 in pvp for shittiness)
just using perfumer and tear kidn of makes that like a 795 damage pure lightning weapon that isn't mitigated by physical, only light resist, which means you probably deal another 25% damage compared to physical
fact: lucatiel is the best girl
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cool thanks bros
So if all the endings lead into the other souls games when do we get to play the Age of Dung (AC doesn't count)
So what do the different perfumes actually smell like?
Sex with Miquella
If you mainly want DEX for other DEX options too you'd do 80/20?
i feel like going back and reading people's week 1 reactions to orphan of kos
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I used 2h m'lady with bleed
the only attack i couldn't dodge were the 1,2 slash into X slash and the jump up into afterimages
And why is she sitting on her ass instead of killing Mohg then? Or finishing of Radahn?
She definitely can. She's an endgame boss and Rads is just a shell of his former self
To pick up the idea from a few threads aog, do we think the massive tombs where St Trina was discarded and scattered around the beach were the ships the Numen used to come to the landbetween? And half of them became the Nox who then created the Alburnoric race, and others became the black knife assassins and the jar victims?
Many DS3 humanoid bosses I learned can be circled like Fume Knight. Once I saw she was Sulyvahn in the trailer, I tried strategically circling and it worked. The freaky thing is her not staggering but I didn't care and I kept on trying. One of the more OP ways in the game IMO is stance break tear + high poise damage moves. It's not bleed + frostbite but it gets good damage.
Who cucked you?
Nah that would be the black smith's daughter with the big mclarge huge knockers
>bleed infusion
What build do you think Zanzibart was.
I figured 40/25/16 for VIG/END/STR would be fine.
This I fucking love the Greatsword of Mirrah. It's amazing. Hollowslayer Greatsword in DS3 was also my favourite because of that. Just peak greatsword right there. No GS in Elden Rang can compare.
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Rannichads run this general

Because she crippled herself trying and was in a coma until (You) wake her.

Block-frame R2s are cool and lead to some neat clips, but they usually get you killed. Would definitely take casting R2s over them. Also, don't forget they literally cloned the Troll Magic Collosal Sword to give to the new Carian Knight, gave it a new AoW, and acted like it's a new weapon. They could have just as easily done that with the Carian Knight Sword. I get angrier the more I think about it.
>Also, no. I don't think Radahn and Miq looked good together design-wise at all.
>Lothricbros did the "uke+bishie" and the "uke as a cape" shtick before and better, it's not even a comparison.
I have to disagree. The twin princes are good but they are also disheveled and have lost their minds. Miquella and Radahn are in full fighting form which, if you don't know better, makes it look like they are being propelled by their cause and their love. The idea of two halves of a whole finally united. The twin princes don't give off that at all. It's like a sick dog trying to protect an even sicker dog. Their love isn't making them stronger, it's more like a cage.
i was there day 1 and even amelia (a legit easy boss) had pages of pages of people saying the boss was complete dogshit and way overtuned
>40vig in the dlc
>people ITT/elsewhere say if you wanna do a magic stat + STR or DEX it's better to just run the base requirements into pure int or faith
>look up weapon scalings and their infused stat scalings
>almost always isnt accurate
am i not taking 2handing into account or something or what's going on here

t. new to from games so no prior understanding of how this all works game-to-game
>their cause and their love
Why Radahn has no dialogue and doesn't express this? It looks like he's forced.
Orphan of Kos never gave me the amount of aids Miquelladahn gave me
At least I didn't get Heart Stolen
Pure FTH, because that's all he had. The faith in his Myrmidon. That makes his failure all the more tragic.
It's sad the open world didn't have more moments like this. That, and throwing the pot in the golem to get access to one of the town ruins was awesome (minus killing the golem afterwards, obviously).
it's assumed you want to also use your magic stat to cast spells
>Radahn twice
How many big lore guys have we fought that are straight up incapable of speaking? In Elden Ring, almost everyone talks to you.
>Miquella and Radahn are in full fighting form which, if you don't know better
>which if you don't know better
Read next time. We're arguing purely based on design which looked better, them or the twin princes.
watched my friend play it since I didnt have a ps4. Seemed fair to me if very strong. I kind of thought it was a stupid boss. Not quite as bad as the radahn retardation but still lame.
Ah yes just like how people were bitching over Gaius. He was not that much harder of a boss than normal, only realizing that most of the idiots dying to him brought a summon so they can't mount torrent and don't know how to dodge a charging pig because they never played Bloodborne so they let him run them over.
>even Malenia can be staggered
Malenia is pretty unique in that basically everything staggers her, hyper armor jankiness aside.
I'm not saying that Lost Izalith is a GREAT area. Just that the claims of it being "the worst area ever" and somehow ruining the game and making it fall from glory are completely exaggerated. If Izalith is a mid area, like a 5/10, and it feels like a major downgrade from the rest of the game, that's just indicative of how great the rest of the game is.
I don't hate DS3 or anything. It has most of the best bosses in the series, and a lot of the areas have interesting exploration despite being very compact and short, but I think it's really held back by its overly-linear structure, lack of build/playstyle variety, and extreme reliance on rolling being the primary damage mitigation tool rather than the more balanced approach of DS1 where rolling, blocking, parrying, and tanking with heavy armor were all viable.
What I really don't like is that they didn't bring back the boss respawn mechanic from DS2. This applies to Elden Ring as well. I'd legit fight Nameless King over and over again for hours if I could.
Having your fucking RINGS break is one of the things I hated most. And they cost, legit, like 5-20 times as much to repair as weapons and armor do.
Weapon durability is purely an immersion mechanic. If they put more emphasis on it in gameplay, you get a Dark Souls 2 situation where your shit breaks all the time and it sucks. If they remove emphasis on it then you get a Dark Souls 3 situation, where it's literally almost impossible to break any weapon and the mechanic basically doesn't exist. The only point of it in DS3 is that some weapons like the Moonlight GS ahve special attacks that cost durability to use, but you can just roll that into using FP like spells and weapon skills and it's fine.
>finish dlc
>make fresh character for new build
>first try Margaret
man, getting slapped by messer, midir, bayle, and radahn sticks to you.
Even Radagon has the excuse that it's not Radagon anymore but the Elden Beast possessing his husk. What's Radahn's?
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>which if you don't know better
>know better
what? magic and flame/sacred always scale higher with their respective stat. it's also about the weapons people usually use, and their ashes of war.
frenzy perfume smells like when you walk into the kitchen and you can SWEAR you smelled something really tasty from your childhood that you can't place but someone only made toast and now you're plagued by an untouchable memory and it eats away at you for weeks.
>1,2 slash into X slash
I've seen no-hit autists say that you outright can't completely dodge this one with normal rolls unless you are frame perfect, all the no-hit videos use some kind of additional iframe trickery like ashes of war or talismans to evade this attack
Bleed scales off arcane, so if you're running a bleed weapon, you are not getting "more" bleed damage or faster bleed procs with higher str/dex. You just run the bare minimum to wield the weapon and pump everything into Arcane.

For Faith or Int weapons this is a little bit different. Most Faith builds are based around casting incants or spamming their AoW that scales off Faith. If you don't intend to do this, then there's no reason to run a mixed Str/Faith weapon at all and you're much better served with a pure Str build.

tl;dr don't mix your stats unless you know what you're doing or have a compelling reason for it.
Are you retarded or did you mean someone else?
what about the double slash into the X combo? thats the one i cant consistently dodge
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>There's a secret Midir 2 fight in the DLC that nobody found.
ok that's where we disagree then because I only like rolling. I find blocking and parrying cheap and unfun to do. I think I've only parried pontiff because he was way too annoying otherwise.
>What I really don't like is that they didn't bring back the boss respawn mechanic from DS2. This applies to Elden Ring as well. I'd legit fight Nameless King over and over again for hours if I could.
NTA but this is me and many DS2 features. Bonfire Ascetics are among the features I liked or felt had potential from 2. Heck, I still hold 2 as having the best NG+ for having actual differences besides higher enemy stats.
based Lucatiel appreciators. When I learned the Mirrah GS was in DS3, I immediately rushed it for my first playthrough. The Knight GS just isn't the same.
So at the end who arranged Godwyn's death?
Both conspired together?
Marika alone but Ranni took advantage to ditch her body and kept her soul?
weapons have a certain base damage, and scaling with stats
the stats gives a +% of the base damage, dependent on your stats, with a rather arbitrary set of formulas that are hidden from the player, with softcaps (ie different formulas for 0-40, 41-60, 61-80, 81-99 for some weapons)
the amount of overall +% you get can be higher or lower for some weapons, which is just vaguely represented on an E/D/C/B/A/S scale. A weapon with S scaling tends to have lower base damage but very high +% from stats, so you'd need to invest more into that stat to get high damage. While a weapon with no scaling or E scalings tends to have high base damage and be usable with minimal stats.
when you 2 hand a weapon, you get +50% strength for its scaling and requirements. So if you have 18 strength and 2 hand, you get effective 27 strength. Giving a softcap at 54 strength for 80 effective and hardcap at 66 strength for 99 effective
generally scaling from 61-80 is mediocre and 81-99 is almost nonexistent
you can't its only dodgeable if you're on uneven terrain
It's a little weird going back to the base game
>getting my shit slapped by Gaius's charge
>fuck this
>bloodhound's step
>except i don't have it
>i just mindlessly mash R1 and jumping R2 into night's cavalry and he falls over in 30s
fighting the tree sentinels in the NE part of the map gave me a similar feeling
that one literally can't be dodged unless you're on his extreme left or right when it starts. you basically have to block one hit even if you take some damage.
whats a true combo? i see videos saying this shit.
Ranni alone.
Never was gonna happen, his story concluded with Fia and D(even)
I tried attacking the body. It didn't work. But it didn't retaliate so I assumed he was scared of me. I declared victory and Fia didn't protest so I won.
>What's Radahn's?
Guess they want to kept it ambiguous how much consent he gave in the whole consort thing
what worked for me was rolling the first slash (the one that goes right to left, from your PoV) to the left. which sounds unintuitive because you're rolling with the direction of the sword, and it is, but it caused the second slash to miss me for whatever reason. then you just roll again to dodge the cross slash.
Ranni was definitely a, if not the, main conspirator. I personally think Marika was working with her though, even with the DLC lore revelations.
The first hit staggers long enough to guarantee a second. I think that's what it means.
Maybe Godwyn put the hit out on himself?
in pvp it means the enemy can't get out of it once you land the first part
Next DLC plot twist: Godwyn volunteered himself to be killed so Ranni's body can die but not her spirit.
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the gloam eyed queen (melina)
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why does the game shit itself every time you quit to desktop?
It's said Godwyn was a martyr, meaning he was in on it and sacrificed himself. The deathblight shit likely wasn't expected.
I wouldn't blame you for not believing me but I beat it on my first try with the Beasthunter Saif, same with Laurence actually even though I remember a lot of people saying it was way too hard. That being said, Ludwig took me like 45 tries and so did Living Failures for some reason. Even on like NG+4 (I was trying to get the platinum trophy) I still found them pretty easy.
I agree about his story ended but it made more sense than Radahn anyway.
Ranni thought she arranged Godwyns death as her own personal conspiracy but it was really Miquella who manipulated her into killing Godwyn. Miquella was the real mastermind all along and behind every nefarious plot
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As a BL conissuer I disagree again.
Lothricbros are
1. Incest, which makes it hotter
2. Look haggard and beaten, but still clinging together which is hotter
3. Have actual GAMEPLAY effect on one another (uke reviving the seme)
We've NEVER seen Radahn ever even address Miquella, some fucking romance that is. He's just a big chad meatpuppet.

Being at the top of their game doesn't make it any better either. Like, we gave Radahn his big send off already, why bring him back for another, less thematically cool fight?
All this DLC did was take away from cool characters we already knew with dumb retcons (with a few cool new additions).
Just realized, where did the whole
>Radahn kind personality
from the DLC come from? Sure, we knew he loved his horse and wasn't a complete asshole the way Rykard or Godrick were but we knew virtually nothing else about his personality. Just he idolized Godfrey and thought red hair = champion.
That'd not what martyr means, jt doesn't have to be willing to be a martyr
>spamming their AoW that scales off Faith. If you don't intend to do this, then there's no reason to run a mixed Str/Faith weapon at all and you're much better served with a pure Str build.
thanks this is what i wasnt thinking of
What are the best Holy incants and AoWs? Midra is weak to Holy but I'm not familiar with Holy shit.
That's not even remotely what martyr means.
>he Knight GS just isn't the same.
even poke aside there was just something really cool imo about the totally utilitarian sword having the smoothest moveset
ok so whats the easiest way for me to mule shit from 1 character to another

need to get the karate weapon to another character so i can make my low level goku alt
Nice fucking bossfight, miyazaki
just spam cipher pata unblockable blade if you hate having fun
I did warn you about it being lame
>sibling incest
>mad king
>white hair
This is how I Targaryen.
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Wait does this do what I think it does? Is it exactly the same buff/duration or a nerfed version of it? If so that changes my whole build!
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keep it real with me /erg/ what do we think

you cant go wrong with sacred blade as far as aows go
and as for spells the new ring of light is pretty good
Can I get some info on this? Has the crimsonwhorl glitch been fixed or not?
just use the merchant mod
I know I'm probably the only one who has bothered trying to use the tooth whip, but I feel like the hitbox, tracking, or both on the L2 (which is just impact from DS3) are really bad. It honestly does a lot of damage when it connects, but people will roll into me to dodge the first 2 hits, look like they're going to eat the 3rd, and then it misses because they end up slightly to the left / right of me.

Also, why can't it be removed from the tooth whip and put on other whips? The DLC is full of weapons that come with ashes of war attached to them, so why not the fucking tooth whip?
Because he's barely a character, even after the DLC.
Most of the characterization we get from him in the base game comes from Jerren.
Ranni had Godwyn killed to piss off Marika and the the fingers and used his death to kill her flesh and escape the fingers. Marika didn't have anything to do with the murder of her only normal child.

Also with this DLC, it makes Ranni look fucking stupid for ever nuking her own body because not only are the Fingers a bunch of schizo retards in a schizo retard hivemind with no real hold or sway over anything, she could've gone into the Shadow Realm to eject herself out of her body without needed to kill anyone. She would've known about it due to the Carians endorsing the genocide of the Hornset and Messmer paled around with the Radagon children.
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Yea I used a shield but I used the shield to beat the shit out of Radahn, not just to block.
Retcon. Base game was already clear Radahn was a murderhobo who lived for war and death, they recast him into some secretly loveable and kind dude so they could justify the Miquella retardation.
what pile?
She's sleepy
>Heck, I still hold 2 as having the best NG+ for having actual differences besides higher enemy stats.
NTA, but I don't think anybody reasonable would argue that. Although DS1 gravelording is also a really cool idea of adding NG+ difficulty. Shame we can't have covenants anymore.

Bonfire Aesthetics, actual Powerstancing, so many melee/catalyst hybrids (Black Witch's Stick forever), happy endings for NPCs, DLC that actually affects the base game, etc.

Yeah, the design is also just complete sex.
lol get fucked idiot
My biggest disappointment with Mohgahn's boss is still the mechanics. Dying Radahn was still a massive one-man-army who needed all these summons ganging him and he still carves through most of them easily. He was a terrifying figure even on his deathbed. This new one? Just a boss and anything interesting came from Miquella's compelling.

Mechanics-wise Radahn could theoretically be anyone else.
Looks very cool but I think the legs and arms re a little too bulky
Anyone have the Bayle Moby Dick comic?
skill issue

mods if you're too stupid for CE
anons using the red dueling sign
STR/ARC for Bloodfield or pure ARC?
I'm stealing this fashion for NG+, sorry bro
Doesn't match man
God damn what a spectacular webm
Also what the fuck is that glitch?
>the arms
as in terms of my arm sliders?
fuck man how do i make this helmet work
How would you have felt if Radahn used his gravitational powers to lift one of the pillars of the gates of divinity and launch it at the player
>dies from gay
you arent supposed to make eye contact with gorillas
We knew basically nothing about Radahn aside from him being a Radagon/GO simp and also being your typical honorable battle addict. Also I guess he had trouble letting go of things, as evidenced by Leonard.
you fucking nigger i just spat out like half my cup of water watching these two retards
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I gotchu
I'm currently struggling with the same thing. That helmet matches fuck all, closest I've found so far is D's chestplate. The color also matches blackflame monk robes, but it clips over the robe chain and looks absolutely retarded with those.
I think the point is the childishness of Miquella. Miquella the little brother who idiolizes his bigger brother and says he can see the kind hearted loving nature deep within him, when his OWN soldiers say "Nah eternal war suits him the best"
Miquella is delusional.
8.8% damage negation and ~12.8% damage bonus, duration is 45 seconds and it costs 30 FP. Spell is 10% negation, 15% damage and lasts for 80 seconds. It's not bad as copium.
>I don't know what everyone was so worked up about, I don't see any homosexuality in this fig-
>AHHHHHHGH *fades to ashes*
No, it seems like the gloves go under the sleeves instead of over
Personally like I do think the helmet and briar stuff matches, but yeah it's hard to get them to work with anyrhing
Thanks anon
Yeah I am American. Most fujos I interacted with were American. That's probably why so many were lesbos
Better I suppose. Between the lack of dialogue and mechanics, I'm thinking the only thing Radahn are some of his attacks. Theoretically it could've been Godrick and some plot excuse for Miquella mastering Radahn's magic instead.
ah okay. still pretty damn good
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I was very glad to learn that you can get the Hollowslayer Greatsword very early in Dark Souls 3. It's such a fun weapon and thankfully they didn't put it in an endgame area.
In Dark Souls 2 you either kill Lucatiel early (blasphemy) or have to wait until Aldia's Keep which is pretty late.
Is that the cuckoo knight helm? I need to farm that shit.
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I this mind too low for greatsword of damnation + madness? Wanted to try invading with it
Probably the 3rd
Maliketh rememberance proves Marika had a role in the plot, but the black knives attack Ilji and Blaidd at the end of her quest. I'm not sure what Marika actually wanted to happen.
gonna be real with you chief thats unironically too low
45 Str/70 Arc is the infamous youtube meme vid where the guy stunlocks Radahn and kills him in like 40 seconds.
thats why i wanted to use the briar chestpiece - to circumvent other metal armors not having the same tint. and while yeah the blackflame monk armor is not an option because of that awful clipping, perhaps the gloves and legs can be used
ah, i see. maybe i ought to farm those blackflame gloves on this character
>Solutide set looks really cool
>it's heavier than a fucking truck
I hate this, also why the fuck did Oathseeker have to have such low poise

Without sufficient STR you're basically only getting value out of the bleed procs, IMO the strength is worth it.
end to 18 for 25 mind? I don't know end/mind seems really tight if I want to use madness gloves/torch with the int dip required
It's fine but everyone is using the Madness Torch right now that procs 900000000% times faster. You are just going to get your boipucci turned inside out by backhand blade swifties, perfume addicts or torchgods.
The crimsonwhorl tear let's you heal from elemental damage for 15 seconds. For almost a full year there's been a glitch that let's you break that timer so it becomes infinite. I want to know if this DLC update finally fixed it.
I did fine with it on my INT build, but I did bring it to 45 VIG for Radahn.
>In Dark Souls 2 you either kill Lucatiel early (blasphemy) or have to wait until Aldia's Keep which is pretty late.
DS2 is the only game where I've bothered using CE to spawn in items, for CREOs, but also because of how much cool gear is locked behind bullshit like a red phantom who may or may not spawn with shit drop rates, who will also stop spawning eventually unless you're in the champions covenant. I did farm the Vanquisher's Seal legit one time though, so I think I get a pass.
>Maliketh rememberance proves Marika had a role in the plot
No it doesn't. Maliketh himself clears up what her betrayal is - shattering the Elden Ring. He says this to you the player of his own accord if you kill him as Gurranq.
>Marika...why...wouldst thou...gull me? Why...shatter...
The land of shadow is unironically the shadow realm and while his "body" is in the TLB his soul is in the shadoe. And he is severing his soul for power
Yeah, the Shattering was part of the plot, anon.
>remember that one hidden upgrade material in the Lothric and Lorian fight that's acquired by riding down the lift after it's been sent up
>figured that one out by myself, no guides
>never found another thing like this after DS3
Why Miyazaki. I check every lift ;_;
Yea, I think it looks really great with the Rellana set.

I love the Carian aesthetics.
True and real
>after burning the Erdtree, you can actually see Embers in the air in the Scadu Atlus
Well shit, I hadn't noticed that.
How can people deny the Scadutree is just the Erdtree seen through whatever veil Marika put over the lands.
There's 1 in Bloodborne.
So am I fucking stupid or is the lever in Midra's Manse just bugged for me? The one that moves the bookcase? See messages on it but can't switch action to actually do it.
Kek chud Tarnished instantly dies from seeing gay men.
I've enjoyed it immensely, but I will agree that it's odd how stun-resistant a lot of enemies are here. Feels like I'm fighting with a cardboard poster roll, even the basic ass Messmer goons have chained, high poise 'fuck you' attacks.
>I abandon here my gargantuan penis.
Blue scorpion charm?
The key to using whips is to offhand something else that'll do scary enough damage/stunlock to encourage distance. I learnt as much when I made a BDSM-themed pvp build in DS3.

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