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We are all going to make it! Edition

Previously on /mvsg/: >>483886559

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
Joker, Jason, Banana Guard & Agent Smith

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression.

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! We can only go up from here!
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awoooga 55% chance of either fighter currency or gleam? way more generous than i expected from fuck my ass first games
you get 50 of each.
50 fighter currency and gleam every tier still sounds pretty good
>60 levels a character
Kill me.
i should specify:
good compared to the dogshit it was before i reached this tier where i got nothing
It's 45% 50 Perk, 45% 50 Fighter, and 10% Gleamium. Dunno why it's 8000xp for the first couple levels after 70, otherwise it's 4000xp per level
might be time to get a macro, anyone know how to set one up?
They probably made the first one or two bonus levels 8000 xp due to it being statistically likely that anyone regularly playing was just about to beat the BP, and since they just released the weekly XP bonuses they decided "hey let's just not let that count for this week".
grindfags are fucking insufferable
hate the game not the player
no, i'll hate the retards that do this stupid shit and ruin matches for people trying to actually play the game
i’ll only do it in 1v1 don’t worry
that's still wasting the time of someone who wants to get a match
kill yourself
yeah i could stop… or i could get every future character and store item i want free
I'm sure the devs are doing their best fine-tuning the game in time for the patch!
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posting the plant before sleep
harry potter confirmed
>grind for shit you will never use
like i was saying, grindfags have actual brain damage
I mea he's just a social media guy, he probably doesn't work on the game at all right?
What about the others with him, do we know anything about those guys?
>The plant is a glowie
>i will never use new characters
why else do i play this game if not for the characters?
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bioluminescent yellow highlighter is nothing to fear anon
Marceline and PB getting added together in the same update will SAVE the game!
make bubblegum’s moveset
Your mmr gets so low that you'll always be matched with bots unless you win
>4k bexp
>25 per fight
>160 matches for coinflip of 50 fighter currency
>which you need 3000 of
>need to do that 60 times for 1 character
>if rng cooperates you get 1 character roughly every 19500 fights
so when do you play the game anon
Which is fantastic for BP farming.
Melee peach neutral B but it's peppermint butler
Uh fuckin gum bubble move idk

I'm too slleepy 2 think rn wanna just goon to bimbo lesbians not cappin fr
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I boot up the game. I sigh heavily. I mentally prepare myself to be paired with the dumbest cunts in the history of video gaming.
Tony Hunyh.

Kill yourself. I hope you get slowly and painfully skinned with a sharp knife. You deserve a miserable and painful death. Kill yourself. Grab a 12 gauge and blow your brains out in front of your loved ones. Grab a knife and jab it into your trachea at Thanksgiving. Kill yourself. Do it. Live stream it. I want to see you die indefinitely. Kill yourself now. Nobody wants you alive. Nobody. End it. Kill yourself. I hope you see this Tony. Kill yourself now. Miserable faggot.
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Jasper when?
Also when are they gonna add more stages? They don't have much variety right now.
he doesn't read here retard
jaspers down special crushes her opponents pelvis
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>June is almost over
>No pride skins in sight
Faggots lost, as they should!
Tony actually based for that. A broken clock is right twice a day
Have her use science shit, and that jelly bean beam (jelly beam?) that was a ringout animation. She could summon Candy Kingdom citizens as attacks, which is what Banana Guard SHOULD'VE done instead of being Spear: the character.
>Make banana character
>Don't give him ability where he drops banana peel hazards
Idiots. Truly.
season 2 will have a homo (marceline) and a homophobe (ruby) to balance their two demographics
>no pride shit
>instead we get shark hats, albeit RNG bullshit
I really want this game to succeed, but holy fuck they've done everything they can to discourage people even picking it up after a couple days.
Are you implying that shark hats aren't as good as homo recolours?
I watched steven universe future without watching the original show so i don’t understand why steve universe rejected the idea of going to space with this gem to have cool space adventures conquering planets and having space sex
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>wanting a 3rd faggot character
Fuck off tranny
I only watched up until like season 2/3s baseball episode, but she was evil around the time of that. Hope that helps!
Really all PFG needs to do to possibly save the game is just reveal upcoming characters or even just silhouettes.
I mean their being leaked left and right so what's the point of keeping them secret?
Perks are just a cheap tactic to make weak characters stronger
Would Lex Luthor make a good fighter, as Superman's nemesis?
Wouldn't the PPG be at the very least slightly taller than Gizmo?
>make weak characters stronger
But they don't do that at all anon. When everyone has access to the same perks and for the most part runs the same perks that means the baseline is every character already having them. If every character has them, then weaker characters are no more boosted than every other character.

Perks could be cool and used to encourage different builds, almost like the beta did, but instead we have our new system which might as well just remove them and make every perk a baseline passive.
They're about 5 years old canonically so yeah slightly taller than Gizmo
Only if they try to find some way to make him fun instead of going the cheap route and doing "dude power armor lol".
Have wearing a Superfriends-esque jumpsuit (Or business one as an alt.) with him using gadgets but appearing in his armor after a meter if full.
>6.2k peak
That's actually grim as fuck considering it's a weekend, I was expecting the player count to remain about the same from Friday, not drop a few hundred more. The bleed continues.
Also it's hilarious that WatchMojo of all things is shitting on the game and calling it the third worst game of the year so far.
>decide to watch video
>they don't even mention dragons flopma 2
Bad list, I mean multiversus does deserve to be shit on but how that fucker managed to avoid the list is beyond me. Biggest disappointment in gaming in years
I don't understand why they don't just remove damage and defense perks outright. Force the player to use various passive changes to their kit so they have a balanced but different experience between each player. Right now there's zero reason not to just run the 5%, the 7%, and the melee damage buffs unless you're going against someone with armor, then you just swap the final one for the armor attack perk.
cause you're retarded, Itsuno's vision won
dragons dogma is nowhere near as bad as the games on the video retard
i would eat all the pies if i could /3
Are you ready for your random shark hat of the day?
the only bad thing DD2 did is not having armor layering like DD1, stop being autistic
and even then, it very well can come back with the eventual dlc, just like dark arisen added more equipment slots to DD1
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>his final vision was less variety than the base game
I'm sorry Itsuno, if only I could understand.
Maybe he could be both? Like a bit like Tom and Jerry, Iron Giant and Superman.

A fragile trapper character mostly avoiding direct combat and trying to trick you into his traps, until he's done enough damage to activate hos powersuit where he becomes a supercharged superman like fighter for a limited time.
Because he has a girl already and Jasper's too much of a bitch to chill with.
At this point they should just add every DC character. It's clear that's what the game is made for and the DC characters are extremely fun anyway.
What are you talking about? We already have four fags as it is.
>less variety than the base game
you mean the first game? it's not less variety, it's pretty much the exact same (with more bosses though)
and i agree that's not good, especially how abundant goblins are, but enemies don't make the travelling, travelling itself does. As in, the places you walk to and stuff, and i think the game does a good job for that. If anything, loot is a bigger problem given, as the other anon said, not having armor layering and generally less equipment slots means there's straight up less equipment around and, to make it worse, most equipment you just buy in shops instead of finding it in the wild. And that imho is the usual "devs don't really understand what people were complaining about", he took "people don't like loot spots having rng" and basically just removed loot spots altogether for equipment, something that applies to mvs too given the changes from beta to now. Hell at least for games like DD you can excuse them being stuck up recluse japs, mvs literally got randos from the scene as community managers and they still fucked it up (though yeah, i guess they also just didn't choose wisely for said community managers)
Because she had hot underwater sex with Steven's mirror waifu and he was pretty bummed about that one for a while.
I definitely don't think that. I like DC characters to an extent, but I and a lot of people are in general pretty sick of superhero characters in media.I'd be fine with some more iconic ones if they wanted to add that, but I would definiitely not want Multiversus to become just a bunch of obscure as fuck capeshit characters to promote whatever random fucking movie they're trying to make now. I really did not like Black Adam's inclusion for example
I do not care about black adam as a whole but the character in mvs is really fun to play, dc has a good range of character abilities and stuff so they're probably gonna add a lot more and it's not really like others ips because each dc character is more or like it's own ip already, batman alone outsells every other ip of mvs
unironically both DD2 and mvs got fucked by corporate, still up in the air how much corpo is behind mvs fuck ups (given suicide squad's fuck ups are apparently mostly on rocksteady going full retard) but DD2 is evident cause capcom wanted it to be out before fiscal year at all costs and then later was "surprised" by it selling well, and after that the series suddenly became a "key franchise" for capcom (meaning it was just shovelware for them before that)
so yeah, no vision for us yet
I think i almost managed to win 5 1v1 match and 5 2v2 matches in under 30 mins. Had 2 minutes left on my last 1v1 but SD to be safe and claim my last daily
is the reindog shark skin guarranteed or is it rng and you might not get it?
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>Cheetah and/or Giganta
>Plastic Man
>Raven, since she's already confirmed anyway
>Aquaman, also since he's already confirmed anyway
>MAYBE Black Manta to keep up the hero/villain gimmick. Apply this to Deathstroke too for Raven/Robin.
>Green Lantern, probably Hal as the base with others being skins with animation swaps, including Sinestro maybe.
This is my ideal limit of new DC characters. Should probably space them out like one every two seasons or so just so it doesn't feel like as much as it is.
I'd rather get Pearl, Lapis, or Spinel in that order
>beat someone three games in a row
>lose the forth game
>they immediately mash tbag and leave
Do people actually think they've accomplished something when they do this?
Scooby doo and the Animaniacs are the only characters i can think of that should be a must on the roster of a WB game. Maybe elmer fudd too
Posting this also made me realize that a good chunk of the IPs already in this game are going to get at least like 5 fighters at minimum.
>Adventure Time will have 5 when they inevitably add Marceline and PB
>Steven Universe will have the main 4 characters and then probably a couple others
>Rick and Morty could add more of the family after Meeseeks
>Entire Scooby-Doo gang
>A handful of Game of Thrones characters
>The 20-30 really famous Loony Tunes characters on top of hundreds of obscure ones
Having less than two or three reps per franchise is going to be the weirder option if/when this game gets to a certain point.
i like how you troons use fanarts because the real pics of the characters look ugly as fuck
Get downloaded and adapted on bro. He will never lose to you again thats why he left. He cant learn anything anymore from you
>The Flash
>Lex Luthor
>Swamp Thing
>Dr Manhattan or Rorshach
Are the notable ones I'd still be pretty excited for

notable mentions:
Mr. Freeze
Squanchy is the only other character i would want from Rick and Morty. Maybe jerry if they made him a gag character.
Theres also a few good DC heroes or villains they could choose from as well
I'm pretty sure the real characters look better than whatever the fuck that is.
>He will never lose to you again thats why he left
Sounds contradictory tbqhaf
I still don't get why they're adding Mr Meeseeks, he's a literal nobody who literally disappears after he's done and he's perfectly fine just being a disposable NPC character part of Rick's moveset. Banana Guard was kinda funny as a one off random mook, it won't be as funny the second time.
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>when you take them to their last stock and they just give up and jump off
gonna live in this nigga's head all week
>Gooning and genning ai slop of SU characters
>Think of Junji Ito as I finish
Well thats just perfect.
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>Tom and Jerry shark hat
Can I get a hat for someone I actually use tomorrow?
>I still don't get why they're adding Mr Meeseeks
They have the model already.
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>8 character tickets
>18.5k Fighter currency
Wonder if the game will last long enough for me to use all this shit.
They aren't going to kill it before the tie-in comic is done printing, and if that's about let's say 5 issues long then the game will be around until at least January due to monthly comic releases.
it's a clickbait channel, someone googled "worst games of 2024" and asked chatgpt to write a script explaining why games X, Y and Z are bad. why are you watching this trash?
I just got to team up with that hustle streamer guy, i considered just killing myself to annoy him but we won, player numbers must be really low if matchmaking is pairing me with that loser, i only login do my missions and leave, he plays all fucking day
I've got everyone but the gay Dog, Steven and Arya. Hopefully they add people worth getting for me.
>Wanting more overrepresentation when WB owns 100s of beloved IPs
Unironically end yourselves
It's not about wanting or not wanting, it's just about logic.
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This game really makes me question why I'm still playing it...Well, dailies are done. See you tomorrow.
trust the big patch, 2 more days
All we can do, really..
harley nerfs or i fucking riot
Hopefully there's some GOOD balancing but I fear that's just too much to expect...
All my games have been TTV faggost, Goldnames, 4 star characters, bots, tier whores, this game is unironically dead
>hype up patch
>it's a nothingburger
Nah, fuck that. I need some funky spindash in my life.
I reinstall the game to do dailies then uninstall again as soon as I finish the ones that take a few minutes
At least tomorrow we get shark hat harley and another random hat
I have a superpower. Whenever I jump on the bandwagon of an overpowered character or strategy in a PvP videogame, it always gets nerfed with the next patch. I have 7k FC, only bought Finn and Morty so far. Drop 2 guys I should buy so they get nerfed.
Or the jonkler.
>Oh yeah casuals love to be teabagged on the endscreen against broken characters!
>Let's add a salt emote!
I wonder if this game actually got made by an AI
Bugs and Wonder Woman
who got the megalodon skin for reindog
I guess when the patch will come out we will have a short spike to maybe 10k players and then if the patch is garbage we will plummet slowly to under 5k or if it's somewhat alright stabilize to maybe 6-7k to then go down again .
Steven and IG
And? He's boring. It's one thing to add one random disposable mook for the joke of it, adding two of them isn't funny it's just pointless filler.
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i still don't get why have a qa about a fucking patch the day before the patch, like what's the point? You can't ask them for shit to be changed cause it's the day before the patch and you won't be told anything that they won't write in the changelog literally less than 24 hours later, so again what's the point? Am i just missing something?
Might just be that everyone of note is going to be around on that day, so it's a good time to add question in general not just for this patch
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It is pretty baffling, isn't it? Maybe they just want to hear the complaints first hand.
one of the few good things they did was let you properly mock your opponents
There should be only 2 modes
>Tier matching
Is there still any way to level up characters fast? If i get 3 more levels for finn and 1 more level on my BP i can afford the mad love harley skin
>Page 10
>On a weekend
lol enjoy your dead game and you dead threads
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idk how many times ive gotta tell you this
its sunday morning
all the good anons are at church.
teabagging with the gg emote is the new meta
sorry i was busy playing, turns out i can win matches when the game isn't constantly stuttering
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Oh, you thought the event would only ask that you have just a single summer skin? uhh no, you need SPECIFIC CHARACTERS summer skins. Pay up!

What a fucking joke. I also like how the challenges are identical except one wants you to play 3 games and the other 1 game, despite giving the same amount of points. Makes 0 sense.
Why in the fuck is Townsville still in the 1v1 pool
at least the animated one can just be done in the summer rift, there's a stage where the game gives you beach ready taz so just do that 3 times
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>Excepts people to be up at 7-10 am on a weekend
So no europeans or asians play dont post in this chinese basket weaving forum
i am european though
>get a shaggy teammate twice
>motherfuckers both die 3 times
shaggy players fuckng kill yourselves you fucking wastemen
This game is just so poorly designed at a fundamental level. They clearly thought they could just design a dumb 2v2 party game and thus the wildly unbalanced movesets between characters and nonsensical hitboxes, then realised that the only way a fighting game really retains a long term playerbase is by appealing to the hardcore crowd that wants something skill based, hence the inclusion of 1v1. Except the game is an absolutely abysmal 1v1 fighter because of the aforementioned retarded movesets, so fucking no one ends up satisfied. And many of the characters are just so dumb that they can’t really unfuck the balance without redesigning them entirely.
The tranny tripcoder is making me lose interest in the general faster than the game.
Nah, 1v1 is fine it's purely just a balance issue right now with top tiers combos being too strong and having hitboxes that outclass other characters flat out.

Unironic skill issue if you can't handle 1v1.
>check my dailies
>play 5 1v1 pvp matches
>play 5 2v2 pvp matches
are these motherfuckers serious?
stop this shit
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>tfw you know you just knocked someone completely off their game, their tactics are crumbling, and you give them absolutely zero time to adapt and just style all over them
all i fight in 1v1 is fucking harley and batman i swear
>Get a Wonder Woman with Top Dog Badge
>Dies 3 times
>hitboxes that outclass other characters flat out
This has been an issue literally since the beta first started. Almost as if…. the balance is inherently fucked due to character kits or something.
it's not just character kits, it's straight up retarded hitbox design like how some characters can hit you even though you're behind them
I swear half of the top tiers have hitboxes that extend to the insides of their bodies even if their attack has disjointed hitboxes
They do. Didn’t you see the Bugs hitbox gifs?
I really don't understand it. Whats worse is they often will lose 3 stocks before you've even lost 1.
Its not only that its also the retarded priority system,
>Bugs has cockboxes that go inside his body
>Priority system says Bugs cockbox has the best priority against a move
>Your move against Bugs gets eaten by the priority system and the cockbox inside Bugs body
This game is a mess, there should be no Priority system in the first place and there should be Hurtboxes on Disjointed Hitboxes, many FG games do this already

The only time that there should be a priority is on grabs were grabs win against everything, you know like a FG game.
there is no priority system you autistic retard
if hitboxes overlap with hurtboxes it registers a hit
whichever one overlaps first scores the hit, if they overlap at the same time both hit, that's fucking it, that's how it works, there's no such thing as priority only disjoints you absolute sub room temp iq inbred waste of sperm

it's been said how many fucking times and you cock huffing faggots will still screech and reeee about a priority system that doesn't fucking exist because you don't actually give a shit about the game you're playing and refuse to learn anything about it, or you're too fucking stupid to be able to and i can't actually tell which one it is anymore
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>Almost as if…. the balance is inherently fucked due to character kits or something.
No, it's hitboxes. We literally have proof of this.
I bet you this shit doesn’t get touched in the patch.
Fuck it doing it again,
Try to do any Jake attack on any hitbox that clearly has a hurtbox, except stretchy arm or Horsey (altogh this has low priority too on some moves), and you will see the priority system come into place, hell just search priority on Reddit, and you will see discussion on this topic.
>game dying
>nigger gook tony twiddling his thumbs
discussion among idiots like you who don't understand how the fuck the game works, it doesn't matter how many of you dumbfucks scream at each other about it, it doesn't change how the fuck the game is programmed holy shit
It's easier to test with Nana side B, try to spike it on the ground while he does his side special, any attack ignores his hurtbox due to the high priority on the Hitbox
heads down on the game
>Game down for a year
>Wait til yall see what theyve been cooking
>I cant say much but this new update fire
>Heads down but the wait will be worth it fr
>Multiple times throughout the year
>It was fucking nothing
>In fact they removed things
This is the biggest sin this game has and everyone will remember
Feed the animamul...mul.
>helldivers lost 92% of its players
are they gonna shutdown too?
Helldivers was a paid game
Wasn't it a ps+ freebie? Same thing happened when Fall Guys was a freebie during covid lockdown. Then it went F2P.
Big patch tomorrow yeah?
hd2 still has like 10x the playerbase of this game
helldivers didnt shut down for a year, and came back for a second chance with removed content, worst monetization, and trash balance and hitboxes
>only 10x
So they made an absolute fuck ton of money to support the game for a long time. It also still has like 7 times the playerbase of Multiversus lol.
>So they made an absolute fuck ton of money to support the game for a long time.
so did mvs, none of that matters when the game is out of players though
>It also still has like 7 times the playerbase of Multiversus lol.
for now. As mvs showed, it can only go down
I guarantee you Helldivers made much, much more money than MVS did. They also probably burned through a lot of that during the year hiatus.
>I guarantee
Because it was a fully paid game and sold 12 million copies in its first 3 months you fucking retard
cool, just making sure given lots of people go "trust me bro this happened" with no proof backing them up
Second time Page 10 bois!
We soon be dead
This general is not gonna survive before the patch drops
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I just realized something that irks me after weeks of playing
>fighting game
>no character select screen except for rifts and even then a third of it is taken by rift mission text
why did they go for the fortnite approach with the UI when it's a fucking fighting game?
That finn just auto-piloting into the up special is hilarious. Finn mains really do just have one brain cell firing on all cylinders trying to remember the one combo they know, huh?
I can't understand why they stepped away from the beta UI, it was literally perfect. Not only have we lost basic features from it but we lost the easy readability of it too.
>why did they go for the biggest live service game ever approach with the UI when it's a fucking fighting game?
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>TTV name
>They're offline
i always check too because i want to see them fall into despair on stream
managed to do that once in smash brothers and i watched his smile fade in realtime it was awesome
on low ceiling stages I've started just letting Finns go to town on me just so I DI below their up special and hit them with one up air to instantly KO them
it's fucking funny
Man that UI was perfect, you also lost the ability to change perks at will before fight, we are stuck with predefined loadouts
>bugs and fern(me) vs finn and supes
>win again
> rematch again
> win
> one last rematch
>superman immediately starts teabaging faster than a speeding bullet

Why are they like this? we won 3 times and never teabaged
He was really really mad
and the fighter, I think a big reason why so many people one-and-done online is because they can't switch to their main. But why would they remove the character select screen before and inbetween matches? what do they have to gain from keeping people from switching to their main? they actually lose players in the process
The new UI guy doesn't know what the fuck he's doing in general. Even the store is a visual fucking mess of banners.
>keep getting the jonkler and stripe rifts for daily rewards
>gems not getting any exp because no insanity available
hooraaaaaaay i love RNG progression woooooooooooo
The fact that you can barely even tell what the store is selling at a glance is the epitome of incompetence, these retards can’t even do their soulless monetisation right
the store is some psychotic fever dream shit, you can't even properly browse it, it's a bunch of fucking randomized banners and categories that eventually just fucking stops, and for anything else you have to go to specific character menus and some of the shit is even hidden there
not only that, the taunts are black silohuettes for some god forsaken reason
Joker mains see puddles of piss on the floor of a public bathroom and go "Oh hell yeah! I was thirsty!" Fuck ass bullshit clown bastards.
Hey I've been maining Jake for a while and like the character. I once saw a guy playing as a blue alien version of him and I'd like to purchase that skin too.
Where should I go?
1. The store tab
2. The character's page, click the coat hanger, select the unavailable skin, and then it'll take you to a secret screen in the store tab where you can purchase that skin
its so dumb, the system should be
>You lost you can change
>You won you keep the character
And so on, like tourne rules
>only 60 gleam away from being able to buy the DCAU harley skin

Do you think tony will give us more free gleamium soon for the new patch?
it should just let you pick whatever you want like it used to, competitive mode should be the one to have rules for character selection but that still isn't anywhere in sight
Search you heart, anon. You know the answer.
bro, your maxed out battlepass grind?
Im just gonna grind the computer level with finn until i level up 3 times and reach level 15

Shit is gonna be awful but i’ll get my skin
godspeed, anon. I got it in beta, but I hope you get yours. I think it's one of her best, if not THE best, costume for her
Im 1 level away from uber jason
Just grind out BP levels till get you lucky.
You just need to get a 10% chance twice or max level one character.
Your 100 glem form maxed characters?
Your twitch glems?
Has anyone seen a Gizmo or Steven Shark skin yet? Do they exist?
Nah, DC is literally a collection of multiple IPs. Red Tornado for example isn't just an obscure side character from the Superman series for example. Same shit for Black Adam, it's not these characters' fault that they're the most proactive IP characters from Warner Bros with a lot of moveset variety too. Far too many characters from DC are varying degrees of iconic and interesting.
That's the point anon. It's the entire reason Banana Guard's moveset is so half-assed and doesn't even represent the character properly. They're filler spots just to "ease up on dev resources".
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>Try to customize profile
>Have to to the Fighter Tab
>And then go into the profile customization sub menu
>By instinct and just the way the entire fucking UI is designed, hit the right trigger to get to the customize profile option
>Oops, the triggers only work on the top tabs that are active at all times. Here's the Battlepass page
>Navigate all the way back and select the profile customization "properly" now by navigating the D-Pad cursor to the top, then hitting right
>By default, you are in the banner selection sub menu
>Want to change your icon
>By instinct again, hit trigger, end up back in Battlepass
>Navigate all the way back to the profile selection page
>Can't go all the way up and hit right like the previous menu
>Hit the Cancel button to get out of the banner selection
>NOW hit right on the d-pad and select icon
>Can finally select the icon I wanted
>Do this process every single damn time I want to change anything because I don't use this dog shit customization option enough to commit the unique interactions into memory
Steven doesnt exist, if you get steven you get nothing lol, shit is bugged
I don't think they've tested this shit out. Like I don't think they've gotten someone who hasn't played the game before or didn't have any experience with the full version to try it out and see how he navigates this shit.
So what you have are a bunch of devs who worked on the UI who understand it because they have constant hands on experience with it and then when it's released to the general public, people who haven't seen it before, it becomes a mess.
it's only really functional with a mouse yeah, navigating it with a controller is maddening
The Rift gem selectipn menu on pad is fucking maddening.
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given it's a game people mentioned here it got me curious and yeah, this is why it feels like they aren't in any hurry to fix the game, pic related can still work with literally 500 daily players so they don't mind i guess. I'm pretty sure it recently got a smartphone version so i guess this is baseline "healthy" for this kind of games?
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I've heard this game has quite a few problems itself... Like you can't just casually play it with friends, you have to level shit up and UNLOCK a casual mode or something.

Sounds nightmareish and basically what multiversus's problem is
The less players, the more whales needed for the higher-ups to not can the game due to operational costs.
that's a racing game which just fills lobbies up with bots
not exactly possible with a fighter
>not exactly possible with a fighter
what the hell are you talking about, it's very much possible and is already a thing
As long as whales are buying skins, the doors stay open and servers stay running, but Multiversus having a full stpanking relaunch only for it to peter out and die faster than the open beta, for sure caused some mini-heart attacks. I think the problem is that because what they need to fix is basically like....everything, like anons here are critiquing the UI making it difficult to buy skins or change banners, there's really no solid direction to go.
This game launched with features that were present in the open beta missing. It's in a really bad state and I think the devs believe that fixing everything with big patches rather than a slew of smaller ones is the best course of action. Maybe to give the impression of it having a second relaunch or some shit.
i really do think the 50 perk currency after the Battlepass is some sort of bait n switch joke
you're taking it too literally
of course you can do it, but it'll kill your playerbase even faster if they're forced to fight bots - people have already endlessly complained about this game giving you bots if you lose a few too many times in a row, if you start handing them out normally then nobody is gonna want to play just like any other live service game that does it
>Maybe to give the impression of it having a second relaunch or some shit.
i can't fault that reasoning, i also believe that. As in, i believe doing big content patches in a "look how many things we added!" is how you bring players in, even when you're actually just adding stuff back, which what i imagine the upcoming patch will be. Just adding them overtime, maybe without much fanfare, is sometimes the same as not adding them at all as far as "bringing players in" is concerned
Just grind a character to max level or keep grinding the last level of the BP. Though you'll probably get an event with 100 BP as the last reward eventually
>I think the problem is that because what they need to fix is basically like....everything
Have you ever heard the term discord fighter?
no, is it a game where you fight people while preying on children?
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feels good making a joker rq
>Pretty good i’d only change adam for lex luthor
Adventure time
>it will get better when marceline comes out, thank god banana guard is free, fern and cake are great skins
Looney tunes
>once daffy comes out it will be all good any other character after that will just be a nice bonus
Scooby doo
>desperately needs scooby, maybe add the rest of the gang or ghoul school girls later
Rick and morty
>i have no idea who to add here maybe planetina? But you can have the real captain planet so why bother, bird person or mr poopy butthole i guess

Probably better to add something completely new like samurai jack and later add characters like scotsman, scaramouche, demongo and aku
why are there 50 maps with 50 platforms? it's retarded. i can't do shit if i keep getting juggled as IG against some garnet fag because he can just use platforms against me all game
Would you guys keep playing the game if the next patch completely replaced the game with the beta but took away your character levels, BP progress, gems and it only allowed you to keep your characters and skins?
I wish there were 50 maps. All I see are the same handful of stages over and over again.
>bird person
Bird Person with Phoenix Person alt could be interesting. Both in terms of moveset and in terms of dialogue since he's such a captain obvious and blunt person
Sure. As long as I have all the characters I like and the skins I got for them what else do I need?
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You're just gonna have to wait until they figure something out for Iron Giant... Playing as him can just feel like the worst thing ever, I have no idea why you haven't migrated to another character in the meantime.
>says scooby's haunted mansion is top tier
>can be combo'd off the roof infinitley
>doubly so for iron giant
Fuck off its a shit map
Meanwhile The Court is great and I enjoy killing people with 3 pointers so most people ignore the basketball mechanic.
you're right, I should put it in super fun tier because giants deserve to be bullied
should I get superman, taz or save for next season
save for next patch we are balance changes
Tomorrow we get our big live discussion. We might see big changes. Probably not, but best to wait.
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>Well, golly, you want ME to fight?
You are getting NERFED
1 more day til the discord patch preview......
leaking part of the patch
reindog's ass has been increased in size by 5%
Multiversus is saved.
I hope this patch fails and tony's family gets gasses like the jews

and i know it's gonna fail
you're going to get finn buffed if you don't let me ToD you batbitch
Failed to give toast.
No. I'm not going back to that terrible dodge spam fest.
Go give an idea of how fucked the game is right now
>Finish a match
>Go to main menu screen
>A little pop-up appears saying one of the other players toasted me
>Can press a button to toast him back
Full release
>Finish a match
>Go to main menu
>A little pop-up appears saying one of the other players toasted me
>Can't do anything. He's fucked
And the fact that you only get five of these a day, and to get more you need to spend glemium because they removed gold, is just wack. It's a fun little feature that's one of the few things that encourages cordial behavior. You can toast your team mate or even the opposing players if you think it was a solid match. It's just a dumb fun little thing that gives Multiversus a little bit more of its own identity.
But due to a myriad of bad decisions it's locked behind grind and greed.
more like
>Finish a match
>wait 10 seconds to see if anybody toasts
>go to main menu
>the game only tells you now that somebody toasted
>can't do anything
fern and cake are great skins with anemic levels of voice work
Funny how this move was nerfed a few times in the beta
Day 1 Bugs players can never claim they have skill
another thing that fucks me up is changing perk shit
I have so many characters using default perks because I keep forgetting to change perks from the default set before the match starts
one day UI dev will figure out how to let people set their primary set without having to start a match
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Yup. Pretty fucked how toast is being treated. It feels like they have to run so much shit back but it feels doubtful they will, the soulless bums.
>Retail makes toast like beta
>It'll fail 50% of the time with no retry option
Welp its happening I don't feel like launching the game today.. that's a bad sign already

I might be packin my bags as well.
this, the actual game while in-matches is better than beta. It's just everything else that's worse
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Imagine the hitbox
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What is it with Smashlikes and always managing to fuck up such a solid baseline?
>Get paired with a Morty called Apex-Fortnite-Pro
>He plays like a drunk fetus
>Is standing around doing fuck all half the time
>Responsible for like 3 out of the 4 deaths
>tfw level 63
hope to god i can hit level 70 by the end of the week so i can stop playing until i can get smith
I just recently hit 60. Assuming the next weeklies doesn't fuck me in the ass, I should be good.
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We still have one more reset before this event is off yeah?
if newbie player numbers were really suffering cross-platform i wouldn't keep getting matched with sub-100 game troglodytes
press down special in the air five times as joker.
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Do I look like I want to waste 6k fighter tokens on Joker?
he's fun enough for it, do it.
>that training event thing is already over
How the fuck do they expect people to get 15 fighter levels within the tiny-ass span they allow, especially if you already have most of your characters at lvl5+?
i have joker and i've only gotten the bazoka mission once since launch. is it possible they target people without joker or it's just pure luck
idk but i also have 3 of them
forgot to add: i also don't have joker
>Finally reach agent smith ringout variant
>Green gem is lvl 9
>Purple gem is 8
>Red BARELY has lvl 6

This is gonna be annoying as fuck to reach levels, i'm doing the daily crates but the XP is garbage and some of the milestones are quite difficult to get like the summer rift since most of the challenges are just giving Tony and his goblins real money
i think i'll be fine for the next two or three
just play a bunch of shit you don't actually want to play until it's almost leveled and wait
You'll have to wait for 2 whole weeks once rifts are open for smith, and then smith MIGHT be the next 6K character and jokers price gets lower
for me it's finn and adam
Least he'll be free for me. I'm at 14 boss kills so far. Two more Rifts & 2nd difficulty being added to the latter Rifts that current lack them.
I've pretty much decided I'm not going to worry much about it at the moment because Smith isn't unlockable just yet and a friend who's played since beta and has all characters is going to start grinding next weekend
That's pretty much my way of telling Tony to fuck off with that shit and that I'm not spending a dime until the game turns itself around.
Sister... your founder's pack character tickets?
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>match with morty (playing shaggy bc i got the shark hat)
>just sits behind his bending bullshit
>salt taunts and t-bags when he kills me very early into the match
>i get serious and slow down my playstyle
>now the morty can't do shit because every time he tries to earthbend at me i rush him and combo him up
>finish him with up special while at like 146 on my 2nd to last life
>stack on damage and get him to his last stock with 80+ dmg
>kills me
>doesn't taunt or emote
>i end up winning with yet another up special
>t-bag and spam gg emote
why do people act like they're soooo pro and try to troll but the moment you turn the game around they stop trolling?
also i LOVE that the shaggy skin puts on a pair of shades when you load in, does it do this for any other characters?
Sakurai’s vision for smash was just to make a fun game and be autistic about writing videogame facts in trophies z

Every single one of these fucking smash clones is made by a retarded meleefags that only cares about autistic technical gameplay stuff and they always fuck up that part too somehow they don’t put attention to detail and stuff that can actually make a game fun to play with a friend in a casual setting
I did it in one day skill issue
>tfw had enough gold to buy 5 more characters during beta, held onto them
>didn't expect final release to zap them all into the aether
I should have grabbed Spike/Black Adam at the least, fuck.
>the moment you turn the game around they stop trolling?
Because they're seething like a bitch in real life, dude. That Morty probably smashed his keyboard after the match.
As for your question, I don't think so. At least I haven't seen it with anyone else. There were sunglasses for various characters as leaked skin so maybe it has something to do with that and just want implemented.
Shut up and post harley or become harley or i won’t care about your post
It's another """passion project"""
That's the annoying thing. I was saving up the gold for the silly Fred icon. If I knew that the game would relaunch and switch over to this utter mess, I would have unlocked more niggas.
The companies behind these titles all think that having a few characters from different universes fighting on 5-9 stages would be enough and maybe that was enough on 1999 but after what smash has offered out of the box for the last 20 years and what it keeps offering out of the box has made people's expectations of a plataform fighter to grow immensely, so now unless a plataform of the caliber of smash ultimate with 90+ characters and a stage builder and a 100+ stages and a cutscene heavy story mode and zero microtransactions and a bunch of other stuff to that smash does right or of the box, only then that would be a smash killer, assuming that game isn't the next smash bros
But we got a nice icon to celebrate the fact that we know forever how much we lost!
why does this nigga keep calling him spike?
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Doomers bros report in and let's predict when mvs dies, I give it a month
It's still so weird that they would make a change like that. They took something that was super simple and easy to work with
>Glemium if the currency you get with real money and unlocks most skins, banners, and other shit
>Gold is the stuff you get by playing the game and unlocks comparatively less interesting skins, items, banners, etc. You can also use it to buy the perks your characters get or buy the characters.
>Glemium is there and still the same
>Perk currency unlocks perks. You'll be drowning in this.
>Character currency unlocks characters. You won't get this easily
>Prestige currency is what you get by buying/unlocking skins and banners
Is this something Fortnite does?
it's a thing in pretty much every live service game
Too early. Give it til' season 3, same as beta. Unless y'know, they actually get smart.
Yeah, Fighters only need 2 players to function.
Soulcalibur 6 has like, 100 players, and you can hop into ranked and play no problem right now.
If it weren't for Steamcharts, nobody would think Soulcalibur 6 was "dead", because the player experience is
>Turn on game
>Fight someone
Fighting games are not battle royales.
If nothing really changes with the patch i give it 6 months to a year, you should worry if you see something like an event that says
>celebrating our 6th month anniversary
It seems to be a bit of a death flag for failing games
>Remember when you could pick perks at the battle start screen?
>Remember when you could see DMG and knockouts at the results screen?
>Remember when there was a short timer for choosing a rematch?
>Remember when you could see who declined a rematch?
>Remember when you could toast people back?
>Remember when you could switch characters inbetween rematches?
>Remember when spikes were a consistent way to kill early instead of just up the top?
>Remember when you could stay as a team?
>Remember attack decay actually mattered?
>Remember seasonal milestones?
>Remember when Bugs up-air was broken in the beta and then nerfed only for it be broken again?
>Remember when the store wasn’t AI slop?
>Remember when the UI wasn’t cancer?
>Remember When you could unlock characters by just playing the game?
>Remember Ranked?
>Remember FFA?
>Remember silly mode?
>Remember spectator mode?
>Remember Arcade?
>Remember Guild mode they promised?
>Remember when the Tony wasn’t a bald asian bastard?
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You know, if PFG are looking for easy "We already have the character model from something else so we may as well use it to make a playable character" characters like Banana Guard and Mr. Meeseeks, then there's always...
The game isn't doing as good as the beta so i doubt we'll have the game for that long.
that's probably about the amount of time WB'll give the game though.
>one of the biggest reasons the game die the first time was the lack of content
>they didnt fix this

But why?
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the multiverse needs moms
but anon! we added rifts for you to enjoy!
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>takes a full 60 seconds to find a match
Yep, dead game. I finished the battlepass so I don't even care anymore. Really hope season 2 can turn things around.
And it's fucking sunday
first time seeing this so I'll assume you wrote all of this down and it took this long to post it since the thread began, I look forward to seeing this on every thread from now on.
You forgot
>Remember when Bugs could spawn more than a sandwich
nostalgia and nintendo bonus and since the witch doesn't get good games often when it actually does get something first party and half decent its starving fans will buy it no matter how mediocre it is
They should make Rifts, like, rougelikes or something. There's definitely a better way of doing them...
How about no Rifts until the game works properly
I member
Rifts work pretty well to get rid of most dailies easily without a bunch of retards trying to do them on pvp
the system is flawed.
The thing about rifts is they're fun to go through once but if you're not gunning for Agent Smith, there's not a particularly good reason to do the higher difficulties. They're good for handling dailes though.
Rifts should be a card game with a bunch of different characters so we can gauge who they have access to.
hot take: fuck AT and fuck scooby doo
this but unironically
You know someone's confused when they respawn and wait for their characters to actually drop instead of immediately starting to move.
>fuck AT
>and fuck scooby doo
Opinion discarded.
There doesn't need to be a Smash killer, you can be successful without all of that bullshit. Any game expected to be at Ultimate's level off the bat is just unfair.
Cake's lines are fucked, she never repeated lines that much also her death voice is Jake's. They did not test her at all lol.
How about no
Just Subspace emissary
>>Remember attack decay actually mattered?
On a similar note, wasn't dodge limit a thing? I'm so tired of losing matches simply because opponents spaz out and use their dodges as unlimited teleports to avoid every single attack I throw out (and meanwhile whenever I try to dodge, it only takes me like an inch from my original location, still well within the range of the attack I was trying to dodge).
I hate subspace emissary, my wife's boyfriend is sick of story mode shit, we both want some more cards so I have stuff to do while she plays something else with my girl.
NTA but from what i remember you could spam dodge way too much. I think thats why i stopped playing the Beta. Got too annoying trying to hit someone when all they did was spam dodge and run away with fast characters
If they gave us the speed and less delay from the beta a long with the new dodge meter changes this game would feel perfect imo

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