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>SMT VV Trophy List

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks will be available for listening on digital streaming platforms soon...?

>Funny photo featuring Alice

Previous thread: >>483942939
sex with eisheth
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nice :)
imagine the explosive shits
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People said Tao was the big winner in VV, but I think it might be Koshimizu. For the small amount of extra time he gets its all really great.
Almost every re-release has its detractors claiming that the original was better. Redux, P3R, Golden, even re-releases as straightforward as Nocturne has people that say that they went too hard on the lore. But is it even possible to argue that the original game/CoC is better than VV/CoV?
yeah uhh shut the fuck up
Sex with Tsukuyomi
idk I still have unresolved feelings about chaos
atlus really needs to make routes that get different bosses and story paths
I think Tao is still the biggest winner because she was extra nothing in V. Yuzuru was thought of as Koshimizu's cocksleeve, but people at least argued about Koshimizu's point of view. Nobody considered Tao a character.
since it includes the base game almost no
just one Issue I have with it is how hard was harder in the original, but this could also be because I was playing it for the first time
I'm expecting VV to get some sort of hardtype mod in the future tho.
I liked him better than aogami speaking as a non-fujo/fag.
That hidden scene with Yakumo was pretty cool.
If one more demon tries to kill me as thanks for helping them I'm joining Yakumo for the genocide run
Why did they "hide" so many lore/character development scenes? You can miss out on actual story by simply not walking in certain spot while having the right characters with you.
that's a good thing, you will learn about the world and character motives if you're actually interested
if anything I want them to do way more stuff like this
I don't know, but I want more of them.
For those who thought this passive makes your allies take more damage while they have ailments IN EXCHANGE for higher ailment infliction chance you would be wrong. It in fact only raises ailment infliction if that ally is itself inflicted by an ailment. So basically it's shit because it only does anything if you have an ailment. also it only gives 1.3x infliction chance while Taboo gives 2x so...
Why the fuck wasn't Satan more involved?
I expect to see people argue about some of the QoL stuff. But I can happily live without ubi-towers, and fights in this game can randomly turn deadly so I'm happy that I can save anywhere. Maybe some willI dislike the new lore VV brings in. Pretty much was all implied in V though. Partly I think is why VV's reception has stayed so positive, even if you don't love the game we can see what a bad or lacking version of those ideas look like.

I don't mind but I'd rather they had alternative scenes rather than just missing stuff. Would be good for repeat playthroughs.
I knew this bitch's pitch was a scam
It’s for the people that are actually paying attention.
Optional and hidden stuff is based. Yakumo’s optional stuff isn’t even hidden, it’s spelled out to the player where he is, you just have to be paying attention.
Vengeance sprinkling missable content all over the game is actually the best addition
>npc mentions seeing him at the school
>people still completely miss it
Not even sure why these people even play video games, honestly. I love extras.
Doesn't really think you're having an impact. At best you've freed one world of mandala for the time being. From chaos comes order.
What other scenes are missable?
The timed quests and the live tao/yoko reactions?
some little demon interaction that you will receive items for. they don't have quest items.
quests given in the demon haunts
extra dialog happening in some scenes if you have a related demon in your stock. but this was in the base game too
certain interactions in the bethel lab
I know about these but there could be more
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>unlocking mastema requires me to kill him
I guess after got killed, he went into autopilot and just waited for someone strong enough to show up.
I'm sad I missed out 8 turn Mastema, I was too addict to omnipotent succession to ever use the critical Magatsuhi skill.
baka thread's moving too fast
idk if this was posted last thread
if im going back to vengeanceim getting this https://gamebanana.com/mods/524764
kys tripfag
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What are all of the demon haunt quests? I want to finish as many as possible before I finish the Vengeance Law__ ending and thus far only got the morai one. Also, does the 4 heavenly kings quest just not exist in the canon of vengeance or is it timed or something and I missed it?
Kalki, Mahamayuri and Seraph added
I really wish this dude would decouple his stupid base game demon buffs from the demon addition mod though
You unlock him by beating Vengeance on either route, though.
Is Nanashi and Apocalypse canon?
he's a namefag not a tripfag but either way he's still a faggot, just filter him, without attention he'll shrivel up and die.
nigga you like men
Demon Haunts is a cool concept, but it doesn't work well when it essentially discourages you from getting rid of your old demons in favor of stronger ones. Which you know, is the entire point of SMT.
Canon to what?
Multiverse is a thing in smt iv eventhough I am not a fan that it extends to all smt games.
you guys hate namefags
I think it's better if lots of demons can be made to work long-term if invested in, but it's a difficult thing to balance
Fusimg new demons will always be better, but it does throw a bone to people who do want to keep a specific demon around.
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>Which you know, is the entire point of SMT.
Honestly man, SMTV vanilla already tossed that ethos away with the essence system in the first place. That you can fuse essences/skills onto demons whenever you want instead of just at actual demon fusion like in SJ is basically the culprit behind the design shift. (+ you're being showered in essences from the overworld)
Metaphor won.
For your inevitable level 150 mothman run
Will Mother Harlet's repel phys fuck me over in the long run by triggering instadeath or whatever? I want to toss all my vit incenses into her and give her life drain for an invincible build I'm also doing with my MC. There's a small amount of demons with almighty affinity AND good resists who AREN'T in the 90+ level range.
I think it works pretty well in V, the roster isn't so big that you get a million new demons to fuse every two levels so I end up keeping old ones around for a while regardless.
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Why is she presenting the ass while saying that?
She wants to see if your technique can overcome your scrawny twink build
since you can pass their stats and exp you will only fuse them for a top tier demon
speaking of I love how mean demons are about the build of your body
They love your hair though
Most demons don't have that many lines that its worth keeping them forever. You'll notice how sometimes you go in and half are blank speech bubbles. Tend to find by the time I'm getting rid of something I already exhausted its dialogue. To mitigate any potential issue though I'd probably give you more to do with old demons. I could see the next game having some kind of settlement or management sim where you can put certain demons to work. So if you really want to keep one around for longer it can still have a purpose.
most of them have one or two directly related to their myth and those are the best written most fun ones
If a demon summoning app mysteriously appeared on your phone, would you open it?
If that shit shows up period it means your world is beyond fucked and Steven is giving you a chance not to die helplessly to a random Oni. Why would you NOT take it?
I pretty much ignore passives or consider them bonus extras at best In most cases
I'd keep like ten Lilims
>open demon summoning app
>it downloads 4.5tb of snappy porn
>this isn't what I intended when I told it to summon Mermaid
good morning honorable sirs
When i see people modding demons in these games i always remind to tell myself that we didn't get 300+ demons because they couldn't but because they didn't want to
post pictures of modded demons in official atlus twitter posts to make them seeth
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>Open demon summoning app
>Hmm, yes, today I will summon M*stema
Threadly reminder Sega won't allow Atlus to use the Dx2 models
I read it on here that Sega is autistic as fuck and keeps their mobile game divisions separate from everything else so it's not a problem exclusive to Atlus
Is Tiamat or Shiva fight harder?
Shiva since he's a superboss that's like 15 levels higher
SMT has been pushing to be more like Digimon and V/VV is the biggest thing with that push of being more like an integrated monster tamer where you can raise anything to do anything you want, sort of like how Digimon is trying to be more like SMT. SMT always had the Law vs Chaos in how demons are viewed in the party, where talking to them is more chaos while Law only thinks they are minions to be controlled.
Is Super Masakado stronger than Shiva?
Can anyone who actually plays dx2 give me an overview? I'm about to buckle up and buy an account to give it a try.
I easily beat Huang Long who's level 70 with level 50 party so levels hardly matter in Vengeance
Cool, Shiva is still harder than Tiamat
>abdiel knew yoko was the sealed goddess of creation all this time
why didn't she say anything when we first came back from the first area?
Because the story is still shit and Atlus needs to hire actual writers
You can see Yoko hiding her face if you look back at that cutscene.
would i be a pussy for cheesing the satan fight with demifiend
Cheesing any superboss is pussy behavior except Demi-fiend in DDS1, fuck him.
I just realized, most if not all megaten games have at least one okama NPC or shopkeeper, but V and VV have non. at least as far an I know no NPC uses that speech style anywhere in the game
could they have been scared off of it due to the backlash to P5?
I mean, Raidou references got removed outside SH2, so maybe.
Trannies did this.
I think the quest is still there tho
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Does this fall under okama?
kinda? I have to check his speech style
Brazilian horse
Getting SMTV Vengeance.

Should I play the original route or go for Canon of Vengeance? Can't really understand if it's "extra content" intended to be played for a second run or if it's just another route.
play the vengeance route first
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mating press
Is there a way to pirate the dlcs?
If on PC koalageddon or creamapi
If on switch nxbrew will have them
Raidou bros..
vengeance, it has more of everything, you can even get special demons unlocked in creation using vr battles, the only locked demon is a superboss
Just saw a redditfag say CoC is better than CoV
that was quick
I never used creamapi before. Are the DLC files needed or is it just a matter of dropping the dll and ini file into the proper folder?
Basically you have Smart Steam EMU which you copy and paste the shortcut in, and it has CreamAPI with it to enable. So you play without Steam knowing you are playing and can use Cream API without editing any files
How much do we love the Qadistu?
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Something about this face + expression is really funny
Eisheth is so gross and disgusting, ban her from the group pictures in the future
>It's over
Bad taste
so what was orange man supposed to do again?
make america great again or something but he just kept talking about his golf swings
Does Sahori deserve happiness?
as nahobino id make them all my personal sluts after summoning them in a demon haunt
Young man. I am watching and judging.
You forgot your name, retard
shut up, i'm anonymous now
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Nuking Empyrean Zeus for 5000HP feels really satisfying.
Atlus will host Qadistu cosplay booth at anime expo
watch with all the other demons
Samael especially
the trannies will pay
what does this mean?
they keep buying atlus slop
atlus styles vengeance slop soon
exactly what it says
Kogetsu will save megaten
they buy the slop and then cry about it while still buying it, I understand they're all insane but come on
*sound of coom hitting the floor*
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Is slop good for you?
hate this lil cunt desu
slapping artemis ass after she attack
the early to midgame experience
Had a dream that Doi made Hades and Poseidon designs. Hades was just that thing from the willy wonka scam and Poseidon was blue Ebirah for some reason.
The Qadistu made me hate women even more.
Post your controversial takes about megaten
agrat is best girl
Doi is a better designer than Soejima
New Lilith is better than old
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When she looks at me like that...
So old lilith isn't even in CoC.
I don't know what the hell happened to Soejima, every design in Metaphor looks like complete fucking dogshit, it's like the man regressed back to his Stella Deus days
i want her to breastfeed me
Yeah she got fully removed.
Is there special dialogue if you have all the Qadistu present when fighting Samael?
since P3 Doi has been a better designer than Soejima. now this is the real controversial take

Soejima has been regressing as a designer ever since P3, and I like the Stella Deus designs
This but Ringo
Orgy scene happens and for the rest of the game they have massive pregnant bellies before giving birth to 4 small recolored samaels.
i like doi zeus or is that accepted now
samael is castrated though
He took his viagra.
Soejima should have been the main designer for the series but I understand why Kaneko chose him to go for Persona instead.
The numbered series should have ended with 3 if they can't do nothing above rehashes of the older games.
All the re-releases are bad.
Kozuka is overrated, his only decent soundtrack is from Devil Survivor 2 and that game is awful.
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Even he know he can't satisfy anyone
Is her chest big or its just a camera trick?
it's mid...
...maybe the makeup and shit can make it work
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i was gonna call you a pol nigger but why is she wearing Freaky contacts?
Some animes have the eyes being weird, so it's to match it more. But Eisheth is Black/African coded with the hair like that and due to her mythology, so it fits.
I think in the photo it's some kind of Naturo cosplay considering the accessory on her neck, although I don't know who it is.
makes sense naamah looks like a tranny there but looks better with makeup in other cosplay
>fucking Giten is going to be finished while Debisama is still MIA
>VV gets this
>Metaphor gets a replica of their NotEva ship where the demo will be hosted
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I think she can do it.
It's Hinata/a Hyuga clan member from Naruto.
Atlus Japan really thinks Metaphor will sell as well as P5 in the long run.
considering how much they shove "FROM THE CREATORS OF PERSONA 3 4 AND 5" they're banking on the name power
ayo who's showing up in the dazai cosplay?
muh third pillar
hang yourself
I think they forgot why P5 got as culturally significant as it did, since Joker was top tier in smash, so every tournament used Joker's stage and music with him in it.
Did SH2 even get close to the 750k?
They also mention Nocturne
If they wanted a third pillar they shouldn't try to bait people with "made by same creators from X", fucking retarded marketing team
I will pay someone to make a SMTV V Terminator mod
any source for that?
Daily seethe about Hashino session because another SMT game was mediocre
People won't buy new games if it doesn't have any already established IP attached to it, that's why the current state of gaming is remakes and remasters because studios aren't willing to take risks.
No one mentioned Hashino, tranny
>since Joker was top tier in smash, so every tournament used Joker's stage and music with him in it.
No tournament ever used Mementos, why are you talking about something you clearly know nothing about?
Not really a source, but Atlus has been spending millions on the marketing for Metaphor.
I can't tell what one is the SMT demon name

We got Slipknot to promote the game and those sick masks to be fair
>Hashino gets put on Nocturne and DDS
>Makes the best smt games in the series
>Those 20+ year old games are yet to be surpassed
I still don't think as an starter IP they expect that much from it. sure it has costed a lot to make because it was the main cause of the restructuring, but it's not an established IP yet
SMT who? VV was trash. I only care about metaphor-kino
I mean, SMTV didn't really get much for marketing outside Atlus West stuff. Only thing close is Reload, and the marketing for Metaphor is over double the amount of events and more.
Where even ARE snake penises. Do snakes even have them? Im too scared to look it up.
Damn Apsaras, being flirty with men like that! Women like you must be punished! Take this!
also name power same with getting fuckers from nier and eva or whatever
>Has pastoral towns AND big vast empty deserts
Why does this game look so bad visually? What the fuck is that background?
It's not even on the Switch, they have no excuse.
Only SOME demons, not all. For example, Danu isn't possible to get in CoV as the game expects you to beat all six endings than just two.
because they want to promote a new IP and because of that they want name recognition.
all this said, sega is pretty delusional if they expect it to sell like P5, but then again they expected SH2 to sell 700K. I don't think they do. they must have had their expectations tuned to the market.
PS3 looking game
It's the only modern Atlus game still using the Nocturne engine. If you watch the demo previews, you can see most things working like P5 but with new graphics over it.
no one mentioned him this is about what atlus expects out of the game. I'm excited for it and even I know there's a chance they're not gonna get what they want out of it
it's something about the models vs how the environment looks. they could make this style work if the models weren't like this
>The numbered series should have ended with 3 if they can't do nothing above rehashes of the older games.

I feel like a lot of franchises in general would benefit from ditching numbers. Games take so long to make, have been around for so long thst they will never have the same devs or artists, and a lot of times being a numbered entry just raises expectations and constantly drawing comparisons to old games. For SMT Strange Journey wasn't a numbered game but it was going to be at one point so does it even matter?

Although to be fair for 5 they would have drawn comparisons way too much to 3 because of the direction and references they made.
No, it's pretty clear it's a P5R clone from the menues alone.
In all fairness SH2 got next to no marketing and was an obvious budget title, they just expected it to sell after seeing slop like V actually selling well and thought smt fans will eat up just about anything
Because it's using the same engine as P5.......which was on the PS3. Dumbass
they spent a lot on SH2's marketing, more than base V and close to VV.
it's trying to be extremely stylish but the engine has run it's course so it looks fucking ugly if you pay attention to it.
I just realized Mara is circumcized and I don't know what to do with this information.
Thanks for correcting the record, comrade
It looks like he had bad fortune.
>Actual dungeon
I miss you Hashigod...
Hopefully Sega finally shuts Atlus down when Metaphor bombs
The Metaphor shilling here is subtle, almost undetectable.
and it's on modern hardware retard persona 5 was on the PS3 that gets a pass for being cross gen at least what does this have?
it's over smtbros... we lost to metaphor again...
>next to no marketing
peak revisionism lmao are you even trying
>not even a single crit
Looks like the passive on that dancing bitch is doing nothing.
why is metaphor so exhausting to look at , I never had this issue with a low fidelity game like IV
in fact I loved examining the areas in IV:A where there was more detail to underground living areas
based kaneko
Metaphor has to be the worst game Atlus has ever made, even SH2 looks competent in comparison.
This game has been in development for like 7 years, if they were constantly changing engines it would have never came out
Absolutely retarded design.
A fucking clown.
Shame, because the other characters shown so far look fine.
>what does have?
Looking stylish I would say, otherwise the looks fine for what it's trying to be.
mating press for the trouble
some parts of what they showed looks good with the art style, mainly the deserts, others is very mixed in quality due to the texture quality being heavily mixed. The towns don't look as good as anything else overall.
Making platonic bond with Catherina!
Character portrait looks infinitely sexier than the model
the protag is voiced, some systems look interesting, if they do it well it will be a highly replayable game. basically it looks like DDS with a calender system and that can turn out to be really good or bad
but in terms of design and visuals I'd take raidou games 100 times over this.
Remember, no romance.
i'm excited for it and sometimes it does look good but at others it looks like dogshit. They have to work with their limitations even P5's models didn't look that flat
It gives me a sensory overload because there is so much detail despite being cel shaded and anime like. The UI is nuts.

But its based on Bosch paintings so I guess that makes sense and is intentional?

Im not feeling the artstyle or character design but I hope it grows on me and the game does well.
Not going to lie. Metaphor looks like full on waifu and husbando pandering.
I don't mind, I'm just pointing out how shit the model is.
Don't they have some of the Raidou people helping on the action combat portions of it?
we'll see I trust in Hashino though.
Character design seems so weird but it reminds me of the days of JRPGs in the early 2000s retarded designs that I loved like FFX2 and that guy with the giant pizza cutter so I hope it grows on me
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Oh man, I can't wait for the shitposting about how PS3 games are bad like how anons years ago did the same thing for SH2 & V by calling them Vita and Wii U games
As if those consoles were remotely bad and everything needs to be The Last Of Us and Uncharted 4 in terms of graphics
I feel like they look flat so they stand out compared to everything else looking so busy, if the characters were also busy it'd just all blend in together. If you look at the Archetype models they are quite detailed because they only appear for a bit
Metaphor isn't even worth pirating
Not like you can pirate it
don't give much of a shit. Romance was always ass in Hashino's games anyway porn can make up for it
I honestly don't think that's an issue with the art style, it's how different elements blend with each other
as far as I know no, it has a lot of the people who made DDS and then later went on to P studio.
Is there a full archetype tree somewhere?
weird modeling choices aside it'll probably be something i get used to when i play it
that's what I'm saying why does it look like they have the single most incompetent modeling team while V adopts to Doi's art so well, what's going on here
>another Metaphor good/bad episode
If you told me it was fire emblem, I would believe you.
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>Matter Lucifer
At least there's the superbossses.
gameplay and systems look interesting but everything else is very questionable, is my verdict
hoping hashino adds in a scene that pisses trannies off to no end but knowing current atlus west they'll probably censor it
Trannies are the target audience of Metasore
I'm excited for MC and party members being able to use all the weapon types
you're no better than those metaphor shills
>V adopts to Doi's art so well, what's going on here
That's because Doi is a part of the modeling time, where Hashino isn't. You can clearly tell as demons like Khonsu have no concept art or Nuwa having individually rigged toes.
>mainly the deserts
do they tho, I thought it was very boring and one note. even VV which people throw criticism at very frequently and deservedly so for asset reuse mixes interesting scenery and colors into Da'at but I haven't seen them do that here
plus the models even old PS2 ones are pleasant to look at and have good textures
even better then
spend what little money they have to play a game that shits on them right before they overdose

Even Xenosaga 3 looks better than V.
why are western japanese branches so fixated on globohomo?
Her hair looks like a pink penis
Blackrock gives them money.
>atluswest post
>what cringe shit did they post now
>old tweet about how everyone is unique in the game or whatever but it used a word retards cry about too much
>your momma
Are you 12?
The game is about uniting all people from different races despite their differences and ending discrimination
pandering lol
why do you think pride month even fucking exists? easy money
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Is it supposed to be going for a collage like someone cut out magazine clippings for the background?
based hashino now add a scene where they make fun of fags and trannies

he made games about accepting yourself for who you are and about rebelling against the oppressive system and still had shit like that in it lol
there's also some sort of row system too
he says he mostly just oversees their work
but it does seem like he involves himself with their work way more than other artist to convey exactly what he wants from them
Atlus must be really afraid of Metaphor's relevance with the insane amount of shilling that is going on in these threads. For a game that won't be out for months nonetheless. A game one or two shills keep saying is great, despite not having played a single minute of it.
Why is this guy seething so much at Hashino?
Oh man you do not want to sound like a Justin Trudeau quote to us Canadians right now lol. Honestly a few months ago this wouldnt bother me but lmao
Just bought SMT V Vengance, should I go in blind?
Got no prior SMT experience.
sorry leaf, but nobody really cares about sales in the 51st US state
just play it. SMT games are self contained
I think Re:Fantazio Metaphor is an absolutely stunning and brave entry in the large decade spanning history of Atlus coming out fall of this year! Preorders on sale now. Im so hyped bros.
yeah but for the best story experience and if you want to play the game only once take the girl's hand
It's a good first game. Take the girl's hand in the beginning to play the improved story
They posted it just to bait retards like you fag
I can't afford videogames now because there are so many pajeets so I don't even care. Whats the point of videogames using them as outsourced slave labour if games end up 1
Isn't that what people did leading to V, where they were making fun of reviewers who rated it poorly because they must be bad at video games and it turned out the game was actually lackluster
I would argue Sonic Unleashed looks better than V and that game came out in 2008 on the PS3
Alright, thanks for the Advice Anon.
Will take the girls hand then.
SMT I or Nocturne remake?
But why would you argue with such a random fucking game. Maybe Nier Automata because post apocalyptic or some monster game with 100s of models they had to do would make mlre sense
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Sonic Unleashed was multiple console generation ahead in terms of quality of anything else SEGA released around that time. Even the Wii/PS2 versions were very high quality.
Nocturne does not need a remake and I will choke anyone who says otherwise it's a completely fine and fun game and it holds up well
Metaphor: ReFantazio will reshape Atlus as a company, proving to Atlus once and for all that the only reason their games did well, was because of the input of one and only Katsura Hashino. Everyone else is clueless about making games, and due to loss ot 6.6 billion yen Sega will be forced to cull the SMT team, who will be moved to making the persona assets.
Man, when did developers forgot to use cell shading properly and turn everything into a plastic looking mess nowadays?
this isn't about me wanting either this is about which one fatlus will pump out between VV and VI
That is not celshaded just a cartoony model though, celshaded models are more like SH2 or P5 models
Someone woke up this morning, and decided
>I'm going to spam, bait, and troll one of the slowest generals on /vg/ with an upcoming game they've long since made up their minds about playing.
Tao must have less than 5 minutes of screentime in the original route
A lot of things was due to the PS3 being heavily optimized for certain things, which made it very hard to develop for, where most developers went with Xbox since it was easier. It's why Iran bought a fuckload to make a super computer for Nuclear energy, the specs for it were that optimized. The PS4 is overall a little better in some areas, but doesn't have the support of what the PS3 could do.
cell shading and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race
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>In all fairness SH2 got next to no marketing
It had massive campaign in Japan.
neither of these games were a choice in the remake/remaster list
but people memed atlus into remaking P3. well not fully a meme cause it made them money but I don't want atlus to be memed into a nocturne remake
Ringo cute!
nocturne already got a remaster though and P3R isn't anything more. just upscaled PSP textures and some new UIs. what a waste of money
Everyone in the comments are so insufferable. Everyone is calling people triggered snowflakes but all you have to do is say nigger or faggot to them to make them mad. And I cant do it because Id get my account I use for Twitter hentai banned.
does anyone have the actual list outside of the results? For some fucking reason the highest requested mainline remake is IVA as if that's gonna be anything other than dogshit again
This artstyle made me more disappointed than Tokyo Mirage Sessions
IVA was ludo you retard
trannies on twitter make posts about 9/11 being good but use the wrong pronouns and they act like you shot their dog
remake classic SMT with these aesthetics, using unreal
but when they remake games they do it with the new hires team, and they don't do it justice. so they might as well make new games or work on dead IP.
that is THE list. they gave you these 10 choices in the survey and this is how they ranked
in the first place someone in atlus wanted to consider these games for a remake and that's why they put that game in the list. why is there no DeSu? not cause people didn't vote for it but because it wasn't in the options to begin with.
What if Tao and Yoko + Dazai and Miyazu's onii-chan swapped their roles?
Why are you triggered, it's just words, are your feelings hurt faggot?
dogshit game that had 3 good things about it fuck off
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If only hypocrites were as cool as Nuwa
that's even fucking worse than people not voting for other games honestly. Half the games there just need a remaster not a remake
I'm not though...
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I'll mention a couple more things about the PS3:
>PS3's CPU is still more powerful than most modern commercial CPUs for consumers overall when sued effectively
>The Airforce for the US and other countries bought thousands of them up from places like Gamestop and from Sony officially to use in super computers. Even today, making a PS3 super computer is cheaper and more effective than building a specialized PC for one
The only reason why the dropped a lot from the PS3 was since Developers hated it and wanted something like what the 360 had.
Twitter can hold a lot of bad opinions sometimes.
Raidou does Raidou 3 trust the plan

I want a DDS 1 and 2 remaster so bad. I have an old ps2 in storage but Im afraid the disc reader might be broke so I never got around to it.
I don't want some worse 3D remake without the 2D art
because architecturally it was a nightmare. wound't want to be a PS3 game dev ever this shit is too complicated
You can hack it easily in most cases without much risk to harming your save data. Or emulate with upscaling. Fatlus should officially port everything though.
is there good sfm porn of nuwa?
Pretty much most of the games in the franchise have 3 good points
Yes, it was very hard to develop for and most games never fully used it to it's potential. But it is very insane how much they were thinking of the future, and it mostly gets bought up to be used for machine learning purposes for hospitals and more.
i'm coping that they'll announce it soon with the 20th anni cause they still haven't dropped the osts
if the gameplay is good, that is the only point that matters in a game. storytards, explorationfags and atmosphere trannies need not reply
Exploring is gameplay
Download is finished in a couple of minutes.
If I've got some more questions along the way, I'll let you Anons know.
Samael is a fucking pain in the ass to fight legitimately, holy shit. Deicidal Poison is almost 100%, and his main gimmick is inflicting ailments so he and his whores can pierce your resistances. It's manageable until he summons Lilith because SHE can start summoning the other sisters, and Lilith has a LOT of HP. If you take too long to kill Lilith, the fight can spiral out of control as Samael's team gets 6 Press Turns to freely destroy your party.
>good gameplay
>tsudaken krishna
I'm sure we can all agree on these 3
Replace Krishna with Dagda
It confuses me that people uses this image as proof Persona 2 will get a remake, despite that P3R was in development far back as 2019(Possibly even eariler since P5 prototypes have new models for some of the P3 cast) and that nobody in Atlus wants anything to do with Persona 2.
They are delusional
yeah we can but add in dagda's funny ass with krishna
Like people already mentioned, Atlus themselves gave that selection of games for the poll. It wasn't a free for all.
I mean I agree they're fucking deluded and that their biggest "proof" other than that was some faggot cosplaying a japanese girl but I think atlus themselves are fucking retarded they don't know if they want nothing to do with the first 3 games or if they wanna use them randomly for shit like DLC and art to bait fans ig

they'll probably do something with them eventually
When was this?
we'll see. they only did a HD remaster for Nocturne and a really-not-remake for P3 so far and neither is going to cut it if they want their new audience to buy Persona 2. Atlus would actually have to make an effort for once and they seem to be very allergic to that.
says 2022 in the image anon
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I really think just the old games need a remake, updating the gameplay, give a bit more to the stories, all that stuff.
this was the year they publicly announced the results, they normally didn't do that. so it's possible it was part of the polls for a long time
same thing was true for Nocturne HD, the reason they allowed a port for it was 1 Yamai wanted to port it 2 it was high on polls
they'll need to get actual experienced staff and not newbies like Reload. But speaking of that I don't get what the "really-not-remake" bit is about. It's just Persona 3 but modernized for newfags it's lazy sure but there's not much to do there in all honesty
Shin Megami Tensei?
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My blindass missed that
Persona 1 and 2 should definitely get remakes. I've seen crazies say a remaster will be fine like that'll sell at all. I love those games but they need to be remade to be relevant to most people.
that was meant as a response to
>they'll probably do something with them eventually
those games might just remain in limbo forever because atlus doesn't want to spend money on 3 games maybe a handful of people care about. and i am pretty sure the personafags would rage if they found out P1 and P2 did not have shitty social links

>It's just Persona 3 but modernized for newfags it's lazy sure but there's not much to do there in all honesty
they could have remade Tartarus to not be such a chore, but they didn't.
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>Atlus is seriously going to make a sixth mainline Megaten instead of finally moving on to Megaeleven
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Agreed, a remaster will only highlight the wonky gameplay even more. It'd be better if it just gets reworked into something way better.
I've come to the realization that a lot of old games in general were actually shit and we only liked them because we had lower expectations and didn't know what quality of life was
>satan just does double megido ark on hard
what the fuck are you even supposed to do?
is the luminescent mirage strat literally the only thing that works?
What's the meme about a possible NINE remake?
The fact ATLUS trademarked a smt9 or something site, and also had a pic of it on the P3 remake?
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Why did they make her hips... so wide?

>those games might just remain in limbo forever because atlus doesn't want to spend money on 3 games maybe a handful of people care about. and i am pretty sure the personafags would rage if they found out P1 and P2 did not have shitty social links
probably true but they'll add some sort of party bond system into possible remakes anyway. Personafags can go fuck themselves anyway they deserve jackshit

>they could have remade Tartarus to not be such a chore, but they didn't.
honestly anon I never gave much of a shit about either version of Tartarus. It was more boring than a chore to me
Why not?
That do be how human is shaped
Man, it's depressing but by the time they actually remake SMT1&2 in full 3D probably with V/P5 assets I'll be literally 40 years old.
Can't even imagine the japs who playing the series in the 90s and will be literal 50-60 boomers still fapping to pixie by then
I don't know about "shit", but they were definitely lacking a lot of the sane game design we can take for granted now. Now, that we actually know what some basic designs to follow are.
Quality of life really wasn't much of an issue back then if you ask me because you kinda wanted a game to last longer back then. There weren't a lot of games to play and you barely could afford more than a few games a year anyway, unless you were a richfag.
But yeah, a lot of games are actually borderline unplayable nowadays. We actually have figured out now how basic shit like progression and menuing needs to work. (except for the nips)
there's a new gen of fags that have hopped on those old games because of the jun romance and they all act like they're oldheads or some shit. I've seen people on twitter act like the old P1 grid system would be a good thing to keep in a remake
Will essences return for 6? Wouldn't mind if not.
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
Post more Sahori
I don't know what to think of essences. on the one hand, it's nice QoL. on the other hand, it takes away from my fusion autism.
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I bet she got a big one.
Isn't P1 and 2 the ones with a crazy number of elements?
>Las Hermanas.
So how do these skills work exactly?
Do they add up the total skill potential from all your allies? So theoretically if you had +9 on all 3 allies you would get a maximum of a 27% damage boost? If it also counted the user's skill potential then that could go up to 36%.
Forgot pic
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The Cutest!
I prefer Inheritance Violation staying. Essences I can take or leave.
oh yeah, inheritance violation is much more important
Pretty much. It's +1% for each skill potential, so you can get some pretty crazy numbers if you go above 20 total skill potential
I like essences since they don't make me feel like I'm abandoning old demons if I want to give them a different moveset.
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I unironically want to play Metaphor I don't want atlus to be like GF where they only make 1 franchise.
Dude wtf are these designs??? atleast the portraits are still sexo...
I'd like P1 and P2 remakes that refine and polish what made them unique.
but FFX2 was pure fanservice and models looks more sexy
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I like his shirt
No way that hackjob of a remake took 5 years to develop. I refuse to believe they had iwatodai dorm looking like that for 5 years and they thought it was acceptable.
yeah persona 1 has a fuckton of elements just cause
they would refine what made they unique if anything they would throw it away
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Dagdabino when?
you've been posting that same image for like 6 threads now. get a job.
She didn't say that
Is there any reason Saturnus seems to be depicted as a sort of fire sun god thing in this series? Are there any kaneko notes on the design inspiration, it seems a bit out there for an agriculture harvest god who was known for his sickle
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Why are so many demons locked out of COC? I didn't even know this guy existed in SMT 5 along with armaiti
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I actually found it myself actually with a bit of searching
This is the most bizarre reasoning ever, this is damn near schizobabble
There really is nothing like these japanese devs and their idiosyncratic understanding of mythology and insertion of weird theories like jjcat
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Here's another one..
It's GOOD when Kaneko does it
yeah I suppose you're right. Persona 1 has unionically one of my favorite megaten games after playing it. I suppose they could put in extra one on one dialogue with the party but it would fuck up the pacing.
low iq post
Did he mix up Pluto and Mercury?
i want to fuck Ringo in her cyber pussy.
I think I fried my brain reading that.
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The fuck kind of world do you even want, bitch?
A one where get gets to ride the beano dick 24/7 fucking duh.
she's just like me fr (for real)
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Bros.. could she be a vegan?
so you are retarded?
i want to eat out yoko
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Doi should use conspiracy theories for demon ideas. Rumor Lizardman when?
a world where her and naho can fuck 24/7 while the serpent watches
I mean, people like the weird demon designs, so its fitting we are also getting the weirdest explanation for their existence.
she can be a retard all she wants but my psycho crazy wife is eating steak
level 5 jeff the killer demon when? slenderman pages side quest when? level 30 laughing jack when? fusion accident only the rake when?

i'm serious
Japanese schizo theory seems fun to look into, might search about it later

In her ideal world meat consumption is banned
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Just put everything back to zero senpai then we can complain about the next one too
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I wonder if she saw Tao and said in her head "I can make her worse".
>In her ideal world meat consumption is banned
>More people eat veggies
>Agricultures go up
>More land is needed
>deforestation ensue
>Many animals die
What now??
These girls fuck when you're not looking
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Polybius would be a kino demon and a way to represent internet urban legends. It's a shame SH2 dropped the ball so hard.
well lucky naho it's his world
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And the funny part is, she almost did. "If you want revenge, then I'll help you get it".
time to eat rocks
i actually do think it would be kino to do some of these. i know it might be cringe to some but internet urban legends could be cool. We got actual serial rapists as demons in these games it's not like it's actually too crazy
How good is magic focused Nahobino compared to phys? I was thinking on doing a magic CoC run and a phys CoV run after it
>laughing jack
Another hee ho to the collection...
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Polybius and Slender would be cool, maybe some JP creepypastas too like Tomino's Hell or a dungeon based off that haunted train station.
Lmao, Yoko was turning Tao to the dark side there.
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Sahobino mod soon.
How does he drive with those big ass heels?
i didn't even think of that. they fucking would do that now wouldn't they
you're right they'll probably go JP first. Probably something like Hasshaku-sama or something like that

they really should focus on rumor race demons imo
Very recklessly and using rocks and trees to stop, mortals should die.
Look who's talking..
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There were JP urban legends in if.., debisama, P1 SH and P2.
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headpats from cybele
why does this anti-yoko schizo have such a hate boner for her that he keeps wasting his days reposting the same shit in every thread?
we get it, VV writing is bad.
I mean, Yoko has to be the dumbest alignment rep in the series
That's not Yuzu
Hey, I just came back after a few days. You got me mixed up with another bitch. Also I don't hate Yoko, I just find the things she says funny and memeable as hell is all.
yoko isn't even the dumbest alignment rep in her own game
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>when you do good
Haha yeah.
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At first, she struck me as a bitter realist, but she really is a gloomy person, isn't she?
Yuzu is retarderd but somehow less than yoko
she is as realist as redditors
Which one of your demons is on fraudwatch?
i know i just mean again basically

So all and all, after hearing the many things she talks about. What do we all think about Yoko? I'm confused as to what her ideals even are and where they even stem from. If she hates God and wants him out of the picture, then she could be similar to Dagda, wanting humans to be free and everything.. However, she hates cars and comfort for starters, and also hates human evil..but she wants to create a world where anyone could do as they please which means evil humans can do as they please with no law or order to stop them..

Did she think things all the way through, bros?
she feels like a character taken straight from zero escape where they just go into philosophical ramblings out of nowhere
Shes a fucking retarded woman, thats her character
she's a bit of a dumbass but that's okay the man puts her jumbled mess of ideas to work
She basically seems to believe people and gods only are evil due to mimicking Marduk's corrupt order and the evil all derives from that order that destroy the primal freedom.

She does seem to dismiss things we'd consider "evil" if it can argued that they're "natural" though - like how she argues Kresnik wanting to kill Kudlak because he breaks order by killing humans to help other demons with their blood is hypocritical (since Kresnik is also killing) and Kudlak's actions could be considered natural and good. So, her definition of good and evil, and a world of freedom, doesn't necessarily line up with what most people would expect.
That comment is just ouright retarded since media doesn't encourage efficiency neither does society
It applies to Japan.
Pretty annoying Jouin High School is still filled with roadblocks when they could fixed this in the rerelease. Also looks like the Miyazu school quest is poorly implemented since she automatically talks to you while heading into class and then acts like she just saw you for the first time today after talking with Tao. But I do wonder what anime is Miyazu referencing. Sailor Moon? Princess Tutu? Tsukuyomi: Moon Phase?
no media in this world encourage efficiency
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I thought the she was a realist as well, but she is really just a depressing ass bitch.
She's lucky she's so cute.
flawed best girl
naho is one lucky bastard
resting bitch face moment
She isn't supposed to use her mouth for talking.
Partly why I want a proper new devil summoner is so doi could go wild making urban legend and conspiracy theory demons. Give me Kankandara and Hachishakusama
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God he has such an RBF.
(Resting Bitch Face)
Yeah, she even turns on the ho squad after releasing how much you mean to her. Kinda wish she didn't get Lilith's knowledge to turn her again, but she had already pretty much given up hope at that point.
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>New Debisama
>Doi finally gets the chance to create his own Pixie, Nekomata, Cerberus, etc
>They'll be used in future mainline entries as replacements for the kaneko designs
Hard Luck build is going great. In Taito and got a full poison build putting in good work, especially against the lvl 99 squad. Currently going with:

Naamah affinities
>Toxic Cloud+7
>Wrath Tempest+7
>Profaned Land+5
>Poison Adept
>Poison Master
>Phys Pleroma
>Resist Phys
>Null Light
Haven't had a chance to try it on major story bosses yet. Just grabbing as much in Taito as I can before proceeding. Not sure where the new Tsukuyomi skills are but I haven't seen or heard of any new skills that would make good use of high Luck
He has the SMT protagonist glare that Flynn and Nanashi didn't
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Reading the skill table, they actually changed charge/concentrate dmg multipliers to 2.5x in vengeance? base game was 1.8x
Expand: Piercing Aura is the one with the 1.8x multiplier
Maybe one day.
Do you know exactly how much luck impacts in the game? I'm considering doing a luck only playthrough
Amabie was so good I want more
>The FLOP ends with sales Neo(Dogshit localization edition)

leave him out of this anon...
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When the
If Pixie gets a new design it's probably going to be minimal like Jack Frost in V. She's one of the only iconic characters the series has.
You get them from a researcher in the diet building.
me when I wake up in the morning
So is charge worth using now? Critical Aura or Impaler's Animus seem like they'd still have more uses
>the doi revolution
>gets replaced in 10 - 20 years anyway
>repeat cycle
>holy shit smtbros this is-
They aren't going to redesign already popular demons, Mastema didn't get a redesign and you think those will?
Although I'd take a Cerberus redesign that actually gives it three heads
Impaler's Animus gives pierce to attacks but has a 1.8x multiplier. Critical Aura gives 100% accuracy and crit but no dmg multiplier.
doi should make a matching jack o lantern redesign at this point. fresh new hats
retarded localizationfags when they realize they don't need to add a bunch of internet lingo to make a game more relevant and hip
I dont give a fuck about what a numbers obsessed tranny thinks of one of my favorite games.
the persona general thread is so fucking useless all they do is post sumi and joker art or lavenza

can't even post the real hotties
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Did you read the OP? They have a guide to filter out the sumi poster since they don't like him and been begging the mods to permanently get rid of his ass.
oh nice, finally a demon editor. now i can get avocado without being forced to do CoC
Who the fuck is avocado
this might be soulless compared to the other drawing with Tao's big ass ear
Begone, tourist.
masakado, newfag-kun
i clicked on bottom instantly to get away from that retard i'll look at it later
Cute Dazai vibing in the back.
Thoughts on gleam grenade?
literally never used it
useless on hard forgot it existed
why is everyone hating on eisheth's design
because it's not generic hot anime woman
because shes black coded
reddit detected
this same faggots get filtered by tiamat(SH) and asherah
I'm amazed that someone managed to surpass Yuschizo as the all-time worst /pg/ poster
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I'm Abaddon's Knowledge and I want Abdiel to use my face as a toilet
>Do you know exactly how much luck impacts in the game? I'm considering doing a luck only playthrough
I can't say for certain but going from my experience, Luck covers:
>Critical hit chance
>Instakill chance for/against you
>Ailments landing for/against you
>Navigator less likely to find ambush demons
>Rare relics drop more frequently
>Multi hit moves hit their max more often (never tested this, just heard or read it somewhere once). Best advice is get Loa and make him your pet demon through thick and thin since his innate Taboo increases ailment procs and instakills for everyone on the field. Venom Chaser and Dream Fist also put in a lot of good work in the 2nd and 3rd areas for me.

Oh are they the challenge battle rewards?
I want to like him so badly but its hard to i wish he had more masculine features
this shit aint cool

i know that in hinduism the fusion if female and male gods is thing and i 100% did not mind it in digital devil saga but this aint that its just a very fem looking dude

I liked Zero from megaman X I like raiden from metal gear and this guy is like a combo of the two why cant i get behind it?

What is it about this guy that bothers me so much?
I've wanted to buy this game for ages but i cant bring mysefl to pay to play as this thing

I've beaten nocturne multiple times and maxed out low teir demons but i cant even touch 5
Sounds good, I'll start a luck playthrough later.
idk just get over it I guess? Vengeance is unironically in top three goat of all time SMT's, you're missing out
Bino has soft shape language and it makes him unthreatening. The skinny body and baby face don't help either.
It's not even top 30
nobody who has played more than one SMT game would say that
get good
You guys are just jaded faggots, I've played most SMT games except the really rare spin-offs
>zoomer lingo
you must be 18 to post here
>zoomer lingo
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Bino defenders cannot actually describe or articulate and argument as to why the design is appealing without posting pornography.
yeah maybe or top 4 for me

SJ IV and II were my top 3 but VV has a lot of great shit in it even if retards wanna pretend otherwise it's not perfect though which other retards also pretend like it is
based coomer exposer
he looks better than the dumbass in trunks
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The samurais looked the second best. Best character in SMT is dark hero, he likes to sniff his own penis and ass
no it's fuckin not lmao
just like how 4 is fantastic until you get lost in tokyo
too much map bloat
not enough immersion of being a "whole being" in a demon world like how smt 1 and 2 really make you feel that you are just a mere human carousing with demons.
Anata got summoned 5 fucking times does he ever run out of mp or any of this bullshit?
>he looks better than the dumbass in trunks
those eyes tell me all i need to know about how it smells
I don't like first person dungeon crawlers but something about the original strange journey had me fucking hooked.
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Dark Hero's design is kino and I wish there was a Megaten 2 OVA where there was a nightmarish body horror sequence showcasing his transformation.
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He looks a bit stiff and skinny in gameplay but he fits his purpose well I think

genuinely looks like a demonic pokemon trainer
who else?
sj was fucking horse shit.
fuck mandatory talking to npcs
The atmosphere in that game is unmatched by anything in mainline minus the first SMT honestly
as the retarded 13 years olds say his "aura" makes you think he looks cooler than he actually does cause like look at his shorts and shoes he fucking looks like a dork

he's skinny as fuck too you'd expect some muscle on him
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Imagine not liking Red Hot Chili Peppers
i never said i didn't like him anon, just that bino is better
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I'm sorry you have a mental disability
I don't normally report for underage, but this sentence is quite telling
Please fuck off and never come back
>I'm sorry you have a mental disability
you and me both anon
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gammas like you can't handle a sigma male
>as the retarded 13 years olds say his "aura" makes you think he looks cooler than he actually does
I think you mean magatsuhi
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She has a ugly face, which is shit because Lilith's group are supposed to be sexy whores. Also Doi is known for having his female demons be sexy fanservice(Danu, Nuwa, Cleopatra, Mermaid), which makes Eisheth's design confusing and disliked in the SMT community.
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>announcing a report
calling you retarded is too light
it's only announcing a report if a report is made dumbass.
are you a tranny?
anon she's a "sexy" whore in the hood lets be nice
I miss Hashino...
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would you have risked it all for her?
For a split second I thought the lion girl was Leomon

He reminds me of an edgy Astroboy and I don't mean this as an insult. The spikes on his hair and the demon spike on his neck reminds me of his hair.
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Also devilman and tron
that's a good comparison anon. someone thought i was shitting on him but i think it says a lot about how well designed he is because you have to stop and actually look at how lame his outfit is to even notice
He's probably going to be forced to make more full on persona spinoff series after Metaphor.
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Here's a more manly Nabobino for you
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I like the new one a lot more. But I dont hate the OG one or anything.
>Hashino SMTVI
>Pulls another nocturne
>replacing alignments with something new
>new style of world never seen before
>revamped press turn
>"subtle" story that gets the job done
>you wake up and realize he's making more not persona
the fuck happened to the pastebin?
where are the art scans for tokyo apocalypse? The one where you have sex with the demons?
Pastebin got removed for Neocities since "it would always be updated". Neocities are a retard who stopped updating things due to Metaphor making him 41% so it was removed from the OP
The only one I know of is the 'we wuz jews' one. Which is why the tengu has a jew hat and jew prayer box.
i wish this version had long hair
All of the other Qadistu have a trait to stand out.
>Lilith snake
>Naama missing part of her face
>Agrat is larping as a witch
Eisheth looks like a fucking fiend reject with how out of place her design is.
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He reminds me of this guy and seeing people calling this garbage "cool" genuinely drives me insane.
at least his hair doesn't approach that level of goof
incredible mental gymnastics
>Didn't really stop the feast
>The student died regardless
>The demons are going to eat the student and all of that time was for literally nothing
What was the fucking point if nothing mattered and the rewards is shit
Character development and EXP.
at least nooj have muscles
Just to demonstrate the demon control thing and also just exp
I didn't bother sinking more time on it but I'm going to assume out of optimistic ignorance that there's some truly hare-brained way of saving him
>Monstrous Cry
>not Victory Cry
>Cant even crack it

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