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# Guides (Major spoilers; avoid until having played through the game once):
>Routes & Subroutes
>Complete Episode 2 Walkthrough

# News:
>New Episode 2 scenes developed. Player feedback requested; vote on whether to add these scenes to Episode 2.
>Progress Report #6 Episode changes. New screens and video. Chapter 4 announced, further details unclear.

# Nemlei's previous games:
Previous thread: >>483678695
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C'mon man you can't just spoil episode 3 like that!
What would Nemlei think!?
Isn't this game a short single player story driven game?
I realize it got big because of wincest but how come it still has an general many months after?
Hell, the Relink general lasted like 4 months...
We got a new theory in like the last thread dude, there's so much meat to the story it's unreal, this fucking game has ushered in a new golden age of Biblical scholarship.
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Dedication and also a new devlog soon. Which could add more to discuss
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She's dumb and can't think
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Anon noooo!! Episode 3 has been delayed 3 more years!!!!
It's so over
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I see.
This game is in my backlog, I plan on playing it next week.
Hopefully the dev releases an eroge where you can creampie your sister.
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>Hopefully the dev releases an eroge where you can creampie your sister.
I hope that's the conclusion to episode 3
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Can someone make a clit size chart of Nemlei females? Like those butthole charts
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Renee's is the biggest and she pegs Mr.Graves with it
What we really need is a cock size chart of all Nemlei men
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It is a Greek tragedy that #200 will not coincide with the new devlog. When we needed shotafag the most, he wasn't here for us...
A damn shame actually
a small price to pay for not having threads filled with off topic garbage
Think of it this way: /calg/ will have TWO celebrations this July, at least!
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You held onto the batteries, right?
>tfw no threesome scene with the siblings and Renee
It hurts bros
Technically Renee was inside both of them, so in a way we got a threesome
We can still dream
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Vore is gross my dude.
Who else is ready for ep. 3 tomorrow???
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Yeah, we totally get episode 3A tomorrow.
>ep. 3 tomorrow
Don't get me excited. It'll probably just be a release date
Speaking of 3A and 3B. I've seen a lot of people assuming Burial is coming first but isn't Decay labeled 3A?
nah. In the game files all the Burial images have "A" in their filename whereas the Decay ones have "B". Based on the subject matter we can also rule out the vast majority of devlog images from being Decay stuff, so Burial's the one in speedy development.
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I'm excited to see more of my sassy little wife.
Ah, okay I didn't know that. Also I went back and checked and I'm retarded. I assumed Decay was 3A because it was on top
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If ep3 doesn't have more Ashley with her hair down I will riot!
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What would Renee have to say if Ashley brought home the demonic version of the kimchi brap from Chowder?
She’s probably too busy molesting little boys irl.
The perfect woman
But you're not a little boy? Are you?
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>inb4 still no release date
Don't say that
How much is Andrew gonna bitch after he finally gets sistussy?
Release date predictions
>Chapter 3A
>Chapter 3B
January 2025
>Chapter 4 (if it’s only one and not split based on the variants)
July 2025
>Chapter 4A - burial variant only
April 2025
>Chapter 4B - decay variant only
September 2025
I’m surprised they’d do Burial first since that’s the more popular and the incest route, figured they’d want to keep people waiting.
Not sure about the chapter 4 dates, but the chapter 3 ones seem about right.
>and the incest route
You guys have no idea what horrible things are coming (in more than one way) in Decay
What do you think will happen in the Decay chapter? I thought for sure it was going to be one of the siblings killing the other but now that there’s a chapter 4 I’m not so sure unless it’s more of an epilogue chapter.
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forgot to attach an image the first time
I still think September and December because of friday the 13th
Squilliam is a dumb boy kissing sissy who wants gets topped by Andy. I hope both you and Andy die of fag disease.
I think the stars might come into play in terms of if the siblings kill each other or not. Or it could just be choice based
Chapter 4 will almost certainly be split into in A and B, even if it’s just the ending no way could both routes produce the same ending
Chapter 4 will be a sequel to Burial only and will chronicle the inbreeding of Andy and Leyley
why is she hammerfisting the wine glass is she stupid
It wont produce the same ending. I assume its just a short epilogue to whatever outcome you got in burial and decay
>Is Renee stupid
Yes, anon, she is
>implying ashley won’t be the one doing the raping
proof decay fags are mentally unhinged
Shut up route warrior faggot
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Late to reply, but I wasn't saying it needed to be the OP art, just that it would be cool to be posted for the first time in #200 or #199. I'm sure we'll get plenty more art to choose from over the next two threads.
Decay in January implies it will be substantially smaller in scope compared to Burial. Which obviously isn't out of the realm of possibility, but it would come as a disappointment to our local decayfags while also betraying a sense of favoritism towards the Burial route on Nemlei's part.
Ashley's dream sequence wil be kino
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Sorry chuds, but Ep3 will be dedicated to Andy.
I will commision a shitload of art of every interaction he has with his older sister or mother and post it here.
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I'm hyped for decay because Ashley will try to sex Andrew unlike burial Ashley who has literally no reason to do it, except decay Andrew resents her too much to lower his guard and fall in love. From his POV it'll be just a hookup, from Ashley's POV it'll be a massive failure that tramples whatever's left of her self-esteem.

>burial Ashley who has literally no reason to do it
BA was asking her brother if that vision got him hard........... what do you think would've happened if he said yes?
Laugh her ass off and send him to the bathroom.
the comments have a point, it looks like Andy's poking himself, I really hope he's not a schizo and Ashley actually exists
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Incest is real
Do you have a different version of these with (You are here) at every stage?
>Andrew PLATONICALLY fakes his panic attacks!
Yes? I don't think he does it to grind on Ashley's butt.
Incest is not real, it's just fiction.
my schizo theory was that Ashley starved to death in the quarantine, Andrew ate her corpse to survive and kinda lost his damn mind
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Is Noelle a good mum?
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Deleting Ashley from history
t. Nemlei's husband.
I will fuck you in the ass.
Of course she is. She’s such a cutie, and as we know, hot people are morally correct.
What is Andrew doing incorrectly in this pic?
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Oh my, anon. How lewd
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Sending her to hell only made her stronger.
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Is that place really hell?
C'mon bud, don't be gay.
Let me guess, you're a hyperfag
What’s the new theory? Is it >>484112086 . I only come on these threads around devlog time, haven’t been here since the last log. I hope there’s finally a release date.
Let me guess, you're a hyperchad
Oh okay, it's just shotafaggot schizoposting again. Not surprising.
Take your meds
Don’t take your meds
Kill yourself
Live your life
The perfect woman
>The perfect woman
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>Anon creates imaginary enemies to fight with.
Tomorrow's devlog will announce the public execution of all Reneeggrs
imagine being a haggot post-Olive Branch
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Can't wait for it!
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Degrade and abuse bitch sisters and leave them for hussies
What time is the devlog posted
Early morning in Europe. The last one was around 7:00 GMT.
Euro mornings, although I recall the older devlogs sometimes being posted in the afternoons.
Around 10 AM in Finland's time zone
Someone needs to put that Ashley burqa sprite into an isis beheading
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Anyone have any good stories/VNs/games or whatever that have incest plots? I haven't touched the imouto scene since My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute anime was reeking havoc across the boards, and from what I can tell, its been pretty dead ever since (aside from this game).
In exchange, here's a wholesome short manga of a brother and sister getting married: https://mangadex.org/chapter/01784f99-ce95-49b1-8aaf-62b177cf0442
>3am eastern time
Cool I’ll wake up to it
Don't play VNs at all so have no idea.
Part of the reason this game set off such a craze is because it's the only game that had the balls to unapologetically run with incest without being a porn game with all the low-standards that accompany that genre.
No other games feature sibling incest within their plots as anything but a shock plot-twist (12 Minutes), subtext (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones), or the perverse habit of villains to let you know just how EVIL they are (often also as subtext). The game that was most straightforward with incest in its plot is Fatal Frame with Mafuyu and Miku, but even there it occurs in the form of paranormal fuckery where the sister conceives her brother's child from his ghost, and the event occurs out of the timeframe of the games themselves so it's reduced to a background story element. You do play as their incest-child in the sequel and they did canonically love each other so that's cool at least.
There's one Literotica story that got good reviews from anons in this thread, if you want. It's a long but good read with a happy ending.
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Andrew might not have nightmares literally every other night, but he probably still cuddles with Ashley primarily for comfort. He's not some unhinged touch-deprived gooner.
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The only reason their relationship seems cute is because everyone and everything around them is complete shit (themselves included). So their (toxic) relationship comes off as wholesome in comparison.
Imagine motorboating Ashley's awesome fat tits.
Reminder that for every ending where Ashley is happy I will make 10 mods that make her miserable.
Ashley should have been the older sibling to give their dynamic a more controlling, threatening vibe
Lol no
Nigga you couldn’t even make a sandwich
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Am I the only one who thinks Julia is going to be unexpectedly important in part 3 to see how Andrew and Ashley's relationship ends up being in the end? Julia is not only connected to Andrew and Ashley by her relationship with Andrew, but also she and Nina were best friends. All the people Andrew and Ashley have killed so far as adults can be justified in one way or another as an attempt at preservation, but Julia is completely innocent of everything and if anything she has already suffered because of the siblings, I feel that when she reunites with them the way the reunion ends may well define how the relationship between Andrew and Ashley will be.
my big brother passed away 15 years ago and i'm still mourning

i know this is the incest game thread and we didn't have that kind of relationship but I miss him very much

i know he'd want me to be happy but i have very little left to live for anymore and i'm just waiting to die

go hug your brother the next time you get together for a family bbq or something it's hard to overstate how awful life is without him
It’s going to be a harem ending
This. The game even lampshades it by having its narrator comment how the world is a better place now when you get Andrew and Ashley killed.

But of course, this flies over the heads of all the fetishists.
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Now that's a sad post. :(
Sorry about losing your brother. It's easy to take having a family that is healthy and doing well for granted, but that's partly because the alternative is too horrifying to even contemplate. I want to tell you to find happiness however you can, and you should, but I also know I'd sink into an emotional abyss were anything similar to happen to me. All I can say is that I hope you're able to hang in there and find something to keep you going.
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>Am I the only one who thinks Julia is going to be unexpectedly important in part 3
No, you're not
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Hey anon, I am sorry to hear that. I hope live will treat you better going from now. Just like you said, your brother would love to see you happy so live for him! If there are painful days, it is okay to distract yourself with games, art, reading, whatever brings you happines. You are doing well.
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Julia Graves, Andrew's other little sister
Is she an OC of yours? Like the alvin guy or whatever his name were.
Mama I want mama
I want my mommy
Mama where’s my mama ._.
>0-3: no release date tomorrow
>4-6: release date for 3a tomorrow
>7-9: release date for 3a AND 3b tomorrow
>dubs/trips etc: release dates for 3a, 3b, and chapter 4
Julia will snip off Ashley’s gock and galls with bolt cutters. Then, having been neutered, Ashley will become sòy and calm, leading to the immediate resolution of all conflicts (since, as her parents knew all along, everything was Ashley’s fault anyway). This is how the story will be resolved.
Andy being lost in the mall
I didn't expect to read something so sad, although I don't know what's going on. Be strong because otherwise your family would be devastated to lose another.
why do you keep posting b8
She goes into the soup if she returns.
Poor little thing.
Go back already
pls give us a release date for both 3a and 3b
Give him some juice and cuddle him to make him feel better
Why is she at soup?
She is buying clothes
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haggots rejoice: https://files.catbox.moe/t7q572.png
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I love her
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It's the Salvation Army, not the "soup store!" God you're as bad as Ashley sometimes.
I wish. I give it 50/50 odds we’ll get 3A tomorrow but I don’t see 3B except maybe she’ll say 3B won’t be until 2025 which I’m pretty much expecting at this point.
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You just described heaven for me.
Ideal mommy thoughts
You should share a shirt with him so he's closer to your warmth
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>heaven for me

I wouldn't bet on it.
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I don't have shirt big enough, but I have huge blankets.
Tomorrow will be coffion's cancellation.
hoping for teen leyley tonight
Wrap it around you both on a cold night so you have an excuse to have your breasts touching his back
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My main goal in life writen in this post.
If we don't have something like this tomorrow...
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Purrrrfect Andrew https://files.catbox.moe/enlrsd.png
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brimstone post
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Impressive. Very nice.
Now post the actual perfect Andrew.
>Somehow being a cat lady now is acceptable
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As it should be.
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>Nyandy requires milk and you must provide
I'll give him a bullet covered in milk. That fine?
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You don't have to tell me twice.
It's my duty.
Need more bratty Leyley
And you must do it while wearing cow print
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Only if Andy wears one too.
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Aaaaandrew stop this crazy thing!!!!
I bow
World needs more women like you
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Ashley please stop spinning right now!!
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Is all thanks to your edits.
The CowAndy one is amazing.
Cute LeyLey!

Both are the cutest characters in the game!
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Thank you but I must ask, if russian mail order brides are still a thing then do you have the same with orphan boys?
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KEK If I speak, I might get in trouble..
But seriously, you just gave me a great idea.
I will try that tomorrow!
If one of the siblings kills the other in decay, which will kill which?
It'll probably be based on character choices in the episode
faggot trannies blogposting
This is tough. My gut says Andrew killing Ashley but that seems predictable so maybe it’ll be Ashley killing Andrew. If Julia plays a big role in chapter 3 like some people are guessing, perhaps Ashley will kill both Julia and Andrew in a fit of rage.
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>a women goes to an orphanage
>"Hi I would like to adopt a cute boy"
>"Of course right this way ma'am"
>The woman flushed a deep red as she saw all the little cuties that were not given a home
>She sees a boy with brown hair which reached his ears
>She kneels down
>"Hi there little guy, what's your name?"
>"What a cute name. Would you like me to be your mommy?"
>The boi ponders before nodding
>The worker came back to see the woman and child hugging
>"I see you've already found a boy to take care of. I'll get the papers"
>"Yes, he'll make the perfect husband"
>"That's gre- excuse me?"
See you tomorrow, mommy
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I don’t think they’ll do that simply because then 3A itself would have 2 variants.
I mean player choices in Decay itself will lead to either Andrew or Ashley killing each other or none of them killing the other
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I love this green already kek.

See you tomorrow. Good night!
You also know Milekceo? Based. I'm glad he drew the last one despite the drama he caused for that one video.
Yeah, but considering there’s another chapter after that seems like a lot of work that chapter 4 could potentially have 4 versions.
why the fuck are there so many faggots larping?
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Duuuuhhuhuhuh Amdy why the woryld keep on spinin wound n wound heeeheeeweeeee
Oh no, she's retarded! Or maybe nothing changed.
Take a seat Ashley, you are going to be okay.
Bored anons waiting for devlog
Duuhuhuhuh Amdy I want da funni foodie fwends.
make me da big boloney
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I can't barely understand what are you saying, but sure! I will make you that...
Well there isn't much know about Ep4 yet. So it might end up getting split up or possibly Ep4 will only apply to certain outcomes
>ashley’s retarded
Just wait until you see her and Andrew’s kids
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Dank u amdy u da my favowit best of all!
I can't wait.

Y-you too, Ashley. You are also my favorite.
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I trust Ashley to kill Andrew way more than I trust him to kill her.
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Incest will be legalized in our lifetime
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Road head? The gods have spoken dude, sex for the highway.
>Andrew then took his now extra retarded sister out to watch the sunset....
>Where he told her to think about the bnuuys.
>Tears welling up in his eyes as he put a round in the back of her head. He blew his head off too....

>Well that's fucking sad! Maybe you should have turned the machine off sooner asshole!

Not that kind of incest
Andrew doesn't deserve Julia.
Ashley doesn't deserve Andrew.
Yeah, she deserves me! (Also Andrew)
That's one of the tranniest trannies I've ever seen
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If we don't get a release date for episode 3 tomorrow, we'll fucking RIOT. We've waited long enough and now our patience must be rewarded for keeping this general alive for so long. Simple as.
If Ashley doesn't cosplay as the Joker in Episode 3 I will RIOT
We better get one. It was stated 2024 and we’re literally halfway through the year with still no release date.
Bros its almost here. I can feel it.
New incestkino
Zoomlets have no patience. I'd rather wait a while to get there than get something rushed, and Episode 3 is supposedly as big as the whole rest of the game so far.
Andrew molded Ashley into what she is now by running away from reality. Andrew and Ashley deserve each other.
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Aww I thought it was a new Coffin doujin
>no coffin
>older sister/younger brother
no thanks
I don't mind waiting I just want a date
There’s an age limit on wanting a release date?
They should have been completely separated from each other from the beginning. If only they hadn't had such shitty parents.
you need help
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No it’s canon
No, This is
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Now that the dust has settled, who was in the wrong here?
Go back
Ayo throw it up!
I remember the olden days in the coffin mines when we didn't get no fancy devlogs
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Non-canon, because Julia wears the pants
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>Non-canon, because Julia wears the pants
We'll see, hussie!
Where is Andrew in all this?
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Preparing himself to join them
I lost one of my two older brothers around the same time to suicide, he had bipolar type depression, I didn’t really even know him as a person, especially toward the end when he was really angry, sometimes we’d play games together and have fun or he’d roughhouse me. I’m autistic, friendless and super fucking depressed, I started college during COVID and have had an awful experience for the last 5 years (it’s going to take forever for me to graduate, even longer if I transfer) in the middle of nowhere at a place where nobody seems to give a shit.
I’ve often day dreamed about which way the plot of the game will go, often with some cringy OCs, but my overall relation to the story is this
Andrew and Ashley (especially Ashley as she has convinced herself she is naturally evil) know that they are bad and broken people, and subconsciously use this to justify their further often spur of the moment actions. But really the extra actions they take at other peoples expense put them in even more danger and further threaten their bond
Ashley really should have just tried to convince Julia to have a threesome with Andrew, if she was docile enough to be bullied for 5 years without doing anything about it she would probably agree to the threesome.
Andrew watching them engage in foreplay before he joins in (harem ending will be canon)
What’s the craziest (but in the realm is plausibility) theory you have for how one of the routes (or both) will end?
Aside from all the sibling love. I feel like lord unknown is going to play a big part in both which would involve the cultists. I think a big catastrophe is going to happen because Ashley or Andrew summons it, or maybe Julia. Who knows
Decay will result in both of their deaths but the emotions behind it will change depending on good/bad end.
Decay all stars they will live and continue being satanic murder hoboes.
Bad Burial will result in more death. Burial good will result in Andrew being permanently separated from his body and inhabiting an idol/talisman/whatever to continue being with Ashley.
Burial with all stars will be the incest family end.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was an ending where Ashley somehow overthrows whoever controls hell and becomes the queen.
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Many threads ago I asked for suggestions for what to draw. Many people said something like pic-related. For some reason felt like doing in today. Should I complete it? I don't want people to think I'm a psycho lol.
To add onto this.
I think the whole organ harvesting operation was some kind of offering to summon the lord unknown by Toxisoda to initiate some kind of third impact or some shit.
I don't think the cultists are related to Toxisoda but just know of the demon and if anything are just useful idiots for Toxisoda
Cute and canon
>Should i complete it
Yes please do. It cute
So far so good.
If you finish this one, then you can try some Andy-Ashley kino too.
Julia became a cultist some time after Andrew gets stuck in the apartment. There’ll be a route where Julia confronts him with Nina’s death.

Full decay - Ashley kills Julia in fear of retribution but Andrew understands it to be jealousy and tries to kill her

Recovered Decay - Ashley and Andrew tolerate each other enough to understand why killing Julia was necessary. They never became close but they keep in touch.

Full Burial - Ashley and Andrew commit fully to each other and kill Julia without a second thought. On subroute Questionable Burial, they become a murderous couple and trying to settle down. Maybe die together and buried in the same coffin.

Decayed Burial - Andrew hesitates on killing Julia and this drives a wedge between the two. Andrew and Ashley don’t resent each other as much as decay but the dynamic isn’t as talkative and energetic as before. They’re stuck in a limbo with each other.
Andrew Ashley you mean, yes?
>Decay all stars they will live and continue being satanic murder hoboes.
There is no way both of the siblings will make it out of Decay alive unless they end up separating somehow. If they’re together by the end of Decay at least one of them will be dead, I guarantee it.
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Don't know if you're casually referring to Andrew as Andy, or you're trying to trick me into drawing shota Andrew x Ashley...
Do you think Nemlei would actually have the balls to make Andrew and Ashley have a baby in the “good” burial ending
Amazing please complete it, also please do this >>484192256 we need more shota
>or you're trying to trick me into drawing shota Andrew x Ashley
...Is it working? Hehe.
Plus this is good.
Noooo not another three yeararinos!

I wonder if Ashley will ever forgive Andrew for cheating on her with some random hussy.
The mods
>Andy-Ashley kino too
Excellent idea!
You WILL draw the shota.
Well, to be fair the mods did have a much more calm and level headed approach than kit9 did.
Night anons
Look forward to waking up to the devlog, hope we get a release date
Kill yourself
Goodnight, anon have sweet incestuous dreams
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I don't want Julia to die bros...
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I will do it the day the drawanon makes Andy x Ashley.
Until then, stfu and go to sleep.
That's what y o u want.
She may live in decay (I could see Andrew trying to save her and that further ruins Andrew and Ashley’s relationship) but I think she’s a goner in burial especially if it’s full on incest
good work, also the "people" asking you to draw shota are just one guy samefagging, you can ignore him
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>Everyone I don't like is a samefag
Every general no matter what board I visit uses this cope, it’s actually amusing
It's 2 people. MVgraves and his tranny "gf".
It's just the easiest way to cope for people with no creativity.
Don't worry about it.
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>Everyone I don't like is a tranny
Based retard
>it's not true if I greentext it
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>Being this much of a tourist and not understanding greentexts
Yeah, if Julia lives it will be in decay, Andrew is already at his limit and if Ashley tries to kill Julia or reopens the subject of Nina it could well end her life.
Is this really the level you're at now MVgraves?
who are you even talking to
Someone who bullied him on discord, he never got over it and keep spamming the thread about him whenever things don't go his way, which is always.
Dude is unable to accept that he does not control what get posted here and never will.
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>Tell me about Nem's!
>Why does she hate moms!?
Why are you talking about shitcord drama?
oh you know a lot about him despite you hate his guts
are like his nemesis or something?
Her mom slept with her boyfriend
Mvgraves is a reject so bad him and his "girlfriend" were bullied out of a shitcord for being irredeemable even by groomer standards. He's the source of at least 80% of the shota posting in /calg/ that magically started right after a shitcord imploded because of him.
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Holy shit, the devlog came out early!
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...it's over...
and why did you came here? couldn't you stay in the discord?
Well, we know Nemlei hates niggers, so as sad as this is, our hubris is to blame.
secondhand info from an autist
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I fucking hate you. Getting my hopes up!
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I've just been here since the general started and this whole scenario replay itself at least once a week for like the last year. I've gotten used to explaining it to newfags who get surprised by the shit show.
Because someone asked what the schizo was on about.
>whole scenario replays for a year
>started in like november when discord imploded and flooded /calg/ with refugees
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what happens if you remove the shroomley from tardley's head?
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cute and wholesome retard
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Be honest bros if a perfect clone of you just shows up at your front door and you're forced to take him in how well would the two of you get along?
Me personally i think it would be pretty good
Imagine that after a long day of wageslaving your clone just surprises you by hugging you from behind and giving you a little kiss on your neck while telling you to take a shower while he is preparing a coffee for you
I could also need a gym partner to motivate myself
>Make mom hot
>Gets mad when people simp for her

The female mind is a enigma
I wouldn't know about that, I don't use discord.
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Wamna finb out amdy??????
Retard sisters get the brother dick they deserve.

Great idea, let's stop talking about discord secondaries.
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To this day, she has never been refuted
Their relationship isn't even cute in Burial, it's only cute in episode 1 when they haven't fully recovered from the effects of starvation and aren't horny all the time. Once back to normal Ashley is literally a cringe virgin making sex jokes 24/7 and Andrew is a sexually frustrated dude who can't get laid anymore.
>Final nail in the coffin
Nemlei would say that
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>Let's stop talking about discord!
>Brings reddit
Some things never change.
I don't either. I was just, you know, in the thread when the quality went to absolute garbage and posting speed tripled or more. Someone just relayed what happened and why /calg/ went to shit.
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this and also Julia rape pls
Of course I would. I am literally Nemlei.
Yeah, it's genuinely bizarre to see their terrible relationship idealized so much. They don't even get along with each other all that much.
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Yipee! A picture of Nem's butthole! Lemme sniff!!!
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I don't know how good it'll smell...
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>how well would the two of you get along?
Why would I get along with the person I hate most?
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I need this but with Ashley smoking a long pipe
We'd get along great. Just being able to trust someone (me) 100% without reservation would be worth it.
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Ah yes quite pungent indeed
Honestly, this. Having someone around that you trust without a scrap of reservation is bliss.
Until you start having self doubts and he (you) starts hating yourself again
I love it
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Oh no! Not my favourite hussy! My best cumdump! My substitute sister! My baby mama! My other imouto! My little slut!
I'm past self-doubt at this point. I'm old enough to know what I fucked up in life, I know what I want out of what remains of it, I know what I like, I know what I don't like, and there's almost zero reason to lie to myself any more I'd smoke a cigar with me, but we'd probably be at odds over my sister. Hopefully my sister also splits herself to alleviate the problem.
I honestly don't know if I would be the person I trust most or least
Sounds like you don't really know who you are, then.
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I didn't know you wanted to die a slow, painful death this badly. That can be arranged!
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I know who I am, I just happen to be untrustworthy
You know I can respect that. You're pretty cool, anon.
(anon is 20 years old)
(anon is 31)
(anon is 41)
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where the fuck am i
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The best place ever
Spatially, mentally, or spiritually?
I would be pretty happy to have someone I could autistically rant to for hours AND who would actually know and care about what I'm saying. I'm not gay, but I'd also want to try out heavy petting, if not full-on sex. I'm very ugly, so we'd do that with the lights off. We'd probably get kicked out for being two useless NEETs, but at least we'd have a dual income to support ourselves in our shitty hovel. I think it would be nice to have some human contact after a long day. Even platonic cuddling would vastly improve my (our?) mental state. It all sounds like a win to me.
Ashley? Ugly, slutty and retarded
Julia? Cute, pure and smart
All three perhaps
>I'm not gay, but I'd also want to try out heavy petting, if not full-on sex
>platonic cuddling
Look anon, it's okay to say you're gay for yourself.
Wait Andrew uses a zippo lighter.
How come there isn't a detailed scene of him refueling and changing the wick of his lighter and getting pissed that the wick burned out early because of the wind
(anon is aging at an alarming rate)
I am more desperate to know what it feels like than genuinely attracted to myself physically or mentally. I'm pretty shit all around, but I'll take what I can get. Is there such a thing as "clone gay" like there is prison gay? lol
Ashley? Cute, pure and smart
Julia? Cute, pure and smart
Ashley? Goddess. Every step she takes is recorded by historians with the enthusiasm of one writing down a sermon delivered from the mouth of royalty. Dirt cannot exist in a two mile radius around her. The raw sensuality of her touch leaves men (in theory. In practice: her brother) in a gibbering mess of semen and tears.
Julia? Trash. Her breath smells like a homeless man's dick cheese. She sucked 100 dicks for the flavor alone. Men who look at her cannot help but pray for something better to come along, knowing that she's a worthless meth-addicted meat hole.
Ashley? Cute, pure and dumb
Julia? Ugly, slutty and retarded
(anon was split in half by a shady magician and both of him will die in their 40s)
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She's good at math at least
explain your reasoning
>splitting 666 in half is good at math
Anon... I am a math illiterate retard and I can manage that
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She's smart enough goddamn you!
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W-wait wrong pic! Wrong pic! Wrong pic damnit!
Halving 666 isn't the impressive part. The cash is assorted into various coins and notes that do not have equal value, so splitting a varied lump of cash by hand into two equal halves INSTANTLY is impressive
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She doesn't need int she specked it all into luck
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Man, I love my cute retarded sister.
Why would you say the same thing twice? Is this some new gay poetry thing?
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Yeah! He's writing a new poem for me!
Can confirm Julia sucked me off and rimmed me, she told me my smegma was ripe and that my asshole had a sour but savoury flavor. The head was unreal but I now have AIDS.
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Yeah, it's called epimone. It's a new stylistic technique I'm trying out, you uncultured swine.
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Andrews that Ashley has fucked? 0
Andrews that Julia has fucked? 1
I think the winner is obvious
It is obvious, Andrew won't fuck Ashley because he's going to make love to her.
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>He fucked her while thinking about Ashley
Fair point. Frankly, being able to do that instantly is superhuman, no matter how good you are at math. Maybe it's an obscure demon skill.
Ashley is autistic. She's really smart when she doesn't think or realize it but is dumb as a bag of dirty gym socks otherwise
I want to eat all of the free peanuts at Texas Roadhouse with the Graves and then leave without buying any food
Nah, Ashley is always retarded, and all the people in the world should bully her for being so dumb.
Either that or the cultist was good enough to have six $100s, six $10s, six $1s, six dimes, and six pennies.
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Lord Unknown be praised!
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You're wrong because I say so!
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I will be the first to bully her today
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You made her cry and hide in a closet. What do you do now, genius?
Ashley needs to be lovingly beaten by Andrew
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She has been taken away by Sister Services to be rehomed. Good going, you useless fuck of a brother.
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Based, finally a good ending
Then he can hug her afterwards while she sobs hysterically and tell her how sorry he is, but she made him do it, she kept teasing and being a brat and he has limits to his temper. If she was just a good girl for him, this wouldn't happen, it's her own fault really
Fuck Julia in front of her just like this >>484204264
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>A dependency inherited
>solely through blood rather than through death
>Anchor affixed, eyes and mind unfocused
>comfortable weight at night suffocated by day
>the same drag which opens the parachute rips the wings from the falling plane
>How can the darkness of pitch be a mirror?
>Someone else is the sleeve on which I wear my emotions
>The idea of a choice disregarded
>A companion uniquely regarded
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She is pretty bratty to be fair.
This post makes me feel funny downstairs
Like this?
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Excellent, now we take the closet and throw it in the ocean.
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Total sibling love!
>locked in a chest for insulting Philadelphus
You can't make this shit up. That's insane.
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I hear the heroin there is top quality
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Teen Andrew should have brought a different hussie every day to the house to fuck her in Ashley's bed.
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Locked in a chest AND thrown into the sea. After an incident involving bad poem, if we're stretching it.
He did. That is exactly why Julia wanted him - the rumors she mentioned were about how massive his cock is and the copious volume of semen he can produce. Every girl in that school did some investigative journalism and rode his Pringles can sized meat to confirm.
Nemlei is either an incest history buff or accidentally channeling the oracle of Delphi.
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Even funnier is the fact that his style of poetry - called kinaidoi - was a term that borrowed from the Greek kinaidos, essentially meaning "faggot". Sotades was a professional faggot poem writer. Kinaidos itself was generally a complex word used to describe anything womanly, homoerotic, against the general cultural norms and masculine idealism of Ancient Greece, in modern terms, a leftist person or ideas. General Patrocolus, the man who captured and killed Sotades, later joined a cult that worshipped Alexander the Great.
>against Ancient Greek cultural norms
The idea that Ancient Greece was homoerotic is actually a contemporary myth invented and espoused by neoliberal leftist thinkers of the 20th century, who were looking to normalise homosexuality. Ancient Greece was in fact deeply homophobic and misogynistic, to such an extent that being found gay would cause you to be deprived of citizenship and to be considered lower than a slave or woman, and there were vicious punishments for sodomy. Homosexuality was considered demonic in nature, it was hated to such an extent that merely being associated with a gay person was considered akin to fraternitising with lepers.
Oh so sweet he wrote a poem about his cute little sister!
>everything is a LEfTisT conspiracy to promote LGBT
Go back to alphamale youtube, I’m sure they have some supplement to sell you.
They say the ancient Greeks invented sex and later, the Romans discovered you could have it with women.
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He won't be using that to diddle hussies any time soon!
It's out
This is based on historical fact anon, not any kind of modern masculine movement. Ancient Greece was deeply homophobic and there were examples of this attitude towards homosexuality everywhere, from art to poetry, to chronicles on how political proceedings were carried out, the law, writings on culture and social norms, and the influence that Ancient Greek thought had on Christianity. It is irrefutable that Ancient Greece was not a homosexual utopia but the exact opposite as many countries were at the time.
>that chris chan outfit
Looks like she had a growth spurt late into her teens.
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So my CWCshley edit is canon? Praise Nemlei!
It looks like she is wearing sad Thius clothes lol
>It even has a medallion
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>that last image

Could it be...?
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That's exactly what I was thinking! It's also vaguely reminiscent of Vivian's shop.
>Rabbit medallion
So Ashley only started wearing all black after Andrew started going out with Julia.
They are so fucked. Why is he happy about it?!
It's not every day you end up on the news
It was the very similar, oddly shaped window and the general non-squareness of the room that did it. Lots of people speculated there'd be a subtle Noelle reference or two, maybe this is it.

Where do you see that?
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fart demon joining your party is now canon
i want him to give cryptic takes on everything you interact with
It's the thumbnail for the progress report. You can see it here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2378900/eventcomments/4417550330723008341?snr=1_2108_9__2107
And yeah, I bet the Noelle reference is very intentional. I eagerly await the Nemlei cinematic universe coming 2036.
Still no release date I may have to mix every pill in my medicine cabinet
>no release date
Fuck. See you guys next month
>still no release date
Im starting to lose my patience here
This game is clearly a labour of love and i would like for Nemlei to take as much time as she dems necessary to release the best possible game she can but having no real content for well over a year is killing me
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I <3 my pet fart demon. I even litter trained him!
Shylia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leyley-chan
Bah! Back in my day we had nothing but one gook making art and we had no devlogs at all! And we liked it!
Real and true; unbelievable mogging of the highest degree
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I will spend 40 years making this game and you will be happy with the crumbs you get
You better finish this shit before winter war round 2. I want to know what happens before I get nuked.
Yes Queen! May I kiss your feet today? Please?!
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Thanks, we are.
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Ok, but in the meantime I will continue to love hags.
So Ashley wore nail polish as a teenager. I'm glad she grew out of that. Maybe she was trying to be more feminine to impress Andrew? Or maybe she was just trying to find herself. The Gravechu medallion is fucking awesome.
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It is absolute canon that Ashley was so ugly and retarded that she had to mimic Julia's style in order to attract Andrew. Juliasisters, we are feasting right now, it's over for Ashleychuds.
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Noelle my beloved!

Also, does this technically canonize the Yule End?
Hag love!
Thank you, Jesus.
>dressed like Chris Chan (down to the furry medallion)
>wants to commit incest
>Chris Chan is currently learning Finnish
bros... this is the fucking merge. THIS.
yay >>484167768
i was wondering if she would have braces
So you're saying Andrew, Ashley, and the other Nemlei characters will become real? I see this as an absolute win.
This is also why she is so flat in the art. She only just started HRT.
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Toxic couples having demon spawn is Nemlei canon
>>Chris Chan is currently learning Finnish
h-he is?!
It's Mom's necklace and vest ensemble over Young Leyley's stripey shirt instead of a collared blouse. A daring synthesis for sure.
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>Ashleyfags were trannyfags all along
This is a good day not to be an Ashleyfags
>Chris Chan is also a hagfucker
>How can I make this about Renee
>transley confirmed canon
First nemlei smited the haggots, now the Ashley simps. Julia lovers continue to win
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I'm not some sort of haggot, just look it's right there

Delete this immediately.
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...I think it's time to renounce my Finnish citizenship.
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Ashleybros... is over... Julia won
??? Ootsä suomalainen kans?? Torille!!!
>well over a year
Episode 2 came out in mid-October. That was 8-and-a-half months ago.
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He's not swarthy enough to immigrate to a different country with his criminal record, and I'm sure he's too retarded to learn the language properly anyway. R-right?
Won what? There were no mention of her in the devlog today.
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Extraordinarily common Julia w
Won the approval of Nemlei. She already put haggots on suicide watch and now Ashley is confirmed trans.
What's on the bed in the last imagine with Ashley and the demon?
Looks like the top of a skull.
>nothingburger with a few pics
Well at least we see early teen ashley and Nemlei is possibly confirming the link to Noelle which many suspected early on.
Do men really expect snotty 13 years old to be busty fertility goddess?
Based Kit9 didn't acknowledge the drama
No I'm just larping as Nemlei. Sorry to let you down.
Apparently women do, since nemlei made Ashley trans.
I don't think they care too much if the fisherman is posing with it for the newspaper.
>tumblr tier headcanons
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I don't care for this new meme.
Teen Ashley is way better than teen Julia.
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ITS TIME!!!!!!!
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God, I love this game so much. I'm so happy about the devlog and can't stop smiling while reading the thread.
The evidence is all there. I’m sorry anon. I know this is hard to grapple with.
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Came back for the devlog, what did I miss?
Ashley is so proud of her awesome fat tits because she felt insecure about both her ass and tits been as flat as a pancake when she was a teen
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> No release date
>No Julia
>No Renee
I'm angry bros
I'm gonna print this picture of Spudsley out and scream at it
Teenshley art
No release date
More demon fuckery
No video this time
Parents skulls get found
Ashley is Chris-Chan
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>devblog releases
>teen Ashley is a flirty tomboy crawling all over Andrew
>Juliafag starts screaming about trannies
That's just how they do things in Coffinland.
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Teen Julia? Cute and sexy
Teen Ashley? Chris Chan
Shame her tits are the artificial result of titty skittles though. That also explains why her ass stays so small as an adult, not much the hormones can do about her pelvic skeletal structure.
Chris Chansley is cute. CUTE! I need to draw her.
You forgot your schizo medication.
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Someone needs to make an edit of this with Ashley and a rabbit.
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Hey Nem's, look at this.
No. Fuck off!
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Erotic and I approve.
Holy shit... Ashley makes terrible tard-art too. Yet another parallel
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Your days are numbered.
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To steer the thread back on topic and stop the /pol/ level tranny obsession...
I can't tell if it's the trinket sitting on the shelf in the middle?
I had no idea fans of Julia were so deranged. I guess this is what a lack of content does to a person.
It appears to be
Julianigs love coping
common general posting strategy. schizopost/shitpost in order to farm responses and artificially inflate discussion. this incestuous (pun intended) feedback loop is exactly why generals are banned on most boards
Oh shit it is!
It's probably the trinket, but it could also be a set of keys.
I get what you mean by this but it comes across a little copey. All this chris chan similarity is really fucking funny. Haggots accepted their smackdown with much more grace than this.
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It do be like that sometimes.
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every time i see this shit posted i take a little psychic damage so i made it again, im not sure if it came out better but fuck it at least ill be able to sleep tonight
I wont lie this devlog was disappointing. I hope the next one will deliver a release date
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you're free to interpret my statement however you'd like, but i'm not a regular here. i am evading smackdowns by default by just not attending
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I love the original, but I appreciate the new detail of the update. Very nice work, anon.
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Andrew gets krunk on gasoline
glad you liked both of them anon, feels like theres a point to shit posting here
Hair so floof
Hag so erotic
Andrew so breedable
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Shitposting can be a creative endeavor. It's a lot of fun to write or draw for this thread and see what other anons make. I hope you'll continue to make cool things.
Update was admittedly light on story sneak peeks, but we got a good bit of mechanical info:
>Technical problems from RPGMaker limitations are firmly in the rear view mirror, Kit9’s major coding projects are now upgrading the inbuilt translation software & adding a bonus content menu
>Despite nornalfags overwhelmingly asking for more “Rick & Morty humor”, Nemlei had the good sense to be embarrassed of her meltie and is going to quarentine her “joke ending” rants in said unlockables menu
And this may be a bit of copium, but I think the scantiness of this update is a sign that Nem is wrapping up work on the next episode (or at least feels she’s running low on stuff to show off that isn’t main story spoilers or major dramatic moments). I’ve been saying since a month or two back that a conservative estimate of the release timeline was announcement at the end of summer with the actual expansion out by holiday season. Just a little more patience Anons, save the doomposting until the anniversary of Ep 2 at least.
It’s true, I’m so glad the hag joke ending won’t be in anyone’s first playthrough, it totally undercuts the seriousness of that scene.
I'm going to believe you because it makes me feel better. I really do hope Ep 3 is almost done
Demon has a quite nice comfy lair for a soul-eating monster. Reminds me how Red Demon in Insidious was chilling in his home with his dolls
My cope?
The reason this log didn't have many images is because the episode is nearly done and showing anymore content would spoil too much.
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So, that should mean next month's devlog will announce a September release date.

Print your bingo cards, this is gonna be a great Episode, folks.
This is the final confirmation that Andrew tied up Julia's hair to look like Ashley; not that Ashley tied her own hair up to mimic Julia. Hussyfags, cease your hussyfaggotry at once!
Episode 2 came out decades ago.
I wasn't even alive when episode 2 released.
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These hinges don't make sense
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bonus points if he overfills it just a tad and gets some of it on him while spouting more pseudo intellectual bullshit
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got some more coffincore music
post urs

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How did Ashley suddenly grow awesome fat tits after high school? Is Fatshley canon?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCT8u2HC-Gw obligatory finnish song
fart demon is Nina
Her tit growth was fueled by hormones and a ton of jealousy.
saku saku: love blooms with the cherry blossoms:
A girl who has not done Love
A boy who isn't interested in Love,
If such two persons do Love,
The world will change how?
(yes that is the full title)
Teen Ashley was definitely the weird outcast girl that has bad skin and dresses weird in school, some anons thought boys might've tired to hit on her but i seriously doubt anyone did.
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My predictions
She just went from C cups to D cups, the overalls covered her C cups.
what would they do in Skalitz?
Get themselves flogged for snickering at peasants praising Jesus Christ.
they don't even speak czech
Just bought this game on Summer Sales
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>Ashley fashion is to impress Andrew
I think its just what she wears Naturally that turns Andrew on and makes him want to do the same to thing to Julia
>Andrew likes killing people
ahhh i think its a 50/50 when someone threatens his Sister or when it seriously endangers him like room 302 lady he has no problems killing people but he doesn't like it he is just completely uncaring about the act
>Star points lead to Incest
Incest is inevitable no matter what happens
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>Ashley tried taking Andrew to prom
There is no such thing in Europe so no prom to take him to
They'd just turn subtitles on or play it dubbed.
>There is no such thing in Europe
Of course they have high school balls in Europe
I assum-ed they were directly transported to 1403 skalitz
We don't dumbass, the closest thing in the early 2000s when I went to high school was the Halloween party. Few people dressed up, it was more like an American prom thingy.
Maybe not in Gypsyland, but Scandis have high school balls
Anon, have you forgotten that Europe is a continent with different cultures and traditions, including ones related to highschool events?
I thought EU was just one counry
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I want to suck Sad Thius massive unwashed schlong while happy Thiu rims his asshole and he cums furiously in my throat
God the things i would do w5 these two clowns if they where real
And you wanna know the best part?
Their both massive losers and porn addicted commers so they do the most kinky shit imaginable while both are desperate for any form of human contact
Just imagine the daily 8h gooning sessions we would have followed up by bareback fucking and then ending with an intense cuddling and make out sessions
yosuga no sora
Not when i went to school
In Germany after our Abitur [grade 12 at High School for Americans we could also choose to go to an Hauptschule which meant dropping out at grade 8 and realschule which is dropping out grade 10] most people just went to a cheap Beergarden and drank some beer [legal at 16 here ]
Aki Sora mogs so hard ita not even funny
lots of the VNs have siblings that are not related by blood, like Riddle Joker has a cute sis route but the bro was adopted :(
>no release date still
Yeah this chapter definitely getting delayed til 2025
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copium: if each episode 3 route is as long as episode 2 was then nem's technically working on two games at once
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Is there something wrong with the VN translators?
>Is there something wrong with the VN translators?
the simple answer is yes
the complex answer is a 30 page essay on why certain companies shouldn't be trusted even though they may appear innocent in their first projects
tl;dr just pirate it
use the magnet link
Episode 3A alone is longer than chapter 1 and 2 together
Lmao, what is wrong with them?
American values
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>The complex answer
I'd like to hear it if you don't mind. I literally have 0 knowledge about VN companies
Also I already bought another VN called Living with Sister: Monochrome Fantasy as well. Care to comment to about it as well?
Are the census results in yet?
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it's a cheap cashgrab in terms of incest stories
you have sex with your sister while she's sleeping to build up your relationship with her
this might sound interesting and hot, but it really isn't
it's repetitive and has 'gameplay'
I use 'gameplay' lightly and not in a positive sense

On vn translations, some translation companies might appear OK at first, their first translations and even some of their later ones being serviceable, but they gradually decline into putting in western sensibilities and memes into the dialogue
thankfully, saku saku is a good game in that regard
The census results have been collected. I'll publish the analysis in #200.
I wonder there’s gonna be another chapter is 3 is that long. Guessing chapter 4 must just be an epilogue/ending chapter?
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>thankfully, saku saku is a good game in that regard
Hmmm... then I'll just download restoration patch/18+ patch and keep the game in my steam library! I just love collecting games I rarely play in my library Andy! I can't help it!
download the pirated version
the font is fucked up in the steam version
keep it in your library, I don't really care, but do play the pirated version I posted the link to
just to clarify, the version I posted is already patched
no need to tamper with the files
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Okey dokey Andy
I might hate avatarfags and ERPers but even you deserve to have konami
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Shup up already
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It's over
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just play it already
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I am a guy with curled hair and long thick sideburns. Draw me fucking Julia.
The reason this VN mindbroke so many zoomies and younger millennials is because it's peak golden age tumblr, this generation isn't equipped with the mental fortitude to handle early 2000s edginess.
I saw a red board screenshot about this game on Facebook, probably from /pol/. Anon was saying this game would've gone under the radar in 2008 because wincest was the ideology of internet libertines
i wish i had a poorly dressed, pimply faced, flat as a pancake little sister when i was in highschool
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>because wincest was the ideology of internet libertines
Pretty much yeah, also when it comes to lolis and age gap like pic related normies used to react in a more "Grrr, this ship sucks balls ur gay!" rather than trying to ruin the artist's life.
It's obvious that Coffin expanded significantly in scope even from the way it was envisioned at the moment of Episode 2's release, and the game's success coupled with highly positive reception exceeded Nemlei's expectations which heightened her own standards of what would be a worthy follow-up episode to give to the unexpectedly large fanbase she found herself with. Hence the "by the end of 2024" release date turned out to be way too optimistic even without an Episode 4 to consider.
Nemlei's going to let this success get into her head so bad
She's even more sexo.
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"It's a good life we live brother".
"The best, may it never change".
"And may it never change us".
Wrong game.
3A may be out by the end of the year but 3B is definitely getting pushed to 2025
Average /calg/ user
He's literally me except I don't mix my fandoms and politics together.
The tardposting will continue until morale improves
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>No release date news
Nemlei-sama please, I can't keep waiting like this
So this is how I find it out my hyperborea edit has nearly a million views.
Come hell or high water i WILL get my chapter 3.
I don't care if I'll have to fight through mutants in the nuclear wasteland of former Helsinki just to reach Nemlei's secret bunker, I'll get my hands on sibling kino.
I've had it, I can't take it anymore. Vague notions of occult activities in their past or present isn't enough for me. I need MORE from these devlogs. Ashley and/or Andrew being around ??? related items just doesn't interest me anymore, especially since so many of the devlog images are in the past. I need something more substantial. I can't keep doing this
People used to post FBI OPEN UP memes and moved on with their day instead of trying to harass the person or doxx them.
Depressing that even the right-wingers here are lobotomized retards.
What I'm describing is even before those FBI open up memes from 2017, I'm talking about 2008-2012ish.
is andrew going to go so evil ashley gets scared?
i hope so
Didn't he already do that?
Ok incest connoisseurs, is Azuko a crack ship or is there real merit to it?
It's based and as close to canon as it get. The VA for Azula already confirmed Azula's voice was purposefully seductive in the Bedroom scene.
nta she was teasing him a little, there's no incest in Avatar just like how there's no real incest in TCoAL
How's it feel being wrong?
Depends. Are you asking if there's any reason to believe that:
1. The two have some sort of sexual attraction to each other in the canon material that is left as subtext
2. The two ended up fucking off-screen (and maybe leaving Azula as the mystery mother of Zuko's daughter in Whorra), or
3. By virtue of their own personality and character development, they could only get together in a universe that completely suspends all common sense and reason or changes who they fundamentally are

For #1 and #2, it is a crackship. For #3, not so much. Azula, like Ashley, is a girl with severe mommy issues, although unlike Ashley she had an imposing father to latch onto for approval so Zuko wasn't anywhere near as important to her as Andrew is to Ashley. With Ozai for all intents and purposes gone and with Zuko's continuing pity and refusal to fully give up on her after the events of ATLA, it's not too difficult to imagine the possibility of events playing out so some sort of sexual thing develops between them. Although it would undoubtedly be dysfunctional and destructive because Azula just seems psychologically fucked up beyond all repair. Something like their own Decay route.
How so? Andrew being horny but having enough common sense to hold back doesn't make their relationship incestous.
It should be legally mandated, under penalty of castration, that brothers impregnate their sisters at least once.
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>For #1 and #2, it is a crackship.
Nah, #1 is 100% factually in the show. It's not even subtle. They even had art of Azula and the Blue Spirit (Zuko) at a panel.
Disappointed but not surprised
My heart feels for you Anon, I also yearn for another chapter in this tale of temptation and trauma
>Andrew and Ashley: *exist*
>Everyone: Zuko and Azula look a little different today
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>2 brothers
>1 sister
Wow, I love mandatory NTR
Zucest is literally a more heroic / nicer version of Coffincest.
Hasn't Azula betrayed and tried to kill Zuko like a hundred times? I don't see any reason why Zuko would fall for Azula
strong women make his pp hard
see katara
>implying it'd be legal to have non-matching numbers
Keep up, 5head
She only "betrays" him when she's ordered to capture them (Zuko and Iroh) for being traitors to the fire nation. Other than that one instance I don't think she's betrayed him.
>Hasn't Azula betrayed and tried to kill Zuko like a hundred times?
Not really, she lied to him once but basically every other instance of 'treason' is on Zuko's part and even that wasn't really personal and more of a 'Fire Nation' thing. She's the one who actually got him out of his banishment.
>there's no incest in Avatar just like how there's no real incest in TCoAL
Anon accidentally made the best pro-zucest point ever
Her VA ships it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7bxN7M573I
Superior version was already posted: >>484257043
it's been a while since I've watched Avatar but doesn't she try to use deadly force against him or was it just Iroh?
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Since we're talking about Zucest, Azula's VA made an in-character birthday message for a Zucest shipper where she fucks Zuko: https://www.tumblr.com/hello-nichya-here/737464204070666240/i-just-got-the-best-gift-ever-and-im-gonna-brag?source=share
They didn't address what happened to Watasi in the Progress Report.
'Deadly force' is kind of a vague concept in ATLA but she threw lightning at Iroh.
Fire itself is deadly so if they fight it's kinda natural to consider it deadly force.
Watasi is an attention whore
How hasn't this woman been cancelled for being this based?
Because nobody but her and the mods of the subreddit care
Speaking of, go back
What are peoples opinions on what happened with Kit9 and Watasi?
Watasi herself ended the drama by admitting she lied about attempting suicide and deleting all her anti-Kit9 tweets. The time for you to whine was a month ago; not when a new devlog has just released.
My opinion is that you need to STFU
This threads quality goes down with every shit drama post
>fire itself is deadly
To a human not a fire bender, they can casually parry fire provided it's not a massive gout of flame. This is max level Zuko/Azula at the end of the show with a temporary powerup so they have insane levels of fire resistance
If you weren't a reddit tourist you'd already be perfectly aware of the general opinions here.
The drama is fucking dead, shut up already.
Copyright is gay and internet drama is also gay, I don't care.
I think they tried but with no success so far.
I think they had more success with Tara Strong and her support of Ben x Gwen sadly.
She has a working husband who tolerates her degeneracy.
>I think they had more success with Tara Strong and her support of Ben x Gwen sadly
Haven't heard of this, but sad if true
Anon, he married an ex-stripper dominatrix. He's into it.
Watasi isn't impressed by the average /calg/ poster
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I was just about to post this myself. This isn't even dramaposting this is just... beautiful.
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Hyperborea may be your sister's womb but this hero is heading for Hyperkorea
Hyperkorea? Do people come out of the womb with plastic surgery there?
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census results when??
Does Andrew lick it before he sticks it?
Okay, this is hilarious.
I'll post the analysis in #200!
okay I shall be patient. thank you for your work, buddy.
she's not wrong.
Yeah that's quite deranged. Wouldn't blame her for getting that guy jannied.
Impregnating Watasi on her cheap couch
The least horny TCOAAL fan
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>impregnating someone outside of your bloodline
White man, you realize a Korean is the furthest thing from your biological sister?
If I impregnate literally every woman alive twice, everyone can have an incestuous relationship with a 100% blood-related sibling.
Respect these chess moves, nigga.
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uoh erotic andy ToT
Fucking based.
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I wonder how smug she would be making a deal to come back.
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wtf Nemlei you can't just leak your secret plans like that.
It immediately turned her into a generic anime woman. Not impressed.
Based Juliascholar
I believe that the assumption of a short length of time between Burial release and Decay release comes from 2 factors:
>1. Base content already made
I think it’s safe to assume that Burial and Decay have at least some flashbacks and conversations shared between them, though shorter and more antagonistically-framed in Decay. Even if not, the assets themselves will be recycled and the problems of RPGM were solved, so it won’t be the laborious slog to develop 3B that 3A was, especially since it seems that Decay has less supernatural/dream elements than Burial.
>2. Nemlei is probably working on both simultaneously
In a devlog from a year ago, Nems revealed she was doing pre-dev work on episode 3A while episode 2 was still being programmed. Art and scripting was actually 10% done as early as summer 2023, not huge but still a sizable chunk, and one of the sneak peak screenshots was of two mean girls laughing and gossiping that didn’t make it into “Episode Graves”, proving she wasn’t just lying about getting a head start on future content. If 3A and 3B are parallel tracks of the story, and we now have an episode 4 to wrap them up simultaneously, I fully expect that Nemlei is getting the art and writing for both done together for Kit9 to code and publish one after the other, if for no other reason than to not let the ideas for one episode fade or warp while she spends months getting the other published.
Uraliin, taakse sen,
juoksee gookit kuuluu vinha läiske tossujen.
Miksi niin, 4chan:iin
uskoin, Reddit huokaa hiuksiansa repien:
"Miksi Suomi kuunnellut ei Inkyä ja Koreaa,
vaikka juttu oli soopaa sekä tarpeeks' räikiä?"
Uraliin, Uraliin
nyt on kimpussa jo itse Suomikin.
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How do I Thiumaxx /calg/?
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By simply playing this game and posting in this gen.
Just let the days pass you by
The problem with #2 is that if Nemlei is already dedicating a portion of her development time to 3B along with 3A (which she probably is for the reasons you mentioned), then that's very likely going to be the case for Episode 4 when 3B comes into full focus. So both 3A and 3B end up having a chunk of their development time dedicated to a different Episode, slowing down their own pace of progress. Unless Episode 4 is much smaller in scope, Nemlei decides to do things differently after 3A is released and completely focus on one episode at a time, or she already committed a lot more effort to the Decay route that leaves it in a much more complete state than 3A was in October, Episode 3B won't benefit from shorter timeframes for the same amount of content relative to 3A.
#1 is a valid possibility, but any recycling will almost certainly be very marginal and consequently won't be a significant accelerating factor. She took pains to emphasize that 3B will be *completely* different in terms of setting. Still room for some shared content like flashbacks, of course, but it's going to be very small chunk of the whole thing.
Does anyone here actually have the decay route or is everyone here burial?
Bros... Nina raped me
I got decay on accident the first time I played
I have not made that mistake since
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I haven't got the heart to do decay route, I watched the scenes on YouTube.
>Unless Episode 4 is much smaller in scope
I’m almost certain it’s going to be. Nems said she’s adding a capstone Episode because she couldn’t comfortably fit all the story she wanted into the branch episodes. So one of 2 things is probable to be the case with Ep 4: one or more endings of both 3A & 3B will end on hard cliffhangers (as opposed to the “soft” cliffs/“riding off to the sunset” endings of Ep 1 & 2) and Ep 4 will segue seamlessly into the climaxes of the hanging story branches, or Ep 4 is 2 short time-skipped epilogue sequences crowning the True Endings of Burial & Decay.
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Real men pick decay
Fujos pick burial
I got Decay first. As much as I prefer Burial as an outcome I honestly don't think Ashley would have it in her to trust Andrew like that. Although I guess she didn't, since according to the Parents ending she never actually left and was just listening at the top of the stairs.
The first time Ashley saw Julia kiss Andrew, she called the cops on her for sexual harassment and assault.
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riot in 2 more weeks, ashley is sleepy and going to bed
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a skeleton
She probably hid in the closet and fingered herself as she watched them fuck
nta and as politely as I can put it, you're a retard if you think that the woman that was fine with someone dying for wanting to TALK to her brother is going to be anything close to accepting of someone fucking her brother. I'd honestly guess they're both virgins desu
woman artist please understando
You ain’t slick, sis. EVERYONE knows that romance story marketed to/preferred by female audiences are more tragic/explicitly abusive than those aimed at/consumed by male audiences.
>I'd honestly guess they're both virgins desu
The game confirmed Andrew wasn't a virgin and even Ashley said him and Julia had sex. Ashley is a virgin though.
>The game confirmed Andrew wasn't a virgin and even Ashley said him and Julia had sex. Ashley is a virgin though.
When? I've never actually played the game I just look at the porn and guess what the story is
You got no imagination.
Infernal physics.
>Americans seeing European windows for the first time
Someone needs to make The Tomb of Zuko and Azula fangame
Get arrested by the guard for stealing someone's groschen
End up in the castle gaol just as the Cuman rape of Skalitz starts
Break free in the chaos, arm themselves and flee into the countryside
Hide it out in a nearby forest encampment near Skalitz and wait for the Tatars to move on
Either go back to the razed town in the morning to loot it and end up running into Runt and his gang, or flee to Rattay to be poor dirty refugee beggars until they can find someone to sacrifice to the fart demon for gibs
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Stop wasting our money on games you're not going to play! And stop buying incest VNs!
Ashley said something to Andrew about him taking her virginity. Then when Ashley harassed Julia over the phone Ashley mentioned how Julia thinks she's better because she has sex with Andrew and she can't.
>it's a fem-cuck game
Also I think in the Julia flashback she mentions Andrew pulling on her hair.
>it's a fem-cuck game
I'll take your entire stock
Eh, if you take the incest route it's highly likely Andrew and Ashley will be endgame. Plus seems like Andrew dated Julia to repress his desires towards Ashley, he even asked Julia to do her hair like Ashley once.
>it's a fem-cuck game but it has a pro-family values message in it
You have my attention once more
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anon doesn't know that niggas will do anything for that psych ward pussy
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I did burial first and did decay after. Then I went back and did an all star playthrough for both
>Kind, intelligent older brother putting up with his dirty smelly ugly fat insane sister's bullshit
it is literally coffincest
it's okay when women do it
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Andrew is a manhussy!
Andrew is used goods!
Andrew can no longer pair bond
watasi is currently tied up in nemleis bed and being used as stress relief
Watasi is currently being impregnated by Kit9 himself
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I wish Keanu Reeves was here to save me from Matrix right now!
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on god
It's not a vest. It's a black sleeveless shirt overtop of a longsleeve shirt. Wearing t-shirts overtop of longsleep shirts was a common style back then. They even made shirts that looked like it but weren't.
Jesus Chirst...
Ashley would be glad if she found out the world is a simulation, it'll mean that no hussy has actually fucked Andrew and she still had a chance to be his first.
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I found Andrew's twitter
You're a woman. You chose to partake in 50 shades of Graves and pretend you're a man for being into female sex fantasies.
It'll be skull of one of the demon's parents since I guess Nemleiverse is all but confirmed.
So how's everyone feeling about the progress report?
No picture of pregnant Ashley means I don't like it
It was a nothing devblog with some images. Finally getting teen Ashley and she's exactly what I expected and more.
>tomboy with little care for looks
>bonus of being superglued to Andrew
What did you by at the Steam summer sale to play while you wait for chapter 3 /calg/?
Nothing. I just keep playing Coffin
I think the nails would look better if they were painted black.
We need more retarded dramaposting to get the survey results quicker.
I bet teenley have cute girly patterned underwear.
With a small ribbon too btw
Annoyed there’s still no release date
Collective punishment for all the drama and review bombing.
It's probably hard to predict how quickly work will get done on something like this. IIRC Episode 2's release was only announced a month or so ahead of the date.
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Cute Leyley!
>Star of Providence
Pretty great roguelite bullet hell shmup thing. I hate bullet hells but I'm making an exception for this one. Probably my favorite purchase.
>Renegade Ops
Bought it because I'm starved for vehicular combat that isn't fucking RACING. The twin stick controls are the first time in my life where I axtually would prefer tank controls instead.
>Streets of Rogue
Interesting concepts, but glaring gaps in design, like literally punishing you for unlocking traits. I'm cautiously pessimistic of the sequel since he removed slavery from it.
>Soulash 2
Lifesim adventure roguelike. Really basic bitch EA shit right now, I'm hoping it'll get better with time. Bought it in EA because the market for this genre is fucking miserably small, it's like 5 fucking games and everything else is farm sims.
>Legend of Grimrock
I'm not very fond of real time combat and miserably small class and race selection, but it looks alright otherwise.
Deckbuilder about moderb internet shitposting. First boss is literally a janny. On a sidenote - death to all tranny jannies of /vg/, especially those who fuck shotanigger's asshole daily in exchange for ban immunity (fact checked by snopes).
A little over a month, yes.
And it's worth reminding ourselves that there is no reason to believe that a release date MUST be announced in a devlog. If mid-month Nemlei feels fully confident to pledge herself to a certain date, she'll probably do that rather than wait 2 weeks for no reason.
Ashley’s a Hello Kitty girl set two decades before their time.
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>sex with your sister while she wears mom's clothes
>sex with your sister while YOU wear mom's clothes
They existed even back then too.
>ban immunity (fact checked by snopes).
Meds, now.
Has anyone done this joke yet?
>he removed slavery from it
whered he said he did this? slavery was so funny in the first one
>Has anyone done this joke yet?
Nope. Congrats anon!
the cringe shotaphobe has a terrible taste in videogames, who would have thought
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I really hope that's bait.
Found it on steam forums under a thread asking whether or not he did. He said it doesn't fit or someshit like that.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Doing a variation on your cope gimmick? What happened? Afraid of getting purged for spamming again since you keep getting upset at everyone in the thread?
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What are you talking? Kill yourself.
Kill yourself
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Adelph Sistler.
>If I act confused and go back to my gimmick, I'll look less retarded
Little bitch is scared of the jannies.
Based dev. I would scrum so fucking loud.
Amazing XD
Truly the Golden Age of internet culture ;~;
Live your life
That’s why I’m so thankful that the jannies gave us shota sisters immunity.
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I fucked up the count on the new thread, please don't use it
You should end your life and stop talking to yourself.
Nigga how
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All the talk of /calg/ 200 made me think this was 199 and not 198
you should have deleted it then you treasonous fool
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Is premature /calg/ing a side effect of premature ejaculation?
I can't delete it since it's an OP
So what now? We both threads die before making a proper 199? Put a warning in the fucked up one to sage it into oblivion?
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i have a deep desire to fuck the shit out of a shotasister
just no one post in it, let it die naturally then remake it
it's already on page 6, if it does it won't be long
besides, blame>>484309476 not me
Some vagrant is going to post in it out of spite. It happens every time a thread that hasn't hit the bump limit should die.
Someone could make a proper #199 and hope that the mods delete #200, but two /calg/s might cause problems
Then make a real 199 with a disclaimer it’s the correct number. Put a comment in the fake 200 that it’s wrong and should die prematurely, remember to Sage it.
You had one job, now you must live with your failure
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/calg/ I'm sorry, I'm really really really fucking sorry. I didn't want this to happen I'm so sorry
So here's the deal: We use the new thread and simply put a disclaimer about what the REAL thread number is early on, and a "gentle" reminder for baker to get the correct number for next thread. Easy. Now lemme scope them sistertitties.
Based jannies
Normies kick the chair ASAP
I'm pretty sure we've had a fucked up thread count at least six other times I can think of. We'll manage and simply course-correct afterward. It's either that or cause unnecessary chaos and pray the mods are too busy grooming children on discord to notice (high chance)
Man, someone fucked up big time
someone make an edit of ashley and andrew on the titanic as its sinking
>He got scared again
Just delete it, retard
>Just delete it, retard
why are you telling me? i didn't make the thread
If that was your motto fo real you would have stayed on /v/ until an honorable and defiant death.
there is no honor to be found on /v/
This wouldn't be the first time someone lost count or a thread failed to reach bump limit, so if we're prematurely burying this one, the next would be 200 anyways, lest some future person recount them (as we've done many times up to now)
>Delete a thread
Shotafag continues to prove himself a newfag.
Spoken like a true secondary.
NTA but reporting a post is very useful in these cases.
As if there was any other possibility.
Contact a fucking admin or whatever to delete it for us or get permission to make a properly numbered parallel thread. This shouldn’t be hard.
It literally take two clicks to tell the jannies 'Hey, I fucked up, please help', retard. That's literally what the admins will tell you in the IRC.
>Contact a fucking admin
>or get permission
Holy shit anon, do you really think mods respond timely to anything?
its amazing how certain niggers find ways to become more obnoxious by the day
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Sorry, but your too old, only little boys are allowed.
If one more person complains, I'm posting in the new thread
>He had to support himself after getting owned again
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you know little boys don't stay that way forever, right?
at some point or another, you're gonna need a MAN
Waaa waaaaaaaaa
>accusing anyone of getting owned
Anyway, I'm not upset or anything, it takes a lot of work to ERP with yourself for 12 hours a day. In a way I'm impressed. Hope you and your "onee-san" continue to waste precious energy tilting at windmills.
Food doesn't stay edible forever, doesn't mean I have to eat food that's gone bad.
>shotafag bumped the illegitimate /calg/ #200
Fuck it I guess we should just use the other thread
>Call others newfag
>Doesn't know how to delete a thread
>Start schizo ranting about his bully
Always hilarious when a retard convince himself you're his nemesis because you humiliated him.
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of course that subhuman being who only exists to lower thread quality cant even keep his retardation in check for 15 minutes
>N-no I'm not a newfag! You can just contact le moderators!
>I-i-it's pathetic to humiliate me again!
If you actually used this website outside screeching at shadows, you'd have known it and wouldn't have looked retarded.
>Delete a thread
Shotachad continues to prove himself a newchad.
His narcissism and low IQ make him unable to perceive different perspectives, so he thinks everyone has several jannies running a train on their asses every day like he does, and can just ask them to purge a thread at will.
>Knowing more than me make you a newfag
Biggest cope yet.
I agree, nothing wrong with #200
>n-no you can j-just contact le moderators
>calls himself a new"chad"
Keep going
I mean there is something wrong with it but fuck it. Just name the next 200 as well
good to know you acknowledge the fact that you are an obnoxious nigger
Feels good to know shota posting will never stop thanks to you being such an easy target
>Keep going
I will
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You know, simply making a 2nd correct thread and linking it here would quickly solve this issue. Instead of making 50 posts crying about it, which solves nothing.
>Y-y-you just said something obvious and true!
>*Proceed to show he can't even fathom anyone agreeing with anyone on this thread*
At some point you have to wonder if this place is for you, you keep getting mad and seething every single day.
Recently we had two simultaneous bakes and one of them actually got deleted, rather than archived. We'll be fine.

The real #199:
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Cry me a river.
wow, you dont even deny it, thats very brave of you, anon
Why would anyone deny that they easily made you mad on 4chan?
are you calling me expired? how rude
As long as it makes you seethe lolu
It’s really cute seeing how angry he gets.
now now anon, no need to project
>No u
Too late to try that one.
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Fat jiggly sister tits reign supreme.

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