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>Recent News
Summer Raziel (Earth) & Summer Tefnut (Water) now available!
Extra Drops Campaign (Water) - (06/24 - 06/30)

Side Story Menu Update - Live
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

Europa Character CD - 07/10
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk [Open] [Embed]

>June Schedule
06/28 - 07/06 The Last Sumo Warrior

>Future Schedule
07/07 - Tales of Arcarum (Caim)
07/?? - Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
09/?? - Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

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>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
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/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>484065765
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i love my wife
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>Check danbooru for tefnut art
>0 outside of game art or 10th aniv poster
mogged by Raziel in both gameplay and tits
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I hope this anon is happy with how Raziel turned out and all the art she gets
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i really love my wife too
but lil L told me danbooru was better at searching for art...........? did I got lied to again?????
he's still going to be not satisfied because nobody drew porn of her.
everyone but a handful of those art were drawn by female yumes who already ships her with sandals doing pure things together.
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>only 84 works on pixiv
That's not really something to write home about either.
>because nobody drew porn of her.
But there is plenty of that too?
Now that Dirt has gotten their one summer character out of the way, was she worth the wait?
of her swimsuit version?
I haven't checked her pixiv throughly yet but I don't think there's a lot of porn of her either, and it's mostly from the same guy IIRC
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Well she got a blowjob veil now so maybe she'll get some art
>2 minutes of clicking
This is your GW future, dirtbros
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>2 minutes of clicking
>stumpy midget limbs on a toddlers's body
Pure wrongun
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almost 200 pieces of art on my pc
And how much is porn and not just shipshit?
Marginally better than Pholia/10
less than 10% i'd guess, i also don't save all r18 unlike sfw
>another Earth Primal
>another Earth Summer Primal
Found my meme frontline for Earth GW.
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I need Lunalu AI bro to do the same he did before but with Wam, waifu and family pics
Do we have any leaks or speculation on the rest of the summer characters? I'm assuming since we got Horus and Tef the rest of them will be getting summer versions
And it seems likely that another dragon will get a summer version, Probably
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*cracks knuckles*
You have to pledge your allegiance to Ninpress if you want that.
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Anybody already tested how big the echoes are?
G. Raiden
S. Yngwie
S. Forte
Y. Mugen
Y. Vikala
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kinda wanna roll just because raziel seems fun to use but this banner is ass why the FUCK did they remove end of summer gigabanner jesus christ
So it's true that urban legend about you can sell your soul to the devil...
What about Summer Anderson?
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>why the FUCK did they remove end of summer gigabanner jesus christ
>requires Falsehood on Primal Opus
But I don’t want to replace Extremity…
Just get more Faa feathers
Is that Peco?
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Fucking kek
>even more dates with Faa
My heart wouldn’t be able to handle it.
https://xn--bck3aza1a2if6kra4ee0hf.gamewith.jp/article/show/455442 30%
how will nippon ever recover??
I dont think they are going to release all of them on this summer or as summer alts. We will get maybe one more, most likely one of the males (would bet on Atum since he actually had some fans unlike Bennu).

Then of course we are going to get at least 1 Society, primal pal, dragon and Vintage team characters. My bets are on Isaac or Gwynne finally getting alt. Also its been a long time since Homo knight summer alt so we might see one of those.

Then throw in one of two new characters from last year that were popular or just cygames wants to shill them. Icarus already appeared in this event so maybe him, betting on yukata.
holy shit based
But Tefnut's nipple is right there. Only Raz is extra covered unless she has canonically small nipples.
I say this
>4 Gunbrella copies
I don't want to farm bullets bros...
H. Atum
C. Bennu
Y. Osiris
Jap bikini schizo...
Who won
Who lost
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My brain is telling me not to spark since I only have one and will miss out on discounted spark but I am so close to doing it
Miteruka, Raziel?
Earth players
You have no choice.
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Dirt won
Galge won
Sandal VA cancer hopers won
Dirt clickers won
Raiden posters lost (as usual)
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Raziel doesn't have areolae, she's an angel.
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i do wonder why that artist lightens her hair so much for both of the summer art they did
So Mars summon really was for flash?
Is it worth finishing out my spark for Cow?
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i'm hoping they'll make bennu non-seasonal, he's cool as his normal version and they'd 100% make him too much of a meme assuming they get around to making him playable
kuroma proves that raziel works, but unfortunately i still don't have dao...
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razielfags dont seem to care that she likes lucifer
Flash will probably have:
Mars Summon (was leaked)
Female Erune because only humans, super humans and erune are allowed to get content
I like anything with nice tits bro.
I'd even like you if you had nice tits.
Nothing wrong with liking your dad.
razielfags are the male version of sandalphonfags
rumor has it they want to be raziel's chair
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My dick decided for me and I got her in 40 pulls
Spark saved
God bless my cock
If sandalyumes don't care that she likes Lucifer why would it be any different from razielfags?
Lucifer is my middle name.
Why would I care about some dead cuck
that's a good result for ancient noname game tho. If you are in top100 JP - you are doing fine.
I'm a living enigma
kinda want satyr to blow all over my face dunno why

Canon btw
>still no hags
yup, as canon as ingame
and that's a good thing
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So really, why don't they ever put these stats in-game? Most fate eps do fuck all for actually introducing characters now, and the ones that do are just about setting up plot threads that never go anywhere anyway. You'd think this stuff would at least be on their journal page, but it's not. It's all on blogposts or twitter, some outside-the-game shit. What's up with that?
Can i get 85 GM before gw?
Raziel doesn't like him in romantic sense though
She is his fangirl
i wouldn't roll for a 10.0 in the first banner of summer. i'm certainly not going to roll for a 9.5
You can get 85 GM today bwo...
to help encourage media engagement if i were to guess. but you're right, it feels weird that they wouldn't put it in the actual game
human zodiacs should be purged.
>he still thinks the devs of this game gives a shit about the fans
It all depends on the gibs and how many times you plan to spark. We'll get a couple from Dread Barrage too.
If I was to put out a ballpark estimate, you probably need to spark at least twice and hope you get a good SSR rate + dupe haul.
They will release one core unit every banner so you waste your rolls then drop the Galleon Wamdus banner at the end so you have to cash spark
Dont fall for KMRs tricks
bros you don't need to worry about rolls and gold moons
lotto2 will fix all your problems
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I think one of these fuckers will probably get a summer or yukata alt. Joke, it will be Y. Tikoh
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You better be grateful
If Yuisis gets a Summer Alt, I will use THAT if I have to.
summer fest..
My crystals is 10k and no ticket right now
Guess I go OUGE on gw then
Farm sandbox now or wait until next week for ToA?
sieg sisters...
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I am warmly awaiting /our/ guy Jeff's Raziel art
>KMR doesn't allow me to make UR Raiden
kissing FKHR..
Everybody says this
where is raiden
in genshin
he looks more emo than punished. imagine if they drew batman like this. people would laugh.
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grands release on part 2 august legfest like alliah
the fact we didnt get a summer version pretty much confirms it
>People hype out Tefnut in event
>get totally overshadow by s.raziel
It's not fair bros.....
Ook eek lah
No one was hyping Toughnuts
Nobody was hyped over tefnut
Anyone know the defense value of Tefnut? If the DAO Raziel can do 620M against Tefnut would it be able to do that against NM200 (assuming it has around 577M like the last few have had).
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The SSR container couldn't handle Raiden's immense sumo power, so they need to overhaul the entire gacha system to release him.
Grubbers were only bitching about her being shipshit with Richard before
Raiden is coming fags and naruto collab doubters have been awfully quiet since the banner and ingame leaks dropped
despite Raiden being every third post of /gbfg/ for a full year really makes one think doesn't it
Just because Richard isn’t in her summer fates doesn’t mean the imprinting isn’t still there. Even Mugen isn’t in 100% of Wam content.
did Raziel really won or are you people meming
>Even Mugen isn’t in 100% of Wam content.
he is....
The tyra event was a mistake for imprinting the concept of imprinting onto grubber's heads
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>literally d-d-d-d-doesn't count
>bootleg human hag chococat.
uh we have chococats.
There are a few seasonals that don’t mention him.
Is that when it started? I thought it was just brought up randomly one day, kinda funny desu
Still possible for G. Raiden in the Sumo 1 rerun next month
>only a few
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actually not bad, specially since it's art of dubious human origin, we've known she was coming for a week, and her art was also spoiled again in the event
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Ralease her!
The last time they put a grand on that banner was 2018, and Alliah was not that grand.
fuck I really hate how the uncap art looks
I'm fearful for the rest of summer
In your next spark, THREE of them
>i-it totally won't happen again
Kek, your tears are tangible
Yes, a deadge gets less xeetbuxs than an alivege, you're not pointing out anything new
It might happen, I'm just calling out your misinformation. What's your next cope when you're wrong for the 12 month in a row?
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Duo unit with his fishwife like Megmari next month
>It might happen
Bargaining stage already, yep yep, we are speedrunning here
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>only have enough yellow tickets to pick either her or sakura right out the gate
Looks more anatomically correct than Raziel lmao
The event literally ends with Raiden saying he doesn't want to join your crew yet, you'll have to wait until sumo 3
He was a damsel the entire event. Convinced me he won't be a Grand t b h.
grubs for this feel?
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Don't remind me.
it just means xe won't be able to join until xe transitions
kino, sumo anni with grand raiden holy FUCK
The lighting on the water doesnt make sense, it's like she is on an indoor pool instead of a sea
I wish there was a grub like this. Closest one we got is Chichiri calling your penis zako
She's describing grub's dev team.
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>we are going to get this creature as a GRAND before fenrir and mikaboshi
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Cumshot Happiness (中出しの幸せ) is recruiting:
>Active players - We're looking for people who regularly get the sand (800M honor reward) or better in GW.
>If you can do that your rank doesn't matter.
We always get to tier A and top 5500 crew rank. No quotas. No point control.
We have an optional Discord server if you're into that.
We also do in-house HL raids and our island is maxed.
Apply at http://game.granbluefantasy.jp/#guild/detail/1036007 or message danchou ingame. ID 11468141
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Is the razibrella good if I don't have hrunting
>banishes himself from Auguste because he dried up their ocean
>almost causes the collapse of society with his power of sumo
>yeah I'll return to Auguste so I can improve it with the power of sumo
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We would've had Enyo too but she ended up being more into berating animals. I'm holding out hope for Osiris, but it ain't looking good so far.
>calling a human a creature while slurping a primal beast and an a*tral
>he'll get 3 events before naru gets 1
I would roll for atum
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Just grubshiet thangs.
what do you mean we just got a naru event
wow that frieren spinoff looks wild
man, i fucking hate those one-eye mask things.
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grub is so cooked
Every year we get other games where summer is played straight for romance or bonding with the characters and then Grub be like
>Bro what if this primal had depression/found out about le wacky human Auguste shit again
We already have Poz, Lich, and Kaguya. I don't see why FKHR would stop at Raiden.
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Naru unironically had more lines in this event than Raiden
>8 Raiden events and 4 Raiden units before Forte and Carm get a single alt
Freaking grim
Because that would actually kill the game?
Year of the Dragon
FHKR: time to balance it out with sumo 3
just like we divide crystals by 6
we should divide naru bath lines by 2 because she shares it with siete
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Grub thinks it's too smart and sophisticated for the things other games do.
Raiden will be in the sumo unlock quest at the very least
FKHRT be like
>Year of the Sumo you say? Sure thing royal glubbers
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>Raiden anime spinoff before Aster gets an SSR
stfu newfag
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The 'cord...
>"I don't write what's popular amongst my players, I write what I want." - FKHR probably
You guys sure love Raiden la! I'll let my bosses at Cygames JP know
sorry numpers i had to mute your pings...
Can't believe they are opening the raiden theme park before Pommern gets a unit
Based FKHR
>Raiden got a real life gold statue and national holiday before Yaia got a pregnant alt
FKHRT is absolutely batty
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What's that? Another round of lame-ass primals being ratarded and unwanted sumo slammers? Coming right up!
Domain Expansion: Malevolent Mixed Toilet.
Pretty based, if only he wasn't working in a genre that relies on pandering to stay alive
is FKHR a laughing stock in other forum too?
or it a here thing
>Japan built a 60-foot tall walking Raiden before Karteira armpit sex
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW. I see how it is with Cygames.
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>raiden resort chain opening in europe before a 2nd unit gets STYLE
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>our writers are washed
>our producer is washed
>our director is washed
>our composer is washed outside of one (1) song in Relink
>our artists are washed
They cant even draw seawater anymore these days. Grim
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It's nowhere near this level, but he is namedropped as the problem.
Reddit loves him
Twitter loves him
GBFI loves him
Gaijin loves him
Minigob loves him
Sisters hates him, but not nearly as much as here
On nip forums? They make fun of FKHR too but they also make fun of KMR instead of just focusing on one guy
the other forum doesn't use pics so not to the same degree but it exists
JP community hates KMR more but FKHR gets some hate too.
>Razielfags are literally just Sandalhomos all over again
>They are even competing against the same guy
Another five years of this game constantly telling us "She loves Lucifer" and you fucks will say "Doesn't count".
The chinks absolutely loathe him. Check official tweets, usually some chinks seething in almost every single one.
JP has forums where people shit on him + grub in general too, which shouldn't be a surprise.
Twitterfags are retarded as usual an support him
But the general Japanese playerbase has some level of hate towards him (calling Illnott and Raiden his self inserts isn't a gbfg only thing)
Obviously it's less exaggerated than here since they don't have 24/07 discord raids
They also recognize KMR being part of the problem more
>raiden keychain entering the ISS before dark gets a disciple passive
Alright this is getting a bit ridiculous
That's why the nips are retarded, KMR is the only one pushing gagle in the game
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>Another five years
Being awful generous there.
NGA does dislike FKHR a lot, they're somewhat more positive towards KMR which is why i push the same here
What is this about?
KMR is the one pushing less gives per year and more GW grinding
he isn't a hero at all
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this was when they released orologia
Don't you have a gay gambler to lust over sis
reality, unfortunately
Galge like more WMTSB sequels?
wmtsb had Cog and Cog is very galge
>KMR is the one pushing less gives per year
because the game is less profitable albeit so why give more gibs
You have to milk the whales
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>Oh my Lucifer!
>Oh my coffee!!

>Oh my Lucifer!
>Oh my book!!
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>Raiden gets a mars colony named after him before kumyu SSR
>Tetsuya reaches climax
>everyone likes sexo angels in leotards
>KMR searching for his daily dose of cunny sees fanart of it
>gives directive to push more of it
>FKHR hates the idea and makes his own thing
Europa would never
Europag does this when you aren't around
so i can see most forum hate FKHR
but why nobody in cygames bother to do checking
what the user is complaining
i doubt they're so retard to only checking twitter where most of the reply is bot
>Oh my apocalypse!
>Oh my miteiruka Rushiferu!
that's not how it works. gachas has been around for more than a decade already, you were supposed to learn the strat by now
intern bro is try his best to fix the game from the inside, but he is can't do a lot because he gets finded out otherwise
owari da
eek ook banlan tang la
The year is 2070. Raziel has ended up with Lucifer and has six children together with him. Anon still thinks he has a chance.
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Go for Oxy wife?
ook ook
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Save your rolls for summer bro this banner is poopoo
most of those forums are built around the idea of hating them so they ignore it
and the sad reality of this world is that every game dev gets hate to some level so they probably take it as the usual otaku rage despite FKHR deserving it
>Thread is unwarranted racism again
>already 180 in
you might as well spark it
So Sandy-chan mine? Neat.
nobody's being racist
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granblue archive is unquestionably 100% for you for one.
there might be yuri ships on twitter but canon-wise? 100% for (You), except maybe Tomoe I guess.
nigger faggot
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alive game........
>but why nobody in cygames bother to do checking
>what the user is complaining
They're already aware of how upset people are.
Subaha janny host

He's for CAWFEE but you'll make an acceptable other man
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>At Cygames, our vision is to be "a company that creates the best content," and we work hard every day to create products that do not compromise. In order to deliver the "best content" to our customers
yugu is the most popular right now. cant even farm her because it takes too long for me to gain 1m
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>Actually ends up being a cuck
Maybe if they stopped producing shit content their devs wouldn't receive so many insukts from customers?
Love that xitter nips are also dunking them in the qrts
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This is all thanks to you bro.
free rolls...10th anni... cygenerous... *cough*
they had been producing shit on grub side for like 5 years at this point tho
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Too perfect for this game.
Sandal can have a 3P with Lucio and Faa to cope
Stop dooming, end of summer banner with all units and roulette will save us
Just like anni stream was supposed to save us?
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Set fire to the building and see if they "compromise" then
too galge for mao
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Well that escalated quickly
>double to suicide to afterlife sex
no that's not funny
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On one hand, the constant complaining about fkhr is annoying, but on the other, I have never heard a single good argument against publicly beheading fkhr so.....
Damn, did Cohere get censored recently?
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Odds of me getting both Tefnut and Raziel in my 80 rolls?
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I don't think anyone cares enough about grub to Kyoani Cygames. The QRTs to that tweet are mostly about some Uma support card adjustments
>Sandalhomo left before Raziel just turned everyone into him
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High if you BELIEVE, you only need two rolls though
I wanna be that strap.
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close your mouth before i kiss you
The Pig version was better.
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The actual answer is its likely the writers room, thats what KMR said years ago when "we make the characters we want to in the moment rather than worrying about popularity".
I doubt FKHR sits down and demands they do stuff for individual characters as thats not how company structure works.

At worst its a bunch of middle managers pushing shitty characters because they personally think its what FKHR would like.
But honestly I just think the grub writers need to get fucking slapped.
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Even if that's the case FKHR is the director, he's the one that ties the whole thing together and ultimately gives the OK.
Here's how Raziel takes care of her enemies
I wanted to cross reply just to tell you that's my fucking fetish
Thanks for reading my post
When are we getting S.Lucifer
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Its either
>He rubber stamps whatever the fuck the writers room sends him
>He is a massive fag and the writers and project managers are making content to appease what he would like to get him to sign off on it
It could be a mix of both.

But honestly if you have worked in any corporate setting Id bet its absolutely a bunch of middle managers just trying to brown nose.
Yukata Lucifer summon this year
Fukuhara is pozzing out that everyone's drawing Raziel and nobody's drawing neckden
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Can you post a ten or so images and fantasasies about your boyfriend, please?
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>mfw I'm seriously considering spending ~$300 dollarydoos to buy half a spark for raziel tits
Is she actually good gameplay? Her ramp up seems long
eek ook la?
Valentines Bahamut when?
Unironically these fates were so bad Sandal VA got cancer
That's pretty boring as far as fantasies go.
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I'll walk into your trap.
KMR removed that last year and it isn't coming back. 0.5% rates (lmao) are the compensation. He wants his whales to spark 4 times, not have F2P/low spenders only spark once all summer.
i sometimes imagine how momoiraph and momoi race to MVP in bed
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oh nyes that's good post more
>high difficulty: A
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>tetsuya-san, nobody's rolling
>call them
Why are people drawing Raziel? Do they not know she’s shipshit with Lucifer?
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cute giant booba retard with a hat to cum in
It didn't stop them with Sandalphon and it's not going to stop them now. You just don't have 2000 fujos distracting you.
That's 3 richi art... where is supposed richi killer's art???
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who do i bring to faa0 light aside from coz, horus and neechang?
I refuse to believe there are still percy yumes after FKHR forgot about him
sandal to solve hitcount
Did he get any (You) pandering in his Relink fates at all? I wanted to check but I didn't like how he played and never finished them
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Sandal & Borger
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>At Cygames, we respect the human rights and dignity of both our customers and staff, and will continue to strive to build healthy and positive relationships with our customers.
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what does fkhr forgetting about him have anything to do with my love for pachan
We need more Djeeta/Faa art.
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literally me on the right but i don't like blade
You wanted Tefnut, didn't you?
You shouldnt be kissing your dad...
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I wish SuzuKen a speedy recovery but not because of grub
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No pandering that I remember, he helps out a group of soldiers who are shit at fighting. I liked it because it showed exactly what I love about him
Based Shinnchad
You mean uncle
Step dad since he’s fucking your mom
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I just spent $300 on Raziel
was it worth it?
Retarded cuckposter
Thank you for letting me stay f2p king
Thank you for keeping the servers up for 6 more months ;-)
>fucking your mom
You wish, his crush is dead and reincarnated into the body of a child made with the dna of his rival
4.1%ge we won so bigly
I hope she lets you touch her razis
anyone for subaha? I need execute.
here's (you), atleast this 300 didn't go towards bl****d comms
$300 is like a couple lunches these days. no big deal.
Post spark
I got Raziel from rolls then spent $200 to get Tefnut and still have enough for a spark later on.
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Dan Feng is a sick bvll
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Thats like two combos from mcdonalds in CURRENT YEAR anon, its a good investment
I can janny
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Me on the left
good gen, thanks
It's impressive how kamigame managed to be even more retarded than memewith
based paypiggies
>/gbfg/ narrative comes from NGA rejects
Not surprising.
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I have spend 30$ for gacha during the last 10 years and i regret it. there's no gacha today that would deserve your money.
2/6 janny in
Clearly im not strong enough for this proud, or maybe I Just need advice on what to use to beat it, but why the hell does this guy hit SO damn hard right off the bat?

Its insane, my dumbass dusted my buncles instead of locking them and im paying for it.. but is there a team I Can build to cancel this prick?

My Wind teams
And Vane.

Im a relic buster using Dispel. My grids the one from the Seiro Academy with some upgrades to weapons in it, main hands the FLB Varis from the code geass event.
Almost true, Granblue Archive definitely deserves the money
How strong Raziel? la
weak. la.
How fat do you have to be for $300 to be “a couple lunches”?
>eventually went for the usual milking strats
no, they dont
t. maleringer
They're probably from America. Inflation is hitting hard. The dollar menu at McDonald's became a two dollar menu. Times are tough.
Facts but unironically
Sometimes it’s okay to not beat things. Accept what you can’t do, and do what you can.
>that one time players' pyroxenes were in the minuses because nexon fucked up
Gigaretard advertising for free
mixed toilet slurpers mad
Idolmaster still has games, and so long as it does there is at least one gacha that will always get my money without question.
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>suptix was $29 in 2019
>now it's $18
Bullshit, I’m from America and you’d have to be a fatass with a black hole in your stomach to spend $300 dollars on a couple lunches. If we’re talking about groceries to make those lunches at home I’d understand but there’s no way he would just say “groceries”.
BASED JJKgalgegawd
And niggas will still tell you inflation is real
just jerked it to gay cuck porn
Based Razielchad
Try unlocking Shieldsworn and Paladin maybe?
>eventually went for the usual milking strats
don't mention to blud how cy made the current year summer units became unsparkable at the end of summer banner btw
Not all Americans are poor sis
Raziel would be a yume who reads self insert fanfiction with Lucifer
was it worth it?
I think they're just eating at expensive places in the city kek saw someone selling an ice cream cone for 14 bucks the other week
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R loli Narmaya when
I have uncapped celestial sword fist and staff, bow and harp are useless right?
Raziel would read doujins about Lord Sandalphon having a torrid love affair with his sister cucking their father.
I know, I just get super autistic about needing to kill a boss even if its actually impossible for me at that point, or a challenge, and I get really passionate about it. Its stupid and autistic and I need a breather.
Max stackable atk/def down with Naoise on turn 1. Bring a defensive class and use Enyo on the frontline. If you need heals the Love Live idols are decent.
/gbfg/ fails another subaha...
do you have beelzebub? if you do then i strongly recommend you save his activation for after the buffs go up on the boss so you can get them off as soon as you can. if you don't have him then i suggest you stack some more dispellers and try to grab some stuff to debuff his ridiculous damage with. you should try swapping out Sho and bring in Naoise instead, he can immediately apply 40% def/atk down on the boss if you use up some arrows on his S1, and he has a dispel built into his S2 as well which you can also use up 3 arrow stacks to recast. the main issue of this fight is simply staying alive through it, but if you can try to line up a lot of dispels and keep applying damage down on him with a support lucio then you might be able to pull through. consider holding damage to not align its nukes too much while it has its buffs up as well.
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Of course it's not real. Economics has always been a spook.
GODmaschizo wasn't there to MVP...
>Sandalphon not even in her likes
She's not interested in him
Sure, never used thos classes before, but might miss the event anyway while doing it.

thanks for the advice though, I should be unlocking the other classes
I've seen setups with harps before but yeah you should save up for the axe and dagger
Is it safe to buy hrunting now
Thinking about that special lady I’ll never be able to obtain and have her love me back. Suicidal thoughts are on the rise again.
Canon facts
Didnt get him but I did get the one in space that activates another summon and buffed skill cooldown speed
Should’ve said so last week, Dolphin Wave deserved my money then.
Shieldsworn was a pretty good FA class last GW, it'd be good to work on it if you're lacking in characters/grids
No, they're going to release a grand with a god tier mh like fenie
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is the fire exo dagger already dead? or the fenie MH is for HL and exo dagger for fast honors
>Lucifer gets to have this
How does dragon still have more fanart than raziel despite being blatantly ignored while raziel is turboshilled?
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anyone for a quick cosmos run?it's the only raid I haven't cleared as host.
You can still use the exo dagger for fast honors but fenie staff is good for both burst and HL as far as I know
FKHR's shill delusions vs reality
>fenie MH is for HL and exo dagger for fast honors
yup, that's me, the mc and neechang, practicing sumo
Host it
Hilarious how the bath scenes barely got any fanart
No. Enneads amplifies your damage while having lower def.
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>dirt tales next
Thinking I can uncap lobelia for gw backline duty after all
why draw gran like that...
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Do you already have 5* caim? Lobelia is kinda meh
Dirt lost
Water won
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he's a young lad under assault and needs help...
dragon is associated with a galge group which gives her an advantage despite being a disgusting hagflop
raziel is associated with std-ridden homosexuals and thus has to struggle way harder than other girls to achieve comparable results
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Gr*ncel lost.
Djeeta won.
He’s top tier in my heart.
Loliflop zodiacs can't beat sheep though (rat is hebe doesn't count)
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>be a loyal grubber who spends money
>can't do faa0 because of it
>fall behind
thanks fkhr
Yeah I already got 5* Caim, I'm just low on dirt astras
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It's a fool's errand since they can always just cast characters already with yukata/swimsuit like they did with Siegfried, Narmaya, Silva, etc. But if you want to guess for fun then:

>zodiac (rabbit has higher chance)
>accordant (manamel or the faggot pair)
>primal pal (satyr or athena)
>irestill (scathacha is the only left I think)
>society (maybe yukata bea or zeta)
>MSQ (rosetta, lecia kek)
>lamretta (because of tefnut)
padjeeta is at it again I see
>padjeeta acking out hours
your sumoflop lost
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the immovable
Chibi Lu Woh should replace regular Lu Woh
You don't need 000 to faa0
I do because I suck and need the crutch
wam would win
Objectivelly more popular.
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my razi folder has quadrupled in size today, thanks simple swimsuit
the mud alliance...is crumbling..........
Lobelia has a better backline passive than Uriel
Dirtfags deserve no allies
Clown world
the nightmare...
>falseflagging to try and break the chad alliance
where are the summer gibs and free rolls?
Does Raziel count as sabre/katana for glorybringer double strike? How does her passive work?
so this is the increased rate up at work...
darkbabs still salty they got kicked out of alliance
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Remember when slurpers said 0.5 is totally an improvement because now you actually get the units you roll for? What was THAT all about?
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Late July I think
>can't recast
He said dollaridoos
The only chad alliance is fire and wind
You know how all weapon prof things work for Caim? It’s exactly like that so weapon abilities work but not skills like mastery’s edge.
She does not, her passive also states that it only works for weapon skills
Same as caim
I want to cum inside my sister so bad
They need to do something with all this buff/debuff animation speed. It take 2-3 minutes for a turn sometimes
most powerful being in da grub
2 minute turn Razielbros.....
>got Raziel and Tefnut in 100 rolls
Worked on my machine
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Uhh bros.... My Raziel LIFTS
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Grand Maglielle is the only character who actually mastered all weapons and will count as everything.
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>the creature is darkraging again
DarkGODs do not have to bully and insult their bros, dark is already the superior element in every way and that's why it gets all the hate but it means nothing in the end.
You need him for Raziel just keep pulling dirt boi
slurpers do be like this
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Is Raziel singlehandedly saving our art scenes??
She can't beat chichiri
When can we tc ultima?
I stopped playing grub for a month and now I find myself attracted to 3d girls.
im so sorry
that's impossible
finally, some real art
>double rates
>rates don’t change
This game is a joke.
what about naruto collab?
what about 3d grubs?
>no playable Raiden
wtf, real leak
Do I spend 89 rolls to complete spark and get like 2nd Efes or Pilediver?
skill issue, i had no problem getting pholia last year.
not pulling on this trash banner however
disgusting pig. I never liked neechung...I was acting to fit in...
Legfest really isn't worth a spark these days
The more I play Grub the more I find myself attracted to women who play Grub.
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2nd piledriver is pretty useful all around. 2nd efes is only for burst which light is mediocre at and not worth 90 rolls. i have skipped 200 free roll banners many times, this banner is only slightly better with earth cages.
God, Emiri is so fucking hot...
That’s my wife
lobelia (forma emiri's delusions)...
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what a fucking pointless flb that was
Who the frig is Halodarnt?
>8.5 to 9.3
it's something....
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Our girl
i just got a m3 weapon from ordinary chest despite only dealing 900k of honors. What is the real minimum for those?
>want to put each Haase art on home screen
>can’t because she’s an Evoker so she’ll never get an alt I can also use a slot on
Hate this kusoge…
jita players look like THAT!????????
ugly dyke
Last day of June...
My penis is throbbing and dripping after seeing Lancelot wearing the S. Tefnut outfit. Is that gay or galge?
aw hell nah bruv
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Halloween Dante
Book nerds like Raziel and the slutty tiger sharing their favorite degenerate smut with each other when?
Do not poison tiggas with this shipshit creature
Next Lunalu event
>book club event
>some others
Would it be peak or mid?
Peak shill club maybe
Dragonchang..... content......
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Jesus she really is the sandals replacement huh
Way too galge for FKTRN
>>book club event
you know damn well no one on your list would be in it, it would be siete, sandal and some other shill club members
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If sandal VA wasn't dying they would have shoehorned sandal in sumo2 AND raziel fates.
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>they would have shoehorned sandal in sumo2 AND raziel fates.
he and lucifer are already in her fates THOUGH
They're not present.
>pretending thats not a shillclub list already
if Sandal was originally planned to show up, why wouldnt they just have him show up unvoiced like something like Ragazzo in Unbound Asterism? there's no way the event and her fates were written THAT recently
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>bro got a 2nd grand because the va is fucking dying, they can't shill him after he dies
Truly hilarious lol
Runaru isn’t shill club, FKHRT hates her for being galge.
Try payila(granblue)
>and some other shill club members
so raziel tigers and lunalu?
Thought that was dad with a massive booty from the thumbnail
>"They're not present in her fate episode!"
>"She just likes him like a fangirl, it's literally nothing!"
Razielfags on major copium
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Finished redrawing, rewording, and typesetting 484066571 and I might do a couple more later.
I also uploaded it to my MEGA folder with most of the stuff that I did for the thread. First time that has seen something new in quite a while.
It'll be an imagination overdrive sequel but I didn't really care for the first one so mid
skip shit banner, now we wait till flash...
Goddess cupitan and fediel will rule it
I think Logia Payila and Chichiri are the only 2024 releases to break 100+ fanarts, Raziel is slightly behind.
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based thank you
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the people demand large sloshers
he got an entire shill anni before 2024 thoughbeit.
>payila(granblue) has more arts than payila alone tag
>all have big sloshers
checks out
chichiri didnt hit 100? there was a bunch of fanart when she came out, it's slowed down a lot though
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I can't even remember the last time we got a new bingo cards for streams...
I'm about to ring dirt Arulumaya...
streams are 100% formulaic, there's no point to doing them at all
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oh no...
based for making the creature seeth
that's my mama right there
summer roulette is going to become a thing this year, trust
no more only christmas and anni
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So we've had Magus, Horus, Tefnut and Raziel all be summer related for their playable releases. Which of the remaining Enneads/characters from Anniversary will get shafted into seasonal exclusives? Osiris and Bennu would absolutely make sense to force into Halloween themed limiteds because of Dark and Bennu has the bird head/mask thing going on. I could also see Ra getting a Christmas release and giving her a red/green color scheme since she's red but is Wind for some reason. They'd also probably force Atum in for Christmas as well because why not.
if its wrong to plap mama i dont wanna be right
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>Which of the remaining Enneads/characters from Anniversary will get shafted into seasonal exclusives?
All of the Enneads, obviously. Suicideman will get his dirt grand when it reruns next june. Hauhet never ever
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Oh yes
post da attack hitboxes
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Cantate the goddamn Cunnycake. This girl... God, she's just such an amazing fucking character. Not only did she establish herself as the most popular character in the franchise WITHOUT shilling, but her mere existence and the observation of her actions and personality can teach deep lessons of philosophy and ethical nuance if one has the proper intellectual capacity and mental fortitude to embrace such lessons.

No lie: since becoming a Cantate fanatic, my IQ has gone up an unprecedented 20 points. My friend is an English professor at an esteemed institute of wisdom and knowledge, and he deemed my incredible lexicon and masterful grasp of the English language astute enough for me to come in and guest lecture on a subject I could relate to the importance of the written word. Naturally, I chose Cantate the Cunnycake. I can't tell you how amazing it was to see all the heretofore unenlightened individuals and the looks of pure, innocent understand that came over their faces as I elucidated the truth about the single greatest and most important character in all of fiction. A philosophy professor happened to overhear my musings and invited me to guest lecture in his class next week, so I'll probably spend the next few days preparing a lengthy expose on how Cantate’s characterization espouses themes heavily present in esotericism and dichotomism, as well as the more subtle but no less evident influences stemming from ancient religious codes such as Zoroastrianism and Confucianism.

None of this would have been possible without Cantate the GREAT'S influence. I humbly thank her from bended knee, and encourage you all to do the same. Rise to my intellectual heights by accepting Cantate into your hearts. Ascend, brethren.
fuck off tranny its Raziel time now
>why wouldnt they just have him show up unvoiced
because that would raise even more questions, so they just left him out completely
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mama time all the time
so you're claiming they rewrote the entire event (and fates) last minute without him in it? his break was announced in the middle of May.
Patiently waiting for summer arulumaya in dark
>wanting your son and daughter to fuck each other
bad mama
Since sumo is a power that goes beyond the restraints of the rules of the universe, why didn't Danchou just sumo wrestle the Phoenix?
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I could make one again at some point, but part of the problem was that engagement dropped over time which makes it hard to fill in squares. They also take a while to make given that I put in quite a bit of effort into them.

I'll see about it next time the opportunity comes up and how many anons chime in with ideas to put on them (admittedly I am a bit picky with them because I do want every square to potentially be viable and responses are often quite improbable).
Or maybe the event was written more recently?
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she was too hot
>try to sumo wrestle phoenix
>get boner
>the two hottest ones are just sitting on his legs
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Why didnt gran just ride the pheonix to estalucia?
It only affects skydwellers. It's why Wilnas didn't do anything to stop it.
hey girlies, how long does it take to finish a m3 grid
1 day of autism. Except leviathan. fuck him.
Why didn't they use the Grand God Kaiser to win the game?
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Anon this is what your future will look like.
Is this really what you want????
/gbfg/ has been talking about my wife a lot recently and I don’t like that
Anyone else been thinking about satyr's cumtanks lately?
Can cock beat the cock?
Why don't they just use the power of sumo to kill Bahamut?
bar farmers will be doing this in due time
will Sarasa 150 be used for GW? I can't decide if I should do it or just don't bother?
salsa... flopgotten and without use...
3 whole events sandal primarch and other shit vs faa? we should've just learn sumo and KO him in one chapter
only if you don't have the better options probably.
you should do it anyway...
Cain uncap will happen during GW month so no one will use her.
actually its Ladiva uncap.
FKTRN moment
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>zoomers not knowing the gbfg lore and just doing tranny jokes over and over
the grub has fallen
alright waterbros, I just got up.
Is Tefnut any good for anything?
>eats your food
>goes to sleep
>refuses to elaborate
sexo humidifier
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why is water like this?
VGL is starting y'all, our match is 4th should be in about two hours. I'll post again right before it's about to start.
so lazy she can't have art of her drawn
Remember to put Katze on there for an extra Haase.
lick feet
the retarded half veil is why no one is drawing her by the way
Damn what kinda cake 3 has been eating?
She's good for meat farming and the fist few rounds of NM, Ground Zero too stronk for her to be completely irrelevant in any dirt GW.
Wamfan, I've really enjoyed the last two threads. Thanks.
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>>eats your food
And that'll be the last fucking time.
can't eat shit with the stupid brace covering her dumb face
>next week's guest is Europa
for what purpose?
Surely they aren't giving her a Yukata alt already?
LazyCHAD element.
>ywn lie in bed all day with Dragon and Tefnut
>ywn have a lazysex threesome where Dragon's shikigami move everyone's body for them
she was good for 95 but now she does look unusable cause raziel setups are faster
meat obviously is a meme since clicking her button is not an option for someone who has her at 150
Her CD is coming out soon
Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that.
The CD that isn't coming with a skin.
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Henlo, footiefrens. The final day of /vg/ League (based) is here. This is our first time getting this far. Our quarter-final match is airships vs spaceships as we take on the clowns of /ss13g/. We already have a seat on the starting lineup, but a win here will get us a medal position of the main /vg/ team. We are the 4th match of the day, so we should be kicking off in about 2 hours. Please come WITNESS THE SITE and GIVE PRAISE.

>The CD that isn't coming with a skin.
>Troonnir CD comes with a skin
>Galgeopa CD doesn’t
FKHRT is vile
>The tweaking over Tefnut's chain veil
Also, did you guys like the special End of Ragnarok victory anthem yesterday? And, more specifically, do you want to hear it again today, or our classic anthem?
yes fkhr, its ugly, fix it.
it was kino, but let the oldfags decide if they like the classic one better
I'd say use the original one if we win the entire thing. Would be kino
If we win? Based and had it the whole time
If we lose? No one cares about soccer, doesnt count
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*saves the grub*
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How are Razielfags coping?
Cuckbrain melty
See >>484117226
can't hear you over all this art she is getting
Shipcuck is mad he lost twice, what happened with "Richard imprint" cuckposting?
This is why you ignore anything tainted by trangel lore
I was reading this manga and it had a part where this kid gets raped by his classmates since his mom is a pornstar. It reminded me a lot of grub and made my penis wiggle in glee.
nyou syee................
from now on I'll treat raziel and sandal fags the same way
For a second when I opened the home page I thought this was summer Shitori. Words can not describe how disappointed I am.
Summer Chicken and Galleon next
This happened to my buddy Keith
based unoringer
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>MSQ character
>getting anything
It had a good chance of happening, and either way all we got was boring nothing happens slop. Fate is skip tier
She’s pretty good but is hard to fit if you have all of the other meta water units.
She should fit well in basically any comp.
Just because it didn’t happen now doesn’t mean it can’t happen.
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Got this from the free roll.
Is she good?
More importantly, is she for (Me)?
Also describe her personality.
It's only nothingburger if you're a homo.
good for HL, not farming
lazy bum
you better be fucking right
She's alright but water frontline is too stacked
She's for no one which is second best in grub
She's lazy
What was the point of creating a character to fangirl over sandal/lucifer when the female playerbase already does that via Djeeta?
2 more weeks...
>via Djeeta
This should have always been the case but Raziel does not have fujo support
biological female playerbase
They could have easier just have the Femc fangirl of them instead of creating a whole new character to do so.
>Fujos are now gaslighting themselves into thinking Raziel is shipping Sandalphon and Lucifer instead of self inserting herself.
We're reaching maximum copium levels
play Gran.
Omnipandering. Homoangels are the only characters in the game non-coomers care about.
Make a homoangel obsessed big breasted bimbo and now you have a universally loved success.
trangel slot taken, ennead slot taken, we're missing accordant zodiac and 6D slot
Razielfags only care about her tits which is intended as the playerbase wouldn't have gave a shit about her otherwise see >>484124680 .
You can't have people pull for Djeeta and there's only so many alts Sandalphon can get since they're not gonna make Lucifer/Belial/Faa playable anytime soon. Putting bait for angelfujos in her fates is the next best thing.
G. Faa is coming at the end of the year
this nigga thinks fujos arent coomers holy shit
not a single person thinks angel "lore" is good btw
>Bait for fujos
>Literally puts Lucifer in her likes alone
Keep coping sis, Sandalphon's going for the cuck ending
That's the classic sakurai techinque back in other game.
Grub writers are freaking nuts
>You can't have people pull for Djeeta
I would pull for a real character voiced by Kanemoto.
They should give her one of the 2 remaining zodiacs
>sandal VA is dying
>Sandalphon's going for the cuck ending
wtf happeend
Here Lies Sandalphon: cucked to death
She hates Grub so that’ll never happen
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doesn't change that the bait is still there and fujos bit it
every thing I learn about her makes her sound even more based
But wouldn't that result in a split fanbase like Vira's.
Not a biological female character albeit.
They don't care. In fact that's what they want.
>another homoangel is about to die
One by one. Soon we will be free.
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Djeeta-kun is real??
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>/gbfg/ obsessed with arguing over Raziel being shipshit
>nobody cares anymore that after 6 years of Song being shipped with Silva they kicked Silva to the curb and now she's being shipped with Siete
total /u/fag death
>Have this as the biggest ship for years
>Even the voice actors ship it
>Here we're going to endlessly pander this while Lucifer marries a woman
She had to get Ox pregnant somehow...
She would join Lyria in the cuckshed if that ever happened. Filthy whore.

>he doesn't know
she bounces between them all the time, typical bi.
Good, Siete's a real1 and needs some pussy
It doesn't even matter because Siete just wants to fuck danchou
>Character goes from shipshit to shipshit
woah...yeah I wonder why nobody cares
if this is it about the kokoro connect thing then EVERYONE knows that by now
She is not though, why are you making stuff up?
>free roll
eh? where?
alright but how does Ghandagoza fit into all of this
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rare claud
>Siete winks at her
beware the shipshit brainrot menace
still wasting a spot in relink and stealing Heles' 5*
KMR specially pushed for Sandalphon and playable one. He even robbed us from his pantyhose in his redesign.
>lvl 60 (MAX)
Remember when gbfg said we were wrong and normalfags would love le punchy man but then nobody played him?
Heles is reddit so who cares
i did...
>She flirts back and gets embarrased when she realizes it
though it was partly due to the sumo aura and Siete being strong but it's funnier if you ignore that
>Yukata Lucifer (Fantasy) delusion by Sandalphon and Raziel
Lowain bros approved.
is there any sort of breakdown anywhere for character popularity based on player numbers for each character in relink?
If all the top played characters are galge, I will never forget this travesty that is that roster.
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They wasted him. Should have had a move where he punches a meteor into pieces.
Why do people hate Lucifer so much when he's had the smallest role to play in everything, and his greatest crime is his homo character fanclub lusting for his cock?
He literally dindu nuffin. The rest of the homoangels, however... they are the real issue.
Really funny how the achievement for maxing him is one of the rarest ones in the game kek
I want Silva more than I care about Song.
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No more tower of Bubs until Sandalphon VA anus fully healed
Next tower of Bubs update will have Sandalphon job (without saying anything) to a surprise attack and Raziel will support us now
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Are we going to ignore this? And that like Naru wants to apply sunlotion on (you)?
They’ve shipped Song and Siete before in the past. Song is just a slut.
She did not flirt back and was merely influenced by the sumo aura which in turn embarrased her and made her leave, though Siete probably enjoyed it because he's never respected by any jew. Anyone calling it shipshit is suffering from brainrot.
Raziel isn't a guy albeit
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>you now realize we are cucked on tower of bubz now
>you now realize this means our progress toward playable bubz and babu uncap is now halted indefinitely
Babubros... not like this...
9 more hours for content info drop...
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Reminder that Aliza is literally perfect for either versus or relink.
Her summer unit straight up looks like she equipped beowulf from dmc, and they pasted vergils moveset onto neechang in relink anyways so why not?
But noooooo we got some ugly literal who barafaggot no one gives a fuck about and dont fucking hit me with the "I always thought ghanda is cool", miss me with that maleringer shit
They could just leave Sandalphon unvoiced....
Despite being dead for over 5 years he's mentioned at least twice during every homo angel event
despite being dead for over 5 years he was part of main cast of the "Zoi" anni event with Cosmos
despite being dead for over 5 years Sandalphon is forever stuck as a widow
despite being dead for over 5 years now they keep giving him merch
Sure he did nothing but the game shills him almost as hard as Sandalphon (aside from never making him playable)
Old interviews bro. Everyone knows it was his decision because he exploded in popularity after the first event, so they rushed to make a sequel. Paralost is a bit weak in trilogy because it was rushed as fuck to get Sandalphon out. It was a good decision instead of sitting on him for years and years as they did with the other angels. He wanted him to be the MC of the angels, replacing Lucifer.
Belial was created for Paralost.
Fair enough, but this does raise another point. He has had the least gay interactions out of the homo angels as well thanks to her and Coz.
He's a victim of Sandalphon wank and our fraudulent writers, desu. If they had stayed the course after wmtsb1, leaving Sandalphon to rot, and kept Olivia relevant with Lucio just being """disguised""" Lucifer, everything would have been fine.
holy FAX almighty
I don't mind any of the angels. They barely get screentime in comparison to homo knights. People whine over retarded shit all the time.
Yeah, but that's kind of my point isn't it? It's not really *his* fault that we're here.
Lucio and Babu are by far victims of worst writing ever. Babu writing is nonexistent, came out nowhere, never mentioned, and a genderswap (original) (clone) of a fighting videogame spinoff villain.
Lucio's writing is pants head idiotic after his "uhh I was asleep when Baha got murked lol."
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The only ones I hate are Sandal and Belial, partly because they've been shilled more than any other characters. Lucilius getting a couple of appearances as of late, a character in Rising and a raid in Relink doesn't bother me.
The problem would be how to bring Faa back. Unless originally, he wasn't killed or something. Or Belial uses a Lucifer's twin core and sticks it in him.
If Suzuken gets sick enough they'll just have Sandals be unvoiced, or if he dies he'll get a replacement VA.
cute and canon
Izmir and Carmelina and those two Harvin crossbow-girls would be great in Relink. Cucoroux too. A damn shame the game isn’t getting any more content/DLC.
I hate how they are supposed to be the strongest creations of Bahamut and yet do nothing
>Lucio losing to Faa or doing a 200IQ plan
>Neither doing shit during Phoenix anni event
>Or helping you during tower of Bubs after nuking pandemonium
homo knights get one event per year and one seasonal it's nothing compared to angels
>Aliza has Stan in her likes
>Gran fucks her instead
>Raziel has Lucifer in her likes
I can only hope for grub 2 with similar mechanics as Relink
God I wish she had a water alt (SSR) so that I could ring her. I used to put her water SR on teams with a bunch of buffs just to see her do damage.
As a Babufag, I will not argue that she has suffered greatly due to shitty writing. When I first read her fate, it was peak. I love her character archetype.
They could have figured something out that was better than the shit we got instead. It was clear they had some kind of idea back then before they discarded Olivia and such. Which btw, she is yet another victim of the homo wankery writing.
Is Raziel the only character with stackable supplemental damage that isn't local?
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good night grubbas
She removed Stan from her likes as of summer albeit
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>Katze has Haase in his likes
bro your downgrade Bowman V tigers?
Yes that was because of the hard work of the captain. Look forward to Raziel's Valentine's day alt.
Lucio being bested by Faa was probably the only good writing he had, because the point was imperfection overcoming perfection. Faa's determination fucked him up. Same how Sandalphon's determination fucked Faa up immediately after Faa became a perfect being.
It was thematically consistent.
>Neither doing shit during Phoenix anni event
They jobbed to Magus.
>Or helping you during tower of Bubs after nuking pandemonium
Yeah this is dumb.
>homo knights get one event per year and one seasonal it's nothing compared to angels
The four of them are in all videogames as playable while only Sandalphon is of angels (the villains don't count as they are extras).
How many playable units do knights have vs angels. Angels were left to rot for fucking years. Are you thinking all angels are just Sandalphon? That's like saying all Eternals are Shilliete.
>downgrade Bowman
blud is still coping lmeow
how is one potato so sexy
That just means that you're going to fuck Katze...
>You fuck Katze and cuck the bitch
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>it's nothing compared to angels
Bro, the fuck are you talking about? We haven't even gotten playable RAPHAEL yet after half of a decade. Tor has a (double) unit almost instantly after he got introduced.
She hates Katze lmao
aliza in her original outfit with the crown wouldn't gain any traction. she was irrelevant for years. her mom outsexed her.
>Her summer unit straight up looks like she equipped beowulf from dmc
do you mean her attack animations? it would look more like kungfu in relink.

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