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Visual Novel General #6502

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>484004151
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this one
>both are Karenschizo threads
Pure shit, here we go.
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Holy oppai
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cute imouto nipples
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Recent VN releases:
>Boku to Kanojo no Kojin Lesson 2
>Doukyuusei 2 Remake
>Heroine wa Tomodachi Desu ka? Koibito Desu ka? Soretomo Tomefure Desu ka? Double
>Tomodachinbou de Midara na Shiru o Afuresaseru Haha no Ureta Mitsuana

Upcoming VN releases:
>Select Oblige (7/26)
>Secret Love (7/26)
>Kenzen! Hentai Rinjin no Sadame (7/26)
>Nagaruboshi -a Wish Star- (8/1)
>goHELLgo Tsukiotoshiteko (8/29)
>Amanatsu+ (8/30)
>Hyakusen no Jou ni Kawatareshi Toki (8/30)
>Otome Sekai no Arukikata (8/30)
>Kyokkou no Marriage (8/30)
>Kira Kano (8/30)
>Setsuna ni Kakeru Koi Hanabi SS Nadeshiko/Komari to One Room (8/30)
>Putrika 1st.cut (9/12)
>Yuukoku no Femme Fatale (9/27)
>Souten † Koihime -Shigen no Ou- (9/27)
>Tsumugi no Hanayome (9/27)
>Mizuchi no Miko (9/27)
>Senpai ga Watashi no Mousou ni Doujin Suru?! ~Body Touch ni Goyoujin~ (9/27)
>Enjou Gakuen 2 ~Shitenshi-tachi no Hanazono~ (9/27)
>Natsu e no Hakobune II (9/27)
>Dra Con Cafe (9/27)
This got translated?
by /vn/ autist yeah
Too flat.
>Boku to Kanojo no Kojin Lesson 2
The first one was kino but I desperately need the equivalent of this but with a male teacher and female student instead
>woman grooming a boy
>man grooming a girl
Review's up
What about a man or woman grooming a dog?
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sumi's cute oppai that will grow to C or D cups over time
fuck off, pedo.
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You got something against flat chests, buster?
Pure cinéma.
That's a child
>Heroine with Huge Breasts 3.0
mm yup it's reading time
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My pure gyaru will not be denied, Gaben
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what the FUCK
Reina is pretty close to a pure gyaru
Simulrelease any day now...!
her tit isn't hanging straight down in that CG
Immoral since dogs, unlike kids, can't consent.
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Stranger danger
Not what the VN is about
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Wow, she's SO flat.
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cute family
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>wake up
>another yurislayer wins
This a good day.
A perfect day to read a VN.
forced myself to finally read Asuka's route, i hate this bitch so much that i decided to make her a little song.
what are you guys thoughts?
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I don't care about (You)'s, and if you got upset by my opinion, that's just another reason to stay true to my path.
Sub-Con my beloved...
okay you win, i'll try the real eroge situation game, those oppai call to me
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What the fuck did I just listen to
>no pubes
your loss
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Any good translated netorare type A ge?
I ain't clicking that shit nigga
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top kek
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Need more pure gyarus.
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Please tell me you actually did this yourself.
Is that an actual song? Sounds like Bruno mars.
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tainted gyaru
who is the bustiest character in Fruit of Grisaia?
It's AI, obviously
remind me again when's the next /vn/ meetup
JB has the biggest rack
Too late, it has already secured a place in my playlist.
just wrote the lyrics and made the slide show, then just let my ai overlords do the rest
pure gyaru plaps her FAT BUTT all over your desk
>JOPs be like
>let's force a meme an entire year and then put the blame on Karenbro
I love karen
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Are there more than three endings to the "Private living-dead stoker Sowun Nagaoka series - Marder case of the Shinjuku second street" minigame in Tokyo Necro?
I never managed to talk to Hokoyasu.
You're not fooling anyone, Karenschizo.
/vn/ is 100% that guy who fell in love with the school slut and the slut said no when they asked her out
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Literally me but I never actually asked her out
But I was the school slut?
>im so retarded it makes other people angry
>this is good
You know how many things would be solved if retards acknowledged their own retardation.
No matter how you look at it TN's fights never reached the level of the frst, objectively. The writing also was repetitive as fuck and they've never shown actual teamwork and coordination skills of cuckchad's onahole.
Its an objective fact that the game sucks
I hated used goods since I was very young, so nope.
I was into shy girls back then
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>onii-chan brought a girl home
I was such a loser that I didnt even know which one was the slut.
Or ok sure I did but she wasnt enough of a slut for that.
Why couldnt I have toilet BJ whores in my school
Okay faggots im asking again, is Ef a decent game to followup Teninai?
Its a charage, no?
If you like heroine rape by others, yes.
Peak NTRkino
I went to schools for turbonerds, there were barely any girls.
I was more or less invisible at my smaller school, because I was miserable and they recognized it. I had a few passing crushes, one of which was a sporty tomboy.
I actually don't care much for school settings in VNs.
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Mashiro and Rika are so cute together.
Sprite should just make yuri.
Yes, it's good. It's five routes with five different MCs that you play in order, that tie together in different ways. The first route is good, the second is just okay (don't drop it here if you don't like it), and the rest are all good, in particular the final route. Content ranges from love triangle drama to nakige to unsure. The soundtrack and production value are high quality of course. If you want to know about the shit the other anons who replied to you are talking about I can tell you, though it's spoilers.
Based cuckchad
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>No matter how you look at it TN's fights never reached the level of the frst
That just goes to show how incredibly good Tang Yunshan's choreography was. I'd still argue that Milgram's and Hokoyasu's fights are better, but there's no use arguing about people's subjective opinions.
>they've never shown actual teamwork and coordination skills of cuckchad's onahole
Unnecessary. Ryouko is a side character who barely matters in most routes. The Karasuzumi kids also deliberately keep her out of the frontlines after what happened to Ikkatsu, so none of her behind-the-scenes work would've been apparent for either So'un or Ethica.
>Its an objective fact that the game sucks
Your subjective opinion is not an objective fact.
Yeah you faggots yapped about it so much im somewhat informed. Wasn't asking about that though
I don't really like Tokyo Necro... I wanted to watch the blue girl get gangraped
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>tfw no Mitsumin gf
It's not fucking fair...
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>annoying teninai spammer is a michiru cockgobbler
>nakige to unsure
Utsuge*, fucking autocorrect
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Just like the nitro+ development team..
Any VNs where you're about to lose to the villain and then you pull two out of nowhere?
The OPs were so expensive that they couldn't afford a good writer
ef is the oldfag's pretentious pick
two what
>Unnecessary. Ryouko is a side character who barely matters in most routes. The Karasuzumi kids also deliberately keep her out of the frontlines after what happened to Ikkatsu, so none of her behind-the-scenes work would've been apparent for either So'un or Ethica.
With how much they spend yapping about it but never showing it, it is not unnecessary. They should have just said nothing.
She was also never on the frontlines, she was always their coordinator. It is also not hard to include scenes of her passing out information, wouldn't take much effort - while increasing KINO tenfold - to add scenes of her telling the team where to bait or when to dodge/step aside for the math sniper to do his work, actually coordinating the team like linking all their ex-brains together.
But the writer was too retarded for this and idiots like you happily proclaim the slop as 8 or even 9/10
Tang simply has more effort put into it because it's the first fight. There's no choreography or whatever, the staff just didn't fucking care. You can tell from liner notes too that no one was enthusiastic about making this game for an outside writer with nothing to his name.

That said, did someone bother making versions of the fight scenes with all the text cut out like nitro+ did for https://youtu.be/q1mmfJewMyE ?
90% of Tokyo Necro's fight hype comes from the OST, not anything actually happening in these fights.
Go watch equilibrium and read jouka no monshou if you liked TN's gun kata ripoff.
What are /vn/'s expectations for https://store.steampowered.com/app/1839430/Dolls_Nest/
will nitro+ deliver again?
That depends, is this one published/distributed by JAST?
I'm more interested in Urobuchi's game.
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the company went bankrupt, right? no fucking wonder lmao this probably cost as much as the average moege
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Why didn't anyone tell me this route has NTR?
if you're blogposting please dont chain posts for no reason. If my filters catch a single one it nukes all of them. Its annoying
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I just shitpost when I see funny lines
Is that the dude from Fullmetal Alchemist?
Nicola milkers
Yes. You can fuck him now
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Edward if he was a chuunibyou vampire
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>she sees your zako
still. Its better than another white noise post or the 50th time the same image is posted in a month
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>With how much they spend yapping about it but never showing it, it is not unnecessary. They should have just said nothing.
That's a weird argument to keep going on about. Ryouko isn't their battle coordinator, she's the manager of the agency. She deals with political affairs regarding the military police, procures work and information, and cares for the members' wellbeing.
She does all of those things in the VN, but why would you want to see her dealing with paperwork and stuff like that? She has plenty of screentime already as the mother of the team.
>You can tell from liner notes too that no one was enthusiastic about making this game for an outside writer with nothing to his name
If you'd actually read the Liner Notes you would know that all of them were enthusiastic about it, some of them likening it to Muramasa and talking about the various aspects of the VN they liked. The Liner Notes aren't advertisement, so no one would be lying in those. If they didn't care, they'd just draw a scribble instead of writing essays about TN in there.
And if you weren't such a pessimistic prick you'd be able to see the love they poured into TN's art and 3D fight scenes. The team even added soulful easter eggs into the game like >>484125842, every single fight scene comes with unique animations and virtual environemts, and every location has their own, fitting living-dead designs.

Hating Tokyo Kino is NOT a replacement for an actual personality.
TN > Muramasa btw
im 90% sure she is their battle coordinator on top of management work
>he doesn't know how liner notes and staff messages work
?? bro? They HAVE to be positive and find a good aspect to talk about. Is this your first interaction with japanese media?
Its very telling that they all talk about con-su or especially mitsumin and NTR, because there's literally nothing else. Compare it with liner notes for nitro+ works and you'll see the difference.
>unique animations
thats not true, they re-use simple animations constantly
Artists were paid for this and the game still looks like shit. Most of the locations are absolute vomit of nonsensical piping and TN is about the first game that managed to make me think the BGs fucking suck.
>easter egg
a very shitty one, yeah.

But hating retards is. Besides I swap personalities like so-un swaps bullets, faggot.
>mentions 5000 letters in review
>review is exactly 5000 letters
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Very convenient when you want to fuck your child gf (blood-related).
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imagine being a developer on saku saku
>spend hundreds of hours making the route of the main girl that the game shoves up your throat constantly, including a secret twist
>everyone hyperfixates on the incest route you made as an afterthought
>no sex at home
I'd play it if the reflection was a heroine, but its not so its a kusoge
but they fuck at home all the time
I'm starting to wonder if the yakuza has a vice grip on the VN industry, forcing them to shill for love hotels.
I just got spoiled for a moege I will never read
>Takaya Kuroda
Holy fucking kino
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this is so fucking trve
more games need to let us date the demon possessing the girl instead of having us get rid of it in order to be with the girl
another example of this is lohse from dos2
I think oji-sans are just jealous about the moans they hear through the thin walls
Thank you for making this post. It gave me time to hide the post before I looked too closely.
Maybe on planet retard
There's an amazing CG set about a secret succubus wife invading her husband's dreams to drain her of his semen but she starts to need more and more food so she reveals herself to her husband. Eventually it ends with the husband loving both sides of his wife and treating them both the same (i.e. absolutely railing them).
Which is to say we need more non-NTR husband and wife VNs that aren't just pure drama-less slice of life like Hachimitsu Soft's works.
half true, she was a lesbian who turned straight by others and who also dated a slut
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>eyesight getting so bad magpie seems lowres and I can barely see text on /vn/
I cant read like this...
>Its very telling that they all talk about con-su or especially mitsumin and NTR, because there's literally nothing else
Dishonest nitpicking, those are just two funny examples I posted earlier. Some of the members wrote wall of texts I didn't even fully read because there are so many of them, and most were excited about the animations and 3D designs.
>they re-use simple animations constantly
that's not rue, unless you talk about running animations or something like that.
Every single character has unique fighting styles that can't be copy-pasted onto others, and each encounter with major antagonists like Pavlov and Milgram is unique enough that you couldn't reuse assets.
>Most of the locations are absolute vomit of nonsensical piping
That's the dystopian Cyberpunk setting, and it looks pretty comfy for a Tokyo that is deliberatly designed to be ugly and cold.
>a very shitty one, yeah.
Cope, it's kino.
>bungle my chance with a grunge girl who loves video games
>check later and she turned into a thick frame glasses art hoe
I dodged a bullet, and my virginity is intact. Sometimes the bad end was the best end.
The backgrounds were one of the few good parts of the tokyo 'egro actually.
>Ichigo's voice actor voices the Rewrite MC
>but it's in only one route which apparently everyone hates
Dropping this kusoge right now how dare you bait me with this
Tokyo Negro might be more your speed, retardKING.
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Your reply...?
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Everyone loves Terra doe?
Not like a Bleachfag would understand kino.
Nitro Plus, CLOCKUP, elf...What are some other companies I can add to the blacklist?
Really any company that isn't JAST
>Dishonest nitpicking, those are just two funny examples I posted earlier. Some of the members wrote wall of texts I didn't even fully read because there are so many of them, and most were excited about the animations and 3D designs.
I've read the lines and what you're talking about is the people who worked on the engine stuff talking about the engine stuff. This is to be expected.
You can see the main writer's thoughts on it and if you dont think hes dispassionate (he had to write someone else's retarded idea and try to piece it together, its evident he had no clue how to write it in the constant text repetitions aswell as him admitting it here) then theres no future for you https://secret.jastusa.com/tokyonecro/02.html
Its the same punches and chainsaw moves. You have no clue how game animation works do you, most of it involves only changing the model, they dont have to do anything new
>dystopian cyberpunk
it can also not look shit, look at baldr.
The only kino was Akane's doe.
>not look shit
the BGs were great, what are u on about
nah im not interested in public toilets
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S-Surely your family can't tell that you're secretly having sex with your imouto, right? R-Right?
surely she didn't walk out of your room dripping white on the floor?
Imagine how the other sisters are masturbating while listening to you having sex with Sumi.
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Is Sukisuki worth playing just for the blonde loli?
The superior blonde loli is a routelet.
She's a child
ochinpo kimochi
>both VNs with only one good route
A sexy child.
first real h-scene in real eroge situation was a pretty good fap
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I propose a toast
We hate traps here.
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Were there multiple translations for this? Sukebei only had this version but vndb lists a few.
lolis are disgusting
you don't represent /vn/
this, unless they have a penis
Looks like the other version is MangaGamer's. No idea how it stands up to that one.
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Masaka... you disgusting creature dare stand before us?
This, shotas reign supreme.
still not sure why they included a straw in the CG, i doubt that works very well with cum jelly
But enough about Muramasa.
>want to read
>mouse hovers over game shortcut
>do something else instead
It's been troubling me.
too obvious
yare yare
Everyone agrees that muramassa's heroine routes are dogshit, retardbro.
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that's not me though
Change your diaper, fag.
not everyone here is you, 65GOD
Kanae's route made me drop the VN, so I can't rate Ichijo's and Chachamaru's.
>implying I finished the common route
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>animated lip movements and blinking even on CGs
>no BGM whatsoever for like 10 minutes now

I'll pop the trip with a changed name so another reminder to filter name, not code. Kinda done goofed and changed the code for teninai but it doesnt really matter.
Hopefully I wont drop it, considering my main drive is to evict Dumko from my head.

I googled and it seems its only more "official" since its done by the same group. I.e removing their "SUPAH" catchphrase or whatever.
Nah, that's my best friend who I tried to get into VNs
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Anime is better.
The OST is great
No it isn't. It makes the story more dramatic but it ruins all kinds of shit and even inverts the story at points.
>rewrite fans are masculine men with deep voices
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
And Chihaya is pretty nice, too.
janny, do the needful
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VNs for this?
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The CG spam is insane.

I've seen in eons ago, I only really remember SHAFT handling phone messages in a cool way and Chihiro being best girl + the diary scattering making me cry
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>40 hours
What's up with these retardedly short playtimes for visual novels?
Do these people want to brag with their fast reading speed?
>censored shitter screenshots
Miyako's route is a lot different on the game and there's less angsty drama overall. Also the anime completely shits all over Yuuko's route to the point I assumed whoever wrote it must have hated the original story
holy based shinobuchad
which one is it?
your disgusting
>shits all over Yuuko's route
How so? The NTR is still there in anime.
if she keeps up her teasing banter for the rest of the game im not the least bit surprised they cut her out as a form of revenge.
>less drama
I prefer my charage with drama though.
any VNs where the heroines have an orgy with each other
isn't that the bitch who got raped over and over by her brother?
Holy shit, just check vndb, it has their cup sizes
A brother can't rape a sister. Sisters belong to their brothers.
Anti-religious sentiment in the anime that inverts the game's story. In the game when Yuuko and Yuu run away they go to a church, in the anime it's a Shinto shrine. When Yuuko dies she drags herself into the church to pray, in the anime she dies slumped against a tree. When Yuu goes to the church at the end it plays Silent Night, in the anime it's that shitty anime-original song. At the end whe Yuuko asks Yuu if he believes in God now, in the game he says yes but in the anime he says no. Etc.
>In the game when Yuuko and Yuu run away they go to a church, in the anime it's a Shinto shrine.
Very based. An anime that improves from the source material is always a great thing.
I really shouldnt have to check to know whose voice this is, but im not sure.
Is this Amane/Sumika again? Not that much of a fan.
WTF, based. I love anime now. We need to purge jewish trash from Japan.
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>hey Mom, I'm fucking my elementary schooler little sister
It doesn't improve anything. Also cuts out Yuuko being pregnant and doesn't deal with her psychological trauma seriously like the game does, so that's just one sort of example. Mutilating the story to make it suit your own ideological beliefs is bad. You're on the level of defending memelations changing content to be less offensive
It's just a NTRge, not a big deal.
Cutting out jewish bullshit is a good thing THO.
There's no NTR in Ef
>BAN will never draw fanart of your VN
Do the kind of people who write this shit ever go outside?
Visual novels for this feel
The intention is to be absurd. You are overfixated on the idea of "realistic scenarios"
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Imagine writing a report for your Mom on how exactly you plapped your imouto's loli cunny today.
The translation fucking sucks though, and this time for real. So lazy. So dull. Already turned "people deceiving themselves" into "hiding their true colors" and plenty other fuckups.
kino track
what kinda research is it...?

kino. Should plap the mom too
Oh, I get it. She exists to sell the fandisk, right? Surely that's why she exists.
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Yeah, about that...
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why are women like this
I think the plan for sukisuki was to actually have routes for all the characters that had events in the common route, but they ran out of money before they could finish things up. They ran out of money so hard the entire company went under.
Why is it that people use drastic means to destroy, like the KyoAni arson, but there isn't someone out there that will create a hostage situation to secure the existence of a fandisc?
Tsui no Sora Remake translation just released
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>calls 119
>instead of actually making sure her pulse's there and stuff, he's going to sketch her
I can kinda see this happening in japan, yeah
What a shit font.
In Fruit of Grisaia. Does Amane ever express jealousy over JB boobs?
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they said please so im not allowed to change it.
You made me realize it kinda looks like comicsans though
I think yes
Finally. I thought they would hold the translation like they did with Eustia
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Still though the amount of CGs continues to be insane. How much money did they burn on this
please give me more details
Even when Sukisuki released, visual novels were already dying. It just took a few more years for the Japanese people to read the writing on the wall. People want to gamble on their phone, not read a fucking picture book.
Official release has a different font
Are you a neet?
I can't.
they maybe interact 2 times across the entire trilogy, if that
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How the fuck QC takes so long?
>MC fucks his grandpa's sister
Because it's an MTL release trying to delay it so it looks more like a real translation.
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The game has no readme or anything so it hard to tell if I can change it without everything breaking. I probably could if they did that for official, but do I wanna risk...

No. Why?
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I wish my textbooks had problems like this.

>what kinda research is it...?
It's just some nonsense plot convenience to start the sister-hugging thing. MC has health issues, is a part of his parents' research and the hugging was proposed to have positive effects on patients' health.
I sleep
You post here 24/7
I thought the same about eustia, but it was human translated.
Let's wait.
Thai ladyboy prostitutes only need to work 2 hours a day.
Likely holding it till the 20th (or was it 24th?) of july to coincide with Subahibi End Sky for extra kino points
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December 15th*
Why do women write the best moege?
such retardness but fantranslations are autists
so might be that
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Lurk more. That said I dont have long work hours so
They don't
welcome to the I-wish-it-was-Sana's route
>Lurk more to know more about an attention whore
No thanks
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Blud has one shitpost but he keeps repeating it without fail. King shit
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If they spam CGs so much, they stop feeling special. Cute though

Then why are you asking if you don't want to know more? stop giving me hope, baka...
that was originally zako reboot release date until Gaben stepped up and BTFO moebutas and NegroNyan
Tenshi is coming, yuzuge will win, shotas will win
on JAST store btw
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>implying he played with her body so she doesn't have to pay for wrecking his bike
She should just pay with her body if it doesnt bother her
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Why are imoutos like this...? Why do they torment us so...?
Jews are good, respectable people. Be humble before them.
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t. kike.
R.I.P. shalom poster
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>MC talks about how good Miu is at giving handjobs
>must be due to her taking care of animals
Was this route was written by an extremely salty Sanafag, correct?
he had no grit, got deleted by the janny one time and gave up
6 months is nothing. I've waited years for some 100% translated games to release.
Just go ahead and read Sana since her route is kamige
>he's at the H-scenes
oh nononono
Miu and Sana have the same writer, and she only writes kino.
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uwaa... She saw some xmas snow, got herself in the mood and now wants to invade MC's house since he's the only guy around... what a slut.
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We love sluts around here.
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would you lick her plate?
You wouldn't get an erection while looking at your naked sister!
Sana's base route has the same writer but the extra content for Sana Editon (h-scenes etc) was written by the writer of Airi/Ange routes
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Onikiss is better than Onigyu because you can fuck the loli mom
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I would, and I do.
It would be rude not to.
This, lolibabas are the only lolis really worth considering
I look like this while scrolling through /vn/.
I wanna plap while using the keyboard, we'll work together to shitpost
are you retarded?
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>osanaijimi but she calls the MC onii-chan
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I can't be the only one who read this because ryukishi07 only to find it's really shit?
Am I missing something? Does it get good later or something
I didn't read it exactly because it's written by r07 so I knew it'd be shit.
>expecting anything R07 wrote to be decent
>I can't be the only one who read this because ryukishi07 only to find it's really shit?
Why did you expect otherwise? Is it your first r07 work?
no, its bad. Not everything with a decent writer ends up good - keep the studio in mind
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bitch we could've done that fifty handjobs ago
Didn't know you cunts hate Higurashi?
Fuck you then it's a classic
And the stupid fuck who asked if it's the first thing I read I by him
Are you dumb
Why would I know about him because of this
Fucking faggot nigger
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Worst girl in the whole game full of whores.
>it's a classic
maybe in /lgbt/
She angry.
At least you get to see her get btfo into oblivion
Calm your tits, sis.
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I don't dislike her. Yet.
That's why anime is better. She got BTFO in a KINO manner.
We hate childhood friends (who are not Sumika) here btw.
I didn't like that part of the anime either. It cut a lot of Miyako scenes and made Kei into more of a cunt than she already was. The anime made her like the bad guy in that route when she doesn't really do anything like that in the game
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Feeling kinda red today
Is this fate?
you sure?
far too big
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Her tummy is great because she exercises you FUCKING RETARD. Hard work deserves more credit fuck talentfags
>Fat cuckqueen
Yes. Reminder that she masturbated while watching MC's gf giving him a bj.
We fucking love pure goods here
I wish I had a slightly pudgy orange childhood friend
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She didn't masturbate, she just walked in on them.
she fat
mc looks pretty good no homo
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>bothered to draw his scribbling
why the fuck would they put so much effort into this, was this the artist's passion project or what. its getting ridiculous
she totally did after though
while crying
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>here's your unfuckable incel, bro
>t. female artist
If the girl loved MC pre-story I side with her
simple as
Woah he looks just like me
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opposite for me, not interested in trash that skips the development of feelings which is the most important part
easily the best looking Yuzu MC in the games I've played, second place is the Noble Works guy. The edgy twink faggot from Riddle Joker is in last place btw fuck that guy
Vanity project from Minori when they considered themself to be the new Key. They even commissioned Shinkai to make openings for them.
That's just what minori does
You mean Batman?
Tomboys are gay.
I hate Argentina so much bros

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