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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells
https://rentry.org/xivgresources7In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484113160
first for koana, the one true king
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How do I get the testing version of plugin? I right clicked and enable them.
I don't get why it says a testing version is available, and it's enabled, yet I can't install it
i think middies and fiddies should
fifth for erenville the princess of my dick
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>the number of femhroths continues to swell
Wish my miera had battle EB like this
when does it get better
My sunnie is going to wear her Y3 modded clothes and yeezys at the Solution Nine afk spot when mods are back
want to play with my chaos friends but I can only go to shadow what the fuck square
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reminder /xivg/ is 70% fujo (male)
I just want Kuja's battle theme remixed by Soken.....
do I fanta to fat tat fiddie or flat femezen? there is no in between
Wuk Lamat's sandpaper tongue licking my dick (it bleeds)
Wait do they only let you taste one of the futureslop in Solution 9? I wanna see what the other ones are like.
>yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap HAPPINESS yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap MY PEOPLE yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap my brudda is ebil >:( yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap PAPA yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap TACOS yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap yap
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meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow
After the Wild West filler arc.
sorry cant help but how do you enable dalamud after an update? i remember when i played a couple of years ago you had to have a super duper secret password or something...
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Please post viper hotbars
I can't find something that is comfortable, particularly for these ogcd double weave abilities...
key is empanadas and type is apiX
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At what point in the msq do i unlock erenville?
I'm white.
How do you respond without sounding mad?
EB to rewatch today's F1 race with
i hate you lazy niggers. go back a thread and use crit f
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laid bare
of course sar u are very aryan
Get on my hrothcock, NOW!
did the game completely die off during endwalker where are the queues?
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Do your aether currents friend.
>crit f
based upset chad
>modbeast fiera with basketball sized boobs
>dog girl fiddie (yjk)
>free-use catgirl (consensual)
>free-use femra (non-consensual)
>hag lalafell who thinks 40 is still young
>racist femezen
>very muscular femroe who thinks she is ugly and undesirable
>hrothgal that purrs when happy and growls when angry
If I have to talk to 3 (three) NPCs again one more time I'm going to fucking lose it
this rocks
I am biofem as in real biological fem as in female what is wrong with this
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No I'm not German.
they prepared this time
Anyone test how easy it is to solo unsync previous expansion content?
Aether had 3000+ people queues last night but everywhere else is fine
>the face you see before you get drained 5 times in a row and die from a cardiac arrest
Whats with this game showing us utopian societies and being like "Sorry but we cavemen gotta murder you now"
racist femezen easy
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dibs on the femezen
One order of the hrothgal, please.
free-use catgirl
Status quo
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Yes middies! :3
Wait what?
aether at prime time
Post your portraits after the graphics update!
this is mine atm
it's alright and I'm kinda starting to get used to it
not sure if I'll change it more as I get more skills

level 90 btw, the control+8 is mouse over search info macro not a skill or macro related to viper

sorry it's upside down, I only found out I'm hotbartarded 3 days ago
thats a futa cat (la tranny)
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Wuk Lamat my dumb, tomboy wife
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I made her too cute bros
Why are we doing this again?
Devs said they increased the capacity so it wouldnt happen again
what race for most Athena-coded WoL
ngl i like this gimmick
he's so based
How so?
I'm a mix of everything
modbeasted and heighbeasted catgirl+ with basketball sized boobs, racist, purrs when happy and grows when angry
Him telling Wuk to decapitate him and turn him into taco meat was the only time that I genuinely laughed while doing the MSQ
>he doesn't remember the Cloud DC
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Is there a place where I can see all the bgm files for Dawntrail?
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Come join us on Primal for Dawntrail.
nta but i'm retarded how do i put these in
I met a lot of futacats (les trannies) that were bottoms
Which futureslop did you pick in Solution 9?
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the final one to end the furry menace
I love Wuk Evu so much. Absolutely my favorite side character so far
The steak of course
not my type but it does at points feel like her dad is asking you to plap her.
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Eavesdropping rabbits
Testing available just means there's a testing version
it might just be a bleeding edge version for testing new features, it doesn't mean it'll work on current dalamud
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She's cute. I want to be her canary
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lmao even
yup i just had the worst death in FL imaginable
>triceratops goes side to side when flying
this change is good
Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
>I can play a stereotypical texan cowboy as a sunnie catboy and it will now be 100% lore accurate
oh yeah, it's all coming together
How is summoner these days bro? It's fucking weird getting used to how it works now compared to how it used to be. But It's still my favorite class identity and I still wanna play it. Are there any nuances to how it plays now? I was wondering if some summons are better than the others, is there any set rotation too them? I usually start AOE pulls with Garuda and then I just go trough the motions, I don't really enjoy Ifrit though and I have caught myself in some awkward spots at times during boss encounters and I have to get out of range before I get the follow-up to the charge off
its alright guys, we all have our first bad expansion
Catgirl anchor reply
If it was a sidequest sure but the MSQ in this game is super asexual
Urianger and Thancred are a canon gay couple and you can't tell me otherwise
Why do all vipers in FL immediately rush into the center of the enemy murderball to die instantly?
nobody cares about povertyball, swarthoid
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This reunion is supposed to be touching but at this point I'm just bored to death...
Summoner is easy as fuck you use ifrit last unless a fights design requires you to do something different, it's a static rotation that repeats

It's also the worst caster dps at 100
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would you trade with her bros?
I remember you cutie, post more catbox links please~
Not a single cute miqo'te has posted yet
>It's also the worst caster dps at 100
You can do that as viper if you actually press your defensives
get in the fucking dirigible you stupid fucking jar jar binks retard holy fuck is there any mode of transportation this freak doesn't complain about or get uwuw fwightened by.
why the long face
Red Mage has been dethroned?
can I pretend I’m a pelupelu semen demon as a min height fiddie
did anyone save the webm of the TOP picto brush
There is a image set of him getting raped and vored by a monster
Ah that's a shame. How bad are we talking? Luckily SCH is my favorite healer too. Although Sage is really fun too, and I think they got an AOE dot this expansion right?
So the tribe of traders have pointy noses?
The black guy doesn't know his father?
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*puts an egg on your spaghet*
Nothing personal kid
post face now
>find out the earring's origin
>it's literally where we were headed anyways

why even bother having any secondary plot points if they literally always coincide with the main plot path anyways?
I don't get why people say Reddit hates DT. I'm looking right now and the top post is praising the story. People who have even the slightest criticism are being downvoted and accused of being "bad fans".
search archive for empanadas until you find it
My femlala is affixing Quicktongue materia...
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This too was foreshadowed
XIV gamers are gonna lose their mind when they find out about japanese racism
Its honestly hilarious, they made such a big deal about Krile being important to the plot and you forget she's even with you the majority of the MSQ
It'll probably get adjusted before the tier comes out but at the moment they're genuinely one of the worst dps in the game i think only mch and dnc are below them
no cunny? :(
what are role quests?
Quests but tied to roles
this should be 30 seconds instead of 60
ok thank you anon
anon that is shakshuka which is very good
Dumbed down job quests.
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who is this voice actor? i've heard this motherfucker before and i think it was also western themed
It'd be too convenient and playing healer is all about being a pain in the butt
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Pictomancer is refreshing cause even a botting retard like me can play it!
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haha bro guess where the picto quest is located
wtf I wanna play WHM now
Oh boy. Well at the very least I have raised several healers and pop my 5% dmg buff whenever I can, so I hope that my utility makes up for it a little. Lets pretend I perform my rotation optimally, do you think I would still drag down normal dungeon groups damage output? You know compared to the usual player
this was one of the best dungeon bosses we've had lately
the dash and glare 4 are super fun man come on in
Why does everyone have a gun here? It almost doesn’t feel like Final Fantasy.
%appdata%\XIVLauncher\dalamudConfig.json here u go retard
damn ninja got fuck all lmao
>How so?
rented amazon servers, encouraged people with DC travel by adding new worlds with exp boosts right before the expansion hit, even making temporary overflow DCs (EU Shadow) to alleviate load on other servers
It’s insane how everyone sounds fine in the English dub EXCEPT for the main heroine, why is wuk’s voice actor just so bad.
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alisaie is worse
Powerscale the final trial bosses
This is accurate right?
I feel like Shinryu would canonically be stronger than Sphene because it was said Shinryu was actually more powerful than Bahamut
That's how I felt about the twins. Estinen is at least just a random murder hobo he can get away with it.
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I hate how wasteful these solution 9 idiots are with their HUMAN SOUL BATTERIES
you'd think they'd treat such a steep cost with more care, but I just watched this femezen dumbass waste one like it was no big deal fighting a regular enemy and act all confident afterwards. That stupid fucking BITCH wasted someone's soul (plus one more soul afterwards) to show off.
I should've been able to slap her in the face for making me watch that. And then Krile has to play devil's moderate and say 'its hard for us to accept but its their culture' or some other dumb shit too, vile. It's an abomination. The game better not just make my character fine with it.
none of this matters for normal dungeons just like... week 1-2 savage
not logged in atm my queue is slow but i'll post once i'm inside
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>the venture brothers reference
Did Thancred's VA decide to start smoking two packs of cigarettes a day? I know I'm not the only one who hears this.
The head translator is a pink haired woke freak who was given discretion to choose the english VA after being promoted to work with the creative team and ishikawa. So they hired a random trans actor instead of one of the normal actual established voice actors they've used from an agency since HW.
blue morpho is a type of butterfly, like a real ass butterfly, in the real world
It makes no sense for a catgirl to have only 2 boobs
Why does krile constantly sound like shes on the verge of crying?
No I had the same feeling too. Maybe he was sick?
>the real world
Are you making a The Matrix reference?
Do you like s+
yes I know anon I was trying to make a funny. wont happen again sir
I dont see anything wrong with that, its a cute sunnie
thancred sounds fine
y'shtola's VA sounds fine too but the audio mixing makes it sound like she's talking to you through an old telephone or something like what the fuck happened there
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Please help...
Because honest opinions only get posted early on before the community has time to form a "narrative". The posts prior to today were fresh from real people, not shills. But now the usual suspects have realized that they're losing control of the narrative and are cracking down hardcore on dissenting opinions. Expect every reddit thread to trend upwards because they have to defend Squeenix or face dishonor from their clan. Also expect a barrage of positive Steam reviews with no substance besides attacking other people.
this is a massive reach because hiring more european vas for this setting would be weird
cowboy catboy
What's what the average femlala is like, why do you think they melt so frequently here
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gm sar
RDM got some much better mobility now with the new accel working like a doublecast
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>people treating my WoL as an irrelevant piece of scenery
Whoa buddy I have maxed out FSH, have some respect
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>she's taller than me
Its over...
The amount of seething over Kate will never not be hilarious
what's in it for me?
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Yep, thats a flat wife
what do you like then, I'm curious
You can plap my femlala, free of charge.
The leftist says, wiping tears from their eyes, hands trembling with barely repressed rage.
bro FSH players are irrelevant pieces of scenery to 99% of the playerbase
why is she holding her head awkwardly like that
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>The compass does not detect any nearby currents.
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Graphical update turned catboys into catmen
It has nothing to do with that or else they would've just hired one of the numerous latin american professional VAs that exsist that have done spanish, portugese, english, or even bilingual work in the field.

The wuk lamat VA has no bonafides to justify choosing her and we've had hispanic characters in various anime for years.

Consider that Koana and Zoraal and Gulool all have better voice actors with the latin accent applied.

It's clear why wuk lmao's VA was chosen- Kate wanted a trans VA for brownie points.
Nidhogg is stronger than Sphene. Nidhogg was said to be able to singlehandedly wipe Ishgard off the map. Sphene needed her army and all the souls to do something. She's the weakest out of all those. Shinryu is probably stronger than Hades.
kino swarthmelt
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even the devs know she's terrible
retards please do not reply
he looks middle eastern
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Alright, I'm going to start skipping the story until something grabs my attention again. Otherwise, I'll never get through this. I keep alt tabbing out of boredom
wow cute catboy
People that changed into Hrothgals, how do you like it? Are their animations and proportions good? How about voices and so on? Think you'll change back like all the people that regretted the Fetal-alcohol syndrome face Viera?
i am not prepared to see Erenville's story reach it's climax
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Looking good brother
awkwardly klutzy
Post your femlala first.
Blasting Wuk Lamats retarded fucking face with my cum until she's a moaning, panting mess and gives up on "leading" her country.
just skip all cutscenes until 65 dungeon
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What should I spend my purple crafter scrips on?
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mfw Tolbi keeps saying EHHH in the japanese audio
FSH is unironically a better caster than SMN

more buttons
complex rotations
requires adaptability
pulls out absolutely terrifying ancient monsters, some are hundreds of yards in length
Damn, this expansion really did shit the bed. Jarvis, open the thread titled "Wow, Wuk Lamat is really single-handedly ruining the DT story.
So many conditions being added... How can I know you aren't lying to me?
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Why can't we mount in Solution Nine?
Sex with both of you at the same time
damn i can't believe THE kathryn cwynar of cbu3 fame went around their usual agency specifically to handpick THE sena bryer of (???) fame
that (uk) agency sure has a lot of american dudes in their stable of voice actors
The official soundtrack of the squenix defense force, yes.
this looks bad i'm going to be sick
I liked how they looked before
How come you NPCs can't go 10 minutes without reposting shit from the front page of Reddit?
Open at your discretion
Real and genuine connections
>As you can no doubt tell, Solution 9 isn't the only "Solution." But it is the latest one. The "Final Solution" if you will.
wtf how did Yoshi get away with this
im glad i dont have to see or read this attrocity ever again
see >>484127315
then continue to cope and seethe
>pictomancer is the child's job
>representative is an underage lala
>and also an old man but he dies so it's just the lala
painted eyebrows ruins every character they're on. even having none at all looks better
damn i can't believe THE kathryn cwynar specifically handpicked THE sena bryer
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People like it when guys fail because it's tragic but when women fail it's embarassing
which mouth is that habibi
is it mouth 4?
always knew it was the pedo-coded tranny job
don't even feel like unlocking this shit
yoshida said in an interview that it canonically took 8 people to defeat shinryu
also at that moment our WoL would be equal in strength to guts in his berserker armor (he actually said this)
see >>484127594
then continue to cope and seethe
Breeding Wuk Lamat until her belly is bloated with my semen and all she can do is whimper and purr in ecstasy like the good little lionness she is.
>why is wuk’s voice actor just so bad.



>argue with someone about the content structure of XIV
>"the xiv team isn't taking any risks, it's always the same content" bla bla
>ok but what about variant and criterion dungeons?
>"i forgot about that"
Why do people argue for the sake of arguing? If you're mad just go jack off or some shit
I don't see any other anons replying, you'll just have to roll the dice on me.
i am that racist femezen (grown ass man irl)
I don't know either but making faux sarcasm posts because you don't understand that the head english translator has repeatedly been promoted and made more essential to the creative team vis-a-vis ishikawa isn't an argument, it's just you sunk cost flailing.
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It's a third-world thing, you wouldn't get it
When's the mass produced porn of Wuk Lamat and Erenville coming?
Fiera wife for my femezen
I am a racist femhroth (grown ass fujo IRL).
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>Magnai hates Sadu and would never want to fuck her
>meanwhile in his dreams
how does gender matter for voice acting? ur acting a voice?
Or are you gonna call Gokus and Narutos JP VA also a tranny cause she's voicing male characters as a woman?
Just say that you hate trannies and that the voice acting is bad instead of focusing that he's a man. You make yourself look retarded
xiv doesn't get much art in general except for OCs
>squenix shartforce has no arguments beyond 'no u' because it would be an unacceptable amount of time not tonguing a corporation's asshole

Cope, Seethe, Sneed.
Finished the story, holy FUCK they really threw with this expansion huh. Like this is worse than stormblood
I am a femlala getting plapped in Solution 9 and watching the MSQers go by...
Just like that, thank you
Yawntrail solidified the fact that this "game" is only good for modding, gooning, plapping, and raping.
i had to disable all the plugins in the config but it finally let me in
thank you for your patience anons most people would just say retard and move on without helping
we're getting more criterion dungeons right
i actually like them
Did Heiko and Appal say where we're hanging out in Solution Nine?
>hiring more european vas for this setting would be weird
The setting for the main town and surrounding areas is the Andean mountains and valley, a known "sacred" landscape, and the music they chose to represent the hub city was 1940s New York underground prohibition era jazz.
I should mention I'm racist against whites.
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The monkey's paw curls.
Y'shtola was getting flirty with that cowboy catboy in the story. Remember she would turn down other races that got flirty with her. Based racial purist Y'shtola?
That's not relevant
Can you retype that without using buzzwords
I accept your admission of defeat.
You are cute and wholesome anon, hope you find someone
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Once I'm done with this alpaca nonsense, I'm going to catch one of these Pelupelu and keep it as a pet
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i can't find this button anywhere
Women can do high pitched male voices and it's completely normal.

Men cannot do female voices unless they're one of the RARE niggas like that russian guy who tricks people on camsites, VLADIMIR or something
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They said it
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not you
So who got the best manderville weapon?
Prohabition wasn't around in the 1940s, I hate Europeans
I'm not going if you're there *spits*
i'm a med (brown)
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i can't believe that yoshi p took us to disney world
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i have my coils and twin ogcds set around in a square shape

these are my mmo mouse buttons and they may not make sense for a keyboard depending on your binds
single target and AoE are mirrored around this blue line, so i just hit the bottom half when fighting mobs instead of the top half

i do kind of dislike the fact that everything ties into everything else in some way or another, forcing you into some very specific hotbar layouts
you wouldn't want your coils far from your fangs because they combo in reawakening, you wouldn't want your twin ogcds to be far from your coils, and you wouldn't want your uncoiled fury far from those either

or you could just do whatever and let your muscle memory take hold, but i'm autistic about hotbar layouts
>goes to 4chan
>gets mad about inability to unsubscribe

yes, yes, it DOES appear you are indeed the dawntrail audience...
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Damn son
I kinda saw it coming but still
were also getting brand new content in cosmic exploration, we know p much nothing about that
>can't jump onto the dawnthrone
I'm scared
I'm never sitting on the cum bench
nice tits
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>>modbeast fiera with basketball sized boobs
That one.
you don't have to post new chapters this often
It's too late. Shouldn't have rubbed the genie's lamp without specifying.

see >>484128485
You're still subhuman if you aren't Korean.
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why'd i have to end up on a love boat with this fag and not someone cool like uhhhhhhhhh magnai
>Cosmic exploration
You're telling me I can make a Xak Turaali Sunnie catboy cowboy, that is actually a space cowboy, and have it be completely lore accurate?
is this real
I am
a male middie (not maliddie)
spamming casual CC on Crystal
for a funny mount
Plogon status?
how will the next expansions story be any better than this one if everything is dealt with and it will just be the same story again with no backbone
Does Ketanramm have a unique face sculpt or did maleroes actually win this hard
I understand stamina and resolve are beyond your comprehension, but try to keep up.
Fuck man, I feel like I'm the only one that hates that final step. It doesn't fit anything except like gunblade or you happen to be making a cyberpunk glam, it's so stupid

The step before that though, it's hard to pick, they're all really nice with that glow, it kinda depends on if you like a color or not, like I hate that the scythe one glows green, but it still looks nice
is for pedophiles
and trannies
I genuinely had a stiffy from this scene, incredible.
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Give me ten orders of the first option, please.

It is the decree of the fujoshi writing staff. Love G'raha. Love him now.
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>do more of the MSQ
>get to Solution Nine
>start to laugh in my head remembering the guys who would waste hours screaming how how these clothes weren't XIV when we get an entire futureslop hub city
What's the best way to level up Viper? FATES?
/comfort the baby mamool ja
Why are you thinking about pedos and trannies anon when you play games?
Dawntrail more like Yawntrail, this is unironically the worst xpac they have released.
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Kill yourself. This is all "prohibition era", during and immediately after.

If we're talking about being faithful to the setting, the very first town you visit already spits in the setting's face, so brining up the setting is the worst argument you could possibly make.
>finish trial
>next quest is to cook x'bbq

this msq sucks
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Hey can someone tell me how many solo duties are in the DT msq?
I want to plap this cat so bad
what the fuck is the point of this videogame past pornography?

story is actual trash, baby book tier
gameplay is shit and being streamlined into slop for the purpose of "balance" (aka remove the extremely low difficulty)
graphics are bad if not outright garbage in some areas
community is full of anti-social passive-aggressive actual unironic trannies
no point in gathering/crafting because everyone's everything
pvp is not only the worst out of any mmo but also barely competitive
dungeons/trials/raids/alliances are all designed for the braindeads
extreme, brutal and savage content is piss tailored around how well your team can coordinate rather than actual difficulty
quests are beyond uninteresting, not a single shred of thought put into them
everything gets recycled endlessly, peak of originality is a retexture
world isn't worth exploring and the devs know it, hence the teleportations everywhere
billion of dailies all for nothing, content gets progressively more dragged out with trash mobs casually sporting boss level hp bars for zero good reason
even the god damn minigames are shit

it's no fucking wonder this general is just gooners and attention-whores endlessly circlejerking each other off
>update filter
>thread immediately becomes whiter
damn i should've done this sooner
made for my +
>hidden pit
The 1940s were distinctly not prohibition era because the entire country was busy with draft efforts
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>pvp is not only the worst out of any mmo but also barely competitive
good mmos arent competitive games in the first place
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Which healers are most fun in this game
Did she hit herself in the head too like Yotsuyu?
>sqenix schizo defense force narrative is people who don't like w** lam** aren't white

Meds. Now.
you don't even have to think about them anymore, they insert themselves into every single videogame
Woah, is that a female character? RAPE! DRUGGING AND RAPING THIS SHIT! FUCK SEX CUM!
saar it's time to go to bed
>legacy modbeast image
post hidden
1930s then. I misspoke. I rounded up instead of down.
I just did the azim steppe questline two hours ago and this femra and magnai were based
glad they get some coverage later
I'm logging in for the day.
Alphinaud and Alisaie both naked and giving me a double blowjob
you are racebaiting in defense of an expansion to a 14 year old japanese mmorpg. you need to get a grip.
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This coronation ceremony is so cringe
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my moonie picks every retarded dialogue option
It's a good pivot because the subtle anti-Indian racism appeals to people who would otherwise be turned off by FFXIV defenders' usual wokeness.
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Howdy fellow Xak Turaali Sunnie catboy cowboy
good night saar
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Who thought this combo viper shit was a good idea?
Top of the jump puzzle
/pet /dote
>allied society
im white and im skipping everything involving wuk lamat
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they are pretty much the only stormblood characters that still regularly show up
they realized that calling the fleet of robots a "tribe" sounded kind of retarded
I keep hitting 1 to start my VPR combo instead ot 2

every class starts with 1
VPR is the only one that makes you apply a dot first
The best part of Dawntrail is learning that me saying Meowdy is actually XIV lore accurate
Anon why are you turning mild annoyances into outright hatred?
Hey guys, what- oh, hold on a sec
*gets a running, jumping start to curbstomp a femlala, knocking out all of her teeth and putting her in the emergency room*

where is this cutscene from?
So, real talk: why did the Final Fantasy XIV community embrace hard-right racism? It's ironic how you all used to be woke, and yet now you're calling everyone who criticizes the writing an Indian pejorative. Why is the FFXIV community pivoting so hard? Are the usual copes not working?
it wouldn't be so bad without the cringe ass high school musical song playing
just because you shit in the streets doesn't mean you have to shit everywhere else too :/
uh oh meltie
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Can we finally be honest?
No storyline for any part of this game has risen above a 7/10.
Even cool moments like Amaurot and Ultima Thule and Elpis are not particularly amazing.
>beast tribe changed to allied society
>this is in an effort to avoid making minorities uncomfortable
Why do minorities see the word "beast" and think "they must be talking about me"? Why do they self-identify as beasts, monkeys, etc? Any normal person would see the word beast and immediately recognize it's because they're animal people.
Hear me out. Female hroth CUBS
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why did the extremely high fantasy shadow world setting of Norvrandt feature buttrock as the theme for most of the music such as the battle and boss music? why does labyrinthos, a preservation biodome/zoo, sound like circus music? why is all the heavensward raid music so fucking weird?
My sunnie+ needs to mating press this cat
Remember >>469926482
Bozja if you want it all done in one day, plus turning in your WT.
Daily frontlines and beast tribes if you want to spend the least time on it over multiple days.
Beast tribe was a term created by lalafell and once they realized that dwarves were also gods chosen people they had to rename it
joke's on you i've always been racist. xiv managed to make me hate troons even more though but i'm really glad i play in JP so i don't have to hear that drivel
the lead translator Kate is a woke retard, that's why. she probably mewled and whined to the team about how it's hurting their draw to western audiences.
>frog/wojakposting is back
>disingenuous posting is back too
I miss content drought /xivg/ but unironically
Why have the threads been so damn badly lately.
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Bros I'm falling asleep at my desk
Nah, Endwalker was kino
I don't remember posting this
MY FUCKING GOD. I can't stand Duty fights as other characters. Also what was the deal with the orbs? How was I supposed to not get hit when he dropped both red/green orbs? I really hate how slow these fights are
link website
My moonie fucks
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i'm coming for you
The person I replied to implied that they are in favor of Wuk Lamat's trans voice actor because it doesn't make sense to hire more Europeans for the setting of Dawntrail, so I'm just pointing out that Dawntrail itself isn't even faithful to its setting, so this is a retarded point to attempt to make.
its bri'ish
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lets have a good expansion anon, remember to be nice or else you might make somebody melty
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if any one of you literally remember some of the msq quests from past expansions, or have done multiple job questlines, you would know why they are barely considered "beast tribes" anymore as they are reintegrating back into society after having been shut out of it
you are astroturfing
hello sar
Its just the XIV wiki page, they added that feature fairly recently I think https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/FF14_Wiki
What the fuck are you talking about "final fantasy XIV community"? Nigga you on 4chan, theres like 100 anons here at any given time, and you'll maybe only get a consistent 30-50 of them who are the same ones. /xvig/ is not the xivg community as a whole, are you retarded?
Parts of it were kino. Unless you consider Labyrinthos part 2 kino as well?
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I physically need to plap femhroths
I'll hit up Bozja then, thanks friend.
how do you check this
ah yes the end of the world which happened in *checks notes* 2 zones.
>so I'm just pointing out that Dawntrail itself isn't even faithful to its setting
In what way regarding voice actors? Because they were talking about voice actors.
Fates is pretty decent.
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>71 out of 72
yes, im sure the kobolds trading with limsa lominsa is why they changed to the sanitized "Allied Society"
bisexual footjobs are where it's at
idk my WO discord is fine with her, so it must be another race thing
>i'm still in a dream
>speed reader
cracks me up that we are competing to fuck all the cute anons here
t. also a sunnie+
This isn't Reddit, you retarded nigger.
>b-b-but the voice actors, not anything else!
Why are you trying so hard to be disingenuous on purpose?
See >>484130230
Well for starters they made the main character an american man from los angeles instead of literally any of the millions of latina female voice actors with actual voice industry credentials.
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Your fan status is noted.
>black teeth
Ever heard of a toothbrush nigga?
see https://files.catbox.moe/al0qa2.mp4
added complexity without addittional buttons
>"adventure!!!" themed expansion with diversity as a central theme
>"adventure!!!" themed expansion with diversity as a central theme
So we're the ones copying them now?
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You are the blackest retard gorilla nigger.
moonieboys lost
i will never have my sharp fangs again
I was always racist
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Officially halfway through. I have to say this is the worst slog of any part of FFXIV
I'm always down to double team some of them with you
Wody Odour
>wuk lamat
More like Autism Cat.
why are they attractive then?
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interesting question tho, are indians white
They need to fire whoever keeps adding these shitty stealth missions.
How do you track this?
The va is puerto rican
What world are you on? Crystal had multiple full instances on launch day.
I tried dynamis and it was empty too though. You'd probably have to get a party together outside the game to do that if it's dead for your world.
im almost crying
American woman, chud.
why do you keep posting this bait
>"i'm not a furry and femhroth are ugly"
>dawntrail launches
>see femhroths in slutty glams
Same, that's when I go afk and smoke a bowl so I can come back and do it on very easy
I am laughing my fucking balls off holy shit
my moonie+ is getting restless
Hey any of you who have completed the msq please answer.
Do you need to do the role quests to progress or is it like endwalker where you can do it whenever
hate alisaie but this is hot.
reminder that you only applied early access code. You can still sell your DT code to someone to get your money back
Quite the brownskin post.
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I hate how there's not high quality SFM porn yet. I want something like fugtrup but for FFXIV. Can you imagine...
Go to the wiki article for the MSQ quest you’re on
kek called it
>he's not one of us
"Whites Only"
Very cute... how do you feel about moonies and yuri?
the wol should've just become the king of this jungle or whatever
Whataboutism isn't a valid counterargment, you're supposed to stay on topic to actually make any valid sense
Don't bring up waffles when I talk about pancakes
That's because those ARE 7/10s

The real kino is the Dragonsong war patches.
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Grape-Flavored Cat Checking in!!! Nya~~
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It's been too VN for my taste but otherwise I'm enjoying it so far.
man i hate that you got vindicated on this one
Oh. I feel dumb. Thank you
god i need a retarded chuuni wife
>I'm always down to double team some of them with you
holy shit I'm down too actually
I'm sure we could find some anons that are up too
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CAN I FARTH ON UR TATOOS made me fucking choke i love these retards so much. i wonder what it is about being indian that makes them so pornsick and retarded?
Why has this newfag become such a popular e-celeb overnight?
I manage it. I just got annoyed by the orbs. And I am serious, I really didn't get how I was supposed to avoid damage during that attack. What did I overlook?
It's like endwalker where you can do it whenever.
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Would you, /xivg/?
>fugtrup but for ffxiv
If someone made good shit like that for ffxiv and advertised their patreon they'd be making bank
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Imagine having sex with Wuk, her barely being able to understand the concept because she's so autistic, giggling and moaning as you rail her tight lionness pussy and rambling on about tacos while you blast her face with your cum.
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>bait is when I'm proven wrong with facts and examples
Please do the needful saar, we are very society ally
Fuck off, tourist.
>he's never seen Aero III before
I just looked at my societal relations menu, why can't I find them? Or are you a racist incapable of critical thinking?
no, bait is what you posted
I am
a stressed femlala
full of collectables
reddit moment
but why would i do that when i want the exclusive loot on july 2 so stalkers who scope my lodestone know how rich i am?
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I am
playing Final Fantasy 14
Farming Bi Color gems.
What are you doing? Ingame
>do not let the futas hit
I like you but you will not get my sympathy until I breed you
I am also
A stressed femlala
who will also be full of collectables after 2nd dinner and a nap.
Same, same.
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nice thanks
Would you be so kind to spell it out for me? By Aero III did you mean that green was like a DOT and red just raw damage or something? I would honestly like to know
would what?
you cant find arkasodara in your beat tribe rep? so you havent actually played the game
the va is an american muttoid man who is at least 30+. The idea they are "puerto rican" is the same as calling a random white dude in texas "german". Their VA history is playing a dude and a cross dresser. Oh, and need for speed. Lmao.

If you genuinely think their VA credentials and performance beat out millions of actual latina actresses from actual latin american countries with actual years of bilingual VA work you are retarded.
based wuk lamat cumblaster anon
They aren't popular, they just pander to coomers ( the lowest hanging fruit ) and spam their shitty commissions ad nauseam.
do you need to complete the msq to get access to the extreme trial
>Whataboutism isn't a valid counterargment
That's what you're doing though. What? Are you a legit schizo or are you an expert troll?

>Don't bring up waffles when I talk about pancakes
The tranny voice actor they chose is a man who was cast as a female character. That's already incredibly unfaithful to the character. Second, it's a man from California, when the setting is clearly South America and the Andes region. They should have type casted an Andean woman if they wanted to be faithful to the setting, not a Californian man.

Is this the conversation you wanted to have?
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I'm the only white poster in xivg. this is where i live btw
too young
I dont think so, the character looks like shit and the bio is unhinged
if he can make me hard after 3 lew tells then Ill consider it
Good morning, kiss my moonie feet.
hell fuckin yeah dude
Isn't Dalirada better for exp as well? Not just Mettle?
yes ma'am
I'm 7 years older so I would feel a little weird about it but yes
>That's what you're doing
I'm not the anon that brought up music into the discussion when the topic was voice acting
>Second, it's man from California
They are puerto rican

Why are you so stubborn
My sunnie would be
kinda glad i swapped off sunnie+ to moonie+ because the sunnie+ in the thread rn are tanking the stocks
No it's not worth the time it takes to clear it at all
I keep dying and eating vuln stacks to stupid things when I've cleared all the savages and extremes easily and the person I'm playing MSQ with has never done those things.
why am I so shit at easy content
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Wait i really only have to play with other people once during the whole msq due to duty support?
Looks like Dawntrail aint that bad after all
post them
i am not exaggerating when i say every pixel in this image is a red flag
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I hope we see this guy again he's funny as shit
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I haven't gotten to play yet, give it to me straight; how bad are the new blm changes?
going to assume you're european or something and can't grasp the idea that someone's great grandpapi being from PR while they're speaking in slackjawed california accents completely dilutes any cred that their bloodline might offer.
which is the cutest femlala face now?
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>sunnies be like
>moonies be like

you all lost the game btw
I loved him
>mom tells me to go across the street to the store
>boot up anti logout bot
>if you did non standard memes
>if you did standard
nothing changed
I don't think anyone in California sounds like Wuk Lamat unless they're an immigrant or from an immigrant family. Have you been to LA, actually? Because some of the immigrants sound like t hat
>They are puerto rican
You will never be able to convince me that a transexual man from California is Puerto Rican, but even if he was that is nowhere near the Andes, and even if Puerto Rico was considered to be the Andes, the character is a female and the person playing them has XY chromosomes and a penis.

>Why are you so stubborn
You're the one moving goalposts all over the place talking about how Square Enix hiring from the same studio they got everyone else from would be unfaithful to the setting somehow, and that this is the reason we NEEDED to have a tranny from California be the voice of Wuk Lamat.
you're not good at videogames

you may be good at memorizing and practicing complex mechanics with 7 other like-minded people but when the game throws a curveball you don't know how to respond
So you guys at lvl 100 already getting timed tomestones? or does it start next week?
There are no queues unles you are americ*n
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hey, what are people arguing about today?
you've already seen what the red orbs did, so you know you can't stand on them
the only place left to stand is the green orbs, where you'll see the donut
too old
Has it occurred to you that it makes sense to cast people from a location based on an entirely different region? They lucked out with Endwalker because the UK already has a massive indian population, not so much with the DT settings
Will this be the expansion when everyone realizes Apall is a bad human being and ditches him?
Me licking Alphinaud's nipples and kissing his small soft lips
If you like wuk you're white
if you don't like wuk your brown
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at this point not a clue just a bunch of shitposts
How dawntrail definitely isn't a floptrail and viper totally is NOT an npc job!
>Zoraal Ja just fucking shanks Sareel Ja
Thank god
Will this be the expansion when you get bored of grown ass men drama gossip
we're trying to decide which of us is the brownest
please do not speak of my brown
They have been posted in the thread but not attaching them to this convo
Yes, I have, and your posts tell me you haven't. The faux accent the california troon puts on is literally not anything approaching a real accent and this is immediately discernible if you've ever actually interacted with immigrant communities that are extremely common in that state's southern half. The US siphons off any legitimate accent and cultural heritage within a generation, nobody born there retains nearly anything and as they go through school take on at best a diluted fraction from their parents and grandparents. By third generation most don't even speak full spanish.
You WILL play as Wuk Lamat.
Story instantly picked up when you got to the Giants region in DT, not that I minded the buildup but man people really freaked out because the story didn't instantly go 0 to 100.
>Face 3 for Frotgar is sexier than Face 2
>I went Face 2 because everyone else went face 3
It's not fair.

Why did everyone have to make face 3 snow leopards?
Aether bros how are the queues
i am 20 years older than her
so no
Huh? Didn't notice that donut at all? Although I did stand in the green orbs instead of red for whatever reason. Just how small was the safe-zone? Directly on top of the orb?
aren't you like 35 now kongers?
You are no longer even attempting to make sense, so I'll accept your concession, hide these posts, and move on with my life. Work on yourself. You don't need to be like this.
yeah it doesn't have any edgy isekai opening like ShB or clapbait memberberries like EW so the crowd that got brought in by those two is getting hard filtered
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im da vipa baby
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what if i refuse, my cat is me irl.
1k on jenova
>Didn't notice that donut at all?
bro it has a floating circle on top of it that shows a donut
this mechanic was in castrum lacus litore 1:1
the melee role quest
I dun really like Viper. I genuinely wish I could separate the filler GCDs for Viper. Having them update like PVP combos feels really weird and I don't like it.
>Directly on top of the orb?
iirc yea
viper, more like butt wiper LMAO GOTTEM
stroking my shit to moonies
i cant be friends with anyone under 25. i cant fucking stand "conversation" with undeveloped brains
wtf physrange didnt get kino like this we had to hang out with a bunch of literal whos
Oh fuck yes
Oh hell yes
What's wrong bro?
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my femlala will be afking here a lot
was 500 on cactuar about an hour ago, but it was also a really slow queue, took probably 20 minutes if not more
>Evul dudes cover the world in fart gas
what a stupid pun
i love this
it's so fucking over
I've got a question for you. What's heavier, a ponze of dyes or a ponze for feathers?
That's right, a ponze of dye. Because bottles of dye are heavier than feathers.
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>story has a femlala
>it's a schizo
Why the fuck are they like this?
Good anons... I'll reward you once I'm able to take these cursed sandals off again.
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>14 year age difference
>5 years is my cutoff limit for most friendships now as we have nothing in common which is why these threads are getting harder to be a part of
>myers briggs aka astrology for men
i'll give them props for no pronouns but give it time
Big fan of this big moonie
Been years since I did Castrum. And whatever safe-zone there was I didn't see it all or the floating circle at top of it. Although thanks for explaining it

I'll try and find some Video of the fight and see how I overlooked it. Honest to god I didn't see anything at all
Fair enough. I bet half the fags in there don't even have honors or proper actions so it would take forever anwyays.
the level 95 dungeon is actually pretty good sisters
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And then, the magic festival instantly fixed all the problems, and everybody clapped. The End.
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do you remember the alamo anon?
a top moonie... hey...
>is literally not anything approaching a real accent and this is immediately discernable if you've ever actually interacted with immigrant communities that are extremely common in that state's southern half.
>The US siphons off any legitimate accent and cultural heritage within a generation
Oh I get it you're just mad Sena got picked over literally everyone else. You certainly do bitch like a Latina, no arguments here, you probably should have auditioned.
If you couldn't even parse my last statement then I don't think I can believe you want to believe you won, so I will say I won, as a counterpoint, because I am the smartest
I did manage to beat it in one try but i also almost died once when i underestimated how far the knockback was. That bleed for going out of bounds does a bunch of damage. I think the biggest thing people will mess up on is not spamming that heal when its up.
they aren't even snow leopards, they're just white
i think i've seen more white face 3s with the eyebrow shit than any other femhroth
>chugs 10 X-ethers and pisses in ur paddy
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I feel like they really didn't give enough attention to how creepy and terrifying it is that gulool just had a second dead head stuck on his body for years
So this is the face of the sunk cost sqenix hag.
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>Wuk Lamat wants us to stay forever
Please god no, please make this the end of the Wuk Lamat saga
Are you that creepy Au'ra spending 1000s of dollars on coom art of his WoL with the twins?
So many houses just look dark now after the lighting update
Yeah that reveal will probably be the thing that I remember the most from this xpac, actual nightmare fuel.
Didn't they say that it was in some sort of coma/hibernation
Who's footprints are these?!
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this is me in fino fanta
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Now you're asking the right questions~~
Have I actually? I get recognized in game occasionally but I thought that was anyone who posts.
>mental illness listing
NTA but where is that, so I can avoid it obviously
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She's not big right this moment! Gotta be able to take in the details of the new areas, after all.

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You lost your passive MP regen and dps on your thunders. The former especially is dogshit, you're not getting your MP back unless you actively cast Blizzards.
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this is me in fino fanta
you're supposed to like it because you're on vacation

what a treat
here is your complementary crack rock, sir
where are the lalafell only houses in DT
no he says sleeping but later on reveals it's dead, not that it's much of a reveal it's pretty obvious
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Happy Miqo'te
>Lost my house even though I stayed subbed
bros wtf??????
I would've liked Dawntrail more if the first half was an actual vacation and not about teaching a retarded woman her own culture.
bitch, who the fuck can afford a vacation?
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Went in with no expectations and I just finished the 1st trial.
I'm not having any fun...
Now you know that you actually have to enter your house for it to not be demolished on timer
manafont gives you full MP and 3 umbral hearts now, so you get to do a full second fire phase instead of just 1 extra despair/flare
fire paradox is instantcast
it's ludo
post picto hotbars please :)
>Genshit name
>level 70
>probably one of those fuckhuge mass invite FCs
>not a Captain
>actually filled in their hours of availability
>gold saucer on their list of activities
>a bunch of acronyms I can't understand
>sad Steve Buscemi eyes, no doubt to mimic the real life player's despondence
{No thanks.}
You WILL position your camera on Wuk Lamat's crotch and admire her furry girlcock
Krilling myself.
What happens to all my furniture?
shouldn't krile be way weaker than everyone else
i love sneaking into people's apartments and houses and taking screenshots of everything so i can send them later as imgur or catbox links from anonymous or f2p alts
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Need a berserk femezen wife
face 1 cats... we lost... anything with open mouth looks so bad...
I remember how happy that hrothguy was after finding his (former) EB. I guess its all relationship roleplay between grown men in these threads.
You have like 30 days to collect it from the housing NPC before its deleted
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hey, wanna...
i caught somebody doing that to me a long time ago but didnt get the name, oh well
>Who's Narikka?
I would LOVE to wipe my memories of my crush off my brain.
Did they actually hire a troon to voice Wuk in English? I can imagine if that being the case that the JP team are all secretly fuming inside. Are the Japanmen making fun of us online because of this? Or are they so insulated that they probably don't even know an ENG version exist
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Miqo'te (Armed)
there is one "femboy" dude in my FC that spends all his playtime, and this is not exagerating, /sit at someones feet during meetups, and when everyone is playing the game he just follows someone and stalk him all day untill we all gather together somewhere and repeats the process

what kind of MENTAL ILLNESS is this holy fuck, he is not even doing roulettes or anything he just sits and follow people, without talking
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It's over
Anon I was talking about actual houses and apartments. :3
I'm so scared
i bet you didnt have it on gamecube
i bet you dont even know what that is zoomzoom baby
aww widdle baby
i will now play pictomancer
Can't wait for the mods to be back so we can have preem sweaty feet
>playing SA2 on gamecube instead of dreamcast
holy zoom
Saying hi to this Miqo'te (Armed) on Dynamis sometime
I mean the dungeons and trials were good so far, I like the art and the music but the whole main quest just feels like a chore. Everybody feels like a sock puppet.
I hope the side content will be more fun...
Hey this is what happened when me and Alphinaud played sword fight
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Just wanna say, I LOVE Dawntrail's writing
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deranged and disorganised
123 are macros that do subtractive casts as well
not sure how i feel about them yet with the lack of queueing, but since the abilities in each macro are mutually exclusive it works pretty well with alternating macro lines, especially since /ac "Fire in Red" also does aero in green and water in blue, etc
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How much does an appartment cost in this game and how do I get gil
I don't want an 11' cock inside my cat. Should I just ask how big someones dick is before ERP? Is that weird?
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dont remember posting this.
Im starting to think someone is dedicated shitposting viper being so simple that they think its funny to keep asking for hotbars
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I'll be on Dynamis in around 4 hours to be a Fast-Pass for a friend's queues
Why does Patata lust over June soo much?
I think that Japan is usually actively disinterested in what Americans think. They don't even want to play the game with Americans because we all suck and are self-centered, whereas Japanese gamers play for the good of the group and feel bad when they are dragging people down.
Bruh, just checked I am only 10% into dawntrail fml.
send it my way then, my cat won't mind
>How much does an appartment cost in this game
500k gil
>how do I get gil
By playing the game and questing
I unironically wish you would get permarange banned.
>Your penalty count has increased for abandoning a duty by canceling matching
Nigger what all I did was alt tab for like 20 seconds. Is this shit bugged
It's polite to start a conversation by asking how big they are.
somebody has to
do u rike it
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Have you seen Junes +?
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The further I get into the MSQ the more it becomes apparent many of the complainers are larping or have actually not even gotten past the first zone in the expansion. One might fault me for being surprised at this but it's almost too easy these days to glean a little bit of genuine information about something and then pretend you're actually experiencing it. I don't like it.
>paving roads too slow
>faster to conquer all nations on the planet
stoopid lizzard
Attuning with the moonie allows you to better understand the moonie's thoughts and mind!
i need my massive futa cock back are mods back yet
Damn buns got downgraded MASSIVELY
I don't either, but I think writing scenes where it's too big and giving them a footjob or struggling to suck it instead is really fun.
Ask them to show you it before getting down to it?
You can also just stop in the middle of an RP and tell them you don't think that you two have compatible tastes.
What do you think of 5.5 ilms?
when he bodied bakool and said he could have killed him at any time I screamed at my PC BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASED
I need a massive futa cock between my futa femezen's butt I also need to know if mods are back
I'm on for a bit now but I'll probably be driving for family stuff at that time. No worries, another time!
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do you know this cat?
you will.
People are shitposting for the sake of shitposting because the thread is filled with /v/ casuals that pop up once every 3 years, don't take anything seriously for the next few weeks
It's alright, why are the pelupelu kids brewing AND drinking beer?? it's messed up.
nta but 5-8 ilms is perfect
Isn't this the guy that wears diapers?
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>that 100 role quest
fucking LMAO
Mezcal is NOT beer that shit fucks you up
I have a feeling the role quests will be good just by the start of one.
there's some highs (western world) and lows (wuk's early existence) but it definitely picks up. i think its more just adjusting to the lower stakes we've been saddled with for all of ShB and EW.
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>somewhat accidentaly taught a moonie FC member what + means in roleplay context
>"seriously thank you anon for telling me this"
>unironically falling for segashit
lol ahahahaha get a load of this guy
Give it to me straight doc, is it better than MSQ?
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I've never been diaped anon what are you on about
I don't care what anyone else says. You're cool for learning how to do this. I'm sure this took a lot of tries to get right.
To me this is just the strength of his resolve. Our fight with him was no easy feat, and he was practically nerfed there. Whenever he said something like "oh yeah right" when using his fire magic I knew something was off. It was like he was trying to mimic what his brother would usually do for him.
Something that is very common with these double head cases is, especially in humans, is that when one head dies the other is soon to follow. I think it's pretty cool detail.
At his prime he could have easily rivald the WoL i'd say, which just shows that we aren't all that powerful and that there are also other powerful people in this world besides us. He is basically 2 souls in 1, while we are basically 1.5 since we didn't fully absorb Ardbert
No, have a pic of it?
Hmm good way to handle it honestly.
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Stop gossiping over things you know nothing about, please.
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i was pretty before and im pretty now
>finish Wuk Lamat's arc
>finally get to go adventuring
>only companion is Erenville, who doesn't fight
>great, at last I'll be able to get shit done myself instead of having to watch Wuk do everything
>"hey WoL this kid wants to duel the bad guy, let's set it up for him so we can watch him beat the villain"
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I want to kill people that say this is a low stakes xpac when we already have time traveling, allagans, obvious ascian stuff in the background, and another shard involvement.
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all good, shit'll line up eventually
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It's peak.
You have to bear this weight now while posting the picture of your character
>waiting patiently to be called a dork
>it's almost too easy these days to glean a little bit of genuine information about something and then pretend you're actually experiencing it.
yeah pretty much
you learn to recognize it after a while, if you've played any good popular game in the past few years you'd have seen this behavior a lot
elden ring, dd2, bg3, etc threads had shittons of it
they got filtered by pre 95 msq
holy moly
>catgirl in the background
NEED EB like this...
what were they THINKING with the final zone???
male midlanders?
for a few dollars more is my favourite of the three

this is diabolical man lmao
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they seriously put a digital devil saga type shoji meguro track in this game and thought we wouldn't notice
Still such fucking juicy looking balls that I wanna die under.
Unironically too big, and I like them big. When it turns comical I just can't.
me except playing baby shark
it's unbelievable they thought it would be ok do leave it like that
sorry my moonie+ is 11"... 11' is crazy
i wish i was jerking off a smooth, circumcised twink
Wifes for my miera!
And now you understand why there's so much shitposting about pajeets and brazilians ITT over the past couple of days. Those people unironically do the very thing you're describing, and the reason it's become more common recently is because internet access in poorer regions has skyrocketed in the past decade.
i hate hyperfags so much
as do we all
Post your Moonie+ and location so I can stalk them and maybe say hi.
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So how come you're not throwing those comments at me, the one who made the decision to leave Aether?

Not even the right skin tone. Knock it off
hey do you like uuh
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nigga you realize that is another man you are waiting for?
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dont ever speak to me or my brothers again
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>11' cock
3.3 meters cock
holy shit lmao
At that point, you might as well be using a bedpost.
>swarthoid avatarfagging with ecelebs
how embarrassing
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no.... the healerstrike.............
bros we got too cocky...........
Jvne posted first so she got slapped first
damn what's woolie doing here
this is good
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>Shout chat in Tuliyollal is half of the people shitting on the MSQ and Wuk Lamat, the other half is hugboxxing the game with canned talking points like it being the beach episode
just your average shitposter
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location: work
Reminder this is the one shitposting in your general
thinkin ya got ' and " mixed up sis
My hroth is like this but also stupid
I'll take another
>hooked up with a girl and she wanted to try anal
>she said she was prepared
>my dick was too big for her
>didn't even get to cum cause of all the complaining
I just faked an orgasm and packed my shit. Women are just as brainrotten by porn like men
Yeah I feel bad ending it early but it's just not my thing, better to establish that upfront I guess. Also that's a fine size ;)
do you think you get to keep your house just for staying alive in real life too dumvask?
All my major complaints in regards to the story happen in the second half though.
No I'm serious they look like they are made out of plastic
You two are cute, don't let them get to you
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>we aren't all that powerful
I feel like too many people think the WoL is all powerful then get confused when someone manages to hold their own against us but in reality the game has never made us out to be the strongest around we know there's multiple characters that can stand toe to toe with us though like the city state leaders and Estinien, we just happen to have the echo and a group of friends following us around (reminder that up until trusts were introduced the dialogue often directly referenced you inviting others from the adventurer's guild to take down particularly powerful threats) and we also have a pretty unbreakable determination/will (also directly referenced as a game mechanic)

or tldr WoL is just the one that's always in the right place at the right time with considerable power and is too dumb to give up
Bokool Ja Ja is literally me.
post your dt glam
>5.5 ilms?
t. 7ilms sunc@
Say all you want about the story but the actual dungeon and trials have been peak
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ehehe, eto...
t. 14" sunnie+
should i post a pic of my ____?
retarded take. kys tertiary
weak, retarded and the only one of your siblings your whore mother didn't abort?
Man I remember having arguments like this in Stormblood
People seethed that we struggled against Zenos forgetting that we only really get special godlike power when primals come into play
Looks like a catgirl to me, beyond that I do not care
I hope Tuliyollal becomes the new hub area where everyone goes to instead of Limsa or Ul'dah. One can hope...
holy shit are moonie+ in demand right now?
I should fanta
>frogposter and phoneposter

time to go back to /v/ then kill yourself
Best race for erp?
bonus points if futa.
Ninja filler somehow got even more braindead
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Whatever you want, dork. Enjoy your time this evening~~
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>eating up soulless scraps
>At the Gulool part asking about his daughter
It's fun how apparent it is that people skipped when they miss the story that's plainly spelled out to them.
I don't get how people say this is slow, either. The part after the fight with him is the rising action already at level 92. He's already revealing he set up this whole test not as a test for the throne, but as a test to make his daughter stronger because she's his favor. I ASSUMED that's what it'd be from the small spoilers I saw before, but then the comments from story skippers made me think it's not that since they seemed to have such a problem with this part.

I suppose there's some people who think it's a waste of time to not finish. I think it's a waste of time to pretend to like it when we could just both part ways and find someone else that's both our speed.
Rude words from someone getting raped by it.
What does fiddie mean
I'm waiting for a new thread
They are taken anon
Estinien is held back by his autism, he is probably way stronger than the WoL but kept in check by his whimsical nature.
Moonie+ are always in demand, they're usually just drowned out by sunnie+
my futa wuber is 3.5 ilms please bully me
are sunnie+ also in demand? I know
Krile has the echo too but she would job easily to guys like Zenos. We do have a unique strength even before using Azem's crystal (which we seem to do every fucking time at the end of an expansion now).
no, everyone wants sunnie+
nyo..... but.......
the sunnie+ market is oversaturated
tree fiddie aka $3,50 The Loch Ness monster keeps asking for it.
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wtf florida is canon?
i want all +
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doesn't he hold both eyes at this point I dont remember. Basically a human nidhogg.
Hroth+, Rava+, Moonie+ thank you.
>he is probably way stronger than the WoL
Him and Gaius couldn't even defeat Zenos in a pre-buffed form. He was 100% serious going against Zenos.
If you like them, you must reach out to them and take life by the balls! Literally in this case! I don't know what server the two moved to though.
>make x'bbq
>it's served on white tortillas instead of corn

Here comes the zenos dickrider
froths with glasses
>last trial p2 theme
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but you have favorites right
plapping a litter of kittens in a moonie- with my sunnie+
I did teehee
Kill yourself
white > corn
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YOSHI P?!?!?!
It's objectively true though. Did you watch the story?
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Hyperniggers are the worst coomers on the face of the planet because no matter how bad your fetish is, they can make it worse by making it comically large and pretending it's somehow still sexy
I get the feeling we're equal to non possessed estinien, he tells the dawnsevant even that he considers us the most powerful person he know

anon check your reading comprehension I never said the echo was what made us powerful, plenty of people have the echo we are both strong and also have it which makes us uniquely qualified to go against a lot of the big threats early in game like the primals that gave people who weren't paying attention to the story the impression that the WoL was themselves some unkillable god, someone on equal footing with us who didn't have the echo wouldn't have been able to touch the primals at all
actually i know how powerful zenos was at any given stage in the msq: exactly as powerful as the writers needed him to be
ah yes, we went 1v1 vs zenos, who succ'd the remains of the mothercrystal and was supported by zero, after having fought the end of the world and entropy itself
not that powerful
litter catbox moe i0l5s0 jpeg
For burritos, sure, but the dish looks to be tacos and if you prefer white tortillas for tacos there's something wrong with you.
What...what even...
Anything not lala
where are these houses
Your bun is adorable...
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I finally found my personal schizo.
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like the meme song :D haha
My sunnie- is a sleeve for cartgirl+
did you know there's white corn
we literally lost to the endsinger and only got back up and won after being empowered by the prayer of the entire planet like a spiritbomb
explain to a newfriend what + and - mean
american bros...
euros are laughing at us again...
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i am
a femroe
going to the golden city
I want my Sunnie- being taught the matriarchal customs of Moonies by a Moonie+
Just assume whatever entity the WoL goes against if Azem's crystal is used then the WoL most likely couldn't handle that threat on his own, even with the echo.
is the 100 set for gatherers and crafters better than the pentamelded 90 set or should I just wait
which quest is this from
i am laughing so hard
I'm one of these
+ means has a wiener
- means has a wiener but small
Melee role quest.
lurk 1000000 billion years
That's not even them, quit spreading and reinforcing misinfo!
+ means pos and - means neg. they're fetish terms for bug catching, or the act of sexual arousal from giving or receiving STDs. the 'positive' and 'negative' being refered to are the results of an STD test.
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Does that Oops All Lalafells plugin still exist? The one that can change everyone's characters to a different race?
Tired of looking at manly femras and buns
Ever since island sanctuary alligators
yes to what
thanks buddy
lurking under your bed sleep with one eye open okay 8awr8
this should be obvious
otherwise why the fuck do we keep using the crystal? to charge our JO sessions?
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This trait is pure sexo.
Every plugin has to be updated so not right now
no one else is replying
you're the only one who saw it
somehow that feels more erotic, doesnt it?
It means they're trash. Ignore + and - players
The WoL could solo every boss, but they enjoy cheesing them by summoning extra targets to break the boss AI
I use it to hold 8-person orgies on the spot.
it was only the scions tho and endisnger lost it after we just didnt give up + dynamis
the people of eorzea only summoned the primals with the correct(TM) ritual to fuel the ragnarök IRC
I'm going to sit on Patatas lap!
based WoL using all the tools the game provides him for optimal enjoyment
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>excited about revamped textures and armour have 2 dye slots
>wolfram is better but still looks like duplo compared to the rest of lego
>also only class specific gear got double dye slots, no other gear
im not mad
im not angry
why would I be upset? theres no reason to be. thats why im not upset. angry? not me
holy fucking molyyyyy
I also saw it
damn bro, nice woob
Corn colored fiddie wife
Magnai absolutely wants Sadu. It's just that the one time he actually hit on her, she went on a three-day berserk rampage
our secret ;)
nice load
really lickable
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>no face1 femra- eb for my catgirl+
Summoning reduces enjoyment of from soft games
i want to make out with your tummy and lick it all up bad
why must you be so gay
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welcome to halo anon
Your fiera is gorgeous and I want to hug her and sit on her lap while doing so!
then its like a threesome ;)
or maybe its becoming more of an orgy

all this attention has me working on the next one >w<
Here’s hoping this cowboy zone MSQ is better than whatever that shit was
Just wanted to let you know you can reverse search this to find the reddit account that posted it.
i'm not playing viper because it's popular, i only play rare jobs
No I am a dude
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nin won
so does being a massive dweeb
Reminder every single person who posts menhera images gargles bbc.
its a long haul but have a little faith, its the melty expac
Wuk Lamat
looks familiar what DC you play on?
>second spoiler
imagine laying my head on your thigh and helping out~
giving footjobs to cocks that wont fit is my fetish
Th-thanks anon
It doesn't work for me what was it?
A huge rod leaking milk in pictochat
Him holding both at once is what caused him to get possessed
uh oh
>minus and plus
Is this a dickgirl thing?

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