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Nitroplus Blasterz
Arcana Heart 3
Chaos Code
Street Fighter V
Samurai Shodown
Soulcalibur VI
MVC2 (Fightcade)
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (RPCS3)
Aquapazza (RPCS3)
Tatsunoko vs Capcom (Dolphin)
Vampire Savior (Fightcade)
Ultra Street Fighter 4

NA East

Would anyone like to play for about 30 minutes?
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Another pointless thread
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Another necessary thread
Another savage day on planet Earth....
another day without a pawg gf...
Another day
another buster wanna battle me
another mama crying that her baby's now a casualty
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Another avoiding the slime thread
>justakid chose escape from the city for his ceo top 8 intro
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wut wrong widdat?
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Finna slide my BBC jr up in this snowbunny
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>Rynge and St.Cola are now stable part of the FGC commentary circle
How horrifying
he means staple
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what are we going nuts about today?
die paedofile
CEO seems kinda dead this year.
Made for the Cheezcock
/fgg/ is dead, not the tournament
So if I happened to throw a chair, and it just so happened to break a stage light fixture, how much would that light fixture cost?
Asking for a friend, obviously
did you see the kof crowd?
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"kof crowd" is an oxymoron
Only 5 people entered skullgirls....
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This shit
what's the point of learning a dead game
Why would you fly out to Racism, USA to play Skullgirls?
CEO used to be streamboar kami back in the 09er days
If it's a game you find fun and has something unique that you can't really find anywhere else, then you may find it personally rewarding.
niggas talmbout CEO but they Cant Enter Ovaries lmaoooooooooo
can you?
u aint had to do me like this cuh...
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Mistery nigga
>inb4 it's katarina or jinx
to be clear, your arent supposed to enter ovaries, you enter the vagina. entering the ovaries would require an unnaturally long and thin penis that could be controlled with precision, like a tentacle
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>to be clear, your arent supposed to enter ovaries, you enter the vagina. entering the ovaries would require an unnaturally long and thin penis that could be controlled with precision, like a tentacle
shut up nerd
hoping for someone new honestly.
what should i do instead of watching kekken top8?
play final fantasy xiv
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were fighting games just always...........bad?
Was this general ever good?
remember when some random chinappa won cpt?
fuck no before this schizo era it was dick riding garbage street fighter 5
do you think that's what capcom actually wanted, a random chink with an easy ride that faces off in his training partner in grand finals? surely they know it's bad for business
maybe they wont be retarded with pools this time
sfv release mindbroke people here forever
remember a nigga named dookie?
wasnt there a nigga with fart in his name
It was when jivechads vooted everyone else off the general.
i think it was leshart or something
Why was SF5 called jive again?
sf4 had a track with the lyrics "this is our war, street fighter 4"
someone said "this is our jive, street fighter 5" and it caught on
cause capcucks were shuckin and jivin pretending it was actually a good game
This smell like dicks, Street Fighter 6.
>We love everyone, pride month, black power, hail the fgc
>We can't wait for the Riyad esport shit
The FGC in a nutshell. Also, speaking of trannies, Summer Games done by queers starts soon, right?
Only during the first six months of /vg/
>Summer Games done by queers starts soon, right?
Why the fuck would I want to watch that corporate shit?
it already started sister!
Oingo boingos FGG was a lot of fun.
Why did the FBI finally catch him?
the anons in this thread sound more depressed than any other thread i've seen
To feel better about yourself, it's cathartic.
All the insane people drove out all the normal people so now its just insane drivel all day, every day.
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Harada is at CEO, do you think they will announce Lidia's release date?
r/kappa defeated fgg goons
The genre is in a miserable state.
When was it in a good state?
china numba won
is it just that the current released games people are playing suck and/or is it more the corporate nature that the fgc has turned into?
nigga said 2016 lmao
09er boomers will never move on from street fighter bore
sajam and his cronies appeal to the troons but dont really care about them, hence accepting the saudibux, most people dont like the troons to begin with
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If not I'm gonna kill him.
remember the old speedrunning events where they would sit on that red couch? it was full of soul. and werster, the pokemon guy even said nigger on stream
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good times, shit like that never lasts
this shit looks lame asl lmfao
Alright, now time for the back half of the roster, starting with Suzette Bruges.
She's based mostly on Mathurine de Vallois and Madame d’Or, two different French jesters. A lot of joke characters are shown to be clumsy and uncoordinated, but I wanted to do something different, given how a lot of fools were also acrobats that could do various stunts. d'Or is actually an example of that. As for why she's a rabbit, I was thinking of an animal that is very light on its feet and can jump high. Well that, and I like Watership Down. I wanted the same idea of a tricky rabbit that could move around well and use wits to get around having a weaker body than others.

As for her actual mechanical inspirations, she's mostly based on Dorothy Albright and Lowain. Something I don't like about some characters that are themed around a game is that they often don't actually use much from that game. For example, Johnny is a cool character in Guilty Gear and his lore is that he's a gambler that likes poker (hence him having moves named things like Killer Joker and Joker Trick), but he doesn't actually have much in the way of RNG. Oswald is like that in KOF, too. I think he's a really interesting character anyway, but the Karnöffel thing is mostly just an aesthetic. That's why I wanted a character that was actually based around RNG and trying to play Blackjack during the match.

Expanding on that, did you ever see the movie In Time? The climax of the film has Justin Timberlake's character betting his life over a hand of Poker for a chance at what is effectively immortality. I basically wanted to simulate a feeling like that with this character. That's why busting results in her getting stunned. I imagine that will be a little difficult to balance properly, but the general idea is that I want her to be an extreme high risk/high reward character.

I also got small bits from other characters, such as Genjuro's card bounce thing, she has that, but I guess that's more based on Mai's EX fan.
it was comfy
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what replaced it is much worse
thats the same niggas
The good old time.
>werster, the pokemon guy even said nigger on stream
Yeah, in front of the twitch emoticon nigga, just to get a donation, and they all laughed at it.
Both you cant have the corporate element flourish without watering the games down.
The balding tranny will always be my favorite.
Of course.
You'd think at least 1 of them would put even 1% effort to look /fa/ given they're trying to emulate women but alas.
feel like i been watching punk vs asia for ten years
can't believe the new bad guy got cucked by bison three games in a row
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Oh, this explains why the top 8 has those players.
these niggas flying around the world for warehouse worker wages
only 2xkuso can save the fgc at this point ...
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>CEO 2024 less viewers
>SGDQ2024 less viewers
Damn... how do we save videogames? It's like niggas don't care no more.
I want to fuck this new Hunter x Hunter character, even if she doesn't want to.
nen impact looks like a mobile gacha game, unironically
crowd is so fucking dead it's over doods fighting games are finished mtga retirement home it is
Some gachas look better.
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So how would you save fighting games from the imminent death?
What even is there to care for?
She is 5 fucking pedo.
what's wrong with that?
consent matters, bronycheez
hold on... how do you know she's 5?
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>consent matters, bronycheez
She lies about being 6 in the manga to be adopted.
hold on... do you read japanese works that contain kids??
UltraDavid is much worse than Sajam, I heard Sajam is bringing Inflitration back to the FGC again.
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As long as the kids aren't sexualised, yes.
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the puppet master will always be worsw than his puppet, dood
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How is that the same as posting the kid sleeping on the bed with a thong and an oversized ass? That's a joke, and has to be treated as such, it's like Goku showing his dick in Dragon Ball.
fighting games?
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fuck buffed gief in 6 tbqh
what fighting games let me kill troons?
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>"H-hey, can I see your son's dick? As a joke, of course haha. You know, like Goku haha."
very related actually
honey i dont think an overused ywnbaw meme is exactly fighting game related
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Yeah. Thanks to GG Stranny. They fucking ruined fighting games together with crapcum.
Based and redpilled, T**** is seething over this and will 41% himself
granpoo has a troon function, so does kekken. soive even has two
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>someone replies to cheez with "kys"
>cheez thinks it's a bot and thinks the word timmy is what triggers it
>censors the word whenever he uses it
>other people use the word and nothing happens
>cheez still insists there's a bot but just claims it was turned off
>he keeps posting timmy and censoring it
>someone still replies with "kys"
oh no who could have predicted that cheez's dumb strategy would fail
This nigga doesn't understand context.
Man, Dragunov was nerfed 4 times and he still as retarded.
any semi-active weebshit fighters on sale?
>2D kid dick = okay
>2D kid ass = not okay
This nigga doesn't understand logic.
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Kekken is boring
tekkucks seem like they're having way more fun that capcucks these days ................
>2D kid dick used as a joke = Ok
>2D kid dick used to rub one out = Not ok.
If you want more beginner players, Strive is still quite active. DBFZ also still holds pretty strong. Distant third would be Granblue Versus Rising thanks to crossplay. Then there's a significant drop off for everything else which has huge swings in skill level.
By playing COTW
................JDCR?!?!! I ain't seen that koreappa in MINUTE where he been wit his new fresh cut??
Blazblue Centralfiction is the GOAT and will never die. 75% off right now and always has players to this fucking day. It will never die cause none of these other new trash games can touch this masterpiece.
t. kyran reeves
just bought kekken8 and american truck simulator for $41
kinda crazy lidia doesn't have a release date yet
Thanks. I'd try Granblue but its still pricy.
>blazblue consistent 200-300 players for years and under 10 bucks
perfect thx

Fighting games are saved.
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3000 BOY
pay up
Someone said 2K in the last thread
2200 actually.
oh lol ok
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and avoiding the slime
putrid jenet stench
>i'm sick of fighting games blowing their budgets rendering cammy and nina's ass moles and cinematics instead of focusing on gameplay and roster
shit x shit: shit impact appears to have both dogwater graphics and dogwater gameplay
As bad as Dix and Kekken8 are, at least they are not tag games
I'm waiting for the Clayton verdict before forming an opinion
i haven't watched anime since jojo part v
So, why aren't they breaking the floor? Positioning I assume, but with heat and Tekken 8 corner carry (especially on guys like Feng and Bryan), this shouldn't be an issue to get to the wall after the transition.
How did Ellie write this when she told me in DMs she was moving to a new place? Was she lying again?
the last anime i i thought i watched was dorohedoro but it turned out to be edgerunners what a forgettable ass show
Even while she's moving to a new house, Ellie always has time to shill Soive
TvC unironically looks better and more complex than Nenshin Impact.

Better, more impactful animations and it even has motion inputs.
good ass TvC
Why are you stalking her, creepy
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And it begins... I'm glad to see the fgc isn't the worst community.
This will happen this year at CEOtaku
And it already happened in Strive 2020 Deb vs SonicFox online Evo
Also, how can that Jebailey looking player can have they/she as his pronouns.
For a lot of people, trans is just the latest scheme to do whatever you want. Half of them don't even believe in that shit
Why does she stalk Baron and nubi?
timmy watching the yearly timantha gathering and shocked that...there's timanthas there
if you do get Blazblue Centralfiction check out the BBCF Improvement Mod. it makes the game and online much better.

Ye I bought it.
nigga said "and it begins" like these troons werent ground zero loool they've been moving like this since 2016
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They're still seething over Hogworts Legacy to this very day.
As if you guys didn't habitually back mid games to own da libs
Those retards really thought they could win a war with JK Rowlings. She can buy more factories of tranny skittles than all of these morons together.
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Godworts Legacy is kino, mantha.
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you subhumans shilled party queer soive to "punish chuds" which is even worse
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stop using my daughter-wife for your shitposts
strive is fun...
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Speaking of strive, watching the txxmys fight amongst themselves over bridget is pretty funny.
>Mathurine de Vallois
>look her up
>some random bitch that shilled for the Catholic Church
is this who you look up to? Ye olde conservative comedy?
why are all of your ideas just retarded dogshit like this?
Have you ever had anything close to any original thought?
why is kekken 8 so ass
its the sequel to kekken 7
Mantha finally turned on his bot again
Because it's the best fighting game out there. But you guys sleep on it because one character transitioned

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