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Previous: >>484103721
Happy birthday to Hung and Swire!

[6/21-7/5][Standard]6* Defender Penance, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Vanguard Poncirus, 5* Caster Santalla, 5* Specialist Kazemaru (Shop)
[6/21-7/5]The Rides to Lake Silberneherze - 5* Medic Harold
[6/21-7/5][The Sojourner]6* Guard Degenbrecher, 5* Guard Leto, 5* Specialist Kafka
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger]Penance, Tsukinogi, Qanipalaat
[6/21-7/5][Icefield Messenger Re-Edition]Carnelian, Leonhardt, Kafka
[7/2-7/16][Log-in]Ansel skin
[7/2-7/16][Vista Celebration]First obtained 6* is an unowned one (Excluding ops released after Reed The Flame Shadow)

[6/20-7/4][Standard]6* Caster Goldenglow, 6* Specialist Lee (Shop), 5* Caster Aroma, 5* Caster Rockrock, 5* Sniper Greyy The Lightningbearer (Shop)
[6/20-7/4]AK x Sanrio Collab - Log-in event
[6/20-7/4][Crossover]Goldenglow, Lee, U-Official
[6/20-7/4][Achievement Star & Vitafield Re-Edition]Flametail, Kirara, Aosta; Czerny
[6/25-7/9]Hortus de Escapismo Rerun - Insider skin
[6/25-7/9][Arbiter Aequissimus Retro]6* Guard Executor The Ex Foedere, 5* Specialist Spuria, 5* Medic Paprika

>/akg/ website:
>Redeem codes
>AK EN Database:
>More valuable resources:
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Kill yourself
Bnuuy love
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My soulmate...
Who the fuck put doctor in the washing machine
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We should hire more bunnies
extremely potent sarkaz pheromones
Sex on the spot
Arknights has a surprising amount of European culture. Generally Asians and sometimes even Americans have a very surface concept of Europe and their depictions end up looking like parodies
Cute drawings
Especially the ones by Dr.C and Dr.E and Dr.S
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Why did you intentionally omit Savage? It only just turned 7/1 on the far East time zones... that was rude.
i'd snick my nose in jackies brapper and give it a good sniff
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I would like to meet her father
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And Europeans have a surface level concept of everyone outside their own countries. That's not unique.
Ascalon's carbon monoxide like pheromones....
Japan Standard Time is my Lord whose will and decree I always obey
I want to abuse Amiya
The sea terrors have entered the thread...
>wake up
>backread /akg/
>all the worst posters are active from noon to 8 pm germany time
Just put birthdays in the OP that are still valid within all time zones. You were a huge dick in doing that, even rushing to make it right at 750.
I love this Perro in particular...
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He made it a minute before 750 to make things worse
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's ass
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She gave hundreds of anons a spanking fetish.
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Slutpost amiya
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VERY good taste
I'd much rather plap the shark.
what is going on here
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Amiya doesnt really fit the bill on that
She has other roles perhaps
damn spork wouldn't straighten
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>got filtered by event's RS7
>decided to finally build an operator to E2 so it can clean things for me
>Texas alter is OP and is in my squad anyway
>need chips to promote her
>get filtered by PR-D-2
>promote Lappland and Perfumer to E1 so i can complete PR-D-2 and increase level of a bunch of operators too
>now out of money
>clean up PR-D-2, and auto it for 2 days
>turns out i dont need just the chips i also need to craft some other kind of chip from them
>need lvl 3 workshop
>to get it i need lvl 4 control center
>to get that need 8 lvl 2 buildings
>to get them i need at least 6 carbon bricks per building
>to get bricks need to run supply search
>its closed today
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Anon... her tail?!
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/ck/ bros what is this?
Operator with orgy withdrawal?
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Wait a minute... that room...
No tail no buy.
what does that even mean
I didn't imply it was. I'm just surprised at how meticulous the portrayal of Europe-inspired factions is in Arknights, to the point where there are full non-English Dubs for operators
Kill yourself thread rushing faggot
i sell de pusse
AI stew
Brother, you might just be retarded
This is why we tell newbies to E2 a 4* first
You've never had doctor soup?
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gonna eat gummys borscht flavored pussy
"Borchs" or how ever the burrs want you to pronounce it in human language.
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let's fuck
Time to MURDER a Moose.

Also Schwarz love!
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You make it sound like it's a bad thing
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Sorry I only fuck orcas
Damn that's rough but you'll get there eventually.
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Cute new doctorpipi
What ze hell
>Ishar-mla died of cringe
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>go to the trannycord /akg/ server
>It's full of more obnoxious coomposting
Is that supposed to be a problem?
>play gacha game
>doesn't coom
What did he mean by this?
So, /akg/?
I dunno which discord you are talking about since the one im in is dead right now.
Last thing that was asked was some anon wondering what vanguard texas swords were made of about half an hour ago
Yeah, maybe.
I this point it's too late to switch cause iam out of money anyway, so might as well grind the shit for Texas.
Im actually more pissed about not being able to finish RS7 and missing on more John Smith wacky adventures.
And no Degen fo me, sad
Nooo not the smoochies
Based and orcapilled
Why did valarqvin and typhon manage to close the northern portal where the absolute gigachad that was khagan failed?
This seems like bullshit writing
Yeah it was the Dr.W asking about the swords
Guess you are in that discord too then
Yea that's how your first couple events are gonna go. Don't stress about not finishing them this time around.
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I hate how all of us are in the discord now
say hi to Dr. Roland for me
Khagan is cringe, not chad.
imagine not being invited to discord lol
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Don't include me in your grooming server.
Khagan didn't fail, he just followed his bro's plan to permanently disable the southern one by creating a time distortion.
It was amma that closed it by rushing through the portal
Not Val or Typhon
I've been there for years and posted maybe only twice.
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Penancefags are cringe?!
And why didn't she do it a thousand years ago? Fucking bitch.
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I joined a few Discord servers but stopped talking to anyone in those servers, stopped visiting them just mere days, less than a week, after joining. Not sure why, not gonna understand why that’s for sure.
At least I have 2 dudes to talk to in private.
I'm glad this lore exists.
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Funny how much cooming happens in there when all the biggest coomers aren't even in there
Not like amma explained what was going on in her head
gacha discord servers are either
>alive but full of shitposting coomers who don't talk about the game
>dead because there's no more to discuss beyond what's already fed to us by the game
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It is a bot
This thread should be 30% hornier.
Post Rockrock vocaroo
>Why didn't Amma just Gank Crazyton before Crazyton showed up
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Is the /akg/ minecraft server any better than the discord one?
sounds like a skill issue
it's the same thing
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How do plumefags keep getting new art if they don't even exist?
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A cute launch operator? Color me surprised
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Don't have d*scord but nobody really talks on the mc server so doubt it's comparable
I hate this image
Don't worry, the event will rerun so you'll have the pleasure of crushing the stages you struggled with in a year
Next event is a story event so you will be free to far whatever you need to progress
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kill yourself
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I got to the end of my first IS today but lost to the troup leader, once those roadblocks fell..
Easiest difficulty too btw

Consider this image
They got on the wagon early before 6* Plumealt that makes Bagpipe and Ines both look like trash. They'll be hailed as the greatest visionaries the world has ever seen one day.
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It's funny (reddit funny)
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I'm not, the only discord I frequent is the one my friendgroup keep, none of whom play arknights.
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gaming press
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I kinda wish asky was a year 1 operator...
no birb
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Yandere menhera (You) obsessed operator doko?
No Priestess does not count.
lack thereof
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Built for petting and cuddles after a hard day of work
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started enjoying using Skadiva S3 because of degen
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A tail lock from kirara would probably feel somewhat like wearing a safety harness
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post sexo
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This ex stage 8 looks like its going to be painful any advice?
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If you take out the Yandere i guess heavyrain would apply?
Seething and coping after finding out how cute the witchfeast costume is for Warfarin and missing out on buying it
Still waiting for the State mandated vulpo yandere
It reruns with Babel iirc
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Nightengale barriers and Lumen unfreezes
About 90% of it comes from a singular Plumefag artist.
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I need to bend her over so much furniture
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it reruns again so you still got a chance
i feel like unfreezing is a cope
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birb chirp birb
That skin is already a part of Fashion Review. It'll rerun with every limited event, meaning it'll be back with the CNY event in a month or so.
For (you) Yandere foxes are the key to a gacha game's success
Dunno if this game could survive that
Should we tell him?
It's practically a must. A staple. It needs to happen
Is there any gacha with that besides AL? Also she gets yurified by their anime or something iirc.
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Just wait for timeskip shamare and suzuran bros
My uncle works for HG and he told me tha
That anime was so bad devs apologized for it
Because then she'd have an excuse for her mediocre kit?
6* Shamare soon
Fishing in Shu's pond with my rod!
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I expect a wild ride
Year 1 Ascalon would be god tier but I mean for the art and not having to fight 4 years of assumptions.
15 trillion children
Yep, I think that was one the reasons why Yostar made their own studio
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too big
those cookies looking kinda good right about now
Same, it's really nice to have Degen anywhere and throw her Skadiva S3 seaborn to delete anything with her own s3
>proceeded to make the Arknights anime
I guess it didn't work out huh
Blue Archive
WAY too big
Ample tracks of land
Meh, while it was bad it was still watchable. I could not even finish AL anime due to 2nd hand embarrassment.
May god have mercy on him
My boy in the back
16 trillion children with Shu
Oh yeah, that's fair. Sorry for saying mean things about your devil
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I wouldnt leave angie out
Post the Shu butt already
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>Sorry for saying mean things about your devil
Her s3 damage would be bad even in year 1...
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Is Shu using her sexy feet to seduce me?
I hate how fucking stupid I am
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Why are pretending that Ascalon is bad?
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Stop posting Shu I can't afford to roll for her
I think every female operator should receive a vibrator when they join to help with stress relief.
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We all have those days. It's okay to learn at your own pace.
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Doc imagine the puddle she leaves in your lap...
why are we*
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We already have the Rhodes Island stress relief room
I think I really like Shu.
>We all have those days
This is an everyday norm for most /akg/ denizens
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Shu is great
Really want to go fishing with her
Asky can kill most bosses and her s2 can reduce the mspd of flying enemies for no reason. Her s3 is just badly designed, she can hit herslef, and that 2nd talent is a joke.
We don't think
HG overestimated accuracy debuff niche. It is dogwater in most cases. Anyway, Clown has great S1 and top tier low cost CC skill.
I'd take Heavyrain out if you know what I mean
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Have we found emily yet?
Somehow managed to do it on third try but holy fuck this boss is mega unfun, gives me dolly vibes
I'll save CM mode for tomorrow
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Speaking of, does anyone know if an enemy missing is the same as dodging an attack for the purposes of pinus evasion?
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Emily is away
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Drinking, take her out drinking
Which skin did you buy and never use?
Which skin do you regret not buying?
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Kinda interesting she is outright stated to be emotionally reliant on the doctor in her profile.
Do we have any other ops like that?
Nope, Asky's s3 even has to specify "or is missed by an attack"
Being realistic accuracy reduction should've been her 2nd talent. I have no clue how light eatting after images translates to aspd from high tiles.
too cucked to get something based like this
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That's literally W but pink
Because i dont want them.
We have a couple of sluts don't we?

who's the steve blobs of Arknights?
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Double censored post-beta?
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That's just Schwarz except less sexy
The scent of fish...
Jolly Cooperation with Amiya (sexual)
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so picky
fish and cigs...
Because they get censored
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MUCH better
Now i will fuck the bear
Honestly would probably be a great drinking partner
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Even the young ones?
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Fox tricks
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Giving her a phone may be a bad idea
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especially them
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She gets bratty and spoiled along the way
You're not him. You saved that profile when he asked for friends the other day. Why are you like this?
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kal'tsit bimbofication
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Timeskip vermeil when
I give up on RS-EX-8
For me its Saria feminization
Timeskip Sussurro wh- oh...
*Senomy press*
same, took me long enough to realize that no one cares about full medal event sets
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you should at least get a full medal set for an event you really like
operators for bimbofying?
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As long as your profile card looks cool, that's all that matters.
A free 5* vanguard!
I have this feeling the expedition will go smoothly.
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>As long as your profile card looks cool, that's all that matters.
I keep it empty, no one looks at it anyway
I don't read events
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>Do we have any other ops like that?
CN news today?
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You have a beautiful brain, anon
Did she get pregnant?
Hmm is she actually emotionally reliant on the doctor though?
Or is she just generally mentally ill.
I look at your profiles. I notice when you change your profile message and your supports. I also noticed that one time you didn't log in for a day, bet you didn't think I would.
Yes, she's extremely emotionally fragile and reliant on Doctor
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Carne mentioned
Pregnancy could fix cantabile or manticore on the first try
Heavyrain on the 2nd or 3rd try
Surtr plot relevance when? Module? Alt? Why do the devs hate her so much?
It could also theoretically fix Kal'tsit on the first try, but...
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I couldnt help but read your replies in the voice of an emo kid.
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What do you do?
red women BAD
I just realized I've never changed my profile message.
you know trends are personalized right anon
Why did you upload your entire ssd
Wait... is that why she keeps adopting strays?
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How come NIKKE is so popular?
We are supposed to be a superior game, but they are beating us...
trying too hard
Collab when?
other game certainly are not trying too hard to mog us, it just happens
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It's probably trending for the Rossana summer alt.
Choco sheeps
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So what do y'all want to see in the sarkaz omnibus event?
Any operator cameos/appearances.
Topics you want covered.
Coom is too strong
wtf someone save doc
Those tails are perfect for the small brush
I don't remember last time we had a hype around an alt
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I'm not going to be shocked if Surtr (her summon) is an IS5 final boss. I'm still part of the camp thinking the red hair girl in the teaser is Surtr (or the actual summon in the past's human form).
Flamebringer could use some backstory or content that isn't "he hangs out at the garden now"
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Being a father figure weights a lot
W now has a job that involves something other than blowing stuff up, so I am curious to see what she's doing.
Walter like 2 months ago. W is huge in Asia.
Kinda wondering exactly the timeframe this takes place.
Would be interesting to get more info on just the inner workings of kazdel from a perspective outside the civil war though.
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Pith is hot?
whats wrong with that?
IS5 hypothetical boss list
>First Demon King
>Nacho (sprite already exists after all)
>Theresa/Theresis double fight
>Ulsulah (hero)
Anyone else I'm missing?
I want Amiya to just get it over with and become the Demon Lord of nuKazdel.
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Old bird
Expiring eggs
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>W is huge in Asia.
Post the poll
Wow, she actually is kind of hot now that I really look at her.
Would you be angry if the homostreak continued and Manfred was the 6*? In return the actual Summer event is homo free.
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Shouting "walkies" in earshot of the perro operators!
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>Would you be angry if the homostreak continued
Not if it continued with Jesselton
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Why would I be mad at RI hiring the destroyer of Mandykeks?
False equivalency. The poll only allows 1 vote. She is popular, but nobodies favorite.
Dev notes mentioned
>"Let fantasy become reality, and let the stories told in your mouth become real history and future."
We could get prophecy ending with Amiya boss
Amiya is the leader of Ri, she wont rule over Kazdel
I don't take much stock in a poll where Eyja is above so many operators while having no real presence in the fandom.
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The minecraft server is really cool
Tossing a ball so Dobermann struggles to not fetch it
mother of mercy
>he thinks Amiya isn't going to rule Kazdel
>The poll only allows 1 vote
Bro... it allowed 20 votes.
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no one plays on it tho
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>same artist who did this and a bunch of cute Harmonies
That's not very nice...
Sounds like you're talking about the wrong poll.
Yes, I do.
Whole plot is about how CE should belong everyone. Amiya expressed herself she cant and should not rule over them. You have KMC and Nu-babel for that.
I'm playing on it
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Its still sad that one Harmonie anthology never got uploaded anywhere
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>Amiya expressed herself
One. Bad. Day. That's how close Amiya is to going sicko mode.
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I'm talking about poll /akg/ posts
Even old biili poll allowed up to 5 votes
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I love my 135cm wife Shaw!
12Fbros are the ones pulling the strin
Zumama sweep.
God, beating that challenge mode EX-8 was like pulling teeth out.
If you can do this shit with just 4 stars or whatever, you're some kind of genius god and you're wasting away playing this game.
What happened to Theresis
>some operators are in a made-up bunny outfit
>Lapp happens 3 times
>Harmonie just in her regular skin
>Warf in her regular clothes
>Plat also in her regular clothes but she's flashing (You)
What a weird set
Who to level
sudden Konata
Plappland... Maidland... Bnuyland...
Rangers and 12F need alters already.
>Lappland gets 3 drawings
>Shaw gets 2
Also that harmonie needs to be smooching pressed asap
Give Pallas or Holheyak a shot.
5* in Owl banner
Suzu E2 then pick your favorite of the other shitters you have. If you have some at E1 may as well go all the way.
A Harmonie anthology you say?
Suzu virtuosa and Weedy who is my first 6* but I rerolled because everyone said she's meh
Durin microbikini summer alt......
>his whole Twitter
I did not think I would see someone who enjoyed her as much as I did.
I can't believe /akg/ tricked you so badly. I'm sorry that happened to you.
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Konata jumpscare
Angie guiding suzuran through her first time...
I want a sloppy toppy from Rope.
Virtuosa seems to have very poor stat gainz from leveling though, that's why I didn't
Aight, but man the steel and grindstone toll of e2 is steep. Used all my steel on Degen this event.
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They are just planning for their future doc.
Cunning plan concoction units
My wife... is not in this image...
Arturia love!
Hello /akg/, our sister general!
/gfg/ is about to play the VGL final!
Please give family your energy!
Ok but who would you get sloppy toppy from there?
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Vulpo love
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This been posted yet?
just a few times
I only want "sloppy toppy" from my wife, Ropebro. Not to say that sloppy toppy from Rope wouldn't be bad...

nyes in this very thread in fact
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coomaloomacoom, mother of jesus and mary
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>Please give family your energy!
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is jessica alter good
what mischief is the jerb up to
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I express some form of commiserations I won't say sorry because I will never apologise for posting gravel.
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you about to find out
She's very strong at what she does but doesn't break the game over her knee like top tiers do.
If she spooked you and you want a defender, she's a great option.
She's fine
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Beach date with a wolf gf...
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She is ok
Based and same
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I believe
hate pink hair
>Gravel with monstrously huge strong thighs
Need desu
Senomi is so cute. No wonder she has tons of boyfriends
she hasnt left my squad since she came out, pretty fun but not broken if thats what you're wanting
Does it really count if all her boyfriends are doctor?
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Is Savage the only operator without a birthday thread? Even unreleased ones got their threads.
Why do /akg/ hate her so much?
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I WILL turn this horse into a mother of three
Your "WILL" spam didn't save Mandragora n00b.
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Platinum has class and style
One day doc will remember their adventures
Then and only then will he understand the meaning behind the opal necklace she gave him
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I invoke the morally ambiguous draco of blue box protection
Gravel was perfect at launch and is still perfect now. There has not been nor ever will be a more perfect girl.
Plat exhibitionism…
operators with no style?
operators with no grace?
operators with a funny face?
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see >>484157162
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guys which guards/healers should i raise
I dunno...
Spot maybe?
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Barren womb
You mean defenders? And gooma, saria, and nightingale are the most meta picks there.
Also I'm obligated to shill Tuye.
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But those are defenders?
Gooma, Kal, Warf, I'd say.
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From defenders, Saria is really good though if you are pulling for Shu you could skip her, Jessica2 has nice uses as well.
For medics, Kaltsit, Nightingale, Lumen, Warfarin are all useful and worth having raised, Nightingale and Lumen in this event in particular carried me.
Gravel would never rape...
Is this real?
only raised for base skill, forever lvl1
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Fuck off Kal I'm retiring to the countryside with this prairie dog I found.
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Good to have: Lumen, Warfarin
Bassline is better than Nearl but you can choose Nearl, not much is lost
Not sure about Jessica alter
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Fun sized
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Your favorite.
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/akg/ is full of rat fuckers
Senomy position
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>Mudrock and Penance
Anyone not telling you Blemishine is trolling you.
What's up Lapipi?
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Reminder that if you don't get the medal everyone will know, and they'll all be laughing at you. Not just posters here, literally everyone.
Just raise Chen instead.
When will /akg/ get over their Blemicomplex?
you say that every event and nothing ever happens
Sorry, the Chen slot belongs to Degen now.
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Well nourished...
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When Blemialt releases and it becomes Blimple.
My motives are… Blemicomplex.
this artist can't draw faces
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Blemishine is flat
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i want to watch vermeil use a vibrator for the first time
That's because everyone was already laughing at you, sorry, bro.
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You see now? This is my power...
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Yeah, every op is 2d
Plat can watch from the cuck chair.
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Gravel is 100% the type to get plat involved for shits and giggles
What did she mean by this?
Blemi Delta (module) soon.
so what did we learn today?
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I like this guys works. His stuff is like Mcdonalds to me
>easy to produce
>easy to digest without thought
>always brings different flavors of the same thing to keep it fresh
You don't celebrate women's birthdays if they claim to be the same age every year.
That is fucking disgusting, what is wrong with the world.
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I like it too.
Delicious gravelslop is delicious
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There are 728 Gravel images on Gelbooru, and this artist is 126 of them.
I'm a very simple doctor to please. Just post rrat.
So how are your burdenbeast blind box pulls going?
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What's with the ugly rat spam?
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Gravel power hour
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do NOT
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Here's my shot with your team. You can borrow NG from just about anyone, easy to find. Core is Degen. Hoshi and the medics, DO NOT let any of them die. You're looking to stall Harold until all of phase 1 enemies are cleaned, then burn him down into phase 2, save NG skill until Degen's wave clearing S3s proc his bombardment. Save all possible Flint for phase 2, Degen's placement and good Thorns/Egg2 positions will let them activate multiple heaters with skills, but you absolutely cannot let the healer heater get cold or hoshi dies, so once NG skill is back up rush the old man's expiration date before you run out of flints. My melee DPS deploy (and some straight up mistake like the pretty bad Ifrit placement at the end) can absolutely be optimized, but as long as you make sure to block Harold exactly where I do he will always freeze the same heaters and you can counter it in the same way. Everyone is M3 except Schwarz, Lapp and Warf who are sl7, modules maxed are Perfumer and egg2, other lv1. Thinking back unironically Rosmontis might be better than schwarz here since she can light up three heaters in her spot, but too late for that now, so ulpipi takes her training meanwhile until you E2 her. Ifrit didnt do anything in the clear so you can probably swap her for Rosmontis to test. Remember Harold gains damage res per unlit heater so in phase 2 stall post NG use, you can afford to let some be unlit so he doesn't go into a nuke if timings are off when using degen s3. I apologize for the watermark since i just grabbed a random video compressor so it fit into catbox. Hope it helps somewhat, have a good day.
Zalak supremacist hour.
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Utage trying to fit her Massive Mammaries into a tiny rat's leotard...
sex with this rat
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You can stop posting whenever you want.
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something tells me she wouldnt really be down for that doc.
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posting what? Ugly gravelslop? I'm way ahead of you bro.
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BTW last night I had said I was struggling with EX-8 boss battle, and an anon looked at my roster and said he'd figure it out and post results in 20 hours
I'm the guy being helped
I couldn't live with myself if I missed his help
Just letting him know I'm here, just gardening and cleaning but can learn later
Kinda wanna buy her a skin now but knowing I'll use her second one more…
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Platinum get off the computer
wait lol what timing
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disgusting craplumbian post, just for a bad character
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This character literally just cost /gfg/ their chance at winning the final
I hope you're happy, "famili" poster
Mandy lost?
Me, Gravel, and our 38 children.
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Who won?
cutest bodyguard
OK, hear me out...
I wouldn't do it for Amiya but maybe Endmipipi...?
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NG= Nightengale? Okay I'll search friends (and add) for someone with maxxed out one to try this
I was only using Rose to activate furnaces, nothing else. Her damage seems low.
Holy shit thank you for helping an idiot like me
/gbfg/ won 3-2
Wait Erato is actually good?
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Which operators masturbate the most?
I'm sorry famili...
Cautus, Kurunta, everyone in SWEEP for various reasons.
Wasn’t Dorothy FOTM? Why is she still being posted?
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>fight Ch'en from Arknights won.
Sleep is good.
There are 2 facts about sleep.
1) The more operators they release that are compatible with sleep, the stronger sleep becomes.
2) The better sleep becomes, training Kafka past E0 SL4 becomes more and more of a brick.
Which operators don't have husbands?
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>Got a spot in RIM Billy event
>Got a spot in Babel event
So... she will become more and more relevant in the future?
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Being a goofy meme animal gave her staying power. A capybara operator would see the same longevity.
Charlotte is relevant inside the area of Rim Billiton only
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You know why
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She's a besieger, all besiegers hit hard. It's just that her DEF ignore is entirely reliant on the enemy not being sleep immune
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NG is Nightingale, yes. Module is needed for the strategy to work but only needs level 1. If you don't find anyone I can add you and put my own Nightingale on Support for you to use. If you notice, Schwarz actually does very little but activate the furnace in front of her and damage some weaker mobs, you don't need much damage since Degen does it all so Rosmontis activating furnaces has a lot of value even if she won't deal much damage, her S2's stun helps too to keep degen alive from weaker mobs.
Also, you are not an idiot. We all have difficulties sometimes, and we are here to help you if you have trouble. Helps us become better humans like jellymist questioned, so just go game a little with your team. Good luck.
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I hope she gets more spotlight in Rhodes Island too, aside from Kal and Theresa she's got the closest bond with Doctor and Amiya.
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Would I be maimed if I'd try to smooch her
Not that I'd actually try to haha
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I've said so many mean things to Savagebros inside my head...
why is assclown so close to the doctor?
We know you're a mean poster, clownbro
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any Lunacub enjoyers here? Not an optimal strategy for this event of course, but very fun to have an operator who is permanently camouflaged to keep a distant heater up (assuming you dont activate skill). While Firewatch and April have durations, you can just leave your smug bratty lupo standing wherever she needs to be. Although I do want to properly raise her later.
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wanna find out?
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I personally like her since i think she is cute
Not the strongest but she has her uses
I rose her because cute
Used her for skill books
And was pleasantly surprised she's basically invincible in this event
She would punch your teeth out if she didn't like you but if she did, she would probably call you a faggot while blushing.
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Are you perhaps the resident Savagekek schizo
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Zima agressively punching you in the mouth with her mouth then calling you a fag afterwards
Sounds nice
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Ho'oly moly
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post sluts
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>She's been with you far longer than you think.
She's been on Doc's side as long as he has been awake on present Terra.
I've never said anything bad about Savagebros. Even the mean statements are only mean in a secondary way.
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I love AssClown and she loves me
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I only have slutty tradwives.
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You are her property now
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>you can just leave your smug bratty lupo standing wherever she needs to be. Although I do want to properly raise her later.
Careful, that sounds dangerously like you're thinking about domesticating her
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I get it. You're referring to Assclown NTRing Savage out of story roles but it's not like either of them get content and JP will probably do more Savage and Theresa art than clown art during babel.
She later claims that she was just drunk but you both know that wasn't true...
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Thanks for all the effort to help me. I'll try to figure it out by tomorrow.
fuck her
fuck me
Get out of my office ceylon
Savagefriends are friends
The power of summer wins over winter.
xfriends that are not friends?
Savagefriends are savages
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Fuck her right in the ass
They must be cold
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Doc will remember one day savage.
Dont give up hope!
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Then clap both their cheeks doc.
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Gentle love making with Asky
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something about amiya really does it for me
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What did Savage get with her latest pot anyways?
are we just never getting this Amiya skin?
devils devils devils
They would have to strip any reference to the chinese space program and release it as just a space skin
But i dont see why not at some point later in the future
8 res
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Do I eat Shu's feet or ass?
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eat her rice bro
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Finish your meal first doc
I would drink Shu's sake brewed with her rice and water poured down her feet. I would savor it.
post mistakes
That’s the side dish.
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Shu... doesn't "Shu" mean rice in Japanese?
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literally bullied out of existence from his class by Ulipipianus
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Now she can tank Talulah's fireballs better!
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Happy birthday... Savage.
means Millet, which is what poor people ate before they could afford white rice
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now im kinda hungry...
They're practically the same tier with the caveat Hoe asks you to spark an old limited while Ulpipi wants a welfare.
>They're practically the same tier
lmao even
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there's a tier of poverty below white rice?!
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Do not eat the owle
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I'd eat that owl
Why does she want to pimp out her bodyguard anyway?
yes, in Japan people used to get paid in white rice, it was like eating actual money. So instead they ate millet.
It's true though, Hoe even has more clears on Arkrec because he can participate in Sarkaz knights.
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Doc is unironically good for Schwarz and ceylon is painfully aware of that.
So she pushes them to spend more time with eachother.
Yeah, bread.
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When we saw his reveal for 6* Crusher I knew if Ulpiangus also became one it was over, I never expected him to fucking teleport around and fling for real while at it. Hoe s2 stunlock on some stuff and his S3 stuns and range at least has some niche still when solo both.
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...hey buddy, bread is fucking awesome.
It's never a mistake when you can use both of them
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Hey /akg/, you didn't forget about your cute angel wife, right?
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Hello I'm back from work. Arturia hate.
I hope she can work the shaft as well as he works the neck of the cello.
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Wheres the cat ears
what the fuck are we feeding our operators in the canteen?
Carbs tier list:
Rice == Potatoes > Noodles (they are chill but rice is king) >>> Bread >>>>>>> Sliced white "bread" (disgusting)
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I barely remembered her on her own banner
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>Rice == Potatoes
Schwarz is nothing to me
Arturia is shit to me.
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Ok now what?
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/akg/ tierlists shit as always
But is Schwarz good for Doctor?
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This is a great event for Kirara. You can park her on heaters with melee charge tiles and she can't die
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hehe mine
In-character and canon.
Doc has a bad habit of going
>i can fix her
And Schwarz wants doc to fix her
Cant go wrong with that
Kirara, the cutest battery
Just cakes and stuff, nothing much, don't worry about it.
so like does her height include her headpiece?
because if it does then she is fucking durin tier height.
practically a draph from gbf
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I see potatoes more of a side dish than carbs. I can eat rice with a side of potatoes because they are awesome, but I can't handle just eating potatoes alone unlike rice.
B*ead lovers don't deserve to talk
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Never eat a sandwich again in your life.
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Hmm, nyes.
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canon and IC
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Too big
The fake horns, I mean
I bet she's real hairy down there. Yum
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Schwarz says "nyes" when no one is around... but Ceylon and Doctor are an exception, so she'll "nyes" around only them.
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I need them long and sturdy as handlebars for irrumatio deepthroating action though
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Operators for bed-breaking sex that can be mistaken for rape?
Now take her tits too.
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You're going to be thrusting and they will either dig into your chest or into your feet
Schwarz would never rape...
Genuinely kill yourself.
except its just rape
you are getting raped
Poncirus when she asks you to go slow and you slip onto a suspiciously placed machine that's forcing her back and forth
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Anon, what are you upset about? It's both yuri and threesome with Doc pictures. If you are upset then you're just trying to be
You may need to take some meds
but steel is...
Im giving the Rhodes cafeteria workers a raise
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Asky Wasky
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Nyes... indyeed...
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I need this woman
Wasky woo
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Can someone explain where hair vents came from?
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we coomcat posting?
yes please
Get 1v1'd
redpill me
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Muv Luv I think
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Confidential info
It was just a very common hairstyle for girls in anime and anime-related stuff back in the day
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Cute flat nigger
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Skadi hate.
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white clothes/hair on dark skin is coomcore
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what about white clothes/hair on light skin?
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True, Carnelian and Beeswax come to mind too.
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thats a zeb
Just a way to add cat ears without making the character a cat girl
PRTS, crush this dokoer's skull
Fool, are you trying to turn him on?
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I mean doc IS pretty coomcore...
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smooching press
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I am slowly falling out of love with Arknights. Every new update is some new broken limited and that shit has been bugging me since Choom released.
I find myself playing less and less but I already spent years grinding and I am too retarded to simply stop playing
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mating press this smug camel
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A great skin
>is some new broken limited
then dont use them?
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I'm just trying to visualize them as a real style and can't, shame.
>Cat ears
So it's Kal's fault
typhon s2 or s3
The problem is that the game is always balanced around the latest powercreep unit. Bosses got all kinds of shit to bypass Surtr and more retarded nonsense is sure to follow after whatever anni slop limited they release. It just gets worse.
By this time next year we'll be having Chen Alter (Guard) (Alter)
Beeswax...wake up

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