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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Previous: >>483926491

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• New Splatfest announcement - Palace vs Theme Park vs Beach: https://x.com/SplatoonNA/status/1804197080304333071
• Version 8.0.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v800
• Sizzle Season is on until 8/31

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
i can barely play this game anymore
i can't play this game anymore because i ain't paying 20 bucks for shit service for a shit game
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Well, it's been quite the shitshow hasn't it? But at the end of the day, people clear their schedules for these events, and look forward to playing some Splatoon with friendly faces and bantering in the chat as they watch eachother play. And I for one don't want to leave everyone empty handed.
So if /v/ is out, then an /ink/ vs /ink/ it is. If you are interested in playing, please fill out the new form above.
>what's the format?
Sub weapon gimmick. A wheel will be spun on stream, a sub weapon will be randomly chosen, and each player will use a weapon with that sub.
Sorry for not going the random weapon route, a bit tricky to find a good format with that when some players lack a chunk of weapons.
It will be a standard double elimination bracket, where players will be assigned teams.
>when is it happening?
July 6th 1:00pm EDT.
>will this be streamed
Of course.
>is there a discord server?
So it came to pass. Send a friend request to inkeranon if you would like to join it. This is for tournament participants, and will be put on ice once this is all done.
>do i have to join it?
Of course not. We have a perfectly fine thread right here. This is just for people who want a direct line to strategize.
>any comments on this whole ordeal?
Not much, but 100 characters past the limit for this post. I'll add it shortly.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns; I trust you know how to (You) me.
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I love Aori.
>any comments on this whole ordeal?
I don't care for dramashit, so I'll keep it brief.
I have no interest in organizing tournaments with people who abruptly bring ultimatums of "drop whoever we say or we don't play", especially when they want players banned for weak claims of aimbotting. My main goal is to make for a fun event where people who want to play get to play, and DQ'ing players on a lackluster basis does not allign with how I want to run tournaments.
That said, perhaps it would have been better to silently drop B&B from the roster, and simply stop having future /ink/ vs /v/'s afterwards. I generally don't care to entertain bullshit, but it would have saved a lot of people some grief. So in failing that, I am sorry. In any case, hindsight is 20/20, and /v/'s organizer has expressly ceased all forms of communication. As it stands, I wouldn't expect any more /ink/ vs /v/ tournaments.
Just ask Brostar for help
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I'm not playing in anything ran by the same dude who sent these
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Can we have an organizer that isn't a complete bitch
Who the fuck wants to play in a tournament organized by this chucklefuck?
Everyone knows Ballin cheats. The question isn't if he cheats (he does) or how he cheats (using a hacked switch), only how often he cheats (probably all the time). He's a cocksucker, a scumbag and an embarrassment. Why you fags still play with this guy is beyond me. I would have blackballed this manchild months ago. Are you THAT desperate for an undeserved win? Sad.
you guys wouldn't win even if they weren't playing
GGs openers
cooler really is a well designed special isn't it
sorry but I don't think /v/ has improved that much, but you have gotten better
GGs Open, I hate stacking VCfags!!!
GGs open. Fuck that last match
You retards can't even organize a tournament right
i don't feel comfortable around ballin' but i also don't feel comfortable talking about why
another victim of babt. unfortunate that it had to be an actually useful member of /ink/ society and not some random salmon runners and mediocre solo queue warriors this time.
Oh it's a sub tournament and a subs only tournament, I get it!
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GGs salmn!
You ruined this general.
10/10 best artist ever! thanks draw friend
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>be me
>good at the game
>don't cheat
>don't play with cheaters, losers or the gays
>have plenty of friends
>and even more admirers
>no drama
>no stress
>just me having fun with my favorite squids
>life is good
hello ballin
But we play together and I'm a loser
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/v/ TO dropped the logs
It’s insane to me that people are mad at you for not dqing someone. I’m sad it came to this since compared to most TOs I knew you’re trying to handle this pretty well
Hey /ink/ organizer
Don't bother trying to organize anymore tournaments. You're not fit to be a TO you lying sack of shit.
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I'm starting to lose interest in this game.
it's our shitposters + /v/ermin doing this
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I've seen more competent TOs in fucking /dng/.
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very first post
>hasn't mentioned why
>"if you're going to say they're hackers"
>out top players
That blaster nigga is shit tho
>a gentleman’s agreement against comms
>nothing I can do to stop two people living together from using comms on the same team
How about you put them on a different team you complete fucking retard??
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I don't even know if they live together, all these shitposts bleed together. What I can't stop is people being on personal voice calls.
If it was that big a deal, I could have kept them separate if /v/ said so. /v/ didn't care about that, /v/ wanted them out for hacking, which I objected to.
>Gets hard carried by /v/ shitters
Shut up you fucking Frog, the TO fucked up the entire thing. B* should have never been in the roster, b&B should have never been considered to be on the same team. Do everyone a favor and hang yourself
Yeah he was the one with a top 500 badge, had to check I stopped being sure
Ben Dover & Goony play so much better than him it's comical, I guess those 2 simply didn't commit to the grind like he did
kill yourself
Like usually TOs get shit for overstepping the line and being too strict without talking to anyone. I know that if /ink/ had agreed there was cheating/hacking we wouldnt be having this conversation because it’s a majority rule in the end. It’s a shame, I liked the tourneys.
This is the shittiest apology ever, this isn't even a "hindsight is a bitch" deal you could've actually investigated the matter and cared about it.
I would forgive you, but the fact you had the gall to think of PUTTING THEM IN THE SAME TEAM right after that talk with /v/'s TO is insane, especially when these two live together (no, this isn't a shitpost).
Do fucking better and stop being a wuss.
They were on the same team before /v/ came to me, with the 20th signup that's how it shook out.
I brought it up so /v/ could object if they wanted to. They didn't.
>I don't even know if they live together
Damn you must be new then. What's up with newfags trying to host shit when they don't even lurk for more than 1 year.

They literally have gay sex with hats on, and no I'm not memeing.
Had a connection error and now I'm banned for 10min, think I'm going to stop for now. Sorry about that, no clue why that happened. Ggs.
So let me get this right.
Beta roster, they were put in the same team until /v/ came to you.
Then, they were separated.
Then, you suggested the idea of putting them back together to him.
Is this correct?
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Oh so it’s ok to break rules as long as nobody notices, got it. What a retard.
Incorrect. Thread roster they were separate, new signup bumped them together.
It seemed pretty relevant to bring up, though I could have communicated clearer I was open to keeping them separate. Personally I see no problem having them together, but if /v/ said so, that's not a big deal.
/v/ made no mention of it and focused on the hackusations.
For all I know every /ink/er on the roster is in one giant group call for the whole tournament where I can't see. It's common sense it works on the honor system, all I can do is make sure there's no voice channels in the server.
TO if you knew that ballin has literally posted modded pics here and even publicly stated his switch got banned already once why not put them on a fucking blacklist and find other players instead? /v/ are faggots but so are you.
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okay okay
but where are the woomies?
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Woomy hacking big boobies on herself
again, he also said on multiple occasions that he's already had a switch banned from online for cosmetic hacking so he only does it offline on his non-banned replacement.
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Right here
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fuck off
was hoping that would be boss, but i gotta go now. ggs fshrs.
How is that any better?

>No officer I stole only $1000 worth of items and I got caught (banned), this time I only stole $600 worth of item and didn't get flagged so it's okay!
>you knew he was banned for modding
>you still let him play
They were right to pull out, holy fuck
So are we playing favorites now you fucking sped? Are you the guy who let both of them stay at your home?
>teammates somehow don't retake
Fucking niggers.
My name is Brostar and this is my confession.

I cheated in Splatoon 3. Rumor has it that a certain /ink/er played on my account but that is simply not true. This person was adamant that I do not cheat but I wanted to have some fun. I didnt do it for any fame and honestly did not expect anyone to find out but mayhaps i was too obvious with my hacks.
I would like to formally apologize to /v/ for not contacting TO sooner about dropping out. I wouldve been fine not playing in the tourney.
To /ink/ I am sorry you had to find out your favorite yeb duo is not as they seem.
And to Nono, I will miss playing with you. Perhaps we can play a different game together in the future.
Thanks for everything /ink/. I am done with this thread and Splatoon.
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My woomy do be looking abit funny lately... She just stares at me.
she is demanding sex
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nice falseflag dude
Why does KoId ruin everything the touch? Can't KoId just admit she fucked up? Now no one wants to play with ballin and brostar because of the stigma. I'm convinced KoId is friend with ballin and one of them is actually the feetschizo.
honey wake up the newest larper confession dropped
hello ballin
Name a single namefag that is a good person and a positive influence upon the thread, I'll wait
isn't chktendies the /ink/ organizer
It's one of KoId alt account.
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Don't you guys have anything better to do besides being retarded over this?
Uhh... the vast majority of S2 and S1 inkers? Timmy, Rainy, panic, soup, Boner, plenty others?
All those are shitty people. FACTS! Only exception is mspaintanon which never actually use their IGN
>>484151486 (You)
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Post cephs then if you're so sure you can dress right.
Why can't we all just get along...
>No argument
I win
maybe if we didn't tolerate cheaters we'd have less problems
no, you should be able to understand that people are upset by a fun event being cancelled when it could have been avoidedand the TO gets the (sometimes excessive) flack because it's the only tangible outlet for it
then there are the shitposters and dramafags (some are both) that are very happy to jump on the occasion and grift at their leisure but are still easily identifiable
TL;DR: you're stupid if you don't understand the reasons for the thread's current state
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So much drama...
>you don't understand the reasons for the thread's current state
stopped reading right there
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I think it's time for a Drawpile: Summer Edition! We're going to do it a little different from last time!
The Drawpile will be this weekend, so be sure to submit your prompts ASAP!
>we don't want to play with known cheaters
>no thanks we'll just cancel

come on now.
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Maybe we could start some more productive arguing

Is Pearlina canon?
Can I smooch you instead?
try harder on the damage control /ink/ TO, you should really step down already
ok bawlin
And have it organized by who? Last I checked it’s not like Ballin and Brostar are banned from any of the pbs or rooms that run. I seriously doubt that anyone else would’ve handle the situation differently.
Cute Callie art. :)
I'm not the /ink/ TO man, I just organize the drawpiles
he knows anon, he's just shitposting and adding more fuel to the fire
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Wasn't mentioning that one, continue on your way
I understand well enough, I'm on about the dramafags and shitposters that should be curbstomped for being retarded and/or cunts
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parko is an enemy
>all the anons here defending blatant cheating
I have to say /v/ is in the right this is fucked up
>I seriously doubt that anyone else would’ve handle the situation differently.

Your self-awareness is lacking, anyone would have just dropped them for this tourney. I bet you have your pronouns listed on discord and twitter profile and double vaxxed.
hugging this callie specifically
This or real world drama?
Moreso than fulfilling every demand, a TO must defend the dignity of their parcitipants, I think the only mistake made was bitching over /v/ pulling out. Should've just let them leave and slammed the door on their way out.
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This made me LMAO. This guy never even posted anything here and said, "Alright, when as expected".

>They all pointed out how the clips show nothing
Who is "they"? Literally everyone is saying the opposite.
>dignity of their participants
well there were more than those two
the misstep was the lack of thread communication to ask the rest of/ink/'s opinion before announcing the cancellation
Notice how it's all clumped together too meaning he sent the messages close together.
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There is no dignity in cheating/modding the game, faggot.
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I'm dying, you cannot make this shit up. 100% this guy supports LGBTBBQ+ shit and is a liberal
you do realize there's a temporary server that was announced in previous posts right, and that's where he asked the participants, right?
If there can't be any trust for a tournament that doesn't even have tangible prizes, there's no point in playing with them.
>>is there a discord server?
>So it came to pass. Send a friend request to if you would like to join it. This is for tournament participants, and will be put on ice once this is all done.
>>do i have to join it?
>Of course not. We have a perfectly fine thread right here. This is just for people who want a direct line to strategize.
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knock knock
and still, that's where he asked, and where most people said the proof wasn't enough.
Hacking to alter your appearance =/= cheating
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new competition
that's my issue, that all debate about it was exclusively behind closed doors
kill yourself
Doesn't change the fact that you gave the server 5 minutes to come to a conclusion, let alone not everyone being online at the time
It's almost like when it hit the thread shitposters came out in droves.
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Except ballin admitted that he disables the music to play his Spotify (aka gaining an advantage by hearing your squidfeet). How do you think he got banned in the first switch hardware? Protip: he wasn't using a comestic hack, because cosmetic doesn't banned you.

Put 2+2 together.
Marina rapefic pt3 when?
An honest mistake, so any mistake is grounds for permanently shunning someone from a community? Is their word worth nothing now because of one single mistake? What can one do in face of such an utter lack of faith in their fellow man?
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>this thread
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Tableturf Tourney? mayhaps??
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I'm off to play with monkey balls until /ink/ unfucks itself.
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>single mistake
sis last time I checked it didn't stop there, having you seen the x rank leaderboards? You said it your self, brostar aint 3100 power material
Wish I liked other videogames...
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>brostar aint 3100 power material
Based on what? Two replays? Everyone has off games.
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Good woomy
Oh you're new.
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The Side Order speedrun is next on SGDQ!
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Fuck Yeah!
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Slom for 1 king?

I don't have any go to attire I change my outfit all the time however I feel like looking at the time.
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New meme just dropped.
Hope they get bad RNG lol
Nothing wrong with the last statement. They just need to promise.
>Marie's Palette
so easy mode
lol umad
I'll slam
Slomo woom going up.
>runner isn’t a troon
holy shit
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1king slomo 3/4
>troon-infested game
>troon-infested event
>runner isn't a troon
it's a squidmas miracle
Oh so that was you lol just had to make sure
It's called not shitting where you eat, most sensible people practice it.
>Bro it doesn't matter if your wife cheated on you once or twice as long as she promised to not do it again
Regardless of if they hack or not there is no denying foul play in regards to X rank boosting and possible bad behavior in regards to communication considering they live together. These reasons alone should be enough for anyone to not want to play with or against them
The most sus thing is that brostar has a higher rank than ballin in battle X (which anyone can tell is abnormal). I thought ballin actually got #2 in JP region legit but now it's doesn't seem like he did it legit without win trading or other sus stuff.
I'll join for that 4th spot.
He has posted photos and clips in the thread of him playing online with cosmetic mods. He literally had a photo of his custom naked mod in his ingame locker. If you had investigated the allegations in the slightest, you would have found this.
Wave 3 and I'll open right after.
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It is now yebby hours, post those YEBBIES.
This gdq run is pretty lame
>full hacks
Shit's just a let's play
NTA, but here's proof for the intellectually impaired users here.

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kill yourself
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I need to step up I'm not playing very good.
Very good yebby, would rub his ears (Bear ones) and buy him ice cream after he plays Open with me.
How I look irl.
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Nah that's how your BF looks lmao.
Anyone up for SR on the hour? Dailys and a single slain King Salmon.
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But stinky THIS is how you look.
This GDQ run was so garbage.

Not like SO is anything to write home about, but with the right chips, it can make for some entertaining shit on screen, specially with charger palette.

But no. Runner decides to meme up and draw an amogus on it because haha that's what the kids like, right? Fucking retards.
I clapped
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tranny gaming community linked up with other tranny gaming community, need it or keep it?
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ggs fishmongs
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GG's one king wonders!
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Good king kill you three.
kill yourself
GG's smol room
funni nugget.
smallfry eat nugget
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The TO has zero credibility now. Only retards will join his tourneys.
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holy shit shut the fuck up already he already posted about it >>484149875
You never look at me Booyahing
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I look with my ears, not my eyes.
that isn't him, you fell for the shitpost...
>falling for shitposts
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my name is ballin an i have a confession to make

yes i did wintrade and use felxlion in x rank games. no im not sorry stay mad niggers, im not even black
Do your handlers know you have unsupervised internet access?
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this thread is just the fucking worst
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If only Nintendo would release this gear
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kill yourself >>484172865
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kill yourself
even if he's cheating or smurfing or whatever he still has a healthy happy relationship and gets to be with his loved ones
if he is cheating and has this then it's all the more proof that bad people get to live good lives
won't ever be me
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kill yourself
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good night.. /i-ink/
die in your sleep
everything will be better tomorrow
this is a lie
You ok there, anon? What troubles you, friend? Also rest well-
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Testing. I might like to finally show off some clips of mine, old or otherwise. Been sitting on them for far too long.
An enemy to my balls
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>No Splatfest Shred Tee for Splatoween
>No Splatfest Sweater for Frostyfest
>No Splatfest Vest for Springfest
>No Splatfest Jinbei for Summer Nights
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What did BooyahBoy and SneakySnake do? Or is this a planned transcord attack with actual cancers like kold, rainy, gurkan, urchincel, nono, greattusks, etc behind it to make the non-clique good /ink/ers look bad like how they recently attacked ankat just for just playing the game but defend ballin blantant cheating and playing on brostar's account on his modded switch??

Also ballin is a proven cheater he doesnt do just do cosmetics on his twitter he has posted non-cosmetic stuff
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Done. Testing successful!
Wish my gameplay wasn't garbage so I could post my clips.
get out of here with that cringe oc shit
people should really just put this creative energy towards something that isn't going to look stupid by default
At least they're trying anon
those are garbage
This is really stupid and cringy but some small part of me likes it and I don't know how to feel about that
Forgot to tag you anon, so I'll tag you in this one
That's why I posted them :^D
Nothing wrong with that anon! Just embrace it in secret
get out
nah it's fine, this stuff is how you eventually make your own stuff not suck
I just hope they dont cling to it for too long
all infinitely better than troonshit
meanwhile I was overjoyed to finally get my overly expensive boots
Are scales going to be tripled next triumvirate
Yes, that's standard for triumvirates as are grizzco weapons during triumvirate waves
fuck off
harmony a cute
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Because of course the cute, basically-canon lesbian couple isn't good enough. I hate xittards so much it's unreal.
First(and last) good post in this entire thread. When will they learn....
Any rooms for anarchy open?
stop posting twitter crap
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Anyone wanna help me get to 999? I'm at like 820
Sure. My going rate is 3 dollars win if thats alright
3 bucks per win?! Fuck that never mind then
What site is this anyway?
I can help out later if youre still around
I'm down to do it at rotation
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mmm oyster
2024/6/30 NEVER FORGET
The day two cheating faggots killed /ink/.
What a way to wrap up the fag month this year.
Fuck you.
This is why we need sharia law in the Splatlands.
Free Helicopter Rides!
(SpoɴsoRed ʙʏ GRJzz Co)
they killed the tourney, but everyone else killed ink by not shutting the fuck up about them
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Hit me with a woom, brother.
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Anyone wanna slom?
Everyone else contributed by not telling them to either stop or fuck off. Or at least to keep it in a separate account that never touches or is mentioned in the thread or pool.
Now all we're left with is bad taste and bad blood with /v/. I don't know how long it will take for this to blow over, but I doubt we'll have full recovery. Looking at reactions to TO, he'll have a hard time gathering enough benefit of doubt for even an /ink/ v /ink/ tourney (for the record I do think he fucked up in more than one way, I just don't write people off after one time). I'll be surprised if he even tries again. I also sense a number of people will go their own way for good.
All this breaks my heart a little, because I really enjoyed this community (with all its ups and downs), including the tongue in cheek rivalry with /v/. I'm sad.
What is even the point of cheating lmao, it's not satisfying to win like this, it's not satisfying wearing a badge you know you didn't earn, and even our weakest players are good enough to not be impressed by it and to value honest skill and gameplay instead. It boggles the mind.
who salmn
Proof of Ballin and Brostar cheating was posted last time, why the fuck are people only realizing it now?
goin up
Are you still going?
Tfw nobody has invited me to their discord cliques yet
boy, open room plz
The community of /ink/ isn't going anywhere.
People will keep hosting Open and Salmon and PBs, drawfags will continue to doodle, and people will continue to post fanart and talk about the game as they do. I doubt some petty shit like this will permanently drive away /ink/ers.
Different names will shuffle in and out of shitposting vogue, that's just what happens when you have a name on an anonymous website. The sooner people learn to not care about and ignore shitposting, the better.
As for the tournaments, who knows. Not too big a loss if they stop. They're fun, but honestly don't contribute largely to /ink/ as whole. Just a fun gettogether of familiar faces with the occasional prize art.
While we may have a DEFCON-2 level of shitposting right now, that can just be chalked up to schizos smelling blood in the water mixed with some /v/ raiding. Just take a breath, post some cute cephs, and keep enjoying the fun squid game should you be so inclined.
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999 :^D
Heh nice
GGs salmn
smooth challenge
GG's Boy and moon runes!

My hands hurt lol
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There were so many flyfish those first couple of shifts
The whole situation almost definitely soured things especially bad to where I honestly doubt things even can recover. Already a not-so-good stigma against /vg/ in general and this whole scenario all but confirms that stigma with all the drama shit and us now looking like we harbor cheaters
My woomy's made a habit of kicking anthills.
i miss shitposting about fat veemo
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There's crossdressing pictures on his Twitter though. Can't tell if joke or what. That run was fucking atrocious. I wish GDQ would ban him for submitting a speedrun and doing a meme Let's Play instead, but unfortunately it's not something that'll clash with the charity / sponsors / donators, so he'll get away with wasting everyone's time for an unfunny joke that he didn't even do right because he messed up the design.
so if everyone agrees ballin/brostar cheat why did we cancel this again? Given the reputation of the players I think it was a fair request unless I'm not on the same page.
Ask the TO.
The weird thing is if the TO just put them as sub and didn't say anything else, no one would even notice but she didn't do that. TO think dropping them once this tourney or putting them as a sub (not even a ban) is literally the same as the Holocaust.
lol I missed that thanks, I guess that about sums it up

Reading through the logs I'm surprised how strong-headed /ink/ TO was about the concept of even discussing the issue. I'm surprised /v/ TO didn't tell em to piss off after the first interaction because I would've
totally organic posts sisters
we've owned /ink/ this time
Speaks more of /ink/ TO than /v/ if they were willing to be amicable in spite of /ink/ TO being a jackass
oops wrong tab
post your cephs
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Insomnia's a bitch lol
Are you panic?
I have autism and the music is so overstimulating for long periods of time.
Which ceph is this? I have bad memory.
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Today, you receive a woomy. Tomorrow? Who knows.
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dark skin woom with that hairstyle... my favorite
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Fuck mikkel
I see you're a retard unable to take constructive critisism. It actually looks like you've gotten worse
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>playing an intense match
>that part of triple dip starts to play
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It's a wonderful combo
You sound mad
he's falseflagging for sympathy don't feed him
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South! You're doing good
youre fat shut the fuck up
Thanks m8!
Your mom ;:^)
Sorry I'm late!
These handsome(big boss) & cute(mine teehee) octolings would be pleased to be drawn if you feel like it
>all this over a shitty "draw"fag
lmao /v/ was right this place is cancer
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Then leave, bye!
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Weyyo should grip that woomy ass harder
woomy is dead
Weyyo gripped too hard...
i love veemo
What if she had octolocks for hair?
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Ass expected of a yebby
>ass expected of a yebby
big slappy
>The community of /ink/ isn't going anywhere.
The general suffered a sudden cardiac arrest and theres a massive influx in drama, ironic how you attentionwhoring troons who used the "at least i play the game" dont even do that anymore and just use this thread as a makeshift discord chat when youre all already in said discords together
kill yourself
This wouldn't have happened if we still tee hee'd and drew each other
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For me, its candy coated rocks
moonlight great splatana when
when splatborne gets ported to pc or gets a sequel
Splat's Field 2 is too hard
Who could possibly blame anyone for not wanting to play this garbage? I can't wait for when the splatfests and catalogs stop because if you think the matchmaking is bad now just wait when everyone that's left quits. So few people are playing now win trading is a thing in x-rank.
decav pretty much works like armored core 6 moonlight already, minus the dash that most ac6 melees have and it doesn't
pile bunker in splat when
>now win trading is a thing in x-rank.
i've already put the TO's posting style in my filter
he is dead to me
yes, now, coping cuck
Japs have been doing it since X rank was added in 2
You have the mentality of a toddler if you think something only exists once you learn about it
>it's always happened so it's okay if it happens in splatoon 3

cuck mentality
>moving the goalpost
I didn't care about it in 2 nor do I in 3, 10 autists wasting their time to make number go up in vidya is irrelevant to me and anyone with grip on reality
>i don't care about the thing i'm defending
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Too fat
>anon doesnt have depth perception
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fat veemo... erotic...
i wish squids were real
okay but what about south's other cephs
Newmy is cute.
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Honor student woomy with her neatly chopped floopers swinging in the wind
Built for tinted shades weyyo
could be better with a couple extra pounds/kilos
quiet Nonoctoro
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pray for him
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Ok Rayzor
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Woomy on da whiteboard tries to be positive.
Tell your friends you care about them today or I will eat your soul.
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Don't have any
good woomy.
what if i think my friends hate me
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Same but you also have to logically remind yourself that they would not waste time on someone they hate, even if you'll never feel like anyone would truly like you. If they hang out or talk to you it's by their own will. Tell them something nice.
I would write something more in depth but I'm mentally exhausted. Just remember to not take your internal thoughts as facts, fight against them and once in a while let yourself believe in the good. If you believe in others, some people will believe in you back.
no, i don't think i will
i will also continue to make self deprecating and/or suicide jokes to hide when i am serious
my friend is my trusty bloblobber
it never fails me, unlike proper friends
Understandable have a nice day.
I doubt these empty positive words on my whiteboard will help me not be a suicidal asshole either but sometimes you gotta try.
My sanity and reclusive nature are what's most important to me and I'll hold on to both of them till the day I die
Hi Joey long time no see
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I care about you a lot and I won't get tired of telling you that, your woom is stinky tho!!!
i guess that's true
trust issues and past trauma events just do that to you, so i automatically believe they all want me gone.
thanks though
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Bit fruity.
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Wtf stinky gayyo!!
kill yourself
it's getting a little too positive in here
you should kill yourself, now
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you're my only friend
kill yourself
i love you /ink/
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kill yourself
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Hide them from Gurkan who will rape their anuses, especially the little boys.
im gurkan my shit rn
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kill yourself
skinny woomy, needs a burger. are you not feeding her? I'm calling WPS.
Where did you get this? Saucenao does nothing
that's no woomy... it's a filthy hooman in an tasteless woomy disguise.
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We'll be doing the zones open rotation in an hour if anyone wants to join. 2/4
Why do we actually want gayzor's art? I am fatphobic and don't like how fat he draws everyone's cephs. I don't know why but fat people draw like this very often
I want more art of fat veemo
Friends? Heh, don't make me laugh.
one time he drew my ceph without permission, i didn't enjoy it
sexy veemos
sexy yebbies
south's sexy veemo and yebby sexing
sorry his yebby is for weyyos only
Why is it always human males with woomies and veemos. Why is it never human females with yebbies and weyyos?
[citation needed]
Good question.
it was revealed to me in an alleyway
M. Open at rotation

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Anyone sammin'?
I was planning to
Room up.
Will join soon, I went to freelance by accident
Lemme know when to send out another notif.
Just finished, joining now
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It is now YEBBY HOURS, please post those yebbies.
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Anon my new best friend...
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fuck that's hot
You already won me over
there are snakefuckers in this very thread
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I like the way woomy stretches out my meat like that
You defeated foot schizo. Congratulations
still 3/4?
Salmon Room 2/4
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Thank you Anon... Yebby hours are the best hours!
i'd like to join, please send out a notification
Open 4/4
i mean
i fapped to lamia hentai yesterday
Snake woomies
Snake veemos
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Fellow yebby enjoyer... Thank you, I'm glad you share the sentiment.
Now give me your FC so we can play together...
>opponent doesn't just give up
>my team can't KO
Here is mine 1095-6362-0145
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GGs man, enjoy the Joes and the new gear
>Octavio dome hides pigtails
>cooler user only put out 2 coolers the whole game
Mutilated flops should be hidden
Wave 3 DLC... it's going to come...
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anyone wanna SR at rotation
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>it's been a while since I looked at /ink/, I wonder what these fags have been up to--
>the most pathetic tourney drama possible
Jesus christ.
they were shredded in an industrial accident, she's a hero for her contribution to the war effort and it's disgusting for society to shame her.
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Frye putting the "naga" in onaga
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We love flopshredders here.
Pat this yeb.
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GG's Openeers!
chara has gone senile
rancid team comp
ggs open!
GGs oben. Insane streak there too.
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Project time. I'm opening a recon PB in 15 minutes. Dress how you want to be seen and do a simple pose or animation. If you have a color or map preference, reply to this post and specify. If you want to Booyah or This Way, tell me so I can put us on the same team.

This is just a preliminary test so depending on what happens in the next few weeks, you may need to enter the recon PB again. I'm not sure about any consistent times for these recon PBs, but you'll have at least 2 months to get in. I'll try to accommodate everyone.
GGs Open! Awesome session, that last match never happened
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Lmao dude I didn't realize it was you, we play together a bit!
*friends anyway*
It’s been a month, where are you on your third catalog?
Still waiting for your FC...
I would like to This Way! with an Explosher in hand
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I want OP kits like this to actually happen. It's about time the damn floodgates opened. We've waited 2 years while the devs umm and ahh and give us mid shit left right and center. The game has been stuck in the same meta for a year now, IT'S NOT FRESH ANYMORE!
Hey, you still up to play? I might join for one king, but must smoke first. Will let you know when I'm done if all good.
Good going, your shitty tournament killed /v/ threads
yeah, just say when
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kill yourself
At least post NEW slop, modern AI can do better than that
I sent you a FC, this is M...
Cool. Thanks everyone.
Don't those threads die every other day?
That's not my FC tho...
I use Bing cause Bing can at least do the big poofy coats I like. I don't use AI for porn, and porn is all you niggers train your AI that run on a local GPU with.
And thank you! Looking forward to whatever you have brewing.
why the fuck are SHITver and FAGrye so mean to Big Man? They beat the shit out of him for just trying to forge better bonds between Inkopolis and the Splatlands, not to mention, Marie's their fucking boss. How could anyone like these two whores?
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Sounds rad. So you're just gonna take photos of us like Fantasy does in his PBs?
If it's not asking much, I would like to be on Bravo side off column "BlueYellow", don't mind if I either end up or not on the same team.

Are you gonna open a PB right on this instant, or in some more minutes? Figured I might be late, oops.
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brush your teeth
Not photos, they're videos. It's open.
baka I hate being a retard
7450 3471 2728
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Done with my lungs destroying procedure.
it's me ampersand-kun (not the anon asking for bravo above)
can i be on alpha
the current meta is actually very balanced if you nuke cooler, snipewriter and trizooka, in that order of importance. you don't need insane kits, all it'll do is just add to the arms race of the few top tiers.
significant nerfs to cooler will result in a much slower and more methodical meta, which most of the currently non-meta weapons would appreciate, while some of the current meta weapons like range blaster and slosher that get consistent splats at cost of control will fall off naturally at the same time.
nerfing snipewriter, particularly its uptime, would open up the floodgates for many different backliners that are currently stuck in purgatory of snipes still being a must-pick even without cooler because it's a backline with cumulative effect of a frontliner. ballpoint, splat charger, tri-stringer, a lot of fun interactions and variety will become possible again as more backlines re-enter the meta.
nerfing zooka will rid us of the most egregious of brute force specials and usher a new meta full of honest neutral and pushes that are focused on displacement and deterrence over splats, making all but a couple specials viable on merit (i.e. not because they are attached to range blaster like wavebreaker).
squeezer could go with a nerf too. nerf of removing it from the fucking game.
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weird bomb behavior
room's up
i'd like the blue color from the blueyellow one, and saying this way! its FF
Room closed?
there i am gary
internet hiccup
back up
Recon PB?
& here
idm being on bravo for FF to be blue so you can put me on there if you're retaking
Whoops. Open again.
Yeah. You can play around without a match.
This is the craziest luck.
colors keep swapping...
Big teehee.
Thanks Group 2.
Okay-okay, I might join a lil later.
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thanks satellite and sun
Massive teehee alert, please seek shelter in the designated teehee bunkers and wait until the danger is over.
awe it’s already closed again?
Use a better AI they already know how to do perfect inklings now
shut up ugly gayyo
>use a better AI
Such as? I'm not savvy with this stuff. It also has to be able to do big poofy coats or I don't want it.
I wanna join, can I request turquoise on robo ramen
If you both can do it within 1h3m then I'll open again.
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Do you have an ink preference B?
we salute the sacrifice of our colleague
GGs comrade K! Also, did that guy just sacrificed himself for us? Because his DS just saved us.
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>wonder if the PB host is gonna film up cephs and ask if it's just like what Fantasy does
>go inside
>it's Fantasy
how silly

Thanks for letting us have our wondrous special time together anyway, Fan! It's actually first time ever I join these recon PBs and be told through body language to stay in a spot or move somewhere else. I left because I figured my job's done, but if you wanna me to rejoin, just give me a heads up. :thumbs_up:
thanks F
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huh. it can't do poofy coats afterall. ponyxl is weird, sometimes it knows the most obscure things but then has no idea what things like down jacket or segway or aigis from persona 3 are.
but it does do cute callies.
It's all good. Thanks for joining. I'm done for now unless someone wants to enter before the next hour.
I take purple (from yellow/purple). And will do a booyah. Fuck, feels like I'm ordering something.
Alright, open. We might have to wait for someone else to join since a Booyah requires at least 3 players.
I'll join
I'm going to guess that was limegreen.
It has no idea what clothes are cause porn addled idiots just train their AI on mostly porn. So I'll just use Bing's sloppy ass AI till someone makes a non-brainrotten AI that can do Inklings/Octolings with more than like 3 types of clothes.
Thanks Group 3. Me, did you not want me to use your usual name?
no, I just like messing with the alias feature
you're free to use any denomination you want
Well, I wasn't purple, but thanks. You gonna make sort of a collage from those photos?
I don't know what I was thinking. Get back in here.
Brb, I think the lobby froze on my end. It's just perpetually loading.
I wanna be in attacking animation, with Bravo team Green in Hagglefish Market.
Can't make it to the PB now though. Maybe sometime around Item Rotation on of these days within the 2 month time period.
Want to be in the orange color, I'm fine with being in an attacking animation
Booting up my switch
Stable Diffusion
Can't do the kind of coat I want to see.
inkanon ruined the tourney. thanks again for screwing up something I set aside time for.
Everyone who participated is in the server, so go ahead and tell him there without the anonymity
Is this the right color?
>Probably missed out on the PB already
It's over
Yeah, just wanted to say that any purple will work (since I don't want to waste your time), but we were lucky. Thanks again!
read the posts around yours, it's still going on
Any color, Nono?
Uh I think I get it
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Nice! Good luck on the project.
TIL that there are several shades of purple, is it because in the lobby you only get the alpha ink colors?
>milk chocolate woomy
Thanks, everyone. I'll open again some other day.
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>missed the teehee event
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you can combine artificial idiot's power to draw porn with your own power to draw any clothes you want
Yes and it'll never happen again
You snooze.
You flar.
Hehe joined right on time, I was waiting for the sun to set to put my rabbit in his night chamber then remembered about that post about colors I saw an hour eaflier
Can we use specials for this? I'd like to plan out what I want to do for next time you open
Anything goes. I'll make a poster for next time so it's easily understandable. Just keep in mind if you do something like reefslider or booyah bomb, you'll be out of frame and might have to do it multiple times to capture it.
I have no power.
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>milk chocolate woomy
that's cafe au lait woomy at best. THIS is a milk chocolate woomy
I wanna do things to this woomy
like draw her
>caufe o lay
We speak english here
my badge
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Stop victim blaming, no one wants to fight known hackers
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so if they weren't on the list /v/ would have a chance of winning?
NTA, it has nothing to do with winning or not winning. There is no prize for this tourney. No one wants to play against cheaters in general. If I was an asshole I could enable turbo squeezer and beat 90% of 1 vs 4 and win the tourney solo. Would anyone want to play against turbo squeezer even though it's "technically not cheating" since you don't get banned for it? The answer is no.

>inb4 I thought turbo squeezer is patched
It's not.
It is, though. Slowing the timing to be the same as reg. button presses isn't turbo mode and a waste of money.
a rule of "if we catch them cheating we instantly win the set" and a promise that the suspects would upload their replays could've been enough, no need to pull an ultimatum right off the bat
snakehands and sneakysnek linked up, need it or keep it??
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Anyone down for some Salmon Run at rotation?
glad the /v/tards are finally leaving this place, we should have never let them in to begin with
Woah, careful anon. That almost sounds like a reasonable compromise, and you know TOs are deathly allergic to that.
Except the fact that the TO is heavy bias and from /ink/. So they will just keep saying ballin/brostar didn't cheat even if he hypothetically did. TO would just keep saying, "Um it's just lag bro, the replay doesn't count"
I'm liking this rot so I'll fish some more
Nope it's way faster than regular button presses but if you make it too fast, then the delay kicks in. The is a trick to it, but I don't want to say it here.


HOLY SHIT !!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't gotten my daily win before reset yet and haven't played this rot yet so I might as well kill two birds with one stone
TO was given clips of them getting caught cheating but kept pretending they weren't. Why would they want to agree with that shitty compromise it would have just prolonged the issue, not solve it. It was smart to handle the issue before the games were played not after.
anon that nigga plays dynamo
what's he's gonna do with it?
SR 3/4, (You) me if you want in.
no Ballin clips were posted and I disagree about having the headbutts before the games
Let the rest of the roster have their fun then you can spend your time scrutinizing all you want
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>was too slow to join
Well, shit. Guess I'm crawling to freelance hell.
/v/ was pretty quick to just immediately scrap the whole thing though. It felt more like they didn’t want to play in the first place than anything to do with cheating tbdesu
>let the cheaters win and have their fun, everyone can scrutinize them after
Idk the same thing he did to get #2 in Splatzone in the JP region? It's not aimbot, but someone posted a clip where you can see the movement of where everyone is, basically wall hacks. If he is smart he could subtle increase the 1 hit KO of dynamo. But even if it was true or not, he could turn it off which defeat the whole "see there is nothing weird in the replay".
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Who do the transcord keep ignoring blantant evidence like this? He has a modded switch he shouldn't be allowed as a risk
kill yourself
why do you care? it's a children's shooter
why do you cheat or feel the need to defend it? it's a children's shooter
Children are prone to be emotional if losing. But children don’t play this game.
Then there should be no problem dropping them from the tourney.
That and penalize so the tryhards can hate on them more.
>literally said that he's afraid of doing any mods that are going to get him banned
like, the only advantage he can get with his setup is playing with no sound.
Do Salmonids have inflatable cephs they practice on in their lobby?
>tri color
>"proof of cheating"
You're literally retarded, he's saying he would any cheats if it wasn't auto-detected and banned, he also cheated in salmon run weapons before they released
vast majority of cheats get you auto-detected and banned.
GGs Lucy! Good turfie!
A bit sleepy
What is the damage percentage for all salmonid attacks?
kill yourself
>he isn't in the private discord server with the latest paywall undetectable cheats
the "if you get hit, you're doing something very wrong" percentage
>he's giving people in the pool petnames again
Sorry Joeye
I want a beeb to call me cute nicknames while I splat inside her
At least make sure the Veemo isn't a man LARPing as one first
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anyone wanna do some open
/ink/er in the plaza
Sure let me piss first
I can play in a few minutes, give me some time to ready things up.
opening in 5 (minutes)
Anyone interested in fishing on the hour for dailies/1 slain king salmon?
that’s nice
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GG's Salmonators!
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GGs bros, very nice gold to close the session on
I could play for another Joe
GGs fishing.
>15 more gold till Worker’s Cap
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>It's a Marooner's Bay episode
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Bonemiser aka Draw me teehee
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Ballin does cheat.
He gave Dynamo more range to be more similar to the jumping ZR, made it ink slightly better (if you ever touched a Dynamo, you 100 know the pockets of nothing in its swings) made the ink more coned in and reduced certain animations by a few frames like start and especially endlag.
Interesting that the comparison footage isn't taken in Inkblot Zones. Not hard to go into recon and swing from the same spot.
It's almost like someone doesn't want to show that the vanilla range and spread would be identical.
I don't think I should be playing
It's only 1am but I kinda missed much of last night and my brain isn't working properlly anymore
You’re still young. You kids get up at the crack of noon and all that.
That is one hilariously bad comparison lmao
I'm only in my thirties mom
The map doesn't matter faggot, you can literally see the ink spread
slow the footage down retard
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Sorry Open I just can't play tonigh
Bad gaems from me
Why did we have to fight this same and clearly stronger team 4 out of 5 times again?
I mean 5 out of 6 time what the fuck.
I'm out, sorry lads, nice playing with you again tho.
she's one to talk
GGs Open
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I'm not analyzing this shit frame-by-frame.
Post a comparison that's slowed down that can clearly show the difference.
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sorry SR, playing worse than usual today
pls play better
ggs fsh
I don't need those capsules that badly.
rude wtf
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What should I spend my gold on?
How much do you have?
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Either save for one of the 30-gold gear or get the Bracelet if you're into that
the bracelet is really cute and goes with just about any outfit, i'll second that
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good night /ink/
I'm gonna draw her next.
Do it
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Don't forget to feed your ceph today
do not feed cephs after midnight
That's a mourning dove.
no? that's a wood pigeon
>trying to correct a bird autist
Mourning doves are brown dummy
I'll concede that, but do they make the same sound as a mourning dove? That sure seems to be what the text in the image is conveying.
what did they post?
I think the transcription is okay
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Well then fuck me, I'm wrong. My apologies.
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Pretty late but GGs SR Crew. Nice fishing.
fuck off shitters
No worries anon, they make similar sounds because they belong to the same family at the end of the day
pigeons are doves to begin with so it's easy to misidentify them
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does she give good blowjobs?
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Best gear abilities for splat roller? Maybe all swim speed + ninja squid?
no actually it's like a main and two chunks of sub saver and ninja squid with a little bit of swim speed and sub power or some shit
Maybe not all swim speed, but yeah Ninja Squid and some swim speed to counter balance is pretty standard for roller. I see good Splat Rollers running an obnoxious amount of Quick Super Jump and constantly pressing for good positions, jumping out when things go awry.
Hey, I had the same idea with the octavio helmet, fuck you.
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>Back in S-rank
S+10 now, hut hut.
why is she so black??
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Anyone down for anarchy open now?
I’d be down
Great minds think alike.
Room is up
just steal the look from them then later claim youre the original creator then publicly attack sneakysnake in the thread thats what happy sky did
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fucking disgusting. fuck you and fuck me for knowing the stupid ship name
Did you join a different one by chance?
The charger's laser might as well not be there, the damn thing's so deceiving thanks to this game's garbage netcode.
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another time, its time for skullgirls btw to the one anon that said to get the Double vore ending, that hardly qualifies as such
Gonna switch to solo queue but I’ll keep an eye on the thread if anyone bites
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The average salmon runner
even in splat 1 and 2, the laser is more telling you "there's a charger, prepare to get flicked to"
In your opinion, what is the most fucking worthless Special Weapon in Salmon Run? The one that makes you audibly groan when you see it on your screen.
reefslider, only good in niche scenarios
>can take out flyfish
>pretty good for steelheads
>mostly useless when not at a good position or swarmed
it's low tier but not worthless
Yeah that's the general working prole attitude.
splashdown is pretty bad. at least reefslide instagibs anything it runs over now
Any decent, well rounded player will say wave breaker or reefslider.
Wail only because it’s really easy to misaim with it.
yeah if they are multiple, tri strike, inkjet and wail are better
unless you have a weapon with horrible dps you wont really need help against steelheads
>mostly useless when not at a good position or swarmed
this, pretty much anything getting close yo you is going to use you as a volleyball, either into the water or against a steel eel, lacks mobility and its not really that tanky

i personally think its the worst, not completely useless, but i would never choose it over any other special

i would say wave breaker is very good, but mostly a defensive special, great for cleaning trash and if you time it right can even revive yourself with it, if it doesnt break before
This is real btw, changing the weapon model with Flexlion can change its max range and other parameters... He is known to change in game models... Hmmm....
odds I will try to play splatoon with a keyboard (ONLY keyboard, no mouse)
evens I will try to play with a steering wheel
tough luck
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Nogami gave me a festive weapon let's go! #SaveSplatoon3
am I allowed to use the pedals and shifter too or only the wheel?
yes but bind them to cool things
ok I will bind dpad down to 5th
dpad up to the throttle
ZL to reverse
R to the clutch
and Y to 2nd
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Reefslider followed by killer wail (only because people don't know how to aim it which is a skill issue). It does not do enough damage to justify its existence and other specials can do the same and more.
Profresh opinion, instagibbing is rarely useful, you are running over trash sure, but you're not breaking past 3 steel eels that are about to squeeze you, you may kill 1-2 but you're also trading yourself in exchange, not to mention that the singular hitbox begins on the floor and does not take out anything that is above it (flyfish in particular and having odd interactions against grillers) meanwile splashdown creates 3 hitboxes that start at a higher Z level by default which annihilates anything around it no questions asked. it is an actual upgrade over reefslider since you can time it perfectly to kill over 5 bosses really quick. You simply cannot do that with reefslider.
Kraken and Crab
Were talking about salmon run not rainmaker
Bring back bubbler
Bring back ink armor
Bring back sting ray
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maker of the callie model made a quick acht one lol
Can tell it was quick, it looks lazy
theyre talking shit about you on the /ink/cord btw
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Where the late night yebs.
He’s just kinda there
dum yeb, there aren't dms on 4chan
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Top kek
you wish you were jordan
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woomy in the dark
wading into deeper tides
floppers fade away

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