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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>484039161

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/06/25)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Bouncer is the best!
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The... whose cat is this?
I love fapping to my leader
Why did Timmyboi do it for bros?
You can fap in the corner while I plap her
She won't let anyone plap anymore so I can only fap
Post your character and your favorite NPC
Post your character and whether or not you will make it through the road map into Spring 2025
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Calm down or you will get the ER yaoi paddle
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>>484143059 n/a
>>484143291 ofc
I'm hagmaxxing now. Who are the best hags?
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of course i love slop content
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io, miss my kouhai
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made it this far
crawford for reasons
I need you both naked and oiled up desu
can you post a normal picture like a normal person and keep the coomer mods to twitter
Wow, that is actually vile. Anything for attention, I guess.
>Ears too long
>Tits too big even for hag
>Low waist pants
You were this close to greatness
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please don't post this, you're gonna make him lash out at random anons again
>guys look at me I'm using mods can't you see
pariah behavior
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Glen because edge.
Depends on the collab if it sucks then most probably not.

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Darkers fear the Samurai
gay spic and ropeshit spammed last thread all day in a fit of rage it seems
Nogxy melty came early
where is the confession post
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Nadereh, I guess?
It's pretty arguable whether I've made it through the roadmap into Summer 2024.
They aren't the same person?
right here... unzips N-bunny suit v2
Nogxy spammed last thread all day in a fit of rage it seems, just goes to show Nashai was right about him
blud where are them beans??
begging for a tribute
the only similarities they have is that they are both pariahs that spam the thread all day, everyday, for months on end.
Is Nogxy seething at rope because rope revealed Nogxy's bbc obsession started with his rapist stepdad?
for all the denials and calling tributes gross this is just begging for it
I think you're just too much of a gooner to interact with people anymore
you're sad
This is up there with at telling everyone he's about to go jerk off all the time
Tributes are unironically based
To say you tributes are gross and then post this, you are in denial of yourself
Are we actually mad at Rope for milking the lolcow or is it just the lolcow seething and samefagging with four phones
This whole weekend has been predominantly benchy and shitfingers posting
to have four different phone accounts for shitposting is an achievement
it's cringe when Nogxy does it
calm down
Imagine joining t*blerone and striking out with every slut because you think being an argumentative autist is peak rizz
It could only get worse if you did something like, I dunno, move to jp, only to become a pariah there too?
Qrd on Karinas?
in JP his shit isn't flying far tho, none gives a fuck about your melty or lack of attention
Yeah I'd plap that caseal till she bluescreeened.
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If you're talking about at he was a pariah before coming to Global
>at spends every day retweeting and posting on the thread
gay spic and rope wasted another dsy of their life arguing with eachother
Ngs pvp arenas will save the game.
Reminder that at once threw a melty and started spamming gore because Mukyuu (I think?) told him how to improve at endless
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What can I scalp?
dunno, nothing wrong wit playful convos xd
'random anon' didn't deny making the false-allegations or screen cap'n dat image
Nogxy and Wet Back wasted another yesr of their life arguing with eachother
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>make fun of nogxy
>he lashes out at rope and blue fairy
nothing, because scalping is a long term investment and if you put all your eggs in one basket (with that low of meseta) you risk getting burned. flipping isn't a guaranteed profit, especially when you're relying on others to make intelligent decisions for you.
How do you even become a pariah on JP? No one is there.
typical benched lolcow behavior
This reply reeks of schizo
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Nice arms
>anyone that makes 90iq+ observations is schizo
>says the 75iq Ugandan larper
*smacks you with a flyswatter*
Where can I find you?
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I'll probably be around

Uh oh melty
*cums in u*
How do I hide pickups?
He asked what to scalp, not what is your logical opinion dumbass
Mirin those forearms
too busy to log in and take any
>tits to big
no such thing tbdesu
I mean he's right, just look at falte face (before it was reran)
Hundreds of listings for 2m which was already pretty expensive at the time, were scalped one day, and all of a sudden some retard tried listing it for 80m. Literally no one bought any of them and some other anons who thought they were clever by doing the same thing started to undercut one another. From 80m to 40m, then dropping to 3m because none of them were moving. I couldn't even get my spare that i had sitting in my storage to sell
A scalpers market only works if the item literally has any interest at all, or has people actively wanting to buy them, or else you're going to be left holding a bag you can't get rid of.
Same thing happened to wet n long, sure having a hair that's 80m sounds lovely but then you realize no one wants to buy it for that price, then Sega decides to meme on you by either rerunning it, or offering a variant that does the same thing but better so no one is interested in the item anymore.
if the aco thread isn't up when I wake up, I will find you and twist your testicles
filter stub
I told him Nothing and then gave him my reason.
>Ugandan Larper mansplains mansplaining
double retard
Uh oh melty anons melty over a simple question
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>loses an argument
uh oh melty!
Sega has generally been good about rerunning stuff and as you pointed out, /2 or /B versions of things means there's an even bigger chance of having egg on your face with the marketplace.
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>imaginary argument with himself
Is that you Rope?
people have had 3 fucking years to adapt to how frequently ngs reruns items and they still hoard them thinking it'll be like base where things only get reran once or twice ever
they are amateur boggers, simple as
Do you use the Delph mag skin with the fixed black color cause it reminds you of your father beating you?
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Is Neos Astraaen weapons worth keeping or should I convert them all to Aegis Integra?
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Matoi. I'll be fine.
post the naked one...
gonna add that to my filter.
There isn't one actually.
You can safely convert them

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