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*beep beep* "BASEDMOBILE COMING THROUGH" edition

>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked

>Quests, stats, shop

>AFK strat pastebin

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Crash the Party in Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked

>Squad up for Fortnite Reload!

>Fortnite Festival Season 4 - METALLICA lights up Fortnite!

>Rocket Racing v29.40: Play Two New Epic-Made Tracks!

>Lego Fortnite v30.10 adds Cozy Mode and Expert Mode!
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Slouching back on a couch while Robert lays down and rests his feet on your lap as you're both watching a movie and splitting a pizza
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Everytime i look at Beach Jules i feel butterflies in my stomach
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>high-fiving James after a set as you use his leather jacket like a blanket
Talking about the lego game mode made me test something right quick. After following a blueprint for whatever you're building you can destroy the base plate, as long as you don't remove all of them you're good. Don't think it needs to be said but removing all of the base plate means whatever you made can be pushed around
>thread spammed about drama at 750 forgets the last thread
every time, mods need to crack down on this desu
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You ready for summer
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why is the drum always gone
Slurp and Dark got unique reps while Lava and Shadow get reskins. Anyone got a good idea for skins for them?
wish I was her
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Congrats, Malico!
I'm glad you had a good Sunday, bwo.
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I love Ruby desu
Which girl loves guns the most though?
Helsie's teen pussy!
maybe her
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You virgins sleep in quite late, you always get on once the day is half over
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I'm up by 6am and in bed by 11:30pm.
I wish we could build without the baseplate like in the Star Wars village. What is the point of all the flat areas if we have to have an ugly chunk of ground under our builds
and no free building is not a solution
those rarities are cringe
stay mad
That's what I'm saying, after you're done building remove the baseplate. The parts of it you can't see will keep your build set in place
The Bart, The
Guess who just got access to an internal fortnite dev build from 2012?
who cares
popeye's lanklet son
Release the ancient Penny models
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thank you very much

safe to say I'm no stranger to working with bait
Sick. Shows us ALL the models
iirc Penny wasn't added until way later, like OT8?
The main models for the 4 classes were Ramirez, Ken, Kyle and AC. Whom didn't have official names because for name you could type whatever in it. It wasn't until they moved from pick your perks for your class to Hero Card system that they added the opposite genders.
I think the only one who had a clear female/male choices was soldiers (Ramirez/Jonesy)
we need a happening real fast
which avatarfag should be humble next?
malico obviously he literally posts selfies and blogposts
Need Summer Oscar skin.
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should i? the only thing i want from this is One and the drum kit
nothing ever happens
people with rock solid infosec have been got, malico posts selfies and brags about his life, he isn't immune
>this makes people angry
Nice catch
The aura, loading screen and guitar are also neat
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Hes mega encrypted
the song will appear in the shop but i can't remember if for example the weeknd instruments appeared alongside the festival 1 songs like gangnam style and the rest
honestly for that cost i wouldn't buy it if you only want those 2, only if you plan to use at least 1 of the skins
off model
Show us the ancient jonesys
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So long as he has a speedo with bulge jiggle physics I'm good
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>install farnight on my phone
>files are corrupted you can't play :^)
>uninstall and reinstall it
>files are corrupted you can't play :^)
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Need Summer Hope skin
but is it not "floating" I want it flush with the ground
Can you make him dick down Penny face down ass up with the highest quality imaginable and ending in a creampie?
>back to instantly posting at 750
>didnt even put the prior thread in
>some retarded quip in the OP
holy fuck dude give it a rest
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all of my haters are too retarded to do the homework so I should be fine desu
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does he have the biggest bulge in fortnite?
I don't feel confident about making it to 20k before the season ends...
machinistfag is hiding something I just know it
It ends in like 7 weeks dude
well you got the only good style so idk why you'd care
>flop royale
>flopping his cock out on me
Kek they ain't gonna like this one
>season doesn't end for over a month
>already basically level 100
>didn't start playing until right before glitter bombs got added
So do people just not play fortnite for like 1 month+ every season?
I'm new and not exactly grinding and I'm gonna comfortably be able to get everything from the pass without even consistently doing all 3 dailies/much of any non-BR mode.
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2 hours and 23 minutes till SEXsephone time
You call that a bulge? There’s nothing to that front.
and only like 20 days until I can buy her!
>the mode where you have to manually reboot and lead your shots is casual baby shit
>the mode that guarantees respawns and has hitscan weapons is the true skilled mode
Who came up with this meme
thanks brah

might start heading home soon to put money on my card so I can get persephone perhaps
actually you should put 300 dollars down on a 9 leg baseball parlay
Based double dipper.
It's bullshit that Oscar's emote doesn't make use of his theme song, and there isn't an emote that exists that uses it
I've not exactly worked out the specifics of staying subscribed for the extra skins but I don't like any of persephone's except the default anyway
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What are the odds he comes back?
Imagine doing anything else
People used to stop once getting the timegated skin but they've added a minipass to the last month of each season and extended the substantial BP items out to level 150 so people do tend to keep playing
Well, you just get the bonus style every second time you double dip, right? Since you have to be subscribed on the first of the month. That is what I have been doing anyways. I am glad they made it so if you own the skin you just get the styles whenever the next month rolls over.
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it was malico
Less than 2 days, we’re gonna make it.
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I wasn't going to until I found out the slurp guitar needs it for the extra styles.
Wolverine in his yellow suit
> What if wolverine but ugly as hell
Print it
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Yes we are anon

>Weapon X Wolverine
Yes, ugly
> Also Marvel slop in the current year
that battery is smooshing his cock
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I think you're thinking of Feral Wolverine, anon.
you joke but I do unironically believe reload is harder w/ lack of sbmm + minimal/no bots
what are you doing to her...
Hopefully they don't inflate the price by making the claws yet another pickaxe. Just leave it built in like the BP one. They're not meaningfully different to the Zero claws (which don't have the indents near the knuckles)
Also if he has perma snarl it needs to be better than Zero's because his looks stupid sometimes
Imagine giving a shit about Marvel anymore, peak consoomer autism
I wonder if it'll be a 3rd set of claws. And if he'll have a helment on/off style.
i care anon
>capeshit (i want to fuck the character)
I love the soulful art in the background, the trve Fortnite. But damn, the really old stw models are busted as fuck. It makes me wonder what they planned vinderman (/his hologram) to originally look like before making the style look cuter and cleaner. He would’ve probably been hideous or like some nasty shut in lol.
>still going on about this
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i have the emote, but i regret not getting Kid Laroi
no but seriously
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Behind Ramirez is a peek of the original constructor
I literally haven't heard anyone in the real world mention anything Marvel related since No Way Home in 2021. Shits dead af fr
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I do agree

we have enough persephone chuddies in here as it stands anyway
kid laroi would only be worth it for the sword backbling and harvester
too bad that shit was bundle only for 2k
oh just wait until late July ;)
yes nice image from 7 years ago please keep spamming it
Hello Guy Beahm!
This. No one seems to be talking about Deadpool and Wolverine either and that's a clear desperate attempt at trying to save their dying franchise. To be fair it looks shit but still
damn doc, chill. shouldn’t have cheated on ur wife
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The new Deadpool movie will be trash because it's gay MCU multiverse, aka not what deadpool fans wanted.
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The only thing from Marvel you should care about are the first 3 Spider-Man movies. Which desu should be in game.
I will never know why he told the whole world he cheated on his wife like imagine being a retail worker or some shit or working in any kind of job you're well liked, you do your job no problem, etc...and one day you cheat on your wife and for whatever reason you go into your work and announce to everyone "hey guys i cheated on my wife" like why the fuck are you telling us this what is wrong with you lmaooo
>no one seems to talk about
yea just wait til it makes a billion dollars in the first week & every says look at my cope deadpool & wolvie skin
agreed, I would buy this spider-man if he was made a shop skin
Both cringe manchildren.
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The only thing from New Line Cinema you should care about are the first 3 Lord of the Rings movies. Which desu should be in the game.
The only Tolkien shit you're getting in this game is Rings of Power lmao!
how else do u expect Deadpool to appear in the MCU without Multiverse shenanigans
what's your favorite emote? can be whatever even if it's something simple like the metal gear one. mine's gotta be shout i really love the synced emotes with no limits and it's just funny seeing a ton of people doing it. thinking about buying cupids arrow but can't really make up my mind
>how else do u expect
That's the issue with this movie to begin with. No one expected, asked, or wanted Deadpool to be in the MCU. He was much better when he was his own separated thing.
People wanted Deadpool and Wolverine to be salvaged from the Fox shitheap

They should have brought McAvoy and Assbender in too
I remember your post like 6 months ago where you got into some employee's GitHub account or something like that and even posted some gameplay footage. You got any cool finds for us?
I think these stories all existing in the same world is retarded anyways. xmen work better as a concept when there aren't also other superheroes running around people aren't inexplicably racist to.
the fact that the MCU's way of inserting the xmen seems to be literally just dropping them into the universe without accounting for literally any logistics with that is just stupidity icing on the retard cake
Favorite Fortnite emote: Electro Swing
Favorite Icon emote: Frolic because I love Hatsune Miku
It’s not porn retard it’s a yt thumbnail
sauce anyway
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fuck epic for not letting you play with rooted phones, i got around that anyways FAGGOTS
Changes by Tupac is seriously the most dindu nuffin song ever, I swear. The entire song may as well be about crying racism while committing felonies while justifying it.
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>just wait til it makes a billion dollars
We already got our billion dollar movie. D&W will probably make a cool half mil before peaking
My favorite emote I own is gangnam style and the favorite I’ve been waiting for is buckle up
damn hugh is old
i love shout too, i've been using the murder on the dancefloor one a lot, dance monkey too
those are pretty nice, i really hope miku gets a festival season after snoop and that meiko gets a skin as well. my girl always gets forgotten
gangnam style is just classic, gotta be my favorite traversal emote even if i don't own it. haven't seen buckle up until now and i like it, it's cool
are you guys just now finding out the mcu movies are just for money and not to tell a story?
dance monkey always makes me laugh, a dude kept outplaying me today in reload and he'd use it everytime he knocked me down
Congrats, you just listened to more than 70% of tupac discography
If they added Gandalf the Grey then he'd have to have a Gandalf the White style, and at that point you'd pretty much have to add:
>Monty Python & The Holy Grail's Black Knight
>and Benito Mussolini
>and the Blue Meanie
>Cowboy Curtis
>and Jambi the Genie
>Captain Kirk
>Lo Pan
>Every single Power Ranger
>Bill S Preston
>Theodore Logan
>The Rock
>Doc Ock
>and Hulk Hogan
Which is why Biggie will always be better.
the song is kino for all of those reasons though
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See you guys in an hour and some change.
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>that feel when Maintenance Mode jam track releases are going to be fucking awful and the next few weeks will just be 2-4 songs a week
>i really hope miku gets a festival season
Same, bwo. She is unironically my most wanted collab in the game.
>my girl always gets forgotten
Don't worry about it, I think Meiko gets lots of songs and love from Vocaloid fans. At least she's not Kaito or Len, who might as well be just background characters, as they barely have any solo songs and are usually used as backing voices for other loids' songs. Meanwhile Meiko gets featured in plenty of solo songs, so I'd say she is popular enough.
do you guys like the copines emote? been waiting for it to come back
have some hope bro, last one was meh which means this week we're getting something really good to make the vacation downtime go by faster
fuck Miku, give me Luka or give me death
No, the next couple weeks are going to be at most 4 songs a week and half of them will be wasted slots anyway because of the pass songs from Season 2 taking up space
>fuck Miku
gladly, don't mind if I do
that's true for fan content but she always gets the least amount of songs in the games, even in the gacha game she barely has any while flower and gumi have a lot
No. We are saying the audience of Deadpool doesn't care about timelines or multiverse shit from shows like Loki. They just want to watch Deadpool, not Avengers, Dr Strange, or Antman.
boss car + npc follower is absolutely unbeatable in solos what the fuck
Boss cars don't even regen health anymore, get the fuck out of here with your misinformed bullshit
stop losing to a strategy once or twice and decide on your own that it's unbeatable and impossible to counter, you fucking moron
>end up with the battle bussin and a follower
>just drive around blasting Metallica at people
the fuck you smoking you can rekt cars with nearly anything
sniper + boom bolt quite liuterally decimates cars in 5 seconds
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Wristbands should giver you 500-1000 Festival points each time you acquire them.
Wristbands should have a reward for actually getting all of them
>I'm a big fan of her, but to answer your question, no, I haven't made anything involving her, and I don't think I ever will (consuming is much, MUCH easier!)
>exposed hairy armpit
careful anon, there are a ton of people itt who want to sniff and fuck that
i have 0 skills in anything music related abd the program is too expensive for me to just mess around on. miku and her squad deserve better than some bozo like me
I have had 5k VBs sitting in my account for like 6 months now
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don't forget, Sexclops soon...
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that used to be me until they started doing jam tracks desu
POV: me and malico are spit roasting marigold
The 2nd part to this is great
Sunspot is literally in the shop right now
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Mecha Team Leader is really tempting me, but I know I shouldn't...
grim innit?
Boing boing boobas
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>*beep beep* "BASEDMOBILE COMING THROUGH" edition
second part? where!?
it's a 30 day skin, I'd save for new shit unless you need him
The cuck truck is gay asl lmao
it's the 20s after we hit 749 faggot who cried saying "i will take a break from making threads" because we had 4 threads up at once because of his retarded ass
genuinely one of the worst newfaggots ITT
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Come take a drink with me forget all you know
You pay tuition I'll just live on the floor
>OGay poster tweaking

lol, lmao
>was that the scent of a male in my op!?
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I think you fly, but your friend's ugly fo sho
Well, come take a drink with me forget to enroll
Is Persephone a size queen?
wtf h-hot!
YJK that Persephone has bent herself over in front of Cerberus on several occasions.
>owns a large dog
>wears short shorts around the house
do you even have to ask?
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soon sexclopsisters, soon!
is being an uncle fucker not enough for you
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i dont want this garbage
>implying Luka wouldn't be in the item shop if Miku gets added
We need Miku. If we don't get her we get nothing.
All women are size queens, retard.
The time is…. rising
I'll take him.
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the time has cum for Sexclops
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Huh? I didn’t think you furries were into human women?
It must be quite the handicap being so stupid.
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I like the cute underworld family art a lot more than the lewd stuff.
Still the only character I've put into the archive.
Fennixfag finally got everyone to hate on the fox skins. He did it!
>long pale bare legs

Where is the retard from this morning that said epic is no longer making female skins with bare legs?
i have never seen anyone use this skin, and it literally costs $72 to obtain
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lel same gang gang
>we need a scheme to drive up failing crew sales, what do we do?
>oh I know, lets take a shop skin nobody ever buys and make a reskin of it! that'll motivate people
>genius move, how many crew packs should they need to buy to get this skin people barely want to pay like ten bucks for?
>FIVE of them!!! surely people that don't want the base skin will jump at the chance to pay well over five times as much for it!!!!!
epic is so fucking retarded
t. virgin
About to cook a Red Baron frozen pizza at 475 for 10 minutes and then hop on to play some Fortnite.
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Most underrated, most fun to watch
Thrive under pressure, turn it up a notch
Light lookin down at me from the top
But I love when they all
Consider me the underfox

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>/fng/ double dippers when in 20 minutes crew owners pull up with persephone
Nice, I hope you enjoy it anon.
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Fennix is barely in the shop to begin with, and every time he appears loads of people buy him. The same can't be said for the vast majority of these generic as fuck Chapter 1 skins that are on 7 day rotations.
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jit trippin'
I think whatever the X-Men set item is won't be a skin but will either be intended for Weapon X's set but have the wrong set name, or be a generic item like a wrap (Sentinel purple) or glider (Charles' hover chair).
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Feels good to be permanently subscribed to crew desu
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Which is funny because the second I get her she's going in my archive.
Might use her back bling and pickaxes with someone though.
He's too focused on Oscar to think about that
i buy crew to get 2 passes for the price of 1
you buy crew for a doll you will replace in a month
we are not the same
Funni fox
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man I really should've removed those white cylinders from the nitrodrome prefab. maybe I can replace them with speakers some other day
OG double dippers aren't due to get Crew until the end of next season
what is with the low effort crew skins? I guess the last one that was decent was the vampire hunter chick.
Woof Woof Woof! Nothing feels better than the inside of a Dog!
I only subscribe if the crew skin is a waifu, any time it's a male skin and I end up being forced to have it I just archive it
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What, no "hola"?
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your kidding right?
This is why Disney bought Fox to begin with. Everyone wanted X-men to be with the Avengers. They still do, it’s just MCU decided to dilute the product with shows like she hulk, echo & ms Marvel. Then add to the fact They wanted 5 movies a year instead of the normal 3, it’s not hard to see how thin they were spread. It’s why they have been restructuring now.
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hehe cumming
Im new how does crew work?
if the skin changes each month then that means the only way to get alt styles of a new skin is to be subscribed to crew for several months prior to the skin's release? please be patient I have autism
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Me on my way to drive the cuck truck into you to score a Victory Royale
Yes you have to stay subbed if you want a skin's other colors
your account is bricked bro, you gotta start over
You get the skin and then each month you stay subscribed (total, not necessarily concurrent) you get a new style for it.
No, you don't start earning the alts until you've unlocked the base. So you get Skin A month 1, then on month 2 you get Skin B and the alternate style for Skin A.
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any day now...
Subbing will give you 1000 V-Bucks, the current Battle Pass (If you already bought it then you get a 950 V-Buck refund, but only once I think), and whatever Crew skin is available that month. If you bought Crew one month and then cancelled, you can still earn the other styles for that skin the next time you subscribe.
Same. Waiting for it too.
thanks, that doesn't sound so bad
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Didn’t the first two make like 800 mil each?

It’s not fucking peaking at 500 Mil, especially with Hugh Jackman As Wolverine & other fun cameos.
L shop
basically if you buy crew you get
>current season battlepass
>rocket league bp (if you care about cars)
>legacy skins (it's not legacy for the record, just extra styles for newer crew skins)
and that's it, however you can unsubscribe any time so they don't charge you every month, as long as your crew is up (a whole month) you'll get everything in the following ones, let's say you subscribe tomorrow, if things go fine you should be able to get persephone, her stuff, august crew skin and their stuff too, when people say double dip it means they subscribe one month exactly before the season ends, since this season ends on august 16th, that date would be july 16th, but if you want to play it safe, you can subscribe on july 20th or practically any date before august 16th, if you do it on july you get perse and august skin, if you do it on august you get august and september crews
W Shop
Not at home but guessing shop's boring because Persephone is supposed to be the highlight
Finally a gosh darn vbucks mission
Uhh where is she?
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Consensus /fng/?
>nobodies even commented on the pepper faggot yet
lmfao next skin to get vaulted for 1000+ days
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is the cybertruck in the shop?
pretty based
lmao faggot
>The Pepper is literally the only thing that changed in the shop
>food character
Wtf is going on she’s not in my locker
He looks awkward as hell
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restart fortnite
what in the rob liefield is that
I don't hate it but it doesn't really appeal to me like Steve the shark does. I'd rate it alongside skins like Mochi or Nitro Jerry, a funny meme skin. I like skins that are like this and he's cool design so like 8/10
they shoulda shrank his forehead or given him a headband
L shop
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need this with joey caliente
When is she coming??
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>The Pepper is 1500
>Sunspot is 1200
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Small shop today, the signature tab only being the bobblehead as fallout-related is still painful and funny at the same time
tword skin
why does she looked washed out
God. Persephone long pale bare legs have me erect already
damn bro you never been to the beach?
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idk what the fuck epics smoking pricing anorexic pepperman that fucking high
Mrbeast anon, I'm glad I can always count on you to make webms of new emotes right away. FNGG always takes hours to get off his ass and upload them.
please stop saying this about every skin you dont like
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They’re so based for actually giving her an asscrack
The back bling is fun at least, but I guess I'll just keep saving for Steve
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>was expecting them to do justice with Fallout like tmnt or an anime collab because it's a popular game franchise with lots of potential for skins
>see that upcoming fallout tab
>get excited
>one skin and a backbling...
>no vault suit Jonesy

The t60 is cool and all, I like everything we got, but fuck man. leaker anon, plz tell me theres more coming cause ffs.
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Gaming Legends always gets the absolute worst fucking collabs possible.
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I paid 600 vinderbucks and all I got was this lousy bobblehead!
I'm Hispanic and I don't like hot cheetos unless they're lime hoy cheetos and then I can only eat a handfull at a time. I hate spicy food that's only heat for the sake of spiciness. Flavor is much more important.
yeah no
he looks okay in the render but the model looks like shit
>pricing anorexic pepperman
its a serrano pepper
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im in my
im in my zone
why the guinea pig dancin
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>harvesting tool's name
thanks epic
that is clearly a bumble bee
Cute for RTL
she doesn't have any gold on her, doesn't match
Bruuuuuh I just ate burfday cake icecream and it ain’t even my burfday
she should be careful wearing that
cerberus might pick up the scene
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is this shit kidding me
>flame animation whenever he runs
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Knot queen
It helps if you have a general idea of how many notes a song has for each instrument. Or just go by difficult, either works
voice had the most bars, hard difficulty
is entranced a new emote? is it odetari singing?
that's probably what gimped you
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I recently got a new phone and lost all my fortnite pics. Can you bwos post your best fortnite reaction images to help me out?
Friday Night Funkin' ass music
dog days are over lead has like 2 bars of difficulty and it has more notes than vocals, nta but it feels like you need to know or at least play the song previously to know what instrument gets the best results
That slone skin is one I'd probably buy if it was less frequently in the shop lol
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ehh, I think I prefer the default colors
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she fucking died
Guarantee you she's the next PlayStation+ skin.
Anthro on anthro is so cringe!
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>Battle Stage has less players than Rocket Racing
i still wish persephone wore sock and sandals, they're much more in-line with summer than fucking winter boots
Nah, hmofa is peak cringe faggotry.
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is it just me playing on performance or her sweater is a washed out grey instead of black
i wish she was butt ass naked and we could see her booty and boobies jiggling and bouncing and then maybe epic could also add in sex thatd be really epic
okay cool, i never heard this song but it thought i recognized the voice
I really like the cupid kpop song desu
Unfortunately takes too long to get to the arrow animation so it doesn't really work as a taunt
Song's hypnotic iirc
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>want to have fun
>get nuked from every player when i save my overcharge
the mode is fun but it's also pretty sweaty, there's also the fact it's not balanced around instruments
on switch it looks light grey too
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>Nah, hmofa is peak cringe faggotry
>Coming from a male anthro on male anthro enthusiasts
Ok fag
Lexa's husbando...
they're Doc Martins like what Lavren Mayberry wears
>Song's hypnotic iirc
thanks, i only know I Love U Hoe and GMFU
the dance is silly so i might buy it in hopes that epic adds more hyperpop emotes
>persephone’s butt is so distracting…
part of why i wanted her originally was BECAUSE of her socks and sandals
i was going to resub to crew when i saw she was in but now i don't really wanna
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Persephone looks cute but where's my Sakura and Cammy
>mad max apocalypse season in the middle of summer
>greek god character in a thick hoodie
fucking phenomenal timing on epic's part
Dead. Under the floorboards
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Never ever buddy; shoulda bought them ans Chun when they were around
she's a scene girl they wear hoodies and docs in summer
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buh their in thuh AY-PEE-AYE
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in my locker
bro you're on vocals
the new emote looks like the kind of shit the paypig would spam webms of
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Yea right. If she had an ass I would have bought her for the purple form even though her scleras are white. Feels like a waste of 10 dollars to buy a skin with an ass as flat as machinists.

Persephone could have excited my penis in many ways but she is wasted potential. What a shame.
lets fucking go. machine girl emote when though?
yeah some characters have fucked up clothing since last update. sinister glare has white boots instead of black, he looks like he's running around on socks
She has an asscrack so her butt looks much bigger than machinists monobutt
>paying for skins
>playing on performance mode
make it make sense
I love Ark/Ruby
How did you make that leap of logic?
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The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms
>it's July and LEGO is still celebrating May the 4th
the nicest thing I can say about her ass is I can at least tell she has one. she's fucking terrible by any other standard than fortnite's sad flat pancake asses
thats the only content it has they need to hold onto it with all their might
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i'm playing with a i5 4590 and a gtx 960
performance mode is the only mode with stable 60fps
>Doesn't end for another 22 days
I don't remember this in the cartoon
Epic spent all their ass resources on Ruby and Poison Ivy
I was at the same place as you a year ago but with a 3rd gen i5, i'm brazillian that cpu and slow memory isn't enough for 2024, start by upgrading them, am4 boards are very cheap and the 5800x3d is just now being dethroned as the best gaming CPU in general
Teto is literally free, and most vocaloid producers had zero experience until starting.
Nick has left the shop and I already miss him
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She loves a big thick knot in her ass
>more posts about the crew bitch sucking dog cock than shots of her ass
cool fucking coomer skin
Rerelease OT Luke then
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Is it July 19th yet
>I eat icecream > i get diarrhea > i eat icecream > i get diarrhea
I knew i shouldn’t have had burfday cake icecream when it wasnt my burfday
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You badmouth my wife and use my Ark screenshot in the same post...
but that's Mechanic Miku
not every character with blue hair is fucking miku. miku's hair isn't even a consistent color, she ranges from anything from dark blue to seafoam green.
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I posted my sweaty Arks in good faith...
>bruh miku miku miku
Shut up
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I love her in good faith
Japanese actually counts green as being a shade of blue. This is why you see some Japanese products labeled as mint that are inexplicably blue (in some cases, this even includes the classic miku neon blue/cyan)
I bad mouth your grimy hoe with all different characters
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>Japanese are colorblind
Yet another reason to hate the Japanese
Has anyone seen the weird hooded ghost looking guy at a gas station before? You can't shoot him or interact with him at all if you get too close he just turns invisible what's his deal?
right foot creep
ooh im walkin wit dat heater
Probably some lore shit teasing the upcoming season. Reminds me of that ghost girl in the mountains at night in GTAV
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part of the storyline, one funny thing is that they forgot to make him immune to fire so you can kill him with gas cans, he drops a grey pistol but the old pistol not the chapter 5 one
Today I will not post an image of Airheart, my favorite female skin and beloved wife.
i need her to violently peg me and spit in my mouth
Yeah for a bit you could kill him with gas cans and transform into him as Mystique
Ok im on the toilet now in abdominal pain shitting i hate icecream this shit isnt even worth it
off model
I haven't played forkknife ZB in over a week, I haven't played ZB peeload in three days
Almost ran over the wanderer in-game but he disappeared, is there any porn of him?
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>Anakin hitting the griddy to the Vengabus
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I found him at the gas station in between Reckless Railways and Restored Reels
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On model. Haze was a fortnite girl I jacked off to on twitter years before even playing the game. Delicious Haze Culo that she needs to press against my face.
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gee I fucking wonder who this could be
we love Sidewinder yes
Joe mama
Jesus, this is a blue board
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Here you go bro
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I don't know how I feel about the new emote.
I do like the cripwalk for a second.
What do you guys think?
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Nah, it's actually an interesting recurring thing in a bunch of languages around the world.
>distinct terms for brown, purple, pink, orange, and gray will not emerge in a language until the language has made a distinction between green and blue.

I should note that I was being slightly hyperbolic-- Japanese has a word for green and a word for blue, but the definitions between the two are blurred.

Even for English, I'm sure you'd have a bit of disagreement on where blue ends and cyan begins (or if cyan counts as blue, then where cyan ends and green begins!)
Not to mention when Indigo ends and Blue begins!

Colors are important in fortnite, or something
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>OG tranny lingo
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What a cutie. May get crew again
>where are the asses
>right here bro *posts a vid entirely of her front*
holy shit nigger can you fucking do anything right?
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Let's see persephone's Ass
billiegod just chillaxin
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Here you go bro
I got it from eating a pack of budak today
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My bad bro
I wish I could gift people Crew.
>no jonesy skin in the shop today
looks flat as fuck but the shading tries to trick you
looks perfect for sitting on my face
bro thinks he knows
Its on the roadmap you fucking retard
>my son and mother have been playing fortnite.
>what used to be a fun bonding experience for them has turned into a nightmare; they always bicker with each other now and I never hear them win or be joyous.
>they talk me into playing with them.
>Get into the lobby with them, they're ready to go, etc.
>Drop and it's immediately a fucking sweatfest with gimpsuit tryhards galore clearly using new accounts to buttfuck new players
>Destroy said gimpsuits and the remainder of the lobby.
>They say there games have been like this for the past month and half of being killed over and over by people like this.
>they are happy to have won a game.

Why the fuck does Epic allow this to occur?
Doctor Coom....
Wrecker was and is still in the shop, retard-kun
The hat on the James skin would be better if it was bigger
Don’t worry, Jonesy will come into the shop on the 2nd in a cyclops costume
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Give me a regular angle. I don't play fortnite at an angle

Shut up this isn't about you
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tummy sexo
you're correct. an anon already compared her and the machinist in blender and persephone is only like 5% larger. its just shading and how her pants were modelled to avoid monobutt
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Based and Won
That’s a nice ass for a skinny white girl
that ass is clearly flat as fuck its just got a weird texture effect that makes it look like ti has depth
>$18 for this
Yea no maybe it it was $12 but there's no way you're charging for just a skin backbling and harvester without a wrap or 4th item on that pricetag
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>Still no standard angle
I'm not buying her
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lil bro got the mona tights on
>hmmm, crew sales are in the gutter. How do we get people to buy it?
>let people buy old crew skins?
>no you fucking retard, make it so you have to spend $60 to get all the lazy recolor styles we give them
>does that extend how long you can obtain those skins?
>no, it just let's you paypig more

Epic's marketing team needs to be studied for their sheer incompetence
Oh yea. show me where it says The Wanderer is Doom on the Roadmap
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Wheres Desdemona
we know for a fact next season is more marvel slop and they used an image of a character whose got the exact same giant mysterious cowl on as the big overarching plot teaser character. if you're too stupid to put two and two together thats fine but please don't burden others with your retardation
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I am?
god I wanna eat her out in front of a large crowd in broad daylight
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This guy is bad ass
after the large crowd just finished fucking her raw right?
>these dorks don’t even have the original saved
>Carl uses Mikey's Nunchucks as his pickaxe of choice
Led Zeppelin will literally never be in so he can't play Black Dog (from the live album) though
where the fuck is fall guys i completely forgot it was supposed to be a thing
gone, reduced to atoms
Got pushed back to happen during the summer event iirc.
>the lore reason Jonesy is in Cyclops's costume is because they fuck on the side behind Jean and Wolverine's back
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Fall Guys is the closest we'll get to Valve cosmetics in Fortnite
What are the chances of this ever happening? I'm gonna put Carl as my most wished skin in every email survey I get from epic
isn't he more of a CoD guy?
I fear legacy passes will come with og 2 and my locker will be worth nothing
It's already worth nothing
Sometimes you gotta CoDromise
I'm afraid I've been playing since the beginning and I really don't give a shit about any of the old cosmetics, most of that garbage is archived
no way a single valve related item gets in
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more Carly in Festival when
Do you think meowskulls has two small flat breasts or six small breasts that run down her tummy
Gabe should just let Fortnite on Steam already
super curious to see what the fallguys synergy is actually going to be, because them launching dick-first into another set of massive obligations in translating nearly every fortnite skin into a retarded bean, and then also translating nearly every retarded bean back into a fortnite skin is fucking ridiculous,
I don't know why people think they'd put this much effort into it, it'll just be the regular beans and whatever was available in Fall Guys
no way to know but i think it's the other way around, tim probably wants nothing to do with valve, which is a shame because fortnite in steam would be nice
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well now what
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you DO own snoop's backbling, don't you anon?
I can't imagine they'd bother with it at all if they're not going to do some level of crossover with the cosmetics. even if its something small like a couple of rocket league cars the idea they're going to be making most original skins going forward into shitty beans just for a mode that will get a whopping 10 players on average is still fucking nonsensical.
This might aswell be an OC at this point
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what's the metallica song that starts with the middle eastern sitar or whatever

also could someone tell me what good brands for electric guitars are
Guitars are gay, play the drums
i'm not rich enough
Who is the broad thats next for festival after metallica?
Wherever I May Roam
Whatever I roam (?)
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darn it's not on the featured songs thank you i was listening to the black album in the car for the first time earlier
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We talking now
You can either get one cosmetic pack in the shop or a straight answer from epic about one question, which do you pick? Note, you have total freedom on that one cosmetic pack. You say two skins in swimsuits with a sloppy make out emote they will say ok. You say Freeman and Alex they will get in their hands and knees to Gabe
I ask tim sweeney to suck my fucking dick
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Karol G
There we go, now it looks liker her
Add the entire David Bowie discography to fortnite
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My festie would be so proud of me. :3
>Karol G
Is this like j blavin-tier collab? Epic wanting to endear themselves to south american monkeys?
>thinking you can actually drive into anyone before the truck bursts into flames and takes you with it because the doors won't open
your "festie" is getting his back blown out by another man as we speak
That's ho- wait, what
>deface cybertruck
>they can't even clean it off without rusting the exterior
Karol G Fortnite Meal?
I really don't think so
epic thinks they can make more money if they pander to foreign markets like south america, which is of course famous for its excess of wealth, stable economies and high GDP. I'm sure epic's next target is trying to find those elusive african whales, I'm sure the overbearing poverty in these countries and continents will have absolutely no negative effect on how much money they're willing to spend on a videogame
The gloves should out-DPS all guns in the game. Nobody should ever be allowed to kill me with a gun if I start meleeing them first.
If you let me get in close enough to land melee hits, you lost. You had bad positioning and didn't take the proper items to escape me. I deserve to be rewarded with a kill and you deserve to be punished with death.
This is a fact and good game design. The fact that the game does not do this means it is badly designed.
Kek, well said. They need to pander to europe t b h
Still would. There's nothing better than the inside of a Cat!
spic here, i unironically don't know how karol g got popular but i remember j balvin doing commercials for bike companies so in that sense i'm happy he got big, with her she unironically feels like an industry plant
Nah the styles thing actually makes sense because it doesn't prevent double dipping but it instead rewards not doing it
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You took too much ass away, she's all skin and bone in your pic
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have you actually looked at the skin lately
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>she's all skin and bone in your pic
So, basically how she looks in-game?
>They need to pander to europe t b h
They are, she's doing 2 gigs at the fucking Bernabéu this month
They could pander to the whole world at once with a certain woman
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I love Sidewinder
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Please stop bullying meowskulls. She's doing her best.
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>Japanese friend who knows very little English asking me when Meow Skulls will return so he can get her
I hate FOMO.
make that 11
i will become strictly stw and fort guys if they give it any support whatsoever. 3d platformer addicts have had very little to eat, even less so when actual fall guys stopped making inhouse levels.
br constantly caves to buildies and guntards now, so anything that is actually fun or different is useless within a week. compound that with the objectives that have been almost identical for the past 3 seasons and every game blends together. could really go for any change from the norm.
What's the most oldest skin you have?
was talking about epic, not your industry plant trash whore
I've been playing since 2020 and I've only ever played solo. what do I need to know about playing with other people? I am thinking about doing squad fills tomorrow. It all seems so overwhelming and intimidating
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Unironically cannon body type
If sidewinder is so good then how come this is the second time I've ever heard about it?
Are you a woman?
So long as your teammates fuck up before you do then it's fine.
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>Is Meowskulls a shop skin? When is she coming back?
Be sure to split up as soon as you drop. That way you can cover more ground as a team. Don't wait up for your team mates when you see another team, they catch up. Always push by yourself they never expect that.
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>Release date: Oct 30, 2017
just have fun, but remember that when you get downed you go DBNO (down but not out), implying you get killed for real, your teammates can rez you in a reboot van, the rest is pretty much play like a team, give your pals heals when they need it, help them when they're pushing, just remember that squads fill is a clown fiesta since most of the time no one uses a mic, trios seems to be more manageable
Why tho
I think I'm bound to fuck up first. when I play solo I play for kills and theatrics so I'll do a lot of funny things and get a lot of kills but I rarely win. My win percentage last season was like 1.4% but my k/d was like 4.8 or something. I just like to go ape mode and I think the way I play is fundamentally incompatible with teamplay
how do people know where to push. I feel like everyone will just be a headless chicken until someone shoots at us and we figure out what direction to point our guns in
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built to peg me, put me in chastity and stomp on my balls
do you not have a calendar
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Some people dislike the early skin recolors.
As someone that played lots of fighting games growing up, recolors are charming to me. Plus I like the old CH1/STW aesthetic.
shop skins aren't "oldest skins you have"
in my experience it's always a gamble, either your team downs one so the team can push or they literally push any team regardless of how many enemy players are standing, you can always try spamming pings like
>defend here
but most of the time, if a teammate downs someone, might be a good idea to push
to this day i still don't get why they haven't added a chat ingame, if they're scared about the children, just make it an option like the offensive emotes option they released/are planning to release
Don't reply to the guy, he will take any oportunity to spam his shitty locker screenshots
Of course they are.
They were created and released before any BP skins.
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>Plus I like the old CH1/STW aesthetic.
Do you have flouride stare Ramirez
Why do you have to be this way
Based JillGOD take, I cant lie and say that there aren't a good bit of recolors (mainly Jonesy and Headhunter ones lol) that I like
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Where is she Epic
You promised
he meant bp
I love the jlullaby art. It's such a shame he got clean.
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Thats not Katalina
fucking FLATTEN my nuts under your heels
Her hat ruins the skin but imagine the braps anyway
did you know cartoon network are aware of how much porn there is of gwen
Scout itself is rarer than most BP skins.
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>people still think there isnt going to be a freddy's collab
>this is a toy chica animation sequence ripped straight from security breach
that's different, old rare is fine if shop, but old common is whatever
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Jlullaby a former artist that used to make some of the hottest porn around. He stopped making porn and returned to being a professional graphic designer.
Doesn't matter, shop skins can become rare at any point.
not if they've been in the shop 500 times
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We are not mediums or psychics. He should have specified.
why did you stop making fun of s4f it was funny
Has anyone tried playing reload on switch or mobile to see if they give bot lobbies
BP skins were available for their entire season. They're not rare either.
Why would platform matter? Does it?
>He hasn't seen the rest of his art. >Conflating graphic design with drawing porn.
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I'd main the shit out of this.
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>BP skins were available for their entire season. They're not rare eith-ACK!
it used to but im not so sure anymore
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Happy Persephone day, /fng/
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>>He hasn't seen the rest of his art.
Oh I don’t need to. I know it will all look equally as trash.
>caught myself thinking about random /fng/ anons while hugging my pillow trying to sleep
goddam i need some irl friends
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Persephone likes to play the red rocket game with Cerberus
Stop it, you disgusting annoying freak.
As a zoomer I think anthro girls are a way better porn addiction than mechanical robots. Jacking off to chuck e cheese animatronic is weird. Except for maybe xj9 and a few others.
nah its hot he should keep going
Just get a waifu like normal lonely people you creep
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Or would it be a neon green glowing rocket since that's his color scheme
Fuck off, freaks!
im not a creep
What am I looking at here?
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>hmmm, crew sales are in the gutter.
How do we know they’re less people subscribing to Crew now?
White woman and her pet dog
It appears to be a cropped image of Persephone taking knot backshots. Hope this helps.
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you guys underestimate how many people have crew
>hehe bros i get the BP and skins for free bro! and I even get 1,000 v-bucks! it's a steal bro!
there are literally millions of crew subs, parents use it as a "v-bucks allowance" for their kids

t. never got it once because i don't support J word behavior but still knows how wildly successful crew is
Festies are pretty gay desu
I am nupping right now. Nupping. Need a pick me up.
God sent one of his angels to bring her to heaven
why is this general so gay
dare i ask who?
will they actually ever fix the locker
I thought the new emote was Uzi singing at first
there's nothing wrong with it, bitch
dont worry about it
not even close
I don't think the chances are very high. Probably more likely it'll get worse somehow.
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Poor kimiko, canonically killed, skinned and worn as a trophy.
no because a woman made it so it would be misogynistic to fix it

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