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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
Yes. It's required reading for any game dev/gamer
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>483783890
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First for anime
Second for fuck anime.
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Summoning biorat anon.
Like, insert penis into anime girl female pawn vagina
anime won
Cats won
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Empire won
Deserters lost
>vanilla toxoplasmosis expanded
>zoomies arent an activatable ability that multiplies GWS and move speed by x2.5 in exchange for x5 rest fall rate
shit mod.
>that zoomies gene
Balance breaking and poorly thought out.
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what are the lore implications of the ocean pollution being purple
Is there any way to cure the Death Refusal mood debuff?
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That's quite the number of Thrumbos
Berserk pulse.
Archotech oil spill.
Post Imperial tits please
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GDQ is being boring as fuck. Post pawns.
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cute pawn
how on earth do I build my C# project once I'm done editing stuff
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seems like a manhunter quest.
accept it and see what happens.
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Modifying an existing project or writing your own?
Either way you build with MSBuild; if starting from scratch you'll also need to write a makefile, or whatever the fuck microsoft decided to call it in c#, which is actually two files - csproj and sln.

If you use visual studio it already comes with a complier, and probably can automatically generate a makefile for you, but I'm averse to using shitware so I can't really comment on that.
bro stop being a hipster Visual Studio isn't "shitware". jesus fucking christ give me a break clown
he's a catposter, what did you expect?
Retard, he posted a cat that means he's correct
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Visual Studio is the definition of shitware and bloatware.
You want an IDE - use jetbrains products (99.99% of people don't need an IDE btw, especially not people who don't even know how to build a basic project).
You want a text editor - use (n)vim, emacs or vscode.
Everything else might as well not exist. Well I guess there's also xcode, but only because applel doesn't give you any other choice.
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didn't know gdq was on, thanks
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>bro stop being a hipster Visual Studio isn't "shitware". jesus fucking christ give me a break clown
So the definition of "shitware" is "software that is easy to work with and works well" I guess.
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It gave me 12 imperial troopers that can't survive on my tile, so I fed them to an apocriton and then dropped overhead mountain on the survivors.
I never get manhunters on this tile, so it's probably just fucked.
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The definition of "shitware" is "visual studio".

>software that is easy to work with and works well
That's a text editor. IDE is a very complex piece of software with a shit ton of built-in features and tools that, as I said, a regular user just doesn't need.
The main attraction of IDEs nowadays is easy refactoring (as debuggers and smart autocompletion can now be integrated anywhere through DAP and LSP), and something tells me you aren't gonna be refactoring any rimworld mods anytime soon, most of which rarely even surpass 1k sloc to justify it.
So "shitware" means "something the average user doesn't need to mod rimworld", ok.
Bro, being real here, I'm perfectly willing to believe you when you say it's bad software, but you still haven't explained why it's bad.
VS is good if you're someone who actually knows why you're installing VS. if you're an extremely amateur regular person who googled "best IDE" because you think you need one to hack together a mod for a video game, installing VS is a horrible mistake.
Would anyone here know if CompProperties_UseEffectInstallImplant has a field for chance? I want to make it so you have a chance to get a few effects on use. I would like it so only one of the effects could occur of a group if possible. I'm not finding anything going through the official game xml. Might just be missing something
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>something the average user doesn't need to mod rimworld
It's just "something the average user doesn't need", but yes for modding it is 200% overkill.
>you still haven't explained why it's bad
It's a microsoft product;
it's bloated even for IDE standards;
it's hard to discover features that you don't know are there (problem with any software that doesn't come with paintext helpfiles actually);
loves to abstact even uncommon error messages with cryptic error codes that microsoft loves so much (might not be the case anymore as I haven't touched it since early 2010s, though I doubt it);
Jetbrains exists.
>it's hard to discover features
there's lots of tutorials everywhere in it
>loves to abstact even uncommon error message
Never seen that.
Bloat doesn't exist. It's not real in rimworld mods either.
never listen to hipster fags they are always on the wrong side of history
It's a pretty common sentiment in the industry that visual studio is a bottom of the barrel ide, but yeah I'm sure someone who can't figure out how to build a project knows better.
bro no one thinks you're cool cause you use emacs instead of visual studio. fucking chud.
I'm getting my shit kicked in by raiders. How do I better my defenses?
Still a tribal btw
time to worship trees
garulean tree to give you meatshields (well, woodshields), anima tree to give you berserk pulse
>Trader companion walks into my pawn's house while the door is open
>Gets "trapped" inside and destroys my window to get out
>Trader leaves because of this
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>IDE user doesn't know how to compile a program
This is way more common than it should be.
Always some underage retard that wants to LARP as le epick deve-sorry-, """coder""". Neovim in particular has gotten a bunch of IDE-like "distributions" and as a result its subreddit is always filled with posts like pic related. Always a funny read.
ok boomer
>arrive into new world
>there's a enourmous open tunnel filled with megaspiders that just so happen to be the shortest route to the center of the my base/map in the north
>the west is also closed off due to mountains
>a few months into the game and the tunnel is overflowing with the bodies of settlers, traders, and pack animals
thoughts on vanilla expanded dryads?
It seems remarkably unbloated, only adding stuff related to dryads and nothing else.
feels a tad too strong
I play tribal to be miserable
kek, understandable.
I actually dryads to be useful for regular non-tribal colonies so them being OP is fine to me.
how often does incest happen without mods?
uncle lehmann just tried to romance his 17 year old niece, miri, who was already at lovin' x 10 with her childhood friend, and it was kind of strange
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Another year completed, the most dangerous raid in that time was a mech raid but I managed to beat it bloodies but without any permanent injuries.
My goals for 5504 are to build an airship to be able to travel easily, replace many of these wooden walls with stone, and to start building a large wall across the southern coast.
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I'm decent at drawing art, sprites and textures in Photoshop and Paint.net I'd say.
Also got experience with AI stuff.
Not much in coding, which is what most modders need. Just know how to read and edit XML files and the most basic stuff.

Pic related. Practice I was doing replacing the textures for the Beauty and Ugly mod.

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>bloat doesn't exist
>Hard disk space: Minimum of 850 MB up to 210 GB of available space, depending on features installed; typical installations require 20-50 GB of free space.
Made for being a wife.
This one too
How's my wife Katya?
She's the town's bycicle, so she's having fun.
I refuse to believe you're the OP. He was never so rude to me and my wife.
Sorry if the truth hurts. And if that's of any consolation, she's still your wife.
You press the Ctrl+B if in Visual Studio.
I will not add furshit into my game.
I will gun down Yttakins on sight.
Visual Studio is good. You create a new project, get some NuGet packages, maybe import some other mod's assemblies if you need, and your modding setup is done. I understand that it has a lot more than a C# modder needs, but that's not bloat, that's versatility. It's there for those who need it and it doesn't get in my way. And your average modder would much rather just use something that works right away rather than craft their own perfectly tuned working environment in constant terror of writing 1 more byte than they absolutely need to onto their hard drive.
Do not reason with the catposter
She alternates between cooking and researching, she's quite happy.
I'm also trying to raise Snowdrop to be a replacement cook so Katya can be a full time researcher.
Is it normal for kids to nearly always stick to thin bodies when they age up?
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looks like someone forgot to install the whey protein mod
>Reel's Expanded Storage using existing furniture randomly no longer works
wew lads
Turns out it was just updated. Serves me right for not keeping local copies of every mods.
your trader spot?
God damn it I really don't want to join some fucking discord or something to get some xml answers
What's your XML question?
Was in some odd spot outside but the traders were pathing to somewhere else entirely.
Very good. Tell her i love her
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For some reason this made me wish there was a mod where installing a comms console would open up your base to all kinds of random messages. You could get interstellar spam, prank calls from enemy factions, colonist relatives calling in to ask for a favor or just to say hello, ominous warnings from untraceable sources, and so on. Honestly, just thinking about it is making me disappointed in how little function the comms console serves in vanilla.
You'll eat your 'Chatting on Comms' mod and you'll like it.
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>rescue a guy from drop pod crash
>heal him
>he just walks around my base doing nothing
>doesn't even eat or take a shit
>doesn't leave
>doesn't join my colony
>can't tell him to fuck off
>the only options are to imprison or attack him
it's been a while since i last played. aren't these people supposed to either join colony or just go after they've been healed?
i have hospitality installed. is that somehow affecting his behavior?
nvm it was just that he was stuck inside the building because of locks mod.
>Still a tribal btw
research electricitry
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if you hit quick start in main menu it wont take long to get shit like this
I'm trying to figure out how to have multiple hediffs be applied when an item is being used, for those hediffs to have a 'chance' to happen, and (if possible. I could deal with it not being the case) have only one of them trigger at once. Even just suggestions of files to look at would be nice. I was using CompProperties_UseEffectInstallImplant for the effect my item already applies, but I'm unsure how to make it do multiple let alone what the field for chance to trigger/occur (if there is one) is named. I'd probably need to decompile shit to find that out, but I really can't be assed to do such right now. I got a lot of shit piling up irl
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Nothing quite like making your kids carry wounded enemies into your prison. Little buggers seem to be having fun doing that.
So, uh, we've managed to become allied with nearly every faction on the planet save for one Revia faction and one pirate faction. We destroyed them instead.
There's not much else to do. The colony is stable and secure, there are no enemies left that would pose any sort of threat.
I suppose that's a good enough point to say "and they lived happily ever after" as any, since all the goals were completed. Now armed with nuclear weapons, power armor and vehicles our little village went from a bunch of huts huddled in the middle of nowhere to a bunch of huts that have all sorts of high-tech gizmos in them, with very enemy either annihilated or turned into an ally.
I also planned to use Zen's and Setsuko's kids in my next playthrough, but I just can't be bothered to wait for them to grow up since the colony is completed now. Maybe I'll start another small colony to speedrun their childhood.
For now it's time to update and clean up the modlist. I've been making notes on what mods I should uninstall or find replacements for, and that list is kinda long now.
I think you might need to make your own comp for that.
So, in the end, did Zen win?
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Is it possible to buy the main game on Steam and then pirate the DLC?. I've been playing the pirated version with all the DLC for a couple of weeks now and I really wanna try some mods but I'm too lazy to do the steamCMD whatever the fuck method. I'm down to spend 20$ on the game but I'm too much of a cheap fuck to spend like 80$ on all the DLC.
>too lazy to do the steamCMD
>down to spend 20$
The absolute state of first worlders.
Yes you can. DLSs are just big mods mechanically.
Yeah i know i'm a lazy fuck but I just like clicking the subscribe button and being done with it. Got too used to it after playing 1000s of hours of zomboid.
Damn it man I didn't want to have to remember c# shit just to make my item have a chance to do what the twisted obelisk can do (mutation-wise). Whelp I'm not going through the trouble for all of that
lol poorfag
I love girl female pawns
Well, she
- lives in a small estate with all the modern comforts
- has a personal high-tech lab
- happily married
- has two healthy and most likely sane daughters
- is at least respected by her fellow colonists instead of being a literal who
Considering that she started out as a lonely shut-in whose only friends were skeletons she herself raised, I'd say she achieved a some sort of victory, yeah. Her mansion isn't as big as Setsuko's, but the size isn't everything - or so I'm told.
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>You create a new project, get some NuGet packages, maybe import some other mod's assemblies if you need
Ok? 0 reasons to use an IDE listed so far.
>that's not bloat, that's versatility
No, that's literally bloat. You will never use a debugger, you will never do refactoring, you will never use a GUI helper tool, etc.
VSCode is made with being a babby's first editor in mind and will server all your amateur needs, take 100x less space, will be much easier to extend if you so desire, have 50x smaller memory footprint and 50x faster startup.
Stopped browsing there about 5-6 years ago, it's a cancerous board full of unironic /pol/tards. Those would just tell you something along the lines of ">using c# >playing videogames >using winblows >microshaft da poos"
according to the catposter, condoms are bloat because he'll never use them.
True. I hate the catposter. I hate him!
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That's right, I'm going bareback on you, sissy.
On the bright side, the anti-avatarfag tourist finally left. Otherwise every thread would be him vs catposters forever.
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kot thread
kot board
kot website
never forget that
my cat is dead
you couldnt even rape someone if you wanted to.
anyways, what if i already had visual studio installed for something else? for example such as a unity project.
should i bother downloading some other editor just for rimworld modding?
>what if i already had visual studio installed for something else? for example such as a unity project.
Well, you clearly didn't, because if you weren't completely clueless you'd know that rimworld mods are essentially unity projects.
well that doesnt really answer the question now does it?
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In your case - yes it does.
But if you want to continue pressing on hypotheticals because you've got nothing else to stand on - if you were already working on something in Visual Studio and were familiar with it, then obviously there'd be no reason to switch. Again, though, that's clearly not you.
Salty cat, can you post your current base?
I've got a lot of female pawn images saved
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>Salty cat
You started spazzing out when I called visual studio shitware (which it is).
>catposter vehemently thinks there's only one person besides him in the thread
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No, all-lowercase-no-punctuation-tard, I could tell that wasn't you replying. There was another poster that engaged with me before that, so I assume that's him.
catposter literally annihilated you're anus albeit
>I could tell that wasn't you replying
that was my first reply today thoughever
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which one of you built this base?
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aieeeee it's finally happening, just kiss already you lovebirds
Stream is going to change her last name from Leopard to Toxos since Toxos's first name is Sei
>having fun with one colony
>suddenly think of another cool idea for another colony
>now want to restart again
every time.
any mods for modern/sci-fi bows that can compete with at least industrial weapons?
I just want the aesthetic of bow-wielding without being punished for it.

More specifically, bows/crossbows that can do good damage to centipedes.
>0 reasons to use an IDE listed so far.
>you will never do refactoring
>you will never use a GUI helper tool
I don't even know what that is. And its presence doesn't bother me.
>VSCode is made with being a babby's first editor in mind and will server all your amateur needs
And what exactly are the advanced needs that VSCode will not satisfy?
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You just know that none of their sisters are going to be able to sleep easily anymore. Not near their house.
>promising colony poster
>ruined by the dreaded sesbian lex
Time to go on an adventure! More specifically, a caravan adventure!

cute houses
we've got some reinforcements from our buddys, time to crack open that real big ancient danger.
whoa big mecha
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extremely tanky big mecha, damn
What's the mod for real big ancient dangers?
>Launch game with 78 mods, including six that aren't updated to 1.5
>Zero errors in the log
what mod is the harbinger from, glitterworld destroyer?
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>defoliator ship lands right on top of the exotic goods caravan i called
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we killed it! And got some new magic powers

caravan adventures. It adds a big quest line that adds these huge ass ancient dangers (that you can keep doing even after the end of the quest
it's a boss fight from the caravan adventures questline.
That's a lot of centipedes...
mods with an adrenochrome harvesting mechanic?
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Every single mech on the map woke up, and everything is shaking.
Time to book it.
Shame the cars were wrecked, and can't move, gonna have to abandon them.
RIP cars.
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One last look at the real big ancient danger full of loot that we can't get
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time to walk back home.
a cool looking baseball cap fell from the sky.
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Still little Saga has become an adult and is destined to become my colony's main crafter. Time to get her to start building some cleansweepers and lifters.
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while the bounty hunters were limping home, a child showed up, and seeing nobody home, just decided to live here.
can we get the rape anon to assess whether the kotposter dev could sexually assault the newbie modder
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she's already making herself home
mod for gay babies without going full RJW?
I'm sure Corin would love that cap!
>character editor
>add trait
11 centipedes, 1 war queen, 2 apocriton, a scyther, and some lancers
i hate it
Sad but true
No I mean like reproduction for homosupremacist gay colonies.
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>ywn be a frail drug slug
>ywn have a revia wife
>ywn have your body broken in a new way every single night for the rest of your life
Go be mentally ill somewhere else.
install the cloning mod.
rjw genes
>without going full rjw
I don't know a mod that lets you do it naturally, but 10 seconds of googling found 2 mods that let you IVF gay babies. One is made by a tranny so here's the "normal" one
Least unhinged tranny ITT.
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Well, it's been 30 days in the same place, the penalty is now -20 again time to leave. And I guess we'll take this lost child that showed up too.
Losing the hummvee sucks, it was a tier 3 vehicle, we don't have the tech to replace it. We are going to move much slower from now on.

Also, doing the caravan adventures quest initiates an ice age that slowly lowers the temperature of the planet until you finish the quest, so there's that too.
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>no stripe pattern within the Vehicle Framework
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It's time to confess your sins /rwg/, the rat shall hear them
Mint's one of the colony doctors, not only does she have to hear that, she has to heal Toxos afterwards every morning.
I play with reload anytime mode on Blood and dust difficulty.
that mod is genuinely a massive performance hog and I have no idea why
perpetual 1.5ms on the performance analyser with nothing happening

use the x and y displacements to stretch the existing patterns into stripes silly
But I want a single straight stripe!
i play with 20tps
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This,the Rimternet™, a comms console linkable the RimRouter™ that enables to trade with the space ships and adds new threats! Ddos attacks that cause a solar flare on your base(if you smash your RimRouter™ it stops) ... a group of hackers make your mechanoids go dormant or a event that just makes the colonist unhappy near the console due to space spam or something, and the reverse, one that makes them happy near it due to space entertainment, with compatibility with the rimtuber mod, and if you become more famous people will send you drop pods of things and the haters will try to cut your signal! Pic not related
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Rimworld is finally playable after 3 months.
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Yes yes I know nobody here plays Rimworld. I'll leave you 10 posters to your usual anime ERP.
I only recruit female pawns
time to add it to a running colony and just ruin everything
Guys I think this orbital trader is trying to tell me something
I like Vanilla Expanded. A lot.
Forgive me sister, for i have sinned. I really, really want to marry you. I want to impregnate you repeatedly and make you a happy housewife with many children, not needing to work a day in your life
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>oskar is a faggot
Just another confirmation
I really enjoy Factorio and Steam seems to think I will enjoy this game as well. I'm kind of curious about the game but know very little about it. Sell me on it?
There is absolutely nothing similar with Factorio.
It's not much like Factorio other than its perspective. You can install Project RimFactory which makes it kind of like Factorio with lots of automation if you like that, but Rimworld's a lot more about colony building and trying to survive in more simple ways.
>Rimworld's a lot more about colony building and trying to survive

So what sets it apart from the 100s of other colony survival games? I'm not trying to throw shade I'm just curious since steam won't stop throwing the game in my face.
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I accumulated way more shit this time, had to build a few more trucks to carry it all.
Onwards to warmer climates because the world is getting really damn cold.
I think female pawns fucking other female pawns is kinda funny, in a good way.
Mostly mods.
Plenty of different stuff to break the game in way you want to enjoy.
My rat shall become more powerful
Rimworld grants you a lot of freedom on how you want to play, and even more so with mods. Some people play it like the Sims, some play it like Dark Souls, and you can even play it like a porn game. It's the Garry's Mod of colony sims.
Sansbox nature if the game
Level of detail and granuality possible
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And after a week of watching a dot move at speed 4, we finally reached our new home.
So with mods should I start out with a few recommended mods first or do I play a vanilla playthrough first and then mod?
The surgery was a success, my 14 year old dwarf squirrel surgeon managed to pull through without botching at all.
I'd recommend a vanilla run first just to get the feel of it. You'll eventually come to find your own complaints and start conceptualizing a modlist from what you feel is missing. Vanilla gameplay isn't bad by itself, but your mileage will vary.
play vanilla to gain an understanding of just how dull the basegame gets after 2 hours
I don't confess to failures.
unless you need to mod for some autistic reason the game is great as is vanilla and you can get thousands of hours of play from it, with the possible exception of a few qol mods before you need bigger mods to dramatically change things up, but honestly you're better off just finding something else to play at that point
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Total anty extermination.
Vanilla is ass, but doing a pure vanilla playthrough is something you must do to really understand what you want to add and why.
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>the game is great as is vanilla
>Vanilla is ass
Start playing vanilla, make notes as to which features annoy you or you lack and then ask.
Bare minimum is probably something like CE, Allow tool, one of stack mods, pick up and haul and character editor
If vanilla is so great, why do rocketman and performance fish exist?
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CE > powergap > PE >>>> shit > PM > PC
non-autism vs extreme autism

those don't change gameplay in any way, they're also more suited to people with toasters or bloated modlists
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many have tried before you and failed
And they objectively make the game better.
Ribaorl is better with mods.
ok, but what those mods are is totally up to the user, nothing is universal, i don't use either of those mods myself
/rwg/ be like
>Wow, wife
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Wow, that's hot!
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forgot your pic fren
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place to sleep, place to eat. Good start.
I do not like ants
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Tynan is built for gay sexo
ants are strangely not very gross unlike, say, mosquitoes
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They make good mechanoid fodder.
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Moth xenotype when?
vanilla is good for 1-2 playthroughs before it becomes repetitive and you realize that the endings suck but so does playing and endless save, which is when you go for the DLC and mods.
do not listen to >>484260134
stay far away from combat expanded. dont even touch it with a 10 foot pole.
oops all bugparts has one but it's not sexy like your pic
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>combat expanded
Lol another mask slipping moment.
extended, expanded, elephant.
i dont care what the mod's called, its shit.
Books seem kinda bad
Like, cool, you can research something passively. And then after it's done you just have something adding wealth with no benefit.
Add skills passively? That's nice. But then you reach the cap and it's again just adding wealth with no benefit. Chances are that your dedicated pawns in that skill will already be past the books cap anyway.
Free recreation multiplier? Okay, pawns take half the time with recreation. That's gonna be what, half an hour a day saved? That's nothing.
>it doesnt matter that i dont have the simplest facts about the shit im talking about, right!!
Kys tranny.
It helps with recreation variety too.
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>Books seem kinda bad
Tynan's book is fantastic
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It's up.
>those eyes
Disgusting abominations. Should be executed on sight.
Never since they are too good for this game.
>noooo wahhhhh wahhhh wahhhhh my shitty mod is actually the bestest!!!
only a child thinks like this.
You do realize that first thing people will do to moth girls is to rip off their wings?
That is not the first thing I would do to a Moth girl
I'm pretty sure there's already like three mods like this, I use Erin's Cat Overhaul
You would know how children think, pedotranny.
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>tranoid melting again after slipping up
How typical.
No? First thing i would do to a mothgirl is marriage
>VE faces
Even if he was a tranny i think I'd rather side with him.
>Nuh uh, you are the tranny!
You guys should just kill yourselves tbhdesu
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>tranny desperate for an argument
Must be the day that ends on "y".
>badmouthing CHADhammer 40k
jealous of such popular and interesting franchise, hmm? Getting a little "it's too mainstream i must hate it", mr. contrarian?
2016 elections and its consequences have been a disaster for the 4chan community (and /rwg/)
>his 'end of internet' landmark is orangeman
gamergate killed 4chaim, zoomie
>"and then everybody sufferered forever and ever and ever, the end!"
warhammer was always bad
>pedotranny thinks Warhammer is about suffering
No surprises here.
warhammer is capeshit
then what is it about, grimdorkfag?
>omgggg everything is so bad and evil and bad and stupid and evil and stupid and bad and horrible because we're evil, stupid or stupid AND evil everything is sooooo shitty grimdaaark sacrifice 6gorillion children to tha emperah for the emperaaaah bad guys are evil because they're evilllll and everything is so horrible... And eeeeviiiillll
Archotech is unironically more interesting that this pile of garbage
i like horses
I HATE horses
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Do shut up and get back into your breeding pen, woman.
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Many of you will not be going to heaven with this behavior
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I prefer boomalopes
Also, new bounty hunter base is ready.
Rape, mostly
>tranny steals other people's screenshots to post ITT to cope
This rat isn't going to heaven either. Degenerate, debased, debauched, depraved, sacrilegious rat.
Why does she need that little peashooter, can't she turn people inside out with her mind?
Picked up.
It was never this bad before
Now you have people screaming tranny at anyone they don't agree with
It became the very echo chamber that it berates reddit for
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>had to scuttle my latest save
Throw some ideas at me.
Cult of Slaneesh
ok, tranny
>tranime mods
stop taking HRT, tranny, how's that for an idea, huh?
if only warhammer didn't have the stupid warcraft pauldrons
god I hate pauldrons
you'd find something else to complain about, tranny
>waaaaaaaah pauldrons too big
>waaaaaaaaah too much gold on their armor
>waaaaaaaaah guns too big
>waaaaaaaah tanks too square
Something less coomy tho?
no, it's really just the pauldrons that bother me
That's not election tourism, that's underage thirdie shitskins increasingly polluting the internet.
And it hasn't even begun. I pray for global thermonuclear war.
Cult of Nurgle
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first raid on the new base. Some kijin with mixed tech.
>That's not election tourism
that's exactly what it is tho
spamming NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER isn't cool or based anymore since no one even reacts to it so /pol/cucks switched to calling everyone trannies
So pajeet colony??
Get some rotfish or whatever, and DBH.
Make the filth processing plant, fill it up and empty it.
The shit must flow.
>people casually throwing insults make this place reddit
Based retards.
I feel sick just thinking about it.
what did you do to the child?
She can yes, but with the gun she can psychically choke someone and press the gun against their head to transport them to heaven instantly.
fantasy just fucking sucks in general, it's been overdone since quake and warhammer deserves praise for being less mind-numbing slop than the other fantasy """"offerings""""
>for being less mind-numbing slop than the other fantasy """"offerings""""
Wait wait. Sorry, I was blinded by rage.
I really meant to write that I hated Warcraft, but wrote Warhammer instead.
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She was constantly having mental breaks so I sent her to the farming outpost, to work on the cotton farms. I'm sure she'll be perfectly happy there.
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My cult of nurgle can't be this cute
Mint psychically choking me may not send me to heaven spiritually, but it most certainly will sexually
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Combat Extended is...
A pretty well made mod if you like that kind of thing and want a change from vanilla, but not necessary like some people would have you believe
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>want to add Alpha Memes for more neolithic shit
>it somehow bugs out the style tooltip and im paranoid it breaks more
Essential mod.
We exchanged 1 avatarfag for another?
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>implying there's only one (1) catposter
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>revias need a lot of human corpses to progress
>anties need a lot of human corpses to progress
These two are going to interfere with each other a lot, aren't they?
I still don't know how to make anties not suck with their acid-based weapons
even their more high-tech refleum rifles seem to suck against rats in plate armor
You could make palestones.
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everyone i dont like is an avatarfag
The Acid DOT effect should be the thing causing most of your damage, are you getting the regular damage ticks?
a single fox needs 255 corpses at most, you can reduce the amount by sacrificing excess/undesirable meat for palestones (bugs are a good source), thrumbo/elephant horns, and prisoners.
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what are tribals doing in the propane lakes, isn't it cold?
yes, but I think yayo's combat demands some armor penetration and 10% isn't cutting it even with the added chip damage
you run into situations where anties get easily overwhelmed by melee tactics, which is sad to see because I expected them to be the main threat alongside mechanoids
Anon, I think those are cannibals
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I think you'll have to manually rebalance the damage then, give the acid ticks some more AP.
I don't really know how non-vanilla combat mods work so I can't give you any good tips
I've tried applying the 'acid is heat damage' patch from VCR but it didn't help much, so the next step would probably be to do what you suggest. thanks
With Rimsqol you can make them sexier... i assure you that
don't use the s word please
>hey what happened with that child we found
>uh we sent her to a farm upstate
who do you think you're kidding?
But i want to have... Love making session with a moth!
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There's nothing sexy about moths, they spend 98% of their lifespan as hideous caterpillars eating your crops, then get like a week of life as an actual moth driven by a blind urge to fuck and lay eggs.
No... Mothgirls are different...
I see
yeah, nothing sexy about that haha
Didn't mean to post pic.
shut up
How about you guys talk to a baseliner female pawn instead of chasing after monster girls that more often than not will impact your life negatively varying to bad lifestyle to outright death?
>then get like a week of life as an actual moth driven by a blind urge to fuck
damn that's crazy haha who would want that
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I may not be very good at self-preservation
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No thanks.
lmao get fucked cultists I love jump packs
Tell me your custom race idea
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Either crab people, or metal slug martians...
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New caravan adventures quest, a big ass turtle mechanoid that likes to do the launch a ton of rockets

it's true! I have vanilla outposts expanded!
>cook/doctor wandered off to the edge of the map to haul something without me noticing when a manhunter wolf pack showed up
>thought she was safe somewhere in the base
>gets mauled to death by wolves
>try to overcome reset autism for the story by having her widow spec into Necropath
>remaining three colonists constant loop of mental breaks
>multiple times now all three having mental breaks simultaneously
>when they're not catatonic or breaking shit they're shitting their brains out from food poisoning loops
>widow, the fighter, survives an infection at 99%, gains Couch Potato
Really trying my patience, Tynan
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this thing is so fucking tanky
and going into melee with it is suicide, it constantly explodes
anyone who says vanilla is good is a max difficulty naked brutality player trying to "solve" the game for gamer cred
the base game is flawed as fuck
I'm at a point where I just cure diseases with cheats. Fucking tired of this shit.
ham ham is down from burns, gotta get her out of there
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it took forever, 1% by 1% but it's finally down. Now to run away while everyone is at 50% speed from burns
but why
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the mechs caught the team in a crossfire.
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everyone is out of the fight, except for adam.
He's got no more ammo so it's down to the machete.
If this is a colony sim can I spy on women on the toilet? Also what mods are there to improve the people sprites, anime/cat people mods etc?
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He killed the mechanoid, then fell down from extreme pain. With no one up to tend the various minor bleeds, it was over.

The end.
F, bounty hunter.
F, he will shore leave be missed
this is why i have a fast and durable pawn with a low cooldown/high fire rate weapon.
can have that one take agro while everyone else whittles down whatever threat is present or gets the fuck out.
its not over yet. you still have the child.
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Jesus Christ.
This 92 man siege nearly crashed my game when they showed up.
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>its not over yet. you still have the child.
While true, should she really leave her happy life on the farm to take up a life of bounty hunting?
she needs to preserve the bodies and find a way to bring as many back as she can.
the quest updated after bit, and the site was removed. No bodies left to bury. She did, however, inherit the ancient gift and the two ancient powers due to being the only colonist left.
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I guess I'm not gonna need to cook survival meals for a very long time.
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huh she actually straight up inherited all of adams powers, including his level 6 psylink.

time to rev up the crematorium
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well shit uhhhh.
ok we're going to cheat a tiny bit, BUT its for the sake of the story and doesnt provide any advantage to you whatsoever. its what tynan would want.
the pawn info is still stored if you dont have a mod that insta-culls it.
have her go to the tile. spawn your former colonists, and then kill them.
your choice if you want her to suffer the moodlets or not.
She'll grab supplies and weapons from the base, and rush over there. Hopefully the game won't have culled them from the save.
the basegame does next to zero pawn culling on its own, EVERYTHING will be saved.
better GC will cull pawns that havent interacted with the colony in 30 days when you load a save, pretty sure faction leaders are exempt from this rule but im not sure.
My hero...
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fuck you too game
Nice crops.
Events like these make me wonder how anyone can bear a non-mountain base. Whenever something shit like toxic fallout or VFE psychic rain happens I can just have everyone hole up in my onions fortress until it's over. That said I'm still going to try to avoid the mountain base this time until I inevitably give up again.
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Sorry, but wagieng is taking a lot of time from rat modding but I updated the dropbox link with my updated version from editing over the weekends.

workbench fix
Ratkin FA
translation edits, minor backstory spawncategory changes
y offset adjustment of ratkin bodies (nothing touched with textures, if you want to revert just edit lifestagedef with the old one)
apparel y-offset edits (biorats and apparel+ submod)
Apron Skirt, Winter Robe, Guardener outfit, Sister dress, Order uniform, Bulletproof helmet configured to be equippable by children

Post errors when you encounter them, as this update is still WIP
you don't die by having a little exposure and a super structure mostly negates that stuff
having to build a roof over the whole village only to remove it when the toxic fallout's over can be annoying when your buildings have complex shapes, but other than that it's quite the storyful event
I have bought the game yet, still trying it out, but is there a way that you can have a colony of androids?
Can all their dwelling and stuff be machine type?
yes you can have you base be as devoid of human spirit as you want
>y offset adjustment of ratkin bodies
Elaborate on this, please
>yes you can have you base be as devoid of human spirit as you want

damn the game really gets me fr fr
The tea and coffee bushes were so close to harvest too... now it's all dying.
Wasn't expecting this to happen however, good for Avery though, his sniper and jump pack have come in clutch.
Please tell me Avery is a man
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I realized after comparing HAR and biorats that head offsets aren't matching so I raised rat heads a bit but not too high because it looks shit with beautiful bodies and ABC body.
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Bodies found, and being buried. Camilla will probably have her own adventures in the future.
Also, yes, the cat is helping bury the corpses.
Ah, I see. Thanks.
is there a way to force the tile to stay open? so that way if carmilla gets her hands on some kind of revival tool she can bring one of them back.
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And now, camilla drives away into the sunset with a burst pistol, a helpful cat, and a truck.

I don't think so. Not to mention they would eventually rot.
Did you grab the weapons at least?
How old is this vampire wannabe again?
Grabbed the cryosword, the other weapons were just average dime-a-dozen industrial stuff.

She's 9.
they would rot, yes, but iirc the revival serum can be used even on desiccated corpses
anyways that aside if you dont have a form of pawn cleanup, the pawn info will stay in your save forever.
can continue the story focused cheating in tynan's vision and return to the tile then use a debug tool to instantly desiccate a fresh corpse of that pawn.
if you do, you can download character editor quick since that has pawn save slots stored separately from a save's pawn list. so you can keep the five on hand for the above.
Well, if camilla ever finds a revival serum, she'll bring one of them back.
First she needs to survive.
Carmilla, Anon. Nor Camilla.
She's a fuckingvampire
oh shit you're right lmao
I've been reading her name wrong this entire time
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Yeah he's a guy, Avery and Dudina were sealed in an ancient danger together before I recruited them
thank god
There are no androids in Rimworld, at least without mods. The Biotech DLC adds worker robots (but they're very much not androids and need to be controlled by a human master), and the Anomaly DLC lets you use mindbroken colonists, but they're still meatbags.

On the side of mods, there's a couple different android mods, but Vanilla Races Expanded Android is probably the only one I can recommend, as the others are either defunct or being handed over to other modders. The VE "brand" at least comes with a lot of polish, even if some of their design and balancing decisions leave a lot to be desired, as well as some shoddy coding practises (e.g. The VE framework mod that a lot of their mods rely on will run code for every system that those mods use, whether they're used or not). That being said, the other android mods require another heavy framework mod.

>but iirc the revival serum can be used even on desiccated corpses
Resurrector Mech Serums cannot be used on dessicated corpses. Rotting yes, but not dessicated.
>sealed together, meaning they probably knew each other before then
>after god knows how long in cryptosleep he finally confesses his love
>Rotting yes, but not dessicated.
ah got it
well considering his what we've seen of his modlist he probably has a solution somewhere.
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Im the one who said mole and you choose it over the hussar... its sad to see him go
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>playing the tutorial
>night time
>found a bunch of sleeping animal

That's pretty cute. I wish the tutorial would allow me to mess around more instead of "NOOOOOOOOOOOO YOU HAVE TO WAIT FOR THIS TASK TO FINISH".
>play tutorial
>get tutorial things
what were you expecting?
To send one of my colonists across the map to attempt to slaughter some huge animal, have them die and then get mad the game would allow some shit like that in the tutorial then uninstall and reinstall 10 minutes later because I'm not going to let some bullshit tutorial get one up on me.
>because I'm not going to let some bullshit tutorial get one up on me.
thats the spirit.
anyways once you're done with the tutorial you should probably make a regular save. and not try to continue that one.
I haven't got the actual game yet, I'll keep messing around in the tutorial and if I think I'm going to stick with it I'll pick it up incase the saves don't transfer over.
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Pawns do it automatically. You might be able to force them to do so by right clicking with one selected.
Classic. Set manual priorities in work tab and set firefighting to 1, or if you want to do it manually draft them and right click on the fire.
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It's ogre
the inside of houses heats up, so pawns start taking damage from superheated air
deconstruct one of the walls so it equalizes with the outside.
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the woes of building with wood
I love a good story
>everything is on fire
>1 pawn is dead, others about to break
>rice farm is blighted
>only medicine left is already on fire
this screenshot is perfect in every way.
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I assume this is unrecoverable?
this is recoverable
vampires are strong, you can survive this.
yeah, it can be fixed
But it'd be far easier to restart.
The storyteller prioritizes giving new pawns when you have too few, so yes, it is. It will be a bitch and a half to do so and you'll be better off just starting over.
Why must even more children come to my island? These occurred with a day in between. I do not have the food needed for this.
I'm going to accept them anyway, but what the fuck.
I'd like to think i am not THAT homophobic, but i despise yuri and yaoi pawns alike.
In other words, inshallah your colony shall burn to the ground, and may infinite catposters piss in your pawn ashes, forever tanting their spirits in the afterlife
I went ahead and bought the base game, the little bit I played was enough to justify the cost. I did install a HUD mod and a texture mod but I'm going to play through vanilla before doing anything else.
Any mods to add engines that only need electricity in sos2? Even if they suck, it's just for a mining taxi. best I managed is having a chemfuel ship with a bunch of chemreactors piped in, but it's still hardly ideal since they're slooooow
Me? I'd like to think I am, and I indeed hate those pawns.
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if you squint all the scattered insects look like stars lmao
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i guess that explains why she's not moving
I disabled the HUD thing, I don't know what any of that data means. I'm keeping the texture mod.
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Honestly neither of them stand out to me. These feel like just another two mouths to feed.
Right now you might not know what to do with all that data, but you'll find it very convenient eventually.
Linnea might have more potential.
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Godspeed, was nice seeing their caravaning and temporary bases. Hope you try again with the child.
Please continue to enlighten /rwg/ with your little guys, this thread needs more of that style of true, bonafide adventure, and less FUCKING YURI PAWNS FUCK YOU YOU ABSOLUTE COOMER NIGGERS POST SOME DAMN FIGHTS AND BLOOD AND MASSACRES
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Oh my you shouldn't have.
Suicide bombers? Lobotomized slaves? Bait drafted to die heroically for the colony in the next big raid?
>lanlana is only six so she has all three growth moments ahead of her, already physically deaf so she can be a good "magic isnt real you idiot" pawn if you have a mod that adds enemy psycasters.
>linnea has mining and crafting passions.
there's potential. let them at least become adults to see what happens.
psychically deaf. im fucking tired.
sir this is an orphanage
This is going to be the greatest BBQ in history
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That's exactly what I was expecting to happen. That was 59 raiders in a deathball
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Considering she's the sole survivor of the space laser I guess I'll keep her
Is there a mod that increases the minimum amount of traits that a pawn has upon spawning?
Was thinking about getting this but have DF and not fun. this at least better?
Dev mode it you coward
>I want to cheat but I want the cheat to be randomized to make it more palatable
I already use the character editor. I just want something to not make me do it.
Doing it manually takes the unpredictability (read: fun) out of it.
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Boy, I sure love unlocking all the T3 vehicles EXCEPT the combat ones.
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rate my first devmode shib :)
it's just meant to be a mechanoid asteroid miner using a Gestalt Engine on the planet, that can generate it's own fuel between sorties. nothing super fancy.

I tested it against a devmode ship spawn and it seems-
>Allowed Areas are essential- half the mech crew immediately committed suicide via rocket engine going to tape up the hull
>While it seems to have pretty good heat management overall, it could really use more power to charge the capacitors faster, once they run out it basically just has to run away like a bitch... but since it's not really meant to be a combat ship that's not such a big deal to me, I would like it to be capable of defending itself more effectively though

Also, does the shield need to be expanded to block splash damage? Seems the hull was taking hits with the shields still up. (It's currently as small as possible so expanding it a bit is hardly a big deal)

Also also, it seems that VVE-Vehicles garage doors spontaneously implode in space. Is there an easy way to make them vaccum-proof? A string of Hardpoints maybe? Not really super essential but it would be a lot nicer aesthetically if my ship could have a proper unloading bay.
Do yourself a favor.
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Huh, I just kinda assumed a 1.5 version of the mod would already have decent textures. Thanks anon.

Oh right, the last thing- there's a bunch of shaping hull pieces to give it a nice rounded look, but I can't rotate any of them. Is this a bug with the mod or something retarded with my own modlist?
Must be a bug or something, I can rotate them just fine.
Oh good, now I get to spend ages finding out what the fuck could be causing that to be an issue.
This tiny beams with turrets will snap off so quickly during a battle.
The fuck is with the wall? Are those new textures? Or you are using non-ship walls?
Is it Designator Shapes?
Those are basically just to shoot Raiders on foot, the wall sections themselves are to a) hopefully stop a single hit that gets through the shield and b) make shib look liek crab :)))

Because it's just a devmode cheaty ship I used Mechanoid Ship hull.
The rotation seems to be keyboard shortcut issue.
Pressing the rotate buttons should work.
Oh, that would do it. Thanks again.
How often does the royalty endgame quest pop up? I wanna do a multi generational run where I send the older generation off with the Stellarch.
researchpal vs research tree
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I kneel
Anty mod, im trying to ;corpse assembly' but am lacking corpses. there literly two dead people outside the door, so why does it keep telling me that?
I use and have always used ResearchPal but I might go to Research Tree after researching (heh) it and seeing that Research Tree has more active support. I enjoy some of the default design choices of RP though, small QoL stuff like how scrolling is handled.
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What are you attempting to make and what crafting station is it
A few of the recipes in anty are a bit fiddly
copy machining table -> corpse assembly (bionicHeart)
This may seem a silly question, but do you have a bionic heart with which to use?
If you do, check the ingredients tab and make sure that everything that could possibly be relevant to those corpses are checked
Additionally, you can only use fresh corpses, not skeletons or rotting ones
And finally, try deleting and recreating your stockpile zones. Sometimes that will kickstart it
i have a bionic heart, the error i get is about corpses
its an old issue the corpses in question are skellies now
well ill see next raid if i can get it to work
I'd recommend making a decently sized freezer just for corpses just in case you can't use them immediately
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
no, but her husband died to a pack of wolves so she is available now
those same wolves then bred the wife as she moaned in pleasure btw
>enabling bestiality
why are you like this
It's simply realistic. People have sex with animals all the time, and all women crave dog or horse cock, it's a fact
>People have sex with animals all the time
No, it's very uncommon.
It happens, but it's rare.
>and all women crave dog or horse cock
No, they don't.
Stop going to /pol/ or wherever you get these insane ideas.
>No, they don't.
Yes they do, everyone knows that. Stop coping.
>muh /pol/
women craving dog dicks on an instinctive level is not a polititcal statement it's literally just a fact of life, pajeet
if you know it so well, show me the statistics
I don't feel like looking up that shit
>s-s-s-spoonfeed me statistics (on something no one would admit in any survey no matter how anonymous) right now!
>femoid COPING and SEETHING after being called out for her inability to resist the desire to be bred by dogs
Fucking stop responding to him.
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>social priest pawn gets shot in the head and becomes trauma savant instead of the cook
Poor girl
Hopefully she can recover
Can you find the wrecks on Set Up Camp maps?
If not, it might be some option in some tweak mod I have.
why is every thread on 4chan on all boards just repeating the same posts almost word for word?
>and all women crave dog or horse cock
Reminds me of something...
>try to go for a nomadic run
>resettle a couple of times
>get stuck making mountain base eternity projects again
actually she was away from the battle because she is incapable of violance
her husband was a weakling. i kept him near the frey so he could use some racial abilities but i didn't care for him well enough.

btwm my ant is in pain bvecause her excoskeleton is cracked, which bionic part replaces it?
>her husband was a weakling
so perfect for being cucked by wolves
I mean, he could have just died instead
Why are you like this
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Mod outfits for my Empress and her matriarchal priestess upper class that project power, authority and purity of body and spirit??
stop being a retarded coomer
I’m fucking addicted so I can’t quit!!!
This one isn't a stinky femcel, right?
It really sucks that getting any neat nun habits will probably be coomer shit because no one else can be bothered (and for basic bitch ones there is a mod already)
Anons, any good monster mods? Something that adds powerful creatures, preferably not mechanoid in nature (i'm doing a medieval playthrough)
>powerful monsters
for nuns to be raped by?
but mostly just as enemies to fight
based tranny coomer
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Pic: Ratkin, Roren, Kurin
Beggars can't be choosers when gooks are the only ones good at making texture graphics. They remind me of RO priestess.
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What obscure mod can't you play without?
Vanilla Femboys Expanded - Straight-to-Gay Conversion module.
I knew about the first and last one. Not the the middle mod though. Also I can't use those (well maybe middle. Again I don't know that mod. Is it a race too?) on not their race pawns
You can.
I was stumbling on them all the time while camping around.
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>tfw my favorite HAR race author is an absolute sperg
Fucking gooks I swear. I really need to convert rape all these HAR mods into Biotech versions before they would inevitably be deleted in a hissy fit in the future.
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Damn, I was going to ask him about CE compatibility, but he closed comments.
Can't even keep track of what's being added/remove with the mod page since this faggot never posts changelogs (forcing me to use winmerge every update), maybe sometimes when they feel like it and only in the comments which is now kill but bitching about CE is more important apparently.
The funny part is that it is compatible
Can't find it in the Workshop?
Do it after they do the hissy fit because I'm pretty sure this one specifically said he doesn't want anyone making a biotech fork and would probably nuke his mods when someone does that
I love this guy's HAR mods too, they look really nice
It's not CE compatible, gaybro...
I hate you for reminding me of that
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Here we are, a lone baseliner in a world of strange xenotypes, the only hope to stop the mechanoid caused ice age (from the caravan adventures storyline).
Her secret goal is to become a vampire.

>Godspeed, was nice seeing their caravaning and temporary bases. Hope you try again with the child.
Thanks. I generally tend to focus my colonies on fighting something or other, because I can't really enjoy base building without some threat that encourages building defenses.

I thought there was already a biotech dragonian. The only reason I'm not using it is cause it's not compatible with 8-bit faces.
>Her secret goal is to become a vampire.
Heh at least she's not going to fuck her brother after that, right
she has no brother, (and I use the no random relations mod, so there won't be any sudden relatives) so she's safe from that.
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finished putting down everything that could be salvaged from the previous base in a single truck.
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ffs who the fuck fucked on the altar?
it was me
I am not sorry
Colony leader's wife and their dog
I'm once again asking which mod the fence is from.
it's also from boris used furniture, I forgot to mention last time
>Natural Wells has all these fun and promising features
>it bugs out map generation hard
some raider got wrecked by a traveling caravan, so I sent the 10 year old child to beat him to death to train melee a bit.
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>children aren't allowed to craft weapons
>but they can build automated machinegun turrets
>spend a literal week planting rice with 0 plants lone pawn
Story, told.
I hate story
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should I capture this single, sweaty, 37 year old moyo?
do it anon
Why the fuck do you all look at ants, foxes, slugs, moths and think to yourself
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Rwg, is this wife?
>best doctor gets hit by the flu
>few days later, he gets hit by the plague
>few days later, he gets muscle worms
>finally, he gets malaria because i was slacking off on penoxycyline
nice game
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Get storied
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>that side slit with pantyhose underneath
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Carmilla first attempt at hunting bounties.
On foot cause walking was literally faster than using the truck off-road. Instead, she brought a donkey that self tamed to carry the loot.
>warning: this will kill the child
>[yes] [no]
She'll be fine.

As long as she doesn't get hit, lmao.
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step 1, activating invisibility to approach the target with the tranq gun
step 2: knock out target with tranq gun
step 3: berserk one target, and shoot at them while they're distracted.

She inherited (due to the caravan adventures quest) a psylink, so she's not just a regular child.
That said, yeah she has no hp at all, any hit would be a disaster.
Which is why I'm only accepting bounties against tribals with no guns.
ah right she's magical.
in any case, keep going for revian outposts and look for one that has tough. you'll want the meat shield for her.
She needs a magical dress, stat.
Terrible story.
Magical girls are for suffering.
There is a reinforced exoskeleton part that you can add on, however it is post-refleum
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The loot bought with the bounty money. Some guns, some medicine, fuel, and of course, chocolate.

That's a good idea. Shame those 3 were terrible, so I just sold them, and traded them for a psytrainer, a construction trainer, and a proper rifle

I did buy 100 devilstrand so I'll make some. Not like she can wear armor.
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Makes sense to me
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Self-tamed rat.
Is there any good priestess/nun outfits that don’t require H*R
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Oh, one of the weird anomaly people.
Well, she's only 2 years older so she'll fit right in.

rows apparel has a non-slutty nun outfit. And miko outfits, witch clothes, priest outfits, etc.
I'm living in a world of darkness.
I'm this close to biting the bullet and trying my luck into converting the warcraft HAR races into biotech
fair warning: creep joiners can spawn with a metalhorror, if carmilla gets infected its fucking GG cause both of them will bleed out from the eventual emergence.
I'll make sure the creep isn't a doctor or a cook.
show Shriek
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I did need someone to be forever researching.
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well, the witche's dress is for adults only but I did get a witch hat.
It looks too small
Arquebusier or pioneer?
I already have 2 phalanxes, 1 arquebusier and one dogge that won't fucking die.
arquebusier is for heavy weapons. Pioneer is more for scouting.
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housekeeper cats is a funny mod.
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Is there any way to set up a factionDef so that it puts bionic implants on all pawns of that faction without needing to make new pawnkindDefs for everything?
Also, I have attached a photograph of my cat because I understand that is currently in vogue.
If you want to edit an existing faction, total control mod does it
if it's about making your own modded faction, dunno, sorry.
Also dogs are better
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wild woman recruited. I wonder how a starfighter pilot ended up a wild woman.

she could be a metal horror
She's making me turn into a metal (hard) horror (scary) if you know what I mean
So Psychology has been pestering me with errors recently and after poking around enough I think I figured what's wrong. For whatever inexplicable reason Mint having a beauty score above 3 just causes Psychology to just throw errors randomly and to just start screaming whenever she tries to convert someone.
While the Psyche tab is neat I'm definitely never using this mod again after this game, it's just too broken to keep.
I've replaced her anima eyes with anima lungs using character editor, I'm done with this error spam
really wish there was another mod that gave personality to pawns.
Time to gun down some fucking bugs after finding a solution for a broken mod. My pawns won't like it, but this is free food to get us through this toxic fallout.
Rat sex
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With enough shotguns bugs really aren't that much of a threat. Only Dudina took slightly serious damage, Lavender only got tapped a little.
Also only afterwards did I notice Snowdrop waiting with her sword out instead of shooting with her shotgun. Damn brat would rather wait for a chance to melee a bug than to actually shoot at them.
That remind me.
That one Korean guy who made the Ratkin, Kurin, Dragonians, and other races also made a much more obscure one called "Slime Girls for RJW" or something. It's old, probably been discontinued for 3+ years. Anyone happen to have a copy in their Rimpy folder or something?

I might see if I can update it or recycle the art into a new mod or something.
special place of hell for modders who close comments on abandoned mods so you can't see whether it's still functional or has forks
with that in mind, any good alternatives for refined floors? preferably vanilla-esque
ive been thinking about a "simplistic personality" mod utilizing traits, but ive been working on a non rimworld coding project.
qrd of the idea
>every pawn has 2-3 physical traits (tough, jogger...) and 2-3 mental traits (kind, depressive...)
>each pawn will also have 1-2 negative traits, if the pawn has only four traits it can only have 1 negative trait.
>most traits usually have innate passions bound to them. for example combat geared traits have passions for melee and ranged, while memory/learning focused passions have intelligence and crafting bound to it.
>negative passions as well, fighters will usually dislike social for example.
>all traits now influence social interactions, pawn relations, certain behavior patterns, and certain moodlets/needs
>industrious pawns for example have slower recreation fall rate while working, will ignore food/rest until they are starving or about to collapse, and will try to complete an unfinished object before going to bed when designated to sleep. most of their interactions will be about working.
>a brawler on the other hand will keep their threat response set to fight, you cannot change them to ignore or flee (you can draft to force them away, if need be). when undrafted they'll go to finish off downed hostiles, so make sure to lead them away from anybody you want to rescue. if they got a kill, negative moodlets from needs and pain will be dampened for six hours. most social interactions will be about recent battles.
>unsupported mod traits will usually go to a third misc category, a pawn can have up to two modded traits on them, these traits take from the max of other pools. so a 2 misc trait pawn would have 2 physical and 2 mental traits. the chance is also relative to how big the modded trait pool is.
Is this some sort of sick joke?
I would be content if someone took psychology and just gutted it of everything but the psyche tab, making it entirely fluff.
do it when you can
sounds real cool.
>every time I hunt, specifically with a high skill pawn and bolt action the entire herd goes manhunter
Very interesting story thank you tynan
Nice hospital. Operating room at the top left?
Sounds like a lot of work, but I think it's promising. Personally, I feel like your idea may be a bit restrictive but maybe that's just because I'm thinking in vanilla trait terms.
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Lol, lmao even
Stealth is a meme stat.

I love my airship, makes caravaning so much easier. Got chemfuel, hyperweave and advanced components from this, decent enough haul for a few hours work.
Nah top left is eventually going to become a cold storage for medicine/bionics with the right labs for making medicine/drugs.
What mod is the airship from? I was wondering if Aerocraft Framework was worth installing over SRTS.
It's a neat enough mod
U want to fly? here guide

>aerocraft framework
actual control of plane in combat! sweet! :)
bad for trade, have to get out of plane to trade :(
keeps cargo and crew, when arrive can airdrop crew like vietnam movie :)
both same, carryall has low tech alternatives
no control! is just glorified drop pod! :(
works perfectly for trade! :)
drops all the cargo on floor like drop pod :(
>vehicle framework helicopters
no control! is just glorified drop pod! :(
bad for trade, have to get out of plane to trade :(
drops all the cargo on floor like drop pod :(
>vehicle framework planes
can control on floor, like car! :)
no control! is just glorified drop pod! :(
bad for trade, have to get out of plane to trade :(
keeps cargo and crew until u order :)
can do attack runs like ww2 movie :)
The Carryall mod actually is a derivative of SRTS, so uses pseudo-drop-pod mechanics and not proper aircraft mechanics. I think Ratkin Vehicles has steampunky vehicles like zepplins and propeller planes using the vehicle framework if that's what you want.
Thank you very much
>playing with a psycast for the first time
>try conflagrator against a raid party
>"holy fuck, this is cool!"
>my base is on temperate forest
>tfw no face
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bounty hunting 2!
wild woman + witch child adventure.
What is the name of this face mod?
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Bowman distracted them, and Carmilla flanked and tranq'd. Quest complete.
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Would Anons be interested in a mod/mods that do one or some of the following?

>Make certain stuffable Production buildings have different graphics depending on the material type, similar to how walls change depending if their material is Wood, Stone or Metal.
>Make certain non-stuffable production buildings into stuffable ones (like Stoves and Smelters), with the qualities of the above points.
>Add some of the missing powered buildings (Chemfuel Heaters, Electric Stonecutters), with the qualities from above points.

I wanna start learning how to do proper Rimworld Modding and these seem like simple enough places to start.
Oh also, I'm gonna look into mod-making guides for Rimworld, but wanted to ask if Anons recommend some you've used and liked.
Any mods for a gladiatorial arena yet?
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
Start small as a proof of concept and we'll see.
It's Imozou Face
None of those are interesting.

I always found the stuffable mechanic to be kind of meh. There is always best material to make stuff from.
The only thing that matters if you use wood or stone for walls. And doors.
Outside that, always steel for weapons. Always stone for sculptures. Always plainleather, bluefur or thrumbofur for clothes.

And electric stonecutter mod already exists. And chemfuel heater is useless, unless you make mod all around making cheap chemfuel.
I mean, Ideology adds the Gladiator Duel Ritual, available for ideoligions with the Memes Pain is Virtue, Cannibal, Supremacist, and Raider.
Aside from that, Vanilla Expanded Memes has the Blood Court meme with the Leadership Challenge Ritual.

Not sure what else you might be looking for.
>None of those are interesting.
They aren't intended to be gameplay-changing as much as seamless additions to the game I can make to practice modding.
If you're low on Steel, making some production tables use less of it in exchange for stuffable material would be useful. Chemfuel lights/heaters are more about giving more use for chemfuel that can save you wood if you haven't researched Electricity yet. Chemfuel is only good as a fuel source, while wood can also be used for building, so I think giving more uses to Chemfuel to save up on wood would make sense. More so if you're doing challenge runs (Ice Sheet/Desert colonies with little wood, etc).
All of the things you mentioned are 5 minute xml edits if you know regex and have a decent text editor instaled.
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Thanks, these faces remind me a lot of Fubuki, I'm going to make a colony just with Kurin
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cane aternitigno has both coomer (garter belt) and non-coomer flavors
unfathomably cute
if i was a modder and had to deal with retards asking for compatibility to a shit mod every single time i would have to close comments too before calling them retarded niggers
You probably expected a reply that said something like "holy le based", but I'm just going to call you an underage sperglord.
What mod do you want compatible anon I might make it for you
I don't use CE, phoneposter.
roo is indeed special
but yes, he said he doesn't want a biotech anty mod to be made ever
codelets should be gatekept from enjoying rimworld
what a faggot.
>what a faggot.
he'd throw a tantrum if he were here right now
I bet he argued on comment sections endlessly until he finally closed them.
>I love my airship, makes caravaning so much easier
my seethe is eternal since it dumps the entire cargo out when landing so you have to use the terrible manually targeted loading
mental break, simple as
>She's making me turn into a metal (hard) horror (scary) if you know what I mean
what did anon mean by that?
>this meme is still going
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The raging homo did it.
>catposter exposes himself as a newfaggot
love to see it
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combo breaker
What a sad creature you are. At least accept you are an imbecile.
For me, it's Wrong posting.
nazi suits and tactical samurai armor... so cool
for me, it's temperate forest with 0.3x plants and 0.2x animals
>All three events end within hours of each other
Finally, I can start playing the game again.
yes, textures are great and your baseliners can wear those outfits too
if bloat is a concern, I recommend this one over the other three from the same author
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You can tell this is a samefag btw because he keeps deflecting with "no u`s"
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this is what happens when no one posts horses
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im guessing there will never be a decent steam sale and i should just stop poorfagging
I bought the base game long ago but then started pirating the expansions because i dont wanna pay for a mod

but i miss having easy access to actual mods so ill just buy it
Pls tell me if there are easier non-pirate ways to get the expansions before i open my wallet!!
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I'm at the precipice of filtering all lowercase posters. Nothing worth reading has ever come out of their mouths.
tynan is on record saying his shitty game will never ever go on sale for more than 10% so pay up piggy.
just use rimpy dumbass. i don't know how buying the dlcs is supposed to make mod management any easier. what are you even talking about.
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Shut your whore mouth.
>said the animal PFP user
good riddance id say,
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No, I will speak my mind.

That's not what that word means. Catposters really tore you a new one, huh?
Yeah that's really nice. I almost want to just rip out the clothes but I think I have enough clothing mods as it stands.
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lowercase is for true pioneers who aren't afraid to break the rules
Do these fit the vanilla bodyshape or do they have l*gs
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it's a biotech mod, so yes
this one is the most polished, followed by orostonian
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Says who?
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Just one question. What does this mean?
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/rwg/ - really weird general
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Finally my rats are getting married.
qt rats
blame Tynan for not making a proper artstyle
so now everything is a hodgepodge
You should be flayed for this.
>That's not what that word means
thats exactly what "profile picture" means.
you use various animals as a profile picture because you're a normalfag who needs an identity bound to his posts.
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i can forgive sesbian lex striking again
but this? this is vile and a true sin.
I want to use their apparel, but its shading somehow doesn't look enough like the rest of the game to me, and the apparel icons hurt me
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You're (you are) opinion isn't worth ratkin shit to me.

Appreciate the insight, armchair psychologist. Any more pointers on how to fit in more with the c00l and 1337 infamous 4chan hackers?
Both of those things are terrible sins, and I cannot forgive him.
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Anyone experienced Ratkin tunneler raids from HAR rats or Ratkin factions+ in 1.5? Does it work or is it a buggy mess? I removed those from biorats thinking it's broken since it can't be triggered through devmode but it turns out it's one of those conditional raids like deep drill infestations. Personally, I think it's uneccesary bloat but if I restore that biorats would have all of HAR rats content.
I just bought the game and doing my first actual colony. Is there supposed to be idle time, like when the colonists are sleeping? Can you assign to many orders?
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>Anyone experienced Ratkin tunneler raids
Played a colony with HAR rats for 3+ something years and never seen one.

Btw could you please upscale and include vanilla ratkin faces in your next release?
wow researchpal is super confusing
filtered. I think I'm going back to vanilla
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Can't speak for 1.5, but it was basically the only rat raids I got from them in 1.4
Use ResearchTree, retard.
always remember this is the sort of person you are replying to on 4chan
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seems it's just some donut steel gene
you get two abilities that function like low tier psycasts and can each disable one target through different means and have a long cooldown
>tps 0
For the average play through how many toons should I shoot for to have in my colony?
mod(cheat)xisters......our response???
the game starts hard limiting recruitment opportunities after 10 colonists
How can I summon more toons to my colony? Are there rare toons that you can recruit?
yeah research tree also feels like a mess to me. it's more immersive than vanilla when you have a lot of mods that would otherwise have their own tab but that's about all the praise I can give it
first off, they're called colonists
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you can and will do nothing about it
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I've also included my WIP for Ratkin Factions+ port for biorats. 1.5 only though and only got rid of the red errors. I would appreciate it if someone could test tunnel raids with that or vehicle raids as well.
Handbreak damage is such a dumb fucking mechanic. Holy shit.
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>you can do nothing
Yes I can.
^[a-z0-9_\-\ \p{P}]+$
>you will do nothing
I'm pondering.
You mean, people getting their hands shot off?
someone translate this for a brainlet
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Thanks, I'll be wrapping up my current colony soon and then I'll try out your mod.
Yeah my colony is littered with half finished construction plans. I'd say it's pretty much done now.
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Ok, maybe I'm blind but I don't see vanilla faces in there anywhere. Probably a case of miscommunication, I meant faces from this mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1613269214

>inb4 blasphemy
I don't like any of the face replacer mods, so I'd rather keep it in line with the original style

Also found some misspellings
>line 1282 of 1552 --82%-- col 111-125
meaet -> meat
>line 1054 of 1552 --67%-- col 40-54
curiousity -> curiosity
>line 778 of 1552 --50%-- col 33-47
livng -> living

I once again urge you to make a public git repo so shit like that can be fixed easier and faster.
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This game has been going easy on me for quite a while, I'm getting worried.
Also here is a non gay marriage for once in my colony
make babbies
I love this post
All this jelly and insect meat will hold off hunger until my crops regrow. Poor Graves got bloodied though.
No, I'm pretty sure he means the handbrake mechanic from VE Vehicles. If you issue a movement command too close to a vehicle at speed, the vehicle will brake and damage it's wheels. Thank Oskar for a glorious piece of game design.

Luckily it can be turned off in the VVE mod options.
Thanks for that Stream, what a wonderful gift for the colony.
Where is my Imperial wife Layla?
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My rat looks better than before, nice work.
Tunnel invasions don't seem to work for me. I can provoke many of them through devmode, but no enemies spawn alongside the drill, and it produces red errors.
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>Are there rare toons that you can recruit?
unironically yes. some colonists have special backgrounds or unique names like this cockalorum right here
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To be fair, I should of expected this to happen
i can't believe my favorite poster's colony is going to die to the most retarded event in anomaly
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What the fuck happened to reel's expanded storage? Shits out red errors no matter where I put it in the loadorder since yesterday's update.
>he updated
It got updated. Linkables are fucked.
It was only one so other than Katya and Sarum getting hit a little everyone else is fine except for Silvershield lol.
But don't worry, I have a solution.
>another soul got fucked by workshop updater
piratechads keep winning
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Look mate I can't be arsed to read every mod's page every time I update ok?
What's more egregious is that there's still no option to pin mods to a particular revision. Does steam even keep the older ones? I know it does for games because that's how you downgrade skyrim.
>Does steam even keep the older ones?
Use rimpy like you should have been doing the whole time and use it to download all your mods locally.
I am using rimsort, and I am downloading mods "locally" with steamcmd as if if you use workshop subscription you run them from somebody else's machine, retard. It doesn't keep a backup of every version you have ever downloaded.
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I have no idea what I'm doing (code illiterate) but here. First time user and I don't want to waste too much time learning how to use github so sorry in advance if I require some handholding.
>vanilla faces
Oh, that mod, give me some time since upscaling alone won't cut it for low-res textures like that, I'd have to clean/redraw after upscaling.
1.4 or 1.5? Do you have error logs? How did you trigger tunnel invasions? In my case, (1.5 devmode) triggering tunnel invasions have a big NO on the button label.
>use it to download all your mods locally
Huh? What do you think steam workshop does, streams the mods to you through the internet live as you play?
oh no
>The entire vanilla expanded library
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You cannot bully me. I'm fucking invincible.
why is the helmet bigger than her body
She works out at the library
He meant using rimpy to copy the mods locally so gamebreaking updates aren't forced on you.
1.5 as well. The [NO] doesn't appear on my end.
I'm fairly retarded when it comes to error logs, so I'm not entirely certain if this will help you that much.
Exception ticking RK_RF_GuerrillaTunnelSpawner4361573: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[Ref F4276F84]
at RatkinFaction.Building_GuerrillaTunnelC+<>c__DisplayClass28_0.<TrySpawnPawn>b__0 (Verse.PawnKindDef x) [0x00000] in <d30e5a5f357b49fc99ba79d74a2b615a>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable+WhereListIterator`1[TSource].ToList () [0x00017] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0
at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source) [0x0001f] in <351e49e2a5bf4fd6beabb458ce2255f3>:0
at Verse.GenCollection.TryRandomElement[T] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, T& result) [0x00029] in <2bfa0c274f854b5095bb30bd48706ce7>:0
at RatkinFaction.Building_GuerrillaTunnelC.TrySpawnPawn (Verse.Pawn& pawn, System.Single limitPoint) [0x0005f] in <d30e5a5f357b49fc99ba79d74a2b615a>:0
at RatkinFaction.Building_GuerrillaTunnelC.SpawnPawnsUntilPoints (System.Single points) [0x00010] in <d30e5a5f357b49fc99ba79d74a2b615a>:0
at RatkinFaction.Building_GuerrillaTunnelC.SpawnInitialPawns () [0x00000] in <d30e5a5f357b49fc99ba79d74a2b615a>:0
at RatkinFaction.GuerrillaTunnelSpawnerC.Tick () [0x0015e] in <d30e5a5f357b49fc99ba79d74a2b615a>:0
>I am using rimsort
oh no no no
um... I think my rat is sending the wrong prayer to god for pawn resurrection. I guess this child is just permanently dead then.
When you ask God for help and he can only be bothered to send a few red strings of text down from the Heavens.
Yes, colonists should sleep, but besides that fact, early game should be the most labour active for your colonists, as in alot of work
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The Udar is cool, but it's basically a worse mortar when it comes to defence. Still, it's a great offensive option when raiding enemy bases.
I'll never choose proprietary software when a viable foss alternative exists.
I'm already using Rocketman. Should I be using Performance Fish as well, or instead of it?
What other performance mods and changes are recommended?
I'm not going to say anything to a person who posts Medusa with legs.
I do download my mods locally.
Do you just never click update?
Do you read every single mod page every time you update?
Too bad, more snake woman for me.
Performance Fish goes with it, yes.
There's a mod called Performance Patches, I forget where it's from though.
1024 * 1024, nigga that's like 64 times vanilla texture size lmao.
You keep the woman. I just want the snake. I like the way the scales taste on my hands.
AFAIK, Medusa's change from fully humanoid to snake was gradual.
Would be reasonable to have partially reptilian legs instead of a tail at some point.
In addition to a tail large enough to sit on is a bit weird though.
scaly leggies are the sort of compromise that misses the entire point of making her either a snake or a woman.
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Here you go.
Snake pussy sex love
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so you're one of those people
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Why don't retards test their mods before pushing updates? This isn't some edge case that takes 50 steps to reproduce, this is just me launching the fucking game with bare minimum setup, which means the author didn't even bother to do that much.
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Nuked and redownloaded the mod - the errors went away.
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