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Last: >>484097617

>Ellen Character Teaser - "Oh Ellen, Please!"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eURuH5-boxo (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yO9-Hs7jH0I (JP)

>Zenless Zone Zero's Version 1.0 Pre-Release Special Program, "Welcome to New Eridu”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uACgiN-216s (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rFgS0ia0 (JP)

>Release date:
July 4th, 2024 on PC, PS5, and mobile

>44+ Trillion Pre Registrations
>Pre-Register for Zenless Zone Zero:

>Web Event


>Official Twitter Account:

>Capcom x Hoyoverse Creator Roundtable

>Redeemable codes (claimable only in-game)


>Lycaon Character Demo

>Billy Character Demo

>Nicole Character Demo

>Anby Character Demo

>Nekomata Character Demo

>Grace Character Demo

>Koleda Character Demo

>Rina Character Demo

>Solder 11 Character Demo

>ZZZ stickers
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Any guide for reroll yet?
It's the same shit as star Rail. Consult their guide. As for me I either roll Rina and stick to the game possibly and whale. Or I don't roll her and call it shit and leave.
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Miyabi waiting room
spend only Standard tickets
save all limited currency for Miyabi
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Why is he called Ben Bigger?
>game is not even out yet
>/zzz/ already talking about cuckshit
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First limited S-rank furry WHEN?
How do you think she lost her arm?
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umm just in case my response isnt missed cuz i spent like 2 minutes typing this out for the anon who asked
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Did waterkuma save this game?
apparently hes the accountant of the belabog group and is a math nerd.
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>street culture
yep this game will be aimed to everyone outside of china and it will surpass all expectations
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It wouldn't bother me so if Virgilfags weren't loud and obnoxious
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Hopefully on 1.1 so I can save after having to roll on both these semen demons
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rescued the future King of Pirates from the Lord of the Coast
lol, no zzz loli will ever show that much butt
lolis were MADE for niggas(me)
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I'm gonna buy every single top up bonus the moment the game goes live
Make fun of me
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Are you taller than shork?
She might be the most boring looking character to me. I think it's her color scheme.
are we gonna say the guy on the right isnt black?
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no wonder her pussy is so fat
We still don't have a noble black man who is superior to everyone. like guilty gears nagoriyuk
No I’m 5’6”
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This is some Need For Speed: Most Wanted Shit, I love it.

Jet Set Radio.
Nfs:MW 2005.
And lolis.

Hasn't this been a thing since the first thread?
Formerly Nen
Make him meta like Nago too. Meta for years. Then make his best supports all female
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>6/17 of the current roster is cunny
Reminder that cunnyGODS won
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Is her weapon of choice a buzzer?
Why would anyone say that? Dude on the left isn't, dude on the right is. They never fucked btw, so not sure what you're implying.
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they definitely had sex bro
Will they add moms to this game?
Thank you
China is literally NTR capitol of the world though according to fetish statistics. So uhh... If that's your metric you should say everyone outside and inside China.
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Yes, he will continue to push cunny and save the game
I forgot to ask, zzz celebrate birthdays?
>the sad beta asian man on the left holds our his arms as a stepping stool for her knee
>the alpha male black man grabs her butt and fingers her
we winning blackbros
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How come they're the only team that doesn't have a cohesive art style and theme?
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hopefully they make a dramatic story quest out of finding out how. but, we'd best go ahead and anticipate reading about it in the character details menu.
>They never fucked btw
You are with them 24/7? While you are at work they are having fun in the sheets
>she gets locked up with big guys
>you think there's going to be rape
>they help her leave
That's the joke. I don't know what else to tell you.
They're the straw hat pirates
They’re the main characters
bro Tyrone is literally fingering her, hello??
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Based and same, I’ve been interested in the aesthetic of the game for over a year and the sudden reveal that it’s going to be cunny central has me even more hyped
Is not that their appeal?
Because they're a rag-tag bunch of fuckups.
the police lady is a mom
Have you ever tried to push a fat ass bitch through a tiny window over your head?
Everyone here fucked her.
Just self insert as one of them, why is this so hard for Americans?
Yeah it’s pretty funny honestly
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I'm black and I don't appreciate you saying we have untoward relationships with lolis. Cute girls should be protected
Cuz they are a bunch of outcasts, black kot and Nicole are orphans, Anby is a combat clone with amnesia that Nicole adopted and whatever the fuck Billy is.
what is wrong with waterkuma
The only thing wrong is that Mihomo is holding him back with censorship. Unleash him.
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lmao Nicole's soul eats on, girl got heart.
watching is more fun
Nothing. That's the entire series of two pictures. It was a wholesome encounter. Most of his degenerate stuff is from 2017 and before. People are blowing it out or proportion.
she's nothing flashy or exciting but she's the designated Samurai Swordshit of the game so for me it's a must roll
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black not brown nigga. tired of you brown mfers callin urself black. matter of fact post ur hand nigga
you better be darker than me
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Currently hoping that robotummy and ass remain unscathed
my NIGGA big ben
im literally from South Africa
>all this blacked discussion
>because of something that doesn't even appear in game
starting to think you unironically just like it here not gonna lie, mutt hours are horrible
Ben Bigger the Big Ni-
hello elon musk
NTA but niggas come in different tones, just because you're dark than him doesn't mean he isn't Black.
I'm mixed tho
we only accept pedoniggas here.
That is their theme you dimwit. You self answered yourself.
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there's nothing wrong with liking it
Doesn’t matter, it’s all the same to crackers
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Why the fuck are they releasing the game during Anime Expo? Literally self sabotage this fucking retarded chinks they fucked all my fucking hopes of playing on release.
Americans started this. My genetics are 50/50 black and white but mutts insist I'm 100% black. Like what's the meaning of this? I am as much white as I am black dammit!
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Browns will do anything to claim a race other than black and bush obsidian niggas literally do not post on 4chan. Not posting my fucking hand, but I'm older than you, bigger than you, and blacker than you. I'd be Big Black if that nigga didn't still my title
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Shut the fuck up you degenerate.
Bache (Azur lane) is for (you), I assume mihoyofags are cuckfags.
BLACK means you are from America. niggas from africa and the UK arent BLACK. We are different species. next time pipe down when real niggas are talking pipsqueak
hmmm nyo
The artist likes it so its ok to like it here too. I'll hide spades in every picture I post here so be careful of what you save.
It's just a fetish I don't get why people have a meltdown so quickly over it
Your ass is not white only mixed females can claim not black
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a lotta porn discussion for a game with barely any porn
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i don't always jack off to video game character illustrations BUT....
if we allow furry discussion we allow blacked discussion
none of you are black you NIGGERS
Corin the 4chan!
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Will they allow the idol cunnies to have nude con arts?
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race =/= ethnicity
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It's obnoxious and only white people like BLACKED shit. No nigga wakes up to jack his shit to porn with dudes who look like they came out the bush fucking unattractive blonde bimbos
>piper removes her gloves only
no dude, even hsr has naughtier eidolons than the stuff in zzz, it's over... waterkuma was just a marketing ploy
Made for...
zzziggers i had a strange dream last night and now i think i have a new fetish and i’m not sure it exists. i want to see a physically capable looking man with the personality of a pathetic bratty loli. the expressions chinatsu have in her concept art have me worked up, but the dream i had was about her and a guy that was seemingly trying to protect her from me but he was so easy to push around even though he was clearly strong and he would make the same kind of expressions as her and these huffy noises. in the end both of them submitted down to me even though they acted like they weren’t into it. i’m bisexual btw
>I'll hide spades in every picture I post here
Make them very subtle please I like those ones the most
Dude the insane ratio of cunny to non-cunny isn’t a ploy, and it looks like they’ll keep it up too
the official art and promo clips for this game have so much soul
but why the fuck does it have to be made by mihoyo
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what's the point if it's all modest? what do I look like, a puritan?
when people are talking about black people they are talking about american blacks. We set the standard on how black people are seen around the world. If you a UK or a congo nigga you play by our rules.
waterbear has so many artist friends who will spam artwork and porn of the game.
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I wouldn't call this modest
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Pretty sure that character archetype is already a thing in yaoi
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Guys who look physically capable but act pathetic and are easy to push around are hot, although I’m pretty gay so I’m biased
in murica ethnicity and race are interchangeable, and they both also mean nationality, if your great great grandpa is italian you can larp as someone who seethes at NY pizza
all the genshin funds went to star rail and ZZZ

purisu understando (´・ω・`)
My eyes are trained, you will never fool me
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it aches...
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Are we allies or rivals with /hsrg/? I already know we hate wuwaggots.
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The android has a plump ass and a good tummy so that’s nice, and I can definitely see waterkuma pushing for the idol robot to have a cameltoe like the cop at least. You have to accept that hoyo isn’t willing to dip into softcore porn and take the provocative lolis they give us
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Here's my theory:
If you notice, all the cunny that aren't naked are either 4* or a standard 5*.
So maybe only limited 5* are going to get naked.
Do you enjoy making other anons horny?
They are the ones NTR posting anon.
I can smell it from her
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If the robocunny maintains her pudge I will kneel
Fofo posters are officially allies
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the more the merrier
It's pretty normal I think. I don't think it's immodest either.
Yeah, let's post some scat, guro, and unbirth shit here too
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Naked robo cunny for sure (i want to see her inner frame)
i think i’m only more into now cause it was paired with an actual brat and they were smushed up against each other in my dream. i’m definitely not gonna find that in yaoi.
Its these retards sucking the lead artist's cock, they can go fuck themselves, he's a degenerate and i'm not saying that because of the height of the characters he draws, anyone that draws that fucking garbage fetish is a retard that should not exist
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Rivals, we are unspoken BROTHERS in arms with /bag/
fuck she's so hot...
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I am commissioning Ellen Joe futa porn. Just thought you should know.
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He gave us a cunny game with hoyo level polish he could kill puppies as a hobby and I would consider him based
that meme format didn't age well
I see some on pixiv from time, bratty males getting fucked, pretty hot.
I don't know the tags though
There are better artists to pick without that fucking shit ass fetish and you know it, there's no reason to praise someone that draws subhuman garbage like that
It's just a fetish dude. He probably beats his meat to it and feels disgust afterwards like the rest of us.
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What are we gonna say in the first survey?
there are MCs with faces and backstories. we are already cucked idiot
make it futa on male, preferably the guy from school who almost got slapped by her tail.
Add more cunny
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Cunny together strong
Star Rail players sucks. Niggas spend all day bragging about autoing their game and posting firefly and sparkles and spamming homoworm shit in /gig/. They're terrible people and not your friends. Also you guys need to watch out because they're going to start falseflagging as HI3 players
I doubt it, i will always fucking hate those retards, they ruin art with their shit
Video games?
show more skin
release more cunny
add romance in the dates
Add more furries
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You already know.
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waterGOD making anti-cunny fags rage

too fucking based. Learn how the draw or STFU
you gonna piss off sensei anon
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all hoyo generals are frens with eachother
wuwaspammers get the rope though
He is unironically a cuck, I still to this day don't know why of all cunny artist they choose him
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I mean someone will be disgusted by anything. As reprehensible as it is, it's still just drawings. My friend used to draw mortal kombat shit with blood and fatalities all day for fun. People draw the most crazy shit because it makes them feel things they can't otherwise feel and probably wouldn't want to feel through reality. At least if they're not mentally unstable. Art expression is a release valve for our weirdest thoughts. I wouldn't put too much thought into it.
is it paired with cunny though? i need both being corrected at the same time. who would i even commission for this sort of thing
By maruto zhushi
Sharkbros wwa?
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What a fucking bitch this guy is
Look at the dogshit he draws, its disgusting
>cut off her tits!
>high schoolers can't have tits anymore!
ow, poor girls
Anby is sexy?
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You people are actually pedophiles??
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Present and accounted for.
You people are actually cucks??
I'm a hebephile.
>girls dont grow tits until they are 18
>what is a puberty
I don't think you understand what that word means
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Can anyone explain how the camera works in this game? Can you only control the X-axis? Are you able to zoom in/out and also control the Y-axis?
new noah video dropped
homos are itt right now

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How new
He needs to just stop playing anything that looks anime then. Stick to Western shit and collect his funco pops or whatever he does.
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Made for face down ass up
This is why gachas should not add even a single pedobait or furry character. It only attracts the most obnoxious faggots.
made up word for closet pedos
xitter doesn’t know who the art director is do they?
it's over.....
Oh that's more specific yeah...
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Proxies for this feel?
>twitt*r screenshots
>hating on lolis

xhe forgot to take xer meds today
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this guy is a mega sperg
on ly on the team whose logo is a spade, its a gambling game, spades are also used for gambling, ntr obsessed retard
Anbyfags are pwords...
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Cunny is based and this thread is great due to cunnyposting though? Maybe you’re the obnoxious faggot if you see something wrong here
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She doesn't match the aesthetic at all.
Normalfags will mass exodus once they learn who the lead artist is and then we can all be free of their cancer.
Alright then Marnie.
///I'm so glad everyone working on Zenless Zone Zero is a decent human being ^-^
>Both have red eyes with red/black hair
>one’s a high schooler while the other is a mother
>both banners on the same patch

I wonder….
>dr disrespect was actively grooming his audience and sexting underage girls
>people defend it to their graves
>see a drawing of a fictional loli or a anime girls tits are too big
>erm this is pedo you are literally hitler delete this now
I hate the internet so much
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>he’s a hagfag
You shouldn't be talking, you guys shouldn't even be on this game. Go back to school.
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remind me again why are we posting twitter trannies seething at cunny instead of cunny
Someone needs to just go and pop their cherry already so they can rage and tire out before launch.
It's almost always via adoption
Post big tits.
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Please post more funny Anbys
poltards love twitter for some reason
i want to lick blue onis tummy...
Go back to genshit or Honkek.
How mechanical do you have to be to score with her?
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Here bwo
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why are fofofrens and qq posters the enemy again when cunnytards actively post blacked shit
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>"not sexualized"
>winking and smiling at you
>shirt unbuttoned
>literal pin-up pose
fully mecha probably, that means (you) won't have a dick to score with her rip.
>called out the anal worms
>thread heals suddenly

you don't have a place here raging homos, cunnyGODS owns this thread
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Mhm yes more cunny on the way good sirs
I'd rather have pedophiles spamming cunny porn than normies acting like they matter in our nerdy spaces.
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every time i see the thumbnail for this image, i keep seeing her pregnant
God bless Mihoyo, nice
Is she unpopular? She's really cool. The stupid cat and shark got so many more views.
Become the mods won't make Twitter, youtube, and reddit screenshots and autoban. There's literally no reason for a screenshot from one of these shits to every be posted it's always for shitposting or ragebait garbage.
We don't have any zzz cunny to post.. artists need to hurry the fuck up
People said every time you unlock an Eidolon in this game, their art becomes increasingly more undressed. Is this true?
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CunnyCHADS rule this general and include fofo and qq posters, you cannot divide us
Is Billy complete comic relief or are there any signs that he's hiding his true powerlevel
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Bangboo love
Yes for older characters, no for younger characters.
Star Rail idiots are falseflaggers
Any drawing requests? I'm bored
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Depends. Some like Piper basically lose no clothing.
He seems competent when he fights and there was teaser of his past and how “feared” he was under his old manager. the comic relief is definitely a front, he seems to be inspired by characters like vash from trigun
>the whole loli culture of japan versus twitter
who would win
Based. I will now play your game.
Piper showing off her tummy
The bear dude having his way with a black man.
Draw the character you like the mpst with a pet rock please
He is hiding his identity with a mask and being goofy in fights is always a sign you don't take it seriously because you are that strong.
if i wanted to go on twitter i would be on twitter. i'm on 4chan expecting to discuss other things other than twitter faggots. let's talk about piper, no. let's talk about twitter faggots talking about piper, unironically kill yourselves. stick to fucking twitter since that's all you post
He's not wearing a mask, he's a robot and his face just looks like that
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I hope this game finally breaks the Japan barrier and becomes popular there.
Piper and Lucy
Blue oni getting her tummy licked.
i am le deadpool
go back to your toilet thread homo, didn't i said your kind didn't belong here?
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corrin and fofo sloppy makeout
It's not looking good desu.
It’s possible, the characters are way better than usual thanks to watercooma
no horse pussy no care
maybe his creator is someone important
The thing I hate about cunnyfags is how desperate they are to be oppressed so they can pretend to be some rebels fighting for freedom. You can see them in this very thread crying over some tweets that have less than 5 likes. Absolutely pathetic.
Don’t they need to make more characters that are popular in the west for that? What do western people like?
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Draw this, with uh, more emphasis
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>makes fun of someone being retarded
>Uh uhhh they’re trying to be oppressed!!!
Didn’t know it worked that way
>rap everywhere
>American names
>American high school setting

Japan is not on their radar. japan sucks at games.
Please make an Anby rabi
If the (you) pandering is weak I doubt BA artist will stay, same with im@s or Azur lane artists.
it's all the BAtards
You should stop hoping
zzz can't be played while standing on the train and that's requirement to be popular in japan
no one is spamming tweets about it right now but it does get annoying when you see 5 twitter screenshots and you see the same automatic replies to it. i'm fine if it's once in a while but all you're doing is just looking at garbage at the end of the day. it's not interesting.
I’m neither for or against lolis. I just find it really annoying that one vocal minority keeps spamming the thread with same pictures, gatekeeping the thread, saying “no hags, no fags this is a cute and funny game”, and then shit on everyone else for not liking cunny.
Cunnygods winning itt…
bafags are getting too uppity around here
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China politics aside, the average jap phone can't handle more than this or Monster strike
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BAgods runs this website
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Who are (You) hoping to get on the beginner banner?
Flopped anime. Flopped sales.
The furry cyclops.
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Anything but the furry
mid archive
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my doggo
Bro your P&D where 1 attack deals 20 hits that all hit the integer limit?
Soldier 11 or nekomiya ideally
im not going to reroll so i accept everybody including lycaon because i will roll for zhu yuan and qingyi
Rina. If I get the furry I am quitting the game.
post the ba sensei in the maid outfit
For me it's
Grace > Nekomata > Maid tits
If anyone else I'll probably reroll.
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Grace, I don't even know if she's good since no one mentions putting her in teams tho. So I'd be fine starting with Sleepy Joe or 11.
The first 3. I don't really a standard banner attacker when I'm already going for the limited ones.
If I don't get Rina or Grace I'm killing everyone in this shitty thread.
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Lycaon of course.
My daughter Koleda.
>all the fanart use pre-censored designs

based beyond belief
i'd need to actually experience the gameplay first, but cat cunny and cowtits are very tempting
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The actual question is who will be the Qiqi/Bailu/Yanqing of the standard banner that will get mega powercrept and be complete shit.
/gig/ and /hsrg/ are going to be teaming up with us tomorrow against/wuwa/
I hate them both.
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What happens tomorrow?
Any of them is fine, except the furry
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This one cosplay is the reason for me wanting to play ZZZ.
The furry has a snowflake and will therefore be ZZZ's "BEGONE" spook.
wuwa's funeral
/hsrg/ and /zzz/ will team up to rid the world of the open world menace
aren't they the same faction?
Cute and funny Miyabi
I hate star rail though.
We need a cute femboy who can be our Bridget
when does the ellen trailer drop
chart for June
but I don't like hsr
Xi Jinping banned femboys though. Only genshin gets a pass as long as they continue exporting Chinese culture to the west.
The wolf, just look the banner
>But metawise
Still the wolf he and elen Joe share the same element, unless he gets buffed on launch day or he and Ellen Joe have synergy.
hwlo me not englsihj first language. how doe s that game woiek. i see mant outside places store s to explore and me wonderfuling how levels work. is that a menu like traditonal gacha or doese character exist in realm of rea lity that intstance battles or wjhat of. whatr overworld be like. menu or battles or shops?
the kot
Grace is probably the standard character that will retain relevance the longest, with the wolfman and rina just behind her
they only banned them on TV and china is gay as fuck beneath the surface.
I don’t think you know how team building in this game works. Lycaon and Ellen were made to be on the same team.
>Nicole spent her youth as an orphan
>adopts a combat clone, a discarded robot and a stray cat
Based team mom
pedofurrytrannies will leave wuwa for this steaming pile of shit
it'll be a good day
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I feel bad for /wuwa/ already
ww unironically has better gameplay than hsr unless you're a woman. sorry not sorry.
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Teams are one element focused in this, right?
They cant say Lyney or Venti are femboys cuz that would be admitting they are pretty, and if they do that they would be gay
Strangely the A ranks appeal to me more.
any game has better gameplay than hsr
No, if you want to trigger anomalies you need 2 different elements.
>ctrl+f zzz in /wuwa/ for /zzz/+ content
Go to YouTube, search for ZZZ videos and change the subs to auto generate and pick your native language. That's the best chance you have friend.
Characters are currently designed to work with their agency teammates. This allows you to have range of elemental reactions suit whatever content. If you go monoelement, you will quickly and consistently get the reaction you want at the cost of being walled if the reaction does nothing to the boss.
kot will end up the worst character since she is a standard banner dps only that only works against bosses who dont have adds
People who played the beta and know what's up, I need to know your day one schedule. Are you going to be sweaty to hit certain milestones or is that just overly autistic for this game?
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Is ZZZ's writing like this? I'm skipping every scene if it is
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hsrgnigger here, is just one guy shitting both of yours general btw
its just a singleplayer beat em up with gacha mechanics, why the rush? get a life.
Stelletroon still argues that Luofu is better than Penacony btw
a lot of us are from /hsrg/ bro. we know
>filtered by nouns
lmao retard
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I will not do a single limited pull until they come around
When is the mace wielding girl going to be available?
No, it doesn't have ancient Chinese flowery poetic writing.
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>get a life.
what did you just say to me
it's some dude with no life that posts in all these gacha threads every single day
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BASED, the only thing that could sway me is if the android is an S-rank
Based, I'll do it just this once because fuck wuwaggers.
how strong are the a ranks compared to the s ranks? can you even beat bosses and stuff with all a ranks?
We expect everyone to have intimate knowledge on how to build Firefly here. If you don't you will be humiliated and mocked.
A rank characters with S tier relics can't even get close to the DPS of a S rank character with C tier relics
I skipped
i dropped that shit in luofu
you can but it's more work since they'll have lower damage/utility 99% of the time
How does HSR do compared to Genshin? I though HSR was more popular there as it was a turn based RPG
The ESL and typos already gave it away. I'll even bet my left nut that the retard is samefagging. As always just ignore.
so it's pointless to even bother with a ranks at all then?
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b a s e d
damn, this is what they took from us
>there is 5 or more xianzhou ships left
Make that bet with God, and kiss that left nut goodbye.
i mean ultimately it's a casual gacha game so just use who you like, you will just need to work harder to use a 4* to its max potential
I mean, it's not like you're gonna have a full roster of S ranks right off the start
You'll need to cope with them for the first months or so
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did I hit a nerve bro?
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God bless the skip button.
can i play this game if im 458 pounds
You have to ask yourself how much cunny dedication you're willing to put out. A true cunnysseur would not let something as trivial as "a rank" sway their team comps
You need a Neuralink, bwo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7am9DB0qq4
It depends how much extra button mashing my hands have to do to compensate.
Based, I WILL run Lucy and Piper
we're all niggas here
the moment you posted here you have already become an african chad
3 A rank with dupes > 1 S rank with no dupes
Basically, I'm going to need a size chart to decide my team comps.
Too bad the cunny A-ranks aren’t on rate up yet
I am a white girl I am not black.
am i the only one who finds it a bit concerning the lack of high quality art being drawn for lucy or piper? or the idols for that matter who were announced in the stream. why is it we’re still posting the same crops of their official art, where’s the fanart at? artists should’ve been on it by now
We are all just porns in waterkuma’s game
less than 3 days finishing my genshin stories while waiting
one of the few things I'll agree with stelletroon with
luofu is pure kino
Artists don't care about this censored slop. They have BA doujins to draw.
Game isn’t released yet so hype is yet to meaningfully build
where is this countdown?
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Nips are not impressed on zzz
is dis a menglish game or +japamses ga,e
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Zensored Zone Zero
>added more detail with every "censor"
kys what shitty bait
Lycaon is so lucky. He has so much art already.
I'll spend 1k on android just to piss off wuwers.
The 11 one is the only one that bugs me
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Based, it's not like they are qiqi levels of bad, it shouldn't be too much of a hassle
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Zensored Animations
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>those hours again
get a life my dude
I hope they do an art contest
This kind of stuff will only get worse as time goes on.
Add more photos of tectone, since you love him so much.
Nah. Mihoyo gets less censored as time goes one.
As a hips and ass man this one hits me to the core.
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Important survey
>Favorite ZZZ character so far
>What general do you come from
Soldier 11
I doubt it, but I hope you're right. Let's cross our fingers.
If I don't get her or Grace I'm going to tell everyone this game is shit. So pray for me okay?
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Who is behind these changes? It seems like someone is the panty commissar or something. Controlling every aspect of every character's underwear.
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Piper sex
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No (you) pandering, no art.
Makes me cry every time.
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>The same failure of an abortion who likes to vandalize fanart with his "blacked" fetish that got banned on /hsrg/ is here
If hsrg can kick that faggot, so can this general. Kill yourself already you waste of air. I'm sure the rope you buy to kill yourself is worth more than a single breath you take, faggot. Neck yourself quick.
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/bag/ (I'm a Kayocute fan)
I thought you guys liked Hebes?
Never played a gacha before
Can you add more of the bald retard i don’t think there’s enough
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Nerfed not once but twice

after the people have already pulled for her

what was their plan here ?
Bro don't let some random poster control your mental state like that. It's not worth it.
imagine if they do this with nicole too
Just fap to fanart buddy. Don't be mentally insane like me okay?
Ellen Joe
/hsrg/ /lcg/
Wait someone posted vandalized art? Who was it I might have saved something on accident.
Notice how neither of these include hsr, which has gotten (marginally) more risqué over time since launch
There needs to be a range. They can like hebes and still respect that huge breasted women need to exist in the game world. It's all about variety.
Bros... She looks dangerous...
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/hsrg/ and /fgoalter/
>Main artist likes black
>Waterkuma draws black

it's out of topic on the other generals it's relevant here, this isn't your safespace retard
Rosaria height was never lowered. So she's just a flat chested hag now.
Anyone else planning on dropping the game if they roll the furry?
They already are. They hate Nicole and Grace.
Considering Nicole and Grace looks like we got the Genshit team.
>game is described by devs as a post-apocalyptic story where there is no grand plot to save the world
>just the daily lives of the people who survived the catastrophe
How does this work? Are they just living with the hollows? They're fighting them so clearly not, so why is there no force striving to wipe out all Hollows/reclaim the world for humans or whatever? Is this just an excuse to not have to introduce an antagonistic force?
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I sure do, thread isn’t a hivemind though
Also this: >>484192418
I'll just reroll
Nah games looks fun. If I get the furry I might reroll though, but I'll take literally anyone else. I don't even mind furries I just don't want the dude as my first limited.
I don't like what the spoiler implies...
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she reminds me more of kazusa
I'll reroll, basically anyone from the beginner gacha I'll take besides that fucking furry faglord
This is a completely new team though, wanna suck kektone off more?
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Let's all thank the successful streamer Tectone for bringing us this breast reduction comparison
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/gig/ lurker and /hsrg/
>got yankek, dropped hsr
>dodges lingyuck, still playing wuwa
Simple as.
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Kazusa is Kayoko 2 anyways
Me. Fuck rerolling since I got already play other games. Mihoyo either gives my whale ass what I want or else.
Hardly. The furry is a great quickswap support for Ice teams. 95% of the field time is going to be your DPS, and he is not.
The MC are looking for Hollow Zero in their blurb though
he shall knot belle :)
I don't care for tectone, but him bringing light to stuff like this can only help right?
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Based cunnygod
Tectone did that months ago. They had all the time between CBT2 and CBT3 to revert the censorship and Mihoyo didn't. So they've made their choice.
Gotta agree with you. I might not drop lion kid now since I got all the girls but goddamn I would have dropped the game if he was my first 5 star.
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This but idol versions please
She is dangerous
All the gameplay footage on youtube suggest the opposite though? He's the best daze breaker so he's onfield the most out of all of them, Ellen only ever comes out during DPS windows aka when the daze bar is full. Also
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Hear me out guys...
That might be true, but he's still getting people to talk about it by acknowledging it to his huge audience. The more people talk about it the more of a pain it will be for hoyo to ignore, and even if it doesn't make them revert the changes maybe it will make them think harder about doing it again.
What does the 3/4 mean
kektone is based btw
Her ass and thighs bros…..
If we got robosex It would be my first 5* e6 easily.
Shame that mihoyo would rather pander to gay furries than monster girl, or god forbid robot girl fans.
He is just a necessary evil. That's it.
Isn't that one of the idol characters that's supposed to be released later?
That’s only during boss fights. During running down hallways and, clearing weak mooks, you’ll be your main dps.
I think it has something to do with time signatures
None of their designs have been finalized I think.
How are the 'dungeons' in this game? Fun to play or not as fun as just doing the bosses?
It is a group that is to be released later. I think my problem with the robot girl is that she has a "human form". I hope hoyo doesn't make her use that form all the time...
>released later
Expect censorship, and a complete redesign.
She MIGHT keep the bows and maybe a line on her joints to represent that she's a robot. Everything else will be completely humanoid.
I will be really fucking happy if I'm wrong, but I won't be.
She has a full bladder all the time. If you know, you know.
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She’s definitely coming sooner or later since they drip marketed the idols already, also we have the android loli soon at least
Then calling him a quickswap support is wrong. That describes how Soukaku plays, Lycaon does not play like that.
her color scheme just doesn't hit for me... she should be more vibrant, all her colors are muted together and make her look like an npc with that basic silhouette
They’ve already officially shown the designs so it’s too late to make major changes, rein in the doom a little
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>a complete redesign
She was shown in the live program so I don't think there will be any drastic changes. A bit of a battered wife right now anon....
I mean they have a literal bear and a wolf man with cybernetic limbs. I'm pretty sure we're getting the full robogirl.
That glasses hag
also looks like an NPC.
Something happened to the character designs at some point besides the idols.
Yeah, I agree. Some of the characters look insane in comparison and really fit the theme of the game, and some are just so normal and bland in comparison. It's like the generic character designer intern made them or something. I don't like to talk shit about characters that some people really like, but they really should be a little better.
Nicole doesn't give me much hope bro. Blame mihoyo for my doom.
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Yeah we definitely are, i just hope the pudgy robotummy is preserved in some capacity. Best case scenario is her getting some cameltoe like the cop but I doubt they have the balls
The EN localization will have us ask about robots preferred pronouns
Lol, they literally released official art, advertisements, etc. of Nicole and then still censored her after. Thinking some shitty design art prevents them from being censored is hilarious.
Nicole looks better with a bra and barely anyone would care if kektone didn’t ape out way back when
>17yo are allowed to drive cars in Murrica
>people still call them children
The robot girl has the best chance of not being censored. The other two maybe doomed however.
Ok, explain them making her tits smaller.
Well they just added some tacky black shit to her booba and reduced the size a small amount. The main character design stayed the same at least. I'm more assblasted by them changing the animation from sexy to boring and homogenous.
Is pol invading again like back in the cbt3 threads
I cared even before I knew who Tectone was. Fuck you and your acception of anything. Also the new animations suck.
I mean I get what you're saying, but he could actually be right.
She’s wearing a bra. The new design looks cleaner
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Bro how will they censor this miniskirt?
There's no realistic way to make so she doesn't flash her ass cheeks 24/7
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Don't let that fanart deceive you, she might not get a pudgy.
I would guess a cute and detailed butt and thick thighs
Make it longer, give her spats. There.
This. Game. Needs. Sexy. Animations. It. Is. Imperative. To. The. Enjoyment.
Having good jiggle physics and hot characters and having them be bland with boring camera angles should not be allowed to happen.
I think the second pose with her holding the bangboo plush looks better than her just turning around but they could have kept the first pose yeah
Every character will wear a burqa and you will like it. I'll be playing wuwa where that doesn't happen.
Unfortunately she will be cursed with the Chinese shorts. Because if you look up any skirts these days in Chinese Gacha, 99% of the time you will find shorts and little to no curve definition. If you happen to find spats with frills or anything even remotely resembling actual panties the entire community collectively cums from pent up sexual energy.
Black hair already has pink spats and I don’t really see what there is to censor about the one with the backpack
Nearly every other loli is showing tummy so far so I have some faith
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You're just another demoralizing shill.
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Has waterkuma added Bache to the game yet?
She already wear pink spats
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Those look like leggings to me. Where do you see spats?
Is bache the only character that waterkuma has made that is a 100% for you?
Corin will be my main
If the truth demoralizes you, perhaps you need to think it over.
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Yeah just don’t listen to doomfaggots, they’re being disingenuous
ellen HOE
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How impactful will signature weps be?
Can I get an underskirt check for the blue oni girl and corin? Are they shorts/spats girls?
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Would you guys frot with me? Don't google anything, just say yes or no.
>already censoring her puffy nipples on official art
It's over
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Honestly this being leggings might be the best case scenario, that way they might give us good curves like on the cop
is that short for fur knot?
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Of course cunnybro
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I'm pretty sure it's leggings. You can see the same diamond style leggings in many of the character designs, so I'm almost certain that's what they are.
The puff is there, it’s just subtle
only if we're DPing a cunny in the same hole
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At first I wasn’t too into rina since I’m more of a cunny guy but the ghost theming is really cute desu
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You guys won't be illegally installing skins right?
hoyo wouldn't like that
Yeah she looks like those Br*tish women from the 90s.
Yeah, she's really growing on me and one of the most underappreciated niche characters.
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They're definitely pedos (real)
Why can't they just not be insecure and just say that she's a cute character with an interesting design like they know she is?
why the fuck do these people play anime games if they hate basic ass tropes like lolis? it's not like it's even being sexualized to hell and back
Wait, Asta's panties look like that? Damn.
Prelaunch doomhomo
asta is the sluttiest girl on that space station
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Shill your game to me, why should i belive that this is not hi3 all over again?
>doesn't count
>Guy I Hate that design.. I fucking Hate that design ok?
Why are they so laud about it
What didn't you like about HI3?
Literally insecure. They think if they don't get all virtuous about seeing any young looking character and how gross and disgusting it is people will think they're weird.
must. virtue. signal.
Why the fuck is an FGC streamer shilling this game?
It means they like it. They are just tsundere :)
I won't decide for yourself
because hoyo paid them to?
zhu yuan bros not like this
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Honestly just look at some gameplay and see how you feel about it, I dreaded hi3 and I’m very interested. Also there’s a lot of cunny if that’s your thing
>censorshipfags decide to deflect by talking about the faggot streamers they watch
Sad to see.
I don't know how people take grifters like these seriously anymore. The last time I even watched gacha related content was jp guides for gbf and that was a long time ago.
see by yourself, but you should wait until it comes for an actual recommendation
ima bedge right now
It is funny because people like this started this meme that you CANNOT see a little anime character in other way than just sexual
It's censorship galore. Don't join. Not 90s enough either. A skateboarding gacha is coming though.
Yeah it doesn’t
This is just the same prelaunch stuff. Have fun wallowing in misery or falseflagging as someone who cares about the game to bring the mood down I guess
Bald retard viewer spotted lmao
Her butt really won me over. And Miyabi means that Ellen never stood a chance.
I have never watched a streamer. Try again!
It's to prepare for the inevitable fighting game collab. Marie rose is coming to zzz
>HSR player call this panties
the only thing I don't like about her is that her gameplay is some sort of melee mixed with some medium range shots
>Piper with an axe looks more fun to pilot than Lucy with her gagshit character moveset using baseball pigs
>the former's design is horrendous compared to the latter
Fuck man it's a lose-lose either way.
Its a new game so you dont have 100+ hours of content to catch up on, these devs don't hate cunny, and there will likely be less powercreep.
They did a discussion thing with some SF devs and people keep mistaking it for a collab
>WuWa shills last desperate attempt to doompost is to yap about censorship
You guys are so funny.
Guys, I have a potato PC that is capable of running Genshin and Star Rail on medium, will I be able to play this game too?
Wait for idols for a true cunny experience.
Yeah, hoyo has a decent eye for optimization by gacha standards
>this is the best smut our 3D gacha games can produce
we came so far just to go backwards
Probably. Only wuwa runs on unreal engine because their devs thought it was a good idea.
>Miyabi means that Ellen never stood a chance.
It's good to get the braindead himesoomers out of the way early
I never care about character gameplay in gacha, I just pick the girls I want to fuck the most and go from there
End game content will require more than one team. This isn't like Star Rail or Honkai Impact.
The kino of an all cunny idol team will be insane
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Yeah but different sides in Shuyu Defense will require different elements. Running ice on both sides won't be fun. And HSR does need multiple teams for endgame content
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Feel free to burkapost in response to this since you shitters are really predictable
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>be in group chat of 7 people
>1 guy clearly watch tectone
>shitting on ZZZ non-stop
>nobody reply to him
>took him 2 days to realize no one want to associate with him and leave
>everyone start talking ZZZ (and other Hoyo games + wuwa) after
>Happy Ending
maybe because you're looking in the wrong places. popular gachas are allergic to sexo. there is always a less popular one willing to be raunchier.
Based, tectone watchers are as retarded as he is
>Try to roll 2 whole separate Ice teams or 1 ice and 1 chaos team.
A difficult decision I am sure
That's pretty nice.
How am I a shitter? You sound like you're on a crusade and just lashing out at anyone who doesn't like bad quality pantsu. Also, where is that screenshot from? One of the cutscenes or an attack?
What ziggas are available to reroll day 1
hello farfiecord
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Who is this girl? Is she important?
You are right
shark maid
>>484185501 and these ziggas who are standard
Cute, what's wrong with it.
Piper is hotter desu
>It took 3 years for Ayaka to be playable in Genshin
>It took one year for Firefly to be playable in Star Rail

When will Miyabi become playable?
It's probably the skimpiest pantsu design currently in hsr.
4 months. Ayaka a shit btw.
she's not
>2.0 took 3 years to come out
You shills seem to get dumber as time goes on
What a weak bitch. I would have shit on you guys every single day. He just ran away.
Yeah they are weak. I would have kicked your ass outta the group day 1 and shitposted about you the rest of the evening behind your back.
ZZZ newfags shills are dumb yeah. Muhoyo should have hired old fags like us.
Bro, you forgot the time when Ayaka first appeared in the first CBT around 2019?
Hugboxes are full of weak bitches. It's why you are in 4chan.
imma ship miyabi with lycaon
furry and diet furry subhumans deserve each other
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excited for this game
it is also giving me splatoon vibes, anyone else think that way too?
Only game that seemed splatoon to me was project Mugen. But that's never coming out lol.
If Ben Bigger is the Russian bear of Zenless Zone Zero, doesn't that make him Zen Zigger?
Not sure yet but Piper is close and Ellen would be if she wasn't such a bitch
Nah you wouldn't be in a hug box like that bitch anon who was blogging. Being in a hug box means being a bitch.
in memoriam,
Ayaka's panties
>Coomer games exists
>Don't play those games
>Play non-coomer games
>Complain it's not a coomer game
Very excited myself, and I’ve also gotten a similar vibe. Hopefully they take some more musical inspiration and keep branching out genre-wise
>market to coomers
>censor your designs afterward
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Nice thanks :^)
>big bouncing boobs with jiggle physics
>literal ass shots
>hire hentai artist as art director and overlord
>literally sell characters based on sex appeal and visual appeal to mostly single men
>somehow people cope that this should be a game for non-coomers
how do i reroll if my account is locked to my hoyo id
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You don't
Again, this isn't like Star Rail or Honkai Impact. Ice is a general element that does good in all content besides being super effective against Mutant type enemies.
Frosbite is the strongest anomaly in the game by far, being the only one to increase the damage taken by enemies afflicted by it.
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How long are the dailies for this supposed to be?
I Shan't use wolf man. Thats gay.
No panty means it's not a coomer game. I don't make the rules.
They'll add new mechanics that force you to pull different elements if one gets too dominant and starts hurting the bottom line.
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I will self insert into Wise and fuck my sister Belle
>Pre Launch metaniggers
I've seen this before
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>I REALLY want to like it
>So change the game for me
True entitlement.
Yes please filter kektone
Do you /bag/fags spend your entire day looking for something to seethe about?
Yeah there's nothing to do right now
The way they are keeping players in check is with the factions + elements combinations. Characters will have some skills locked behind having at least 2+ of the same faction, while some element combinations will end up being more meta than others.
their game is an autobattler so they have plenty of time to browse twitter and reddit
it's the hsrg crowd, look at their threads during firefly's trailers
it works for western games.
Imagine if in the EN translation they actually change her info
>Creepy anime bullshit
>On an anime game
These people are retarded
the people who post that stuff are usually pedos because they feel guilty about finding ellen attractive when normal people can fiction from reality
>This is from the Genshin Impact Leaks subreddit
Yeah, that shithole is full of femcels and bitter trannies.
https://x.com/ZZZ_JP/status/1807626515116360127 why the sexy music
get filtered get filtered get filtered
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If they did I would probably quit the game because yes, I am that petty.
>go to women echo chamber
>screencap their retardation
>post it for (You)
YouTube react tier farming
Wait till the Twitter crowd learns about /ourpedoguy/ Waterkuma
Me >>484178973
Can anyone explain how the camera works in this game? Can you only control the X-axis? Are you able to zoom in/out and also control the Y-axis?
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ok post more tweets. i'm done just post your feed i don't care
>Yacht club jazz
>sexy music
We need to reverse it and post 4chan echo chamber over there
did waterkuma make the design for ellen? because I swear he does that same expression for 90% of his drawings.
are you supposed to pick Caelus or Stelle this game?

holy based?
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He designs all the characters
Do I really need to say more?
Papa Tect OWNS /zzz/
youtube comments always deliver
>Twitter and Reddit screencaps
>Links to e-celeb vids
Exactly what I like to see when I come to 4chan
papa tect would celebrate hot teenagers. that's why he's based and makes troons seethe.
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When we need IP count the most it disappeared
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We're scraping the bottom of the barrel my dude. The game is still over two days off and it's late hours for most posters. It's a blessing there's anything at all and you should thank the people keeping the thread alive.
based dangan stacy. i bet she ships nagito with hajime
but only /ourguys/ get posted here
don't like it? Leave.
Keep posting how normies get filtered. It really does look promising for ZZZ if trash like this gets filtered.
do people actually fucking waste their precious time on earth thinking about this retarded shit? normalfags are completely psychotic
there are so many actual problems you could be worrying about
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bros won't you think of the female playerbase...
The fuck is a straggot, why do they keep inventing new insult nobody understand
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how large is his erect dick?
>I go to twitter
>zoomers cucks everywhere
>I got to /vg/
>twitter sc of zoomers cucks everywhere
I hate them so much you ruin everything leave me alone
Are you planning to roll the first limited banner or are you going to start saving?
as big as his forearm
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8 inches tip to base of the knot
the mental gymnastic about the age of a fictional anime character have me worried about how retarded can people be
>am i going to roll for shark pussy or be a huge faggot
gee i dunno
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When ZZZ releases I'm gonna be educating these fellas about who Hoyoverse hired as their main artist, you will all be in flames
Saving until seth and miyabi release
Do not fuck the fish
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Oops lmao, wrong post, but you deserve that you cuck bitch. I hope it made you rock hard. Think about his thick red rocket and delicious precum dripping from his glistening tip as you lick it off his shaft.
But the point is to laugh at them anon. They were never going to play the game anyway. And if they did, they would be the first to cry when a sexy female was introduced to the game.

It's like watching cockroaches complain about the house they are invading and why "it doesn't have the yummy trash that I like".
The more normalfags are filtered, the more likely ZZZ goes full coomer. Furries are normally degenerate as fuck too, so I don't mind if they stay.
he's gonna KNOT you. deal wit it bellesisters
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>ugh... i can't be attracted to this young girl unless the arbitrary age number associated with her is raised higher, with absolutely no change to her appearance or design
it's amazing how these miserable fucks drain their own enjoyment out of everything
I really want Lycan to knot and fill me to the brim (I'm a biological woman)
People cant tell fiction from reality anymore. The actor for Homelander was getting threats because they thought he was a schizo in real life too.
lolis also filter furries
I would rather have a dead thread or anons tributing to whatever character than seeing anons react to twitter screencaps with "cringe", "filtered", "why do these people care about fictional characters" and "wait til twitter freaks see waterkuma" over and over again. It just feels very tiresome. 4chan acting like a 2nd twitter timeline is just depressing.
I want to see him knot you and feel the bulge from his growing swollen knot through the skin of your tummy. I want to feel the jets of cum as they fill your uterus to the brim with puppy seed.
I'm only into 10inch+ futa cocks, sorry.
Nah. Furries are so desperate for a high quality game that they are willing to coexist with lolichads as long as they get what they want. The only niggers getting filtered are tourists and normies who watch anime with EN dub and hate fan service.
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I hope every official piece of art of Ellen has her nipples exactly the way it is from now on. She can be like taki from SC. Her nipples have been poking through her outfit since the 90s
>thread is now furry RPing
we won sisters
tranny fetish alert!!
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Yeah but we can talk shit about them and that's fun.
why would I care
that would be hilarious
wait til the twitter freaks see waterkuma kek
>But the point is to laugh at them
I already did that and even told some of them about Waterkuma.
But I come here to read normal, non-puritan posts, it's the only place left on internet where I can do this.
fuck i'm kinda getting attracted... (straight male btw)
aint no way dog penis can bulge out of your stomach sis
Yeah I'm surprised no one has blasted them with it yet.
there are no actual lolis in though
just petite girls
Post art of Ellen then or something. Be the example of what you want.
Chopping your dick off doesn't make you a biological woman you retard
realistically speaking, is it so wrong to be a furry?
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>the official account retweeted this
but the bad furries themselves are extremely annoying and ruin everything they touch
It's as wrong as being into 2d children, so it depends on your stance on that
i saw chinese furries on tiktok and was aroused
never felt that way for western furries
It's fine only if you want to put your human cock in them, not have another furry with them
There's some hot af western furry art if you look for it.
If it is an Eastern cute kemono type you are good. If it is a western drawn one you are mentally ill.
Female furries are hot.
Male furries are cringe as it can gets.
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Most more maid Fofo. She’s the best character in the whole game.
Bro fuck that, some western furry art is hot as fuck. You have to be asexual.
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>touch my tail? uh-NO

what a fucking brat
This general is getting worse with each post
i'm doing my part
99% of it is shit. If it wasn't it wouldn't be so hated in the West lol. Asians don't care about it that much.
I can't see this game becoming anything but 100% furry eventually
it will basically siphon all of their money because there is no alternative
Does she wear bloomers?
That made me think a bit, do people complain about furries the same way they do for the usual anime stuff? Do people get virtue signaling points for denouncing furries?
Fofo friends are welcome.
This is the ppl the ZZZ devs wanted though? Or what did they thought westoid normies would be?
This game feels like RE6, completely wack identity crisis that will ruin what could've been a good game and make it flop.
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this game's porn will be male (furry) x woman (human)
Stop going to deviantart and check e621 then sort by score. You don't get an opinion if you don't at least do some research.
Firekeks should fuck off though
most probably furry x man
they're all gay
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PigMan X Lucy

I know you know it everybody knows it
>already filtering redditards
yup, mobile goty here we come
It really depends, are you talking about straight furry or gay furry?
No thanks. I already saw enough horrors. I will stick to my cute kemono types.
now i gotta watch it again
Normal people don't gaf. They think Ellen is hot and don't care about some dumbass with 1k or less views on twitter.
It depends if you are Gay furry or an hetero furry, Homosexuality by itself is wrong
i stroke my cats is that gay
I've never liked gay shit.
Enjoy your cub art.
>People have been complaining about anime for decades
>Thinks it's going to matter now
Remember all those twitter boycotts? Yeah, they mean nothing.
>You don't get an opinion if you don't at least do some research
Yeah... no. I don't need to look up videos of people getting hacked to bits to know it's going to be disgusting.
I fuck little girls is that gay
If you are a girl, yeah
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This animated Lycaon R34 by Sollyz Sundyz will never be beaten
>hacked to bits
Like you did with your genitals you mean?
vg needs ids
it will immediately stop the shitposter from shitting up this place
>reddit is that way
I heard this place called reddit, it has IDs all the time.
Weird projection but okay.
The way she says "dame" makes me diamond

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