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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484149206
why does dawntrail's story feel like a shonen anime
I'm not having any fun
I paid Yoshi P $40 to spit in my mouth and give me this MSQ slop with broken servers
How to avoid queues, sisters?
No refundo
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best boy
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i won
anyone know where the special fates are yet?
servers are fucked post bun boys
Sad that the MSQ took a turn into edgeslop after Wuk Lamat gets crowned. Westerners and the need to placate them are really a cancer.
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Dynamis is cool and active and totally not a wasteland
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I was being introduced to the cyberslop while servers crashed. I can't believe my luck.
I want to be double teamed by Patata and June!
posting your hideous abomination 500 times isn't going to make anybody except the extremely desperate like you
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>Why your soul's gone cold and all hope has run dry?
>Dead inside
hey what the fuck that's MY screenshot
Can you get more of the rainbow super saiyan drink?
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my moonie says this irl
if you hit cancel then attempt to login again you can actually enter the game without waiting
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>shows up
>takes the entire animation budget
Zoraal Ja is so cool bros
What do bros?
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need me a psycho biofem gf like this irl

also guys we need an image for jiggies
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>use Disney song for when Wuk Lamat becomes Dawnservant
>”it’s fitting”
>use same song a few cutscenes later when everyone is building a train
>”wait what”
Who the fuck was in charge of sound?
Because final fantasy is a shonen videogame?
post hroths
I fucking hate those bendy ears they look awful i tell you, AWFUL!
Post your character

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Im in B)
do face 2 catboys like femezen
>log out of the game last night after connection error
>boot up launcher today
>Unable to complete version check. [30605] [20448] [10009] [10019]
Uh... bros?
nah it's for girls
>be biofem
>hey wanna.
>get back to his apartment
>*starts sucking your cock
>wait I’ don’t have a cock
>gets kicked out
What the hell is wrong with you people.
i am a 2,767 moonie
I was promised a fun summer vacation, not le cyber genocide. What is this garbage?
How tall should a femzen be?
>Who the fuck was in charge of sound?
I was. ama
wait till you see the femezen fuck up some random mob npc later on
If you cancel your queue and restart the game, it will skip the queue
catboy cum belongs to fiera
i think theyre cute
I have to ask because its been bothering me; why do all the mountains look like piles of poop?
DT would have been 100% better if it was Fujo bait and I could ogle Estinien all day
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I am a
969th person
in que out of 3642
>>be biofem
Stopped reading, I don't care hole.
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Saar enjoying the graphics updating? We workinged hard to bring you valued customaar good service please and thanking you supporting Square Enix
You're in alamhigo and alamhigo is just shit.
jiggy Ryne’s fat ass
my femezen is max height max bust
this all 2237 people in front of me should try it right now
Is there any chance of saving these poor bastards? The lack of eyebrows and the only fix being a cope face paint is brutal.
do I just spam levequests if I wanna level crafters
I started realizing literally everyone plays a max height character if they're choosing a race that's naturally tall, so I put it at 94 or like 87 because fuck you
why do the 1 button combos feel fine on picto and terrible on viper?
Viper and Picto seem pretty mid in cc.
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I am a dawntrail femlala
who did not like the msq
and likes being called cute
while giving you nothing in return
So this is the future /xivg/ neobench? There is even a fountain next to it. Arcadion too.
Man, I don't know what job I want to play. I don't really want to keep with bard but the dps queues are real fucking shit too.

Good time to try and pick up tanking or healing?
lack of eyebrows is not a negative
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Gulool Ja Ja needs to shit somewhere.
trans women are women
Second trial theme is SMT IV kino
Can i tribute you?
You guys have queues? here on crystal coeurl i've never seen more than the normal queues
>>be biofem
No you aren't, piss off
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What the fuck were they thinking?
It can proc on TIMED NODES.
Skibidi Ja Ja
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This is what all femra deserve
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Finally cleared earlier, fight design is great, area design is solid, music is almost entirely solid
That's one of the worst plots I've seen in any professional product. I cannot believe how dogshit the writing is. Possibly the worst JRPG story I've ever experienced. I cannot believe this level of quality made it past storyboarding, let alone into production
I've just reached Amaurot 2.0 and I genuinely feel like I'm about to have a stroke. The writer is literally shitting on ShB out of spite.
you didn’t finish the msq already did you? LMFAOOO
Want me to post my feet as proof?
You are a pedophile freak and you should kill yourself.
They werent thinking. This shit is funny as fuck.
The pink faggot broke my immersion.
femezen mistress WHERE
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I hired this cat to do the MSQ for HW patch
Akemi really let herself go.
>expert dungeons are either desert or KH-disney castle complete with almost 100% KH bosses
I feel let down.
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>every new highlander NPC getting introduced has eyebrows
>PCs still don't get them
Stop playing the race that made "looking tough and scary" its entire identity, it's the reason why they shave their eyebrows.
Today during the 300+ man hunt train on Twintania (EU, Light) Almost every single person in shout chat was calling the story awful
Naturally any1 doing Hunts is a storyskipper
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yoshi p lied again, what a fuckin buffoon
Sniffing hrothgal feet
you definitely don't need to be this hyperbolic, i have played loads more shite jrpgs than you have if thats the case
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what went wrong with the localization this time around
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Min and bit were undertuned compared to fishing. This was a needed buff.
ok guise it's tiem 4 jiggz
Can someone give me the QRD on the plot after the aliens show up, I gave up and started skipping everything past that.
based flat is justice
Only if they're hanging midair inside your bedroom
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Between Scholar and Sage what is your favorite healer and why?
think they smell like fritos?
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There was like a 500 queue just a moment ago when I was trying out my new fanta, probably just the dc. Please look forward to my femmyzen
You're going to have to be lined up in holes-in-the-wall for me to do this efficiently...

>but guess they didn't want people to think it's SMN 2.0 with just 5 buttons.
This is exactly what I was going to reply to you with but you already said it.
They were worried people would say the job is too stupid if it's too few buttons, even though it would have had just as much depth to its rotation, and things you can do depending on the fight, if it was 5 less buttons. It should be 5 less buttons, yeah...
Motif should change into their respective muse, and fire and cyan should swap when the other is disabled.
smooching sweaty catboy feet
You havent set up your keybinds properly.
man I love fieras so much
do the non+ ones like +?
Damn Sappho you really need to lay off the cream puffs.
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You do you, anon.
nigger it's clearly zanarkand
it's because vipers is a branching 8 skill combo that they tried to fit into 2 skills while picto is literally just 123
they'll probably remove 1 flank and 1 rear finisher for viper
Amaurot 2.0
My middie looks exactly one hundred percent like this.
hrothgals are missing facial piercings, if they ever get them they will be perfect
The Serpentlord Seethes in Shaaloani and Mascot Murder in last zone
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why didn't chocobros get updated : (
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We eating good tonight.
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because why
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Is that a modded Skyrim argonian character in modded "dwemer" tech
that’s literally my stats
it was soft seinen until SB when it pivoted into hard shounen
Pvmping this viera
reminder that if you get 90006 error and booted back to a 7k+ queue, it's definitely NOT yoshi's or sqeenix's fault
>These errors are general network connection errors caused by network disconnections. In the event of these errors being displayed, please check the status of your network environment.
NTA but the villain is very obviously a direct copy of Emet.
How do I cope with being an ugly catgirl?
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Veena hair
warrior armor... coool.....
how does the sleeve tattoo work
is it part of the hand item or chest item?
I skipped through the cowboy town, glad they made it really obvious it was a filler arc
I wasted hours upon hours upon hours doing dick fuck all listening to people talk in circles about friendship and cooperation. In the final zone I took a fucking museum tour, delivered ice cream, and took a boat ride while in the background a doomsday level weapon charged up and no one had any fucking urgency.
I am not using hyperbole. That is the worst shit I've seen.
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Could this be me and you?
Post discord so i can send it
>oh cool the entrance to golden city is in the blessed sibling burial ground, lets g-
>new duty available

lads im spooked why is the dead baby crypt a dungeon
Your highlander looks like she's in prison
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What happened

The server blew up?

I thought they solved this shit
There's a reason I had to mod some in pronto.
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You are in for kino my friend. That dungeon is fucking amazing, final boss is *chefs kiss* excellent
You did. Bigly. I was too hasty when turning my maliddie into a femroth. She looks really plain. I could use my ARR fanta to fix her but then I would have to pay to become a midlander again... not happening....
Dibs for my femezen
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Highlanders cute....
The hand piece is actually pretty small, the sleeve is all from the chest piece.
>3k queue on home world
>can't visit another datacenter error 502
Why? I thought that was the whole point of this stupid feature.
the dungeons so far have been so fucking good
Go, my son. Go forth and breed Wuk Lamat to the extreme.
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It's the biggest thing I was worried about after Endwalker. Endwalker was the end of all their stories, Dawntrail and what I assume any other forth coming expansions will be at the same level as Dawntrail because they don't have anymore big bads or larger arcing plots to have in place

We did everything, now we're just doing everything Aizen mf said at the end of Endwalker when he and his ghost boyfriend were disappearing.
They could add a lot more depth to combat by going further with how Picto is designed.
Give me a 20s GCD that does 5x the damage that a normal empowered GCD does. 2000ish potency.
So it's not worth using over a normal GCD, but when you know the boss goes invuln at 25% you use it at 25.3% and that long GCD doesn't matter since it's downtime anyway. That'd be so satisfying to time and pull off well, and might even be worth holding raidbuffs things and other things to optimize around like that.
It's just the end of 5.0 again but really lame.
I don't play gatherers someone explain this to me in dps terms
Turns out, they hired Japanese devs to solve the problems
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go do the free fantasia quest
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Doesn't appeal to second lifers so it's not a priority.
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I finished it yesterday, it sucked but honestly the rest of the expansion is fine and I had low expectations so it's not a big deal

I genuinely believe anyone that enjoyed msq has no standards for the writing in this game and will eat up anything se puts out, it's genuinely terrible and the best part is the generic filler segment that every msq gets, which is a shame because the second half actually had potential and teased being good

cope seethe dilate loser
o i c
thank u
and its only coincidence that its happening to everybody playing the game
Formerly modbeast lasgna... now just... lasagna...
still looking good but differently
old thighlanders were goated with the sauce, frfr on god blud
, no cap skullemoji
I looked up the launcher issue and they're saying uninstall everything but I haven't backed up my hotbars since December is this part of the servers exploding or am I just fucked
I haven't read anything
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Ahhhh, eto.... bleh
thats 6 sided star and people did nothing but complain about it
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Fuck this 3k queue

I'm willing to stake money that marketing over at SE told the server team to reduce server load capacity to make the game look more busy
This is the most awful job design idea I've ever seen, which means I expect your job offer from Square Enix to arrive this week, inside two weeks at the latest.
>That's one of the worst plots I've seen in any professional product. I cannot believe how dogshit the writing is. Possibly the worst JRPG story I've ever experienced. I cannot believe this level of quality made it past storyboarding, let alone into production
Still not as bad as Stormblood, but it's very close.
Now that the dust has settled, all the true fans love DT and everyone dooming about it got ousted as Indian. What went so right?
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take a shower while in queue, stinky
my femezen is min height and I'm literally the only min height femezen that has ever existed besides like one other.
Okay so you're right. Maybe we aren't white. Maybe we don't want to be.
role quests
server stuff
less aether currents
pelu pelu in the cute columns
fucking kek
who makes these? where do i find these? they did one like this for hegemone too I saw it 2yrs ago or whatever
>Maybe we don't want to be.
anyone who's spent more than ten minutes on /pol/ could tell you this is a lie
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The effect of Revisit has restored 878 GP and granted 6 integrity to the gathering point.
My ass crack stinks. I've been up almost since launch of DT. Slept like four hours total because I fainted.
I'm back in see you later bros
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Close your eyes and think of Lyse instead.
Yes she is playing Dawntrial
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How long do I have to wait before I get hrothgals like this
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my femezen is min height too thoughbeit
yeah.............. what
what's with the fucking disney my little pony music playing during the train building cutscene
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Dawntrail...more like Dawnfail
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revisit is the best shit they've added to DoLs since Bountiful Yield
>everyone dooming about it got ousted as Indian
the second worst part was erenville narrating
Why is Elk like this?
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I want to buy the cute Shiba mount in the cash shop.
>Brain: Idiot, don't spend money on that
>also brain: ok but you really should buy it.

Why are brains literally fucking useless?? what do I doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I was in the middle of ERPing when they disconnected me
Wuk Lamat being wife material
Shared FATE numbers being toned the heck down
Wuk Lamat being my wife
Wuk Lamat turning me into a furry
Dinner with the homie.
yeah I was talking about you :)
Every white supremacist is a self-hating brownie just like Bakool Ja Ja
I like how troonlings literally can't comprehend the fact that people don't need to take 16 different experimental pharmaceuticals to get through the day like they do.
Yaktel theme sounds like Lahee and Bozja lovechild
>boring ass mickey mouse train cutscene starts
>skip it and miss out on the biggest plot of the xpac
Thanks Yoshi P
i bought it and never used it
Lyse was the best Scion and I will die on this hill.
As an impartial third brain: Purchase the mount because you clearly think it's cute and will enjoy having it.
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Vanillass Lasagna for now
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why can't I play
thanks for your input fellow brain haver
open eyes
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you are in the game right anon?
sucks to suck retard
Should you really buy it? No
Is it really cute and something you could buy yourself if you've got some extra spending cash? Sure, why not, just don't buy, like, every mount, or, like, if you don't have enough money to take care of yourself.

When you're an adult, that's how you will think.
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>not even in the 5th zone yet
Just popping in to say to post Lalafells.
Its ok I'll just skip the rest of the xpac now and say it was shit
Erenville is for biological women, not for trannies
>AT LEAST 7 days until we get the first plugin updates
These retards can't be serious.
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No more...sigh...no more once upon a time. Take...flight...find your wings and zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...huh? Oh Wuk Lamats still on screen...zzzzzzzzzzz...
>Japan loves DT
>r/xiv loves DT
>Resetera loves DT
>/xivg/ loves DT
>/v/ loves DT
>Blizzard loves DT
>r/xivdiscussion loves DT
>the official forums love DT
Nobody expected us winning this hard but somehow it happened.
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NTA but "I have extra cash" should not auto = an excuse to spend it.
Because later on when you need extra cash you will no longer have that cash you spent. Not living paycheck to paycheck shouldn't justify spending willy nilly
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fiera x catboy
My DRK has a gigantic penis
Erenville's quickly climbing my "characters I would want to be bros with" list this expac
MSQ gives you enough exp for 1.5 jobs, and they buffed a ton of exp sources but apparently some at only level 90+. Doing trial roulette at 90+ seems to give 40%+ bonus exp but less under it. Not sure why.
I got viper to 100, which tank should I level for dawntrail?
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How come sunday night is multiple times over more busy than the first 2 days of release combined?

Gaming journals reporting on server problems is free advertising. Server problems on release are a gaming standard nowadays, having a no-wait experience can make people think of "wow maybe no one really is playing this shit"

I have no data to back this up but like I said I'd bet money on it
Your mother sucks to suck back to back on my pecker.
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What a stupid question, of course I do
(and I exclusively bottom)
Picrel is future Keeper of the Moon territory btw
what are you talking about?
Check steam reviews.
Check reddit
And don't have to check this shithole.
By the time I finished the first trial, I already got my mnk to 100
Now I'm trying to catch others up just to keep doing the msq
if you have no problem literally wasting money for nothing go for it
if money is scarce fuck that shit, you better off getting fantas or useful stuff iinstead of a mount you will use three days, and probably summon it three of four tiimes in front of people trying to impress them ( nobody will be impressed by it)
Smooching this cute boy.
>Get a 42 minute In progress Dead Ends run
>No healer, just two DPS waiting for the 2nd boss
>Kill boss without any deaths because I am a Warrior
>Wall to wall both trash packs with no deaths because I am a warrior
>Reach Ra La
>Reaper who wants out of here, pulls.
>Both DPS die to a raidwide while shake it off is on Cooldown
>Replacement healer joins while its me vs Ra La with 55% HP left
>Proceed to Solo Ra La and not die because I am a Warrior
>commend the healer on the way out
>How come sunday night is multiple times over more busy than the first 2 days of release combined?
it's not, the servers farted out for about five minutes and made a big queue
same shit happened in shb
having a wild west filler arc with just you and erenville was unironically great
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i am
a femra
who lost at frontlines
don’t care didn’t read eat a diaper
I'd like him but he's black.
>regular launcher can't complete version check
>xivlauncher can't either
Surely it's a server side issue right?
press a button to refresh all cooldowns.
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You're right.
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someone has to pay for ff16-2, get to swiping

Glad I managed to finish MSQ before server armageddon. How've my fellow bingers been handling EX trials? Any clears?
The way I've been seeing the threads, reviews, and posts all around, that's false, my guy.
>MSQ gives you enough exp for 1.5 jobs
I got gated by exp twice on only one job
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domain expansion
Instant loss bugra.
I pretty much say that at the end
But then again I guess a child would think
>Damn I'm finally +$20
>I can spend -$32 on my -$8k credit
I hope so
>tranny destroys everything beautiful about the world, causing you bring iceream to a femlala while a jeet narrates it
knowing what i know now, i'm glad that i skipped cutscenes this xpac
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I honestly should have given this mmo a chance earlier-I'd be blasting through Dawntrail with my friend already. Stormblood was fun but Shadowalkers started really hard with CONFESSman's little story arc. Looking forward to playing more.
why would i want another shitty game though
imagine not just dc transferring to dynamis
my dick iinstantly tingles when I see Lyse now
Lyse poster, you corrupted my brain
oh no no no no
Makes perfect sense. No point in releasing shit for the masses only for week1 patch to break shit again just couple of days later and then people will cry and complain because that's just how people are.
I enjoy DT! Not as much as HW/ShB and EW but still enjoy it a lot, especially the later half. Its a fresh slate just like ARR but despite some exceptions its a much better ARR
I just hope they get rid of the shonen writing again, this hasnt been a thing until ShB
dawnchads... i kneel...
bathing rn
Is this looking like a good time to swap to tank? None of the dps are really calling for me and I don't particularly want to play healer.
Ach! I'm awake!
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Know what server doesnt kick you out during prime time?
Transfer NOW
I presume you're not doing rouls? I'm keeping 3 jobs up

I think I got meteodrove... meteodriven... whatever...
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best boi
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*giggles* You can't post that picture without my permission, you fucking skank.
what's the biggest brain job that's also high apm?
logged in, time to goon
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YES! Now spread the Lyse love!
I'll transfer but only if Laz EBs me.
>I'd be blasting through Dawntrail with my friend already
>Looking forward to playing more.
Lol, take your time with Shadowbringers and enjoy it while it lasts.
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anon do you hear the music!
Its coming.
>especially the later half
go rope yourself, people like you are the reason we have edgeslop shoehorned in
*Examines your adventure plate and you'll never know without your mods*
I'm basically raping you.
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I love Lyse so much, bros
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>set a hotkey for "confirm"
>pressing it doesn't automatically select yes
why yoshipiss a nigger?
i was gonna say Leviathan, Primal, but my EB did get kick
Are Viper and Picto even good?
Lyse wouldn't wear those outfits

That's basically rape and not hot at all
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mine is private tho
viper is okay
picto is the best caster in the game
Hunt bills have always worked like this btw
for those who finished the story, whats the best musical theme of DT?
Its the Food expansion
Picto does disgusting high damage and has good raid utility on top of it
Anon you know shit can be found in multiple places right? You're not a fucking retard are you?
>That's basically rape and not hot at all
See, that's where you're wrong
>examining womens' adventurer plates
>if they complain, get them banned for modding
Thank you for this rapist's paradise, Yoshi-P
which tops are good to flaunt my WoL’s absolute lack of bazongas
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What about this one?
catgirls with the bob cut make me erect
Post pics. I'm edging till i get back in
yak'tel night
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Where do I find a footjob queen like this to bully my disgusting foot pervert cock?
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Do you remember the alamo?
Rest in power rbxcbd
moonie be like ________
>constant shit tier lyse posting
>no lewd gaia posting
>doesn't understand jurisdictions and voting districts
Obviously they own a line of property cutting through that area, and keeping Sorrows as the slums to influence how much they can vote
viper is deceptively chaotic and you'll find yourself getting lost in your skills without a lot of practice. its either the fastest or second fastest apm class in the game and each action has to be in a specific order
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just togglable region borders would help
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>fighting first trial
>tank right next to me has aoe tank buster
>im not in range, standing still
>at last second he walks over me
why are tank players like this?
im on malboro and i still got kicked bro...
viper is meh
picto is apparently good but extremely gay to look at and listen to
wtf is considered prime time? I have not had a queue above 26 people on balmung
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Is it worth going back to femra or has the update ruined them?
how come sometimes the queue is 50 and 30 minutes later it's 2k? Does it punish you for logging out?
Wasnt " The Lyse love" that I originally planned to spread~
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I really like the character writing, but the pacing could've been better for the first half. Some of these tasks did not need to happen and some of the ones that had to happen could've been cut shorter, like the one for the alpaca drags on for way too long.
I haven't finished it yet but so far DT >>>> SB by a mile since a story is built on characters and SB had 0 (zero) character writing.

I also think that wuk has way too much screen time even among the main group. Krile and alisaie are just there, alphinaud occasionally comes with the solution which wuk instantly swoops in and takes credit for.
I also don't mind the WoL take a backseat in the story, so far I really like how WoL took the mentor role and is just in the back chilling and learning about the people, but there needs to be a narrative that uses more characters than just wuk for fucks sake.
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I get off on attention like that but I'll never show it outwardly

I'm raping you back
My new wallpaper.
this vexes me to this day. I hope that guy who does SimpleTweaks fixes it soon
>its real
Oh shit
WEEKDAYS after 3 to 5pm when people get off wagey. at least for ew
the high apm isnt actual difficulty. its like reaper shroud.
I love these guys so much, I want to hug them and pet them and adopt eight of them.
Thanks doc.
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*Smiles and nods at you.*
When mods come back on Ill make some gaia for you
Picto is cracked in terms of damage, no res nor heal but the sheer explosiveness of the DPS makes up for it. Viper looks fun but I haven't really done much with it yet, I'm capping picto first and then cleaning up betwee WAR and VIP to get them to 90, then I'll probs level VIP and NIN together to keep my overall gearsets down
>the high apm isnt actual difficulty.
its far more than reaper shroud. you have positionals constantly shifting and your ogcds have to be double woven and in a specific order.
Pushing through so much potential expansion fodder in endwalker was I believe a sign of genuine respect for an audience at the limit of its patience, and hints at a desire to deliver a high note before an inevitable and foreseen decline in interest. The setting was pretty much played out after that and definitely is now. Maybe there'll be some sort of paradigm shift in 8.0 but I can't say I'm too interested in following the breadcrumbs for the next three to five years.
I'm so mad at the devs because Wuk Lamat isn't real
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This orange cat hands you a taco. What do you do?
Interesting how everyone loves Wuk Lamat and can't wait to see more of her until someone tells them they can't like her
>getting raped in my ass and mouth by countless strangers
Oh no haha.
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Remember what they took from you
so you mainly want to swiftcast for the hammer right
Thank her and eat it.
Anyone got the TL;DR on the story?
I hate Wuk so fucking much.
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This is Mother Miounne and I want all anons to apologize now.
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*cums a little*
The level 100 dungeons have the dumbest weenie hut jr pulls. The bosses are pretty fun and unique though. Def do the spooky dungeon in cyberland.
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those 2 might also help finding out where you are/the terget might be
>they remove all semblance of skill expression from mnk, drg, sam and cram it all onto rpr and vpr
se is really something huh
PCT does so much more damage than BLM. I really hope they don't nerf PCT before savage hits.
Need a middie to do this to my lala.
does anyone know where Erenville goes after the MSQ is over?
Can I have a qrd on the Mistress meme
I frequently meeting people having "owned by Mistress x" in their bio, and the Mistress having "owner of x"
that's fucked up but funny at the same time, is it how homosexual talk about themselves when EBd
Apologize? She's always been the best innkeeper
Shut up Fandaniel
not liking things makes you annoying fyi
abusive pedo
One thousand and one nights.
I feel like I'm the only mostly ambivalent player about her. I feel like the writers exaggerated her fear of alpacas and sailing a bit much, but other than that I feel like she's just fine. It's kind of nice to be able to take more of a backseat to the MSQ since we get to play more of a supporting character role here rather than a main character type one, which she's taken.
is she good at eating tacos too?
>>Blizzard loves DT
Of course they do. It has a tranny VA in the EN version.
To become a ninja
>giggleslut Lyse poster can be identified by having the best taste in pictures
Holy based.
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I have no queues, I'm a balmung stud and I'm ballsy. I don't have to hide away on dynamis like you.
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You will remember this cat.
Are you sure you’re not in the terlet right now?
i unironically got tacos for dinner last night because this stupid orange car wouldnt stop talking about them
WoL gets a key to do interdimensional travel
oh lord he doesn't know
No, it's a sex thing. Usually involving crafted collars and sometimes findom with gil and/or real money.
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Same reason healers Rescue you into dangerous spots
To make the new foray
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Kill dubfags. Behead dubfags.
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Really want to fanta off to femroth right away but doing the MSQ as a different race feels really wrong, so I'm waiting until I finish.
Anyone else in the same boat?
what if a femlala cast minimum on you and then put you in her shoe haha
>new ex pf's are already on farm with 700 ilvl requirements
its over bros i was too slow finishing the msq...
they're japanese, they have a racial tendency to milk a slapstick comedy bit too much. wuk lamat being lovable makes up for bad japanese slapstick though
i've wanted a femlala to do this to me for years
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i'm havin' a good time.
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This is not me.
Tempting, but I will have to pass. My apologies, dork
Uhhh I don't know how the fuck. Even without rested exp that shouldn't happen.
NTA but I've been doing the "1.5 jobs" thing every new expac since Stormblood, since in started in HW.
You have tons of exp from the MSQ quests.
The dungeon, with rested bonus and first time completion, has been giving me an entire fucking level because they buffed that exp gain a lot.
When you explore new areas you get exp.
I've been doing the sightseeing on the alt job, and the dungeon a second time or a frontline to give it the extra .5 exp it needs. I pop my food in the dungeon but that's it. My FC is running 15% exp bonus but that's small too.
That's actually too much exp being given so I decided to start leveling a 3rd job because I'm overleveling too much just doing 1-2 levels of MSQ and a frontline each day between two jobs.
I don't know how you could be possible getting gated by level requirements on a single job.

This expac is giving way more exp doing the MSQ than others have.
A femra wouldn't dare say this to my face. She would get raped instantly.
>change language to Jp.
Wul instantly becomes somewhat likable
dubfag? en vo?
How we feeling?
No but it was hilarious when I fanta'd from fiddie to femra and everyone still knew who I was
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I don't give a shit about Sphene and Wuk, let me OUT
thanks to whoever posted that idleon game, i downloaded it. Any tips?
I don't feel immersed at all or a point in the plot so I haven't cared how I look this entire time, cutscenes don't focus the WoL
I would rip her toenails off and then stab her exposed skin
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I am a shadowbringers femlala
who likes 99% of the thread
and likes helping out and shitposting
while giving lots in return for little to nothing
jp is the dub, en is canon
yeah i got a tip for you
*rapes you*

We have the technology, we can rebuild her.

Thiccer, fatter, more cellulite.
Play Lost Ark sis
Oh Lord, that's why the dude told me he was into degradation and stuff
ignorance is bliss sometimes, Imagine the fucking smell of the tells between the two
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Now I can continue the MSQ here
why does it feel like the new writer wanted to re-do Lyse with Wuk but have her be better but also looked at what Ishikawa was doing either for inspiration or to get brownie points with the xiv-community by going "LOOK ITS SHB AGAIN! WUK LAMAT WILL REMEMBER EMET 2.0! IT'S AMAUROT AGAIN!" The more I think about the last part of the MSQ the more it bothers me somehow.
The areas in Dawntrail are cool though
I'm trapped on Exodus, Primal
Finish your fucking comic
Why do they keep making materia with less color. This shit is so hard to find in my inventory.
im gonna vomit
Genetically bred to please Ala Mhigan f+
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>3.7k queue
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Don't ever ruin Tifa by posting shit like this again or else
I personally think they should add in more dubs. It'd be nice to see a Spanish one for all my bros en Primal. I think it's honestly pretty strange the NA version doesn't have the CN and KR translations available since they exist, too.
cellulite is disgusting and you need to start praying to the 12
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>he bought?
I know what you are.
>People exploring the houses and seeing me naked and ERPing with someone inside, then turning back around and leaving immediately, every 2 minutes. Sometimes they pause to look at plates
My favorite part of the expac
Do you remember this cat?
His name was simon and covid took him.

You do know what this general is about yes anon? So called "history" enjoyers. let this be lesson for (you)
Why is her face so bad
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read it once over a decade ago and didnt bother following it after that, cute characters though
My femlala got Tefnut in 40 rolls (I didn't have a spark saved)
you didnt buy a name change so...
>4k queue
>press a button
more like .001% chance
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A desperate attempt at recreating the Azim Steppe experience for most of the first half, then you get to slapstick cowboy town, then you're trapped in ShB Trolley arc 2.0, then something actually very interesting happens, then you see the most retarded """redemption arc""" since Yotsuyu, then something actually cool happens and you're genuinely engaged, but then it ends with a really lame and gay version of Amaurot with the worst villain since 4.0 Zenos.

Literally everything else except the MSQ is pretty damn good though.
Sexually repulsed and romantically avoidant?
I found a fate whose name they translated to Spanish, I wonder what they meant by this
b-bro we spent a whole raid series deleting them from existence... you need to let go, they're (mostly) gone.
>4.0 Zenos.
4.0 Zenos was good though
>hates the only good parts
>loves the edgelord slop
Westerners are a mistake.
Also made for sunnie+
I was fine with XIVs dubbing until they made Wuk Lamat get voiced by a smoker-voiced tranny.

Dawntrail is the first time I've done the entire MSQ with JP audio and honestly its been great, all of the VAs have tons of emotion. I really really really liked the ENG VA's too but I refuse to listen to a tranny for the entire MSQ. Maybe as a one-off character sure but as a MAIN FUCKING CHARACTER FOR THE ENTIRE EXPANSION??? FUCK NO i AINT listening to that troonslop.
youre not the only one on both counts
art team and map designers are carrying hard yeah. thats pretty standard for square enix come to think of it
I dont but thats fucked up.
4 stooges elected to be leader but only 1 is good then the scions show up to beat the bad guy
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haha he's on the aether erp server
>worse than 4.0 Zenos
I thought 4.0 Zenos was fun at least because he loved what he was doing. Doesnt mean he was well-written though
One day you'll become a man.
oh shit you're right. damn I goofed up
do you gays think there will be many people raiding as viper? i'm worried about not being able to raid as viper because of the amount of people playing this job
Like, we have a whole expansion set in Mexico basically, would be cool to have Spanish (and Portuguese, for that matter) available to capture even more audiences. Surely SE has the money to fund two new dubs...
good luck, little nigga. I just had a 3500 one but its down to 250 [siren]


most "players" (at least on aether) are secondlife faggots that want to spam one button and suck ass at the game and go "whoops!" when they le accidentally™ kill you in runs. I thought square did duty support for autistic japs but it was really to spare us for their faggotry

good morning, hrothfag!

thank you lyseposters o7
>you need to let go
what's up Moshle? Trying to sell me some Wares? I dont want your Mezcal.
mine is mid height, max ear length, max boobs
Now that the dust has settled.
Why did Falke watch Nanky and Soima HORSE each other?
Why did he melt and fucked off back to NA after that?
Was it because he was denied action?
You're genuinely fucking retarded if you enjoyed that finale and resolution. I can argue about everything else and see how someone else might enjoy other parts, but not this one. Just indefensible.
I'm NOT a boy

if I have to do roulettes then it's not msq keeping me up to level, idiot

because I did only msq and I only had 1 day worth of rested exp, endwalker is the only time I've been able to push purely msq without doing side stuff to finish it and I did that over multiple days

I'm allowed to have opinions, nothing is free from criticism except for me
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>no sightseeing log at the top of a ruined tower
>no treasure chest or fun little doodads hidden behind any waterfalls so far
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>tfw we start getting some Wuk Lamat and Sphene posting
So are we not allowed to tell people "Bro I swear, it gets good 200 hours in" anymore?
That's Siren
wonder if it even is readable anymore. Wasn't it in flash?
But it doesn't get good later on...
i quit and uninstalled when the robots started le dark and edgy massacre, i'm sure nothing after it is good either
honestly the fight-designers are doing good so far, dungeon-bosses despite still being easy are more engaging than EW or ShB. EX-trials are cool too, gives me faith for the raid

It's just the writing where they dropped the ball super hard, and job-designs
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he was a cool guy from sweden who just liked to work and play games. Just so happened to be fag coded.

>le heckin secret behind a waterfall XD

Go back.
Why did Maro take Falke's place?
It's both. Faerie is the gay one, Siren is the futa one, Adamantoise is the prison gay one.
where/when do you unlock the new glasses slot that replaced the fashion accessory shit?
How can this guy still be alive? How long do roegres live? He should be over 100 right?
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They are on the horizon...
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>It'd be nice to see a Spanish one
If we get latinoamerican Spanish dub it would be so fucking cool, im not 100% sure why we don't have a Spanish dub but my derange schizo theory is that they dont want to make 2 different Spanish dubs, one for Spaniards and the other for the rest for Latinoamerica.
Go talk to a calamity salvager
Fuck you and your couch, that shit is fun.
good question
why don't you queue for leveling roulette as vpr and tell me how long it takes
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Name changed to a proper sunnie name

Completely finished ARR and unlocked Heavensward

Rp friends made

This game is cool.
Ok Crystalloid
yeah it would be cool honestly. translating and dubbing a game this large is no small feat so even if they started it now i'd expect it to be ready by late DT/the next expansion, but that would be good. also a south american datacenter imo

i'm surprised you can't keep one job up through MSQ alone anyway
>If we get latinoamerican Spanish
I'm going to throw a rock in your head
Spaniards are irrelevant, why would they ever do a dub for the niggers of Europe?
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>the final bosses are literally a badly written gaius and a badly written emet
>add fishing bait and hook type for each fish
>need to catch them first

ty :)
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Nothing beats a Malera, but these HD bunboys are going to awaken something in me at this rate. Also no queue problems on EU.
I live on jenova, the server for people that failed to get into gilgamesh
>also a south american datacenter imo
there are not enough people in south american who can afford the sub fee to ever recoup the costs
Wow... your femra has down syndrome....
only if they add portuguese too
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dw guys I'll go DB-lite one of these days and enact total pedo/woman abuser death
>4k queue
yeah it's bed time
stop comparing them to characters from the previous story-arc.
this is a new story and these jobbers will likely fuck off in 7.3
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Can friendlyfeels bloom on the potpact?
Can you just play the game instead of posting your character every thread all day, we have too many reruns of sprouts trying to avatarfag from day 1 before burning out halfway into the MSQ
bros... i think this is it... mods might not be coming back this time..... theyre gone....
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I will not hate this shit no matter what. Spaghetti western stuff is right up my alley and this is off to a STRONG start
yeah I got hard stopped at 96>97 and 98>99 and I had to do a beast tribe quest for each
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I'm doing a mit-check on (You), I hope you used more than just rampart
I can live with this.
They're already dead bud, and they were actual clones of gaius and emet.
if rules against avatarfagging were enforced on this thread there would be no thread (which would be an improvement)
you're in for a treat
I guess it's a hot take, but I don't think Wuk is a bad character. She's a pretty endearing orange cat dumb. She does have some skills and she does do something. Her place in the story and why she is how she is makes perfect sense and is written and delivered well. I like her more than half the Scions and other companions.

She just has 5x more screentime than she should have had.

No it takes like 800 hours and it's only good temporarily.
there's dozens of us... dozens!
also they're the entire reason SE should bother translating the game into Spanish and Portuguese so if that's the case then it's a moot point

That sucks
How do I level fisher from 91-100
You're in for a fucking treat bwo. This is the stuff.
It's arguably the best part of the entire expansion, enjoy it while it lasts.
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>I actually like Wuk Lama—
>A ruler of a society that uses souls as currency/a get better pill
>That has ruled for hundreds of years
>And deleted her personality and sense of compassion
>Is ultimately swayed by someone she met three days ago going "But dont you want to be nice though???"
I have never gone from so hype during a trial to seething so fast
okay well im still level 92 so i haven't gotten to the good parts yet.
still helping troon leman do her gay faggot family stuff
that smile is so juicy though
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>She does have some skills
>she does do something
>and delivered well.
enjoy it pardner, story sadly goes to shit after the wild west arc
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one of the best cattos
Interpersonal skills, you literal autist.
get your eyes checked boy
>someone likes Wuk
>immediate chimpout from thirdies
Good to know for future reference, thanks
Writing took a massive fucking nose dive this expansion, msq was a disaster. It had one good section.
>lost ark
i dont want to make 50 alts to fund my main ty though
The game sub costs 5 dollars for me (28 reais) through steam. Sudacas prefer playing fortnite and counter strike though, but there's still many of us around. Also i've heard that Russians also pay cheaper. Third world bros are just too strong :)
I need Lyse in my life.
Yeah, my Femezen looks like this
Ay wey pero porque...
Well for the longest time there was no latino-spanish all we used to get here in mexico was some shitty Spaniard dubs that i really fucking hated, the earliest memories of a game that had mexicans dubbing was Gears of War for the xbox. All of this to say, usually nowdays company's make two different Spanish dubs cater to the 2 different audiences.
I did not knew Portuguese didnt have a dub wow....
Smooching this cute boy
i like her specifically because she's a bare-bones tryhard tomboy. super confident but actually retarded. the best type of tomboy.
>make a cowboy cat zone
>its the best part of the xpac
Kneel to Meowdy chads in PF
Ryne's fat GYAAT
its one of the best vidya tropes, no YOU go back
Is viper really, summoner tier braindead to play?
it's inevitable they are compared and the writers should know that and come up with better shit
I don't think she's amazing, but she's not awful either. MSQ and NPCs glaze Wuk a lot in dialogue though, to me that was noticeable at least. Dawntrail tells a lot when it should just show me more instead
>She just has 5x more screentime than she should have had.
that too, imagine getting to hang out with Koana or even Bakool Ja Ja for a few levels
>Interpersonal skills
Everyone just bows to her when they realize that she is the daughter of the king.
nvm cmere brudda gis a cuddle
They changed that this year. It's f2p friendly now. You just gotta pay real money if you want skimpy panties on your pettanko
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Wasn't that guy's name Sue Lightning or something?
you're gonna do that all the way to 100 bud thats the whole expansion.

im not exaggerating, enjoy
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did someone say GYAAATTTT
Its even easier due to being melee, you just press what glows and the job auto flows
>cutscene finishes
>walk 5 yalms
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>The command /tp tuli does not exist.
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you have 2 weeks to reach 100 this doesnt end here.
Step out the terlet now anon.
nah summoner is easier
I think the other stuff in that zone was good too, comfy adventuring
>I believe X! I will never be swayed! For my people! For myself!
>"But X is bad"
>Nuh uhh
>"Yuh huhh"
>Yeah you're right. I'll just abandon my lifes work and follow your lead, oh wandering stranger. *whistles with fingers in their mouth* Oi Soken, play me off, one of those jingles with the Sarah McLachlan soundalikes singing in it!
im so sick of this dead nigger server when can i go back to aether
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no idea if the author cares anymore, last time I saw him was being a drawfag for undertale threads ages ago

bless him and his porn cat though
Is the island sanctuary shit timegated or can I just grind it out?
You can go right now, Dynamis don't need trannies like you :)
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Yeah. The skill it takes to play is all mechanical. Once you learn how to press the buttons it's over, much like SMN's gems.
It's a bit harder because there's 4 timers, shifting positionals and a bunch of oGCDs but that is still it.
you can tell some huemonkey thought he was really funny slamming this one out
I mean, have they even started to add breadcrumbs for something new? We literally fought existence itself or whatever
nice makeup
>everyone now prefer moonie+ instead of sunnie+
sunnie+ bros.. We need to retaliate
>I like Wuk Lamat
Are whites ok?
what do i pick for seal rock tonight sisters
i want to bully all the vpr/pct sissies
Am I the only one that doesn't like fat? Does anyone love nice long toned or slender legs anymore?
based pumping poster
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>even barry is enjoying DT
We won.
We fucking won...
I hate Wuk Lamat, though.

Nah, amer*cans are mentally ill and do stuff like that all the time :)
>uh duhhh am I only person that like [popular thing]??
Think for once nigger
i only like fat on hrothgirls
/xivg/ is a chubby chaser general
my sunnie has long slender toned legs but she also has large breasts
That pic is probably older than (you).
>Everyone just bows to her when they realize that she is the daughter of the king.
Which is based.
Especially when random villages are like
>I shouldn't shit talk you, you're the daughter of the king, but I kind of have to tell you that you suck right now...
>I don't think she's amazing
Exactly. She's right in the middle.
An expac that gives Alisaie, Krile, G'raha(not Exarch), Minfilia, Y'shtola, and so on just as much screen time would be horrible too.
I used to like Alisaie, but dealing with her being nearly as bad as Lyse and on screen nearly every expac is starting to get to me too.
Of course fat people are disgusting. The only people who like fat are lardasses who have already given up on ever losing weight and try to cope with their existence.
the huemonkey in question
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third trial is kino until the "phase 2" in which it becomes generic shounen fight with your words cringe where the difficulty drops to the floor just like zeromus. hopefully the extreme inherits some of the john madden phase tier difficulty because that shit was extremely fun, unironically extreme/savage tier mechanics sequence in a normal raid.
I was actually getting salty in party chat as that happened, oh my fucking god
She looks good now
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>find fabled lost city
>king shows up
>"so we're gonna go in right?"
>"oh idk door doesn't work, lets leave."

god dammit
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EB a femhroth
do you think she'd make a squeaky toy noise if i squished her
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Post shaders.
Finally got mine working
fat is shit but so is slender no muscle 2000s playmate era
for me it's a slightly muscular body
Suzi is trans.
She sounds similar to Saber. That was the only reason I was able to stomach cutscenes without outright skipping.
>An expac that gives Alisaie, Krile, G'raha(not Exarch), Minfilia, Y'shtola, and so on just as much screen time would be horrible too.
miss me with that shit, they should just send the WoL to Meracydia as the only foreigner and see how we handle complete strangers all by ourselves
how do you get them working
t. retard who wants the rtgi back
they recoil at their future
you'll look back on this moment and wish you were still there
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minimum price is 10m gil on my server
Warrior has been fucking my shit up pretty bad
i would but femhroths dont like femhroths...
Kinda fucked up the Viper teacher has eyebrows, but playable highlanders still cant get them.
you're half mexican just like the entire of your nigger ridden country. mexico owns the "USA" so bad, and you guys probably like it because you keep accepting them in. well, at least i'm not an amerimutt!
I 100% agree. I really fucking wish they had done this. I've only enjoyed the Urianger and Thancred stuff in this expac.
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quick buy it back

if you had the classic spectacles fashion accessory you can claim it from the calamity salvager
what's the fastest way to get fisher from 91 to 100
do what now?
I was actually on the not hating Wuk Lamat team until that holy fuck I HATE this bitch now
keep going
knight, is that you?
Just wait until you have to run back up again for the Current blue quest.

I legit wanted to kill myself.
does it just bully the casters? from what i read of vpr it seems good against war but idk
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Ninja or Samurai?
Also how are Bard and Astrologist feeling now?
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>wuk finally fucks off
>we're in fantasy western
>shootouts, bandits, trains and shit
>finally the comfy adventure we were promised
yeah they lost me finally something good happens and we just get railroaded back, worst launch msq since SB by far
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Ez as that

Whats that bikini mod with the huge ass tits that people keep posting here?
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shut up shut up shut up i'm not doing this for YOU
not every successful woman you hate is trans, bud
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he's in!
That's the part when I just started skipping everything, can't deal with this shit anymore.
Triggered tranny detected.
>stuck on queue
Skill issue
I was booted and then went back immediately with no queue
t. DynaCHAD
What if we made all the melee dps jobs super cool looking and fun and then made all the ranged dps jobs look like shit and be incredibly unfun to play.
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now I just need penumbra and customize and mare back... thank you...
nigga you're getting mad that a filler arc was short
you're docile and weak, and virgin too btw. peace
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Whatever you say
I would but femhroths don't like female moonies
>picto gets a 3x critical direct hits of increasing potency back to back
feels good, man
especially when farming these GODDAMN fates
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What are the 7.X patches even gonna be about?
the filler arc is better than most of the MSQ
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domain expansion

bloom worldwide
no they dont. Wuk literally had to trade up from a basket of wool to a 3-year aged Premium Mezcal. The guy even said "i dont support you, fuck you, i like your brother more" and then we BTFO'd him with trade.
It's generally only thirdies, basedboys and actual gooners who like fat cellulite asses.
The twins really did nothing this entire expansion huh. We could've left them behind
Bros... Carvallain shouldnt be this based...
no you fucking retarded cutscene skipper, wuk specifically says it's goodbye for a while and that you're going to go explore the rest of the continent, then you take five steps in to it and turn back around to go suck wuk off again, the "filler arc" should have been the main story
how do I unlock facewear
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this would've been a perfect moment for a mini game desu...
>We could've left them behind
We could've but Yoshi P would never allow that
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What is everyone tech to reduce image file size without losing too much quality? Everything I've tried is kinda iffy
Wuk Lamat visiting all the other countries and taking them over through the power of friendship
talk to a calamity salvager in any of the major cities
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>Find the Sightseer log fiddie
>Says she has a twin sister
>make it to solution 9
>find her sister
>she's old now
>remarks on her sister's writing as well as wanting to see her again
>They purposefully position her so she's facing away from you on a ledge
so when she turns around you get that shock of her being old

Before that it was Wuk's nursemaid still thinking of her
God damnit...
how quickly can i finish endwalker if i skip literally every word
you could skip anything Alisaie says and you miss nothing but that's been true for the entirety of FFXIV
they should just turn into adult elezen already, timeskip when
holy moly i want to make to make him feel like a real woman
calamity vendor in a main city. they convert your fashion accessories to facewear
>Doing a dungeon
>use all the big potency spells
>kill the big pack pull
>can now instantly refresh all the painting and do the same next pack
Feels good
like a day or 2 DT didnt even take me a full day
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Why don't my lalas pants go all the way up?
>leaving friends behind
PCT is fucking hilarious in PotD, mother fucker can kill mimics in 171+ before it even starts its aids cast. Pity its held back by being a caster.
you're too late he stopped doing porn a while ago
Convert the png to a jpg or save the pic as a jpg to begin with to get around the shitty low 4chan file limit
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Has anyone tried Beastmaster yet?
there has been almost no ebin discussion in the past two days
does shadowstride feel less responsive than plunge was to anyone else
i think some of sphenes soul juice went back into her tiara or something so thats your .3 trial right there
was that a man ? wow, sexy
>get hype for dawnservant ascension
>wuk lamat VA snatches defeat from the jaws of victory AGAIN

This sounds like an average highschooler doing a presentation
>they have queues on their servers
m-must be nice being on a non dead one h-haha
>have Shadowed Vigil and Excogitation on me
>healer is still spamming adloquium and physick and lustrate
>still didn't get to use Living Dead
nigger what the fuck are you doing
RDM's the only caster with a decent disengage, SMN only has Titan CC, BLM has to have a party member nearby to gapclose to in order to escape (VPR also has this issue) outside of having to use ice spells, and PCT's best options are having CC in reserve from motifs or using its paint dash (which has varying degrees of usefulness due to snapshotting)
yeah, I really appreciate it
someone understood how nice it was for ninjas to be able to refresh their mudras before each pull
why are you trying to skip? what are you hoping to accomplish? make it to DT so you can skip more scenes?
the endgame sucks bro just enjoy the ride
>like Suzi
Of all the trans gals out there you pick Suzi and not something like Lianna or Salazar?
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>what's the fastest way to get fisher from 91 to 100
fishing imo

I'm really looking forward to doing this quest, but I'm slow. It's in my log.
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undoubtedly this, as we effectively meet people from the 12th and 6th shards, i dont doubt we're going right back to reflection hopping after a brief stint in Solution 9 now that they're basically left destitute with a literal child for a ruler.
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>cool choir version of the main theme used during ascension scene
>plays for less than a minute and is never used again
the voice direction for wuk lamet is very bad. it ruins some key scenes.
They need to add more thongs in the game. There is like 1. The 2B pair
oh, okay
do I have to take them out of the glamour dresser?
the monster hunter pair are pretty skimpy too
bro everyone but you knew that Wuk was VA'd by a twink tranny months ago, you voted for this. should've switched to JP audio back in 6.55
plunge used to feel that way before they changed it actually, it was just as clunky years ago
I think the devs missed the memo that they did that so Shadowstride has a dumb animation lock
can my lala be from tural?
NTA but my RTGI is still broken. What RTGI are you using?
Mine seems to often break on major updates.
oh nice! ill take a look then
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not agane...
Did you forget the train sequence?
same as it ever was
g'raha's "we stand together!!" in 5.0 is still the most egregiously shit voice acting in the game despite being one line
what happened to
>this is the ONLY job that needs quadruple weaving
anon.... it won't be out for a long time....
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>dced close to 23:00
>noticed my client is still open, go to close,
>still in queue, 668
>hour and a half later I still wouldn't be logged in
uh huh
uh huh
uh huh
uh huh
I dmed people my eggplant earlier, maybe they can leak the photo to generate drama?
>It's okay the writing is shit because the stakes are low!
The DRK questline is literally just the WoL having a multiple personality disorder attack and it's magnitudes more interesting than everything in DT combined
Have you seen a single fucking lalafell in tural?
standing behind you in the login queue and cumming on your back to watch it slide down your crack
what are the chances ishikawa wrote out the stuff that happens post-97 in the msq and let the other people do the rest? it doesn't feel like this stuff could have been written by the same person who did the first section of the msq
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wanna taco bout it hahahaha
I wish I had money or draw because I would commission Sphene getting fucked by dogs
It is impossible for me to take a scene that has lalafels in it seriously. The parent's running away should be horrendously sad but instead it reads like a Saturday morning cartoon cause of their faggy animations and expressions.
didnt he fuck anthony cumia
am i remembering that right or am i schizophrenic
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Not him but he's probably talking about Sarah Salazar
t. tranny expert
sorry but i think you are mistaken. the only glasses that are currently part of the "facewear" category are the glasses that were fashion accessories.
every other form of glasses is still headwear until future patches.
more please?
you are not to curse at me
Oh they do some slytherin alright
amerimutt post
I don't get it?
I've been shitting on wuk lmao since we found out about the VA, just experiencing the key moments in the MSQ that he ruins is brutal even when I know what to expect.
I'll post the full ones on July 4th
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remember to read your journal as a dark knight for a surprise~
I really don't like the new Viper job
It feels like some sort of bastard child of Reaper and Dancer
Wait...DT was actually, good?
rent free
because he's eating a taco, get it? taco bout it? aHAHAHAHAAHJAHAHA
oh no you're right I forgot they added fashion accessories
>low stakes
>mentions DRK
You're literally dying
Reminder that we could've had Corsair
ai generate it like everybody else
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thats the trick huh? Would it be better to convert after taking the screenshot or making reshade save the picture in jpeg in the first place?
Who do I pay to pose my WoL having romantic loving sex with Lyse in the highest quality?
yeah this is why i switched. I didn't want some fucking tranny ruining my gaming experience YET AGAIN so i decided to get used to the jap voices, and honestly the voice direction for the japs is much better.

i think the ENG VA's could be way better if they didn't have a shitty Voice Director. Like the English VA's give it their all, but its like they aren't told the context of the scene, so their reading is waaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy off most of the time. Like a scene calls for an emotional reading and they play it flat.
this. I like her (seinen-ass) character but the rest of the writing in the xpac so far (94) is bad and quests are just copypasted shit but yknow what else is new
C@girl feet
>your happiness is my happiness

genuinely embarassing that this was made by a 14 year dev team for a flagship mmo funded by a top 10 global dev studio
unlikely but if she had written anything, 97 up to the second trial, all of that was kinda cool
the main stuff afterwards feels like what someone thinks she'd write
>excog the paladin tank
>they spam clemency any time they get to 70%
Crystal queue THIRD TRIAL NOW
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for me? it's a wide array of multitudes of types
do they explain who the mother of the baby lizard is I'm dying to know
What's the best material right now to dump gemstones in for gil
>You're literally dying
Anon are you confusing ShB with the DRK storyline? There isn't risk of dying at any point.
thats because it is
Drawing is for retards
Wuk is as much of a retard filter as Zenos
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And multiple things in DT try to kill you, your point?
c@girls stepping on me and bullying me.
I leave subby catboys like this if they beg
silver lobo hide is used in obscene amounts for craft leves, it'll likely be the most expensive option available early on
[18:33]“Dawntrail” complete!
I was going to give the expansion a 7/10 before final area, then it went up to an 8/10, but the final trial knocks it back down to 7/10
what the fuck were they thinking
what if the king and the queen did... you know..
Inclusion of trannies has done more harm to their image than any so-called bigot ever could.

Alice from Superjail is the only one that wasn't horrible

XIV's jpeg compression is somewhere around 75-80% quality it feels like, and you can convert manually to 95 quality to turn most screenshots into a reasonable size without crunchy jpegness.
>have 50 minutes left on my fanta
>sitting in queue
>can't go afk or I'll waste precious decision time
i heard 95-96 is when the ball drops and they fully jump the shark.
I saw spoilers that Zoraal goes full Halo 3 Arbiter...so thats kinda cool?
I draw, and I can confirm I am stupid
shb and EW are literally the only expansions with higher stakes than dawntrail lmao
TDS posting does not work here sorry too many actual trannies here
>i heard
>i saw
try playing the game lil nigga
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there's also this which might imply we haven't quite finished
Koana's BWC owns my sunnie
I hope you are becoming a lala.
I say this to my eb all this time.
that's what I was thinking, but she's a ghost machine AI thing so there's no way...?
are there any femra npcs in solution 9
the trial was fine until phase 2
>Liking the last zone
I want to hear you out, why?
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and so it ended as it began; with wuk lemat

what if i like Lamaty'i but thought Zenos was the most annoying cringelord ever
It only counts the time spent while logged in.

t. spent half an hour changing my character and still had 40 minutes left
they're all in his breeding chambers
Then you're trans.
depression kino
was probably the only time I got slightly emotional during the entire thing
the entire last quarter of the expac really does offer some very interesting virtues and philosophical conundrums
that is specifically what ruined it, yes
I was thinking it was fucking amazing and then... yeah....
but I play with JP voices
Reminder that Ishikawa is partly responsible for the shitshow of an expansion we got.
She just HAD to remove all the magic and mysticism from the game, she just HAD to have everything explained and leave no wonder or magic left to the imagination.
She wrapped up everything that kept the lore and world interesting in 5min, she's a total opposite of Miyazaki which leaves things too vague while Ishikawa has to over explain everything,

There's nowhere to go from here in the story because we've used up all the story lines and wonders the world had, you can't expect us to care or like a random new place the will be wrapped up within 10min like this expansion.
Can you draw Sphene getting fucked by a dog then?
yeah I figured but I'm afraid I'll waste time being logged on if I walk away while the queue goes down... I wish I had anamnesis to test my glams and perfect the skin color...
+10 trans points.
I cant find a pic otherwise I'd post it
for me it was kind of selling something i already had plenty of and it was just a huge slog. i dont know
the gondola ride was nice
>haven't quite finished
>in a x.0 patch
OH WOW YOU DONT SAYYYY, what could have lead you to believe that x.0 was the end of the content?
i started skipping everything again in the last zone
i just...
i just don't care...
>the gondola ride was nice
yes, it was very good, very memorable part
you can tell who wrote that part...heh
but also the last zone getting dark and stuff after every memory tower you deactive is just really cool going there after you're done with the msq is really kino because its all liminal and shit
Absolutely not
i think you're just a nihilist thats fried their dopamine receptors and thus nothing will ever make you feel happy or fulfilled ever again.

outside of FFXIV when was the last time you actually felt happy or accomplished?
Let her come back so I can kill her again. I get off to murdering cute girls with gray morality.
TSCMAA gives me ghosting. Even at 60fps. A shame.
damn i kinda wanna skullfuck erenville's mom
If you imagine her as a female with a strong voice, i can blend out the tranny. And then she aint that bad
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next time use an arrow like this
kek I'm at like 95 shit just a sliver away on xp because I'm leveling three tanks at once. might be lulz
Who wrote this shit?
>muh diversity
>wow so diverse
>wow so many cultures so diverse!
Futa ruins the day once again

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