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Previous: >>484110106

>Persona 3 Reload Episode Aigis -The Answer- will be released on September 9 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsTbz82TmWM [Embed]
>Metaphor: ReFantazio will be released on October 11, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GfgkVGFhN8A [Embed]
>P5X released in China - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOtZcTAMuIE [Embed]

>P5U.jp (Arena) Expires: 2025/04/30
>P5B.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31
>P5M.jp (Unknown) Expires: 2024/12/31

>We have moved everything to GoogleDocs and on the Internet Archive:
>New and improved Birthday Chart
>Media assets

/pg/ OC:
>Draw Corner archive

Anti Spammer Tech:
Good OP
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Why did she do it?
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behead those who [Embed][Embed]
You're feeling very sleepy, when I snap my fingers you'll fall into trance and obey my suggestions
You want to have a polygimus relation ship with me and Chie.
You wan't each of use to birth 6+ children
You want to live in a house by the coast
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Imagine getting pegged by Shadow Mitsuru's dildo raiper
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>You're feeling very sleepy,
This image again?
Lol fucking failure
I want to kiss Chie's entire body.
This thread is already off to a dogshit start. Someone make another one already
>chie decides to try licking youor abs for once
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my wives
I don't have abs
best part
Marry Marry Marry
Fuck Fuck Fuck
Impregnate Impregnate Impregnate
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Lights are flashing, so I might not read much of it
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Why dose she have a freakishly huge puffy pussy mound cameltoe sticking out?
>We will get metaphor 2 before persona 6
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Tomboys have huge clits
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Black Toaster
10 minutes before getting locked in the Amagi Inn basement for 36 years
>hypno with you as the sub
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imagine if she and aigis were 6'4 and you were just trapped between them
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go back to /trash/
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mfw i will never expierence that.
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Im playing P5R for the first time (played the vanilla game back in the day) and the game is as good as I remember... up to the first palace at least, I recall it nosedives hard after that
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They'd pretty be too heavy to push away, you'd be completely at their mercy
irl robot waifus are like a decade away anon
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I want to bang peers.
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Yellow eye edit when?
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Are their butts really the mesmerizing?
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I want more then just an edit.
What characteristics tie together all the social link from the same same arcana in different games? What do Bebe, the stepmother from 4 and Kawakami have in common?
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Futaba love <3
Ryuji was trying to stare at Ann's so I'd say so.
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I hope so.
but god knows how much they will cost.
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Her face is really fat.
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Dubious little creature, getting up to mischief...
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Yosuke was literally me when I was 17
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>this page doesn't exist
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Was this posted earlier? Turns out the belly dancer is a bartender in her day job: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLQrfKFxE6o
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A closeted homosexual?
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why is my smart fridge posting on pg of all places
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What a freak~
For temperance no one knows because no one did Eri’s, bebe’s too gay, and kawakimi’s link is overshadowed by thoughts of breeding the moody teacher maid, so no one remembers it
Probably one of the more interesting artists that popped up due to Reload
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Threadly orb
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Is this the most cringeworthy thing Atlus has ever done?
fruity orb
quality orb
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This and the live action reveal of Soul Hackers 2 were equally cringe, the Ringo cosplayer was cute at least ngl.
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Every time I see that fuckers face I keep thinking it's V.
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A cat is fine too
i like these edits
No, horny low self-esteem envious of friends
I just feel like they're about to snap her neck.
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The virus is spreading
Not interested in horny Aigis.exe
You may not be interested in horny Aigis, but horny Aigis is interested in you
-Leon Trotsky
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I'm Interested in horny Aigis.exe
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That's just hypno Aigis. Different concept.
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Good taste
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It helps if you understand the Arcana themselves when you’re looking at them. And of course, each link is going to be filtered through the lens of the central theme of the game as well.
With temperance specifically we’re looking at characters that are under intense stress in their lives, who are very lonely, and importantly do not have balance and harmony with their current life style.
Bebe is incredibly isolated in japan, and is living his life essentially as a weeaboo - putting his japan obsession foremost to almost the full disregard of his real life, with him being called back to france after his mom dies really bringing that disparity into focus. Likewise Eri is incredibly alone in her own home, unable to connect to her son, her husband being abroad, and caught between her new obligations as a mother, her family and past live in the city, and the new community of Inaba where she is incredibly alienated - to the point where she trusts random shit she sees on tv more than anyone actually around her. And lastly, Kawakami is pretty much working herself to death over trying to pay the parents of that kid, with no friends or support at all (her previous school and shujin essentially hanging her out to dry) and is caught between her real career and her side-work.
And in all of these the protagonist assists in bringing those people back to a more sustainable state in life.
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So is there a science/math behind persona fusions? Do I need to know them to get by on hard? Please tell me I don't need some autistic spread sheet or guide. I played p3 on normal and going into p4g on hard.
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Reloaders never recovered from this
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Don’t worry about it persona games aren’t hard
PAWG Makoto
But Makoto isn't white
Blacks are to stupid to know any races other then black, white and mexicans.
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Dumb and stinky
How did she become bimbobot?
Yeah, she's pretty dumb
I recently got to play dmc5 and this niggas levels are fucking me up
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Thank you for enjoying threadly orbs
where's sumi
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Love Chee
Why are they so susceptible to hypnosis?
Punished Chie
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Can I pet him?
Same reason anons are so susceptible to >>484166263
where's s.umi? where is she
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She's mine /pg/
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Right here
Why are you linking a porn thread on a blue board?
Sumi getting kissed no less than 10 times a day by me
Sumi getting blacked no less than 10 times a day
>cute tae ruined by fucked up feet
those are what my feet look like after a week in my boots
Which Persona girls are into omorashi?
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Nope, this is all she does.
*gets boner*
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BBTAG will only be remembered because of the chibi persona characters dancing.
What does that mean
Solo watersports
Persona VII
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>GTA 7 before Persona 6
It was pretty fun for kusoge
What will it be like?
Sex with aunt Sae!
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She's 24
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Why the HECK does she have to be that cute and perfect?
Cause she is best girl
>I'm older than my hag wife
Say it ain't so
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Very similar to our Soom in many ways.
Sorry faggot, but she is better in every way. Get Ratio'd.
Getting her pregnant and massahing her tits for growth
Needs pregnant art
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How many cocks has Chihiro sucked?
Horrendous question
How many pieces of breads have you eaten in your life
No idea
freaky aigis is just what happens when she doesn't get any cream and asking politely clearly isn't working
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This is the only response available
Does she turn into a vampirebot?
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Aigis will get her cream, cream powered robot.
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She'll suck it right out.
Probably yes
We're so getting a Persona 1 Remake. I look forward to it.
She turns into hornybot, howls in the wind.
I really hope it happens for the fanart alone. And to see how they handle it with the 3D models and gameplay.
get a life aigisfag
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Do you also try to autistically fit characters from other series into the Persona arcana?
Id rather just get a Sebec movie and SQQ ova.
What could a remake do other than add the original ost and voiced dialog? And the former was already added to P1P by fans
What the fuck is Morgana supposed to be?
I don't know which part of this is worse, that this was made at all, or that it was actually the reload zoomer devs that modeled the celebrity and left the model in the reload files for some reason
The appeal(?) would probably be P1 but made in the style of P5/P3R. Would end up pretty short without the calendar and social link stuff though.
Did you play P1?
It's not going to happen.
It won't work.
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Why Atlus West thinks it needs literally who celeb live action commercials is beyond me, but modeling the guy into the game and putting that into the ad when it doesn't have a character creator is even stranger. Is Mr Beast gonna be fighting shadows in the P6 trailer next?
appeal to who? fans of the game would fucking hate it and p5onlis would get deterred by the lack of things like calendars or social links
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They're not doing it. Same for P2 if that wasn't obvious.
Yes I did.
Yes it will.
Yes it can.
i believe you i guess
no it won't
no it can't
please, P1+2 new models SFM porn...
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>made in the style of P5/P3R
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I don't think Persona would ever have a bittersweet/bad ending like they did in P2 and P3 since they might be too afraid on how people would think about it
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sleep time
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Sex with protagonists
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who taught her this pose?
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P1 + 2 remakes in style of Metaphor with press turns and row system
With Maki/Ayase and Maya as navis
I actually try to do that with the characters from Three Houses
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She found some of Junpei's magazines. Then she started looking online and gained her own particular kind of porn addiction.
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>Ayase telling you to kill yourself if you miss
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I don't know if P1+P2 will be completely remade but a Steam/Modern console port would be nice
just emulate it
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I've already played them both. I'm just saying that it would be nice if they were ported so more people can experience them but I think a total remake is unlikely.
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Free use Coomire
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>I'm just saying that it would be nice if they were ported so more people can experience them
just emulate it. a majority of people have a pc of some kind
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P6 better have a romance able girl with a long uniform skirt
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Massaging _____'s ____s
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Maiko's ikos
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Morgana's paws
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Aigis' headphones
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P5 style P1 Remake
>Calendar system
>Deva system no longer transports people between worlds, but Makis get swapped between the worlds
>Maki's dream world is a parallel world that you can travel between by texting DEVA to 888-33-555-888-338 from your Nokia
>The deadline is to save real Maki which is spoiled at the start
>After you complete the dungeon there is a 2 week long period to do your social links
>Ideal Maki is assisted by a wacky rat mascot Tasso
>No more unique negotiations
>Snow Queen Quest happens as an additional scenario
>Music is remixes from the PSP soundtrack
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