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Previous Thread: >>484131239

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

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Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Jun. 11 - Jul. 8 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Childhood Case File
[Upcoming] Jul. 2 - Jul. 22 | New Mini-Event: Maze Guess

[Current] Jun. 13 - Jul. 11 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Phantom Thieves
[Current] Jun. 13 - Jul. 4 | New Event: Cartesian Theatre
[Current] Jun. 20 - Jul. 4 | Ranking Rerun: Pointcaré Recurrence (City of Nightmare +)
[Upcoming] Jul. 4 - Jul. 18 | Event Rerun: Lost in Thoughts
[Upcoming] July | New Event: Zero Charge

[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | New Collaboration Event: Retrocausal Trie Interference (Neural Cloud x Steins;Gate)
[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | External Search - [Dazzling Arclight] (Mayuri Shiina)
[Current] Jun. 25 - Jul. 30 | External Search - [Truth-Seeking Kronos] (Kurisu Makise)

[Current] Jun. 27 - Jul. 11 | Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery - Summer Sale 20% Discount

Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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Just win the next one.
You fucking LOSERS. Enjoy EoS!!!
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/gfg/ status?
Kill yourselves already you pathetic fucking cockroaches.
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Family Sunday???
idk about using fagmily for this one OP
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Hopeful, well hydrated and hungry for doll ass
losers in revenue charts and virtual soccer
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Will we even make it to the next one?
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Thats not NegaFami...
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A little bit disappointed but kinda happy to see /gfg/ together and that we could reach the finals
Hopefully not
Screaming EoS for the seventh year in a row isn't gonna increase your chancess, bro.
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NegaFami is barred from all OP activities until she has paid for her crimes.
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Oh right fuck I forgot that detail too
Looking for other methods to cope.
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We didnt win, but I also dont think we had a losing performance, so I am a KJ of my word
how do you know that? see that smug in the image
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I want to say thank you manager for giving us the best result we ever got in vgl.
Fuck off
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>finally make the banner and just in time for the final match
>our team loses
I'm jumping out the window.
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thanks man, i dunno if RC is more painful than this final, but at least vgl ending is happier
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I'm always ready to rim Finn dolls
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Is this actually good? I keep forgetting it exists.
Lost the PES Condition 50/50, such is life.
From spoon to second, I'm just happy that team is officially back. Of course, the final win would have been amazing but man I love that /myteam/ is finally BACK.
Also that final match wasn't terrible, it was still close
Good morning, bros. Did we won?
>We got to final
>We lost
>But it was a close and tight fight
We tried our best, bros. Thank you manager for getting us this far.
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There's never enough doll ass to satisfy SKK
It's good when you get more range upgrades so she can plug someone from 10 tiles away, until then it's mid. Put everything in Collapse Bombardment.
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I expect apolosand in my mail by tomorrow.

Stop that.
We lost, Negafagmily curses won
daughter scored in the finals, all I needed
fucking losers
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About time, kusoposter
I'll say it. Manager-kun had yo swap fagmily for M4. But noooo, Mr. Pizza should get swapped for cucky. RIP
Great job on getting us this far manager-kun, we shall win next time.
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It was a good run /gfg/, glad that we still kept all the old goalhorns. Almost had tears when LD popped up with the "NOBODY HAS EVER DONE THAT IN THE HISTORY OF DOTA" in the M200 one.
My Raifu Type 97 will be proud, hopefully GFL2 comes to global and I can play the game after ditching gfl for genshin.
this leaf is sex but dont listen to her words of advice
uh oh they're going to be mad at you for playing the G word.
If you a nigger get double tapped by jefuty. Actually used that skill quite a bit when there are bosses.
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Next time we will burn more timelines and jefutys, and take that gold.
panties aside nakadashi with the intent of breeding while kissing for this filial daughter terrorist.
Not gonna lie Im just glad baggots didn't make it
Anything more was a bonus
Just jerked off to ASMR roleplay, what did I miss?
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Alrighty, new thread.
Damn what a run. /gfg/ was able to defy odds and make it all the way to the finals. Unfortunately, /gfg/ came up short by one bad defensive play by a certain CB. Looking back on it all, I'm saddened that /gfg/ was not able to take it all the way, but we have come so far. From the spoon and a game down in qualifiers to barely winning in finals, /gfg/ has come a long way in a short time. Both of us will try our best to make another deep run in VGL 23.

Big thanks to the Aes man, Alac, for improving the look of our players and giving them facial animation. Another thanks to the anon that revised our logo. Thanks to the main commentator of /gfg/ ThunderBrother for commentating all of our matches. And like always thanks to the fans that witnessed our historic run.

The superstition I mentioned yesterday was that I would bet on sports matches to channel all the bad luck into that and give /gfg/ the good luck.
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*need a nigger
This shithole jobbing at the finish line. And the mass cope and seethe that ensued.
It's good.
My end game set up was
>The cheap power shot
>Support fire
It's shit, Athena removes anything armored you could use nuke on with a half map range, Jevon removes anything else.
uh oh melty melty melty!
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you're alright bro
If you're the manager, thanks for the run and hopefully gfg is still alive for the future leagues.
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>Note: /gfg/'s Sopdog was injured at 90+1 and did not return
We were so close...
kys fake gunfucker
you'll always be CGDCT garbage game
Yeah you did!
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lol, did you win any of them?
So you won the last sports match you bet on?
Also reeeee put m4 in next time >:[
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Thank you for the run manager!
I still couldn't believe that the team is in finals. Hats off to everyone! Congrats!
What did you jerk off to?
Well done, have fun with a new PES right after gfg learns to play on 19
good job manager-kun but please stay for a while and explain those presets copies. those did not make sense in my brainlet head
You're the same. I bet you don't even own a gun you fucking poser.
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Bravo for blazing a trail this brightly this time around, manager-kun. We did great and I can only hope this is what we need to get us out of that funk of the past leagues. Wishing you all the best next time!

NegaFami was behind that rebound I just know it
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aside from family/pizza swap jobbing, we did well fighting against 4 reds
Thank you manager-kun and keep it up, next league for sure
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You had a great run, keep it up
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literally no one expected us to get this far and we even went down 2-3 instead of 1-4
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The team did way better this time, keep it up bro
Let's do this again.
Do we love WA state?
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The music, aesthetics, and performance were everything a /gfg/ fan could ask for. Take a well-deserved rest, manager-kun, this was literally the best run the team has ever had.
Just make sure Jefuty represents the general in the VGL
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You did good, manager. Thank you.
>he bet against /gfg/
I'm unaware as to why mobabowl was EoS'd. Anyone got an idea why?
he was the reason italy lost
Oh well, I didn't miss anything important
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Haven't said much since the poll, but excellent job this go around >>484168285. This is the most hyp things have been here since the original VGL 11 run and it's glad to see that spark come back. Hoping the success will carry over on the return to pes17.
Also just saying, both the team's best run were with WA in a medal position :^). For the WA state!
Wawa was in
Wawa was bullied.
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Thank you for your work manager-kuns
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now we sleep
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From the very bottom to the runner up. You did an amazing job. Think I'm gonna try making new picrel with current team, your call whenever entire team or just field players.

Don't know yet which pose for each player, but for sure Family getting punishment and Junya holding whoever killed SOP, with knife.
Sorry Betty, sorry Sugar, you'll wait bit longer.
im not crying
im just numb
happy we have a medal, but coping for the lack of gold
we'll get 'em next time lads...surely...
I thought vgl is over with vgl 22, did I get something wrong?
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WA-nderful work out there, WAWA. Keep it up!
just dont forget we 2-5'd hgg2d
Get the entire team in. They all deserve it
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My wife scored in both matches, that's all I needed
It's the boss fight match. Winner plays as all purple against all red host team.
Yeah, Jefuty to the /vg/ team.
I will wait as long as it takes. And might as well do the whole team if you can manage.
Good work.
No I meant, vgl never running again, not the extra match
Since when is it never running?
They are changing the pes version.
Beating them and /smtg/ were huge payback wins that jumped up the morale.
That was the Mobabowl, it's dead forever
I see
oh that might be what I remember
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Absolutely not. VGL will continue on so long as it has people willing to organize it and do the legwork.>>484170008 Is correct, although maybe in a couple years mobalel will come back.
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>tfw mentioned
Thanks for the dox, you guys did great.
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Yea a few of them. I won big early on but then was living off small wins and the profits I made beforehand. I kept the gimmick up cause of the UEFA Euros and cause I was semi consistent on MLB betting.
It's still pending at the moment but I've lost the last 2 $10 bets I placed that were settled. In hindsight I should have if she was in good condition but I trusted in Family and the other CB to perform.
Yup. It'll be tough but I got the archives to study plus the next 4cc babby cup to figure out what to run.
The first copying was to keep the tactics that carried /gfg/ to the finals available to switch to. The 2nd was to keep what were running but I didn't want to manually enter all the sliders in case I messed up cause I went to a longball focused strategy. The first was necessary, the 2nd was partial laziness/ safety.
Your choice, take as long as you want
Thanks for all the congrats, and to those I missed in the last thread
Pic related. The picture is my lucky betting picture.
>Captcha is SOM4P
He was kind of exploiting the rules.
Changing preset is a free action and he had no plans on actually using default Preset 2 so by using the concession timeout to copy Preset 1 onto Preset 2 and change a few things he could just request a change back to Preset 1 to undo the changes if it wasn't working without burning a voluntary timeout. Same for the later change.
Uhh why is it dead?
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Why it did EoS? I don't think wiki says anything or I'm blind
Welcome managers!
Btw gonna setup a poll now or Jefuty is the chosen rep?
Following our tradition of fuck gacha predatory means, we must put Jefuty in the field
Oh shit yeah we have to do that. Give me a few to consult with the other manager on how we want to do this.
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she scored a goal in the finals bros
Whoever it is give them a Mr. Pizza backpack
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>but I trusted in Family
Negafami cursed her! They made a truce on the surface, but it was a plan by negafamily to ruin our game!
>bets 3-2 on /gfg/
>/gfg/ loses 3-2
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Thank you for your service, skk
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2ND place just means that GF2 will be releasing in 2 MORE WEEKS.
Trust the plan.
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2ND place just means that GF2 will not be releasing. Chong was only gonna hasten global if we got 1st place, but this pathetic disappointment means no global release at all.
Trust the plan.
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Goodnight, and congratulations on the incredible run, /gfg/. See you tomorrow.
Well considering it's not unamimous this time, I'll put this up now for who we sending to the /vg/ roster. Will leave it open till end of tuesday Because I have 2 days holiday thank to leafland day

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Yoku yatta, manager-sama
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>a fucking leaf
sent my vote. now I wonder what version of junya would be sent?
Vote Jefuty, be smart Dorks.
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sent, hope you have a good poutine to celebrate leaf day.
This is unironically a tough choice
Send Sugar, they'll never expect it.
Roll a 5 sided die
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I tried figuring out PES before and just scratching the surface made me notice the insane amount of hard work you must have put into this. Kudos to you. I mean it.
>From the spoon and a game down in qualifiers to barely winning in finals
Reminds me of my local divegrass team that went from facing relegation to almost winning a major title again for the first time in three decades in just a couple of years. Maybe that's why I love /gfg/ so much and believe so strongly in it no matter the outcome. I love dorks who never give up and always try their best regardless of their limitations. In the end divegrass, like life itself, is not about being better than others, but being better than your past self. And you really achieved this.
I've been doodling divegrass dorks for quite some time and all I can say is thank YOU for making a difference and thank YOU for inspiring a dork. I was looking forward to recreating an iconic picture of my real life team's past glory if we won this, but I guess I'll have to save the idea for vgl23. Greatness awaits around the corner, mark my words!
Hello I haven't been here in a while have they given news on when GFL 2 will release?
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I just made this scuffed picture in photoshop, I'll post it here too, The original idea was to make it after /gfg/ won VGL but the idea was eating on me a little so I just went and made it.
Tis fine and getting to finals is amazing enough. Thanks for the oc anon
>/akg/ didn't made it
What a shame.
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Super Saiayan Vepurey
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Now everything makes sense, that's why the ball bounced instead of being stopped by a watery mass
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yeah feels weird too

btw script leak
where isn't GF2 global?
still relevant desu
>cygames losing quarters (hons)
>we let another cygames won (grubble)
KMR can't keep getting away with this
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on my fucking PC where it should be
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Here since you asked
Fake families never hydrate team mates.
>zls collab
Nope it has already been done
>only score once on quarters and did not score at all on semi & finals
this script is a hack
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Every time you ask this happens to a kot somewhere in the world
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Remember to grab your weekly share gems.
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Dolls for this feel?
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Defender I think
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And to get all the monthly stuff from the black market shop.
If you retire her, do you get extra cores for each baby?
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Please be a quirky miniboss squad
Please be a quirky miniboss squad
Please be a quirky miniboss squad
Ah the first true filter. Be mindful of skill descriptions
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It's sex
lmao women can never look like this
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We have a canon option
I hope you know how to view enemy skill descriptions
Does he know?
That's why 2D > 3D, I have no idea why you don't get this if you are on 4chan
Probably time to pop the balloon and tell him it's not a squad
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Thanks, Nanda.
And now, Itadakimouth
You see, it's a layered filter. Not only does he have to read the skill descriptions, he also needs to understand the game well enough to come up with the appropriate counter. Then he needs enough items to do the same strategy twice.
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>to pop the balloon
Back then, i malding in this phase, trying for 2 hours straight, because my retarded brain forget shockwave grenades exist
the reason we want people to blogpost playing RC is to watch people get filtered in some way, most of the time by reading
I will finish RC, maybe another month and I'll beat 3-6
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...are those their favorite hobbies or something?
Ultimate filter, Midnight Stratagem, sadly have nothing to do with reading.
Nope just random things
it's because they're spectating your fight so they don't do any actions but also can't be attacked
Midnight stratagem is easy actually, if you understand the pattern and know what you have to do

in first phase,Mendo is playing important parts on tranquiling the enemies on the bottom right, while jefuty just straight go to right, carl destroying ice cube and tranquiling the enemies on right side
ack, bottom left i meant
Well, you're right, but learning this pattern is pure torture. I was stuck on this stage for two days and was SO CLOSE to just uninstalling the game.
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someone posted this possum 2 threads ago
the only reverse image search result is that very thread
please I am desperate for sauce
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>She can move faster than we can think and attack multiple times per turn and rends through armor and is immune to all damage unless she's burned on this specific terrain and immune to all debuffs period and-
Is she immune to taunt?
>...well, no, but-
Okay whatever.
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Go finish it today
time for phase 2 fuckboy
Remember to read on the next phase
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Is Jefooty remotely as dorky as she is in these gifs?
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no not really she is cold and distant 99% of the time
Anyone would be after all that phantom pain and accumulated memories
Too expressive but she's really dorky
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Why not?

Locked down by Ligger's skill
CAREFULLY READ the skill description for her charge move
I'm sorry anon but there is no sauce for you, I got it from the gooks
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Read it for me and point out what I'm missing. "Unable to perform any actions" is not the same thing as "Unable to perform any actions and also cannot be moved by other allied unit's actions."
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Well, she's still tauntable, so still whatever.
That fight looks like hell on earth if you don't use taunts, but I guess that's the game.
Yes, she is also racist towards Antartican
They eat seals and penguins, of course she is
If you don't use taunt then you have to carefully READ how to disable her triple turn passive
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What, make her end her turn in the flowers? Gotta do that with taunts too, there aren't a lot of tiles completely surrounded by the things. I assume she'll avoid standing in them if she can help it.
You fucking losers ready for tomorrow's revenue chart?
If you look at her target priority in the map info, her #1 priority is always Jefuty. Meaning that when she has a choice (in range, not taunted, etc.) she will always attack her. That can be abused by putting Jefuty on a tile where Lige MUST step on the flower to do so. Usually by filling the other 3 spaces around her with turrets and scanners because while Lige can pass THROUGH enemies she cannot end a move on them.
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im actually curious on how GF2 did for the suomi banner. imagine if KSVK gets a skin that changes to her hag body
Oh right, time to doompost which gacha gets to feed GFL2EX with its demise
um, that'll be a guaranteed flop but okay
iirc the month started with ulrid's banner too so it won't purely be suomi's
just release it in the west already.
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Thank you for your blessing, you've given me another vepley
I want KSVK's default GF skin back
The real moneymaker would be to give KSVK her loli body as a skin but that can't happen because of shared body types
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KSVK (Teenager body) has always been her deal as MOD3. Her original body is the Juvenile frame and her adult body is her temporary.
ok but will the cat bitch be meta or not???
So the answer is always taunts. Not as hard as it looks, then.
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KSVK's kit will revolve around her being a mobile sniper and being able to move around more easily than the other rifle characters so far
I can't go back to global when it realases.... I already bought skins and have the full roster...
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i'm sorry to break it to you, but you've been chinkized
Yeah basic shrikes aren't too bad when they're on their own. but they won't be in the future
That's fine you are now a pure filial son and no longer a /gfg/ bro.
wake me up when russia spurts nuclear radiation all over the globe
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Why does he keep courting death with Chinese MREs?
>Last video: Another Chinese PLA ration
>2 months ago
I guess Steve had developed an immunity to them
Would be funny if they censor suomi's outfit for global. Sony should fund them or something, I wanna see it happen.
Dolls for this feel?
yelling it in caps in the thread will be enough
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Needs more hydration :3
family hydrated her legs away
I'm willing to take a screen censor if the model will remove the panties and leave her commando
How are you managing to get even more retarded?
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But imagine this...you will get to OWN twice the skins!
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why do keep seeing seaniggs in other generals posting exilium webm
Don't start crying when nobody bothers responding to your posts about the game. I'll be sure to mock you if I can remember your ass.
What is the actual fucking reason why they're slowrolling GF2 global so much
The game already exists, just shit out a translation and put it out, what hell are they waiting for
Like literally what is the real reason for the delay
Why are you in other generals?
Blame the stupid bikini skin that you fags love to spam. And fuck off from /gig/ already you fucking cucks.
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>why do keep seeing seaniggs [SEAnigging]
A question of the ages. They are actual gachaniggers; all they play is gacha.
it's (one) seafag that posts an assortment of 4 of the suomi webms
translating games costs money and time, you stupid faggot piece of fucking shit.
It takes time to record the dub.
Imagine translating for a game with a fucking skip button lermao
What the fuck is wrong with suomifags?
Q: what is a book
before retards get mad about this (they will), an english dub is absolutely needed for the normies.
I mean look at her. That retarded face attracts retards.
What kind of normalfag would play this? Also good job exposing yourself.
>normies ever playing GF2

I sure hope they don't bet their futures on that fantasy cause they'll be in trouble if they do.
skip your life
the kind that likes genshin, hsr, wuwa, all games with similar gacha systems, and don't forget to kys
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The bane of my finances. Nobody understands my crippling need to have a proper library at home.
you honestly want mihoyo fans playing the game?
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>SEA dosen't care about ullrid's ass webm
I'm not wed to you as far I'm concerned
ask MICA, retarded faggot. They're the ones copying homoverse's dogshit gacha system
They're already bitching about 2 not being some open world TPS slop bruh.
Fuck off then tourist.
they bitched about hsr not having a jump button and they still slurped it the fuck up
I agree yet I know it will never happen.
God bless
Cut your left nut sack off when it does.
>that kind that play normfag gacha
rofurumao even
as much as i want GF to be popular 90% of those shitters will be filtered by the game itself that the remaining are the one who just play the game to look at the models and nothing else. GF2 is not a normal gacha and i like to be proven otherwise
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Like how you cut your dick xister?
why so angry?
Are you seriously this stupid?
like how shrapnel shredded hitler's nutsack clean off
I'm going to motorboat that chest
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Man, who pissed in his cereal this morning?
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Are you, nigger? Early reviews for hsr were pretty negative and the lack of a jump button was unironically one of the reasons. I don't fucking know why retards want one for a turn-based game like that, but I didn't write the fucking reviews.
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We interrupt your arguments to bring you Super Shorty
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NTA but you got fucking destroyed. Know your place next time and keep your mouth shut if you don't know what you're talking about. It just makes you look stupid otherwise.
Like Nemesis' original skill which had her teleport to any empty tile?
>"y-you're s-stupid"
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super sex
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You fail to address the original point with some retarded talk about a mihomo game. I understand, life is hard when mommy is also auntie but c'mon, you can do better.
Oh fuck it's summer already?
I know reading is hard, but what did I just tell you?
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mommy is also auntie
she seems built for anal
christ, you might as well blow your own brains out if you aren't going to fucking use it KEK
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Exilium never ever
Relax your rear
There’s nothing to fear
The rape train
Is finally here
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What the actual fuck is this shit?
>Inb4 read the description
Well can you?
Bitch is getting fucked by a seal.
Either ESL or a chink google translating his post I'd lean towards the latter.
All dolls are built for anal, some more than others
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He's saying that Anon's conception is the result of inbreeding
Amazing that someone here has the IQ to get it.
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Damn already extending her hand
What a slut
absolutely fuming the entire day
Nanda remember to do the thing!
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I need to make love with Super Shorty
I need to pull her close to me and wrap my arms around her as we bring our lips close and wrap our tongues around each others'
I need to thrust my pussy into her dick as fast as a jackhammer pounding the ground, and cum into her depths as she orgasms from our sex
I need to have sex with Super Shorty
I need to cum inside Super Shorty
I need to creampie Super Shorty after pounding her pussy at a rate of 3.33 thrusts/second while we tongue kiss and hold hands with intertwined fingers
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I would literally never stop trying to impregnate Super Shorty
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Super Shorty makes my shorty the super shorty
haha you have a small benis
Why do you like Shorty so much?
She's too shorty you know.
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Super Sex with Super Shorty
My penislet for the super womanlet that is Super Shorty
>I sure hope they don't bet their futures on that fantasy cause they'll be in trouble if they do.
Mica definitely gambled their future on that fantasy and now they're in trouble. Why else would there be no oath system at launch, males in a spin off game, or the crappy hoyo 50/50 system? They think players are too dumb to notice their game doesn't offer the same value as Hoyo's games but the gacha pull costs are just as high.
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Well, in first place she offered her body to me to satisfy my sexual urges with her and without holding back on her
it doesnt, thats why you can redeem ssr weapons, get generic ssr weapons from bp, and it's 10 cheaper on pity.
all of these new 3d gacha games have the same gacha system, it's like they think that's what made genshit so successful.
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I am running out of decent Super Shorty images to post and I don't want to spam but know that my lust and love for Super Shorty will never run dry
Her being too shorty doesn't matter, she's just that super sexy
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Anon is spreading misinformation?
Kinda obvious when it's all copypasted talking points
well there's also the part where you can redeem sabrina and probably more standard ssrs later from the weekly boss currency, but lets give them the benefit of the doubt on not keeping track with it

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