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>Recent News
Summer Raziel (Earth) & Summer Tefnut (Water) now available!
Extra Drops Campaign (Earth) - (06/30 - 07/08)

Side Story Menu Update - Live
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline

Europa Character CD - 07/10
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk [Open]

>June Schedule
06/28 - 07/06 The Last Sumo Warrior

>Future Schedule
07/07 - Tales of Arcarum (Caim)
07/?? - Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
09/?? - Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning
>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>484128948
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congratulations, everyone
i love my wife
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love me wife

also good job guys we won
How many crystals does summer usually give?
>10 anni was actually /gbfg/ finally winning divegrass
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Remember this day, anon.
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We finally stopped jobbing after these years. GG /gbfg/
it's all coming together
MR P......WON
POZ... almost lost... KICK HIM FROM THE TEAM!
this but with Villagers
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Raziel saved Grub
Cygames should not get away with such sloppy work on her uncap art.
Have you given Praise yet?
Replace him with Cantate.
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To your creative works, yes
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Not yet but I have given him celebratory fellatio.
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Gz /gbfg/ (onii-chan) on the win!
Would it be funny if grubble got a gfl collab?
>come home from work
>wife and kid waiting for me
>check in how my favorite team, the Granblue Grubblers, did in the finals
You guys never let me down. I always believed in you.
i have no idea what gfl is beyond "girls with guns" but we have girls with guns in grub so i dunno
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>in 1 day earth became the strongest element and we finally won a divegrass
surely that's just a coincidence haha...
>zeph has been on our team since inception
>remove him
>we win instantly
It's fucking perfect
>she does no damage
bros... this is not selling me on finishing the spark to get her...
We did get ZLS so that's probably something
check her skills, everyone else's damage is indirectly hers
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You fags only won because our managers went full retard, fuck you grubbas
don't be a sore loser, /bag/...
The wind has died.
cope harder
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>still seething
I'm still not buying Hrunt
reminder that dirt doesn't have their exalto yet
>people shitpost that Razielbrella will kill Hrunt
>Raziel herself just makes Hrunt way stronger
They tried to rig everything against us and we still won
Did the ngafaggot follow me here?
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same but replace izmir with her
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And 3 players with zero stamina, even
That match was undistilled kino
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Okay, but will Raziel save my nm200 fauto?
genuinely unironically how did they lose
She'd make it faster over Arulu
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the weak should fear the strong
we grind for 6000 hours to have our grids nerfed and get banned from GW
they complain about having to reset a few times because of crit RNG
we are not the same.
>you only won because you have smarter players from your general
you are only furthering the notion that the grubber is more intelligent than the /bag/got.
It went all the way to penalties
It was a disgusting match, we got a defender unfairly red carded and their GK had god mode activated pulling miracle save after miracle save
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Just so you know Diantha backline doesn't stack with Bubs if he's a main summon, only as a sub summon
Because stamina means nothing to royar grubbers who grind GW for 80 hours
sorry basis but you lost BIGLY
Don't want to use uriel in the frontline, simple add
Thinking about a Logo idea, I don't think the FLB/Transcendence Stars look all that good on our current logo. They're a little hard to read.
Perhaps now that we've won it's time we change the logo up a little? The Manager would probably need to come up with a poll or suggestion box where people couls submit ideas.
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we love GODriel around here
Cupitan's boyfriend is so handsome......
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Will they announce any GW changes in koregra in a few hours, in the stream or in september koregra?
the baker......
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Image because I'm stupid
dirt won btw
>if he's a main summon, only as a sub summon
For what fucking purpose Cygays?
me on the bottom
you'll be sucking eresh's tailwind, sis
nice falseflag bro
And why would I bother with this when I have a fire team?
Not a falseflag, eresh owns the BHL battlegrounds.
Probably on stream to prolong the screentime as much as possible
GrubGODS on the bottom while baggots do be serving us like that
Predict this month filler uncap
If you predict it right your waifu or husbando will become real and for (you)
My guess is on Sophia
>Manager knows event was kino
no uncap this month
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Sturm AND Drang
i'm thinking the same as you, since we're getting light DB
Levin sisters.
This time for sure.
something random no one asked for like juliet (light) or baotorda
>Drawing Ayer instead of Bowman
Actual cope
>Not Bowman
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>eresh owns the BHL battlegrounds
Literally everyone uses Ayer over him as a skin because he has faster animations lol
and because he isnt BROWN
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probably a light character because of db, my bet is on someone from the classic as usual
Open a BHL with a bunch of people right now and post the elements.
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Players who do that wouldn't use half the characters depicted in that image
4... 4 richi art... where's the 9.5 flop?
>All the top players used Ayer as a skin
>Almost all the artists draw him instead of Bowman
>The ones that didn't were mega fags putting Belial there too
Ayer>Bowman is a reality
Funny considering Bowman has the "emergency glass" voice actor voice mmmm
post the hecking griderino and button setup
Maids were just in sumo event so them
grapeGODs... its our time... flb and sexo pose soon...
So how fucking nothingburger were the fates of raziel and tefnut that I haven't seen a single screenshot
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pbhl is dead during these hours tho
Both of them were nothing burgers anybody saying otherwise is a troll
umm...........where are da dark players?
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Reposted from last thread:
Thank you everyone. It really means everything to me. I guess the Independence Day speech actually worked. I've been a nervous wreck all week. I think I may have actually had a small stroke during the /bag/ match when Villagers got a red card. I'm really proud of everyone. Thank you for supporting us this whole time. When voting on who to send to the /vg/ team, remember that we'll be the other Gold Medal player alongside Git Gud, proof that we did, in fact, get good.

So here's the survey:
Alanaan purged them
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As the other guy said, it's pretty dead now
But /gbfg/ told me....
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ayer is cute
bowman isn't
simple as
Another fire lucha joined right after I posted this btw
>every grubber tells potential new players not to play grub
>wtf bros why did we stop growing and other/game overtook us???
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Based and true
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Make that 5 actually
Finding GW art got a lot harder now that xitter likes are private and no one tags their shit. Before you could just look through a jap who follows a bunch of small artists likes and find a ton
bwos... I don't want to be at the payphone anymore...
We tell them to play Relink or Rising. If they like that, play the gacha.
zoomers aren't made for grub's autistic grind
But relink and rising didn't come out until only recently...
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is rusalka still good with cunnyman?
honestly both relink and versus are a better starting point for grub than da grub itself
I don't know how anyone could possibly what the fuck is going on in relink and especially rising if they haven't played the gacha.
Relink does a great job of being a satisfying game without the original grub.
relink has a shitton of additional info in its glossary
>watch S2 OP
>remember that MSQ used to be kino
>we will never get a full scale MSQ rpg for the grub
>relink didn't even come close to scratching that itch
It hurts, bros...
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I don't understand this tierlist, is it implying Salsa and Nio are the highest priority to 5*?
>We tell them to play Relink or Rising.
anon nobody is telling anyone to play Rising that shit is dead as fuck and hated by nearly everyone still playing it
This is super outdated, but yes. Siete too if you want to bring him to hexa or faa0
The highest 5* priority is Seox at SS
The stars are transcendence stages
It recommends you to reach TC2 for them
Bros I hate Siete's smug face so much...
Priority = 4* so Sarasa is S for slime grinding but only B for 5*
Grading is SS>S>A>B
All the eternals have been massively powercrept, so the time/resource investment to reward ratio is incredibly bad.
Siete is still really good for current HL raids.
Nio is still decent for current farm content and wind "burst".
Six is still a decent all around unit, but idk if I'd say he's really worth the effort.
The rest of the units aren't anywhere worth getting.
She's ok if you don't have G.Zeta
>but idk if I'd say he's really worth the effort.
There are literally no characters that can replace his usecase
My favorite part of Relink was them confirming that Sandal can get away with a simple "lol my b I didn't show up", meanwhile Zoi for some reason had to be systematically destroyed over the years for the Where Da Zoi question
Yes, I am still angry
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da six killa
da six killa where? Mugen look.
>There are literally no characters that can replace his usecase
Which is? There isn't a single content I can think of that requires him.
Zoi was a HRT character, it sounds like a meme but that's all there is to it.
>The rest of the units aren't anywhere worth getting.
They're worth getting solely because it means NWQ from GW boxes.
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Nice character you got there

Refer to this for info on Eternal trannysending, I've found it the most accurrate

tl;dr Nio and Six are the two best bang-for-your-buck transcends, others are mostly niche. NONE are necessary.
You continue to say this, but then every year, I continue to see homoknights get more and more content, and Zoi gets nothing.
By worth getting, I mean trannyscendence.
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>Everybody has to keep screen sharing the exact same scene because nothing else happens
but shinpi xDDDD
Who cares when you can stare at her tits the whole time xDDDD
but enough about de la flop already
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>Who cares when you can stare at her tits the whole time
bro really admits that he likes to watch
>start thinking about how MSQ grands deserve trannyscendence
>also don't want this because it means they'd start doing that for other shillcore grands that don't deserve it
Grands outside of MSQ were a mistake.
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Will we get a summer-themed dragon skin?
they let her talk about food and say gamma ray 30 times in the mha collab this year, that's something bro
>start thinking about how MSQ grands deserve trannyscendence
We're probably going to get Grand Enneads before the luminary knights are finished or Irotis gets one
We should unless she gets Pig treatment
And tigers as well
grand (naked) mikaboshi...
I fuckin' hate it here, MSQ bros...
The MSQ is what hooked me on this game...
What's that? You want a naked raiden unit?
Blame FKHR for thinking that batch releases were le good and totally wouldn't kill of interest in it. Estallucia update is still coming in spring btw.
OUR HEROES and l*cio with sh*lem
I'm retarded and meant 6*
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wasn't there a main story grand who still doesn't have a 5* uncap? who was it again I forget.
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>this is real
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They are going to announce the next story update in 2 hours, bros... just believe...
Pholiabros... it was supposed to be our time...
Also Monibros, it should have been her time too...
So Sandal just respects a woman going after his dead fatherhusband? What a cuck. Sandalhomo left for this kek
FLB Rock for dirt GW
Watch Monika get one before Lecia or Cain LOL
the logo definitely needs to be updated since you can't see shit at all. Not to mention the star should be somewhere were you can actually see it
maybe some drawfag (if there's any left) can do something bit a bit more effort than this current ms paint job of a logo
Actually fucking criminal that we this many MSQ characters still without FLBs, and that we are still missing several important MSQ character releases as well...
>read shinpi's fates to see if shitposters are right
>quadrillion words that can be summarized by "auguste is crazy and wacky"
>sandal and lucicuck are mentioned twice and never again
>they don't have a single line
thanks for wasting my time that made me want to die
>drang will get 5* before pholia
so fucking grim I can't even
I hate Granfaggot bot so fucking much.
My wife...
cuckbrains are coping like that
Careful. You're going to trigger fujoanon on another solace melty.
There's no way... they wouldn't... r-right, Pholiabros...?
I mean... they already brought her back in the story... surely that means she's next for the water uncap for gw...
Come on, give us some MSQ kino with Pholia uncap + Fenrir drop for gw!
That 'fujoanon' is literally just Shitraph and the tertiary belialfujo
Women are never a threat to homos.
Raziel is for Gran
>sandalhomo leaves
>gen still finds a way to talk about sandal, lucifer, and ntr
>remember it's monthly reset
>go buy my bonus point shop tix
>go straight to the gacha casino
>see a rainbow
>oh fuck, could this be Raziel???
>gold moon
Not like this, bros...
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Sandal is underestimating her and that will be his cuck downfall. Women are traitorous
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It doesn't matter. Once you go homo, you never go back. Every bisexual man eventually just starts living as a gay. Freddy Mercury, Elton John, Kevin Spacey, etc.
What are you cucks arguing about again
The power of cock....
how important is light's exalto?
do I need 3 if I want to play zoos?
The problem is Lucifer wasn't around enough to confirm his homo status
raped relink with yoder
3 is barely used, it's 1 - 2 99% of the time
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The most Oppressed boomer...
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There are two types of people in this world, those who love Rat and those with shit taste.
He confirmed it at the end of his transcendance. He could've said anything about Cosmos or Raziel, but he talked about Sandal instead,
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>Miss the last day of league to go to my mom's birthday party
>gbfg wins
Viki is okay
>500 or so ssr characters
>at least 4 new ssr characters per month
>but we are still getting only 1 flb per month, sometimes even 0
now defend this shit without sounding like a slurper
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He gave his son to (You)
Also Raziel wasnt even a thing when his trannyscendece came out
What if I like rat, but don't love her because my heart belongs to another?
Is it REALLY worth it?

I don't play Earth outside of GW, and that's a lot of moons....
At least we aren't getting SR uncaps anymore
Dont worry bro. You can still celebrate the epic KoreGra in 2 hours.
your mom's birthday party is more important than some weird ass flopball
Best used for blackmailing over her lost headband, if my AI RP adventures with her are anything to go by.
Just use Razgun instead.
Take out the seasonals, they don't get uncaps
>>Miss the last day of league to go to my mom's birthday party
how dare you
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Lunalu Grand would save us immediately
>zeph handicapped our team for 7 years straight
Holy shitter almighty
>we didn't get a yin bikki option for her swimsuit skin
It's the best saber in the game but you need 3 Galleon sticks in order to fully grasp it's power.
But if you main another element then fuck no, save those moons for the 200 GM weapons
Just like in real grub.......
If you don't main the element or play HL raids with it i recommend to never buy a 150 gm weapon for it. Eresh would be the only one worth it for the qol alone.
>Constantly leaning on Pre-Raziel material instead of accepting the writer's shilling
All earth content is designed around it.
is lobelia 5* worth a stone and 3 sands?
When Vikala gets into Rising we'll probably get her bikini as an alt skin for her. I don't see them using the parade or Halloween skin.
So Shishio/Excal chrysaor is saved?
>meanwhile, after buying both 150 weapons for main ele, I immediately bought hrunt for dirt that I never play
>next is either higurashi or ura for fire and light that I never play
>will continue skipping eresh until I have every other 150 weaponhig
Imagine getting the paid opus.
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>microbikini mikaboshi
>microbikini fenie
>yukata coggers
>naked onsen wam
I can't wait for next banners bwos holy fuark
I hope you enjoyed some cake, Just watch the VOD in a few hours or tomorrow when the VGL people upload it.
ereshraging maleringer still warped
Doesn't matter, he treats Raziel the same way he does the other archangels. He can larp as being straight, like he did with Cosmos, but he will always come hom(o)e
That's all? keep coping.
fapped so hard to wamdus i started sweating phew
>Doesn't count
Still cope
>4 giga hags way past their expiration dates
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*skates out of the thread*
I want all of these so naturally we'll get none of these
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Yeah I'm watching it all tomorrow for sure.

>Gave her a thousand dollars to take on vacation in two weeks
>Happiest I've ever seen her in my life

Not sure how I feel about that but she liked it so whatever.
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maleringer moment
we love all female characters and hate belial here
>qol that changes literally nothing
>It would be nice if they did an event with Narmaya as the main focus.
Was this guy happy or angry that we got to have sumo sex with Neechang on screen?
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not true this
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Sorry bro but I can't hate someone who has a voice that has brought me so much joy in the form of Orga memes.
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Came and went like nothing ever happened.
we actually love belial around here and only hate fagcifer
We appreciate all men here as men were the reason we won the league.
yurius transitioned nicely
RNG saved us.
we have 2 extrafes and a stream this month
koregra gonna be empty as fuck
funny way of spelling Faa-san
Belial is a bigger fag he calls dudes daddy in versus. And he's cringe
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he transitioned back
A slave to RNG.
Wrong. I like Lucifer. I only dislike Sandalphon and Belial at this point in time. Faa and Bubs are cool.
>he calls dudes daddy in versus
Localizer moment
>still no argument
/bag/ lost btw
Didn't worship RNG hard enough...
Is there any point to uncapping razbrella if you have hrunt?
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Only if you feel like your life has been missing the extreme fun of farming bullets and you need an excuse to do it.
not really, unless you have a full hraes build all ready to got
hraes/razgun only works if you have the bullets, the characters, and the summons (i.e yatima)

otherwise just hrunt
Which one will you pick for the incoming Guranburu fantaji shooter? choose wisely.
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>as if there were ever a decision
Where is the Razbrella showcase, btw, dirtGODs???
Magisa was my first suptix, now that I think about it.
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Yukata Ferry
Yukata Birdman
Summer Yuisis
Summer Scathatch
Summer Wulf and Renie
Summer Anthuria
Summer Galleon

Summer Mars
Summer Yatima
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predict July's 5*
dante :^)
that nigga really do be bragging about his powercrept weapon lmao
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>Yukata Ferry
>Yukata Birdman
>Summer Yuisis
>Summer Scathatch
>Summer Wulf and Renie
>Summer Anthuria
>Summer Galleon
>Summer Mars
>Summer Yatima
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that's some wild phimosis she's got there
it is impossible to hate Bubs. He is the endearing jobber.
That's Seraph
>000 poster
>Summer Yuisis
It's time to use THAT.
It's between Rock and... maybe Medussy or Ilsa.
I was about to start hating him during the /bag/ game when he wouldn't stop jobbing.
he also has the best theme
July it's too soon for the GW uncap... it's going to be light for DB
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Bubs and Faa? Our HEROES
We won and he was canon compliant
Bubs only jobbs for ENTERTAINMENT, if he went all out every time the matchs would be too one sided and boring
Big winner on the right
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Hell naw
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So true.
Of coursel, I could never actually hate him. I love the babus...
Reminder bubs' mother already cornered and fucked danchou.
That son of a bitch almost fucked us several times this League, he's the only player that needs replaced before the next one.
I suggest replacing him with Thalaatha
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>we will never finish bubs tower especially now that suzuken is dying
>we will never get to have an event after focusing on Babu and Bubs
This shit sucks.
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Replace Poz with Papa in midfield
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>Win the tourney
>loons trying to replace the biggest winner and team player
Why are they like this? If anyone should be gone, it's monacar. We don't need anymore waifuflops.
What Suzuken is dying from?
How can she have raped me if I haven't rolled any form of Babu yet????
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Pretty decent rolls
Good. Fuck Yinshart.
Lots of people on xitter rolling for raz
>almost chokes benalties
>took T4 GOD stepping up to save us
Get this fraud outta here
Not yet, rape is imminent
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>Even if Bubs towers end it would just be us defeating him and not becoming friends
>Lucifer, Sariel, Raphael, Belial, the bag angels and Metateon will all be playable before him
It hurts mate
>we will never get to have an event after focusing on Babu and Bubs
how would you make that work after she nuked pandemonium
>second legfes spark of the year
>still a dragonlet
>still need to spark flash for Galleon
Raziel... it hurts
Power of booba
Thank god, both are these characters are shitstains
Do we know who is representing us in big boi tourney?
>we will never get to have an event after focusing on Babu and Bubs
Good. Family headcanon is giga cringe and Bubs is entertaining enough on his own.
Ygg Omega
Faa is basically the only choice. He scored most of our goals
Manager did a survey, the link should be somewhere in this thread
99.9% is going to be Faa unless our usual schizos rigged if for Poz
Lucifer has cheated on Sandal multiple times and everytime Sandal accepts it
Voting is still ongoing >>484172634
Most likely Faa though, he carried our team for years and scored in all 3 matches today
Respects it even
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>clear bubs tower
>babu and sahar come down to wrap up
>she bullies him into submission
I'm sure there is a way to go about it from there...
You are cringe.
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maybe they should add some other crew members into the Babyl story instead of it just being Sandal and Cag's boring sightseeing tour.
She did it…the Earth…is SAVED
Faa being a good ass football player is such a bizarro concept
Raziel is so cute it almost makes me want to play this game.
It’s canon too, it’s why he dislikes summer.
when the fuck did they add that anyway
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I probably shouldn't have sparked, but I got Yatima out of it.
Today's VGL archive has been uploaded. If you want to watch/rewatch our rise to glory you can check it out here:https://implying.fun/video/vgl22/2024-06-30/
THAT event....
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seraph is the second biggest belialfag here though
Dont know why you are obsessed with his dislikes and bring it up every single time when replying to literally any post that mentions him
>free hraes
>both rate ups
>yatima, agni and cerb
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Where's my Raz?
The typing of that post gave it away and nobody but him likes kekcifer & bubs while hating sandalphon here
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>sandalhomo moves to a new homo
>shitraph is still here defending fagcifer and troonlial while shitposting homodal
>When grubba removes the weights and and finally got serious for its 10th anni
That wasn't me retard
holy fuck this spark
You guys say this like we aren't happily going to let Poz'd handicap us for the next 7.
I voted him off the team
I'd laugh so hard if /vg/ ends up winning
Because it means Zeph held back our power THAT much
Very believable post right here
benching roon and suffering was the real winning move
>have no interest in soccer my entire life
>watches soccer league but with gacha characters
>i am suddenly invested
Koregra in 28 mins
Dead Garbage
gonna be a bad koregra unfortunately, we already know most of what's coming
Soccer is only good when your team is winning
Dive grass is actually a very fun sport when the stakes are high and you have some attachment to the team.
It's unfortunate that Americans have downplayed it so much for the 'manlier' football that no one realizes how fun soccer can be as a spectator sport.
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>Log in for the first time in over a week
>head over to the draw screen
>black out
>come back with no crystals left and this on my screen
holy shit
HomoCHADS in the name of all waifufags and pags I kneel.
MSQ Update
Art for Estalucia arc showing Yatima, Logia and Faa will revitalize this general for weeks
I rolled for Lucifer's cumdumpster (female) as well. She's on my homesceen, very cute
Big breasted victory
Kekcifer wants to watch though
He should know that doing that with Raziel has consequences unlike Sandalphon
The fujo menace...
Sandy was made with a boy womb so that when Lucifer cums inside him he can get boy pregnant.
>Can't decide if I'd rather have G.Yatima or G.Fenrir for water gw
>at the very least maybe Pholia has a chance at uncap
Surely the wins can keep rolling in...
Lucifer's hobbies are drinking cawfee and hiding in bushes
If we beat /umag/ does that mean Homos and FKHR win or lose?
It means /gbfg/ ((You) and me (You)) win
Sir he likes them shaved
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his wings finna stick out albeit
It's pretty funny how both /bag/ and /uma/ lost today and our lil mickey roon is dodging the smoke
his rising profile
Cute cuckpreme primach
If you really think about Dragon's Dogma and GBF both have gay men in their respective series while Uma and BA don't. They lost to faggotry.
>15 minutes until Dokkan uncap news
really truly h*ckin enjoy that Siegfried takes 30 minutes even with them currently filling up instantly
so h*ckin epic
mack pack
Dante uncap
Vikala skin
Sandalphon, Cog and Yuel ex poses
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You're missing out, the Euros and Copa America are on. Football all day for those in Americas timezones

I'm so jealous
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UraGODs we are saved in 8 minutes when they announce our sumo tier V
Too galge for FKHRT
>dirt ROTB character next
>Alexiel 5* (europa tier) soon
>grand with exalto by the end of summer
sorry waterbros but it seems like you'll just get sidegrades until EOS
>we will never get the Cupitan bread doujin
it really is tragic that some of grub's best potential material didn't come until after all the artists left...
Dante uncap
Mugen skin
Yngwie, Juri and Cassius ex poses
>Dirt Sandal's uncap
>CHADruto collab confirmed
>no ROTB
There's your news
If they announce the naruto collab today and not during the stream I'll kneel so hard
It's Boruto not Naruto.
Peak monkey paw
Sumo will save us
>announce naruto today
>announce persona 4 collab on a random sunday show lyria note
>announce dragon ball on stream
that's something only HRT would do, fukuACK would never
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>facing another few years of summer banners where I hope I roll character but never do until I annitix when they're out of meta
Which were yours, /gbfg/?
Still waiting for s.Korwa...
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Her face actually hurts my eyes to look at.
That shitty halfassed veil ruins her.
what were they thinking
cosmos hate, yuni hate, hate hate HATE
cute french horn
Holy dead month
>Tower of bubs
We're back, bros!
>it's the only thing we're getting this month
>no msq
it's so fucking over...
cool, more nonmusicians
>dead month
Nyit's wyellver
>hat floating above her head
Holy shit these graphics suck.




>new Albert and Yurius fujo kino confirmed for end of month event
Based based based
massively death month
>No uncap
so end of month event one? Imagine they drop the first summer 5*
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>shalem and lucio chibis for sendai fes
>saves pic
>default filename is sharemutorusiferu.png
Io-chang GODS it's our time
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ain't shit going on
just want some free rolls
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Give one good reason this isn't a skin
Mag acrylic...
In a correct timeline this would have been Zoi
>Oh right, tower of babel exists.
boring shit month
>tyra for no reason
I'm yet to see one of these in the last 50 strips or so that isnn't invaded by shillshit
good sex boobs/10
Guys is raziel a must spark?? Ima magna
Skin will get added later just like the other cd skins, dumbo
where's the fucking uncap
>/gbfg/ complaining about tower of bubs
what happened to this place
something something small indie company
>granblues draws bigger tefnuts than her actual art.
based 'blues as usual...
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>dead game until the 27th
Cute and yes they did it for the pin
/uma/ lost btw
/bag/ lost btw
ill get my alex uncap...another day....
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do you really have to save a fucking uncap announcement for an extrafes
well sorry that i keep forgetting this event exists because there long gaps in between. also am I wrong about this month?
uma english info drops next weekend thoughbeit.
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the doctor is IN
I remember a Star and Sharts grandblues that had Lucifer speak entirely in keigo like Lucio which they didnt fix until later. Cygames still has difficulties telling Lucifer and Lucio apart
big winner in a small package
why are they SS is this part of the dragon ball collab
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>tales of arcarum
>false heroes rerun
>dead garbage
holy fucking nothing
>used to be a character check kusoevent
>now its just free stuff that takes an hour
its okay i guess...
KMR is giving you a dead month so you can play ZZZ
Eternal winner
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latte art choices at the granblue cafe in akihabara
cygames doing something retarded? I can't believe it
homoflops stay flop
Look at the release dates for other CDs and look at when they had a skin added
bot post
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>We will continue to work hard to make this year's Granblue Fantasy summer even more exciting both inside and outside the game, so we hope you will continue to support us.

>Granblue Fantasy

>Yuito Kimura
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where is the Poz latte art, bwos...?
>Cantate was almost SSR #666
we don't sign our posts here
>>used to be a character check kusoevent
this was the best part. you got to laugh at the impulse shitters that waste their draws on every banner instead of holding for a spark, so they never have any of the core characters.
then you got to flex on people with your primal grid when it was your element's turn, and then laugh as the magnababs struggled.
so murdered Zoi for Yuni and Cosmos
but Cosm flopped hard she got just swept under the rug and now its just Yuni and more Yuni
0 redditcat cake sales
>Lily is #666
Seems right gobu
Finally....... latte dragon.......content.........
so fucking true
>SSR 666 is Wind Lily
They will NEVER forgive Lucio, not even after the OP 5*
bring back defense order
he's already an option
these are just recent character releases being added
Yeah but i was those people so its cringe...
Stop me from rolling on this banner by telling me who's going be on the next three.
>dead month
guess I'm picking up zzz
crew doesnt even do any hexas or faas anymore ;_;
Drinking Yaia
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>At Cygames, we respect the human rights and dignity of both our customers and staff, and will continue to strive to build healthy and positive relationships with our customers.
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>nothing this month
Is it a good time to grind in sandbox?
save your spark for Earth's exalto - Grand Raiden
>is this game going to end?
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They do know it's Lucio in the koregra
The default pic filename mistakes him for Lucifer however
Summer Ejaeli will be CORE
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>fucking nothing
also, if bubs tower progress carries over and they add new layers every iteration, couldn't they just make it permanent and announce the new layer releases?
seriously though who the fuck is buying $600 worth of grub alcohol

what fucking audience are they targeting with that
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i have no fucking idea why it isnt permanent
At least he still gets things unlike Zoi haha...
S. Aster (Dirt) will be core
uhhhhhhh shut up?
I cash sparked Raziel
I am happy
What's the updated magna fire grid with m3? I'm gonna just fa those raids this month.
>option to do 101 rupee gacha
game is saved
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im fuming right now that fucking troon actually showed up instead of raziel FUCK
Any good SSRs along the way? I was considering this
Deserved when you look at that uncap art.
they need something to fill in the visibility of da content la
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post some hot female furries from that slop and maybe i'll try it
who knows maybe the story and gameplay won't be shit THIS TIME FOR SURE
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Why isn't NKMR attending the livestream...
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Why does Nectar's VA not attend these events anymore?
>even xitter is doomposting
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>yuisis always at fes
>never gets content
the shillclub sucks sometimes huh...
I'm hoping (coping) too
They’re saving the Sumo Warrior Row V, G. Raiden, and Cain uncap news for next week at Extra Fes.
>no longer interested finishing my spark to get Raziel
>wish I had done this when I got Tefnut in 20 draws
She was just a nice pair of tits... nothing actually worth pursuing... RIP all those draws...
MSQ update??????
mmmm... nah.
he made a lot of pained expressions when they announced stupid/grindy shit at a grubfes and has not been invited since then, i'm not joking
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the female furries are just standard anime catgirls because hoyo is a company of cowards
There barely any content, got to save something for the summer stream ok?
nywell....nyou syee....
He complained about GW last year and hasn’t been invited back since.
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>lesser erunes
business as usual i suppose...even arknights is braver...
10th anni all year btw
Kek based
NKMR could never
w-we said summer, ok?
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Don't worry bro, summer stream's name says the "festivities will continue"!
tefnut was fucking robbed that shit on her mouth ruined everything
>You rike?
honestly feels worse than a normal none milestone year.
false heroes rerun, a levin summer event then i guess?
>Y.Albert and Y.Yurius
vgh...homoblue fantasy...
Raziel's boobs do nothing for me. They're nothing compared to CupiTatas.
Turns out Horus got lucky when they rehashed her default sprite
>can finally get the yukata mc
Something to look forward, i guess
10 years and 3 months to update the rupie draw))))))))))))))))))))))))))
can i stop pretending i dont like magus yet
We didnt get new fox event when Falsetto in Autumn Gray reran in May
There's nothing to do...
yeah nah
she's hot but not "dip into hoyoslop" hot
maybe i wouldn't feel this way if i i didn't know it was censored but the damage's been done
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i guess, summer levin sisters would be nice
Oh wait, I just realized that since it's a live event, all of these reveals will be characters they have cosplayers for, so no surprise characters...
rip Cantate
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Anything worth considering before I go for primal uncap?
But we won a virtual football game so it’s okay!
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"Zooey's anniversary event" though....
Literally too galge for fuckedcuckneck
NKMR wasn't reinvited for several years after he challenged KMR on one or two things. Why is KMR's who so fragile?
The pendulum is swinging back...
Me on the right
Yuni won.
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>la goblina
Only vee fits here
unironically better than real grub content

consider not giving this shit company any money
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>dj "element traitor" salt
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funnily enough, even shillclub isn't a win in this game because they're too fucking incompetent to do the shilling right
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>Sandal was to be released on Relink in May
>the update was literally on the very last day of that month
>NY livestream said that MSQ is to be updated around spring-summer
>will literally release in the very last month of summer (August)
summer ends on september 22nd
Do you guys think they'll give us the 120 summer premium draws again?
Also, what are the chances they drop another water character on july flash or legfes?
Thinking about if I want to gamble finishing a spark on this banner and still being able to spark August flash if there is a water summer unit...
watch as we get the msq fucking announcement on the livestream
it was actually supposed to be late spring but wyell...
You mean MSQ delay announcement
Wasn't it supposed to be late spring-early summer? Pretty sure early summer is gone now...
>not even an hour after koregra
>thread is already slowing down
it was originally supposed to be just "spring"
We all went out to celebrate our football win
late spring early summer but still
i mean Fes is at the very end of the month so it wouldnt be this month either way
last year, stream gibs + crystal mining + those weird summer ticket thiings added up to a free spark
hopefully that happens again
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Holy, never mind, it's just that easy.
Cutting off the spark at 210 draws.
Only things I could want off finishing the spark is 2nd LoF, 2nd light Resonator, or getting Sandalphon.
Not at all worth it to drop the draws.

Alright bros, time to bar this Razbrella and put the Hraes bullets inside...
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So what exactly is Raziel doing in this team?
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>Super Ultimate Raid #2 (January)
>Faa0 released in late February
all nyekos are shyit
They should let you reuse bullets in different guns as a qol
why the FUCK do they delay every single thing
how fucked must their pipeline be for this to happen?
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210 draws.
Half of the entire team's damage comes from her buttons.
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Relink? Delayed
Uma Musume? Delayed
Faa0? Delayed
GW skin? Delayed
Vtines cards? Delayed
MSQ update? Delayed
Shadoba 2? Delayed
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What about EoS? Not delayed I hope
double bunny earth nm90/95 with razzledazzle

tefnut likes you
This 10th anniversary whole year celebration doesn't feel very festive
they want to give you more time away from gbf to celebrate.
damn you blue crystal...
I think 'General' should be black too
Gold sticks out and not in a good way imo
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I mean, I *am* a waterCHAD, after all...
So what was the reward for going over the grid cap?
Kinda like what the other anons were saying about setting the trannyscendence star to stage 1/5, then increase it every time we win.
The overcap system?
blue crystal should have a transparent poseidon (summon) in it
That’s working, at least.
What does that do?
that added hit seems OP
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>dirtGODS still haven't posted the Razbrella showcase
>I, a HraesCHAD, have to step up and do it myself
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It actually isn't, it's just one extra hit at the end of it instead of an extra "echo"
What can I use in the meantime? I'm only rank 186
I'm hoping it's the magna showcase!
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How's this?
hmmm nyo...I only added FKHR because we have KMR rep on the team but not him
hi anons, I've lived under a rock for a while, are the m3 grids good?
druk bros....
This is absolutely perfect now. Good work.
It's actually the Titan on a budget showcase...
>30 years of grubbing
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Oops, forgot my image.
I seriously hope y'all end spending 1 grand on grub whiskey
who the fuck is going to buy a $1000 bottle of grub-themed whiskey? The yakuza?
>3 sticks
>all 0*
bars are free...
109,780 yen is $681.69
so it's a 700 dollar whiskey, mind you
>promoting alcoholism
>scamming people out of a band
>being delusional about GBF's lifespan
At the same time, too. KMR is such a fucking clown.
>none are for you
Summer has gone to shit
I just uncapped them x2
I don't play dirt much, so I hadn't bothered uncapping them.
But being a water player and all, I'm trying to be more supportive of the mudbro alliance.
>1 dollar is now 161 yen
>read KoreGra
>1 whole month to farm Proto Baha
Yeah, good month. Gonna farm 6 bars to be ready for Earth exalto.
You want Dragon Ball? We'll give you GT
You want Naruto? We give you Boruto and Naruto as a wind unit.
>grub trying to sell aged whiskey
Reminds me of how Illusion tried to sell a watch and best music collection for it's 25th anniversary. What the fuck is up with these japs?
>You want Dragon Ball? We'll give you [The best one]
Finally Cygames does something right this year.
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summer Fenie doko
Sorry, I only drink wine that has been listening to Nier Automata OST while maturing
As long as it isn't Super. Or worse, the DBS Manga.
The summer units are extremely jewish this time around
Expect another 10+ of these fucking necessary for meta progression units
You need like 4 sparks for this shit its so stupid
Save Dirt Guild Wars, Bennu
both GT and Super are dogshit
don't forget to save for end of year grubber, you don't want to miss out on the next meta providence summon right???
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>Ira Cane -> Ira Cane
Oh, today's looking pretty g--
>Bomber -> Bomber -> Bomber
>33 years
Hah, that shit's gonna keep aging too while it sits on the warehouse shelf.
I mean, it's kinda boring when the summer units suck, desu.
Last year the only really good units were Ilsa (who was an anni unit anyway) and Bampy, which was on the discount spark banner.
Everything else was either mediocre, niche, or useless.
Aliza, Seruel, and Nezha were also very good
>mfw still can't unring uno 10 years later
I'd rather have good but not gigacore units instead of s. zoi all over again
You need to be nicer to people trying to keep up with the game, not every hyperlimited unit has to be built to be a 10.0, its impossible to catch up
it's very simple
sarasa and siete are highest priority to unlock
six is highest priority to 5*
it's recommended to bring everyone to 110, sarasa six and nio to 120, and then in the long run sarasa six siete octo and nio to 150.
>I'm somehow out of genesis fragments
wtf, what the hell happened?
there's no way I burned through them all. I thought I had thousands...
I hope I didn't accidentally burn them all on the alchemy lab or some stupid shit without thinking...
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We need another S.Zoi, but one for every element. 6 of them
more evidence that raziel posters don't play the game
>floprace1 and gigafloprace2
yeah... anyway
This matches the actual playable character demographics pretty well, because Draphs and Harvins have the least playable characters of any race in the game.
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>earth is finally a playable element for me
>but it will only be playable until the exalto + 2nd summer galge unit drops
>I probably won't get either of them
well... it'll be fun while it lasts for the next month...
Is my account fucked? I want to start chapter 2 of the main quest, but it doesn't open anything when I click on it. I've done all the troubleshooting and contacted support but they couldn't help me either.
Common Faa W.
This means it's gonna be a gag when he's added. He's pale as fuck, bet he roasts under the sun.
Did you make your mobage account properly? Trial accounts usually only have chapter 1 of the msq to read
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one is for (You)
none of the summer ones though, true
thicc and sex
if we don't get at least 1 for (You) girl this summer I'm going to snap
mona really isn't that interesting
2 actually, but that retard doesn't play the game so of course he can only cuckpost.
called it btw
also called msq being delayed so it could count as stream "content"
anyone who is ever remotely hopeful for anything in this game is retarded
Can they speed up transcendences now??
Remember the Richard 'imprint' ? What was THAT about
We're actually slowing down...
I got the boob angel in 30 rolls

Is she good?
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I think so, I could log back into it after I cleared my browser data. If I click the "i" icon a small tutorial shows up, but I can't get any further.
Tyra's event warped their minds
im gonna imprint on (You)
I think the problem is that you should tap on a part of the map here but it's not really loading
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is she ok
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Lraph not gonna like this...
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Lil raph is a darkrager not a dirtrager
ackraph also hates dirt and especially hruntgalgegawds though
He bought your meme sword
When does the summer stream usually start?
>just use 36 clicks (plus the hidden fourth character) and 16 summons over 54 turns and she can do damage!
ereshbabs are shaking with fear after this one
does dirt use main summon titan for anything?
So how's eresh doing in sufaa?
>fire is the best ele despite having the worst GM weapons
IMAGINE if they did
anon? ANON??
two days left to decide to spark or not....
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good afternoon grubbas
me on the right
Memewith haven't updated the numeric score but they have given Raz and Tefnut grades.

Razzie: SS Grinding, S Full Auto, S HL
TNutty: S Grinding, SS Full Auto, S HL

likely neither to be higher than 9.8, may both be 9.7
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>SS full auto
with what setup? I don't see her being good enough in fauto to replace anyone.
TNut/Europiss/Haase/Dargon/Grea'sGF would be my full auto 5
wait are even the artbooks delayed, i don't think they have even announced them yet right?
>graphic archive ix was announced may last year
Hmm, you might be right
>delay literally everything
wtf are they doing then?
working on their new secret gacha
I'm convinced almost everyone quit at cygames or they moved literally everyone to the new cyge.
fleecing retards who will drop hundreds for an angel with tits in a game with no future
>who will drop hundreds for an angel with tits in a game with no future
I do this.
EN Uma releasing next month or something? Why the dead month?
No way. It doesn't even have a date yet.
>testing stuff
>game starts to shit itself with game update in the middle of my run
My limited trial battle runs... fucking cygames refund me reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
why the FUCK are trial battles still limited to 4 a day
intern died of heat stroke, please understand
>EN uma
>3 years of delay
this shit gonna flop harder than priconne
hopefully preparations for the eos
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Shinpi a RETARD!
I don't get it raziel simps lucifer or sandal?
>>3 years of delay
it actually should be closer to 4 years because there's still no info about its release date, which is even worse
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Fun times
What the fuck happened to the art team?
If they didn't take the grub artists to make new grub art for a grub 2 when all is said and done, I'm going to be upset.
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sudden heart attacks...
>cygames is being cygames
>people are surprised
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Cygames & delay name more iconic duo
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Are our artists part of the grub team or cydesignation?
Cygames and homosexuality
Galge and success
Relink and wasted opportunity
They both want Lucifer to fuck them from beyond the grave
/gbfg/ and retardation
Relink is pissing me off, they didnt put enough into making it a viable live service game, but they keep wasting TIME and EFFORT on it.
/bag/ and /uma/ both lost btw

just in case you forgot btw
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>making it a viable live service game
state of zoomers
with what they did with it, I would have rather had it just be what it is gameplay-wise, but focus entirely on redoing the MSQ.
At least at that point, they could justify taking as long as they've been taking with MSQ updates.
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This is okay. Urielhell.
didn't watch that shit and don't use those generals anyway
grub is still a homoge
f2p btw
I anticipate a new Dante alt in the future...
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Well, after some more testing, Vikala just seems like the better damage option for fauto over Tefnut.
Only way I see Tefnut overtaking her atm is as a dispel bot in nm200.
I'm glad Relink wasn't a live service game, but to that end, it would have been better if it were a bit less grindy.
relink needed luci to introduce a new weapon and the final update to have a lilith fight + another difficulty tier of all the bosses with no rewards, solely existing to test endgame players
Too big
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>is as a dispel bot in nm200.
she isn't really that great for that either as she only can dispel 1 buff per turn, cassius is much more suited to being an actual dispel bot
The thing about the artbook is that it's just a compilation of all just art that they've made over the year anyway. It's not anything new they have to pump out yearly like the Valentines. I don't know what's going on with them right now
maleringing and mental illness
Cassius is going to provide more dispels, yeah, but she also provides dispel cancel and various other nice to have buffs, so I could see using her instead of him.
She just seems like she does several different things, but isn't particularly good at anything that would make me want to take her over other units in water.
>nothing comes up on saucenao, ascii2, or yandex
Raziel is for Gran
twitter killed 3rd party api usage so using reverse tools to get image sources from twitter is dogshit now
>I don't know what's going on with them right now
they probably don't have enough art to fill a regular book, much less the one for the scraps book.
Image Search databases have gone collectivley worse over the years, espcially with the launching of AI.
>monthly skycope mission now gives you an m3 exalto weapon

should one really be rolling?
We've had the same amount of units, xitter arts, fes stream sketches, and everything else as last year though. The only thing that was late art wise was the Valentines and they're not usually showcased in those artbooks to begin with
if you can luckshit, sure.
>no m3 pro skip
that's not happening for at least a couple years
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wtf when did this become a thing?
A couple of days ago
Are we ever getting V2 GW?
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Who the fuck is that at the end in the background?
rich bitch harvin from the tyra event
I see. Thanks, anon.
New april fools skin just dropped
they usually announce those on the summer stream
I'm a tourist to the series but Relink is intriguing me, is it true that the game's main story is pretty barebones and the endgame/post-game while playing it co-op with randoms or friends is the main attraction?
From what I witnessed it seems like a game with Monster Hunter (World for example) essence to it, is that a bad observation, any better comparisons?
oh I get it now, thanks anon
>I'm a tourist to the series but Relink is intriguing me, is it true that the game's main story is pretty barebones and the endgame/post-game while playing it co-op with randoms or friends is the main attraction?
Opposite. Though YMMV on the main story. It's typical "Oh no hold on we gotta fight this thing before we can continue our conversation" gachaslop at the start but it gets a lot better as the game evolved. They stop interrupting it for non-boss battles. Stakes get really high. It saw a big improvement. As for the quests, all the grinding, even at endgame, is very MonHun-esque in that you just do it to get the gear so you can do the next thing, and almost none of it has any story attached. Main story and event stories are where you get your plot, some of the oldest events being subject to the above.

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