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>6v6 topic to be addressed soon

>Pink Mercy available now

>Season 11 blogpost

>Season 11 trailer

>Latest patch notes

>Competitive rework

>Comics, short stories and music

>Season 11 (Current) - Ultrawatch Theme, Ashe Mythic, Colosseo Rework, Runasapi Map, Community Crafted mode (Balance patch by streamers), Start of season event (Earn exp and Aztec Sombra)
>June 20 to July 9 - Hero Mastery event for new Kiriko + S76 courses
>June 25 - July 8 - Pink Mercy returns for charity event, plus Rose Gold variant
>July 9 - Summer Games Event, Transformers Crossover
>July 15 - Quick Play Hacked: Pickable Passives
>July 23 - Mythic Reinhardt Weapon Skin, likely Mid-Season patch date
>Aug 21-25 - Gamescom, Blizzard will be present
>Aug 27 - Likely Season 12 start date and Space Ranger launch
>Future - Clash Mode (Unknown 2024), new tank (Season 14), Map reworks [Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado] (after season 12)

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>484012107
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the kiriko brought you donuts
Where are the hamburgers?
I wish I had a mercy gf
The Kiriko
best i can offer is a mercy gf (male)
I love queueing for 5 minutes+ to get games like this
who is ready to potty
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the kiriko dance
pumping for off-model kiriko
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The good old days
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Tracer wearing her mythic and killing Mercy
>"Was your knight on holiday?"
Super cute, never heard that before
she means pharah btw
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>Kiriko, we're out of anal lube
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I googled female knights and they're called "Dame", so you're wrong
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if forced 50/50 is real then why did you avoid that teammate you just lost with when he's statistically likely to win the next game?
I'm too lazy to avoid people desu

also I love Hana
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kill yourself
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Orisa pls do dmg
>6v6 topic to be addressed soon
Deadlock won.
I am strong and brave
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I want to lewd the lena
I want to kill the kiriko
Which mains do you consider to be the worst?
Not based off of the heroes themselves or how annoying they are, but the people who play them
My top 5 in no particular order
>ana mains
>mercy mains
>widow mains
>Hog mains
>sombra mains
Coincidentally those heroes are annoying, but annoying heroes attract annoying people.
>tank mains
>sombra mains
>moira mains
>bastion mains
>torb mains
Mercy mains for sure. They can't play anything else except a shockingly bad Moira.

Hog and Widow mains are bad on a meta level because they're psychopaths who try and trick people into thinking the characters are good designs, not broken and anyone who dies to a 1shot in a game where 1shots dont make sense are simply not skilled enough.

Most people who main Sombra or Ana are just mediocre QP warriors and not worth mentioning.
widow is unironically a borderline throw pick on 80% of the maps, blame the map design, not the hero design.
genji mains
mercy mains
rein mains

just thanks to the sheer sizes of their communities, you get some incredibly deranged people showing up fairly often
Jq and sig mains are based. If we're categorically choosing which role has the most cunts, its support and its not even close.
Mercy mains and it's not even close. The scum of the earth appear to be drawn to her, convinced that there is some similarity between player and hero.
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fuck smegma and fuck smegma mains. cancerous unkillable design that simply shuffles cooldowns like orisa but people pretend that he's somehow honest. plus he's unironically a bigger cancer on havana/circuit then widow. and 99% of "jq mains" are just off-role dps players.
Reduce your expectations to ZERO
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>Moira's invulnerability is instant and she can't be tracked during it
>Reaper's invulnerability is instant and he can be healed during it
>Mei's invulnerability is instant and she heals during it
>Venture's invulnerability has a second long windup, you can see exactly where he is, AND he can't be healed during it
>Venture's is the only one that gets called op by the community
Make it make sense...
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good, fuck venture shitters too
She was just an ESG hero, they don't actually care.
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gaming with the kirikofriend
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LMAO thanks for reminding me. Back in OW1 there was a Bastion main who would always have a name along the lines of "FuckJ3ws", "K1llJ3ws", "J3wSlayer" and so on and so forth. I saw him in my games for years and years but I don't think he followed us into OW2.
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OW2 more like OW1984
Man whatever you main is the worst. The seethe lmao
Never forget what they took from us fr fr
most bastion players just seem to be unwell
similar to mercy players
something is genuinely off with most of them
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Bastion players are like playing with your little brother.
they should spend 1 or 2 balance patches working on making characters less annoying rather than making them balanced
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mercy mains are the worst. You can't even complain about the character being annoying to play against without it being met with WHAT'S WRONG CHUDDIE, CAN'T HANDLE LOSING TO A TRANSWOMAN????

uh chuddie, just shoot her? unironically a skill issue.
I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe
>characters with skill expression - S tier
>characters with no skill expression - F tier
fixed your game
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mercy's movement is skillful
i know queen
it's unironically 0 skill. you can rez behind walls and out of LOS while moving 10 meters in the air, your movement is absurdly fast and can change directions multiple times midway through the ability, it's on a short cooldown so there's 0 resource management, and her ultimate she is literally unkillable. she unironically takes so little skill to play effectively.
Mercy makes me violently horny but sombra makes me wanna impregnate her
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how does a 19yo megazoomer like d.va even know about that song?
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>hog but reintards are coming very close these days
d.va is 16...and a pro gamer

>unironically linking tiktok
>ch* """"lore""""
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>dies of cringe
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Speaking ofof cringe
dva's whaaa- makes me giggle
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>start self inserting as mercy
>porn is fun again
you could also just take a porn break for a couple of days instead of delving deeper into increasingly degenerate porn just to reach the same high
this but roadhog
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I see why anons would use this for fun
This looks dumb and cringe, ask her how she feels about reddit or twitter
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The Kiriko's profile
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Lucio is obviously trolling, surely blizzard will ban him.
Because Venture can move during that period.
>But Reaper can too
Yes but Venture also has crowd control and damage built in to his digging.
is sigma a d.va hardcounter now?
Queueing up as Sombra tonight and going to kill me a bunch of MERCYFAGS.
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he always was if you timed your rock well
venture also deals 100 aoe damage when he gets out of dirt and unlike reaper and mei who are shooting ducks when their invuln ends, he can use his drill fuck off and reposition or get aggressive again.
>enemy mercy rezzes the tank in a lost teamfight
love to see it haha thanks for the ult charge
You mean the CC that is just Ball's slam but worse since it
>Takes over half a second to charge
>Even when it's fully charged it still has less range
>When it's uncharged it has literally 1/3 the range and half the damage
>Doesn't actually stun/airlock enemies like Ball's, just knocks them in the air
If that's what makes the ability so strong, then Ball must be absolutely fucking broken, right?
sitting* ducks, i dont want to shoot ducks i promise
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Ball is the most fun hero in the roster and I will never stop playing him. All other heroes pale in comparison. Play hog, sombra, cass, brig, zen and I will still win as ball. You cannot stop me
i thought it would be a cool play...
>zen is getting out dpsd by ana
finally found something worse than a mercy who just healbots
>cum inside tracer
>she doesn't recall
>Gives Ana a 90 damage splash dmg item that negates ALL healing for a short period
Damn how could this happen?
I forgot this faggot exists lol.
no dude youre just dogshit stop coping

Extremely based.
>get steamrolled
>get steamrolled
>get steamrolled
>get steamrolled
You playing quick play? Between groups and smurfs fucking up matchmaking it's been like that a lot.
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>gets accused of hacking
didn't happen
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dont blame him they removed the most dynamic interesting rocket jumping ultimate in the game
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Glad to see some big dick men here
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>chinks are getting banned left and right
Nothing good ever came from that country.
Siztra Ogundimu
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Apparently blizz dropped the chinese servers and the players just went on to play on SEA - I can actually confirm this because I play in SEA and there's a lot of them.

With that being said, SEA servers has gotten a lot more cheaters in the last few months and I guess it has gotten so bad that "innocent" chinese players are posting on the official forums about being wrongfully banned.

Blizz really should apply a region block, there's a reason why in most online games china has their own servers and ironically not because of their region.
Total Lena Love!
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I hate that fucking rat so much
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what if Sombra was a shark teeth character
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Is it an actual mentally ill person incessantly spamming these threads with gay fan art that no one ever looks at or cares about or is it just a bot?
Kiriko friend helps keep our general alive
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that didn't answer my question
it's a mentally unstable individual(s) and most people in here got MKUltra'd and will tell you to ignore it
sexy bitch I need to impregnate you
I'm 99% sure it's a bot just to keep the thread alive
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if it were just to bump the thread i'm sure it'd wait until we were on page 10 (or at least 8 or 9)
my guess is it's just meant to piss off whichever retard seethed about the kiriko spam back when it was real people
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it's a bot
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it's not a bot and there's been plenty of signs that it isn't and i'm not even sure i can go over all of them. picrel being one of them when i jokingly asked him a question not even expecting an answer.
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Ok I was just curious. Back to your regularly scheduled gay fanart spam.
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need to plap you
That's even worse if true, imagine being so mentally ill people mistake you for a bot.
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>women are gay
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It's an anime imageboard you can't even be mad about it
why is every other post a descriptive file name while the other isnt?
he pretends to be two people
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