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Previous: >>484157032

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Scaramouche / Wanderer / Kabukimono is very erotic.
Zhongli, Xingqiu, Chongyun and Xiangling are so lucky...
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the head nurse has been acting quite frisky recently
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Im gonna... Im gonna... Aaaaa.... Im CLAAAAAAIMINGGG
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For me, it's Iansan.
4* or 5*?
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post your box to prove to /gig/ you can beat imaginarium day 1
I don't have the patience for that but I assume it is incredibly satisfying
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Nahida is really sexy.
but i can't
if 4*, i'll fly to china and strangle dawei with my own hands.
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true they have lots of seggs
I bought Amy on my alt today
I feel dirty
.sexy really is Nahida
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Why doesn't Genshin have this
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Here's your new Natlan leak
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scaramouche is really sexy.
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bro your chiori?
This dance is horrible
cute is that a boy?
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love them niggas fr
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genshin isn't a pag game
>no one posting their imaginarium clears
Did /gig/ get filtered?
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not available yet
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I wouldn't use Furina if this mod didn't exist
Diaper-soiling ahh baby
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Stupid ass bina
Fuck bina
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We will and it will be with Dahlia
you sound like a dumbass
Yelan has a derogatory nickname in CN meta circles that roughly translates to "she's attractive because she's meta", and generally doesn't do that well on popularity polls (the last one I saw she placed 13th out of the 16 female 5 stars, with less than half the votes of 10th place Ayaka, although she did still clear almost all the 4 stars to land at 15th overall).

Not that she has absolutely no fans in CN or is particularly disliked, but she's not driving sales (at least, not CN iOS sales in particular, global is a lot more fond of her) just off her design.
If Furina is a diaper soiling baby doesn't that imply Focalor might have a diaper fetish herself?
Genshin could never...
Threadly reminder that Furina is for you.
xingqiu is sexier anyway
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literally no one asked
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Chenyu Vale is probably the best area so far in terms of exploration. Beautiful views, good chest quality, the Rainjade collecting doesn't overstay its welcome, and the Golden Carp Leap is by far the best traversal gimmick
Chenyu Vale saved 4.x for me.
Unless you're a homosexual manlet in a crop top.
genshin is a fag game
i like this chubby potato hutao
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Haven't played since Sumeru launched. Is this a good time to come back?
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Interesting. Who would be our "attractive because she's meta" character?
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This is the definitive Ass Tier List
Doesn't matter, she's a zero aura-having bitch
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>less than 6 hrs until the monthly revenue sales
Bro fr counting Siggy's puffy shorts
Why is Paimon not on top then? Dumbass
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sex with hu tao
Sex with yelan (xingqiu)
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I feel sorry for you then.
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My wife
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>tfw I'm just a regular sized homosexual in a crop top
wew, close one. Fufu love
Yelan's splash art isn't bad but her in game model is kinda weird looking
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Short hair girl was mistake.
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Childe SOON
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I spent $700 on the Sigwinne banner and I got:

>both weapons
>C2 Furina (from not having her)
>C1 Sigwinne
>10k primos left over

I guess I did alright
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Yeah bro it's totally puffy shorts, get real
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Yeah, those are for (Me).
thank you for funding our game anon
>Ayaka that low
But I thought the chinks liked Ayaka.
What happened?
Imagine the farts
I dress like this irl
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>tfw have to wait 13 hours for theater
The models in the game are designed to have those extra wavy shit or whatever they're called.
Yelan and xingqui has less of that.
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sweet and delicious
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Wait until Natlan
Nice tummy
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Barbara is really sexy
>Sigewinne/Furina banner
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Why are Genshin's outdated models never mentioned as a probable reason for Fontaine's shitty sales?
I remember getting Keqing or Mona was a reason to celebrate back then, because they looked okay by 2020 standards. These days, you're greeted with splash art where the characters look gorgeous, and then they look cartoonish and bereft of detail in-game. It's not just Ayaka, recent characters like Chiori, Clorinde, Neuvillette, Arlecchino, Chevreuse, all suffer from this. And then you have games like HSR or WuWa where the models look closer to splash art. It's definitely one less incentive to roll, knowing you're gonna get outdated shit compared to competitors.
I just came back after not having played since Kokomi and I've been having a blast.
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he looks good in everything
wtf are you even talking about
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This is a free game retard, sales don't matter.
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Someone said, Ayaka?
The original is absurdres and weights 4.66MB so it's over the limit.
when is Imaginarium theatre?

Daily reset?
please roll for jinhsi
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Why didn't you roll for Furina? She's T0
shes ugly as sin
wdym i have her c6 r1
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Are you sure he can make any outfit work?
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What part of my post was unclear? Splash art looks much better. It's false advertising at this point.
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thenks frens. Mains used to be ganyu and yoimiya but i see that the powercreep has been real
Natlan will save Ayaka
Natlan will save Ganyu
Natlan will save Wriothesley
Natlan will even save euler
Chinks hate Nip
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dead by day 3
I don't roll for males
can she be impregnated by humans?
where are the missing details retard
Sumeru sisters, was it our fault?
it's one of those events that pops up 4? hours after reset with splash art and Paimon yapping
sorry, meant for >>484181949
the HRT's got me acting silly
>Chinks hate Nip
But they love Raiden.
Speaking of which, why are there all these 500 year old virgins in Genshin? Why can't any of them get laid?
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Yo why can't I see number of galaxy gamers anymore?

That was dope now this is whack.
The low quality textures don't do justice to the art, which is a lack of detail in itself.
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>sige selling less than furina, a rerun character
Slug bros...
I was worried about my characters too but they've handled most everything with no issues. (Ayaka/Ganyu/Kokomi/Zhong Li). I haven't tried abyss yet but with all the new artifact sets out I'm going to wait until I scout out what new sets I need.
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These hours again huh
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so uhhhhhhh i'm using the treasure compass to try wrap up the mondstadt %s, and this one's got me a bit stumped. there was a ruin guard here where the chest icon was pinged, I fought it, and expected the chest to spawn, but nothing happened, now there's like a square stone thingy on the ground? I tried standing on it, I tried plunge attacking it, but nada? and the detective vision whatever has it marked white implying it is interactable so... what do I do?
>women will roll for this ugleh nigga
shes a loli, a healer, and most content creators have said she's shit so nobody is rolling for her.
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These look great but I think he looks better wearing nothing
mentioning genshin's outdated models doesn't make you a shill
yeah genshin is dead
genshins models still look better than most of the new shit released today
mentioning the empty area doesn't make you a shill
mentioning the shortened flagships doesn't make you a shill
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Wow WuWa really is freefalling already
Should’ve got c6 furina instead but congrats anway
Honestly it's been so fucking long but try to look below you, maybe there is a cave or something.
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Imagine not liking Genshin's models.
Natlan will be the nail in the coffin.
humans won't fuck siggy because she used to be a melusine
melusines won't fuck siggy because she turned into a human
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>mentioning the shortened flagships doesn't make you a shill
No that makes you retarded considering they said on the stream that IT was the flagship event.
So how's Imaginarium theater? I forgot about it so I'll only do the quest tomorrow for the points
ahahahhah imagine when Natlan comes out
imagine being a slurper
they can keep the style, but we deserve a model update in 5.0 with higher quality textures
mobilepags and snoy faggots have been holding us back all these years
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you know damn well he wont look like that
why are these leak drawer artists so bad at aping genshin's artstyle and design quirks?
Look around the area, the chest should be near the walls
Sometimes objects showing up grey in Elemental Sight is a false positive
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that Navia model though...
The other anon is right, they used to be good but even then they were still kind of underwhelming (Itto unironically has painted abs). If you compare them to other 3D gacha they really look outdated.
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when does it come out for NAbros
>the boar princess
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i guess you can use this to change the music
Genshin models have always been amateurish
he literally shilled for wuwa in his post bwo
Hu Tao owes me sex
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this isn't acceptable
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fine, post gacha models you think look good
hard mode: don't be biased by the coom factor
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How could Jinshi sell worse than Ayaka
literally nobody wants to fuck _on model_ hu tao
He's so ugly, even Kaeya looks better and they were released at the same time
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yeah nvm the chest was just behind one of the ruined walls, the square thingy just really threw me off since it looked like the minimap marker location, but I found the chest when I started looking more around the area for other glowy shit thinking there might be more squares involved in the "puzzle"
what does she say
what does she do
>furina and fischl
Others true
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My boy looks better on model than in splash art
I just said HSR and WuWa models are closer to splash art, which is true and unsurprising because they're much more recent. And I don't even play WuWa (I dropped it at the loong scene), you're too sensitive
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The sheer volume of dopamine release you get after diligently ignoring that red notification for over 3weeks is so nice.
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Who won
Who lost
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I do
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>casually powercreeps every single healer in the game
>And then you have games like HSR or WuWa where the models look closer to splash art. It's definitely one less incentive to roll, knowing you're gonna get outdated shit compared to competitors.
shilling doesn’t make you a shill
how easy surely someone's already beat it by now
Being propped up by Furina and only by Furina doesn't make him powercreep
>2024 game looks better than 2020 game

wow any more sage wisdom you can tell us?
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You now remember
That was an observation. It would have been shilling if I told you to go play WuWa.
Saying that a 2024 game has better models than a 2020 game is so painfully obvious your reaction hinges on the absurd.
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he has the most broken hyperbloom team, and in any team where you would use nahida with a healer he covers both roles in a single slot
twintails a shit
What's better BBC gigachad or brown shota?
What's his team?>
Still skipping Wormzhu.
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the coom factor is very high but I'm not biased.
At c2
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n*elle is on that banner
whichever cuter
looks so much better than genshin...
when you finish a challenge you go back to the hub room and the team you used in that challenge are hanging around so you can speak to them
they just have a few general lines about the theater/helping you out/taking care of yourself etc.
no thoughs, head empty
>yo I'm deranged and will sperg out at any constructive criticism that dares compare Genshin to a competitor
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>search "natlan" or "pyro archon" on twitter
>hundreds of women complaining about "colonizers" and hoping capitano kills her
So fucking funny
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I said I liked the design and was attacked

So offensive
How do you do worse than genshin's emptiness with a new area and a shilled character
I'dd let her colonize me, if you catch my dick
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Paimon could never...
Genshin could never...
cope'n'seethe pag2
>search "natlan" or "pyro archon" on twitter
so desperate for sumeru 2.0
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>when you finish a challenge you go back to the hub room and the team you used in that challenge are hanging around so you can speak to them
oh that's so fucking kino holy shit
cope and retort doesn't even make sense, get fucked
design matches a nation of war and teyvat's story as a whole but they don't play the game so...
Can I only use each character twice in imag theatre?
I see, the story will be the colonizing oppressor giving power back to the natives
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i love xingqiu feet
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some events let you restore vigor
Whats this, imaginarium theater lines?
yea the twitter freaks are desperate to repeat pre-3.X doom posting about skin color you're right
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sloppy seconds is enough stop being greedy
>inb4 we dont' get one
Newfags remember the Sumeru skin color controversy, but eulagate remains forgotten
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It's up
I’m just going to do normal theatre with level 60 characters instead of hard mode
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wym im rolling c2
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>even in this they talk about other characters
furina is going to mention HIM isn't she in 4.8
>imaginarium theater lines?
not cannon anyway
Id say they're as canon as teapot lines
What is this mental illness?
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where do i even go to try the nu-abyss?
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You wish, femcel
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I really don't get this fetish
stop posting here no one cares about your straightjacket
profilekeks are SHAKING in their boots LOL
look at the event page retarf
check your events tab
dumb paimonposter
And they will meet again in some festival event in the future, maybe in 5.x
The non-spic parts of Natlan will have shit fashion.
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>Murata is a honkai expy
>Himeko is famous for dying
>Natlan's chapter is about resurrection
>No one knows who the current pyro archon is
>Mihoyo is keeping natlan's info and the name of the pyro archon a secret
>The only body type we're missing is a potato shota
The female archon is dead and gets resurrected as a shota
absolutely based. Furina flopped bigly
Kurumi doomposts here
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>posts nahida
oh nononononono
Chiori would never outright dismiss tribal fashion because she's a true artist
it's not up yet for you because youre are american or european
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>This is our only revealed official natlan character
>Spics think natlan will be white
Scara is going to bring up nahida next patch guaranteed
it's not July 1st for us yet.
So true, graffiti gramps.
where sales?
Funny, that's exactly why I rolled it.
I'm a new player and I love Noelle, so I thought I'd try my luck on this banner ... Was my first time ever wishing and I think I got pretty lucky.
I got 5 noelles in a row on my first 50 wishes, got furina on wish 73 and then tried a more time and got noelle c6 after only 110 wishes total.
Wishing very satisfying, I see why people can get addicted to that.
ah ok fair enough thanks
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>click a stream
>they have wriothesley and sigewinne in their pool at the same time
I thought you could only bring 1 special character...do collectionchads have a one up on conkeks?
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>they'll meet and hang out in 4.3
>they'll meet and hang out in 4.4
>they'll meet and hang out in 4.5
>they'll meet and hang out in 4.6
>they'll meet and hang out in 4.7
>they'll meet and hang out in 4.8
>they'll meet and hang out in 5.0
>they'll meet and hang out in 5.1
Are you ever gonna get tired of being wrong?
do you understand how time zones work
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under there
That’s it, I’m rolling for the melusine cunny you can’t stop me
Are you talking about Aerina?
eimiko won last patch and this patch cope paggie
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I unironically believe HoYoVerse's art and graphics team is better.
However, I also believe they're smart enough to make sure they're getting as much revenue as possible.
Remember Kirara's hexagon tails, the not-quite-circles, the flat textures for chains, Itto's abs, and so on?
They actively reduce the polygon count in an effort to strive for performance.
Compare this to WuWa where they make no effort for optimization and go for graphical fidelity over novel, unique design.
Kurumi my beloved ...
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go ahead, brick yourself
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why am I being punished for using my characters? it's like simulated universe except this time my roster is being handicapped and keep getting deleted. I can't even switch my artifacts or weapon in the middle of the act.

I just hate the fact that I am being forced to suck someone's else dick so they can be on my friendlist. JUST TO BEAT THIS SHITTY ASS ""ENDGAME"""
Why can't I borrow characters from random strangers? star rail has it, why can't genshin?

who the fuck designed this shit? interns? women?
post uid for theatre
Why does gig call her ugly
Oh I’m bricked alright
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When does it go up for EU? In 20 minutes (server reset) or 6 hours (when new events go up)?
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>Ei is STILL a shut-in despite everything she's been saying about needing to get out more
They really don't know what to do with her, huh?
you don't get to talk pagther, Furina didn't say a single line to the traveler in Clorinde's SQ
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>went back and checked
>you can pick the all
just invest in all of your characters bwo
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I've been playing a while and still want noelle cons (just 2 more to c6 so I can try some meme teams around her) because she was my absolute fucking favorite when I started out, but I don't really give a shit about furina cons... it's just been really weird, literally every time she's a featured 4* it's on a banner I don't want to pull for various reasons (already have the 5*+desired cons from previous banner, do not want either 5* etc...)
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Look at this
in 6 hours
Wolfy is kinda fuckable...
>can't switch artifacts or weapons
Holy shit, is this true? That's actually a game changer (negatively), as leaks said you were allowed to swap between battles.
uh...i thought you said it was an easy baby mode...
>filtered by the theater
ngmi in this kid's mobile game.
they don't want to risk triggering her incel audience.
Are the trial characters not good enough?
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boycott bros...
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leaving the house 0 times/ year -> 2 times/ year is an improvement, okay?
Her incel audience abandoned her a long time ago.
This is what always got me. Why the fuck was traveler even there. The way they wrote furina the player should've just followed furina instead. Clorinde barely said anything to tabibito too
What team will be good for 12-1-1 to clear quickly?
look again, they're gone
>he went with vertical investment
she’s literally me
>seething over optional content
I love laylers so much
>Monolith defense
Is see Thoma
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So we're just not getting nay character design leaks until the preload or the trailer?
>sigewinne pullers get to play hyperbloom while skippers get retard comps
Raiden could easily regain every ounce of her popularity if they gave her any presence at all.
They don't want that though.
All attention must be funneled to their precious gary stu.
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>I want new end game where I can use all my characters
>no not like this
Drip feed in exactly 2 weeks
depends if leakers feel relevant enough or not
Ayaka's design is better.
dear time travelers, who is meta in Imaginarium Theater?
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>Another piss easy "endgame" mode, this one being even easier than abyss
Im not feeling so good, genbwos...
they're gone after you use them twice
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So no trading artifacts. That could be a problem.
sigewinne unironically
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Noelle is simply too based, she's so comfy to play. You should definitely get her C6 if only because she deserves it for her hard work.
Question: I got 2 Gamings from my wishing session, do you know if he's any good or worth building?
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>he skipped
oh nononoonono
For 2(two) rooms and without nahida
Enjoy lmao totally worth 180 wishes for a buddypoke brick
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My stinky NEET wife
Hmmm. Wonder if the official pyro archon reveal will surpass the seethe of Nahida's reveal?
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horizontal chads win again
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Imaginarium Teathre gameplay doko
Genshin is supposed to be an easy game bro, it should have been obvious when the mobs levels leaked
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Every game mode, every game feature, everywhere you go.
Bros you told me kurumi would kill herself...
Kurumi bros...
>already seething
>he actually have to swap artifacts between character
Fucking lmao. Go back to grinding, fools!
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>he needs to use free units
>he needs to use friend units
>he needs to swap artifacts

what exactly are you doing with your resin
Where were you when they released Furina 2?
Im glad I rolled sigewinne with 28,800 primo gems so I can get 200 primogems from the new mode!
Imagine being a retard and not pulling for her lmao.
I refuse to roll for Furina because she is ugly and annoying, Nahdia and Fischl are fine because they are only one or the other
>Furina 2
why do believe it's real?
>moron is bricking arlecchino benny kaz and xiangling
oh this new mode is going to bring out so much seethe....
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Hi /gig/ hsrgkek here, the guy spamming ww on your thread is just one fag that is shitposting both /zzz/ and /wuwa/
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I was being serious. You don't understand Chiori's character, she's very open-minded.
No true artist would outright dismiss an organically risen tradition. Musea all around the west are filled with African and Native American tribal art for a reason. European neoclassicists e.g. worshipped rationality in art, just like the ancients; later movements saw it as a fixation on dogma and turned to Eastern art for inspiration.
Chiori might not like Natlan fashion, but her reasoning wouldn't be as uncouth as "oh, they're wearing rags". We're talking about the accomplished woman who replaced her high-grade accessories with seashells. How do you think she would react to Iansan's intriguing antelope mask or her necklace? Or her loose, colourful clothes?
>>he needs to use free units
I don't
>>he needs to use friend units
I don't
>>he needs to swap artifacts
I don't. This one I am proud of because I know /gig/gers in the past swap artifacts and weapons between characters.
Anon, that's supposed to be the challenge.
The challenge is how capable you are of making unconventional teams using limited resources. The fact that you're chimping out tells me that you're shit and rely on your c1r1 neuv to carry your useless ass through the entire game
>this artist drew clorinde vishap meme
Surprised it wasn't spammed
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>endgametards already getting filtered
the government should give a job to these overactive autists
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GODvillette BROKE her
>actually offended
uh oh poorfag melty
Honestly this looks hard and is going to give me anxiety
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>getting mad about that
not much of an endgame if a few retards don't get filtered.
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Who says they're virgins? Maybe Nahida and Ei are virgins, since they spent so much of their time isolated from society (but Nahida could have had sex with people in their dreams). But Miko's definitely not a virgin. Sigewinne's likely not a virgin as well, given how much desperate human dick she's had access to for hundreds of years. Furina's probably tried a few male concubines once or twice to see if it helps keep the edge off of things.

Moving onto the characters that are far older than 500, I can practically guarantee neither Venti nor Zhong Li are virgins. Ganyu probably isn't either. Xianyun definitely isn't. Neuvilette has probably fucked a melusine at least once. Xiao might be a virgin given how difficult he is to get along with. And as for the travelers themselves... well, pic related.
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Is your roster ready?
Is this news? I figured it was a singular faggot
>genshin up 11
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should be fine
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*gulp* this looks difficult

Am I gonna make it?
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I thought this was babymode easy why is /gig/ panicking
fuck this normalfagslop
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I mean, that was obvious. Even more when you go to all 3 generals
>all three of them are black skin
Based as shit
headcanon and cucks are meant for each other
hope you fail
good luck, aetherGODS
When is Imaginarium Theatre releasing for NA?
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take a shower
>Question: I got 2 Gamings from my wishing session, do you know if he's any good or worth building?
so uhhhh I don't have him and haven't really used him at all other than when there was a brief trial, but my understanding oh how he works is;

you basically need CR for him to work, but if you have her, he's pretty good (for a 4*) with the plunge attacks?, idk too much about that. I got like zero experience with plunge attack builds or comps because I just never pulled for any of the key chars for any of them, so as far as "is plunge good' compared to more conventional shit I'm familiar with ('tao vape, yaka freeze, >hyperbloom, raiden hypercarry etc...), I don't know, I know it's "a thing" just like "aggravate" is a thing, as far as if you should be pulling for CR purely to use gaming? uhhhhhhh idk, my guess would be no, on the other hand if you have her, then you got a solid pairing you can build around (i think you also want bennet c6 on that team, but if you don't already have him, you will eventually)
If I could remove her from my account and lock myself out from having her appear ever again I would
>how come the loli didn't sell?
guess that means it's time for a potato shota to be added
in 12h
12 hours
I love children.
I just saw someone breeze through it, it looks like free primos, it's pretty easy don't worry
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I don't even really understand what this new mode entails, I get that it's something like that one event we had fairly recently where you could only use one character two times or something, but that's about it
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off meta chads rejoicing
optimalcompfags seething
anyone got a closeup screenshot of Sigewinne's butt? don't wanna login into the game to see it
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Physical Amy shall break yet another barrier.
For theres no stopping the Prinzessin.
Thanks, thats kinda helpful.
I dont have bennet yet, definitely plan to get him when he's available though.
This game really is so good, I'm mad at myself for not starting to play sooner.
Why do you hate Noelle?
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well that was quick
and kinda meh
furina fucking flopped on barbed wire and got torn to pieces
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i'm getting mixed reactions, so is the new gamemode easy or hard?
No National/Hyperbloom comfy runs = won't play it
Don't forget about her 8 lines. Thats a huge improvement for a neet
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I'm going to feel real embarrassed if I can't beat this new mode....
literally everything I don't like in a character or fanbase paired with 11 spooks in 90 rolls once
when she was already way past c6
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Post something sexy
We really waited 30 days for this.....
show me your new poses or fuck off
gooba is T0 once again…
It's hard if you have been using the same crutches since forever
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>14 selectable characters, not enough to start challenge
easy as shit, they basically said that abyss was too hard and decided to give half of the primos for free via IT to everyone
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holy schizophrenia
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if you previously cleared abyss with a bunch of c0r0 characters and teams, easy af
if you brute forced abyss with like 2 c6r5 characters/ teams, glhf lol
the real filter just seems to be having enough characters built in the first place
is july really the month where we get a trailer for the next region with all the characters?
>Casual who only plays the game 5 times in a Year and neglet Artefact/Weapons getting fucked
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Dawei should just send me primos every month
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if you play 5 times a year you don't care about primos anyway
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good to see that she didnt rope off camera
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Thank you for everything my dear
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I like that this is really just a thinly veiled Neuvillette seethe video. Her constantly calling him "the devs favorite" onstead of his name is funny.
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the characters you used show up in the room with... voiced lines? what?
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yes and they have multiple different dialogues
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It's shounen KINO
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Honestly, IT (Information Technology) is the last straw. If it's shit, I think I'm going to quite Genshin. I hate exploration because theres' 4000 chests. I don't do Story Quests. It's been 3 weeks, and I still haven't done the Dainsleif quests.
Which genshins would be okay with you sucking their toes?
So did they scrap lion boy's catboy design beause wuwa had theirs?
you can't use all your characters, you are restricted.
this is shit and they are 100% doing it on purpose so they can say "see? you don't actually want more endgame content".
Cool, now give Yanfei your leftover artifacts. Stop complaining.
they don't give a fuck about the 0.01% who ask for more "endgame content". the new mode is an easier abyss to make casuals roll and build more characters
>finally look up what's in IT
>use yt shorts
>every person sounds brown
Yae Miko unironically
no, I don't think I will
it's up only in Asia
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>new endgame mode
>dead thread
damn, all the SEApags really left us for WuWa. I regret making fun of them...
Do I actually have to add people to my friends list for this new event?
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if you're looking for comp advice or suggestions on who to consolidate resources into, you can always post your roster here; don't worry about "cookie-cutter" builds when you're new,
A. you don't fuckin need em (until you start doing endgame content), and
B. they generally are very heavily reliant on having specific characters that simply might not be available for a few months
the best recommendations for team building for beginners or otherwise are based on who they *actually* have on hand

that being said; you wanna build tall, not wide as you're powering through the AR and WL increases early in the game, you won't exactly get 'soft locked' but the aforementioned "who to consolidate resources" question is one you either one to answer for yourself or have someone answer for you; pre-endgame content is pretty fuckin easy in general, but if you're experimenting with leveling up too many characters at once and non-synergistic builds, you're gonna get annoyed by bulletsponge enemies with rapid WL increases when you're initially "binging" the game

overworld isn't "hard" it was probably not a problem at all for people who started playing at launch, but it's the classic "gacha" early levels fly by fast and there's a wealth of content to binge when you start late, and you don't have the level/talent/weapon level/artifact level resources that someone who was playing with the original 'progression curve' had when they were reaching the point your are. Basically once you have one team that's capable of doing wl8 without it being a slog, you can easily operationalize more with rewards from daily resin burn, having 4 lv 80 characters is infinitely more useful than having 20 lv 60 characters
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Thank god my Yanfei is built.
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Any challenge i look for intense music, which reminds me!
I wish i could find the version with the Male vocals i heard in some vroom vroom jdm video even if the song makes less sense that way
he's a tsundere
casuals who don't give a shit about abyss won't give a shit about theatre either.
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Time to finally build THAT 4* that you wanted but didn't because she wasn't meta enough
ZZZ can’t come soon enough, I need my blue skinned wife
they care because they want the photo poses and exclusive dialogues
You shouldn't be not giving shits. Pooping is very good for your body.
I’m legit building shit like Lynette right now cause of this new mode
what does sigewinne say in the new area, prove you're not a metakek /gig/
eukeks are trying to clear rn
>why is the thread slow when they just introduced a new end game mode

hrtrail has fried your brain
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they will go in, say "this shit is too hard" and stop caring.
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Am I REQUIRED to play theater in 5.x where you get materials that levels your characters to 100 AND talents beyond lvl. 13?
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Lingyang came WAY later than Gaming
I don't see the new endgame. Is it not out for Canada (Pacific) yet?
it's not hard
It's been up for over an hour in Asia. How long does it take to finish it?
no talking straight to sex
>tfw burgerkek
thanks for beta testing for our release
>need to build 18 characters of the exact elements to start the challenge
Can't wait for Geo/Anemo/Cryo!
>he didn't invest in chioricoin
mmm burgerking
Why? Just so (you) could be a cuck when she's drawn being fucked by bara furries?
It's fucking 11:15 am. Shouldn't you guys be working right now?
What time do events usually appear for you? That's your answer. This isn't any different. Go to sleep and it'll be up near noon.
>he unironically bought geocoin
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Fucking brat begging for another correction
>Thinking people who eat poo and pag have complete brains with full motor control
Give them a bit to middle through it
Schizobro it’s a fictional character I’m gonna jerk off to them and that’s about it
>exact elements
you did roll everyone didn't you? that gives you an advantage you know...
who the fuck is complaining about not having enough units
what have you been doing with your resin for four years if not leveling up your characters?
you know you can build and use 4*s too right
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Daily Reminder
i'm still mad that we don't have a cat boy with ears and a tail
Its not even up yet in EU lolmao
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i've been farming artifacts for my c3r1 raiden....
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>Geo 1
>Anemo 5
>Cryo 2
Time to grind some exp books
I was farming artifacts to improve my Raiden by an additional 1% in damage.
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I am currently masturbating to the photo of Lyneyanon's big gorgeous cock. I have cummed to it about 20 times already since the day he posted it. It's so good.
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>have to wait to see Childe's line
Why do they always make NA wait?
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>feeling cucked by fan art of fictional characters
>he fell for vertical investment
Stupid nara lmao
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why don't we get genshins like this anymore
it's over
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What discord is responsible for this?
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Neets don't work
Bro your Venti?
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Don't get (you)'re ass spooked by bara furries then
we know kektone is a faggot
Almost. Replace pagther with Loom
it's summer
i can't tell if its yanfei or yae without enlarging it
and i prefer it that way, stay forever thumbnail sweety
cutether is a cute !
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After playing it, I'd say people are underestimating the difficulty of Imaginarium Theater. Sure, the enemies are around Floor 11 difficulty, but you often end up with really retarded parties, it's not gonna be like Spiral Abyss where you're playing with your handpicked meta parties. In the end, I'd say the difficulty is around even with Spiral Abyss.
>The Inter-Knot
byvbros we’re so back
>fat ass
>thick thighs
literally last banner dumby
that's only if you want the stars on your profile, but there's no time limit for the rewards
Vertical investment check, recommended few but high level 90(100 soon) characters, tests your ability to play specific meta comps/characters and squeeze the most out of them.
Horizontal investment check, recommended large amount of medium investment characters, tests your character kit knowledge and game systems knowledge. Important to be able to come up with reasonable teamcomps under specific restrictions.
Am I getting it right?
I wish we had another picture...
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I love Furina!!!
c3 Furina or c0 hydro Buddypoke? My real goal is Noelle constellations but If I had to choose one 5 star to get spooked by which one should it be?
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this >>484191508
there is no time limit, it's unironically free primos
>they laughed at venti
>now look at them
this new mode is 10/10
Rolling for Buddypoke is more soulful
If you loved Furina you'd have more than 2 webms to post over and over
Dawei sat on my cock and raped me in a maid dress
im sparkle poster btw
horizontal investment > vertical investment
you’re clearly Lynetteposter
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>c0 hydro Buddypoke
she is unironically built for the new mode between her heal and off field buff
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How do I make my Furina better
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It's over
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what's her ranking?
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>can't clear with her for (you)s
what's the point
weapon refinements, more ER, hydro damage goblet with equal or better stats
triple crown her
get more CR, CD, HP
Why did mihoyo even put her in the game?
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>Wriothesley a guest star in the Imaginarium Theater
>Cryo is not optimal against all primary bosses this season
Why even put him there...
I do have him but I need to restart the entire run (I didn't pick him). BAKA, this shit is fucking retarded.
They have to remind people he exists
it’s over….
Least owned character in the game. No one cares about Flopthesley and the devs have given up on him
probably forced by sony
Are the lock outs shared across the difficulties?
this is fucked up
Divergent Universe/ Simulated Universe > Trannyrium Shiteater

there I said it
he can melt
the only other character who can enable/trigger amplifying reactions this IT is siggy
>t. E6S5 brickbug owner
>autobattle universe
I don't even know what the fuck (you) are spouting. Can speak english?
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Buy an ad cuck
which poses are you getting bwos
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>autobattler has an opinion
he was supposed to rerun and was even in the next season but they removed him for some reason
>endgame made for retarded whales
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I'm pretty sure Chiori is more rare
yeah, but it's more like large amounts of high investment characters for theater, not medium. you're level 70 characters aren't gonna cut it.
can you clear out shop or will this be a over time thing
rape her with her cloths on
>rerunning a shit character
Ever since I tried him out in that limited event where he shat his bed fighting some hydro clones, I know he's bad
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who is that?
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Chongyun and ei
So theatre is going to be piss easy if you got a team for every element right?
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isn't the artifacts different when C6
they forgot to give him a rerun (despite Yelan and Baizhu rerunning twice btw) so they shoved him there as an apology.
>next season now has yaka in the starting lineup
why do they hate wrio so
need 4 teams just for this one bwo
you can only use each character twice
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cute wriolette
you can only get three per season
I'm a straight self respecting male and I refuse to play this game. Aren't you ashamed too, straight man?
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Nyoo my data is more correct then yours!
thanks, does that include the running effects?
I don't think there is a more clunky character in Genshin.
I don't know if the game is bugged or not, but despite what the text says, there actually IS a time limit just to get the regular clear. It was 22 opponents for the regular clear, and 30 for the star clear. I was only able to kill 28.

I'm saying, if all your characters and supporting cast aren't equipped to be at least abyss clear, you'll have a tough time clearing Imaginarium Theater.
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EU bros when does Imaginarium Theater start?
when you quit asking
>got at least 7 teams
>need 4
Sounds easy.
Reuse makes it even more flexible. C0 chads rise up.
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so soon?
>tfw xiao is better for could retainer than diluc because you don't waste benny and use faruzan instead
these small optimizations will be how mihoyo cashes in on reruns and chronicle
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Sigewinne or Emilie?
That's the best Lyney and Wrio could do after all the shilling they got in the Archon Quests? They truly goddamn flopped
The defeat 30 enemies star is fucking impossible to get
So never...
It's over...
But the server already reset?
I'm in love with Chevreuse from Fontaine
few hours after reset like one of the big events in a patch
maximum sovl intensifies
Baizhu is on the cusp of becoming sovlless though, how do we stop people from rolling for him
What's impossible about it?
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Post something cute
just restart and pick a better team
or restart the run and pick better boons
I'm in love with Chevreuse 's legs
>also strong
Best girl
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Okay this event convinced me to level my layler
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cutest family in Teyvat
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the ugly elf claims another soul. Soon there will need to be a village for them
is it out for NA players or do I have to wait for daily reset?
So how hard is the theater in practice?
we got like 9-11 hours lmao
horizontalGOD I kneel
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I'm calling it now, once EU and NA get Imaginarium Theater, I bet /gig/ is gonna be filled with bweh posts complaining about how they can't clear it. And I'm not just talking about star clears. Don't say I didn't warn you.
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Um bwos can some one answer me
You might have difficulties if you don't have a lot of characters built since you can only use each two times.
filtered on Act 3 (due to not picking venti)
I'm gonna try it again bros
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Lyney flopped on my cock
If you want to use their characters yes
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friendly reminder to pick as many sub dps and support as you can
You have 2 minutes to DEFEND but everytime it take a hit you lose 5 seconds
He built a boat that did nothing. Like dont get me wrong big flood coming me build big boat makes sense but it didnt matter.
Lmfao new gamemode out and /gig/ is dead
Cope. They created an entire area and 2 Archon Quests just to introduce and shill him
I don't remember asking.
nah, the boat was sensible.
what's bullshit is building it UNDER the sea.
now that's whack.
>you have no more characters
then give me some??? i dont get it
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Luckily /gig/ is not 100% SEA like the other gacha generals.
the only characters shilled by Fontaine’s AQ were Neuv and maybe Navia
everybody else got shafted in terms of relevance or/and screentime
Can you swap artifacts between characters in the new endgame mode?
Yes 4MH or 4HOD
Wrio is literally Noah if you think about it.
He is gods strongest solider.
same with weapons
>forced to use a female
ya I'm not doing this mode, sowwy
/gig/ actually playing their game lmao
Apparently not
I don't see him grabbing two of everything
The entire fontaine archon storyline was 80% Nuev, Furina and Navia and 20% everyone else.
>forced to use m*le
ya I'm not doing this mode, not sorry
Stop being self hating
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Why do people say Sigewinne is bad?
You fucks really swap artifacts instead of farming a set per character? Whatever the fuck were you doing with all those resins in 4 years?
Don't let Imaginarium Theater distract you from the fact that we will never recover our reputation after Firefly becomes the highest selling gacha character of all time when the revenue charts release tomorrow.
other gacha generals are dead too (except for the GOAT, /xivg/)
Wrio's master plan was to fish up dissolved Fontainians with a flying boat
I miss Nahider...why couldn't we have 1 Natlan festival this patch...
The Final FantasyGODS /xivg/ rule this board
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>uber eats driver is named Jean
Literally who
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>Just Fischl with shit artifacts
>Fischl with ok artifacts + sigewinne
wow nice brick advertisement
Getting Def% flat Atk pieces
>forced to use m*le and f*male
Ugh when can I just use my fungi warriors? This new thing sucks!
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Wtf, I'm screwed. Why didn't hoyo tell us this before release. It's too late to farm unique sets for all of my characters now
>furina is the badly written Jesus metaphor
>wrio is the badly written noah metaphor
>nuev is the badly written metaphor for gods judgement
Fat xiao....
No I half ass a set for the character I play then never change it
Furina has used the same relics since her release (the day I slapped a GT set on her)
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I couldn't clear it. Act 3 filtered me.

Currently in the process of raising all of my support cast. "Medium investment" is a meme, sure, you don't need 5* characters with multiple constellations, but I'd say even Lv. 80 characters is questionable in a lot of cases. Plus, you don't want artifact builds hyper-specific to one team, since you never know what shitters you'll have in your party.
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you also need several sets of artifacts
+2 next run
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What did (You) get from monthly rolls?
>he didnt invest horizontally into a variety of teams
da wei blesses you and only you. 3 next drop.
it's over...
this month and the next is a complete humiliation...
kurumi should do a naked dogeza and apologize in our stead.
Dori con
I have the characters but I don't have unique sets for all of them
>he didn't keep decent artifacts
yikes lol
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even the trial characters are fucking weak wtf is this
Hoe many similar playstyles do you have that you use the same artifact set that often?
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Baron Bunny meta now?
Got to 50/50 in Furina banner.
Now the fun starts.
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Can someone tl;dr me on what all the hubub on the new mode is?

As an American™ I can't play the event yet, but will tomorrow, so far I've pieced together from assorted postings
>it's too hard because you need a lot of built characters and can't rely on your hyperinvested abyss regulars
>it's too hard because something about some combination of shitty 'trial characters' and a lack of friends who have good usable characters or something

So how does this new mode work? I vaugely recall some event where there were assorted combat challenges where some specific reaction of playstyle (plunge) was super buffed and they offered you a few trial chars, and you could only use any char 2 times; is it the same thing more or less? I get the general impression that the usual gimmick agnostic abyss-trivializing meta of having a pair of uber teams that will just murderfuck anything to death every time 'fast enough' isn't enough here due to the '2 use req', but how many 'rounds' are there here? how many well geared characters do you actually need (incl i guess people on your friendslists who have well geared characters you need to make up for gaps in your own roster)?

Or is this really not that bad and just shitters complaining? I am generally very confused as to what to be expecting when I can personally try this tomorrow
good for new mode
now pulls
Sex with Sigewinne
don't post nahida or else
It's over
Good morning saar
What are the elements for the next IT again?
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There's just no way they want me to have 18 characters of just 3 elements, that would be fucking crazy. I seriously do not believe that and am waiting to find out the event is actually completely different from what /gig/ has lied to me about.
every time
I had no issues with the Theater but it feels like they're discouraging me from investing vertically to be honest
it was made to sell reruns and give people a reason to pull on them and chronicle banners
of course they're going to be demanding
They did though. https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29003138
iirc the real number is like 11, since 6 on free in trial, and you can borrow 1 from a friend
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Jean just cancelled my order.
That's what you get for making fun of their name fat raiden
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I warned you
Now I have no choice but to go to bed early
night /gig/
>don't be distracted from my off-topic shit
Get a life
if you own all of the starting lineup you need 18
if you don’t own any members of the starting lineup you only need 12
the main thing is that the six characters in the starting lineup count towards the 18 so you can use their trial versions if you don’t have them, but if you do have them then you can use your version instead of the trial one
also there are four off-element characters (Wrio, Baizhu, Haitham, Siggy) that you can use, and you can recruit one character from a friend
Yeah she kinda bad ngl. Cute tho
>star rail puts an easy game mode that restricts your teams: HOLY SHIT THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER GENSHIT COULD NEVER

>genshin puts an easy game mode that restricts your teams: WHAT THE FUCK DAWEI THIS IS DOGSHIT

i'm noticing...
my fucking hero thank you b
star rail does it to shill a single new character in the most cancer way repeatedly
>Star Rail players are games journo-tier trash that can be outplayed by a pidgeon
>Genshart players are edge lords that demands more difficulty
Its not that obscure.
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I have not invested into cryo coin at all..

Not counted. Stop being a loser
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If you leakers dont leak either the Natlan map or the roster by July 4th 5pm I'm gonna do something ill regret...
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I literally only have 1 built Anemo character
Star Rail is simply the better game with better characters and fandom.
Imaginarium Theater was a mistake. Turn back. NOW.
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How do I get new poses?
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>bro I don't even use resin anymore, I've got my two teams for abyss
IT shop gives emotes
Imaginarium theatre is so boring. What a shit game. Add an extra button please Mihoyo
Any anon who uses the word "flop" in any unironic capacity has taken old man cocks up the ass
Not looking forward to that. Freeze is so shit. Cryo characters are bad, and there are literally only THREE 4-star Hydros.
We lost again...
Aether was there just to fill the player numbers needed. It could have been anyone, even Neuvillette, but the convenience won out and so they made Aether play instead.
Literally me...
>pity secured
>25ish rolls until soft pity
wats chances of me getting Furina C2 without spending before banner up?
>SEAs struggle with abyss - ultra easy mode
I'm seeing a pattern ..
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> Furina didn't say a single line to the traveler in Clorinde's SQ
>Clorinde barely said anything to tabibito too

It's so tiring...
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This. No one's going to like not being able to use whatever characters they want. There will be a revolt. The 1.1 Zhongdong debacle will look like a picnic compared to this.
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Is there a short story + cutscene for the new endgame mode?
old man cock is like the best cock tho
what you meant was trooncock
floppy! dysfunctional! trooncock!
You're not the mc so why not just stop existing already? You're just making Chad and Stacy, the real mcs of the world, feel unsettled
>In Furina SQ she calls us our best friend out of nowhere
>Now in Clorinde SQ she treats us like some stranger

Fire the writing staff
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>use my friendship team
>can't clear any weekly boss
I m having trouble clearing 12-1 within 3 minutes. The best I've done is clear with 6:43 left
This but unironically
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Geo status?
Navia saved it
just slot in your neuv bwo
I'm here and I'm at work.
I probably won't try it out till this weekend when I have time.
She never called you her best friend. She said the Traveler and Paimon were the closest things to friends that she had.
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lol, who cares about the traveler after the respective region's AQ?
They've already served their purpose and has no reason to be felated anymore except for NPCs who are REQUIRED to suck up to you.
>In Furina SQ she calls us our best friend out of nowhere

that never happened
Saved it by being one of the lowest usage DPS
imaginarium theater gives buffs to certain characters that carry over to the open world and abyss
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It's over...
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Got my teams planned out and equipped for tomorrow. Having multiple DPS for every element, only rolling c0 for most characters, and having a bunch of 4 stars leveled to 80 or 70 finally about to pay off.

Also all the EoSF farming with multiple NO builds.
An accurate depiction of how Genshin treats it mc
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How do I use Sarah? E > Charged shot > Q > Swap?
she literally says “and the traveler, my very best friend whom I would forcibly impregnate if I could,”
it’s in the subquest called Whither Should the Water Flow?
Doesn't change the fact that you're now a stranger after all her trauma dumping on you and pitybait.
I thought you could only use Pyro, electro, and anemo?
those things don't matter
There are a few characters that aren't part of the elemental restriction but you can only use them if you have them
Baizhu, Wriothesley, Sigewinne and Alhaitham are exceptions
Alhaitham is a guest character
>get clorinde at low pity
>then get qiqi in one 10 roll on furinas banner
>then get furina in 30 rolls
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>she treated us like a stranger because she didn't pull us aside with the group of friends to privately talk to us
shut up you bragging FAGGOT
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Why do you guys keep posting Mintcuck? None of his opinions is ever correct.
theater is now out yet in eu?
that’s one quick Qiq…
Not one dialogue was shared except "Oh you bought the traveller here too"
She didn't even say that to you LOL!
yes and it's voiced
Pyro archon no diffs Capitano a la Raiden vaporizing Signora.

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