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Fly in the Freedom Edition

Flyff has scores of private servers to choose from, but this is the one we've landed on for now.

NoFlyingAllowed is the primary Guild for /flyg/. If you see one of us running around (usually on Channel 6), feel free to join!

>Guides/Further Information
Clockworks Wiki
General compendium for all things related to this specific private server. Classes, leveling routes, important NPCs - you name it, this place probably has it.

Soapy's Scuffed Guide:
Basically the wiki, but in Google Doc Guide form.
Be sure to buy the housing decor set and place them in your homes for 7 day stat boosts. Check out housing specialist Charlie in West Flaris to decorate. note you cannot stack buffs/furniture of the same stats so just get the best ones (soulless).
Friends can enter when u change their permissions via [E]>right click>set entry permissions
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Neat! Don't recall player housing being a thing back on the OG servers.
It's pretty bare-bones, but still charming in its own sort of oldschool way. Will screw around with my own house later on.
let it die
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Hey check it out, this thread actually serves a purpose.
Was delving into the wiki for a bit, and discovered most of us have been following the wrong progression path over the past night or so. It's actually a BAD idea to slavishly adhere to just the Leveling Guide (https://wiki.cwflyff.com/guide/guides/leveling-guide), and instead, you should be cross-referencing it with this guide as well:

There are two major Dungeons we need to farm at, before we're outside of those level ranges: Dekane Mine (a solo dungeon) at Level 120 for our 105 sets, and especially Savage Wilds (a master-rank party dungeon) at Level 80-M for our Crystal weaponry and accessories.
Dungeons can ONLY be ran within their level range, so it's highly advised you use your EXP Stop function to halt your leveling progress when you're within range of a Dungeon you want/need to run. If you leveled too far ahead (like I did), you're in an interesting situation at the moment.

Dekane Mine should only take 1-2 clears to get your full 105 equipment, so that shouldn't take long at all.
Savage Wilds is another matter. Was speaking to a vet, and he actually advised to raise a second character to Level 80-M, and just park it there via EXP Stop to assure you can run Savage Wilds once or twice a day.
The next major Dungeon doesn't come around until Level 150, but Savage Wilds in particular is something we cannot afford to miss. I'll be raising another Ringmaster alt to be available for it. Shouldn't take long, got to Level 114-M on my main within just a day's time on this server.
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>Turn off monitor and step afk
>Come back
>House has been consumed by the void
H u h
Went back to normal once I left and came back, but what a weird glitch.
I'm not following guides.
>following the wrong progression path
Wikigamers will be the death of fun.
>already over 80m
not like this
I'm level 74 Elemental Magician, but I get raped by the mobs and they don't really give good EXP, where should I go ?
use your exp scrolls and kill yetis.
Azria. You get a ticket for there by entering B1 of forsaken tower, just speak with the forsaken tower manager at Flarine near where you spawn after teleporting there.
If you're an Elementor, your best bet is to do hit-and-run strats with whirlwind. You're actually one of the best AoE classes in the entire game, and fastest leveling classes in turn.
Make sure you're using your beginner equipment sold from the beginner npc. 100 beginner tokens for a weapon, 50 for armor. Much better than whatever you've been picking up from random drops. If you don't have enough tokens, ask the guild, we have plenty.
>To add powerups to your preset, you can drag and drop powerups from your inventory, or click the "+" icon to add powerups directly from your Powerup Bag.
>or click the "+" icon to add powerups directly from your Powerup Bag.
This crashes your game, FYI.
wreks on my machinegun
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i'm going to roll up a tank tonight and park it at 80-M so I can help people through Savage Wilds. Having gone through the levelling process once I bet I can do it pretty quick. Just gonna put on some eurobeat and zone out, clicking on mobs, begging for buffs every hour.
she's literallyme
this is gonna be me but a dps
I actually just finished doing this myself. Got it locked at 80-M forever.
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I like this cat
this is so ironic lol
I would fug
how come you never say that to me...
can you... yuri marry?
I feel like a 1x server without all the extra Pokemon stuff would be better than this. I'm still lost on what I'm supposed to be doing other than clicking enemies. There are too many NPCs in town, too much stuff to click on in the UI, almost zero UI consistency, and I'm lost constantly in the world.
The issue is if we take 1x or low rates with the intention to have an authentic experience paced mainly for close player interaction, since all there will be to do is chat and grind, with people making little daily progress, you'll lose the hardcore brain itch max level zoomers, so we're stuck with all this custom content rush max level then barely log in slop until they get bored of the project.
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buying legendary yoyo...
>He thinks anyone would tolerate 1x flyff
Tell me you've never played old kmmos before without actually saying it
People were already complaining about this game being repetitive, despite flying through the levels. You really think opinions would be better if we were stuck fighting starter mobs on the tutorial island for literal days on end?
>>484229683 linked two guides to follow if you're needing some direction. Kmmo sloppa this old doesn't hold your hand, and expects you to ask guild members for advice or look things up for yourself.
The authentic experience you're talking about is being forced to buy cash shop items to make any real progress whatsoever.
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no you
Not all MMOs were like this shit. Shaiya plays nothing like flyff for example.
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Is there ever a more satisfying feeling than burning entire armies of monsters down at once, I ask (You).

Ringmaster and Elementor are uniquely equipped to rush through the level grind, thanks to their "hit-and-run" playstyle. Gather your targets up with low-damaging, quick-to-cast spells, summon a death pit when you're a safe distance away from the thundering hordes you're luring, and dance around the edges of your killing field whilst watching your foes whittle down to nothing.

Considering in the last version of Flyff I played, Ringmaster was virtually helpless without being permanently tethered to another character, being able to burn down huge swathes of monster packs on my own feels so empowering.
Sure, I can heal/buff, and that's obviously Ringmaster/Seraph's main purpose later on... But at least it's not utter hell leveling one up on this server, thank goodness.

One major thing to note if you're attempting this playstyle yourself, is being sure to tick the "Show Monster Distance Indicator" option under the Advanced options tab. This'll make a small green bar appear above a monster's HP bar on the field, alerting you to how close it might be to giving up the chase.
Monsters can't be lured too terribly far away from where they initially spawn, so keeping track of this meter is a big help towards getting some seriously impressive killing sprees, and rocketing up the levels. Especially with 5x EXP Amp Scrolls running in the background, it's pretty stellar stuff.
why is your character not named allegreza
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Oh it is. This is just a second Ringmaster I'm raising on another account, solely for the sake of parking it at Level 80-M for Savage Wilds via the EXP Stop function. Had to run a second account for this one, due to helming the guild's main party on my main.
Party Scrolls work on a per-owner basis, only being in-effect if the character who used it is leading the party in question; and I used a Red Scroll plus the two other party-boosting scrolls on the party I made with Alle shortly after we started. Meaning that, unless someone else splashes the Penya for those three Party Scrolls at the Consumables NPC, my main must be helming the party at all times.
Was an issue when needing to switch characters on my primary account, so this was a decent enough workaround for the time being. Should stress that I'm not actually playing both accounts at once - just have Alle idling near the buff peng in Flaris whilst focusing on raising this spare healer.
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>guild's main party
The Clique.
What skills do you use as an Elementor? I'd say I only make take 10% of their life with each attack. I'm full int
nta. idk that happened to me. I found level 60 to 100 to be a slog.
Some stuff you can try if you haven't already:
Grab the rental gear if you haven't already, or if you're above level 105, try getting some gear from Dekane Mines. There's some spare in the guild storage, ask Allegreza/Sette to get it for you.
Try hitting the enemy's weakness (hover over the element symbol to the left of their name).
The Windfield strategy involves going around hitting foes with the Windfield skill, applying the slow debuff. Once they are slowed, you can kite them using your AOE attacks (the AOEs under the Elementor tab, if you've unlocked those). Using this strat, you can farm lower-leveled enemies for very decent XP.
Also make sure you buy lots of pizza and MP potions from Losha/Lui. You should put the pizza on an f-tool slot and constantly eat pizzas automatically when fighting.
I've mostly played korean mmos for my entire 30 year life. That's how I can tolerate 1x servers and you cant. That's why I am for them and you are not.
based kusogeborn
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Don't mind me, just pulling the entire level 90 dungeon at once.
Pardon this being a pretty shoddy 'shot. There's no distance limit to how far you can lure monsters in dungeons, but they vanish from your client if you get too far away from them. So you can imagine my surprise when doubling-back down a hallway I thought was safe, only to have about 80+ monsters and three bosses pop out from the aether and root me in place, forcing me to spam heal to barely survive.
Was real silly watching the monster deathball grow to such absurd sizes. Could be funny to attempt in Mars Mine with how open it is, less chance for the ultra-basic monster pathing to get hung-up on walls. Dekane would be too narrow to attempt a full pull, however.
Still didn't get the 90 Ringmaster Suit after two runs, rip.
Thanks for trying to help in flyff.
It's not working nothing is clicking.
Choo choo.
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Another morning's grind accomplished.
Finished prepping my second account's Ringmaster for Savage Wilds at level 80-M, and through some smooth talking in certain channels, acquired the missing piece of my Level 90 healer set. Should be good for dungeoneering later today.
For those who missed it, Mei will attempt to get a party for Savage Wilds going sometime between 6:00-8:00PM PDT later today (or 1:00-3:00AM UTC). The weaponry from that place looks like a real cut above the Beginner stuff we've been using, so (You) don't want to miss it!
I'm not finding Flyff very fun.
Too overwhelming and I've yet to find anything particularly enjoyable.
The p2w aspects are also off putting even if they haven't impacted me. I do not like how features are locked out unless I pay money.
all these games are garbage, the only thing enjoyable is talking to anons. sad to lose someone else to talk
heh I've enjoyed idling and interacting with you fucks more than this particular game
This dude rolling up and taking over, declaring 'main' party and rushing to grab the guild every game then just waffling to himself about power leveling sorta blows. Can we rotate leaders sometimes to keep it fresh?
>waffling to himself about power leveling
That's just how ringmaster levels in this game though. RM is known for leveling very quickly, 1v1ing with ringmaster is pointless when you have AoE.
Also any class could do what he does in >>484379171 if you were 30 levels above the dungeon requirement.
Why do you care? You don't even play. Post your character if i'm wrong. You won't.
true, was getting close to quitting but talking to everyone distracted me enough to continue
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>through some smooth talking in certain channels, acquired the missing piece of my Level 90 healer set.
hows the class balance in the guild looking
are you fags missing the shitty buffslut class or are there a decent amount of them for once in a MMO hopping life cycle
no tanks
Need more big strong men
we have one tank as an alt. otherwise decent mix of buffsluts and big dps classes.
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hot. yes
Can you post a screen of your skill bar?
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I use a pretty basic set up. Most of the time, I just load in Elementor level skills and spam those.
The skills in this picture are what I'd use for hitting water weaknesses.
work ran a bit late, shooting for 7:00 so about an hour
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Noted, thanks for the heads up.
Guild's looking pretty alive in anticipation of the run, definitely great to see. Although I do hope we have a proper tank for the expedition.

Also, as an aside to anyone in the guild who reads this: I've made the executive decision to allow Guild Bank access to all ranks of the guild's roster, meaning you can actually retrieve gear you need from the Public Office NPC on Ch.1 now. Pardon this change taking longer than it likely should've to implement, but in thinking on the matter, it really does make more sense to just keep things openly-accessible if we'll only be here for about ~9 more days.
blur the names
hide the clique
Gearing's pretty rough. Wonder how you're supposed to clear shit without handouts.
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bye matchie, sorry i was too late say goodbye
Ever since I installed the clockwork client my computer has been getting 1-2 BSODs a day.
Reinstalled windows, no clockwork and not blue screens for 12+ hours.
What the fuck is in that client?
If I make it a full 24 hours it's a miracle
My CPU goes to 90% sometimes when I have the client open
The clique is farming bitcoins
I got a bsod literally minutes after making this post.
What the absolute fuck.
Clean installation, absolutely nothing on this PC now but Steam, Firefox, and default apps
Fuck clockwork
upload your crash dump and I'll tell you exactly why you're crashing.
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Bit late in posting this, but nicely fought through the Savage Wilds, lads!

That wretched jungle was even more intimidating than I think any of us expected, necessitating an alarmingly noticeable leap in expected stats just to scrape-by. Yet despite the odds, we managed to pull off a full 4/4 sweep (even if the first clear was one of the silliest damn things I've seen in an MMO). Damned impressive for a bunch of fresh upstarts with no prior funding.
While it is indeed unfortunate that our haul for our troubles wasn't exactly anything to write home about (barring Ave, who walked away with both a shiny new two-handed Axe /and/ a pretty stellar Ring), the fact that we've proven the Wilds can be tamed is an assuring sign for our continued progression as the days march on. We'll get our Crystal weaponry and fancy accessories in due time (and if not, there's always the possibility of simply buying what we're after on the Player Markets if you've the Perin to spare).

For now, until server reset hits and we've another four laps of the Wilds to conquer, focus on continuing to level your main characters, or spin-up an alt specifically for further clears of the place down the line. No sense stalling progress on your main 'til the uncaring hand of RNG drops the gear you're looking for in your lap.
While I won't be available during reasonable NA hours on Thursdays, I'll make a point of scouting-out the Guild's roster throughout the week to see if we can get our daily Wilds clears in, depending on who may-or-may-not be on at the time. Nice to finally get a chance to beat things up with the lads again.
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i hope my late start doesnt meant im forever behind and cucked out of group content
you won't be. a number of us are locking at 80M for the savage wild ride
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>tfw no cute femanon to marry in flyff
They're all mine
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Then how come I'm still single!
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>Hit Level 130-H on main
>Don't want to miss out on running Red Meteo with the lads
>Can't level main Ringmaster
>Can't level side Ringmaster
You know what this calls for? Time for a third account...!

Going to be raising this Billposter during the especially-dead hours, solely for the sake of parking it next to the Buff Peng in Flaris after it advances to Forcemaster.
Will I actually make it to 130-H on this character before the playing period is up? Highly unlikely, but at least it gives the party a slowly-building source of Party Points to spend.

While it's heartening to see so many of (You) hurry yourselves to Level 80-M for the sake of running Savage Wilds, I also strongly advise continuing to make progress on your main characters up to at least Level 130 as well, assuming you can stomach it (much easier said for some classes than others, granted). There are sooo many more Dungeons to run as a group once you make it to that point, and that number only gets higher as you approach the server's level cap of 150.
Fortunately, the game only pulls that cruel de-leveling trick on you once, so going from 60-M to 150-H doesn't regress your level at any point during the trip. You get one hell of a power spike after unlocking your 3rd Job at 130 too. My Ringmaster-turned-Seraph's HP practically doubled after the change, in addition to gaining some tasty new buffs.

Worth mentioning it might also possible for Ringmasters to potentially powerlevel single-target classes via their AoE, so long as they set their EXP Stop on and assign Party EXP distribution to "Level", as the wiki suggests. Will definitely be looking into it later this evening, as it could save a TON of time spent grinding for many of us if it works.

Dungeoneering with the bros has been a clear highlight of this title so far. Here's hoping we see more of it as time goes on.

Best part of the night.
eyelids will forever be our backup evasion tank in those clutch moments.
Sovlful felt and leather UI
El clique...
You unlock M after normal level 120 right?
When you reach level 121 you instead automatically become level 60-M. That dungeon is 80-M maximum, at 81-M you aren't allowed to enter.
>Damage statistics
was this always here
Take what you can get there are lots of femboys available (me)
shift + d
who are you
You use a male character in Alicia though.
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no one wants me...
>left out of this because I don't have NEET hours to keep up with alle's first party so now i have to find 2/3 man parties if im lucky
ahh this sucks
what level are you? i'm in a similar situation
80 something but I'm not sure if i'm enjoying the dynamic of it feeling almost like if you dont glue to alle at the start you lose out on the first parties pace, the dynamic of this has changed for me imo, not to be rude
Yeah, I started with Raiderz and feels that way. If you don't spend Neet amount of hours on the first 3 days, you're doomed to be behind until the next MMO.
I'm 80 too, we can lvl together if you want, I'll probably play later tonight
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it literally takes 1 hour to go from lvl 1 to 120. hit me up ingame and ill even come with u
That's a factual lie tho.

can you help me too? I would even call you a slut
yes, and its true. i did it myself when i made my alt
that's not true from scratch, i'm even using the guides this time + exp boosters + i'm ringmaster so I have aoe kiting but i've missed out on building party power too

I knew it would be that way so I was trying to hop on the train asap when flyff started, from seeing this develop in RaiderZ but I missed it anyway lol but there is something to be said about it being that way as well instead of people self organizing like it was in psu and rf, it almost feels like people have all gone quiet and just rely on alle to boss everyone around now
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i did it though, and i don't even have any aoe. i'm a harlequin. if you want help just tell me and ill guide you. i don't follow guides because they are cringe
>just rely on alle to boss everyone around now
Seems like he wants act like some kind of boss even if he doesn't have any negative motive.
And people just go with the flow, otherwise you'd probably have a division and two guilds since I doubt Alle would give up the guild leader position
It's a bit cringe but i feel bad for complaining because i don't believe in the clique crap either but it does feel like that. I don't have the words to describe it yet either ig
where do I level to get 120 in an hour by myself? It would be useful to know then i can work on that in my own time
Can you give me the names of the players you asked to party with and they said no? I can talk to them and tell them to be a bit more welcoming.

Unless of course you've been playing the game silently and are unhappy because nobody grabbed and forced you into a party with them.
>I can talk to them
no one was unwelcoming and no one needs 'talking to' and i am not unhappy nor have i been silent in chat and these are not things i mentioned
NTA but being in a party doesn't mean shit in Flyff, there are parties 24/7, doesn't mean they're playing together.
>tell them to be a bit more welcoming.
You ain't the boss of me.
He means well, but the current state of things seems too unapproachable if you're late to the party. I worry if this will affect the longevity of the project if people are struggling. Ideally, anyone should be able to join without worrying about progress and catching up.
He's not doing anything wrong but I also liked it better when it was just very freeform, but I'm not as angry about it as other posters ITT.
kinda inevitable desu...friendships form and people prefer to party with eachother. some are friendlier than others but most seem ok
He's taking time out of his day to coordinate the project, so I'll give him that. I don't see anything worth crying about, but it's understandable why others may feel excluded by the current playstyle.
it do be easier to show you than write it, kill stuff like wolves or something to your lvl until you reach lvl 15. go to the cave and kill stuff until you unlock coral island ticket from the chevos at 30. pop your exp scrolls if you haven't. kill crabs, one should get to lv 40 or something. can just move to the higher lvl crabs until you can kill tigers. at 60 or so move to yetis, then around 70 or when you can kill them mutant yetis, then follow the level progression to angus, ghosts, mammoths. at 115 you can go to traesia and kill the turtle ninjas to 120
>then follow the level progression to angus, ghosts, mammoths. at 115 you can go to traesia and kill the turtle ninjas to 120
oh that's exactly what I'm doing but I guarantee if we time it it's not an hour, thats the exact order im doing, aoeing angus right now
it was for me, and i could do it again if were to make a new alt
you'll have to show me because its just not happening that fast for me
i already said i would help anyone that wants, we could even get there faster if i help
which person are you? i'm masks
i'm playing alicia right now with everyone, i'm pookie
ill hit you up next time i see you on!
>it almost feels like people have all gone quiet and just rely on alle to boss everyone around
I'm /kind of/ on this boat lately. Not super invested in FlyFF though, if next game is more up my alley then I'll be far more self-sufficient and interact with more fellow anons like I did in RaiderZ.
Flyff sucks but I must persevere
the wait continues for SAVAGE WILDS party...
work sucks again, 7 PM PDT or 1 hr
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ill be there
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>power stance
this nigga
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why is matchi so lewd
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Looks like powerleveling via Ringmaster/Seraph only works when the character you're wanting to raise up is within 19 levels of the powerleveler. Guess they had to limit it somehow, otherwise there'd be no point in playing normally.
Despite this limitation, I'll still be able to rush others through the 111-130 bracket on my Level 130-H Seraph (for now, anyway). If you're wanting to speed through that range, just let me know in-game, and I'll gladly set aside the time to get (You) sorted.
>Page 10
Nyot yet.
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This dragon fucks.
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Flying (for fun)
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Now THIS is leveling in style!
The EXP Stop/Level-Share arrangement outlined in >>484523026 works beautifully for helping fellow guildies speed through the ranks if they're on /follow behind you, but it's even better when they're actively contributing to the pull.
Like lionesses on the hunt we were, expertly hemming-in our prey from all angles and converging upon them at a single, precise moment. Lovely stuff.
If anyone would like to be powerleveled through the 111-M to 130-M bracket (or however-long your EXP Amp Scrolls last), feel free to let me know. Leveling's not so bad when you're burning down huge swathes of monsters at once, and few classes can do it better in the early/midgame than Ringmaster/Seraph. Will be M.I.A all of today, however, so the offer stands 'til sometime during the weekend.
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Some real impressive progress today, lads.
Quite a few of us have risen up to Level 130-H, including my Billposter-turned-Forcemaster buffslave, a task made much more bearable thanks to the discovery of Ringmaster powerleveling (within 19 levels of your desired target). Red Meteonyker awaits us in the coming days, or possibly even today, if someone else wants to orchestrate a group or two.

In examining the HP and DPS requirements for the slew of Level 130 Dungeons available to us, I strongly suspect Red Meteo will be our next major gearing wall to break through before we're able to survive practically any of them.
As such, if at all possible, I'd recommend not only running the encounter on Hard if you're able, but to go in as groups of 6 - or even 4 - for the sake of bettering our chances of finding some equipment someone can actually use and not more 2H Swords/Axes.
The "Bloody"/120 equipment set is freely sharable, and one hell of an upgrade over your 105 sets, so there won't be any Soulbound equipment locked to Anon who can't use them.

Won't be able to attend much of anything today due to work-related matters, but I know (You) can surpass that damned dragon with the right party compositions, and start raking-in some gear more befitting of your freshly-unlocked 3rd Jobs. More advanced dungeoneering resides from there, but it'll likely be a day or two before we're able to safely move on from Red Meteo (unless someone finds some ultra-cheap 120 sets on the marketplace, but those are very thin odds).
Good luck to those undertaking the trial, whenever it comes about. Hopefully I'll be able to catch a pairing of Hard!Meteo clears come this Friday...!
>lv H-130
how? dont you go ro M-60 once you're H-121?
And I'm still using the free gear, I'm M-60 what gear and wep do I need for the lvl M-80 Dungeon?
>how? dont you go ro M-60 once you're H-121?
no, you can keep leveling to lvl cap
>And I'm still using the free gear, I'm M-60 what gear and wep do I need for the lvl M-80 Dungeon?
depends of your class. usually lvl 105 gear that drops from dekane mine. which is why you should lock your character exp at 120 and do a few runs to get your gear before going master
>need one piece of dekane gear
>zero will or motivation to farm for one drop haganes chest
i asked earlier if anyone needed that and nobody replied
check gstorage, if it's not there I'll be on in about an hour and I think I have one. You can also get them from field mobs around that level, I've sold more than I can count because my chest is full.
I wasn't on earlier.
I have off and on. I won't be able to log on for several hours. I've seen all sorts of stuff from field mobs but yeah the drop rate is low and no luck.
If I put one in guild storage I'll leave a message here, just in case you don't know, you don't need the correct sex since you can change that with a vendor item.
I did know but thank you anyway. It's a good option to have.
N-noo... not like this. My wife is slutting it up on the internet.
>why you should lock your character exp at 120 and do a few runs to get your gear before going master
I... didn't know that
but how do you remain as H? by not selecting a 3rd job?
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last time I checked I was single!
>Check https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LowtAfPvmpU&list=PLn705Am2h2msPWtozrQkdzNEnfwmkvwfD&index=5&ab_channel=Jugachi
>I did everything wrong
i have passed the reins... eyes can tank savage wilds for us. i'm going to level mao up so we have a tank for 130 stuff. if we don't get more tank accs then eyes and i can share them for our runs.
I'll wait to level until you all get your clears so I can still come in if you need a ringer
Passing reins? This is a Flyff thread, keep the Alicia talk in the mmo general
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Yeah, nobody knew that at first. The earlygame progression in this game is annoyingly unorthodox.
You'll either have to make an alt and raise it to 120 to run either Mars Mine for your 75 set, and/or Dekane Mine for your 105 set, or have someone else run it for you and hope they get the armor/weapon you might need.
At least it's fairly quick to get a character to that point, assuming you save a pack of 5x EXP amp scrolls for 85-120. Just be sure you remember to turn your EXP Stop on once you're at 120 again, assuming you have the patience for it. Ringmaster levels ultra quick past 85 via kiting monsters into your AoE, if you wanted to not spend much time raising an alt just to run Dekane.
>running an alt
I dont think I have the patience for that...
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1 hour of single-target farming captain asuras in forsaken tower b5. will probably backtrack to something i can one-shot and try again but i need to get this stupid pet levelled up first
I got the full set and am at 120.
Now, do I
>farm 120 set from solo dungeon thing
>hit 121 (to go to 60-M(?)) then level to 80-M to go to Savage Wilds with you guys
Some of what I see in here contradicts the wiki or maybe I don't understand some terms you guys use.
You get to M-80 to run Savage Wilds.

Thinking about pushing my tank alt too after today's runs if we're sure we're good on them for Savage Wilds. Income isn't great at Mutant Yetis.
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1 hour of single-target farming harpies in forsaken tower b1. I was one-shotting most, sometimes I'd low-roll my damage and need an extra tap. A lot more running around evidenced by less than half damage dealt, but adding in vendor trash gear, that's 5 perin in an hour. Maybe most efficient farming is just whatever the highest level mob-dense enemy is that you can one-shot or comfortably aoe down. I know Neo Cadensia mobs drop like 400k each with great consistency.
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Uhhh guys???
why are koreans jews?
eyelids cum savage
Unequip that shield I wanna see your body
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stop being horny
How did red meteo go? Find anything useful, or just more knight weapons?
No one came.
We did 2 runs with a 7/8 group. I think the drops were a staff, two pieces of blade gear, and probably something else I'm forgetting.
The fight kinda sucks, it's just throwing bodies at it until it dies or resets.
mediocre overall. we did get 1 piece of knight equipment though.
tempted to move on from meteo. the bloody weps are basically gem fodder if we can run aminus and catacombs for 125/130 wep/armor. meteo is not difficult but it's still kinda frustrating to press the rez button, rebuff, die immediately, and repeat. bosses not having a set rotation and having those big untelegraphed and unblockable aoes is grating on me 'cause it just feels unfair. "have this amount of health or die, idiot."
okay, if the expectation is that i go pick up more stats, then i'll go do that and just move on from this dungeon that doesn't provide me much benefit anyway.
captcha: 8S0RWY
who wants my perins? i'm done with this bullshit
>"have this amount of health or die, idiot."
I think the intention might be to have two gear sets/pets, one with offensive stats and another with pure defensive ones, and switch between them with the game's gear swap macros when you're about to be hit by unavoidable bullshit like that. Still not good design at all, but I could almost see that being the reason.
But yeah, if we can clear aminus and catacombs, that should be a good alternative. The tank HP requirements for those of those look pretty scary though.
I'll miss you.
Ran some quick money-making tests in the forsaken tower. All tests were 10 minutes long on an elementalist and include drops.
1F(Harpies) - 224 kills: 45,495,021g
2F(Abraxas) - 219 kills: 53,858,443g
3F(Hagues) - 208 kills: 53,437,816g
4F(Dantalians) - 169 kills: 51,438,138g
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I've been conducting quite a lot of research, questioning many veterans of this game and server especially, and have found our gameplan for Level 130-H:

No more Hard!Meteo, at least not for a while. The NEW approach is to solo Easy!Meteo instead, something which is absolutely possible with some reasonable gear improvements, as proven in [pic related] (clear time is closer to ~6 minutes for me without mistakes).
With how many able-bodied Anon we have at 130 already, this should assure we acquire Meteo armorsets at a steady clip through sheer volume of clears alone, even with Easy Mode's harsh droprate penalty (still suggest using both Itemfind% buffs from a party all the same).

The barest minimum you will need to survive a solo against Easy!Meteo, is to raise both your Golden weapon and either 75/90/105 armorset (whichever one is recommended in your classes' Gear Guide on the wiki) to +8, with an additional +10 WATER Element attuned to your weapon.
So long as you have those requirements met, and have plenty of Mysterious Pills at-the-ready, you will be able to endure a full firebreath to the face provided you pop your full-heal once your HP is around ~20-30%.

According to the vets I questioned, Easy!Meteo is one of the few bosses which doesn't have a hard enrage phase, meaning slow and steady should be able to work here.
That said, I /very/ strongly recommend finding a Crystal weapon at Saint Morning's player shops if you can (or run Savage Wilds if we still have enough 80-M alts for the task). Even a poorly-rolled one is miles ahead of any Bloody weaponry, both in raw damage and useful stats it provides.

Following Easy!Meteo, our main group Dungeon for the 130's will be Cursed Animus, providing useful weaponry for those lacking a Crystal replacement (plus it's just something else to run with the bros that's potentially feasible to clear).

Exciting times ahead. Can't wait to hear stories of how easy this fight is, once we've all got it down..!
you're genuinely pathetic
thanks for bumping the thread, pathetic newfag
the only thing I bump is your dads prostate fag
^ be sure to stay on /vg/ where dick-sucking fagfags like you belong <3
fucking kek
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I bump this thread in the name of Flying For Fun.
jumping is more fun
>bunny hop for fun
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which one of you is the angel that made this drop?
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There's a guy selling Bloody gear for 1 Perin except Knuckles for some reason.
I'd recommend just buying the 130 weapons for 20 Perin, it takes no time to get to 130 and if you focus on grinding money 20 Perin comes quickly.
Yeah, I'm skipping to 130 weapons. Just posted in case anyone wanted them.

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