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Rough day edition

Previous thread >>484066585

Buy Plat
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Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: https://pastebin.com/86tuc1mA
/wfg/ ALLIANCE/CLAN DIRECTORY: https://pastebin.com/15RAiuff

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.3
CURRENT EVENT: Operation: Belly of the Beast
delete alchemy
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
What's you niggas problem with alchemy?
I have finally played it as part of the circuit and it's an okay mode.
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You get to fuck one but the other fucks you
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>delete alchemy
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literally the first try after unlocking it. it was boring as fuck, I didn't even get carried and have to struggle to stay alive
>literally the first try
literally the fakest scenario
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>join netracell as speedva
>retard tells me to stop slowing
>theres literally a frost prime in the team
>i tell him to look at my aura (power donation)
>i tell him i'm not a slowva
>he does the kicking everyone out of the lobby bug
Another mentally limited retard filtered.
thank you for your service
there's no way to prove it but trust me bro
I got trin and just stood still spamming ev for 30 minutes. high level gameplay
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>have to grind ostr*n and s*laris rep to build styanax and gauss
yeah, nah
I have 600 hours in this game. Just now, tonight, I discovered that "loot radar" actually marks "loot" on your "radar". I don't even know how to feel right now, I'm so upset.
cetus isnt so bad, but Solaris fucking sucks
better to check in on ticker to get the debt bonds and use Ivara to do hunting to max standing in like 10 minutes
what else did you think it did anon
18 hours left
warframe killer arrive soon
Yeah 18 more hours and you will fuck off to your DOA general.
I... I don't know. Like, this whole situation feels like some fever-dream NPC bullshit. Like, how is one supposed to feel when they suddenly realize they are actually retarded?
How come nobody talks about Qorvex?
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Nobody plays warframe
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since everyone else went to sleep why don't you have your threadly melty to lively up the place?
we're walking into the jade light...
now imagine those numbers tomorrow when TFDkino launches
samefag schizo
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Thats your job, sweetie
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What if it's more fun than warframe and destiny?
dont put that on me, I was legit asking why I never hear or see anyone play as Qorvex
Then i'm bad at it, no wonder you always take my place and do it for me.
Also don't put that one on me, i was calling him out and you could use some meds.
you forgot your trip finnbro
You forgot to meet your blowjob quota today in the trenches of Druzhina subhumanbro.
>she starts seething instantly
lol you're too easy
>it woke up
You're late

I expect constant posts about bumps and crying about warbros. Get on it
>fake scenario
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>he's making fun of me
>that means he's seething
I guess you're used to be abused given you're raped on the frontlines daily.
I also need 9 more fake scenarios from you.
He doesn't do anything notable. He's neither especially strong nor weak, and he doesn't really do anything unique either. I think punch through is a strong passive and it works with his 2, but the community as a whole doesn't care about something like that when there are lots of popular weapons with either infinite body punch through or big AOE explosions.
>raped on the frontlines daily
We are not at war with anyone though.
My country is one of the most peaceful in europe.
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>nexon slop
>more fun
3 day special operation right.
and your seething operation? 1 year seething operation?
which schizo keeps posting player numbers every time EU wakes up?
>changes the subject
Touched the wound didn't i?
the only thing you touch is children, pdf file
>sleep watch
Can someone tl;dr why we have a schizo dedicated to talk about russians and quote random posts rambling about waking up? Tripfaging hasn't been a thing in years.
I've been a back and forth /wfg/got since garuda came out i can't recall this retard being so proeminent.
Isn't that a your thing? Given grineerland had like 4% of the total AIDS population in the world, far worse even than the corpus even?
Is the first thing you do after waking up is to just shitpost on /wfg/? Jesus Christ get a life.
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You must be new if you don't remember magfag.
I'm about to play alchemy for the first time
I've read wiki description and don't understand a thing
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As if anyone can project the statistics.
>spic laugh
it's pretty self explanatory, the fish will guide you.
Fuck I hate the defense guy missions, they troll me every fucking time and I have to leave to replace frost.
Everything on the wiki is an over-written shit show. Enemies will drop element icons, called amphors, and you have to throw the right elements at the crucible. If you're doing it in Sanctum Anatomica and not Duviri, there's an additional step where you have to shoot vents to keep the heat bar inside the brackets.
i HATE that the guy doesn't shut the hell up and delivers a marvel-tier one liner between every wave
I hate all Solaris dialogue
>almost dies
>looks at the camera
>well, uh.. that just muckin' happened...!
>a quick lesson in geology, sparky
>if anyone asks.. we never talked!!
you're sitting on a BIG LIFEGUARD CHAIR in the MIDDLE OF THE ROOM EVERYONE can see us talking for the millionth time!!!!
Let's say i just crafted Sampotes, if i run it level 0 on the drifter in Duviri does it gain affinity?
>got carried to 37 again
thanks mrlets for helping the elderly, come to my orbiter for a cookie :)
post orbiter and/or drifter
thanks. I was playing as him, getting used to him, and I thought his kit was fun, but I didnt know what kind of situation I would use him in. With what you said, iwasnt alone.
Bongs were a mistake
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I'm an old player and was also a regular here. It's been more than 2 years since Warframe was my main game, and around the same time since I last posted in this general. I'm both amazed and surprised to see the same schizo still cry over a dead guild.
With that out of the way, what state is the endgame right now? Is it still the same as it was when I left? Like "remember that survival mission you did in your first hour in the game? Well now you can do the same mission for 2 hours straight, with the same 15k credit rewards every 5 mins" or did they actually add something new and challenging while I was away?
Max range. Spam 2 to shit out statuses everywhere
4 is useless that disables your weapons
>I'm both amazed and surprised to see the same schizo still cry over a dead guild.
As we all.
>what state is the endgame right now?
You run some elite weeklies with several restrictions like having to use a certain loadout or not being able to use your operator.
Download the game and play the quests, see for yourself and if you don't like it quit again. The quests are always worth it.
>come back to the game after a break
>haven't unlocked EDA yet
>have to do a run with all options checked to unlock it, which means all equipment parameters

Nezha, Styanax, Nyx
Acceltra, Argonak, Hemo
Twin Kohmak, Pox, Tysis
Sarpa, Kogake, Dual Ether

It's all trash, anons. Acceltra is the only good weapon but it runs out of ammo instantly and no way I can kill demolishers with it. And no caster frames that can do dps without a good weapon.
What do? If I want to hope for a carry, would Nezha or Styanax be better for survival?
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>AI slop
nezha with the 4 build
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>random anon here
>returning even
>no mention of said clan itt
I love how it knows the post was about him
new copy pasta dropped
>can't carry against level 200 enemies with Styanax
kek no one else is miserable and mentally ill enough to fit that bill.
Also ugly
Thematic anon is his twin brother
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Can someone tl;dr why we have a schizo dedicated to talk about russians and quote random posts rambling about waking up? Tripfaging hasn't been a thing in years.
I've been a back and forth /wfg/got since garuda came out i can't recall this retard being so proeminent.
You wish you had someone to compare yourself with, subhuman.
Already did
Was crusade agains warbros, now its crusade against ruschizo. Fresh blood.
russchizo is way less annoying than you schizonigger
>warbros still in the op
you are kinda shitty at this
Circle of life
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He did not like this post. Not one bit.
Passing the torch to my "son". I always said that we have alot in common. Hes the new menace of wfg. His now posting like twice as much as me and i need to sleep while hes always awake "woke up posts".
Tennocon soon..
You made it just for me, thank you, i appreciate it
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I am fairly sure it's the same person who spams about warframe themes, is obsessed with russians and seemingly also waking up in moscow time and potentially other stuff as his posting style and the way he talks about things is very similar. He also seems obsessed with swords for some reason and has about 10 different posting personas to bump wfg I also genuinely believe he is mentally ill to the point he spends hours every single day doing the same thing here because he doesn't seem to have friends who he can talk to hence talking about warframe an 11 yo game with no new content in this general when he could just play something else and leave /wfg/ to die in peace.
>i'm fine with a subhuman spamming his fetish with trannies in my general
>and tfd
>and pastas
>and quoting everyone to say bump
>or just spamming the thread with garbage
>or hijacking the OP with fake links
>making duplicate threads
>imporsonating regulars
>or having a melty about the mention of a certain clan
>i'm not fine with someone calling him out though that's going too far
Actually seething right now, might even be screaming lmao.
All you had to do was report russchizo's first post for trolling instead of replying to him. Now he's gonna melt for another few hours.
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>>i'm fine with a subhuman spamming his fetish with trannies in my general
>>and tfd
>>and pastas
>>and quoting everyone to say bump
>>or just spamming the thread with garbage
>>or hijacking the OP with fake links
>>making duplicate threads
>>imporsonating regulars
>>or having a melty about the mention of a certain clan
>>i'm not fine with someone calling him out though that's going too far
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>he's making fun of me
>that means he's melting
He never gets banned and you know it. Also you seem to ignore he clearly phoneposts too.
Go ahead, talk about warframe, go on
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There was some new primed mod? whats it called, I need to buy it
New war is SOOOOOO good!
Thematic loadout for trans person:
Xaku (obviosly)
Torrid (dillator)
Catabolyst (rip and throw away your flesh)
Lacera (scissors)
Not cute
really thematic
Also subsume blood altar and eqiup combat discipline. If you dont dillate (altar) you die (due to aura)
I'm starting to think people in this general enjoy flinging shit around more than actually playing the game.
>can't even come up with something original
Were you bullied on warbros too for being retarded like this before being denied the invite to the branch?
ding ding ding ding!
first day on 4chan lil nigga?
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Funny post by a thematic anon, never expected that.
Press 3 to get infinite energy.
Press 2 to jump on people and prime them for condition overload.
Press melee to kill them instantly with condition overload.

Your choice whether you want to do heavy attack proficiency with holding 3, or status immunity with holding 2 at the start of the mission.

Then you realise that by playing kullervo, you get attack efficiency AND status immunity at the same time, and when you heavy attack that one guy you also heavy attack the whole room.

At which point, you accept she's a garbage frame and move on, or alternatively play her as an invis go fast frame using both her active 1 and passive 1.

Oh by the way health and armour rework kind of killed ulfrun's descent so that's nice I guess.
>posts those exact same posts with exact pictures every thread
Its a confession, not accusation.
Yes he has been doing that for the past few years. I can't recall him coming up with something funny once, all he does is imitate others.
And he is the only one still talking about that clan
only happens during EU hours. people talks about the game when NA wakes up
Ayyyy lmao, like a broken record
det är svårt att forstå vad är hans problem
he's getting unhinged. Frantic.
>he's making fun of me
>that means he's unhinged
Need more railjack content
>finnbro is going full meltdown mode
What triggered her this time?
right, I forgot
I just realized the new archgun primed multi can go on the arquebex
Tpyднo пoнять в чeм eгo пpoблeмa
I don't speak slav runes.
Meant for >>484212815
Literal brothers
More like being lynched by the general (again) than making fun of anyone.
>he talks like he owns the general again.
Jesus Christ, you need your meds ASAP.
>elite deep archimedean
>guy still does not go to the exit after survival
More like being sperged on by two finns (again)
He makes all those bumps about "returning players" and "how to build qorvex". He is the general in a sense
I'm not every post shitting on you but then again, you can't bear that truth.
>everyone is the russian
As I said, meds NOW!
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Why would you be sympathetic towards him?
Uh oh, not whole general after all
Grats you got a boyfriend.
I'm not every post shitting on you but then again, you can't bear that truth.
You said multiple times that im samefagging that means you are lier that means all your other claims are bullshit
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Given the leaks for more stalker based content, including an armor set(?) and in-action glyph for warframe 1999. Is this a sign he's becoming playable or something now?
He is seething about warbros
Has been shitting up the general for at least 5 years
Tries to hijack OPs and remove wabros from it
Destiny shill. Spams the thread how "destiny 2 is alive" by posting steam numbers
Shits up the thread with "fake bump" posts
Lives a miserable life in a third world country
>he's making fun of me
>that means he's seething
Third mention of the clan, and its all by you. No mentions of destiny also
Nah it means they're going to ride off this update for a while pretending it was a major update
Hes seething about ruschizo. Makes up bulsshit on the go. Alone but says "we"
>no answer
>you said multiple times
>you said
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>Try Frost after Pablo buffed Icy Avalanche (I can only presume that someone over twitter reminded him overguard doesn't factor in armour)
>Now he kicks out Dante levels of overguard

And now I'm fucking bored. He's become super retard proof in order to cater to the masses. Is there another frame more one button gameplay than him now?

I want to go back to 6 months ago. I hate it here now. But I can't do that, so I guess I just gotta start over in another game instead.
>we we we
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i really really really REALLY don't feel like doing this shit
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He didn NOT like this post.
Yes obviously. You hate that, don't you? Must be hard getting used to being rejected.
Good thing i still have my finnbro to give me (you)s
sauna perkele mammi
Cruelty squad and noita to you
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if warframe was a good game you'd be playing it instead of bumping up a wfg with countless blogs and mundane questions. admit it, warframe is shit and you just can't cope so you want others to play and feel shitty,
I wish you would stop giving it attention. We're all familiar with how mentally ill it is.
You also keep feeding him yous
We are friends actually, bros even. You have none so you wouldn't understand.
just report his troll posts like >>484215235 then all his shitposts will be deleted and you can see who's posting what.

report and ignore
Nu huh, im sane and calm
But dont go overboard and friendly fire our noble warriors. Ban this schizo but not that schizo
How do you tell them apart?
This, posting about russia and homos is THEMATICALLY fitting
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Why not just migrating to coop general? No issues to keeping it alive and you can talk about content when we actually getting content.
He'd follow.
Anon how new are you if you think a non-gacha general getting 1 thread a day is dead?

Go talk about Warframe there then and fuck off.
More posters there so hed be banned in no time
>Just realized I replied to an ESL post
Never mind, it's the fucking mentally ill russchizo.
1 thread per day is a MINIMUM, thats satus quo, reality of being close to gacha generals. Youd be archived otherwise.
took me a while too
Dumb fucking stupid fucking shit fucking garbage cat, fuck you.
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>any post i dont like is russchizo
>muh esl when someone openly posts suomi
>muh eu hours
You soiled your dignity for 10 plat and formas?
want something more?
come to my orbiter
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>thats not me!!!
>instantly proceeds to do exactly the things he got accused of
He just cant help himself.
Anyway rate my garden. It has every frame in it
"we" poster is that suomi esl obsessed with russchizo
We won.
I mean of all the regulars here he's the only one with a subhuman education so it's not that absurd to assume it's him.
we bjmp
>instantly proceeds to do exactly the things he got accused of
Huh? I just returned here after to years.
Put a duviri pot on each flower.
Thats actually not a bad idea
Jokes on you, English is the primary language in Finland. We are part of the first world.
brorsan är galen
Venäjä ja suomi ovat vuosisadan veljeksiä. Helvettiin warbrot, helvettiin siivoojat, ja mikä tärkeintä, helvettiin Mustat
I accidentally said nigwave in region chat
what are my chances
LMAO @ this cope
Perusta, pohja
There's enough plausible deniability there to just say it was a typo
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no cücks allowed in /wfg/
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Ruotsalaiset eivät ole enää ihmisiä
>Hän ei pitänyt tästä viestistä
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I am a poor young warframer, is this redeemer prime setup fine enough for SP? Heavy seems to 1-2 shot the extremely tanky enemies when I cleared the first few SP missions
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>Ruotsalaiset eivät ole enä-ACK!
big fan of the 600k crits so I'd like to keep using it
So sweden to finland is like russia to ukrain?
>Finland was part of Sweden for almost 700 years from around 1150 until the Finnish War of 1809 after which Finland became an autonomous part of the Russian Empire as the Grand Duchy of Finland.
>autonomous part of the Russian Empire as the Grand Duchy of Finland
Lol, those cucks
>posting stops DEAD
so much for a living general
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>check eda
shit was over before it even started
I will post on page 9
worry not
Ai generated
he's not done with his meltdown yet.
my condolences
>he's making fun of me
>that means he's meltingdown
she's fucking great
you're just a gay fag
goslinganon really broke him
>tornadoes to obliterate any enemy in the game
ruschizo really broke him
no need to sugar coat it. I hope she gets buffed one day for being shit for so long.
>calls himself russchizo
acceptance stage??
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>esl post
And you even copied mine but edited it enough to make it retarded like you lmao
You can't do anything right.
>t.gay homo fag
why do you project your insecurities every time Zephyr gets shit on?
Its WE, its OUR general. We are Ruotsalaisten palvelijat
No, im random anon, just woke up and returned.
My warframe is the hand, and I am the will.
God I hate /wfg/ during EU hours
God I love /wfg/ during EU hours
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>failed 3 void cascades in a row
>Join EDA, survival
>Collect eyes and kill tide
what, how do they fuck that up
Hey, why dont you sleeping?
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How do I actually build Voruna and what is she good for?
Agreed >>484220338
>esl post
Yes obviously. You hate that, don't you? Must be hard getting used to living during eu hours.
Why did you copy my exact post from last thread?
I'm jacking into my rail
Thread will die if i stop posting
So Finland is so cucked, that they're teaching kids English as the primary language instead of Finnish.
Its an automated spam bot, but jannies dont care. He never answers posts, jus asks and posts blogs.
I can't be interested in knowing the same thing?
Rules enforced by sweden on them
>250 posts
>95% of them are about the russian
nice warframe topic general btw
Seethening; the post
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>getting used to living during
Another esl post by the room temperature IQ resident blowjob giver.
you got to keep wfg alive somehow and the game is too dead to make the cut
everyone here is esl at this hour
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>No commas.
ESL momento
was Ballas an incel?
he fucked lotus, what do you think
But only you can't write proper english no matter how much you try. Even if you dropped your schizo persona it would be easy to clock your posts because only you are this stupid.
You don't need commas on that sentence.
Welcome to endgame nigga
Isn't using trash weapons fun
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>uh oh ESL meltdown
would you they spam finlandish again?
Terminal case of "What pussy does to mf".
Rakastan imeä iso venäläinen kukko
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jag kan tro det
>broken by bidenbro
hello sirs
>Using Sevagoth in EDA, solo
>Playing with both augments and spamming shadow
>Fall down in main form
>Accept having to do it over
>Suddenly get back up

It wasn't sentinel's sacrifice because he was down too.

Do the ghostsplosions from double augmented shadow haze count for kills required? I had a bunch of them running around at the time.
hello guy
good bumps
I see. Maybe I'll give it a go, catch up on the main quests and see if it's worth my time.

I had my solo clan. I'd rather grind everything alone than interact with this thread's clan faggotry.
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*puts on the bunny ears*
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I did it, now what?
I think it's time Warframe slowly starts going back to methodical combat instead of this "press 1 button and everything dies" routine.

It's time to bring back the stamina bar
It's time to revert back the energy economy
It's time to make it so CC was actually used
It's time to remove shield gate.
now contemplate how much time you wasted in a fucking video game farming for something barely worth 1 hour of minimum wage
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WOAH! what game?
Final Fantasy VIX
If only warframe had similar designs... Fucking canckucks
The First Descendant
perkele... :D
I just did 3 alerts on SP every few hours whenever I felt like it, I don't think that's really farming.
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Nova atomica on thumbnail :O
Best you can get is shotgun victims or pregnant harpy
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>I'm so sick of hearing Mumbo Number Five.
What did Arthur mean by this?
You WILL carry me in EDA
Surely I won't be held up by something else once my voidrig is done
nigger fatigue
>TFD soon
Finally I can abandon warframe...
you better have your railjack pimped up
you're literally delusional
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Honest thoughts about TFD? NO blind shilling. NO blind hating.
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Do you like my Wukong?
not even looking it up
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I might be MRlet but I won't be a SPlet
post monkey anus
Porn parody of Anthem.
every time someone mentions it I am reminded it actually released
in my perception it's like it didn't even flop, more like it never released in the first place
best nova skin? I just got some extra money to spend
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>attractive girls is porn
>15XXXX filename
holy shit time flies
Ember heirloom is porn, stynax deluxe is gay porn
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It looks kinda generic, slow and boring with fapbait plopped on top. Gonna give it a try regardless
TFD still doesn't have a general

Meanwhile a game like ZZZ has had its own general for over a month and it doesn't come out until next week

TFD is gonna die
don't plan on playing it
will enjoy the (hopefully copious amounts of) porn that will be made after its release however
So warbros/russchizo/tfdfag are all in the EU. This is why we need a segregated internet
This, destiny2, on the other hand, has both general and larger playerbase
Can you handle bumping wfg whole night?
yes, all of the main characters are in EU /wfg/. Only NPCs can be found in NA /wfg/ hours.
which warframe out there got the wettest pussy in the galaxy
which warframe out there got her pussy making oil slicks
Why western devs cant make attractive women?
Fluctus vandal when? I fucking love this thing
Organic as always
At least he is not recycling them yet...
I'm just in it for the panties, warframe should start selling lingerie for warframes.
This, but for operators.
Wish granted, ligger assigned to this task and only male frames get it.
>giga meta weapons have very high dispos
>amprex? phantasma? chakkurr? kohm? fuck 'em
What's the logic here exactly
yeah but like thats literal water so thats cheating
What's a good energy color to give Jade's abilities a divine light sorta fell? I tried blue with bright yellow and it's not quite what I want
>sit on pod
>jade light eximus spawns
>pod dies
uhhh bros?
But that's a guy
I'm so tired of warframe, dude.
Like I like it, but I'm tired of it.
I just need something fresh.

If it's good and I keep playing, that's fine. If it's bad, maybe it'll make me appreciate warframe again. It's not like I lose anything.

'course, who knows how much warframe will change by the time I get back. I wonder what phase Pablo will go through after his 'rework every frame by giving them overguard' phase. Y'know, like before with his 'rework every frame by giving them viral and armour strip' phase before. Maybe every frame will make the game play itself by then?
reminder that nova is fat
>game plays itself
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Dont mind if I do mommy
Anons weren't lying. Dagath is stacked god damn
An off white, if you have the beach palette there's some good options

Nice active looking clan!
The First Descendant has been changing my life.
Every day I *DON'T* eat junk food, I use the money I save on that and put it away to spend on not!platinium. Plus some walks and pushups, and my body is changing for the better.

I've lost 6 kilos already.
Maybe, if you start putting money away to spend on not!plat, your life will change for the better, too?
I'm 48kg, I don't want to lose any more weight...
Im a recovering anorexic im trying to gain weight not lose weight.
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>people are actually getting shards while i get THIS
for 3 resets now i only get 1 shard and it's non tau always
i'll play it without spending money on it, like warframe
I'm spending money on meth and also losing weight
Some of those pastel yellow colors? Something like sand?
You could just lose weight without throwing your money away for gookshit, you know
post your eda equipment
Is this a lie or did my gunner shred everything in the one RJ section of New War and I didn't notice? I just held forward and don't remember seeing a single enemy, then I got to the next cutscene and it was over.
I haven't reached that part yet... :(( I'm only LR4
Can't really tell you as I had my RJ shit maxed at that point but apparently you just instantly respawn and shit when you fuck up the RJ sections of TNW so it probably doesn't really matter
Your game launches tomorrow. Regardless of how good it is or isn't, shouldn't you fags have your own thread by now?
He's pretty one-note and outside of the discussions over strength being his dump stat, there isnt much to talk about
there will be one, till then we're here to keep this thread alive cause warframe alone can't do that
I haven't seen his posts in years, all filtered
Also it's been closer to 7 years now
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>As a Gauss main I can now use any semiauto I want without breaking my fingers
I'm gonna do some crazy memes with this
I'm willing to believe that at least one person other than Russchizo is interested in TFD. The gameplay looks competent and the aesthetic is decent too.

>a game that's consistently top 20-30 on Warframe charts can't sustain a general
It's actually impressive how you're the one always posting that chart and yet you're still this delusional
>he didn't use a macro before
>reddit spacing
>thinks xer's speaking to the russian again
95% of "posts" in this general are fake bump posts made by one guy.
is this a troll?
nta but it's accurate
It's true though
Stop lying. It's much lower than that.
Not a troll. This general is held up by 1 single desperate warbro talking to himself all day.
While Moscow is awake, russchizo is like a quarter to half of the thread some days.
This is perhaps the most schizophrenic general on this entire board
Even total shitholes like the dark souls general talked about the game most of the time
warframe has no content
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If anything I think it means the opposite. That he's just an NPC and they never intend for Stalker to be a regular warframe.
Jade Shadows would have been a good chance to give Stalker a unique body structure that wasn't just Excalibur recolored and they didn't.
Other half is finnbro giving him (you)s.
True, with the recent patch Warframe is easier than ever, there's no builds to share and the story is total doodoo crap as well.
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Archon was nice to me as well lol
are you confusing /wfg/ with one of your coomer gacha generals that you frequent?
what's the most retardproof frame that can solo sp?
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It would be great if DE got the license to 90's music that played in the open world for 1999.
Imagine killing enemies while MMMbop plays in the distance.
You've clearly never been to other large generals. /gig/ has someone with most of the same delusions but even more mentally ill and on 4chan for even longer than russchizo.
Go ahead and count how many posts talk about russia, russschizo and bumps across our threads.
it is one guy samefagging with different personas
you make it seem like the whole thread talks about him
finnbro is always working(unpaid) on keeping this general alive, I'm so proud of xer
okay except the complaints about bumps are from one single guy who's identifiably some dumbshit vatnik. He's active during Moscow/eastern Europe hours, is constantly mad about Ukraine, Finland, NATO, and other nations/organizations that have beef with Russia, and he posts unironic zigger war propaganda every few weeks.
revenant is the ultimate retard proof frame for any and every content in the game, it's not possible to fuck up
2nd most retard proof would be dante as long as you remember to cast light verse every once in a while
other than them stealth frames have easier time like ash who is made for solo content
gauss and zephyr are mouth breather tier but their survivability is a little bit conditional
>gauss jobs to infested
>zephyr jobs to melee
that being said zephyr does well even against infested so as long as you have damage she will live
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how do we fix defection?
>call him what he is and watch him recoil
I can fix you.
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oh sweet, i am going to speed nov-
>300% nova str
It's annoying but also morbidly fascinating how you can just summon these weird, minimal slices of Russian culture to /wfg/ by saying anything that's even barely tangential to the war.
Remove air freshner batteries.
>No longer need to collect batteries on top of keeping lil shids alive
>Can focus on pure moving and sometimes healing
just take wisp retard. I finished this in 5mins tops
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Yareli fag here.
Can confirm, Valby looks cute.
Also, her water skating doesn't crash the game like Merulina does.
Also also, it didn't take the devs 2 years to give her a damage amp, nor that long to give her a hydro vortex suck that's tied to her duration rather than cast speed.
Also also also, it didn't take her three years to get a new outfit, in fact she's got more than one, and also those outfits are pretty cute.

Frost is getting this way as well, with a bit of armour investment and range he's probably second only to Dante in how hard he retard proofs the team, with the added advantage of having safety helmets for stationary objectives as well.
oh right that game mode exists
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>pride month ended
>/wfg/ still gay
What the fuck
>takes wisp
>spams electric motes on the entire map on defense
nothing personal
All false btw
I hope War frame gets even easier, bonus points if it's through QoL.

Because like Warframe is way too fucking confident in their shitty mechanics when the rest of the surrounding mechanics suck balls.
it's the russchizo samefagging, he's that mentally ill and is trying to destroy /wfg/ because warbros kicked from the guild years ago.
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Oh nice, from rank 5 to rank 2 in one single day, what the fuck.
Which syndicate did you pledge to?
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>Oh look, the consequences of my actions
Yeah no shit they are going to hate you if you join someone else’s and help em
My dude, it's a bug, when you're pledged to a syndicate at max standing, you never stop losing affinity with other syndicates, when it's supposed to stop once you reach the daily cap
Its not a bug thats how it works, you are retarded, otherwise people would be max ranked at the 6 Syndicates
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Maybe I explained it wrong. When you have reached your daily standing cap, you can't gain or lose any standing anymore. But if you're maxxed on your syndicate standing, you will still lose standing with another syndicate and it completely bypasses the cap.
>When you have reached your daily standing cap, you can't gain or lose any standing anymore
This is a misinterpretation of what's going on. When you're at max standing for both your main and allied faction, any affinity you get that would have converted to standing stops counting for your daily cap. The affinity you lose isn't bypassing the cap, the cap has been disabled so that you can spend standing and still have what's left of your cap to earn back for the day.
The cap is only for the one you win tho
Yeah but what I mean, you don't gain standing, so you shouldn't lose standing. It shouldn't work like that and it never worked like that. That's a new thing.
No its not, you were just dumb this whole time
you might have the tardation, anon
I've played since the fucking plains of eidolons, I spend my whole fucking standing into relic packs every time I'm capped and in years of playing, this NEVER HAPPENED. Fuck off you retard.
Gotta thank God we woke up today
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At least they added a voice to him :^)
>nova doesn't have power donation on
>wisp shitter loses his mind after not getting that miniscule +strength% he so desperately craves
TFD shill active? Activate gameplay footage.

>impersonating zematic anon
>Gays get a longer month than Blacks
WE don't want you here american
>wispshitter runs an impact nukor so that he can do a finisher on the eximus and get his power drain strength even sooner
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Alright, I'm a Valk main and I finally feel like my build is 'complete'
Please pick it apart and tell me what to improve on, I want her to be perfect
Only a few caveats:
Zero interest in more Melee attack speed, Sliding attack is already next to uncontrollable as it is.
Status never gets applied, the enemy is normally dead after an attack or two, so I don't really need condition overload.
I am open to other Helmenth abilities, right now I am using Nourish for extra DPS & help with energy management.
Yes I know my mods aren't maxed

Anon the game is a mishmash of like 4 different games before it with a generic look to it. how is it fresh?
do me a favor and replace augment with arachne tell me how it feels. I tried it and feels gimmicky but the damage boost sure feels good.
>Non maxed mods and arcanes
>Fucking Equilibrium
>Unironically builds for her 4
Everything related to Fortuna was a fucking mistake and we need to nuke Venus from orbit ASAP.

That said I don't see any issue with "a quick lesson in geology" line since she literally gives you a quick lesson in geology after that.
Nikana enjoyers, how do you use heavy attacks without "overshooting" enemies?
I swear, every time I try to hit something closer then 5m, I end up jumping past them and look like a fool.
Do you use a companion as a primer? Corrosive only works against Grineer now so you should switch to gas since you're using Nourish, but a random partial strip could still be useful if you aren't getting it elsewhere in your kit.
Different guy, but Valkyr talons with violet archon shards are the highest DPS weapon in the entire game by far. Big numbers funny.
Meant to ping
The dude unironically equipped Spoiled Strike
it looks slow
fuck your god, I ate your god and shit it out on your holy books
if you ever need a status build, i recommend proton snap, bumps your status to 60% for 20s and also gives free toxin while under the effect. it's niche but nice sometimes
i heavily dislike equilibrium, if you can manage your energy without, i'd definitely remove it. diriga can kill shit easily and duplex bond has a chance to drop a fuckton of energy orbs. you're running nourish with 364% strength anyways, you're going to be drowning in energy
get tennokai mods, dreamer's wrath is what i like since i'm not reliant on heavy attacks, so an occasional free heavy is nice
swap spoiled strike for primed pressure point
aside from that it's a good starting point, if you wish i can send you mine with more details, tho i went full out on her
bonus: i hope you know about gladiator mods on your normal melee and to get out of hysteria once molt augmented is fully stacked
Absolutely horrible, 0/10.

>Subsumes nourish like a pajeet
> Red shards for pwr str instead of violets for melee cd
>No arcane battery/energize
>No paralysis augment
>Slow ass claws ( skill issue)
>Hasnt modded claws for corrosive+cold+archon flow
this might be a good solution to 'problem' enemies like Nechramechs. I'll explore it later


I do have a Diriga as a primer but hes mostly for energy regen on my Valk. Most things do not need to be primed before I kill them. Though switching to Gas sounds alot better
2 methods:

-Range tennokai+ primed reach(shitter)
-Aiming down before you heavy so you have less momentum (samurai master)
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>this might be a good solution to 'problem' enemies like Nechramechs. I'll explore it later

Applies to certain abilities and is multiplicative to Ability Strength.
So it's just retarded damage also 5 tau purples if you're building for her 4 , if you're going to commit go all the way anon
tried gas on her claws and shit is fun as fuck. the only issue is that mobs die way before i could make use of the gas clouds, and the lootcave was patched before i realized i should test it there
Equilibrium as been my bread and butter for energy regen sofar, The problem I run into is waiting for my duplex bond to proc before I kill them. Dashing through a room will sometimes kill everything before my Diagra can get damage off for the drop chance.
> tennokai mods
I haven't fucked with these yet, I still consider myself 'semi new'
>primed pressure point
Don't have it yet, & I'd need to swap out Sacrifical so I'd still have an open mod slot
I do know that at least
>violets for melee cd
Oh fuck thats probably way better
>No arcane battery/energize
I'd rather have the arcane slots for damage, my energy is fine with equilibrium
>No paralysis augment
Possibly, a grouping ability would be pretty nice
>Hasnt modded claws for corrosive+cold+archon flow
Hmm, maybe I'll fuck with this later
Yeah I think next step is Tau Purples, after that I need to get expeimental

Thanks for the advice guys
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idk riven shit, is this worth anything?
it's not great but it's usable since you want heat on it anyways
Riven is good, would use, and Infested Liches reveal at Tennocon in less than 3 weeks we could get whatever Kuva Tenet version is called of it
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This is how you min max valkyr. Dump efficiency and get it from temporal buffs since Hysteria can snapshot the drain.

At max warcy can reach the whole energy buff from battery, thats 1175 energy.

Hysterical Assault is fun and can replace ripline for movement. You can do funny shit in the murmur maps. Also grant 1s of immunity to shoot guns. Like Cedo for Priming or Grimoire to get Overguard.

Ophanim Eyes is the best Helminth for her btw. No slide attacks needed to do damage. Just hold E and tennokai.

Bring a praedos stat stick with the gladiator set.
Mod claws however you want.
Dunno if it's WORTH anything, as synapse rivens aren't exactly highly-coveted, but at the very least it isn't a bad riven; a properly-forma'd synapse with that slapped on it will be able to handle any content in the game, albeit perhaps not as fast as the more meta guns out there.
>t. my most-used primary has been the synapse for the past ~8 years
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Every day, i think i'll relax after work by playing some warframe and every fucking day i get reminded of console hosts. When will the pain end?
thanks, I'll hold onto it for now. I'll try the weapon out sometime after playing some more with my current equipment.
Too bad. We're the world police now where's your oil at
Whats rolling guard for?
This is just so absolutely atrocious in so many different ways I don't think I even have the time to properly pick it apart right now. I'm genuinely impressed (and disgusted).
I forgot to mention:
Synth Descontruct + Equilibrium solves all energy issues.
The Blue Shard is to reach +500 base energy and activate the x2 crit from purple shards.
Fall the map, Host migration, Violence, Nullifiers. With a similar build I soloed the 50 eyes boss with Valkyr. Rolling guard was key to stay alive.

You can stay playing Inaros
Not only are you using grimoire which doesnt fit valkyr thematically, you are having 6 copes for efficiency at once when you can have infinite energy through sentinels/archon flow/equilibrium/battery. Just dump that shit to 45%.
don't forget that overguard is amazing against both nullifiers and disruptors. if you ever get kicked out of hysteria, you completely negate the damage you'd take. and it fucks with disruptors' insta energy drain. before anyone asks, honestly doesn't matter if i mention this info, reddit/wikifags already posted this synergy, plus no one plays valkyr so i doubt DE would want to fuck it up
i prefer vome invocation before i pop 2 and 4, 60% strength saves me an arcane slot.
feel like rolling guard is somewhat useless, since hysterical assault already gives you .5s of invuln upon swapping to guns, but i guess you have some niche use for it
other than that, i approve of your build
Eternal war boosts your armor already, you don't need a blue tau shard for that. It pushes battery and purple shards to the threshold needed
All you have to do is shot the damn grimoire once to get 60% Efficiency. +29% from seismic bond which is active all the time. Is that difficult? seriously, just play Inaros.

yeah overguard is really nice.
45% efficiency gets a bit rough on netracells though, but yeah, in most cases especially solo 45% is enough.
Getting tired of being a torid shitter, what are some other weapons I should invest in?
you can't argue with him, haven't you learned that already?
Please stop this fucking trash. Corrosive+cold was MRlet cope before the update and it's even worse now that armor has been nerfed and the weakness/resistance chart has changed from per-health-type to per-faction. If you want a raw damage build, use either blast+elec, gas+elec, or viral+heat.
>tfw you remember eons ago reddit-tier "common knowledge" to take corrosive and cold to the void
>still just used mostly viral and slash the whole time anyway for years after damage 2.0 nerfed it into the ground and then it rose up again years late with damage 2.5
>now with DR being minimized across the board it's an even more ubiquitously effective choice especially if you add in a little heat
what's going to take YEARS maybe to correct is reflexively switching to my melee for the odd-armored enemies I knew I could oneshot but would get cucked by armor types with viral before and the instinctive "feeling" of what enemies are vulnerable which of my options in a given mission
I also thought that, however battery wasn't activating the x2 from the purple shards. It needs to be base energy.
Anyway, is not entirely wasted, helps getting the battery cap sooner.
I'm debating on trying Gas/Cold for Archon flow to see if I can drop Equilibrium for something else. Otherwise I don't know why I would run another element over spoiled strike since I am not relying on status effects for my claws. I know there is fucky shit with the math & crits or something but I dont understand it. Yet
>battery wasn't activating the x2 from the purple shards
nta, but i swear it activated when i tested it. had such high dmg there was no way my 5 tau shards were inactive
Yeah this. Most of us oldfags wouldn't have thousands of hours in warframe if it was bad. We basically have no game left for us but we still want to stratch that third person shooter itch and TFD is looking like to be a good replacement.
>TFD is looking like to be a good replacement
literally how?
How grindful is a solo clan? Does anyone have one? I'm tired of getting kicked out of clans, sorry for having a life
Just tested this, Battery does work with Purple shards
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how would you realistically rework revenant for him to still stay relevant after that?
>TFD is looking like to be a good replacement.
who exactly are you speaking for? I doubt you're even a founder or have the closed beta badge
t. founder with both and TFD looks like anthem minus the mechs and flying
we'll see tomorrow but if TFD doesn't get their shit together with their monetization it'll die pretty quickly
a lot of grinding. in the long run it is nice to have, but if you have a life, you arent going to get a solo clan up and running.
how often are you leaving if you've been kicked from multiple clans for inactivity?
Anons, whats the best pet to use for health orbs gen with synth deconstruct?
Smeeta and Adarza easily
Picking an element for archon mods makes sense, but corrosive+cold is dogshit. Corrosive damage is now only good against Grineer, not all armored enemies, and any practical amount of armor strip makes corrosive status weaker than viral status.

The reason you use elements is that on the rare occasions you get a proc before the enemy dies, you'll get AOE damage for free. Also, since you say you have Diriga, switch to Condition Overload and get rid of Spoiled Strike. Manifold Bond+Arc Coil covers everything in a 10m radius in 4 elements from Arc Coil+Manifold Bond. In your case, since you have Nourish and basically no status on your claws, I'd try magnetic, heat, radiation on Verglas plus elec from Arc Coil for four. Spoiled Strike only gives you 25% over Condition Overload with 5 stacks and reduces your attack speed. 400% from CO + 100% from Spoiled Strike = 25%% increase. Even if you're at 4 stacks, the increase is ~31%. A third 90% element mod gives you about 35% over Primed Fever Strike+the second 90% element mod and you keep your attack speed (255% from the first two elements + 90% from the third = ~35% increase).

did I just miss a dev short?

Does ability damage work, or does it have to be weapon damage? If ability damage works, probably Diriga, Hounds, or Panzer.
Why? Can you explain? What does it do?
>Does ability damage work, or does it have to be weapon damage?
Is there a big difference? I just need pet to make orbs for jade.
hounds or viral panzer
now that this is a thing, what are some fun weapons to use with Gauss?
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Out of forma Valkyr build.
>pet buff is active all the time
Yeah no. It's not active at the start or after dying, the times you are going to be activating abilities.
you know, I've always dismissed this lil nigga, but now after building Wisp I finally realize the dude was right all along
they've really just decided to go all in and give her all the best skins
do you have to buy the lower ephemera before they let you buy the higher tier ones?
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>>484251986 (Me)
i know you didn't ask but imma post it anyways. 'tis what i use normally.
before arcane battery came in, i had p. flow + arcane avenger, but the update gave me a nice boost to both energy reserves and crit chance. aegis gives me a tiny bit of armor for a bigger energy pool and boosts CC by an additional 10% per combo, reaching ~380% CC at 12
i use roar / nourish depending on the setup, if you go the latter route, you can replace energize with fury/arachne. umbral intens is also good instead of precision. this build is for exterminate/survival mostly, since mobs shit out energy orbs like there's no tomorrow, if i'm playing a mode that doesn't have such good mob density, i swap transient fortitude for fleeting expertise
using 5 purple shards, all on melee CD
claws are pretty much the only way to build (tho i haven't tested much since the update came out), but like i said, proton snap has some niche uses if you want more status
copy other anon's grimoire, i use pretty much the same config except for Vome Invocation for 60% strength, not Netra. Dexterity for combo upkeep or Fortifier for the overguard hack, up to you
cedo if i want to use CO or to proc status effects like cold/viral, dexterity on it
praedos has gladiator mods obviously, its perks are on movement stuff and the slide attack range node (yeah it does boost claw range)
panzer procs mobs full of viral, gives me 30% efficiency (and most importantly: +1.2 final crit damage :D)
focus school: madurai or naramon. if you actually make use of operator abilities, naramon can give you even more CC and faster combo gain (sadly the first ability does jackshit to melees, it only boosts gun dmg)
hope i didn't miss anything i probably did
No but imagine missing out 3 ephemeras, that’s retarded
Primed mods don't let you take blast and electric without sacrificing more damage than it is worth.
Thanks for the input! Got alotta shit to think on now
inb4 you combine all the knowledge and come up with a better build than us
Me and my frens and I was playing before they added oroking derelicts idk what update that was.
what the fuck
The fun of the game is grinding. Solo clan is great; only real thing I would complain about is the Hema needing 5000 mutagen samples. Get that from another clan first if you can.
You'll also need to use a forma per room you build.
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Are you retarded? what are you activating as valkyr other than Hysteria? Ophanim Eyes is the only thing you have to recast every 45 seconds.
Also, Hysteria drain scale over time and its capped. You have plenty of time to get the efficiency buffs and snapshot it.

Test again. The Archon Tau Purple shards won't give you the x2 crit buff if your base energy is below 500. Battery energy doesn't count as base energy.
Here I tested with a Khora prime and 2 Tau Purple. Battery+Warcry giving 570 energy didn't activate the double bonus from the purple shards.
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>Hema needing 5000 mutagen samples
>mfw I've had a solo clan for almost a decade and I'm still not done with hema
skip if you dont care about blogs
>hate netracucks
>finally in the last one
>leg 4 gyre and valkyr 3 join
>4th is 27 whatever
>im maxed leg 4 volt
>this is a story about retardation
>get the worst fucking tile for netra
>volt with roar and buffs all around, i love volt and am speeding everything got to 3 of the hacks and start the key sequence before they cross the half the way
>valkyr leg 4 is literally gate guarding the little spawn we have outside the circle and getting us nowhere
>gyre leg 3 is complaining about the speed buffs which have shocking speed on
>im so dazed by stupidity and anger
>get a phone call
>look who it is
>fucking embarrassed that the mrlet rescued me dont even say ty
>ANOTHER call, down again
>throw my phone across the room
>didnt break
>13 mins netracell when i can solo at 9
>want to whisper to the gyre about his obvious mistake and explain
>lose hope when i see its someone on my ""hey that guy was fun once"" list

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I'm asking whether it triggers or not. Diriga, Hounds, and Panzer are all very good at hitting lots of enemies with their abilities, but if it's only weapon damage then you would probably want a sentinel with Helstrum.

Rifles, shotguns, and pistols can do blast+elec, although I guess I shouldn't have made a general statement in a specific conversation.
What are the next incarnons?
Boar, gammacor, angstrum, gorgon and anku.
I mean the datamined ones for the next update.
resource costs are very solo friendly (except Hema lmao, but you can get that by dedicating an afternoon or evening on deimos survival with Khora + boosters).
Most annoying thing is forma cost for rooms and the time gating.
Supposedly cestra, dera, okina, sicarus and sybaris.
that is significantly less interesting than I was hoping.
All that could have been avoid if you just left the exact second you noticed someone being retarded on netracells.
Also, I'm convinced most LR players are completely fucking brain dead because I've lost count of how many times I had retarded as fuck teammates that were """legendary""".
It feels like it's just a gimmicky meme weapon anyway
I can't believe people use battery at all. I didn't read the rest.
nta, but I'm fairly sure efficiency is calculated WHILE hysteria is active. strength is the only one that can be "snapshot" as you worded it
not my problem
describe your issue with it then
>efficiency is calculated WHILE hysteria is active
that would be both a change to how it worked before channeled efficiency accounted for duration and after and also make it unique among all other abilities, and I think you're wrong, because channeled cost (like strength) is typically snapshot at cast time from what I've seen
I finished the hema but I think there is some 100 consumable blueprint I skipped that still wants them.
is the new alliance growing?
was lazy to launch a recording software so i just counted how long it takes max hysteria to reach x energy from max pool in my head. i know it's a retarded way, but i actually noticed a 2-3 second difference, it definitely calculates while it's active
but see for yourself, maybe you're right and i'm wrong
yes, the fire rises
>fake scenario
you should feel bad about making such stupid claims based on such weak evidence and I will log in to provide evidence to the contrary later if I feel like it
>that framerate
I'm pretty sure efficiency always was calculated during channeling, while strength, duration and range are snapshot. Although I don't know if increasing efficiency after casting a channeled ability makes it consume less energy, or it's only for the initial cast.
>I'm pretty sure efficiency always was calculated during channeling, while strength, duration and range are snapshot
based on literally what? when would it have ever worked this way, and for what abilities?
>I don't know if increasing efficiency after casting a channeled ability makes it consume less energy, or it's only for the initial cast
you are far too ignorant to be making these claims
>This does not apply to the Ability Efficiency part of the buff. The bonus Ability Efficiency will be removed and updated the moment that Pax Bolt expires.
>Subsequent Pax Bolt buffs will temporarily reduce the energy drain for any currently active channeled abilities for the duration of Pax Bolt. Whether this is intentional or not is unknown.
hmm well alright if that's true then other temporary efficiency modifiers might also apply only temporarily, and I'm going off my own experience testing mostly around altered ability duration specifically

that's awfully inconsistent if so
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Best starter frame for tomorrow?
>pisses everyone off
>dies repeatedly
>it's other people's fault
I'd say it sort of makes sense to make ability efficiency update energy cost even while using channeled abilities. You only have a very few ways of increasing ability duration and doesn't have game breaking results when it comes to energy drain over time, while a free +60% efficiency is a massive reduction in energy costs for something that doesn't use a warframe mod slot or an arcane.
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just for you, i launched OBS to record it
also used grimoire alt fire with netra for even more efficiency
inb4 now you won't believe that i didn't turn off hysteria between the two
Meant to ping >>484274602
it would seem that tonight I shall dine on a hearty word pie, and have some things to learn about conditional ability cost modifiers

I was quite sure, too, after vengeful rush didn't do anything... I wonder if internally it's literally the same stat as ability efficiency or gets calculated/stacked differently
Just tried it, ability duration also affects energy cost in real time with channeled abilities. Very easy to see if you use 13% duration 175% efficiency with r3 streamline, fleeting expertise and transient fortitude, and any means to increase energy duration.
>any means to increase energy duration
did you try this with vengeful rush too? I wonder if they changed it... what else increases duration these days that isn't a static mod? grimoire? I can't think of or find literally anything else
Ris Invocation and Molt Efficiency both affects ability duration. Vengeful rush is archwing stuff, who cares about archwing.
>Molt Efficiency
and I think I may have been confused by this arcane's name and mistaking its actual function for a long time... everything I know is a lie
eh, shit happens. i was ready to be wrong again, but seems like the moon is blue tonight lol
well on the plus side, this makes these buffs seem a lot less useless to me since you actually can grab them on the go and save some energy with a channeled ability up, contrary to what I'd seen or tested before
Did some testing with a few extra channeled abilities Mesa, Excalibur, Titania and they can't snapshot efficiency or duration on the energy drain.
It kinda sucks but whatever, at least for Valkyr Seismic Bond still a pretty good addition with good uptime. Also, thanks to Fortification now Overguard can resist the one shot from Hysteria deactivation in front of enemies, pretty comfy. And is not like with 90% efficiency I had energy problems.
I'll just change Netra Invocation for Vome.
I just run a sentinel with Duplex Bond and a riven'd Verglas for all of my energy needs. Plus, with Arcane Battery, it's not like I ever need to deactivate Hysteria.
when do the yuros go to sleep
>coherent on-topic discussion of mechanics and resulting changes of approach to gameplay
>out of nowhere muh yuros
my fellow american pls
have you seen
after i make new york new amsterdam again, then i will colonize your mom
I guess not being able to snapshot for any these makes them suck for anything where you can't even swap to the conditional requirement, but it's great for brainless subgloomers

ignore it
But why would you put efficiency or duration on a subsumed gloom when you can have a free +60% strength on gloom and already almost reach the slow cap with precision intensify.
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responsible adults should already be asleep
idk, I mean I wouldn't use these buffs in any practical situation for any reason myself, but I can see other set-and-forget things benefitting if you run a low efficiency or duration build and gloom is just a good stand-in
Well the whole point of set and forget abilities is to forget about them, not micromanaging your grimoire and making sure to refresh your buffs every 20 seconds.
yeah but the way I'd take or be happy to have those buffs is incidentally if I'm using the gear on its own anyway, just to like supplement or know if I'm running low I can focus on that gimmick for a sec

I just use energize lol
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Why is Stalker sending me feet pics?
god i wish those were rebb's feet
this is a bit of a crackhead build but replacing kullervo's 2 with hideous resistance feels much more comfortable and it allows you to use rage/adrenaline for free infinite energy instead of nourish on his 4, what do you guys think
11/10 best build /wfg/ NA hours
america's proudest warframer
whats that in top right...?
platlet tits
Buy plat and maybe she'll bless you.
I think it has potential. Warframe has a real issue with vet player retention, and I think TFD is better set up to produce end game content and end game grinds than Warframe is.
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I'm ashamed to say that yes, i will give the first descendant a try tomorrow.

And yes, i still plan to watch tennocon, buy ember heirloom ass skin, and all that stuff. i can play two(2) grinding games especially if the datamine leaks about ProtoFrames are true
Man just fucking create your general and stay there.
Can you get plat or whatever in game currency through farming or trading?
The OC.
theres no AnthemDestinyWarframeHentai general
make one?
How about you go make one?
>Looty Shooty Games as a Service Gen
you can do it
wait no even better
>Loot And Shoot Ass Games Need Accounts
actually no in practice, this makes them even worse since you can't snapshot with the low costs and the durations are so low and conditional, that's kind of retarded imo
I was making fun of the game for being derivative.
not on release but they just mentioned they were working on a trade system of some sort
and I was simply rolling with the idea that these games are all the same and would collapse into a shared gen
>Looter And Shooter Action Games, Nexon Attacks
Wait does it need a NEXON account? I probably have one somewhere from forever ago given how Nexon has its fingers in a bunch of shit
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>not on release but they just mentioned they were working on a trade system of some sort
It's a Korean F2P game, so I assume the trading system will not allow currency to go back and forth. And I wager that's what is going to kill the game in the long term.
8 hours and 30 minutes until Warframe dies. Any last words?
I love that they just copy pasted Alchemy for Ascension, I love the charge getting stuck on my cat, dog, team mates, enemies and in mid air after any of the previous.

I love Mags bubble being able to catch and throw the capsules down to the bottom of the shaft. So fun.

Anyway, am confused, thought this was out tomorrow. Steam says yesterday.
you really think this game wont have issues? damn what being an mrlet does to a mfr
Is the joke that only 2 of these songs are actually from the 90's
>thinks the capsule throwing started with Alchemy
DE has been reusing that shit as far back as Exploiter Orb, and then they slapped it on Necramech as an "ability," and on Deimos as the anus opener, etc
would be pure kino
I haven't played it for 5000 hours
I still have mods to max, characters to unlock, MR to grind
Not just one or two guns that are liquid hot ass to farm with time gated rotations and 2% drop rate
Seems fresh to me
a voidshell equinox skin will save warframe
>feel like I've got a pretty okay handle on warframe story
>minus some odd fuckery with drifter but whatever
>play whisper in the walls
I fuckin give up I don't understand a goddamn thing.
the skin that takes 5 minutes to throw together wont save anything, equinox bad frame
did you put the jade animations on her
whats the problem
equinox is goated anon.
i have the wisp animations usually, due to the unique idle.

don't know what jade's looks like yet
Left if you want to be literal street trash backstory
Middle if you want to be generic soldier man backstory
Right if you want to be >6ft >135IQ scientist silver fox chad
>He doesn't shout about scoring a field goal from across the lane when he shoot from beyond the elevator
>He doesn't shout slam dunk over the mic whenever he makes a toss from 10 stories directly above
>He doesn't get outed as never having read harry potter by the clan's resident wizard because apparently you don't throw a golden snitch you just catch it
Sound's like you're not doing enough to make it fun.

Bake us a general pls?
What do you think is gonna happen to the game once it gets shut down eventually? will they release an offline build or just lock it away forever?
show me a equinox build
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still haven't looked into many post new war augs
I think at this point that will be up to steve, unless tencent steps in to say no to any possibility, and then it'd be up to the players to reverse engineer or otherwise get a server emulator going for a pirate client/server
lobbing upward and having it hit your target after an insane drop from above is fun
I'd try it if I didn't already know that they're going to ask me to pay for trivial frustrating shit and I'll feel dissatisfied with my experience because of it, and if I hadn't seen that the only real mobility is le battle royale grappling hook with all the dynamism of a wooden plank

I'd rather sit in my orbiter staring at navigation or just go on random missions so I have an excuse to move cool and shoot things
fair point about warframe, but in regards to Descendant you cant be this gullible.
>Man in the wall takes interst in Albrecht and starts invading that reality
>albrecht decides to travel back in time and hide as well as work on warframes
>wallman manages to follow his trail
>the giant porcelain robots are inventions of albrecht he made to fight the murmur
>the three animals were the only survivors of experiments albrecht made in order to confuse or trick the Wallman. they gained conciousness but did nothing to wallman
>wallman goes down by a loving touch because it only knows hate or daarkness or whatever so it got stunlocked when it was shown affection
why is zariman so sleek?
Hopefully DE leaks it so we can get some private servers. Probably wouldn't, though. DE has nothing without this game. And Soulframe isn't appealing to most warframe players. Warframe dying is the only way to get them to try Soulframe en masse.
>the three animals were the only survivors of experiments albrecht made in order to confuse or trick the Wallman
when he first entered the void, the man in the wall manifested and became conscious because of him and his intelligence
sending animals into the void was an attempt to make it a retarded dumb animal by hopefully mimicking their intelligence like it mimicked his
it didn't work
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Trained by a Sentient over a Dax! Is it any wonder you didn't understand shit?
The gameplay itself can theoretically all work offline, but I'm not sure they can easily untangle all the online stuff.
That said, don't see them going down anytime in the foreseeable future.
>and then they slapped it on Necramech as an "ability,"
Did they ever fix Voidrig's 1 not actually being able to be throw?
some fucker posted an image of him with max creds n shit a few days? ago suggesting it was a private version
i dont know why but the first sentence of protea primes blueprint being "BEHOLD THE CHILD OF 2 FATHERS" made me laugh more than it should have
I just simplified it you fucking nerd.
> Warframe has a real issue with vet player retention
Who says it's an issue for DE? Vet players have everyhting in the game and can afford to buy whatever new skin/frame/weapon they want because of stockpiled plat, so they don't bring any money, at least not directly.
Well that already happened to one of the games that was originaly published by Digital Extremes - Wayfinder. Warframe might be next in a few years, who knows.
What happened?
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This guy deserved more than simply being stranded in wonderland.
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his brief little section in the new war was like its own self-contained game
DE started a publishing brand and publish another looter but this time fantasy and wow.cartoony styled. it slowly died, but the devs took it back from DE and re-released it. DE closed their publishing branch
slowly? I meant to say QUICKLY
The entire game works in solo mode already, it would be feasible they'd release a solo only version.

Not sure, I never even use that ability.
My headcannon is that he is going to further evolve into the protector, or some type of timeline shenanigans' occurs resulting in a playable stalker.
thats not an armor set retard
thats the authur body with a stalker helmet
Picture is only similarly relevant, look at the data leak yourself you blathering blunderbuss
ESL says what?
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Can we Aura Forma Jade’s second Aura slot yet or have they said anything about it?
Read. leak. retard.
but I did, I'm not even the anon you were telling to read
talking to myself on the way to the station
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>Sorry my bad, wrong retard. Tell the other retard to not be retarded.
Accidentally greentexted, fml
Reminder to only talk about Warframe
No. My dishwasher almost caught on fire.
dishwasher is code word for TFD
Elden Ring dlc is good, I feel sorry for everyone who bought into the fud brigade
game is too hard to be good dood
i just hope they don't make it political with woke garbage because ideologically insecure people is what my audience boils down to nowadays dood
even if they did doood i would be filtered because even though my entire life and personality has been playing video games i'm just as bad on them as a doom and cuphead journalists are dooooood
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forgot the img
i'm bad at shitposting, like asmongold is bad at video games
kinda dumb that jade eximus can start beaming without an animation or being able to even see you
feels less like they're using an ability and more like a fuck you lol kind of move
nullifiers are absolute fucking cancer of the highest tier. i cant even stand doing corpus missions because of them
>more like a fuck you lol kind of move
Every time I'm chilling in the air with zephyr and hear "WAAAAAAAA PSHEWWWW" it's like "fine, fuck you, I'll come down". It feels like an explicit anti afk/stationary measure that was inelegantly plopped into the game.
t. rev
i swear ive been beaned by a full charge one without ever seeing any light at all more than once
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tfd retard be like
I played the first beta way back when, and enjoyed running around as Bunny, but I had my suspicions she probably wouldn't scale very well. If Bunny's not good I'm not playing, simple as.
>Destiny Content Creator
uh oh Destiny sissies
I want TFD to be good because I want a distraction from warfarm and not having anything to grind except autistic completionism but it looks like it has mission stamina (not just green bar stamina) and the grappling hook being the only mobility makes me want to fall asleep
imagine being turned into a warframe
Only beautiful people got turned so you can't imagine
I miss the tornado but I replaced it with silence for the event and alerts already because it was getting too obnoxious
I wish anthem was good.
I mean realistically I think a lot of people like the Warframe formula, but are tired of DE's shenanigans. Will Nexon be better? Probably not, but who knows. Its almost certainly going to be better than Destiny at the very least.
>they still have no general
not looking good for TFDiggers
>it looks like it has mission stamina (not just green bar stamina)
what does this mean
>the grappling hook being the only mobility makes me want to fall asleep
the worst part of warframe is the autistic zooming around, so having more grounded mobility is a good thing imo
I think the lack of zoom zoom is going to let them make way better boss fights than warframe is capable of.
you sound slow
2020 called and wants their ubiquitous movement gimmick back
tell me about it
It looks so fun that I am willing to spend 20 bucks and suffer through EAs bullshit just to play it, even though I know I shouldn't. Titanfall 2 wasn't good enough
Orokin Catalyst BP vs Catalyst invasion is up
wow lose some weight fatty. Shame on you for blamming Mr. Granum for your obesity.
you don't HAVE more grounded mobility in TFD
even warframe's sliding and rolling is more than you get in TFD
you don't like janky grappling hooks?
this, you could play warframe pre-parkour 2.0 with no coptering and it would still be a thousand times more fluid and dynamic
that not "grounded" mobility, you are literally in the air.
part of the reason why warframe is so fun to move around is the diversity: wukong, titania, volt, gauss, nezha, nova, valkyr, ivara, chroma, protea, garuda, atlas, grendel, hydroid, jade, kullervo, revenant, rhino, wisp, yareli, and zephyr ALL have unique movement quirks, and that's BEFORE basic maneuvers like bullet jump, roll, slide, air kick, etc
how's it feel knowing the gook menace and all their cashgrab derivative games will likely die out in your lifetime?
The entirety? Not likely, I think their culture enjoys that shit so they'll keep it alive on their side of the Pacific mostly, throw the crap around at times if something looks intriguing I suppose.
But each individual game will likely have shorter lifespans than a mouse. At least actively, might just stay in a zombie state like Vindictus.
How does DE decide which skills should be recastable while active and which skills should be UNUSABLE DOGSHIT?
yeah TFD is gonna flop
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I'll still give this shit a try out of boredom
It's not like I have anything better to play until the next content drop in here, and I'm taking a break from BDO anyway
I swear Bunny is going to be like 75% played, she's by far the most hyped character
Explain Grendel.
big is beautiful, honey
chubby chaser fetish
Strong fat men are cool desu
he's perfect...
This just looks like korean mmo slop. People are really going nuts over this design?
where do people even post wf art besides twitter and reddit?
So, i got an invite for Soulframe.
Anyone else got a chance to give it a shot?
I am conflicted.
Why do fucking high MR motherfuckers FUCK ASS WITH THE BOAR HOLY SHIT. It looks like such a shitty gun.
optimistic plural
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It's free. I will try it, If it sucks, I'll just uninstall and continue to not play Warframe while shitting on Warframe.
what's the problem? you said speedva not slowva
Auto lock triple beams
Less aiming = more powerful
cute MR4
Steve already killed warframe by not letting me impregnate wisp
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you know honestly surprises me how no on really talks about how fucking busted hounds are
like yeah I've seen a video or two but no one really TALKS about it

me, just now:
I'm putting together a dumb protective magnetize build, goal being to just eat a bunch of shots then blast it out and kill a group of fodder enemies
I finish it, go to test it out

I'm using a hound to prime the enemies with heat, electricity, viral
heat will strip half their armor, viral will make them take more health damage, electricity will boost my ability damage with purple taus slotted
slap on roar because it needs all the damage it can get (protective magnetize sucks)

load in, hound gets to work prim- literally just starts deleting entire groups before I can do anything
after a while of trying and failing to absorb damage while this robotic asshole just plays the game for me I give up and just watch it run around killing everything
400 kills in 5 minutes, almost enough to keep up with life support BY ITSELF
thats not even considering it can occasionally steal a jade eximus beam and it then becomes a miniboss for 60 seconds

like jesus fucking christ
between the status changes, armor changes, and now jade eximus, these things FUCK hard
do not tell anyone I do not want to see them nerfed
point me to their general

oh wait
time to recreate the movie Inside with jade
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>TFW I remember that event score can be tracked on player profiles
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I use Taxon for shieldgate and Diriga for priming so i can kill everything myself. Also your post is oddly descriptive.
no one cares abou those
I do now and that means that you have to do care now because I’m going to shit on you if it’s low and call you an eventlet
I'm going to do it until I max out the arcanes I'm missing and that's it.
wait I thought this event didn't even have one
My clan won't accept anyone who collected less than 1000 motes now
I'm gonna call you an event let because you probably missed a bunch of events
Well yeah pets can solo level 50 missions. Now play some real content.
was actually level 150 SP grineer but ok
keep using smeeta or w/e I guess
when can I dual wield heavy blades in warframe? I want two different scythes with different setups like I can have in elden ring at the same time
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>dual wield heavy blades
>like i have in elden ring
If you found something powerful why would you want to share it?
Are you retarded?
Want your stuff nerfed?
if you're not gigagrugging are you even alive
I main a heavy blade zaw, you are just cringe
Dungeon Fighter Online will outlive me and my future children.
Funny that you talk shit about meme ring when DE is literally making a clone right now.
no u faggot, DE loves ripping off shit like that
has anything new dropped since jade?
jade dropped less then 2 weeks ago
Did they add gamepad support or no?
Yeah for PS and xbox pads. Haven't tired it myself yet.
so no?
my morale
unless you count the timegated event ephemeras, no
>literally no hype
another nexon flop
>Search TFD in catalog
>No general
Come on guys
Can someone atleast bake a TFD thread when the next warframe thread starts?
I need to brag about the kuiper I've already bought and I don't want to get shit on by warframe players who don't even buy plat for their favourite frames
this is tfdg apparently
Fine by me.
i'm baking one.
inb4: it shall be known as the flop descendant
Warframe > TFD
Soulframe can fuck off too
>no links
>no description
>no effort
That's just sad.
It's gonna die in a month, who cares.
someone make some anti-TFD pics
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Don't have to do shit, the game will speak for itself. Also >>484333378
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Game might die before 1999 is out
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thanks becca, I'll put them in the pile of like 20 tauforged I have no use for but to
Friendly reminder to report all TFD shilling in /wfg/
This. They now have a general
>TFD has 0 pvp
Pretty rare for a korean game
God...please send at least one of the schizos over there
catalyst invasion up lads
Bro they have to buy colors from a gacha and they're 1 time use.

Pray for our TFD sisters.
returning player who just wake up. any wukong builds for farming railjack void cascade mode with torid?
Imaging wanting to play as humans. I'll stick with my infested flesh bots
How do we get the slavs to go there
I'm gonna give it a try. Nothing to do until 10ocon
Mastery grind is such a pain. Think I'll just hit 30, nearly there. Will go nuts if I try to go further on purpose.
Not my Sisters. Mines are keeping my Railjack warm.

offer free AIDS
funny how TFD shilling seems to be a euro thing predominantly
Euro's are much more horny and depressed than Americans. Of course they are going to troll and fawn over korean mmo slop.

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