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Fallen Heroes Edition


>Habu Kazumasa no longer involved with Digimon games at Bandai

>Digimon Survive official website

>-next 0rder- Switch & PC re-release out

>Lost Evolution translation patch finally released

>Digimon Adventure 02: THE BEGINNING to release on US BD/DVD June 11

>Comic Chapter 3 released

>Web Novel Chapter 1 & 2 released:

>Official website

>Official JP theme
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkmPTtp9D_o [Embed]

>Liberator synopsis and character details

>Liberator initial announcement

>Epilogue published

>Digimon Seekers DIGEST
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtwGehQA-5Y [Embed]

>Digimon Dreamers online distribution update

>BT-18 box art revealed

>Premium Heroines set up for pre-order

>New Ichiban Kuji lottery figures

>Adventure 25th Color Evolution 2nd wave US pre-orders open

>EN Reference Book

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>have Rizegreymon in your commercial
>he never had a DiM until close to the end of the product
Bandai as a whole
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I'd rather they get rid of the digivice toys and vita bracelets and instead create a videogame console with an improved v-pet program on it.

It could be priced at 33% or half of a Switch, but be the ultimate v-pet with tons of functionalities, great graphics and online play.
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The franchise was built off the toys so no that won't happen.
The Wonderswan already flopped 25 years ago
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Name this band.
...just make it an update vpet lol
Xros wars tried one
never again for some reason
The Chiaotzu Crew
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We are now able to plug in our vpets to our computers to charge them. Why not just make the upgradable that way? Makes no sense why they didn't do that. I guess money so we can buy more even though they are not sold outside Japan.
youll get another 20 rehashes of the v20th and youll like it
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>v-pet app
the entire appeal is that it's portable. it'd be super awkward to interrupt what you're doing and minimize everything to press a button on your v-pet. furthermore, imagine you're on a conference call and the v-pet's notification comes up on your phone. that'd suck.
>Why not just make the upgradable that way?
because you won't have to buy more than one anymore?
Given that the AI is all the rage nowadays, do you think they'll do entirely AI-generated Visual Novel with infinite routes?
>infinite routes
No. The first time someone unlocks a sex scene the soccer mom shitstorm would bury it.
>Just make it so the A.I. won't do sex scenes
You know people would just circular logic mindbreak it into creating a rules exempt mini-version of itself to loophole a sex scene or something.
What's your favorite and least favorite thing about Savers Agumon?
RizeGreymon's revolver arm. The way he smacks the chamber every time he evolves is the coolest fucking shit ever
>Least favourite
ShineGreymon's head looks like a standard superhero head and loses whatever draconic design he used to have
the entire line and character really
>least favorite
only recently got focus
it was basically like savers never happened
oh and maybe agumon nostrils
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wait people really got it recently? i thought it was very clear
I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Meicrackmon: Vicious Mode canonically have boobs. Does normal Meicrackmon also have boobs under her chest fur?
Does that mean Renamon also could have boobs under her fur??
never played chibi robo. how would I know?
WHAT is your favorite area of THE DIGITAL WORLD and why so?
stage 5 and 6
>least favorite
no alternate rookie, geogreymon is just a straight upgrade to greymon so he mogs an og by existing, pure powercreep
I think that GeoGreymon looks way too much like normal Greymon to be a straight upgrade. It's just Greymon with extra spikes on him. Compared to the Xros Wars redesigns of Greymon or Cyberdramon who have different enough designs that you could argue look better than the original, GeoGreymon is way too tame
Giving metalgreymon a gun is cool
>least favorite
geogreymon is shit. Glorified X-antibody.
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we already found out the answer
He's autistic
>least favourite
He's autistic
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x3 any day now
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post your favorite digimon
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The sleep burrito...
In what? In a season or game?
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>Retards like Meicrackmon because it was in an episode of fetish game
Still a dogshit design.
Unironically an improvement
>furfags having shit taste
Tell me something new.
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This disgusting degenerate board has rotten my brain so much that at first I though Taichi was lifting Hikari's skirt. I'm never coming here again.
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I now want to raise him in NO but I will have to let my other old Digimon die which sucks.
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Gatomon you sneaky bitch
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Smooch her ass
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>Gatomon vored by ExTyrannomon
Given that BlackGatomon Uver. and Betsumon exist, I thought it was just another Digimon species, with "costume" being a part of their body.
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How did people lie to themselves about being attracted to Tailmon?
Because her ultimate is a slut and furfags wanted something other than Renamon or three(?) Veemon forms
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Already preparing for life as Bastemon
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People end up finding themselves attracted to the darndest of things/find human women boring and begin seeking out the unconventional and exotic as it were
Some people are just autistic and find cartoon characters attractive.
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I dunno man
but i am positive i am jerking off to this later
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Squid > Rana
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das rite
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Seems interesting
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Digimon are FRIENDS
Digimon are dangerous beasts
Says the degenerate who wanted to subjugate all of humanity by fusing with a Digimon
He is also a dangerous beast that inflicts harm upon humans. No contradiction there.
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Humans are also dangerous beasts. We're a match made in heaven, or hell depending on you're perspective.
He did nothing wrong!!, digimon evolution and propagation is scary fast
ghost game is proof that he did nothing wrong
>he did nothing wrong
I mean, he failed
>just the 20th again
>no new programming
>no new digimon
>not even the version that has less poop
>just the english 20ths programming
>$20 more than the english 20th
what a fucking deal
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You do know even the original v-pets had a freeze function, right? The only reason there isn't a v-pet app is because bandai would need another company to show them how to make money from it.
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Digimon need proper care.
holy kino
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>I will have to let my other old Digimon die
with some memory editing you don't
>wanted to subjugate all of humanity by fusing with a Digimon
not only that, he turned people into digimon hybrids. that'd be like hitler turning people into jewish hybrids.
captcha RY0 X KG
Adventure is the only series that matters. The rest suck dick.
Yeah all of them suck dick pretty well~
Love Renamon btw!
Digimon but it's Etrian Odyssey
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>Gay sex
Gay sex
world 2 is close enough
>Liking furfag bait only liked by furry tourists, most of them Amerishart dub mongoloids

Made for Hiro's thicc cock
My face when gay thoughts arise.
>close enough
and full of wasted potential like no other
>digi-beetle, a fucking tank, does NOTHING (no nets or tranquilizer darts to paralyze enemies, no tools to push enemies away, no buffs/debuffs to movement, no hopping over enemies or mines, no dashing, no shooting z-bombs for a pre-emptive strike)
>no locations to visit in dungeons like mid-dungeon shops (especially for ammo and fuel), or some sort of ruins to explore on foot
>no missions or additional quests other than daycare trades
>no pits or ramps
>no switches or doors, or locks and keys
>no expanded radar scan skill or something that uses movement turns to detect invisible traps even with max rank gear
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wait no digifes this year?
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Now you realize the emblematic, first legendary Digimon seasons we hold as the holy grail.. Were also shit.

This has to be one of the most unique cases in all media. We're fans of something pretty bad. And they are considered the high points of the franchise, 1999 to 2005 or so. It's like Adventure was DBZ and since then we only got GT / DBS tier seasons.
But the monsters, world and concepts are just THAT good that we stick around.
Hell, Adventure itself had a rushed final saga. Never forget how MetalSeadramon, Puppetmon and Machinedramon all got one-shot in quick battles under 2 minutes. But the Piemon battle saved the whole thing.
i think adventure, 02 and tamers are all great
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Nope, just the exhibition.
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Correction, the exhibition is DigiFes.
>adventure 25th anniversary
>finally admit it's not about digimon anime, just adventureeeeee
This but replace 02 with Savers and Ghost Game.
Then the Pizza Man ruined it.
>adventure get the entire cast
>the other anime only the red rangers
Chibi zoomorph/Semi-anthro is perfect. You're just normalfag
Actually she isn't Perfect she's Adult
>she's Adult
And will do adult things with me
Digimon needs to do good fights. I think that's what it's missing to get into the mainstream, there's usually not much strategy or personality involved.

For example MaloMyotismon had acid blood, he dissolved Mummymon with it. So will his fight involve being cautious of his lethal blood that can melt things, trying to dodge or block it? No.
Digimon fights are powerlevels, technique doesn't matter much. Devimon could be someone like Mahito from JJK, if he touches you with his devil hand it's over, and again center the battle around said power / ways to shield yourself.
Or have stuff like characters getting an injured leg or wing which makes battling harder.
Actually the V-Tamer manga had all of those. Every Digimon has unique attributes and techniques but they don't tend to play much of a role in the anime.
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Consider goth ojou-sama tits.
consider i am not reading that slop
something i like about ghost games were the battles
it was not generic i attack i killed you but they had some strategy going on
>consider i am not reading that slop
Why not
So it is more like Beelzebumon, probably unrelated
I don't really care bout the tcg and the 2 chapters didn't grab me
I was always confused about the moves in the Ghost Game. Who sends them? It seems like some built-in instincts send data stream to digimon, who send it to human via Digivice, who then call it out and amplify, then sends it back to digimon via digivice, who then executes the move??? But main digimon partners seems to be unable to do any moves at all without the human partner, which is confusing, considering non-main partner (Espimon) can do it.
>I was always confused about the moves in the Ghost Game. Who sends them?
tamer and digimon are synchronized, silly.
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>A powered up form of the annual Digi Festival
>Replace everything with a fucking exhibition of screencaps, reference sheets and a statue of Taichi
What's their concept of power up?
Will the Kizuna movies eventually become the real 03? I hope so. Imagine that movie tier budget and everyone as 30+ yo adults in a gritty action movie with Matt finding aliens on the moon, having a massive battle, returning all injured to Earth to warn the others about the impending invasion.
Hell yeah then we get city attacks like it's Evangelion, and we end on a massive space battle like it is TTGL, Digimon vs aliens.
it's 50/50 on whether the movies are over considering Beginnings flopped but they seem like they're going all in on Adventure being one big continuity so who knows
It runs even longer and not just in Tokyo. Adventure will be invading Osaka in October.
>Matt finding aliens on the moon
*A moon of Jupiter
Digimon tokasatsu when?
Digimon 02 deserves the Colon remake treatment more than Colon did since it's actually bad and could benefit from a complete rewrite.
We don't need a Frontier II.
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Give it a candy motif
Digimon Frontier remake when?
>kamen trash after 01
Gotchard is good.
The executives will take The Beginning flopping as a sign that the next movie should only have Taichi and Yamato. Also at one point they need to de-age as their '99 forms are more popular.
Frontier Kizuna. We can only go up. Have them as a real hero unit defending Japan.
>Gotchard is le good!
>Geats is le good!
>both are trash
yeah no KR can die after 01 for all i care
they aren't even hiding it anymore
Colon also did pretty well with turning the fights into strategies rather than pure combat. Stuff like the sniper battle against Gorimon, the WarGreymon Vs Mugendramon fight that had both sides utilising all of their weaponry, tricking Nanomon with CGI Flames, racing Machmon, and pacifying Jyagamon with fries were all pretty creative fights. And Angewomon was also used more as a support healer role, usually purifying corrupt/decaying Digimon like SkullBaluchimon and Entmon
Kamen Rider has been shit since 1989. Take your spandex wearing shitters with minute line transformation sequences back to /krg/
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Here's hoping they keep their promise.
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>their epic last adventure
not so fast!
>massive space battle
digimon can't breathe in space though
Even if they can't. continuity shouldn't get in the way of the story.
>Oh no, I can't defeat this enemy because I'm not in my green form!
>Buy the toys kids!
>Watch this random side character get a belt because everyone's a Kamen Rider now!
>We can't kill anyone off, they need to come back for future crossovers!
Modern Kamen Rider is a joke. It should have stayed dead. You know shit is bad when Sentai is telling mature, darker stories while Kamen Rider is busy selling you more gimmicks with the worst writers imaginable who don't understand or care about the franchise
i fucking hated sentai until don brothers gave one of the best seasons. Just refreshing overall
Digimon frens, our franchise did it. It's better than modern Kamen Rider.
Only if they kill off a random side character.
Bokomon in Ghost Game
True. Okay, how about a Tamer/Chosen then?
Every season since Kiramager was fucking amazing. Meanwhile, what has Kamen Rider given us?
>Zi-O: The worst way to do an anniversary season
>Zero-One: Job Arc and garbage finale ruining a perfectly good start
>Saber: Mediocre shit series from the guy who gave us Ghost
>Revice: The most university hated season since Ghost
>Geats: Annoying characters and a plot that feels both rushed and dragged out
>Gotchard: A faux anniversary season so boring it makes Wizard look good in comparison
And the next season is getting the Kingohger writer to write for it. It's like Bandai has conceded that Sentai is superior and that's where all the talent is. Kamen Rider should be embarrassed at the state it's in. If I was Ishinomori, I'd be spinning in my grave at how much there spitting on my legacy
Gotchard has Rinne, a better female character than Digimon's Mimi.
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That's like saying Colon is good because it has Mimi. One good character doesn't take away from how bad everything else is. Would anyone be watching Gotchard in 10 years if the only thing people had to say about it was "The female lead is okay, I guess"
Rinne is the antithesis of a good character. She's Japanese Star Wars Rey.
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not sure if important enough due to appearing in the middle but I think pic related qualifies
Nah, the stairs weren't thorough enough.
Some weirdos hatewatch things just to see how dumb things get
Kamen Rider has been trying way too hard to make a female rider work and they all fucking suck. Tsukuyo, Valkyrie, Jeanne and Na-Go are the worst characters in their shows respectively. The only reason Saber is tolerable is because they had to right idea to leave Mei as the annoying side character who loses relevancy after 5 episodes
If Kamen Rider keeps going the direction it is, there won't be any fans left to hate watch it in 10 years
who can be a good director to take digimon into the next level?
the GG sabotaged himself when he didn't want plot
I understand why female MCs are inherently bad.

Digimon has survived plenty of fuck ups; Kamen Rider can do it too.
Who is the goth girl with slutty Beelzebumon I've been seeing?
Digimon somehow managed to turn Roku Sanjo from a respectable writer to one of the most dogshit writers in the world. It's like the franchise is cursed to always be bad no matter who's in charge
Pacing. Find a middle ground between Colon's Omegamon drive-by and Seekers brand nothing , the latter I dislike more for some reason
Kamen Rider has already died twice, there's no reason it can't die a third time. The only Toei franchise that will live on forever is Sentai, since not even Ryusoulger could kill it
>Digimon has survived plenty of fuck ups
It shouldn't have. Frontier killed it and it should have stayed dead
>just learned Dai mangaka is the one that did Xros wars
u wot
but GG did have a plot. unfortunately, things got a bit out of hand and they ran out of episodes so it got rushed.
>It shouldn't have. Frontier killed it and it should have stayed dead
GG's issue was that they didn't know how long it was going to run, so they had to be ready to pivot to no plot or plot. But I personally felt it was a step in the right direction visually and in tone.
>They ran out of episodes
Stop giving them this excuse. They had 67 episodes. The writers didn't care about giving it a plot except for the bare minimum and when it finally came time to end it they just gave it three episodes and fucked off
Tell me one reason why a franchise that has been languishing in mediocrity for the past 2 decades and only finally managed to make something serviceable 20 years after the series' first death should stay alive
Ghost Game is goofy dilly dallying but with an edgy murderhobo living inside a babbymon.

Because it makes you mad
It's amazing how Bandai was able to stifle a good writer's creativity to the point he was only able to make trash
Because Digimon has a cool premise regardless of fuck ups. That and the fumbles are at least interesting to talk about
Lol. Lmao even. If the Kizuna dquad makes a series it will be 30 episodes of Kizuna+The Biginning recaps a la DBS, then like 2 new arcs wjere everyone mopes and whines because they're top adult to play with their Digimon now.
Well, it's not making Bandai any money. So expect it to die again after the card game dies thanks to Bandai's garbage distribution, diluting the market with clones, and horrendous balancing
It's not gonna die
>Verification not required
Its very hard to write something with something as lawless as Digimon. Its how nonsense like the Panini comics exist
It's a premise that Pokemon and Palworld do better. Even Megaman did it better back when they made the Battle Network series
It's very likely it's not the writers at all but Toei being extremely heavy handed
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To make it clear in (You)r language: Because it's fun to dunk on dumpster fire schizos like (You)
If your only rebuttal is to plug your ears and scream that I'm wrong, then I accept your concession. Glad to see we're both in agreement
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>Gomibako o tobi koeta saki ni aru mirai
FIRE song but maybe the project should stay in the trashcan
It's piss easy to write something, when you basically establish the laws.
A good writer can make gold out of any restrictions
Yeah, we both agree that you're pissing and shitting yourself over Frontier while the franchise continues chugging along.
So, doomnigger is a salty Kamen Rider/Sentaifag. Guess that explains his psychotic hatred of Frontier
Just like how it's fun to support a franchise that's been dead for 20 years and only propped up by mentally ill spics? No wonder Drashiro has such a strong grasp on the community
this is pure fucking cope.
Nobody in this fucking general likes Frontier. Every other time it comes up, people rightfully shit on it and all of its fuckups. Why are you suddenly defending something that's been the fandom punching bag for over 20 years?
Digimon needs better games. I'd like a Cyber Slut that's at least as good as a SMT game.
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>Supposedly "dead franchise"
>But he still needs to remind us it's a "dead franchise" that he has to remind us every thread about how it's 100% dead
Something doesn't compute here
I support them when they do something that I'm interested in, like release a game. No skin of my nose when they're being retarded. (You) on the other hand spend almost every waking moment on a board dedicated to a franchise you hate.
Frontier is unironically superior to Savers, purely because people remember it exists and it garners unironic revisionists. This is my random opinion
You yourself said it. It's been 20 years. Let it fucking go
Hey, it's not my fault Toei has decided to throw good writing quality out the window for more toy marketing. Every single shitty writing decision in modern Kamen Rider can be traced back to the writers having to stop the plot dead in its tracks because they need to shill a new toy or bring back a dead fan favourite character
Frontier is basically red wank that i hate in sentai so much, Shit is Colon's grandpa
More like your punching bag, because it's physically impossible to even mention good aspects of Frontier without your autistic monkey ass jumping out, shitting and pissing everywhere how much you hate it.
>with an edgy murderhobo living inside a babbymon
Why "Gammamon" personality exists in the first place? Gulus claims that this is his original body, but how he managed to un-digivolve and develop toddler slip-personality?
The Red Ranger (and sometimes the Blue) is all that matters. Every time someone tries to pretend lesser trash matters it leads to lazy asspulls like Tamers MarineAngemon or the hilarious trainwreck that is Savers Duftmon
No matter how much fags like you try to say it, being memorable garbage is not better than being mediocre and forgettable
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>kamen trash after Zi-O

Fixed that for you and even then im being generous because it has that Masahiro DICK. I could say Build and I still wouldnt be wrong. The world building and writing has really dipped and it feels no different than average episode to episode Sentai slop like Kyuranger and Kiramager. Theres no more great villains,cool rivalries and hype fights.

01 was trash, blud.
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We need a Bonzi Buddy Digimon.
>01 was trash
yes? never said otherwise , 01 is the one that killed my love for the series
Job arc happened and it never recover
You're the one who's willingly defending a show you hate just because you want to "own the haters". Why don't you fucking let it go
>Nobody in this fucking general likes Frontier.
I watched it, I don't remember it being particularly bad or anything. It's basically the same as Pokémon RéBURST manga.
You're putting words in my mouth dude. I'm telling you to stop shitting yourself every time sometimes talks about a show that's probably older than you
Memorable trash fires generate fanart/actual discourse. Mediocrity vanishes into the aether.
How can Frontier be red wank if said red ranger loses half the fights he gets into. It's not even good red wank.
Blue has never fucking mattered. He only exists to sometimes act as the cool edgy rival, but most of the time he's just a random slot filler who never does anything to contribute to the plot. The only ones who matter are Red and Sixth
Because Red gets all the power ups despite being borderline Fairimon/1999 Lilymon levels of pathetic or something. Them's the breaks when Frontier tries to portray losing more than Ash Ketchum as tension
Even before 01 started Rider's trash fire era, you still get shit like Hibiki, Ghost and Wizard that only ironic manchildren actually enjoy. The show has strayed so far from its dark horror roots and is now a vehicle to sell toys that scream catchphrases for hours on end
we don't need to be reminded because nothing ever fucking comes out.
>It's basically the same as (the most hated part of the Pokemon franchise that everyone memoryholed)
Not the defense you think it is
By this point Sentai/Kamen rider discussion should be a straight up autoban. This nigga is looping so hard he can't even keep the focus on Digimon and is just rambling about other shit
but the xros manga was good though?
>the most hated
In your head, maybe. Most fans don't even know that it exists.
Its a fluke no one remembers (like Savers) and it has a very slow start
I thought you were saying that after 01 show the series went to shit. Well then carry on For me it wasnt the job arc it was the robo waifu solving pretty much every issue and Aruto himself was a cringe,not interesting at all MC
Shitting on Frontier and how it ruined everyone's perception on the Digimon brand is a necessity. We should always remind Bandai of their massive fuck up that killed their cash cow
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>Bonzi Buddy Digimon
already exists, and it's cuter to boot
Except you aren't reminding Bandai. You're reminder a thread of people who have already discussed this a million times already. Please just shut up already about Frontier.
Good to know we're both in agreement that Frontier is a shit season. Now can you please tell the rest of the boot lickers in this general to stop trying to defend it?
>You do not like thing because I said so!
>It's a necessity because I said so!
Wanna apply as a creative lead to Disney or something?
please stop talking like a zoomer. the ebonics shit is so grating.
I thought it was some veiled discussion about some digimon characters (calling some digimon guy Red, other Blue, etc)? Is it a literal offtopic shit? Just report and hide
Toei destroying the Kamen Rider franchise is exactly the same as Bandai destroying the Digimon franchise. They're both greedy and incompetent companies that would rather kill a good product because they think they can squeeze out a few extra dollars
Frontier is a decent season, and I am tired of being silenced by some skinny brazilians for my superior beliefs.
>massive fuck up that killed their cash cow
Bandai itself?
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Frontier is the greatest season of Digimon purely for how it mindbreaks everyone here
>please stop talking the way I don't like, while I continue with my inane ramblings like always
I'm about to unleash the full zoomer lexikon. Fr fr
I'm neutral. Adventure (1999) and Tamers are definitely better, but it's still worth watching.
How exactly is it a decent session? The characters are cookie cutter bland rejects, the designs don't fit into the Digimon aesthetic, the lore is nonsensical, the plot is literal garbage, the fights are forgettable, and even the music is a downgrade. Nothing about it is actually decent
by that retard logic then Colon is the most perfect season of digimon retard
Yes. That's not exactly big news to anyone here
Is Appmon better?
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Its the second best season for the mindbreak. Its not number one because its Adventure related nonsense
other than the music? not really shit is so bad Frontiers is lucky appmon exist
Nah back then after a bad series you got something good in KR. After Hibiki there was Kabuto. Wizard was followed by Gaim and Ghost was followed eith Ex Aid. Now its just SHIT after SHIT and its ridiculous. After the embarassment that was 01 there came Sword that put everyone to sleep and after Sword theres Revice then Geats and now Gotchard. Nobody thinks they are any good. Theyre just raw toy pushers.
Sure, let's switch topics about how X-Evolution is a shit movie, or how Savers is a pathetic and forgettable attempt at a shounen reboot of the franchise, or how Xros Wars is a bloated mess that tossed out all the established lore out the window, or how Tri is fanfic tier hot garbage, or how Appmon is fujo pandering kiddy nonsense, or how Kizuna and Beginning are written by people who hate the show they're writing a sequel to, or how Colon is full of murderhobos, or how Ghost Game is a fetish show that fucked up its plot. So many wonderful parts of the franchise worth talking about!
Appmon is worse. But that's mostly the Yo-kai Watch trend chasing
>Hibiki, Ghost and Wizard
I know about Ghost Game, never heard about "Hibiki" and "Wizard". Is it manga or audioplay or something?
X-Evolution, Savers, and Ghost Game are good, you phillistine
>Is the show made for actual toddlers full of fart jokes and faggots better?
You'll have to find someone who actually cares about Appmon first. Most people don't even consider it as a real Digimon season
>characters are cookie cutter bland rejects,
Characters were kinda meh, on that I actually agree, but had nice points like Takuya's real world stint, the twins and so on.
>the designs don't fit into the Digimon aesthetic, the lore is nonsensical, the plot is literal garbage, the fights are forgettable, and even the music is a downgrade
Those on the other hand are straight up fucking lies. Beast warrior designs alone were pretty baller, the lore actually had some nice world building,plot is the usual good vs evil seen in the other anime before it, so not even sure what the fuck you are talking about here, and the music was nice. Last Element was kino. Toei are just fucking shitheads that never release the full OST, so the second disc is pretty much lost media
>Ghost Game
is definitely good, but the second half of the last episode is downright absurdist comedy.
Dude, this nigger hates the franchise, hates this thread and hates normal discussion. I think that's been made pretty clear over the years
>Dated CGI movie with a needlessly annoying to follow plot
> mediocre shonen who's only merit outside the MC is jungle boy Tomoki
Ugly 3D shit that nobody watched. Only exists so Omega fags have a black edgy rival to use
Shounen garbage that thinks punching Digimon makes it a more mature show
>Ghost Game
An episodic show so boring hardcore fans dropped it after 10 episodes
I liked Hibiki.
>hardcore fans
*filthy casual fans
Hardcore fans would eat literal acid poison, just to critique it afterwards.
>An episodic show so boring hardcore fans dropped it after 10 episodes
>Gulus was trending
hmmm really makes one think....
>with a needlessly annoying to follow plot
Are you retarded?
>Yggie sends RKs out to kill Xiggers
>Xiggers defend themselves
>Dukemon thinks maybe killing Xiggers is wrong
>Omega kills him and he's reincarnated with Xigger juice, becoming one himself
>convinces Omega to not kill Xiggers
>Omega thinks yeah that's probably a good idea
>helps Alphamon kill Dexmon
>Omega becomes a Xigger somewhere in the process or maybe afterwards
>Only exists so Omega fags have a black edgy rival to use
Zwart did not appear in that film
>Takuya's real world stint
An inferior remake of Taichi's real world stint
>The twins
Flip telenovela tier melodrama and yaoi incest bait
>Beast warrior designs
Overly mechanical derivative garbage
World building that keeps getting ignored like the whole racism shit
Literally the most hated part of the series with how it turned into the Takuya and Kouhai jobbing season halfway through
Nothing in the show actually stuck in the fandom consciousness. People would always bring up Brave Heart or One Vision as superior songs before anyone even remembers The Last Element exists
>Second disc is pretty much lost media
Why should Bandai sell something that they know is gonna sell like shit?
Dukemon* convinces
Omega* helps
stupid autocorrect

Posted from my i-pod
Ghost Game is the show that actually gave weight to digimon deaths. Not only to "us" side, but to all digimon. All other shows were in full-on war mode, so all deaths inflicted by MCs were either just numbers or something to "get over with" quickly.
Sure. whatever helps you sleep at night
no objections here
people say
>hur dur savers was generic shonen!!
yes and? they did a decent job with what they had
better than colon, xros , tri and appmon fuck frontier too
GG did a lot of things right and the best episodes are all up there with the best of the franchise. If it was slightly less episodic, at least on the same level as Appmon, people would unironically regard it as a top 3 Digimon show, only behind Adventure and Tamers.
>An inferior remake of Taichi's real world stint
Taichi didn't get turned into a furry, nor did he get thrown into the past agonizing over whether or not he should stop himself. His only conflict was home being comfy and Hikari not wanting to let him go. Beyond that he had no internal drama.
>Overly mechanical derivative garbage
Wow, damn look at Petaldramon. He sure is mechanical. And my favourite robot Blizzarmon. Look at all the gears and mechanical joints he has
Appmon had a good final arc and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. The sense of despair when Deusmon debuts, the literal human shredder turning people into data, the kami Appmon debut, the final fight, Leviathan's last gambit, UG's sacrifice, it was all pretty good. I can understand disliking the rest of Appmon because it was too Yokai Watch, but the only reason I can think for to dislike the final arc is that it was too gay.
Yeah, I heard that from other sources, too. After Savers, I'm going to watch Appmon.
>Adventure 1999
Final stretch is meh, final boss is so awful that the only thing it has going for it is hilariously bad 90s localization.
>Adventure 02
Completely goes off the rails past the Kaiser and makes shit up as it goes along, complete with a worse final boss than the emo bitch only remembered through Saban fuckery.
Worst Digital World in Digimon history, and early Takato's bitch made nature is a filter to some people. Tamers Drama CD 2021 and Runaway Locomon attract levels of mental illness never thought possible.
Dumb gimmick and worst final stretch to ever exist. MC/Rival wank from the show is still worse than trash that came out later.
Too basic to live; the beginning is boring outside lolcalization shenanigans with BomberNanimon, and the final stretch is also kinda boring too
>Xros Wars
Too lawless for its own good; gimmick is debatably dumber than Frontier, MC wank is hyper cancerous, boring MotW show that is all 3 parters devolves into a bad version of early 02 that has a worse version of the angst of late 02.
Slot filler MotW show with very painful episodes
One of the worst starts to a Digimon show ever. Later devolves into yaoi melodrama. Opposite extreme of how Frontier handles its villains.
Opposite extreme of the Adventure melodrama movies. Braindead and full of really dumb MC wank. Closest to coherent writing are the comic relief (Mimi and Joe, the latter might end up a bit too fucking weird for most)
>Ghost Game
Less plot than Colon; stops being scary (outside oddities) and more fetishy after the 3rd Gulus drive-by.

I got bored
>only behind Adventure and Tamers.
that's where it already sits, lol
I dislike the final arc because it shows that Haru is a faggot, in the non-homosexual sense as well
>entire world is ending
>Mom literally turned into data mincemeat
All his friends are fighting for their lives
Gatchmon risks live and limb keeping him safe from said Yujin, while he cries
All of that after he was warned that there was a good chance of something like that happening.
Then he has a fullblown hallucination, and suddenly turns into a gigachad because he gaslit himself into thinking the homobot broke free to tell him to keep going.
>worst final stretch to ever exist
RK were ass, but Lucemon was one of the best final bosses in the franchise
Savers is a nothing burger no one remembers because its outclassed shonen. The token girl is more boring than Sora outside modern Adventure trainwrecks, and the rival is a doormat outside the 300 IQ plan that only existed to pad out Kurata's defeat.
GG still has spooky episodes later on like the Zeed growing from a literal human corpse (and them needing to blow up the corpse to stop it) episode, or the Cthulhu episode.
>Beyond that he had no internal drama
"Do I do what's easy, or do I do what's right?"
They both focus around that general question, Taichi's decision being just about exactly that while Takuya's was a bit more nebulous.
We dont know who's writing Gavv.
still better than the things i listed
a 5 is better than a 4 3 and so on.
Taichi went back after taking out a major threat, and he thought shit was mostly over. The second he got Koushiros message and noticed shit going down, he tried to back to the DW only stopping for a second during the Hikari part.
Takuya went back after getting destroyed by Duskmon and watching everyone get murdered. He even left the DW on his own, while Taichi was just thrown out. His whole issie was that his confidence was in shambles and he legitimately needed to realize that his journey was not a mistake while also facing his fears.
no it's not. afaik half the movie got cut, which is how you get shit like RKs (re)appearing out of nowhere.
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I don't like those digimon designs. Too angular and robot-like.
they ain't digimon they're appmon
>All other shows were in full-on war mode, so all deaths inflicted by MCs were either just numbers or something to "get over with" quickly.
Juri clearly didn't "get over with quickly"
Oh, Bandai confirms Ghost Game is a flop but its cocksuckers will still defend it because that's their whole personality now? No surprise there. Great Mission S3 btw.
I didn't know I wasn't allowed to like stuff without Toei's explicit permission
>you NEED to hate Ghost Game
no i don't think i will
>but you do this to Frontier!!
Yes and?
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Best girls
mervamon my beautiful wife
I like GG and Frontier. have fun.
>what if beelzebumon but titis LMAO
this franchise is a joke
beelzebumon absorbed TITS data, duh
The only time Alphamon appears is when he's used as a rival to Omegamon. That's the only reason people care about him. Zwart is an edge lord so bad nobody can take him seriously
Adventure had a scene of Mimi making graves for all the dead Digimon and Takeru crying about Patamon's death, 02 had BlackWarGreymon pondering his own existence, and Tamers had the whole Leomon death. Ghost Game isn't the only season that takes death seriously, but the shittiness of every season starting from Frontier must've made you forget that
Ghost Game IS regarded as a top 3 Digimon show, if only by prices of elimination. What else are you going to put there? Fucking 02? Savers? Appmon?
Taichi's whole drama revolved around giving up the fight to go back to his comfy home life, and he decided to willingly go back into the fray once he realises he couldn't just sit back and watch. He was given an out and made the conscious choice to keep fighting. It's way better than Takuya being a crybaby shitting his pants because he lost a fight
What the fuck do you think Outside Oddities means? A couple good episodes doesn't justify all the repetitive slog that only exists to fill out a fetish checkbox like the AncientSphinxmon, Baalmon, and Cthyllamon episodes
Way to completely miss my point. GG have Bokomon death, which is a classic digimon death done before. I'm NOT talking about that. Re-read my post, I'm talking about giving weight to death of enemy and one-off digimon. Digimon who were killed by MCs, and antagonist digimon who killed themselves.
It was basically confirmed that it's the Kingohger guy writing Gavv, because all the Reiwa Rider writers are all back frauds who can't write for shit and the Heisei writers don't want to come back to a franchise that's become so toyetic. That's why Inoue decided to come back to Sentai but refuses to return to Rider
The Ghost Game cast have the whole "No Kill" rule and the show goes out of its way to introduce random Deus ex machina to make sure the kids never have to actually kill anyone
I like your riffing on expanding DW2. Its not a perfect game but i like that the digibeetle is a good game mechanic for stapling a whole party together and making them move at once in a TTRPG. It makes sense that humans would need a tank in a kaiju battle. Also the game has Gaiamon ( of dw3) which people think was never depicted
v-tamer, dw1 and pendulum manuals are peak lore.
Early season 3 is the best fights. Data harvesting, loading enough chips to digivolve, building an attack stack. Plugins and borrowing from other monsters is the missing universal gimmic. The kaiju is the fighter and the tamer is the wizard. Free my nigga digivice
>fetish checkbox
Which fetish exactly? Do you also think that "The Metamorphosis" and "The Fly" only exists to fill out a fetish checkbox?
It's not even a comparable situation. Taichi's choice was staying at home because nothing else is left to do. Once he realized that the threat was far from over he immediately tried to go back. There was barely a choice. And again, he just WON against the villain, so it's a whole different thing compared to Takuya. Nor did he go back in time. To aay that they have the same situation is shallow as fuck, since there were a lot of other factors going on in both scenarios, but I guess it's easier for (You) to just go "Frontier bad" instead of discussing shit.
Boy, I sure cried when Oboromon got Gulus'd
>Also the game has Gaiamon ( of dw3) which people think was never depicted
Overlord GAIA is not Gaiamon, anon.
Geats was fun. They didnt execute the premise perfectly but it was a good ride along the way. Good for a weekly show, bad for a marathon. I am sorry if the show being rewritten specifically to effect my schizophrenia reduced your enjoyment

digimon started as a virtual pet, which is a roleplay toy. It does not matter if things are good or shit, the core idea is good so the product continues to work as a roleplay toy. Arguably the product being bad makes it easier for your headcanon to be cool which improves the quality of the (toy) roleplay. ( I would prefer more good products). I'm happy the vital braclet gave us some good pendulum esq evo-lines. China making wacky hybrid megas of old digimon is very based too. This is a good era for digimon.
We need more of a combat identity/gimmick to make a better game.

X-evolution is cool as fuck. Ugly, Liminal, depicts a world without humans which is often discussed in the franchise. The soundtrack is killer, one of the best in the franchise. The one thing I would change would be more personification in the digital world.

I don't think trying to make digimon media good is the right way to go about it. digimon is like capeshit or tokushit, your job is to crank it, keep cranking it, just fucking goon out the content stream, and then some of it will hit and some will miss. Don't try too hard, just keep cranking.
>This is a good era for digimon.
not even the doomfag, but that sounds like titanic cope. we rarely get new v-pets, the TCG seems to slowly get snuffed out due to Bamco pimping it to other franchises, anime is dead/endless adventure, games are dead and the webtoon is slowish. We definetly did better.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgM8onV6eWg now this is that good shit
Ghost Game would sell gangbusters on adult swim out of pure nostalgia. Give it a high quality dub. It would make palworld money. Then again, this franchise is canceled in the west for the same reason the warcraft movie is, and its not about success or profit.
I disagree. They look related enough, doing the traditional kaiju>gridman transition when they hit mega.
That's just straight up headcanon
for a lot of people the furry pandering actively counteracts the nostalgia factor
you're there for the cool monsters and the fights
and then the jellyfish toddler starts having sexual tension with a little boy
Angewomon was a whole ass woman and even that felt weird back then because she evolves from a cat
Even if you don't take Gulus into account they actually killed some digimon like Digitamamon or Rareraremon.
Jellymon is a complete joke compared to the Meicrackmon episode.Though I feel lile people would be freaking out even harder over the shroom dungeon.
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This is an Era for Digimon
they made me drop Digimon as a kid
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Who is they? You mean... T H E M ?
Geats was the very definition of style over substance. The Reiwa Wizard, but even worse because whatever substance it tried to have is completely lost among the 50 rewrites the show had. Nothing the show introduced is properly elaborated on. The evolved Jamato with their own buckles? Punkjack's return? Keiwa's heel turn after he finally wished for his perfect world? All of them are nothing more but shock value to get people to watch the next episode. The worst of it all has to be Neon's whole family drama. She could easily be written out of the show after the first arc because she brings fucking nothing to the main story when there's 4 better plotlines people are more invested in
>This is a good era for digimon
My guy, what the fuck are you talking about? What is coming out right now that Digimon fans can actually sink their teeth into? Ghost Game ended last year. The game is still in development hell. Seekers came and went with a whimper. Liberator is STILL in the prologue 3 months in. We're right back to being dead like in 2012
>Ghost game writer was litteraly dying
Oh yeah, and Bandai is doing SUCH a good job at cranking out new media. Look at all the things they've released like... Liberator. And... another card game booster pack. And... a PV celebrating Adventure again. Wow. So much media
Digimon has no nostalgia. When the fuck are you going to get it drilled into your tiny head? Why else do you think Bandai only releases Adventure shit? Because nobody gives a fuck about "Gen 1". They don't care about Seadramon or Monzaemon or Monochromon. They only care about the major Adventure characters because that's the only thing they can barely remember from their childhoods.
The only Digimon they outright kill are remorseless monsters who have already murdered humans. There's no going back for them after that
>Colon writer was also supposed to write Ghost Game but was literally dying by the end
I fucking told you Digimon is a cursed franchise. The universe wants it to die so it keeps attacking the people writing it
the only time I've seen digibeetles mentioned in years was one of the digimon cons, I think in 2022, when a Chinese fan asked Habu if the DB would ever be back. he answered that it was possible and that was it.
>combat identity/gimmick
there are too many to tap into actually
>switching between evos in battle and tech loading from other evos (see DW3). basically persona switching with a twist
>blast evo (getting your ass kicked? keep healing and the game will throw you a bone when the gauge fills)
>evolution points as a resource to manage so you don't just spam your strongest form, i.e. how Survive was originally supposed to work. see Saiyuki Journey West for something similar with its wereforms (though you can't replenish those in battle, and Digimon insists on making lower forms useless), and Breath of Fire's dragon/accession system
>DS Story RPGs' lanes and positioning mechanic, which was severely underutilized
>kaado surasshu, i.e. draw (heh) inspiration from the battle system of those old card-based SNES DBZ RPGs
>digifarm from the DS RPGs. scan them, materialize them, train their stats every day
I like tod dream of a world on which the doomnigger is publicly hanged and quartered and his corpse is displayed in the central plaza of his Favela for all of his fellow monkeys to point and laugh at.
>evo switching
im a huge armor fag so I love this mechanic. My best friend is a betamon enjoy who dual mains the tyrannomon and seadramon lines so I double down here. Lets expand this. tech loading does not have to be within your evo tree. Tech loading can be done from any digimons data
>missing powering physical aspects from other digimon like digimodify/digixross
the best gimmick we never get
>blast evo
come back mechanics are kind of mid and I feel like this only works in a mega metagame. Not that important as a main thing, maybe okay as a side thing. Hard to work in 1v1 tamer fighters compared to pve or 3v3.
>evolution points as a resource
Why use evolution when you can just use raw data.
>lanes and positioning
this is a good mechanic, i like how the LoL rpg did this, that being said its more of a meta mechanic than a core mechanic. Worth exploring in some xross moba or something. Not core. I think.
>kaado surasshu
could use some elaboration.
scan to raise random stuff is kind of mid, and works better for other franchises. Digimon is about monogamy. V-pet scaffolding works best here imo.
liked 02 as a whole, but it was definitely low budget and I also would've been far happier without the yaoibaiting
How bout you write a season?
Man, around the first half of Ghost Game it really felt like we were being spoiled and in the start of a new golden era. We had the VBs that were doing great, an interesting and fresh anime with lots of potential, Digimon Colours and pre-oversaturation ver.20ths, great model kits, a thriving card game, Survive actually fucking released... And not even two years later we're now going through one of the worst years for content, the life has been strangled out of everything that had even a hint of success, every event is a fucking nothing burger, the only game content is chink garbage with lame bootleg knights getting canonised, and Bandai is quintupling down on their Adventure oversaturation as if they haven't learned a fucking thing from Colon or Tri.
Looks like it's time to pack up and find a cooler popular series to fawn over....
I heard Palworld's still sorta relevant...
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No. I will hurt myself by still holding hope for the new story game. I'll even try to justify its delay by telling myself they're waiting for the Nintendo Switch's successor to release, since the game will be so jam-packed with content and interesting mechanics that it would genuinely benefit from the improved hardware. Two more years, bros. Trust the program.
actually a good idea. It's win/win
>A miracle happens and he writes something decent
>He croaks due to his own "curse"
and either way he would be too busy to shitpost here
Kinda tired of digimon to be honest.
Dead period + shitty fanbase consist of fujoshits, LGBTranny and circlejerking spics.
No I am not shitposter. I am tired of that fag too.
*Violet was the only good thing coming out recently btw. Should have been main girl.
I feel like there is a very easy solution you're not seeing...But keep bitching about it on this zombie board.
Most normal people have given up on Digimon a long time ago
Yeah I am busy playing SOET.
The new Story game is just going to be a mediocre JRPG that's basically Cyber Sleuth with a shiny new coat of paint. Please don't do this to yourself
But anon, there's so many unique monster fightan games you could be trying...
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>Be me
>Enjoy Digimon
>Play Digimon game
>Rewatch the animes
>Be happy
I'm practically a God amongst men in here.
this isn't supposed to be like worlo where you are trapped in the content release panopticon for the rest of your life. Digimon is like a big studio album release from some band. Comes and goes in waves.
>uh no akshully i am not a doomnigger
>however, fuck this ded franchise go play palworld or pokemon lol.
And despite that you fuckers still crawl here instead of just leaving. Sad
>>Be me
Who else would you be, retard? For that matter who are you quoting?
Clearly you are lying, since every last person on the planet hates Digimon and only likes it ironically
>Be you
>Gay retarded bitch making gay retarded bitch posts
>Thinkin of Anon's cock everyday like the gay sissy slut I am
God why am I(you) such a cuck sucking FAGGOT!?
I think digimon are NEAT
>Who else would you be, retard?
He could be any one of us! It could be (You). It could be me! It could even be-
>look guys! i might post the same shit as the doomnigger, using the same language as the doomnigger, and the doomnigger might have been proven to be a massive samefagging retard already, but i'm not the doomnigger! i swear!
Professor Kurata has placed an order for your assassination
Forgot your wojak and/or gay DBZ porn crop.
Bandai Namco asks (you) directly about what you wish for in the next DIgimon game. What do you tell them?
I want human drama. Just give me human characters crying for 15 hours straight. An Agumon can be briefly seen in the background on the seventh hour.
memes aside, bring back the Digital world and make it look interesting. CS blue corridors were boring.
To release
Make it a dungeon crawler with encounters being avoidable roaming enemies, bring back the digibeetle, don't add any appmon or chinkmon, set it in the digital world, TCG minigame with collectable cards like .hack, sex with MarinAngemon (after marriage).
To increase the budget for projects from ¥100 to something actually useable and to not rush them for quick and easy profits
>to not rush them for quick and easy profits
Well, do I have the news for you!
A release date
>a virtual pet
A perfect target for AI tech.
twewy but digimon
"Live action" digimon movie, like Detective Pikachu. Made by USA (with supervision). Yay or neigh?
Lemme do my best horse impression: N-NEIGH!
>this only works in a mega metagame.
it's more or less like limit breaks or trance in final fantasy games, or pep in dragon quest. fairly standard mechanic to help the player out when he's outgunned, especially in a 1v1 game like DW3. depending on the implementation it can provide a bit of a boost or break the game (think omnislash)
>Why use evolution when you can just use raw data.
you mean as in an alternate currency you'd spend to evolve? or like in Rumble Arena 2? it's pretty much the same.
>more of a meta mechanic than a core mechanic
could be used to limit range so you can avoid attacks, mitigate damage, alter turn order, boost them, add field hazards etc. think of MMBN, where the sky is the limit
>could use some elaboration.
just temporary boosts, like in Tamers (e.g. jumping power, temporary flight, iron glove attachment)? kind of MMBN-esque
alternatively, something similar to the SNES DBZ card RPGs
>you have a hand of 5 cards that's replenished every turn. each card has an attack value (1-8), a defense value(1-8), and a symbol (8 in all, 1 is for super attacks, 1 is a wildcard generated by a consumable). each unit that acts uses 1 card
>attack values increase inflicted damage and decide turn order (in case of a draw, it's based on defense, then speed, then it's random)
>defense values mitigate received damage (to give you a reason to hold back from using your strongest cards every time)
>if symbol matches your character's (wildcard matches anyone) it triggers additional effects (e.g. attacks multiple enemies instead of one, strengthens attack)
I'm not saying that they should lift it wholesale, but it's got potential
genuinely just let china make it and let it be a buddy cop movie
question is too broad.
just adding a digimon character the player takes care of. like agumon and gabumon were to nokia in CS.
Like Pokémon-Amie?
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Are there any other games where you have a story-bound partner other than Survive and Appmon?
>Ghost Game is the first digimon anime ever that doesn't have a "surprise" additional ranger at around 3/4 of the plot
>Even Survive had one
If you think about it, Digimon is an inverse of Magical Girl genre.
Mascot critter comes from the other world and gives magical girl ability to transform and then she fights for the critter's cause
Mascot critter = DigiDestined, Magical Girl = Digimon, Transformation trinket = Digivice, Henshin=Digivolution.
Story DS had that rowdy pagumon that's assigned to you. you get 100% scan data for antylamon after its arc runs its course, symbolizing that it's joined you for good.
the closest pokemon equivalent would be a PMD partner
that's way closer to nintendogs
Anon, your Espimon?
Technically your starter in CS/HM
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there are huge differences though
>magical girl show villains are always after critters and transformation trinkets, humans in digimon are outright ignored or cower behind taximons at best
>critters fuse with magical girls, digimon usually remain separate from their humans (excepting tamers' matrix evo and frontier)
>humans and digimon can succumb to mental breakdowns. in magical girl franchises it's more frequently taint/corruption or brainwashing
>magical girl critters don't really have lives of their own as they always stick close to their human. humans in digimon do, while the partner digimon seemingly don't
I don't mean Digimon that are given to you during story events but then are functionally identical to any other Digimon, like the World 2 starters for example. I mean something more than just that.
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You start with your clam, move on to frog, then squid and finish with the best caught wild salmon.
>I mean something more than just that.
the pagumon is just that. clavis angemon assigns it to you and it appears for some cutscenes. then it disappears forever after it evolves to antylamon and you defeat a boss, and the game gives you 100% scan data for antylamon as a reward
>then it disappears forever after it evolves to antylamon and you defeat a boss, and the game gives you 100% scan data for antylamon as a reward
this is what I am talking about
that Antylamon you get to use is not only not the same story-related one, but it no longer holds any special characteristics that separate it from any other Digimon you have.
Just like you can talk to the World 2 starters and they have portraits and everything, but the second they join you they're just another unit that is indistinguishable from the rest.
Basically, if you can lose track of what Digimon it was, or worse, jogress it and lose it, then it's not what I'm looking for.
>Movie nobody watched
>Totally spies Digimon edition
Fuck off
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my point is the pagumon acts as a partner for the entirety of its story arc. how autistic are you that you? it's not like you specified "for the entirety of the game"
I want a tower defense game
Because I think it would be funny
I kinda struggle to understand how something like that could be implemented in a gameplay term. If it's a Digimon that you simply can't use, then it either has to be some ultra special snowflake that compensates by being too OP to ignore, since you can't evolve it into a common mon, or it would be so weak that you'd bench it immediatly. Only thing that comes to mind are Chronomon and Calumon in World DS, since you can't fuse them away or evolve, no matter what
I liked Detective Pikachu but I want a proper Digimon movie, with tamers fighting bad Digimon. Maybe a three movie trilogy that starts with Analogman as the antagonist and ends with Lucemon.
>*can't use for jogress or common evos
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Taichi's confidence wasn't shaken at all so he made his choice quickly and definitively.
>I will leave behind my home, my family, and my world that I've been so desperately trying to return to so that I can help my friends.
While Takuya had to decide if he would prevent all of the suffering he'd gone through at the expense of all the good he and his friends - who wouldn't have even become his friends had he not gone to the digital world - did. Presumably, his friends would still have gone to the digital world and suffered without him to protect them in the first train station because he isn't there to find his spirit and beat Cerberumon.
>Do I save myself from suffering and forsake everything I've worked so hard for or stand up and try again regardless of my own pain?

I see what you're saying now, though. I agree, I think Takuya's return was a more effective reiteration of Taichi's return.
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Can Digimon get fat?
>overfeeding your angewomon until she's max weight and turns into Burpmon
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I had even heavier ones
Espimon kinda exists, but he's a utility meme who may have come a bit late
Totally Spies Digimon Edition is superior to bland shonen weighed down by Sora MK-II and better Colon Yamato
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>Great Mission gets to be in family anime collabs well after a year while Ghost Game just died
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And Great Mission got a Blu-ray release.
Who the FUCK is watching this?????????
Blame Digimon for having the wrong fans; its why BDs for something no one cares about is superior to BDs that'll only be bought by autistic latinxs, Yurops, and Amerisharts.
>autistic latinxs, Yurops, and Amerisharts.
that's like half the global population
who does that even leave
I am
And is it good?
The Japanese. No point in making a franchise if the only Japanese people who care about Digimon are fujos and 2.5 mildly horny shitposters
Yes, John Great Mission is the best character in all of fiction
I do not actually watch Great Mission.I just lie on the internet.
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This character exists to piss off Fugos.
I want to fuck him so hard that he won't be able to walk for days and shit cum for at least two month, no homo
Ok, Matadormon
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>it doesn't evolve to normal Meicrackmon
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The intermediary form between Zundamon (sprite) and Zundamon (humanoid)...
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Survive literally already did it
World 3 also did it although they still suck because they have no personality. Worst of both worlds, no collection autism and no party banter.
Savaiv just has those mons dedicated to a character, but the mons themselves are technically not that special, since you can recruit wild Wargreymon for example. The special thing is the talk command and that's more on the human if you want to get technical. I guess the "better" fit would be the Adventure PSP game for obvious reason, but that is probably not what you meant. DW3 doesn't really fit either since they aren't story tied (you can straight up ignore all the researchers), and they aren't really unique. Pretty sure you can get almost every evo with any mon if you grind enough.
They participate in the story and talk, they also evolve anime-style instead of permanently like the wild ones. You can't lose track of them or get rid of them.
>or get rid of them.
Oh, I think you can...
Last time I checked you can't make Minoru a raging schizophrenic
Technically you can have Tacoomer stay at home in chapter 8, thus having everyone including Minoru get merced by the Master
That's not REALLY much of an ending though, no real final boss or anything.
Well, you do beat up the clown beforehand
We're supposed to get potential Digimon game news this week right?
Yes the new Story game is going to be reworked into a One Piece RPG
Lol, lmao
Actually it's Sparking Zero reworked into Digimon, and half of the Roster is Omegamon.
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Would this make Gatomon a.....you know.....
I have a Lilithmon she raids my fridge and sleep on my couch like a freeloader.
I thought having a Digimon partner was supposed to be cool!
She hogs the TV, she plays all my games and spoils them!!
You missed it.
this is what you get when you raise a virus type instead of a cute and based vaccine type (or at least a data type)
just spank her to keep in check. this is your house
>Anon tries to take control only for Lilithmon to flash the deed to your house
she'll behave if anon flashes his dick.
anon, flash your dick.
Are you sure it's your partner and not just a random digimon that just do that for shit and giggle
Are you sure it's a digimon and not just a random cosplaying human that just do that for shit and giggle
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>man digimon are so cool i wonder how is to live with them
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Guys, we are being rip off, we're still relevent
>stealing MH names
for what purpose
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Probably great during the winter, Even more so if you have the even fluffier version.
Meicrackmon >>>> Meicrackmon(Virus)
>Pokemon rip off
>Digimon rip off
>Monster Hunter rip off
Jesus what else are they stealing from!?
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Both are good, it really just depends on how assertive and feral you want your catfu
I don't like the boobs feels like coomer bait.
She canonically has nice fuckin tiddy thougbeit
I liked the digital fields in Ghost Game, but they would be pretty OP in the other series (minus Frontier and XW since they take place mostly on the digital world)
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I love Evil Kaiju Friends...
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Evil digimon are friends?
>how something like that could be implemented in gameplay terms
-DQMJ did it with the incarnus. you're free to box it if you want
-PMD literally gives you your own partner, which has to come for all missions (only story missions in later games), and the game is designed to be beatable without evolving
as for how to make them stand out, you can give it a supporter slot for special actions or a unique skill like evolving in battles or something.
>it either has to be some ultra special snowflake that compensates by being too OP to ignore
not really? RPGs are made so that even mediocre units can steamroll through the game. see sweeping with overleveled starters in any Pokemon game
>the mons themselves are technically not that special
they have higher stats, especially a metric fuckton of SP, and they can evolve to different forms, which can grant various advantages (attribute and element change and/or higher move distance on a different or lower form, busted passives like yatagaramon's that let you move everywhere, etc.)
If you feed them enough and tell'em bed time stories.
>>critters fuse with magical girls
>>humans and digimon can succumb to mental breakdowns. in magical girl franchises it's more frequently taint/corruption or brainwashing
You haven't watched enough magical girl shows. They clearly have own mental breakdowns. (Yes, I'm talking about Shoujo shows like Precure and others)
In this would, it's eat or be eaten!
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I thought it was a elderly bearded wizard-looking man in a navy blue robe wearing an orange decorative cap sitting on a giant snake's head
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Blastmon is fren
Whats the next season going to be?
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Nothing but bugs.
>next season
We survived xros wars, we're definetly gonna have more stuff
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Sounds pretty kewl
local argie retard rigs another poll
what the fuck is his problem? no one likes hunters.
at least xv isn't far behind.
can't understand how vritramon got 3rd though.
4th. my brain assumed xrosshit wasn't there.
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1st place is obviously disqualified so just shift everyone up one spot
this only shows that no ones gives a single shit about digimon other than memes
> what the fuck is his problem? no one likes hunters.
That’s the point. Flexing his influence by making it obvious he rigged the poll.
And all the artists that orbit him made me sick.
>e-celeb drama
no one cares
Hey, I just finished Survive and went Harmony route at the end. Should I restart the game each route or just jump to where I saved before big choice?
do the normal endings first then the obligatory NG+ for the true ending
Restart the game since it mark your game as NG+ and unlock 4th route. Also mons, level and evo carry on the NG+.
You can still do moral and wrathful but you need to let Ryo die by avoid raising his affinity at all cost
No, he actually just wants to know more about arresterdramon's lore, as there are some bagramon connections
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The visual results.
Nice also
>the absolute state of Garchamon
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the beast spirits as the champion/adult level is fucking retarded because they fill the exact same niche as the ultimate/perfect does in other shows.
Shame they never disclose the actual voting numbers, only the percentage.
Child Agnimon
Adult Vritramon
Perfect Aldamon
Ultimate KaiserGreymon
Super Ultimate Susanoomon
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2bh Vitramon looks like a Perfect level Digimon also this >>484465368
It's not really about appearance, though that is a factor, but about how they perform in the show. The Human Spirit is the one they transform into to fight their battles early in the show, in the same way that other shows will use the Adult form to fight off early foes, and then receive a plot based upgrade later for the Perfect. But yes it's also extremely retarded power scale wise to have a Digimon that goes toe to toe with high level foes be classified as a Child.

Also there are several cases of Digimon using fusion powerups that would technically take them past the standard evolution limit so I don't buy using that as the sole factor.
Nobody gives a fuck about Flamon. He's a loser who only appears in one episode.
not an argument
Actually I'm always ready to shit on Frontier for its flaws, but I liked the Royal Knights arc. Felt like a proper shonen with battles that aren't just a one shot, and enemies that last multiple eps. That's refreshing for Digimon.
And Lucemon is the coolest villain.
Frontier was a mistake
The kids should have been turned into child level Digimons (or just give them Digimon partners) since the beginning
yes but the point is that functionally the kids themselves filled the role the child level Digimon would normally fill
Human children are literally weaker than Baby I and II levels, unless they have weapons, armor, vehicles, mecha or something.
>I can make Digimon what-if scenarios
I'd kill for that to happen
ok? that doesn't change the fact that in the story they fill the same role. They walk around and get into mischief in that form, then transform into their big grown up form to fight the bad guy until they get an even more grown up form later in the season
>betel in second to last place at 7% (appmon is not digimon)
>Liking the most hated arc in the worst season
Here's your (you), come up with better bait next time fag
I was expecting GeoGreymon or BetelGammamon at the bottom.
Why does he have eyelashes?
Nobody likes DoGatchmon
I know, but GeoGreymon is trapped in the most forgotten season of Digimon and BetelGammamon is jobber tier and not enough scalies like him. DoGatchmon is probably just that ugly then.
exveemon is fucking ugly as sin so I have no clue why he's so high unless it's the typical spic boost 02 gets. Paildramon was also a giant "huh?" to me
ExVeemon has scalies and 02 autism yeah
XV-mon is literally the worst V-mon Adult though. He has 10 different options and his default is the worst
I know he's ugly and stupid looking. Veemon is obviously based on Veedramon but for some reason they decided not to use Veedramon so they made an ugly fucked up looking bootleg version instead. I also hate the lore that ExVeemon is supposed to be the "pure" "better" version of Veedramon despite looking like a Veedramon on meth
Natual Digimon progression is:
Egg => Ugly-cute 1 => Ugly-cute 2 => Adorable => Ugly Kaiju 1 => Ugly Kaiju 2 => Generic Bishounen/Bishoujo
Digimon like Gatomon or MarineAngemon are exceptions
Bootleg Taichi gets bootleg V-dramon. Makes perfect sense
I just described what I liked about it, and it's not false. If you can look past the Jobber memes, it's Digimon at its darkest hour and the fights are cool
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xv-mon is better-looking than veedramon though
maybe if you're a gay scalie
Nobody talk about his lore though. Only sudden surge of artists “oh look I just finished my Arrestermon pieces totally coincidental lololol”
>implying bandai will ever touch those Digimon again

I mean, they tend to touch digimon like 10 years after their creation, like what happened to medievaldukemon
At least MedievalDukemon is based on a Tamers mon. Arresterdramon is from a sequel to a mistake that only exists to fill a timeslot.
>tfw the next poll is where Superior Mode wins again and Paildramon gets a silver medal
Such is latinx lunacy
I hope Arresterdramon NEVER gets anything just to spite Drashiro.
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>t. veedramon fanboy still butthurt that it was used as the wimpy tutorial boss in DW2
Why is she never used?
exveemon wasn't even in Digimon World 2 because 02's production was such a half assed retarded shitshow of failed gimmicks. It went Flamedramon -> Raidramon -> Imperialdramon. That's the way it should have stayed.
drashiro is at least making his own vpet game
what is marc doing to help the community other than wank advenchur?
Why is she always used?
Don't care. Drashiro and Marc are both faggots; one is a hipster and the other one is a Genwunner
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Because it showed up in a burning dumpster fire and a "good but not good enough" that's held back by its lack of plot rather than being bland shonen.
Too kind for this mortal world
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Which device is your favorite?
So all digimon are basically amnesiac phoenixes who constantly mutate due to data, viruses and all kinds of stuff. But how do they increase their numbers? Some digimon clone themselves, but that can't be the only way.
Given that they drink, eat, shit, urinate, and have mammaries I would guess that human and animal-based (including shit like dragons and kitsune) digimon do it the usual Earth-like way.
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Canon titties
i cannot believe Masaru data is part of the royal knights
Data and the growing internet makes more Digimon. Digimon reproducing sexually is retarded and only happens in awful things like Xros Wars and Frontier
i would have never heard of this faggot spic eceleb if it wasn't for doomnigger
I can't believe Masaru's dad is a barafag
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>makes more Digimon
Sure, the first ones were created that way. But now that Digimon World world is full of stuff, how "new" digimon are spawned? Is it a random place, or Nursery? Who's responsible for making sure that everything goes smoothly?
If it were 5 episodes, I'd agree. But it was 10 fucking episodes of the same "Takuya and Koji get their backs broken by the bvll and femboy couple" and if not that then it's their cronies and they drop in to secure the area kill either way
Honestly, I don't remember anymore. Most people just binge-watched the whole thing anyway, so "ten weeks of this" is just "3h40m of this".
Depends on setting. They randomly tend to pop up. Sometimes in primary village if the setting has a concept like that. The new ones drop in due to data in general. The world is never really "full" in terms of diversity, since the profiles often mention "newly discovered" mons
>"3h40m of this".
That's arguably even worse
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Renamon isn't a digimon. So don't post it. Ever.
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Does Gulusgammon have a spacesuit?

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