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>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

>Daigo drills (warm-up routine)

>Last /sfg/ episode

Last Round: >>484139085
Convince me to buy the battlepass.
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Mena still the GOAT
Bison already mogs the entirety of pass 1, thats crazy.
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Mena is just a High IQ Bidenchad like me.
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Only mentally stunted weebs hate on Mena. He literally won the jap Evo and cucked them.
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>New Avatar pass costume is a call back to a game based on a live action movie probably few people have actually played
I am not that evil.
Mena is a fundieSCHOLAR is not coincidence he also loves Smash.
Makes sense, Bison/Raul Julia was the one good thing from that movie.
Not a hard thing to do, I have a hard time imagining a pass being so dogshit to make Pass 1 look better in comparison.
Does he still have his man Caba screech in opponents' ears while they play pools?
Even Akuma sucked
>Slow ass updates
>Waste entire year on shitty ass characters like Rashid, Ed, Genderbent Fang and make Akuma so ugly and lame, giving him a MASK for his alt-skin and calling it a day
This game dripfeeding is something else, I never saw a game be so bare-bones like Dix.
Season 3 (Return of Shadaloo)

> Boxer
> Claw
> Falke
> Sagat/Adon/New muay thai user
Akuma was never cool, but they made him really corny in this game.
>return of shadaloo doesnt have shadaloos boss
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Which one is the worst: Mickey6, Temu8 or Soive?
This applies to everyone in dix
COTW waiting room.
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At least Tekken can be modded into something half-good-looking I guess, I still rather play previous gen games Jive, T7 or Ult.
or SkullGirls

Why does IV looks so much better than dix?
What are you talking about? Dictator is already in.
Tekken is somehow worse, but not by much. Harada is just a lolcow dev. At least Capcom didn't go pandering to Yuritroons yet.
Fuck Boxer, fuck Sagat, fuck Falke, and Claw'd only be worth it if you're a World Tour player and want to do cool claw moves. This'd be such a shit season while people are still waiting for Alpha, non-meme SF3 or Final Fight characters
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Yeah I’m sure Jamie and Luke about kiss is so much better than Asuka and Lili
Dix doesn't have an actual design-team. They have underpaid pajeets messing around with a horror engine with a bunch of japs asking them to make the game as markeatable as possible to nignogs.
>Letting 2 shitty male characters be ruined by fujos is better than throwing 2 perfectly breedable waifus being throw to yuritroons
ltg hit 6k subs

it's over, he won, /sfg/ lost.
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My ultra-sexo wife.
Theres still people shipping/making content with those characters in a normal light.
You can't browse Tekken content without being bombarbed with "LILI IS GAY!!" Every 3 seconds.
Nigger Lili and Asuka literally don’t do anything for the story mode and one even worships the rashid clone lol
>that doesn’t count haha just ignore Luke and Jamie about to kiss in an official trailer
Lmao, you SF6 niggas really suck at this
I haven't played Tekken 8 or SFV yet, but based on the aesthetics and content offering, I'd say Tekken 8 is the worst.
Immo made 2k restreaming him in one night, while Dale keeps gifting himself fake subs and can't even fake any hype as he still sounds miserable.
This screams as “this counts because I hate Tekken, but it doesn’t count for SF cuz, it just doesn’t!!!”
right so WHY the fuck would they do a "return of shadaloo" season when 3 purple slime characters have already been put in the game 2 of which were dlc?
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Do you think Dale checks on Immo's stream? After his fake dono bullshit, his energy level already dipped, but the more donations Immo was getting his expression, voice and even behavior got more and more salty... if he doesn't watch is some big coincidence.
these pics of cammy never show cammy straight on because her eyes are too far apart.
it was a decent day on the streets
I dropped my combo way too many times and I lost a bunch of points but any day is fine when I'm gaming
as always thanks to anyone who dropped by the stream
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You are gonna book a train ride right bros?
Why aren't everyone there?
And I'm not even counting Fang because Aki is already here
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Soive is Guilty Gear Strive not SFV
SFV is kino
How do I progress with ryu ? I’m stuck in iron 1 fighting bison and akuma all night, the fags on here won’t give me any tips.
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>His energy levels dip really quick and he doesn't sound like someone who is happy for lots of subs/money
>He constantly berates his gifted subs saying they are "candies/fake subs" which would make people want to donate subs even less
>Every big streamer gets their money mostly from donos/bits, and very, very, very few actually farm subs, and those who do actually put out crazy content with multiple perks for subs goals like Hungrybox with all the tournies, giveaways, promotional content, or crazy streaming hours
>The account that gift subs always do at the start of the stream and are fake accounts with no pfp and usually made in less than 4 months ago
>He really thinks it looks natural for a streamer that just sits around and bans his viewers for laughing to get subs like crazy when you can't even fucking type in the chat
I sincerely wish I could see the line of thought in his little peanut brain. His self-gifted bots are so blatant.
yes they do, newfag
>SFV is kino
He got caught paying people to write fake articles about him years ago while he was on YouTube, and they were so cheap they used fake info about him because they didn't even bother fact-checking.
He also flamed the chick who exposed him for doing so, calling her a troll, a black woman trying to ruin the grind of a black man, saying how he is just doing his thing and people sabotage him blah blah blah

He is incredibly shortsighted and retarded. He probably thinks people will follow and dump him subs if they see the weird no name accounts that never speak dropping 200 subs outta thin air.
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the best advice I can give you is anti-air and counter DI
go into practice mode and in basic training turn on anti-air practice, then in the recording add in a recording of Ryu pressing drive impact
sit there for as long as it takes for you to be comfortable both anti-airing the Ryu on BOTH the left and right side of the screen and when you're comfortable counter drive impacting

that kills 2 birds with one stone
what I personally did is spent hours and hours in anti-air practice just shoryukening over and over and over
then I swapped the bot to marisa and recorded a gladius, armor break punch, and drive impact and practiced anti-airing and counter-DI for hours and hours

you gotta want it, put on something fun in the background and just chill getting these motions into your autopilot
Has anyone seen Daigo later? Is he okay?
post a replay and i'll review it
it's 2024 and you weird ass niggas are obsessed with ltg
Is 90% a EGO thing since he is just a huge narc prick.

He wants bloated, inflated numbers to front and look like the balling influencer he tries so hard to be.

Even tho he was banned from Kai Cenat's chat for trying to clout chase in a nigga who is 20 years younger than him.
>Bring Dale outta thin air
>People discuss how much of a failure he is
He's black. He didn't win anything.
Immo is the goat, imagine making 2k sitting in your ass hatewatching a lolcow with the boys. Living the best life.
Thanks, much appreciated. I’ll definitely do that.
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He made like 60k in total. All Dale did in revenge was striking his youtube channel so he is in rumble.
If someone made just 10k restreaming me I would need to kill this dude, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing some nigga is making a bag restreaming me.
heres a playlist of a bunch of curious FGC videos I find motivational if you need something to watch
2k in one night is insane, thats more money than the majority of actual-streamers make LMFAO

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Dale this Dale that, why don’t you niggas go masturbate or something
It's like 2-3 guys fixated on him.
People have given you tons of tips over the past week you fucking liar. There is no magical tip or trick that will make you better, you need to work on improving and implementing the basic shit people have told you already.
Such a SEA/LatAm post.
Ngl I used to watch Immo here and there, his laughs in the back as the chat actually interacts, laughs and talks about stuff, actually makes Dale watchable.
But Dale still slops too much reaction brainrot content so I had to stop, not even the great restreams can save how boring nu-ltg is.
If you think thats a fulfilling life then I honestly feel bad for you.
Reaction content could be fun if he reacted to nice stuff. Like Mr Ballen, Nick Crowley or some content that is somehow engaging.

Dude reacts to the most ghetto, normie-twitter-brainrot garbage you can imagine: racebait, disgusting shock things, relationship drama/cucking, redpill cancer, etc... he even fell asleep a couple of times on stream.
>Daleposting hours
>Nobody posted this gem yet fresh outta the oven

so who won combo breaker? mena uma or daigo?
Jump to 4:56 for Uncle Ruckus.
I'm white.
if you hit someone while they are standing, then DRC into a move that whiffs on crouch, can they crouch AFTER you hit them while standing? thought it shouldnt do that if the initial hit was during standing but it seems that way
Yes, that may help when I’m greifing thanks.
>IT REALLY PISSES ME OFF WHEN NIGGAS SPEAK ON ME! If it was a white guy or something...
Most self-hating black man to ever exist holy shit, does he really not know how sad he sounds saying shit like this?
How come UMA or Mena haven't won anything in years? how do the capcup champs just die in pools wtf is going on
I wonder if he would be more or less deranged if he was the white male he wishes to be so bad lol
Trust me I have, it got me from 20% win ration to 25% in 2 days.
Apex to Dix pipeline is real
you think that they're ever gonna put actual character outfits in the bp
The Capcom Cup format works as a blessing for some and curse for others. I think Capcom made it on purpose, to increase the chance of the winner being a "random guy" instead of a recurrent name.

That was probably their plan for CPT all along, like CPT is targeted to increase the interest of outsiders into getting serious on Street Fighter, and SFL being the usual "pro player dick sucking" it has always been
Yeah that's expected, you're fucking trash. Do you expect us to just magically make you master rank or something? If you actually want to improve then post some replays otherwise shut the fuck up
Mena won Evo Japan a few months ago
people dont play the whole cast anymore. Before you could pick characters based on your mood and mash around with your friends, enjoying the unique cast of freaks and babes and cool motherfuckers.

Now everyone has one main that they desperately cling to because its the only character they can rob wins with, and refuse to ever experiment and try new characters because esports mentality poisoned the community and everything has to be tryhard tournament mode
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>Iron 1
Literally just sit your ass down, count to three, and punish their mistakes. Always mash when it's your turn regardless of EX DP or super, and loop them in burnout

Street Fighter up till Gold is nothing but waiting till people kill themselves. You gotta understand, put in your head, that nobody under gold is able to not do something suicidal for more than a few seconds, and they all think that respecting your turn is equal to cowardice

Just follow that and you will catapult to platinum. Only there you will need to start thinking about offense.
do you guys think they will ever add old stage themes to the jukebox?
really want some of the SF4 ones
The things are still the same as always, the problem is that now instead of being a child with friends from your neighborhood, you're a friendless loser asking for random people online to play with you as if they were your budies. If someone is online, they NEED to do their best of else they get washed

Just get into a boomer centered social media like whatsapp or facebook, or hell, make some fucking IRL friends. Touch some grass
>t. AKI truthpilling people
It was Perfect Legend Aka the guy who lost 13-0 to SonicFox in MKX
First of all I appreciate your advice, but this is where things go sideways every time…That advice doesn’t work in iron 1 anymore, the game doesn’t have enough new players coming on board so I end up fighting new challenger bison, akuma (veteran players who bought a character) or 1700lp classics and moderns when I’m 1050lp. Anytime I get a win its instantly taken away by new challenger or 1700 modern that I can’t even flinch around. This is what I need help with, how am I to press through this if I’m a newbie. The last 7 fights I had involved 3 bison and 1 akuma, 2 of the bison where new challenger and went to town on me and akuma was 1700lp modern and went to town on me. I don’t know what to do against this problem I’m having ?
Fang needs to comeback and a glow up/rework according to its current appearance.
use these attacks
>LP/LK or throw
when your are in your opponents face
for when your opponent is crouch blocking
general poke, you can combo this up with a heavy hadoken (safer) or a medium blade kick (risky if blocked but better damage and good knockback)
long range poke (safe on block), follow this up with a HP hadoken if far or jabs/throw if you caught them up close with it
>drive impact
throw this out when your opponents back is near the wall, if they don't counter it keep using it in your mixup

set up your supers with an OD blade kick when your opponent bounces back from the wall if you aren't confident in comboing it yet

most importantly
>be patient and block more
after a knockdown situation keep a bit if distance from your opponent when they wakeup, ideally shimmy in and then out to bait a throw but don't do anything right away, wait to see what they do and ready. just be out of throw range, be blocking, and ready to punish
please just record your replays of the matches with the names hidden
i gurantee you're doing something glaringly obvious that's making you lose
you should go into your settings and turn off the visual for opponent rank
you are NOT playing anyone remotely decent at all in iron elo
"new challenger" means the player hasnt even played 10 full matches on their character
a GOOD player can lose their 10 placement rounds and be put in gold
you are ACTUALLY playing against brand new players you are just psyching yourself out thinking they arent
you need to stop bringing this up and thinking about it because no the guys you are up against arent good whatsoever
Thanks man for the advice.
I’m on ps5 and haven’t had a computer in months, not sure it’s possible.
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I only ever play Ryu
I might sway for Terry but hes also a main guy

I'd play Liu Kang if MK1 wasn't dogshit, I'd play Jin Kazama if 3D fighters weren't lame, I'd play Sol Badguy if Strive wasn't filled with Persona/Smash tier trannys

I always play the main man
The thing that pisses me off the most about Bison scissor kicks is that the spacing means even at -5 some characters can't punish it properly. Even more frustrating is that sometimes the spacing works out and you get the punish counter and sometimes it just whiffs giving the bison another go.
If you just block the assault your drive meter gets raped and he eventually puts in a few throws to fuck with your blocking. Sound familiar? Its basically corner pressure, but he can do it literally anywhere on the field he wants.
I’ll try that thanks
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what basic combos should i know starting with ed? how to play neuch?
There's no such thing as a veteran player on iron, if you have a single character on Master you get placed in diamond even if you lose all your placement matches, the same goes for everything else. Players on diamond won't get placed under gold, and so on. Everyone you're playing against is just as bad as you

That being said, you need to work on your defense. That's all you need at your level. That's literally just it. If you get that down, you will curbstomp people all the way to platinum. You will get on training mode and set these drills:

Shoryuken. If your oponent is an akuma that air hadouken a lot, just do OD shoryuken
Jab Jab shoryuken confirm
>drive rush
Standing light kick into hadouken
DI back

Done, you set the dummy to do these actions randomly, and sit there for half hour every day. When I started on SFV I did drills constantly, to wire the defense in my muscle memory

One of these days we should play while on a discord call or something, I'm sure you're doing something very wrong
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Main shit more like it lol.
Also I forgot, after all these actions, Drive Rush behind it with medium punch or HP, set the dummy to always wake up with cr.lp so you get the meaty timing. This is SF6 after all, slime rushing is the core of this game
Yes, this is my first fighting game and you’re probably right. I’ve been using cr.hp because I can’t do consistent shoryuken no matter how much I try on my fight stick and I even use the shortcut.
asian microcock suckers still seething their region is no longer top dog anymore
Full on edgelord gear, I expect to see a few fedora and wrist slitting dorks running around with it, assuming those guys even still exists.
No wonder you're seething so hard about Akuma and Bison. Characters without shoryuken suffer against these two

Medium shoryuken curbstomps devil's reverse regardless of version or height as long as you're in neutral position not running away too distant from the opponent. Imagine the Ken's HK whiffing just barely, you should always be in that distance, that is the neutral position. Akuma's air hadouken will just explode you if you don't shoryuken as well.

Ryu is a good match-up against those two characters, anon. You just gotta learn to shoryuken naturally.
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Loooool Wolfgang scammed another dude
>free bison hat from battlepass
my avatar gonna look cute in that
I’ve been trying for 8 days, sometimes it works consistent othertimes I get a fireball or punch. Seem to have hit a learning wall, I just stopped learning for some reason.
he's mad
how many times do you need to be told? 'veteran' players are not getting placed in iron even if they throw 10 placement matches because the game doesnt allow it, STOP COPING and face the fact that you need to improve, do it one step at a time as you have told here multiple times. lp lp lp > tatsu and anti air and you will get to silver if not gold. if you cant see your shortcomings and work on improving them this genre isnt for you.
I got plat with Marisa
What now?
try a character that isn't for idiots
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you've heard of the padded cell but how about
Manon, Jamie, Aki, and Bison. These 4 feel so good to play to me that I can't figure out which should actually be my main... I'mma try to main all 4
Yes, I’ve finally figured that out. Not sure I’m mentally capable of learning this game after som many years of fps and rpg, can’t consistently do a shoryuken after 8 days or consistently do lp lp lp > tatsu.
Tounge my sweaty asshole
I'm surprised the Shadaloo Doll outfits are not available for Avatars yet. You can at least get the helmets by fighting the Dolls that hang ground the overlook of the Suval'hal Arena.
We're never getting Battle Network 7 are we
>it’s reall
spinoff v
Six doesnt look that great either
Characters like Ryu and Zangief look like blowup dolls, especially on their winscreen
Its like the opposite issue Strive has where the character models look like gumby ingame but beautiful out of it
scrubs filtered
>The only people defending jive are people who got 1000% hard filtered by 6 like JustPokey and Soundboi
6 looks good but it could be improved by coming up with something other than washed out colours for burnout + cleaning up some of the sloppy colours of armor and DI
You have have some deep nostalgia goggles to miss shit netcode and stubby normals
thats right, I'm the MAIN shit nigga
>the ugliest SF
>when VI exists
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Where can I find swimsuit special volume II
Go back to your shitty gacha general retard
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Kuso6 is easily the worst fighting game of all time.
Top level players like...... FIFA pro player/SFV pro Kilzyou....
.................... kilzyou
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Pic related is my first match back just now, akuma modern on a 2-win streak and 680lp higher than me. I stood 0 chance even with the tips I’ve been getting, he opened me up like a can of sardines.
how is this a surprise? anyone who isnt trolling knows 5 was the downfall of SF, the least liked least respected mainline street fighter
as far as I'm concerned there are only 4 street fighters anyone cares about
>super turbo
for ancients
>alpha 2
for balance and skill expression
hardest SF game
newest SF game
everyone knew jive was bad since it's inception tho
even capcom
I've seen plenty of ST tournaments, but legit I've never seen anyone play alpha 2 outside of valle hosting a couple of tournaments
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Finally got Master with this Crumpet muncher, who should I do next?
turn OFF the fucking ranks, that akuma player is dogshit, I could perfect him continuously and I am not even master
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Im gonna be honest guys
As a longtime BBTag and Strive player, SF6 is the only SF so far thats made me wanna play it for longer than an hour. Once i got past those genuinely terrible, Unist tier tutorials, I actually started to enjoy myself. The limited mobility is a major issue for me, I still dont know what to do about people who just back up and block forever, but im learning to deal with it, and thats more than can be said of SFV and USFIV
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It's happening
sfv made me never want to touch the series ever again and then it took 7 years to fuck off
glad its dead
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>He thinks it's not some elaborate troll by nakayama
In ranked settings ?
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What troll? I just want my stickers
It's pretty fucking obvious they're targeting Japan with these
Which is fair enough, Japan really showed up in terms of buying the game
its in your HUD options
hold up i'm gonna press generate on my ai image generator a few more times before i read this post.
I like Pop Team Epic so they're targeting me too
lost 150mr again bros
Dog6 is literally made for soivers
Didnt PTE have a garbage anime no one liked
Yeah the comics are way better
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Pop Team Epic is not art. It may be anime, if only in the most literal of definitions, but it is not art. It cannot be art. Art is a creative process, and there is nothing creative about Pop Team Epic. It is an amalgam of references strewn about in the most banal of ways. Skyrim exists. Totoro exists. Pokémon exists. That is all Pop Team Epic has to say. It just reminds you that better media exists, but in ways that are disrespectful and offensive to the time of the unfortunate viewer.
Pop Team Epic is a dreadful product. It is anti-art. It is anti-comedy. It is a middle finger to those who produce art because Pop Team Epic is devoid of creativity, vision, and passion; or to put it simply, something that is not art but wishes it was, and so instead it has to violently lash out towards.
The artwork and animation quality is awful. It is a poor adaptation of the source material, as the production staff was so obviously unaware of the differences between print and animated mediums. The sound is exceptionally poor. Normally a production like this would not be given the OK, but in the case of Pop Team Epic, it was allowed to pass because it was not a serious artistic product, but a way to sell merchandise to easily manipulated consumers through viral 24 minute commercials under the guise of of art.
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Alright going to do it
These Japanese girls always look like they haven't slept in weeks
>not the ugliest SF
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Its eyeliner to fit the characters design better
Nier only sleeps like 2 hours a day after passing out from crying
Somehow people find this attractive and not a massive red flag
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the perfect SF game

roster of 4
graphics of 6
gameplay of alpha 2
music of 2
costumes of 5
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Jesus Christ like 90% of the replies are "No" or "Hell no"
Jivebros.... Are we the baddies?
>graphics of 6
Nope. The ugliest SF game ever.
Street SLURPer
there's also a lot of "i miss [character] but i don't miss V"
Slimy yet satisfying
music of 3S you mean
...................................ken with a hat
>having 6 shoto functions on the roster is okay
>NOOOOO you can't add Remy because Guile is already in the game
what the fuck is this logic?
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>music of 2
>shoto functions
every character in the game with a fireball and DP is a shoto function
tatsu is no longer mandatory since you are counting Luke and he doesnt have one
I don't want them to bring any characters back, I want new characters because they'll just butcher the character and simplify them and erase the old identity.

If I see trannies playing C Viper in 6 and calling themselves viper experts, I will ex head stomp random people outside.
>music of 3S
I think 3S might have the worst soundtracks after 6
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the perfect SF game

roster of 6
graphics of 6
gameplay of 6
music of 6
costumes of 6
Honestly, I don't know if I used anything except 1 or 2 of my character's costumes the entire time I played jive
Karin's main and retro looks were completely fine, maybe also the anniversary kimono, but other than that they were kind of bland
you have the worst taste in this general
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Guile the best
Nash too
a bit too obvious, saying the music in 6 is good
Why are you talking to a mirror though?
nah the mirror match is sweet, youre shit
Technically 6 has all the other games' music now too
Why is he seeing you in his mirror though? Fucking stalker.
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3S soundtrack is good but a little overrated (much like 3S as a whole). 2nd Impact also had some good tracks
6 probably has the worst soundtrack for a fighting game since so many of the songs are too passive most of the time (people liked Falke and G's themes in SFV because they were the exception, not the rule)
I'd say another contender for worst would be Alpha 3, not because I don't like the soundtrack but because so many tracks sound too similar
True, some characters in 5 just had costumes that were inherently better than every other outfit they got. Though I did like using pretty much all of Cody's costumes except the baggy Haggar one, even then I'd say I mostly used the Tuxedo in either the James Bond White/Black palette or the Green Lupin Jacket palete
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Clayton Chapman for all his e begging. Is correct on alpha 2. It’s a discord fighter like alpha 3 and nobody really talks about it outside of valles clique. Super arcade, The last bation of SF3 and ST, legit don’t run alpha 3 or 2 in any high capacity
Co-op and the regular team tournies for SF2 always have niggas show up
What the fuck lel
Do jivers really
I dont give a shit what your favorite online semen slurper says
Alpha 2 is considered the only balanced street fighter game, thats why it matters
everyone I know who loves street fighter 6 is a shitter that stopped playing other fighting games.
COTW waiting room.
So balanced not even Japanese bother with it lol.
You East coat groids are crazy
the japanese only care about super turbo
Guile will save sfg
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I love how SF2 (though mainly its other versions) has endured over time, ST is fun to watch as a spectator
crazy how much it's going to mog sf6 in terms of gameplay simply by not having slime rush.
True, and will still flop sadly
I'm excited though
Capslop destroyed the soul of SF so they could gsin more popularity.
Weird thats not my experience at all
Nobody will miss Slime Troonies either.
have this song and other ssf2 playing on my jukebox thing in the battle hub. banger soundtrack
Nobody gives a fuck about what Clayton says because he doesn't play
May as well ask /fgg/ their opinions on the games
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Question for stick/leverless users. Does it matter which finger you're using for normals? Is there an optimal way to use your fingers, or is just down to personal preference? Like, I thought of using my index only for LP/LK, middle finger only for MP/MK and ring finger only for HP/HK.
But then I realized that I was more comfortable using my index for MK too. It's not going to screw me in the long run?
kami 6 owns you
Preference. Some hover punches, some hover kicks, pinky, no pinky, whatever helps you
And nobody fucking cares about alpha 2
Okay then, thanks a lot anon.
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Recently found this old stick from like the launch of the PS4 up in my attic, thinking of giving it a go for 6.
Is it very difficult going from keyboard to stick? Or I guess hitbox to stick
I think the macros on the right side will fuck me up
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I beat bison with blocking and fireballs, leg sweeps and od tatsu. And no I didn’t give him a rematch.
>And no I didn’t give him a rematch.
Don't do that unless he has a bad connection. Don't walk down the path of the satsui no hado
I have my lp > lp > lp tatsu combo at about 80% now, I have my shoryuken at about 80% now but I have it so if it fails I get a cr. Hp anyways. I dropped my stage 3 uppercut special in one fight, but my specials in ranked are hard for me to drop under pressure.
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I'm so over how obnoxious the playstyles are man, and I'm stuck here playing against them like an (honest) sucker.
Anyone got tips for how to be less meter hungry as Chun-Li? I'm trying to just not DR as much but my chances to do damage are so limited and I have no meterless combos without charge (which I don't have most of the time) . Do I just take the single poke whenn I don't have green bars?

Mmmm delicious thinly-veiled salt
>play slime pachinko masher
>get upset when people play like it's a slime pachinko masher
Outplayed tbqh
japs off stream: drive rush drive impact
japs on stream: honorabu footsies

I see through your lies
perfect booms feel way harder on lever
even doing them with analog stick on pad feels easier
Lel ok these are good
I have this problem too. Years of doing back forward back P to charge the next boom immediately makes perfect booms in combos hard, but raw perfect booms are easy and I don't think I've ever seen a non perfect flash kick.
At 1:25 you drive rushed forward for literally no reason. You're alright right in front of their face, there was no need to drive rush.
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this is actually pretty balanced
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if you do tokido's workout plan then you too can become 2200MR
Who can roll the dice the best???
>Forgetting about "QUICK CHANGE THE CHANNEL"
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High low mixup for the overhead/low
Is it worth foregoing some oki options if you're in their face already? The only other one I know Chun has in that scenario is non overhead strike/throw which is really not that good at opening people up
Da Alfa will wash these bums
i see you never played SF5
imagine the Snu Snu...
When you're at the top, you can make fun of yourself
Where is Arslan Ash?
you need to throw more fireballs against jamie so he doesn't get free drinks
You're always complaining about having to use meter so I pointed out an example where you didn't need to use it. You can still do a non-DR overhead if you want.
Really feels like Street Fighter is going to be the national sport of Japan with how many collabs they're getting
Which character should I play if I want /sfg/ to respect me?
>going to be
it already is
kids in japan are dropping out of highschool to become pro SF players or SF vtubers
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anything in the only fundies for me
anything else and I consider you carried by your special little knowledge checks that steal you games you otherwise wouldnt've won
only the most intelligent players can play luke
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You now remember the commentary feature and how Capcom gave up on it.
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I know I should stop him getting drinks but its so hard for me to stop him and easy for him to drink
Fireball doesn't reach round start
Hard to throw in the middle of the match because no charge and also he can just jump DI sweep or whatever
Am I supposed to DR in as soon as I see him drink?

Fair, I didn't think about it like that was only thinking of the oki
Well yes, that's the joke
Swap Luke and Cammy
Tasty Steve is fucking shit. You SF fags be happy you're not stuck with that idiot.
We have Saint Cola.
>skips neutral
>mashes jabs and buttons you don't know which are plus and which aren't

no, I won't
Excellent tier list you have there sir. I wanted to move Guile somewhere else but not sure where. Doesn't feel right that he's in only fundies though
He's phoning everything in so hard these days I'm bafled he doesn't get more flack
he is literally one of the MOST fundamental street fighter characters in the game
fireball, anti-air, and combos
no neutral skips, no command grab, no divekick, just neutral and oki
>no neutral skips,
*walks behind a fireball*
I wonder how Chunfag is dealing with the fact that the crazy far right party is going to be governing his country
>anon let Guile fireball without putting out one of his own or jumping
>because he is being walked at he thinks this is a neutral skip
oh nvm he's retarded
>putting out one of his own
you mean my fireball that gets absorbed by his multihit fireball?
how does that achieve anything
he's getting in if he wants to
Guile isn't Akuma, if you are losing the fireball game you are losing it because you lack in a fundamental of the game, that hos nothing to do with Guile
I've never been the biggest fan of SF6's visuals and animations but it surprises me that people don't see how poorly M. Bison is animated. Some normals look straight out of crap from Netherrealm Studios.
>Guile defenders don't even know Guile's moveset
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The problem is that Crapcom gets away with everything these days because they have a million shills preserving the narrative of their "comeback".
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Do you think SF6 players care about animations?
Hmm dunno man think his fireball is a bit too strong for him to be only fundies. Feel like to be in that tier you need a good balance
>caring what other faggots think
right flows better
left looks stiff
SF6 looks better
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sf6 will only be good once they add costume codes and an online battle damage toggle
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>animationschizo is back
Quick question…How much should my newbie classic ryu be jumping because I don’t jump ever ???
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Macron is literally a fascist, we're already living under a dictatorship. Far right, far left, it's all the same anyway, they're all corrupt.
Street Fighter
Yikes no. Right looks like floppy spaghetti.
if you're opponent can anti air, don't jump. if they can't anti air, jump.
>It's all the same
Damn didn't realise you were falling for the most obvious trick in the book
People at Capcom simply realized you can make crap and have people slurp it all up if you pay them good and hire influencers to push down narratives on their sheep followers.
Which is?
Jump in once or twice to figure out how consistently they can anti air. If they can't anti air, keep doing jump ins. If they can only do command normal anti airs and can't get any additional damage from a combo or something, keep jumping occasionally.
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>DLC character who is aesthetically cool has any discussion about them overshadowed by how overtuned they are
they figured that out 9 years ago
Is Macron really going to leave the chair?
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This animation is so funny. The way she suddenly sticks out her leg looks like she has a spasm.
No idea, that guy is really uhinged and unpredictable.
They overfocused on flow and mocapping.
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Most important and necessary buff: Let A.K.I.'s back taunt hit in front of her. I want to get the nastiest BM kill of my life with this, currently you can only use it if someone does a crossup a couple seconds after you use the move. Let me use it as a regular (still terrible) anti-air
The 'flow' does work in some situations IMO like Jamie's lvl4 stuff.
Ok, makes sense thanks.
Yes, I’ll start feeling them out thanks.
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Nothing funnier to get a kill with Chun's "gomen ne"
>twittershill is shilling the game
Say whaaaaaat
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he is right >>484220932
Right definitely flows better in a match, when I go back to SFV Chun feels more stiff.
Kinda, but it only went well for them with SF6.
Why are taunts non-cancelable and 300f?
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Jivers just can't take an L, can they?
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Love these legs
Who should win the Gief bowl?
Fellas how the fuck can I make this kill? How can I optimize this further??

I also don't know how to make non-shit webms under 8MB
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If you play anyone not in the only fundies tier you're carried as fuck.
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How to stop folding like a wet paper bag when mine and the opponents health is wicked low ? Also how to stop folding like a wet paper bag and failing my specials under pressure ?
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these characters have nothing to do with each other, this feels very forced
How is Rashid not a gimmick character?
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Mika is little sister tier
Mari is built for BZC
>the game everyone's the most sick of isn't remember fondly a little over a year after the sequel dropped
woah.... mind = blown...........
Not sure Dictator bro, from what I've seen that setup being used on fighters with long exdp animations can't cash out max damage because of the fuse on the bomb getting run out for too long before you can get your punish counter.
Doubt it will kill, but for the DP punish maybe try s.HP, s.HK, c.MP xx EX Psycho Crusher and see if you get any more damage.
Too long, bomb explodes.
Thanks for the reply though.
kek the shade that he has to throw to justify that he couldnt react to dr di
Joe roundstarts DR all the time, especially with suppressor in season 1, dis nigga SUCKS
>more battlepass avatar slop in season 2
I can't believe this shit actually sells goddamn I hate the content this game gets.
Marisa's boobs..
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new insurance scam im working on: surround the mainstage of my fighting game major with my collection of priceless faberge eggs

also free entry if your name is hungrybox
wth is this art
Right is outsourced shit that looks like wet spaghetti
Do you think that one day Pooji will learn to draw?
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I think Menat is pretty cool (didn't play her because G was cooler) and I hate that she's forever associated with this lolcow
How can you still have zero anti-airs? Are you looking at your character the whole time?
Play modern
Wanna hear Marisa's cute "Kyahh!" with a red face
redpill me on jamie bison matchup
Pretend theres no healthbar and realize your opponent is panicking too
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How is Geki floating like this what da hell
Chun's animations are the worst in the cast for sure.
I won’t play modern, listen…I tried modern twice now, both times it felt rigid and soulless. I know I’m a beginner who doesn’t know much, but I know enough to know that modern doesn’t feel good like classic does. The feeling difference is like going 1, 2, 3, overdrive in an automatic (modern), vs shifting a 6 speed manual (classic).
Yes, that’ll help. Thanks
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I can do it when i'm focusing on them really hard but i was really preoccupied with the neutral skips that game. I also usually lose if I focus on the anti airs only. Idk how long it will be before i do them on instinct so I can actually play the game while shutting down their air options
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I tried :(
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>Kuji can't dra- AAAACKKK
Idk if I should try SF IV offline.
Why are tatsu animatins in 6 so fucking bad? They were perfect in Jive...
>500 tickets for opening a tutorial and closing it
dont mind if i do
Mash out specials or do negative edge and hold the button and then do the motion to do them semi consistently
Your decision making is terrible. All of your games are just mashy scrambles. You need to stop auto-piloting. And stop panic empty jump throwing. Chill out, block, and reset the neutral.
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Game is outsourced to Pajeets. Just read that Capslop also bought a Taiwanese animation farm so it will only get worse.
calling SF5 Jive is making me laugh
What's about Dix?
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there's nothing funny about it
What's A.K.I.'s main gameplan against Bison? EX Psycho Crusher seems to be able to somewhat consistently punish her fireball even before she can slide cancel, and even if she does slide cancel we're just trading two bars to go to the same positioning
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its over
the sf franchise is dead
I prefer to call the game Slime Troonies Dix
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SF6's music is so ass
He literally jumped out of the corner every single time and you didn't anti-air once. I don't know what you are trying to react to, but he wasn't doing it. Pay attention to what your opponent does when cornered.
What do you expect of a game half outsourced to third world shitholes and half AI generated?
need... falkussy
Okay I laughed, some other moron threw a chair out of the ring at CEO
You'd have to offer Hungrybox favourable seeding though
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why did he put himself in burnout with a second OD snatcher?
seethe seanigger
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Outsourcing schizo and animation schizo have been going crazy today.
We're just missing marketing schizo for the full trinity.
if only they weren't all the same person
>le everyone who dislikes something is the same schizo
Sounds like you're the schizo buddy
>know Cammy wants to spin knuckle through my fireball
>wait for it and DI
>she recovers in time to DI back
Thought you said this character's anti-zoning tools were "useless" and "unplayable"
Love how he immediately replied to damage control kek
He will unironically waste 7 years of his life seething about something that doesn't affect him in any way
>He will unironically waste 7 years
Could be even 10 years. Imagine him, doing the same shitposts and posting the same pics over and over again for 10 years.
>watch master matches to learn my character
>drive rush
>drive rush
>drive rush
>drive rush
this game sucks huh
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They better add the best stage soundtrack https://youtu.be/xpaYntWQkmQ?
nah you do
>video game uses video game mechanic
nigga the best sf6 player in the world mena said the game is scrubby lmfao
new mechanic bad
old mechanic good
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No need to watch any matches
slime rush or buffer slime rush into a crmp/crmk to catch slimes rushes
slime rush into low or overhead
slime rush button slime rush button super
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Here's your Season 3 guest character
Outfit 2 is Dark Raiden
Arcade story is him making friends with Blanka
No one knows what the fuck is MK in Japan
they do, Tokido said it's the worst fighting game series of all time
Sometimes it just "feels" right at the time
Capcom has been pandering to westerners for a long time
The second guest character will be Jack Bryant to balance it out
when are they adding Menat? it's not funny anymore
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>onions looking white boy who admits he's just a spectator
>vs Tokido
whos that
>Capcom has been pandering to westerners for a long time
Thank god they don't anymore. Imagine unironically wanting american pandering
>Watch master match
You don't play
why you love making shit up and samefagging so much
Elena was made for lewd sexy times
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I hope we get Furry Sagat as his Outfit 3 when he shows up next season
furry costumes when?
Whats the consensus on master 1650mr ? Honest and serious answer only please, im really curious.
Elena was made for rubbing palm oil over every inch of her body tbqh
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Both Tachikawa and Endingwalker were eliminated by an Akuma, does that mean Ed loses to Akuma?
He got blown up by DreeceDaBeast and NoProbTay in CPT, and couldnt make top 8 at CEO. Best player in the world???
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>tfw Chun-Li's level 2 with leverless input shortcut https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYjZnI9_kg8
Sorry, no Menat until The Four Kings come back.
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they just like me fr
>t. silver
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Gachikun tier list
>Cammy top 1
Cammyschizo seething and balding
and only guile was in the top 8 at ceo
another retarded jappa tier list
Akuma is objectively stronger than Cammy
Im not a gief player, he isnt top 5. Theres no chance in hell that he is better than Akuma, Bison, Chun, Juri, Aki, Blanka. And placing Luke, DeeJay, and JP that low, with Ryu bottom one? This has got to be a troll tier list
>JP, Luke, and Deejay in B tier
>Dhalsim in C tier
>Cammy number one
This is not serious.
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>Jamie bottom 2
Lukr is now officially in under the radar status
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Japanese tier lists make me understand why they have a declining population
>Dhalsim in C tier
Wait, what? Sim is shit in this game and every new DLC character just pushes him lower in the tier because they almost always represent a new bad MU for him.
>Ryu bottom 1
Didn't he get SHOWERED with buffs? I saw people calling him top 2 on patch day, I'm sure people have come down a bit from the hype since then but nobody was calling him bottom 1 even before his buffs
little goober li fen
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Do Juri players not feel embarrassed that the only thing they know how to do in neutral is fireball into drive rush? Even at pro level.
I feel like I cant ever DI against him no matter what.
I cant for the life of me figure out whats save against this ru paul lookin fatherfucker
everything other than lvl4/ex/spaced rekka 1 and h/ex palm is unsafe
we don't focus on the specific game a character's from when including them that's why most of the roster is sf2 characters :)
I've been playing Jamie for like two months and I didn't know his DL4 rekka was safe....
its -3 lol and if someone drive impacts through your normal it will break the armor because its 2 hits
you can mash it like eds flicker in sfv
if you play cammy you're a carried subhuman
Every ranked set I've had since I got to Master I've won game 1 and then lost games 2 and 3
Why did Tokido drop Tekken?
he said that competition increased to the point where he couldn't compete properly without maining a game, same reason he dropped kof after 13
they took away her spin knuckle and made her dive kick easier to check and you're still seething about her, lol
nigga plays top 1 and is whining about 'nerfs' holy kek
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>characters arent right in each others faces
>drive rush
>she gets nerfs, Cammy players still player her and get on with it
sounds more like Im just getting on with my character and you're still crying about her
That really doesn't look much different from SFV if you speed it up
I'm afraid of trying Fightcade.
>top 5 scammy
>she gets some tiny nerfs, everyone else gets nerfed way harder
>top 1 cammy
sounds like someone can't get it
>they took away her spin knuckle and made her dive kick easier to check
Do Cammytards really believe this? Lmfao
My favorite phone pachinko game!
cammy is so good that punk whos the best cammy player in the world had to switch to a different character to beat jp whos cammys best matchup
Imagine complaining about cammy when akuma and ken exist
its not possible to get top 8 if you only play koomer tho
he didn't post spinoff five tho?
>um akshallly she didnt get nerfed at all
lol, just admit that you're shit at the match up and stop crying about the character
What makes slime rush worse than FADC cancels?
are you a 23er?
In USF4 they made FADC negative on block, so if you did it forward it was a guaranteed punish and if you did it backwards some characters could still punish it. You had to actually hitconfirm it otherwise you'd just waste your meter. In dix, DRC leaves you plus ob, can be made into a real blockstring with jab, has a variable attack time with buttons that can be hitconfirmed and if they get blocked then you're still plus ob, and leads to multiple strike throw guesses in a game with throw loops. Its not even comparable how fucking micky mouse drive rush is compared to FADC, its literally a vtrigger activation from round start every round and you can do it 6 times a round
>ai generated
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mai tits in rengine this year
well for one, FADC's didn't even show up in your matchmaking pool until you were ranked Silver or higher. you could give the game to two casual or newer players watch them play around with the game, and they'll never treat FADC like a Mickey Mouse Crutch mechanic. turn to look at Slime Rush and it's the exact opposite, from Bronze to Legend it's Slime time. the game revolves around it.
>watch pros play jive
>v skill
>v trigger
>v skill
>v skill
I too can bitch about frivalous game mechanics
when you see criticism of dix is your first thought to instantly deflect to jive?
>filter slime
>thread 300x more tolerable
Funny how that works
>only 2 results
>lalalalala if i don't see criticism it doesn't exist LALALALALA!!!! LAAAA! LAAA!!!! I'M NOT SEEING IT AND REACTING SO IT DOESN'T COUUUUUUNT!!!
please dont say slime, it hurts my feelings :(
>get matched against someone of a much lower MR than you
>lose to some YOLO shit
>lose significantly more MR than against a better player
Is there any reason not to one-and-done low MR players in ranked?
the way people play dogshit6 makes the game so much more unenjoyable than it has to be
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Poor Mai about to get RE Engine'd
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>Poor Mai about to get RE Engine'd
>poor mai about to get saved from clay to kami engine
Are you being forced to in one way or another to rematch?
just one and dump them.
I one and dump most my matches just out of habit but people act like you just comitted a taboo.
I say fuck em.
Or maybe I just really like two or three specific characters, ever thought about that faggot?
You should not post your Tekken granny edits here. Now everyone there will know you're SF shill.
I generally think it's good, from a player development standpoint, to see how players adapt to you after a win
The system seems like it punishes that though, since a 1-1 means you lose MR overall
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I can't react to DI.
I can't discern which moves are plus or minus so I always get my jabs counterhit
nice shes going to get massively improved
For the ResetEra audience yeah
>just won a game then lose a game
>+7 MR, -10 MR
I think I should take anon's advice
Playing like this will just send me to the depths
imagine spreading those legs apart and opening the fortune cookie in the middle
>you will enjoy the tight walls of pleasure
lol.... my fortune is looking good
I could see Johnny Cage being in this game
Embarrassing post. I don’t even play Guile and even I know that his BLADE + PERFECT is multi hit.
die pedofile
Why doesnt Li Fen have big booba?
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daigo lost to ............ koomursama
>akuma jumps
>have to guess between 5 different options
Who is easier to learn and get master, Juri or Akuma ??
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average sfg user can't imagine a different artstyle
Daigo is a Grandpa playing a game all about reaction checks like drive rush and DI
>capcom makes a street fighter movie
>its about luke, jamie, and kimberly travelling to defeat bison
>see other characters in their daily lives
>chun li is in a cop outfit the entire game
>M Bison is full CGI and throws around purple effects instead of physically fighting
>have to wait 2 hours to see ryu throw a shoryuken
>matched against a Scammy with REALLY low MR
>win game 1
>get Scammy'd on game 2
>win game 3
>+5, -12, +6

Based Punk.
Daigo still can get into top-10 ranked though.
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O Alfa
My Alfa
Ryu's PoV btw.
Is there any place that offers 1on1 help for beginners?
need Chun

Apparently scamming people out of money is just taking an L
why was punk warning people about a furry artist
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People bitch about this but all the arguing about top 5 just means that like 70% of the roster is really well balanced
just play and enjoy the game. Play arcade mode to build experience, you were supposed to play the game casually for years before deciding to get good.
i can react to faster things or things with less obvious animations but i can never react to drive impact
live cunnychad
So fucking tired of retards just walk back buttoning all the fucking time zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
That's why tier lists make me laugh. Most of the cast is top tier and pros are still discovering some new techs for certain characters. Like people just realized that Ed is pretty fucking strong now
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Why the fuck do we STILL not have a minigames mode from world tour accessible on the main menu?
They're actually really fun, I want to parry basketballs
Its because you don't like it. You dont accept its existence and you refuse to let capcom ruin fighting games, so you pretend it doesn't exist and attempt to play street fighter.
vskills are just special moves you retarded smashie lmfao

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