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Previous: >>484198109

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
Will that Tencent spammer ever get a life and log off? It’s been 24+ hours now
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I OWN him
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Genshin needs a SoL school anime
So who the fuck actually plays genshin on a phone? That shit feels awful
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Any NA bro staying awake for Imaginarium Theater?
>early worm thread
I love my oceanid turned real human wife.....
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Nahida is really sexy.
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Genshota Impact
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Post some of the new abyss showcases, I need some references.
I will out-autism the tencent spammer by spamming other chinkges and ban evading nonstop 24/7 just to spite him
the threads are gonna be just me and him
and the jannies who will sit and do their job once every 24h
Kuro WON
Tencent WON
Shaoji WON
Genshin LOST
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I love mine too
can navia clear abyss without freena or yelan or zonglee
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New Lyneylines soon
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.sexy really is Nahida
we love tencent by the way
Since when did this general start defending Fat Xiao?
>new game mode with mandatory clorinde and optional Alhaitham starts after their banner
Sometimes I wonder if Mihoyo has a functioning braincell
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Revenue chart ETA?
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ok but what do you think of my gacha result
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Why are we posting feet?
I guess I am. It's in approximately 3 and a half hours correct?
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why not
Based. She's just like us...
I use it for dailies and weekly bosses. Sometimes that's the only option you have when you need to be travelling and lodging on a hotel sofa
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Good morning asians, or "Sirs" as some likes to call you.
Do you have to field a full team in the theater?
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cool, what do you think about my videogame girl?
I think you’re a mentally ill ban evading freak that needs to be kept away from society
bro, it's on server reset
I can't tell the schizos apart
It's servicable enough when you just have to spam text on the SQs to get the 4 commission points.
Actually, that way it's better than on PC.
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>he didn't pull
Sounds like taste issue
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For me, it's Arlefuri
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It's a fucking joke just like Simulated Universe. Maybe it will get harder in the next iterations
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that's not what i asked, i asked what you think about my videogame girl, not about taiwan.
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Fuck, never mind then.
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Remember when /gig/ was good?
>Owns wechat
>Which is basically an arm of the ccp
>Can and has deleted people deemed problematic
Kys, my dude
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guess he didnt like her "personality"
server reset is in 1 hour and 20 minutes, bwo...
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Gosh...all I can think about is Diluc...*sigh*
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nah I need to pass out, tomorrow is gonna suck
Sensor tower chart doko?
Tencent spammer unironically killed /gig/
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it's not, sadly
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Never mind, I'm so back.
What do you think of pagpags? We hate China too.
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you are USELESS, can't even talk about videogames without sperging about tencent and china, I pity you xis. what do you think about this green goblina?
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>still no theater on EU
its over
I respect the hustle tbdesu.
More power to you, TencentGOD
Please lvl up your Loom
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Didn't know females could be so fucking based
We should add TencentCHAD to the divegrass roster
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Kurumi HATE

I have given it a try. C3 Raiden, Xingqiu, C6 Eula, C6 Furina feels rather nice to play. Rotating between three main damage dealers means that there is significantly more flexibility.
What the hell is Lynette anyway
I swear only /gig/ is this obsessed with the sales chart. Neither /wuwa/ nor /hsrg/ even bring it up right now.
As a fellow Chinese woman, I agree with Kurumi.
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Legit if you're a traveler like that I feel like you may as well get a tablet for gaming for things like genshin and wuwa. My phone is for granblue. I don't even use my phone for limbus
Fontainians should have a whole category dedicated to them. Oceanids turned humans
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ok what about the pink goblina then, shes a cute videogame gurl innit?
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No wonder all the femcels and Neuvspics seethe about her. She's far more based than they could ever be
Sekiro >>> Elden Ring = Genshin Impact >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WuWa

WuWa's "combat" is fucking shallow. It's a like a fucking game dev's portfolio showcase/asset flip.
/wuwa/ is speculating about sensor tower right now and talking about a cropped CN chart.
Who's on the 4.8 banners?
>Elden Ring = Genshin


Elden Ring>>>>>Genshin
who tf is kurumi? google search just show hutao mods
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a warm and wet place to insert my dick
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>didn't get full stella on IT
>they show the stat on your profile page
Sigh.. fine I'll do it again...
She is correct, people are just not ready for this TRVTH PILL
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but this does not make sense? my post talks about an videogame girl, not about tencent!
Kurumi should be on the divegrass team
Just buy a good phone
Mine runs Genshin fine
/gig/'s doomQUEEN
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They are two sides of the same coin.
/gig/'s official e-whore
sex with alhaitham
Is she wrong though?
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After me
Who should be on the divegrass team

Tencent schizo
>forgot pic
Lost -1000 aura points
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Reminder for Alhaithambros. Equip Kuki with Deepwood if you're going to use her with Alhaitham in Imaginarium
>forgot pic
-100000 aura
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Kneel before your queen
But I have Deepwood on him...
ACK and !Akemi
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You will never "trigger" anyone.
only if she takes a shit while I watch
The manager said no males
so probably only Kurumi
Arlecchino did literally nothing though
And she won
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I know some people around here are unable to read but you're surprising me! what do you think about the pink videogame goblina though
the day we add 3d people is the day we can stop taking the divegrass team seriously
>new mode
>cannot use my C6
>cannot use my favorite character
Cool mode Hoyo.
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seaGOD here, this shit was easy. just need a lil bit of strategy is all.
I read that as "tranny".
you'll be glad to know we already have da wei and fat xiao on the team
>/gig/ simping for a troon
>Cannot use my C6
Explain, still haven't started Genshin today.
A human
Feline traits is a recessive gene that both of her parents had
Similar to Varuka-shuna, there was a race of cat furries long time ago, who were dissolved by racemixing with humans.
you take it seriously?
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the furina tripfag
I am a pathetic failed troll CONSUMED with trying to attack people who tell me i'm a failed troll. Reality literally hurts me.

he's probably too busy stuck on /a/ or other shitholes these days
What exactly went so wrong with that?
will Natlan have an antagonist ?
you are not fooling anyone, your worm flopped btw
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My wife
>WuWa's "combat" is fucking shallow. It's a like a fucking game dev's portfolio showcase/asset flip
If this is ranked by combat and you're putting bing high, then you're just silly
I love this fatfuck
emendandum: 3d people who are unrelated to mihoyo
Based Navia KING. I shall save all my gems and spend them on Chiori and Navia.
where proof neuvillette flopped? made up charts?
Shouldn’t you put on him since you’re not guaranteed to always have Kuki with him?
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No one takes it seriously
It only takes 10 minutes?
1h for IT in Europe
A couple pedophiles do.
/gig/ has been a laughing stock of the divegrass community for months
>can't use Zhongli
>Thoma lv70
WHAT DO I DO NOW??????????
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>I will never get Kurumilove badge
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>divegrass team doesn't even have Hu Tao or Fischl
>/gig/ wants to start adding ecelebs
worst general on /vg/?
ok but why
now that is an unique melty
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Paghida melty
Explain to me how Furina rerun is selling worse than Neuvillette rerun, I can't make sense out of it
uh oh Furinatroon melty
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>Flopvia Floptaine Geoflop calling anyone else a flop
>worst general on /vg/?
Do you even need to ask?
do libs really?
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I want to protecc her smile.
How much IQ is in that smile?
god i wish feh spammer would swap to gig permanently that would be so funny
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My C6R2 10/13/13 71%/240% Alhaitham is at sisters’ disposal.
>didn't complete all the time challenges
You're restircted to only Pyro, Hydro, and Anemo characters, and you can only use each characters twice.
your worm flopped btw
No it's the brave and valid metric TikTok hours
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if I take divegrass seriously is child pussy on my face a feasable outcome
Troonvillette did flop thougheverbeit.
Most people rolled for her in 4.2 and there are no new players joining.
>first theater season is electro pyro and anemo
>still don't have well builded characters
Go ahead without me while I am coping with no artifacts. And no. I refuse to go back and get nothing but wrong stats.
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that would indeed be funny
the jannies actually TRY and ban him (he just regularly evades) so it'd be funny to see him invade a space which has 5x more people but the jannies completely ignore. it'd be chaos
Sparkle flopped even worse than Navia
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You should take it seriously as in serious fun.
post her BIG titty
She says the revenue is low because the story is bad and that bad story=bad revenue.
Yet she also says WuWa has a better story than Genshin (that should disqualify her opinion on it's own) yet WuWa has lower revenue than Genshin.
So she disproves her own statement of bad story=bad revenue.
as of right now, it felt like a floor 11 expansion but I can see that they will toughen it up at some point.
I feel like I've seen the same interaction in /gig/ since 4.1, you are all mentally ill
I sure hope it stops in Natlan
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All of it.
So? Where is it? I was promised revenue drama.
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I'll take that answer as a "no" which means I will not take divegrass seriously
The Genshin killer...
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/gig/ femcels look like Kurumi btw
let me use yours and you can use mine
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these niggas really avatarfagging as bitches who love neuvillette while badmouthing the man
I unironically think some of you might be a lil bit trans
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I watch videos of people playing on EN and I genuinely can't tell who's talking
are EN voices as recognizable to westaboos as JP are to foreigners
So this new mode is pretty much just like Pure Fiction from HSR. A character check instead of artifact check.
Speak English you baboon
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What was Yae Miko's grand prize?
black people
Bf swap?
a private lecture about the risks of anal worms
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the calm before the storm
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go to sleep
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Controversial: I think skibidi toilet is not that funny. Sorry!
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Neuvillette theme song
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got this from the standard banner, anyone that can use it?
Also got C1 Cookie
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But I just woke up.
ugly and underdeveloped?
Controversial: Saars do not redeem "meme" is not funny. Sorry!
no IT is in 49 mins
Your worm HARD flopped.
So it's bad as expected.
Mods are the best things to happen to these hoyoslops
so is sigewinne wrio's granny or what?
>six months of free ramen
time to get chronically obese and die of a heart attack to get back at stinko for literally eating all of my light novel profits
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Kurumi was right about everything. They should let Kurumi run the company.
It feels like an inbred child between SU and PF
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I killed Dvalin in one cycle for the first time today
polishing sparkle pics for later
Stop noticing things.
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wrong pic, this. is this still good for someone or is it outdated?
Snowbreak won.
eula beidou and maybe dehya
thats it
now post navia killing neuv with a shotgun lmaooo
you project your opinions on anime girls which makes you a tranny
wormillette defense force is working hard already, zamn.
Do I need to complete the Star Challenge in the theater? Will I miss any primogem by ignoring it?
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imaginarium theater is already out in asia? any of you pags cleared it yet? how difficult it is?
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no idea,,, sorry - Bob
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>schizos seething about 3.2 "killing genshin" at full force during late Sumeru
>schizos seething about 4.2 "killing genshin" at full force during late Fontaine
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So it was Alhaithamfags all along?
3 years in, not really that difficult, can't say the same for newcuties though, better start filling that friendlist
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Weekly Pantalone ritualpost
He will be just as meta as Baizhu (not at all)
I don't even own Navia.
Stay mad faggot. You like badly written worms and Troonvillette + Wanderer is the duo that killed the game. Flopped btw.
Al Habibi is cool at least.
Very difficult because they force you to use male characters.
Stop noooticing things Venti, you're just drunk
I'm in
but I'm also on phone so fuck that
no, it's only to show the stars in your player profile
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it was easy
genshin won.... again
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Reminder that Scarayumes had a canon ingame representation
Post your Alhaitham's enka card
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They're still mad over him being gay and not the Scarlet King (King Deshret)
Not that hard if you have a lot of built characters, and you occasionally get really scuffed teams but that adds to the charm. Really high production value, loads of unique animations and cool world stages. I can see people whining that they don’t have enough characters for Hard mode, but it’s supposed to be another abyss, it isn’t something u can clear with a relatively fresh account. In other words Abyss = Vertical Investment, Theater = Horizontal Investment
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and still more popular than neuvillette
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Haikavehfags lost. Wriolettebros won
wheres thje revenue
where's the sensor tower report? 3 more hours?
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mornin' /gig/
>free monthly fates
>pity 85
>last chance to get Furina in her last banner
oh well, I guess I have Emilie guaranteed now
trashvillette is gayer than alhaitham. alhaitham does not give a fuck about kaveh, meanwhile trashvillette has been interested in wrio since he was a kid and have a daughter together
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...on fujo websites.
>t. peruvian avatarfaggot
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>Bring Arle to the old boss
>Charge attack on his back
>It doesn't gather the BoL
wormillette flopped
Fucking hell women are vile.
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>expression of affection
He gave her a facial and honestly I would too.
sorry bwo maybe you can still grind enough freemos to make furina happen
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it's so fucking over
I just got qiqied too except this time on standard. God, I am so ready to drop this game. Fucking waste my 4 months for nothing.
>alhaizen more popular than Neuvillette
We have hoyo popularity polls, why even lie?
What do you call this mental illness?
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Haikaveh topped that chart within three months of release and never needed a schizo writing 800 fics in five different languages to inflate the numbers.
I guess Genshin really is dying.
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If you can throw a basic 1-2, you could go to a hypothetical /gig/ meetup and drop like 30 moetroons in a row
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Why is his normals lvl 11?
C1 btw
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Tiffany made them gay during this patch, stop coping.
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yeah I'm thinking that's on god
Read his passive talents.
That's intended, it doesn't work on mighty dragons.
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based. Everyone loves Wriolette
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Read his talents and you will know why.
schizophrenia just ignore
His passive gives +1 to nas for everyone in the party. That's why he was the best Neuv support before Furina
It's homo investment so it's bad.
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father son
Real talk, does he benefit from having high normals or is it just for the other team members?
>still coping
He is so cool wtf
those thorns don't count as Dvalin's body
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*NTRs your screentime against your will*
Then why is the mark on it?
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Bina will come with an exclusive, character specific dendro reaction.
Source - uncle /gig/.
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Cute game mode!
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What are you doing while waiting for IT
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Give me leaks.
>she will be a cryo support for the Tsaritsa
I can't wait for bina
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His Riptide damage scales off his NA.
Doing weeklies
Can you get all nu-abyss achievements right away?
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It truly is over...
it's in the text
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>harbinger (every single one of them so far has been a main dps) acting as support for archon (every single one of them so far has been an eq support bot)
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Imaginarium is just another character trial event except with some tacked on simulated universe mechanics.
Why is this game trying to turn me into a churl apologist
I've seen bigger nuts from a guy fucking a head of cabbage
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an anime with an unfinished story is always a very bad idea for several reasons (original anime stories that have nothing to do with the original story, shitty sidestories, fillers)
so I don't understand why that is bad news
when genshin ends in 2030, maybe there will be an anime
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Only Genshin can re-release Abyss but with arbitrary limitations imposed upon in and call it 'new'.
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Alhaitham is more popular in the region that matters
no shit, it's trying to get whales to fomo into shit 5*s who should have been 4*s and unpopular male characters
Alhaitham has authentic popularity.
Neuvillette has brazilian popularity.
The moral of the story is; Be happy with what you have, you'll never know what you get.
Not gonna lie bros, I don't like the idea of only being able to use my fave character/s (in my case, two) twice in IT.
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Again with your Brazilian boogeyman? What do you have against them anyway?
My first playthrough got half of them
columbina will be the exception to the rule
after all, she's not a harbinger....
I can't even use my favorite character even once thanks to the element restriction.
Are they still focusing on Demon Slayer? Ugh... You gotta be kidding me... Still never plan to watch that overrated shit.
Uh oh neuvspic melty
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..now what?
just make a /bant/ thread already
yeah, that too.
Like goddamn, the combat is easy, but the restrictions are hella annoying.
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I'm sorry anon, he can turn Oceanids into humans but he can't change your race.
He won't because he's a subhuman
>you can only select three of these poses to buy
Already shit.
>she's not a harbinger
Can you not save them? I never use photo mode and would rather have the running effects
I was under the impression the running effects were from some different mini challenge thing?
Why does that anti-Neuvillette schizo (singular) hate Brazilians? Everyone else love Brazilian here
I have several characters with constellations and their weapons
Diagonal investment chads WON
i like how the first result is the nips genuinely feeling sorry for Aloy for being banned in the theater.
Ikr, they're just a sunny people who like soccer and used to make good music. What is there to hate?
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Ummm, why am I returning the pieces of power to the Statues of The Seven? How can it be the 'reasonable, right and lawful' thing to do? Shouldn't I be returning these shards to the Iudex instead since he's the rightful inheritor to the power?
anime often serves as an advertisement for some other shit, like manga, LNs, and/or merch. if the series it's trying to advertise is over, there's no point to it, it won't help sales. genshin would ideally have a show running alongside the game but it sounds like hoyo got cucked hard, which is probably why they're building their own animation studio
>Every Troonvillette fuck is a Shounen faggot, which increases their chances of being a spic, nigger or pag by 250%
The schizo is actually onto something, also nobody likes Brazil, you guys are considered cannibalistic monkeys.
Sopa de macaco, Uma delicia.
>Everyone else love Brazilian here
Brazilians are the Russian of Africa
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What are you noticing? If I wanted to samefag, I could just do it in 45 seconds.
so 2 more hours for the revenue report then? yeah?
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>Anti-Neuvfag is a moeshitter
Of course.
why are spics like this...?
samefagging and falseflagging...
You should also stop spending in the Paimon shop. You're making her stronger for the final fight.
I'm actually dreading the sensor tower charts.
Furina... please... produce a miracle...
I too kinda wanna buy 4chan pass just to flex on /gig/ broke ass
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>don't have any electro 5* besides keq
>don't have any pyro 5* besides unmatched
>don't have any anemo 5* besides jean
What the fuck am I even supposed to do here?
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Only eight minutes left until IT and you're still seething about the KING.
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Hercules myth is literally a shounen
Man, y'all suck.
you can only learn 3 out of 6?
wormvillette flopvillette flopped BIGLY
that's poverty for you
>4chan pass
oh no...
all the noticing...
it's all in le head...
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start by denouncing neuvillette as the shit character who ruined fontaine and I might take you seriously
You should keep being cute.
Wtf why is Aloy banned? Fuck off Mihoyo
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I did it!
it's so fucking over...
sex with kokomi
remember when people used to spam monkey gore here
do you think it was...?
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I want to chime in and say that this is an accurate take.
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lmao even
No, it's called 'rolling for characters I like', there isn't a single character I like in those elements.
I've played for close to 700 fucking days.
if I do so can I cum inside of you until a babby is formed
The hate on brazilian posters is so forced, /gig/'s casual racism needs to be studied
Neuvillette killed Genshin, his AURA DRAIN was extremely effective and flopped everyone post 4.2.
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kys da wei
Whales, post your UIDs so I can add you
mods: enabled
it's imaginarium theater time
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I'm log in
But Troonvillette flopped himself?
Also they're tone deaf, since they kept shilling him with Siggy (while making her trash).
And Wormderer slop in 4.8
Do you own mihoyo or some other gacha company stock?
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First it's the pags, then the ivans, then the saars, and now the spics.
Why are you burgers like this?
/m/en never lose
bro your chiori
The Aura drain didn’t give it back to CHUDvillettw, it actually dissipated and was inhaled by Fat Xiao
2 Def
The rest is ER
EU bros, it's up
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It begins
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Isn't the new Gundam explicitly Yuri? I heard the two main girls get married
>5 more hours of wagie slaving
Go on without me...
Time to try this shit mode, glad I mostly invested in Pyro and Electro.
So how does this new permanent mode work?
You fucking nigger spook me, I thought the revenue result already up.
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Is Siggy for (Me)? Is she well written? Fun to play? Will she cure my ED? Does she possess accurate anatomical knowledge of all my weakspots and will relentlessly hit them all at the same time while protecting hers, ensuring she has enough energy to keep going all night, every night, while force feeding me zinc pills? Is she in any way similar to the og Melusine (my beloved) from fgo?
I thought the stream was on the 15th
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post your featured characters, RIGHT NOW
Sensor Tower should be out in about an hour
In other words, around an hour till WuWa gets anally raped in front of millions, are you ready for /gig/ to be unusable for a day after kuroshills raid us as they piss and shit their pants?
what site is that?
Is this how they appear
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Kino room
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Whatever, that's good enough
That's when the Lazzo/Overture equivalent video is supposed to release.
The only thin getting raped is Furina at revenue
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>exactly 18 characters
Thank god for leveling autism
the stream to last fontaine patch is this friday already? fuck time is flying by
Oh, fair enough. I probably got those two mixed up then. Did Fontaine also have a teaser in the livestream a week prior to the Overture video?
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Oh shit it's up
Is there a reason to add characters that aren't pyro, electro, or anemo right now?
Yes, alice narrated it and we learned about melusines and saw the main city
I wouldn't be this invested with the whole sales shit if it wasn't for the constant shitposting here.
Fuck every single one of you.
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Here at Tencent, we stand for the individual freedom and we support the revolution of the Chinese people against the tyranny of the CCP
you WILL become a tribalist
Why are Fontaine characters forgotten already? People talked about Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma and Sumeru characters for months on enf... There were tons of analyses of Venti's background, people unpacked the consequences of Raiden's Ei's actions, there were tons of discussions on female characters (like Ganyu and Jean), femcels were hyping up Ayato and Scaramouche, etc..

Meanwhile, Fontaine characters? They were already forgotten a week after their release...
Cool, in that case I guess we'll get something similar for Natlan then, probably something about the saurians if they're saving the characters for the next video.
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This is the best looking area in the game and it's not even close
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Very easy. I used trial Chlorinde with trial Thoma and 2 other fillers and they were more than enough for the weak mobs. Just save your built chars for the last boss and you'll have no issues. One thing you need to look out for is your team appears in the lobby map with some new lines, don't forget to talk to them after each battle.
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I barely started the mode and it's already dogshit
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>Want some open world sloppa but don't want to do Skyrim again
>Like Fischl
>Download 70 gigs of chinese spyware
>Fairy starts vocal frying me
>Another 20 gigs to fix the voice acting
>First novice pull
>No Fischl
Great game Genkeks.
it's over... WuWa performed so poorly it made a rip in the space-time conondrum and took us back 1 whole year...
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it's here
when does drip marketing usually drop? two days before update?
Wuthered from the charts...
Jesus why did all the top hitters go down?
Holy shit! We lost!!
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Admit it /gig/, how many of you don't get the reference
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Yes, on Monday same week as an update.
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It's over...
Sales are declining. Homemaker premium and Natalie's are the only ones winning.
you have 1 month
Oh so you HAVE to have 18 characters. I thought it was just optional kek
I was there when it was written.
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I'm a hoyoslurper but I unironically enjoyed Wuwa's 1.1 patch bwos. Exploring Mt. Firmament gave me that magical feeling when I explore a new region in Genshin. We might be in trouble...
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>phone fag
Your opinion literally doesn't matter
minute maid bros...
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We might be in trouble indeed. If we don't come together and start a revolution, they might as well oppress all of us.
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Damn, Scaramouche's JP VA really forgot how he sounded in Sumeru....
He has a cute shota voice in both IT and a new voiceline
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bwos.... I'm having fun...
When does it come out? I wanna shitpost a bit before work
FGO went up
Sunny D???
Good for you, still not playing though
tamed by cunny
/hsrg/ is higher IQ than /gig/ holy shit
>it's trying to get whales to fomo
How? It's a watered down version of the Abyss.
Autobattler requires strategic thinking sometimes
its so over...
I'm just curious if it's like a summer thing where people spend less cause it's too hot to play on a phone or something?
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One Piecebros...
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>waifufags left
The 8 consecutive female releases weren't enough
>yumes left
The fontaine males apart are cuckbait including lyney (because of his sister), they were still obsessed with xiao cheld and scara
>fujos left
the designated fontaine yaoi ship wasn't sufficient for them, especially after haikaveh
>yurifags left
same as above but yuri ship and eimiko
>self inserters left
none of the females are interested in you
>lorefags left
Lots of inconsistencies in the lore
>musicfags left
Awful boss OSTs
>exploration fags left
The empty area was the final straw

It's over. Genshin is dead. Floptaine killed Genshin.
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I just grabbed that screenshot from google because I'm on a work laptop
holy shit wolfy is yapping
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>simulated universe mechanic
sweetie, we call that labyrinth warrios mechanic around here
Yeah, whales don't really give a shit about this.
What it IS doing, is trying to get the rest of us low spenders to stop saving our rolls and invest more horizontally, to which they can fuck right off.
>pointing up the obvious
>not pretending
Does genshin have AGF goods?
I hope that wasn't your best screenshot, because that looks like shit.
you need /s at the end of the post or something?
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Imaginarium hype is gone now, continue hyping up ZZZ, coming out in less than 3 days!
holy retard
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What did they mean by this?
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CHADluc I'm sorry for doubting...
>fish ling
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I'm sleepy
diversity, fire all men, hire only women
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The inevitable is approaching, Genkeks
Losing against an autobattler must be really embarrasing
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is the theater up only for pagpags? I'm a mutt and don't see jackshit in the Mondo library
Genshin is finished... This is Floptaine's legacy.
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That's like easy mode anyway
Future of Marketing
It's right at the title
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thank you da wei almost 4 pulls a month!!
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I play both daily for less than 20 minutes, at the same time
Is the song that plays during the monolith stages new? I can't remember hearing it before and it slaps
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Isn't this Imaginarium Theatre thing super gacha locked?
Like, I'd understand if this were the type of game that just flooded you with shitty F2P characters and low star chars for your gacha rolls, enabling you to at least participate if you've upgraded those characters enough, but it's not really the case here.

I'm literally locked out cause I have 9/10 characters to enter.
>hyping up furryslop
i don't understand the mind of a gacha journeyman
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I just grabbed that off google as I'm not on my gaming laptop. Here's another example I found in google
Are you also complaining during 1.0 when only people who whaling for C6 diluc from standard banner can clear abyss 12 in less than a week?
Do you honestly have nothing better to do than RP every single day? You're a friendless loser that no one likes, it's no wonder you LARP as Sparkle
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Women are so diverse!
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da wei sama, so generous...
I can't see it either
Why did Fontaine flop
seaGOD like me already cleared it 7 hours ago
it's up for europoors just 30 mins ago
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>thought characters would say something interesting regarding the unique circumstances
>only offering pointless, meaningless platitudes
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14/18 of the characters so far are female
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>need 18 lvled and geared characters

my anxiety?
What exactly did you expect? Them revealing their ancient connection to celestia and the primordial one??
>arlecchino is now relegated to delivering cakes and candies...
>My account got zero friend
>Mono element teams
>Never bother to level up character I don't like.
would be kino
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6 more hours bwo
>Apothecary Diaries that high
Holy based
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As it is, they're not even worth talking to.
That's all she did in the AQ too
it should be up at 11AM ur local time
>my raiden is on em set
That candy was laced anon, why do you think a professional assassin giving people free candy?
>not lumine
>canon mc
>furina's boyfriend
>2.2% of a character once per month
>for PLAYING the game
Heh... Other games could never...
>one femcel title (apothecary diaries), two incel titles (frieren, spy x family), SEVEN fujo titles
its over
manga has fallen
dumb venti hiding his power level
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Mine father is in a different place
It's better than nothing
>sells 3.8 million copies
>still commits tax fraud
>Kingdom still going strong like 20 years later
I should've started watching the anime back when S1 started...
The Warring States period looks interesting despite not being well known compared to the 3 kingdoms.
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She's completely fucking nuts bro I told you
Isn't Tencent owned by the CCP, then they scuttled it themselves by making daily login rewards illegal?
Is this the first piece of voiced permanent side content that isn't character stories?
>limbus 1 mil
Damn, I have no idea what whales are whaling for when 10 bucks every 6 months is all you need to get every character and ego.
There are two lower difficulty options with less character requirements. I could be entirely off base but it doesn't really seem to appeal to low spenders, not at least compared to the normal Abyss. If instead they added a separate with character sharing between friends, I could see that as being more fomo inducing since it is the "true" end game challenge we've had since launch.
I'd wager that someone being able to use my [insert C6 limited character] in the Abyss would have more of an appeal factor then letting them potentially use them in the Imaginarium Theatre. With the latter you don't really even get to choose your team in the same manner.
fuck off cuckfag
That's a big chair
For my wife.
which ones of these no longer exists?
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Hmm... no.
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>if you pull siggy you can sneak in a hydro
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Ty pagGODs
Why do you fags assume that the Asia server only has players from South East Asia? Sometimes I'm impressed by just how ignorant you burgers are.
Why would you connect to a server half the world away from you?
The music in later chambers fucks
>Can't pick dendro team in this game mode
>dendrokeks getting filtered
love this shit
To stay away from Westoids?
you can
damn her hydro application will surely come in handy!
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Do I really have to level and build all of these losers...?
For coop-ing with my girlfriend in Sendai, duh.
alhabibi skipper
wormzhu skipper

damn, must be tough
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>Moeshit for fujos
>moeshit for pedophiles
>moeshit for incels
>moeshit for manchildren
>moeshit for fujos 2
>moeshit for fujos 3
>moeshit for pedophiles 2
>gag moeshit
>moeshit for marvelfags
God what a DISGRACE of a line up.
If only the Dragon Ball Super manga wasn't a NON-CANON DOUJIN done by a TRACING FRAUD we could have brought back the GOLDEN ERA of Herculean tales that would inspire a new generation to adhere to their dreams and ideals and to always seek self-improvement rather than quietly joining a rotting society that is brimming with DEGENERACY.
>not having done so already
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Whalebros you better start working up a priority list
>OH NO!! they want you to play the game, with all the different options the game offers. How can this be possible?
I'm on the hk/tw server even though i don't live there.
Why did you let Floptaine flop? Because of you, Da Wei is forced to make brown characters broken.
You DID get all of them, right...?
Most of my anemo pyro and electro character are not well builded.
End my life...
nigga I don't swipe. just don't be a newfag or a retard who only rolls for cons or weapon banner even
It doesn't matter so no.
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They intentionally divide people, it's time we undo our brainwashing. Our top experts at Tencent has always been great supporter of civic equality
But Wan Piss isn't moeshit... its shounenshit, like Dragonbabs.
The Nahidafag sounds upset that he can't use her in the Theater
Stop rolling for the wrong characters retard
>"hey guys, *character* is pretty bad
>"oh, uh well no you see, if you use *character* with *top three broken characters in the game* then *character* is good
Why are gachafags like this? Why are "you people" so afraid of saying a character is bad. You SHOULD be saying character is bad because this isn't some fighting game or whatever where you just unlock them with a pass or whatever. You use up a lot of time, effort, and resources to raise iup these characters, and you STILL have to go through the chance of getting them if you have less than 28,880 primos or whatever.

Say these characters are bad, so these devs can do better. Getting real tired of these
>S- -
tiers going round because these sissies refuse to say a character is bad so their feelings won't get hurt. This isn't just a Genshin problem btw.
The fuck are you on about. Enemies on hard mode are lv 70 and fall over just by looking at them
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holy shit the characters you used actually come to visit!
>next theater is anemo/cryo/hydro
>6 out of 18 of my characters of these elements are healers
mr da wei san i dont feel so good
Oh, this is the first time you replied to me, tencent schizo. Hello.
It's called endgame not I started "4 months ago game"
It's to insensitive spending and longer dedicated play
>But Wan Piss [headcanon]
>building characters I dont like
>weird element checks in a game with sporadic element releases (I.e imagine a Geo IT)
>cucking newfriends when nothing else is like that outside of difficulty with multiple teams
MHY slurpers...
siggy on the casting couch...
Well, that's a rip. I don't have a single built anemo or cryo character. I don't think my Furina can carry me alone.
see you next year, newfag
So who has one of the bonus characters and wants to add me...? They locked an achievement behind these fuckers
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Is the 15 times limit per character? Like, other people can borrow my Raiden 15 times? Or is it 15 times for the whole cast?
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This one's kinda cool ngl
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>Got C2 Nahida and C2 Nilou
>Can't used them in this mode.
>My C1 raiden is EM bot.
Based, just ease people in before fucking them in the ass with a later run, like the good old abyss
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Yeah I'm not gonna read all that, post ending in 5 decides what I read instead.
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>little control over what characters you get
>can end up in scenarios where all you have are electro/anemo supports against cryo shields, in which case you might as well just fucking start over
>have to complete the dancing duo in 90 secs
>doesn't even give your characters a temp level up for the characters you own like HSR does, meaning you have to grind & waste valuable resources that could be put to better use
Yeah, this game mode is butt-fucking bullshit. Once again we get fucked over for playing this stupid shitty pag game.
The least Dawei could do is ask me out first, because I like to get wine & dined before I get fucked.
sexy sexy sexy
you can only borrow ONE character. so if you're a newfag, you're pretty much cannot clear this shit until next year maybe
Pierre Chuvin- A Chronicle of the Last Pagans
Can't believed you niggers defending this P2W bullshit.
Star Rail also got similar game mode called PF, they at least gave you more pulls so you can build multiple teams.
uh hermanos can you really only pick 3 out of 6 poses? why would they do this to me...
This is an anti-anon bias and it shows.
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You know what to do
You better save an ousia character for the last part anon
Abyss peaked in difficulty years ago thougever?
and 6 trial characters
/gig/ you simply just pull everyone and level them up to 90 lol, not that expensive
Haven't had time to do the theater yet, do you get mora if other people use your characters like in other games?
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Surprised they got 4x of all the VAs to come in just to record like 1-3 lines for this. They'll eventually have to bring in everyone
Mahjong riichi book 1 (I have not read it and never will).
I don't recognize any voice in any media except for Patrick Warburton and Norio Wakamoto.
I'm not pulling for that uggo Emilie.
I'm waiting for my Gaelic redhead pyro archon instead.
I can't pick between Noelle's and Xiangling's thespian trick...
It's trash, I got my primos and won't touch it again until the rewards reset. I will be complaining in the survey about how being forced to use 4 main DPSs without any synergy in the same team feels like shit.
At least genshin didnt fall for the roguelike/rougelite meme mode that is in most gachaslop.
Those are terrible
Uh oh cleric didn't use his friends loooooooool
This mode SUCKS.
Don't be greedy.
Why would you need the homos' poses?
This mode ROCKS.
Doombros I'm kinda enjoying this mode, go on without me...
There are 4 girls though.
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Just opened the game and did the dailies/mondays/resin
Quick rundown on this new "endgame" mode? I didn't even entered the room.
1.4 player here so I have quite some characters but I don't know of course.
Thanks frens.
Webm unrelated
What do the Challenge Stellas do? I missed one, does it matter?
>/gig/ is getting filtered by the new Abyss where you can't use Neuv, Furina and Nahida
This mode FLOPPED.
Thanks to Fontaine.
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Who are the special characters for the next season of this?
I figure if I can get through this one decently I'll actually try for the next one
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It sure is another great day to love Alhaitham
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>building characters I don't like
Happens in every RPG.
>weird element checks in a game with sporadic element releases (I.e imagine a Geo IT)
I can't imagine because IT isn't restricted to only one element. If you are missing characters here comes a reminder that all 4* can be obtained from the banners at any time.
>cucking newfriends when nothing else is like that outside of difficulty with multiple teams
It's ENDGAME, now NEWGAME, it's not meant for newfags but for those who have amassed lots of resources.

All of your points have been refuted, you may cry about it now.
>playing Snowbreak instead
The PvE is honestly boring me.
How do you beat Jadeplume after it activates its thing?
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Guys, why every single one of my main DPS is not in this list?
Where is my Nahida and Nilou?
Where is my Furina and god dragon?
Why the game listed all my support characters and unused character?

>used alhaitham in imaginarium
You did not clear
It does not count
Redo your entire run
just use trial chara + friend support + your own team >>484214069
save good teams for stage 3 6 8
save good CC for stage 4
good luck
It's bad because it's restrictive. That's all.
Yanfei god
Good thing I rolled for Alhaitham and Baizhu
nothing whatsoever, they're just there to show em off on your profile
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Too easy....
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good afternoon
It is deliberately made to be frustrating and anti-fun. They could AT THE VERY LEAST let US chose which characters we want as the starting cast, not all this random trash.
>that list
Yeah, I won't even bother logging in.
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Feels good being a diagonalCHAD
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That you sometimes have to use characters without synergies doesn't feel good, man.
>theater comes out in asia
>everyone having fun
>theater comes out in europe
>50% fun 50% whining
lol can't wait until na scrubs unlock it
>89 Xinyan
Based but also deserved
>100 friends in list
>only 15 can borrow a character once
Explain why this must be a thing.
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good morning! lots of his wonderful face this morning.
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Why does she insist on both mogging and mocking me
I finally feel rewarded for being a c0 only roller.
Clorinde feels awful to play
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Wait, so this Imaginarium Theatre thing is an added permanent source of primos next to Abyss and stuff?
So we get more monthly primos?
>It actually shows who you used
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Genshins for this feel?
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new ingame alhaitham content too its a good day
Well damn I gotta get it now...
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Asians are low energy. The thread was dead before IT went up in EU
Humilation. Ritual.

Bro, why do you only have the bad chracters leveled up?
I hate having to manage vigor this shit fucking sucks
Why does JP Furina sound like a pre-pubescent boy?
They should allow one character to work regardless of the element
I want to be able to use my favorite anytime, this is so frustrating
A little bit more, yes. Keep in mind that abyss only resets once per month to compensate but from what I recall you get like 100 or 200 more per month
>can do the theater in like a year when I'm done building 10 other characters
Yay, so exciting...
im kinda confused do i put the characters that im not gonna use on the supporting cast?
Yes but only by like 200
They should reverse it and let us use 15 friend characters in the mode instead.
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the trick is getting the trash trial characters to fuck off as fast as possible
>being anything other than conformist bootlickers showering mihomo in endless gratitude
Her VA is a retard
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just the theater opening up or is there something else? does he get new voice lines in there like teapot?
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cheers, c0r0 enjoyers here
Gaming is a DPS
Bennett can be built as a DPS
Klee is a DPS
Yanfei is a DPS
Razor is a DPS
Diluc is a DPS

Literally your fault for not building them
Get fucked
>Happens in every RPG
Only in shit JRPGs where they force a party member in without adjusting.
>I can't imagine because IT isn't restricted to only one element.
Yeah, its 3 instead barring any shilled exceptions
Empty buzzword for a mode available after a few weeks of play with an easy mode adjusted there too
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You gweilo can't stop asking for end game this end game that.
Now do you rike it?
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which one did you pick?
for me it's Raiden, Ayato and Jean (basically the 5*)
Abyss is monthly now.
>doesn't own the trial characters
>he didn't randomly farm cope artifacts for them over the past year
Oh nononononono
PLEASE introduce me to this boy
uuuh source?
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B-bros...? I thought this game mode was for newcuties like me?
Post UID, cutie. Although one borrowed character won't help you much.
Others are uggos
Better start farming for more goblets /gig/ you're gonna need em hahahaha
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I never use photo mode poses but XL and Raiden were the only ones that felt like actual 'real' poses
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I honestly don't understand why they don't temporarily level up all your characters for this mode like HSR does. It's such a bafflingly arbitrary limitation.
I'm not going to roll, level and gear up 3 characters of every element all for 200 extra primos every month, what the fuck were they thinking.
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It was fun although I can't say I'm a fan of the element restriction
how do i have sex with genshin impact female
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Still too easy, need more endgame. Maybe a roguelike this time.
>want to play with Noelle and Chiori
>lol, fuck you
I love this new mode forcing me to go with souless shit...
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hrt_diluc reposted this coloring
i have no idea what im doing i haven't even built wanderer xdd
Name me 1 (one) gacha that doesn't try to restrict your team/ element/ whatever
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>I have to level up my characters and farm mats for them?
>I'd rather spend an entire week's worth of Resin on literally zero useable artifacts
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The stat bonus applying to the characters in both the open world and apparently also the abyss is going to cause some confusion down the line, isn't it
This update is trash
um omg is that sprakles
god bless
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You have one whole month, bucko.
Build your fucking characters.
Genshin sales lost to Wuwa. It's over
Genshin (not counting shields) until this update.
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>lowest income in forever
>imaginarium turned out much worse than people expected
>unironic mihoyo shills in full damage control
wuwa actually flopped bro
Reminder that she was meant to have a Story Quest, and Hoyo simply hoped people would forget. and they did lmao
How do I come to terms with the fact that MiHoYo actively hates Genshin and they're trying to drive players away from it in favour of their other games which are both easier to develop as well as products they actually like
you think one month is even enough to get good artifacts?
hsr> 92.5
gen> 66.5
wuwa >45.5
What the fuck is with that Ayato pose LMAO
>I'm not going to roll, level and gear up 3 characters of every element all for 200 extra primos every month, what the fuck were they thinking.
That you have leveled and geared 3 characters for each element by now instead of shitposting and complaining about no content?
What? Were you expecting they just fork over 200 primos for free every month?
>all the seasonal players are locked out
BASED DA WEI he knows how to get money flowing
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I finally got a piece for Emilie.
post it
So how does this shit work? You can only use certain characters each cycle?
It's enough to get artifacts that are good enough. This game mode absolutely does not require cracked 50CV sets on every character.
water derangement syndrome, they're confused by their own reflection in the water
Mihoyo does horizontal investment
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>more UI clutter
Mihoyo, fucking stop. Make a drop down/pop up menu or something, it's bad enough that you can't freely click on the map without placing down a pin.
Thanks will look into it.
How's the time frame? 15 days like Abyss?
it's up in the 1st world?
Is the Imaginarium that bad
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4-5 more hours
Yes, enjoy leveling up and farming artifact for your male.
>spend a month leveling and gearing up a few mid tier characters to fill out the roster
>can't 36 star next abyss (biggest hp inflation to date, 25% higher hp than current abyss) because we were too busy gearing up shitters to improve our a team
literally a lose lose situation
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It's unreasonable considering the amount of time, resources, resin and mora that goes into building just one (1) character.
Tell me then, Mihoyo Marketer, why it is that HSR can give characters a temporary level boost for their endgames, when this one can't.
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Grats bwo
In Yurop yes
If you just want to clear shit, you can just level a character and give them arts from you already built characters. Then just swap them back.
DU isn't an endgame.
if you use him he gets two new dialogues in the theatre
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>What? Were you expecting they just fork over 200 primos for free every month?
HSR does it so...
Hilichurl bridge...
Gotta pay the troll toll.
>It's unreasonable considering the amount of time, resources, resin and mora that goes into building just one (1) character.
the requirement is lv 70. That is one (1) day of farming
unless you are unlucky most of my chars took 2 months to get good ones anyway is started doing it now and i noticed in order to do hard do i really need to have more characters?
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You know the rules, and so do I.
It was up in the "1st world", hours ago.
>It's enough to get artifacts that are good enough
I cant even get mainstats with flats for one set in a month, let alone enough for 16 people...
>frieren second
the little time travel arc was so fucking weird, the midas demon was alright
Besides the point & dodging the question, all in one.
Are you fags seriously getting filtered by this? I'm using random shitters I leveled for the pulls and cleared it 100%
Because HSR players are all games journalists?
Aren't we the game that got angry Dawei wasn't adding more endgame content to pour our collective autism on?
sparkle flopped
Who is even playing Wuwa? It's a carbon copy of genshin but even more generic.
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>>can't 36 star next abyss (biggest hp inflation to date, 25% higher hp than current abyss) because we were too busy gearing up shitters to improve our a team
How long till sensotower shitpost? Want to mock some wuwatroons
I am confused
Isn't it trivial to get all the primos in imaginarium?
You only need to pass, stars are only used for the poses or whatever
HSR has no game is it has to
Asiabros that have OP characters, add me pls..
I just heard one of the new JP lines and holy sex, he delivers as always. that "hmmmm"...
>xhe mad xhe cannot clear it with xhe c6 troonhida, troonvillete & troonrina
It's out
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You really think you need 40 CV artifacts for the Theater?
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my wife
>people having any expectation for new mode considering recent event streak
Their fault desu
HRT endgame is very a f2p/horizontal investment unfriendly
Don't lie
Just have to wait until the specific day that you can level up their talents too, so not really 1 day.
>he didn't roll every pyro DPS to trivialize this exact scenario
Imagine being a skiptard
Chat is this real?
And HSR players all have the intellectual depth of a teaspoon. They're all "playing" it for the free gambling fix.
both abyss and theater last for whole month now
nah i was just talking in general
one of them is about him being a lazy bum and offering you coffee and the other one is some philosophical stuff about how seeking knowledge work and war is pretty much the same thing or something
>creates scenario in his head
>check gachagaming to see if sensor tower numbers are up
>first thread I see is "BL gacha [Velvet React) launches on July 9th"
a real genshin killer
Most of the op characters you can use are already trial characters, meaning they can't be added for others to use. The remaining pyro, electro and anemo characters you can add for others to use get grabbed by everyone else on your friend list right away since their usage is limited.
It's kind of fucked, lol.
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very cute and in character for him, i will cherish hearing them in-game later.
I'm checking gachagaming you can't keep trying to fool me /gig/
>firefly sold less than raiden's 3rd rerun
okay what elements should i put on my character profile my gf needs units to clear this shit
You put it in the Theater, not on your profile showcase.
>highest seeling gacha cahracter of all time
No one cares about source, go on and use it for your shitpost.
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troonrina lost?
gig is healing...
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They aren't added to your character profile; you add them in a selection menu while inside the IM itself. Electro, anemo and pyro characters are able to be used but not the following as they are offered as special trial characters for the duration.
>dvalin still a janky piece of shit 3.5 years later
Defending the monolith is fucking impossible without Kazuha
>rolled for C6 Furina
>can't use her in IT
defend this
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>has women
it's over...
she isn't pyro electro or anemo. hope that helped.
Your Sucrose?
Maybe they're traps?
Baizhuderer > clorox/siggi/furina
My monolith was attacked by eremites so I just used Venti
alhaitham... cheld... ayato... why did you leave us...
it's kinda easy you are right bros
siggy is still up if you want hydro
>game about men
>make them look like girls
what's the point, fujoniggers?
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>actually some cute looking guys
>oh who's the pink gi---
nevermind. fuck your tranny shit
Yeah looking again it probably IS a man
Wuwa - Global (IOS+Android) and China (IOS) - $35M
Traps is not trans and is perfectly gay.
The girliest one tops all the others
My 2 years worth of artifact farming....wasted ...

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