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Previous: >>484212208

There is a standalone PC client. Click on the Windows button on the website to download it.


>Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Trailer | Thaw of Eons

>Wuthering Waves Featured Cinematics | AS FATE HAS DECREED

>Resonator Showcase | Jinhsi

>Official Twitter Account

To redeem the codes you need to finish the tutorial first (beat the Crownless), then go to settings.


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>/wuwa/ Thread Template (use this when making new threads)
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Wuwon? Wuwon.
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Wuwa lost bigly...
Chinks ruined the story and are now ruining the sales. Great that kuro listened to them, it really went well and paid off.
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Wuwuwawa pagpags are NOT going to like this. Time to ramp up the shill webm posting! I'm sure for every hundred times you post the webm comparing Emilie to the phoenix woman one player makes the switch! LMAO
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I think WuWa did well...
We stalemate for now until we establish a chinese money printer
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well wuwa bros, so far who is your favourite dps/team and why?

mine is encore sanhua because of how fast and autismmax you can play with them aswell as how flexible the rotation can be.
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Where the doomposters at now that wuwa is here to stay
It does work thoughly? We beat Genshin in global, where it matters.
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Changli is going to make 100 Wuwillion dollars on her banner. Trust the plan.
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I didn't know Changli's appearance changes with her current number of stacks. That's pretty cool.
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Thanks bweeh poster, you’re alright in my book
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>where it matters.
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>Shilled by everyone
>The "Genshin killer"
>24 days
>0 tiktok hours
>0 hype
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Can I get a QRD on Changli's kit? Is she as good as Jinhsi?
Fun flashy combos and don't need to switch cancel autism too much.
>as if Biden totally destroyed Drumpf
Your criminal candidate lost, cope harder chuddie. Everyone still wants Biden for a second term rather than your crooked cheater of an orange. Don't you have /pol/ to go back to?
that is 3 banners of revenue they hit their peak
straight to ToF revenue from here on out
Yeah it's pretty neat, hope we get more of effects change in the future.
>almost doubled the launch
isnt that like incredibly good
they have changed from spamming EOS to gloating over an ever closing gap. they are scared, next month will be the end for gig trannies
>chink region
>chink characters
>story rewritten to cater to chinks
>they spend NO money
Truly hilarious. I hope kuro learns from this and tells them to go fuck themselves.
Same. I'm actually surprised considering how most people probably don't play it on mobile.
That's pretty good, the next banners are Changli Camelya that one random dude Mortefi talks about and then Phrolova Scar

I think if they just double down on coom they could repeat the Kancole -> Azur Lane scenario
>in global, where it matters.
>chink companies that only listen to chinks
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Yeah im thinking WU WON BIGLY
I'm using Jinhsi, Verina and Yuanwu. I only have him at lvl 40 though, I can't justify actually building him because he feels like a cope option at the end of the day. I'm waiting to hopefully get better electro echoes for Yinlin.
We only have Changli for next month
Bwo next month we only have Changli and two literallywho skipbait characters. We'll be lucky if we break 20mil...
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>global suddenly doesn't matter now that we've lost
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Changli? Made for Global Big White Cock
Yinlin? Made for Global Big White Cock
Jinshi? Made for Global Big White Cock
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>Game needs a really good phone to run properly
>Still beats the shit out of genshin and only 3 mill shy of HSR (a 4 nigags in a row game)
Genshit eaters on suicide watch
camellya isn't coming out it's some literal who who hasn't shown up yet
Now lets see what will they do with the money.
The events in 1.0 were pure trash so let's hope they will invest at least there.
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they only listen to chinks because chinks pay the most money, but they dont in this game so those chink players are just bugs to them
Mihomoniggers seething and coping now that wuwa shattered their expectations
>an actual delusional dem ITT
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Congrats, you've nearly beaten one-year old and four-year old games. Do you want a medal for the third place?
Kuro better look at these results and make the 1.3 story the entire Jinzhou region getting genocided by tacet discords, after which we move to a western country.
nta but is it confirmed that camellya won't come in 1.2?
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as a HSR player I do think WuWa won quite bigly
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changli is more hyped than jinhsi is, and people have already spent their f2p pulls on jinhsi.
poz won
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Lol genshit trolls still think their shiity model ass character is going to win .

Wait until next month genshit.

Tick tock genkeks
Changli is going to kill genshit.
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>can't even beat genshin on a dead patch with banners nobody cares about
Holy fucking kek
more or less
New Federation region will save us
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Extrapolate my dick and balls
Reminder that /hsrg/ and /wuwa/ are allies.
>needed 3 banners in a single month to get close to genshin

Even if you ignore China, Wuwa is still only ahead by like 1M, so it's not even that big of a win to be bragging. This is pathetic lol
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>anticipating tranny melty
>go reddit for maximum seethe observation
>see favorite gigger tranny past time of moving goalposts (moved goalpost vs HSR, now moving goalpost vs wuwa as well KEK)

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congrats sis, i hope mihoyo uses all those millions and adds tons of cool game modes and qol back into the game
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>/wuwa/ won bigly in global but lost in china
>suddenly the "CN stats are made up and don't count" schizo is nowhere to be seen
So should I roll for Changli's weapon or is it just as good as the default 5* sword?
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Bro, we lost both in revenue and CC hype.
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Man, I love nuking echos with Jinhsi.
so much this xister! I can't wait for all the future hot male banners pandering to us western queens
I mean, normalfags wise yeah she's more of an eyecandy, I doubt metafags would care though
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>Genshin is a kids' game, unlike wuwuwwa-
CN numbers are dubious, looking at the actual rankings WuWa did very well to get 2nd
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non reddit user here, what's that -13 mean
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>banners nobody cares about
In other words all of them?
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is danjin good?
Chinese are mostly mobile gamers and game plays like ass on phone. They might as well leave them behind, unless by some miracle they fixed the optimization issues on there. right now wuwa is nerfed.
What’s funny is that wuwa beat genshin in global. It’s only the CN market they fucked up in which is no surprise. All wuwa needs to do now is build the lost trust in the CN market which is a monumental task. To begin with they gotta fix the mobile optimisation.

Genshin better not fuck up
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do you really think the chinks dont have girls lemeow, that Childe obsessed freak was from China
I’d rather neither of those senile fossils win, but here we are.
wuwa is ugly and it smells
>archon's first rerun is considered a dry patch now
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it means I TOOK his reddit buckaroos from him and his posts 13 times.
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Try again retard bro unless you move to china wuwa is the new open world gacha to play >>484224875
But hey maybe mihoyo see this L and start working harder on genshin who knows
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Don't forget the Aventurine schizo and the multiple Wanderer psychopaths.
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Why are people acting like #3 and $45 fucking million is bad? Did I step into bizarro world or something?
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>Unironic copeposting in here
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You forgot to include China, the region that actually matters for Chinese gacha games. Just a suggestion from your friendly gigger to whom you've lost
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Imagine the revenue Kuro would get if they made HSR clone with Wuwa's model
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holy mental gymnastics
I though this dude hates lolis?
uhh aren't we supposed to be beating genshin if we're the better game
Better than expected
You do realise this will probably be the highest sales the game will ever get?
mihomo has the fag market cornered. they're not looking for another genshit, unlike western retards clearly
How many stacks do I need to unlock panties?
mihomos are too delusional and psychotic so realistic figures and numbers dont mean anything to them.
>Everyone still wants Biden for a second term rather than your crooked cheater of an orange.
Why can you guys get a slightly younger, more upstanding guy?
These two old fossils shouldn't be qualified anymore.
Changli will get higher
it's over bwo... EoS before end of year
i'm going back to Alchemy Stars...
*beat genshin* Fixed that for you lil fellow
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>Best "waifubait" wuwakek banner couldn't beat the biggest genkek flop banner
Bros.. are we really celebrating the fact that we needed 3 banners running in a single month to beat Genshin in global by 1m?
Mihomos are getting scared since wuwa is actual competition for once. Hell I’d imagine zzz will eat genshins share
Yes but only in 1v1
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You can save her.
Yes, but there's a lot of flashier 5* damage dealers already, so she'll remain unappreciated while everyone flips chasing their FotM.
Fuck off genkeks go back to gig.

Just wait until Changli.
Go back to /snowg/ cuck
my god lmao
>Single banner nearly end of the month
The rescheduling fuck up everything.
>Lost to a fucking auto battler
Never talk about Sales again subhumans
Do you think they'll actually hire good translators for us now that we're the ones funding this game?
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>Lost 50/50 for an Anko dupe
If this happens 5 more times i will never be able to solve a puzzle again.
that's what you retarded /gig/ shitters said about hsr.
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Keep coping, genshin global EoS soon i hope you go live in china so you can keep playing your dead game HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Kek 1.1 had a hyped up archon level character on top of having the whole of the first hot limited waifu's banner and it still flopped
Can anyone who is good with photoshop change the chart so that we are on top?
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wut? this is super impressive
I just want a stable game with a comfy general it doesn't need to be the nr1 game in the world

this income is already enough to guarantee years of life expectancy
I'm happy
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It's "those" hours again is all.
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Do you really think Kuro or any CN dev likes Chinese players other than the money they give? I've only heard them be mentally deranged, like try to stab Dawei, kill cats cuz of Wanderer, and throw a melty cuz a NPC talked to a girl in GFL2. Kuro especially just keeps getting insulted by chinks.

Chink devs dont care about chink players if those chink players dont give them money, it's just that shrimple
you lost hoyotroon. cope
go back to /gig/ faggot
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Pls respond...
just use inspect element, bro
why would anyone waste time doing that. anyone can check the numbers themselves
Wait 2 more years, bro. We'll get a PGR-esque 4 nigga in a row game in space. Trust the plan.
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Daily reminder for /wuwa/ bros to brace yourselves for tranny seethe and homo rage from mihomo gigger shills who will brigade this thread with their homosexual rhetorics and goalpost moving antics... In short, they're having a melty...
>asspulled data
>B-but this time they were extra asspulled!
kek so genshin is dying in the west. Good to know.
Bro? I think you a word
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The gachagaming thread is peak comedy.
The region with dubious revenue numbers which are pretty much made up as admitted by the mihomonigger that created this. Cope WuWa beat your game in the region where it matters
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Hopefully Kuro stops being retarded and pandering to chinkcels. They don't even spend or play the game. Pandering to global is obviously the way to go.
But it was wuwassoles kept telling everyone that genshin is dying and wuwa is going to kill genshin with their cum bait.
lucky, I have her R1 already cause I picked her with the selector and free ticket
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Are you blind? Can't you see HSR above you?
>made more money than the previous month
anon, that is literally the opposite of dying
are you brain dead
Aright now lets remove China from the equation >>484225682
>the peak of honry moon period
>shilling for (you) waifu that also meta
>still cant beat Genshin
fuck fuck fuck our last hope is Alpha expy in Wuwa, keep your chin up Wuwa bros we still have secret card on our hand i believe we will finally dethrone mihoyo
yeah im thinking we won globalbwos
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nyoooooooooooooooooo stop making fun of us...
hard to tell right now, she might get buffed before her banner drop.
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>45M... is le BAD!
>also ignores PC which is what non-mentally ill people play this game on
It's unironically filled with seaniggers, what did you expect.
>b-but HSR
Ahahah the global sales were actually down with firefly banner?
I fucking love it
Is Changli a main dps or sub dps?
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>nuh-uh the chinese numbers are dubious because... they just are, ok!? we won because I say so
I guess COD is the best FPS now?
I mean Wuwa just launched so there's a lot of active players who spend money.
Meanwhile Genshin is past it's prime with a decaying playerbase.
Even if WuWa won, it's still doing far less than expected.
Not to mention WuWa lost badly in the homeland.
So Japan and Korea…which want the same thing. Based!
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What are your predictions on Changli bros? Will she be as good as Jinshi?
encore sidegrade but weapon seem a little bit better compare to encore+yinlin sig
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>3rd place even with zero CN revenue
That's a gigantic handicap, hope we can get a good anni to recover the damage Jiyan made and recover the CN fanbase somehow
Why is it always Indonesia lmao
When does wuwa tease its next 5stars? Is it halfway through the patch or something?
>4 niggas in a row game vs Open world action RPG game
Are you retarded lil bro genshin is the only competition we got atm
yes? Name one better FPS, nu-CoD shooting feel is unparalleled among the multiplayer FPS'
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sparkle rape according to aha's will
She will be better than Anko
if we take PC into account genshin and HSR will mog even more lmao
Talking about PC is pointless because most play Genshin on PC/Console too, so Wuwa wouldn't win in that category either retard.
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>go to /wuwa/
>people posting about how wuwa lost to genshin
>go to /gig/
>people posting about how genshin lost to wuwa
I don't know what they expected. Genshin is like a national treasure to chinks now.
lel told you that banner are shit, yinlin or jinhsi should be first limited banner
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What the fuck? its catching up with genshin. It would be funny if it actually beat genshin. the shitposting would be glorious
>dead patch with double male banner during ZZZ
it's over...
They're all the same shitposters are you really surprised at this point?
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I'll just say Tower of Fantasy had already fallen off by this point
>wuwa shitters are only using global chart
>genshin shitters are using CN + global
you knew this would happen.
erm it's only 2, otherwise you cant count Jiyans end or Jinshis start.
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>The Genkek killer did nothing but kill itself
"let's remove the country where all these games are made in and generally get the most revenue from"
Why the fuck would you remove china?
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No argument from the mihomonigger as always lmao
Yes your game lost now cope
>Dead patch in genshit
>Meanwhile this is probably the peak of revenue for wuwa
>"Bro we are gonna beat HSR" (Yes some of you subhuman indogs actually posted that without irony)
>Well we won global! (even though no company cares about global and sensortower is only good as a ballpark number and you shouldn't thump your chest over small differences)

Actual SEAmonkey cope in here lmao
She's ridiculously hot but she needs to outdamage Anko and Jinhsi to make money.
I will have to buy the 2 event packs if I lose my 50/50...
I don't remember Koreans or Japs trying to stab people because Global didn't get treated like 3rd class citizens for once.
but the android one was not 6 times ios...
the mental gymnastics that hoyodrones come up with, jesus
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Too bad it didn't. Maybe next month friend!
As it stands, Wuthering Waves 100% lost to Genshin Impact for June's revenue!
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>Fireflop the biggest most hyped banner in HSR story couldn't beat the homo

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<-------- You are here
they've actually got a lot of hype going right now, they're not going to tease literal whos and kill that momentum
It's the first of many monthly skirmishes that will happen
Have fun
Why are mihomoseaniggers always projecting?
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Ok cool then go live in china and stick to posting on bilibili, have a good day
>genshitters are so used to their males being bobblehead manlets that a man looking like an adult scares him
Go back to your third world country.
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is that another indog?
Indogs are really not beating the allegations huh?
man what's with the cope, you guys were seething yesterday when I said wuwa still won't be top grossing. how can you trannies be so delusional to think a good banner overwrites a shitty launch?

the only way kuro makes money is launching wuwa 2
explain what jinhsi does in 25 words or less
im not reading all this shit
That's how salesposting goes, you only present data that is beneficial to your position.
Unless the company themselves discloses the sales its mostly nothing but shitposting for gachas.
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>wuwa is a gacha game based on skills where even whales will have to learn how to dodge
>300 millions population
anon surprised that gacha general full with them
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Genshin 1.0 First month = 245M

Honkai Star Rail 1.0 first month = 130M

Wuwa 1.0 First month = 45M
>first month
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wyell actually HSR is playable for hours on the phone, WuWa is not. And if you fags are shilling Genshin optimization then there's a larger ratio of phone players vs pc players compared to WuWa. So WuWas PC sales are higher ratio vs phone sales, now say sorry
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I really hope next patch introduces a better way to get echo tubes than tacet fields or at least increase the drops numbers.
spectro damage
Bros... The targeting in this game is honestly so bad that I am rapidly losing the will to play.. combat with more than one target just feels bad
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Don't you EVER make the mistake of ever ALLUDING that your garbage game can hold a candle to Genshin. Three banners and you still lost to a rerun and a slug that isn't even meta. Now go back to the sewers you came from and don't dare ever returning. It's over for you before it even began
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Bro?? Where are you??? How come the CN numbers suddenly aren't fake and made up???
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>wuwa has the revenue of jinshi+yinlin+jiyans banners
>star rail has 2 flop banners boothill and firefly
>wuwa still made less than half of what star rail did
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???? No I'm genuinely curious as to why you want to remove an entire country while talking about sales. Just so it fits your narrative that you beat Genshin by a whole million dollars? Wow. So impressive. Only took you 3 banners in a single month to do that.
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>even the winner /hsrg/ thread is filled with just fireflop avent shitposting
I hate this shitty chart so fucking much
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bwo you've been exposed for weeks.. seanigs and hoyoverse are literally attached to the hip
4 basic->skill->skill->4 enhanced basic->laser
her intro skips the first 4 basic chain
her laser gives a free outro without energy
dmg scales for each energy point you generate, stacks faster for off element coordinated attacks
very unga bunga and her multipliers are insane
your point? This guy actually learned how to dodge tho.
What did he use?
Jinhsi Verina Taoqi?
>still not eos
What's the next cope?
anything important i should understand from the wall of runes on her forte?
There's no way to verify this. You can't just assume out of thin hair Wuwa's sales will magically be higher on PC than HSR/Genshin. This is why nobody wastes time talking about it.
I accept your surrender.
I still can't believe Jinhsi and Yinlin still cannot beat Siggy and Furina... like wtffff
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>Flopfly can't even compete against a lesbian dyke
Trannies truly rule HSR
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Bros as a new player how should I use my Crystal Solvent? I have 40 so far.
Union lv32 and Data Bank 14.
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>They're made up because I say so bro. It's only global that matters (which also earns more money than China on average). Trust me bro we wuwon bigly bro
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>all filled to the brim with hoyoshills
>all seaniggers
Can't make this shit up
they don't, SR is very casual friendly and well done because of the turn based battle format, and their marketing solos both genshin and wuwa
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you realize the fucking revenuenumbers you're shitposting about dont have CN android numbers and just multiply the ios store ones by a fixed number LEMEOW
wait for union 40+data bank 15
>Genshin 1.0 First month = 245M
there is no way they make that much money, thats like triple A game revenue
UL40 DB18 or higher
I'm asking about When, not Why.
nah, you better spend your time catching up monster and level your DB to 15. but if you want to spend your solvent, just use it for level mats or talent mats
You Lost, keep crying and seething
wait till you hit ul40 or 50
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get to 40 sis then spend, use it on boss mats or character mats
>indogs seething
Holy kek
That place really is just seanigger central
indonesiabros... this is not a good look...
calling it, game would have made more than genshin is it didn't run shit on mobile. probably would have reached close to hsr even.
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Not us that's for sure
Alright thanks bros
CN + global chart is objectively incorrect, the chink values are literally made up
how are people still falling for this shit
I use them for leveling mats when I pull a new character or weapon I want to level up.
And always have few in reserve in case I forget to do the weekly bosses and remember it few hours before reset.
Hoyodrones will lap up anything that makes their emperor mihomo look good
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>calling it, game would have made more than genshin is it didn't run shit on mobile. probably would have reached close to hsr even.
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Us for sure
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why are mihomofags like this
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Got Jinhsi
Still have 110 rolls saved
1.2 seems to not have anything i want so i'm going to try for Changli too
Why ? cuz china have a hateboner for wuwa cuz is not a mihoyo game and it had a male banner on release, are you that dented anon ?. we take away the chinks and is clear MOST ppl likes wuwa better cuz guess what theres more ppl in global than they are in china
People only want gameplay that makes them feel good, it's the same about difficulty. If it makes them feel bad due to fucking up a rotation/mechanic and results in a failure it's just bad from that perspective. The challenge should be secondary to the fun first and foremost

One reason that the tower sucks is that it's not fun, takes to much time, and the challenge is just bloated HP
and I told you they're not going to. jinhsi and changli were teased before release for reference
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according to the ToF devs they make a gorillion dollars on PC
>/gig/gers getting uppity
You lost to fucking gbf in divegrass with your AI chants lol
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First week of Venti banner make over 65mils global alone without china and that not counting Klee banner during 1.0 zero too.
remember your filters for an enhanced web-surfing experience
Oof that's some good copium, i might go to reddit for once to watch the malding
this nigga thinks launch revenue for a full month is reasonable?
>people only play hoyoslop or temporarily new games
Damn that sad to have this mindset.
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We arr making 1 birrion nexto patchu!
i need the full pic anon
How do you guys know he's from Indonesia ?
Anyone wanna guess that guy's country? lol
Covid bonus + First anime open world gacha.
Okay let's take away china then. You do still realize that WuWa only made 1 million more than genshin on the month where they had 2 absolutely garbage banners while WuWa had 3 hyped up banners right? The only remotely good banner for genshin was Furina and most people rolled for her on her first run.
the 2nd comment is indog
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How lucky am i bros, got all limited and thier weapons while only buying the monthly pass and the BP
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Congrats on third place bros. Bronze might not look as good as gold or silver, but at least its something.
Yes I want a medal.
It should say "holyhoyosoy sucks"
Under it should have a turd symbol
I told you, the game has too much chinkslop and chinawank
And I heard it's 6 notChina regions? Holy shit
>porkrinde a hot hag
>archon rerun
>shit but cute little girl
>counting 3rd week+ revenue from Jiyan as a full banner
why are hoyohomos so disingenuous
>archon rerun is suddenly not a big deal for genbabs
We won over genshin in global tho
He like money more than he dislikes lolis. It's why he makes excuses for being firiends with lolicons who are rich and popular while getting his chat to report lolicons who aren't.
>while WuWa had 3 hyped up banners right
what? nobody rolled for the homo
yinlin being 2nd meant that all waifugods (99% of the playerbase) saved up free currency and didnt have to spend
jinshi is the most boring unit in the game

changli was the only thing that could have saved this kusoge but kuro fucked that up too
Why do seaniggers love mihomo so much? Is there something about the design that is particularly pleasing to the seamonkey?
Says here >>484224875 we got silver.
How is he wrong, thoughever?
high quality game which they are usually walled by $60, free and during covid
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Bro, I heard Mihoyo buying another Fusion Reactor and a headquarter on Mars.
>Wuwa's most shilled banner makes as much as genshin's deadest patch
The future looks grim
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>changli was the only thing that could have saved this kusoge but kuro fucked that up too
How so?
>and I told you they're not going to
lol talk about killing momentum
Holy shit we beat the game that had 4 years to polish and step up their game. It only gets better from here on out bros
>c2 bait most popular archon rerun is suddenly "garbage"
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Genshin is dying. The fact that they are losing on an archon rerun patch is pathetic. Remember Raiden rerun? Nahida rerun? Furina has C1-C2 and R1 for low spenders even and she still flopped hard.
this person is legitimately mentally ill
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yeah, half the thread is /gig/ers saying it doesn't count
>2 absolutely garbage banners
Nigga you are NOT ready for emiFLOP in 4.8
Based. Finally a gacha game where the global audience matters. No more "they only listen to China because that's where the money is"
Wuwa's saving grace is that it's not full of cheaters and game-breaking bugs.
>3 banners
Nice cope hoyonigger
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If ur net worth is higher than 1 million usd you can post sales numbers otherwise you cant.
>May flops
>June flops
>July flops
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Why is 3rd place suddenly bad? 45 mil is pretty good
she should have been the first banner of 1.1
Despite the insane amount of shilling Pagfly still lost to kakaurine lmeow. Your game is for literal faggots and femcels.
A win is a win. Don't cry.
brand slaves and Stockholm Syndrome
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My wife mind-broke them
agenda posting
>strongest dendro character in the game
Keep dreaming.
It's bad because Star Rail had 2 flop banners and Wuwa couldn't even get half of it
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Bros it turns out the android chart froze for 15 days and Wuwa got screwed the most because our peak didn't get counted
You mean 2nd place mihomokek
Just finished the 1.1 story, and we spend more time with changli than jinshi. honestly I will roll for changli now
The number is irrelevant at the end of the day. People will use whatever mental gymnastics it takes to spin a good thing into looking like its bad or the opposite to fit their narrative
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gigger melty is so fun, especially when it comes from no-life psychopaths who live and breathe mihomo.
>Frozen during Firefly release + 1st week
Actually rigger wtf lmao
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Imagine accepting a Ruski's invite to join your world and the next thing you know all your echoes are just... gone
>Kuro sees global winning
>appeal to globalhomos
>global research shows everyone cumming instantly when a male is shown
>endless male banners
I heard it was the opposite, and the freeze helped us. So what is it?
erm wasnt that redditor saying the peak helped us?
>that upvote
Wuthering Waves... withered...
dont look at 1.2 leaks
You said the same on release hoyonigger
Of course, the CN android numbers all had that 1.75 ios multiplier making the revenue numbers even more bullshit as they aren't affected by the freeze at all
>Firefly, the most hyped character since Acheron
>flop banner
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Now that the dust has settled...

How did we lose? How can WuWa turn this around?
>global research shows everyone cumming instantly when a male is shown
Wouldn't it be the opposite? We only stumped up the cash when they gave us girls to roll for
If you look at the fall at the end, it indicates Wuwa was actually much higher. You can imagine the graph yourself if it didn't get frozen.
If a redditor claims it, it is false
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Chink proposed non-aggression pact against ZZZ.
Don't attack ZZZ.
I repeat, don't attack ZZZ
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>global research shows everyone cumming instantly when a male is shown
That's where you're wrong kiddo
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Yapping Waves
Withering Sales
Stuttering Frames
Wuthering Waste
Slobbering Slaves
Wobbling Games
Gathering Graves
Why would they change anything when females brought in the most money and Jiyan flopped?
Tectone's wife...
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You also not understand that Changli is the highlight of this patch now Jinhsi, I am i Jihnsi fag myself but i realize there's too many people waiting for changli
>How can WuWa turn this around?
Somehow release a hotter character than Yinlin. Or a character just as hot as her but with a quest that isn't fucking dogshit.
>chink ponytail

into the trash
We arent chinks here bro
Our country grants us freedom of speech
Same Tectone, same...
Most hyped but did worse than Aventurine, she flopped. The fact that wuwa can't beat Flophill and Flopfly is insane.
Oh what the fuck? That's literally during Firefly's first week. So HSR actually did better than what the chart says?
do you think kuro makes decisions based on sensortower reddit threads and twitter accounts?
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you fags should be grateful that global won it mean global can be used as their main market, look at Nikke after the dev saw the global revenue they fucking abandoned CN server to focus on global, now the dev can go all in on fanservice
I mean the majority of the story is spent with changli
imo because even if you lost 50/50 on both jinshi and yinlin, you still can get that by f2p shit they gave use and exploration, doesnt count weapon obviously. so both jinshi and yinlin still affordable for f2p, but changli is a bit in greyzone it SHOULD be affordable for f2p if you skip yinlin but you need to whale if you get both jinshi and yinlin.
i always assume that jinshi wont really impact much on sales because of this, thats why 45k is actually pretty good
I don't care about the revenue shitposting here but I really hope this can be a wake up call to Kuro that global exists and the localization/dub gets better. we could also get out of fantasy china earlier in the story, hopefully
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asmongoofs, our response???
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/gig/ bros is over global going EoS soon what do we do now
>can't even beat genshin let alone touch HSR
Your game is already gigaflopping HARD. Its only downhill from here lol
>Doubled the revenue post honey Moon period
This is impressive, the hell are you on?
>post honey Moon period
Honeymoon period is 3 to 12 months, Anon.
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Remember to invest in Jinhsi or changli
After them we have a full and long homo update and you will have time to save for camellya
please /wuwa/, take this guy back he's posting gay porn..
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>Worse than a fucking homo
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>jinshi and yinlin

I lost the 50/50 on both banners bro... And I am still about 20 pulls away fron Jinshi. At this point I am honestly just contemplating quitting the game. I feel like shit. On Yinlin's banner I got Spooked by Cal, by far the best possible spook in her case, but I don't really enjoy his playstyle at all....
They fucked up bigly releasing not xiao first. Lost alot of spender/coomers that didn't come back for yinlin.
does fedoraman actually do damage or is he just a buffbot for jinhsi?
Yeah but Shit up isn't Chinese
Beat genshit and only 3m behind hsr's most anticipated firefly banner, strong performance by wuwa
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our thread is moving quickly... but at what cost...
I hope so, I dropped wuwa because it's really stingy but if we're entering a homo series I'll buy an account with the three hot women once 1.2 start
ok sex heres the QRD
stacked skill damage
Outro benefits self
More rounded kit
Buffs after certain moves means she will be fieldhogging to take advantage of those
Outro is a fat buff for the next person

If powercrept Jinhsi will probably turn into a pocket nuke while you'd probably slap a moonlit set on changli.
Being in top 5 ain't half bad result for a game that's not even 2 months old.
>twitch drops 1.1
Where the fuck are the drops. I see faggot streamers say drops , but there is no campaign. Fucking scammers
Actually fucking rigged lmao. It froze when WuWa was on top just during firefly release and it lasted for an entire week? You can't be serious.
if you level him up to 70 then yes, but if you want second dps that stay long use Yinlin instead, fedoraman gimmick is to be forte slave and shield.
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why are there so many coping giggers here?
stay in your containment thread you fucking faggots
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What will genshin keks do when even ZZZ beats them next chart
hes a buffbot who requires zero investment outside of grinding for echos, most you'd maybe do is level him to 70 and get his top upgrade that increases his skill AoE field
What cost? I just came in
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>thread rankings mirror global rankings
As long has wuwa continues to have strong showing in China, the other markets don't mean much.

Genshin's revenue lives and dies by China.
you can still get her bro, i hope you dont intend to roll for changli too because you might need to either whale up or start 100% all the map if you havent. the moment they drip both jinshi and changli, i abandoned my initial plan to roll for yinlin, good luck bro.

also chudchuro is fun, might need some time to get used to it, and if you dont like him, yinlin still a great choice for jinshi team
>Genshin's revenue lives and dies by China.

And my cock
is the upgrade worth it? how big is the circle?
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I'm glad wuwa did well this month
the amerishart mind will NEVER comprehend the SEAchad's emotional investment in which chinese corporation earns more money
>strong showing in China
well that's not the case so...
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What do you think about Tectone our wuwa ambassador playing ZZZ?
Is He a traitor now?
Say that Natlus will save the game, or say that it's just mobile revenue and Genshit does better on PC.
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Wow, wuwakeks are vocal about their revenue and they are not happy. They're discontented with the way they got absolutely mogged by not only HSR but also Genshin impact.
Playing a bug riddles mess might also add to their frustration, but who knows?
Why are hoyo gacha so dominant? Nobody can touch them
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Uh. . .
Thanks bro... I just need to regain the will to fight one first... Been playing some FFXIV and going trough the MSQ. I don't skip cutscenes so it's been taking up most of my free time as of now.
teccy might be more popular, but personally its either rexlent or stepharu for ww cc
>career grifter does a grift
Truly shocking.
Zhezhi is a chick dumb cunts
you can't even copypasta correctly
who the fuck cares about that zoomer
If you didn't see this coming you're a retard. This faggot has jumped ship more times than his wife bounced on his editor's cock.
I'm honestly surprised Kuro managed to go this high up in sales considering how low PGR has always been. This is probably a massive success for them, specially considering it's a clone of a saturated genre that a lot of people are sick of, I hope Azur Promilia gets to be as lucky
Nobody cares
normalfag appeal
apple of gacha
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imo the new region should net you around 40-50 roll exploration wise and 100% 1.0 map net you around 20-22k astrite, i'd skip some npc quest for most of the time
B-but, our global revenue...
He’s just forte generator for jinhsi
Except that they can't use this cope because gayshit was shilled by them to run perfectly on mobiles LMAO
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>Making 21 million less is now winning
Wuwakeks completely mindbroken
because nobody really tried so far
Kuro basically copy pasted most of Genshin into Wuwa, it's not a self-sufficient product
I dont know anon, I only levelled him up to 40 at most and dont plan on sinking any extra resources besides energy echos
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The biggest consequence of ZZZ's launch: HSR and Genshin WILL lose money to it. It happened before. Hoyowhales wallets have limits, as proven when HSR made Genshin lost money.
If Wuwa doesn't lose money to ZZZ, I can see it having a chance to overtake Genshin.
it's easy to play a turn based game on your phone when outside
im a boomer that wants free shit
Snowbreak might be one of the better feel good stories of the year. That game went from being borderline EOS to now actually gaining momentum.

How the fuck is epic 7 still alive?

Wonder what a certain baldman’s narrative is going to be. He was very certain WuWa was going to beat Genshin this month. Would be interesting to see how all the games will do next month with the addition of ZZZ. HSR is flying high two months in a row now and Genshin is doing pretty well considering it’s on a dry run before Natlan. Can anyone confirm if WuWa will be having this many limited banners each month? Their numbers in China not looking very positive. Good for them global is carrying for now.
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Jinhsi's pits
Most of the 1.0 Zones are 70% done and I have barely touched the newest zone or any side-quest for that matter. So I guess I still have a lot of rolls waiting for me yet.
Why does Chadshin keep winning...
Nikke are gooks though, but yes you are right that CN doesn't matter, just like BA
f2p breath of the wild drew normies
normies dont branch out to other games
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Next thread will be worse. Why are you still here anon?
Beat genshit with no covid buff. Feel good.
He gonna demand kuro to pay him because He's the reason why global revenue got so high.
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erm sir this is the wuwa general
Isn't there a backlog of characters in the story already? Why are we getting some literal whos? Do we know anything besides their names?
It's not exactly a good thing to not have a strong showing in china. Almost every successful Chinese gacha game has their biggest numbers in china. The Chinese feel some sort of pride by supporting and playing Chinese produced gacha games.
no idea, the pvp autism must be really strong
Hey give them a break, they are trying to fix the games reputation. Still no idea why the fuck those idiots though what they did was a good idea, but still.
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bros.... they're saying WuWa and Kuro DDOSed sensortower to freeze the rankings
is kuro really that powerful?
To be fair, it does run really fucking well on mobile. Load times and fps are much better than Wuwa on my phone. But it doesn't have the mobile-friendly (lack of) gameplay that HSR has, so they'll always have that cope available, same as us.

That guy have no fucking clue how Gacha or their player-base works. He ahs stated several times that Gacha players are the least *Critical* and that should tell you all you need to know
bruh fr on god it's totally mid sheeesh
>Wuwa - 29m
>Genshit - 28m
No amount of crying and seething is going to change that genkek
Jesus this thread turned into the fucking toilet of /vg/
See you in 3 days when the faggots leave
it's marginally better than expected. imagine if global was not as high as it was, /gig/ niggers would be all over this thread shitting and chimping around. Now they're acting docile in their own containment thread.
Nice idea, I'm soooo gonna be falseflagging as wuwag. Stay tuned
Hes gonna jump ship to zzz, anything that he can parade as a genshin revenue killer. Hopefully the entire industry cease and desists him to oblivion.
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After wasting too many years here i mentally filter everything
Monkeys obsessed with numbers i don't care about is especially easy
Can't wait the WW CC steer the narrative WW beat genshin in global and said this "the global player started the rebellious kuro listened us global not like genshin doesn't care for global audience, genshin could never! " Meanwhile totally ignoring the fact that WW so weak at CN despite large playerbase is in CN too. Lol

Who want bet with me?
Da Wei will just laugh his all to the bank since it doesn't matter what spergouts tribalists have since the money goes to the same company and MHY got the CN by the balls
>Conniving with Furries
Hell nah
First mover advantage. Japan was still busy making .jpg collectors and why make anything else when that always worked? Anyone there who wanted to make something better was ignored or worse demoted, such is the mentality of the old and decrepit management at the Jap game companies. Meanwhile the west was busy making "games" for trannies and trying to shoehorn as many minorities as possible for ESG bux. That left China with an opportunity, but to be taken seriously they needed to go beyond what had already been made in the mobile/gacha genre. Everyone else has yet to catch up.
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This estimated revenue shitflinging is going to happen every single month isnt it?
hey subhuman faggot, how does it feel knowing genshit is at almost -20% compared to the same point in the patch cycle for 3.x? The game is bleeding players and releasing a region filled with negros isn't going to help.
I can't make a bet with you because your English is so bad I can't understand what you are saying.
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To receive a Wuthering Waves drop you must purchase 2 non-prime subscriptions per drop to a streamer with drops enabled.
first gacha?
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OURGUY said hell yes.
Yes, welcome to the big leagues.
Being top 3 just means we get Shitflinging guaranteed monthly
Azur promilia shot itself in the foot by being a purely waifu game. Less mainstream attention and less general coverage.
It’ll do good revenue wise, but I doubt its breaking into the top 5 gacha revenue consistently.
Mica has spent years developing the game, got a huge investment from tencent, and the game is just in a terrible state. You could look at gf2 as AAA gacha game. I has high production values and great animations, but the game is just stale.

And all this happened despite Mica being a veteran game studio in China. Again, it's embarrassing.
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>Genshin - 66.5
>Wuwa - 45.5
Wuwajeets can't even count lmao
>Less mainstream attention and less general coverage.
This is good though?
Good job getting on 3rd place. Global really did carry Wuwa lol. I guess CN REALLY didn't like wuwa that much, losing to anime/webtoon ip even.
Their main audience is fucking fujos and children, and they don't play on pc en masse
Firepag cope
Oh wait that actually helps out content creators if retards don't go and give the subs to fucking huge guys like tectone or mtash
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I'm just happy we're stable see you guys when the shitposting dies down
Samefag, and to be clear Japan did make some interesting stuff but rather than develop it for high end mobile/PC which is the expanding market they released for arcade, a shrinking market. During the pandemic lockdowns no less.
Genshart will never sleep happily knowing that the boogeymanWUWA is always behind.
Nahh bruh this is just ToF all over again they couldnt beat weakest banner and mid banner, its so over for WuWa. Its not bad but whew its just not looking good on its honey phase keep maintaining the waifu=revenue stream ig
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Idk about Kuro DDoSing SensorTower but this looks incredibly suspicious ngl. The entire first week of firefly's release is missing for android.
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>copy pasted r/gachagaming comments getting (You)s
>WUWA is always behind
true and real
keeping Wuwa consistent at top 3 will be harder than reaching top 1, with ZZZ this month Wuwa manage to get 4th is good enough
we got free 10 roll in 3 day too
That game has a lot of lolis, is that the reason?
well unfortunately only retards would do this since the reward is shit
Logistics in nip companies are a fucking chore, if you can't give a 100% guarantee that your business will work they won't do it, they prefer stagnation than trying to create new shit and take risks
>boogeymanWUWA is always behind
Indeed it is lmao
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Is it normal that dailies just give a Jue now? Yesterday I got one, and today again.
/wuwa/kek here, I just want to say congrats to HSR, penacony was so goood and Firefly is really cute!

And congrats to Genshin 4.7 I enjoyed Clorinde’s and Sigewinne’s SQ a lot. Bedtime story was a bit too short but I still cried whenever I think about Caribert or Atossa. I hope the quality continues in 4.8 and Natlan! I ended up pulling for both Chlorinde and Sigewinne (couldn’t resist beautiful lady and a cute daughter) and they might not be super meta but I like using both a lot!
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>the moment they feel weakness they rush to our thread and post
uh oh melty
laugh at them
appreciate your input bro! It made me feel better about my current Wuwa situation.
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you would know as an expert on the subject
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Is this true bros? should I go with ele%+atk%?
So the revenue chart is only for mobiles? What about PC?
Genshitters so desperate they have to resort to made up numbers lmao
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For comparison, here are the iOS charts.
Global loves cuckery and hates (You) pandering
go which ever gives you better substats
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You're literally not even in contention. We would've had to acknowledge you if you've earned like twice the amount of money earned this month, but seeing you grasping at straws and excluding regions only to somehow turn the tide in your favor makes you actual gacha game fodder. You are not contention and never was.
EVEN IF we were to acknowledge global-only sales... making only a million more over a Genshin with a dead patch? While you're in your honeymoon period? Not a good outlook for a reported "genshin killer" that copied most of its content
fuck the salesposting, when is zhezhi drip marketing?
Yes, they have a chance to give anything.
go with whatever rolls bettre substats
PC isn't tracked
Lost? Double reverse psych ironic shitposting?
Wuwa plapped
Yeah, that Android chart is really unnatural
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Based friendship bro! I unironically got FF cone because of these pictures too... I am growing soft in my old age...
Isnt Jinhsi Spectro?
What is the electro for?
Does the dragon laser do Electro or something?
>WUWA is always behind
Wuwakeks aren't sending their best
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Only if you have her sig.
Bro, like does it really matter? Most likely its going to take Wuwa till 2.0 to get their feet on the ground. Im a day one genshin player and stopped playing it at first for a year before i came back to it. Wuwa is doing really ok and they will continue to do
KURO is like the shadow. They are the Yin of your Yang.
When the Sun fall down. The Moon will shine the brightest.

Be afraid.

Darkness is always behind.
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which games mc has the best sideboob?
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i wanna plap this wuwa
Cool magistrate
I'd be content with bronze medal but just want stable playerbase, getting at the top means the only way you have left is down and GI didn't exactly improve by being at the top
Though Global mogging CN is funny, filthy gweilos getting the chink women is like a NTR plot
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Ele=elemental the gacha revenue rotting your brain
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This isn't a competition between people, but companies. You're not "winning" anything here.
>turns down the made up CN number
>Suddenly genshin starts losing to wuwa
I'm glad solo leveling is down
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And yet the sun hasn't set for 4 years. The moon will break before it can rise
So how much do you mihomoniggers get paid to shill the game? After seeing all the crap you guys are spouting, I'm confident I can do a much better job and make it actually worth what mihomo pays
What a waste of manpower
Shut down that piece of shit game and focus on wuwa instead
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competition for the lowest IQ award
I think we have half a dozen winners in this thread.
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Hag love
This is the chick that ""inspired"" dykecchino?
Wheres Grand Summoners?
if we get to the top we start attracting DEI sloppers, next thing you know our next wuwa is a self-insert of a female employee from Kuro. I'd rather we be lowkey at the middle desu.
bro i cant find this comment on reddit
hello plebbit
/hsrg/ are our bros btw
Funny how most of the people here are ignoring it since it actually helps WuWa.
but anon you dont understand these cretin spend their daily life for this gacha game, this gacha game mean the world for them, they wage cucking everyday from 9 to 5.
playing F2P gacha game is their salvation
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really big
why are you posting a trannytuber in my thread
any knowers?
then why are they bullying us...
why does she have those 4 spade tattoos?
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>Nonstop shilling and shitting up /gig/ for months
If I roll on the standard weapon banner and get a weapon, do I still get to choose the weapon I get or is that a one time thing?
Is this from a video?
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Hotaru and Jinhsi love!
only a collab with Genshin can save this game
I don't feel so good...
Weapon banners only drop the Weapon that is on RateUp
>relys on china to beat wuwa
genshin could never
Every trademark gacha is like that they fomo you like hell in the first month, get their money back with gains, and just put in mainteance mode
Shut the fuck up about revenue numbers.

Where are the fucking leaks? Where the fuck is Donut??
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Have you tried extrapolating?
fuck ive been throwing away all my atk spectro cost 3s.
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The Sun will always set. It's inevitable. The normalfags will always move on.

A reminder that PGR is still alive, and HI3 is dead and forgotton.

Light comes and go... but Darkness is eternal.
I am talking about the standard weapon banner with the standard 5*'s.
>2 new 5 stars
>most popular archon's first rerun
>only 60m
What's up with Genshin anyways?
>Ignore real CN ios numbers because the retard adds Android numbers
you can always switch which 5* weapon you want to roll on bro
>pick 5* crit sword
>get 5* crit sword
>switch it to 5* gun
>next 5* weapon is the 5* gun
I'd rather have jihnsi and changli over flower and fractsidus girl
Mom said it's my turn to beat Wuwa this month
Xiangli Yao is supposedly Mortefi's rival, so he has been mentioned I guess. No one knows anything about Zhezhi.
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>global wins
>kuro has to kneel to global
>christmas event
>valentines event
>july 4th event (already happening btw)
>thanksgiving event
>NY event
yeah, we won BIGLY
>HI3 is dead and forgotton
it made more money than PGR last month...
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you guys weren't kidding when they said that todays shitposting would be unbearable.
I am going back to sleep.
Dead game, it had a good run go next.
cant wait for ZZZ to btfo it in first week
>/wuwa/ spent the last 2 weeks saying firefly flopped and that wuwa would beat star rail because of that
>even with the flop star rail does 2x wuwa
How embarrassing
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if you follow indog rhetoric, they said it's a dry patch for those exact same reasons...
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Pretty funny that they gutted the story for china, the region is china, and the current character is chinese themed, but china still spent absolutely nothing. Hopefully they learn something from this.
>Gets reported by chinks as being unpatriotic to CCP
next month will be worse because Mihoyo new game get released, Wuwa will get gangbanged by HSR,Genshin and ZZZ
That's more kind than I expected.
Slowly morphed into a children's game, character designs got worse with time, etc.
Oh. Then
Weapon banners only drop the Weapon that is on RateUp. You can change which at anytime forever.
Why seaniggers worship a company like that?? They don't put money, the company doesn't even know they exist yet they shill it like they are imvestor or some shit
Not even amerilards gobble corporate cock like that
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>motion blur keeps turning itself on
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We lost
just wait until you find out how they are with vtubers, they even have a whole general to worship corporate cock >>>/vt/79665049
they think they belong, meanwhile the reality is jewhoyo keeps them only for free marketing and "special" shill forces
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Will Kuro be the first chink gacha company that will listen to westerners and not ONLY to CN ?
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It's already so bad as is, there's always that one furry pedo fag that spams ZZZ propaganda here.
I want my swimsuit skins and coastal area event Kuro
I'll kneel to Solon's defined abs if you do
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Why did they gookify Yapyap? She's not bitchy like Ako or hild....
dont worry, Kuro games will abandon this game and soon churn out ZZZ clone, just like they did before with Punishing Gray Raven and WW

what can you do when your bussiness model is "copy Mihoyo"
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>its only 6am
imagine when its noon here
every single gacha wester CC was shillign wuwa but they all quit past the 25 lmao theres only a few remaining, this will will wuwa, western players play what their cc tells them to play
the funny thing is indonesia and sea spend pennies so the company theyre worshipping dont see them as anything other than insects
>the akoschizo is now a yapyap schizo too
fucking great
>Lost to genshin
>Lost ourguy Tectone to furry game
eurocucks have their football clubs, seanigs have their corporate overlords I suppose...
Too bad she wasnt leaked for 1.2. Would’ve maxed her out bigly.
Then again that would mean no s6 changli…
How time-friendly is this game compared to HSR?

I love HSR because of how life-friendly it is for school and work. I can see myself do HSR while balancing other aspects of my life, but I wouldn't be able to play Genshin Impact. I'm guessing ZZZ is similar in time cost to Genshin based on what I've seen.

It's a bummer since I've been following this game for almost 2 years now I think. Just now realizing how much my life has changed since then...
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We won
I wonder if they would have fared better if they didnt listen to chinks and change half the story
is there a market for a dark and edgy gacha?
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>Beat genshin
>Furry game will siphon even more from genshit
The faster you get rid of Tectone the better.
He's literally cancer personified and him leaving means you get rid of his rabid fanbase.
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Depends on how autistically you want to farm echoes, genshin might be a better bet for you if you can stomach the worse combat
I knew it's a bait. Thanks, reddit anon
Why is global so poor compared to China? Literally the whole world combined can't beat China
>genkeks LOST to wuwa in global revenue
Not gonna lie xisters, this is not a good look for us
I can’t wait for this to drop , after losing 50/50 on firefly Im so done with Hsr ,as a returning player due to the delayed console release, completely forgetting to play it when it did (Started regularly playing this February) . ZZZ dropping day one on most platforms is so huge and just how different it looks/the animation and none of it being linked with Hsr/Genshin/Honkai feels nice. Overall I can’t wait for ZZZ to drop.

What about you guys , will you be dropping any gacha games for ZZZ?
>Nigger spend his free time copy and pasting leddit posts
I cannot imagine being this schizo and loveless. I'm so glad I don't know this loser lmao
>Reddit copypaster is having a melty again

summ all regions, retard
It's because China is the richest country in the world, there's more millionaires in China than there are people in USA.
B-but he's the reason our global revenue beating chink...
Yeah I'll have to drop banging your mum for a little bit
Says here >>484226803
your numbers were made up
it had every western cc shilling it and as we know westerners do what ccs tell them to do, nearly all dropped wuwa past the 25th so is looking grim for nexth month only having changli and the patch is lasitng 2 months with no new area in 1.2 and 2 homo banners
I'm not an /sp/ fag but even football teams worship is better since you can actually go to the stadium and have heart attacks together with others
Seaniggers are literally treated like annoying insects by everyone and they embrace it
Once a colony always a colony I guess
>no contribution to science and entertainment
>suck at sports
>their only redeeming quality to become cheap sweat shop factory
fun fact you know how weatern company open factory in China because its cheaper, China open factory in SEA because its way cheaper.
>Gensharts are crying and shitting in wuwa thread because they don't have the absolute domination in the gacha market anymore
The absolute state. Holy shit.
dropped Blue Archive yesterday and Snowdrop before that

Ready for ZZZing
Whats the point of copypastaing reddit posts here?
Hoyoshill discord is on meltdown mode, please understand.
Nikke likes to pretend it's a dark and edgy story despite the coom
Though all the dark grim gachas like Sinoalice and the Nier gachas all eosed so...
Unironically a schizo, just be glad its reddit posts and not gore like the feg schizo.
dont cry, at least you beat Honkai Impact 3rd?... probably?

nope, Punishin Gray Raven lost to it too
Genshin still wins even with chinese ios revenues only KEK
I'll drop Genshit for it. Kinda getting bored of open world slop but Wuwa is fresh enough to keep me here for now
The Indonesian team is actually doing pretty well in soccer as of now
because of the hired white players KEKLMAO
It's kinda funny, that gensharts' only source of pride is how much money chinks spend lol
gameplay? characters? fun? naaaah, bro look how much chang spent last month!!!!!
The west has different tastes in gacha games
Anon....all the "rewrite" did was skip over the "come to trust (you)" part of the story and just skipped immediately to it. The outcome would still be the same.
>HSR flopped in global
>Genshin losing to wuwa in global
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>the indonesian doomposter (singular intended) making multiple posts about june 25th being the doomday for WW
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>wake up
>genshitters actually seething and foaming at the mouth
This is going to be a good day.
Crop me your HonkHonk revenue. I don't see it anywhere.
>gameplay? characters? fun?
he says in a thread of litteral shovelware second hand copy game

Soul? Doesnt have any!
you don't hide filtered posts?
genkek fragility..
I unhid it to see why the threadcount was ballooning but no posts showing up lol
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>Jinhsi is a flop
>1.2 will be full male patch
>reddit spacing
go back to r/mihomogaming drone
But enough about genshit
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cope harder
>already beating the hardest content with one shots at level 60 because of powercreep
yeah man endgame is looking good, remember the "you cant pay to get good in wuwa" meme
Fifa CoD and everything Activision is a fucking blight upon gaming holy shit
uuuuuuum achually its important genshin has baby minigames to cater to me!
Ikr! Look at this! Shows how much SOVUL genshin has!
yeah i saw that on /sp/ buch of hapa kid get recuited, now Indonesia national team is Netherland second division
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begone goblin
how will he attention whore with his filters otherwise?
Lmfao. What's funny is Bali is nownon its way getting recolonized by whiteys again KEK. Canggu and Ubud is full of white people now they're outcompeting the locals
>game for straight males
>game for bored housewives and kids
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Can't make this shit up lol
didnt americans lose in their own game (football) vs japan kekw
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>the gameplay in question
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Don't look, bro...
It hurts.
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>this what wukeks call "good and difficult gameplay"
look easier than genshin
You will never be a real Mihoyo game.

Waiting for Kuro to abandon WW just like they did PGR and make ZZZ clone. Or wait, they are behind a schedule, still neer HSR ripoff.
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You should know it better than me. If they really go with the homo agenda next this game will never be saved
i always delete the filter after a few minutes. guess you can't say the same about the salesposters?
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Post hand, indog
At least Kuro can use wuwa money now
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>Losing to a literal Fujo BL game.
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>wake up
>see that wuwa surpassed genshit in global
>check thread
Yeah this is going to be a great week
You will never play an actual soulfull game that hoyo lazily ripped off like BotW and Persona 5 SEAnigger
great editing, what a mogging
You cant make flop jokes with dissidia discord emotes bwo.
I still miss that game, fuck square enix
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>Shows all genshin characters together
>Conviniently cycles throw different characters in wuwa to not show the same recycled animations there
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>you will never be a real mihomo game
Memes aside Japan is becoming quite a good sport team, they got silver in volleyball losing to France only
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lmao even
pretty gud
someone save this for rebuttals later
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>takes mihomo game and improves it in every aspect
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Ehehehe.. She's so cute bros!
>1.2 will be full male patch
No fucking way
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>Its a Mihoyo BL game
like which characters rumao
holy brutal mogging, genshitfags will defend this unityslop.
Did we only win over Genshin in global because the android chart froze for 15 days when Wuwa was on top? How is Sensortower such a shitty service that they report such a thing as actual data? It's worse than their made up China android revenue.
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It still sucks that they remove the cinematic where everyone got beat up honestly... That one felt like it had more stakes.
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Thank fucking god, cause a design like changli would never happen in Hoyogames nowadays
They were based once before going mainstream and attracting the twitter crowd
>1.2 is a full male patch
>after a 7 week patch no less
Fucking why though
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>he doesn't know
>Picrel show that it's an otome game
>calls it BL
You aren't making us look good bwo
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>mihomos are ACTUALLY losing their minds
To give us time to save for the girls.
Personally I'm not mad.
>I-It's rigged
Nice cope bro
yeah im thinking its over for genkeks lmao
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We really only got one new banner for next month quota?
Changli's massive bouncing tits
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Stop shitting over genkeks sisters
They're already mentally breaking down
Give them some time to catch their breath
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>posts copy of Yae Miko
>tells "will never happen in Hoyogames"
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are you >>484225437
Persona 5 Royal is on sale in steam, you should play an actual good game instead of gobbling hoyoslop
Why do people keep saying Zhezhi will be male?
Any proofs?
Zhezhi is a female tho. She is the Origami girl that is talked about in the story.
She is a Glacio Fist user and apparently does Crane style martial arts similar to Jianxin but fancier.
It's over. The game is already dead. It couldn't beat Genshin despite getting all-in and no there's no content to compete against Natlan.
>that face
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I see why is bad for the game but bruh my savings are going to be in shambles by the end of 1.1
Kek this looks like an upscaled psp game
That random dude is gonna sell so little tower of fantasy wont even be visible itll be so far above wuwa in the sales charts.
I hope kuro will learn their lesson.
Honeymoon period release jiyan whos also strong af sold like dirt compared to a flat chick with massive eyebrows.
That said Ill enjoy the save patch.
nigga why my game pgr get stray arrow
>sister game under hoyo otoge
>wuwa under LDStacys after release
femcels.. won…
>before going mainstream
Can you read disingenuous faggot? Now show a game by MHY nowadays that has swimsuits
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should i get another encore or another verina?
I can also get a calcharo but he looks weird
thats Honkai Impact 3rd, game which Kuro also plainly copied

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you love to see it
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>Chinese origami
what ps2 game is that?
baizhi getting fucked by her creature
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that looks fucking terrible, PGR is so much better
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stop xis... you're making them post that comparison pic again xis
It’s just bants mate, didn’t they just get a pretty peak anniversary update?
>genshin not even the #1 hoyo game anymore
>now losing to wuwa in global sales
It's been nothing but downhill the last 2 years for genshin. This spergout is not surprising.
w-why are you smiling at me like that Rover?
Nice swimsuit hoyokeks
>nation of dark skinned males and BBC
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yeah they always did us good every anniversary, its so good people baffled how kuro making money with how fucking much freebie they throw us. fucking salesfaggot bringing my game to argument actually tilt me lmao
Honkai Impact still exists fag and if i wanted tits, i`d go Snowbreak - WW doesnt have a single appealing character, its plain AI generated copyu paste. As much as i find Mihoyo designs too plain at times, i recognize them as characters - nothing shown by WW feels uniuque enougth to be appealing. Hence - you`ll get zero art for the game.
What a pathetic game. LOST to Genshin in revenue. LOST to Genshin in /vg/ activity. LOSERS.
>only global sales count because I say so
Is this true?
How the fuck SR make that much without covid bonus?
Why the fuck are threads so fast? I can't keep up
Oh nononono...don't tell Changli...
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You take that back, my magistrate has average sized and very round B cups!!
You can even see her sideboobs
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Nikke and wuwa alliance!
/gig/gers having a melty here, that's why.
>waterkuma ZZZ
>natlan with Genshit
oh nonononono
hoyopag melty
>a grey depressing sterile mess
All I see is cope from wuwakeks thougheverbeit?
orang indo malu2in banget jadi kaki tangan antek2 komunis for free baka
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>baits are getting stale

well thats all the fun for now, going to play some more elden ring, the indogs are posting low quality shitposts now
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>Our best banner in our most successful region made 3% more than genshin's deadest patch in it's worst performing reagion
Great success Ranjit, keep it going
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Indogbro... Homoverse never had a single original idea
genshin seething they lost to WW on global and having to cope with china sales to make up for it (they still lose to HSR)
Sure thing hoyoshill, how's the AI porn spam in /gig/ ?
nice that you posted her, since next WW character is litterally her copy too

Playing WW is like fucking a girlfriend after she returned from nigger gangbang party
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just the latest genkek melty
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>le flashy shaking colors and numbers make my game good
hmmmm nyo.
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didn't hoyo just copy fate, not like theyre better
but enough about wuwa
>A grey depressing sterile mass looks way better than dawei's pride and joy of incelpanderer kusoge despite being on the same engine
Mihoyo is copying itself, ever since Zombiegal Kawaii
I had a premonition I will post it next thread
>despite being on the same engine
I mean Changli is literally chink Tamamo, which I guess is her origin since Daji is chinese
But I'll splurge on her cause despite being a Tamano clone in HD this is still everything I wanted from Hoyo
They're both using unity you indog retard lmfao
holy earlyfag
ZZZ's marketing is funny.
>90% of the roster is cute girls, some are even schoolgirls
Bro don't you understand? They have to bait the zoomers.
Yeah, because at the end of the day girls will always sell more than guys.
If anything, we should he higher if that was true, because Genshin had a literal brick banner while we had Jinhsex.
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Uh... why lie?
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Rddit and 4chan are banned in Indo.
How the hell there are still many of my countrymen here. VPN?

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