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Marriage edition

Anniversary livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDDjHmcb94I
Livestream summary: https://snowbreak.gg/anniversarystream

Version 2.0 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZA25KugkK0 (CN) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3wIGyKb1IQ (EN)
Confessions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rt0_2tNI45o

Anniversary teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN7Aq_76M6I

Version 1.8 "Realm of Illusion" is LIVE

>Snowbreak 1.8 Overview & News

>New Banner Type Details

PC (Recommended): Standalone launcher, Steam, EGS
Download from main site: https://snowbreak.amazingseasun.com/

>Current & Upcoming Events
Main Story Special Chapter "Realm of Illusion" now open. Reach Adjutant level 20 for expedited access
[Jun. 17 - Jul. 1] Virtual Breach - Kill Streak & Challenge Stages
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] Dawn Restored - Battlefronts/Encampments mode
[Jun. 24 - Jul. 8] Hero Games - Co-Op Gameplay

>Current & Upcoming Banners
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Shadows of Indigo] Katya - Blue Bolt
[Jun. 20 - Jul. 11] [Seastar in Solitude] 5* Crossbow: Neptune Nova

>New Outfits Available
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Private Secretary] Katya - Blue Bolt
[May 30 - Jul. 11] [Feline Grace] Mauxir - Shadow Ka

>Codes (Redeem in [Settings > Other])

>/snowg/ Resource Pastebin

>/snowg/ Friends Form:

>Recent FAQs
>Does the new [SP] aka '100% Guarantee' banner pity carry over to the future?
Yes, both the pity count and the 5* random box count will carry over to future SP-type banners.
ST-type (50/50) banner pity will continue to carry over to future ST-type banners, respectively.

Previous: >>484170309
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For me? It's my wife.
Lyfe Love!
my wyfe lyfe is so cute and cool
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Arigato baker-sama.
Also to the person who asked for Marian price, I think it's usually 98 blue cubes or 128 blue cubes. Those are the numbers that came to my mind at least, 128 might be the combo pack price with interactive scenes however. IIRC it's 30 bucks for 198 cubes
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Am I crazy or was Edda absent from the stream?
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When you realise that all limited 5* units won't get married for a long time!
look at how beautiful my wyfe is....
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Lyfe and Fenny WON so hard, its not even funny.
>It began with the forging of the Great Rings.
>One was given to Lyfe, cool and shocking wyfe.
>One was given to Fenny, the queen of tsunderes.
>One was given to Marian, great masochist and skill-shooter.
>One was given to Chenxing, remembering every moment with you.
>One was given to Enya, sweetest and boobiest of all manifestations.
>One was given to Acacia, crafter of poorly rated vidya.
>One was given to Yao, sleepiest of all beings.
>One was given to Cherno, great chef and premiere schizo.
>One was given to Meursault, because she deserves one too.
>One was given to Katya, another way to assert that (You) are hers.
>One was given to Tess, who above all else, has the most magical tiddies.
>One was given to Fritia.
>One was given to Eatchel, who tried to eat it.
>One was given to Haru, accepting the mission for marriage immediately.
>One was given to Nita, didn't once think to pawn the ring off.
>One was given to Siris, forgetting everything else but never forgetting you.
>One was given to Mauxir, that fucking cat.
>One was given to Caroline, and her kettle, too.
>More were to be given to manifested future playable characters.
>But they were, all of them, betrothed, for another Ring was made. In the halls of Yggdrasil, in the Hearth of Midgard, the Dark Wolf Adjutant forged in public a master Ring, to wed all others. And into this Ring he poured his love, his seasoning, and his will to dominate all wives. One Ring to waifu them all.
I think adjutant should end up with mauxir
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Adjutant going to a famous Tailor and Sommelier for the Wedding for some suits and the finest wines.
>t. Kebechet
Happy wifes, happy lives.
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Based and ML-pilled!
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Fenny isn't tsundere though, more like himedere.
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MuMu said that:
1. Weddings are canon
2. There are no "if" stories in the game
3. Chronologically weddings with Lyfe/Fenny follow Chapter 13, so probably play Chapter 13 first before reading the wedding stories
4. Lyfe/Fenny's wedded status will be written into future main story chapters
5. Lyfe's affection stories have been revamped
6. Ring(s) for Adjutant soon
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I might forget many things! But I won't forget the MauxirBotAnon!
Katya betrayed us bros...
How could this happen?
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You know, I can't actually think of a gacha with canon weddings other this one come to think of it.
Based. Total Fritroon death.
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>trust stories have been revamped
make them easier to get first.
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>the weddings are canon
This is unironically unprecedented in a gacha.
Can you only marry one? I may have to wait for my favorite if that's the case
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MuMu, I broke my knee!
Of course not, it's a harem game. All wives are canon wives.
No, Make them harder, they must be EARNED
Also add more Trust stories up to 990
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Here bwo
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My canon wyfe
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Snowbreak is the Ultimate CN-KINO.
They'll push Katya up the queue because of popularity. Trust the process.
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>have to choose between Fenny and Lyfe
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>>One was given to Haru, accepting the mission for marriage immediately.
Edda marriage is true endgame
>Weddings are canon
I don't mind, but this will make things really weird in the future.
>18 hours later
Thanks.... I was thinking of finding it myself just this morning lol.
How so?
Mindbreaking her is my true endgame.
2 rings for Cherno and Meursault.
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Oh my lord.... the game keeps getting better and better....
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>confess and kiss the adjutant
>next day he marries lyfe/fenny
she's gonna commit a crime
fucking hell, mumu-sama, my fucking knee...
>KINO levels were already extremely high
>unprecedented SOVL move announced
bwos...are we seasoned enough for such power?!
Flirting with another girls that aren't Lyfe/Fenny = cheating
>Weddings are canon to the main story
>You will eventually marry everyone
Jesus. This is Snowpeak. If you don't buy their wedding skins, your account is permanently bricked.
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Bros... I'm finally getting married. But Lyfe BESTla still owes me sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
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predict this month's revenue
Well, setting aside the whole polyamory thing, it's just weird to have an entire platoon of girls wedded to the adjutant when they're supposed to be co-workers. You'd think it would be a bigger deal, but if every character will just treat this as something totally normal it impacts the worldbuilding. Also married life is different from the flirtation we've engaged in so far. It comes with more expectations of commitment.
Like I said, I don't really mind, but unless it's just handwaved as some background thing and rarely mentioned, it will make the story come across as more like a porn parody, or something comedic like Rance.
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kneeling so hard rn, it's just like GFL all over again, I miss this shit
Don't worry about that, just marry and reproduce
Just marry them too. Problem solved.
The snow has fallen, millions must be wed.
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Canon weddings?
In a gacha?
Okay, I'm back
11.5M for mobile only globally.
12 million.
Genshin, Nikke, that one game that must not be named, and every other gacha literally could never
I didn't wanna bring up that game but since you did.... ahem. GFL WOULD NEVER
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What if wedding is one time thing for account and you can't marry more than one girl?
10 million for global. Could be 40 million if we include PC and China.
I will keep impregnating my coworkers and there's nothing you can do about it Tau
They're paramilitary anon. They're just a company owned mercenary force being marketed as heroes from the hero games. They don't have the same rigid rules and the actual military still exists.
You are gonna buy your new wives their wedding dresses, right? You aren't gonna be a loser who doesn't let them have, right?
3mil for global
20mil for cn
I'm still on Chapter 8
Do I give a shit about doing this event story right now? Says it will become part of the regular story after this, so do I just play the story as normal and I'll get around to it eventually?
You can pay half of your IRL money and get a divorce.
I was thinking the same, I hope it's just some minor reference here and there and they don't shift the focus too much into romance shit, that's one thing that would make me actually drop the game
6M for global and CN combined (mobile only)
The other girls are just Adjutant's future wife so no problem there.
Except Nita, 4* can't be married.
There are event mission rewards for clearing the new chapters. I would rush the main story if I were you.
Bro they got that from the Enya/Siris month in May. I would believe that the anniversary patch can do double that.
To be clear, I'm okay with it. It would be a really strange decision for a normal game where the story is supposed to be taken seriously, but Snowbreak is anything but a normal game at this point. I'd rather they do SOUL decisions like this instead of trying to be something they're not.

Sure, but that just makes it even more eyebrow-raising. They're "battle idols" with online fanbases. If some dude married not just one, but literally every single one of them at the same type (or even just both Lyfe+Fenny, the two most high-profile ones), it would be a marketing nightmare.
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>Confirmation from FennyKING himself
They have done it . They have become the peak of the waifu gacha genre with canon marriages.
lol at least double that.
Not in her current form. I bet her 5* form will make her look less like a pajeet. I wouldn't be surprised if she's less brown.
There is going to be some more free rolls and not a lot more to buy than Enya/Siris patch.
They're actively white washing her. She's noticeably less brown in the confession video
dang aight, thanks anon
gonna give that a shot
>If some dude married not just one, but literally every single one of them at the same type (or even just both Lyfe+Fenny, the two most high-profile ones), it would be a marketing nightmare.
The adjutant is likely also being marketed too as the leader of the heroes. It's not like Fenny keeps her relationship with (you) from the media even now so everybody probably likes (you) as much for saving the containment zone and Yehrus from the fucking death trees.
It's true, I almost didn't recgonize her at first. She must have realized she would never get anywhere as is and invested in those skin-whitening creams that are so popular in Asia.
I thought so too but then I went and compared her in game, it's about the same, somehow.
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The urge to kneel in real life is strong
>This sicknasty son of a bitch war hero got to marry 2 smoking hot top idols. Enlist now!
Sure you can make up explanations for why it all makes sense, it just makes the world come across as very (you)-centered is what I'm saying. Previously Adjutant was presented as just a guy, but now he's more like an actual isekai protagonist. It fits the direction of the game, but it's undeniably less grounded.
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>if you buy the wedding dress Fenny will start calling you darling going forward
I want her to call me papa.
I would agree with you 100% usually but
This so fucking extra it's such an extra move
I'm sure that the "this will now be part of the story" will also be quite fucking strange but there is a VERY VERY good chance, that they're earnest about it and stick to their guns instead of half assing it. And if that happens it will circle back from very strange to "yep, this was the only way this could have happened". I am eager to see how it's done. Is it kinda weird after spending all this time establishing the lore. Yes, it is. However, please consider that even if it's stupid and breaks the lore, anyone that cares about gacha lore past how enjoyable it is or how much you like the characters, is actually a complete fucking retard anyway.
>Previously Adjutant was presented as just a guy, but now he's more like an actual isekai protagonist.
Bro he's literally the leader of Yggdrasil's security force years before he even got stuck in space. He was never just a guy since he's been working in the field for a long time. Him saving Cherno and going undercover in Tess' school literally happened before he left for the space station. He's a true seasoned wolf.
But I don't want to marry Lyfe or Fenny.
Can't believe I'm in a forced arranged marriage by Seaslug.
That will only be after your first child.
Bro Adjutant and Tau are only head figures left in Yggdrasil right now (since Tau kicked out other board member from the company), so it kinda make sense from lore standpoint.
This is the real problem. I only give a shit about Marian and Tess.
MuMu I understand that you're trying to teach us how to go from "pick your favorite in a harem" to "become the TRUE harem owner" but goddammit, GODDAMMIT ALL TO HELL.
So how are your knees feeling bwos? I think I might need new ones.
wtf give siris her wedding dress too. She confessed first.
I am KO'd desu
It's the perfect play.
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So I got two questions:
1- is it true Acacia was some agent trained and all BEFORE being frozen due to Juvosis? Cause that doesn’t make sense to me. Not only is she a complete otaku addicted to games/movies, she is repeatedly surprised at her own capabilities and damage she can dish with her superpowers. I think I preferred when her backstory was just “random frozen girl that likely woke up superpowers from the Juvosis treatment”
2- is there a name for the thing with girls sandwiching a guy like last thread that had a few pics of the girls sandwiching Adjutant? Cause I think I want to read doujins that happens
Adjutant should marry Edda instead
Actually, Fenny did it first in her 4* personal story, back when the game was still an omnipandering one.
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>It would be a marketing Nightmare
I Imagine Fenny taking a photo of her ring and spreading it on social media account just to cause this exact event.
"It was a tie today, Me and Lyfe both tied the knot with the Adjutant!"
And then her account gets deleted by Caroline before anyone views her message.
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My knees are bending on their own
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> wedding
> main story
It's do happened
idk but no way someone froze a random dying chick at 17 years old
But she and lyfe and siris and cherno are already pregnant.....
Then I will have to hold on for Cherno's...
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i am completely lost with the story. the only thing i knew/remember is that lyfe and fenny were having fun playing sports when a big lady crashed into the stadium and for some reason lyfe was deeply affected by that but not fenny she just chillin
the lady crashed on her parents and obliterated them with her huge fat ass
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Edda wrote old schizophernic story, sorry.
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>lyfe lost her parents and one eye
>fenny lose nothing
Fenny won
This is a ML game anon, all the girls can be married. This is a Harem game, not a romcom anime.
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Is it really a win when the most likely scenario is that her parents weren't there to begin with?
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Love to see it. The Asian/White anime aliance finnaly happening.
They straight up stated it's going to be acknowledged in the story. They're not going to write different story events based on who you married.
It's just going forward that the story will partially reflect that Adjutant is married to Lyfe and Fenny with more to come.
Both weddings are canon. In fact even if you don't buy the skins they're still canon. You just don't get to experience it. It's a lot like Meursault's situation. If you didn't roll for 5*Cherno you don't get to find out how you rescued Meursault.
No, we're going XBC2, Adjutant loves ALL his operators and he fucking means it
You are thinking too small. Obviously we need to marry and reproduce with T'au too. She needs new children to replace the old ones
>boss is gonna abuse her power to make Adjutant fuck her
>this will give the imaginary sister more siblings
He needs a raise
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Adjutant, Yggdrasill doesn't allow polyamory relationships, you can only choose one girl as your wife. Choose carefully.
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i wish that had happened to me
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>she is repeatedly surprised at her own capabilities and damage she can dish with her superpowers.
Its because she has super powers in the first place and she's a big nerd into anime that she's so surprised at her powers. Acacia is like Wesley snipes from Demolition man but instead of the world having gone full retarded, it's turned futuristic and she feels like a hero who got isekai'd
Does Cherno count as 2?
This is how the story will go.
>Adjutant corrects Tau after she says this
>Tells her she will be married last
>Marries all the other girls
>Edda shows up at Tau wedding
>huge titan fight
>Adjutant marries Tau and Edda at the same time
Kek way to remind me what a turn around the writers did for the MC’s reputation. He went from a kid who everyone thought was a pussy faggot to an absolute harem chad
Okay fine, can I choose you then Tau
I wonder if you will be able to see the marriage stories even if you don't buy the skins or will those be locked out forever....
Newtard here, If I want Lyfe and her gun how much digicash do I need in total? I have 21,820 here from buying from the store and completing some of the story.
They'll be rerun on the same schedule as the characters i.e. 3 month cycle
depends if you are can gamble and win at the 50/50 or plan to use the 100% banner
Should I use purple logistics as a fodder?
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I really don't care about marrying, pain in the ass even in videogames. Hope they don't focus too much on that shit to the detriment of other stuff.
With 100% banner, on average 23,000. 28,800 to be safe.
>Marriage is canon
Does this mean that even if you don't buy the skins, in the future you will be treated like a husband regarless in the main story?
>born in 2013
>that’s 11 years ago
I wonded if the kids nowadays had any exposure to most of the stuff she keeps referencing
Yeah, even if you don't get the skins it's still an official part of the story.
I literally just checked, and she looks exactly the same as in-game. It's probably the lightning and the video being low quality.
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>canon weddings that will be a part of the main story
I don't see a single way this WOULDN'T be retarded and cringe
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Daily reminder that there are literally Adjutant plushies. The people that are fans of the girls online know about us andn actually buy merchandice of us.
So yeah, they know we are banging the girls and they don't care.
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Uh oh! Are those different opinions?
Do not give (you) to discord troon
25.600 digicash assuming you go 90+70 on 100% banner. This isn't counting Tickets you're going to get from events etc.
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it is my opinion that Lyfefags are synonymous with terrible posts.
It will be cringe kino, fuck off
Shut up Tau, it was in my contract. I get to marry all my subordinates.
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As a wholly impartial observer I completely agree!
>*attaches bowtie to hoodie*
>*seasons wolf*
>*puts on wedding sunglasses*
It will be cringekino.
it would be a bit retarded being treated like a husband when your girls don't have rings because you didn't bought the skins, BUT THIS IS FUCKING HUGE THANKS CHONG CHONG, THANKS MUMU, THANKS FEET DESIGNER AT SEASLUG!!!
It's not like the story will go full romcom after this
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fucking why is he everywhere?
He's here too right he's obsessed with GF2.
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We need a version of this with the Adjutant, Lyfe and Fenny, I wish I knew how to draw...
>he's a GFL2 fag
Yeah.... I'm thinking mental illness
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>Congratulations on getting married.
>Now sit down.
that'll be kino
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How will Cherno's marriage look like? Will we put two rings on her?
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>When they see your ring
I'm kind of looking forward to reading the other girl's reactions/seething or pushing to get married as well.
Black and white wedding dress with a ring synced to Cherno's power that changes color when they switch places.
No. I haven't bought a single skin and I'm not gonna start now. Closest I came was the Cherno maid skin but her VFX were a downgrade
>cool purple moon and orbs with contrasting gold and deep purple
>piss yellow moon and orbs
Seriously WTF were they thinking I'm STILL mad
I like anime cringe in a sincere way..
sooooo sex scenes when?
Two wedding rings, one blackened steel, one platinum. One with a Ruby, one with a blue emerald
>he says in ironic weeb central
I just watched the confession vid, I guess Katya has competition from Haru on who is willing to rape the adjutant the most lmao.
Let me say this again.
>Why only stop buying skin?
If he doesn't want to see "cringe".
>Why does just get filterd?
It have to be mental illness
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Puny adjutant doesn’t know the difference between heaven and earth!
He is feeling the pain that waifufags and coomers feel when girls get censored and shipped with other males in other gacha games. Now his kind are the ones getting fucked.
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Damn bro be coping hard.
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Adjutant in a year
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>It doesn't pander how the commander is a gigachad who looks down upon his enemies and everyone loves him all the time
Lets ask some important questions.
Why is it bad for the Operatives to love the Adjutant?
Why must the In universe self-insert be some kind of weakling for these people to be immersed?
Why is fan service bad in the story? Why must it always be some kin of non-canon event?
Why must everything be "believable" in a near post-apocalyptic world where We have mental patients running around with super powers?
This guy is gay in all forms but physical.
>2. There are no "if" stories in the game
Does this mean the parts in the PV where the Adjutant is fondling the girls are canon? Based if so.
What's the name of this mental illness?
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don't give spotlight to these "people"
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>fucking go then
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So apparently the sensor tower chart is fucked for last month
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>filler patch
I don't think we are missing so much revenue
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>the fact that 100k+ other playersor maybe even millions, will be 'married' to the same fictional character(s)
But all 100,000 of those other players are the adjutant and the adjutant is literally us.
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At least people are calling out his shit now. His account is literally... get this... toxic
Besides, it is believable throughout what's established in the story.
A few girls loved you from before, and for the rest you're absorbing titagen and mind-merging every few days. That's gotta leave an impression.
I hope this will be the end of monthly gacha tribalism with uncomfirmed numbers in many generals.
I did give them 4.99 Eur; they better appreciate it.
Haru is the original adjutant rapist
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>reddit screencap hours
Literally nobody here cares. Consider going back by the way.
Siris is gonna be so mad...
wouldn't this only affect global numbers anyways? if i remember they just estimate for CN by using iOS x random multiplier they made the fuck up as android revenue
idk what people are even talking about, they're all completely blind estimates based on no relevant information
putting a multiplier on iOS sales is a non-starter, the iOS demographic is already filtered to a certain demographic, because it's all people retarded enough to buy apple products in the current year
INVESTORS put their money on stocks based on this website, and they very likely took money from Kuro to freeze their estimates like this
I absolutely cannot believe they're allowed to do business like this, how the fuck is this legal?
she forgor
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>Why must the In universe self-insert be some kind of weakling for these people to be immersed?
Not him but I feel that’s to have some balance. If the MC can’t fight (for long) it justifies him always leading a personal squadron and the like, while if he is capable it means he should also go around solo.
Personally I feel it’s better done when the MC is some sort of support role like SEQUEL’s MC. He is capable of charging the girls with mana as well as doing crafting work rivaling barbarian blacksmiths. Your MC doesn’t have to just be a good strategist and there are other ways to make him shine.
It's always the same fucking people too, why do they like to talk about fucking reddit so much? I thought reddit and 4chan were fucking enemies
So what's the name of this mental illness, obsessing over other gachas, posting reddit screencaps etc?
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>>I hope this will be the end of monthly gacha tribalism
>Implying gacha tribalism is ever going to end
You're gonna have to post this every single month I'm afraid.
Every time someone post that stupid chart we tell him to fuck off, but he post it again next month.
They are wrong in the head or something
The guy could have done much more damage to the Snowbreak subreddit had he been more subtle. But I guess people just couldn't hide their true colors.
>will support games that know how to separate fanservice from storytelling
But that sucks ASS what the FUCK is he talking about. You have a super serious story, but girls are standing around in funny lewd outfits? It's great for an easter egg or like a post-game playthrough like unlockable costumes sure. But if you're going to have a gacha, having the tone be lighter and actually weave the visual and storytelling together for fanservice is great and not done so often anymore.
There is no way this idiot thinks that "I want half-naked outfits, but nobody has to acknowledge it or look at it, that way the story is serious and mature for a serious and mature guy like me".
Based Seasun, unzipping my wallet
But this time maybe people are starting to wake up now, at least we aren't fucked like Top 3 of that chart.
We ARE in a support role, just because we can fight doesn't mean we are the strongest. Out main job is to lead our schizos around and reduce their titagen levels.
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>want to marry Fenny and Katya
>not particularly interested in wedding dresses in general

I'm torn. Now if it was a bunny girl outfit with high cut leotard...
(You) literally soloed Satrebot
You just keep screaming around
Where are my buffs, Adjutant?
Where is my healing, Adjutant?
Where is my sexual relief, Adjutant?
FYI this dude's a yurifag and he's posted like 3 (or 4?) times now on the sub complaining about the Chen and Siris relationship getting retconned. I also see him whining about fanservice and retcons in random YT game PGR and Aether Gazer videos.
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Bwo, my left nut could defeat Beauvoir-13....
My wives...
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>Still talking about reddit
>Jobs to a bullet
We truly are the schizophrenia general
You don't need the skin to be their husband bwo.
That's gonna happen in the story regardless, and they are gonna treat you like a husband anyways because it's canon!
That's the best part
I've played the first sequel and like it's approach, but I've also played more party-style RPGs that also involve the MC.
A support role is fine, it's what the Adjutant does in game. but I don't think its bad for him to be able to fight when he has to. He has moments when he jobs and is saved, and then he has moments where he does the saving. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
Sartrebot literally fucking solo'd Gavin of all people.
Toe rings (two)
It’s both funny and sad that the act of genuine love between gacha girl and gacha MC is enough to cause so much seething.
>Every single snowbreak account is a different world so every girl is for (You) exclusively.
Based Based Based
Gavin is literally yamcha.
/gig/ has been seething for months over Navia's trailer. /hsrg/ has been unusable for three patches now. Both caused by a character that likes (you).
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Isn't this a bit too spicy for today's snowbreak?
Why does this only happen to gacha games? There's always the flavor of the month anime with the pussy MC that somehow gets the love of all the girls even tho he's weak, unattractive, doesn't have a personality, etc. but those are fine and nobody complains?
Why is it that when a fucking MC has a bit of personality everyone gets this butthurt?
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But the ring bwo...But yeah canonical double marriage in the storyline, I thought we were at the peak but it keeps going higher.
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Can't wait for Lyfe to call me "Anata"
Lee He or Lee She?
I find it weird how some people don't even want the protagonist to be an active participant in the story.
Someone said that that's captain Li from the Military, that Li's a she.
This is the best of both worlds, people with money will buy both skins and fund the servers and f2p will be able to enjoy being called husbands while playing the game normally.
I know saying this makes me look like a bootlicker but Seaslug sure is based
It's fine, by patch 3.0 Caro-chan will have to watch Adjutant and Ms Lee be lovey dovey in front of her while she's an awkward third wheel.
I’ll put on my tinfoil hat and assume the seething happens because gacha games are live service while anime series are mostly finished by the time they start airing. Getting angry on social media has a small chance of starting a wave of complaints and that has a small chance of actually affecting the course of the game. Meanwhile since an anime is already done there’s no point in seething so hard about it because you can’t do anything to change it.
They don't want a game, they want a movie
That's Li Qiuxue
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Thanks MuMu
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One thing that caught my eye before I started playing was in the trailer of I can't remember 1.7 or 1.8 Adjutant actually protected his great waifu's.

You know how rare that is in these genres? A MC that actually has some kind of ability to protect his grills? It's common as hell in anime but in gacha? Jesus. I want more HERO WOLF.
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Anon... I think there might be white liiles growing inside your brain...
Li is the one Marian used to flirt with, right?
>They don't want a game, they want a movie
I blame Sony for this
Adjutant blocking Pact's attack was so unexpected people were arguing if it's canon or not.
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Plot gets worse in the 2nd game but kino as fuck in the third

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