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>Dawntrail Info

>Resources, Femra Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

Previous: >>484223035
>all those people you don’t care about but have to console(??) and fetch their sentimental trash like some rings(???)
>this fucking cat won’t even let you fight the boss by yourself
This expansion really makes you sympathize with Zenos
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Finally finished the MSQ. What'd I miss around here?
Hello from /gw2g/!
Hopping to Dynamis sometime to say hi to OPcat
I fanta'd to Femhroth on Friday.
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Anyone seen Wuk Lamat?

Is she in this here drawer?
a bunch of retards shitting themselves because the game wasn't whatever extremely specific thing they wanted it to be, and calling anyone that doesn't mindlessly hate it retarded and brown
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Flat grapes.
>tfw you accidentally dodge a mechanic you never saw before
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Massive improvement.
t. retarded and brown
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I actually just escaped Dynamis this morning.
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>go on a gondola write with graha tia and suck his cock.

pretty based shamed i couldnt pick a scion to do it to.
did you enjoy the expansion, xivg
fellas is it gay to EB your friend (we're both grown ass men playing female characters)
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You sympathize with a psychopath?
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p-pwease...how do i unlock the gathering collectables I'm begging you
>tfw you successfully predict what a new mechanic is going to do and dodge it
Wait, I thought that people who hated DT were brown? Why are we changing our opinion AGAIN?
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>buy that umbrella mount to round out my look
>tail goes stiff while using it, like a furry pole sticking out my ass
thanks you fucking hacks. I imagine things like these don't ever get fixed do they?
only if both of you are futas
i like the extremes, I like the dungeons, I like the look of the new gear, I want to have sex with the mamool ja, I am enjoying myself a lot
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Finished dawntrail msq, no malera in any cutscene, best expansion ever!
a few retards are trying to defend the bad xpack like redditors and swear it's not worse than sb
First half was boring, second half was OK. I would have liked it a lot better without the tranny cat
if Zenos had genocided the Endless to eat their souls because he was jealous of the good fight Zoraal Ja had with you it would have made sense and been in character, they really should have shoehorned him in somehow to fix this mess
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I miss my retarded mods already
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Don't forget your free fanta, anons.
I'm not using it
Aw, I'm not busy from now until reset and could hop over to a Dynamis world briefly
Say one good thing and one bad thing about Dawntrail:

>I like the music

>I don't like Krile
yep, story was fun if not especially inspired, most characters were entertaining (the villains were ass) and the dungeons/trials were pretty neato
also PCT is really fun, best caster by far
Yes, his ”I would gladly set the city I’m in on fire purely so that something interesting will happen” really resonated for me for the majority of dawntrail’s story
the 4 people who chose poorly are the problem
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What are your favorite locations so far bros?
Uh oh crybaby euro hands made another all or nothing poll
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Wuk Lamat is making me want to take the femhroth plunge.
Not because she's gold, but because I feel like I have to redeem the race/sex somehow...
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>Get to the final area
>Realize I'm going to have to kill all these people'>See them running around happy and smiling with children, families, husbands, and wives.
>Well as long as I don't try to sympathize with them it will make pulling the trigger easier
>Wuk enters
Fucking hell I hate this retarded cat.
Erenville being a bitch to his mom also isn't helping.
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Your bedroom
I miss my collection of high heels
>modded femhroth
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Can alliance raid items be augmented?
incredibly, both wrong
>over a dozen MSQ gear coffers sitting in my inventory
any way to preview these bitches so i can pick the ones i want for glams?
or are we still miles behind gw2 which would have full turnaround images uploaded of any new gear within 1 day of release
fucking travesty that such a shit game has such an immaculate wiki
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>Search for distressed citizens
Nah this kid's fine. Not even marked.
both sides are doing it because 4chan posters are mentally stunted and default to racism when confronted with a difference of opinion
It's 2024. You're allowed to be trans-racial
post some pics anon, I love heels too
>I dislike like 90% of the expansion
>but the dungs and trials are decent
I’m not resubbing after first month runs out. Just enough time to do savage once and fuck off either until 7.2 or permanently if post-7.0 is as mid as in ew.
zones are cool
job design still sucks
I just MOVED to GOLEM for FREE so I can actually play together with a bunch of friends who moved there as well from EU and a few from US as well. We were tired of not being on the same DC. Free house is a nice bonus.
What the fuck are you even talking about retard. “Redeem” an MMO race what does that even mean
found the pajeetoids (you can tell because they said "brown")
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I am
a crafting catboy
grapes are no longer funny
Areas are cool

Wuk is shit
yeehaw land and the Mamool Ja forest
The real MSQ is the role quests.
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meow meow meow meow
I love them more...
You're either a cultist or you're a normal person who can like things and still point out their flaws.
main city is great and i liked the wild west zone as well
>search for distressed citizens
WRONG! this person is deceased
What was niggerbunny’s problem in this expansion anyway
is there a grace period after early access ends for me to input the dawntrail code?
Fucking tourists. Go back to /v/ you purple cunt
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8.0 Layout idea:

>Job quests return in a new way
>MSQ is unique per job up until the fourth zone, where it then converges a unique MSQ per-role, then in the final zone it converges into a regular shared MSQ
>Overall MSQ length is about 1/5th of the norm to compensate for the massive variety in the first half
>No new jobs, but every existing job unlocks something called a "Variant" which replaces key moves to alter the job's rotation (i.e., gunbreaker does a weaker continuation after every gcd instead of just his cartridge moves, gauss barrel returns for MCH, and so on)
Sneed or or chuck it?
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thingken bout crafts
Is Seraph open?
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Looks like dogshit
well would you prefer I list off every variant of non-white instead?
Why are all femezen racist?
Mountain gear looks pretty good if you’re into the bloodborne aesthetic
sounds a little dumb but whatever they actually do is going to be such utter formulaic slop that i'd still take this over it
I hate lamitt and I hate you
what's that dress?
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>11 year old MMO continues to poach assets from FFXI, an MMO released in 2002 on the PS2
Why are they allowed to do this? Where's the fucking originality?
Havent seen this combination a thousand times already.
When the criticism is “WoL isn’t the main character the expansion is bad!” And or “Tranny VA means the game is dead!” it’s not meant to be taken seriously at all
Maid dress
that isn't what poaching assets means
there are more polygons in ffxiv's gulool big toe than that entire model
>stuck on Dynamis
>do a leveling roulette
>Copper bell mines
>immediately want to go to sleep
chuck it, job quests for all jobs are too much work to do realistically or we'll get shit like HW PLD again
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These grapes are not flat~~
>t. brownoid
>WoL isn’t the MC
whatever who cares
>Wuk Lamat is the MC
swallow glass
what about "stooping to a clearly inferior VA simply to check a diversity box because he's a tranny, means the developers have the wrong priorities and will lead the game to decline"
hello, welcome to Final Fantasy, where we have about 12 people named Cid who all have roughly the same job
he waited 20 years for his turn and it finally came
That's a wolf you retard
Healer role quest? More like esuna role quest. There's nothing to fucking heal other than ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA ESUNA
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Crafter Meetup
Balmung, Solution Nine (7.5, 12.5)

Come level up your crafters and grind to 100 with /xivg/ starting at 5PM EST, June 2nd

∹ Crafter Meetup - June 2, 5PM EST, Balmung, Solution Nine (7.5, 12.5)
I hear your grapes are seedless... let's change that.
darn, I didn't see the shoulder frills in the picture but they're pretty obvious in the store
I was kinda thinking of a ruby cosplay
My sunnie is going to fuck your mouth, and make it REALLY sloppy
Tha vast majority of Dawntrail criticisms focus on the poor pacing, poor writing and poor job/fight design.
loaded answers i'm not picking either option

i think you can have your opinion, they're free as air.
but insisting your opinion is right is fruitless.

the story is fun, i like it, some people just want to raid and would rather jerk off their own tits because they hold the ascended opinion that the story is boring.

they care not for the cornservant or the fetch quests or the voice acting. they think it's a glorified visual novel with combat sprinkled in.

but those people get to raid 11 months out of the year. shut the fuck up about your opinion on the story or the storytelling.
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>engine update is ba-
The endgame dungeons swing so widely. The first one was imo rather undertuned but the second one is rather tough for a dungeon. Or maybe it's just the dumbass GNBs I've been blessed with.
Need more time to properly calculate. A lot of this weekend was "When will they get to the fireworks factory?" and when they got there it was more unsettling but not in a fun way, and basically every time the latter half of the story leaned into wanting me to feel feels it just caused irritation instead.
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laid bare
You guys are really running out of stuff to be upset at now huh?
me when the plugins are working again
What a retarded idea for a meetup
XV Cid wasn't based enough to make a ship.
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>its another psyop, paid se shill tries to downplay and or invalidate critiscisim on dawnflop
Well...where are they then?
>head canon
Oof doesn’t work here
>who cares
Lots of anons have this weekend it’s been one of the main complaints that the WoL is sidelined and isn’t just killing everything in sight
claiming this catboy for my catboy
Catgirls look good wtf was wrong with the benchmark that made me doubt them
he did make a flying car however
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from rape face to rape me face
Elezen running animation is still dogshit and makes them unplayable
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thoughts on the new teeth
are you modding in your old modded bites back once they're real or are you gonna stick with the new teeth
perhaps waiting on a moonie to sunnie fang transplant with the new vanilla teeth?

also catboys are winning
Nah the carnival one sucks so much ass it's unreal
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>complaining about the devs continuing to rehash fuck ugly boring beast tribes instead of making new stuff means i'm a dawntrail hater
I liked the expansion you stupid shithead, they should try designing new models instead of just recoloring moblins, vanu vanu, and mamool ja
What this anon said >>484238670

The second one I think due to the mechanics results in less uptime
Also the mobs towards the end hit really hard
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I feel like they need a good headlining character seeing as this is "Their" expansion, and Wuk Lamat isn't it. It once again falls to the WOL to fix everything, including femhroths...
Stop stealing moonies fangs, it's our only gimmick
The planet wasn’t revolving around you in HW and it was fine because you still did things on your own, so it’s a disingenuous argument.
bro the pelupelu in tuliyollal with the blue plus quest marker standing in a stall like a colectable npc
WoW won.
>dozens of ERPs not saved because XIM is not updated...


>”they should spend money on new assets instead of just reusing what they already have…just because they should OK?”
I love armchair game developers that think no one ever reuses assets in any game ever
Gonna need to see your lewds, for research...
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everyone has a massive underbite now, which looks jarring even from the front
Dawntrail coming out today or tomorrow?
I won :3
sexual desire ranking
fangs are for putting your giant throbbing erection into a moonies mouth and drawing a tiny bead of blood because they can't open wider
Fantastic bait anon
no you get the brittany garner looking cat that acts like naruto
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This MSQ feels like wow's BFA expansion. Two half baked stories that didnt have enough content in either to be a full expansion so they just mashed them together in two distinct halves.
And of course the consultaion company's required "racism is bad" message
I lost....
How do you like to goon? I spit on my dick until it's dripping onto my balls and do long strokes with a tight grip so I get really loud squelching sounds.
So, everyone have received their full assess codes by this point?
male ver?
>bakool ja ja releasing valigarmanda... LE BAD! it MIGHT kill some people!
>premeditatedly murdering over 100,000 people (namikka, who we see die, has an id number for soul processing around 140,000 iirc)... LE GOOD! it MIGHT demoralize the enemy leader to know her people have been murdered!
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You’re more than welcome to come try your luck, dork~
>gospel music out of nowhere
Do you like s+
But you guys were saying 3 years ago that EW was this games BFA. Which is it
My EB's arms
use lotion or lube, not spit
>bro its fine, I liked Godfric so I also like Godefroy
They were already dead, retard
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Literally nobody asked for a nothing happens vacation expansion thats being disingenuous. Low stakes does not mean nothing should happen for 6-7 levels. The last part is good though.
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Should I?
whatever the most recent thing is is terrible and will kill the game, and whatever came directly before it was actually the peak
this will continue for the next decade
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this scene reminded me of the loguetown execution
>dawnservant = king of the pirates
it really feels like the writer is a big one piece fan
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First time with Akino?
I wish this outfit was in parts, I really just want the shoes
don't tell him about the ff11 alliance raid
>legacy modbeast
Yea think twice before becoming my enemy, faggot
Not even the NPCs shilling the genocide plan claim they aren't real people
ive given up learning their names and just calling them

also i have found out that ja ja means two head and ja means one head. how simple.
do you consider wiping a hard drive genocide?
>suddenly mystery niggas from space
I thought this story couldn't get any worse after babysitting that retarded lion
Can I patch in FSR 3.1 somehow? This ghosting pisses me off.
The problem to me wasn't even the substance of the quests. It felt like I was watching a movie. The nonstop cutscenes every 30 seconds removed control of your character for like 90% of the msq.
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So why did they change the Ozma mount to no longer have the Hydatos background?
Why? Spit is free.
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Any Ono Daisuke enjoyers here? Love the guy.
Just get the one from the eden raids it's somewhat similar to it
Blame Nomura for making such an ugly character they had to design her as a monster instead of as a playable hyur.
how about the many godwyn surrogates in the shadow realm mausoleums because... um... idk lol
Krile got as much spotlight as she deserved in Dawntrail
This is Wuk Lamat's story
Yeah he was pretty good
>You ask a lost man for the way
Kino line.
basing an alliance raid on a previous FF is not the same at all as copy pasting the same named NPC into the game and pretending he's a totally new unique main story relevant NPC
hope you enjoyed your one rushed zone of wild west tomfoolery with erenville! that was as good as it gets
gabagool jaja
except the one that makes you do it literally says more than once that she's already dead
DLSS chads can upgrade
FSR cucks cannot because 2 and above need dx12 and squeenix is still on dx11 despite muh grafix update
>head of the silver wolf hides facial race features like au ra horns, elezen ears, etc
>put it on as viera
>game doesn't let you
I want whoever is in charge of this fired
do you like catboys
weird that they name everyone one head to differentiate from the extremely rare occurrence of a two head that you will literally know by just looking at them
What if I use dxvk
Uhh sweaties? We're in xivg. erg is that way
It is though they’ll be using old boss models from XI just upscaled
>Recoloring Mamool Ja
honestly they were one of the least egregious examples of rehashing. There was little to no mamool Ja stuff beyond "mercenaries from the new world" so it was nice to see some more stuff for them. The other two were completely asinine.
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NTA but are you on at the moment?
am I supposed to like or hate dawntrail?
someone tell me what to think
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I feel like a lot of the people who call half the character in this game ugly haven't gone outside and seen an actual ugly person
>using AMD
face 3s were absolutely ruined
so sorry for your loss analayasastia medvadaiyaa
you have to get the weapon set while you're at it you know

iirc the idea is the "reflection" is the city that ozma sucked inside of itself. the one you end up at when it blackholes you.
so swapping it from hydatos to nym only makes sense.

the ozma inside of hydatos would send you back to hydatos as kind of the opposite effect.

this is just headcanon but looking at ozma would be like looking at a wormhole, it's not flat it's round : a 3 dimensional object. you're looking at a 3D portal, albeit kind of metallic and slightly fluid and non-euclidian.
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This is erenville
may i be plapped
>WoL being a faggot is spoiler-worthy
They will never ever deviate from the job system you gotta let that notion go. Hopefully we get the final tank and healer together in 8.0.
why do people play with the pre 2000s magazine print aesthetic?
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This general will argue over anything
Hate it. It's dogshit. The worst expansion by far.
is there a way to get rig of the eye catchlights
i will continue on
I hate skub so much it's unreal
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You love dawntrail. Go thank yoship for letting you experience it.
I’m just so sad about Dawntrail. First, they break all our mods, which is why we play FFXIV in the first place. And second, yes, the story is super duper comfy and eepy and we love it. However, us People of Color are used as a slur for those who hate the expansion. This isn’t racially inclusive of us. And third, there’s an actual endgame this time, which we hate because we just wanna be comfy and eepy. Why can’t Square Enix just let us eep?
overheard on discord just now
>they really need to increase msq exp
>bruv it's not enough to level 2 jobs at a time but if you just level 1 job you hit 100 before the end
>then you waste msq exp
>it's like spilling droplets of jizz
>you don't want to waste even a smidge
Post bench
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Alisaie is...
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there's an UBW reference in here somewhere
I miss the angry joe posting...
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>Me when i say Wuk Lamat is a bad character with bad voice acting and someone goes off a rant about how I must hate trans people and be an alt-right nazi.
No fucking seriously give me the name of the person who got charge for the story of this shit? Why is there some fucking disco lizard gay fuckery happening? This is so fucking bad
I swear to god, if you are pro-skub you deserve a .45 caliber aspirin.
Is there a way to remove my femra’s eyelids?
those tiny ass feet would develop bone deformities trying to support that frame
why are vexa delmend and his tiny circle of loser friends the most mentally ill modbeasts in a general full of them
my wife
Okay but why is the background the Weeping City ozma's world and not the Hydatos ozma where we got the mount from
wo mama...
>us People of Color
I am going to call you a Nigger
tear them off
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Late for her maid duties, along with her brother
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minecraft weather effects
a 10 until she opens her mouth
really fucking annoying and I’m tired of pretending otherwise
We like it because it’s basically the comfiest and eepiest thing of all time. Oh and it’s a new saga and we like Wuk and if you don’t like it, you’re brown.
brother your gpu is dying
Made for miera cock
>uses 3rd party software
>wonders why game's broken
classic retard
I don't think she will have a turn around like Luffy. Where he goes from one of the most hated character to one of the more liked ones.
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nice minecraft datapack bro
Extremely fucking forced
I just thought it was funny calm down
>friends hated every trial and expert dungeon because it's too much to process
>I've had the biggest grin on my face during each one
We are SO fucking back. Fully expecting nerfs by the end of expansion but I won't forget this moment.
my femra is currently building a cool tower, please don't take any of her blocks
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I see your point but i just disagree, to me the MSQ for a new XIV expansion should (theoretically) use new models and assets the developers conjured up for the new lands and stories within. Obviously reuse of assets happens in every game ever, you can just look at a modern behemoth like Elden Ring and it's clear a gigantic portion of that game is Ds1 and DeS assets painted in a new light. Stuff like the Ivalice raid or upcoming XI raid feels different because it's intended as a showcase of that games characters, so using assets from that game only makes sense. Dawntrail is a NEW expansion for XIV, so in my eyes the characters should 100% be all new, never before seen.
i dont know who that is ive skipped every cutscene for 6 years
My big-cocked Highlander futa's stress reliever.
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Canon lalafell butt
>S+ has to do all the work
typical femra behavior
that's not how game dev works though and new assets cost money
wOuLd SmOoCh
So let me get this straight. If you don’t like the story/the pacing/Wuk, you’re:
>a Nazi
>a transphobe
>never play the game
>need to go play other games instead of FFXIV
>thinking too hard
>expecting too much
>expecting too little

skippable because she says nothing of value
man what if we had an expansion without a scion

or a very important member of a party died

or we get backstabbed really hard and one of our characters had to grow through humility
Sure we can do that, say you wouldn't mind waiting an extra 1-2 years and paying more money would you?
this song had no right to be this good
unironic question: how do i get into erp
my catgirl is interested
the graphics update is underwhelming
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the story was okay, too much downtime though
But Anon we already have catgirls at home. They are already tribal and half naked. What difference would catgirl but from the jungle do to change anything
Yep! Glad you were able to figure it out.
Doomsissies got really mad at being called brown so they co-opted it. It’s like democrats are the real racists the republicans are the real snowflakes type of beat
don't forget, you also simultaneously wanted a comfy vacation expansion but also ascians and world-ending fights everywhere, so you're a hypocrite
Is this unironically a Pajeet general? That explains half the sexpesting you cucks send me
These white people are crazy. Fuck! Never let these white people change you!
mine also does somewhat but she'd never wear something so indecent
Nice revisionism.
You hit your head against a wall really really hard then join a discord
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Will she ever remember that she can just dimension hop and hang out with us? Just put Ryne in a bottle and carry her over for visits.
Finally realizing it?
the golden city is alexandria, a high tech civilization from the ninth reflection with advanced soul-based magitek. zoraal ja opens the gate and becomes the king of the golden city, spending 30 years there because of inter-shard time shenanigans like back in shb; he invades with his robot army, murders his dad and a bunch of people, and in response you invade and murder him back. erenville's dead mom is pissed off about the afterlife alexandria built using soul magic and railroads you into destroying it and re-killing all the dead, also deleting the final zone in the process (hope you didn't like it, no refunds!), then you fight the queen who's understandably mad about this. also wuk lamat does some shit
what pants
So why does doing trial roulette as a level 90 give you 40% bonus exp, but doing it on a job that's levels lower than that is still only like 4% exp?
>Wuk Lamat enjoys exploring, hunting and generally doing stuff
>Wuk Lamat hasn’t hunted even once in her life and doesn’t even know what the lands right next to her home even look like
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You mean what if we replayed heavensward and ARR? Yeah that'd be nice.
are you one of those people who only use one outfit
one of those people who need to dress up constantly and carry outfit pieces in your bags
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>tfw someone makes a move on your EB
>path traced lighting
>subsurface scattering
>significantly better SSAO
>10 shadow casters
>shadow resolution 3x what it was
I'd like that
WoL arrives in a foreign land all alone and has to deal with locals, makes new friends quickly after almost being ripped off because they're a foreigner
then kill some local threat when they get asked for help
Are there really horny pajeets ITT?
I have one outfit per role, with a couple of spare generic outfits as plates.
Hmm fair point. Brown jungle barefoot miqo'te makes my pp tingle
i've been informed by an illiterate retard on /xivg/ that soul bottling turns you into Literally ChatGPT so maybe they'd better not do that
Why is there never a middleground with these questions?
Wouldn't it be the 12th?
>muh FF9
But 12th was the lightning calamity.
lesbian goth gf
Afk half naked with your femra in balmung uldah. A sunnie+ will approach you and try to fuck you. They have extremely low standards so you dont have to know what youre doing.
I like this schizo
She can't, she hasn't give up her flesh like most ascians. You've to basically give up your body and know how to sustain your soul to be able to do that freely. They explained that in ARR anon. She does however have the power to open voidgates if she figures it out.
"whats your type"
"my girlfriend"
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holy shit this helmet has a visor toggle that changes the face
europeans believe you're either fully behind something or not
fuzzy femhroth butts
Wuk Lamat's voice acting is single handedly ruining my enjoyment of the MSQ. This bitch needs to be sidelined in 7.x and 8.0, or given an actual talented voice actor. Actual dogshit delivery consistently. It's like baby's first gig. Fucking AWFUL.
>msq set is a gimp suit
What the fuck are they thinking
It doesn't look like my favourite UE5 tech demo videos though. It's shit.
Gulool ja ja is just white beard
all the hornyposting are me
pajeets are working telling the game is bad, also they rarely simp for chinese cartoon characters, they mainly are on facebook for thirstposting
know the fucking difference
I want to sex this femezen while she's in that mode
Not him, but I'm really glad the game's aesthetic style didn't change with this. And that they didn't go the common route of just adding bloom everywhere to mask shit.
>PCT quest ending
ngl i knew something was up since so many people could see him but it was still a good twist
The 12th literally doesn't exist anymore after being rejoined.
this was a failed rejoining similar to the first. though it could be the tenth because of muh zanarkand
I am a femlala who is trying to figure out how to salvage my femlala after the update...
Do I just fanta into catgirl.. they look fine
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>2nd trial ends on a big story beat and feels like it should flow right into the last zone
>Instead lets go back to Tuliywhatever and jerk off for 3 quests
I understand the game has always done this pace breaking shit but man it still pains me to see it happen, we should have just been sucked right into the last zone and started immediately solving things quit killing the tension
you can't sideline a trans, get used to they being front and center anon, because them isn't going anywhere
Uhhh that just means you hate trans people, right?
Because you need to declare allegiance to one extreme or you’ll be the enemy of both, grillcuck
we have a winner
you see, either you're a thread enemy or a friendly, there is no two ways about it
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VPRbros, how are we feeling?
>tfw the store had the Haribo cola gummies in the store for the first time in well over a year
>There was only one bag left but i got it
We gaming now.


Funny enough i never even thought about that eye liner being removed. Its probably a lot more notable for you since you use blush instead of standard eye makeup in the slot. Maybe thats why it feels like there's a lot more cheek then im used to. At least overall still a cute middie!
No, you’re just sexy and therefore men want to see you
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Worked on my machine
how about you try different facial options out
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This job feels a little janky
Would you rather Cook Lamat or Cuck Lamat?
I don't glam my gear
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Thats what makes this so confusing. What else could it be?
Reminder that all of your complaints about the game are going to waste unless you post about it on the offical forums.
MSQ was still shit though
I can't see it in-game so I don't want to waste a fanta
What animal soul would she be using during?
>tranny avatarfag
as expected
Can you 2 button complete the ishgard items now for easy 500k?
>path traced lighting
Lol no that is not in the game. The lighting is just significantly better with more sources and better bouncing but not path traced. That would make the playerbase pcs explode.
luffy was always liked
who is gol d roger? ketenramm?
>they are aware
I hate allagans so much its unreal
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I just wished the writers went back to writing something that was grounded somewhat in reality instead of the shonen power of friendship nonsense we have now. You can't expect to me to believe Wuk Lamat's naive approach to every tribal relations works in real life now would it? It's an insult to the audience's intelligence really
Giraffe to giraffe communication when i got to her
woke lamat voice replacement mod when?
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what word do i filter to remove shit like this
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Awkward sec with the autistic old man
you do know fantas have a 60 minute timer where you can drink it, make changes and then go back and make more changes, right? that's a new thing with DT
>are you one of those people who only use one outfit
My Malezen Dragoon hasn't changed out of his armour in almost 3 years.
it's okay
>VPR is too confusing

Would you want to the 2 minute formula and gauge building? you fucking niggers
it's okay we will have allagans again when we get to meracydia
Wait 30 mins bro and you wish it was Allagans again instead the faggotry you get
It's literally one of the remaining reflections. We don't know which. People like 9 because it fits with the callback, but we know from the void/the 13th that the number doesn't always match the game referenced.
Probably >community.
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Good things:
- graphics update
- Pictomancer is probably the second most fun caster right now
- new zones look awesome
- dungeons and trials are pretty damn good
- music is mostly good
- Pelupelu cunny

Bad things:
- horrendous writing, almost as bad as Stormblood
- Viper is melee SMN
- not a single memorable vocal song
- facewear and duo dye channels are a joke
- fat birds are so awful that I'm going to be genuinely upset if they become a tribe quest
I shan't dwell on it.
Change it up every major patch
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DT complete.
Back to the real grind
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not really liking the black mage change to mp generation and how you just cant cast thunder
community or members
Cry a bit more and I might consider giving you the bottle.
The first half had too much filler
The second half was ludokino
If you disagree with me you are indian
love it, best expansion since Stormblood, which is still number 1
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>Upon speaking with Wuk Lamat, several cutscenes will play in sequences.
I don't know. This expac turned me against him.
Do we have images of all the Lv 97 Vanguard armor set yet?
attach avatar to this post, step up or sit down
No, they're specifically using path traced light casting. The lighting itself looks nearly identical to the path traced lighting that the RTGI reshade plugin produces. Keep in mind that you don't actually need RT hardware to do limited implementations like light casters.
Hell: Doom 3 did it with light and shadows years and years ago.
he's rayleigh
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I like Wuk Lamat's English voice
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Do you think they will add these as furniture items?
So there were two lightning calamities? Or do calamities also affect shards as well as?
but rayleigh was gol d rogers sidekick
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My femra looks and acts like this
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you know what i want to request
You're kinda just wrong sis
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The only character I've liked so far
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dude i'm yamchad
Chances of S9 housing?
that has literally never happened to you, unless of course the reason you gave for not liking the character is because of the voice actor
VPR and PCT are just old MNK and ranged MNK. Most of you will be unable to understand this
i need to breed both of these teen whores at the same time
no you stupid nigger, since alexandria's shard exists it obviously wasn't rejoined, now was it???
>Worked on my
I don't want ot hear the fucking chingchong bingbong or the fucking tranny.
he is based
>me during every voiced Giant cutscene
Good because MNK is ruined now
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>ranged monk
you might actually need to check in with your doctor to see if you retarded
it really is Stormblood 2
content enjoyers are feasting while the story makes some people seethe because it's not just about them and how cool they are
my favorite character in Dawntrail
Forget it
My friend told me ur black irl
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Oh I simply have no idea...
Calamity's explicitly affect their reflection first, and it's upon their destruction that it hits the source. Alexandria and the Unlost World still exist - so there was no Calamity.
But the lightning calamity...
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Mystery niggas just attacked. Please tell me that it somehow gets better from now on?
same thing i said the last few times but you're back to brown hair so i mean it this time
today i will post a picture of my toon
we all knew that as soon as your bimbo mouth walked in
i would like the scions more if they were more varied like the straw hats in one piece
their personalities are too similar since most of them are archon nerds
No, and if you think so you don't understand rendering techniques. What people are calling "path tracing" in things like CP2077 is a full-path-traced render pipeline from top to bottom utilizing RT hardware. Path tracing itself is actually just tracing the path a ray of light follows from a caster source. It's not new, and requires no special hardware when implemented in limited scopes like here.
i already have a mental association between the dungeon boss theme and watching retards drop like flies to mechanics
>content enjoyers are feasting
I can’t wait to revisit this claim in a year
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Any Gaia posters out there?
Anon those people are dead. They're basically machines but with extracted memories stored in them and separated from their souls.
im indifferent to it. some lines are delivered weirdly for how the character is animating, but for the most part i hardly even notice it
my femlala ate all her job stones (they looked tasty)
To be fair you know a lot of people are just harping on her for having a trans VA and it's severely muddying the waters so it's harder to engage with actual criticisms or opinions regarding her character. Good image I will be saving it for future use
I think it's very stupid but cool
It gets better/worse.
>people who skimmed and skipped through the MSQ saying they hate it.
Gee i wonder.
where are my 2 dots (3 if giga old) on pic?
where can i freely swap whenever between my 2 combos?
what are the old monk equivalents to hammer combo (once per min) and the various nuke spells?

meds now
This but with most of the english cast.
i guess like 99% of it was rejoined except the barrier surrounding the final zone? it seems to have been left open to speculation so that they can act like its a big reveal in patch msq or something
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>Emet Selch
jesus christ they're just reusing the same shit over and over again
post your character before the expac (mods included) and your character now in dt without the mods
Am I being confused with some ebin again?
The 7.0 graphics update is pretty good
Valigarmanda could wipe out the whole continent if it reached full power again. Its probably akin to an elder wyrm.
I am
a femezen
that is leveling botanist and weaver after msq burnout
they will probably add random solution 9 stuff eventually at least
y'shtola honestly isn't that hot
my bitch meat wife Dhalia
primal q cc
You know, Solution 9 is really growing on me
ripping apart someone's soul and memories, feeding the soul to some retard that dies from tripping on the stairs and putting the memories in a computer where they get to "live" in a VR MMO powered by killing entire worlds is not quite the same has taking one person to another world
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I think she's fine during calmer moments, but:
>scene calls for dramatic shouting or otherwise emoting
>either flubs the scene and under-emotes, or the voice training slips and you can very clearly its a dude
I'm not all "kill all troons" like a lot of people here but I don't think she was that good a casting for such a prominent character.
same deal as with the first, most of the first was destroyed by light but minfilia stopped it; alexandria stopped their own calamity the same way with their lightning dome, though most of their planet was destroyed
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i dont mod but here is a song
could say that Meteion is different enough from Emet
everything else however is correct, the writers saw Ishikawa doing Emet and saw how popular he was and really want to capture that appeal
>reasonable critic is also a Ryne x Gaia enjoyer
>Final Fantasy using the same tropes
Wow who would have thought
Turali hroths are more virile and sexually active than Bozjan
cant imagine the quantity of cum that will be splurted once we get penumbra and mare back
Yeah she's really not and her writing has been lame for a while.
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ok I beat dawntrail what now
him, both 2 headed guys, the little merchant girl that everyone here cooms over, were all decent characters and the chad roe too
anything i need to change for the DRK opener?
i'm ready to BURST
nobody is listening to these
nobody cares about your taste in music
The writers make her "hot by default" by getting rid of any female competition in the main cast, like Lyse and Minfillia. There's no other female scions to lust after unless you want to fuck the popotos.
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Who wants to jerk a moonie+ off?
Yea just like bahamut can destroy everything but dies like a bitch, or how nighogg is thia gigachad but dies like a bitch, or how omega and shinryu are giga op but die like a bitch, or …
it's not revisionism, it's just my opinion
you know, not everything someone says is trying to be an assertion of fact
>some fanfic you made up
He's still at it!
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kill yourself
I'm path tracing in my room right now.
Literally my exact same opinion. Maybe we should fuck.
can they at least space them out rather than 4 stories in a row
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You seem really fucking new
plenty of houses will open up, this xpack will lose a massive amount of subs
apparently yeah
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then just ignore the post
no. i like both of my characters and will not let you guys tell me one is better than the other
She is hot.
Though getting rid of every single other actually human-looking woman sure isn't leaving much opportunities to compare anymore.
>can the formulaic mmo stop using their formula that works
may I direct you to the entirety of Endwalker content wise where they did this and people screeched literally all expansion about it
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Angry brown men when they are called angry brown men

Go fucking take a bath you brown Pajeet ladyboy failed faggot
if only the was SOME WAY that you could never hear it again
some sort of DIFFERENT VA TRACK or something
It's a neat city but i can't help but feel disappointed they didn't actually make anything in it interactable. There's a whole section for arcades and shops, but none of them are open? Really?
I am
a femezen
that is looking at bozja for glam instead of doing anything DT releated
Welcome to Final Fantasy, retard.
>we will never get playable Mamool Ja
why live
i've gotten really attached to them
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Do you think they kiss each other while they fap their giant hemipenis?
do you like malezen
be silent
same shit but you can pop Living Shadow earlier now
I think she's fine during talking moments but when you find Valigarmanda gone her line is read like WHAT HAP-END very flatly and I was surprised they didn't try to do a retake or something
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OL femras...
Why did they give Gaia those lips, I want to rape her so bad
Why do I have to babysit this lion? I am a fucking murder hobo that can slay gods let me just autistically go around and just fucking murder the baddies
I do not miss the modbeast era.
my boobs got bigger
How do I make a wild west glam without the hat?
i am
a penelofiddie
ready to be disappointed by dye update
yeah baby!
What's your opinion of shieldless paladins now that almost all of them in the story are?
yes, yes they do.
Fuck off doomers.
grind jobs, fates, hunts, gear, ex mounts
How life now that you don't really have much things to doompost over for attention?
>lightning strike killed a deer in my backyard
is this what the calamity was like
The lizards should have been forced to get foreigner party members for the contest. Imagine if the two headed dipshit ended up bringing Sadu and Magnai with him because he thought they were strong
Fuck OFF lakeland shill I WILL NOT gather your fucking WEEDS again
is that a jp femra? cute
That much is obvious. The queens of Bozja are revered royalty and manage their subjects, they're not like that, except if you're Lost I guess.
We still need
>Sharlayan housing; It even looks like they have plot models in the residential side of the city
>Tural bungalows on a massive beach and over the water
I don't think hypnosis is hot
too cowardly? expected
I thought you said pedofiddie and I got excited
>pajeet ladyboy faggot
Thanks for the chuckle anon
brother I will not remember making this post in a year, so you're going to be yelling into the void
are you going to eat it?
doing holminster switch in roulette and it's pretty striking how much of PLD's current kit is only there since SHB. Fucking intervene at 74
>dye update
i knew what was coming
i was prepared, but even my low expectations were disappointed
Man I thought about stocking up but I was like "no way they'd use these 3 times in a fucking row"
They are strong tho
Is this karma....
One of the things I liked is that they made hroths actually characters instead of just a "npc" race. If that makes sense.
Also having another maleroe major NPC is refreshing.
Anyone else get Traverse Town vibes from Living Memory? Can't quite put my finger on it but they feel similar
I hope Dawntrail is received so poorly that yoshida has to cry on stream and apologize
I have no idea what I’m going to do with it, it’s kinda big and I don’t want scavengers to come
maybe I’ll dump it by my dickish neighbor’s house
>"bro just skip anything that isn't voiced"
>unvoiced scenes are some of the most important to actually understanding what the hell is happening
no hablas ingles?
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this is exactly what would happen too lmao
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Sadu needs correction :anger:
Do you notice good healers when playing the new dungeons?
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The advice was updated to "Just skip everything until you get to Arizona"
Yea its really refreshing when they arent the first to plank as usual.
May I plap?
No but I did get lots of Disneyland/Kingdom Hearts vibes going through living memory
>paying attention to information given to you by the game is fanfiction
Actually they're worse than ever. Remember these were the ones screeching and crying about being made redundant.
face 4 a cute
So basically just skip past the rite of succession? Sounds good actually
Same shit happened to me wtf
>good healers
yeah they barely heal the tanks
any tank played by a player above 90 IQ can sustain itself for the most part now, just some ogcd occasionally if they are undergeared
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Disneyslop if it was good
same, i hope the japs have a real melty, i hope we see firings, suicides, tearful apologies, yoshida forced to dogeza live, an in-game event where wuk lamat beheads the wandering minstrel
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hrothgal wardrobe malfunction...
Unironically, kinda yeh
>couldn’t be bothered to add VA to muh most important scenes
nah, I ain’t reading shit
They actually need to do this more.
They need to remove 2/3rds of the gathering materials old expac recipes, and just duplicate where you can gather the same ones.
Similar to how they got rid of HQ gathering items, there's way too much crap. Adding 100 new gatherables each expac is not content.
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>too cowardly
More that I’m not giving you pajeet faggots something to jerk off to. Kill yourself and make your mommy proud for once ladyboy groomer pajeet
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For the most part, healers I've had were good and usually the first aware of mechanics
Although I had one that mentally broke after they died first on a boss. Asked to be formally kicked if we cleared without them
Koana = grass fed intelligentsia who has become a foreign asset
his first solution to the goblin's problem is 'let's just outsource our goldsmithing production to sharlayan'
unfortunately very accurate
Is it because the dungeons are more difficult or the healers just suck?
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>brown hands doesnt like reading
many such cases saar
i will blacklist you on sight
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There's levels to this jap spaghetti code
Every dungeon and trial so far
>healers die around 50% (or 20 in trials)
>dps get them to around 20 (10) percent
>dps die from group wide attacks since no healers
>tanks finish the final 20 (10) percent by themselves
>posting my wife here
brave, but you will get nailed for this
you're right, most fanfiction doesn't contradict the source material
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what the fuck why did the catboy just sniff me
wish kingdom hearts never existed
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I agree entirely actually, I'm just bummed out I could have saved myself some gil buying those stupid herbs cheaper before DT if I had been more cynical.
There hasn't been a zone comfier than little Peru in several expansions.
only recently, every raidwide in a new dungeon has me notice some fucking SGE mouthbreather hardcasting prognosis or some shit
I don’t really pay attention to anybody
so i know whether this is worth attending
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i think i can fix her
See but now he's uncle to the one person who's in charge of the military of the most technologically advanced nation and they're essentially in a regency. It's all coming up Koana.
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femra lost
>can't one-shot navel extreme as level 90 pictomancer
Do I suck or can someone else do it fine?
i love this pathetic creature
Koanabwos.. we won..
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>don'tcare don'tcare don't care
if her blood on the sheets can save her subjects, i will perform history's most brutal rape

post your character already mayo-skin
it's funny how accurate this shit is
I've seen healers die as early as the literal first mechanic of dungeon bosses, dps sometimes too a mechanic later
I then wipe on purpose because soloing that shit takes longer than giving it a second try, then focus super hard on carrying them with mit
Only BLU can do that.
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>hint of crush triangle between Alisaie, Wuk Lamat and WoL
yehehehehehehehe wuk lamat will be mine...
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anyone figure out what the heelys are from yet?
>he doesn’t like visual novels
Yep, you’re BROWN! This is official consensus from the Final Fantasy XIV community (remember, at least we’re not toxic like WoW).
She’s shit at diplomacy, I’d let her genocide the entire dawntrail empire if she sucked me off a few times a week
did you just not pay attention to anything during Heritage Found/Solution 9/Origenics?
because it's laid out in pretty clear English what the deal is, they even SHOW you the process of it happening
level 97 casting boots
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Summoner can do it because of the delay before damage is done, letting you have multiple abilities hit at once.
I thought since Picto can do 1000 potency spell immedaitely followed by 1100 potency OGCD it could, but the OGCD isn't immediate enough and he jumps from the first hit.
casting gear from Vanguard
powerful saggers
>level my crafter
>get a grats
>its a malera

just checked and that's the aoe one, i meant diagnosis since i don't play sage
Damn they got me all watery eyed at the final terminal
i explained it to you last thread, retardbro, you're the one who still hasn't read it and keeps making shit up about "muh ChatGPT"
>did you just not pay attention to anything
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>the train hrothgar is a Wife Guy
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my f3mra looks and acts like this...
What do you want..?
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Do not post Lungmens biggest whore here please
acts like what
>got rekt so hard that he tried to make a bad zoomer meme of it
i read it all, but some of the stuff they decide to voice and some of the stuff they don't is retarded.
>gang meets up
>voiced greetings basically just saying "hi"
>next scene is unvoiced exposition about the upcoming mission
>next scene is voiced showing us head to the objective
like what the fuck
What’s the best EBin for me to hit up once mods are back to get HORSED or BLACKED? I’m looking to earn my spade, hoof, and maybe paw tats ASAP
It's the same guy from SHB, his wife is just alive here
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it's wuk over
Which top is?
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I hope everyone is having a great day! <3
What are you all up to?
I just did the same dungeon at least 6 times just to get this full set :3
Enjoy it while it lasts, it'll get ruined pretty soon afterwards.
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yup, a SEETHING madame ch'en (ch'ud) made this post
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Swire my beloved..
>level a crafter
>get a grats
>it's a malera
>blink my bedroom eyes at him
>jump his bones
>crafter stuff spills everywhere
>neither of us care, we're both into it
>some of my alchemy jars break while he's plapping me
>bill him for it later
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>they modeled the final area off of second life
That's crazy...
I can see this expansion msq is quite divisive. For me personally, it may sound super weird to some of you, but DT is the expansion I cried the most playing, and i am not a person who sheds tear easily. I didn't cry in HW, didn't cry in SB ( maybe a bit choked up in 4.3), didn't cry in the entirety of ShB, and cried once in EW (the Urianger bit). I really don't know how to put it precisely, but one thing I feel in this expansion is warm. There are little story bits that really resonate with me. Can't believe i cries for that oaf Bakul ja ja tho. During the "event" in Tural, I said to my self: "don't you dare dying on me now" when he said he will hold the line. Funny yeah, but that was my experience, toward the end, especially the end zone, I was bawling the whole time lmao.
keep calling the trolls shitskins it really bothers them lol.
tits made for my gock
>can i summon back up
>oh boy WHO COULD THAT BE???
>emotional music like we fucking didn't have you on screen 2 hours ago
Please disband scions for real and have us not see them for like 1 expansion
hows the melee dps role quest with magnai and company?
anyone want to summarize? i wont be going hard levelling jobs until the forays out
Is this modded gear?
They improved how the Whorleater sea and lighting looks a lot.

Anyone notice other older content that's significantly improved?
Another one I noticed is that foggy areas got much better fog. Like Aleport, Sharlayan, and so on.
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The quest hasn't started and I'm already tired.
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In memory of Dawntrail.
syrcus tower is a lot nicer
Let’s meet in game….
It IS the tranny cat’s expansion, after all
Magnai really wants to fuck Sadu
gm sirs

Did you speak to Wuk Lumat today?
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Some lost, some won. Such is life
Zoraal Ja's son is so adorable... ;_;
Go rattle your bones on the the bed old hag
Get some rest
okay falke
why, so you can whine about the new characters instead?
I haven't noticed any difference but now some older cutscenes have weird lightning
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lol what a noob
find and ask Falke
I want a Hrothgar husband.
I'm a fiddie btw.
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>shorts + tights are finally possible with dual dyed valentione tights
I thought i was talking to wuk lumat for like half an hour before i realized i was just speaking loudly at a trashcan, simple mistake
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>AT LEAST another week until plugins are back, confirmed on their discord
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Can we use the Solution Nine holodeck to fuck five copies of Lyse at the same time?
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no, this time I get to speak to erenville.... I'm so excited~
Good morning benchod bitch saar, I have been doing the needful and talking to Wuk Lamatyi every twice a quest. She come to bangalore soon and I will receive.
It's ten in the morning and I'm not physically tired. I just don't wanna deal with this bitch and her Magoo Crew. I wish we could have picked one of the other three to support.

I've let /xivg/ get to me and poison my mind.
>*makes both black anyways*
what was the fucking point?
>Galuf finally shown
>generic randomized hyur male
Wuk Lamat says trans rights
So wait, all this magical stuff happens during the hanu festival and they had NO CLUE that not doing it was the reason for their failing crops???
Press left click and skip cutscene
Its easy
Your mom, by me
Fiddies are cute but I'm sorry I love mature women. That means femezen, femroes and hrothgals.
Even just one of her would already be too much for me. She's fucking retarded but nothing drains my balls like an empty-headed bimbo.
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>japs are back to photoshopbeasting already

It's on MB right next to marial artist just look at the end of the list of lvl 1 chest armors
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DW, she eventually leaves.
For 20 minutes.
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you can't save her from bad writing anon, it's joever
>every quest being "talk to [insert Scion here]" good
>every quest being "talk to [insert new character here]" bad
I loved this callback so much. I've enjoyed half the aethercurrent quests a lot.

I hate these catchlights so much.
Even worse
to color the parts you couldn't recolor, dummy
the sad part is not everything got two channels and not everything that got two channels got a meaningful second channel
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>mfw FATE grinding
Yes, good healers dont die to the same mechanic when it comes around again.
I've already zoned out and started playing phone games for the cutscenes. I might just bite the bullet and cutscene skip.

Should I go with the tiny child '-like' village or the happy bird people first?
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its over
Is she a hag? Would fuck if yes.
>ff6 reference in msq
Finally a part I can enjoy
go with the jewish bird kids
Making it all jet black is pointless and you should have just used the fucking hempen tights from ARR if you were going to do that, retard.
theyre back to that cliche after skipping it in EW, huh? he should find an eb in tural or somewhere. sadu is for cirina
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I'm just trying to see if I can make an item yoshida refuses to add
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My armpit wife....
Isn't this the level 90 MSQ?
Endwalker was shit
Dawntrail is shit
The sad part is that you’ll be dead by 40 while having spent the last 15 years dressing up a virtual character
Sadu, Fordola, Gaia

Fuck one marry one kill one
cex with femras
Wait, Sadu and Magnai actually fuck in the dps role quests?
Both of you can fuck off btw
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I did not enjoy Wuk Lamat's story.
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Got a feeling Living Memory is going to be a pain.
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Western Man
Fuck Gaia, marry Sadu, kill Fordola.
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Why does he keep doing this
No. It’s Barry’s curse.
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Can a femlala finish this
Yes. And I'm already so tired.

Got it, lip kids first.
Marry Sadu. Fuck Sadu. Kill Sadu.
I'm not the one who posted the picture, dummy
hempen tights are not the same as a shorts + tights combo, dummy
>genocide is bad
>except when we do it
Honest question what is this and why do people do them. I'm a raid chud and have never bothered with the gems
>fuck Sadu
>marry Fordola
>kill Gaia
You posted them in a perfect order
Kill fordola and gaia, ignore sadu
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he loves handling wood
>Yes. And I'm already so tired.
You're pathetic. Please just stop playing at all.
I wonder why they want us to grind so many FATE's, should have toned done the required amount
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my femra if going to the mogstation right now
This but I have a snuff fetish
have you tried playing the expansion yourself and not letting literal shitskin retards influence how you feel about it
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I'm tired of this.
Hey, of you don't think of them as people, then it's not genocide. Simple as.
get killed by sadu
cant do the other things (im dead)
But why....
stupid running gag when all your characters get flanderized.
>turning off a hard drive is heckin genocide
That requires me to play the game, something i refuse to do while plogons and mods are gone
Are there any decent gemstone rewards for the DT shared fates?
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Pic related is current avatar. I’m tempted to pop a fanta and become Face 3 aura. Probably raen maybe. Should I do it or just stay sunnie?
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oh dear god
you fucking live in this thread lmfao
maybe stop being such a desperate creep who got ran off of EU
Yes, which is why I ignore your screeching. It doesn’t make msq any better.
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i rooted for the robots during the day of the laser rifle
Why are you taking pictures if femhroth tails?
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would you live in the pot, anon?
If you bitch about this but refuse to change audio language I'm just assuming you're a closet tranny chaser.
post prospective femra
>Should I do it
Yes and EB me
They sometimes have unmarketable items at max fate ranks. But I'm just leveling my alt jobs through fates to get two with one basically.
>that cutscene where koana calls alisaie a dumb cunt and forces her to suck on the barrel of his fully cocked gun while he grinds his foot against her crotch
the MSQ did become kino after all...
They are.
So do I, but it's mostly regarding myself. Gaia I just don't like.
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How can I change audio language for just one person then? Because i like the rest of the cast.
None of these posts have been me but go off
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>Shit glam
>Using glowshit ult weapon
Nah you're better off staying face 3 sunnie
>an entire city invasion sequence
>still no combat
it’s so tiring
I think I’ll just skip the rest and go level jobs or something
is the story telling us to delete our characters as well? is that the message?
>most generic limsacat appearance ever
>right down to the glowshit and nier glam
whatever you make will be trash
>that cutscene where all the pelupelu cunnies milk you mercilessly until all of their little buns are glazed in a thick layer of cum
holy shit its the limsah catgirl herself...
But what if she didn't want you taking a pic of her tail?
I already went to spam frontlines
glubs are so pretty...
ow ow ow ouuuuch ouchie
Unlikely, as it's my femhroth's tail.
why do ultimate weapons make people so jealous
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Mare will have a glorious return with hrothgals in the picture.
Hating on my catgirl swag baka
women aren’t real people and their opinions are irrelevant
>claims to hate trans VA
>still plays in English
Does DRK not have access to lunge anymore?
Have you considered we did, and you just deflect negative opinions as not having played it?
Why can't that happen to my femra...
Lunge is kill
can i touch it
drk and gnb gapclosers were replaed with no potency versions
It's shadowstride now.
Oh, carry on then sis.

FINALLY someone else uses face 1!
because they lack the mechanical and social skills required to obtain them
I've cleared ultimates more times then i've fucked your mom
>*slides by*
>*takes burger*
>*spends the next 8 days eating it*
This story part that lead to the stealth section was so fucking stupid that I have to take a break.
I'm glad I switched off of it, didn't expect wuk to have so much focus

is her NA VA as dogshit as it was pre DT release?
Stay cat
Only if you can find it. It's constantly on the move.
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so we're getting a beach episode patch MSQ with Y'shtola as an apology right?
i think it sounds the same as before but i would have to listen again to be sure
I think the English VA is fine sooooo gonna say no
the scene where sphene grabs alisaie by the hair and forces a huge mug of yak milk down her throat seemed strangely erotic for ffxiv. just really off-brand. the VA was quality though.
it's a beach episode with hoary
So pelupelu

is it ok to have sex with one or will the twitter crowd riot
Why am I going to burn down the whole house just because of one tiny thing I don't like?
Its slightly better than it was pre DT I think, but still sucks. Accent doesn't drop as often.
So true!
More more more~
I cleared all ultimates but I think people who use the weapons have shit taste
It's almost on the same level as seeing a tank in casual clothes, repulsive
yes we will get sloppy sloppy SLOPPY toppy from the inn keeper, ystholer, or alphinaud.
Legally speaking, yes. They're child-like, just like the Lalafell.
Is it ok to have sex with a lalafell?
Japanese Wuk's voice has a certain genki tomboy energy to it.
Will the devs bring back the fujo or are we stuck with this leftist writing for the rest of the expansion
Almost like that's supposed to be her character. Crazy, I know.
The only thing that I don't like about the JP voice is the uriangers voice is so mid compared to his NA voice
kill yourself dork faggot
if the age is in the 10 column its fine.
>no potency versions
why tho?
Trans woman is the same thing as japanese tomboy, right?
yak tel feels like the planet from avatar (the james cameron film)
they're adults, they're just short
show logs
>he thinks Japan is a leftist country
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>can't dye bikini and jacket separately
are the servers still locked down to travelers?
That is correct.
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I miss him...
Because they have too busy of bursts and autists will minmax the 100 potency
I love face 1s but face 3s are so hot.
>EX2 has like 3 mechanics
>you can cheese the one that relies on healers not being tarded (which makes it the most difficult one) by simply walking outside the boss' area and all it does is put a mild bleed on you
quality stuff there, squeenix
>PCTgod stands in the tankbuster with me with its shield just to dab on the healer
>Goes on one of "those" rants or accusations
Like pottery
god I hope so
It feels so good to not have to deal with all the refugees fucking up balmung
it's honestly incredible how bad the dual dye is. it was so halfassed and they should be ashamed of themselves
what job should I main on my bandit-coded femezen? archer or rogue would be great but they're so different as bard and ninja...
You look so cute… I want hit you over the head with a brick and abuse your unconscious body
I love basic limsa catgirls...
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me and my wife
Imagine being james cameron, and constantly having your movie name having to be specified because some retard made a flop so big it ruined casual discussion of your film name
both have terrible taste
i forgot that echo flashbacks were a thing for a moment and thought my wol was having a migraine
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don't even bother anon
It's actually pretty great, especially during his rare emotional moments.
you look so ugly
i want to hit you over the head with a brick and keep going until all i can hear is the sound of blood-soaked giblets
Then it is an accurate portrayal of such.
Just did the final trial
My god the fucking voice acting on wuk lamat. How did they greenlight this?
Hot, can i have a turn using the body when youre done?
consider the following :
boobs exist to literally be sucked on
oh hey kong i thought you hated pedo's after shitting up the thread for a month? i guess hanging out with a dude who takes shota screenshots is fine though right? lmao
fun fact, catchlight mods are dead since we don't use them anymore with the new graphics
a single sentence does not a rant make
when will shortphobes learn its not illegal to be under 5'2 in height, like half the world's population is that tall or even shorter
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holy fuck there's nothing more disgusting than leveling an alt from 1 to 90 in this game

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