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Previous: >>484236749

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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>playable Phantylia is just her puppeteering a nu-Tingyun body instead of her actual appearance when we already had that shit
what's the point? Nobody is going to be happy with this
Tingyun fags will seethe because it's Phantylia again and Phantylia fags will seethe because it's not actually her either
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You will always be Japanese.
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Hotaru love~
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Firefly will break records as the best selling non-release/anniversary banner in Japan
>but what about China and the rest of the world
stfu this is the only data that matters
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Firefeet Feetshine
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Bosenmori Mei is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Bosenmori Mei has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Bosenmori Mei is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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HELP! Who should I pull for in the future to make me stronger? I can’t get max stars in abyss
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>>484250491 (Me)
Also checking all the JP sales, no wonder we're going back to china. Not counting Seele since she was a release character, all the characters that sold were chinks with Kafka being the exception. The rest flopped pretty badly, Penacony chars all did pretty good so we're probably coming back at some point too.
>mid juan
this is a femoid
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>11 crit rate.
Do you plan to crit once in 10 years?
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>Superman is bland
LMAO. This just proves that you aren't seeing the characters as a whole.

The whole point of Firefly's arc is to show that she wants to be more than just a weapon, that she doesn't want to be just SAM, and SAM's green form represents her fighting as herself because she has become one with SAM. But you keep insisting on separating them as if they were two different characters when they are actually the same, and that's the beauty of the character. In fact, everything I've said here applies to Superman/Clark Kent since the best Superman stories are the ones that problematize the fact that he is essentially an alien trying to find a place in humanity. If you think Firefly is "cooler" as a weapon made to fight, then you didn't understand the whole point of Penacony's story.

When she meets Sampo. When she is in SAM form. Not to mention the trailers, I don't understand why you disregard the trailers if they are canon. You can't forget that SAM and she are the same person, so every dialogue SAM speaks and every action he takes is her speaking and acting. Besides, look at the image of eidolon 3, look at the beginning of her trailer, etc. The problem lies in dissociating the two of them.
Build your Ms. Pela
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god hes so cute and rapeable
do women really prefer to play phone games for lonely guys instead of finding a suitable partner to have children with?
You have 5 more 5*s than me and your account is probably shittier.
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She's on her way to being the third best banner in general not just JP. Android fuckery aside, the sensortower chart is comparing Robin's full banner to a single week of Firefly's (and Boothill but nigga barely sold shit and his first days were on May anyway)
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Can't wait for the REAL© charts to come out, the seethe will be delicious.
I've started using Himeko and now I can't play without whipping my dick out and masturbating furiously.
>play phone games for lonely guys
Mobile games are for women to begin with.
Chinks had no choice but to sell good though, they're literally the ONLY major thing being released during 1.x.
im gonna say it i never liked firefly and never will pull for her
>fire nihiliity
>physical destruction
When are the good characters coming back? I need to build a second team over here and all I have is the super break squad.
Nobody is having kids anymore. They're too expensive. Your choice is funnel all your money to kids or actually getting to do stuff for yourself.
Another mihoyo game with no playable hags
what's their problem?
Jesus christ just let it go already. We get it, your wife sold bigly
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Firefly superbroke you
she doesn't have a body so she would have to puppet something to be playable, the boss fight body was destroyed and she had to use the Ambrosial Arbor to make it so it can't be that either, it's either Tingyun or something new
thanks now that i said it i feel better
many such cases
ill be honest
i'd drink boothills drink at least once even if it tasted like shit and gave me heavy metal poisoning
its just the most american drink i have ever seen
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Hey Trailblazers, the Honkai: Star Rail REDDIT event is underway!

Join our Subreddit now and participate for a chance to win official merchandise.

Alright, who the fuck is “Glamoth” and why/how is Firefly his knight? Firecuck status?
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Links to all the testing incase people have missed it. V3 testing will be done starting the day after so let me know if you want to see any new teams. One anon has already asked for a Clara, Yunli double DPS comp.

>Character Builds and Showcases

>Thoughts on said teams
This is how Firefly should have looked like, prove me wrong.
Does your save file in DU affect which relics you get? I notice I get the 1st orange one most of the time even though I want the 2nd orange one.
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Bro, stop it, you're making a joke of yourself and Firefly.
Ain't that shit literally just glass of motor oil with a bullet inside
Is there a salesfag still around? Can they compile all the global penacony sales? I find it funny boothill beat firefly and wanna compare other numbers.
Looks like a child by other game standards. A hag would be like Signora in Genshit or Phantylia
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What broke me was having to build the gay bar dude and that cringe ass fedora MC
>some redditors in the sensortower sales thread are claiming that aventurine was the reason why april had 100+ mil revenue
kek and here I thought the kakaurinepags around here are the only ones who unironically believed it
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>Silver Wolf is treated as a full proper noun in other language localizations
>Firefly was translated as Luciernaga

If there's one thing I expect from localization it's consistency. What the fuck.
I don't understand, how the fuck Can you not beat it with these characters? One Team acheron, second team Firefly.
nah, its some aged wisky thing
with a bullet in it
I mean, it makes sense
Mainly from 1.0 until 1.4 we had chinks with JY, blade, dan, Jingliu, then in 1.5 we came back to china as a region with fofo, and 1.6 we had RM
It's hard to compete when the non-chinks were
>Seele (release banner)
>Kafka (Kafka)
>Topaz (skipped as fuck mostly because of lack of a team)
>Argent (also skipped)
>Ratio (Free)
Looks more like Canadian whiskey which makes it very unamerican.
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No, it's literally relic farm.
You get either at random
All that shilling and even that RM banner and yet still barely beating Kafbrick (1.2) is just embarassing.
How old you like your hags?
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I like Acheron's slutty design
shes ginrou in nip too
easy on the cakes firefly!
How does /hsrg/ do it? Even with all its flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other generals.
That's JP's Kafka, yiu should know what that means
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SEX with firefly
SEX with sam

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>genshart and wuwACK flop severely
>they come here to shitpost anyways
Low 30s
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Firefeet Footjob
This FAT chinko bitch won't stop eating
>2nd banner of the patch
>Sampo, Luka, Serval
>during 1.2 when people barely cared
>DoT was still shit
That JP Kafka?
i dont mind them in the wrong side of 40th if theyre well preserved
and fit
in fact the older they are the more fit they have to be
otherwise over 25 but under 35
So Fireflu flopped or not?
late teens
That is a virgin btw
Reminder to always skip eidolons and cones unless you can afford any new charcter you want. They are small bumps in power but will never compare to a new character opening up a different kind of team.
Nah, bro, I genuinely believe that there are people here who are retard enough not to appreciate something no matter how obviously great it is.
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Firefly and her shilling unironically make faggot and tranny avoid this general.
Firefly won
if they're younger than 28 they can fuck off
the autism stops her from gaining wait
Is it worth dropping money to get past self in the mirror? The cone seems like it's basically a 5th character. I don't have motp and I'm coping with cogs on HMC and rm
the fat goes directly to her brain!
But the Fireflyfag said Robin is more shilled than her......
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Even better
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Sister... You missed the reference
define worth* cuz droping money on cones is always meh
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Who is this for? Did they just throw this in as filler because they know FireGod will farm anyway?
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30 minimum
>is it worth dropping money for a jpeg on a chink gachage
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Pride month is over
Hand over all your Ratiorine content unless you want to get arrested
she did very well in spite of all the handicaps on her
and we have faulty data wich makes her look bad
still under acheron but a huge sucess by most metrics
Robin also did her part. That short animation make straightchad established the union
OVER 9000!!!! LMAO!!!!
Old /a/ pasta
>see new monthly sales chart
>Fireshart barely beat Brickhill and WELCOME TO MUH WORLD despite her retarded pags claiming she will be Yelan/Hu Tao of this game
I'm glad my wife makes troons and /u/fags want to rope themselves whenever they see her
Lucky for them that space china 2.0 is here to save their worthless lives from the constant agony of seeing her more than a minute
>Who is this for?
FuA teams
Yes that's what I'm asking. Why are you here?
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Are we really THIS bored? You could play the game you know
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You could have met your future girlfriend by going outside and socializing, but instead, you choose to stay at home, be a NEET, and play this garbage game
Fedora Stelle a cute. A CUTE
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>pride month is over
almost all FuA characters
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Bro, your free Dr. Ratio?
you're a lil dumbass nigga.
go buy your jpeg.
Happy straight rest of the year, bros!
Best for:
Aventurine too but he'd rather use Keel over Duran.
that assumes i want one
real women are a disapointment
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I already met her though?
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Save up for the fox queen
Answer the question. Why are you here?
I don't want any girlfriends. I hate people.
This takes too long to ramp up unless you play Topaz permanently or on PF.
For me it's "RM is just a bait banner until true harmony Goddess Sparkle arrives" TOP FUCKING KEK! This will never not be funny.
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mhy shitted on all homos during June so I'm thinking happy straight year ALL year
Sorry sis I'm not at home otherwise I'd join you.
I'm no faggot i went Male MC like a normal straight man. Fire MC was the last good MC we had and it got turned into a dancing faggot from disney.
>inb4: gay cuz play a dude
no, you.
cause hes a loser who feels the need to feel superior to *someone*
so he comes here to grandstand and make a clown out of himself
No one is forcing you to play fedora mc
>Jingloo 2.0
Yea, I'm good. Not interested in another shitty case of a unit only being viable as long as her shitty gimmick is being shilled. Which stops at 3.0.
I do go outside. I run 3 days a week, lift weights 2-4 days a week, have a good job where I only need to work 3 days a week, and I still don't have a girlfriend. What now? Honkai Star Rail general is my only hope as a 32 year old virgin.
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She looks like that in my bedroom though
>like a normal straight man, I rather had more guys than girls on my account
The cope is hilarious every single time.
That's not Firefly blindbro
>Jingloo 2.0
What? They arent even the same element
Now that Firefly flopped what am I going to do with this pasta?

I can already see this game dying after Firefly banner. She is a beloved character, more beloved than other characters. Firefly is literally our Elysia.

>The writer of Elysia in HI3 is Shaoji
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HI3 dies

>Everyone loves Elysia
>The writer of Firefly in HSR is Shaoji
>Everyone loves Firefly
>Her arc ends, she disappears from the story
>HSR dies

Just go to the official hsr account on x and see how many likes her drip marketing has compared to others (it's the highest so far). Just look at how many fireflyfags post in those threads, and there's an image circulating showing that she's the second most popular among chinese and korean players, only behind Elysia.

Elysia had literally killed HI3, although I already suspected that Firefly was capable of doing the same (because there aren't any characters as interesting as her after her) before noticing this pattern.

She is clearly not Star Rail Elysia now.
Yunli's full parry is ultimate dmg despite counting as an FUA.
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I don’t feel so good bwos
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Just update it with like Yunli or something. Or Feixiao if she really is the Fu Hua expy. It'd be a very stale and sloppy pasta though.
Guin piece
You got the curio that locks you into auto but increases your damage/hp by 30%
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You took the curio that forces you into auto battle
Yeah bro ima run firefly w/o fedora man sure it will be great.
whatever you typed there xister
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don't be weird
The leader is thinking anon.
My job involves socializing. I get approached by girls every day and am intimate with most of the regulars here from the ages of 21-40. Girls literally come to my store just to hang out and hopefully get dicked by me. I am a fucking god. Sometimes I just want to chill and relax in my recliner and play my shitty chink game on my ipad while listening to music though. Neets shouldn’t be playing video games at all though, I agree with that.
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you got this curio that turns you retarded
It got its You's, its time to retire it anon.
jp yumes are usually housewives who play with their gacha husbands while their husbands are at work
I don't know about that. Her damage with Topaz looks considerably lower than just slotting a Harmony despite Topaz giving 50% invulnerability.
Her full parry doesnt seem to count as FUA dmg.
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stelle the shotacon
>She is clearly not Star Rail Elysia now.
She never was. Just let the pasta die like the high expectations she built up just to go out with a fart
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Who flopped
Who (opposite of flop)
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Finally. Some good animated Ack smut that's not a Koikatsuslop.
What playstyle is Feixiao? Hypercarry? Break?
It might just be bugged, but homdgcat is always correct in these beta datamine notes.
Just wait for v3 in 12 hours.
The anal worm style
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>he grabbed the relic without reading
skull issue desu
Isn't she female?
I hope MC gets more for (You) with Acheron
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Now you're just forcing yourself to play Fedora MC by playing FF. Who forced you to play FF? Nobody.
Even after he changes form into something else you'll still be stuck with Fedora MC.
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Worms come from children, not from gay men.
Next arc is definitely not Nihility so not soon.
it's almost as if a good harmony char buffs more than 50% vuln (single target)
So Welt wants Diver right? And Boundless Choreo as his cope cone, yeah? What's the planar supposed to be, then...?
Those notes are made by them, not the devs.
Yunli's counters are FUA and will advance Numby, but her full parry is specifically ultimate dmg despite also advancing Numby.
But..she's..not a child?
btw seed rng is real so if you keep restarting you'll always get the same outcome unless you change teams
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40 minimum
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Talents aside, how's my Xueyi looking?
Reminder that (((they))) actively sabotaged Firefly's number.
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this shit ruined like 3 of my runs already, FUCK YOUUU, i never lost to this in normal SU but here its a death sentence
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You have been visited by Aha the Elation

Name three HSR characters and they will grow big boobs. If they have big boobs already they become three times as large.
By itself its really bad, but you need to learn to stack it with every single other source of damage mitigation.
>fubrick in su/du
Clara, March, Fu Xuan
just use elation
Sparkle clara and kafka
Yeah, like 33% instead of 50% kek
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Harmony MC will get powercreeped fast.
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Aha-sama please let my girlfriend Firefly have a breast reduction surgery instead...
Yeah man i should not have rolled on the banner that will destroy all of the content in the game on Auto.
I don't have Acheron otherwise i would had skipped FF no questions asked.
This thing is great with the FF team tho, everyone not named RM on it does a bunch of damage into the Gallagher thing. I'd imagine it's also good with Luocha or whatever.
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imagine raping him
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Congratulations, Firefly is now lactating uncontrollably.
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It's only bad if you don't enhance it and you're using Fuchud
Same, I thought about replicating the drink with a prop bullet or something
remove robin from your fuakek team then and compare how well they're doing
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>gets the best curio
>complains about it
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clara feet lick
Ha, right. The more pragmatic estimation is that either they won't want you to run several superbreak teams because too many can be superbreak DPS, or that the next superbreak thing will take a very different approach from the Firefly team to sell more stuff.
DU is pretty shit with it being entirely RNG based and that you can't even reroll the shit you get until you get to the boss rooms or the second to last room. Can't even ban paths either.
This with more DR blessings made me take 0 damage in v6. The only time this kills you is with Fu cuz she starts taking double damage.
Are you retarded? Just use an usual heal unit until you reroll it. And you can even reroll BEFORE boss
Get an atk orb
>firefly with hmc burst on
>300k+ damage
>firefly with no hmc burst
>78k damage
Hanya (in memory of THAT aislop poster)
If only HMC was a free character available to everyone
what resonance extrapolation should you be avoiding in gold and gears?
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>new DU cyclical, get one equation and a few blessings every domain
>get a bunch of shit equations
>spend all money rerolling
>nothing good
>out of money to reroll blessings for the equations anyway
What is even the point of feeding you with equations if most are fucking garbage and you also don't give a lot of fragments to abuse the rerolls for them? 3 or 4 equation rerolls already cost like 500 frags per, blessings sit at like 200 per blessing
Also, why the fuck resonance is 16 blessings now, I never get that much unless I either max gimp myself OR I get lucky with Rupert/Ruan Mei
DU feels so bad to play...
does this make KKona more or less suicidal?
DU is the most skillful mode in the game, infinite tries and even the characters you haven't built are brought up to a decent level, it's all about changing the team to fit what you get and if you're jobbing it's because you're bad at the game
If only the dps unit didnt have a MUST have unit to deal any dmg at all, crazy.
Post your Lorelet moments.
I alway thought Dr Primitive was just an alternative way to say Dr Ratio
Their kits are made for each other, can't be helped.
Yeah, RNG sucks fucking dick in this game mode, on the bright side though I just do difficulty 5 without any V1-V6 cancer shit and steamroll through it eitherway cause the power level is around that of base SU so getting the save file after doing my weekly quota isn't so bad
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Sounds like a (You) problem, I like using MC.
The nous resonance in final fight? Hunt if you can't keep health high (you can't in high difficulty), destruction because it does a ton and reduces def, I don't remember the others which means they're probably fine.
Can you try playing Acheron with no nihility characters? Can you try Dan 2 without Sparkle? Literally off yourself mutilation.
Older than me by 5 years or more.
They just need to make a better reroll system, the fact that you don't have any control over what you reroll so you can get even worse equations and you can't go back once you do it is retarded.
Big tittied girls are all stupid and can't stay sad for long
NTA but how do you think people played Dan2 BEFORE Sparkle released anon?
i tought luofu was a planet
I still don't know if the Embers of Glamoth video that Firefly had was set during the Swarm Disaster or not.
she'll be a nice addition to my feet team
Cool but that doesn't make it right
no you
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
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You don't get it, anon. THIS is how you actually use it.
Isn’t it just a moving planet on a ship?
its straight up a ship with a biome
think eldar craft world
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anywhere 21+ for the most part. but Natasha has me realizing that 45-ish is not outside my comfort zone.

I dunno, I don't wanna go all Benjamin Franklin and say that I'm going north of 60, but if she was a really nice person and gave me lots of attention and affection who am I to say no.
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You aren't obliged to do DU, did you know that? SU is easier, you get more rewards if you do the 33 SU runs, and the lore of Aeons is more interesting too.
Just go kill yourself
Fireshit killed this game
it's very rng i had to do it 3-4 times
meant for >>484252262
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It feels right to me

uh oh melty
Uh oh melty
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yuri is wholesome that anon doesn't get it
So now that Firefly has been confirmed a huge success (best selling banner thats wasn't anniv or release), what's next for HSR?
I still don't trust Sparkle, because Aha killed Akivili.
This synergy is pretty insane.
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it's not yuri if there's a dick under that skirt
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More like he doesn't even play the game.
they first need to rework equations so they don't feel like shit most of the time
you guys probably had it, like you get three dewdrop equations s and two basic attack equations and they feel like shit to unlock because if shit blessings and also feel like shit even after unlocking them because they're just shit
then you reroll, get another shit equation but now you're without blessings for it
I got cucked out of a dot run on V0 because of that, felt awful to play wven though I beat it
>Aha killed Akivili.
You made that up
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She is canonically straight and MC is male
if yuri is wholesome why do so many yuri manga/anime involve rape?
>It feels right to me
I agree with him insofar its bad design, by making Firefly 'potentially' awkward to use in the future, when another MC Path comes out. But thats far in the future and a possible scenario anyway.
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Cute and canon
he didnt
akivili was just absorbed by terminus cause by nature all journeys are meant to end
Nice try, gusha. You are not fooling anyone.
YanKING about to get NTR'd
no one cares about caelus
cause the japanese are horny mostly there are some good ones too tho
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>acheron with 9 debuffs on
>600k+ damage
>acheron with no debuffs on
>40k damage
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I'm sure this scene was made with Caelus in mind lmao just take the L and quiet down lil brownbro
Aha would never. It was just a prank bro
that is cool, yes
If only you didn't need giga RNG to get the fish AND the necklace at the same time on a good run
At that point you might as well just go for Rupert
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You know what, I'll spawn a single enemy and see if topaz's debt collector increases her Full Counter damage. It should be very easy to verify.
This was such a very weird shot. Like even with Stelle it didn't make sense. Just have them grip on the railing and look up worriedly.
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Nah, fuck right off with your forced MC wars
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Rape is wholesome if its yuri, obviously.
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Holy shit you are coping so much is actually hilarious
I remember Dan 2 being shit tbqh
Stelle is a girl so it's okay if she acts feminine.
>“He” self insert as Stelle with a futa dick “females with dick”
What a roundabout way of saying you’re trans
No one rolled for Dan 2 because he was a pathetic QQ sidegrade.
Penacony had some moments like this, like when Aventurine towers over you and corners you.
Both Stelle and Caelus are taller than Churin, not to mention that it just doesn't make sense for Caelus to be cornered like that.
I have a question hsrg. So if Kafka wears black lingerie and Himeko red lingerie...then what color is Jade wearing?
that's all fun and games until you get like basic attack freezing fua equations and can't get a lot of benefit out of it, or you get good equations in a domain and they all go away the next domain
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>forced mc wars
both are canon
dont steep to /gig/'s level
>not even close to Acheron's sales
lmao firepags explain yourselves
I self insert whoever get to fuck my girls. That's why NTR doesn't work for me.
Its a weird shot in general, not just because its a feminine gesture. Like, who was she praying to? A simple hand in front of the chest would have made more sense to show her anxiety.
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I accept your concession.
Guess I’ll play this till Sunday or the next hot playable male
Neither of them is taller than him.
Caelus is the same height as him and Stelle is slightly shorter
Herta I'm so sorry I'm going back to SU
>sales baits stop getting (You)s
>switches to MC war
It's so obvious lmao
No amount of shitposting you do will ever change the facts shown in that trailer xister, i rest my case.
It's not exclusively a religious gesture, it's just a generic concern gesture like hand on chest in your example.
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/gig/ truly isn’t sending their best
He's replying to himself in his melty, bro. No need to bother.
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Based! Based! Based!
But i don't self insert, i just watch. Futa on female is hot you know. I can't quite explain it, but something like when futa fucks a girl really hard and the girl goes "no its too big, it's too much" and the futa says "shut Up, i know you Can take it slut, because i am girl too".
Hopefully i explained it properly.
seggs with the anon bellow
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My brother in reddit, those people ARE /gig/
>Giovanni does literally nothing but create fun games
>Even let us play and/or beta test them
>We for some reason have dialogue options to treat him badly just because he's a masked fool and we hate sampo
It's not fair
Demonic purple.
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Both MCs have been in trailers so your cope doesn't even make sense. But please do continue mindlessly seething.
Just say tranny at that point. A “girl” with a cock. That’s just the average qq poster
didnt some autist tally it and it showed how stelle was in more trailers + PV than caelus?
TB HATES elation niggers, thats why you can always be rude to Sampo and Sparkle too. It's just written in your Akivili DNA.
We can see she wears black. She only wears white, when she has Topaz over.
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I could definitely beat Firefly in a fistfight
>Stelle impregnating cuntboy Caelus with her massive futa cock
The only canon ship
God this was so hot
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they are girlfriends
I am not going to say tranny, because futas have big soft breasts and big juicy futa cocks. Troons are disgusting, they don't have vagina, their cock is either chopped off or shriveled from estrogen and they will never have big natural boobs.
Hopefully i explained it properly.
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Yeah I noticed that too. Just look at the time stamps and follow the post cooldowns.
It's pretty clear even from a kilometre away
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>TFW refused to carpetmunch Stelle
She can catch bullets with her bare hands so good luck
me on the left.
Sampo ruining everyone else lifes
tfw no futa gf with big kok
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46 vs 53 times
Its really equal, MC wars are pointless because they're both the same person and Hoyo seems to shill them equally.
I dont personally like stelle x fireflyn but its funny seeing that anon cope about muh canon MC
you couldnt beat a reasonably sized plank of wood
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bros i'm in DESPERATE need of some tootin'
It's always just that one pagpag who goes nuclear at yuri and female MCs.
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You can’t even beat obesity and anal worms
All break.
Agreed, small little bitch couldn't take a single blow.
Deserved, honestly. What kind of brother acts that way?
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I want to cuck the husband with some 28 years old fertile yume housewive
With my injection of white genes I would be doing them a favor as well, the haafu kid would be the sensation of the entire school
2 speed, 2 break. lets go.
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>They just copy paste her from old trailer
Lots of effort lol
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Why is imaginary trailblazer HP% main stats on relics if nothing scales off his HP? Should I go with attack% on those gear instead? I’m using him with firefly for break effect.
>the haafu kid would be the sensation of the entire school
usually they get bullied by both sides, and only chased by haafu-fever middle aged men
I guess it's hard for you third worlders to afford glasses.
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Firefly love!
The only things that scale good on his retarded ass are besides break are SPD and HP / DEF
ATK% does pretty much nothing for HMC, because it doesn't improve superbreak damage. So, like most supports, just getting more HP for survival is the best option.
I’m a straight male who picked Stelle because I only like hot waifu. Now I’m forced to watch lesbian sex between Stelle and Firefly. Why is this happening to me?
okay firefly x stelle is cute. but i want firefly to get pregnant and a girl can't impregnate another girl.
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it's good, i can cut some slack with spd on other pieces now.
he deals damage through superbreak which doesn't scale with atk so may as well get more hp to be more durable, Firefly only runs atk% because of her trace that converts atk to break effect
nah just stack BE% as much as you can. ATK% doesn't do much
Imaginary Trailblazer Guide
Watchmaker 4pc; if your Ruan Mei already has 4pc Watchmaker then you can use either 2pc Watchmaker 2pc Hackerspace or 4pc Hackerspace, that is, assuming you use the TB with Ruan Mei.
2pc Talia is the only good option, if you plan to use TB with Firefly you may also wait for the new Kalpāgni set which increases Spd by 6% and BE% by 40% when hitting Fire-weak enemies, which will be the case if you use TB with Firefly; both are good though, if you prefarm Talia you won't have much reason to farm for the Kalpāgni set.
Ruan Mei sig > Memories of the Past > Cogs (Honorific mention: DDD is also really good).
If you have two MOTPs (i.e S5 and S3), give the S3 to Ruan Mei and S5 to HTB as HTB will naturally share their BE% to the team.
Body: DEF/HP
Boots: SPD
Rope: ERR / BE
Regarding rope, at the moment ERR rope is better for E5 and below because 2.2 doesn't have the E6 eidolon, if you have MOTP S5 already you can just slap BE% rope, and once we get E6 BE% rope becomes the best even without MOTP.
So, just farm for BE% rope because it'll be the better thing at long-term.
>Stats Goals
There aren't any but at least 200% BE and 145 SPD make for a good build and should give you something to work towards.
Endgame/long term the best would be something like 300% BE and 156+ SPD but you don't need to sweat it.
>WTF Is Super Break?
You ult and the whole party gains "Backup dancer", any toughness damage dealt to broken enemies will be converted to Super Break damage which scales off Break Effect% and things like DEF Shred and RES Pen, it'll also scale up and down depending how many enemies are in the field.
>Can I apply super break damage and break damage?
Any break damage that exceeds the toughness bar of the enemy will be converted to super break dmg, so if the enemy had 60 toughness and you did 180, that remaining 120 will be converted to Super Break.
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Square up
Ngl, I used to hate ugly bastard and blacked until I realized I might be someone else ugly bastard and being black isn’t a sin. :/
Firefly can't get pregnant at all anyway
I'm sure the technology exists in the HSR universe if things like anti-ageing was already invented. Propagation pathstriders could probably also turn into futas via magic.
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The actual effort went to Caelus this time
Do you have to run ERR on HMC prior to e6? Dumb bitch never has her ulti up in time for FF
Congrats. That's a pretty neat piece.
Not with that attitude
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If its only getting pregnant then its scientifically possible
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Looks pretty good.
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This good for Firefly?
Yep. At E6 you switch to BE% rope for more SUPA BREIKU damage.
xueyi piece les goooo
dorknessposter my beloved
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Why is there no hype for Feixiao? Everything we know about her sounds cool and yet no one here cares
Yeah she has been sidelined these last few patches, doesnt mean she magically stops existing it will probably go back to normal when Firefly shilling is over
Sneed status?
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it's over
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She's defenseless without her device.
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which is better if I'm running him with Bronya/RM
Looks Ok
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Oh, all Asian name sound the same so I thought she was the fox homo and been shitting her up with anal worm the whole time.
we don't know shit so how is anyone supposed to care
is the device actually needed at all? in her myriad celestia none of the glamoth knights were using it to transform, and it doesnt seem to be an actual physical thing seeing how she can summong the thing at will.
because we know jack shit about her
>no speed
If you got nothing else, its a Break Rope. But not particularly good, no.
https://x.com/Tir_al_/status/1806983448621375768/video/1 ; )
She will get a big hype, and hsrg will pretend that she'll be the most selling banner ever according to analysts and they'll mock her when she can't surpass Acheron banner
why did she slap?
I'm just patiently waiting for her Drip market. We basically know nothing about her. I'm actually having more fun discussing whether or not Lingsha might be a real snake monster girl.
feeling really silly today...might blow up a train later idk.....
>PLEASE be hyped by a silhouette
QQ is 141 cm tall while being hundreds of years old.
being too erotic
Will she get boyfriend in space china?
Don't care
game is dead bwo
the mosrt shilled character flopped
We know that she seems to be like a hunt version of Xueyi, that the Yaoqing are the most adamant in hunting down abundance freaks and that she wields gun blades
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>pop a boner from this
its huover for me
don't know how she looks, i don't care, simple as
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less than 200
There's only two guys.
One is Feixiao's wife and the other is a who so far. Besides it's gonna be March centered.
>most successful gacha game in the world
Uh huh
I expected more struggle.
*Insert Acheron smuck face here*
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We love cute and canon here
>We know that she seems to be like a hunt version of Xueyi,
Not really. FUA characters have some of the fastest Breaking in the game, solely on their FUA spam.
So Feixiao might play more into that, without being a true Break character.
So you could gain a significant damage boost against Weakness Broken enemies, while in the base kit you don't have to build Break Effect whatsoever.

This is my speculation, at least. Leaks/Playtesters said that she wants Topaz+Ruan Mei in her team, so that just cements the fact even further.
Acheron was part of it too, Penacony in general has been topping the charts.
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>illiterate pagpag
many such cases
true thats why i'd rather a real man's dick
I don't like how Yaoshi is always shown as the 'active' one in these jokes, when in reality it looks like Lan is absolutely obsessed with her and Yaoshi doesn't give a fuck about Lan. It should be more Lan being tsuntsun pursuing a kuudere Yaoshi.
I don't really give a shit about huntbricks especially when they're chinks. I'd rather roll Lingsha for my FF team over her.
>most literate /gig/tard
If she looks like this i am hyped. But does she anon? We have almost no short haired girls and literally no pixie cut.
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>Acheron smuck face
>We know that she seems to be like a hunt version of Xueyi
leaktranny fanfiction literally who cares
>that the Yaoqing are the most adamant in hunting down abundance freaks
every single not-chink is sperging out about abundance being le bad so it's not something which makes a character feel distinct
>gun blades
cool i guess
Guess I am fapping
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stop giving me this bs for the 1000th time
lan will destroy HER pussy btw and create a new path
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ayo this qq cosplayer kinda cute ngl
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I swiped and I swiped and I finally got it, FF's light cone. It's all for you Firefly, it's all for you :^)
uhm bwo? u ok?
gigger, I thought you said poorina rerun is gonna demolish firefly banner with just a few days of revenue?
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I wonder if its the same person playing both roles
>Not really. FUA characters have some of the fastest Breaking in the game, solely on their FUA spam.
She was being tested with Topaz and using the set that boosts ultimate
what is that lmao
I'll be happy as long as she doesn't want HMC
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Will Huaiyan look like an old man? He's Yunli's grandpa but Xianzhou humans aren't supposed to age past their prime
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That's racist
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Then who was the legs?
It was already datamined that he is indeed an actual old man.
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Where do you guys find these? I know the qq cosplayer is called nkuu666chan.
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Can they even make hybrid break kits like Xueyi's anymore now that super break is a thing?
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>Yukong gives 88% ATK (aka 70% BE) buff
Uhhhh Critfly?
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It's from The Omen (1976), horror classic.
critfly died the moment her mods went from 580% to like 220%
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Could they not capture Himeko's brap gas to use as trailblazer fuel for the express?
When is she getting another rateup?
he's a unique npc, so he's unplayable which means
Yunli & Jiaoqiu & March china 4 star
Feixiao & Lingsha & Moze 4 star
New SU expansion
Screwllum & Stephen lloyd trust the plan
Thats her own legs
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does topaz work here??
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This is the Firefly's experience I want.
why is firefly being flirty with a girl...?
As revenge for Stelle still flirting with March
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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can a nigga get some toots please
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They nerfed her for this, she used to just slaughter them unconditionally, now she has like a lower alertness increase level than the rest or some shit like that.
efecto de breako
Sparkle makes it as free as it can be. They don't escape what they don't see.
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Its actually "Efecto de Ruptura" and Superbreak is "Ultrarruptura"
noted. thank you my latinx friend
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Kinda sounds cooler? Imagine
>Super Break
>Mega Beak
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>brick effect
Which of the FuA characters is most vital to making the strategy work?
nice xueyi piece bwo
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>super break characters when the first omnibreak character hits the game
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motherfucker, you made me waddle upstairs and rub a few out
Unironically nobody.
The character used for Superbreak is just 超 which can mean: Super, Ultra, Hyper, Mega, Extra, etc
ideally it's Topaz since she works both as a debuffer and a sub dps, but as long as you have a damage dealer (Ratio) and a debuffer, anything goes.
I need a second team, is there anything I can salvage with this
I apologize for the Yanqing, he was my only ice coverage back when I first started
Wow astolfo, that's a huge horn you got there...
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Just shot a huge load to Sparkles feet
The omni break char (Acheron) is pretty good.
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whats the point of doing the weekly DU mode?
>sick and tired of DU giving me the most dogshit blessings and equations
>just click random ones, and don't bother activating shit
>go to end boss run
>takes an agonizing amount of time because without buffs this shit mode is even more cancer
Take lesson guys, you have to keep rolling shitty blessings otherwise you're gonna get clowned on. God I fucking hate this mode.
>Chinese doesn't have power tiering
Soulless language
Free crafting mats
perfect. then i can just start fresh with feixiao and whoever she works best with.
i shall await her rerun
did you do it on the screen?
your Ruan Mei looks kind of weird bro...
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Holy fucking kino
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All these cosplayers need to do something about those bags under their eyes. Maybe if they slept in their make-up their alter-ego would look more rested.
it gives you some relic pieces and some dust, but most important of all: it's fun.
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I slept like 2.5 hours last night so when I went to nap for a little bit in the afternoon today I accidentally ended up sleeping for 4 hours
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I fucking hate the fact that gambling gives me the happy chemicals. I will not gamble for FF and RM both without LC on 100 tickets and zero pity. But the temptation is still there.
i think that's fine i like that
Anyone have that image of the Acheron/Raiden name reveal and a bunch of streamer reactions on the sides?
You mean the tape they put under their eyes?
It's s really popular trend, you can't do much.
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no I don't want to mess up my screen
nta but can you show us one
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Glad to have helped.
I'll give that a shot
she's coming home, I swear
Just gotta grind some Space China quests I skipped
it's just weird because it's definitively not a feature that the characters that they are representing have so shouldn't measures be taken to prevent it?

It's like "hey guys, check out my Mercy cosplay, haha, also I have full sleeve tattoos don't you think they're cool?
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>all those memes shtiting on blade in the replies
AAAIIIIIIEEEEE how far have we fallen bladebros...we became the laughingstock of hsr!
yeah it sucks to wipe later have you ever finished on your feet tho?
I thought you guys were shitposting the entire time, that's actually her name? I only started a month ago, what's the lore with Genshino crossover?
I got my second Clara LC, who wants it?
>it's just weird because it's definitively not a feature that the characters that they are representing have so shouldn't measures be taken to prevent it?
Asians think that eye-form is more attractive, so they use that tape. Authenticity has very little to do with it.
That always has been her name. If anything, the only weird part is "Bosenmori" which would mean River of Death, which is what Acheron already means.
you can literally learn about most of Glamoth's history by reading the related planar ornaments' story

the gist of it is that Firefly is part of a army of mass produced homunculi who were created with the explicit purpose of piloting mech suits to fight against the Swarm, they did achieve their goal but by the time they did Glamoth had already been reduced into a wasteland due to the extensive fighting
has blade idk tried throwing himself in front of a atomic disintegration beam or something
he's not trying hard enough otherwise
OK but why did they make a Raiden clone and actually call her that
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me pls i still don't have it
do all nihility chars apply debuffs on basic attack?
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Go on... without me...
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no, never thought of it
Asians just like bigger eyes and the tape helps with making the eyes bigger, most of them don't mind the tape (or actively like it), it's only really the US/"the west" that finds the practice weird.
For love and for money.
thanks, champ
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I thought it was from Charon, who is the ferryman for the souls of the dead. The River of the Death is Styx.
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it's kinda hot you should try it
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>The River of the Death is Styx.
Greek Mythology has several underworld rivers (up to five, IIRC) of which Styx and Acheron are just two. You almost certainly heard of the river Lethe too, if you know about the Styx.
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>he brought brick effect against SAM
Give her the break dmg boost that Boothill has but with crit/atk scaling?
Anon... Raiden is originally from Honkai Impact the third
Only like half of them do.
AKSHUALLY in hellenic mythology Charon is on the river Acheron, placing him on the Styx is mostly a roman thing.
Do you guys reckon we'll get a real F2P cringe mode like the Other Game's new endgame in a few years when our sales decline?
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now that firefly flopped and we have at least 6 months of Xiaofu wank ahead of us

Are you going back to wuthering waves or staying loyal to homoverse and wait for ZZZ?
Jade will SAVE Blade in 9 days. Trust the plan.
nta but are they connected (hsr and hi3d) i thought it was a different universe
What the fuck is their problem?
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>US/"the west"
Occidental is the term that is most appropriate to refer to these circumstances, as it relates to America and the most well developed areas of Europe. Usage of the term only carries two drawbacks

1: no one will know what the fuck you're talking about
2: it's a term used primarily by Chinese supremacists
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Saar! Listen to me
Saar! Listen to me
We eat cow dung, please don't redeem
Wuwa is winning and Genshin will die
Wuwa is coming for your profits, oh my

No waifu, only man, in apartments we stack 25 high
Stray dogs eat our corpses when we die
We come to your thread and shill you Wuwa
But when we visit Mihoyo office, we like to poo!

We are Pajeet, shilling Wuwa on the street
Cow dung we eat, poo poo is a treat
Thank you Tencent for one dollar saar
But don't you think
Wuwa will kill Genshin, Saar?
Don't think Wuwa won't kill Genshin, Saar!

Our streets are filled with trash
Our skies are filled with Chinese gas!
But we don't even care, we will shill you Wuwa with our asses bare!

Over the streets, poo we will spray
To Tencent cock statues, we will pray!
Tencent gave me my student visa today
And in your country, I will stay

We are Pajeet, shilling Wuwa on the street
Cow dung we eat, poo poo is a treat
Thank you Tencent for one dollar saar
But don't you think Wuwa will kill Genshin, Saar?
Don't think Wuwa won't kill Genshin, Saar!
Could you just describe said game mode instead of vague posting about a game we might not play?
No they're just expies, all the Archons in Genshin are also expies except Furina.
Wait for ZZZ. Wuwa just looks like the Xianzhou if the whole game was about them
It's time for summer anon and it's time I take a vacation and not shitpost on /vg/ about the gachas I play for a bit
oh i see i thought it was cause it had honkai in front of it
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If that's the case, why does Acheron use her middle name translated to another language as an alias? Gevin that there is a universal translator working across the whole populated universe, it would be kinda pointless, no?
NTA but the new genshin mode is like Elysia Realm but really shit and barebones
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Sorry Nilou, you're literally running alongside Navia and Yelan. I'll get you and your delicious tummy in two and a half years on your next rerun.
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No other girl can make reddit seethe as much. Why is being hetero so controversial on reddit? Being normal is weird?
It's the same universe, but Acheron has nothing to do with 3rd.
>why is she called that tho
They just call them something like that across different games, Genshin included. 3rd even has yet another one, called MEI, which also has nothing to do with the other one. The other other one. Eh, you get the point.
in PF maybe
It's hard to explain briefly, the gist of it is it's an RNG mode where you need to use 18 characters who are near fully built (weapons and relic sets built/ character is at least level 70). You go through it like SU, every 2 rooms you need to change up your party.
The only characters you can use must be one of three specific elements, no other characters are useful.
You start off with 6 characters, which the game mode forces on you - if you don't have them, you can borrow trial versions. You then pad out the other 12 slots from your own roster under the element restriction.
You unlock new characters randomly from these 12 as you proceed through the game mode, every time you use them their stamina depletes. 0 stamina = can't use anymore.
>why does Acheron use her middle name translated to another language as an alias?
Because she is chuuni like that.
i see i guess you could say that it's like a multiverse and each game you play is connected to one of them
Only 2 of them are expies but you can make the case for Nahida being Teresa.
Zhongli is not an expy of anyone, the biggest stretch you can get is "he's Welt" but he's really not anyone, he only shares a VA with Welt.
Furina is evidently completely new.
Only Venti and Raiden are clearly expies among the archons. Miko is notable as being the only other character who isn't an expy, but there are good arguments for Al Haitham (Su) and Diluc (Himeko).
hmmm sex
>back to wuthering
I never played it in the first place, game is way too chinky and I hate mobile actionslop. Action doesn't work on phones, not a single game can prove me wrong.
The good thing is, you just ignore that mode and nothing changed..
Otherwise people would quit in masses.
>tries to pander to casuals
>suddenly you need 12 chars built of specific elements
Sorry, meant Miko is the only other character who is.
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I was kinda away from the threads for a while. What is general consensus on firefly?
Nahida is obviouly Theresa, you can tell because all the expies share the same JP VA. There's the Unknown God being Kiana too.
Casuals can ignore it, but if you were clearing abyss before and you ignore it you will be getting less pulls per patch.
However, if you can clear it up to medium then you can get slightly more rewards than before, it's similar to when MoC12 was added and it filtered a lot of people but being unable to clear 12 didn't reduce your month-to-month income from before it was added.
fireFLOP we hate heterosexuality
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Gorillian damage
big tits
(You) pandering
many disappointed that the robot has no screentime
The one brick to rule them all and a wonderful gorilla wife.
Best character alongside Acheron, canon wife, didn't beat Acheron's sales (unforgivable).
>we hate heterosexuality
nah firefly just sucks
my cock yes
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What if TB just grabbed Silver Wolf and kissed her
Brick unless you're using her designated shill team, and even then Acheron is generally better.
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A retard that tries to change her fate while being a Pathstrider of Finality.
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wish she had more screentime but i love her, also the easiest comp to build, and having a good match with HMC kit is very cute
I am casual. I don't clear floor 12. I may also go back to not doing 11, with how fucking god damn awful 11-1 was last time..
I can't be assed to grind. The artifact system is from hell. Your repeat this insanely boring battle 5 times per day, get shit and repeat this for months, because the chances to get the element% shit is next to 0. I crafted 500 pieces and got 2 correct dmg%, both shit. I'm extremely close to stop spending my resin altogether. I did this for like half a year before. Though I might also just quit.

The system is just not for me. It's worse in every way than Star Rail. Add to that the retarded grind for local specialties needing forever to respawn, I don't even want to pull anything I don't like (aka almost nothing).
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Who did you pull?
Who did you skip?
I have Kakaurine, BS, Acheron and FF
>Who did you pull?
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This was worth more than 3 entire patches of Firefly shilling
Archeron E0S1, Firefly E1S1, Swan E1S1
Pulled BS/Sparkle/Firefly
Skipped Robin/Acheron
>many disappointed that the robot has no screentime
SAM gets 90% of the screentime in combat. Who the fuck says that he gets too little?
I have all of these. Should've skipped Sparkle realistically, but who cares.
People are still mad SAM isn't his own character and tied to fire shit. Fuck firetroons and the cringe whore
the other day someone was moaning that since Firefly has like 95% uptime on ult, Sam's voice is never heard and the bot spends most of it's time in green wing mode
seethe homofujotranny
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How long is the story of this patch?
Aventurine-tried but lost so that it
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I pulled all but might not get firefly LC
rolled brickle and firebrick
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join >>484267560
seethe with your xisters (trans)
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Star Rail could never.
They hired Indonesian artists for this btw, they know the target f2p audience
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>Ying Xi Ping
>44 the reddit
>Jiacheron's slave
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for me it's female Luocha
holy fucking sex

we need a missa amane in SR
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My two wives.
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Got all the girls, but Firefly is far and away my favorite:

E2S1 Firefly
E0S1 Robin
E0S1 Sparkle
This guy looks like the average kafkafag.
Sparkle E0S1
Acheron E0S1
Firefly E2S1
Probably gonna pick up Robin on her rerun, she was too close to Firefly this time sadly.
E0S0 Black swan
E0S1 Sparkle
E2S1 Ack
E1S0 Robin
E0S0 firefly

Skipped the gay gypsy and boothill
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some men make for exceptionally good women
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Best girl, strongest dps, f2p friendly, sold more than anyone else without top-up, most well written female character, makes fujos seethe, Shaoji fave, saved the game and broke /hsrg/.
She is the canon wife and the strongest damage dealer in the game. She mindbroke hundreds of thousands -- if not millions of women and trannies.
This is probably the worst SU expansion so far. Except for a few broken equations, i can just ignore them and focus on blessings as usual and maybe grab some weighted curios along the way.
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Pull for the fox
Pull for the snake
Build a monster girl team
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Silver hobbit.
The hidden scene/dialogue did more emotional damage to me than the entire aventurine arc as a higger.
Aventurina is so cute
that's why she'd give the best blowjobs
I already have 2 foxes.
That's our Rean
>The hidden scene
What hidden scene?
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I am sure that fem!Sunday would get so much hate from the usual suspects but I want her to be real. But she would become Cocolia/Phantylia 2.0 for sure, with a guy there is at least hope
The thumbnail makes Blade have a long neck
would smash them all
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>no bittersweet drama of Blade meeting Bailu for the the first time
Such wasted opportunity
I unironically regret pulling Acheron....I don't want to pull the foxman and I have to use guinaifen.
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>Pull for the fox
You got it boss
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I want to make this a mother
i do not care for the new simulated universe. i feel like this when playing it. i don't understand or even care to understand what half the effects do or if it even synergizes with my team. i feel like the boomers at the slot machines, just pushing buttons.
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found it jesus cant believe the payout for this long ass quest is 40 jades
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But they do different things?
The closest thing to him is Pela with Pearl
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keep me posted
Boomers know what they're doing at the slot machines, you're more stupid than them.
Is this official?
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>What is general consensus on firefly?
she is the strongest
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>Most fun harmony so far gameplay wise
>One of the cutest frmale designs
>really cute interactions in the owlbert interview
>Complete dog shit characterization in the actual game
Why? I dont get it
if it's a real trailer, isn't it just the usual zero copyright laws in china making them steal anything without repercussion
i had watched abit of gundam but it was kinda meh after a certain movie
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why does his vagina look like that?
Hoyofair submission
its called heuristics. i dont even need to pay attention and i can still clear it. its all flash.
>>Most fun harmony so far gameplay wise
>Click ult once
>She does absolutely nothing for the next 3 turns
>Can't even attack
No, it's for hoyofair. Lots of cool fanmade videos like that have come out recently
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I saw that /gig/ OP from a few threads ago with the shortstack oppai loli Sigewinne. If she actually looked like that we would've lost HARD.
If Mihoyo was based we would already have oppai loli shortstack characters in both games...
what do you mean she's great
Skipped Black Swan
Rolled Sparkle
Rolled Acheron E0S1
Skipped Aventurine
Skipped Robin
Skipped Boothill
Rolled Firefly E2S1
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Late 20's to early 30's
Guess we can't say plagiarize anymore . It's always "inspired" or "reference" and now this.
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She's a whore.
She's much older than that
firefly's s1 should have inflicted toughness vuln instead of break dmg vuln
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jesus such a dogshit long boring low rewards questline
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Sunday meds
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>pushes your whole team foward before the enemy can act or before the cycle ends
>adds her own dmg with every attack, wich piles app to a decen amount
>Sings for you
She is great(in gameplay)
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i prefer her flat chest
Can you call it that if Hoyo commisioned it?
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How do you know they commissioned it? Not every submission is commissioned.
It's fanmade anon
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>Firefly released on June 19. Sold worse than yinlin and clorinde week 2 according to sensortower
How dogshit and unreliable is Google app play store lmao. Might as well just use iOS revenue only from now on.
Promoting isn't commissioning
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>Beating a stoneheart
Wishful thinking
but bailou would just revive and then beat your ass with her tail also svarog would disintegrate you
It's ok they asked fans to do it and use it as promotion material so it's not stealing to use it as a company haha it was all the fan's fault (chinalogic)
I wish that show didn't suck.
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Can someone post the webm of Robin doing the bibideba dance
It's not a commissioned piece.
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Only aventurine has fighting powers though
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the more baffling thing is that sensortower actually charges people to buy their sloppy low-effort 'data', and people actually pay for it
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>not posting the video
I stole the video for you lazy niggers
he's the same nigger who made the Penacony Incident Arc
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We've been over this, Sensortower froze for android around Firefly's release. She's supposed to have more revenue than we got in the chart but sensortower released it as it is anyway. Also WuWa probably has less revenue than the chart shows since it froze when it peaked.
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Cute and Canon
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I think they'll eventually nerf the break teams by just increasing enemy level.
The higher the enemy level, the less break damage you deal.
Then they can just release supports stronger than hmc or ruan mei for the team without it breaking the game.
First half was good
Right. I'm sure the ones they promoted are totally organic submissions made by passionate fans.
Doesn't that just fuck up their hair?
I somehow managed to get them all except Robin so It's a good haul.
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>Most fun harmony so far gameplay wise
Yeah and then it gets REALLY bad by the end.
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just stop the compliments and get on this dick BITCH stop lusting
It felt like they had to rush every plot point
Believe what you want to believe anon.
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Holy mother of god... Its the best one yet.
she's shy anon look she's avoiding eye contact
yes look at the ep count of a normal gundam series
level difference affects all damage retardbro
I pulled Aventurine, Topaz, Robin and I will pull Jade. Yes, I'm a contrarian.
It's not really sensortower that froze it's google app store that froze. The stupid thing is they release the data anyways. From 8 to 11 right as yinlin(June 6th release) peaked and then again from 14 to 24 before yinlin nosedived into the nether. It was right in time for June 28th jingshi banner to bring it up to a peak again thought :)!

Wuwa and genshin benefitted so much from their shitty data.
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I've started to say "mendokusee" out loud to myself at work
Jade is weak to anal
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Well the fact they'll powercreep the other teams too is just a given, isn't it?
>So obsessed with trying to brick break effect that it bricks everyone else
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Now that the dust has settled: did he win?
and how the fuck does that nerf break teams when you release a super powerful break harmony after nerfing every team comp?
>banner sales
no lmaoooo
Only he, afaik, can transform, we have no idea of what Topaz can do but she was confident she could fight us+March+Himeko
He won the time ships over the fujo ships
Still got assraped by fat old men when he was a slave though
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>being a shipping bike
FUCK, why did this have to happen in one of the most popular periods?
I mean i know these are made up numbers but still, i wanted to know if FF + RM buff was going to be better than Acheron + Top up buff
im gay
his claim to fame in penacony was putting an airtag on the trailblazer
Always has been.
Still bland, personality-less and boring
no one is actually gay, you're just coping because you can't get with the other gender
Yunli buffs?
He killed the fat old man before getting raped albeit
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This was pretty cute and well made

im joking im bi does that make it better kek
>paid shill commission
ofc it's well made
It's basically outsourced
you're just horny, you'd fuck animals too if that wasn't immoral
not my thing only humans
very good but very restrictive
when she works (80% of the time she will) she deletes anything provided you have HTB buff on
if an enemy cant be broken shes a brick
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thanks bwo
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Firefly love!
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I fuck men and women
e0s0 Sparkle and Robin
e1s1 Firefly
Skipped the rest
hmmm yeah sure i believe you...
I like this one
is he throwing his cum?
you fuck women and get fucked by men
How bad will the threads be when we get to the space china patch?
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Oh I've seen that, it's really good too. I really love seeing stuff with all the Hunters together like this.

Ratio lets him top
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I need to KISS Boothill
Post YOUR Boothill
the people that do that are trash
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>Yunli/Yanqing shipshit NTR melty cuckposting no matter what
Just guess
we know, Stelle self inserter Boothill yume sis
only white women do that anon
stop being retarded
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>barely made more money than Robin.
>triple her rolls
I guess that’s what happens when you pander to f2p pags
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what do you mean I still have to wait like a month for Yunli
you might as well be one if you take it in the ass
oh, the usual mecha curse
i remeber watching darling in the franxx from beginning to end with my crewmates
Your lady Bonajade?
NTA but I will only consider pulling her if I struggle with the new PF that comes during her banner
you punch clara, you die before your fist reaches her
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Remind me what that site is that people use to post full character builds and I will
I'm gonna be real I prefer to self insert with the other women he gets shipped with, Stelle is just kind of a cope option because that one artist makes cute and hot art of the two of them
But otherwise yeah that's me
begone evil witch!
do it for the feet
why cant this shitty patch end already?
put the UID in maam
xueyi will likely be enough for quantum shilling
>Firefly had more warps than Kafka but made less than Acheron
Damn so I guess more FFfags were like me who saved since the beginning of 2.0 lol

I still bought one $60 pack for her though.
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I sure hope so
We really need that TB past flashback desu
did kuro hire a hacker take down the android store servers so their revenue looked higher than it was?
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Be careful not to slice your tongue on his teeth.
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>retards are doomposting over this

Literally one of the best months in the history of the game while gacha revenue was down 13% this month overall.

Holy cope. But nice to see WW so close to Genshin.
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I will set... I will set the the... I w-will seas blaze the-- you know the thing!
Do they look like they can hire people who can actually do tech hings.
>save up rolls for firefly
>never spend during her banner
>mihoyo sees this and thinks that pandering to waifufags doesn't sell
>makes more homos
i told you dumbasses
if you brought using android it likely didnt count towards sensor tower.
its likely it was down cuz of the said kerfuckle with the playstore rankings
it affected all games
What's his remaining life expectancy looking like
Damn fgo really fell
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>GakiMesu only 15m
not looking good for a potential global release
The Stonehearts trailer WILL save /hsrg/
But muh acheron sales
sorry, you're actually getting another firefly trailer
am i the only that never cared about the sales?
untill they can no longer afford the necromancer
I pulled everyone in that picture, skipped those who aren't in it
Were confirmed to get Yunli right after bro.
They pulled the trigger too early, should've built her up over 2 patches and went full pandering a week before release
sparkle and robin i lost the 50/50 on acheron banner but im glad it was bailou cause i use her now
I'm so bad...
thats not a waifu character anon
I mean it was pretty easy to save for her, I rolled Acheron and then skipped Robin and Boothill. I had enough for Firefly and her cone when she came out and I even lost the coinflip.
kek you keep repeating this brosis surely it will come true
At least the gunpla stayed good. Calibarn was a cool design
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I appreciate this post anon
me too luv
Okay fag.
Thaaaat's Space China for you
Thanks, I did almost forget to blur out my uid lol
Also I'm still rocking the thief set since I'm still working on getting the new relic set for him, though to be honest I'm not even entirely sure if it's that much better, maybe a metafag can confirm or deny
I will do my best but if it happens I won't be too upset
Black swan, black swan and black swan

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