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>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

>when do fth spells outpace fth skills for dps
never. but the dlc has numerous bosses where range is nice.
im starting to think co-op on radahn as INT isn't feasible
Does Scarlet Aeonia count as beating the game? I already played FTH so I didnt respec to just use that, and it has a one million second long windup. I feel like it should count.
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Is she really more powerful than her sister
/erg/ forever mogged by a rabbit.
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>just a friendly reminder
>Ranni, much like her mom, Aunt, and brother, loves FTH Chad dick
>its genetic
>it's literally written in their stars that they'll get mindbroken by FTH dick
>Ranni canonically only likes FTH based builds
>just a reminder
So what's up with the "Night" stuff? The ash says Jolan and Anna were raised in a gaol.
>Jolán and Anna were born in a cold, dark gaol, where they were raised, deprived of light, to be Swordhands of Night. Thus were they cultivated to become the most terrifying masters of their blades, though the burden of the deed left their hearts frail and pliant.
And the armor mentions fingerprint stuff
>Bottomless black helm, cool to the touch.
>Flowing lines in the seeming shape of a fingerprint adorn the surface. Imprisons the wearer in utterly lightless dark.
>Bestowed upon those born deep underground, ordaining them as Swordhands of Night.

So were they made by the Carian's/Messmer's armies in the jails, or were they made by hornsent? The night stuff being semi-coporeal seems to point to them being tied to the other black shadow things in the DLC, but they're both under Ymir's command. Anna's a puppet though and Jolan doesn't seem to know this given the secret interaction you can pull where you get the second map then reload to go under the chair early and fight her before Jolan disappears.
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DS3 niggas ww@
I got the broken rune pre-shadow keep, did I bork up my run? Also fuck furnace golems all my homies hate furnace golems
its less cheesy than rot breath and looks cooler, keep doing what you're doing anon
>dodge combos for a minute and a half
>if you survive you maybe get to attack once
>or maybe the boss fucks off to the other side of the arena
>start again
This is not fun.
How do i make my character twerk?
Also are there any mods to increase the size off the gyatt and add gyatt jiggle physics so the ass claps when my character twerks?
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>the most memorable piece of lore and the new most beloved NPC from the DLC is a random ass hunter with a easy-to-follow quest with a cool boss that has a simple but clear connection to the lore
I really feel like there should be more self-contained and straightforward secondary quests like Bayle
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Flipping my coin to decide the FTH build I'm taking into the DLC
>fire/mesmer incants
>infused fireknight weapon
>dual erdsteel daggers or some sacred infusable weapon, maybe Jori's spear
>maybe spiral and inquisitor incants too
>dragon cult
>priestess heart
>lightning flask
>wild card
>x even: dragon communion ARC build
>x odd: INT/FTH build using the new hybrid catalyst
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Builds for this feel?
it's significantly better than rot breath for the dlc
Sex with giant tiddy Carian royal ladies.
>they both fell hard and deeply for redhead golden order CHADS
>and brother
that's not consensual. Radahn wants to ride Leonard, not Miquella
Nope. Malenia used it on Radahn. She didn’t beat Radahn. She didn’t beat the game. She’s a cheeser.

If you use Scarlet Aeonia, Carian Slicer, Ancient Death Rancor, Comet Azur, etc, then you didn’t beat the game.
boom hammer
Not to mention it's canon.
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Why was Marika such a bad mother?
What connection, other than fire, is there from the Snake God of Messmer and Rykard to the Fell God of the Fire Giants? Isn't the Fell God contained within the Fire Giant? Are there any snakes in the mountaintops?
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>americuck hours
>thread goes to shit
every time
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She has two moons. That's more than one moon.
The numbers have spoken. Fireknight here I come!
How best to reach DLC: ASAP or lvl up properly? What weapon to use? decisions, decisions.
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elden ring done fucked up we need to go back to bloodborne and ds3
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Fucking hell. Where's my ending cutscene?
But for elden ring
Seluvis' wet dream
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this thing
reload the area
made another video wallpaper without fucking it up by being online while making it this time, farum azula instead of haligtree.
I MIGHT post it via catbox if it looks good enough that I don't notice the loop, ill let you know by posting it, or not.

you can make your own by getting your character off screen by using a wall and crouching/emote sitting/laying down and just idle for around 5 minutes and hit save clip (ps4) or open up OBS and figure it out (pc)
Lost to a STR retard (twice)
God of her own Order.
Sorry FTH cuck, but Carian women were simply made for STR dick.
Midir is the most trash dragon boss ever conceived by fromsoftware
He's not even particularly hard just a chore to kill
He's good visually but that's about it
same place as the intro cutscene
>it's a "boss jumps half way across the arena away from you" episode
i was wondering if this was possible. i don't think miquella's rune as an item actually changes anything for the npcs, but i could be wrong. update us if it does though
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Didn't they add a flail in SOTE that did just that?
this desu
Why are hostshitters so cocky? It's not that hard just don't run into the redGOD with the huge ass sword.
But she literally tried everything she could to save Messmer and cure him.
His army had the most blessings given to any other army ever in the lands between to make sure her soon would succeed.
>But she abandoned him
She was imprisoned by the EB and couldn't bring him back from the Shadow Lands anymore.
im still confused as to why the scene in redmane isn't the trailer you know which one, that should be in game.
offer seed and then pickle
is str int viable?
yep the serpent flail. fun weapon
Looks fun, just go all in on FTH?
How come Miquella doesn't drop a Mending Rune? You're telling me I can peepee poopoo the Erdtree but not side with Miquella? It's bullshit.
>Every review claimed that there are multiple legacy (4-5+) legacy dungeons in the expansio
>There is only ONE legacy dungeon (shadow keep)
>Everything else is some meme mini fort

Why hasn't anyone talked about how reviewers completely lied about this?
Still can't beat the Dancing Lion even after getting Skibidi level 8. NPC summon makes it tanky as hell and the targeting makes it so you might get rekt because you hit the boss and it switched targets mid-attack. Man, older titles were easier.
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Alrighty I can pack it up now
I can honestly say these three bad boys are my MVP of this DLC
beautiful weapon, and it's AoW being a from the top rope lightning slam gets me fucking going without fail
>twin axes
suffer from the fact that they are twin axes, but still very serviceable and their followup AoW stacks rotten wing sword immediately
>blinkbolt AoW
People give this shit saying it's a shitty bloodhound step, but they're wrong. instant gap closer with incorporiability that instantly transitions into attacks. I've used it with cestus to pretend I'm a lightning fast boxer and with the Milady to attack ab enemy from the other side of the planet

Gods I fucking love these things SO MUCH
I have 4 respec turds left. Please give me a build to cheese the shit out of Radahn. Call me a shitter and a scrub and a faggot all you want, but please, help me be done with this misery.
>side with miquella
if you want to do that then just don't fight radahn and then don't beat the game
Game wise, yes. She’s an actual full boss with actual titanium for flesh. You have to stab her in the heart a hundred times.

Lore wise, no. She found her two moons with her sister and Ymir is apparently her magical superior, as former instructor.
10 str 24 dex 21 fth

E str C dex B fth

I just went in on faith after reaching requirements desu
>How come Miquella doesn't drop a Mending Rune?
Nigga he broke it.
You forgot Belurat, the Fissure and the final dungeon?
She knew the game. Straight up told all her kids they'd be nothing but sacrifices if they couldn't come out on top. That wasn't her decision, just the way it goes.
>supposed to be over a hundred weapons!! wow so epic!!!
>there are like 98
>supposed to be new endings
>there arent
pretty much everything was lied about to some degree
Wait no I meant that I got the message that says somewhere a rune has been broken, and it occured pre-shadow keep
endurance for bigass shield
then your choice of stat for a poking weapon
just pick a great shield and poke him to death at this point if you're that shit at the game
All three of those are tiny with only 1-2 bosses, so no I didn't forget those.
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Now that the dust has settled. What actually went wrong here? Personally i think FROM stretched themselves too thin with AC6 + SOTE + Future projects in a short time span.
He probably doesn't want to repair the Golden Order, and wants to establish his own Order. Like Ranni does.
Kind of. INT is a really greedy stat, so to get the most out of a "STR/INT" build you either stop at minimum STR and go all-in on INT (i.e. just blue STR with melee magic) or stop at minimum INT and go all-in on STR (i.e. just STR with an occasional ash of war). Becoming a true muscle wizard still requires a lot of heavy compromises in your build on either damage or mana/endurance.
Running some explosive incantations as well?
What build should I go with for retard-proof shield pokery? Endurance and some spear?
Major ones
>Belurat Tower Settlement
>Shadow Keep

Minor ones
>Castle Ensis
>Fort of Reprimand
>Midra's Manse
Not the same thing.
yes, asterisk >>484258084 <---
(my guy is str tax, some dex for death ritual spam into raining stars into death ritual spam repeating, and 60 int)
>the only reason tarnished was not charmed was because he refused to be touched like an autistic faggot
does that mean all the others were willing to get handsy with the twink?
>Personally i think FROM stretched themselves too thin with AC6 + SOTE + Future projects in a short time span.
They also expanded considerably after the success of ER
>Open door in Stormveil Castle
>Screen cuts to black, laughs
>Hear Banished Knight unsheathing his sword
This sequence has more effort on it than some of the bosses in the dlc
Legacy dungeons normally only have 1-2 bosses.
just say ur bad lol
Anyone here finished a full playthrough with spear and greatshield? Leaning towards using a Partisan after I manage to farm it. Any ashes of war you particularly liked on spears? Thanks
how do i dodge messmers grab and his snake barrage? it always gets me
How is the new cannon? I just noticed it does magic damage because in the lore some mage made it
Not a lot of people are talking about how SotE is actually 2 DLCs that were mashed into 1.
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Bayle is a far worse version of Midir and saying otherwise is contrarianism. You fags only like Bayle because of Igon.
>supposed to be new endings
We knew for ages that there would be no new endings and that the DLC would be completely self-contained. This was stated in official interviews.
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If you look closely while he's sprinting towards you, when he's near you he will make a minor gesture before grabbing you
When he does that, roll back
They've spent the past 15 years listening to the entire videogame world praise their games for being the hardest shit ever, and they've lost sight of what actually made their previous games good. It was never about difficult bosses, at least not entirely.
Now they are stuck constantly trying to outdo their previous game in terms of difficulty but they don't know how to do that without resorting to absolute bullshit and unfairness, and they're so obsessed with that that they've forgotten how to do everything else. World design, dungeons, quests, storytelling, lore, it's all gone down the drain because all they care about is making the flashiest, animest and hardest bossfight you've ever seen. They can't get out of that loop, because it's what they've come to be defined by and what everyone expects from them.
Midir is pretty MID
>t. filtered by bayle because he sucks and is coping now
Bayle is excellent if you aren't a shitter.
So I see why you don't like him.
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What are they looking at?
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Bayle is way harder and more interesting than Shitir
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KINOeater Midir
you may not like it, but lady maria single-handedly marked the downfall of souls boss design
They could have still phrased it as something like "In defeat, Miquella's dying act was forming this rune to rebuild the Golden Order on his age of compassion, placing his faith in the aspiring lord of the former order" since that's the direction the items go in anyway with that whole "he found one who would not be embraced since the world needs only one god" shtick.
>what went wrong
they got too popular with normalfags and you're expecting too much.
nothing went wrong I got what I wanted. mostly. ngl wasn't expecting radahn 2.0 but i'm not like butthurt like most people.
the aspiring lord of the old order
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>Light Greatsword class
>Get a look at its poise values
>82 on a 2h r1 (straight swords do 143 fyi)
>69 + 69 on a 2h r2 (straight swords do 240 on one attack fyi)
>rest of the moveset follows this pattern, with only the jump attacks doing okay poise damage
I will never forgive them for this. I thought I finally had a real longsword in my hands...
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>8 new weapon types
>1 type is literally 1 weapon
If I had to guess?
I'd say that they had the plans for the DLC totally revamped by the insane success of Elden Ring and felt the need to make it BIG and the scope of the entire thing got away from them.
That's why despite 2 years of dev time the ending is still the shit that is Radahn and why the DLC's balance feels so out there and the skibidi fragments seem both conversely not enough at the start and yet too much at the end.
Why are wizards so crazy in this world?

>Sellen’s quest
>”I wish to become like the old masters”
>they’re motionless rocks
>”don’t you wish to be like them, anon?”
>”ahhhh, to be a rock, such bliss”

And then at the very end she becomes a ball. And no one knows who did it. Could be literally anyone. She could have done it to herself.

And THEN you have Seluvis who is legit a big pervert, and he’s found dead out of nowhere randomly in a silly position. You also cannot determine who did it. He also had a goddamned sex dungeon. He also KNEW Sellen, who’s lookalike is even in his sex dungeon (for what purpose???).

Surreal first time playing through this part of the world. Wizards are all suicidal and demented rascals.

Ymir’s quest line is no better. He’s sniffing mushroom finger dust to become a finger fungus ‘mother’ and then goes insane at the very end of it.

Literally the only mages who aren’t going (from magic) are Carian women, and this can be chalked up to Miyazaki liking them a bit too much (don’t even get me started on how horrible the Rellana character is).
Dragon bosses in Souls are only there for the spectacle, and Bayle delivers
Monster Hunter has dozens of better dragon fights gameplay-wise
yeah, just a spear/greatspear/rapier (halberds don't work) and a greatshield with high guard value and you can block and poke everything to death
Bayle is the best dragon boss followed by midir.
People complaining about either of these are shitters until they post gameplay of themselves showing otherwise.
It really feels like Messmer Romina Metyr Rellana and Midra were one expansion based on Marika's crusade and a representative of each God (Messmer Marika, Romina Rotgod, Rellana Moongod, Midra frenzied flame, Wickerman Fell God, Metyr Greater Will) and the Skibiditree plus Miquella/Hornsent stuff like Lion, Radahn and Skibdi Avatar were all later additions.

Gaius feels like a boss added to capitalize off of a last minute Radahn add considering he's in the middle of nowhere guarding a cut content area and has a lot of non functioning moves.
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>Time to explore this whole place Tarnished!
>Oh, but you'll have to do it all on foot because we want to force some shitty quasi-horror stealth section!
>Make sure you don't miss anything! (the place is totally empty lolololol)
Is this the absolute worst thing Fromsoft has ever done?
>straightswords do 240 poise damage in one two handed r2 (???)
What if the selfcest babies aren't "born" like normal kids, but rather created from some kind of catalyst?
Could explain why Messmer has snakes, Malenia has rot and Melina has the weird eye.
Though nothing fits Miquella in that case. And you'd think Marika would realize there'd be an issue if she made a baby with a snake instead of being afraid of a snake in the baby.
I beat Bayle in 2 tries, worse than Midir.
I hate Brown and Gray Souls 3 and even I have to agree that their DLC bosses were better.
Bayle is great for summoning Igon and a spirit ash of your choice, running to the other end of the arena and watching the fight as a spectator. Very good for that.
Midir was actually fun to fight.
carian grandeur
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post and r8 tarnished
>No secret Frenzy Dungeon/Catacombs
Lame and gay
Nope. Placidusax is still cooler. He won the fight too btw.
Aren’t wickermen part of Messmer’s crusade? What do they have to do with the fell god?
Miquella is just Marika but as a small boy
Yea this place is dogshit
I beat midir first try
Worse than bayle
It was a great buildup and the intial Torrent rejection was cool.
The issue is that there's nothing to make up for it. They needed to add more interesting things to the area or make it smaller leading up to the mansion more directly.
shut the fuck up retard. Stop deepthroating Elden ring like if your life depended on it. bayle will never ever be as good as Midir. you can cope all you want, but you that will never change the truth.
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So did the DLC add a better FTH weapon than pic related?
The worst thing is that this place has a fucking dedicated map
Could have been worse, ground could have been poison or rot
Also you can just run away from the madness grandpas
The "Marika part" of the DLC is very obvious and is what people praise it for.
They just added Miquella's gang in because it was easy. I guess the most effort they did was add NPCs talking (amazing improvement, after selling a billion dollars)
You forgot
Lothric/Lorian > nuRadahn/Miquella
>no gameplay of you attached
Verified shitter, opinion worthless.
They're covered in Giant iconography and are fire themed.
flame art fire knight greatsword with flame skewer
Just the final boss. I'm really happy with everything else in the DLC. If I could change anything it'd just be to make the Midra dungeon bigger, that one felt too small.
messmers orb, fire serpent, catch flame. the orb is pretty fun
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What is everyones fav faction, style or entity in Elden ring, before and after DLC? I think the frenzied flame stuff is the coolest shit ever
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ER wizards are like pic related
You never fought Midir though, Zoomer.
i want to take my 130 hour character to ng+ just to test all the new DLC toys but i feel i will regret it due to some autism shit and will restore the save
I didn't asked for your approval. Shitter nigger scrub. Kill yourself.
I mean, Lothric/Lorian is the best bossfight in all souls
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this, but i also feel like romina deserved better. she's in the trailer, the least they could have done is give her an intro cutscene
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Nah the only reason you aren't charmed is because Miquella never tried. If he had shown up as an NPC all it would've took was you pressing the interact button of your own free will.
>World design, dungeons, quests, storytelling, lore
World design, storytelling and lore in ER were uniuronically the best. The DLC you had an awful end and disregard for the lore, but still had great world design.
Why are you still responding to me when I already told you that your opinion is worthless?
My opinion is the only thing you need since I'm good unlike you.
Objectively correct. Midir's moveset is just far more playable. Bayle is more intended for the spectacle alongside Igon. Both are good at different things but you cannot compare the fights mechanically and say Bayle is better when the flaws of trying to copy the Midir fight are so glaring.
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i feel like i played with u earlier
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Not even Miquella and Malenia...so I could fulfill my fetish...
>Miquella never tried
I'm pretty sure he was trying his ass off like his life depended on it during our fight.
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kill youreslf retard. your life is worthless.
does shadowkeep drive anyone else insane? I keep feeling like I'm missing something but I'm too stubborn to look shit up until I'm at the final boss
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I need a fucking smoke, that was genuinely sexo
I tried it but BB still has better damage, retarded strong AoW, and when paired and power stanced with Sacred Relic Blade, you gain an extremely powerful AoE damage attack that also heals you with every kill.
>Malenia called undefeated
>has actually never won
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No? In what way?
Yes, one 2h r2. And actually it's 242 poise damage. It's that shitty wide sweep with the sword. First swing of a Light Greatsword r2 does 69 lmao.
You don't need to be so mad about the truth.
One day you'll wake up and realise that my opinion is the correct one and all you need.
>Great world design
>Having to find random holes to get to important areas of the map
>Random fodder enemies dropping skibidi
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>great world design
Fromdrone brains need to be dissected. What causes them to be so disillusioned with reality?
Arcane bros... did we lose in the DLC?
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>Reused base game enemies: dogs, bats, rats/giant rats, shadow commoners/necromancers, skeletal slimes, miranda sprouts, vulgar militiamen, golems, fingercreepers, 1st gen albinauric, trolls, misbegotten crusader, demihumans and misbegottens, silver tears
>Reused bosses: Ancient Dragons, Drakes, Tibia mariner, Tree sentinel, Magma Wyrm, Deathbird, Demihuman Queen, Putrid Tree Spirits, Fallingstar Beast
>Show up as a boss and as an enemy: Black Knights, Hippopotamus, Demi-Human Swordsmaster, Curseblade Labirinth, Chief Bloodfiend
>Show up more than once: Divine Beast Dancing Lion, Death Knight, Ghostflame Dragons, Great Red Bears
>Invaders/Player characters but as bosses: Ancient Dragon-Man, Blackgaol Knight, Red Bear, Dryleaf Dane, Dancer of Ranah, Rakshasa
40 dollars gaijin arigatou
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take your Pic
Miyazaki doesn’t care for any of your opinions lol
You don't need a horse because it's just one big hallway.
there is a bigass turkey drumstick that procs bleed every hit
What's the difference between erdtree and golden order? I beat the game several times, I know they have different incantations but still too retarded to distinguish between them.
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shes like me when i invade and sever instead of dying when the odds dont look good
every floor has at least 1 fork and I'm always unsure if I really took all the routes on the floor before moving to the next level
She defeated Godrick.
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Here ya go
why does fromsoft let seamless trannies ruin invasions for pc
I'm at 150 and I have to wait when there's 480k active players? Or download some tranny mod and join what is a glorified tauntnigger world?
If an NPC (and I use that term specifically here) starts talking to me about "muh Miquella the kind" or some such, I kill them. It really is that simple.
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>Finally get a proper Dragon Communion weapon
>No ARC scaling
Wtf man
Nice cope, shitter scrub. Your opinion is trash.
Yeah but a single R2 press with the light great sword hits twice in rapid succession and I doubt anyone can dodge the second after the third
It's poise damage is insane in PVE. Almost everything goes down super fast to it. Even Godfrey and Radagon I manage to get way more staggers than usual.
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I don't think that much went wrong, I liked the entire DLC except Radahn being the last boss and his retarded second phase. Exploration was nice, the other bosses were good and all the major forces of the main game got represented. If I had to change anything, I wish Melina, Ranni etc at least had some lines for DLC shit but I know it's not really From's style.
chicken leg is probably the highest dps non-bugged weapon in the game right now and all the base game arcane bleed stuff shits on all of the bosses
Yes. Ymir’s spells should be arcane but they aren’t really. Bayle’s incantations are pretty cool, though.
>"Dragon Communion"
>Literally has "Dragon Slayer" in its name
Are you retarded
When the only way to get to an area is to find a random tunnel entrance on the other side of the map, it's not great world design. It makes for nice surprises when you go into the hole not knowing where it'll take you, but it's not good design
And the geography of this place makes no sense
Does that magma wyrm in the one cave drop anything. I skipped it.
Florrisax’s mace is your communion weapon.
For me, its Carian. Cool armour, cool spells, cool ashes, cool lore. Best thing about this game tbqh
>Torrent and Melina
>earliest characters you see
>still know next to nothing about them
it's fucking bullshit
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I already told you that your opinion is worthless because you are a verified shitter.
This won't change unless you can post gameplay proving otherwise.
Since me and you both know you can't, you can just drop the cope and admit that you think bayle is bad because you suck at the game.
We'll only judge you a bit.
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Yeah and if he ever actually snatches you it works. His mistake was trying to do it in a fight. He should've just made a pacified area and stood there as an NPC. Players have a history of joining retarded covenants to worship sissy trap gods.
>He doesn't know all Dragon Slayers are Dragon communion cultists
Read the lore dumbass
bloodfiend's fork can be infused fth/arc do what you will
>Finger staff is arcane
>Finger spells aren't
Why do Bayle’s incantations cost a metric fuck ton of Arcane but Placidusax’s spell does not? Bayle’s has like a 50~ Arc req but Placidusax’s Ruin only costs 35 Faith.

Also, what the fuck is the difference with Arcane and Int/Faith? All magic is arcane by default, otherwise it wouldn’t be magic now would it? Did the spell makers think?
I'd like to think I have pretty good spatial memory, and as I play FromSoft games, their level layouts permanently imprint themself in my brain. So I pretty much always keep a mental note of where I have been and where I haven't been yet.
what is this chicken leg thing everyone keeps talking about
what is its actual name
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>Talisman of All Crucibles absolutely demolish Gaius' funny hitbox gimmick
lol didnt expect that. maybe I'll try this some more
She won every single time except for the one time it ended in a draw.
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>His mistake was trying to do it in a fight.
Now I'm thinking of Miquella just standing still asking for a hug and if you accept the DLC ends
Arcane is the "being very lucky" stat in ER
it doesn't really make a difference when the staff IS arcane. the spell requirements don't matter, it all scales off your staff.
Torrent was Miquella's horse.
Melina was Messmer's sister (They are both Marika's firstborn children).
There's your lore.
Bloodfiend’s club or something.
>Bleed spear that's a strict downgrade to naginata despite the innate scaling
Why do they do this?
>4200 damage per attack
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Midir is boring because it is better to stand still and wait for him to finish his fit of rage than to try and catch up with him when he can clearly outrun you. This is the issue, the most optimal tactic is to not be as engaging as possible. That on top of that he's a massive damage sponge that drags out the fight which is also boring.
Leg of the Fri-Edde Chicken.
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>For me, its Carian. Cool armour, cool spells, cool ashes, cool lore. Best thing about this game tbqh
Based and same
I always dreamt about playing as a Spell Knight in souls games.
is the new int/fth staff any better than prince of death staff?
yeah bro. I will boot up Dark souls 3 and record a webm so a nobody on the internet will take my argument seriously.
Who the fuck do you think you are? I don't owe you any proof. Go ahead and kill yourself, worthless insect.
Carians were a lot cooler before the DLC shat all over their integrity, tbqh. Rellana sucks as a character and the two moons shouldn’t have been a thing, ever. These should have been exclusive sorceries to Ranni and her mom, to denote how they shook up the academy.

Now… we may as well assume the moon wasn’t the reason for why Rennala was a mighty sorceress. It’s apparently a trait of all Carian women, or royalty (I’m still not sure if only women can glimpse them).
>j-just forget about that one time she didn't win!
>Oh and that time this random tarnished kills her!
Your run? No. It also doesn't break any NPC questlines afaik, because it happened to me to. The rune being broken actually kicks off a bunch of questlines. But you've probably missed out on some optional dialogue lines from multiple NPCs.
I assume you also went north of Bonny Village, and that's when it broke?
How can people not keep their names straight. Rellana, two Ls one N, is the sword girl. Rennala, two Ns one L, is the magic girl.
>Also, what the fuck is the difference with Arcane and Int/Faith? All magic is arcane by default, otherwise it wouldn’t be magic now would it? Did the spell makers think?
it was probably considered luck internally since that's what it's based on (assets FROM my last SOFTware after all), but they also seem to use arcane as a term for "ancient/cursed shit" so it has elements of both
>Torrent was Miquella's horse.
>faith builds should not use any incantations
probably because the innate scaling 690 flame infusion 45/45
It's not that rapid for the absolute beasts you're fighting. Even if you hit the full r2 without being interrupted (doubtful) that's only like 140 poise damage. An r2 from a straightsword or katana is straight up dealing almost double that. You're not breaking Elite Knight poise, never mind Fire Knight poise, with this wet noodle. Nevermind in PvP, anyone with more than 80 poise is going to absolutely destroy you. This weapon is fucking gutted.
Why would you need to boot up dark souls 3 to post a webm of you fighting bayle?
Are you such a tourist that you forgot which bosses are in which games/
My how embarrassing for you.
it has 3 scadutree fragments, u literally are rewarded for going there. Just say u have ADHD.
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Here, it's in the canon manga.
>When you beat Radahn's ass on his own, he falls to his knees and starts getting red anger energy
>But then Miquella walks in and the energy turns gold and he hops on his back like Serosh does for Godfrey
So is Miquella quelling Radahn's rage? In the end we didn't actually even get to see him at his true full power unlike HORAH LOUX, WARRIOR?
That's not world design, that's gameplay.
World design is the map itself (which complaining about random holes isn't valid, that's good fucking way to interconnect the map) and the aesthetics.
Skibidi being improperly placed is gameplay.
Jesus Christ why are Redman posters so cringe and stupid, even when objectively correct.

I keep telling you guys that whoever was in charge of the spells is a retard.
Go suck my dick retard, as I said. I don't owe you a webm.
KFC Original Recipe
>never known defeat
draw =/= defeat
>Malenia was born after Melina
>she's basically named after her older sister
It matters because you need a massive int investment despite int not being your main scaling stat and your main scaling stat doesn't contribute to your stat requirements. So your arc build can't cast these and to use them well you need some bizarre hybrid stat spread. Whereas arc can cast bloodflame and dragon spells with the bare minimum fth investment.
>all dragon communion spells have a fth and arc requirement
>bayle spells are just pure arc
it doesn't make sense...
Somewhat wonky on KB+M
As I already said you and I both know you can't post the webm because you would inadvertently prove that you are a shitter as you have already been verified to be.
So I know you won't post it, don't need to tell me that.
Good luck with your next cope!
I laughed because of the stupid goats building up madness. The entire area is a joke.
So Gaius is blatantly unfinished, right?
>Janky dodge hitbox on his charge
>100% invincible during charge
>Charge often gets stuck on walls
>Random double and even triple hits resulting in oneshots, just like Ebritias used to have
>Second phase is a visual disaster with clarity thrown out the window
>The stupid spinning boar attack that looks completely divorced from any and all momentum
>Torrent is active but a liability
How the FUCK do you get to that purple orange square in the lake beneath shadow keep
How does it compare to the albinauric staff
>Miquella quelling Radahn's rage
with his boner
Mohg was about to regain control of his body, but Miquella has to cockblock him.
>it doesn’t make sense
“I keep telling you guys that whoever was in charge of the spells is a retard.”
Bayle's spells are an apology for Placi's ruin being pure fth spell with requirements too high for arc to use.
got a picture?
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It ain't no deathbed smalls, but it'll do
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I'm a black scottish Cyclops. They got more feckin sea monsters in the Great Loch Ness then they got the likes of me.

I was bored when i made this
>Could have had Radahn go NIHIL and whip out sick black wings
>Get twink cape and laser light show instead
Fucking imagine if a Miquella-less Radahn was an optional alternate ending to the DLC.
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t. Seething Femcel jealous of Rellana
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Watching people play Elden Ring, and see them rolling all the time when nothing is happening, and not reacting at all when they are about to get hit really makes me scratch my head. Even drinking the flasks while standing right in front of the boss like goddamn nigga.
These retards are getting through Elden Ring by pure luck.
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i found a mine going upwards at the end of a spooky poison river in the magic like
is this going to suck?
*tongues thine anus*
I always go for magic find builds in RPG's because finding items is fun but I don't quite get the appeal of it in souls games like arcane in elden ring, there are no exciting drops
>Bayle's spells are an apology

they must of been faking it because it fucking sucks
Huge downgrade after Albinauric was buffed, but Albinauric doesn't amp any casting school.
>Brooooo it’s sooooo goood to hide important areas behind small, easily missable holes!
Explain why the base game didn’t do this, nigger? I can run straight to Liurnia, Caelid, and Altus Plateau the moment I spawn.
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Fuck the hornsent
Messmer did nothing wrong
Lore-to-gameplay consistency was never From’s strongest suit. In-fact, it can even be said to be one of their weakest.
What chest is that?
its generally just best to drink fast and hope you roll good on the input read rng
Stop deluding yourself fucking retarded nigger. As I said, I will not post a webm just because you are faggot piece of shit cockroach.
>"What went wrong"
Uh... Nothing?
I need cute art of Melina babying her flustered-but-not-totally-hating-it imouto
Well yeah they're just lazily recycled base game spells with new vfx. Literally mod-tier.
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Are you the Youtuber I just watched? Hello
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>is type A
how do you get in here
Where's ds2?
Miquella also hugs Radahn when they die
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why is he acting like a faggot here? I didnt summon him in the Messmer fight and he also didnt invade me. He just became a fucking sadboy crying like this after I killed Romina. Still haven't activated the tree yet.
Pffffbbbbtttttt hahahahahaha
What a dishonest poll

Inflated numbers due to bigger ownership of Elden Ring.
Did he stutter
I've only got this part left, Rauh and whatever is after it and I'm still sitting at 11 scooby snacks. They are worthless after the DLC nerf.
Where the fuck did you find him?
Have you tried giving him the soup from the horn tower grandma?
yeah my spatial memory and working memory is pretty fucking bad. I'm going to try using rainbow stones when exploring now and hope they last longer than the 2 minutes glowstones do. yes i use glowstones in crypts
My girlfriend hates the Rellana character for the same reasons. The noble or regal femininity has been taken out of it. They are just a romance plot joke now. She is a feminist but not to the point of such an obnoxious statement.
Let's be honest none of the Ds2 DLC's really stand out. They were aggressively "pretty good", and they're mostly praised because base DaS2 was so underwhelming.
Open world could have been done well, but the addition of crafting ensured it wouldn't be because suddenly it needed to be populated with crafting materials. I had hoped they might mitigate this somewhat in the DLC, but nope, there's still a lot of empty space devoted entirely to putting crafting materials, and most of the loot you find are cookbooks to make more craftables. The fact that literally any of the new armors and weapons need to be farmed at all is genuinely insulting.
Where's your head armor?
Guess not, hope he has fun!
>his girlfriend is a feminist
be very careful about getting married broski. just sayin
>Bursting down Messmer
>Host gets grabbed
This has happened at least five times by now
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I wanted to feel Miquella's cock on my back...
theres no reason to play it safe when you can die and walk back into the boss room and reach the situation within 30 seconds. maximizing your greed is how you win beat bosses quickly
>Have you tried giving him the soup from the horn tower grandma?
sheeeit i didnt know that horn tower grandma at all. i might've missed her.
>The fact that literally any of the new armors and weapons need to be farmed at all is genuinely insulting.
You're a retard.
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I know it's basic, I just like the look.
you gay?
Yes that's what I said that you can't post a webm because you would expose yourself even though we already verified that you are a shitter.
Is you repeating this over and over your humiliation fetish or something?
Bit weird.
Go back to plebbit.
Great rebuttal dipshit, go back to farming your MMO-tier drop rates when they could have been hand placed around the world instead.
Mohg please
Elden's Scam
He's a horsent has no idea what its like to be anything but a faggot
Highland armor.
>you're not breaking an elite knight poise
You mean like say, a black knight? I get those fucks staggered all the time
Funny enough my bigger issue is against fire knights since they leave behind their delayed fireballs and are so fast on the attack.
Anyway, each person's going to likely have a different feel for each weapon I'd say. I've never felt really comfortable with any moveset except the greatsword's for example. It's sad you don't dig the light greatswords, it's fun for me.
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Right here.
I hope the next fromsoft game isn't a souls game
no dlc stuff?
I don't even know how you arrived at that conclusion. Radahn p2 is the only bullshit fight in the DLC. Gaius charge hitbox is dumb too, but that's a minor thing.

A legitimate critique of the DLC is that it's too big and thus has multiple areas that are huge, but almost completely empty. Abyssal Woods, Cerulean Coast, the wooded area between Bonny Village and the Church District/Cathedral. But even then, the world is still beautiful and atmospheric. Make it smaller and more dense, and most of the issues the DLC has go away, including the Scadu Fragment scavenger hunt.

I hope FS is done with the open world concept now, and the next "Souls-esque" game they make is more focused again.
She hates most women because she finds most “feminists” are ironic. She likes ER because it’s proof you can make a feminine world without catering to retarded politics. She refuses to play shit like Horizon Zero Dawn.

She once grabbed a girl’s hair like five years ago for saying the legend of Zelda is a misogynistic game series/setting and that really sent her over the edge (she loves them and grew up loving them and has always picked Sheik in smash bros).

She is really pissy about the Rellana girl, even more than Miquella+Radahn.
good morning erg!!!
No seriously why do I have to farm for the horned bird set while every other shiny is a fucking low-tier smithing stone. It's completely silly.
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How to achieve this look in game?

cute snek
As if I care about your worthless opinion. you are an insect to me. I don't care about you at all. And besides, you are the only obssess faggot who keeps replying to me, get out of my dick bro.
I hope ac6 gets a dlc
Not yet, I haven't played it much on this character, I've mostly been puttering around on my faith/int caster.
The eye dudes aren't spooky or dangerous enough, even without parrying them you can literally just run away and they can't catch you. After the build up it felt pretty disappointing.
I can't think of a single example of a game series that benefitted from going open world.
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How good is this thing? I want to use it on a pure INT build.
How does its spellboost scale?
What is a good shield to pair with it?
Too bad it cant change AoW but I guess it can use any sorcery as a heavy attack. I would have rpepared if the spellcast was the AoW instead.
>She once grabbed a girl’s hair like five years ago for saying the legend of Zelda is a misogynistic game series/setting and that really sent her over the edge (she loves them and grew up loving them and has always picked Sheik in smash bros).
where do you find girlfriends like this
pls help
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i'm a raging faggot who dreams about sucking miquella's cock but no one will see this because i'm shadow banned
It's complete ass, the spellbuff is abysmal.
You can do the same here? The only truly hidden area is the abyssal woods. Or are you going to tell me that you consider the jagged peak "hidden" when you're given a very obvious tell to keep going in that direction? Those are the only two areas behind dungeons.
Cerulean coast is just follwing a path that starts in a literally road forking southeast from the Ensis castle gate and the Rauh basin has an obvious as fuck cave.
You can argue the Hintherlands are hidden but the issue there is where they placed the gesture, not the puzzle to solve it since it's a pretty obvious puzzle.
are you kidding? it is all they know to do, even armoured core 6 was nothing but an eldy reskin
the next game will be an attempt at a soulslike bullethell but it will fail spectacularly as normies realise that dodgespamming is more fun than 3D touhou gameplay and they refund enmasse
it's not red anger angry. he was totally devoted and groveling. Miquella stepped in to revive and empower him so he gets a Super Saiyan aura and a second wind.
Souls games are fine. I wanna see them tackle a different vibe.
Sekiro and Bloodborne were good changes of pace. I wanna see them go REALLY out there though, like apply the whole Souls shit to a sci-fi or urban setting.
Yes you've already said multiple times already that you can't post a webm because you're afraid of showing how badly bayle filtered you.
We've been over this multiple times already.
Do you dementia setting in?
it's not the best but I genuinely love it. obviously a staff is better for scaling. any shield really but the carian shield if you want to complete the look
It's bugged the spellboost over 100 lower than other staffs
It's utter rubbish, there's literally zero scaling on sorceries
Miquella is a bottom
actually you are not shadowbanned and everyone can see this post and also i have invited your entire family and your past romantic flings and your favourite teachers and mentors so they can all see and discuss your post here today
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It's probably very cute
Don't get me wrong, I like how the moveset feels and combos into itself, but I don't like feeling like I'm swinging around a wet noodle. If you can't stun enemies it jus devolves into r1->roll->r1->roll. You absolutely will not, ever, stagger a Fire Knight with a light greatsword, for example. I tried. I used every single attack string to try and do it, it doesn't work. Except for a fully charged r2 which I didn't test.
thats funny im watching it as we speak.
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>She is a feminist
opinion disregarded
>but not to the point of such an obnoxious statement.
Then she's not a feminist.
Also Rellana is plenty fucking noble and regal. Fuck me she's a knight out on a quest with a token from her liege lord. And the entire point of her is that she tries to provide succor despite the pointlessness of it. Can't get more feminine than that as far as the tropes of a feminine character and role go.
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, leather club’s two blocks down
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Just beaten Radahn. I'm disappointed in myself for genuinely wondering where the fuck the guy had gone once he jumped up in the air and disappeared. He's fucking Radahn. Of course he was gonna meteor his way down in this version too.
On the other hand, I'm also disappointed in the boss for not killing me outright with that shit. I'm honestly not seeing this massive difficulty people are talking about, I mean it's pretty obvious you're not expected to roll your way to victory with all the bullshit holy ground attack. A shield and the deflecting tear trivialize him though.
Also Miquella's circlet looks like ass, you people are out of your collective mind. It's not replacing the aristocrat headband in my loadouts anytime soon.
Post proof
two of the game's superbosses are locked behind a random cave in liurnia and the third is hidden in a dungeon by jumping off the edge.
one of these areas also contains the dlc entrance
you've already said multiple times already that you can't post a webm because you're afraid of showing how badly bayle filtered you.
Delusions of a retarded nigger. you are so pathetic you need to make up fake scenarios in your head to make yourself feel better. You are one sad pathetic cockroach.
Isn't that from the invisible wall in the room with the artist's painting in shadow keep
>no picture of his build at the time of death
cheesed the boss

I just sued Namco Bandai over Elden Ring. see related thread.

I will be serving them the documents TOMORROW
good rune level for DLC jolly coop bros?
Not only does it look terrible, it plays terrible. Us Blue Flame faithful got monkey paw'd hard.
>Trying to cross a bridge
>Furnace Golem just launches a fucking laser that hits the whole fucking thing
I hate these fucking these, I legitimately wanna launch cheat engine just to kill them all immediately on sight, what a fucking tedium of a fight
>You absolutely will not, ever, stagger a Fire Knight with a light greatsword,
You can, you just gotta land the afformentioned fully charged R2 (both hits) or alternatively, two hits from two separate fully charged R2s (assuming you miss the first one)
That's another thing I like, it's got a lot of range on the charged R2 since you step foward with each swing.
I hope their next game is actually good. Elden Mid is exhausting.
dangit. I was hoping for another demon scar. Having the AoW changeable or be the spellcast instead of R2 would have been so much better.
Or allow it to buff itself with scholar's armament.
Yeah this. Reminder that a big part of the pre-release marketing was literally showing people how to find mohg because as many as 70% of players had not found him.
And there you go again rambling about how you can't post the webm because bayle filtered you and you don't want to show it to the class. You're even so frustrated that you forgot how to greentext correctly.
Truly you are a pitiful creature.
You have my sincerest condolences for your lack of skill.
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I finally did it /erg/!
Yeah... unfortunately fromsoft kinda bungled it hard with the hybrid catalysts.
I still cannot get over how much of a dogshit fight Radahn pt2 is.
Those saying he's too hard are either
>Not using a shield
>Not using summons
>Have like 40 Vig
He's a rollers worst nightmare. You either need a shield or you need enough health to accept you're gonna get hit by stray shit constantly.
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Bloodfiend's Arm. It's in Prospect Town west of the starting area and accessible from the start. It's in the category of infusible non-physical scaling weapons like Clayman's Harpoon, which makes it pretty special. And it has the unique blood spray effect which further synergizes with blood infusion.
>invade giga gankers outside mohg
>sleep arrows, sleep pots
>great kat bleeding in 2 hits
>host spell caster spamming magic nonstop
>starlight shards left and right
>warming stones
>will never move from the one area they cleared near the grace
>used red finger to teleport and quickly hop on the elevator and stay on the button
Well it's time to watch a movie.
You didn't beat Malenia
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I'm happy we got more dakka
That's an insanely clunky thing to try and do against a Fire Knight of all things which are constantly throwing orbs or spinning around, I wouldn't even consider it a viable move.
I’m not a faggot but I too want to suck his cock dry
It's not gay if it's him. It's pure.
Shes good with a blade and likely founded the carian knights but her sister is the superior witch
I did shadow keep backwards so ive been having a little difficulty finding all its secrets, but thank you
>bayle will never ever be as good as Midir.
I've beaten Midir with a greatbow and that's some serious rose tinted glasses there.
Fact is ALL dragon bosses are pretty shite mechanically. They're just almost always absolute fucking kino set piece battles.
Midir's probably my favorite though I agree. Something about the OST, the backstory, the fact it's Souls so it's the same world as Gough so he's always there repeating in my head "knighthood's highest calling".
I'd say Bayle's not even the best dragon battle in ER. That goes to Fortissax (also beat him with a greatbow)
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Neat. Now if only the camera wasn't ass in this fight.
What in the fuck are you talking about, retard? Almost everything you just said is wrong.
what armor is that? Ronins altered?
crystal and carian weapons should have been catalysts for their specific niche of sorceries.
Also, we should have gotten ashes of war FOR catalysts. Allow us to put endure on seals, for fuck's sake!
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i finished the dlc but they locked a lot of the good stuff at the very end and i want to play more
do i do a new game+ or a new character?
i don't even know how newgame+ is supposed to be played, do i go from boss to boss or redo everything?
and i also feel like i'm overleveled for basic ng+
please give advice
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so who DID beat the game???
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No he's not, wtf?
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Miquella is the top and if you think otherwise you should be killed
Igon's set
how does a pure faith caster do in the dlc? just bought it and deciding whether to play through 1st with my 99 faith or 80 str build
Leda, please
they nerfed the bosses before release so no-one has ever beaten the game
You get to the painting room by going out onto the stairs in front of the keep proper, turning left(when coming down the stairs; right when coming up) into the little section with the burning boats, and finding a somewhat hidden ladder down the side.
pure gay
I know. It doesn't end well most times.
But it CAN be done.
I think he means that in order to find Mohg and Malenia you have to find one half of the medalion to enter the consecrated snowfield and that's at the Albinauric village (which isn't a cave but still)
Secondly, if by third superboss he means Placidusax, he means that in order to find his boss area you need to jump off a ledge at the right spot.
DMGS should be a faith weapon and do turquoise magic damage instead of frost
Man I saw the most obnoxious Miquella fag then other day coping about Vaati new video saying Radahn was under control so now all of you have to suffer with me
>Radahn is the mastermind behind everything
>When they were children, Radagon should have beat Radahn up for being a pedophile (xir really like Radagon and Maliketh)
>Radahn wishes for an eternal war and abused Miquella's love to force Miquella to give him a great war in which Malenia nuke him
>The "Radahn was kind" in the Remembrance is just from Miquella point of view. Xir believes Radahn is a war psychopath that mutilate corpse in Redmane castle
I am a roller and the way to beat him was to download phase 1 into my brain and do phase 2 on instinct because you're practically blind if you stick close to him (but then all his AoE becomes trivial to avoid). Therefore you just need to know what he's gonna do without seeing it. It was pretty hardcore but I'd feel like cheating if I just deflected or Fingerprinted him. This is a souls game, I must roll.
There are some cool incants but have fun using them when all bosses have 500apm.
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She has big boobies....
What movie you watching anon?
Faith casters were one of the big winners of the DLC I'd say, you have several new toys for pvp + lightning spear's big brother.
>>The "Radahn was kind" in the Remembrance is just from Miquella point of view.
this is literally just true in the Japanese text though.
>xir really like Radagon and Maliketh
what a weird ass pairing
I'll try it next time against a Fire Knight, thanks.
You didn’t beat the game if:
>Used shield exploit
>Used perfume exploit
>Used bleed exploit
>Used magic exploit
>Used armor exploit
>Used talismans exploit
>Used upgrades exploit
>Used weapons exploit
>Used roll exploit
>Used consumable exploit
>Used leveling exploit
If you didn’t punch Radahn to death with your bare fists, you are bad.
See >>484261952

It’s the joke or comical air that Rellana is bringing with her, that she does not like.
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I usually enjoy seeing my character when I play the game instead of blindly blocking or dodging and pressing R1 hoping it connects somewhere behind the thousands of light beams and hair. But that's just me.
So on a scale from needle to haligtree, what do you think it looks like?
>He used the attack exploit
You didn't beat the game.
>Radagon gets a bombshell Carian royal
>Messmer gets a bombshell Carian royal
>I get a flattie fuckdoll with ropes for a pussy
It's not fucking fair!
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I fully believe this theory. I wonder if what went on is that they didn't want to extend Elden Ring's lifecycle too far by doing 2 DLCs and felt they might run into the Ashes of Ariandel/Ringed City problem.
>likely founded the carian knights
Retard. The house of Caria was already around.
when do I stop levelling? I'm almost Lv220 and I feel like the stats that I need are all capped out.

Where do I spend my runes?
Bro 220 is is way beyond making a build. Don't level too much or you'll lose connection to 150s.
NG+ sucks ass but all of your skibidussi levels are saved at least.
you aint wrong nigga
Yeah, Radagon and Messmer really drew the short end there.
blah blabh blah don't care you fucking faggot. I will not start a new playthrough just to kill bayle again.
>All that work animating two lion dancers when they'll just be covered up by a towel and a goofy mask the entire fight
Is Miyazaki autistic?
>i don't even know how newgame+ is supposed to be played
new game+ you can just do the things you missed. you can play it however you want,. skip boss, massacre everything in your way. it's whatever. there's no fucking rules.
>but all of your skibidussi levels are saved at least
oh thank fuk
Thuggen Ring. Set in the desolate wasteland of detroit, were the blacken ones reside. (YOU) the titular (Bleachen One) have to navigate the mad streets and fight the 4 (GREAT) blacken ones, who control the Streets of Detroit. And Patches is black now.
Fuck off Seluvis
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Wait, does Vyke's spear R2 do pierce damage too?
I lovem exicans
>It’s the joke or comical air that Rellana is bringing with her, that she does not like.
What joke or comical air? Rellana had very little to her character wise beyond what we learn from her gear and rememberance and nothing about any of it is "comical".
Just because people here are taking the piss about the Carian women being lovesick nerds doesn't mean that the thing is any way comical. While there might be a thematic similarity between Rennala, Rellana and Ranni in that sense it's never comical
Rennala's is a downright tragedy where she goes insane from the one she loves leaving her. Rellana is equally tragic because nothing she does will ever soothe Messmer's pain and sense of abandonment and unworthiness. And Ranni is potentially the best off in that sense, since she's got the Tarnished that will stick with her despite the lonely times she has ahead.
None of it is comical. Seems to me your girlfriend's an idjit that lets shitposting inform her actual view of the narrative.
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I dunno anon, Ranni's body looks pretty hot to me.
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made a few new things. wanna make a 4x4 but i'm running out of ideas.
Most people start the DLC around 150, and beat it by 200. I would not go any higher.

I beat it at 180 and will probably push to 200 before stopping.
why does the from software game with most effort put into it also have the worst fashion
Reminder that From re did a fuck ton of lore text on spells and items and such like a day before the base game dropped

It is clear they’re just winging whatever it is George wrote for them

One of the changes was Daedicar, who was originally Rykard’s gay male lover

Founding Rain of Stars was Goliath’s* Rain of Stars, etc

*We can possibly assume that the first of the astrologers were giants
oh fuck. guess it's time to stop then. are there any use for runes after this or its mainly just for upgrading new weapons?
I like my women like I like my fried chicken. Extra crispy
if miquella and marika can make magic schizo personalities and bodies for them then age of stars ranni can go back to looking like an 8ft tall redhead again
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Rush Hour 3. And they're still in the world moving around. I alt tab to check every 5 minutes or so.
I want to start a full playthrough with the new SotE weapons, but I don't want to wait until I get to the SotE map to access them. Would it be dishonorable to just mod them in at the start?
First row first pic and third row third pic are the coolest
Why isn't using the elden rings to make every womans tits 5x bigger an ending?
>farming redmane knight gloves for a fashion idea
>running around with a WIP fashion setup using the thong I found
>like femboys, my character is one
Why the fuck did I make killing one guy over and over again so difficult
What's the best level to connect to both 150 and 200?
> What joke or comical air

We’ve already discussed this. The Carian girls are now just a bunch of red head obsessed lunatics. It effectively butchers the charm of Radagon’s courting of the queen.

This isn’t even hard to understand. What with images like >>484263505 it is clear that From was probably thinking “hehe, what if we threw in a boob knight to go with our feet queen? hehe” and it is kind of obvious.
if it doesnt include underage boys then miyazaki doesnt care for it
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>And Patches is black now.
He was always black.
lmao based
As the chinese proverb goes - "The honor of a wolf is most vigorous when one makes the deer cry".
Buying ammo/craft mats.

Some people are autistic and treat ER as a single player game and want to hit L700 and have 99 in each stat, so there's that option too.
Found, thank you good sir
Blessings upon your journey
You could use them to make a bunch of femboys I guess...
No, I CE'd in a Milady to start with and I feel fine. Just do it offline and then go back online afterwards..
that's good i didn't think about it
okay, i will look up the good stuff i missed and get it.
and also, i keep the remembrances in my inventory, right?
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>Brothers were giant-sized
>Mother was propably part giant
>Father was tall as fuck
>End up an 8foot tall giantlet sitting on a teeny tiny throne in the Erdtree court.
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Is your gf a chestlet too perchance?
Please just see posts like >>484263815 to understand why people don’t like the sort of meme fuel Rellana brings to the table, sigh
If i had a nickel for every time from has made a gay incest piggyback boss id have 2 nickels>>484257039
which isn't a lot but it's weird it happend twice
grrm wouldn't have been writing shit like that all he did was the backstory outline up to the shattering
shit like night of the black knives, radagon leaving rennala for marika, rykard wanting to rise up against the erdtree and marrying a commoner
that's grrm
The DLC has said that Carian Doll bodies can be altered and upgraded. You can make pre-burning Ranni but blue, Anon
>We’ve already discussed this. The Carian girls are now just a bunch of red head obsessed lunatics. It effectively butchers the charm of Radagon’s courting of the queen.
That's yours or rather her take on the thing, which again is ENTIRELY informed by shitposts.
Again learn to separate people taking the piss and the actual work of fiction you're reading/playing/watching.
>This isn’t even hard to understand. What with images like >>484263505 it is clear that From was probably thinking “hehe, what if we threw in a boob knight to go with our feet queen? hehe” and it is kind of obvious.
This is actual schizoid mentality. If this is your take please seek help. If it's your girlfriend, meh just the usual female envy of a popular or attractive woman that's not them so nothing much for it.
massively homosexual post
>complaining about ranni's sex appeal
Pringles can
That explains his rampant niggery
Why do coomers ruin everything? There’s literally nothing sexual about Rellana yet coomers pervert her and pretend she has melon sized breasts.
I’m still skeptical about Rennala’s height
given it’s very fucking inconsistent

Not only is her sister shorter, the Rennala we fight is also shorter than the Rennala in the library. The regal sceptre on display in that one academy room is also too big for her to use.
calling the lore experts, what game has better lore out of
>Elden ring
>Dark Souls
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>Seething this much about women being depicted with peak feminine attributes in muh work of fiction
175. You get +/- 25 in either direction. 150 is a little low for the DLC though a lot of normies enter at 175 so I understand people playing at 200 as well.
She looks the same size as Rennala and Radagon desu, Radahn is the freak why is he so huge.
You keep saying "your girlfriend this your girlfriend that"
Are you the actual woman here and just using "my girlfriend" as a way to avoid admiting you're 3DPD?
Because the more you post the more I'm getting the sense I'm dealing with a hole
In which case, shut up hole.
it'd probably rate it bloodborne over DS over Elden Ring

when it comes to lore in these games less is more
Bloodborne for a story with conclusions. Dark Souls for setting saga with multiple era where you can fit stuff in. Elden ring for personal human touch
I have 80 Faith 40 Dex and 16 Sthrg. Been using Golden Order GS and Messmer Spear lately, but now that im on the endgame....is there any other Faith-based weapon I have been sleeping on?
He's a UK children's show host
it's actually dark souls 2
Recheck the Morgott rant scene, Radahn and Rykard have huge thrones and Ranni has the smallest throne, it's even smaller than Mickey's
She was always a womanlet.
Yeah, that's what worries me. I got into the DLC at 150 and was feeling pretty overpowered in the first areas so I didn't bother leveling. And when Scadu fragments came in leveling became pretty moot. It's gonna be tough to find the most active bracket for multiplayer now. My builds all feel fine at 150 but if most people would be nearing 200 I would definitely go to 175.
You’re just proving his point. Memes take precedence over narrative integrity.

I’m already seeing a bunch of “she comes across as some deviant art tier oc donut steel character” threads about her, so I’m hardly alone on the matter.

Because they don’t actually care about the story lol. They’re just mindless ‘zomg so cool and badass and sexy’ like >>484264689
Runes are golden life force that flows through everything in the lands between. The elden ring is big rune that decides life/fate. Erdtree is special plant that feeds on runes, so it likes the big rune very much. During the age of plenty aka godfrey's time it gave of blessings, sacred sap and power after eating the corpses of the lands between through its rootsafter burial aka returning to the erdtree. Marika removed "death" from the world through removing it from the ring and giving it to Maliketh to guard. People didn't die anymore, didn't have to be buried anymore, erdtree didn't get fed properly anymore, age of plenty stopped and the erdtree lost most of its power. The only reason it didn't wither away completely is because it physically can't anymore with Death no longer being a thing, being in a similar state to the wandering nobles. The golden Bark you see is mostly just the tree's an attempt to not portray weakness, a holy spell to hide the withered within. The golden order that follows that era has Marika as its one and only god, with the erdtree taking a backseat, and focuses more on the power that flows through the erdtree's roots rather than the erdtree itself. You have to understand that the erdtree is its very own organism with a will seperate from Marika and the elden ring, which is why it got scattered its seeds upon the elden ring shattering.
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Dude I hate Rellana as a fight, but I legitimately get erect at the sight of women in plate armour and my dick could slam right in with a perfect cock-guard break
>which again is ENTIRELY informed by shitposts.
This. There should really be a test on how to tell apart shitposts before being able to browse 4chan.
80 Fai/40 Dex is literally peak Lightning Bottle stats. You will fuck asses.
Demon's Souls.
Lies of P. The only soulslike to ever have a decent fucking story.
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>implying there's any build that would make you say I've beaten the game.
I'm not retarded enough to care about whether you think I cheesed him or not. I used the same build in the whole dlc aside from the sword obviously.

>Those saying he's too hard are either
>Not using a shield
Yeah that's my point.
He felt like a Nioh boss, but he wasn't in any way outrageous played with that mindset.
Hell, he's even more honest with his attacks than a lot of other remembrance bosses who dead angle your blocks and do a genuinely shitload of stamina damage when you fail to deflect, all the ground shit he does is basically free to block, the only attacks you need to be careful of are the grab and rock sling.

>But that's just me.
No, it's a perfectly reasonable complaint, it's just that the lack of visual clarity is not noteworthy compared to say skibidi avatar with its 100% screen blocking thorn attack.
I'm used to team ninja games where the final boss is called particle effects. Radahn is extremely tame compared to absolute shitters like Yuan Shu. Hell, Radahn is tame compared to all the bullshit YOUR OWN ATTACKS do to the screen, nevermind the boss.
It's still a pretty big flaw that I hope goes anyway next game.
Smithscript weapons.
The scaling is bugged when you faith fire infuse them, maybe also if you cold/magic infuse them haven't tested that
They're a lot of fun.
Now this is the kind of schizoposting I like to see
How does the goldmask ending work? Is it required to have some levels in faith to do it for that statue reveal that needs an incantation for?
>This girlfirend larp
>Types """his""" posts like a roastie
Post tits already
>Memes take precedence over narrative integrity.
Maybe if you're a braindead retard, sure.
You’re just thinking with your penis anon, not with your brain.

Rellana is a garbage ass random as balls character who adds nothing to the story.

You only like her because you can fap to her in your spare time, like the tactless hack of a human “being” you are lol.
>stands there charging up her sword like a mong
she's just like me frfr
just have enough faith in goldmask irl
currently co-op-ing the DLC. Are there any heavy strength builds that are remotely good for taking on invaders? I like my huge fire breathing shield and fire-lawn-mower hammer but I feel like after getting my cheeks clapped by every invader, i'm just a walking target for these speedy boys.
am i fucked here or are there maybe items, consumables or even spells that could help even the playing field?
Dark Souls 2 is the Highlander 2 of Dark Souls
you forgot sekiro and all soulsborne games are connected and in the same universe which makes the lore 10 times better
uh... nioh 2?
Can you bleed the lord of blood?
It's not bugged, it's the same principle as erdtree daggers and clayman harpoons, they have native INT/FTH phys scaling + they are infusable so infusing them boosts phys + the chosen element which makes them do big unga bunga damage.
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Stong female warriors are sexy
Oh hell naw mfs really be out here soresealmaxxing at 150 only in ohio :skull:
Truth. It is known that Radahn was an abusive child molestor.

Just like the heligtree itself, it grows anon, it grows. From tiny needle to a mighty heligtree.
Yeah you didn't beat the boss. You closed your eyes and held your shield up and button mashed to the end.
Better luck next time.
Okay I'm bad at math, can someone help me figure this out?
If I wanted to use Rellana's twin blades, but then like sometimes also switch to two handing a sword, how should I set it up to do that? Like you can't twohand the twin blades obviously, so like would I have Rellana's sword in my right hand and then like the sword I want to twohand also in my right hand and like swap to it? Or like would I want to have the two handed sword in my left and and switch between it like using the button stuff?
This might be a dumb question, I'm sorry if it is
But I enjoy Rennala and Ranni and Marika and such as characters?

Are you retarded or just incapable of nuanced thought?
Did you die to a madness guy last night
I take it you didn’t play the dlcs for that game, they ruined the story.
Anyone knows how matchmaking in the Arena works?
Yes. He's weak to it, even.
how is it anon? I've heard mix reviews
new zullie dropped

He wouldn't be the lord of blood if he didn't have any blood in him would he?
Those were both like the most telegraphed attacks in the world, why did you attack...
I never once said Rellana's character is good. She feels incomplete yes and I wish we'd had more on her.
But to disregard what we DID get as a "joke" that's somehow turning the Carian royal family into a joke just because people noticed a thematically similarity and decided to take the piss of it is entirely different from saying "she feels incomplete" or "she's poorly characterized and poorly set up" or whatever else you might want to say.
Okay, yes. Confirmed it's a femoid.
Shut up hole.
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>the hornsent control the weather
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What the fuck was her problem?
Yes. He's and every other servant of blood is weak to bleed. Their god doesn't care whose blood is shed.
But they also get an attack damage buff from blood loss, whether yours or theirs.
“Marika… forgive me…”

Only idiots don’t see this game as the big giant fucking joke of a meme it is
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Only thing I've gathered is that it prefers to match you with players outside your country so you can eat shit from lat
The Hornsent did nothing wrong. Their culture was vibrant and evolving, while the Golden Order was stagnant and stopped blessing people the nanosecond everything opposing the Erdtree was genocided. Marika literally made her own inquisition and assassinated heroes of the bygone age or any dissenters with the night's cavalry and morgott.
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to anyone who doesn't know you can jump from after the ladder in the church district of shadow keep to enter the real shadow keep right next to the 4th site of grace, and also do the same for 7th

You can skip the entire intended path of shadow keep just by jumping from the church district sections.
Lion's Claw or Savage Lion's Claw ash on whatever you like will put in work.
nothing in the open world is dangerous anymore after getting the skibidi blessing up a bit
I am 1 or 2 shotting everything no matter what build I try
I miss dark souls
Like, literally though. A Sculpted Keeper shouts at the sky and spontaneously starts a rain storm, blizzard or galeforce winds. Like they literally change the weather in their environment when they fight.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT I fucking KNEW it was two guys in a suit not a real lion. You guys called me schizo. I fucking called that shit. I clocked that shit HARD.
Nothing, she is my cute and precious murderwife.
I only wish I had more treacherous jobbers to offer to her cravings.
If you get 18 Dex and 12 faith, you can wield the Fire Knight Greatsword. Heavy infuse it or Fire infuse it with one of the Fire Knight weaponarts to buff the fire damage even further. While 2 handed (dunno if it works 1 handed) your R1's combo into another R1. Allows you to do really fucking BIG damage, and because the stun is so long you're likely gonna stun them for long enough that your teammate will fuck him up as well.
Carian Thrusting Shield, it has a small 15 Int tax on it, but it works best as Heavy. It's strong as fuck.
im tired of killing everyone and everything
you replied so fucking quick...
Look inside the hanging pillars in Enir Ilim, anon. LOOK INSIDE THE PILLARS
Literally everyone knew that, no one called you schizo
The Hornsent weren't so different from the Golden Order after all. Golden Crux is proof that they used gold/grace as well. It's hard to tell exactly what their connection to the Elden Ring was.
Anon. “Carian girls are all into redheads and faith users XDD” is what we got from this expansion.

You’re a bit in denial about it. Or maybe a bit biased/worried that the Carians’ charm got removed somewhat.

I get it, I enjoy the Carians too. Part of the reason why I’m disappointed.
Heavy infused backhand blades with swift slash and rot grease.
What build should I make for the DLC to use the most fun weapons and how the hell do I get a DS4 working on PC?
and people think they aren't jews...
16 seconds is slow for me
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Is the ER Moonlight Greatsword worth respeccing into a disgusting Quality/INT build?
yeah, but it defeats the purpose of a build I guess. its not like I like going PvP, but I do like helping on bosses so I guess if 220 is too high, I might make an alt to 180 next time instead.
i've fought a madness guy at one point but not last night no
Look inside any catacomb, they're full of corpses in the roots. Besides, Nox and the other eternal cities also have piles of creatures. Regression is just a natural thing in TLB
I. LOVE. THIS. BOSS. SO. FUCKING. MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We know that gold predates Marika as we see the original Elden ring in Azula and Placidusax has gold beneath his skin. He also breathes gold fire.
sounds plausible but do we even have confirmation that guidance of grace = marika?
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Do I fight them? Or do I stop now and retain my highly positive opinion on the DLC?
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>make a perfect gauntlet that matches Milady
>it has botched implementation
Stop trying to for consensus
Memes are not the narrative
Jokes are not informative of the actual work.
If you think this you are literally braindead.
Idk who that is
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Pure INT with Carian Glintblade sorceries is the way
Ummm why do all the webms seem to be from one cheating tranny?
220 should honestly be fine
I don't understand this post
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Lmao 40 minutes of their time wasted.
Remember the Crucible Knight armour description? That orangey gold was the original crucible energy, before Marika harnessed it.
The real revelation from the DLC is that rune arcs are part of the hornsent's own crucible magic, and that Marika/the fingers coopted it and built on top of it.
All cultures are assholes in their own way and are all not nice people

Stuffing people into jars is just another version of stuffing people into tree roots

Same with shoving space rocks into your heart like the sorcerers do

Nature is a cruel bitch in real life but this setting confirms that nature competes
Same made me start doing invasions with purely madness
I'll look at this, more fire sounds good. Thrusting shield sounds cool but sacrificing my big fire breathing shield would break my heart
best mini dungeon in the dlc too
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DSP isn't a cheater though?!?!
Just do int... unless you don't care about stats then sure quality int
Bloodborne is the best one. It actually explains most of the shit in the game and leaves very few unanswered questions that you can still postulate solutions with the given context the game has.
It's actually a brilliant way to retell the advancements and horrors of victorian era medicine in Great Britain.
Yeah, dragons used gold too, and we have sorta confirmation that they brandished the Elden Ring because Placi was Elden Lord and had a personal god which is the overall scheme. We also should remember that the Gate of Divinity which is at the top of the tower of corpses is the place where Marika took her Great Rune from. Plus, the hornsent had Empyreans, which meant they had people chosen by the Two Fingers. Although it did not seem like the Hornsent civilization had an Elden Lord or god.
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Invitation to smell the top flower
How is he wrong though? Rellana and Messmer are just a jokey cosplay of the real thing, in comparison.
You would be 2 handing the thrusting shield btw.
Should have been bigger with more Frenzy afflicted enemies
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i lied to you guys... i'm no longer a samurai ;_;
>Quality/INT build

that's death's poker and fallingstar beastjaw
New Zullie kino (someone tell me if it's good)
Is there a PvP video of two people using both the Death Knight weapons?
woo tini
If you have other characters, playthrough with them and wait this week to see if there's a patch. If not?
so this basically means that st trina is the gloam eyed queen right???
It's a heavy thrusting sword, anon. You should know, because you did beat the game. Right?
But yeah, I got a far easier fight than retards who wouldn't budge from trying to iframe everything like they're still playing ds3.
That's what "learning the fight" means afterall. Learning to deal with the challenge with the tools you have at your disposal.

It's pretty fucking strong with str infusions. Range feels solid, even though it doesn't look long. The biggest issue is that it feels pretty slow, especially with the r2.
However, the strong running attack is basically charge forth. I love it and I'm gonna look for some armor that fit it (it looks like ass with tree sentinel).
Messmer doesn't factor in because there's nothing speaking to how he feels towards her, which again is a bad point
But also AGAIN nothing about this is a "joke". To treat it as such is to take fucking me discourse over the actual. Fucking. Narrative.
its okay. Just more evidence confirming the lion-boss are comprised of two people. Its interesting that fromsoft actually gave them unique animations when their armor is off
The best sorcery in this entire dlc is miriams vanishing justt because it's fun to combo with other spells.
brap the pollen!
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>get weapon and armor at the very end of DLC
no it means fromsoft made some heavy changes in terms of lore.
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>Beat the dlc
>Not a single good boss

What is happening to this studio?
> Messmer doesn't factor in because there's nothing speaking to how he feels towards her
That just makes it even worse and even more memetic
nah, it just means putty knight was intended to be used for gloam eyed queen content, which was cut, then he was reused for st. trina which makes no sense because other than sleep and death it has nothing to do with her.

he is made up of several skeletons which makes one think he could be a being made up of several godbones, while godskins wore the skins
>this fucker was actually inside st trina's cave
I already saw that other guy bonfiresomething do a video about this
Everyone always knew there were people inside as it is a lion dance reference and you can see a bunch of feet and hands
The only revelation is that it is actually just 2 people Instead of 3 that everyone (including me) gaslit themselves into believing
Gate of Divinity feels like an attempt by the Hornsent to brandish the Elden Ring in their own unique way desu. We know the Erdtree came from the Elden Ring and the Erdtee's primordial form is the crucible, so that means the Crucible was also a primordial form of the Elden Ring, which is the source of gold/life. Maybe that's why the Two Fingers turned on them, they weren't attempting to use the Elden Lord/God scheme, but rather constructed a tower to harness the Elden Ring instead of a tree. Since Marika took her Great Rune from the gate I think it's fair to say that, at one point, the Elden Ring was in/beyond the gate.
they forgot to make sure the game was fun before they focused on difficulty
No it doen't you tremendous fucking mongoloid
Are you incapable of fucking thought without "muh memes"
Are you this mentally fucking deficient.
Jesus fuck I know I'm being baited but you are a fucking faggot.
I was really hoping for another cool new big caster type boss like Rennala, but instead we got her dumb shit cringe sis

Miyazaki really does hate caster bosses or something and you need only look at Ymir (supposedly the magical superior to Rellana in the land of shadow) to confirm
Midra exists.
it's not just the difficulty though. Visually the bosses are pretty underwhelming, the music is forgettable ai trash and they have no interesting new mechanics.
Aside from the last boss, all the bosses are great. It's genuinely a skill issue, they're just harder than average.
>Rewards aren't worth it: Radahn's new swords are just worse versions of the original ones from the main game
>Phase 2 is ass as you know
>It's going to get an EZ mode patch (that will probably not actually fix the real problems with the fight)
>The enjoyment you've received from the other bosses and exploration start to decay when you die to the aoe after-images that look like shit or the nuke that drops your fps to 3
Pretend Bayle is the final boss and enjoy the now 9/10 DLC
Just another rewrite/repurpose/cut shit. Just like Romina human form and the Miquella cutscene etc...
Now I just gotta kill Mohg and I can see this fucken DLC and start posting on here about how I hate it
>Marika removed "death" from the world through removing it from the ring and giving it to Maliketh to guard
Why did erdtree god or whatever it's called even allow it? I understand it didn't like Marika shattering the ring and imprisoned her instantly, but for some reason was ok with her removing death from it, which lead to the tree losing its power?
>roll roll roll roll charged r2 roll roll roll
nah nigga this aint fun, why add all these ash of war when they are unuseable? for the shitty trash mobs?
Can someone lorepill me on the mummy bugs. So the hornsent got this bug plague disease? but the disease is almost a relief for them? But they also seemed terrified to transform?
the ash of war on the new ones seem better, but god why is the moveset the same? It's so lazy. We saw fromsoft make a whole new dual colossal sword moveset in ds3 with the ringed knight paired ultra gs, but they just threw in the towel for this one
Triggered Carian lover spotted. Sorry the house is now just a joke of romantically addled womyn.

Work on your spelling too please, as you come across as a truly red faced sperg typing like that.
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>Taunting with guts armor
>Rune arc'd
>In limgrave
>and crouch poking with a rot scythe
Hornsent are biblical Babylon, complete with their own Tower of Babel and brutal slaughter/repression of neighbouring races
Merchants are called "Gypsie" in the game files. They're victims of the frenzied flame and persecuted for it.
before the dlc came out they said that the dlc was meant to be shipped with the game but they decided to work on it more after launch. I highly doubt that melina is the gloam eyed queen and its prolly just st trina.

Melina was probably made strictly to be a major plot point for if they ever made Elden Ring 2, similar to something like Lord of Cinder where its all the people who rekindled the first flame into one person.

Melina will probably be the final boss of Elden Ring 2 if that ever gets made and the chaos ending will probably be the cannon one.
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I really don't know what to do. Do I blackpill him or not?
What if markia took the elden ring from the gate in that cutscene?
>the music is forgettable ai trash
Shit opinion. The music this time around was peak.
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>have to beat basically the entire game before being able to access the DLC
This sucks.
Th erdtree is basically just a larger cousin of the Miranda flower, gaining their holy power from absorbing the golden essence of the humans they consume. Ulcerated tree spirits are made of people who aren't "fully digested" yet.
>boring design
>too easy
>bland encounter space
>forgettable ost

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It's over... finally...

Deflecting hardtear is busted. I basically played Sekiro.
Man that furry really lives rent-free in your head, haha, you're pretty pathetic.
>Still answering earnestly to a reddit spacing faggot
You can do better than that.
if you want his spirit ash, grace
if you want his heavy thrusting sword, occultation
Always blackpill them, the goldpill just give you their ashes, the blackpill gives you their gear.
I feel the build up for the bosses was non-existant, the game also seemingly lacks cutscenes to introduce even the most important things like entering the DLC
Because you can remove a disk from your disk reader and still have it work, but if you smash it to pieces it wont
>an honest and observant opinion
You’re the mind rotted one here.
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Save your blackpill for the edgelord knight in the finger cathedral, the sword he gives you is fucking ass
Get out of here, March. Don't hang around my Dark Souls friends
>these eyes are gloam-coloured
>which means Maliketh's beast-eye is also gloam-coloured
>as is Melina's eye in the frenzy ending
>and the eyes of the Lion Dancer and all the Divine Beast Warriors
So does this confirm the GEQ was aligned with the Towerfolk? Did they use Destined Death to build the Crucible? If the GEQ was "chosen by the fingers" then does that mean Metyr was the mastermind behind the culling of the Numen, and then betrayed the Hornsent when they were no longer useful?
>kill radahn
>do Varre's quest
>kill mohg
>you can now access the DLC
There's smithing stones and runes in the DLC if you really wanted to go in at a low level for some reason.
that sword is like the longest heavy thrusting sword in the game and it gets the good moveset
>the only other australian I've seen playing this is a degenerate furfag who sits in limgrave runearc like a faggot
Marika's a bitch so I gave Queelign mercy and grace.
Them? There are multiple?
There are 2 blackpills and 2 goldpills you dumb cunt he can grab both weapons.
>some kind of downloadable save file thats RL1 with all items already in inventory
does something like this exist?
want to try some new builds but can't be asked to spend 40 hours hunting down weapons and shit like gold seeds and scooby fragments again
>nah nigga this aint fun
Yes it is. You don't even have to roll that match on any boss, so you're def panic rolling.
>Why add all these ash of war when they're unusable
Are you really complaining you can't spam them? Lol, yeah I can see why these bosses are kicking your ass. There's some opportunities, but you can't spam them, sorry.
Elden Beast is just a more evolved and beautiful tree spirit…


(my schizo friend says the beast looks like the ancient dragons because it was absorbing their dragon dna, which it is now doing with humans)
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>sword lance
>new best heavy thrusting sword
>looks piece shit
stitcher bros, we endure.
>and the chaos ending will probably be the cannon one
God I can only hope, ultimate btfo to ranifags.
>have to beat basically the entire game before being able to access the DLC
It only takes you so much if you're playing for the first time.
I made a new dlc ready character in 10h and I'm sure you can make it a lot quicker if you use the pvp quickstart guides.
very sad, im guessing they prolly just cut all the gloamed eyed shit and just are saving it for if they ever made Elden Ring 2
Sword Lance looks great.
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>get summoned by guy at radahn
>see im only summon, thank god
>look greeting host
>another guy runs past not in phantom colours
>realise its an invader
>he just starts doing positive gestures by the fog gate
>no weapons
>notice the name
>Keep it up
There are 3 quests of this style in this dlc, they all results in you either getting the guys gear or their ashes, there's a black knightness in the finger cathedral after the conclusion in the quest there who gives you a katana and the dragon priestess who's a bit different, with the choise being not drugging/doing nothing her to get her weapon or rape drugging her with thollier's thingy THEN ADMITTING TO IT to get her ashes.
Ahh a dungeon, bet I'll get a scadutree fragment from this
>ash of war
okay, maybe this fort will have something
the top of this tower will definitely have one
the end of this village maybe?
finally, one of those altars, they always have one
>revered spirit ash
Blackpill the dude because his weapon is cool.
Whitepill the chick because her weapon is a katana.
oh boy its another
>dodge 10 hit combo
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>forgettable ost
is there a point on using regular shield in this game? is the knight archetype really bad against bosses?
Or.. gloam eyed queen was never planned. She always existed as evidence that this world is an evolving world with history. The godskins and her knights are just more evidence of the past that happened.
it does retarded damage and two shots people in pvp
I hate it
I don’t want to kill the Elden Beast :(

It is cute and lost and abandoned and probably very confused
>Why don't these bosses let me spam AoW!!! Waaaahh!
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summoning melina just so she can bear witness to my stand.
>using deflecto but also a greatshield

lmao at your soul
how do i into Marais Executioner's Sword? Is it entirely dependent on like, 3 end game talismans to be any good?
>is there a point in using the most busted build in the game?
Gee, I don't know, anon.
Regular as in medium? Sure there is.
Just use sekiro tear or barricade shield with it to mitigate stamina damage on blocking.
>Rennala's is a downright tragedy where she goes insane from the one she loves leaving her. Rellana is equally tragic because nothing she does will ever soothe Messmer's pain and sense of abandonment and unworthiness. And Ranni is potentially the best off in that sense, since she's got the Tarnished that will stick with her despite the lonely times she has ahead.
>The only one that got a happy ending is the one that chose to be alone
It's kinda poetic
>people still thinking Miyazaki will delve any more than he already has in GEQ shit if he makes ER2
>when Velka went through 3 games with no real developments
sometimes I forget there are newfaggots in the fandom but it is always nice to be reminded of that
What are some good paladin style weapons? Preferably low requirements, for a pure FTH build.
Well I wouldn't allow my servant to fuck with my disk reader at all considering long-term damage but fair enough I guess.
It's mostly a PvE weapon that needs as you mentioned 3 talismans and huge openings to function.
You can try it in PvP but it's too telegraphed and it's range is too short to work.
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Nioh 2 has better combat
every build I spec into feels kind of OP
The only one I'll give you is bland encounter space. I was thinking it would be better if he warped the space around to look bizarre, maybe like the door we find to the three fingers in the base game, making the ground and walls like that.
ok so why the fuck does he pop up outta nowhere seemingly guarding st. trina's cave pit hole when she was just miquella's discarded woman rebis
Marika is basically its priestess in the same way Ranni is with her Dark moon, basically the only way to meaningfully interact and understand organisms other than itself. Perhaps it trusted her at first, perhaps it saw no fault in removing death since it could still feed on the Elden ring and was still effectively immortal, perhaps it slowly began to realize its mistake but had grown too feeble to have a real say in the matter.
Are throwing daggers/kukris any good for some basic range damage in PVE? Don't want to use magic and don't want to go crossbow/bow since I dislike weapon switching
Not expecting as good as magic but just something to do dps while the enemy stands still waiting to rape me if I go in melee
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I hope the FF ending is canon. It feels like a coherent narrative with themes of pain and agony. Ranni's quest just feels like a generic souls quest.
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I love this little boy. I mostly use incantations, though.
Melina face looks like she's being diddled in the bum
Because Metyr, a dlc boss, reveals the greater will (erdtree god) has BEEN gone and fled, that the whole time the greater will was never there.
Melina has witnessed my stand.
sorry I've been playing this game with a parry buckler and a misericorde when im not using a two handed spear lol

sounds good. whats the best build is good for a straight sword and a medium shield? i've never tried the sekiro tear as much but I actually love the idea of doing counterhits.
>taking memes as actually part of the narrative is "honest and observant"
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself.
>Ranni's quest just feels like a generic souls quest.
there is literally nothing else like it in any souls game. It was VERY clearly the most fleshed out ending and questline they have ever done
Why did they go with Radahn and not Godwyn?
Yeah pretty based I know.
so if i get Godfrey Icon, Winged Sword Talisman, do I still need the prosthesis talisman to make it worth with the weapon art? I was hoping to rush an early game arcane build and Elemer is easy if you just parry so I can kill her at level 9 but the others involve game-spanning quests.
Sword of Light once you have access to the DLC. Holy infused straight sword until then.
It was cut for the Netflix adaptation. The reason the DLC took 2 years is that they had to pivot partway into development and rewrite the story to be a supporting narrative for the planned show.
yeah, by me
It's true, it also has a better loot system and endgame for replayability.
Then the retards made a shitty ripoff Sekiro instead of Nioh 3
radahn is brown, big and muscular and represents Donovan from berserk better
The Ranni shit can get really fucking sad if the tarnished chooses to attack her after giving her the ring too. She snaps out and blames her delusions and will probably end up like her mother.
I’ve killed Mira at least 5 times in co-op and I have no idea what his ost sound like. The ost for this game is weak in general.
No substance, it's a meme ending with a meme cliffhanger
Literally just because Radahn is more popular.
Can I post funny haha hehe webms here?
Godwyn’s story is completed in the base game. His soul is dead, bro.
The War-Dead Catacombs is close to being the most cancerous piece of shit of a dungeon. Even to the very end one of the faggots followed be outside of the fucking entrance and never broke aggro.
I don't think anybody argues otherwise.
Too bad about everything else.
Sure, just don't spam god knows how many of them
It's a meme weapon and it gets boring fast, just don't bother with the talismans and aim for a multi-purpose STR/ARC build imo.
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>doesn't have a single in-game CG
>Ending is basically a still
It's longer, I'll give you that.
My character was a prophet, was persecuted, and wanted to burn it all down and never cared about Melina.
I killed rellana, dancing lion and bayle, where do i go next without fucking up quests i'm so confused
I can't decide what build I want to play the last part of the DLC with aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
power stanced greatswords has gotten boring
Well yeah, that goes without saying. Nioh 2 is the best souls game to ever exist.
>supports ultrawide
>arbitrarily puts blacks bars on the side of your screen anyways
Why is this a thing in 2024?
Rennala didn’t go insane from Radagon leaving. Why do people keep saying that.

Her heart went with him, and that’s it.

She truly mind broke herself after seeing the state of her family—her children.

There’s a lot more to destroy a parent in that one regard than any sort of divorce.

She lost all three of her kids. That is what broke, nay, destroyed her.

And no, it’s not poetic. It’s just women.
Just don't go for Messmer IIRC, everything else is fair game
is there any reason to use the iron balls over star fist
I like the look of iron balls but with heavy, star fist does more damage and has bleed????
So they completely abandoned the idea of weapon buffs? Scholar's Armament, Electrify Armament, no new buffs in the DLC but a bunch of greases.
what's a good weapon for that? I wanted to use something from the DLC as my end weapon. I've never done an Arcane build and thought it'd be a good time for it.
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Guess I'll have him wear this as the late game fashion for when I'm Idling about.
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Why did they get rid of cutting off dragon boss tails?
As far away from the shadowkeep as possible, get Thollier's drug from Moore and find the forager brood except for the one that gives cookbook number 4 near the church north west of the altus entrance.
Wow how unique, it's brother coryhn but a more nihilist retarded version.
Start frying your food in elden ring grease
Where do you find that dress? I don't think I have it
But then what force crucified marika on rune arc after the shattering? Was it elden beast backstab or some shit?
> She snaps out and blames her delusions and will probably end up like her mother.

Her mother is infantile and childlike due to a reliance on the egg of rebirth. She’s obliterating her memory on purpose, and Ranni compares it to a slumber.
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Death didn't stop them from re-using Radahn.
Miquella needed a big strong brother to be his lord. Godwyn fits that role just as well as Radahn does, and the base game has more shit linking Miquella and Godwyn together than the zero items and descriptions linking Miquella and Radahn.
is grand merchant gonna be updated at any point soon
I wish there were more factors in the combat, something to give it a bit more flavor. I'm so tired of rolling
trina was basically supposed to be the new god of death
Kill yourself. The game states clearly she went insane from Radagon leaving
>Her heart with with him
That's literally why she fucking broke.
When i should go for messmer?
This is still better than what we got
is Elden Beast trivial now that you can do it on horseback?
The elden ring was a golden star in the night sky at first. Fate itself could be read from the stars. Then the greater will decided to have it fall on the planet, where it was found by dragons and gave them golden flesh that mad them immortal and able to use lightning magic. Aliens wanted their golden star back and had meteors fall on their floating cities, so the elden ring fell even further, until it landed on the erdtree. The elden beast is essentially just a culmination of all the organisms it came into contact with/influenced.
what does dragonwound grease taste like?
too soulful for nu-fromsoft
the questline itself opens up a massive amount of optional areas you will never explore in the main story. the only way it can be topped for the canon ending probability chance is if the dlc made a new ending (WHICH IM FUCKING DISAPPOINTED IT DIDNT)
hey buddy, monster hunter is two doors down
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kinda fun
Anybody who thinks Bayle is better than Midir, let alone a good boss at all needs to check themselves, this is one of the worst designed fights I've seen in the DLC.
It's the dancer's chest piece but altered
It could've been Radagon himself. They are two distinct personalities and Radagon was very much into the way things were going under the GW/GO.
Yeah. The elden beast's grab attack literally crucifies us in the exact same way.
Elden beast and Metyr were both beasts ent by the greater will before it abandoned the world. Now the two of them are just broken tools waiting for a signal that will never come.
Are those revenants and tree spirits? Lmao.
It should be the last thing you do after you've made sure you've done every single of the simp squad's questlines properly.
> That's literally why she fucking broke.

She actually broke herself by relying on the egg / rune of rebirth slowly destroying her memory, and thus ego

You aren’t paying enough attention
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Midir is a garbage damage sponge that wants you to play in a single way, massively overrated boss.
Nothing points to this. She didn't use the egg on herself.
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goddamn sometimes i hate mike yazaki quests, thanks
>Midir is a garbage damage sponge that wants you to play in a single way
a dragon boss fight you say
You’re supposed to hit his head, retard. Get filtered.
>teleports behind you
psh, nothing personnel kid
>sounds good. whats the best build is good for a straight sword and a medium shield? i've never tried the sekiro tear as much but I actually love the idea of doing counterhits.
Honestly, anything goes. You only need basic bitch 60vig, at least 30end, and 16str to use brass shield, after that just max whatever damage stat you like most.
I like using lordsworn because it's pretty.
Also, go to the dryleaf guy and do the "let's foit cunt" emote infront of him to get his kung fu.
not much
it was very fun
some of the bosses need a nerf, and there are some pretty big issues with the story but I am still please with the DLC overall.
poopy pants
cool as fuck
Implying Bayle isn't a damage sponge?
That's what I said. A single way. The midir fight takes forever because the game wants you to hit the head. Meanwhile Placidusax and Bayle aren't bogged down by those mechanics and are also more visually spectacular.
>wants you to play in a single way
Please go ahead and list all the 19 different ways you can fight bayle
I’m not sure but sometimes I clip through magma wyrm tails and you can clearly see where it would get cut off and the bone and stuff inside it.
Thanks, guess that's one way to let people cosplay as marika
Births may continue, but the world is fractured. The gods are fickle, but the greater will had abandoned the world before it even began. Marika wished for us to suffer onto eternity. The age of compassion would have resulted in the world being charmed to the whims of a god who couldn't even save his other half. The procession of stars only lead to ruin, and the moon is nothing more than the closest object.
Life was a grand mistake, made by a god who abandoned its children therefore after. Why continue to endure when you can fix that mistake?
the minidungeons just make me wish from went back to linear designs
Shadow Keep/Church District/Specimen hall, Midra's manse, a shortened Abyssal woods... would have been great of it was all in one game without filler
Sure, by using any of your ashes or wars or spells or incants whenever you want because you don't have to rely on one-second head openings
They're also mechanically inferior. Midir's fight was designed with attacking the head in mind, and the came and positioning of the boss aids in that. The only place you can lock on to Bayle is his head, which you can't even hit consistently.
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>this drawing from 30 years ago predicted that the final boss has an instant death grab
>radahn and miquella have "instant death" grab attacks too but its to turn you gay

this was peak kino beyond compare, but instead we got slop
are the carian swords and shit any good or is it just better to put some magic/ice onto something else
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>all the AOW I think are cool are longer and therefore shit
>Takes forever
Nigga you baiting or are you really this bad? Midir is much shorter than Bayle and Placidusax who run away from you constantly and you can’t even hit their weak spots most of the time.
I feel like you could definitely do something neat with some kind of modern urban setting beset by horrific abominations.
Imagine if Fromsoft let these enemies have real guns instead of goofy canons, magic pebbles and crossbows.
Something that sucks about Radahn compared to, let's say, Messmer, is that he is fucking huge and tall while being a very close-contact boss. Messmer's entire body will always be in the very middle of your screen, you can easily focus on what he is doing. Meanwhile, Radahn's arms will be in your peripheral vision like half of the time.
Or maybe my eyesight is just fucked idk.
the shaman flesh is the reason why godrick was able to graft himself with the body parts of others, it can be surmised from this that the fish parts on godwyn's body are also harmoniously melding with his flesh.
Spoken like an edgy teenager.
>Midir is much shorter than Bayle and Placidusax
Midir is much longer, I don't know what awful ER builds you're making.
miquella's stupid fucking hair blocks too much of his model in the second phase
gimme an int build, weapon and stats.
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you reckon marika was a futa?
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Which one?
No, you're right. But Miyazaki thinks that if the boss is so big he doesn't fit in the screen, it's cooler and more fun.
Radahn’s soul wasn’t destroyed and bringing back godwyn would have conflicted with Fia’s entire questline.
I didn't have a problem with either of their tells or the lock on, at least on their phase one.
In phase 2 keeping track on Radahn becomes tiring due to the lightshow and Messmer's liquid snekfuckery takes some time to learn
Which item descriptions are must-reads to get an overview of the lore? I wasn't really paying attention until recently, I just know Messmer did some genocide at Marika's behest.
You're right. Really all they had to do was zoom out the fucking camera for the Radahn fight. They've done it before.
My biggest complaint is that the new equipment in the dlc objectively fucking sucks

The fashion is mostly shit
The weapons are mostly uninteresting (and also shit)
The talismans are mostly gimmicky bullshit that barely anyone will ever use, and flat statistical upgrades over previous ones
New weapon classes are barren
>1 throwing knife
>1 infusable light GS

Its just shit. They created a beautiful world with great level design, and filled it with mostly uninteresting garbage.
miquellas buttplug
Igon's pants if you want to know about dragon lore
You might want to play with the sound on next time.
speaking of which, is Radahn 2 really Mohg-sized? he kinda seems bigger
His moveset being obscured by his model or particle effects is one of the main reasons why the fight sucks. The safest place is right next to him hugging his left to avoid the AoEs, but often times the model is so big it hides his non-telegraphed swipes, which are quite fast. Add to that the fact that he extends combos randomly and you have a very passive fight where you need to have what his moveset is like down to instinct so you can dodge on prediction rather than reaction.
Why are you still on this? You've already been told the facts
All dragon bosses are shit mechanically. But they're also amazing kino setpieces.
Ok you’re baiting, I see.
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Final webm sorry for spam
Golden braid, toothed whip, minor erdtree are a few. There's a lot.
Marika could canonically have a penis whenever she wanted.
All you would have to do to keep it from fucking with the base game questline is re-assassinate Godwyn.
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carian sorcery sword
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coolest part about the weapons are the ash of war and so many of them are just complete dog due to the aggressive combos of the bosses
Light Greatswords being shit is their biggest sin ever.
The bosses still leave openings you stupid cunt.
no it wouldn't, you would just need to kill fortissax who is lorewise preventing miquella from doing whatever. after you kill fortissax OR mohg (radahn doesnt fucking matter) you can enter the dlc. entry point for dlc would be godwyn's corpse OR miquella's hand
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The defense debuff on this thing is fucking ridiculous, it should be 5% AT MOST, especially when an offhand Lusat's exists.
carian sovereignty
dumb fucking retard some of the ash of wars take more than 1 second
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>Nioh 2 has better combat
You say this all the time here, not realizing that the toughest bosses can be cheesed to oblivion.
>shitposter retard webm from a max difficulty with like 200 hours spent to even enable this sort of setups
Get better material because you just end up discrediting yourself
> She didn't use the egg on herself

She’s literally sitting in a baby’s cradle.

Also the text supports it.

— ‘Cap worn by young academy scholars, the juveniles birthed anew by the amber egg of Queen Rennala, the head of Raya Lucaria Academy.’
—‘Yet their rebirth is not without imperfections, and thus do they repeat the process, eventually becoming utterly dependent upon it.’
—‘Rebirth is as sleep to them, and with each awakening, memory fades into oblivion.’

Ranni even describes her mother’s state as a “rich slumber”.
Ancient meteoric greatsword is my new weaponfu
You didn't beat the game
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How is this thing compared to the Carian Knight's Shield?
well its a completely different weapon class for one.
Shew doen't use it ON HERSELF. She uses it on others, you included.
Quests advance when you approach Shadowkeep or approach Manus Metyr (the church on a hill to the east
Do everything quest related before progressing there.
Then be sure to finish every quest before burning the sealing tree.
Yeah, if you're using Impaling Thrust. Just try using anything longer than that on, say, Bayle phase 2, without staggering him. You can't.
She very clearly used it on herself, anon.

She likely respecced to 1 intellect to deal with her depression.
How are the thrusting shields in general?
The real secret is that Rennala is Albinauric and sits/floats around because her legs don't work.
I frequently throw Savage Lion claws with double jumps around and that thing takes ages to execute, just use the proper openings and don't try flashy shit like rot breaths and you should be fine.
>still using the rain spell post-nerf
>against easy ass boss instead of one of the more annoying ones
>boring build instead of fun one
maidenless runt + filtered + see me after class
Nothing points to this beyond Ranni's description of her state and that's not enough given what we see happens to the other people that go throught the rebirth.
Sorry I'm gonna need more proof than what you've said.
iirc very good but I haven't used them myself
Post a webm of you using it on Radahn or Bayle phase 2 or something equally annoying without getting hit and without the enemy being staggered and I'll apologize.
I don't value the apologies of stupid niggers though
sure, show yourself using putrescence axe aow against radahn
this thing FUCKS

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