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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7108 - A new day Edition

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS - Summer Game Fest Trailer
>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Sonic X Shadow Generations will be getting an animation

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Spring Broken - 26 June 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 70 - 3 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 71 - 31 July 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 14 August 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog 72 - 21 August 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous Thread: >>484224676
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My preferences?
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two goats
Based fellow "plausibly canon sex with antatomically accurate and appropriately aged blobian women" enjoyer.
So Nine and friends were just... never born????????
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Surge, Tangle, and Whisper will make it in the mainline games.
And Sticks will make her triumphant return.
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Copy paste time. Laughing at Ian edition.
Looking at the Bumblekasts where Ian Flynn talks about Sticks and how he failed to get her in the main continuity is just sad.

Ian's initial pitch, have Sticks living on Angel Island breaking Classic canon. Turn her into Relic 2.0 while making Knuckles look even dumber.

Ian being confronted about his earlier claim of getting Sticks into IDW.

Ian sounding like he just got deep dicked by SoJ

Ian being confronted with how stupid his initial pitch was followed by damage control.

Ian being reminded that Sticks was part of the main cast...Totally didn't know she was in Sonic Runners.

Ian being depressed about the whole situation.

TLDR; Long long time ago, SoJ told Ian, "No introductions, just have her appear." and he didn't do that. Now he has to live with his failure. He tried a Hail Mary with Sonic Frontiers but that got cut from the Japanese version. SoJ had to put the Amerigaijin in his prace.

Someone should do a version of this for the Freedom Fighters. Would be funny.
... and more jokes to tell yourself
NTA yep, maybe it's for the best.
All those shatterverses were miserable to everyone. And their inhabitants were just one dimensional imitations.
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Being Espio's human wife. Picking up my little lizard husband. Espio wrapping his arms, legs, and tail around me. Gazing lovingly into Espio's beautiful gold eyes. Kissing Espio on his horn.
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This is my thread, none of you are allowed here.
Why are white women like this?
why are based women like this?
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How fucking hard is to pitch a jungle adventure where Sticks needs to lead the team somewhere? You can do that without a character introduction even, Sticks is someone they know and that is it.
>the president is a stan for Sonic and Shadow after they saved the world, and got Rouge to introduce then to him
>Of course, he wants a picture
>Shadow is too much of a fucking asshole to even look at the camera when posing for the president

Ultimate Whiny Baby!
Too hard for Ian.
Post tits or shut up woman, your choice.
Sonic and Nicky are two different characters. Sonic might think otherwise, but that doesn't mean he's right. https://x.com/NaotoOhshima/status/1100204729706065921
Nicky isn't even a real character in Sonic's lore anymore so who gives a shit?
It's Honey, bitch
Wrong, Nicky and his family made their game debut in 2022.
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This is Amy's uncle from the Archie sonic comics. he had Mighty's parents executed for thieving. I think that's very cool.
Tell me Blazefags, what's wrong with Blaze offering her wisdom to the confused Silver? I find it cute.
>he had Mighty's parents executed for thieving.
Em dillo wassa good boy he dindu nuffin wrong.
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>that's not cool. that's like, REALLY not cool, actually.
Cute, but why does it look like it was taken from a CTR monitor with a cell phone?
I love how Archie Amy's family was doing some GoT shit to the other secondary characters but nobody gave a shit because they were secondary characters. They really got away with everything.
God I hate human hair on anthro characters. All characters with this design trait look like SHIT
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Tangle's tail gimmick and the way her name communicates what she's all about makes her the only perfect Sonic character design of the IDW originals, with Surge being a close second for several reasons. Then there's a big gap and you have the rest of the characters.
Whisper is just an uninspired design outright.
>has a gun
Different isn't always better
>has wisps
Howww original
>has a backstory
DARING today aren't we?
I like it because it makes Mighty even more angsty
>perfect Sonic character design
Her ugly tracksuit shit makes her not a perfect character design. Try again.
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Lanolin's chill girlfriend!
Different, better franchise there,
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>What's wrong with Blaze having her backstory retconned and made a mess to turn her into an accessory pocket nanny for Shadow v2
because its shit
It ruins Silver and Blaze at the same time really.
I don't understand how SEGA hasn't made a characterfag game. I mean even something lazy like a generic kart racing game. Just throw in a ton of characters and use that as a selling point. People like that sort of thing and characterfags would buy it just to play their character.
Only Rough, Tumble, Surge and Kit are welcome in my book
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>Her beautiful tracksuit schtick makes her the perfect character design. Thanks again.
>the only perfect Sonic character design of the IDW originals
her whole outfit is overdesigned.
Blaze can barely control her own emotions as is, it would be an overly emotional hothead that has barely any control over her emotions giving advice to an overly emotional hothead with NO control over his emotions. The fucked up thing is that that would actually be a kind of cool interaction, especially if it was just Blaze poorly trying to repeat what Sonic taught her earlier, to Silver, but at that point you could just have Silver and Sonic teaming up and having their own series of interactions with each other instead.
Yeah, I'd say that's probably the case.
Bro your Team Sonic Racing?
Her backstory wasn't retconned. She's a princess from another dimension. She's also not an accessory, so I don't know where you're getting that from. You also didn't address literally anything I said. Moreover the more character relationships the better. You'd think /sthg/ would know that since they literally ship random shit like Sonouge and Surgmy, but hate sensible pairings like Silvaze and Tailsream from the bottoms of their putrid hearts.
We already have that. It's called mobile slop

>kart game
The absolute state of TSR's roster burned non-Sonic fans that liked Sega characters and Sonic fans that expected more than the bare minimum
>literally schizophrenic
Sonic is Nicky after being hit by puberty.
because sonic team hates the extended cast and sees them as a drag on the marketable Classic Sonic brand
Silver's character is about figuring out and finding things for himself. Blaze infantilizes him and he gores her character when they try to go for the 06/IDW dynamic. Silvaze would be much better if it was more like Sonic and Sally and how they bicker.
>Moreover the more character relationships the better.
Again, post tits already. Your shit tier opinions are insufferable without them.
>two generic furballs
>two emotionally disturbed wet napkins fumbling around angry at the world
Wow what a shit book.
>better franchise
>2nd literally ruins the 1st
>has crying lesbians
>creator runs away to be a vtuber whore

The standards for Sonic are low but not THAT low.
>You'd think /sthg/
Thinking everyone on this godawful site is the same person is the easiest way to out yourself as a fucking idiot.
Yeah, it's just missing, you know, the characters.
There is nothing sensible about tailream
Bro her outfit is a jumpsuit with sneakers and you're calling it overdesigned? Some of you guys just talk to be talking.
>She's also not an accessory
She is a satellite character to him in 06 that interacts with no one but him. They don't even have chemistry either.
I'm a Blazefag and a rivals (Core 5) fag.

Silver and Blaze are rivals of Sonic and I loathe their status as partners. I don't want Sonic to constantly give Shadow peptalks, that's what Rouge is for. Silver needs his own buddy from the future (I'll even take Blaze's descendant if people still want that shit), and they both need their own shit to do apart from each other.

>her backstory wasn't retconned

She was a different character in '06 in all but name and abilities. We've asked for explanations and the official hearsay is "she had amnesia". I'm not getting into this shit again.
There's too much detail on it.
>>2nd literally ruins the 1st
LOL no. It is better written and the voice acting isn't so horribly amatuerish like the 1st game.
>>has crying lesbians
Not even close.
>>creator runs away to be a vtuber whore
Based. Who is his oshi?
Just admit you are one of those fags who cried nonstop that the artstyle of the 2nd game got better.
Nicky appears in Sonic Origins.

Ohshima debunked this misinformation.
The shoes are a bit much sometimes, but that's not really that much of a problem and she's fine otherwise.
They're the cream of the IDW crop. The crop however is mostly shit.
Do you just think Blaze is a childish incompetent retard who can't maturely articulate herself or something? Blaze isn't a hothead. She blows up when things reach a boiling point, but ONLY at that point and no sooner. Blaze is one of the chillest, calmest, most aloof characters in Sonic for god's sake. How can you misinterpret a character THIS badly?
>>IDW Release Dates:
Will you ever update this damn thing
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>IDW: Sega keeps a tight leash on us. Forcing us to adhere to story and art mandates
>Sonic Manga: what are mandates?
Dash & Spin Super Fast is a weird fucking manga.

>no crying lesbians
I take it you didn't collect all the time capsules then.
>I'm a Blazefag and a rivals (Core 5) fag.
What happened?
You are just completely retarded.
A series of visual novels based on the concept of Phantom Ruby "otherworldy" settings like from Sonic Channel would be so cool.
>I take it you didn't collect all the time capsules then.
What, was the main villainess in love with the earth dragon chick in the holograms and that is why she wants revenge on earth dragons? If so, then I agree putting thta shit into a side story and not the main game is stupid.
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IDW is cancelled
73 was announced like a week ago
annual was moved to 9/11
and spring broken was released 5 days ago

They must have started working on something after Murder's success, right? I'm looking forward to more of that.
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I mean, just look at this shit. Probably should storytime but I don't think /co/ or /a/ would allow it.

You also get the ending of Merga crying for her lesbian lover. The whole thing is retarded and bad.
>Blaze is one of the chillest, calmest, most aloof characters in Sonic for god's sake.
False. Wrong. Incorrect.

The chillest, calmest, most aloof character is Sonic the Hedgehog. Period. Blaze is Sonic's polar opposite, the Nega-Sonic. Blaze IS a hotheaded for that reason alone, and their fight shows it. Everything else, Blaze being very articulate and stoic, is an ILLUSION.
>Blaze is one of the chillest, calmest, most aloof characters in Sonic for god's sake
Did you play Rush? or do you think 06 is more indicative of her character?
Neera comforting Lanolin in her time of need!
>Do you just think Blaze is a childish incompetent retard who can't maturely articulate herself or something?
>Blaze isn't a hothead.
Sonic is an energetic and bombastic character that is actually calm and collected. Blaze is a stoic and serious character that is actually hothead and emotional.
Blaze was shunned and feared by her people and view her powers as a burden that she needs to atone for and tries to hold the weight of the world on her shoulders alone because she felt like it was what she deserved. She appears in control because she knows that if she lets her emotions get control of her she could endanger the people she cares about, and the point of her character is that she's ALWAYS fighting against her emotions and inner feelings because she's afraid of them. That's where her emotional immaturity comes from.
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All I have is this.
Must be an older copy-paste. I remember the annual being updated before.
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WTF am I even reading?
How many rings is a chilidog?
In theory you're right that Tangle is a more of a Sonic character than Whisper, but you're looking at it from a different viewpoint than the client's which is why in practice Whisper turns out to be more popular.
Think on what someone who reads a Sonic comic (especially one with Archie alumni like Ian on it) wants from a character.
Somewhat off-topic, but it's pretty cringe how Ian does stuff just to beg Sega to make something out of it.
Scary panda girl from freedom planet
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Thousand in Silver's time
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I hate how Sonic controls in Frontiers.
Why do people like that shit?
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I'd honestly mistake this for a shitpost if I didn't know this was official. Are all kedomo manga shitposts?
meant for >>484289852
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Are you using the default controls or did you fuck around with the settings? Nobody likes the defaults.
People don't enjoy gameplay anymore.
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He's bisexual according to google
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Japanese humour
>it's good you just have to entirely change the way its played in the settings because the defaults are so bad

so what am I supposed to change it to then? It feels like shit to play, especially the jump. The jump feels like I hit a brick wall in midair and fall straight down like a rock.
Who? Is this a character who was meant to be in Sonic Awakening or something?
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It's 50 rings in the one game where you can buy them.
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I tried changing all the settings but none of them fix how inconsistent, janky and boring Sonic's movement is.
>I failed everyon, Nee! They all depended on my and I failed them! It's all my fault-
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>Blaze isn't a hothead
>Lashes out at Knuckles over a simple misunderstanding
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You clearly demonstrated you don't understand how the game works and are stubborn to not understand it. Regular players can collect experience points and defeat the enemies in a few minutes, or even seconds if they play well.

I do.
AI, easier to poison than a young child.

Just wait for the future where people trusted da computer and believe a whole load of dumb shit....Well dumber shit than they already do.
Turn the Jump Deceleration slider to 0.
The other stuff you can turn up to 100 or whatever you can tolerate with the exception of the turning deceleration (turn it down) and turning speed (don't turn it all the way up) sliders.
There's a setting there that means you keep your momentum when you jump
For the love of god make sure that's on the correct one or otherwise the game is not fun in the slightest
There will still be dumb moments of momentum but overall it'll feel a lot better to play
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Silver literally always has someone to help him, where that be Blaze, Sonic, Espio, or whomever, he never figures things out himself. Blaze's character isn't touched when she's with Silver. In Team Sonic racing she's still stoic, serious, dutiful, and has a tendency to be frank and explode under pressure, yet she's with Silver the whole time. Seems you're just upset she hasn't exploded on Silver yet. Stop having a bickering fetish you orphan.
>I want less character interactions
That's totally not jaded, it's no wonder you have such sewer water taste.
>there's so many people here, they have different opinions!
Okay faggot, where the fuck are they then?
>Sonic is the protagonist
>Tails is the deuteragonist
>Amy is the main heroine
>Amy is Sonic's love interest
>Cream is the secondary heroine until Rouge finally goes full blue pill
>Both very young
>Both fly
>Similar color scheme
>Been in the series for over 20 years
>Same circle of friends
Even though there's no push for it from SEGA it makes sense that some people would arbitrarily ship it, yet it's received with vitriol, at least here. But completely random crackships between characters of no relation are apparently based.
Literally 20 years ago. Are we talking about 06 or the way they're depicted in general? Blaze in 06 seemed like a Rushed job to me, so she didn't do much or have many reactions. But their final scene together was and is still touching today. And yeah, they have great chemistry together.
? Of course Sonic giving pep talks to Shadow is weird. They're rivals. Silver and Blaze aren't rivals. Blaze giving Silver pep talks makes as much sense as Rouge giving Shadow pep talks. That's part of their relationship.
Yes I would like it if they had things to do on their own, independent of each other, but that doesn't affect my affection for the relationship, and I don't see why it should.
Doesn't matter, it's in the past.
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Perfectly legal out in space.
Regret to inform you anon but you might be dumber than an AI since you failed to realize that pic is a blurb from some fanfiction website.
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>a lot of words
Ken Penders or Chris Chan?
The convenient thing about webms on this board is that they don't have sound, otherwise you'd be able to hear Knuckles charging at Blaze after he says "Wait!", meaning he instigated the fight and Blaze retaliated.
>And yeah, they have great chemistry together.
What fucking chemistry? They barely even speak with each other.
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Penders did as much damage to the franchise as Chris-Chan did to the fandom
AI can't determine what is real and what isn't. Not without human intervention.
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All the shitty kitty gets is uwuver
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but I thought they were in perfect sync
Mobian Line wouldn't exist anymore if Penders didn't save it.
I beat that game and I got S ranks on all cyberspace stages (including the update 3 stages)
Jump Deceleration on 0 breaks the game. It's like a cheat that let's you fly everywhere.
I thought people hated how in fangames you could do fly over the stages with slope jumps?
Combat will never work well in a Sonic game because Sonic's limbs are too stubby. You could give him a weapon but at that point you are losing what makes Sonic unique.
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>Less than 4 months until she gets vaulted
Can't fucking wait
>Actually they're close and have good chemistry
Yeah, ST keeps telling me this.
>Okay faggot, where the fuck are they then?
Right here you fucking faggot. I hate shipping in general, but things like fucking Sonurge butcher Sonic and Surge as characters and it makes me fucking livid, so take your fucking shipping somewhere else and stop ruining everything you touch you moron.
It's Sally Acorn guys!
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Wish I could see her naked.
>I beat that game and I got S ranks on all cyberspace stages (including the update 3 stages)
Okay then, sorry about that, I thought you were someone else.
Silver is retard that can't do anything for himself and Blaze is stuck as his babysitter. You must be like Richmunk and have a diaper changing fetish if you like that.
I can't wait for Penders to ruin her with his new Archie Sonic Lara stu book.
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Under Ian, all female characters will be lesbians and all male characters will be emasculated. The only reason this hasn't happened across the board is mandates.
Blaze and Silver were never supposed to be mentor and student, they're supposed to be equals who despite being incredibly similar they still butt heads about how to go about things. It's honestly very similar to how Rouge was turned into nothing more than Shadow's sidekick for the longest time, instead of a teammate like she was supposed to be. It's all just tearing apart and flanderizing their character dynamic just to pin them to each other.
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Now that president is immune from prosecution for official acts, what official acts would Sonic perform as president?
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My issue with Blaze Silver is not the nature of their realtionship (because you could put any character with Silver) but again their status as partners. Blaze is her own character and has her own dimension and she has her own friends.

She should have top billing alongside Sonic, Shadow, Silver and Knuckles. Why don't we see her with Marine and Cream? Cause she's too busy with her dynamic with Silver.

Yep. I'd draw a comparison to Sonic and Knuckles if anything.
it was pretty odd that this character shows up out of nowhere from an alternate universe and plays similarly to sonic and they have this bonding moment. like talk about a massive detour from the main plot
the lovable pervert
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Tangle is built all right.
Momentum has kind of always let you fly around with slope jumps. Some would even argue that turning your speed into air time is a part of Sonic in general.
Fuck all.
Order the army to loot the Chili Dog mines.
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Biggest bum slut in Sonic?
How would you react if the answer to what chilidogs were made out of in the Sonic universe was that they were mined from underground like coal?
who wouldn't sally fuck
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Whisper is too.
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this thing
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I want multiple men to cum inside Blaze's pumped pussy just so that I too can cum inside of her warm filled fat pussy and then eat out all of the cum and share it with her while we passionately kiss, mouths full of cum.
going from that goofy loony toons show that was AoStH to this was like night and day. Like woah he could actually be cool and edgy (the actual definition of edgy not as we know it now). Like how can you see this intro and not make Sonic and Sally the OTP?

if you think about it, Sonic is basically Alf
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fuck you
I know that but slope jumps were nowhere near as broken in 2D games and boost games as they are in Frontiers when you set Jump Deceleration to 0
Sonally shippers are still alive?
That's fair.
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You mean they aren't?
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Important day of drawing important things
Tangle is so much fun in SRB2, top tier fan-submission
>Imagine Blaze cumming over your face as other men's cum drips out, still kept warm from being inside her
>Imagine spending the next hour sucking on her breasts as she tells you you're a good boy
i like how in old cartoons, food factories always produced exactly one food item and it was always plastered onto their exterior design. Modern cartoons don't do that kind of thing as much, and when they do, they point it out.
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Ohshima keeps Satam merch around his place
Hedgehog + Mongoose = Hedgegoose
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>this is what Silvaze fags post when they lose an argument

>Sonic's limbs are too stubby
Sonic is cartoony, they can afford to fudge it a bit. Pretty sure thats how they did it in ShtH and do it in Frontiers too.
The real problem with combat in Sonic games is that we don't really have a space for it.
Sonic's movement is so geared towards traversal that all combat options have no use outside of enemy encounters and/or literally conflict with key movement options.
I honestly think that if we are going to have combat playing a big part of Sonic's next game, they either should slow him down and revamp the control scheme or add a toggle button between a speed moveset and fight moveset. They also could go the Adventure route for it and leave it to a different set of stages but that's a whole other problem.
>"Nice sideshow"
Is he back? In pog form?
mina is perectly cute with her human hair and mustache. fuck all redesigns that try to get rid of them.
Where did the idea that the hair tufts are like mustaches
Why do traversel and combat have to be separate? Sonic's whole thing is speed, and he weaponizes that speed in combat, in this action-focused franchise. Traversal and Combat should be one universal concept. Or rather, Sonic's traversal-based skills should inherently carry over into how he functions in combat.
so when the fuck is sega going to acknowledge one of their most popular sonic cartoons
Sonic never ate one cat.
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The stache is literally the best part. Anyone that wants to get rid of her cute mustache is stupid.
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Siblings? Actually uncle and niece.

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>"Give *me* sex."
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Surprisingly, not the most embarrassing thing about Ohshima on the internet.
I told you, pussies

Kek. Nice art drawfriend
shadria fags are all degenerates and I feel bad for Maria's new live action actress
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They did I thought they released a boxset of it recently, 2023 I checked
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>sonic franchise suddenly dies before year of shadow even gets moving
sonic will be better off in their hands
That would fit in the first option.
But genuinely tell me how do you imagine a combat encounter to go in your vision of it. As in how would enemies attack Sonic, what options Sonic has to attack and how is speed used a player resource?
Color, please!
do you really think that? whats the track record for microsoft lately?
Microsoft who terminates all japanese brands under their wing?????????
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>Sega buys Angry Birds
>Microsoft buys Sega
I wonder if Microsoft buys entire Sammy, or just Sega parts?
In any case, Unleashed PC, fingers crossed.
exceptionally based
Sonic is probably the only one who doesn't judge her for having a mustache...
They do not intervene in the creation of video games, to the point that they let their studios release malicious games such as Redfall.
and money
Where can I read this shit?
Imagine if some exec at microsoft mandates that they bring back the freedom fighters because the only thing he remembers about sonic is the stuff from the 90s
Honestly, I'm not sure.

Sonic is the type of character who should always be on the move, and his attack patterns should reflect that. Sonic's combat abilities should stem from and correlate with traversal abilities, like the Spin Attack (roll) for example. The basis of how Sonic "fights" in Sonic 1, and I guess in Unleashed as well with the Boost, is through using this speed-oriented ability for moving really fast as an attack to blast through enemies and obstacles in your path. Expanding Sonic's skillset should mean giving him more abilities that take advantage of his speed to attack enemies while also being able to function as traversal-based abilities as well.
NVM, I just read the rest of the post.
>Sammy sells Sega to Microsoft, keeps toys, sells Atlus to Sony.
They just need to make it official this week.
>but Ohshima...
Read the manga. Nicky is trashed, Sonic appears, Sonic says his bully will regret hitting him. Sonic is future Nicky. Cope.
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Shadria is pretty dead right now, and I doubt the movie will spark something considering that they will definitely portray their relationship as sibling one.
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It's gonna be real fun for her this xmas.
Sonic is a wind spirit of unknown origin who takes over Nicky's body.
there's going to be a documentary in ten years called "Surviving the Sonic fandom"
Year of Shadow is the final year of Sonic.
Japanese raws

Hasn't been fully translated yet. Somebody needs to get on that.
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>Lanolin sent me a link to a video, don't know what it is but I'd figure I would share it with you guys in the mansion

Ohshima > your headcanon
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>that drink's not hard, right frilly?!
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New Bumblekast

Sonic Q&A:
>Q:Cynicism and optimism, two opposing sides, yet very important aspect in determining the type of character you write, but how do you handle both the pros and cons? Mainly, how likable the cynic can be?
Ian: You can have a cynical character so long as they're not obnoxious. It also kind of depends on the framing of the world that you're with and the cast that you're with because the cynic might be the party pooper or he can be the realist. If you have your principal protagonist being an idealist, driving the narrative forward with their can-do attitude, the cynic might come across as the wet blanket but they can also be the grounding force, the one that's saving the hero from running into certain doom. Like yes you could totally trust everyone you meet and that's probably a wonderful goal but maybe don't shake hands with Stabby Mcbackerson. It also depends on how they interact. Like if everything they do is this kind of sneering eye-rolling detraction, that's weary, but if they're fun, if they're sarcastic in a funny way, if they are well-meaning, if they're supportive of the other characters, they maybe come across as a bit of a nag but they won't necessarily be unlikable. But that's a big sweeping generalization, it really does come down to the minutia.
>Q:How might Silver respond if "Duo" revealed himself as Mimic to him, but claimed to be disguising himself as his only possible path to redemption? How about Sonic - would he act differently?
Ian: At this point, having already tricked Silver once and embarrassed him in public, I don't think Silver would buy it. If Mimic had led with that, Silver might give him the benefit of the doubt, be wary of him but give him a chance, but at this point where IDW is so far no, Silver would just go "I KNEW IT!" and throw him through a window, and then pull him back through the window, and then throw him back through the same window, and then back again to make sure he gets really rolled up in all the little glass bits. Not a happy boy. Sonic would...
Kyle: Oh boy, do we have to talk about Sonic's morality again?
Ian: He'd want to give him that chance but he's going to make sure everybody knows. He's like "All right, I'll try to run interference for you but Whisper is gonna know. If you don't tell her right now, I'm gonna do it. I will do my best to ensure she doesn't kill you but...no promises man." And then Whisper throws him out the window, drags him back through that window, throws him out the window again, pulls him back and Sonic's like "Oh darn, I tried. Whisper you could have given him a chance-" "I didn't want to." "Yeah, all right."
>Q:Hey there Ian! Are you aware of the SA2 epilogue ""The Truth of 50 Years Ago""? It only ever released in a Japanese strategy guide, but with SXSG, I was wondering whether anyone pointed out its addition to the game's lore yet
Ian: Yep.
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He was born in a different time.
fucking seething dipshit can't handle somebody hating his awful game so he hurls accusations around
>Q:Hey Ian! I respect you want Surge to stay a villain since she's currently the only female villain in IDW Sonic, but does she and Kit need to be villains? Also, in case SEGA wants them heroes
Ian: Well I mean, it's not up to me ultimately. Evan's writing the book now and she may want to take them in a different direction. Sega might want to take him in a different direction, the editors might want to do something else with them, and if they do, more power to them. I'll roll with it. That's the thing about working for a licensed book or working on somebody else's property, I have lots of ideas sure but I don't always get my way. And that's okay.
Kyle: Is it though?
Ian: ...Sometimes *mutter* *mutter*. But no seriously, if Evan were to decide that she wants to do a redemption arc for Surge or take her in a more heroic path, she's not doing anything wrong. She's lead writer on the book so let her do her thing. And if I get to do something else on the book in the near future, I'll follow along.
shadria fags are all degenerates and I feel bad for Maria's new live action actress
That entire paragraph is a backhanded jab at Lanolin and I think that's funny.
He has good taste.
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>Q:What sort of ""friendly"" nicknames would Surge give the Neo Diamond Cutters, if she stuck around for long enough to end up joining them as a member?
Ian: Whisper would be Squinty...that or Sunshine. No, Sunshine. "Hey, Sunshine. Where's that smile Sunshine?" Lanolin would be Fluffy, and she would put it with just the right kind of condescension to piss her off every time. "Morning everybody, especially you Fluffy. Got enough coffee there for you Fluffy? Makes your hair stand on end." Duo, she would just obnoxiously treat as like the most trustworthy person there. "What up Duo! Know you always got my back. Don't even need a nickname for you cuz you're just who you are. Aren't you buddy? Wouldn't want to call you by any other name, that'd be confusing. Might give people the wrong idea! Hey Duo, hey buddy!" Tangle, she gave up on because Tangle adopted them all. "Hey Stretch. Hey Bouncy. Hey Bubbles." and she's like "Oh my god, I'm Bubbles now." Surge's like "No! You're not supposed to like-*grumbles*!"
>Q:We want IDW chars to show up in games, but how do logistics work when they are the most fluid/changing out of the cast, like Surge/Kit? Comic chronology/planning + game dev; wouldn't it limit a lot?
Ian: Maybe. That's decisions to be made by people above me. So long as like the core aspects of the characters remain, I think they're fairly evergreen. I mean yeah Tangle and Whisper have been through a lot, but their core dynamic, their core characterization hasn't changed significantly since their introduction. As we were discussing earlier, if Surge were to take a different path, so long as she still is Sonic fast with electric powers, she's recognizable. I think the biggest hurdle would be Starline since he's dead but if Sega says resurrect him, we'd find a way.
Sammy finally relinquishing sega feels like it's a good thing to me as sammy is mainly about gambling and they treated sonic and videogames in general as an afterthought but giving it to microsoft doesn't sound all that better to me. Didn't they axe that one game that had a lot of success and could have been huge?
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>Q:If you could make any dormant SEGA franchises canon to Sonic, similar to Street Fighter & Final Fight, what would you pick?
Ian: NiGHTS into Dreams first and foremost. It fits into the Dream Realm, super easy. Just make that part of Maginaryworld, or like at this rate, just turn Maginaryworld into NiGHTS' dream world. I think you could fold Ristar into the greater cosmos no problem. He visits Planet Wisp, he stopped the Black Arms from affecting his solar system. Just a trifle late following up on that. Yeah Ristar would be easy peasy. Say Vectorman comes from Silver's future, he gets thrown back in time as well for reasons. Have a buddy story between Vectorman and Silver, they go on a road trip. I dig it.
Kyle: Alex Kidd, I feel like you could make work.
Ian: Maybe. His world is so fantastical, even next to Sonic's. But we've got a multiverse, so why not.
Kyle: Space Harrier could just be "guy goes to space on other planets". Maybe they're all canon to Sonic, might as well. Crazy Taxi.
Ian: Sure, why not. A Station Square or Empire City Map for Crazy Taxi, that'd be sick. Yo, like a Hidden Ark track. "Hey, let's go stop the Eclipse cannon. That's a big salamander, look out."
Kyle: I'm being told Super Hang-On since Surge took their bike. Outrun because Sonic thinks it's a challenge.
Ian: Yeah why not Streets of Rage? Eggman decides to research Rakushin.
this guy got suspended, probably because he drew attention to this shit and riled up the zoomer cancel crew
reminds me that people did not like zoro in live-action one piece because he was constantly rolling his eyes at the other characters for being so toony
Cream would say nigger as she would hear it from her mom a lot I feel.
Kyle: Seaman.
Ian: *deep voice* "I see you've been raising your Chao but you have neglected me for a week. Why is that? Am I not cute enough for you? Should I say "bah goo bah"?
Kyle: Ecco is in the ocean, so why not. Makes sense. Skies of Arcadia...
Ian: Nah, it's its own world.
Kyle: You could say that's like a storybook world. maybe.
Ian: Maybe. Shoot at this point, just put it in another planet within Sonic's solar system. We've already got Little Planet and Dodonpa and Planet Wisp.

Reminder that you can send questions to Ian by email, Twitter directly or with their bumblekast hashtag, on the YouTube video, get priority on their Patreon, or send $5 to their Kofi.
Sonic 3 is the endgame for Sonic franchise
With Mufasa, Kraven, Moana/Viana 2, and Gladiator 2 releasing near Sonic, I don't know how it is going to be...
Ian killed the franchise.
I wasn't accusing him of something, I just thought I was talking to someone else. Don't try to start shit.

Starline is a cool character. Those three are cool in general, I don't think anyone would mind it that match if they don't match IDW, and trying to make contradictions fit into a greater story is kind Ian's thing anyway, isn't it?
>the franchise ends with an sa2 adaptation
>and by adaptation i mean it takes one character and a handful of quotes from sa2
Somebody please
Just kill this retarded shipfaggot
Rude, and also racist.
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Didn't this get his account banned?
I was about to correct you, but yeah you're right.
Bros.... I thought we were back....
Your post is right there for everyone to see. You started crying and bitching and accusing him of being bad at the game because it controls like shit. If you don't want to stand by your own posts why make them?
On where? Pretty sure he's still up everywhere. Also
>Post fucking loli shit
I sleep
>Say Nigger
i remember one anon saying James Marsden uttering the words "Shadow the Hedgehog" would kill the franchise
The main thing that irks me about Frontier's control is that sonic slows down and has to accelerate again when you stop boosting instead of continuing to run at his max non-boost speed smoothly. It feels so fucking shit
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why aren't you talking about shipping?
Wasn't the latter an edit, anyway?
>what is seen in the series is headcanon
Sonic was Nicky. Nicky will be Sonic. They are the same. Cope.
I would stand by what I said if I were talking to the person I thought I was talking to. I was referencing posts from previous threads.
keep defending that awful game.
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>Not now, sugar scales

I was

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>kiss me
Your opinion doesn't need my validation. You are allowed to think for yourself. Make use of that instead of crying that other express their own thoughts.
trip forcing herself on fang when he refuses!
NTA but I'd like to see a "boost mode" like from Advance 2 activate when combat ends.

I can do both.

Shadikal is the best Shadow ship.
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Tang is the true ship for megachads
You wanna talk about shipping?
Fine, shipfags are retarded
Shipping is fucking boring and even cringey sometimes

Its only good for spamming and baiting other retards
Sonic should be like Sekiro and less like DMC.
I think the spindash/cycloop/attack/homing attack/stomp is enough for most combat encounters, I don't know why they gave sonic so much beyond that.
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You shut your frickin mouth!
This so much this
Based take actually.
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This kingdom is far too corrupted and weak
I think Sonic's attacking moves should tie more into his movement
Oh yeah and give Sonic the taunt from Pizza tower. I think it's pretty cool and fun and also I love that game and there's a sonic mod for it so check it out.
*cums in your mouth*
I want universal projectiles, parries, and heavy attacks which can crush armor and launch enemies.
He should be lunging himself towards enemies and ricocheting them
this art is incredible wtf
>Silver fighting the urge to still kill Sonic

funny thought but obviously not the case
The parry just being a stylish taunt that somehow counters attacks also fits really well.
I think most people here already know this. The spipfags do it specifically to spite people, so it's best to just ignore them.
Based and correct tangchad
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fuck off kitty
I only talk about shipping because I like it.
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>Lanolin's bell dinging as you fuck her
That's so fucking hot I can't believe I didn't realize this until now.
We have Shadow, Silver, and Blaze for that kind of feel. Sonic on the other hand should be more simplistic since it fits both gameplay-wise with him being the default, as well as him being the kind of person who likes to keep things simple.
How come we can't parry bullet and shit
Why are we pretending the franchise is "ending" now? Because of that fake Microsoft rumor?
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Spite? Spite how? I just think ships are cute.
only Fark can parry everything
Is Microsoft really buying Sega?
Does Knuckles have any sort of sway with the sol emeralds
Meh I used to agree, but now I feel it's better to have one consistent gameplay style.
Yeah sorry I should have said you I'm not doing this thing. So, why are you pretending the franchise is "ending" now? Because of that fake Microsoft rumor?
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sure sure
now be a good cuck and shut up
Old news, it didn't happen.
We could get another Skies of Arcadia or we could be getting DEI injected into sonic/sega games and weird layoffs and terminations.

On second thought I don't think we would get another Skies since one of the original creators died and I don't think anyone can replace her.
I'll just train really hard
god damn this is cute
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When will Silver rape him?
Isn't Sega already doing DEI shit?
I feel like for a more combat oriented game as long as your movement options stay similar it's a good idea to make their combat moves different to keep the gameplay interesting.
I'm not doing it either you nerd.
Microsoft is about to leave the console market entirely. they are not in a position to buy SHIT
mmmmm shipping
mimic disguises as a femboy to get his butthole stuffed
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Source with sound?
>shadow being saddled with classicuck enemies and sounds
The Meta Era.
Both Microsoft and Sony are making a backwards compatibility handheld.
microsoft is in a position to buy anything, their biggest problem for 25 years has been finding a way to spend all the money they have
does this count as everythingfagging?
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Not at all.
mmmmmm fangu's paternal instincts kicking in after a one night stand
Xbox isn't in the position to do shit. They've been throwing good money after bad for two console generations and have nothing to show for it. Everything we've heard has said they're leaving the console space entirely and that Xbox as a brand is being dissolved into Microsoft Games.

Yes, Microsoft the company might be able to use their fuck you money to buy Sega. But why? They have some of the biggest studios out there and they can't do shit with them, and Gamespass is a colossal failure.

Xbox is fucking toast. It's done.
>fangu's paternal instincts
That's why he wears the belt
Silver and Surge will shonen attack Mimic and Lanolin to death
>Gamespass is a colossal failure
Really? I thought the PC version was popular.
>Fancy a snow cone, commander?
>REGENT NEERA! It would be an honor!
tdfwnn can you draw a proposal with any two characters
It's popular and a good deal for players. That's why it's bad. They can't make money off of it. nobody puts their games on Xbox unless they get moneyhatted with a Gamespass deal because Xbox players don't buy games. They're already planning to jack up the price to recoup costs but even that isn't enough.
Cream gently explaining to Blaze that caste systems don't exist in the Chaos dimension and that she should apologize to that poor koala.
I think.
i like how your art is getting these little manga effects
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>Photoshop occasionally freezes and doesn't let me save
>auto-recovery folders are empty
>just lost 2 hours of work
I hate my life.
>It's honestly very similar to how Rouge was turned into nothing more than Shadow's sidekick for the longest time
Yeah, this. Shadowfags seethed when Rouge got a spot in dream team without Shadow, ignoring the fact that her role as team dark's "leader" basically prevented her from interacting with any other character or even appearing on her own.
Surge by the end of this racing story kek
Sorry to hear that, what were you working on?
i really didn't want to jerk off today
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I been messing with Tegaki's tools more.
Every gay Silver ship is better than Silvaze.
Dream Team is the first time in the history of the franchise that Rouge appeared in a game without Shadow.

Yeah no shit they went crazy, they were a bundle since day 1.
Shipping is bad in general

I get it now!
What's your problem with shipping?
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>Sonic is cartoony, they can afford to fudge it a bit. Pretty sure thats how they did it in ShtH and do it in Frontiers too.
And that's still not enough. There's a reason why Bayonetta is so lanky.
It's a pun on cream cheese
Makes the characters ooc
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I had most of the robo legs, arm, and clothes drawn, now I must do it again...
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That seems like it might be the case...
Gay Silver is in character though
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Canon Shadow chomped the curry.
Why does Frontiers have such shit pop-in on every platform?
god i wish i had a beyonetta wife so badly
cream the rabbit is a pun too
She gets gangraped by the boys?
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>Surge somehow gains a jump in power
>Sonic fighting her solo while everyone else stands there
>Sonic starts to lose but then he appears...
duo plapping silver
In IDW, is anyone actually care when Surge and Kit betray the restoration? Feels like a missed opportunity for them not to actually sucker in someone and then dunk on them.
My dearest~
sbadamy is an extension of the characters
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Thoughts on the level design from Update 3 cyberspace stages?
I'm hoping for the Riders Arc to end with the Restoration getting destroyed, and then Surge and Kit rubbing it in about how this is what happens when you try to "redeem" people.
Honestly, who fucking knows what any of the characters are going to do now. Normally that's a good thing in writing, but in this case, the story has been written so poorly that it's starting to have potential again due to the possibility of anything can happen because who the fuck knows what is happening now.
Everyone but Whisper will be sad about it but like that Anon said if she tag teams Mimic with Silver all will be forgiven
Ian Flynn, take notes
jewel redeeming clutch
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The message of IDW Sonic unironically becomes
>Fuck niggers, throw them in jail, there is no redemption for them. Genetics matter

I'm for it.
Surge&Kit will kill him too
Not happening you retarded ape.
Beyonetta? More like pegged by momma!
she likes it when you call her mommy
None of that is true. Game pass is officially sustainable, for example
surge will slip on a penny then cry again and kit will stand in the background glaring at everyone while not doing anything
Tangle dies building an IED
The message of Sonic has always been "Do what you want, when you want, but don't be pissed if people beat the shit out of you for being a prick"
You can tell because even though both Sonic and Eggman just do whatever they feel like, everyone sides with Sonic because he's not a shitty person and they like him better, and no one would care if Eggman dropped dead because he's a bastard.
Right, that's where my head was at first. Surge and Kit are going to blow all their ethos and be "kill on site" for at least Whisper and Lanolin, but it feels like nobody is going to feel torn up about it.

IDW keeps touching on the themes of "redemption" and if they want a character to be iredeemable they should make it hurt for the protagonists more. It unironically feels like the protagonists aren't trying to redeem them hard enough.

I really want a "civil war" arc out of this. Sonic gets framed, Lanolin finally snaps at Sonic for being an irresponsible idiot and working with Eggman, sides are taken, etc.
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>fucking a woman
>make her cum in like two minutes
>pussy closes up
>can't really fuck her anymore
>just decide to cum on her face I guess

Women fucking suck.
It really is funny how he just highlights everything wrong with Lanolin post Urban Warfare. Especially "the one that's saving the hero from running into certain doom" because Lanolin is very clearly doing the exact opposite of that.
I wish IDW wasn't about redemption at all, and I can't believe Ian ever thought that was a good fucking idea in the first place.
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>Lanolin is going to ruin these threads again tomorrow when we get the IDW leaks
This is why Tangle fucks men
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>trip... please.... i'm still in my refractory perio-
Anon, the writers at IDW are people who think things like open borders and polyamorous relationships are good ideas. There is no quality from IDW. To say the bar is on the ground is to imply that there was ever a bar to begin with, because that would imply a standard or goal to reach.
Save more often OR set up the auto-save to be more frequent.
>He'd want to give him that chance but he's going to make sure everybody knows
This is the thing that Ian doesn't understand and why IDW Sonic sucks. Sonic WOULDN'T give shit at all. He'd leave it up to him to tell Whisper the truth because he has no reason to get involved. If Mimic genuinely wanted to change, Sonic would really care either way.
Idk, it's a good enough theme as any, and gives us interesting character arcs like Mech Sonic's.
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Lanolin: "I don't care how embarrassing you think it is Silver, you WILL drink my milk and call me mommy!"
>if Surge were to take a different path, so long as she still is Sonic fast with electric powers, she's recognizable
Her being a villain vs her being an anti-hero isn't something you can just ignore. Sega would most definitely clamp down on the OCs.
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Damn this sheep is hot as fuck. I just can imagine squeezing her udders for some milk.
Lanolin X Silver wincest femdom thread?
It's a difficult thing to do properly without feeling forced and gives us terrible bullshit like Sonic's ooc spergouts toward Shadow and Surge, and it's telling that the only good instance of it in IDW was done by a different writer in a one-off issue.
That is a fine ship. All of them. Yes, every ship is good to someone, no matter how out there it is. That is the reality.
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Not even a Lanolin fan, but I always love seeing LDF's art of her.
Even Cream and Vanilla?
it's getting milky in here
EDIT: Except Silvaze. That's the one exception.
shut the fuck up about milk
Why is colorfag always using this type of shading, it makes all art look hideous
Nevermind I will amend my statement. Unless its incestual or age gap or anything like that, the ship is fine.
>her udders
It's just wool.
marine's milk
Zavok leche
It's not, she shaves her milkers
open the fuck up for your milk
Mina's milk
3 drops of skim milk
Weird part is, I did.
It's stolen too, so I can't even complain to Adobe about it.
Even tried all the online fixes for similar problems.
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theres nothing there bro
Like 2 gallons of salt water
I'm okay with Sticks returning, but please no IDW OCs in the games.
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>When Mimic transforms into a female body, in order for breasts to form, he has to goon to build up precum which is then stored in his breasts
>the bigger the breasts, the more he has to goon
>Lanolin's body took him over 16 hours of nonstop gooning to build up enough precum to get her physique right
>The only problem now is that he is extremely horny
>That's when Silver walked in...

tfw ywn suck precious precum out of Lanolin's (Mimic) massive mommy milkers.
Nic's 'ick
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i hate you sick fucks so much it's unreal
How would Mina meet Leon
milky milky haha :D
Never change, sthg
Spare Silver and take me instead not even joking I would do it
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Can we get more of Lanolin's mom being trashy and shameless?
Here's the PG version
Not OR of either but nice work.
Were you the one who wanted to redraw comic book panels?
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Would you femnic?
I would sonic
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While pictures are nice, I want some Everythingfag fan-stories. Do you know any, /sth/?

Pic related is one I saw a few threads ago: https://nitter.poast.org/SonicRevolt/status/1803548446827409615
I've said some abhorrent shit here, but this is a masterpiece.
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God is dead, because we killed him.
willingly, and laughed about it.
Eggman after I suck the egg whites out of him
can we get a fic where eggman is buttraped
Cursed Egg Man.
well im flaccid
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>Tails snapped Eggman's neck 180 degrees, sideways
>Eggman can still use his hand
Brutal and bit horrifying
Did you play literally anything other than Rush? In Rush the world is about to end and the Sol Emeralds were stolen. Blaze gets heated under pressure but NO sooner.
>Sonic is an energetic and bombastic character that is actually calm and collected.
And he's hyperactive no matter how you look at it.
>Blaze is a stoic and serious character that is actually hothead and emotional.
And she's aloof and chill no matter how you look at it. Thinking she can't talk to Silver without blowing up in his face like an autist is just full on retarded holy shit.
Blaze heats up when she's under pressure, and explodes when that pressure reaches a boiling point. Otherwise she's totally chill.
I mean, she didn't she also bitch out Marine for being a useless nuisance in Rush 2 as well?
I haven't kept up with the lore.
that smol Lanolin is adorable
Lanolin's mom is willing to go out on her front lawn completely naked except for a pair of shades while she's watering her lawn. She doesn't care if her neighbors see her, she likes the attention.
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Yes I was just looking for that gif
Why do you keep trying to fight him?
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Marine a cute!
At least try to pretend you know what you're talking about.
Has she met Hella yet?
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I bet she doesn't even need to "water her lawn" because she lives in one of those shitty trailer parks and does it just to keep busy.
Holy cope
>Why won't that purple drongo notice me?!
Good. Some distraction before the trailer release later this month.
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Didn't SA1 have sonic relaxing on vacation?
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shadow is unable to resist lanolin's sexy bod
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It’s the pie gag and the twins want a taste
But what's this? It's Fizz in the face
He takes the cake and he eats it too
He's hungry to win, and he's covered in goo

That's point for cream, the crowd screams
Ba-ba-ballons he's pumping them out
From where I'm sittin’, you can hear the crowd (Ah-ah-ah-ah)

Not give a shit ’cuz the twins are here
They're full of sin, and they’re here to win

Holy moly
Things are not looking good for Fizz-a-rolli
Fiona is so lucky...
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>"Mother, for the last time, put a shirt on!"
>*rips* "You first."
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>shadow 1ups sonic using gay sex
What are you talking about? First you complain they're tied together by the hip, and then you say they barely speak to each other? Just shut the fuck up. You don't even know what you're arguing anymore, I'm not sure you ever did.
You mean Ian?
Actually kill yourself, you don't just end a concept altogether because you don't like an aspect of it. Sonurge being trash that shits on the character doesn't mean shipping itself is bad. This retards pushing this rhetoric are even more braindead than the Sonurge shippers themselves and can't even see it.
Silver works independently but hits roadblocks. Having someone that always knows what to say to him isn't bad, actually it's a really good thing and frankly fuck you if you can't see that.
You might be able to say she was his "babysitter" in 06 but definitely not now, they work together, she's not keeping tabs on him.
You guys are killing me with this bullshit, Rouge was never Shadow's sidekick. They always worked together, one was never subservient to the other. Tails is Sonic's sidekick, Cream was both Amy and Blaze's sidekicks, there's more examples, but saying Rouge was Shadow's is just utter nonsense. They worked together, as it should be. Hell in Heroes she was basically the leader and I certainly didn't think Shadow was her sidekick in that game.
Silver and Blaze aren't mentor and student, in fact even in 06 they weren't that. Silver fought his own battles, hit a roadblock questioning whether his actions were right or not, and Blaze told him what he needed to hear to get him back into the action again. She's not his mentor, she's his partner, and they were never EVER meant to bump heads. Sonic and Knuckles were meant to bump heads, Silver and Blaze have never been like that so again what you're saying is nonsense. They're equals, always have been.
Blaze interacts with Cream and Marine in IDW. Or are we memoryholing that?
So this is it for Sonic then
Fresh from the trash, it seems.
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Let me show you why I'm the ultimate life form
>Lanolin wants to be girlboss to prove to her hot, slutty mom and herself that she can be more than just trailer trash
Finally, an interesting back story for an IDW character.
This is what shipping does to people.
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Never have I ever read something so jaded on this board even though most of this is correct.

Anon pls chill out
How NiGHTS should be written
His Silvaze is under attack and he needs to defend it with his life. It's too late to save him now.
I challenge you to lose you virginity by the end of this year.
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I like this, using it for my ship.
What ship?
a lot of you seem to think sexual assault is hot
Girls are gross
>but please no IDW OCs in the games.
Lanolin sexually assaulting Silver and Duo is funny.
>place full of women and incels like rape
You don't say...
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Here also reminder that him a coom juzzlier is Canon and just for jokes
They could be cool as long as Ian and Evan weren't writing them.
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Blaze is not chill. She's like Elsa from Frozen who, despite the icy themes, is FAR from "cool-headed".

She's the type of hothead who acts stoic and disciplined because she's constantly holding herself back from murdering you in blind rage. That is not "chill", that is not "aloof", that is not cool-headed in the slightest, Blaze the Cat is not calm and collected because "Cool" IS SONIC'S THING, and Blaze is his direct polar opposite in that regard.
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It’s thread culture.
I already had a headcanon that she was an orphan who was adopted by a monastery and eventually became a police officer, so they both basically came from less than glamorous origins
Is it not?
Only when its against me by blobian women
after playing rush though i feel like blaze has a secret thrillseeker side that she discovered by being next to sonic.
Fuck you, colorfag. Stop using that picture you're the only that uses it and stop shading the way you do right now. It makes the art look hideous. Fuck... You're short, colorfag. You're short, colorfag. DAVEFREEEEE.
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blobian women are made for giving and receiving sexual assault
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that's a lame excuse to say such things isn't 4chan supposed to be allergic to herd mentality or something
No. Adopting a blobian girl and grooming her into a daughterwife over the years is hot.
Classic and Silver aren’t in this pic so I assume they’re making out in the bathroom
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peak autism reply
ty schizo for making my evening
>Did you play literally anything other than Rush?
Did you play anything other than 06? The mediator babysitter angle is only that game and IDW. In Colors and Sonic Channel they bicker and insult each other when they first meet because they're both competitive hotheads
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>He'd leave it up to him to tell Whisper the truth because he has no reason to get involved
>Sonic would knowingly let an assassin sneak around his friend
I'm glad you guys don't write shit.
>Bitch, shut that hole and gimme some milk.
Yeah after she spent most of the game being exactly that. The boiling point was reached.
If you don't have an argument, don't (You), it saves both yourself and the spokesperson some time.
Yes, it also had him jumping off a building after hyping up an ordinary city and fighting a water demon for shits and giggles before getting disappointed when it ran off, what's you point?
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>Getting drunk on Lanolin's (Mimic) precum
Cute Amy backside.
This character really died after SA2.
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this is what sthg looks like to me
Can't believe Retro Diner Amy is free now. I hope Cell-shaded and Modern dress will be too.
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I'm gonna be real. A part of me wishes Diner Amy was her official classic design
Funny Bunny
>Silver works independently but hits roadblocks
No he doesn't, he's retarded and can't do anything without a babysitter. It's in every game and the comics. He has no ambition, no direction and always follows other characters orders. He's a dog that needs to be led around and can't do anything on his own.
>be nice or no pussy for you!
every fucking time lmao
Knuckles couldn't pick up a pencil with his big fucking lego figure hands
>most popular
By a small circle?
Looking at the cheap image it looks like Sega is nowhere on this.
shadamy and fangxtrip anons...
Makes them talk?
Hey, talk shit get hit.
All the obsession over Sonic character sexo on this board and I'm the one who needs saving? lmao
if sonic unleashed was so good then how come it never got ported
so, he self-inserts as Tails, right?
People like you are the reason THIS BOARD FUCKING SUCKS.
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Shipping has nothing to do with it stop deflecting and accept you aren't the cool individual you think you are
You are so fucking retarded I don't know where to begin. Sonic being cool means Blaze can't be cool because Sonic and Blaze are opposites...even though Sonic and Shadow are also opposites and both of them are cool.
And then Blaze is constantly holding herself back from killing everyone...? This generals is deranged.
Because Amy's better and in the games.
braze bunda
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Blaze did not pick that outfit out there just no way
This feels like a copypasta, but why do these guys hate coolorfag?
this is 100% copium
now THESE are crackships
>The mediator babysitter angle is only that game and IDW
anon...that literally does not contradict anything I have said today. In fact it only reinforces my argument that they are not ooc when together as others have suggested.
>Amy using black magic strong enough to over power even Silver just for costumes

sick twisted bitch
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I only like colorfag's shading here because the context makes sense, the rest looks like shit.
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A Blaze born free from the expectations and crushing weight of royalty and responsibility would be a female Sonic
I like all of these things for Silver with someone who isn't Blaze. Again, my problem is not wether or not you can force the dynamic to work with some jiggling; My problem is that when they're both on screen together, the focus is on their barely workable dynamic, the thesis of which is repeated every time they're on screen, or we get some forced interaction which puts Blaze questionably out-of-character.

>they're equals
Yes. My point exacy. Silver is a main character. Blaze is a main character. They both should have their own goals and need to spend time around their own supporting cast.

Realistically, they both just need their own love interests in their supporting cast. I would love to see some spunky character that keeps Silver's spirits up.
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I think i like that...
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shippers are on maximum overload today
What the fuck are these ships?
Made for BHC.
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ive seen more
black arms paizuri
roasties btfo
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No, I hate Ian, not without any reason though
>They both should have their own goals and need to spend time around their own supporting cast.
The Diamond Cutters would make the perfect supporting cast for Silver since most of them (Whisper, Lanolin) have similar backstories and motivations regarding helping and saving others.
What happened to Sonic Forces in that assessment, 4chan Anonymous?
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Saved, misanthropes BTFO
>some spunky character that keeps Silver's spirits up.
Silver is supposed to support other characters with his optimism. That was his ostensible involvement in Forces.
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>.even though Sonic and Shadow are also opposites
No, Shadow is DARK Sonic. The entire point of Shadow is being another Sonic.

The entire point of Blaze is being Sonic's opposite, just like Knuckles is.

Sonic is "cool", in both style and temperament. Blaze's temperament is the reverse.

Sonic is energetic on the surface, but he's actually a very chill guy who remains calm and collected. This is the difference between Sonic & Amy. Amy is basically a female version fo Sonic but the distinction is that Amy is very passionate and enthusiastic, she is extremely energetic to an overwhelming degree that Sonic can't keep up with. Where Amy wears her heart on her sleeve with intense feeling, Sonic keeps deeper and genuine emotions subtle and on the down low.

Blaze has passionate, intense emotions just like Amy, but where Amy feels them openly and expressively, and where Sonic is simply calm and at peace all the time, Blaze conceals her true feelings underneath her strict discipline. Where Sonic lives every day like a vacation, Blaze carries the weight of her world on her shoulders.

Sonic's temperament is "Cool", Blaze's temperament is "Hot". On the surface, Sonic appears wild and energetic while Blaze appears withdrawn and silent, but that is only a surface-level facade. Sonic may appear to be full of energy, but he can't keep up with someone as genuinely energetic and wildly spontaneous as Amy. Blaze may appear to be stoic, but the slightest inconvenience can trigger a burst of flame.

At the end of the day, it was Blaze who ignited the fight between herself and Sonic, refusing to listen to reason. It was Sonic who tried to dissuade the tension and cool her down, being the one to finally break through to Blaze what she's needed to hear all along.
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>spunky character
That sounds like Tangle.
Oh duh. I forgot I was talking to the Schizo. Fuuuuck. No reasoning with him my bad guys.
What's wrong? Not enough sexo? Talk about Lanolin's big milkers? Or a peaceful married life with Amy? Sonurge or Tang rambling? Paragonic autism? Justifying pedophilia and sexualizing Cream maybe? Which were you expecting anon? Cause I come here all the time, and you're nowhere to be found when the board spams garbage like that. But start talking about shipping and REEEE this board sucks!!!1!
He didn't do anything in Forces
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Good work
Ian's abusive lesbian OCs will never appear in the mainline games
Blaze and Whisper pov:
she's full of spunk
They would if IDWver was written in character, but Lanolin is slowly being written as more of a prick and less of a wannabe hero, and Whisper is basically just for trauma drama at this point as well.
Silver joining the Diamond Cutters sounds like it would turn into a harem anime
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>holy shit levels of projection
Based and true
But where are his love interests?
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It is right there in her Sonic Channel profile.

Blaze has intense, passionate feelings beneath the surface that is hidden behind a stoic and disciplined facade.
Silver and Dark Gaia
Rouge and Blaze
Last thing I'll say is that Silver and Blaze bump heads in Japanese content. In western content, Blaze is fundementally mischaracterized because she acts like her '06 incarnation.

Sure, but I think it's fine if even he needs a kick in the ass sometimes.

Yeah I actually realized this after the fact.
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>Or a peaceful married life with Amy?
Why the fuck am I catching strays? Asshole.
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After beating most of Riders' Hero story on my first try, I'm stuck on Babylon Garden.
/sthg/, do any of you know how to navigate that last turn? That's the part of the track that keeps fucking me over no matter how hard I drift.
Oh wow nevermind. Ill shut up.
Why are Silvaze shippers like this?
Silver and this OC are basically Whisper and Tangle before Whisper and Tangle
You're just bad at the game niger
Can Blaze and Shadow go burning/super?
date on sauce? kek if pre idw
And my argument is Blaze is not ever out of character with Silver. I'd also like to know if you find this >>484311992
to be ooc for Blaze. The only reason they keep saying you guys are in such heckin good sync is because they're lazy and don't want to actually focus on their dynamic. But what we've actually gotten of their dynamic has been nice nonetheless, even if outright vocalizing it is a lazy violation of the show don't tell rule.
>Independent characters can't be each others' love interests
Nonsense. It almost sounds like you're saying a main character and a side character must be chosen in a relationship no matter what, which is sad to hear and frankly I don't understand. Moreover neither of them NEED love interests at all, playing with the thought of the relationship only placates fans saddened by their departure in 06. Honestly I like that they do it, it's a mysterious connection, I love all the symbolism they do with it, and I hope they delve into it further in the future.
We can’t forget the ‘Super’ forms of a lot of those guys.
except much gayer
I 100%ed the game a couple years ago but my sagely knowledge is locked away somewhere in the recesses of my mind now. The only thing I can think to tell you is to try several small consecutive mini drifts to orient yourself by progressively snapping into position, and try to take the turn from the outside so that you can cut it inwards closer.
I was on this board back in February and this same exact argument about blaze was happening.

Never change sthg
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>but I think it's fine if even he needs a kick in the ass sometimes.
I like Silver as the relentless force that refuses to back down no matter what, to the point that he would sooner go too far and need someone to stop or redirect him rather than pick him up or convince him to keep going. He fought Iblis for YEARS after all.
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>Rose Gold Amy didn't happen
>WTF am I even reading?
Is this the power of Japanese otakus who never scored?
That piece is from late 2018

but Silver and Stripes and their dynamic starts HCB chapter 2 in 2017
This is autistic. You're talking like they're novelty candies from an amusement park.
>schizo silver in schizo setting

made in heaven
Honestly yeah the arguments are long past due but I don't care for those topics so i just mind my business hopefully the movie gives them something new to bitch about
wtf is this? Gaming in 2025?
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>posting the shitty version
*sigh* let me fix that
He could have had all three of them but Duo stole his bitches
this is the new bait huh
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What the heck is that supposed to mean?

This is the basic gist of Sonic & Blaze's characters and dynamic. Citing Blaze as the cool and aloof one is to completely fail to understood who Blaze even is, as well as missing the entire point of her dynamic with Sonic. Especially if it results in mistaking Sonic for Amy.
actualy now that I think of it I think this blaze argument was even going back in 2022
holy shit
Yay tania
>his bitches
idwver is gay tho
yes don't be scared Anon...upload your mind
>acknowledge one of their most popular sonic cartoons
Sonic X?
Okay, that seems worth a shot.
He's right though
You mean he didn't contribute to your point in Forces.
Tell me what you think the word projection means
Stop trying to pretend Silver and Blaze are fierce rivals like Sonic and Knuckles.
And I guarantee you that degenerate will not respond to this post with any "this gen sucks!!11" autism.
You're taking the opposite stance of that post? You need to evaluate yourself first.
May be autistic but read what he said—hes right.
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yup but whatever
Technically no since Silver and Stripes are explicitly not supposed to be romantically involved (the artist is Russian and can't get away with depicting gays) while Whisper and Tangle got the Lesbian flag background. Silver and Stripes are a better couple in my opinion though.
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It's what she's like. You're acting like I called ice cream hot or hot coco cold. Blaze is who she is. You can talk all day about how she's "supposed to be", it means nothing.
no id rather ad hominem and point out you bulk replying to people for the (You) out of sheer malice and rage over the debate of your ship you fantasize about. See I can project too!

Take em schizo.
>You're acting like I called ice cream hot or hot coco cold.
Calling Blaze, of all people, "cool" is exactly that. She is very aggressive and hotheaded, hiding it doesn't change that. It's visible in how she behaves throughout both Rush games.
No he isn't, as stated. I read it all, as much as it drained my braincells. It's at a level beyond the autism spectrum. None of it is accurate, it's all a bunch of conceptual musing.
How did Silver and Blazefags become worse than Shadowfags though?
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>Yet another doomposting hours on sthg
i have no fucking idea

i just sat here for a moment before typing trying to think of something and couldnt. This is how we know theres a big problem.
All he did in Forces was give up on Sonic and Tails and get beat by Infinite.
and then IDW revealed that he didn't do anything during the war and just got saved by Whisper.
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Archie good
idw bad
Blaze and Silver are two serious guardians of their respective worlds and they operate together as partners on that level while butting heads if one gets in the others way. The Sonic Channel chao cafe story got it right.
No it isn't. She's standoffish and aloof. She only gets aggressive and hotheaded in serious situations. That is literally all. Knuckles is hotheaded. He's a competitive loudmouth who doesn't know when to shut up and never thinks anything through before jumping headfirst into danger, often times into a trap. Is that Blaze?
When is he fucking Sunny?
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Translation: You do not understand the characters of Sonic & Blaze, and when faced with the truth, you reject it on-sight because it contradicts your headcanon.

Play Sonic Rush, pay close attention to how both Sonic & Blaze are portrayed, read what their character profiles say in official sources, read the Sonic Channel stories, etc.

Heck, just look at this: >>484314518

There are very clear patterns at play here. There is a fundamental core concept behind Blaze the Cat's personality and how she relates back to Sonic on a thematic level.
>Blaze is who she is.
Yes, a hothead who keeps her emotions hidden because she's scared of losing control. Now please stop making things up.
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>And I guarantee you that degenerate will not respond to this post with any "this gen sucks!!11" autism.
Huh? Oh that one wasn't a gen, it's cropped from something that was posted here about a week ago. I just really liked the Amy part of the image, and in fact don't think I have the full anymore after checking. I don't post gens so much now because it starts shit.
>show don't tell
I've said this here before (probably arguing with you actually) but Silvaze is frustrating because they go out of their way to portray it and then tell me how I should interpret it. It's "show then tell".

>main and side character
Yes, I am saying that. Amy was literally designed for Sonic. Blaze in '06 was re-designed for Silver. I'm not keen on replacing a character with the role kf a side character.

I think '06 Silver/ '06 Blaze being reuinted would be cool.

They're not "fierce rivals", and sure they get on fine, but them butting heads is more in-character.

Because again, '06 Blaze and western Blaze are mischaracterized from their original design and how they are in Japanese content, and I like their original characterizations better. Silver is in a similar situation with UwUver.

They're also still paired up in Japan obviously but it's less annoying.
Silver and Blaze won't be in the movies.
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both good
That isn't even Knuckles, you made all that up. Knuckles isn't the type to run his mouth, he's the type to get annoyed at Sonic doing that and want to shut him up instead.

Knuckles IS hotheaded and wild-tempered though... and so is Blaze. Knuckles is stoic and serious, socially withdrawn and isolated from others in-favor of dedicating his actions to upholding his responsibilities.... just like Blaze. Blaze is just a female version of Knuckles, in that regard.
see >>484291923
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both bad
>He has no ambition, no direction and always follows other characters orders.
Was that Silver's character in Forces? You idiot?
When will Silver rape Evan for ruining his established character? I say this as both Silverfans and blazefans(i hate Evan so much it's unreal)
>How did Silver and Blazefags become worse than Shadowfags though?
They are the Sonic equivalent of Waluigi fanboys. That is to say, they are obsessed with copies of a copy who stared in terrible games and so are completely confused about the entire thing. That is why they are worse than the Shadow fandom who have a much stronger foundation with SA2 to base their perception of the character.
Wrong. You have a headcanon of their behaviors based on the concept of the characters, but you ignore the way they actually behave in order to suit your narrative because you're a Shintotard who believes everything has to exist in exact relation to one another. And the fact you just took that reddit post and used it unironically says enough about what I'm dealing with here.
It's been his character in everything since
>They are the Sonic equivalent of Waluigi fanboys.
Blaze is even purple.
But...that's what I said. She's aloof and standoffish and blows up under pressure. You're so fucking retarded you just admitted I was right and didn't even realize it what the fuck?
>ou have a headcanon of their behaviors based on the concept of the characters, but you ignore the way they actually behave in order to suit your narrative
False. Everything I say is based on everything I see, period. I pay close attention to the core concepts and how things connect, but I also pay close attention to what is actually shown and displayed in the games themselves.
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>Shadowfags seethed when [characters get a spotlight]
Shadowfags are ungrateful fucks, they're not in the position to seethe about anything, not when he's the most babysat and spoonfeed character in the franchise
>But...that's what I said.

You think Blaze is aloof, and that any hotheadedness she displays is merely a situational thing when under too much pressure. What the other anon said is that Blaze is hotheaded, first and foremost, and any aloofness displayed is merely a facade.
>you ignore the way they actually behave in order to suit your narrative
Opinion on Boom Amy, Boom Shadow, IDWver, and IDWnic? Since if you just latch on to how the characters are currently portayed you'd have no problem with these, even if they're wildly different from their original and intended characterization.
I love seeing my hero Sparky defeat unenlightened fools in traditional autism combat
Yes, he just follows Knuckles's orders in that game.
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>they're rivals like Sonic and Knuckles

That's what I keep trying to fucking tell this Silvaze guy but he won't buy it

I'm relatively new here and I'm about to give up on Blaze characterization arguments; this is like the 4th threadlong debate I've had and it's tedious and reptitive. Especially since I'm pretty damn sure I'm arguing with the same guy every time and Sparky is making the same arguments too.

Because both Blaze and Silver both have different incarnations which no longer exist, and their dynamic is based on those incarnations.
That dipshit keeps insisting that Silver did nothing but have to be saved by Whisper in the comics when he's clearly contributed along with Sonic's other friends. Just ignore him, he's just desperate for (you)s.
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Why hasn't Sega and Konami team up to put Sonic/Shadow/Silver in Silent Hill? People would legitimately eat that shit up.
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>In IDW, is anyone actually care
I care not for IDW OCs, they can get fucking vaulted for all I care
>Because both Blaze and Silver both have different incarnations which no longer exist, and their dynamic is based on those incarnations.
But why even keep them around if they have no reason toe xist anymore? Sticks was so much better of a character and is kind of in the mainland universe but is never used.
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We have been discussing silvaze since yesterday.
These characters are complex, mutlifaceted beings. Understanding the underling core of who and what they are meant to be on a conceptual level is important, because otherwise you can easily get blinded by a surface-level appearance giving you a false misconception that leads you to a conclusion that is wildly different from what was originally intended. Too much deviation means you'll end up with an idea of Sonic in your mind that is completely alien to what Sonic actually is.
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>Hey mom!
>Yes, I am saying that.
Yeah that's bullshit. You don't have to decide who's more of a main character when two characters get together, that's retarded.
>butting heads is more in-character
It is not. Obviously, since they don't bump heads. I mean it's nonsense. Does Blaze ever bump heads with Sonic ever since the day they first fought? Then why the fuck would it be in character for her to bump heads with Silver, who is less of a competitive thrill seeking daredevil than Sonic is?
You're picking and choosing which depiction is the "right" one. It's ok if you wish she was one way or another but don't pretend she's something she's not. 06 Blaze is different from Rush Blaze as they have completely different origins and stories, but other than that even IDW!Blaze is just like Game!Blaze. This disconnect and selective arguing is why there's clearly a confusion about who these characters actually are, and what it even MEANS to be ooc at all. ALL official material goes into the identity of the characters, not just the ones you want to use.
What has he contributed outside of Metal Virus?
I like Silver and Blaze but I actually agree with you. Vault them till they care enough about them to do something with them again.
>a conclusion that is wildly different from what was originally intended.
Your problem is you think what was originally intended is where many characters are right now. Shadow in particular is not who he was intended to be at first.
No they arent theyre dumb cartoon characters who get molded to do whatever you want stop looking into things you’re driving yourself insane
>I admit Sonic, you weren't half bad!
>Would've been faster if I had been Super Knuckles!
>All of his lines in Sonic Lost World
Leave me alone. You don't know anything about these characters. Just don't talk to me anymore.
>>I admit Sonic, you weren't half bad!
>>Would've been faster if I had been Super Knuckles!
>>All of his lines in Sonic Lost World
Those display "Knuckles is Sonic's Rival', not whatever nonsense you were spouting.
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>Assisting others during Forces, including being the reason why Rookie gets the prototype Phantom Ruby.
>Assists Sonic and Whisper in #8, even saving the latter.
>Saves everyone from falling to their deaths in the fight with Metal Overlord.
>Saves Shadow from the fake Chaos Emeralds going haywire in Eggperial City.
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>Shadow in particular is not who he was intended to be at first.
Shadow was intended to be the dark incarnation of Sonic, and that has never changed. In fact, the very existence of Sonic x Shadow Generations only emphasizes that even further.
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Don't ignore me......
>I admit Sonic, you weren't half bad!
The rival trying to butt heads and challenge the hero only to be forced to admit that they've been beaten/proven wrong is a classic part of any rivalry.
Chiitan should replace Sonic in the games
Hotheadedness is just an observed characteristic. You can't say oh Im' real hotheaded all the time but I just pretend not to be.
What does it matter? Boom is not canon. If IDW is canon we have to fit it in with the other information we have.
He's a very helpful kid. But he's still a rookie that needs to be watched after and mentored.
>You can't say oh Im' real hotheaded all the time but I just pretend not to be.
The trope of a character standing with their fists clenched with a bulging vein on their head as they try to not lose their temper is exactly that.
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the fucking corndog ad got worse
>"Lanolin, you're not fooling anyone. He has WAY more experience than you do, stop treating him like he's just some dumb kid."
He was in Team Sonic Racing which showed his lack of social skills and anxiety issues.

Silver and Blaze are not equals he is a still a child that needs to be guided and he is very dependent on her.
>Hotheadedness is just an observed characteristic. You can't say oh Im' real hotheaded all the time but I just pretend not to be.
These characters are complex, multifaceted beings. Blaze's character is concealing her innermost feelings behind her stoic demeanor. Her hotheadedness is her natural state, and constantly being suppressed. To recognize Blaze's true character, you have to pay close attention to what she is actually saying and how she is actually behaving in any given circumstance.
>the very existence of Sonic x Shadow Generations
This only emphasizes he is a popular character, not that he is a dark sonic. He only superficially looks like a hedgehog somewhat similar to Sonic and that is where the comparison ends. For a supposed dark Sonic, he isn't capable of running fast like Sonic is without special skate shoes, he relies on powers that Sonic barely uses because Sonic doesn't need to cheat with magic etc. He isn't Sonic if Sonic had a different life that made him edgy, he is dark Sonic to the same extent Amy is light Sonic. Sounds stupid when put that way doesn't it? I don't understand why SOnicfags say this when DBZ fans never call Vegeta "dark Goku" because they are nothing alike.
Silver has never recovered from the shitty 06 English localization and it hurts.
I don’t get it, Eggman said he was friendly towards Knuckles when they met, and then he only went bad again at the ending. Why do people say he is a bad guy the whole way through?
The characters are what they are. Anything else is just voices in your head, anon.
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>After a thunderous roar, the maid, who had gone down as if protecting Silver while sweeping away the veil of flame, turned around with her elegant black silk apron skirt fluttering, and announced to him without moving an eyebrow.

>Blaze: “Get out of here, waiter. This is no place for a civilian.”
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I want to fuck a disgusting black creature
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>the fucking corndog ad got worse
i sincerely hope if silver ever gets a leading role in a game that evan writes it
Nah, it's not bullshit. I don't want main characters to be together. It's always dumb.

This entire argument is about mischaracterization. The only truth we can find is the source material, which is Japanese content.

>You can't say "oh I'm a real hothead all the time I just pretend not to be"
Everyone close to me would describe me like that.
Amy is Girl Sonic, all of her character traits are Sonic if he was a girl instead of a boy. Silver is the Light Sonic.
>i sincerely hope if silver ever gets a leading role in a game that evan writes it
This but the exact opposite, I hope Evan is fired.
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Who are you calling a disgusting black creature?
Don't change the subject or move the goalpost. The point is he mouthes off retard. Just fuck off.
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It's canon in IDW that he's very dependent on her and doesn't know what to do without a guiding hand.
>Amy is Girl Sonic, all of her character traits are Sonic if he was a girl instead of a boy. Silver is the Light Sonic.
So is Trunks, Vegeta's son, light Goku or light Vegeta in your twisted logic?
>he isn't capable of running fast like Sonic is without special skate shoes
This is just wrong.
>he relies on powers that Sonic barely uses because Sonic doesn't need to cheat with magic
The only reason Sonic doesn't use his powers is because he doesn't want to, and the only reason Shadow does is because he is the kind to use any tool at his disposal for the sake of efficiency.
>I don't understand why SOnicfags say this when DBZ fans never call Vegeta "dark Goku" because they are nothing alike.
Shadow and Sonic are not a one to one copy of Vegeta and Goku.
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One of the regularly circulating ads here on the bottom of the page. It's for a deepthroating game.
>Shadow and Sonic are not a one to one copy of Vegeta and Goku.
The point being that they are as fundamentally different as Goku is to Vegeta.
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To think all of this could have been avoided if Blaze wasn't in 06
Adorable black creature...
but muh tanabata
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>He only superficially looks like a hedgehog somewhat similar to Sonic and that is where the comparison ends.
Shadow was designed specifically to resemble Sonic. I remember when I was first introduced to Shadow, and my very first thought was that he must be Sonic's own shadow come to life, just from his name and design alone.

>he isn't capable of running fast like Sonic is without special skate shoes
False. The official word, as constantly reiterated in many of his profiles, is that Shadow's speed and abilities are identical to Sonic. Sonic Team has even flat-out said that he is on par with Sonic IN EVERY REGARD, PERIOD.
>he relies on powers that Sonic barely uses because Sonic doesn't need to cheat with magic etc
Chaos Control, as it was introduced in SA2, was a special ability that Sonic was unaware of, putting Shadow above Sonic at first until Sonic learns and masters it instantly, leveling the playing field. And in the end, it's shown that Sonic's ability to control the Chaos Emeralds' power is superior to Shadow, who burnt himself out to the point of destroying himself when they saved the world. Chaos Control remaining in Shadow's skillset alone and not Sonic's is mostly branding purposes of keeping Shadow unique and distinct from Sonic by simply retreading the status quo of the first half of SA2's story between them.

>e isn't Sonic if Sonic had a different life that made him edgy, he is dark Sonic to the same extent Amy is light Sonic.
Amy isn't Light Sonic. Amy is Girl Sonic, Silver is Light Sonic.

>I don't understand why SOnicfags say this when DBZ fans never call Vegeta "dark Goku" because they are nothing alike.
Shadow's own profile in Sonic Heroes literally outright calls him the dark incarnation of Sonic. That is just a fact.
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And? They are rivals. And Knuckles mouthes off.
No it isn't. That's not hotheaded at all, it's quiet and withdrawn. Quiet nd withdrawn doesn't mean kind and well meaning. You can be quit and withdrawn and be secretly plotting everyone's demise. And it's fucking bonkers I have to say that to SONIC FANS of all people because that is exACTLY WHAT SHADOW IS DOING IN HIS DEBUT AND HE'S NOT HOTHEADED AT ALL.
Already addressed
Not Canon

>I don't want main characters to be together. It's always dumb.
>my friends say I'm hotheaded
lol? Doesn't make it true.
honey would never do this
Honey would always do this
Hotheaded and coldblooded are opposites and you somehow conflated the two into being the same thing. How do you even manage?
You only emphasize the fact Shadow is "Sonic's shadow" in the most superficial possible manner. So are these characters supposed to be deep or silly cartoon characters, because I asked where the depth was and you showed me there isn't any.
IDW is just shit. Calling it canon is pretty funny really, it's a bunch of dumb westoids who have nothing to do with ST.
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Look at how in-sync they are!
Ugly colors and coloring. I hate colorfag
I don't hate Ian. I don't even dislike him either. But he's clearly not fit to be writer for the games. Maybe he should find something else to do, and that wouldn't be hard considering he's accomplished, writing for one of the biggest video game franchises of all time should look pretty good on him.
I don't base what I say on "voices in my head", I go by what I see and understand with my own eyes.

>No it isn't. That's not hotheaded at all, it's quiet and withdrawn.
Those two things are not in opposition. Quiet and withdrawn characters can also be hotheaded, as the former is merely a mask hiding the true face of the latter.

Shadow is not hotheaded like Knuckles or Blaze, because Shadow's temperament is naturally much calmer. Shadow is simply laser-focused on his "purpose" without any intense, passionate emotion behind it, it is simply a cold and logical understanding that this is his mission and he will carry it out as efficiently as possible.
>You two are like me and Tails by straight
What are you even talking about? I only made distinctions in that post, I didn't conflate anything. I also love how you ignored every point that proved you completely wrong but found something to try to focus on to avoid admitting you were completely wrong and retarded.
Fuck you, I can't take this anymore, This is worse than what OG Fangfag felt. I might leave this franchise like he did
You're right, it's not true. I don't have friends anymore; I drove everyone away because I'm a hothead who can't control their emotions.

This conversation is making me realize Blaze is literally me.
>So are these characters supposed to be deep or silly cartoon characters,
Your first mistake was assuming silly cartoon characters can't be deep and complex.

Sonic characters are 'toons that are also supposed to be deep. Trying to separate the two would kill the franchise at its core.
Sure. It works, same as Sonaze does.
>I go by what I see and understand with my own eyes.
That's not what you just said. You said you go by the concept of the character and the supposed intention, and that going solely by your own eyes can leave you misinterpreting the characters. Make up your mind and leave the goalpost where it is.
Half of those he did with a babysitter. You still haven't debunked the idea that he doesn't need a babysitter because he's a fucking retard.
You do realize that's from a FAN drawing, right?
>BAAAAAAAWWW Where's Blaze???
this is kinda pathetic desu
>That's not what you just said.
It seems like you have no idea what I actually said, actually.
So you literally can't answer what makes Shadow, "Sonic's shadow" on a deeper level but you insist this is deep stuff? Are you a dimwit spouting nonsense anon?
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Silver is screwed. I WARNED you not to let girls write this series DIDN'T I???? AND DID YOU LISTEN???
Fuck it I'm gonna find a way to reset this timeliness where this God awful general never came to be
Silver is canonically a clumsy cowardly stupid dependent child with no social skills.
>"You guys should have hot baby-making sex with each other."
I can't believe got away with making Sonic saying this...
>a character standing with their fists clenched with a bulging vein on their head as they try to not lose their temper.
This is a hotheaded character trying to hold back their temper and emotions, like Blaze.
>a character standing with their fists clenched with a bulging vein on their head as they rush down their opponent without thinking.
This is a hotheaded character letting their emotions and temper control them, like Silver
>You can be quit and withdrawn and be secretly plotting everyone's demise.
This a coldblooded character not letting emotion cloud their judgement and get in the way of their goals, like Shadow.

Now tell me how these characters are all hotheaded and exactly the same.
>Understanding the underling core of who and what they are meant to be on a conceptual level is important, because otherwise you can easily get blinded by a surface-level appearance giving you a false misconception that leads you to a conclusion that is wildly different from what was originally intended.
Dude, fuck you, seriously.
I feel bad now for pushing the "Silver is gay" shitposting in this general.
How about you just stop fucking coming here, idiot?
>you can easily get blinded by a surface-level appearance giving you a false misconception
Western localization and meddling has been trying to do this for ages now.

You can think you're hot headed all day, but if you're not showing it it really isn't a characteristic that describes you. You aren't short tempered if you can control your temper.
I simply explain what the official material conveys.

The point of Shadow and the entire plot of Sonic Adventure 2 is that Shadow is Sonic's shadow. They look so similar that EVERYONE assumed that Shadow was Sonic at first glance, to the point of making the entire military arrest Sonic for Shadow's crimes. They look so alike that Sonic and Shadow themselves think the other must be some sort of imposter, and have an identity crisis over it that motivates them to take down the other because there can only be ONE!

..."One" what? One Real Sonic? One Ultimate Lifeform?

The answer is yes. The Real Sonic IS the Ultimate Lifeform. What Professor Gerald sought out to create is what Sonic the Hedgehog fundamentally is. The difference being that Shadow is an artificial creation that can never hold a candle to the natural-born version. Hence why Shadow needs limiters while Sonic is only ever using a fraction of his power just cause he feels like it.

Shadow has a strong sense of purpose, knowing he was brought into the world for a specific reason, viewing himself as a living weapon. But while Shadow is on a mission, Sonic sees life as a series of adventures and lives life to the fullest in the moment. Sonic doesn't care "what" he is because he knows exactly "who" he is, and that is simply just a guy that loves adventure.

Where Shadow was shackled by his past and puppeteered by the wishes of others, Sonic lives life in the moment by his own whim and no one else's, free of regrets.
Please never try arguing again.
You are viewing a separation between cognitive functions that I recognize as being two sides of the same coin.

When I say I go by what I see, what I mean is that I take in every available ounce of information and I can break it down to the core concepts beneath by following all the patterns that are visible across all the data.
Concession accepted.

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