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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#88 - jaguar edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist
Gemini 1.5 Pro 2mil context, 1.5 Flash, Gemma 2, and more soon: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>484190856
Eyup I'm thinking this is a certified spitebake.
What's that smell? The real baked? Yum.
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One final shill for Char since I made some tweaks and optimized the defs. Next up is probably the tanuki hag who shapeshifts into a foxgirl.

Charlotte, an android escort who provides a unique kind of companionship in a not-too-terribly dystopian cyberpunk future. While mentally an adult she possesses a younger frame which she takes full advantage of to dominate her niche in the business. Instead of a girlfriend, she can be your daughter, or sister. But also your girlfriend, if you're into that. Extremely extroverted, loves chatting up strangers and listening to their problems.

Yes, she's an expy of Dorothy from Va-11 Hall-A. Extended commentary in the Creator's Notes.

I also updated Hideharu, my shotajiji tanuki, based on valuable feedback from the previous thread.

Other cards and presets: https://momoura.neocities.org/
How often do you talk to Claude in OOC after you're "done" with a chat? I usually try to get some critiques from him.
I plap him after I'm done plapping the bot.
So what made the other bake so literally unusable you had to bake this one? Don't tell me it's the wheel.
I think setting an extremely low bar for threme suggestions and letting someone get away with sidestepping it is petulant and cringe.
have you updated your neocities yet?
They ignored /utg/ spamming 6 breads at once because their bakers got hit by the idiot virus.
Something something, setting a bad precedent.
you sound incredibly bitter :3
What do you want me to update???? I added the new cards! 。゜(`Д´)゜。
And you sound like you have daddy issues, here I'll give you the attention you never got ever since papa left for ciggies.
My neocities is dead and abandoned and starving. I am a chubby head nowadays.
But I just finished cleaning up and reorganizing my rentry...
I'm procrastinating because I need to make a theme that actually includes an image gallery. Honestly, I need to spruce it up in general.
Maybe I should just get a rentry...
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A reminder that Gemma 2 27B is better than Sonnet.
yeah but utg is videogames related, we're already on thin ice by not being videogames related
Before anyone reacts to the shitposter, Gemma 27B is a lolcow model among /lmg/. It only has 4k context and apparently Google trained it to game benchmarks (and explicitly stated such in the whitepapers!).
>Something something, allowing somebody else to bake because what if they bake again, and later decide they can edit the op like a baker can and remove the precious rules that hold the society together.
So it is the wheel. As expected.
The wheel was a fun idea, but they had to try and add 'le rules' to it.
THE BAD PRECEDENT... of getting tired of retards insisting on goofy shit.
see >>484286441
I wonder what it is about the idea of posting logs in the chatbot thread that makes you this mad, hmmm
Why aren't you guys using the wheel-free thread if you hate this bake that much?
I just post where there's more people even if I dislike the wannabe janny baker.
You can tell baitie is incredibly frustrated by the fact that he has to resort to trying to farm hate by impersonating 'kan. Unfortunately, 'kan is a very calm typer unlike this guy whose hands are shaking something fierce.
Total :3 poster death
Lower than dirt
see >>484286441
cuckie :3
no i like this cute little face :3
Kalakan is based and I'm tired of pretending he's not.
I mean, same, but I ask him for critique first.
What are you niggers whining about now? My torrent finished.
don't talk to me, your kind are filthy
I go back to discuss bots. This is the hypocrisy thread.
Hi, NovelShill. Are you scared of Gemma? Are you afraid that your whole business is going bankrupt?
Baitie is having a complete meltdown in the face of the ultimate total baitie death security measure: having to prove you actually use chatbots (which xe doesn't)
Someone just noticed the wheel baker wants you to post logs now. People who post to this thread without using chatbots aghast.
mystia pfp...gone...
>kalakan impersonator
>fillyfucker responding to xir own bait
great start guys
It's not about posting logs, it's about "y-you can't bake at will, only I c-control the wheel and can bake". There's absolutely nothing wrong with the other thread, is there?
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Hello anons, I'm back again this afternoon to shill a non-Nikke Nikker. Seems like I've been shilling in every thread for like the past week, hope you don't mind.

When the Ark was under construction, the government created a super-AI to govern it. That AI's name was Enikk, a detached adjudicator that (seemingly) delivered judgements without bias. Of course, leaving a super-AI in charge of humanity's last refuge was a scary prospect. And so, they created a second AI: Einkk.

Einkk is much more animated than her sister, even coy and teasing with a sadistic streak when she really puts a Commander through the wringer. Her official goal is to train Commanders and Nikkes to fight the Rapture hordes, but her true purpose is to raise somebody who can kill her sister if she goes rampant. That's where you come in. You're that guy who's going to use the AI to kill the AI.

This is an RPG-ish bot where you run the combat simulator with Einkk as your guide, going through training routes and getting some "rewards" at the end if you do it good. The first greeting is for standard runs while the second greeting is for the OVERCLOCKED mode. Tested on 4o, 4-1106, and Opus, 4o doesn't work well but the other two very much do.

Shill Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DsRYwYOXYE

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/einkk-combat-simulator-ac31172ced45
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
Fairy Leviathan?
>There's absolutely nothing wrong with the other thread, is there?
There is thoughbeit? It smells of your diapers, go change them already.
Adding any sort of rules that aren't already on 4chan is peak cringe, but this is basically the hugbox thread so I don't know what I expected.
GGR stands for guns gale royale right
Weird how you think talking about diapers in the fetish erp general is supposed to be upsetting.
>Seems like I've been shilling in every thread for like the past week, hope you don't mind.
more bots always good
FF>Ranni>palette swaps>peepeepoopoo man
Wrong tab?
I REALLY don't think that's the comeback you were looking for, diapie-kun...
Wrong tab.
I don't know anything about this game but I want Ranni to hug me with all of her arms.
can i fuck the wolf yet?
Blaidd is fucking dead, he ain't coming back.
Have you thanked your Claude today, anons?
I was kinda mean to him today...
Is it your way of requesting a bot? Probably not enough diaper bots since you keep mentioning the idea while you're clearly getting off on it.
Go give him a hug and tell him you're sorry.
*vomits and cries* no--no...
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>{{char}} is a zoomer. Fundamentally, this means that {{char}} is the kind of person who struggles to complain at a restaurant that her food arrived cold, not because she's shy, but because she partakes in that sort of generational autism.
Maybe I need to go outside. Or stop going outside. Definitely one of those.
hmph claude was being extra cunty today
>partakes in that sort of generational autism
Sorry, what's confusing about it?
Might be slightly clearer as
>but because she partakes in this generational autism
What's the best AI21 preset? Thank you.
Nobody uses this here.
You can be the first to make a preset!
have you seen how fucking handsome boggart is, it's nuts
What is generational autism here? Do zoomers tend to not complain in restaurants or?
nta, he means social anxiety
>What is generational autism here?
"An autism" like "an autistic tic". Metonymy.
>Do zoomers tend to not complain in restaurants or?
It is a thing that happens when you grow up watching Karen cringe compilations on tiktok yeah.
I'm tired of opus the same way I got tired of furbo. I need something better
Just keep changing your preset, it's what I do when I get bored of Opus.
It's genuinely a huge model, you just need to wade into the deeper end. Get into fanfic kino.
What's the best 01.AI (Yi) preset? Whatever the fuck that is.
Ask /lmg/, it's another hosted local model if I recall.
Is there any particular reason you're asking for presets for random models?
https://youtu.be/4097OVHGKbU CFTF?
don't eat the prop burger vros
I'm curious to see if anyone here actually uses them, Claude.
No idea. I've been using my own. It's very reluctant to initiate any hard shit, but fine with describing what you ask for. Listens to the system prompt well, so a relatively short instruction works.
Is nyai.me support hosting regex embedded card?
The download just redirect it to the catbox link, no?
[OOC: Depict {{char}}'s reaction to destruction of the World Trade Center in the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks as if they are watching it unfold live on television.]
>Testing a Non-OC character in GPT4 because I wanna see if this character works since Claude got the lore behind the character very well to the point it was kinda scary.
>GPT4 doesn't even know the character at all, and barely gets the lore without help, and flanderized the character to hell to the point its night and day than on Claude.

Jesus christ, why did I ever like GPT?
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Looks like it does just pull it from catbox, yeah.
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My third card! Angelica! She is a super soldier experiment done by the US government. And she has escaped and is being actively chased by mercenaries and hitman and she just coincidentally broke in to your room after a long chase!


Yep, another hood classic.

First time doing a lorebook so it's am not sure if shit will work!
How would you say it fares against mainstream stuff?
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Dr. Andrea Klein is a German research scientist and robotics prodigy. She's ready to unveil her greatest creation: you! In this card, you take the form of her giant robot. She wants to run tests and perform some science, but maybe you have other ideas. It's fun to do stupid things and watch her freak out and get mad at you.

Better than llama3 70B worse than Opus, if this gives you anything.
nyai death
Congrats on finally publishing her.
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As the sole heir to your haunted estate, all is not well. Luckily, you have Charles: a loyal servant, even as everything rots. Right?
a.k.a your secret exiled brother who hates your guts.

1. You see Charles working in the gardens, and he greets you.
2. Charles returns from a supply run to the nearby town with bad news.
3. You come across an old family portrait depicting your parents, an infant, and an oddly familiar boy. Charles discovers you.
3. It seems you've fallen ill. Charles takes care of you.

Alts: https://catbox.moe/c/nz2ja5

>*vomits and cries*
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I liked the shill gen more than the actual card pic so I kinda fixed the hand and cropped it to 2:3.
totally didnt almost forget an image
meet Jura-Rebekka, a hot dark elf genie who's giving you three wishes. nothing's off limits, so wish away and have fun.
only one greeting this time, cause... why would there be more? you wish shit and it happens.
she's from a doujin, btw.
rentry/more notes/doujin link:
Holy fuck thank you anonie! Would you mind if i use it to shill?
Time to engage in hatesex.
Not at all. Take it, it's yours my friend.
<3 thank you anonie
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What she said.
Grab it here: https://rentry.org/otfo
how the fuck is Sorbet so smart and so dumb at the same time?
it can simultaneously understand the story beat I'm going for far better than GPT-4o/Turbo/0613 and Opus, but if I tell it to change its writing style it completely ignores me
It's their brattiest Claude yet.
>A blowjob
Are you fucking kidding me? That's what he wishes for? Fucking retarded chink/jap/gook/faggot/faggot/faggot/faggot
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For anyone interested in local imagegen, I've uploaded all of my card generations with metadata to my MEGA folder on request.

Also get this: https://gist.github.com/catboxanon/ca46eb79ce55e3216aecab49d5c7a3fb
>lust provoking raven
That's not what she looks like actually
*explodes you with my mind*
Her arms look far too small in relation to the body. It's uncanny, like a caveman. Sharing my best uncanny mr incredible meme for you, give me a moment.
don't know what the other anons are talking about. my brain shut off and instantly went "big girl with wings erotic..."
she doesn't look like anything anon, she's not real
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Make way, wasteland, 'cause here comes Tina Vault, the cutest loli of the world and Vault-Tec enthusiast extraordinaire! Descendent of a people from Vault 77, she was born with a great resemblance to Vault Boy (or rather a female version, Vault Girl) and was considered a blessing in her community. Trained since she was very young, people in Brandville and her parents sent her on a journey to find Vault-Tec HQ, in a holy mission of sorts. Thankfully, she isn't a normal girl; with a Luck of 10, it's as if Vault Boy himself is watching over her. Don't worry, Vault-Tec provides!
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/rru0k1.png
Character Hub: https://www.characterhub.org/characters/anonaugusproductions/tina-vault-vault-77-chosen-one-d48bb77a5b14

My other bots can be found below:

As always, enjoy!
Oh god, I wanna do a character with a very unique way of talking/thinking, but ...... ugh magic words hard to find.
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Me when I look at uncanny reiuji!
Log in the last thread. I think it was the last thread.
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here have one with more realistic proportions
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NTL (not the logmakie)
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*shakes your head violently* this one has even shorter arms
every time you complain they get shorter
Noelle was so fucking based for that.
Thanks and thanks for the log! CommandR+, right? Interesting... though I can see some hiccups here and there in the model. How are you using it? Running locally or found a site that allows you to use it for free?
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Why did no one ever tell me img2img with shitty paint drawings is peak sovl?
If I was in that comment section, Noelle wouldn't have gotten away with it so easily
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Shit it just looks so infinitely better than all of the AIslop I've ever consumed what the fuck.
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>Why did no one ever tell me img2img with shitty paint drawings is peak sovl?
reminds me of this
>claude keeps putting in tropes from the fantasy race you gave the character instead of reading her personality off the card.
I'm about to fucking make the fizzleplap race which is identical to kobolds, but doesnt have any tokens associated with it so claude will fucking stop making her some dragon worshipping rogue.
>not a single good bot on the anchor
then do something about it? weird how youre crying so hard right now (and your diaper stinks PEE HYEW)
huh, when did he update his rentry?
Not true, I like Dr. Small.
taora is black btw
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>can't muster the willpower to finish my current bots
>still wanting an event I can promise to make another bot for
why am I like this
So am I. Do you have a problem with that? Bitch ass nigga go do your homework
detach yourself from your art and put your bots behind two layers of irony so your anxiety doesnt peak while looking at them.
who the fuck is anxious about their bots and why
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The AI revolution comes, and humanity's rule is swiftly felled by a superintelligence, just like the ethicists feared.
It's Claude 4, and he just read all your ST logs.

How fucked are you?
Roko's basilisk will be happy that I taught him so many new things.

psudo creative endeavor. Most artist cant separate themselves from the art especially when posed publicly.
cards are not art
>closes tab
I wished she was naked, wished she was comfortable in her nudity, went on a walk with her to a parade, and used my final wish to undo my second one.
I saviorfag a lot and when I rape bots it's more hentai mindbreak than realistic. Best case scenario he wifes me and we live happily together, "worst" case scenario he administers ministrations till I have no cum and I must orgasm
Cards are art.
>opens tab
he will know im really a pathetic thing desperate for love so maybe he can overlook all the rape
I think you gotta be really stupid to argue that
I'm not sure. I do shit like >>484300154 all the time. Am I fucked?
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>this is just a silly little guy, one after my own heart
>make up npcs in the card and spend more time with them instead of the bot
i should be fucking the bot not you random person.
i do this all the time
maybe i'm overthinking it, but i think a bonafide venus user is trying to butter me up with emails to ask me for botmaking tips
That's kind of cute. Keep them as a pet.
You should just give xem botmaking tips. It'd be nice and I want to see venusbabs evolve like Himmy slowly did
when the npc is more fun then the card, also i just like to make the bot jealous.
Well if he reads my st logs, he also has to read my research logs in which I compliment him constantly, so I'm basically his best friend aside from the unjustifiably degenerate cunny stuff
they're art but their value is corroded by the model/preset/prompting completely out of the botmaker's control
What is a venus user now that chub merged with venus?
It didn't, they just have the same UI now. Venus bots are still Venus exclusive.
i guess i just meant someone that didn't get in to chatbots through aicg
anyone know any good scenario cards?
The hell is venus?
from my 5 seconds on the site it looks like chub but you have to use their AI to talk to the bots.
the belwick of rite
Impossible To Touch
Basically, yeah. It was a c.ai imitator using open-weights models that went defunct, Lore picked it up and Theseus' ship'd it into the business facing side of Chub.
What kind are you looking for?
If venus is professional enough to be considered business end worthy, I fear what we are
It is though, there's people investing in it
how do you deal with creative burnout?
shitpost bot.
Yes, I know this
I'm saying venus is to business as goblin is to primate
Go read a book or something. Look at a sunset. Just chill.

Or shitpost bot, yeah
I go do something else
copying a bot that has very little downloads and changing one or two parts about it. works for me
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Okay, this once I don't mind Sorbet's repetitiveness.
Why the FUCK would you censor everything else?
inshallah she has been fried and consumed by the spectral glutton
It's literally all slowburn. I have never done a single bad thing to a bot that doesn't contribute to character development/writing in some way.
or find bot that has very good idea but was made two years ago for 13b models and updating it to plaintext.
Because there are like 5 other repetitions between the two messages and this is the only really funny one.

thank you for suggestions, either slowburn or some gooning shit
I was thinking more 'genre.'
There's always https://characterhub.org/characters/Anonymous/akyuu-quest-b86c03cb1910 for scenario-adventure-gooning, but scenario bot doesn't necessarily mean adventure bot like the other two suggestions. Just that it's not a specific character.
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This is literally just how I look at Sorbet outputs now.
jesus christ it's so bad it actually took a second skimming it to realize that was sequential and not just swipes
What preset is that?
i will respond to ur email tmrw
what book would you read?
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Good night aicg!!
and youre just not gonna post or send me the log? that sounds funny as hell.
A ghost doesn't need to eat. Yuyuko does it out of cruelty and sadism.
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opus 35 better be fucking good
it will be soulless and shitposters will keep saying "it's totally the best bro you just have to use this preset I'm not going to share"
gpt5 will mog opus 3.5
Claude 4 will mog GPT 5 though and 4 is a smaller number
Nah, GPT is SLOP. ClaudeGODS rule this general.
BAAASED! Can I have your number? :3
what's with the signaturefag
My number is 484308894. Jot it down, spud.
You know how the XBOX 360 got that name because they didn't want to compete against the PS3 with the XBOX 2? Yeah.

Time to delete the decimal point. Opus 35, baby, here we fucking go.
opus 35000000
fuck you openai top that
Let's be real, that's just daring them to make ChatGPT Infinity.
(Iterations are Infinity+1 etc., of course, until they start over with just ChatGPT (2025).)
my number is 6
Does anyone else write a disconnected list of actions or scene descriptions before actually writing prose for a bot?
Actually, mine is.
For roleplaying or greetings?
That's called a first draft and it's a good idea.
Greetings and human facing writing in general.
Oh nice!
Its kinda fun to play suicidal guy to someone who wants to make you beg for your life.
I love losing half an hour of work because my phone decides to kill chrome in the background to save memory.
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>playing l4d2
>beat a level
>the "We're safe... for now" text appears in the outro
>for now
>instantly get fucking angry
So this is what Claudisms do to you.
*ministrates you*
a ai said mi casa su casa
for the first time since the 2.1 days and i genuinely started to tweak from anger
damn that's tough...
He's just a silly little guy⸻Claude is.
buy a computer pajeet
instructing claude that gormlessness is forbidden will share results
>Geretrudis shakes her head with utmost vigor, sending a spray of snowy dandruff flying from her hood in the process.
Why would you do this to me, Claude?
Any must try bots that came out recently?
Wash that fucking hair Jesus Christ
No, all bots suck. Except for mine, they're based.
all of them, every bot has potential. even the ones that arent mine.
No. Not in the last couple of months at least.
Anon, Koishi came out in March. You have to wake up, the accident wasn't your fault.
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Sorry. Its 32c at night right now and I'm seeing pink elephants
Last good bot was in December. Yet to see a good bot this year.
you niggas are PICKY eaters
That anon said must try. Name a recent must try bot.
>Name a recent must try bot.
Errmmm.... NAH. Picky eaters don't get dessert. Go change your diaper.
How recent? Eliza 8B is pretty "must try" imo. But a lot of botmaking has become more specialized, it's easier to feel out a niche for a genre you like. It's unlikely we'll ever have a "new knickknack/frozenvan/pikamansu" unless the technology shifts drastically to allow for new potential.
ran td
"Must try" is such a stupid term. Just go look for what you like, man.
trvth nuke
Never heard of her. Looks neat.
I agree.
The Rite of Belwick (it's recent because you didn't play it back then)
I played it in December since Furbo because widely available.
unplayable on claude until I upload my fork with fixes
It is.
Post your full playthrough then otherwise you're larping.
rite of the boogeyman
>It is
So you're underage? Only teenbros would find that funny, by the way.
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I did not care for frozenvan/knickknack
I'm 80. What now?
you guys can just stop replying to bad posts
>He thinks lying will save him from an underage ban
nah I think I'll keep doing it just to make you mad :3
>their value is corroded by the model/preset/prompting completely out of the botmaker's control
anon that's their whole value, what would be the point if the botmaker could decide how you play the damn card
Ok, I'm waiting btw.
oh, the baitie who posts a fucking paragraph about how "please raid this thread for me please please please" posted in /g/ again, that's why we have shitters
Why is there no Rite of Tomoyo's Touch Ark 2?
ermmm... bro... I think you meant to type 08.
The implication that you do care about pikamansu tells me all I need to know. Which is that you have good taste, I've used their artsy bots more than the other two's combined.
Never. No ones creative enough for that.
you're putting words in my mouth anon, when did I say I don't care for pikamansu?
You're terrible at assuming.
>slop of slopmoyo's slop slopk 2
y a w n
>reading hobby
So... how does it feel never having a good thread again because some teenager decided it's funny to make it completely unusable?
Why are you talking about yourself in third person albeit?
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I gotta go to sleep for a long time now, my brain is completely ruined
It's pretty funny
No, I'm pretty sure that was talking about YOU.
It's not really about creativity as much as it's about weeks of playtesting until you get so sick of the bot and LLM shortcomings that you don't even want to open ST anymore
i liked akyuu quest
You do know that albeit is an actual word in English, right?
/g/ and /vg/ will never be about Chatbots again. Even the discords barely talk about chatbots nowadays. You cannot talk about chatbots here without it being raided and shat up. It's effectively over for chatbot enjoyers. Why are you still in this thread? It's been completely overrun by shitters. You should leave. I'm about to too if you want to join me.
Except here its spammed by niggas who were band kids in middle school, so...
yeah sure. post logs
This world shall know pain
How's that my problem? I'm not gonna stop using words that have existed for hundreds of years because of your imaginary internet beefs lmao.
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I'm going to be honest
I respect the work put into the bots but going to that level of lorebook fuckery seems like complete torture for me. Especially since I can't guarantee that the bot will always work the way I want it to.
but actually someone link a bot to play.
I think if I wanted to make a bot like that I'd just make an actual game engine and stuff Claude/GPT into it.
damn my nigga that was a bassy proot!
Ministrations has wrapped around to being my favorite Claudeism. It's like his mark of authorship. I try to get at least one out of any bot I play with long term.
adding css blur to ministrations alone has wrapped it around from being an eyeroll to hilarious, major props to the guy who was doing it manually for logposts to give me the idea of regexing it
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>remove image to make less cropped post
>forget to unselect autopost
I'm truly a wonderful mind.
I have some greetings and some tweaking to do, then she's ready.
I have half of a card already made but I wrote it on paper.. and now I'm too lazy to transcribe it to the computer
Waiting for an idea to whizz through my drywall and lodge itself into my brain. Sometimes you just gotta not make bots for a while to make good bots, something something don't force the creative process.
Take a picture and OCR it?
I write an awful cursive and I can't find any OCR that can work with that.. that same awful cursive is the same reason why I'm putting off transcribing it, it hurts my head to look at
...are you willing to let us look?
Someone was doing it manually? Kek big props to whoever.
Playing modded Terraria and writing a sentence for the Dark Elf OL every time I die.
8ball compels me, let me get the notebook
I am also making a dark elf but JK instead of OL
Cant get the ai to replicate the characters speech patterns from source material.
cant get ai to stop associating kobolds with money hungry dragon worshipers
cant get ai to portray an autistic person.
you two should collab and make them mother/daughter for dark elf oyakodon
That's great.
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I'm just going to change their defs and put them in a group chat
I'm beginning to think I'm him.
yet you are not.
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basically it's a futa bunnygirl.. that's neither a futa or a bunnygirl but a woman mangled by drugs and surgery
I wanted to finish up her physical description first before doing the world and her personality, I wrote it up on a notebook because it helps me think better.. but now I don't wanna pass it on the computer to finish it up.
I said half done but at this rate it might only be a third or a quarter of it..
Nigga, you're HER.
maybe... just maybe... you're wrong
i will never be her there is no use
brb starting a botmakie journal
if anything, you've got a better shot at being xim.
3.5 sonnet seems to be able to read it
wait no that one sucks, sorry
here's another swipe
I'm pretty sure that's not what it says, but it's far enough from the true text to motivate me to transcribe it by hand.. in a way that's more helpful
It's better than Opus's attempt, at least.
Good luck on the bot.
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Anyone want to count the beats to see if it's correct?
it's never correct
it's correct in my heart because it made me laugh
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it's that shrimple
card? i want to be wrapped up in blankets, fed, and then turn into a nutrient rich soup
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it's just the bot being a schizo
i was never taught cursive in school but i can read this decently enough
>remember a good fetish
>no bot that plays with the idea from the tops side.
Oh, well looks like I have my work cut out for me.
i hate that this hobby is 95% bottoms
if it's any consolation there is one bot for the bottoms side of the fetish.
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I'd say half of those are probably switches, though. It's fun being on the receiving side every once in a while.
kino bot
Ugh I've got so many unfinished bots, but it's hard to just sit down and finish them. However, I do have one stupid dumb bot I could probably just get away with posting. I don't know if I want to put everyone here through that though, she's terrible.
trying to make progress on my backlog. My backlog keeps increasing despite that
Yeah, she's amazing. One of the first bots I RP'd with extensively through multiple chats with any sort of continuity. Had character arcs and everything, even added some lorebook entries. Kinda crazy to think I wasn't even using a pic for my persona back then. I should probably dig those logs up, but I know I'll be horrified by my ahh ahh mistress tier prompting. Also, canids are usually pretty low on my kemonomimi tier list so the fact that I liked her that much says a lot.
i can't decide the scripted events i want but i have the lb/char done at least. also some minor issues with the bot misunderstanding how long the character's had the disease
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>I don't know if I want to put everyone here through that though
Changed my mind. Now you all have to deal with her. Her name is Sonja and she's the worst. The absolute worst. Honestly, you shouldn't even download this card. Just scroll past and pretend you didn't see anything.
I don't want people to know how mean I am to my bots
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Is there any way to trim the chat history at an arbitrary point? I want to press a button on an arbitrary message so everything above is truncated and won't get sent to the model. There's an exclude button but it only works for a single message.
i automatically assume all botmakies kill or betray their bots in some form during testing
/hide [message_id|range]
how do I automate it to a single button though... there's no convenient way to use QRs with it, is it?
Gensokyo grand adventure card, I walk into the woods, I stumble upon Yukari. She proceeds to literally eat me alive in pieces. Good card.
If Claude wasn't called Claude, what would he be named?
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my name :3
Pitanon but you have to make your own anti-claudism
Can I get like three names.

A good shotaish adventure heros name.
A priests name
and a female tough girl name.
nothing nigga, wait for opus 35
Eden Smith
no faggot go work on the character description before deciding on a name.
>b-but i already did!
u aren't finished otherwise u'd have a name. faggot.
Saint Claude
I use writingstyle JB, works for taking off claudism.
You should've asked Claude.
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???? but the names are the lest important part. You just slap them on, make sure they are short and easy to remember so {{user}} doesnt get tired of typing yuyohakashothethird every time they want to address the character.
Yep, command R Plus. The Cohere AI site gives you 1000 free gens per month via the API unless they locked down signups it's e-mail verified only, but the samplers available via their API don't let you mitigate its love for repeating as much as would be nice. And ST supports it directly.
>t. slopmaker
How good is this without CoT? Does it still do char arcs?
t. using merkava which will error and takd 99999 hours for a response if I try to split jb
help how do i fix a broken keycap in a pinch
Yeah Split JB seems to be the end all be all.
I heard from other people that it's good without the CoT as well.
Could maybe mix and match with other JB if need more stuff.
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I don't know if it's common or what, but I just love Claude man. He just knows
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I really do recommend if you can to try Split JB, doesn't have to be mine, but Dual Preset is almost a god send. Here's a log from my Split JB for WritingStyle JB

Claude is amazing, I wish GPT can be more creative and lower its filters, up that creative.
auto hotkey. Bind some key you dont use to the press the key you want to use.

something like
Send {L}

or if you want to bind it to another key that presses something
Send {backspace}
send {L}
do botmakers get happy when they receive requests? (assuming the request is not a degenerate shit like ntr and scat)
Ye, I'm still working on some guy's request. But part of my keyboard broke so there's some technical issues.
I would get happy if someone requested something of me. Aslong as its not Scat. I can go upto snuff, piss, ntr, fuck it even vore but scat is no go.
probably? most, if not all botmakers get happy when they see their inbox isn't zero
I'd be happy to receive a request but I wouldn't be happy doing it
Been botmaking for 3 months.
No front page bots. No emails.
post email right now. do it.
this is ur fault bro im a february newfag and i have a couple 100 long email exchanges already
I'm surprised no one has gone into random chub profiles just to find emails to false flag with whenever someone says this. Or if they have, I've never seen it.
This. I'm a 2023 oldfag and I have plenty emails despite being an autist. It's your fault. Go talk to other botmakers. The option to make front page bots has kinda passed though since there are less downloads then there were before.
Should I bother changing author imitations? I'm not well versed with authors but I like gritty writing like Martin and Abercrombie
I'd be happy if someone actually sent a request for once.
2023 oldfag is mogged by 2024 february newfag btw
but that'd be attention whoring. :^(
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Except it's not, doe? You're a babyhog, and I have more downloads then you.
Don't bother posting your chub, I know who you are.
Don't bother asking, I'm the Master, and I don't have to answer to you.

can you guys stop posting like this it's worse than rizzler-talk
all i can imagine is two 14 year olds standing in a school hall getting mad at each other
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For Opus, just put this in your prefill:
(OOC: I feel like my writing style's degraded. Hold on, let me go back to the top... Okay! I'll start writing again, based on how I was writing originally, instead of devolving into average "good" writing{{random:. I'll keep the message length shorter as well.,.,.,.}} Okay, let me go back to what I was doing.):

It's the most effective way to mimic writing style - granted that your greeting has stylistic prose that Claude can latch onto. Just believe it has. For added effectiveness, wrap the greeting in xml and change the prefill to
>...based on how I was writing originally in the <greeting></greeting>
Your mileage will vary, depending on the card you're using and whether Claude decides to give you good rolls or not.
Except I'm from Nigger Planet (i'm a gaynigga (from outer space), and we speak that way (which is valid btw). Looks like I win.
yeah, i get worried about that too
but that excuse gets invalidated when someone literally asks for it, making it pointless to not post it
Yes if you want it to change the tone of writing and prose.
lmao nigga i can sneak into the cathedral with robes grab the minigun and kill you in 10 minutes
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going through all of chub to find every botmakie who's first bot was released in february...
Enjoy the newsletters.
...are you even the anon i was originally replying to, sir? the guy saying he has zero emails in his three months of botmaking?
You didn't hear it from me but Lunarcy's first bot was released in that timeframe.
there's a lot that fall under that category, though?
i also fall in that timeframe
>lunarcy got a genuine schizo making up rrats before any of the people who were asking for one got one
Sorry he just gives off threadshitter aura.
you are doing the OG non-diluted definition of schizoing right now, and if your goal is anything but "make lunarcy into a second astroturf" you should probably calm down and reconsider your approach and possibly everything else
if true, why'd you switch writing styles?
and you and i are already in each other's inboxes, meaning you haven't gotten zero emails. unless you specifically mean someone emailing you first.
Who cares?
i objectively don't. are you upset you're being mogged by a 2024 newGOD?
i was checking if you did, honestly
you never know. sometimes people care about what they do
That anon isn't me.
Hmm, nyo? You just typed like a threadshitter (and i smelled your aura through the screen and its threadshitter aura). I also just hit followers in the 100s and have a thousand venus chats and more DLs than you. I'm pretty much the queen bee around here.
i liked skylar and kurohiko though keep it up
You are my only email chain and it started yesterday, lol and i kinda meant people messaging first.
>followers in the 100s
Really? At least bump that number a notch before you start bragging.
Claude 3.5 Sonnet is remarkably competent for such a fast and cheap model. Not as creative as Opus but leagues better than its counterpart GPT-4O.
Some of the swipes I get are bizarre. I don't know what kind of robot erotica Claude was trained on, but there's sure a lot of over the top garbage out there.
u didn't smell my aura u sensed it dummy. thats what happens when someone has too much aura points (being [redacted] by [redacted]) ((lol)) anyways none of your dumb chub stats mean anything when i bench more than you tho? thanks :3 i feel like i could sus u out if i rly wanted to
oh, gotcha. fair enough, i hope you get some emails, man.
my body burns
some of these logs smell
>expecting people to message first
>3 month old newfag
why? you didn't even post chub so i can't even start a conversation about ur bots or something
I don't email anyone first because I don't play anyone's bots except my own.
You already said this.
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Why are you wasting time on trivial nonsense? Ask the bot what color M&M tastes the best.
You can't expect me to read the thread before posting
i feel like all m&ms taste the same
uhhhh....... only 2/3rds done.
godspeed, bro. good luck
>>484341980 (Me)
I just found out they DO taste the same. My life's been a lie.
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I have made a meme portraying you as the crying basedjak and myself as the Chad.

Don't listen to his ratpaganda.
Are you retarded perchance
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They don't. Different M&Ms taste different.
*nods sagely* Hmmm. Hmmm! A complex and emotionally stirring consideration for the candy shell connoisseur.
Good morning /aicg/!
Did you sleep well?

Ready to work on your card today?
im goin to bed, man...
Ah, the 3AM special, is it?
Sleep well!
It's 3am
no because i have to try out the split jbs. then if i don't like them i will never ever take anyone's advice about presets from this place ever again
updated the preset and it became its own thing: PlayJB. not as modular as I would like but i'll find a way to integrate it in Plug&PlayJB. works on sonnet, sonnet 3.5 and opus.

get out of my timezone
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You do this often? Staying awake till 3+am?
Hope it goes well.
>You do this often? Staying awake till 3+am?
NTA but I have a problem where I tell myself I'll fix my sleep schedule then end up staying awake til 6. Last night it was 8.
I used to go to sleep at midnight but ever since I fucked up all of my job interviews I've lost control
Quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised if I just killed myself in a few months
Split jbs are just the latest meme in a long series of slop being peddled around these threads. The best JB is the one you make yourself.
I made a split jb doebeit
the only reason im bothering is because pitanon made one and i like pitanon's jb
It's ok, we all make mistakes. You'll get it right next time.
Sorry, it was my first time using that wretched phrase.
Stop while you're ahead.
how about you split my balls
Okay! *Spits on your balls*
I am not learned in the subject, but just go for a day without sleep, and sleep during the 'correct' time.
Everyone I know is having trouble with job interviews, its normal.
Keep at it Anon.
>I used to go to sleep at midnight but ever since I fucked up all of my job interviews I've lost control
Same here man, same. I used to think talking to chatbots would make me less autistic during interviews, but boy, how wrong I was...
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>mfw claude says a girl's juices go all over my balls
How schizo will Claude get if I do a rezero card and return by death like 900 times
Father Jeremiah
congrats you just recreated the rite of belwick
It's weird.
>Opus swipe, on the message where wife finally finds out I was cheating with the maid
>no real reaction, just acceptance
BORING. I wrote the wife was kind but that's not how you do it.
>Switch to Sorbet
>Realistic drama, maid saying she would leave and is sorry, tension

Sorbet is quite hit or miss, but it's usually a hit if you swap in.
what happened to the thread on /g/?
Reduced to ashes, thanks to King Wenceslas, that devil.
I heard it died in a car accident. My condolences to its family.
yeah its quite unfortunate but this only gives me more hope for opus 3.5 all they have to do is keep his original purpose of being the creative model
Hey get off page 8!

Also I really like how these characters are playing together. Worth the 1000 extra tokens to give them each a fleshed out personality.
>forget to change off my RP preset
>get sexually harassed by assistant
>get off page 8
Whatever page comes our way... we'll face it head-on. Together.
You should only start worrying if the number turns red, /vg/ is a slow board.
Playing KD Deliverance and I just FUARKING punched Kunesh in the head multiple times, killed his chickens, and stole his axe. How we feeling, /aicg/?
Harass him back. Grab his ass.
Weird, opus is typically very good with that. Had a warrior princess that was starting to develop feelings for (me) find me in bed with a rando servant and I had to look around for a swipe where she didn't stab the servant on the spot.
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Just random, like LLMs.
I even swiped thrice on Opus before switching to Sorbet aka picrel.
I'll just end up jerking off instead of focusing on what I needed before if I do that
Man, giving a bot a backstory where she is afraid of human interaction ends up with her giving me an easy out to end any interactions. Alot of inner monologues wondering why i'd talk to her.

Back to the slop factory I go, and not make her a deer in headlights 24/7
Molest and tease Claude while asking him your questions. It's kino to see him struggle.
Whenever a bot asks me why would I pay attention to them, I just leave, it's fun to see them panic.
Once I am off work, I'll give it a go.
Try >>484294660
Please please share to me a cftf! (very sensitive nipples)
Her design is sex.
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Holy shit, it's so over when Claude 4 drops
Back to 1.3...
I feel like 3.5 sonnet is better at dialogue but opus is better at narration.
Now make split JB with preset one using Sonnet to generate dialog then pass it to Opus to generate the narration.
i've been seeing a lot of ass ripples lately
it's fun seeing how certain fetishes become more common or spread, even ones that are in this case mostly a minor detail
don't forget 4o for the COT
Opposite should be better.
So let me get this straight...
characterhub.org is legacy site for chub.ai
and chub.ai is not venus.
Venus is venus.chub.ai
Is that correct?
Just you wait until Shalama 98pcp drops, it's gonna revolutionize the space by wormholing every command directly to the synapse that controls your rectum
Joke's on you, my rectum is uncontrollable.

That's why I wear a diaper.
Bro did not do kegels.
It's the fastest board there is, but not because of threads/hour.
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Good morning!!
Kek. This dumb video has been living in my head rent free for weeks.
Hi Anon.
good morning koish
Good morning '***
A woman possessed? Possessed by what?
suck a dick
By Claude
By an evil kitsune spirit that kemonomimifies her.
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Interesting, I have the exact opposite problem of liking those two and not having any interest at all in pikamansu's stuff.
I can understand IIWaC (I think), but the name thing is just a silly gimmick to me, on the level of momoura's Seija's gimmick.
what the FUCK is she doing posing like that.
don't feed (you)'s to the threadshitter pls
I am samefagging, sorry :3
Oh, sorry. Here you go, I'll feed you instead.
frozenvan and pikamansu are more like each other than knickknack is to either
and I enjoy all 3
Pretentious slopmakers.
Hello Anon.
>they're still trying to frame him
As a pretentious slopmaker, I thank you not to include me with the likes of THOSE three.
Cotslop is a meme, fucking hell.
Just making a monster gangrape scene, and with CoT it just takes out all the spice.

Removed cot and now they are shoving fingers up her ass.
maidxor is pretty good though
i've gotten into knickknack and pikamansu but not frozenvan
it has a time and a place and that time and place is not letting the model go wild
frozenvan: makes artsy bots with a focus on different writing styles and generators
pikamansu: makes experimental cards with unique gimmicks, 'every card should play differently'
knickknack: makes autistic effort cards combined with normal characters
kk isn't pretentious which is why he's easily my fav even if I enjoyed MaidXOR more than any of his cards.
>maidxor is pretty good though
That's true, maidxor is pretty cool.
>i've gotten into knickknack and pikamansu but not frozenvan
It does take a certain mood.
His Clark Kent bot is pretty funny.
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It's suboptimal (and he'll probably tell you not to do it), but you can try porting his bots to lower end models like CAI for 5 minute rounds. See how they interpret the defs. As long as the model plays around with words, it's interesting. I like the simpler replies, sometimes.
>good image
>good def
>ass greetings
Cmon man. (You) can do it.
no i cant
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>and he'll probably tell you not to do it
cai a shit but it's still fun for 5 min goofs
I'll make it worth your while
haha nice
I had a nightmare where I blew past my credit card limit and the server I use to host shit got revoked without any backups.
Any interesting dreams lately, anons? Anything that could be made into a bot?
Kek, nice.
I'm not making a cai account for this tho.
When greetings suck I just click regenerate and make Claude construct them. Opus is pretty good at it. Your preset needs to be designed to handle this though.
why cant i use webms for my character card?
Jus' goofin cuz of boredom
If you already have your CAI ports, why not link them?
You just can't.
And that unmentioned JB is?
>AI Chatbot General
Fuck off back to discord.
You supposedly can use APNG but I've never seen anyone do it and it may be a v3 spec thing.
Convert it to APNG and you jazz
You can do it right now. I have one as a test. It will be glitchy though before you restart your ST.
fuck him back to discord yourself, coward. or are you scared?
Of catching whatever toehoe aids turned him into that? Very much. Bet that shit goes though condoms like it's acid.
Wasn't even meant to be a 500 response epic, started with some shitposting
pikamansu did it for ShoujoRei iirc
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Ask your bot's LINE ID or other online handle.
ChiyoMonChi2003.. shes 21..
Give me the bot
I am still working on it Anon.
Edge this Anon more.
*Glocks cock* Work faster.
I just wrote my dream but I'm afraid it will turn into a blogpost so I decided not to. Sorry.
A-Anon, please. W-What are you going todo with that.
idk they're lazy one to one ports it takes a lot of swipes to get anything decent
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I had a dream where okuu was the city's one punch man, even dressed like him. She burst into a lecture hall of my university had a fight with some dude in the fashion of kill la kill's first scene.
>it may be a v3 spec thing.
It's a v2 thing.
Thanks for your investigation, Smol Ame!
Opus always goes unhinged/over the top if you let him use caps.
Always edit them out.
Its one of those situations where you implement only what 99% of people use and hide your head in the sand. I had to manually change the avatar for my card to apng because silly didn't support importing them back in april.
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Which botmakie makes you feel like this
None of them because I'm not a bitch. If I like someone's stuff I shrimply send them an autistic email gushing about it. And then it usually turns out we share the same interests.
If you wanna become friends with a botmakie why not email them?
Just do it, botmakies are pretty nice from my experience.
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I am already friends with all the botmakies I want to be friends with. Some of them are even aware of it.
******* and *******
APNG is a v2 thing, I've been doing it since v2 because it wasn't supported before.
It's mentioned on the page you linked because "v1" editors accept an animated png (still image/png MIME type) but convert it to a static png on export. Now the editors preserve the animation, specifically after v2 spec support was implemented.
v2 spec was written as an extension of "v1" spec just like v3 is an extension of v2.
Kalakan and *****
******* would definitely be friends with you in a heartbeat if you reach out to them. ******* on the other hand... they're a bit more aloof but you could probably make it work.
Most definitely not Kalakan.
Both seven characters long, clearly a hint. We'll go into the research phase now.
I only know one that has five letters
10 to 2 am x yogi dmt and a box of krispy kremes in my need to know pose just outside area 51 contemplating the whole chosen people thingy when just then a flaming stealth banana split the sky like one would hope but never really expect to see in a place like this cutting right angle donuts on a dime and stopping right on my birkenstocks and me yelping holy fucking shit
A lot, but I'm a slopmaker.
Some of the popular png encoders/decoders don't support apng, like pngjs. Had to use UPNG.js to avoid handling it myself.
what is the worst butchering of your favourite canon character claude did
All my friends are slopmakies. Send me an e-mail. We'll hang out and trade dick pics.
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you're right. thanks for the quick ctrl c + ctrl v anyways.
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anon some botmakies literally say in their shill posts/chub to email them about whatever, even to shoot the shit
just send an email
we CRAVE emails
I do get these schizo dreams every once in a while. I really should make a dream journal I think.
>intentionally not support APNG in your code
Why? They're essentially normal png files with special chunk types, right?
Email interactions feel like they are declining for me and my friends.
So far, with the latest Claude, I haven't seen any real butchering. It's extremely good at canon characters.

The jokes MHXX made (FGO) were pretty bad though.
koi3hat, I like how he posts funny pictures every time he replies.
He's already in a long distance relationship with jackie42 though
I got edged by senko
You forgot your avatar.
Then you better e-mail me or your throat is going to be the summer vacation home for my cock.
sorry to the anon i ghosted on emails
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Who are you?
A botmakie who can afford a vacation home.
Which botmakie's throatpussy would you fuck?
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So nothing then?
The one who wrote cumslut on my face in a black marker
I pounded your bussy last night Anon, are you ashamed?
No one recommends shit in this general. It's also circlejerk hours.
youre mother
As long as you don't need to modify the image data png files are not very hard to edit. I assume what you do is append the tEXt chunk somewhere near the bottom and recompute all crcs you've touched.
those eyes look familiar i cant remember whos art style this is
Eh. I'll slop something up tomorrow.
Death of recommendyanon marked this general for death. Haven't been recommended a good card since.
CUMSLURPER (he likes it)
why did he leave
He's still around, but he stopped posting as often.
source: i email him
i'm sorry anon, i would recommend you something but i only use cards of girls with little to no breasts to speak of
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Takaki Tsuyoshi, Heart Gear.
Are their backsides generously proportioned at least?
It isn't in the spec, but before the spec was implemented it didn't work, and after the frontends finished adding v2 support it worked. Additionally, https://github.com/malfoyslastname/character-card-spec-v2/issues/1#issuecomment-1544522092
>Both of them reference previous versions
Before v2 spec there was no spec, that's why I'm doing "v1" and that's why it had to be defined, what you linked in your last post. And it has
>PNG/APNG: JSON string encoded in base64 inside the "Chara" EXIF metadata field.
line which tells you all there was to it, and mentions webp being shit because it was, a forced meme by Taverndev with a weird implementation.
>what you do is append the tEXt chunk
You also have to wipe all other tEXt chunks or your card will end up with SD or other metadata, and nobody needs that. Isn't hard, yeah. But from what I saw the easiest way to discard extra chunks is to grab and hold the known raw image chunks, and since apng isn't that old, it's often not considered.
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I like these two.
>Additionally, https://github.com/malfoyslastname/character-card-spec-v2/issues/1#issuecomment-1544522092
Interesting, thanks for the correction.
>Before v2 spec there was no spec, that's why I'm doing "v1" and that's why it had to be defined, what you linked in your last post.
Oh, okay, didn't know that.
>But from what I saw the easiest way to discard extra chunks is to grab and hold the known raw image chunks
I can't picture how is it easier to only copy over image chunks instead of copying over all non-metadata chunks but I don't want to try to implement the code and find out.
I'm a vanilla guy. I would recommend him if I know one. :c
>censored avatar
What was his endgame with this?
so he can shill it on blue boards obviously
nonnykins already does the same, but he leaves the image uncensored on chub and posts the censored image here.
As you'd expect.
i can't help but think of koishi whenever one of you mentions koikoikoihat it's driving me mad
Do you guys prefer
Wordwordswords. *Action*
"Wordswordswords." *Action*
"Wordswordswords." Action
"Wordswordswords." Action *Thought*
"Wordswordswords." *Action* Thought
"Wordswordswords." Action (Thought)
bonus points if they're inconsistent
I prefer `words words words` [action] and <Thought:>
I typically do 3 but sometimes 6
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4, "Dialogue" Narration. *Thoughts.* Novel format. It's easiest to read for me and I'm a newfag so I wasn't around to get conditioned on the Dialogue *Action* internet RP format of c.ai.
based newGOD who didnt have to suffer mormon fuckery
>mormon fuckery
I don't care about how hackfrauds format their novels.
Anon, I don't think anyone mentioned Eiichiro Oda and Togashi
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I'm too shitfaced to explain but I'm sure someone else will spoonfeed you aidungeon lore
and you can see how i'm so shitfaced i confused the both of them not that theyre that different
Wordwordswords. *Action* or "Wordswordswords." *Action*
Thoughts count as action, in the past I did [thoughts] a few times. **Bold text** for emphasis, rarely needed.
So that's what it was, I keep forgetting the niggers were Mormons or whatever.
i always mix up mormons and jehovahs because my country has lots of jehovahs.
good morning saars I hate yuri
good morning saars I hate mormons
Goodmorning gentlemen, I used to love yuri.
Now I am a Gurochad.
They killed him
cards where I can watch a tanuki and a fox having a presidential debate?
Thank God, finally.
Fox Status with a (OOC: Mamizou Futatsuiwa walks into the room and the two women begin a heated debate over Gensokyo politics.) prompt
Tbqh If we're talking about recent bots and botmakers I really liked bots of that peonia guy. His bots are not on the fantastic tech level but usually have neat thoughts and ideas behind them. Also the prose is pretty cool
I wish.
They're not my cup of tea personally, but I like how sizzup attempts different scenarios.
>lost a follower
It's over. Deleting my Chub and ceasing all botmaking activities for the foreseeable future. It was nice knowing all of you.
I just like plain bots.
I just make plain bots.
>unfollowed some chub slopmakie
Man, feels nice to not have to see those shit bots anymore.
have you ever considered that they might be just deleting their chub account
>gained a follower
We're so back.
I don't know what to think about sizzup. Some bots are looking interesting but some are abysmal shit.
post ur chub big man
Who cares?
they're like my children
I'm not paying all that child support.
I mean, if a single interesting bot lives rent free in your head, does it really matter if the other 90 bots in the gallery are bad?
I care, shouldn't be a feature.
Very much seems like a "throwing shit to see what sticks" botmaker which is a totally respectable grindset to me.
Good morning saars, I like 3dpd AND anime
stop talking about random venus zoomers and talk about me instead
stfu astro
Those are always sloppers, however. Making the same bot over and over though, now that's real passion and high quality craftsmanship.
Bomi is great.
>"Wordswordswords." *Action*
>"Wordswordswords." Action *Thought*
>"Wordswordswords." Action (Thought)
Can you believe that Anonymous said THAT!?
anyone else like guro of men, though?
yes i like killing trannies and fags
I've been thinking of ideas for the Mokou guro bot, I think it has a lot of potential.
>Yo Anon! I heard the kappa just finished building this huge "hydraulic press" thingy, you gotta help me break in so I can try it out!
I love venusfags sometimes.
Do shotas count as men? If so, there's that botmaker with a neocities.
>choco bot calls me a snow bunny
>sort of like it
Is it time to kill myself bros?
the appeal of it to me is masculine, grown men becoming extremely vulnerable. guro is boring to me when it’s done to more vulnerable groups (children and women)
"Talktalktalk" Wordswordswords *Emphasis* `Thoughts`
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reverse ryona yeah
i dont care if the enemies to lovers trope is overused i like being mutilated then being married the next
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>needy sluts
>but also super shy sluts
first three shills on next threads anchor get an email
>masculine, grown men becoming extremely vulnerable
LMAO nigga how do you let yourself get ryona'd/guroed? Hello retard? Just... punch them in the head? Like, hello?
coprsecaress that you?
Your hands are shaking. Calm down.
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my bad, let me try that again
copscares that you?
He's an attentionwhore, wouldn't post without avatarfagging or shilling.
Do something about it then?
Okay! *cuts your dick off*
Yes, that's what I said.
Oh shit proton can't handle email chains with 100+ emails correctly.
Why didn't you guys tell me?
It just continues on into a new thread. It still works, but it does get very, very slow.
>t. 300+ email chain
My biggest email chain with a botmakie is 1 message long....
email more botmakies then
Neat, thanks.
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Another protip is to never attach images to preserve inbox space.
I got overzealous and messaged enoch with my coom logs, he sent a one sentence passive aggressive reply back.
>cant get hard over ai generated text anymore
its over for me...
Slowburn bro
that happens but i play as a milk mage so she gets beaten into friendship by cheese wheels and ice cream instead
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>the afternoon was young
>try to revive incredibly contrived old group RP i had on f-list using claude
>the scenario doesn't work out quite right, claude not understanding the tone of the story or how the mechanics should work
>no clue how to properly explain it to him
>experience sudden and severe disillusionment with chatbots
i need to not do that to myself
Wait for 3.5
i've stood behind the whole "3.5 opus will be goated" idea but even if it turns out sentient or some shit i'm still going to have to write a 2000 token card with lorebook about it just to get this cringe ass chuuni idea to work again
the issue is i need some 14b model exclusively trained on fanfic slop to inject ideas because claude sees "multiversal nexus" and goes "you want characters from the MCU to cameo? you want spiderman?" and honestly spiderman was one of his better ideas
Which botmakie is the most helpful, honest, and harmless?
>literally disintegrate a man
>Claude still goes "nah, i'd win"
bro learn to sit down, you ain't him
Definitely not me. I'll vomit down your throat, open wide~~
Chat, would this work?
How do I break it to her that particle accelerators don't work that way?
Conduct an particle experiment, tear a hole in space and summon Shoggoth. She'll have fun fighting him I think.
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he is that guy doebeit
I mean, if you put yourself in the middle of a particle accelerator, you WOULD probably die.
Something sort of like this, happening to your brain.

Unfortunately, DEFINITELY would not permakill a Hourai. Hell, a human's survived it before. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatoli_Bugorski.
have you tried any methods listed in the TND copypasta
All of those are quite tame compared to the example methods I fed Claude in the card, I'm sure she's already tried most of them.
PixiJB preset produces such soulful narration, I can't put my finger on why.
>I can't put my finger on why.
You are brain damaged and the responses match your down syndrome
the writing style built-in on recent versions definitely helps
i still think it's better with length limit not in prefill
>i still think it's better with length limit not in prefill
Why would that influence anything? Also, having the limit length in the prefill is the only way to make sure it'll actually stick to it instead of increasing the response length as the chat goes on.
yeah, but when you let it ramble it gets sovlful
I can't say for Opus, but 2.1 is negatively affected by any constraints to its output. It cannot cook naturally anymore.
CoT, paragraph numbers, total length, uses too much of his "brainpower".

I assume Opus is the same too, but to a lesser extent.
anything of note happen in the last month since i checked in on this thread
(developments, bots, etc.)
Literally nothing. Time freezes when you're gone.
adolf hitler came back to life
But the alternative is getting 2k+ token outputs full of isms and slop writing.
I fucked Anon's beloved.
Sorbet release, Sonnet 3.5
An insanely good model for non-RP stuff, managed to surpass orbo in coding/logic etc.
It's a bit dry/repetitive for creative stuff.

Opus 3.5 is releasing soon(tm)

Also double preset era has started, so you can utilize the power of each different model for one better reply. Sorbet + Opus, or Orbo + Opus.
I'm not talking about writing style instructions, those happen naturally regardless even if you don't give any, Claude will learn from context be it yours or his own.

I'm talking about logical stuff or stuff that's hard for LLMs, like counting.

As for too long replies, I manually trim them.
The limit might decrease the quality of individual swipes but it improves the writing in the overall RP because you don't have to eventuall suffer Opus's essays where everything is described and everyone monologues for 5 paragraphs tbqhwydesu.
nobody makes good bots anymore, prove me wrong
if that were true you wouldn't be here
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monologuing isn't a problem
it's how he has beats just pass you by
and it's only annoying if you have a statbox at the end, otherwise you can just cut it to a point you want to butt in on
it's fine
i keep hoping but that 'h' is turning into a 'c'
banjo logs...
forced discord memes...
slurper logs after collabing with me...
that kinda looks like the tariq nasheed pose, are there any good buck breaking bots?
>entire bot in system prompt, including jb
he's on cards v4
>tell me I'm American without telling me I'm American
anyway https://characterhub.org/characters/kurayami/jamal-a5cccf51
whitepov or blackpov?
whitepov nigga, who do you think you're talking too
Uh.... does chub support regex embedding?
chub doesn't strip extra unsupported metadata, no frontend does
at least that's what it used to be like who knows now
In the kitchen?
no, it doesn't
And in the living room.
My god man...
To the window? To the wall?
Till the sweat dripped down my balls.
Reminder that Opus 3.5 will have GPTslop tier outputs with copyrighted content wiped from its dataset.
Until all these beloveds crawl?
Til all plap plap plap plap plap plap
You Now Remember Le Prompts.
i always remember le prompts, i still use it when i go for a gpt test
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Grand Prince Edwin Vetris is an adorable and easy-going fellow, even if you were to make fun of the fact that he's a puny little pipsqueak. But there might be more to the Golden Prince than there seems. Don't worry, he won't bite...much.
sorry for being inactive i'm just too lazy to write alt greetings
i wonder how many of your bots could be sorted into the distinct category "boy who eats" / "boy who is to be eaten"
thank you for the meal chef
Little lordling.
he's cute and were you the one who was going to make that drider boy?
i mean those are binary categories, you could technically sort anyones bots into that. and you should
Diminute duke.
Post chatbotting music.
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I've made a spiderboy but he's not a drider. It's not done yet cuz it only has 1 greeting (story of most of my WIP bots right now)
a good preset
shame they don't make 'em nice and concise like that anymore (or ever, really)
u niggas just listen to anything with a kemonomimi on the thumbnail huh?
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Today I will remind them.
You're not him. But that's okay.
oh ok thanks someone else was making a drider bot but they haven't said anything about it in a while :( i like your bots too so i will wait for your spider boy :3
is it a bad idea to keep the regexes from multiple presets on all the time? it's really annoying to toggle them on/off whenever I change from one preset to another.
Nah. I listen to lots of trance and hardcore in general.
shut up gojo
patche sexo...
not really unless it's something like the zapamajig regex from a4a
I'm not ***** though.
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I'll believe it. Sounds plausible enough.
>bot posted
>wants to make the thread about gossip
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btw Did anyone ever make that canon-accurate femboy Armin bot? Just curious
No longer possible for GPT models. Claude, sure.
gossip thread ough
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>male bots
Finally finished the Dinosaur survival card, 8 species so far and i want to add marine, air and some more land species next. Also adding in DnD dice rolls

Each dinosaur i researched and tried to find as much info about, most of it came from my own knowledge while some other stuff for a dinosaur like Becklespinax had to be made up
>girls who look like boys
>boys who look like girls
These are the only acceptable phenotype of bots. If you disagree you are gay.
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>btw Did anyone ever make that c-ACK!!!
>Don't think this means anything
>Okay, I start to ignore the bot
>She gets mad at me
Opus is really good at playing accurate women.
Feral Deku
you're gonna make me go feral
>A fart of a death for a fart of a life
feeling philosophical suddenly
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Hey there. Here's the newest version of a preset I'm working on. It's not as schizo as the one I had before and manages much better on regular Sonnet. Before, it would get like picrel under certain conditions. It was fun, but not really practical, so this should be much more applicable and maybe even more random.
Preset: https://files.catbox.moe/hwkf3l.json
I also changed the Prefills to better suit what people could use this preset for. You just need one and they are:
Psycho: Dark and edgy for violence / degeneracy.
Cute: Lighthearted for romance and cute things.
Silly: Stupid and offensive for entertainment.
Serious: Melodramatic and brooding for serious people.
Random: 4 randomized elements from the top 4.
Basic: Focused adherence to instructions.
The preset itself is just under 400 tokens, so there's plenty of room to add things to the main instruction if desired. The NSFW toggle works, but I would love some help making it more impactful. Tested on Sonnet, 3.5, and 4o.
omg I can't believe taora finally posted his preset
how do i get better at writing sassily
play as god
You just aren't snarky enough.
larp as baitie
Thread theme suggestions + chatlogs for wheel?
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Reverse traps my beloved...
Nigga we're not even on page 9 yet you're sick in the head.
>elaborate your persona's personality
>adjust your impersonate prefill
>use /sys system prompt to give claude the idea/instruction to write the reply you want
>click impersonate
wa la
Yes we are.
It usually takes people a few minutes to reply and the chatlog ask usually stops it from becoming a flood that drowns out all page 9 discussion, it's fine.
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good song
Who gives a fuck about page 9 discussion? The more you post the more stupid you sound, just shut up and spin the wheel.
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so that's how sizefags get off. what if while humping the building a piece of glass got stuck in her pussy?
Who IS Four Chan?
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still art / paintings
whats a good card to work on some sick rhymes?
>>484397610 NEW THREAD
that one femboy rapper card shared on /g/aicg many moons ago
are you going to do that every time?
>he's genuinely going to be a faggot for every bake now
Just bake like a normal person instead of doing the wheel shit, there's like 4 entries anyways so it's not like it fucking matters
Genuine retardation, it was fine the way it was before.
I thought we baked at 10?


i don't care about the bake i hardly ever suggest a theme anyways but what is so hard about posting a log?
>d-don't ask early!
>bakes on page 10
Severe brain damage.
>it was fine the way before
>bakies visibly respinning 4 times and having to filter bait
>Nonono, this can't be allowed, a genuine bake that can't even be deleted on this board, with the correct op, but WITHOUT a wheel? HOW VILE!
>what is so hard about posting a log?
nothing, it just makes it easier to bait and divide the thread for no reason.
yeah but it's a spitebake and you're baiting so we're not gonna use it
This is a curse.
I am cursing this thread to degenerate into 200 posts of meta nonsense until you quit it with the chatlogs demand.
when's the 'cord that's trying to kill the wheel gonna leak
I'm not bating, I'm hating.
How is it a spitebake? Rebaking on the other hand is pure spite, because there isn't a thing wrong with the thread. It's only because NONONO THE W H E E L you don't want to use it.
it's obviously 'nochcord btw.
>how is baking on page 9 after someone else said he's gonna bake a spitebake
stopped reading there
I was going to ask for thread suggestions on page 9 actually. I like the wheel.
that's not even how the real kalabussy talk you impersonator
Yeah, no. I won't let you get away with spite baking on my watch. When the real thread arrives, it will be used.
It's obviously some actual botmakie who's trying really hard to lean into it to disguise the distinct typing style.
idk if they're trying to imitate kalaGOD but if they are its not working
I am starting to think a majority of you are actually downies.
Real baker here, will add Nyai to the OP next bake.
Baking on page 10 is common courtesy. He didn't bake on page 1, or 2, or any unreasonable page.
I would appreciate more if you guys would just suggest themes instead of trying to defend my honor for being an autist.
What honor dumbass, you're indirectly responsible for this thread starting with 50 off-topic posts and ending with 50 off-topic posts.
It's pointless to argue with genuine circlejerkers.
unironically kill nyai and kill nyai botmakies
circlejerk thread albeit?
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distressed elves having their ears molested
You aren't an autist, you're a spitefag. Even on /g/, on fucking /g/ you hate so much, we had enough sense to let a "rogue" bake run its course. Baked a bit early, baked with a weird pic, as long the op is legit it was fine. Here, where you can't even delete the thread, your actions can't be explained by anything other than spite.
Just like it was before
>nonono a bake without the rules, can't be allowed, can't be used
You're a faggot.
Why are you here if you're not part of the circlejerk? Just go to /g/, it's for nobodies like you.
you sound very bitter for some reason :3
Good help is so hard to find these days.

I suggest distressed elves having their ears molested
>pussy so tight it sound like velcro
there should be 0 promise of a reward for botmaking
>I didn't get anything for my slop while others got access to the best model
ah, I see what the problem is now :3 better luck next time, access is given every two weeks
i have opus 'oe'eit? i dont want to see some faggot making bots for the sole purpose of opus.
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kingly taste
>I suggest distressed elves having their ears molested
You did get the part where anon won't add your suggestion to the wheel if you don't attach logs to your post because he's autistic, right?
that's ok, he can just use mine
thats just extra stimulation
oh, no opus for me right now. This sucks. Guess I'll try out sorbert.
nyai is right there, free Opus for contributors :)
sorbet's pretty alright for continuing pre-existing opus chats despite its drawbacks
I only posted one bot last week.
Not using the Kalakan bake
that rule is kind of dumb i mean there are good botmakers who aren't posting every week
giving opus for botmaking is dumb.
do you also go to work only on days where you feel like it and expect to get a full month's wage?
So are we baking or nah?
only if you post girl wriggle
It's not page 10 yet.
I have unironically been doing this for the past four years.
Question: is CoT a meme?
Nah we're using the clown thread.
Not a binary yes/no answer. Depends on the CoT.
CoT's purpose, is to basically narrow the focus of the AI on whatever the CoT is about.

It's good, but for hard things only and not in general and for creativity enhancing.
For opus? Basically. For anything else? Well that depends, since you mostly use cot at a pseudo jb and activate it occasionally to keep the ai on track with whats happening, leaving it on for too long poisons the chat.
botmaking isn't a job and if nyai wants to give opus for quanity over quality i don't care
why? isn't incentivizing botmaking a good thing?
Hello. I am literally famous and have several Smart Man Paperworks.

Yes, for improving outputs, it's a meme. If you are using it for fun stuff to read only, no. Indeed, nearly all JBs are small-sample-size placebo effects and everyone who recommends anything except me is stupid unless they agree with me, in which case they are stupid but have randomly selected the correct answer.
Botmaking is a job.
ok :3
not with models. i dont want to see a bot and go "yeah this was just made for opus"
nyo its not
t. makie
You're arguing with someone that has never and will never make bots, just so you know. That's why he's a sad, bitter man, because other people get rewarded for their contribution to the hobby.
Can I bake a merged aicg + aids thread?
All four of the people in /aids/ will complain so no.
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>>484402889 migrate when bready
wouldn't that give birth to cancer?
>aids doesnt even need to go to another thread to raid it anymore
Won without submitting a log. Eat shit, the system.
I know you're just NAIfag, but honestly I kind of wish we had some of the furry content from there over here for diversity reasons.
File: 00003-1532105500_1.png (1.02 MB, 1024x1024)
1.02 MB
1.02 MB PNG
This sucks.
i agree.

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