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>Run Energy Changes

>Colosseum NPC Clickboxes & More

>New Slayer Boss - The Araxyte

>I'm new, what should I do?

>Communication & Info
Website: https://osrs.game/
Wiki: https://osrs.wiki/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS
Chat channel: fart cc

>/osg/ 2024 Skilling Competition

previous: >>484165567
making the romance in throne of miscellania optional is so bizarre
this quest makes no sense unless you're romancing but they clumsily rewrote the dialogue to obscure that fact anyway
i am playing on my maxed helmie just so the thread is aware because im not a stupid bondie im a helmie

lmfao osrs humiliated again on reddit its fucking over hahahahhahaha
oppa runey style!!
chudbros... our response?
odablock W
midzy L
still waiting on proof that shortys shits up this thread
you already said that but yea i agree it's retarded that they are making all romance optional
talk about the game not your interpersonal drama
oh no
bondie moment
how is that a bondie moment
>row in inv
>bstaves prob from ztaff in inv
>adventure log still active this far into the account
no normal person would play an account like this
>you already said that
yes but i said it in the last thread so some anons may have missed my cutting edge opinion
as if a helmie wouldnt collect battlestaves? as if a helmie wouldn't use a row for miscellania/ge?
i still keep the adventure log on because i have no reason to take it off. you're projecting your autistic tedencies
why what did i do
ive never bought battlestaves on my helmie what if somebody saw me and i became the talk of the town
im a f2p uim
I'm back can I get a QRD on the last 3 threads?
midzy L
chuds L
threadgirls W
did you get a 3day where have you been ive been worried sick
lol you should see my bank
Detective cat yooo let's gooo
just tried a mcdonalds apple pie for the first time not a fan
while guthix slips and slides on this banana peel
can you please shut the fuck up and talk about osrs nobody wnats to know what shitty food you stuffed into your 250lb body
either talk abut osrs, or don't fucking post. you are ruining this general with offtopic nonsense
umm can you talk about the game instead of complaining about posts
why are you like this
why do you have the chud sock?
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rng manipulation
have you tried an apple pie from osrs how do they compare
omg when are they bringing back leages
Im in bed rn
O gosh im so comfy and cozy rn
Ne other bedders itt hehe? c:
I'm a futon kinda girl
Futon r comfy and gud for osrs sleepovers
me too i want d333cay to put her futon me haha
D3333cay is sleeping she is in bed its raining and she is asleep its cold and she is still in her healing era rn
i wish it was raining here its my faaavorite sound to listen to while i runeygame
if tumtums keeps crashing I will throw a tantrum
bondie moment
im an ironwoman so i dont mind if my tbow crashes
I hope it goes up a bit even though I could afford it faster if it crashed hard.
youre a man though
why would an item that is constantly entering the game go up in price
So the anon doesn't suffer.
gnomonkey has a shadow
i have a shadow
jagex added an artificial item sink that reduces the supply of tumtums just to appease people like >>484294376 who are irrationally obsessed with bank value
there is no fucking reason why players shouldn't be able to disable the number shuffling on the bank pin input
i don't have a shadow ansem stole it
you are all grown men stop calling them tumtums and call them shadows like the rest of the world
they don't trust you not to do something retarded
im a woman not a man
you can literally just type your pin
isn't there a cheat client plugin that lets you type in your bank pin
that should let you get it done real quick like
i am going to continue calling them tumtums
stop saying tumtums its making me think of yumyums but greggs is closed
gnomonkey would like greggs
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midzy L
35th isnt bad
its not about winning its about the friends you made along the way plus i couldnt play the first 14 hours cause something came up
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Is Midzy Polish?
i'm not trusting plug ins that can record my pin
how does that guy have 73 hours
we you constipated or somethin? sometimes when im constipated my tummy starts hurting to the point where I cant focus on rune game.
as for me, personally, I'm diamondhanding my tumtums
is that you in the picture
could i have one of your tumtums please
no I just said I'm diamondhanding you dumb bish
it's a default option on runelite so if you're fine typing your password to log in you should be fine typing your pin too
bbl update when?
gnomonkey has a bbl
are you telling me a shrimp fried this rice?
What does bbl mean
aw shit this is my jam mm yeah mm yeah
i just bought gold
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got the best bbl in history
who up mining they boneshards
mining boneshards isnt ehp
bbls don't exist in runescape talk about the game
bone mining is economical hours played with regards to prayer
thats not true lumberjack outfit gives you a bbl
prove it
theyre opening a bbl parlour
>another herb run where 4 patches died
i don't even know why i bother
Are u using super compost lil anon?
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yes i am
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I need a mid term goal to work towards while still working towards a quest cape.
Well its unfortunate rng but lets hope you get much better rng next time
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bbls are extremely risky i dont want my toon dying from sepsis in some shonky clinic in southwest varrock
le orange site sigh
just got socially engineered, guys... literally dont talk to anyone in this game they're all trying to scam you
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>socially engineered

ye there a word like dumb nigga
if you had jagex account and 2fa on email it doesn’t matter if you get socially engineered
Is Varrock a good city for a toon to live in?

Personally I quite like Ardougne.
But maybe Varrock is a hidden gem?
Do I have friends or are they social engineers how do I find out
If I decided to live out the rest of my days in a van
what would I need to keep playing runeygame?
Fuck off, Varrock is full.
A van.
what if we built a wall around varrock and made fally pay for it
already a wall around varrock innit
how is asgarnia a kingdom but we've never seen a monarch in falador
are you guys trying to social engineer me right now
in a way all friendships and relationships are social engineering or i might be autistic not sure
what if d333cay let me be little spoon as a treat
only person i stay social engineering is d333cay cause i wanna see her feet
erm i just looked up the lore and apparently the White Knights essentially couped the King and now run the kingdom how they want
wtf spoilers
the king is a figurehead and all the power is held by the white knights this is like RS Classic lore
aaand done
>white knights are good
>black knights are evil
what did the gowers mean by this
pretty sure the white knights are evil too
look at me girlies im announcing me filters to the thread arent i a special little snowflake
simp mad
gotta do this as well
i have nothing against black knights some of my best friends are black knights
desu i would like to stare in d333cays ass and think about licking her hole and plapping her butt butt while grabbing her small lil tits while in her POH ofc ofc , cant let parents see her back in my POH
white knights are under the control ofg zaros and whether you consider zaros evil is all a matter of perspective
black knights are just as smart as white knights
I've been having liquid shits the past couple of days runeys for this feel?
about to do wintertodt for the first time, what am i in for
firemaking exp
ece said elite clues give you a cute briefcase
but turns out it is hard clues that do it
racist chuds complaining about biden and getting hit by chill too often
im frankly only doing it for cheevos
stupid fuck kys kys yks yksykys kys kys
just woke up what are we in for
another day of runeygame with your runeyfriends waheyy
i do this every fucking time
sis? your default left click option on runelite?
Osg needs to be reformed
how so
i will not be changing my defaults for one clueman
>left click for rusty has been set to talk
i have fixed your universe
The first step would be to range ban Americans
ban all uims and girls
hi osg i am returning from a short break. whats changed for high level fishing in the last 12 hours?
and what if that doesn't work
surely there's a plan b
plan b doesnt work for girlies over like, 90 american pounds
very sad for chubbies
Plan B is to delete osg. There is no saving this general so long as these "girls" inhabit it
raw anglerfish went up in price by 100 coin pieces
ugh right after my anglerfishing arc too of course good things never happen to me
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whoa no reason tobe rude
konar is so pretty
angler girlies were partying hard this weekend
never talk down about my wife again or else
mod gee has amazing design sense most of the time
im mining bone shards i like to call them bonersharts as a quirky little joke hehe
as for me i anglerfish put in oven eat the fish because im ironman
i want to live in falador because theyre white and only let whites live in it
omg this is harder than nylocas room in tobble
whys its called oven when you of in the cold anglerfish of out hot eat the anglerfish
you should kill over by draynor crossroads there are more goblins and less scenery objects
part of growing up is realizing mod gee was right all along
I like it here though it is about sending a message
when is the osg smp going up
d333cay should recreate the mod gee alien sock pic in osrs rune escape
i dont think she wants to show her face thats bad opsec
yeah that's true nvm
can you post the mod gee pic
Well I lasted one day in this hellhole. I will not be returning. You are all mentally ill freaks
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see you tomorrow
ok bye
everyone i know goes away in the end.......
hm yea d333cay do this with youre fursuit mask on
baby come back!
you can blame it all on me~
*slays hydra*
i'm the opposite i keep coming back here and idk why i just like runescape i don't even understand half the shit you guys are talking about
she said its kind of crazy that i like you because i dont usually like dudes
no i understand the game dummy i just don't know why every thread is about d333cay's butthole or why midzy is important
midzy is the greatest player this general has ever produced
i called her boring months ago and i created a thread celebrity in the process
its thread worldbuilding if you dont like the lore you can just press spacebar
why does a self described slut get so much attention from lonely neets somebody call columbo we've got a mystery to solve
sweaty you answered your own question
why would you simp for a girl you have zero chance of ever meeting irl it's a waste of time sure you might feel good in the moment but can't you see that it's fruitless wouldn't you rather open pornhub to rid the urge rather than spamming about her for hours on end
dont make me post the irony chart
i would simp for the boys too but almost none of them post tummy >>484311498
I still don't know who midzy is or why you guys always talk about him.
thats not true i once went all the way to aus to meet my ldr imvugf cheeks will be clapped
midzy hasn't been here in months it's literally a single dude spamming
talking to d3cay is the only female interaction people in this thread have had in years
midzy posted today >>484297131
well its true what they say "haters make me famous" xoxo
(sorry for late repsonse i was buying milk hope youre well)
she's doing a service for the community she should be getting paid if you think about it
just came back from doing wintertodt for the first time
holy shit what an aids minigame
i just unfollowed tasty i hate seeing people happy i hate it why can't everyone be like lake omg FUCK THIS WORLD https://youtu.be/cwOj9nfDwsI?si=P-FrfdEsVIumOOqz&t=8
>clickbait title
>video just over 10 minutes for 2x ad rev
shant be clicking
i am the taro matsui of osg
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enjoy yuore milk
thanks im having an icey mocha and mining a shooting star well its shooted already its more of a shot star
tfw no rich L bf to take the L with getting no purples in raids
yayyyy hard clue
might log in and do something crazy like a master clue
nothing about it is lewd get your mind out of the gutter
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and it is HOT HOT HOT
pokemon go to the polls and vote yes to everything without reading
is that link safe to click
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2bh i dont really feeeeel like killing the ancient wizard trio
you vill kill ze vizards
i think i summoned the rev boss, how do i kill him? can i even do it with an msb?
mmmm noooooo i think i will mine a star instead
what if i want to jerk the frog off
confession i got my first mimic from an elite clue the other day but it was too hard so i dropped the casket and turned mimic back off
im mining bone shards for 10 more hours
i tried to kill the rev boss with msb rune arrows and it went very poorly
had to pussy out before boss to secure the loot
is this real chat please let me help you plaese
what do you mean turn off
i wanna join the fbi
you dont get mimic drops unless you go to his house and rizz him up a little and if you dont want to get mimic caskets anymore you have to go back and give him the ick
your toon needs to get on ozempix
men are incapable of being icked theyll just think youre weird
unless you have a tattoo then the icks come flying
thats not true my ick is fat girls
thats not true a girl gave me the ick big time last year sexually repressed christian girl coming on way too strong
im a bpdemon ive given the ick to more men than you could poke your stick at
man the multicannon is such a game changer for slayer
why didnt i get it earlier
bro called it the multicannon
I call it the bdc
for me im colorblind when it comes to bpd the red flags all look green its nice to be needed
please stop talking about relationships i do not wish to be reminded of my loneliness thank u
d333cay when are you getting the golden chinchompa pet
guthix wakes and rains toxins upon The Toons.
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r8 my toon
Where is ece?
you cant post naked pics on here its a blue board
2/10 looks like my toon from when i was 10
7/10 nice tiny tim cosplay
um prombably quite some time after i get the normal chinchompa pet and im not training hunter right now so.... not soon. thanks for asking
just lit a vanilla candle and dimmed the lights oh yes dont stress its osrs time...
and me? im warming a sandalwood and cedar wax melt
Oo i feel cozy and comfy just reading that... c:
I don't trust candles I have electric candles
im going to hop on the scent train adn light a white chocolate flavoured candle if thats okay and prepare myself a cuppa soup
clumsy bitch
thats a great idea my coffee creamer is white chocolate its like we are experiencing two sides of the same scent
I like noodles
can someone invite me to the osg bookclub
hmm maybe I should do some perilous moons
im afk outisde of the cave eating a bowl of pasta when THIS happens
nerf tbow PLS
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I did so many clue scrolls today
the cozy stream i was watching went offlline :/
attractive OSRS streamer
This is the demon that haunts Alfie
whys she sound so retarded, respectfully
that sounds ick
sorry I didn't know
here's an alternative attractive streamer
didnt he get arrested for bothering women
wtf she talks just liek aflie and has the mannerisms
boys will be boys
mind your business
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can someone help me with this captcha is the red circle an entity or not
begone bot
nice try robot
go write my essay in the corner over there
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am i stupid or what its not letting me select the orange and the cone
im not a bot im just low iq can someone please guide me
its just the orange circle hun the cones are paired
>implying any of you aren't bots as well
bro said orange circle nigga thats an orange
oh i see they all blended together lol thanks
common colorblindness L
why is your text green
what are you doing the captcha for is it the ones to get into twitter those are the hardest captchas ive ever done
grow a pear
thats not funny there are a surprising number of people who go about their daily lives with no idea they are colorblind
I have a 4chan pass so I shan't be doing captchas
im not colorblind my vision is just completely fuzzed even with glasses, everything i see is granular and its like there are two people inside of me and i want it to stop i keep disassociating its honestly the worst thing ive ever experienced i dont feel like im myself ever and i cant recall memories and i dont feel human please someone help me
i only log into my 4chan pass when i need to post images on the go otherwise im worried people will notice my lower post timer and make fun of me
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ayyy 0 herbs died this run
put your badge on and own it
I dont want to do a thing
I just want to be here comfy and cozy with you
I dont need the world
I only need you
dude stole that guys big egg and tricked it into doing a mating dance wheres the humanity
pppoppin bottles in da ice
are you the lyme disease anon
Gratz lil anon
if i were you i would try stimulants
i hate when charlie asks for herring rufus doesn't sell those!!!1
more like doofus lol
why cant we just kill charlie like we did to cuthbert
hear ye hear ye i just passed 40k bone shards
yes but i dont know if i have the disease i havent been to a doctor im losing control over everything i basically live my entire life in autopilot i dont have any thoughts anymore and i dont feel like i know who i am
i was playing blindfolded chess a year ago and now i cant even visualize a circle
i sometimes take adderall it helps with motivation but mentally it doesn't really help with my memory or vision or anything it just makes me feel good
someone remind me to collect my charlie resource pool after this star. anon maybe we could catch some herring together and store them in our banks
Yah c:
idk if this is genuine or not but sorry bud feeling cognitive decline is the worst ps please go to the doctor
before you go insane and forget your password give me your gold i will carry on your spirit in osrs
highest iq osg poster
i get my herrings from frankie in port piscarilius
people like this are the ones complaining on reddit and ruining our game
it is genuine i wish it wasnt i really do
i dont trust myself driving anymore so i havent been to a doctor and the fear of having something terminal has terrified me
ayyy frankie how ya doin ya cocksucka?!
great now youve made her cry how about you think before you speak for once
i think this is probably worth putting all your resources into fixing like you owe it to yourself to seek help. if you dont have any money though then im sorry thats a bummer
sorry im autistic
sorry im autistic
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leak arraxor model found in cache
lol its mudkip and spookdog
bros over here playing number munchers
U could visualize a circle?

H-how did u play chess blindfolded, r u saying u visualized the entire chess board??
i feel like ive had this conversation with you in this general already unless theres another brainrot anon out there losing braincells day after day
time to watch some runegame videos on youchube :)
why are men at stars always just talking about sports and boring shit we need a girls only star asap
chippy chuesday innit
that female character is unfortunately not ugly enough to be spookdog
fight caves is hard :(
ill never get my fire cape and graduate from obby cape
saw you at the girl star they're saying you failed the bechdel test
you mean you didnt find the 20+ minute conversation about temperature interesting?
i literally can't tell if its a troon or just an ugly woman
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
The cool girls aren't at stars rn??
i had to bite my tongue on the temperature conversation because i have an opinion but its not strong enough to fight about

yes we are you jsut werent invited to the threadgirl star clearly
im mining bone shards but i dont think imc ool if that answers your question
its a nerdy ginger young (like under 13) woman
wish i was at stars but i want a golem
you could get really lucky and get golem from stars maybe
i got my golem at amethyst but i locked him away in my poh
Maybe we can all dress up and go to stars sounds comfy what do u think (i dont actually play i just enjoy funposting in this general)
i only have 540k xp to 99 i don't think that will happen
i already got heron from aerial fishing i dont think golem from stars is happening
i think i love my golem least out of all my children i hope he doesnt read this thread but its true
get lost lgtv tourist your disgusting kind isn't welcome here
I think u should be kinder and more loving
golem pet would be cooler if it was a mini The Golem from the quest
should I even try for the fox pet with the current state of forestry?
what do you mean i could visualize a circle?
i didn't see the entire board at once, maybe around 80% of it. there aren't many pieces so it's not difficult to see a few moves ahead in most positions

probably me yes i've posted here before i don't really remember what i said aside from mentioning my problems
if i could feel pleasure maybe i'd be alright will offing myself. i stared at porn for 20 minutes today trying to feel something i seriously dont know whats going on and im very worried ill turn into a vegemite before i get the chance to off myself
fox whistle grind is v demotivating imo
yes its worth it becausze once you get it then you have a fox
i think you should kill yourself.. NOW
I am a straight white male i just enjoy expressings myself in this cozy comfy general>>484323902
my favorite child is my baby mole i love her
mudkip called the mole an egirl pet in his latest video why did he say that
because its true
I am a straight white male i just enjoy expressings myself in this cozy comfy general

I tried but im too strong lmao

This may sound crazy
But thats amazing to be able to visualize so much
Whats ur diet like?
U should try eating grass fed steak, organic everything and doing visualizations daily along with exercize this may repair ur brain but will require lots of willpower and insane optimism
>being able to afford organic food and steak
llmfao lol hahaha
>I tried killing myself but im too strong lmao
right up there with outside is getting to be based. easily. the protagonist of osg.
hes not the protagonist hes a weird guy dont encourage him
whats it like having a pet
>try snapping my neck with my massive arm muscles
>my massive neck muscles are too strong to snap my neck
kill skotizo you'll get one
its nice it makes the game a happier place
im currently fasting as of saturday before that diet was mostly carbs (pasta/rice/fruit) i might try to go keto for a few weeks to see if that does anything
im skinny and out of shape
hes just bitter spookdog hasnt maxed yet
he said her fav pets are hellpuppy and youngllef
you just know
i want hellpuppy so freakin bad
more like hellpuppers
the hecking doggo
i tried finding the conversation in the archive but i couldnt find it i talked to someone months ago about my own cognitive decline and how i couldnt recall basic words sometimes anymore and how i feel as if im getting more and more retarded after ive graduated from school anyways if that was you i hope things get better
maybe youre getting more retarded because you play runescape all day maybe you could learn an instrument or a new language or study astrophysics
You need protein and animal fats from grass fed steak/grass fed butter. Animal fats regulate your hormones and protein supplies the necessary ingredients to run repairs on your body. Carbs are our fast acting energy source and are therefore utilized as fuel for physical and cognitive performance.

Just try eating better and being more disciplined with phydical training and sleep BEFORE you attempt anything like fasting or keto.

Treat urself lile ur toon in osrs
Level up
did you get this from reddit
if you put some 9th grade math in front of me im not confident i could do it
itswill just got 1bil exp Wow
dont talk about wow in here that guy from yesterday will get mad
i think that might have been someone else i appreciate the kind words though
ive had mental problems in the past but ive always been able to cope and distract myself and ultimately be okay because i had an internal monologue and now i don't and im an npc but aware of it and it's terrifying
>Treat yourself like your toon in osrs
>Level up
are you the lil anime poster and if so can you post a picture of yourself
i found it were just a bunch of brainrot girlies it here i guess
me i made myself stupid on purpose by smoking weed marijuana but now i quit and im still stupid and too lazy to fix it. i love runescape
got pk'd multiple times today, think im done with this wilderness shit
if youre going to die or become the joker then you might as well give your body to science do some clinical trials or something while youre rotting thanks
yeah that was me i dont want to think about it anymore today im going to watch more of mudkip's uim series
Yes and I am almost all posters in this general. I am the Father. The Alpha. The Omega. I am the beginning. I am the end. Before Armed Donkey, I was.
ok sorry have fun
ive only been pk'd one time in old school runescape osrs at least two years ago you should just play on a more friendly world or act less enticing as a target
stop victim blaming
My world of choice is the roleplaying world
you don't have to show your face i just need to know that the person calling us lil animes isn't obese
i got pkd by sparc mac once we were both doing wildy clue steps and he had 2 people escorting him around i lost 3 minutes of my time i was upset
he's right, just go on an empty world man
I am closer to being shredded than obese
here is a list of this guy:
- lil anime
- "where is [ancient thread celeb]?"
- trying to rapelure d333cay
- c h u d
thank you i hope you have a comfy night retard-chan
just got a hard clue geode
I remember one time I got a drop from the party room which was actually loot from someone who got pkd by a famous streamer and that day i realized i had becoome tainted by blood... I went to seers village and stood by the lake...
just saw a fox outside my window but it looked so dirty :( fox pet old school runescape
no pitbeggar is a different guy
who are you trying to fool as if you went there for self reflection that blood had you feeling yourself you were finna hit up the lady of the lake
Im scottish
me too
feeling guamy methinks its audio porn time while i train slayer
I actually did feel a brief moment of bloodthirsty aggression but then it quickly faded and to this day i feel great shame... i can never step foot inside the party room ever again...
omg i need pics RIGHT NOW
can you do some of your posts in vocaroo form i think it might make you more likeable to me personally
why are you poor
all boys should post body pics
No i cant out of respect to d333cay
You will have to imagine, lil anime

Sorry but the people in the walls talk too loud as I am scaping in osrs
are you a girl
this is an official d333cay request post pictures

stay out of it
trannyblock L
dinochad W
also you dont even play you said you dont play anymore because of "responsibilities" get your story straight and post vocaroos
12 hours just for oda's viewers to sell him a verac's helm for 500k
So they finally nerfed fang. I don't see it as recommended anywhere really anymore, is it just for toa now?
woah im also scottish with thin walls are you literally me
i need proof before i believe hes scottish because he spelled something with a z earlier

fishinthesea tummy./..
d333cay is an accent slut what the hell
id ruin my whole life for a welshman ill tell you that much
the american boys are crying
breeding d333cay
your moms pussy is crying after i fucked her
*weak, half hearted* its not fair that was supposed to be meeeeee..........
my accent sounds like marbles in my mouth we lost
^ danish
2slime is a stupid teenager faggoted retard
lol raped clanie bitch
reading this made my arm hurt did you put a hex on it
good laptop for osrs?
dell laptop
why is solo mission on team eu in the first season of gielinor games
nike air girl...
is the your mom poster 2slime?
angry, bitter ironman whose main is 'goychow'. Very unhinged, unmedicated individual
just guamed
am i cool now the jester cape was on the cool cape list
did 2slime fucked your mom?
are you doing stars why arent you at the girlstar?

What is on the cool girl shoes list
she wants the golem keep up bitch
how was i supposed to know it was her that wanted the golem my autism isnt that powerful
im doing gems for 99 and maybe golem
you'll have to ask the arbiter of the cool cape list
2slime and juiceb0x owns this general

don't forget.
well it doesnt even matter because the girlstar jsut disintegrated into NOTHING ugh
boystar W
This sound like me but I've just always been kinda retarded.
d333cay post bush
im cold
im depressed again that was a nice two or three days at least
its so fucked up that charlie never asks for fish cooked by ME anymore he doesnt even care he doesnt givea fuck
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has rs cracked down on buying gold now? i havent played in a while.
yeah, zezima got banned for rwt
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gonna make it bros
wrath runes wont cover my con and pray tho
put him on
15m o.o you're rich how did you get so much gp
woaw... beautiful
you just know
why are you ginger?
Havent played in years. How do i log into my old accounts
whats wrong with gingers
wtf is wrong with this general
my first gf and first kiss was a ginger girl :3c
who are you talking to use the reply function
mad cause i fucked your mom?
what do you have against clue scrolls
all me
mental illness
two of those were me do NOT steal my valour
Literally the most comfy cozy general
all of them fucked your mom lol
hahah get him
what happened to the last osg chat channels from years ago?
Does anyone OG still even play?
none of them play just like how you also dont play get it through your head brother
pls post a picture of yourself shirtless i am begging think of all the lil animes that want to be dicked down by a muscular man like yourself
talk about the game im mining amethyst
yeah im thinking its coffee and duolingo time
should i resub to duolingo maybe that will get my life back on track
i really like Old School RuneScape does anyone else in this general like that or do you guys just want to have gay sex with each other
were phantom duoing our duolingo lessons btw
if i resub can i phantom triple my lessosn with you please? im mining stars runescape.com oldschool
i like old school runescape and men what about yourself
idk i use standard duolingo and get by fine an ad every now and then means focusing on osrs again
How do you know which posts are mine?
No shirtless pics, lil anime
I value my privacy
i cant believe jagex went through the trouble of adding THE roy g biv to the game
I liked the ginger girl discussion, I’ve never kissed one but Im friends with one and I’ve wanted to kiss her for 14 and a half years if that counts. Also The Toon kinda looks like her if you pick your herbs just right unfortunately they don’t make looney tunes t shirts for runey toons
there are like 6 posters in this thread it's not hard to know who is who
privacy my ass you're just a fatty
who am i then huh huh huh
Ur just a horny boy
that was not me im busy signing back in to duolingo
my boysweat smells citrusy like oranges from an orange fruit tree from the old school runescape farming skill
my boysweat smells kind of like weed
Its friday night im going down to my local blockbuster to rent out a vidya and a movie then im going home to play the vidya watch the movie with some popcorn then after that imma watch wwf wrestling whilst i grind in osrs
there is only one of those on the entire planet you know exactly where anon is going to be you can ambush her
wwf rebrand was in 2002 and rs2 launched in 2004
would it be anachronistic if they were to add waffles/pancakes to the gnome restaurant
i dont know what that word means so i cant answer that sorry
It would be homely
well you can consider that your osg word of the week thats right todays osg word of the week is anachronistic
i already knew that word though can we do another one
well to answer your question i dont think it would be anachronistic i mean im not a historian but i think if they have cakes they could have pancakes and if they have moulds for other foods they could have waffle moulds
heres a thought a multi cannonball mould is really just a big takoyaki pan if you really think about it shrink that sucker down and chop up the bwans haha
We need a new food called vanilla angel cake
i wish i had a friend
This must be the worst general on /vg/.
okay sorry
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i miss nut bladder
Mlm while I pass a kidney stone
If you think you're drinking enough water, you aren't.
I saw a pic of this guy he has a chin now
as for me i dont miss him
me too why'd you guys have to bully him
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someone buy my tormented bracelet kit off the ge for 2.9m pls thanks
boutta be 300 steps ahead of that tramp bitch
no rsn no gz
yep thanks
why buy raw trout and cooked trout? if u want food only buy cooked, if you want cooking xp only buy raw. whats the point of half and half
nice forehead code lyoko bitch
why are you doing beginner clues
why not do beginner clues

Sooooo cute :3
beginner clues have collectible logs
you need to do 600 beginner clues for the emoji
that emote is so shitty too. wasnt it the one you got from stronghold of safety in rs3
whats your bank pin?
Mine's 3402 (same as my credit card so i dont forget lol)
birth year
im not saying
mine is 0301 not very secure but the date is important
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thats as secure as any other 4 digit number
not 1111
Gz lil anime
if someone were to brute force her pin starting at 0000 they would gain access in no time flat with enough determination anything is possible
saving all these numbers to try for when i socially engineer one of you a year from now.
youre right i guess the most secure pin is 9999
you can't bruteforce runey pins
id love someone to pin me and brute force
same but alas the boysmell
>mfw logging in after months, seeing my bank go up by 100m
>wtf happened
>that elder maul I bought because I thought it looked cool went to 130m
excuse me you forgot to attach an image of your face when
why is your text green
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that's called a stink face you stupid fucking idiot fake wrestling fan
If you use a greater than sign, or "meme arrow" it turns that line of text green, like this
why would you do that
if i can do it so can you. we’re all gonna make it
It's like going flash2 in osrs
>buying niggers 28gp
just saw dj khaled in pisc
bed time gn osg i love you
Hahaha omg we have a diehard wrestling fan itt

Tell me what it was like back in the early 20ps did u watch ur cartoons on nickelodeon and toonami then watch ur wrestling was it better back then
me personally i would fall asleep watching fosters home or eene then wake up to some crazy shit happening in flcl or rurouni kenshin once i woke up to death note intro 2 it was so scary
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is this a hard or an elite
That does sound scary lil anime...
please post yourself shirtless im begging i need u..
as for me i only watched dbz and gundam wing on toonami i was a toon disney girl
post cock old man
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keystack posting keystack posting
spogebob squarepants
im playing an 81 def pure
dragon full helms and platebodies are way too expensive relative to how powerful they are
they should make them a material in a new bis item
You first, lil anime...
stfu bitch
She is cranky she needs a cup of tea
yeah quiet tummy bitch
wait who is tummy bitch is that d333cay or fishinthesea now idk why someone posted his tummy pic cause i dont think thats him replying someone please explain i have autism
its both
enough gems for today ill fish some anglers
for me its 6 more hours of boneshard mining and then girlquesting commences in 2 days
was that not a new fishinthesea photo? the link doesnt come up elsewhere in the archive. or did someone save it and reup
idc who it is i love any and all tummy posters only requirement is youre not fat in runescape im training slayer
where is your face
d333cay post tummy
wtf why are ranarr seeds 6k what the hell happened
they are 26k
my brain buffered i read ranarr weed as ranarr seed please understand and forgive me
Which bank is the girlbank
tob bank
farming guild bank
well d333cay and eala scissored at the tob bank so probably there
im still kind of too offput by this guy to post tummy why does he want to know where eala and i scissor
i like tob bank because if you stand there long enough dutch people will show up and start talking in their freaky language
chuds ruin everything i could cry
oh my gosh no do not cry https://files.catbox.moe/vj320x.jpg
What bank for foreignermaxxing
cute top it reminds me of when we were all anglerfishing
you are so kind + ty + ily >>484345196
Is this who wants to see my body
dutchmen play runescape???
Muts is Dutch.
i wish swedes played old school runescape then maybe id run into yung lean at the general store adn hed be like hey cute pet can i add you as a friend and id be like yes of course yung lean
theres a lot of swedes they like to pk
westham is a swede
Wont be clicking that link, I’ve already looked in a catbox before and there’s nothing I want in there
god i wish yung lean would pk me. in runescape
god i wish i was the nordic twink that gets to turn out d333cay
i will never see tummy irl so i settle for tummy catbox links posted in osg settled like the osrs youtuber
yung lean isnt a twink i dont think
hes kind of an otter
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Why the hell did Kree'arra loot get so expensive?
What do u like about yung lean
bondies look like THAT?!~
wish d333cay had thighs like that
he has the voice of an angel
im planting this yew sapling and slathering it in ultracompost and then going to bed and if i wake up and its dead my entire day will be ruined
i will check on it while youre asleep and make sure it remainds healthful
thank u i can sleep well knowing its being cared for
Is tummycunt's shadow too risky to buy now? I've heard it's driving anons crazy and bankrupt.
whered you hear that
Bondie moment
What is the osg cc
fart cc
Its dead

Are you telling me osg cc is totally dead
join clan "osg" as a guest you retard
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fanks mate
i was going to trib d333cay but i got so caught up in what i was guaming that i forgot all about it
i think its about time for a doings listenings


and you anon?
you should post that earlier when the girlies are awake
yeah sorry
wondering what dusuri does with all that stardust
do you think they got the idea of namedropping hayley williams in the title from when hot mulligan did it with mark hoppus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utH7zIEiLAc

once your song finishes im going to listen to this classic hayley feature https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z3MP5L7UOY and wonder also about why dusuri has so much soft clay what does he get up to when were not looking much to think about
they very well might have its hip and cool to namedrop the emo kids of old the few that remains is a great hayley feature but personally its gotta be https://youtube.com/watch?v=mR-NwIiCT8c
boooooored wasnt varlamore supposed to be whats the word oh yeah exciting
varlamore is pretty dopies what are you doing there havde you tried thieving the wealthy citizens and taking their belongings from their houses
hunter rumors which is just reverse gnome restaurant with killing
if i go to the wilderness agility course and i high alch all of its rewards, do i get to keep the cash stack if i die to a player?
yes :)
i like rumours more than other options for training hunter personally
yeah well i hate them these savages at the hunter guild dont get to tell me what to do any longer
you have sent me on a pop punk word association game and now ill be listening to all time low for the rest of the night cheers
what's your blocklist
she probably doesn't have a blocklist like a noob
tob bank is such a strange place
how so
is this thread just one guy samefagging? what's going on?
Lil anon stop asking silly questions
Now get comfy cozy and start grinding (in osrs)
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youre being a little crazy right now i think theres more than one person in the thread
from the thumbnail i thought this was a fun little chameleon hanging out on a stick
you dumb bitch
leave her alone the mind of a creative girl is a blessing and a curse
*leaves her alone*
No moons drops in 10 kc
do you ever think about the anons that read but never chime in. what are their hopes? their dreams?
membership lapsed and i was feeling burnt out anyway so i'm taking a break until guthix sleeps comes out
oh uh yeah me neither
im a f2p uim
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i just haven't liked the threads the last few days. did all the cool people go somewhere else? they must have forgotten to tell me where that was..
i'd like to know your rsn
shenkansen is on a camping trip maybe thats why im sure she will be back soon
Who gives a shit what you think, tranny?
grr only 25k daeyalt today thats not very good
that is only 2.5 hours of 1.5t
youve never tick manipulated in your life you stupid bitch go back to footpedaling gem knights and afking redwoods
midzy L
unironically trannies like you are what killed the thread

what rank are you in solace clan lil bro?
>this place rocks!
>no it doesnt it stays perfectly still
why hasnt midzy been on the solace podcast
it'd probably be bad pr and also i don't think many people are interested in the perspective of someone who only knows how to chop redwoods and is performing very badly in the solace ehp comp
bros how do I find a nice clan to hang with this game is lonely
i hate seeing references to youtubers in game
check the wiki
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This one of you?
yeah its you
why is the trans event still going on? its july
why was tranny propaganda even in the game to begin with
cause incels need to their own event you chuds. stop asking questions
why cant trannies speak english properly
my feet are cold anyone want to warm them
why are you a troon sissy?
why do trannies erp itt instead of talking about the game
*puts fuzzy socks on your cold feet so you can concentrate better on runey gaming*
the games kinda boring not much to talk about it
then why are you here
thanks for the socks sis
I know I'm gonna get my drop this time
thanks for your mommas pussy(i fucked her)
anytime sis show her a good time
this chud is giving me the ick
is it possible to have sex in runescape?
i gave your moms the D(ick)
what is a chud
you give everyone the ick tranny
you lost chud
someone who fucks another person's mom
you lost your dick
dino died on her HCIM
oda W
elvemage W
kid ranqe L
is fart cc cute or chudly
fart cc fucks your mom
sounds sticky and gross
based for me lol
not cute
can you play runescape in jail
there are similarities
any way to take off all your clothes and be naked in runescape?
once again no time stamp fake until proven gay
if i went to jail i wouldnt have to work and i get free food so as long as i could play runescape there it seems like a really good idea
jail doesn't sound like fun you need to share a cell with scary people and shit in front of them
why didn't she teleport https://www.twitch.tv/dino_xx/clip/FrailBumblingPresidentMingLee-rONj2gmc847v_cYO
cryno (new name i made up) L

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