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Shooting vegans edition

Resources and FAQs: https://pastebin.com/ZU4uUREV
Guilds: https://pastebin.com/zCUYwWF0

>Am poor! What do?
Daily Checklist - https://fast.farming-community.eu/farming/daily
Currencies - https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/overview
OW Farming - https://fast.farming-community.eu/open-world/overview
Salvaging - https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/overview
Alternatively, get a fucking job and swipe.

>My build is absolute shit! What do?

WvW Restructuring

Warclaw double jump
Land Spears
Janthir and Titian maybe

GW2 Summer Sale!
Account Bound Swim speed
Land Spear Beta last day
Battle Bikinis released

Update history: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates

Latest Patch: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/147775-game-update-notes-june-25-2024/

Land Spear beta: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/play-the-spear-beta-event-today/

Homesteads: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/a-first-look-at-homesteads-exclusive-preview-from-pc-gamer/

Speed Relics for Turbogays: https://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/gw2-hacks-bots-cheats-exploits/

Previous Thread: >>483765912
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An heroing vegans
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What do i adjust? I tweaked everything already but this still looks the same to the preset. Not impressed by the customization
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she looks kind of mean
Most of the default slutwear is on light armors. Your going to be wearing lots of trenchcoats as a ranger.
ranger has a lot of great options, good choice.
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Alright well its gaming time, im satisfied.

>Your going to be wearing lots of trenchcoats as a ranger
Yeah Id projectile finish into her dark combo field.
She's a cutie, anon.
Can you elaborate this so that I, a newfag guildwars 2 player can understand?
How dead will the game be the day they allow using any weight class skin regardless of the profession
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Never going to happen but I hope they keep releasing swimsuits during summers.
the trenchcoats get old fast
Am i only restricted to trenchcoats?
He's trying to get Life Stealing, though I don't think rangers can get dark combo fields. I think the jellyfish can only make a smoke combo field
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If you go to a bank you can see all the armor skins for your armor type (medium)
I don't think they ever will, but I do think they regret locking weight classes to different classes. I bet for GW3 they'll just make light, medium and heavy armor that have their own pros and cons and let any class equip anything.
>Light armor guardians get bonuses to spells
>Heavy armour Necromancers who get bonus CC resistance
>Medium armour Warrior's getting bonus movespeed
I dont mind.
Show us your horns, cutie.
I'm using the kappa face
There will be no GW3. Just stop already.
Ranger is 99% Trenchcoats and 1% some of the best looking armour in the game.
basically take every heavy/light armor user who bought side-lace pants because those classes lack pants, now would they have bought them if they had access to medium armor's vast array of pant skins? Unlikely
maybe at some point this calculation will go the other way but also remember how bad Anet is at math
she looks like she fucks old men for money
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This is a plant with medium armor, not much of a trench coat.
and if there will you just know it will have less skin variety at release than GW2 had for a single armor class
it will be 8 slightly different trenchcoat potato sacks and sneakthief and assassin as gem store items on day 1
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Now this is the good stuff
sylvari look so gay even the way they sit
i wish i could change race like in WoW really regret picking this shit
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i like the way they sit
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there are also a few non trenchcoat options
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threadly reminder
Post the cute kappaface femsura
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Thank you anon!
no, but they are VERY few and VERY far inbetween and it's FUCKING BULLSHIT
easily the biggest fuckup that the original gw2 development team made, WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING!?!?
Fat HotDog
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Where are the femsuras at, my radar indicates they are close
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there's no femsura on /gw2g/ its only faggotsura
Femsura are the best
Gw2g needs more
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my big book of gw2g fags
If anet made an asura only game it would sell like crazy
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>dragons stand weekly
Best meta is on rotation. Time to TASTE ONE THOUSAND ASSES
boss fight ends too fast now
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Got GW-1 because of the sale, is Warrior-Monk a good profession combo if I want a good 'solo with npcs' option if I can't find other players?
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I imagine its vaguely possible on off metas for those that need to kill bosses during the mouth of mordremoth phase. theyre rare, but they happen
Not with how fucking terrible the playerbase is.
I must've been doing too much dps :J
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Post head-canon's you have relating to/about your character(s).
Pic unrelated
i have that same switch stand (because it was all they had available during the pandemic)
the coomander has sex when you log out.

how much depends on race with Charr the most and Asura with none.
>log in on charr
>in black citadel
>don't remember logging out here
About 97% of the medium armors are trenchcoats, yeah. You're limited to the remaining 3% if you don't want to wear one.
Also to answer your question, that's what's called a "wammo" and is usually ridiculed as someone who has no idea what they're doing. You CAN make W/Mo work well, but not in the "I'll take Monk secondary so I can heal myself" kind of way.
My suggestion is ranger (assuming you're starting in Prophecies).
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>Anet announce that Homesteads can be visited by NPCs
>Log in
>All your waifus are clustered around the bed
>be me
>get told to go fuck myself at least three times
>decided to use subspace fuckery to get r63 clone
>obtained free sex
Oh, sorry, didn't think to check /vm/. Any particular reason for ranger? (Last question then I'll head to the other thread)
>the /vm/ thread has to lead with 'gw1 is still alive guys! Believe me!'
glass houses man... we're in gw2g...
>glass houses
You sound like the faggot from last thread that used the same term. I am not sorry your 2 decade old game is dead and rotting, but its SUPER embarrassing you have to lead with 'i-its not dead guys! its very much alive!'
>maid outfit sales through the roof
This game is dead? Fuck, do i go back to xiv? i really dont want to...
What I did was make all my heroes Monk and put Light of Dwayna at the end of their bar. So if a few went down I could just pick an alive guy and ress.
Despite what the local doomsayers say, it is not dead in the least
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depends which you prefer
Doomshitters are just that: doomshitters.
Oh phew, thanks. Im glad i dont have to go back to wearing a plug
Let your monk heal you. Monk skills, like all casters, rely on energy, which warriors have little.
Warriors run to a significant degree on adrenaline and to a lesser degree on energy.

Aside from Healing Signet, which you wil be replacing eventually as taking a -40 armor hit isn't sustainable, warriors have the Strength and Tactics skill line which provides things like Endure Pain and "Watch Yourself" to boost health and armor.

Rangers are useful because they have many stances which synergize with other physical damage dealers, such as warriors who also get stances. One example of this is Lightning Reflexes. There are alsoother useful skills like Throw Dirt or Antidote Signet.
Having a pet if you want to dedicate a skill slot to it also helps take some heat off you, since you have biddy there taking some attention away.
at least they play with eachother
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What does that mean, wearing a plug..?
>at least they play with eachother
sounds hella gay
why doesn't Blish HUD have buttplug io modules
I'm not sure I actually want to know the answer to this but now I'm morbidly curious... does XIV have one?
>Fuck, do i go back to xiv?
yes, go back to your cesspool. square enix needs your subscription fee
google "aethersense"
it's open source on github
no it's not official and is technically a TOS violation to use but yes people use it anyway
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what this mean
he's right, this game is as dead as gw1
>going back to the game that just got its own soto story
That person has a home instance with all of the resource nodes, you can gather from these nodes once per day from anyone's home instance. He's just inviting whoever wants to use his since it's expensive to do it yourself.
Whats the catch...
there's better games than both of them out there, that are all more alive than this game not not as alive as ff14 (i think, maybe, depending on the game and how alive you want to consider ff14 to be)
if it wasn't dead, i'd be playing it, but it's run by kikes so that auto = dead kike shit played only by intolerable faggoids
>there's better games than both of them out there
Genshin Impact
Im so sorry i asked
i'm only gonna say gaypex legends because it triggers faggot kike chaim cohen everytime i do, for some reason, even though i've mentioned millions of more popular and especially more adjacent to gw2 games than gaypex but for some reason in particular he fixates on that one game, i'm guessing he had a japanese ex-gf who loved gaypex, as many japanese do, for some odd reason
There's no catch! People just like to share things since it doesn't cost anything.
>not not
whos there?
>for some reason,
You have terrible tastes, bruh. That's the reason.
So, what games are actually better?
>every general has people saying the game in question is dead
The phrase has lost all meaning (not that it had much to begin with)
name 5
The Logical Journey of the Zoombinis
any and all games that aren't dead mobile 2, including dead mobile 1
what games is this guy talking about
raids in the training section are so beyond depressing it hurts. noobies fresh off the boat, no build no gear no game sense throwing themselves at a boss for multiple hours not making any meaningful progress.
anet really just needs to ban you from entering raids until you've done some high tier t4 frac or something it's so sad.
Imagine talking about skill in a genre of games where you just spam GCDs lmoa. Go play tekken or cs go for actual skill
How difficult is to get those pvp league tickets? As a currency for mystic coins.
why are you here then?
I was scrolling through looking for my home general (/bag/) and saw your post
just wait for throne and liberty
throne and liberty will be gw2 but good

trust in amazon games, they've never failed us before
new world
lost ark
then kindly fuck off back to your toddler game general.
okay. keep complaining about people dying in a game that requires you to press number 1 20 times in the span of 3 seconds lmoa
>fastest ele
>fire dagger 3
>waits 2s for air attunement instead of going to earth for earth 3 and then air 4
you're a retard.
>gacha shit
fucking lmao
His five dying MOBAs that I don't care to look up on arch for.
>faster than you
>gets crippled
I think I will simply spam superspeed instead
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>still the fastest even when not being penultimately sweaty AND movement impaired
YoU'rE tOo SlOw!
why are you in my general
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>I think I will simply spam superspeed instead
Thats my engineer! I love rocket boots
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So do i just fuck around and get to level 20 before i can continue the story? I dont mind, i just want to make sure this is right
I think you do the story chunks every 10 levels
how to get people that actually want to learn: ask them to ping their gear. If they're dps and it's not all zerker or viper you instant kick
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Also, im very confused. It says i dont have stats selected. Though when i double click my gear that can be assigned an item, its blank.
Lil milky the qt
That blank screen is where gear attachments like sigils go and you won't be able to select stats there
I think you really have to find the gear piece that has stats selectable and double click it
yes, story comes every 10 levels until you reach level 80.

Dynamic events and the New Player achievement collections award shitloads of XP you will level up in no time. Don't be afraid to use XP boosters either if you've got any because they aren't not that difficult to acquire and that gives you a ton of them for free.

look for a piece of gear you have equipped with no stats, right click on it, and select "customize"
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Okay finally, i had this notification showing up for the past hour or so. thanks
based ESL retard
>rifts in tangled depths
>commander and squad of almost 50 is completely lost
this rules
The commander and squad thing is kinda cute tbqhimofamalam
Is there plenty of salt to be mined?
Yeah. A long time ago you could do them whenever but they changed it so that every new story chapter unlocks every 10th level.
>Actually lost in the jungle
I love TD for this
Gw2 doesn't have global cool downs though
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Will we be able to ruin our homestead with BARRIES?
I'd like them to revisit the maid outfit and maybe give it a balance patch now that bikinis are here
we can go skimpier
I'm gonna barrie my homestead in half-naked femnorns
also what metas are populated these days, nobody does NK or VB so I'm just putzing around waiting for gang war to start
is there a youtuber tier list or something
check event timers. you'll usually find people doing dragonstorm for an easy 2g
Gotta use lfg, most metas get done first thing after reset.
Octovine, Chak Gerent, SotO metas, Drakkar, not sure if they count for what you're looking for but Drizzlewood and Dragonfall... I do all those fairly regularly and sometimes at some pretty off hours. A lot of others get done pretty often but depend more on prime time traffic, a little effort to organize, or luck to just have enough people in the map already at off hours.
Some ESL dude named DarensWithS does a big metatrain like every day, covers a lot of metas/content and fairly profitable. Can just peak at what he does in a youtube video to see which are good. When I would play earlier in the day I would see some like 70 year old dude with a name like FatherTime or something running a big train every day too.
If you wanna see how dead this shit mobile game is just go to a meta event and check people's AP. 70%+ are newtards with less than 10k AP, 5% maybe have 25k+ which is piss easy 12 years after the game released.
Every aware player has realized this game has 0 hope and quit.
>muh name 1 better game!!
There are 0 good games in 2024 but that doesn't mean you should waste any amount of time in rat mazes like this.
That being said I dont understand how people unironically play or recommend ff14, that shit is boring as fuck and actively hurts my eyes, yes it has muh raids but they are uber slop
How do you see someone's AP
Just ask them quietly to show u
I'd say spvp is significantly higher effort to farm the currencies of than wvw, but in most cases is faster, especially if you abuse fotm to carry like during the winx club incident. If you get deep into the season's pip track you get a great deal more money and account currency.
hey, i'm the key dead mobile game detractor but
>just go to a meta event and check people's AP. 70%+ are newtards with less than 10k
honestly, that just suggests the game (at least in pveasy, which is trash for faggots, granted) is much more livelier than i imagined it was, and much to my chagrin
though, i suppose it remains to be seen how much of those newfags will stick with this shit ass tranny mobile diaperfurfag gacha p2w game, and i guess yeah it's sad that so many veterans have "left" (read: got permabanned by gaynet's tranny kike employees) the game, but at the same time, gatekeeping veterans out of the game after they've already forfeited their money for the shitty cocksucking kike cashgrabspansions is kind of only good for the newbies, in the long run, i mean just look at the faggots whp are complaining about dps from their erreneous and inherently inaccurate 3rd party hack .dll monkey meter of their parry members and honestly, i think anyone who uses a monkey meter should be permabanned fromnthe game because they ruin it for not only themselves but everyone around them as they impotently rage about pointless shit like anyone else's supposed "dps" from a faggot incomplete and inherently wrong monkey dps meter
play the fucking game?
ever heard of that?
nah, obviously not, because you're a fucking shitter, that's why
you are the problem with this game, you're why it's a dead fucking mobile game
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Threadly Reminder
if you don't have a meter how do you tell if you're doing good
There's a golem in lion's arch aerodrome that has a chat-based dps meter
What's AP
achievement points
you are the problem with this game
zamn, and here I thought gaynet's incompetence was the problem
what's the problem with doing more damage
colossal qt but please post that butt!
Thank you to all those who explained boons to me

No who wants to explain condis
So remember the few posts of boons?
it's boons but bad if they're on you
and it's boons but good on enemy
how come you haven't slipped in bikini yet?
they're all some type of damage over time, debuff, or crowd control
I do 14k
Honestly warriors is one of those professions you barely even use your secondary in pve. If you're starting prophecies I would just take ranger as a secondary to get the pet in pre searing, then later on drop it. Once you get to factions /assassin would be the meta pick just to have a shadow step skill. It also opens you to playing dagger spammer if you're into that kind of thing. After a point in the story you can swap your secondary class freely so it's not a locked in choice.
They need big red error text in the center of the screen that says FUCK YOU when a zone takes off your jade buffs
sex with cute FHDs
This image has already been used, you need to post something new willbikiner
I don't even know what class to pick becuase the customization is so random, and other than for Prophecies the characters you can make are non-white and that's gross. People are really acting like GW2 started the wokeshit when in GW1 you're limited to one third of the options if don't want to be a subhuman.
You have to friend them or follow them, I think.
Wrong. I think arcdps should be built into the game.
I realize now you can highlight squad or party members to see their AP
It doesn't matter if GW1 is "dead" because it's a singleplayer game at its core. There isn't a single instance where you actually need another player.
>There will be no GW3
>Just stop already.
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Im not excited for Janthir Milds
>play warrior all my life
>give engie a try just to spice things up
>faggot engineer shits damage while I play with my elbows
>warrior feels inferior to go back to
fuck GAYnet
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sex with blonde bimbos
I'm in for day 1 meta shitfests and maybe comfy new boreal zones but I don't expect anything else.
>faggot engineer shits damage while I play with my elbows
Play smarter not harder dumb warrior fag.
You get like 15k DPS with 100+ apm, while I get 30k DPS with 5 apm
>not footjob
Which build do you play on each?
Can you solo some bounties at crystal dessert?

I've been trying to make engi work in open world but is a wet noodle either hitting or resisting
I haven't even bought SotO yet.
Power scrapper is basically immortal with the pseudo lifesteal. Do more damage to get more tanky. Power mech can be played with both hands behind your back and dips into ranger’s bit with pet tanking.
>I've been trying to make engi work in open world but is a wet noodle either hitting or resisting
How? It's very easy to get good numbers on engi, though Holo can be the most complicated class to play, Mech is arguably the easiest of them.
I get 30k dps with 0 apm on core gaurd so eat my ass.
the problem is you're faggots who can't play games without illicit 3rd party stealth buttcoin mining .dll hacks and you ruin it for everyone who isn't a retarded faggot crutch hobbler like yourselves
Engi just get a mecha and 2 pistols if you want to shit dps
You won't miss much desu
>Wahhhhhh I'm a shitter that doesn't like to be called out for being dead weight!
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I've tried with these and some modifications from alchemy to inventions, i guess i've gotten too used to quickness since i keep interrupting myself cause the animations are quite slow specially with grenades. gear + some jewels are Dragon stated, rune of the pack and relic of karakosa/zakiros/thief depending on the build

I like balanced builds, i still have to find a good balance between not dying and at least surviving part of a champion encounter
celestial mirage with dagger is fun
i'm trans btw if that matters
im NOT trans
I AM NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOT NOT NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mazel tov on your pilpul and dead game, hymie!
What is gw2 all about?
the trannies and gemstore along the way
dragons, sex and money.
norn booba looks so wonky in the bikini top
we were robbed
Every 2 years I come back to gw2 and try ti figure out what it's all about - what the foundation is. Last year I concluded the foundation of the game was grinding gold, to convert to mtx currency, to buy cosmetics.

With the story written by some barren old cunts, I assume?
wow groundbreaking information that describes every popular mmo on the market.
Previous expansion was about super genius woman with a house husband advocating for open borders and killing "bigots", AKA men, and just generally PMSing the whole time.
The only male characters are the sidelined goofball twink asura and one actually cool male character who is schlickbait for women.
Actually there is another male character but he's actually "nonbinary" and front/center of advertising despite doing nothing important.
The former female villain from forever ago (who heckin masturbates because she's a real woman shitlords) gets a "redemption" somehow despite gassing 4/5 of Lions Arch to death a few years prior.
The expansion ends with a gay wedding.
get a life before your parents die and you can't afford to schizo post on /vg/ 18 hours a day.
Jokes on you, I'm schizoing while at work making six figures shitposting on 4chan and own my own place entirely paid off.
The foundation of Runescape (my true love) is to increase levels and increase net worth. The foundation of WoW is to play an ARPG and collect mounts. I haven't played the others.

Absurdly and highly comical
Let's see your gems
Yeah nah go all in on damage with scrapper. The quickness trait is fine, I use it too, but you’ve got to get your crit chance sorted in your traitlines so that you only need 45% crit on your gear. That lets you get away with dragon stats while still maxing out on damage.

For mechanist you should ditch the rifle for mace/pistol. Rifle is old news. The mace is great for survivability, and if you really want you can use the shield instead of the pistol. I rolled through every HoT hero point except the Balthazar one with ease on power alac mech. Dumpsters the EoD ones.
>The former female villain from forever ago
who is this
Mai Trin
methinks the tranny doth project too much
norn booba was not meant to be contained
methinks i hit the nail on the head
oh wow that's ancient
if you think so, schizo
Post FHDs
Are there actual trannies here
>despite gassing 4/5 of Lions Arch to death a few years prior.
I'm supposed to feel angry that she killed a bunch of pirates that keep going out and slaughtering nearby villages?
mai trin and scarlet did nothing wrong, they did everything correct, they did nothing illegal
>increase levels and increase net worth. >play an ARPG and collect mounts.
But these apply to gw2 too (as well as every other mmo out there)
>WoW is to play an ARPG
Yeah bro, wow totally plays like ninja gaiden or dmc or MGR. totally
mgr is not an arpg, its an arcade beatem up
arpgs are diablo, or dungeon siege, torchlight
youre right, i completely went retard. sorry bro i just woke up
wow is literally nothing like that either why are people so fucking stupid about types of game
its pretty close to an arpg considering that its just an elaborate mod of warcraft 3, you just dont play it isometrically
don't act retarded
damn, three for three
You're going to have to make an actual case instead of lashing out

There have only been like two femsura posts this thread
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i am so so so sorry...
Gonna test that out later, thanks!
You'll get solicited for ERP
Also everyone who sees your FHD going into that instance KNOWS she's getting her back blown out in there
>here have some more ornate keys
fuck sake
I use action camera
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norn supremacy
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me too it's really fun
taking a break to play the first descendant ama
What's the biggest rock you've ever seen?
at yosemite park
In films where Santa Clause is real but parents don't believe in him, who do they think is putting the presents under the Christmas tree?
Phew, finally finished the main story on my first character and reached level 80

Soi uh, what now?
name one film this happens and ill get back to you
What do you want to do
Instanced content?
Large scale pvp?
LWS1, LWS2, HoT, LWS3, PoF, LWS4, then the first half of IBS
get an elite spec
Why were they the first descendant?
I guess I'm most interested in PvE instanced content, as well as the main story.

Around when can I 'safely' start doing stuff like Strikes and Fractals?
Miracle on 34th Street
Do the dungeons storyline you skipped, level up crafting, start hunting world bosses (wiki has a chart with timings), complete maps as a sidequest
Post FHDs
have you ever been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
T1 fractals you can start right now. 25 starts getting this thing called agony, that you'll need to slot resistance orbs for, but playing t1 will give you ascended trinkets you can slot them into
Strikes are the same. There's one that would be spooky for you (OLC) but outside of that, no one really gives a shit if you pop in and die. Grab a DPS build off one of the websites and hop in
I don't know what that is.
Im gonna watch the movie, ill get back to you
Does a mountain count as a rock?
>T1 fractals you can start right now.
I should first get at least an all-Exotic set before trying them, right?
You should get suited up in exotics regardless.
Okay, any tips on how to do that?
Buy them on the TP
wonder what else there is to do
play wvw until the game shuts down
snu snu
if wvw was an indicator of the game shutting down it's not a good look.
i absolutely LOVE opening the same 10 chest over and over again but what's the point? who the fuck is spending 300g for 5% swim speed?
i dont get it
Erp at hotsprings
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its an over 70gb mammoth bloated cruft-filled beast of a game, what do you expect?

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