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Dead thread edition.

>Previously on Mount Gag:

>Latest News
Simon Nielsen wins Pro Tour Modern Horizons 3!
Summer sale! Win physical cards!
More Bloomburrow spoilers soon!
Duskmourn spoilers are already upon us!
Wizards have reinvented the wheel (core sets) with foundations yet again, these cards will remain in standard pool for 5 years from release!
MH3 is out - some rejoice, some don't care
Psychic Frog Store is a SCAM

>Useful Links

>Free Codes
Trying to fuse yorion + artifacts + control, brewing shit is fun as fuck.
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Nice, check out my Yorion control deck.
very nice art.
>Midrange deck with 24 lands
>With cantrips and many draw mechanics
>Can't draw a single land 20 cards deep into the deck
>This happens 3 games in a row
Obvious forced loss is obvious
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Well, i had fun today.
Cool stuff.
Damn, forgot this card existed, maybe i'll try to put in my deck.
Thanks, there used to be daily deals for playable cards like once a week, now for the last year or so you're lucky if you see a good deal in a month.
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I just realized that this shuts down most protection spells.
>design hexproof and ward to counteract removal spam
>design removal that just lets you ignore those
Crazy pushed Mire's Grasp that has better synergy with Ethereal Armor.
Uhm arenabros, why does the Kaalia portrait look so ugly?
Ashlizzlle uses it so maybe girls like it. The artist is some Polish chick.
thanks for baking
>siege rhino in 2024
They're turing the game into YGO where you need instant speed counters and open mana for your opponents cause they have cheap drops that completely shut down shit that's supposed to counter them, like ygo handtraps
>oh you're playing lifegain, here's my cheap RDW counter you better have a instant speed removal ready or you lose
>oh you're playing green, you better have a instant speed enchantment tremoval or your whole protected board dies
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>worrying about screaming nemesis
We already have a solid counterplay for it once it drops, hell i already run it in my lifegain decks
that card is draft chaff anon, no one is running that over go for the throat/bitter triumph
I can see it being a sideboard option for things like Boros heroic and something you have to consider in Bo1 if you're running one of those decks. It'll also slot nicely into Braids decks.
>Capena sleeves that used to be free are now a daily deal in the shop
>calm down Jamila don't pull out the 9
>you can't have guns in modern magic!
>you can have these energy weapons which are shown to rip people to shreds instead
>also monster maulings that's fine but not regular guns
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Sorry for letting the thread die. Either some janny banned me for 3 days, or my brother has been shitposting again
Isn't Duskmourne sep 27th
Here 27th
thank you, never trusting mtgazone ever again
I think Duskmourn looks fucking awesome and I hope it's an excellent draft set like Kamigawa Neon Dynasty because I'd spend 100k gold, 20k gems and 10 player draft tokens drafting the shit out of it if t was.
That pic looks like they just slapped some wings on a random piece they had lying around
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Beware. Whatever the fucking purpose of these two coins is, if you click on them, you automatically spend a draft token.
We Gorgon gaming
Ban Galvanic Discharge in historic.
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To try and motivate you fuckers into finally GETTING GUD, I did my best to summarize MTG Arena's "Premier Play", aka pyramid scheme, aka tournament system.

I might have fucked some stuff up and omitted a lot of other shit, so check the sources for details:

Here we go.

The Arena Championship - highest tier of play and rewards in MTG Arena. 3 per year. AC6 is July 13-14! We're currently in the qualifying process for AC7, sometime in Oct-Nov. AC7 will be very different from previous ones. Structure hasn't been announced yet, but player count is going from 32 to uncapped, and prize pool is going from $200000 to $250000. AC can also get you into in-person tournaments. Top 16 qualify for the Pro Tour, top 2 for the Magic World Championship.

How to get into the AC? "Just" get 6 Wins in Day 2 of a Qualifier Weekend (QW).

There is a QW every month - each 4 QWs feed into their respective AC. Every QW uses a different magic format.
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Getting into QW Day 1: Finish Top 250 in EITHER ladder the previous month, OR Get 1-3 wins in the previous month's QW Day 2, OR reach a cash prize in an Arena Open the previous month OR Get max wins in a current month's Qualifier Play-In (see below).

QW Day 1 is Bo3, can only be entered ONCE, plays until 7 W's or 3 L's, rewards 500-12000 gems, and grants Day 2 Entry for 7 wins.

QW Day 2 is Bo3, 6 W's or 2 L's, rewards 250-5000 gems. 1-3 W's gets you into Day 1 of next month's QW automatically. 4-5 Wins: same, but for Day 2. 6 gets you into the AC (note: once you are qualified for an AC, you can't play in any Play-Ins or QWs for that same AC).

Getting into a Qualifier Play-In: spend 20000 Gold, OR 4000 Gems, OR 20 Play-In Points.

Getting Play-In Points: 20 if you finish 251-1200 in EITHER ladder (being high in BOTH ladders does nothing). 1-4 for getting max wins in eligible Limited/Constructed Events (the ones that are permanently going on).

For each monthly QW, there's a Bo1 Play-in until 6 W's or 2 L's, and a Bo3 Play-in until 4 W's or 1 L. They each give 500-6000 gems, use the same format as that month's QW, and reward a QW Entry Token on max wins.

Tokens are redundant (you can only enter each QW once), and are only valid for THEIR SPECIFIC QW.

Because Play-Ins can be entered as MANY TIMES AS YOU WANT, and give 500 gems for 0 losses, you can and should at least use these to turn all your play-in points into gems.
What percentage of games of fair magic exist if you remove games where you flood or have a draught/he same happens to your opponent?
depends on the format. stronger decks and stronger formats have less of that because the mana bases are better and the non-lands include better flood/draught potential.

the % is certainly not 100% in any case, but that's why every sane person plays bo3 exclusively.
Don't be an idiot, bo3 is my format of choice but b03 doesn't reduce the chance, it "normalizes" it. Furthermore the bo3 lows are even worse. Feels worse to lose bo3 because you flooded out twice. Feels as bad if you lose one match and then flood the other (and vice-versa) except you spent more time to lose. The only saving grace is when you flood once but win twice.
Land types for deck types notwithstanding, your opponent is also as liable to flood and drought as you are, regardless of the game type.
So the point stands, what percentage of games (matches if you will) do you reckon actually end up being fair magic when floods and droughts are removed from both players.
>mana flood/drought
>brings up mana screw
>b03 doesn't reduce the chance, it "normalizes" it. since I didn't say this and you claimed that I did, I didn't read the rest of your post.
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This card is your friend. This card will never let you down. This card will stick with your through thick and thin.
What if I don't play BG?
>but that's why every sane person plays bo3 exclusively.
You brought up bo3 you fucking dolt. I'm telling you bo3 is not relevant, by listing the how the issue affects b03 as well.
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>playing green
well then you don't have a best friend in your mtg arena adventures
let's see who laughs when Foundations puts Llanowar elf into standard for 5 fucking years
I'll reassess then, much like I do with every set release. For now, my laughter is current.
You know that's exactly what happened
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how's the climb going, diamondchads?
i kind of complained about this during MKM. disguise is retarded and fucks up the design philosophy of morph. morph is about hidden information, when you start saying some creatures are morph and some are disguise, that gives info on which creature you played when you say "cast a morph" or "cast a disguise." the purpose of disguise and giving morphs ward 2? because regular morph is too underpowered in the current meta and "feel bad" for newer players. morph was never constructed playable, with a few notable exceptions. trying to make morph fit in the current constructed meta by adding ward 2 was a fools game, even with ward 2 the disguise cards aren't really being played. so the only real reason they added ward 2 was for limited and to minimize "bad feels" for new players. and then, to deal with all the ward in the set, they printed a bunch of spells that say "can't be countered." so instead of tailoring the removal in the set to match morph like they did back in khans (made disfigure instead of just using an existing card, dead weight), they upgraded morph to fit the power level of current meta, but then as a result needed to upgrade the removal to fit the upgraded morph. MKM is an abomination of a set and would be my first choice of a deck to completely wipe from history if given the chance. except for flotsam//jetsam, that's a great card.
>design removal that just lets you ignore those
these effects have existed for decades, but thanks for the reminder
Golgari is love, Golgari is life.
usually cards that let you shut off hexproof are not removal themselves.
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last thread died with 20 replies??

i MUST call my friends and make sure this stays up, LETS GO SISTERS!!!! not dead after all!!
I was banned.
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best I can do
>playing historic ranked
>immediately hit losing streak due to alternating between manascrewed and manaflooded 5 games in a row
>then start facing the same 3 infinite combi decks that counter my deck perfectly
Man this game is ass cancer
meant for >>484365712
>5 games in a row
well that's only 2 bo3s, no big loss
>implying I'd prolong my suffering by playing against the same bullshit deck I have no chance of beating for 2 games in a row guaranteed
>refuse to crush your opponent's memes with your sideboard cards
you do you
I love how LoTR cards basically ruined any format they're legal in, as if we don't have enough dogshit formats in this godforsaken game
well now I can't find a game. guess matchmaking cares more about rank than I thought
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What does it mean? Lots of dragons? Shiro tribute?
Isn't that Phelia?
I knew that card would trigger the schizo.
It means that they talked to various pros and former pros about what to include.
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well aren't you fun at parties
a-at least we don't need to spend common and uncommon wildcards...for this one...
>trans colors
purely coincidental
yes yes, "variance"
>trans colors
foundations indeed
just variance, sister ;^)
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Is there any way to salvage this?
Currently 0-2 and my assessment is that I'm low on midrange creatures and that 4x murder is too much
fuck off draftroon
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rest of the sideboard
no clue, I wasn't here for that format
Anon. Devious Cover-up is the best black card in the set, following only Vein Ripper.

Sweepers are ridiculously strong in limited, in general. Just play with it in mind.
Why would you draft cover-up, be in the colors, and still not run it? Cut gorgon's kiss or cerebral confiscation, both are terrible. Murders are great, if you had more you should be running them too. Put in extract a confession as well.
Deadly*. Boomer moment.
I'll keep your advice for sweepers in mind, I'm new to drafting and mtg in general.
My reasoning was that I had enough removal for big creatures with the murders, and I'd deal with their small creatures with my big ones, so no need for the sweeper.
people just don't hold creatures in hand like they do in constructed, due to sweepers being so rare (no pun intended). you, knowing you have a sweeper in your deck, can play around that by sandbagging until it's time to pull the trigger, and they'll often have nothing left.
makes sense, I wish there was a concise guide with tips like this. Seems like everything is either telling you which cards from a set are powerful or "just play bombs, dude"
I ended up going 2-3, losing the final game to a WB deck that hit me with 2x unscrupulous agent and 2x cerebral confiscation
this is not specifically for limited, and the card examples are really old, but it's the quintessential free fundamentals guide

She doesn't turn off hexproof.
>play hexproof creature
>it dies
>that's not what it means, faggot
you know what I mean, faggot
>play hexproof creature
>it dies to a blocker
>this turned off hexproof
how many posts do I need to make for you to understand that hexproof hasn't been good for years
>moving goalposts
Literally nobody talked about how it was good or bad, we're talking about what it does and how other things interact with it.
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Would it work?
>12 protection spells
too many. add some removal and probably deep cavern bats
>it's actually 16
come on bro
>draw rotpriest or lose
No. Stick to bant or dimir toxic.
I love this nigga like you wouldn't believe
That Artisan event cured me of wanting to play MTGA.
I brewed like 20 fun decks with unique gameplans and played nonstop.
Now I never want to play any format besides Artisan/Pauper.
When is the next event?
the decks in this future precons event (which is live btw) are probably gonna be the post rotation starter decks for starter deck duel
why does the white black one have a sweeper wtf
holy fuck the RG precon is so fucking bad.
>no alchemy shit in the precons
That's kinda based of them not gonna lie
feels like the powerlevel of the format in general is lower than the starter deck duels
>there's two midweek going on at the same time
>you can get rewards from both
wtf I love WOTC now
the RG one is particularly bad.
>several one drops that are only going to be played T3 or later
>terrible curve, only 3 of the 2 drops actually want to be played on curve
>removal is 4 mana, sorcery speed, and dependent on your land count
>no reliable ramp to cast the multiple 5+ drops
a lot of the others don't have these issues. there are still power disparities between the other decks, but RG is just a joke.
BW has a similar thing where it has 4-drops and 3-drops that trigger on your 2-drops ETBing. At least it has removal and even a sweeper
but there are enough 2 drops that also trigger off the lower power things entering, as well as enough 2 drops where you can go 2 drop on T2, 3 drop on T3, and then two 2 drops on T4. also, the 3 and 4 drops also trigger off of each other entering, so you can play the wispdrinker and then next turn play a screaming phantom and it still triggers. WB is actually a very strong, consistent looking deck. the curve tops out at 5, with the single sweeper. RG tops out at 8 and has NINE cards that are 5 mana or above, with few accelerants, few ways to NOT DIE before you get to the turns where you will be casting real things. and what's at the top of the curve? ghalta. what does ghalta do? puts other creatures into play from your hand. very little card draw and the need to put out ANYTHING as defense means you probably have zero cards in hand by the time you play ghalta. you are probably already dead by the time you get to cast ghalta, it being the biggest, baddest beater in any of the decks does not matter. the unironically should have put palani's hatcher as the final rare instead.
I haven't played for a while, is the game good again?
never was
never stopped
Roko's Basilisk
The Rock was here before you started playing and The Rock will be here after you sell your collection
It's totally lost the reason it's called the rock though.
If the ship of Theseus replaces all of its planks, is it not still the ship of Theseus?
welp the izzet precon fucking sucks
>3 coinflips are better than 1 coinflip 3 times
your brain on hrt
Aclazotc and his vampires are the coolest shit from caverns
Momir is the worst shit I played in my life, HOLU FUCK
you don't seem to be aware, but your quote is a correct statement.
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just keep playing until someone blows up their own board, anon. it's literally just a WOTC social experiment to see how low people will stoop for 2 random rares

(I got a 3 Steps Ahead, so it was worth it)
yo I might think of returning playing the game but I don't want to play standard and want to use my old collection, are there new formats without rotation? what's the best choice for me
only alchemy and standard have actual rotation.

all the other formats rotate whenever a modern horizons happens
How stupid would it be to spend my hard earned wildcards on Rakdos Dragons? I want these or Dinos because I'm a fucking Timmy, and Disney Furries or Not Stranger Things do not speak to me as sets.

4 Blackcleave Cliffs (ONE) 248
2 Bonehoard Dracosaur (LCI) 134
4 Cavern of Souls (LCI) 269
1 Chimil, the Inner Sun (LCI) 249
1 Decadent Dragon (WOE) 223
2 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102
1 Goddric, Cloaked Reveler (WOE) 132
3 Invasion of Tarkir (MOM) 149
3 Kolaghan Warmonger (MAT) 17
5 Mountain (KTK) 256
2 Restless Vents (LCI) 284
1 Shivan Devastator (DMU) 143
3 Stingerback Terror (OTJ) 147
4 Sulfurous Springs (DMU) 256
5 Swamp (KTK) 254
2 Rivaz of the Claw (DMU) 215
3 The Elder Dragon War (DMU) 121
1 Virtue of Persistence (WOE) 115
3 Terror of the Peaks (OTJ) 149
2 Magda, the Hoardmaster (OTJ) 133
3 Cut Down (DMU) 89
1 Molten Collapse (LCI) 234
4 Raucous Theater (MKM) 266
>How stupid would it be to spend my hard earned wildcards when we are about to have a rotation, and 3 new sets in a 3.5 months
what's the funniest one? I remember playing Explorer.
I have an invite to the qw but have never played historic. Should I bother to learn it?a which deck is broken? Boros energy with all the new mythics?
put your tits away bitch i need to read the card text
B-but I want to play fun, big things...
wait for game of thrones universes beyond, you will be able to play dany's dragons and shiet
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is there anything more embarrassing than looking through your opponent's entire deck and still losing?
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>nonland permanent
Based midweek event gave me fourth Shelly
You almost never need 4 thoughever
So I read that we will get refunded if a card gets banned. What if a card like Fable of the Mirror Breaker, which was previously banned in standard, now gets banned in other formats like explorer. Will I get my wildcards refunded if I craft them?
I'm not sure exactly how it works. You only get one reimbursement for a card for the lifetime of the account, but what if you make a brand new account and craft a card that was already banned and it gets banned again? I don't know. Knowing wizards you won't get shit.
useless unless you play formats which are degenerate beyond hope
Explorer is a turn 3 combo format right now.
Timeless can be fun if you like the idea of high power pseudo-legacy. You'll need wildcards though.
The account is only four months old so way after the initial ban.
>Knowing wizards you won't get shit
Yeah this is my fear.
I do play standard yes
What are we thinking bros? I like how more cards now allow you to play exiled cards a turn later and not just the turn they got exiled
you are playing a game that is rigged from the ground up complete with spreadsheets telling you exactly how cards are weighted by the rigging system
and you still pretend this game is skill based? really?
He would be dogshit if it had to be the same turn, 4 mana is a decent amount. Solid card overall, a beater that provides advantage even when removed is good.
Gemmies on the daily deal. Fucking finally.
i'm thinking i hate that flavour text.
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only fucking way you can ever get gemmies besides shilling and pigging huh sister
would it be better if you could clearly see in the art one of his scars was shaped like a dick and balls
stop thinking about cocks for two seconds, faggot.
Fuck, manascrew/flood follows me even in fucking precon events
We're going to the land of furfags and there's nothing you can do about it
i'm going to go nuclear
Holy shit you guys look someone made MTG community into a deck!
Holy fuck this precon event blows why does everyone have removal except the 3 shitty decks I have tried?
maybe you are. I personally have no reason to bo1, or brawl
>he thinks the weighting and rigged shuffler are exclusive to bo1 and brawl
lol. lmao.
Yep I'm thinking it is a coommander bait card
yes, congratulation is correctly reading my basic post
it's good because unfortunately ramp is good
The starter deck balance is so bad everyone is playing and winning with the orzhov deck like the boros deck before it
I played five times and faced gruul four times, rakdos once.
>spends the entire match spamming "good game"
i didn't know it was possible to have a penis this tiny
>added 6 years ago
it's missing a lot
it's even funnier when those fags lose.
>amazonian is showing armpits again
hold me bros
people are gonna claim that this is worse than sheoldred
There's way anyone would think that that card is better than sheoldred
well that didn't take long
It is tho?
people will bitch and moan about "topdecks" and "they had so much removal", and dismiss card advantage creatures in the same breath. stay bad.
He's no Escape, but I think he's good enough to see play.
in a 3 year standard, which Escape wasn't in
momir is the only way i can get my 15 wins a day, wish it was evergreen
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It's also a much weaker standard compared to back then, OG Eldraine alone was worth an extra 2 years at minimum.
Oh yeah, this doesn't even have Uro, Omnath, clover, or escape itself. Those were all 2020.
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ok, mh3 didn't save us but final fantasy surely will
MH3 already saved us, by the merit of having regular threads again.
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>much weaker standard compared to back then
>copter was banned and its legal now, but no one runs it
I remember when affinity got banned and everyone said this is like a special part of history because they almost never ban cards.

Fucking lmao look at the state of things now.
No fuck me I meant skullclamp banned not cranial.
>>copter was banned and its legal now, but no one runs it
What did she mean by this
>historic bo1 ladder is just goblin aggro variants
What a healthy format!
Are you a schizo or a time traveler?
>the reprint in kamigawa was just for commander
my life is a lie
had nothing to do with it. I have 90% of the posts in these threads and I will never touch mh3
as opposed to what? goblin control?
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This thing is being slept on it's really good and I rarely see anyone play it
wow this is the first time i actually know what this card's "art" is, because it's so bad and the color balance so poorly chosen!
it's a worse fight rigging
That can't be right. At least 80% of the posts here were mine.
carried my only OTJ draft
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I want to get into other formats but my god all the rare lands I need to craft are cucking me out of it.
they're all free. should've been playing every day and doing all your dailies since Arena was launched :)
Aspiringspike was big on it a few weeks ago. I don't know what card in arena could replace Emrakul, though.
it's over
Do you think WotC will ever fix the play-draw disparity?
can't be done
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she cute
There's only three real ways to get past that barrier
>be old, have been consistently playing during those sets
>pay money
>be good at draft
If you have one you're in a good spot, if you have two you can play whatever formats you want, if you have three you probably already have a full collection.
oh shit I know her irl from the yugioh days
Of course it can be.
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Just earn them off ICRs like I just did, easy.
no game has ever done it

outside of netrunner, but no game will ever be as good as netrunner
Your shocklands? Your pathways? Forgotten Realms manlands? Or even fetchlands?
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i need some confirmation on this
That doesn't come close to meaning it can't be done.
Rotation and bloomburrow will save mtg
Yeah but in mono white and slightly cheaper, a colour that isnt exactly best at putting up its big threats and ramping easily
Are we gonna get FF on arena?
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could've killed him about 10 turns ago, am still letting him rope, seethe and cope as i leave xyr helpless at 1
Why tho
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FUCK modern niggers
FUCK new players
FUCK playing creatures
FUCK white/red
FUCK mtg
FUCK troons
FUCK you

(made xyr forfeit btw)
Uncalled for
Can these fucking niggers play something else? Brawl has never been this dogshit
My last 3 games have been against other flipwalkers playing Grist reanimator
can confirm
>Build Syr Gwyn
>Immediately queue into Horobi, Death's Wail
You CANNOT convince me that the matchmaking isn't rigged to make it as unfun as possible for me
isnt it so cool and fun they removed any element of skill or balance from momir so now its just 100% a faggot gacha game where the algorithm decides if you can get a win or not
i love when i get a vanilla 2/2 and my opponent gets a morbid opportunist
i love when i get a flying 2/2 and my opponent gets a faggot alchemy card that can make you discard your hand and seek nonland cards (which is impossible in momir)
such a fun and enjoyable time, thank you wizards for making a meme format, expanding on it with some cool ideas like actual main decks cards, and then scrapping that and rerunning the event constantly so nobody can have fun
faggot game for faggots
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>Decided to make my Bant Toxic deck
>Never open with more than 2 lands in my hand

Oh shit I think I finger blasted that chic in a bathroom at a yugioh tournament one time it was fucking awesome
How do i find a qt TCG playing gf Chadanon?
no, but I already said it couldn't be done in a previous post.
no it won't. see >>484515702 they're still pushing ramp and attaching card advantage to everything
take your free rares and shut up faggot
>Bo3 against Urza Assembles the Titans
>Ult my Lili against him and win
the absolute irony
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>transforms into something basically worse
uhm what
nassif is testing for it right now https://www.twitch.tv/yellowhat
You were wrong when you said it then, too.
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pray for me bros

(dreadknight keeps farming the amaz deck)
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not bad not bad
the thread literally died when I got banned for 3 days
Heistkek roping after i gave myself hexproof heheheh
God damn momir fucking sucks
bro you still didnt get 3 wins?
I have only played 2 games so far. It's ass
>opponent summons belzenlok
>exiles their entire deck
Ok maybe momir is not an unredeemable garbage afterall
>games of complete chance are actually good, when I win
Don't get me wrong, it is still garbage. That was just kinda funny even for the opponent judging by the stickers he used.
Hell yeah, good job anon
well, yes
Have you tried not making a creature until t3? Then you can stop on 7 and spam the best creatures?
y-you too
>floodgates and cancer
So this is how how you mfs play, cringe
don't you ever put me in the same group as the mobileschizo again
It's fucking 4TH OF JULY FAGGOTS! Play some explosive shit or OTJ decks or uncle Sam himself will gape your asshole! You have been warned.

The current start time is in roughly two weeks. The actual play date will be determined by the players, since you guys will have to play your matches. Decks must be submitted for other anon's prosperity. Lists WILL be hidden until the end of the tournament, according to the website at least. So play what you think will crush the tournament. Rounds will be BO3 with sideboarding.





Unfortunately, yes you do have to sign up for an account. I don't want to make another Google account to make a privatized Google doc and you losers need to know the in game name of your opponent to play against them. If someone has a better idea I'll honestly roll with that. The problem I keep running into is gathering both Arena usernames and the decklists, while keeping the lists private and the usernames public.

If this event does well I will attempt to run future events for other formats. I'll fire the event if it reaches 6 players. If it reaches 5 I'll play, but I'd really rather not play my own event.


reply to this post for any questions, comments, flaming, etc.
many such cases
I exclusively play standard and will be on vacation anyway but I hope you get enough signups. Maybe we can do a standard event next time
Tbh im a brawl player but i'll see if i can throw together something decent, dunno if we have the numbers
If the link doesn't work, fast foward to 26:20

i play miku hatsune (trans colors) then i draw one with my one ring and attack you with my cloud strife!!!
>magic at 30
I feel called out
>not standard
fuck if this event does well enough I'll hold a vote for the next event's format okay.
I don't want to talk that far in the future so if you want a standard event to beat up your fellow /vg/ posters, help this event do well.
>help this event do well.
best I can do is bump the thread. I only have one deck and it's in standard
Whay about budget decks? How expensive is Timeless?
Too expensive. This thread has a surprising amount of whales already though.
There are some budget options available but I feel like most good sideboard cards are rares.
A lot of shit that shouldn't be rare also is. Brainstorm, Lightning Bolt, Counterspell, etc
I see, thank you anon
I have a historic deck that i could probably adapt for the format, just gotta cook a bit
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imagine not having 99%+ completion in sets lmao
>miss playing Artisan
>take my Artisan deck to unranked Historic queue
>3 games in a row vs the same tier 0 Boros Energy MH3 netdeck
did they get rid of deck weight or is every single person queueing for Historic just playing the same RW deck?
there are no tier 0 decks in historic. and no i'm not going down this rabbithole again
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well thankfully I'm a good enough deckbuilder that my Artisan lists can beat top tier Historic/Timeless decks.
sorry if any of you had to play me in the Artisan event
>come back to play Arena
>bottom tier bronze start
>queue up for ranked

>vs Monored, lose turn 3
>vs Rotpriest, lose turn 3 ON THE DRAW
>Monored again
>Monoblack discard

This game is busted and its going to become like yu gi oh with how it's being handled lmao
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hey niggers, don't you care about Bloomburrow lore?

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3
>its going to become like yu gi

it's literally ygo already except you have troons instead of niggers playing and nigger cards instead of anime waifu cards being played
I only care about which furballs are female.
I do but I've only listened to the part 1 for now, i like to binge these, btw the way they keep playing the same music for the entire length of a video no matter what's happening in the story is very annoying
>to fit in on 4chan, you have to start your posts with a racist slur!
hello shill, no one cares about the shitty lore
wake me up when Return to Tarkir releases
thanks for the (You), fellow faggot!
I already read the articles, because I'm not a zoomer.
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Shouldn't this say "if X entered your control"? Did they forget about the ETB templating change?
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not an arena card, but based as fuck
>not working out while listening to mtg lore
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in wilds of eldraine draft, this card would be broken
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Bloomburrow teasers from Rosewater's blog:

>A new mechanic which is a tweak on a mechanic from 2013
>“Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost
>A cycle of uncommon lands that each reference four creature types
(this cycle was already spoiled)
>Counters in the set: +1/+1, blight, coin, finality, flood, flying, indestructible, loyalty, stash, stun, and supply
>A noncreature subtype makes its first return
>A ten-card cycle that acts as typal glue
>Two mechanics that came out in the same set return each part of a different two-color archetype
>The word “Squirrels” shows up four times in rules text
>A mythic cycle with a new symbol
>One of the cutest mechanics we’ve ever made
>“Create X tokens that are copies of target token you control.”
>“If you control a Raccoon, you may discard a card.”
>“Creatures your opponents control have base toughness 1.”
>“Whenever one or more other creatures you control leave the battlefield without dying,”
>“if it’s the first instant spell, the first sorcery spell, or the first Otter spell”
>“put a flood counter on target land.”
>“where X is the number of creatures you opponents controlled that were exiled this turn.”
>“for each other Squirrel and/or Food you control.”
>“As long as there are four or more card types among cards exiled with CARDNAME,”
“up to one target artifact, creature, or planeswalker an opponent controls loses all abilities until your next turn.”
>Creature – Hamster Citizen
>Creature – Frog Advisor
>Creature – Skunk Assassin
>Creature – Raccoon Berserker
>Creature – Squirrel Warlock Bard
>Creature – Rabbit Mouse
>Legendary Creature – Badger Warrior
>Legendary Creature – Weasel Mercenary
>Legendary Creature – Elemental Elk
>Legendary Creature – Bird Dragon
What, you can't deal with 50 goblin tokens with haste? Should have drawn the out bro.
yugioh is a more honest game and wastes your time less.
>Creature – Rabbit Mouse
Interracial sex confirmed.
As a complete noob that just downloaded the client and doze off on the last tutorial match, does it get better after? Or should I quit before it's too late?
you sound dangerously retarded, so yeah probably quit
Probably the teamup cards that he mentioned would be tribal glue. But it's already been confirmed in the story anyway.
new momir is the gayest faggiest fucking shit on arena, congratulations to the 6 people who farmed wins off me because wotc are FUCKING HACKS THAT MAKE GARBAGE. keep your 2 rare cards, i'm not interested in this faggot paypig garbage client anymore
thank you for participating in our social experiment.
at least he isn't violently transexual like you, sis
Momir was a blast, had tons of fun earning easy wins daily. Hope it comes back soon.
>>“Destroy target creature” (a spell with only this rules text) gets a new mana cost
>They're buffing doomblade yet again
and that's a good thing
fatal push should've been "revolt - destroy target creature instead"
Gets absolutely shit on by Wrath of the Skies.
wtf i made a post and it got eaten. said i posted but never did. anyways, i looked up a username of mine and found a random site that had a bunch of my arena decks posted to it. how the fuck they get my decks?
If you did well in events, wotc posts winning lists regularly. Also I think some from plat-mythic.
nope they were brawl lists
Your whole life have been a lie. Maybe you are actually a different person.
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rizz bundle acquired
I'm ready for "BB: Destroy target creature"
What site? Stuff like untapped lets you see the cards your opponent used, so I can imagine something scraping together info from the same username on there to figure out full lists.
it was mtgdecks dot net, not writing the actual site name because i think that's how my post got ate.
>mewing Oko
Fucking basedjaking rabbits in the background
rabbits like carrots, anon
I myself bought it only so i can blow a kiss at my opps when a match starts
>he was gay, Oko Cooper?
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>Debut and Previews Begin: July 9
>Card Image Gallery and Previews Complete: July 19
>MTG Arena Release: July 30
>Global Tabletop Release: August 2
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Why did they make it so attacking a planeswalker lets you draw, but not make 1/1s?
Formatting issues I guess.
Maybe they thought it'd be too much
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The foundations banner from promo emails has Lili and Ajani so we're probably getting their reprints in the set, question is what variants
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>opponent doesn't concede when I'm popping off with Nadu and watches me play out a 10+ min turn
I had to just stop turning all my lands into hasted fliers and kill him because i felt bad for the king of bears. Could have gone twice as long since i was only halfway through my deck but i just finished the match and closed the game out of shame
You have no shame
I would have normally moved to crashing the game with scute like i usually do in the mirror
I like it and I'm excited for the next part, doing a nigh shift when it releases so I'll put it on
Wtf is their problem
they're nuts
Ral is gay and now a furry is he now our first gay furry in canon?
Ajani isn't gay?
Ajani is gay?! Since when
>climb 2 ranks when you win
>lose 50 ranks overnight
getting top 1200 is going to be rough
Honestly squirrels being dickheads and necromancers is kinda funny
number 4 is out alongiside some cool art

The main crew is decent and action is solid, not bad thus far desu
I haven't listened to any of the magic stories, should I start at dominaria united or is it fine if I just start with bloomburrow?
Bloomburrow is the start of a new arc, though you'll probably want to read the previous stuff just to know background info like who Jace and Ral are, and what happened. Knowing general stuff about Tarkir would probably be useful too since it seems like this arc will be focused on it.
alright cool thanks anon, ig I'll start with tarkir then
the only blemish so far is ral's faggotry
That's how any half decent ranked system works when you're near the top, the higher you are the harder it is to stay there. It's especially volatile near the start and end of the season, since right now everyone is ranking back up and towards the end decay hits harder due to increased activity from everyone trying to hit their goals.
>any half decent ranked system
which arena is not
the problems with mmr calculations and how their jeets fucked up the code is well documented at this point
Tried Throne for the first time today. Started in 2020, and have been a mediocre limited player on paper since then. Actually got 7 wins with Mono-White with red splash, but I feel like I was just carried by p1p1 Realm-cloaked and p2p5 Outlaws Merriment. Format seems alright, but there are so few players that I, in gold, was paired against a #3 Mythic for one match.
Dead game dead general. Fuck mtg not takin from us soon enough.
the transsexual brigade is usually here to spam bump and samefag this lbgt garbage out of page 10 tho
Bump it for what? Trio squad was just messing with you all as a joke now it’s just boring and sad.

Be the change you want to see anon
Yeah, old sets have a lot fewer players because the newbies usually blow their load on the shiny new stuff. The only people left are the ones who are good enough to self sustain their drafts through wins, or paypigs who reroll drafts to get the best stuff.
>tranny obsessed
Bloomburrow is kinda cool as a setting ngl, hope cards turn out good and usable
thanks, troon
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Ahaha, opponent had a super op Eldrazi deck but played very defensively and decked himself after drawing a million cards with multiple Unfathomable truths and Kozileks Unsealing.
I literally had already given up and rage quit since my deck felt so outclassed and I had no hope of winning through combat, but then on my way to the bathroom I remembered that he drew so many cards that he might deck himself and decided to restart and check and was able to stall long enough despite tons of annihilator.
Probably the weirdest and most random win I can remember.
And funnily enough I usually don't rage quit, so if I hadn't been in a such a bad mood I would have conceded and lost without a chance of comeback.
When are we gonna get that Lili avatar again, i need it
I was watching Portugal vs. France
He must be seething he lost that
I've been thinking about a simple deck with Hardbristle Bandit, ping Deserts, and Outcaster Greenblade, but there's not a lot of great synergy outside of them other than that 2+x/2+x where x is deserts black removal
transsexual mtg bumper
thank fuck for this card. Finally blue and green trannies can fuck off
Set mechanics just don't have enough synergy to function well as a deck now since wotc dropped blocks. Every new set have different shit leaving the previous one under developed. Sucks but numbers must go up I guess.

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