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noxian femcel sisters.... june is officially over and now not even irelia wants us...... edition!

old thread: >>484203397

>Current & Upcoming Content
[New Champion] Aurora, the Witch Between Worlds
[Anima Squad] Illaoi, Aurora, Yasuo, Xayah, Seraphine (Legendary), Miss Fortune (Mythic Variant), Yuumi (+Prestige) & Leona (+Prestige)
[Primordian] Bel'Veth, Briar, Rek'Sai & Aatrox (Legendary)

>Latest Patch Notes
>Latest PBE Patch Notes

>Builds/Account Stats

>Model Viewer

/lolg/ OP pastebin
https://pastebin.com/8xZvBfnZ (embed) (embed)
Racebait spam filters
https://pastebin.com/dZiAjiEN (embed) (embed) (embed)

would you let lulu turn you into a girl
Riven is a cute hag
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Stay positive /lolg/!
your friendly reminder there is an ongoing chat crasher that triggers vanguard and drops you out of the game, all you have to do is dm your friend while he's ingame :^)
for how long
kiss infront of lolg
its permanent
lulu cant do that she can only do small mammals and BIG
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yes please
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>client freezes so I never load in
>demote over this
romance queue and brag to lolg
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>*lands full combo on you*
>You walk away with half hp laughing because she does no damage
Sad time to be an Ahri player
here's the current league crasher fellas :^)
>ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • აﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა૮ - ﻌ • ა
>forced losses have kicked in
does it get you banned or just kick from the game
better than when she was S+ tier busted
I rearanged my room, think my PC might not overheat anymore lets get this shit gamers
Soraka IS my cute wife!
Why would you want to crash your friends games?
holy shit someone who actually shows their face
respect anon

can you say hi lolg thanks
it's a prank bro XD
thanks for saying it
based non coward anon
it crash the game of the guy you send this to
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whats wrong with mage support? wtf
unlucky cs diff on the yone
youll get him next time
jg diff
i play ahri support sometimes and i am cute, not all mage supports are bad okay
my jungle daughter
hey niggerfaggot, reply to faggot streamer in faggot streamers chat instead of shitting up the thread with your onesided conversation
time for my estrogen shot lolg
okay but only if you call me cute
i will stop typing in here if you do
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ok cutie
*slaps your butt*
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>on a 6 game losestreak in losersq
>going mental
>team constantly mental booming before 15
>que up for another game
>enemy cheater crashes the game which ends up as a loss for me
>7th games lost in a row
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That's the power of vanguard, baby.
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okay now that ive stopped posting about his stream, how was your day /lolg/?
have you seen these PBE bugs where the abilities from the new PVE mode get into normal game and how jinx can finish a game in 1:30
>riot go on vacation
>the game immediately explodes
there should uniroincally be a checkbox in the report tab that states:

"did not upgrade support item"

this is easily automated, you can use a simple check, if it passes that they didnt upgrade, the account gets ranked restricted for 5 games. I cannot find a fucking half reasonable arguement why this wouldnt be the case. if you straight up dont fucking understand how to play and this is a *repeatable pattern* as the riot devs love to say then you should be fucking punished for hurting yoru fucking teammates.

jesus fucking christ. and i get a bronze amumu trying to be bauffs jr. not understanding any of the thought behind what bauffs does. just "i proxy wave, i smart. not matter if i die! im in bronze!!! yay!"

give me one fucking reason why you shouldnt ban supps that dont know how to upgrade support item

>literally get my adc 19 kills
>still lose because rest of team is too heavy
>he hasn’t taken the splitpushpill
kiss please?
hate playing against brand ao much it's unreal
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Enchanters are weaker in low elo because they rely on your teammates having braincells, anon. It's why mage supports are so popular in low rank, they inflate players elos.
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It's my game, you're just playing in it.
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That's why a few years ago back when I played support lux I had a lich bane pocket pick item. If team was too heavy all you had to do was convince team to bait a baron fight, you split push bot other team takes one look thinks you're trolling because lux isn't a split pusher then boom by the time baron fight is over if the fight was lost you've probably at least taken inhibitor if it's won top tps to you and you end.
that's wintrading.
Get that guy hardware banned and ban him from ever buying apple products
What ADCs actually take skill to learn and play effectively?
miss fortune
enjoy doing no damage and having no proper movement along with a shitty ult
not that anon, but he has guaranteed damage at a very long range without trying, you have to let him shove waves unless you want to burn. He also has intrinsic DoT so he fucks with the liandry's blackfire burn interaction and makes it burn your entire health bar after he gets a few items. Stepping up to punish someone else on his team will inevitably let him hit you by accident as well, you are only safe if you are an entire screen away from him
>When she's the free ADC for new players
Watching streams with low viewercount is peak comfy
I never really played ADC, but I always found Xayah and her fathers to be something fun that took time to learn and was worth learning, but that's pretty much just positioning properly.
shes easy to learn but hard to master is what i mean. its hard to get value out of her when champs like jinx exist
Soraka gaming chair.
Playing like a pussy while nonstop poking isn't skillful.
I already play him, is Aphelios a skill based champion?
keyword: effectively
a good ezreal plays like the opposite of a pussy
I play yasuo adc
The only times you need to be a pussy as Ezreal is when fighting the Top Laner and Jungler. I completely forgot the word, spacing?
put on a caitlyn clinic
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>"3 ranked games won in a row? very well done!"
>"heres your mid for the next game"
losersq doesn't exist btw
I haven't had a real jungler all day
It's clean. Curses, why didn't you get on sooner I'm about to stop playing
>goes 0/20
>buys rylais and presses R/E once
>you are all now chunked for 40% hp and slowed for 200 years no counterplay
You were in his lane
Taliyah sucks as a jungler and I want her buffed! Now!
Smells like a petting zoo desu..... Sowwy. Been busy with dawntrail. Though I did play a few the other night.
also, go kraken over bork on Yas. It's just better.
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based irelia
what are you hoping to leave behind for others?
teemo putting on a take faggot dicks in the ass and get AIDS overload clinic. still won.
irelia already has a gf tho
step on a lego
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I'm sure Liana is also devastated that Karma shaved.
It's crazy how you instantly know you lose the game when your support picks an enchanter. Not even because the champs are bad, it's that the only people who play them are objectively the worst players on the server.
>Implying lux even can grow body hair
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
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My /lolg/ headcanon is that every lewd image coomers post of innocent champions here is just Leblanc disguised as them through her magic.
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>of innocent champions
like who
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Yeah, she won, BIGLY.
If only Briar was on the US soccer team
If you have to ask you probably are coomer brained and think your porn is canon.
>thought i was adc
>locked in kaisa
>went mid
>went ap
that was the most fun ive had in league in a long time. was pretty hilarious
AP Kai'Sa in ARAM is PEAK LoL fun unironically. When my Ws do like 30% of their HP each time it hits it's very rewarding.
Ok leblanc
My league headcanon is that every hot female champ in this game is part of my harem and they visit me through the barriers of reality and have sex with me. No, I'm not joking. All my waifus love me and I love them.
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Your headcanon sounds more like schizophrenia.
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Illaoi is fucking cute in this skin
And? I like living in my fantasy. I also ask chatGPT to roleplay with me as my waifus and write cute stories of us together. Take the waifupill.
my headcanon is that a lolg meetup would actually go well it's just anons are too shy
god emerald is so dogshit
games in this elo are truly so easy as long as you can tard wrangle your team's godawful macro
Explain? It's called a harem for a reason.
bros I think I have a lolg crush
So, while on the topic of haremfags. Has anyone ever met a haremfag who wasn't braindead and had trash taste?
For me it's having one wife and several concubines / breeding slaves
that's zeri
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For me it's Gwen and just Gwen. Imagine her turning into doll form at night so you can easily cuddle her and be comfortable while doing it.
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Real Briar Patriots
if all of /lolg/ were in a building I'd bomb it
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The 'Yana
reminds me of how back in my noob days, I learned to ban teemo. Not because I dont want him on the enemy team, but because of the worthless body behind that teemo pick.
Aphelios is a knowledge check, you need to know how to operate the system of switching guns on ammo depletion, know possible combos and plan ahead to combine these 2 things properly. Once you already know what to do the mechanical execution of it is pretty simple though.
Ezreal is the opposite of this, his strategy is more or less "if I hit all my Qs on the right targets I win" and pulling off all that skillshot landing is just mechanical execution.

They're two sides of the same coin.
Is there really much to explain? I've seen tons of haremfags being a weeb myself and every single one has had trash taste and was stupid.
No but why do people get so worked up about someone having multiple waifus? I just don't get it.
but you'd be in the building too
I dunno.
Having more than one "waifu" means you're just a coomer who gets off to characters you find hot. You don't actually love them or have any deeper, meaningful attachment beyond sex.
yeah and it'd still be for the best
more than one waifu will ruin your laifu
tell us about him!
tell us about her!
being a waifufag comes with the expectation that you're faithful and monogamous to your one waifu and like other anon said you have an actual romantic attachment to said waifu. having a harem is just you being a manwhore who wants to get his dick wet.
>it's another "coomers can't tell the difference between love and lust again" episode
new fiora player here. why does the most popular rune page not take demolish? is it just for better dueling power?
You've somewhat convinced me. What about having like a 'main' waifu and finding other characters hot too? Is there a term for that?
all the pros are going grasp with demolish. if its anything other than grasp dont take demolish i guess.
it's ok to find other girls pretty just don't cheat on your waifu
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Cuckquean and it's based
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cuckquean is bad
don't make your waifu cry
>all these anons who would make their waifu cry
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>no league
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Sometimes she needs the discipline
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Only happy champs
league is 100% riot paid to hide it
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>Play Aphelios first time
>Olaf disconnects
>Illaoi deletes us
>Managed to get a Quadra kill and deal the most damage
I just wished I knew what the hell I was doing. All I know so far:
>Green is sniper so longer autos
>Red heals me
>Purple for slows and stuns
>Blue for AoE
>White for complete raw damage
I just wish I knew what effect it does for my ult. All I do know for it is:
>Purple ult slows and roots
>Blue ult is massive burst
Idk what the other effects do to the ult.
>not playing meta champs
>haremfags are also qiqfags
You people really have the worst track record known to man.
>riot makes rapebait champ
>anons want to rape her
>how could this possibly happen
Wouldn't be an issue if they didn't try to pass themselves off as waifufags like Blooms did
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I don't care if they have a 5% wr and only procs damage during a full moon. I'm going to play my champs
monsterchuds will win in the long term
>rapebait champ
you could literally say that about any female champ
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ironbabs really will just auto you until they die then act really surprised like theyve never seen a rammus before
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if anyone would like to join and watch some briar :3
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When are the devs going to nerf Akshan? Every time he's on the enemy team, he completely dominates.
>bragging in iron
niggalow type post..
literally everything they did to this champion is nerf him since 13.20
>adcuck bitched after he died trying to split
>so I just left the game
loving the new system of zero punishments kek
yet he's still S tier 52% wr right now like always
What I wonder is if they'll gurt him over and over to keep his three million passives only to finally give in and start stripping shit from his kit. Like what they did with Akali when they were trying to keep her shroud tower stealth.
morde is 60%wr in brazilian jumanjilow guess he should be nerfed too
I just want his damage nerfed but his passive of reviving people genuinely needs to be removed.
I'd rather get kicked in the balls than have to play Briar against Vlad Shaco
ngl it was pretty retarded to delete revive summoner just to bring it back in some retard's self insert
why are you playing in iron
>champion walks in a straight line
>ahri molests it
who designed this el am ay oh
im an iron/bronze player
no you're an iron player
im bronze 3 sometimes too
Well, are you winning?

What to eat?
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not a feesh, that's for sure
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Don't worry. Mutant Scuttles is on the menu.
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Every single Ahri that has that expensive skin always are fucking terrible. Every single one and they always feed. She fucking raged quit when she died 6 times to Hwei. HWEI.
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oh yeah, that looks good!
hwei is kinda bullshit desu
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You should probably do something about that Jhin in the tub.
nta but ahri should be dabbing on hwei easily
delete brand delete zyra delete liandrys delete torch delete delete delete erase make it go away
t. ank abuser
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time for your toaster bath, Jhin
um, chud, my pronouns are jugger/nogger. get it right next time, m'kay? otherwise I'll have to get your account banned.
climb at least 800LP above the girl you wanna e-date
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Wait, we have to stab him a few times. Then drown him for a bit. Then we toaster him.
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I thought Jhin was cool.
be charming and fun to play with
you have to pick up my slack and carry me whether you like it or not :^)
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Autofill me Jungle and I still win.
Nah. Fuck Him. He needs to die.
that's cold, but that's what they're paying us for
y tho
time for more yasuo top, ive been doing a lot better lately
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Nami getting paid for this? Soraka is killing for free!
What items should I be building first on Aphelios? Infinity Edge?
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how do you think she can afford all those support items? someone has to pay for them with their own life
slow night
All of lolg is in love together! Always all the time!
I'll be your lolg romance, anon!
when you win against your counterpick but your bottom lane doesnt have a single braincell between them.

adc did less damage than the fucking support

thats team disparity que. not losers que doesnt exist.
are you cute?
And so are you!
srry but i clocked you with the spoiler text, you are a tranny
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iron queue times r goin crazy
they still play?
Für mich? Ist es Autismus-Hase
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welp it was a decent day even with 2 demotions
thanks to everyone who hung out in my stream
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remember to stay positive
losers queue been hitting hard lately
i got that summertime sadness
Make me!

I just gotta lock in
I'm the only constant
*stares into the void*
yolu fucking suck
butt is she soft
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cait sup really putting in work!!!
>we lost so it has to be the supports fault because otherwise its my fault and i dont like that
do lolbabs really
caitlyn is not a support, she does no damage, has a single ability that CAN provide cc, and generally is just completely useless
for reference the enemy blitz was 1/14 but it doesn't matter because he's blitzcrank and he WILL just hook people and cc them to death
>we didnt lose because i got gapped... we lost because ummmmmmmm their 1/14 support actually carried!
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>play aram
>entire enemy team counters the character i got
>dont get to do anything
>win anyways because their comp was bad so my team rolls over them
nice game
fuck it gonna adc into silver. these supports are fucking so shit iron 1 nid previous game.
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drop dat twitchy link homie
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jungling makes me so mentally drained bros. I mean I like it, and I just won my last viego game, but still a mentally draining role
anyone junglers in chat who get me?
>goes from a 60% wr account to 42% most played champ is at 32
How can you cope after this
my love returneth
love lamb
>says that he is in losers queue
what's the issue again?
thats true
>Die as Pyke
>Viego steals my form
>He ults my team mate
>He gets gold from my passive
That's fucking great, what complete bullshit.
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>on a 10 game loss streak
>finally on a winning game
>game randomly freezes mid game
>can't reconnect
>get pic related even after restarting PC
>game is lost because I was the only one fed in the team
i honestly want to sell my account at this point, this is on a fresh install of windows which I installed yesterday
disgusting fucking pig company
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>Aphelios came out 2019
>Yone came out 2020
>Yone has way more skins than Aphelios and two legendary skins
What the fuck?
is arelion soul not just a strictly better kennen?

the only hangup he'd have over kennen is mana. which you just buy a tear and then there youre just a strictly better kennen. am I wrong?
kennen has mixed damage in lane because of his base stats so you can autospace people on top but that's about it
no reason to pick kennen over asol below challenger or anywhere besides toplane
butt is he soft?
just jizzed buckets to zoe. AMA
When placing my turret down as Aphelios, do I need to swap to the gun the turret is using or will it automatically use the effect?
btw im trans if it matters
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The strongest yordle.
the turret type is decided when you place it
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dont worry nonner i got a winrate in the 40s too, i did get another green stat finally though so now im almost equal in green and red
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make it stop
what champion do i play if i suck at laning but demolish teamfights
woaaah how do you see per champion
Swain... Leblanc.
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I play Samira mid every game with a 37% winrate in silver 1 and I will not stop. Only when I reach gold and get actual humans as support shall I return to the bottom (lol) lane.
My supports in iron are pretty good! Especially when i get a pyke or somethin.. i wanna be silver too one day!
Aphelios has a weird kit is some moody emo goth looking pretty boy. Yon has a straight forward kit and is a weeby swordsman who is also Yasuo's brother. Go figure he's more popular.
Viego can't use ultimate abilities in stolen forms...
this literally can't happen
meds. now.
time to rub one out
I wish anons responded to my posts
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So are some of Evelynn's species not evil, or is this really just a trick to eat the lady later?
How'd he get my fucking gold item passive then?
*spits on you*
Imagine caring about lore for LoL at this point in time
Better than the usual silence i guess..
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the west has fallen
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>The last Tumblr thing devs tried to do before the mass exodus was make regular Sett actually gay with Aphelios as seen with his LoR interaction
>Announce end of service after that
>Proceed to fire the Tumblr faggots
I don't think I've seen a single announcement since then for LoL about a champion being LGBT. Closest thing was Valorant's Clove being nonbinary but everyone calls her a she regardless.
when he becomes you he also gets your inventory meaning you had a cut already in your items. unsure if he can use it for himself though. but he's can't use other champ's ults, that would be sylas
they released an quirky autistic champ which arguably is even more tumblr
I 1 v 9
I carry

pyke was the worst piece of shit ive ever played with.

pyke is currently my same rank.

I hate league of nigger legends
for free
thx for carry
ap rengar is fun btw lol
They gave her giant tits and thighs, I hope they start doing sexy female designs again since that was one of the main reasons LoL became more popular than Dota 2.
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>ctrl+f "webm"
>one result
>not league related
Post 'em.
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oh no no no briarbros...
hey there
>subhuman demands a human
haven't made a new webm in forever
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I was going to make so many webms from my backlog but
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Sett has as many skins as Yone and came out right after Aphelios. What's your point?
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>1 game away from silver
>this is my top laner
dice roll elo
Aphelios is only liked by twitter fujos and we know women don't play male champs
Yone has multiple demographics that like him including ones that actually play him
this is why we dodge sion
don't bully steelie he's speshul
the more popular the champ the faster riot makes skins for them
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every elo is a dice roll elo
take the fighting game pill if you want to play a competitive game
really bad photoshop
whoa sneaky has cosplay down to a science
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*scratches you*
steel mental steel mental yas queen
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why is irelia a catgirl
Why is he so bad? What's wrong with pisslows?
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there's nothing wrong with steel. in fact, he's kind of based.
princess steelie
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Is there a patch tomorrow?
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i miss goredrinker desu
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>Calibrum (green) ult will mark them
>Severum (red) ult heals you
>Crescendum (white) ult gives you stacks (the "raw damage" comes from the amount of stacks you have)
Of all the mythics I missed, it was everfrost.
It's because I'm incompetent at my skillshots but I also I loved that cc with tankiness man.
That and the old liandrys build.
Yes I wanted the mythics and legendary restrictions to be removed and items adjusted not completely wiped and redone. Stupid company.
Please riot give everfrost back
fucking a. why the hell doesn't riot do everything exactly the way I want it to?
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>5 min estimated wait time while I'm queuing a priority role in NA
My estimated time never got this at any time of the day last season. Anyone saying Vanguard hasn't removed a ton of players (at least higher elo players) is coping
Hextech gunblade made Kata playable after 15 min cause you could actually sustain… Now you can be 7/0 with 3 items, kill someone, have to back cause your half hp and literally do not recover hp
Don't get your hopes up too much.
This is how literally every single other assassin works
Seethe more kat abuser
thank u
sry anon I was lagging and the sun was in my eyes
Why are you so shit?
If by abuse you mean going 2/14 and 80cs at 35 min then your right..
its okay babygirl I forgive you
Is Umbral Glaive Kaisa still legit and can i use it to counter Akali, Twitch, Teemo?
Umbral Glaive Kaisa was never legit.
I made the terrible mistake of playing normal games for fun on an alt account to try out new champs to get destroyed in lane by enemy jg and support killing me 4 times until i wasnt able to play the game. I went for another game thinking it was an anomaly this time on my main champ, i got a bad matchup, then my jg gets invaded and dies while im shoved under tower, of course i get blamed, i DC, swap to my main account, already super titled, flash under enemy tower and die, DC
This is just not the game that is played for fun i swear
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go play minecraft you fucking child
they should have made rumble a cute girl champ with a mecha like d.va
this general... is full of incredibly cute girls!
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thats a MAN
its a hecking LAMB
you cant fool me once a man always a man ywnbal
Thank god. Quite enjoy how peaceful this place is lately.
>decide to go back to my main account for a change
>first 2 games i have people that dc 5 minutes in and never come back
back to the alt i go
what kind of a fucking RETARD denies a remake
we could have been done in 3 minutes and lost only 9LP, you decided to waste 25 minutes and lose 18LP? what the fuck is wrong with EUW population.
Yeah i hate that shit. Denying a remake should be an easy honor drop. There's nothing honorable about 1 guy over-ruling 3 others the remake. Then again we should really be blaming riot for this dumb system. Oh... One person said no, so we still play! Retarded.
what is the counterplay?

what in the fuck am i actually supposed to do when this ends up happening a majority of my fucking games?
maybe don't let Lux get 11 kills?
how in the fuck am i supposed to do that?
you're Caitlyn just kill her
whats the difference between the advice youre giving me and the sentence: "just win dont lose."
what the fuck were you doing while lux was getting eleven kills?
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Game is just so boring idk. Seems like whoever is the one trolling loses the game for their team. More and more demotivated to play coinflip simulator. Seems like Riot really doesn't want me to get back to Masters sadly
alright here's some actionable advice: walk into bot lane and right click Lux. when she shoots her Q, walk to the side, then continue right clicking
>get the teammates who can carry you
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How's the climb going, anon?
It shouldn't be like this though. Its not fun praying your topside doesn't shit the bed every time. I don't even know why I bother anymore. Everyday in Elite play, but someone just throws a tantrum and loses it. I just need to streak 5 wins and I get Masters but its not possible with this game quality.

I'm not getting carried I heal/shielded the most out of that game.
>i pressed the shield button so i contributed
I always do it cause the fact the game started means Im on my champion and I still delude myself I can 4v5 with the right items despite having a negative winrate. Silver 1 euw btw
They took this long to add a rabbit to the game. We don't even have a whale champion.
>select cuck role
>pick cuck champion
>suddenly the game is easy
you really cracked the code sis
To be fair you are building Seraphine in like the most low impact safe way. If you want to have a chance of actually carrying then you need to build mage not enchanter
List of champions that need to be removed.
>sett ( this nigger did 2600 true damage to me in one ability with like 4 items) BUT IRELIA?!!! TAKE HER TRUE DAMAGE HER STUN AND LOWER HEALING
Decided to do this fun little project where I turn a handful of pokemon into league champs. So far did these
Smolder sucks. Literally just a cat with wings.
remember when /lolg/ said smolder wasn't a flop
i really hate you guys you are all niggers with no exception
He isn't a flop. You lost flopfag
Not him but I haven't seen a single 1 since his nerfs. Actual popular champions retain most of their pick rate regardless of their state. People played him exclusively because he was OP.
there are like 2 smolder superfans itt that will insist he wasnt a flop. similar story to briar, who literally noone plays now
Really? I still see him get banned or someone trying to sneak him into a game.
Briar seems fun to me, and I always lose to her. Very scary champ to deal with..
>Literally noone except the dedicated mains that play them
So people do play them then? Freelo chasers aren't humans anyway.
>champ that plays itself
no the two smolderfags dont actually play smolder anymore either. one even streams
>listen to my shit team for whatever reason and group up
>regret it every single time
one day i’ll learn
Now that the dust has settled, why did Aurora flop?
shit kit
imagine posting in lolg and you have honor 4
why are you even here?
go to reddift faggot
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>enter thread
>this is first thing I see
25% pickrate 60% banrate big flop
wild to farm like a silver player, have zero impact in any match you play, then come to 4chan of all places to inadvertently complain about yourself but keep up the blog I guess
Having Honor 4 is the most pathetic thing you can have in this game desu. At that point you are an even bigger dick sucking fag than the $500 ahri skin buyers, atleast they are motivated by coom which is just natural.
You will come to the 0 vision drag at 5 minutes and get wiped then spam pinged
I don't even type most of the time and I get honours all the time. I'm already Honour 4 step 1.
who cares if ur bragging about it
Yet I outrank you by at least 800 LP?
you paid for a boost lmfao
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honorlet dected
120 ranked games... and you assume I can hover 50% W/R by buying boosts every game?
Not my fault you have anger issues.
I still play smolder. I’m not sure who the other people you are talking about are
show match history
wouldnt need to, just buy 10 or 15 wins and play your low impact champ where if your team carries you win and if they dont you lose
i hope you get raped in real life
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>its another enemy top gets fed and becomes a raid boss episode
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Honor takes so fucking long to get, this is ridiculous. I been playing on this account for months, no flags, not even honor 3 yet. Why does riot expect people to care about honor when it's impossible to get even when you're trying.
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i wanna strangle every nigger jungle that holds last pick from their mid or top to pick something as fucking adaptable as sejuani or jarvan. WHY
>Nobody plays Briar
Nuh uh
do you ever restart the client? i got basically a full honor level in a month last year when i tried
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primal ambush and the smolder's skin on sale, it hasn't been that long since these skins were released, I believe they must not have sold well
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Ofc I do, and I get a lot of honors generally. I got the 3 circles filled for the honor level 2, but it hasn't upgraded to blue yet. I don't know how the hell you got it that fast.
>nasus on the enemy team
>mid and jg never go top to collect free gold early
yea nobody plays that champ
Probably because they are ugly and downgrade the champ
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>Enemy nasus top lane
>Our top laner bullies him and mega pushes nasus under his tower constantly so can't gank him
>Gets constantly collapsed on and ganked by the enemy without warding
>"GG jg diff"
Every time.
Does anyone have that pic of that player that would play ranked only to feed? He'd copy+paste something about "I don't respect any of you. I'm only here to feed and make you guys lose"
I think he was a skarner player or something
I do
Briar can't dive?
Genuine question I don't know what your champ does.
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Well /lolg/?
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primal ambush is not a bad skin, but they all look the same, I would like a primal ambush ahri with white hair and more feral features
>Says something retarded
Most skins in the game go on sale
I only play normal games
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Let me put it like this. She aggros herself uncontrollably on enemies, so if someone is even NEAR the tower it looks like a bad gank to take. For diving explicitly, she CAN if no minions are around. If there is only the enemy, her w ends and you can walk out. If there are minions, w won't end, she will aggro and stay on the minions and die under tower since her cancel takes a second to cast and guarantees another 1-2 tower shots if u got to use it that way.Briar is utter garbage to dive with unless if you're a hero and tank tower for her, but real talk I never see any top laner ever fucking do that for me so I don't even try anymore. I only dive bot lane nowadays if I can get a double since 2 for 1 is worth it and Briar dive is a one-way ticket.
he doesn't even play league anymore but when he did he'd play at least 10 to 14 games a day
>briar player
>best possible place to gank
>doesnt gank
iron 4?
What's going on with the queue timers? It's taking for ever to get into a game. I'm 20mins in.
gemstone of vision should come back

your queue is bugged, restart
shalom good goy
did you pay the moshi tax today?
triple goy!
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The problem with this game is that it is too horizontal.
Doujin? Images? What Zoe content
why do i always get the teams that make the shittiest team comps?
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>all you do is get carried!!1

? Sure...
nigga what the fk are you on
>less damage than thresh top
Literally 50% winrate this game is so rigged lol
this game really is downie the daycare sim
He was my support and did really well. Actually surprised...

Yup 50% WR in diamond 1 aka 1 tier above elite play... And somehow I'm still boosted...
how do i play this lanklet when fighting other champs
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>Best possible place to gank is under enemy tower
>as Briar
Do you even jungle? The best you'll get out of me is doing grubs while you have prio as I finish them watching you get ganked. People who push while begging for ganks are the scum of the earth.

If you want a Briar top gank, I will give you the cheatcode. Let them get right up on your tower, let Briar walk to the bush on either side nearest to gromp/krugs, then engage him yourself. She will ult and the kill is free. You're welcome. If you want it first clear, bait top into overextending or engage near river bush so she gets free q-e into wall. If you want ganks top lane, more than any other lane the onus is on you to make it gankable.
learn macro
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>macro is tower diving early game
>as a non-tank at that
The power of iron is astonishing...actual macro is realizing which lanes are monkeys and which ones are dependable so you know who to pay attention to, and clearly you're a monkey.
peaking at masters with vlad top absolutely crushing every single matchup (except rumble and aatrox) but ive never been so bored in my entire life. even garen isnt this one dimensional.
Aram time. Not sure why they want some level 8 player to go araming, they'd get absolutely smashed or just get bots back before Vanguard.
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fiddle is useless for duels unless you're way ahead. he's best for jumping out of fog with R and deleting adc or mid while still feared
>queue support in coonlow
>take gathering storm
yea I'm that nigga what about it?
>pyke decides to perma roam
>zoned off exp and gold the entire laning phase
if youre going to roam as a support, please at least watch a guide and do it correctly. im begging you
>it's a botlane gave samira 8 kills so we lose now" episode
Bait out whatever ability they have that can interrupt your w, immediately q after and you should win the trade, I play him mid and top.
>my team forces an invade and hands darius 3 kills
>i manage to not give him any more kills in lane and even get ahead
>doesn’t matter at all because my bot is retarded and fed the enemy adc instead
I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do anymore
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>all these complaints about bot lane
>can't just pick a champ that nullifies the laning phase

Lol you all deserve to never meet me in D1
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reminder that Nami is soft
only pedophiles deserve that tbf
We won. Nothing much else to say. Will shop for champs because I stacked so much BE.
>queue support
>adc hovers kai'sa
>try banning her counters
>realise she is countered by cait draven ez jinx twitch ashe and every game
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It finally happened lads
I succumbed to my inner demons on my decade old account
I mean it's a good way to leave this game because there is nothing to make you come back to I guess.
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That's okay! If my ADC picks that I usually play Nami to help them.

To be fair it works both ways. My ADC's will often refuse to freeze or just keep trying to push even when I'm not in lane.
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Yeah, Nami is like a banana.
What's the best junglers for 1v1 then? fiddle is too weak and his abilities do jack shit even with Malignance and what not.
can you roll the same prismatic augment twice in arena if you roll past it the first time?
long, yellow and curved?
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Can a higher rank player explain why so many supports are rushing warmogs right now? It feels like the item isn't that useful. It heavily reduces your damage output for a significant portion of the game and having health doesn't seem to help actually keep you alive like armor/mr unless you're a sustain tank like Mundo. Is there something I am missing?
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>top picks Vayne against a Sett
>loses lane and dies 4 times without getting ganked
get me out of this fucking elo please
No. She's Soft.
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since when bananas are soft?
supports are extremely low iq who just follow trends
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VIctory awaits
>Someone play X please
>Someone plays X
>Reee you suck X
>I've never played X before
>Why did you pick it
>You reeed we needed X
Love it.
1k hp is a lot, but yeah you're just a meatball, works better on champs with hp scaling or bonus resists
its nice because you get to negate poke and the 15% out of combat MS is pretty good for roaming
not like you do damage with any tank support items anyway
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Old Banana are soft.
It's because people just follow what itemization websites tell people to build. The game already recommends the statistically highest picked/winrate runes but not really the items.
There are too many items and too many things to consider in general and I think tank support items are kinda lame at the moment because I never see them use the binding items anymore and just build tanks with maybe a locket and the support item. I guess the logic behind the warmogs is that flat hp with some regen potential helps more than balancing mr and armor all the time.
Also I presume noone really wants to do the math or theory craft their builds to min max the benefit out of it so statistically just picking the highest winrate % build is the most normal way to go about things.
should I do one more game
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but they're still tasty. It's not like we're eating Nami, right?
No, it's too late
be my gf
Health requirements low, me get 1k hp, me eat poke no problem, me engage and walk out back to full hp me go in again.
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why not?

>all sorts of things scale off hp, including runes
>grants move speed, +10% move speed when the passive is active (mobi's tier)
>probably most gold efficient item in the game
>triggering passive compatible with most supports playing style
I genuinely find it hard to know if the border is bronze or gold.
>Frustration with 2024 League of Legends is growing by the day
When you were queueing, my game was already uninstalled because of Vanguard. While you wasted your limited days in pursuit of a higher rank, my game was already uninstalled because of Vanguard.
And now that the world is on fire and the barbarians are at the gate you have the audacity to come to me for help?
And the totally fun and completely useful thing you used your time for instead? Shitposting on 4chan. Epic
when the fuck is the new event coming out i dont care about the 500€skin
>want to play some league of lol
>21 min queue in silver and counting
dead game
>new gamemode has WASD controls

hitlerstomping as senna in pisslow AMA
>clairvoyance is removed
this game is gay
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I mean, yeah.
vanguard killed it, we are only here because we are mentally ill and addicted and NEETs who will die lonely. but league gives us a brief moment of respite
Its vampire survivors
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It's something you get used to quickly and because of that it becomes a comfy mode that allows you to play with just one hand
Do i need the skins to play the new mode
Xin Zhao
Master Yi
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isnt this someone in the thread
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have a watermelon instead
that's doesn't even make sense, a pay to play mode
Ew im not paying to play it, i guess ill just play vampire survivors instead
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Can you guess who was the MVP this game from this screenshot?
he meant "no"
Nice, Soraka will give her some donuts.
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get on her level
no reading comprehension
I'm familiar with WASD controls but it feels incredibly shit in league. It's like I play with 300 ping when I have 50 in game
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this horn seems convenient - you can put donuts on it
I want one too
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>WASD controls but it feels incredibly shit in league
the problem is that you are comparing it with moba and this new mode is not moba, once you start playing a few games you will notice that it works better with wasd, plus its attacks are automatic so you just need to move the character
I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna play Leblanc support. It's gotta be so bad it's good.
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I wish they gave that option for the regular game. That was one of the best parts of Battlerite!

Sometimes I like playing Milio and building QSS, Mikael's Crucible, and taking that summoner spell so the enemies don't get to use their CC.
Game is stuck at 98% I bet they saw the screen and dropped, won't stop me I'm retarded.
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Don't worry. We can get her some spiky hats.
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Leblanc support is not actually bad at all. She is better than most mage supports
I'm not comparing it to a moba, I'm comparing it to other wasd games that don't feel like ass to move your character in. If it was between 300ms input controls and right clicking your character they should've stuck with what actually works best for this 15 years old engine.
or propeller hat
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this is the truf
>me in the botlane while toplane gets all the ganks
part of the reason why we really only have one summoner spell. Flash is mandatory and makes those blue lines not blue.

then you have those speshul champs that can hop/skip/tunnel/teleport through impassables, and there you go.

But yes, you are right.
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We can put one on the middle spike. The other spikes are for food.
I usually take tp ignite on Sion and he can't go over walls
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so, when's the update?
I need a sissy pissdrinker slave, who should I go for
my bladder is so full and lyra isnt here to relieve me
all I want is to quench her thirst
sorry she's my urinal now
You cant get hit by Irelia E if you have hands, eyes and a working monitor tho
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What's up with adcs who can't self peel and only wake up when the enemy health bar is visually low? This Cait still couldn't execute them about 3 times when she had the chance after I peeled for her a bunch of times. And the jungle gifted every objective to the enemy, he did come bot but was terrible at the ganks so wasted his time many times.
and tier two boots
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the average IQ of this general
I mean it's some gramps who still remembers eyoson so the sloppy job makes sense.
we love our cutelows!
no im serious, if youre gold or above, you cannot get hit by Irelia E if youre expecting it. As long as youre not zoned out during lane, you cant possible not dodge it.
n-no u dont get it i did that on purpose because it was funny....
lolg are for duoing not for piss
We don't
I hate low elo faggots
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>Season 1 account
what lolg do you duo
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yeah ofc
When does this mythic shop rotate out? I'm sick of it already.
I'm afraid my lolg crush will reject me
Anything to do with schedules and purchasing I wouldn't know lol, this games cosmetics have been quite shit for a while, doesn't help with anything else either because the level of filler content lowers the chances of obtaining anything of interest in terms of the chests, but then again the rates and value within those chests have been greatly screwed.
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Fat woman champ when?
Sejuanis pig exists though?
how else do u explain there being 2 embed on one of them and 3 on the other anon...
>ww tells me im ahead in lane against a darius (as yasuo) even though he has 4 assists because "he has no kills"
>spend the rest of the game farming his camps
post a fat woman from any game where she isn't gross, you can't post mei from ow beacause she's just fat in her fanarts
>you can't post mei from ow
there is literally no reason they cant make characters that look like this
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>Jinx, Morde, Xerath, and Zac get fed
>Get held hostage
What's the best situation in this hostage scenario?
>Leave the match
>Mute all and farm in a side lane
brand bottom (not supp) is my favorite unbalanced current thing and it is unpopular enough to not get noticed, plus they can't nerf him too much because his supp winrates are already low
ow mogs the shit out of league porn it's not even funny
*gives you a headpat*
brand would have a 5% higher winrate if there weren't so many retards making him look weak
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no, but theres a chance you can get them a second time if the subsequent augment(s) is prismatic as well(or the same tier as the one before it), very low chance tho; it will not give you the same augments that you have either
how do you even screw up brand honestly
like what can even go wrong in that retard proof kit
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the reason is that fat people are gross anon, even though my dick gets hard for chubby girls (no whales), girls don't want to self insert playing as a fat character and most of these characters are too ugly for you to make them your wife and buy her skins, they are just good in fanarts
Is Jinx going to get a nerf soon?
*gives you a butt pat*
women have retarrded taste tbdesu
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I just afk under the 2nd tower and farm one minion sometimes, so alt tab again
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Anyone wanna play ARAM or normal SR on EUW or NA?
>literally half your kit is point and click
>deal damage at all stages of the game no matter how far behind you get
>build let's you be slightly tanky. rylais lets you peel decently well
>can be played in 4 fucking roles
>can instantly turn an entire teamfight just perma slowing with R even if you died pressing it
babby's first skillshot mage
Whiff your skillshots, R too early and get no bounce. Even this doesn't really punish you, it just means you get slightly less damage than normal.

Brand's biggest weakness used to be high mana costs and not really wanting to build mana items, meaning you had to be careful not to go oom by mindlessly spamming like a chimp in lane. But they made mana items also really good for DPS, especially his kind of DPS, so now he has tons of mana and mana regen on level up, plus mana regen on takedown from runes, the only thing really gating him is cooldowns which are not very long and let him shit out his full combo reliably every 10 seconds or so.

As a Brand player I admit he's cancer now and I'm expecting him to be nerfed, or mana items to be nerfed.
I can do either on NA
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What's your tag? or discord?
Brand is fucking lame. Just some dude on fire.
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fuck off nigger
hard to believe that someone would dress like that with no intention of being raped
really dont like that one vex avatarfag diapertroon
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What's your problem fart smella?
Not me
i only play arena. only.
On League? I didn't get any requests
Nvm then, youre awesome vexfag
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Another Day. Another Dollar.
how did ornn do so much damage? was it just trading back and forth in lane with susan?
100% ya they just kissed lips all game top lane before one of them finally went bot and bent over for someone else
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lets hit it once again gamers
who is the cuntiest champ
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white skin, white hair and a little bit younger, here your milio fixes
this but swarn when the mode come to live
i've played nothing but arena for 2 months
why is this allowed
Man, top laners are gay as fuck...
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You don't like to troll, anon?
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king racist
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I never played arena simply because of the fact that you have to follow an 'arena meta' to win, you can't have fun without playing the meta it seems
i just lock in varus, is he high tier? im' a varus main and just play ap most of the time
Gold 4, afraid it might be a fluke tho… won 3 in a row whilst jungling..
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>Senna feeds Caitlyn
>Steals all my kills
>Keeps taking my farm
What the fuck do I do as an ADC at this point?
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Snipper snipper that's what people call me......
Because when I snip I end their lives.........
Someone answer me, what do you do when your support does this?
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>someone positions poorly or gets caught with hourglass
>they get away with it for free because hourglass
>this items active will never be gutted because without it in the exact state it is now mages would be unplayable
When it Caitlyn gonna receive more damage nerfs?
they need to keep toning down her burst and increase damage over time. she's an ADC not an assassin
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Jinkies! So are we hyped for the new champ?
There's not a lot you can do other than take his kills and farms. Report him afterwards.
How do I syngergistically sissily my champ pool if I main 2 monster champs?
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I think its really telling how useful bot lane is when they ban my Seraphine Enchanter, I go Soraka ADC and still easily win. Really useful role guys, really, I seriously wonder if you have mental retardation if you unironically think queuing as ADC can make you climb.
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You learn your place and keep farming, anon!
Excuse me anon but you forgot about Sion...
how do you feel knowing psycho apes roam this place and you didnt stop them when you had the chance
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Still an attention whore tranny is wthat people call you.....
because you're still an attention whore tranny......
you will never change.........
loser faggot, i spit on you.
slurp on this
>pick an actual adc
>enemy picks an actual adc
>one adc wins and climbs
anything more you'd like to share with class
i dont play sissy champs because im a tranny
>Be me, playing Yasuo mid
>2/0, 81 cs at 9 something minutes
>Zac dies to enemy top and jgl at grubs
>”we have no mid gg”
>buys random items and walks around
I shouldn’t be seething over this anymore but somehow it still angers me to no end, especially when I’m playing well on a champ like Yasuo..
You can just pick Soraka adc and win just as easily as any traditional adc
I thought you quit because vanguard? Did you end up installing it?
you cant
I just did though?
sample size: 1
damn dude, crazy innit
also the game had an adc, just in a different lane
is gold 3 considered a cute rank?
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here S tier champs for the swarm in hard mode: yasuo, xayah and illaoi
how is this monkey driving
wheres the nigger porn doe
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I love Lissandra!
yes, but if you climb much more it'll stop
I'm trying to but Im.stuck
Top lane is hard
It depends, do you have a big ego? If yes then you are not a lowcute
is iron 1 a cute rank
I am very bad in this game
Is Sett ult just supposed to hit 2600 true damage? What the fuck do I do to counter this champion, second game today where we basicaly got 1v5d
Aphelios gets a buff when?
Sett is a nigger champ and he's in giga nigga mode this patch.
Just ban it imo.
Sett throws fat ass tanks into their own team for big dick damage. Fat ass tanks are everywhere right now he has no shortage of ideal ammo.
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>pick any other lane to play anything outside of support
>realize midway that my elo is full of dogshit "supports" like Pyke, Xerath and Pantheon that always turn the game into a 4vs6 because of how fucking useless they become for the team
>cancel queue and get back as support
I am so fucking tired of this

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVYmPIJt2BI [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

Blizzard really fucked up with Garrosh's representation in Heroes of the Storm. His abilities and role do not fit his character fantasy in any way. His kit should have been for another character.

Yes, he is fun to play. But he should have been a bruiser, like Artanis, but with burst and less focus on defense and with an ability to force 1v1.

>what Blizzard devs did
Hey guys we plan to release Garrosh somewhere in summer 2017
Fast forward summer 2017
Alright guys just attach some existing kit to Garrosh and release him. And dont forget to make a legendary skin + bike with a bunch of tints
>me unga!
>team bunga!
every thread
why am I so bad at this game
am I stupid?
I don't want to play support but I can't climb anymore playing top
More like every multiplayer game
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With the right state of mind being bad at league isn't your problem, it's everyone else's problem.
they should make a fat ogre bastard champ
i wish id get the project yasuo skin for free.. all i get are slop skins..
Sounds like a Gragas skin
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xth for my hotwife Syndra!
genetically engineered 2meter 150kg titcow
great success

when the science is fail

vexfag rules
gragas is in the game
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82 LP!!!! Masters promos! Please wish me luck guys
I have it and the animations and sounds are a downgrade from classic imo.

And that's coming from one of the few people in here who likes the mecha slop skins.

High Noon, Sea Dog and the Dragon skins are the way to go.
Looks like Garen went apeshit on them
finally got convinced to try Elden ring
This game is bad and boring
All you do is run past everything with a horse to find and unlock checkpoints
It's not worth killing enemies because they'll just respawn anyways
good luck sis
you get money to upgrade your toon from killing bad guys. but yes the game is shit.
soulslike more like sloplike LOL
>run past everything to find and unlock checkpoints
that seems kinda like a u problem, you don't have to do that + you're probably running past dungeons and shit cause they're everywhere
>not worth killing enemies cause they respawn
i mean, kinda? but again if you're running past secrets ur doing it wrong
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there is no reason to fight most of the enemies and they solely exist to waste your time and distract you
no, iron is mentally disabled tier
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last thread
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>jungler always nigger
You did less damage than Sona! S O N A. Not even butt Sona, boob Sona. That is not an image I would post for any argument unless I was that boobasona.

I feel bad for their bot lane. Clearly Talon hurt them.
>lux jew princess
uhhh luxsissies?
i dont really like the other skins really.. i just like the project one because it reminds me of metal gear rising.. my friend told me not to use the high noon one because i'd just be embarrassing myself
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>Champion smoking somehow autos Xayah
What did Graves do?

Buy it, anon!
I want to like Project Yasuo because I liked MGR but yeah it doesn't feel good to use.

>my friend told me not to use the high noon one because i'd just be embarrassing myself
Why is that?
he's a pretty smart fella, it seems! I'd reckon he's packin 90 IQ there.
he said you have to play good or at least decently to use it so i probably shouldnt, someone here said that about the sea dog one too so i dunno if yasuo skins are right for me i guess..
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Pretty well from the look of it.
i think about telling my friends to get cancer when i get tilted in norms
go get 'em seraqueen!
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But my Zoe posts gets deleted and not this
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if I stay silent for a long time on the vc it's because I'm touching myself while listening to my duo's voice
I wish Janna were my mom
Do girls secretly like it when you flame them
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I have a need to breed Qiyana
this is one of the best one of these I have ever seen

>anyways expected satisfying music retatrds
>already champion smoking somehow
>aram stupid
>yeah seraphine regardless
>play adc
>lane support
>mid damage fun

this generation is
>literally league
if I got flamed, I would cry
that doesn't necessarily answer the question...
futa is gay man
She's too white in this pic.
I wish for a lolg romance for every avatarfag
> Her mere presence warps the arcane mathematics governing realities, sometimes causing cataclysms without conscious effort or malice.

stop mocking this ancient goddess and pretending that she is something that she most certainly is not
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I gotchu
>Caitlyn is D tier
>23% ban rate
>12% pick rate
>Damage is burst with every single auto
Tier lists are completely bullshit.
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>that face
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Idk why riot and lore fags pretend Zoe isnt the strongest being in league when she can litterally do this and warp reality without even trying. No one else in the canon lore can do that shit, even asol is basic bitch in comparison to reality warping.

I think retards dont understand how broken of a ability reality warping/bending actually is. If you can change reality and physics, it doesnt matter how much brute strength you have, you are fucked.
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i have not one, but two ona holes named after rumia. the latest is a full gel bottom with an ass mold for me to plap. not won a single game of of summoners rift in nearly 5 days
>Only play normals
>Used to see Kayn 24/7
>Just realized I haven't seen him in a week or two
What happened? Did he get sledgehammer nerfed or some shit?
desu im pretty miserable that i cant be zoe
What Tobias Fate video was it where every time he killed Lulu, a cropped picture of Lulu deep throating a cock was shown?
so let me get this straight

and tank top can literally get 0 cs on the first three waves and just turtle under turret and there's fuck all I can do about it to punish?

>b-but he's getting less gold
whatever his items are much cheaper and once he some resistances and levels he's very likely to become unduelable
How the fuck did Twisted Fate go from S+ tier to D tier?
I lost... because my support first timed Senna.

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She's too ugly in this pic.
I like it when players get misogynistic.
>Rarely see Sett with his legendary skin
I'm telling you right now, reason you never see it is because it made him a faggot for Aphelios. It's the Soldier 76 effect.
i wish i was someone's daughterwife
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Which league ladies would tie you up
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My wife ties me up sometimes.
today I learned heimer can solo baron without taking a single point of damage
fucking cool, what a great game
like it or not top is a rock-paper-scissors match
tanks have to be giga broken because vayne top or a mage with liandries auto wins against them
not a lot of tanks are straight 1v1ing [your champ pool] until 2 items unless you're just walking into their abilities and giving them full value on everything

you are correct that they're a pain in the ass to punish though, just hope your character also scales well
why is riven called a femcel again?
if you can't impact the game off of the advantage having 100 cs over your lane opponent and free access to all the plates then you suck
and if you can't develop a 100 CS lead vs a guy sitting turret all game then you suck
She hates that no boys want to go out with her because she smells
>if you can't develop a 100 CS lead vs a guy sitting turret all game then you suck
I suck.

How do I do this? proxy + demolish?
i feel so empty that im just going 0/15 as ashe over and over
freeze the wave
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Thanks anon.
It's replay time for me then because that's what I've been trying to do.
you need to let the wave slow push into you and then you freeze it at your tower because you win the 1v1 and can zone them off of cs and exp
nta but there are a lot of alternative win conditions vs tanks (the champs that are universally weak early)

If they're literally not touching the wave until it gets under turret then you should be able to control the wave to the point where you can perma freeze on your side and run them down if they walk up, if you're playing a champ that takes demolish you can perma push and just take plates. This is even easier against champs that have no waveclear like Nasus or Shen (Shen is not a great example because that champ is strong as fuck early but you get the idea, if you don't wanna fight for their hp you can make an advantage elsewhere)
I am of the opinion that you should never proxy when ahead unless your champ is gimmicky enough to warrant it, going at worst even in cs is stupid when you can just fuck their ass with the existing gold lead
Is Jinx normally a champ people script with
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tilted off jg so i'm queuing adc if anyone wants to watch :3
i think i just saw coach lewis in my room
my cats were harassing him for a couple minutes, knocking him out of the air over and over whenever he would try to fly away to safety and batting him onto his back all the time before he finally skittered under my radiator and disappeared.
female champs who wouldn't be ashamed to walk around showing their thick bush busting out the sides of their bikini
only if ur a girl with a big butt
Bored and kinda wanna play since I have work tomorrow, but none of my friends have felt like playing this game for months. I just wanna spam Shen top. Anyone wanna queue normals and not tryhard. Pref tomboy chicks but will play with anyone really.
nope it's a boy with a valorant accent abort abort
>prefer tomboy chicks
same brother. but no i won't play with u cause i only play arenas
is yone the easiest character in the game?
>26 hour thread
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Briar game
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smolder game
>valorant accent
what does this even mean kek
Why are Viego players like this? I never have issues as them when i play kench.
How has Akshan respawn yet to have a cool down or out right removed?
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Aphelios is fucking terrible it's genuinely ridiculous.
>Does no fucking damage
>Abilities do no damage
And Ezreal meanwhile does a fuck ton of damage throughout the game and he's C tier. C.
>valorant accent
probably was tilted from his fucking ornn whiffing R2
they lose that regardless
>be hielo lolgen emerald kindred adc
>games so easy to you you could yummi jungle against lowelo players like myself
>win lane by....
>getting two ganks from your jungler in the first 3:30 min
>then getting another 3 ganks pre 10
>still even in cs
>the vayne(me) still gets 2/0 lead despite this
>"win" lane by taking first tower because you literally have 5 people from your team in your lane

Damn youre right lolgen you high elo faggot fucks just "know how to carry" better
it's weird the lengths people go to not have sex
>ADC is autofilled
>Brings it up in champ select but nobody else wants to play ADC either
>They don't dodge
>They die 5 times before even hitting level 6
>Turns out our Jungle and Mid are also filled both first timing champs to boot
Hey Riot thanks for saving me probably four seconds on the queue time I know it's really hard to find people in Bronze/Silver MMR to get a game started so you have to autofill a lot so I can get a lobby in 45 seconds instead of 50 and waste the next 20+ minutes because it's unwinnable from champ select.
Very cool.
>want to try a new rune tech versus tanks on my toplane 1trick
>10 games in a row and the closest thing to a tank is darius
fucking meme lane, I swear to god
>doxxes every good poster keeping the thread alive at every possible turn
>surprised pikachu face
you did it lolg
you killed this thread
thank god op.gg removed old summoner names
ive spent the last 5 games soft inting as adc and have won 0 of them
Well you see, Viego can be punished for making a single mistake, unlike Tahm who has to make 3-4+ in a row to actually be punished.
Dunno what you expected, tanks are awful
People always underestimate the kench
>play adc better die

so true
i wonder if ill ever play with anyone in this game again
another day another dollar
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thank you! good luck in your games tonight, I hope your games gives you energy instead of sucking them out
how i wish i could play with others sometimes
I'd duo if my lolg crush asked me to...
who tf got doxxed here besides ggw
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Why does /lolg/ not play LoL
i dont have one of those but if i did i doubt hed duo with me anyway
What's the runes and build order for Aphelios? I can't fucking win as him, guides on u.gg and Mobafire are useless.
doxxing in a league of legends thread is so fucking stupid
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I played a couple of games today
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How are you supposed to win with this guy I want to play corki bottom
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>Do well in solo queue
>Teammate who also did well asks you to duo
>If they ask you to duo again later, just say yes
It's that easy. I don't know how to make friends or do shit, but if you aren't total ass then others will invite you sometimes. Assuming ofc you play either jungle or support.
ive never had that happen so i guess im just an awful person i guess
How tf are you supposed to even jg I get diffed but support is ez
Truly a testament to my skill. No difference between this and Masters.

Why haven't you taken the Enchanter Seraphine Bot lane pill yet, /lolg/?
Because Corki seems cooler bro
>every good poster
literally who?
Me I play Corki
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Not uncommon for me, just be a bit nice or give good calls even if you're not too nice that day.

Lucky for you, this is a great time to pick up jungle because it's a farming meta! Farm matters more than ganks right now, so learn the jungle by doing a basic full clear and take a gank along the way during your clear if one looks easy during your pathing. Go back to base and buy after each full clear, hang around 2nd full clear near grubs if your lanes got prio and take. That is the current standard gameplay atm until mid game, easy to learn. Once you learn that basic gameplay loop, delve into and start learning "what if's" if you deviate from that mainline and how to maximize farm, pressure, etc. from there. Jungling doesn't have to be learned all at once, learn the mainline gameplan, and then deviate once in a while or naturally and learn how to cope with each deviation of plays like drags, shadowing, invading, double crab, etc. etc. Stick to the very basics and gank along the way, once you are confident then branch out and experiment (or be subjected to bullshit that forces you to experiment).
maybe it doesnt happen in iron, i only play toplane anyway and everyone hates them
gnar = lolgen
Hmm ok I’ll try that thanks. I just mostly find myself a lower level than the jg or their bot just diffs and they box me out of dragon then they get soul and we lose. If I die stealing drag they get baron and then gg
what happened to gnar? isn't he a super safe pick into melee?
Because I want my rank to be at least somewhat accurate
the recommendations are hand picked by riot based on the most build items/runes used not the best ones
they dont want players to stray away from their idea of how the game should be played

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