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Previous: >>484276087

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.3 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240607version-qf68ql/index.html

>Version 2.3 Preview: "Farewell, Penacony"
>SGF Show Video — Art of Dreaming
>Firefly Trailer — Embers in a Shell
>Myriad Celestia Trailer — "Presently, Beneath a Shared Sky of Stars"
>Animated Short: The Embers of Glamoth

>Current Character Banners: (Firefly, Ruan Mei + Gallagher, Misha, Xueyi) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992036
>Current Light Cone Banners: Whereabouts Should Dreams Rest (Destruction), Past Self in Mirror (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29992142

>New Drip Marketing:
>Yunli (5* Physical Destruction) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29523146
>Jiaoqiu (5* Fire Nihility) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29576382
>March 7th (4* Imaginary Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/29661298

>Web Event: "Re-ignite the Divergent Universe" - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240619challenge-1sw0o4/index.html

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caelus is for acheron
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Firefly love!
whats the source of this scene?
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Nihility department?
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
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Why is every EN VA a tranny or some flavor of faggot pushing their laughably naive kike propaganda instead of just reading the lines and following voice direction as is? And what can they realistically do to not make them seem like the laughing stock of voice actors?
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Rated based on spoonability.

Living space heaters probably get too hot to spoon all night.
I'm certain corpses are cold anon. And all foxians should be on top. Bushy tail on all.
Why do you care about the EN VA when you are playing on the JP dub like everyone else?
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>Why is every EN VA a tranny or some flavor of faggot pushing their laughably naive kike propaganda instead of just reading the lines and following voice direction as is?
These people are literal nobodies outside of VA. They're not famous notable actors with experience, they are people you can get off the street. So in order to keep their "fame", they say what the western fanbase wants them to say - they play into their headcanons and delusions because it gives them clout. Sigga's ENG VA knows landwhales want Sigga to sound and do more gay shit, so he panders into that so he can be considerable progressive and cool. It's simple, but it's twisted and it just makes me respect asian VAs even more - because atleast they know to remain impartial.
>Tfw Ethan Winters VA straight up just did his lines and fucked off
>No one even knows much about his family and he doesn't attend VA events (apparently)
>Other VAs try to hit him up but he legit never answers them
People can screech about re7 and 8 being outlast clones instead of retarded shit like re6 but that's based
Is HuoHuo a Baizhu expy?
I just think it's interesting how redditors, seaslugs and twittards all play on EN when it's objectively the worst language to play in, is all.
I have no idea what you're talking about, because I only play with Chinese audio.
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>JPkeks sucking each other off again
I thought we were done with the ERP...
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this is true
>playing genshit and can't even realize it's sucrose expy of scared green girl
There are a few that either keep to themselves or just avoid homo shit and over pandering. But when most of the VAs are from/live in LA how much can you really expect
Sweaty, baby making sex with Firefly!
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Voice Actor(esses) are actors. Actors are theater kids.

You need to think about the kind of mentality that is required or cultivated by the kind of person who wants to be on stage or on camera. It's an inherent hunger for attention and as a result a person who spent the majority of their life talking gossip or trading favors rather than working hard or learning.

These kinds of people are susceptible to flattery and will therefore be taken in by cult ideologies and conspiracy theorist collectives. This grants someone with a very loud voice figuratively and literally some incredibly dumb things to say.
Blame the EN VA director
What other examples of cute and canon in lore and gameplay are there besides Firefly/TB and RAT
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Firefly Guide
4pc Iron Cavalry Against the Scourge, you can use 4pc Quantum or 2/2pc BE% as cope sets while farming for the new 4pc.
2pc Forge of the Kalpagni Lantern, Talia set works too, but Kalpagni is preferred due to the 6% SPD buff.
Signature > Hertacone >= S5 Misha = S5 BP Cone > S1 Claracone
Her signature LC is ~10% better than Hertacone.
Don't use the MoC cone with Sam's picture in it ("Flames Afar"), it's useless on her.
>Relic Stats
Body: ATK%
Boots: SPD
Orb: ATK%
Rope: BE%
>Stat goals
On character screen
With Sig: >240% BE, >2600 ATK
With Aeon: >180% BE, >2700 ATK
>Speed Tresholds
With Ruan Mei all she needs is 140 SPD in the character screen stat page.
If you want to get an extra action before the first cycle change in MoC you'll need 154 SPD on her character page, E2 users may choose to skip this 154 SPD treshold entirely and focus more rolls onto ATK% and BE%, note that this only matters for MoC.
Harmony MC is mandatory, Ruan Mei can be replaced with Asta or Pela, if you do this Firefly performance will be 2~3 cycles slower.
She can work with any Abundance/FX unit but Gallagher it's STRONGLY recommended due to his SP printing abilities and matching element with Firefly.
>E1 vs S1
If you have the funds to get to E2 first then do that instead of S1, if you can only afford S1 or E1 then do E1 over S1.
>S1 vs Ruan Mei
Ruan Mei.
>How does Super Break work
It only scales off Break Effect, Weakness Break Efficiency, Enemy DEF, Enemy RES, and Vulnerability.
Break Effect = Relics, Harmony MC
Weakness Break Efficiency = Complete Combustion, Ruan Mei
Enemy DEF = Relic Set, Ruan Mei E1, Firefly E1
Enemy RES = Ruan Mei Ultimate
Vulnerability = Complete Combustion, Her Signature LC, Gallagher Besotted debuff
>Which ATK% buffs work with Firefly?
Everything works except Robin ultimate and RM's E2.
Does a mega autist like Firefly even know what sex is?
Seele and Bronya for a time but she got NTR'd by Sparkle
which one you buyin?
Hertaschizo was right
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Firefly love!
Because acting as an artform is dead in the US along with theatre. People watch movies for celebrities, not acting. Hoyo should have set up a studio in London if they wanted actual EN actors.
Jingliu and Blade, kinda.
aventurine nendoroid
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but then they'd have trouble saying water bottle
Probably gonna get the Firefly one
>Muh EN VAs
This is just nip faggots trying to put the blame on why the translations arent 1:1(wich is super common in adaptations) on actual people instead of a faceless department
her human form, but depending on how detailed is sam one is, i'll grab it too
Oh like the absolute masterpiece that is the wuwa en dub that definitely doesn't make hsr's dub look golden by comparison?
Fucking tired of Firefly...
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Tired of FUCKING Firefly.
Tired of fucking Firefly...
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I'm getting both in a heartbeat. Pretty good time to buyfag too considering how fucked yen is. I do wonder what pose they'll go with for the Firefly figure though. I assume they'll do a deluxe edition that includes SAM and a regular version with just Firefly, seeing as Dan's figure has one with and without the dragon but we'll see
Is ZZZ gonna kill us? I'm getting worried...
Except Sigga's VA was the one who wanted to do the "Dr You're Huge" take in a pandery way. The localization is still trannylated but he actively engages with it so he's just as bad
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Silver Cute
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sex with Boothill!
Imagine if Silver Wolf also paid Sparkle to sabotage the trailblazer's condoms and slip fertility boosters into Firefly's oak cakes...
I use the banjo autist when running around because firefly is kind of ugly. She should have been a loli like clara.
WuWa had no voice director (broke) and they were told to force Amerishart accents.
EU voice talent is significantly better than Ameritroons.
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>*chuckle* was there anyone in this room who *didn't* slip Firefly fertility boosters
you fags ready for ZZZ? Ready for it to rape your flop and slop of a game?
>"Dr You're Huge" take in a pandery way
Dude its a joke
Why is this general so fucking dead lately?
>enter /zzz/
>gay furry shit
i think we'll be okay
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Yes, I'm ready for a nappy-poo
Yangyang still sounds like she's reading from a 3rd grade biology textbook, the voice actors for EN WuWa are mostly shit.
>Dub wars
Shit thread already, low quality bait.
wrong, europeans should kill themselves though
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look how fucking fat she is

goddamn that's hot
Yeah I'm ready for something to do until Yunli comes out for countermemes.
>join bird game
>get zero good combinations of anything
>instantly lose
A joke made to pander
what do you want us to talk about bwo, penaconny is finished, 2.3 was the conclussion and from now on we are getting just filler patches until 3.0
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Meet my gang
I know this is just low effort bait but I actually have trouble imagining how that game is NOT going to flop hard. Literally takes all the worst things of MHY's previous games and dials it up to 11, and this time there's no redeeming factor.
Shitposters are forced to split their attention between more generals than ever before.
yeah yeah keep coping
nothing happening right now so the usual suspects are busy shitting up more interesting generals
A "joke" that consistently only panders to one specific audience, which happen to be the leftist fags and trannies. Curious.
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Dam this new DU music is pretty good
>lose 50/50
>furry comes out
man, that's even worse than getting a homo. No thank you.
agreed, I'm not from eutope or US and I definitely prefer European voice acting like Baldur's Gate and Xenoblade over boring American accents
Mihoyo knows how to make fun games. Look at the bird game.
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and pray tell which general are these suspects from? Because the answer may surprise you
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how would you know, it looks like you've only heard about 5 seconds of it
Originally from /gig/ but now shit up like 5 different generals
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El catto Stella
kek autists won't get this joke and think you're serious.
Hoyo should make more games so we get more downtime like this.
>origami game
>get like 50 points in all 10 rounds due to shit placement of fruits
>opponent gets to 200 points within like 4 turns
How the FUCK do you do this?
They use HSR memes a lot, we long since replaced gig as this boards schizo breeding chamber.
they aren't from any one general, they just gather around active generals to shitpost
Good avenpaz piece
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I'm ready to play three (3) hoyoKINO games
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a thousand hours of goonin to hunnie pop baby
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Year of playing candy crush, the powers it grants might surprise you.
Are you stupid? Match 3 is the most basic ass game in existence. 200 is a shit score.
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What happens when Dawei starts up his functioning fusion reactor and literally takes over the world?
it's all about the special fruits, good luck can let you screenwipe with one move and special fruit+bomb is pretty much always a screenwipe too
you would unironically lose to your mom and your years of growing up as a "gamer" would be immediately invalidated
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For me it's GF2
>How the FUCK do you do this?
you focus on matching whatever fruit for the bird you picked, then hope you get lucky.
that's for little Gui obviously
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You are aware that's a loop of the pornhub intro zing right?
140 is literally all you need with RM
ez cleared moc and div U 5-6
I love my Firewife!
>cucks fartline
Sorry to say this, but you might be actually retarded. I've never played candy crush games before and I easily got the max multiplayer score in less than 4 games. At no point did I ever think it was difficult or that I had to actively think either.
Dont forget your medication
>honcuck shart fail
god I love being a cuck
Don't forget to dilate 3 times a day for the rest of your life.
I've always been partial to Honkshoe Starbucks
How to get over 4096 coin in DU?
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I'm inviting him to my wedding with Topaz, because I know he would give the best gifts.
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honk shoe
honk shoe
Honky Star Snail
It'd also be weird if the groom didn't show up
1) Get lucky and obtain the curio that converts all of your blessings into fragments at the end of the run
2) Get the gossip curio and the golden coin early and then focus on doing adventure/reward domains, then pray for a investment device occurrence and pick the bottom one
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fofo expy when?
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Is Penacony supposed to be about the Death of both Disney the company and Walt Disney himself? Clockie parting farewell to Misha reminded me of it.
We know, Arlan
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>How do I [BLANK] in DU

we have a system for that, it's called GAMBLING
that's why you're banned from jarilo topaz
But I'm the groom...........
Don't know what you're talking about but that Lumine tummy has my attention
Oh, you having a double wedding alongside Topaz and Aventurine? Who is the lucky girl?
Yall say Aether lost, but he canonically gets to fuck THIS???? Yea I kneel
nice dead general retards
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You wont kick him out for Feixiao...right?
I just checked and they are currently arguing over hebe vs lolis.
Legitimate question: how are they ever going to top Penacony?
I feel like this was the peak and they can only go downhill from here
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That old bait again?
Loom is Dawei's way of apologizing to straight men for putting Aether in the game.
Nah he doesn't. If Aether were a incestbro, he wouldn't be avoiding his cute and hot sister for so long. Just one more to the pile of proof of Aether being a fag.
>use SW bird
>get 4 blueberries literally no where close to each other on the board
Karate kid but March 7th
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Yes I will roll for my wife Miyabi.
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we're in deep sleep like the Tuna.
what relics should I use on gallagher with Firefly
what a femcel
>>use SW bird
That's on you.
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I thought he was looking for her the entire time?

It's not enough but I appreciate it
Hopefully the main story in 3.0 won't be ruined by re-writing hell too, then it can easily top Penacony.
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For me, it's Topurine
Well, monthly pulls got me E2 for Firefly. Now what?
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They won't. Savor the moment, all that will be left is bittersweet memories
recently started the game, how long does it usually take before a character's banner gets reran?
I've got firefly and ruan mei, but I am kicking myself for not starting when Acheron was released, how long would it be until Acheron's banner is reran?
you're supposed to quit for ZZZ you dumb fuck
They won't and they can't. It's been the same in Genshin ever since the end of Inazuma.
yeah I'm ready to zzz, today's been a long day
literally just stop being in space China
>we're going back to space China next
Nevermind, you're right. It's all downhill from here.
Next planet will be GoW 3/LB5 of kino
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Nothing will ever beat Firefly-Penacony KINO. It's the literal apex, the peak of this game. It's all downhill from now on desu
>it's called GAMBLING
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It's couched in a lot of metaphor but basically Walt Disney was cripplingly afraid of death. He
>Would not allow the concept of death to be spoken in his presence
>Refused to discuss any medical facilities in his parks
>Exploded on his lead analyst when presented with a statistical analysis of the mortality rate of the Experimental Prototype City Of Tomorrow
so you can see that he was a little obsessed.

There's really a LOT going on with the man, more than I can discuss here but the short of it is that he was a tyrant who wanted what was best for his subjects and didn't care about curtailing personal freedoms to accomplish it. His planned cities made no amenities for the poor because you'd have to have a job at the company to work at them. You wouldn't be able to have a vote or government representation because that would restrict his ability to govern so you couldn't live there for more than 9 months of a year due to US Law. Every product in your house was chosen for you, and children would follow a strict schedule and have to hang out in designated locations with approved activities and supervision.

On the more personal side, Walt was as infatuated with the past as he was with the future but in a backwards way. Walt hated cars and traffic, and his largest battle in life was trying to advance technology enough that cars and traffic would no longer be necessary. Primarily because: Cars and traffic did not exist when he was a child.

His whole life he fought to revolutionize the human condition just so that things would be like they were when he was an innocent and carefree child. And he would use technology and horrible human rights violations to try and force it into reality.

This of course ties in with the theming of penacony in a few ways, both by having a mastermind who's beliefs were rooted in his childhood, and the governing body not wanting it's subjects to have any freedom to screw it up.
nice cheeks, think I'll pinch em
>jade too old to be apart of the 4p
>I thought he was looking for her the entire time?
Only during the whatever old kingdom time, he avoids her now that she's actually awake.
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I am going commission more firefly hentai next week and the question is do you want her fellow clones soldiers or Ruan Mei in the same situation as she is?
Now save for snek girl e2s1 bwo
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>be genshin impact
>release male character
>T0, account literally bricked if you don't have him, will get shilled for years to come
>release female character
>literally a 4 star, if you're lucky you'll get one abyss where one of the enemies is weak to her element
How long until this happens with our game?
is it really fucking more space china again? That segment was probably the worst part and it nearly made me drop the game. If I didn't know penacony was right after I may have quit, and when the game was first out before penacony hit I definitely would have quit at space china
2pc SPD
2pc Break
Planar: Kalpagni
Focus on SPD (you want him to be faster than her)
LC: Multiplication
At E1+ you want to also farm for EFF Res substats as he gets a free 50% buff at the start of battle so you only need 50% in the character screen to become debuff inmune.
NTA but if thats true, thats a likely inspiration. I didn't know that about Walt. Thanks.
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>penacony ends just in time for ZZZ to siphon all our players
gros it was a setup
probaly not too long Black Swan from 2 patches before Acheron is getting a rerun next patch and there have been rumours about a special rerun banner because 2 new 5 star per patch made the cast a little too bloated for the rerun system we have now
Silver Wolf instead
Even with the rewrites, looking back Penacony had a lot of nice things going for it
>fun classic americana aesthetics
>sympathetic or at the very least non hateable villain
>kino final boss and build up
>male characters are actually pretty likeable, especially Gallagher
>lots of nice songs
>first time the astral express teams up and gets to use the train as a weapon
Penacony is like the Duelist City arc in Yugioh if Belobog is Duelist Kingdom. It's just downhill from now.
really kalpagni over fleet of the ageless?
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>Penacony quests and exploration done
>Done with Wuwa 1.1 stuff
I'm ready
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This video covers it pretty well, and yes Mr. House was also a Walt Disney stand-in.
ZZZ is not 'siphoning' anything except the cum of the few troons and furfaggots that install that piece of garbage.
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/fa/ hunters
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Uh, her name is Topaz? Let me make this clear. I am the one marrying Topaz. Aventurine, her good friend and coworker will be supporting us at the wedding. Jade will also be there with a large "IMPREGNATE HER" sign in the frontrow.
nice cope, faggot
>gachasmack dropped the n word
dude's black? I've seen tanned while people with darker skin
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It involves the Swarm.
You won
>plays furry game for faggots & troons
>somehow I'm the faggot
lol. Who's coping again?
I don't really think Ratio is /that/ young to be fair, he should be 30 at least.
Jade is gonna get his old squad with Opal and Diamond though, trust.
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>animal posting
We are so back
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Any Ruan Mei cosplayers in the chat tonight?
not interested in zzz. the major turn off for me is how they copied sunset overdrive and high fi rush designs.
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Why do artist draw Stelle like this?
I'm ready for porn of Ellen Joe.
Can someone direct me to the CCP's cultural infraction form? I want to make them aware of ZZZ's furry and faggot pandering, and how one of the characters is literally dressed in an S&M bondage outfit.
You're right about all of that.
I think Penacony was good overall, but the setting and side-quests were great and the main quest after 2.0 lackluster. Thats why I think 3.0 can top it, if they keep that quality and keep the main story good too. Penacony's wasted massive potential.
I kinda felt they pulled the "train as weapon" card too soon, that should have been reserved for a bigger "in their darkest hour" moment.
Love Hotaru
Hate Hanabi
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>2pc break
You are better off slapping 2pc healing%
yeah you're the faggot, you keep thinking about gay sex
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Firefly won. She will be the last big banner HSR has. Screencast this post.
Firefly expy in ZZZ and Genshin soon
Nice cope, turbotroon. Don't you have your nightly dilation to worry about right now instead of projecting?
furries raped you
Considering that it's literally the opposite for us, never.
I never got the impression Ratio was older than Sigga or Topaz, but it's a possibility when you think about it. But I guess it would make sense if it were Jade > Ratio > Sigga > Topaz in terms of age gap
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Since you mentioned House, Andrew Ryan and Rapture in Bioshock also has parallels with how Penacony was made and designed for. A prison complex that became lavish tourist spot for people who wanted to abandon the miseries of normal life.
Because we're being put on maintanance mode while Mihoyo focuses on ZZZ and then Genshin 5.0
Seek help you sick fuck.
FUCK pagfly her stupid ass fucking left us with the deadest week of no content the game has never fucking see before
I FINISHED and 12s stard every available content, du 6 and the story

FUCK YOUR RETARDED WHORE WIFE, forced garbage for those in the philipines and

kek, what a little faggot. Now say it without crying
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>Silver Wolf
God I love women in suits. I blame Gilmore Girls.
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>she will break records
>she will break records in Japan
>she will be the last big banner HSR has
The bar keeps getting lower lmao
If you are farming Gallagher it's very likely you're permanently enslaved to BE mines (Firefly), might as well save TB Power and just recycle the Firefly pieces you get.
Kalpagni gives him BE% and SPD, if you're using him outside Firefly teams then you use Fleet or Keel.
Bro... I need time to go on a honeymoon with my wife Firefly we can't be getting too much content...
Gallagher is so chad he doesn't need healing%, but the more break he has the better he becomes
Gallagher is more of a hybrid sustain + sub-DPS, especially with firefly since she forces fire weakness so he can go ham alongside her
FF looks like a retard here.
furries also raped your mom while you watched
keep seething acketroon
firefly won and you lost
Someone got set ablaze
He doesn't need anything more than an outgoing healing % body to sustain well. Better to get his break effect as high as possible for better damage.
I can't wait for those anons to do what they promised and make sure normies know who waterkuma is, the fallout is going to be fantastic.
Genshin is dead until 7.0 since they'll be focusing on ZZZ and then their animal crossing farm sim game.
You're the one crying and shitting his pants because some rando shat on your gay furry game mate.
I knew there was another Walt-like in gaming somewhere but it skipped my mind.
What a fun post
>use himeko more than my JY these days
>himeko has his cone
anybody else make a fatal mistake like me?
I said say it without crying faggot, do as you're told lol
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If only there was another game releasing during the next week you could play hmmm
RM+HMC+What is real+Kalpagni already gets him to 300% BE for me, I rather have bigger heals
get a room already
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Honkai star rail?
>What is real
Slap that shit off him, Multiplication is better.


That's dumb just let him do more dmg with high BE
Spam or underage I can't tell sometimes
>just let him do more dmg
Anon, what do you think happens when he gets 20% more turns?
Neck yourself already you pathetic little faggot. Waste of oxygen.
There are at least 3 concurrent metlies at the moment, yes.
Basically in the same ballpark, Himeko is using his cone while my trophy husband sits on the bench. Even Seele got off the bench. Jing is by far my most useless 5*
kys samefag lol
>Multiplication is better.
Only if you have sp problems, my FF is E1
What is real is a 20% damage drop at equal investment levels compared to Multiplication.
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His damage is not noticeable in a superbreak team, or at least that is to say, the bonus from 24% break effect is not noticeable.

What is noticeable is an effective 20% SPD increase using multiplication which will feed your carry, preferably firefly, 20% more SP and also deal Superbreak pips on basic ATK 20% more often.

Sound unintuitive but if you think about it, it makes sense.
Trying too hard for that screencap, bro.
Why are there so many unironic trannies and groomers here?
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Just take it easy man
if you have a break effect rope, you use multiplication
if you have an ERR% rope, you use what is real
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Firecutie saved Star Rail and is the best
JY carried early game then got benched as expected (Seele did too). Now my Himeko is E3 and uses his cone while blasting Pure Fiction
I should also note that this is assuming you have his trace that advances him forward upon using ultimate
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I still bring out my Seele on occasion, such as Quantum-weak MoCs, but I can't remember the last time I used Jing Yuan.
Jade's banner will be brutal
Is she in a giant rice cooker what the fuck is going on in that picture?
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>a shipshit feet kronii
>a shipshit fox faggot
>a shipshit le stronk chinese general with universe's mandate or some shit
>and a couple more chinkies who are just gonna be as insignificant as fofo the reddit
This game is gonna be an empty desert by the time sunday comes out
Bro that's his A4
Not even his A6, what are you doing
anon has never done his laundry before.
If FeiXiao and Pinky really are shipshit, it's unironically over. Like there's no going back. I guess it's better than being /u/shit or homoshit but still
>another sn**d melty
The "shipshit" brownoids are here
Ants broke your caps lock?
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that's not a... eeeehhh I guess it's *supposed* to be a washer or dryer but the back on it is really high. Is she falling in or is she riding it for vibrations?
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Worst Clara post I've ever seen
Imma let you finish, but FIREFLY IS THE BEST GIRL OF ALL TIME
Sunday drip when?
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The Nip VA for the Sigga revealed that he was given the voice direction to sound like a rapist when speaking to the MC. But then again that's just him speaking about voice direction he was given and not him projecting onto Aventurine.
Are you one of those chinese that mald over males? A guy and a girl interacting doesnt mean they are fucking
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Just got another text from Jade threatening me to impregnate Topaz. We're young and trying to take things slow and I know how much Topaz values her work... but in due time, I feel like we'll be ready. I'm still just a lowly IPC grunt, but I want to support her as much as I can!
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>kys loser
Well that wasn't really the Astral Express but the "Compass".
It's just how Asian people do their laundry.
if i have aventurine e0s1 and gallagher e6, is there any point on rolling for another sustain like huohuo? i can't think of any other sustain i would want at this point
In a game like this, it doesn't matter. If they're closer to each other than they are to (You), it's a problem and can lead to cucking.
Is there a single main story in HSR that hasn't been rewritten?
Lingsha might be broken but we will have to wait and see
If you main DoT then yeah
Oh boy it's another ship for (((you))) argument again. Get some new fucking material.
>Just got another text from Jade threatening me to impregnate Topaz.
This reads like Jade is threatening you that she will impregnate Topaz. Which is also much hotter than your stupid ERP, so thanks for that.
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Literally every time you people seethe at a voice actor for a line it's always the case it's either directly from their script or part of the direction they received. Blame trannyslators.
>If they're closer to each other than they are to (You), it's a problem
Damn then I guess Jing liu and Fu xuan are c*ck shit too
Personally can't wait for the Lycaon diaper art honestly
ZZZ also looks more fun than Genshin and Star Rail combined so that's cool too
Churin really does look better without the dumb chest window, I'll forever resent that design bit.
Stories are rewritten a lot more often than you think, ideas don't mesh with development, or are hard/impossible to implement, or the character just evolved and some early quirks aren't as needed.
For example Firefly was written as a "she never saw a single day of battle, she was found sleeping in a cryopod by the SH"
The second bit is fine but the first one just makes no sense and it would've been very puzzling as to why SAM has a high bounty.
That same bit also had that the SAM armours were made of Swarm corpses, this was rewritten into Glamoth using the same propagation powers to create the AR soldiers.
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how does /hsrg/ feel about the current state of this general where only fireflyposters remain
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
>no firefly cosplayers are posting here.
Topaz poster are morphing from fun dudes posting asses and tits into cringe erp retards. And I don't like it.
Women don't have penises, dumb troon
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I just shit myself
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Weird ritual post bwo
Well you see...
I love Firefly,
so I love Firefly.
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They have sci-fi tech, I don't think she needs one.
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sparkle is just simply sexier
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>Churin really does look better without the dumb chest window, I'll forever resent that design bit.
He looks the part with a proper suit.
I mean, yeah pretty much? That's why nobody cares about those whores
Its 1 dude
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GO TO THE BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God I want to RAPE Stelle
He must have a cuck fetish because he keeps posting despite him getting replies about Sigga.
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What the hell?
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God I wish that were me.
I love churin.
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You're right, I'll supply the semen.

I don't care what you like

>caring about shippers "cuckposting" me with a homosexual man. They post some good Topazs sometimes atleast.
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She pawned one off someone else.
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Dont rape slobs.
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this happens to you way too often you should look into getting diapers or something
>The Nip VA for the Sigga revealed that he was given the voice direction to sound like a rapist when speaking to the MC
You're lying right?
Game really went downhill after Acheron (Raiden MK2)
always been curious about something
who the fuck is sigga?
Its more like MK4
Like what?
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Can you guys recomend me a second team ?
points if I can use sparkle or ratio
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sam used to be jarvis btw (Source: revealed to me in the dreamscape)
nothing about Firefly integrates with the pre-2.0 persona of Sam being "the most ruthless and efficient Stellaron Hunter"
maybe it could still be the case and they're just holding onto that switcharoo
fun bug fact: at 0:47 on the Glamoth animated short Firefly says "Affirmative" but SAM says "Right"
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The Sigonian
Topaz's husband
Jade's slave
(My) nigga
More like HI3troon pandering killed this game
Also if you're just concerned with hitting the 360% breakpoint during ult, the stat goals are even more forgiving
My Firefly is at 2354 ATK and 166.5% BE but she hits over 360% BE every battle with Aeon, assuming you pair her with a 4pc Watchmaker HMC. This ATK total could be easily 2500+ with just 2 or 3 ATK% substats. Mine is lower because my planar is a +12 purple ATK%.
She is very easy to build and can carry you through a lot of content without spending too much fuel
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NOT YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*lets out a stinky gurgle*
some trannoid here always shills m*les by calling them "our nigga xD" sigga is just nigga sigonian ie awormurine
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Not the first time it happened
Sparkle QQ Pela Bailu
If your QQ is under E6, replace her for Ratio and Bailu for Gallagher
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People who think the JP VA don't interpret the character in their own way are retarded.
In that same interview he also mentions that his reaction to Ratio betrayal was just saying "Doctor~!"
Jing Yuan auditioned to be SAM in May 2023 and he was immediately told SAM was just a voice changer and that the pilot was a woman.
SAM was never an AI or an independent thing.
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Feixiao better love ths shit cause I have a bunch of good pieces of it, while getting dog shit for FF
Uh oh negronian melty
Where did OUR NIGGA touch you
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He Who Runs This Gen
>this was the peak
Why are zoomers this retarded
FF - HMC - RM - Gallager/Loucha
Ratio/QQ - Sparkle - Pela - Loucha/Bailu
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Reminder that you're literally killing your Firefly if you're running around the overworld as her
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>CTRL+F firefly
>48 results
Sparkle+QQ with either Ratio or Asta (for hypercarry). You don't have much else, since most of the other 4* need HMC to do damage.
Ok but where does say rapist or anything about TB... I'm not sure what you're trying to argue here
I peed my pants..
unfortunately my QQ is only e3 but I will invest in pela, is she really that good ?
I'm telling you that the other anon was lying but that the JP VAs still interpret the characters their own way much like EN actors do.
Pela is a universally useful debuffer that can spam her ult.
>try to do bird event
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Thanks for your guides bro, been hitting the relic mines and got my Firefly to a much better place than before now.
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Sparkle Ratio Lynx Xueyi if Xueyi is E6
Now THAT is a deadly as fuck team
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I did not care for Cocona
where are your debuffs
>Every person that has posted their Firefly has her at E2
Mihoyo won.
I am hoping they can use the same relics and can swap based on weakness.
Do you know how Ratio works? He's gonna have a 40% chance to follow up and he's gonna do no damage.
Penacony was good but it's not THAT good.
There are things that can be improved.
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Alright, I admit it. I like Firefly and I rolled for Firefly.
Ratio Sparkle Pela Luocha
Ok, I didn't ask though
dead thread
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We need more hag foxians with ptsd. Thats a fact
maybe people in /zzz/ will fall for your shitposting there if you're bored
Firefly won
Most of these team suggestions are retarded, which makes no sense since this is the literal free 5* that everyone has on their account. Don't tell me most of this general has Ratio unbuilt?
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Yinlin will revive the game
Firefly slow ass banner killed the game
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I care, I asked
>but that the JP VAs still interpret the characters their own way much like EN actors do.
Nobody said otherwise. The difference is how they try to force that interpretation or intentionally pander with it. For example, JP Sigga VA just says he thinks Ratio and Sigga are like teacher/student, he says he and Topaz are close collaegues and that Sigga has trust in his Stoneheart coworkers. Normal interpretations, and not weird homosexual pandering like making a line more suggestive
v3 soon bros
Jadegods are going to eat so good
shant be levelling huntbricks
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anon from yesterday, I took advice and used Bailu, Asta, Xueyi, and Herta as my second team
I now got a hanya and yukong, are they worth replacing someone on the 2nd team with?
Please stop this slander. ZZZ is a cute and funny game. 6/17 of the launch characters are cunnies
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I wish DU would at least let me choose the boss because Argenti counters completely my Boothill there
>keeps getting the name wrong from all the worms infesting his brain
many such cases in homos
Hanya can replace Herta.
Yukong isn't really worth it to use at the moment.
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No but people who use Ratio use him with Topaz and Aventurine.
She won and you lost
>hanya and yukong
Hanya is discount Sparkle, Yukong is for sex only, she is pretty hard to use, specially at E0
This team requires at least one of their LCs for consistent uptime on debuffs, or replacing Robin with a debuffer for your amplifier. If people don't know how Ratio works then they're probably gambling with RNG on his FuAs for no reason lmao
Why is every EN VA a tranny or some flavor of faggot pushing their laughably naive kike propaganda /instead of just reading the lines and following voice direction as is?/ And what can they realistically do to not make them seem like the stock of voice actors?

OP was about the actors not just reading the lines as is without interpretation and following what the director says, don't move the goalpost to "well they're interpreting it in a good way!"
He fell off after Adventurine and then doubly again when HMC came out so I switched over to Topaz Adventurine HMC and Robin
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My single target img dps? Why Welt of course.
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Okay, fuck it, I lied. I skipped Firefly.
I should also state that xueyi is E6
the game has given me like 20 copies of her
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This is the first time I even heard of this team
you can still get her, bro
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It's up for download
weltGOD i kneel
This comp needs an explanation. 3 supports and a sus.
I want more fuel!!!
I was gonna give it a chance despite the furryshit content but apparently something is trying to tell to not do it
why's this shit so big wtf
I want to fuck Ellen so bad.
where is your fucking DPS lmao
There is no furry content in ZZZ. Stop this Enigmata.
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>50 GB initial download
This shit is a bigger clotshot than the vaccine
But I will do it for him
Gimme fuel, gimme fire. Gimme that which I desire
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Featuring Caelus from Honkai: Star Rail
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You need Topaz cone and to use his technique on MoC. I love the character and he is a great DPS, but his gimmick will be his downfall once another proper FuA DPS comes out, unless we also get a FuA support with debuffs that is as good as Robin that is. At least his sig is amazing
Supposedly come with all voice language packs, genuinely stupid.
Wait if it needs 100gb to unzip doesn't that mean it's size is actually like 50gbs?? on launch none the less??
I love Birefly!
>There is no furry content in ZZZ
then what is this shit >>484318092
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But does it have a Raiden?
u sure? >>484318092
Fucking retard mhy I will only ever use chink voices just let me select that shit before I download it
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Yeah, that's to be expected. We are ballin till Opal but for now it's what it is.
Unless they make another Hunt Imaginary FuA character that doesn't rely on debuffs specifically, Ratio will probably have a place since you can just switch any FuA DPS into the shell team of Topaz/Aventurine/Robin. Just rotate based on the weakness of the enemies you're fighting.
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Remember to practice drawing hands
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I wanna go on a Tron type virtual adventure with Silver Wolf.
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Save up
Where the fuck is v3
No, I just said I'm waiting for Opal.
>instead of just reading the lines and following voice direction as is?
Nigga keep up with the discussion. How do you conflate a JP VA having an normal interpretation about his character in an official interview to a ENG VA pushing faggotry where there originally wasn't in the original text? Or actively engaging in homofaggotry on his xeet?
Be could be abundance for all we know
That foot is horrible too
Leaks said she's Wind and we don't have a consistent idea of her kit since they said she does literally every playstyle at once for some reason.
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seems to me that the JP VA was just making shit up with 0 voice direction just like the EN and you're just a moron.
>Nip worshipper still pissing and shitting the thread over his EN hate
No one cares dude, move on
Yeah but I'm obligated to roll anyway because IPC.
I really doubt he won't be a DPS considering his alleged personality though.
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>I'm gonna choke out the robot
Silver you fucking moron
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me n ur mum xD
idk hoyo is pretty random about matching personality and lore to playstyle sometimes. look at gallagher, there's basically no reason why he should be a sustain and yet he is
>gameplay = lore
>nitpicking this hard
He said he realistically misinterpreted something (like all VA do) and had to make "small adjustments", not actively indulged in homo headcanon on and off the job. Are you fucking retarded? You have to be a fujo to defend this shit
>I'm obligated to roll anyway because IPC.
You coukd get both since he aint coming out any time soon
>doubt he won't be a DPS considering his alleged personality though.
Game mechanics rarely match what the characters are in lore, Aventurine has 0 self preservation and yet thats his path
>has 0 self preservation and yet thats his path
Yeah but he never dies so it checks out
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For CN gacha JP dubs, they literally hire for name recognition, not talent. Almost every single JP VA is just phoning it in for the paycheck.
If you want good JP VA play Yakuza or Persona.

JP dub: Bland, lifeless delivery. lack of emotion/intensity in key scenes. Minimal effort put into character voices. Overused tropes (genki girl, edgy boy, etc) with no depth. Dialogue often sounds rushed or phoned in. They're not giving 100% like they would for an anime or major game release, it's just another paycheck.
>Jing Yuan auditioned to be SAM in May 2023 and he was immediately told SAM was just a voice changer and that the pilot was a woman.
SAM was never an AI or an independent thing.
This still makes no sense because mannerisms and intonation should still come through in a voice changer. instead, it feels like everyone has +300% confidence the moment the SAM voice starts
Are you saying EN is talented?
Dumb pastafaggot
ah, it's you
he didn't say anything about the EN voices? you are literally making up someone to argue with
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For Global gacha EN dubs, they literally hire for name recognition, not talent. Every single EN VA is just phoning it in for the paycheck.
If you want good EN VA play GTA or Warcraft 3

EN dub: Bland, lifeless delivery. lack of emotion/intensity in key scenes. Minimal effort put into character voices. Overused tropes (quirky girl, edgy boy, etc) with no depth. Dialogue often sounds rushed or phoned in.
They're not giving 100% like they would for a TV series or major game release, it's just another paycheck.
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He is saying they don't hire talented people in CN and JP, how about EN
He didn't mention the CN dub.
Why so fixated on EN when it wasn't even mentioned in the post? you know that's not the only other language he didn't mention
Don't you have some ampo to eat?
I love her so much it's unreal.
Is this the new pagpag
Stelle really is femcel coded
https://youtu.be/qxo5BUBNoGU?t=11176 (Alejandro Saab on SAM)
SAM and Firefly were always intended (as far as we know, if they were rewritten to be the same it must've happened so early it barely mattered) to be one, with Firefly being the pilot.
Back when HSR first released we got the first batch of leaks, in them SAM was a Fire/Destruction unit and we got some datamined likes "about" him (like Blade saying that "Sam yearns for life")
One month after we got this leak https://streamable.com/wo8utu of a new character, "Firefly", using a phone indicating that she was a playable character, yet none of the dataminers had found data as to which path or element she was, this was unlike every other character who had a path and element assigned to them.
Pair that with Alejandro Saab's audition at the time and we can piece together that the writers always intended SAM and Firefly to be the exact same person.
We got our first look to SAM in August during Kafka's myriad celestia and a month after Stepleaks leaked Penacony and with it the bomb that Firefly=SAM was dropped.
At no point of known development these two were thought as different characters.
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every hoyo girl design is better than their male counterpart except for stelle if you disagree you are just coping
why jade?
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What's with the White Knighting with the EN vas lol
So this just happened
Why are the divergent universe rewards time limited? I dont understand why they are forcing us to do this crap noone asked for. Im only level 17 and thats just doing the weekly SU.
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>What's with the White Knighting with the EN vas lol
They're my friends
are they talking about the Thai-Burma Railway during WW2?
give it to me
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No, it's a HSR (high speed rail) built recently. Indonesia went with a chinese one instead of Japanese, then begged Japan to help them build it later anyway, so they got called HSR beggars
The video the comment was on was about Japan possibly exporting their upcoming UK-Japan-Italy fighter jet, so people in the comments said not to export it to Indonesia because of the HSR incident.
v2 leaks will save us.
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>post purely talking about the Star Rail JP
>bro why are you replying to him he didn't even mention the EN voi-
Acting retarded is not a personality, not a hobby and in your case, not ironic. You're just retarded.
Which character do you voice, bro?
jiaoqiu changes
what about ps5?
more like jiaoWHO?
>Baiscaly 5* guinaifen now
i dun wanna roll for him nyooo
They're not.
It says X days left and it goes all the way to level 80.
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Did they nerf him?
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>E2 baseline
called it
>yunli got nerfed into oblivion
Its over...
His attack I guess, but no one really gives a damn about his dmg un the first place
oh I guess he's a dot character now at E0
yunli changes
will yunli be good at e0?
Post patch notes. What is this about yunli nerfs
>Gui but expensive
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March changes
Why does en have a separate va for sam then?
It says X days left for the next expansion. The rewards are not time-limited.
>E2 to E1
Yunli wonned
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>525% DoT
They gutted her holy shit. No ultimate spam I guess
damage nerfed but burn went from E2 to base and that trace change seems pretty good
>Yunli ult scaling went from 288% to 240%
>Now after doing a counter, her next counter is the ult version
I think that was a buff in general
do i roll for firefly or wait for a new hag to come? she needs her cone right?
>Fire DoTs
Guinaifen meta lets goooo
same shit in Thailand. Military took over and then started cosying up with the cinks to build rail ways, and nothing has come to fruition.
Didnt they just move the energy gain from a trace to her talent? Or am I missing something
Indogs make tons of mistakes but they actually did the right thing by abandoning the japs for chinks for their railway project
Had they stick with the japs then the indogs would still not have their bullet trains to this day
>Literally no one cares
>Probably 80% of the new planar sets I farmed have HP/DEF main stats

I want to strangle Mihoyo for this BS
No it's e4 to e2. E2 completely removed and given a shit e4.
>Well people undervalue effect res a lot I know even though it makes not bringing a cleanser more viable.
That means we get more feet close ups per battle
And does it says that explicitly or are you assuming?
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kissing Hotaru-chan!!!
Dotkeks will finally stop whining now
Why would we, she is free
>Now after doing a counter, her next counter is the ult version
she already did that, intuit slash is the lv 2 ult counter, they just shuffled around the descriptions and nerfed her damage
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Yeah I didn't see that. They just nerfed the ratios on all her ultimate counters.
I just try not to know anything about voice actors whatsoever for any of the languages and go with whatever I like best.
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Literally a pointless change
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Bro, the milestone is stay and keep updating with new reward till new DLC dropped.
It's integrated strategy on Arknight.
Or free TP grinding mode
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my only regret about boothill being a cyborg now is i can't lick his scarred toned body....
You know you can craft them? you can even pick the main stat you want!
His attack got nerfed but it's not like he does considerable damage anyway without busted crit stats
That was limited to only if you used her parry and didn't get hit
Now it activates every time, even without her ult
Are you all ready for the insane amount of cuck posting this will generate? It's going to be fucking awful.
>eidolon shuffling and 14% more crit damage after using ult
>multipliers nerfed by 1/5
holy nerf
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Actually e2 was added to e6. They also removed the permanent ultimate counter at e6 and made it more about just a bit of a damage increase eidolon.
who the fuck is master?
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No feet.
Me, I'm her master
She designates the target of her Skill as her Master
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We kneel, KING
no it doesn't, intuit slash is only when you fail her ult, it will only become cull when you use her ult again
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Fox LC changes
2.4 shaping up to being the easiest skip patch ever. it only makes sense it ushers in the rerun of houhou.
I hate the singer chicken
>march nerfed
Its over
>Cone nerf
No... my 4% increased enemy damage taken...
>tied to DoTbricks
>can't stack tier 1 and 2 anymore
into the trash it goes
am I reading this correctly, or do you need to enemies to have a dot AND unarmoured state to get cornered state.
They really want silverwolf to use her event LC forever
So is Fox an Acheron AND DoT slave now?
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Wild thing
You make my heart sing
You make everything groovy
Wild thing

Wild thing, I think I love you
But I wanna know for sure
Come on, hold me tight!
I love you

Wild thing
You make my heart sing
You make everything groovy
Wild thing

Wild thing, I think you move me
But I wanna know for sure
So, come on, and hold me tight!
You move me
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ahh shit
unique buff that only 1 can stay on the field
i knew they'd find a way to make it usable only on him (and gui)
How do I make my Light Cones stronger? I’m lvl 60 on all of my main team and it’s still saying their too low level. Sometimes I see a lock on the cones, does that play apart of it? Or is it locked if I’m not using the character on the cone.
Firefly is fine with the Herta Store destruction cone. You need Ruan Mei more than Firefly's cone. Think Firefly's E1 is considered more valuable than her cone for solving her skill point problems, but my Ruan Mei has her signature cone which helps alleviate skill point problems somewhat, so I haven't felt like I need Firefly's E1 at all. She's killing everything for me just fine, and any more investment would just be overkill to go for if you like her.
having DoT in base kit is good. now he can trigger all the special dot effects when it's DoT shilling MOC/PF/AS
so everyone got nerfed despite already being mid at best, very nice hoyo
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I just want to play honkai star rail, hoyo
Dot is fucking trash let's be honest here.
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I was trying to build pity...
She needed that 107 speed...
>expected Yunli buffs
>she got nerfed instead
I hate this gay devs
Pelabros wtf is this????
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ways to gallaghermaxx irl?
>Guinaifen burn
Fire DoT equal to 218.21% of Guinaifen's ATK
>Jiaoqiu burn
Burned state, and take 180% DoT equal to Jiaoqiu's Fire DMG at the start of each turn

Does Jiaoqiu burn DoT stack? if not, this seems awfully mediocre.
Ignore stupid warning dialogue.
I reach endgame with my team majority at 75 and it keep saying my team is too low.
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Welcome to the club bwo
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>dot in base kit now
Are you rolling DOTkeks?
Jiaoqiu got a busted DoT on his base kit, I think he won.
no, you're just an gambling addict
What a pity
>don’t have a ps5
>don’t wanna download more bloated crap on my phone
>too stupid/scared for optimal pc gaming
Forgive me shark women. I can not player your gacha.
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Thoughts? What should I focus?
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Why the fuck did they nerf Yunli? It wasn't like she was very strong, and her LC is still mandatory for her.
It's 225%, engimatabro
is this version 4 changes? because they SUCK
he lost
they trying to beat the powercreep allegations.
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>He think he can escape after he saw her naked
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I like Screwllum!
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bros... I did it...
>good with Acheron
>good with the dot hags as a Ruan Mei replacement
Sounds good
When Jiaoqiu uses his Basic ATK, Skill, or Ultimate to hit an enemy, there is a 100% base chance of dealing 1 stack of Ashen Roast, with 1 stack increasing the initial DMG enemies receive by 15%, and each subsequent stack increasing DMG by 5%.
Ashen Roast has a max of 5 stack(s) and lasts for 2 turn(s).
>When the enemy target is in the Ashen Roast state, they are also considered as being in the Burned state, and take 180% DoT equal to Jiaoqiu's Fire DMG at the start of each turn
Firefly says otherwise.
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I dont have an Attack % chest with Break Effect for Firefly

Is it better I use an Attack% chest with no Break substat...or a non attack% chest with Break substat?
Must be nice. Ive been at max pity and 50/50 death for a long while now. I should just get another job specifically to whale.
I would say an attack% with no BE
>rolled for the moeblob
>got Clara, the wrong one
atk% chest unless the other chest has 4 break rolls
It’s just nice that we’re getting nihility characters that are actually nihility and not more pseudo-destruction ones. Took 3 hags to get there but by IX they made it.
it's because of Firefly that they are starting to take the allegations seriously.
>same patterns
screwy's adopted daughter...
It's too late. She already did irreparable damage to the meta. Now there is 0 reason to pull for new shitty characters.
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40~% attack from mainstat alone worth of 32~% BE. So get one and keep farming till you get better one.

More attack I guess. Average firefly here have 2.3 - 2.4k atk
>>484321126 says 225, i guess it's listing the E5 upper limit
Those are the lv15 multipliers.
Ah okay
im still rolling for yunli because shes cute and seems fun
Acheron should've been Destruction unit. Nothing about her kit is related to nihility's core design in the slightest other than getting energy recharge from other nihility characters debuff
get an atk orb
Explain further
I'm rolling for Jade just because I have a femdom fetish and feel obligated to let MHY know to keep pandering to me.
she is nihility because she follows the path of nihility in her lore
if she was destruction it would make no sense
Multiply the attack by .8 and compare that to whatever break subs you have
Tell that to the general who follows the path of the lazy Aeon (Nous)
oh ok, is attack actually worth it with the trace?
Ssshh they know destruction is broken so they gave her special treatment
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I just started the world quest with Ruan Mei. Where is the option to lick the cake crumbs right off her cheeks? Where is the option to have her feed me cake?
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I would like some suggestions on how to improve my current roster, based on knowledge of future characters up to 2.7.

My strongest damage-dealers are E2S1 DHIL, E0S1 Jing Yuan with abnormally good Relics, and E6 Qingque (who can use Before Dawn). So far, I can still gain maximum rewards on all endgame modes, but I might struggle soon, especially with the Apocalyptic Shadow in 2.4. A major issue is that all of these damage dealers want my E2S1 Sparkle, and both DHIL and Jing Yuan want my E6 Tingyun.

I am not interested in Firefly.

I have a few options on how to proceed from here:
• A. Pull for Ruan Mei, possibly E1S1. She the best-in-slot buffer for neither DHIL, Jing Yuan, nor Qingque, but she is an improvement over my other options.
• B. Pull for Huohuo in 2.4's first phase, so that I can have a second limited sustainer, who has very good synergy with E2S1 DHIL.
• C. Pull for both.
• D. Save up for the next big damage dealer who wants neither Sparkle nor Tingyun, possibly Feixiao or the new Tingyun. (An issue with doing this is that one of them might want Ruan Mei.)
• E. Something else.

What should I do, here?
the ingame path has never been tied to the character's actual affiliation
pagyuan is not emanator
>they nerfed yunli
The fuck?
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Firefly has funny number. At 80 and cone, she exactly has 1000 base atk stat.
If you use atk orb with 40% something it mean it will gave you 400~atk which translate to 32% more BE but only visible when you enter combustion state
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You forgot me
>nerf a unit to make them more generalized
>dis a good ting bro
>trans heng
>pag yuan
> some suggestions
kill yourself homofaggot
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Which Lightcone out of these for Firefly?
retard, do you think fu xuan is a qlipoth follower too?
One of the factions logos is the queen of spades, and since waterkuma is the artist that isn't a mistake.
I wonder what the game would be like if it never stuck to just a set of elements/typings and just said “fuck it. Like instead of the 7 paths we’ve got now, they just kept going with new paths for playable characters and it’s not just something special they save for a patch launch in a year or 2.
Ruan Mei is a generically good character that would benefit any account, especially if you're willing to go to E1. I would make her a top priority.

Huohuo is a solid sustain choice, but some early leaks suggest that Lingsha might have some sort of SP regen built into her kit so you might want to wait for the 2.5 beta to decide if you want to pull Huohuo or Lingsha.

You probably don't need another DPS though you might have trouble with element coverage as AS can be kinda restrictive. I would prioritize Ruan Mei + sustain first.
T-They'll add some ice weak enemies now that we're back in space china right?
They aren't just gonna let her rot in jail right?
No no you see, they saw that one video about hyper carry Jaioqiu and got pissed the same way about critfly being a thing. So they made him dot shit.
take that cone off jingliu's dead dieing hands and give it to firefly
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The one with her picture on it
Aeon>Clara cone>Misha cone
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Victim don't get to choose
Yunli was already hitting meme numbers
Now they cut 40% of her scaling
There's still a patch left, right? She can still be saved
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I just love her so much. She's perfect. To think she's stuck in a game with 5% waifupandering and no way to marry or fuck her.
Don't feel like playing another game, but the setting, aesthetic, and battle maids are all very appealing to me, so I may try it out.
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NTA but Fu Xuan is sexy and I'll have so much sex with her that we'll bring forth a new Path of Conception
>short hair
It's practically a man.
Get RM and wait till new harmony/dps your choice out. Huohuo is not that worth
Ah, meant to reply to >>484317804 with >>484325352.
Oh, so the usual Mutt's law. Good to know.
No but emanators are super special birthday boys and they get to have a gameplay path that matches their lore path even if it doesn't make sense
>b-b-b-b-but Jing-
not an emanator
TLDR (Jiaoqiu)

Basic skill:
NERF: 180% -> 150% of Jiaoqius ATK

Ultimate skill:
NERF: 200% -> 100% of Jiaoqius ATK on cast.

BUFF: Ashen Roast is now considered a Burning DoT and will deal damage equal to 180% of Jiaoqiu's ATK

Trace #1:
NEW: At the start of battle Jiaoqiu regenerates 15 energy.
REMOVED: Reduce enemye Effect Hit Rate by 30%
REMOVED: While the field is active, deal additional fire damage equal to 150% of Jiaoqiu's ATK

Light Cone:
NERF: 2nd Tier of debuff is now gated behind DoT application.
BUFF: 2nd Tier of the debuff 18% -> 22% Vulnerability.
TLDR (Yunli)

Ultimate skill:
NERF: Intuit: Slash (Lv2 Counter): 240% -> 200% ATK to primary target, 120% -> 100% ATK to adjacent targets.
NERF: Intuit: Cull (Lv3 Counter): 240% -> 200% ATK to primary target, 120% -> 100% ATK to adjacent targets, 80% -> 60% ATK to the 6 additional hits dealt to random targets.
REMOVED: When an Intuit: Slash is inflicted, it will cause the next Intuit: Slash to become an Intuit: Cull.

ADDED: Each time Yunli is attacked she regenerates 15 energy.

BUFF: "Ward" effect duration incrased from 15 to 20 seconds.

Trace #1:
ADDED: When an Intuit: Slash is inflicted, it will cause the next Intuit: Slash to become an Intuit: Cull.
REMOVED: Each time Yunli is attacked she regenerates 15 energy.
Can't wait to finally e1 my Fofo next month
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v4 doesn't really bring big changes. They never really made Jade better either.
Sorry, I will call prison guard to attend you
I'm gonna use misha cone because i like eveyrone having their own stuff
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Confession, I don’t actually hate space China, I just find chinky names hard to remember so zone out the whole time
>yuripag dyketroon.
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Is 24 hours of intense passionate lovey-dovey babymaking creampie sex with hand holding with intertwined fingers and kissing with tongue and cuddling in various sex positions with Ruan Mei off the table?
Doctor of Chaos character when?
That would be a pain since weapons are tied to paths, so you'd have to constantly get brand new weapons the more paths they add.
Reminder thayt they localized Hanabi's cute japanese name to Sparkle but kept Jiaoqiu and Jing Liu. Lul.
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How much vulnerability does E0S1 Jiaoqiu give
Imagine corner her in a dark alley with three of your /hsrg/ posters...
>Guinaifen E6
Fire DoT equal to 240% of her ATK
30% Vulnerability
>Jiaoqiu E0S0
Fire DoT equal to 180% of his ATK
40% Vulnerability

Defend this shit.
The Japanese localized Huahuo's cute Chinese name*
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Only if you pick Caelus.
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Thank you for the suggestions. I will probably pull for Ruan Mei and possibly Huohuo. I will wait until next week and decide then.
I can't. Who knows what they are trying to cook here with these changes.
Destruction is lame
Nihility is kino
Simple as
please rape me
you forgot the acheron stacks
>Fu Xuan
Who do I use with Firefly
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>5* Guinaifen
They have to put the new 4*s somewhere
40% Vulnerability at E0 (5 Stacks of Ashen Roast)
15% Ult DMG Vulnerability at E0 (Field is up)
22% Vulnerability from S1
= 77% Vulnerabilty for Acheron
I thought we all skipped Ruan Mei because she was an animal abuser. Why does so many people in my friend list have her?
TLDR: Yunli is basically the same, but now she has an average of 20% less damage
Kinda big nerf if you ask me, hope they increase the multipliers a bit so is only like 10% less damage
nobody cares about your anal worm
Sar do not redeem air defense
she has delicious legs
>gets killed by the pig
The "Clara upgrade" (yunli) was too obvious, more obvious than gepard/adventurine
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I rolled her day 1 because she has sex hair.
A limited 5* at E0 is better than a 4* at E6? No way
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So what im reading is Jiaoqiu's lightcone is still good but only works on characters that apply dots correct? so characters like sampo, blackswan and gui can still use it right? but people characters like silver wolf and pela got fucked that's a win in my book if i am correct. his e2 being baseline is quite good even if his damage output suffers.
the fuck does all this even mean?
she's sexy and any straight man would want to creampie her
Shes one of the most future proof investments you can possibly have. There is almost no chance of there being a better general use support that any team can be happy to have, nor much chance of any break support being better than her.
how much speed does Firefly need with RM in team
And here I thought 1.6 is the most skippable patch. Looks like 2.4 is about to prove me wrong
~140 to reach 210 with ult.
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>There are those who claim that the Genius Society is made up of oddballs, madmen, lone wolves, geniuses with autistic tendencies, and those with social challenges.

>And as for Gary, he's been living with autism since he was a child.

Which Star Rail characters are autistic?
130 with E1 Yukong
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See: >>484306289
Jesus that's crazy. Definitely pulling E0S1
>1.6 skippable
>had the most meta character
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Marrying Topaz!
Inviiting the Stonehearts to our wedding!
Impregnating Topaz!
Diamond tries to kill me for taking his worker out of commission!
gui doesn't even come close to how fast he can build acheron stacks
if she had less make up or none at all, this video wouldn't be so cringe
Only retards here did that shit. No one else gave a fuck about that and/or found her hot so they rolled for her or they had lost the 50/50 and had to wait until now to get her again
>gui sidegrade homo
>clara sidegrade
why would anyone waste their tickets on this patch?
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>Hunt March base speed got nerfed so I can't get 161 speed with Ruan Mei + her own speed buff while having 70/132 crit with the relics I already have
>under the DoT state the wearer inflicted
And into the trash this once-broken LC goes. Not rolling for your homo fox.
I just want my e1 fofo and her cone
in retard terms. is jiaoqiu to acheron the same as ruan mei to firefly?
not even close.
S1 Jiaoqiu's lightcone and blackswan trust the plan.
All other options for Acheron are inferior to him so maybe for now, but i dont think his kit is that strong
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i guess you forgot jq gets +240% attack from traces. it's ok

firefly is literally unusable without rm
Acheron is holding up pretty well even with just Pela and Silver Wolf so not really
whos jq
>Imagine corner her in a dark alley with three of your /hsrg/ posters
Statistically, all three of them would be Fireflybros
And true Fireflybros would never cheat on her
They gutted her ult FUAs a bit but I'm still going to use her with Clara
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>More vulnerability
>more Bosenmori stacks
It's over for Guinaifen, back to being unemployed.
what when
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I think she's pretty chill
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Acheron already functions perfectly without him, while FF is a fucking brick without RM.
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your canon retarded gf..
Is this pink fox guy really that good for ACHEron?
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The Stonehearts reveal trailer will save this gen
I am patiently awaiting to see what my wife Opal looks like
sorry I meant 1.5
you roll yunli's cone for your clara duh
Who the fuck was using Gui in Acheron teams lmaooo
funny, that you think you have a choice
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Me. I don't have SW.
Me, because I am a newfag and only have Pela, Sampo and Gui as Nihility units.
Why can’t my Acheron and Firefly team DESTROY the game? I have them both at E0S1
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build them
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I don't have Acheron, but me.
roll more
Bro we already saw them
>almost all stonehearts will be cuckshit
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So that's how it is
uuuuh they're the two best teams right now? can your brain function?
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Silver Wolf is 100% getting replaced by Jiaoqiu for my E2 Acheron. I'll miss her...
I love you.
but ask yourself this: cute and sexy girl or gay as fuck pink fox?
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>have the red umbrella on splash art
>have the red umbrella in her trailer proper
>maybe the only solid Izumo, i.e. jap, thing in her design
>zero traces of the said umbrella in the game
What a fucking waste, desu. The umbrella is beautiful.
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She’s a little silly
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You already have a wife so
We'll always have Aventurine
>just straight up nerf to yunli ult damage, not adding anything
just fucking why? I'm legit one step away of dropping this shit game, I was so hyped for her
intentional skip patch so you check out ZZZ
I used her sometimes when MoC enemies had fire weaknesses so she could help break them. I swap characters in my teams a lot depending on what I'm fighting.
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Is JQ the brickest limited we've ever had so far? He offers practically no value beyond a slight improvement to Acheron teams which function perfectly fine without him
I'm glad that I don't have to roll for him
I don't have SW, so I use Pela and Gui for my Acheron. Gui can finally rest.
No? Jade and Argenti exist
What they did to Jade is far worse.
>you have this little slice, so you can't eat the rest of the cake
>they gave trailblazer a canon gf so players can't complain when they ship all the other characters
I understand now
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They're out of ideas, hsr is reclining
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Some QUICK Maths regarding Jiaoqiu on DoT/Kafka Teams
In a Kafka/BSwan team you usually run E6S5 (Lukacone) Guinaifen as cope in replacement of RM.
4pc Prisoner, 2pc Glamoth, Lukacone & 24 Substats: 10K DoT, 16% Team DEF Down, 30% Vulnerability

Jiaoqiu E0S1, 4pc Prisoner, 2pc IPC & 24 Substats: 11K DoT, 52% Vulnerability

He's not replacing RM or even cope Guinaifen, he's only ever good for Acheron.
Stop being a cheater
I really doubt it, though I'm still not gonna roll regardless.
>Seele powercrept to D tier with Arlan and Yanqing
>Jade is just...there
>Argentini isn't even a good DPS if C6'd
>"B-But Jiaoqiu bad!"
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No, because Jade exists. No matter how much my dick tells me to roll for Jade, I can't. They absolutely eviscerated her in favor of firefly and I hate them for it.
but she'll disappear after 2.3?
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>Firefly killed all future potential waifupandering for the foreseeable future
>Shipshit writer clearly in charge now
>Maintenance mode until 3.0 at the earliest
>shitty space china filler arc
>powercreep won't stop
Grim. I'm gonna have to take the ZZZ pill huh
polygamy is allowed in hsr
So he's just Top 4 worst
It's not allowed anywhere.
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Everyone thinks of BS as being tied to Kafka, but she works really well with Acheron too. AOE defense shred on a skill and applies lots of debuffs even off turn when new enemies enter to get Acheron's stacks up. With her E1 she even shreds all elemental resistance types. Don't really feel like I need JQ.
Does it matter if she disappears so long as she has zero fucking competition in the near future?
>Jade, Yunli and Jiaqiou are the next three banners
>they all fucking suck
is this the biggest row of skippable banners ever
harems are the norm in anime, sweatie
You wish
dont worry theres still time for all of them to get nerfed for no reason
No. I skipped 7 characters at some point.
If you can cheat on Firefly then she can cheat on you too
Black Swan works with everyone
She's a whore
Nah, most "harem" anime cuck out by the end and pair the protagonist with one (1) girl. That time is now for HSR. Nothing but Firefly until EoS.
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Da Wei is so generous, I get to infinitely save
>kakaurine fag is cuckposting again
I warned you hsrg.
If you have E0S0 silverwolf with event cone. It's a bigger upgrade to get e1 silverwolf than JQ. LOL.
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ok but does this mean that yunli doesn't powercreep clara anymore? 20% nerf seems pretty severe
Can we just all admit that HSR is getting stale? I moved to WuWa and it's simply miles better than HSR in every aspect.
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>they nerf yunli
>2 days before their new cunnyge releases
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>Aventurine out of nowhere
can't wait for more screwy x sw
Firefly isn't going to come back in any real capcaity, Mihoyo is well aware of the huge backlash she had from their main customers.
But I didn't even roll for her...
Yunli was the first character I've been excited for in a long time and they nerfed her by 20% when she wasn't good to begin with
Fixed a bug where Yunli (Destruction: Physical)'s Ultimate "Earthbind, Etherbreak" did not apply the effect described: "Yunli's CRIT DMG increases by 100% during the Parry".
What backlash?Chinks slurp her up like crazy
maybe you just like open world action games
Where is this cuckposting in question
that's why you should wait until we get the final version before getting excited
He isn't for you sis give up
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>Aventurine isn't for (You)
Then who is he for? He is a turbo galaxy slut, surely you don't believe he truly loves anyone.... right?
screeching xisters isn't their "main customer" if they were boothill would've beaten her sales
im tempted to skip him and just get his lightcone+blackswan and run acheron,pela,blackswan

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