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Previous: >>484294152

>Character Demo - "Sigewinne: A Bittersweet Cure"
https://youtu.be/_QusNJbJK7I (EN)
https://youtu.be/Ms4OaRiK_Ik (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Sigewinne: Everyday Correspondence"
https://youtu.be/xDpA6x0KMSI (EN)
https://youtu.be/IJVpn2jOafA (JP)

>Event "Endless Forms Most Martial" live until July 1st

>Current character banner: Sigewinne, Furina, Gaming, Rosaria, Noelle
>Current weapon banner: Silvershower Heartstrings (Bow), Splendor of Tranquil Waters (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
Mode bad.
Recycle it.
Why did Imaginarium Theater flop?
uh oh. newfag melty
Baizhu KINGS where are you?
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>they're skipping the T0 support and game's current best healer for team synergies
Couldn't be me!
I can tell nobody here bringing up SU has actually played star rail
SU and especially DU are fucking slow and boring as shit especially after the 40th time you've done it for the rewards
Much rather the simple mode that is imaginarium
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this has to be one of the shittiest commissions all over Teyvat
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Haven't seen anyone complaining about this, but I hate how IT is a domain and I can't switch Tabibito to someone else for screenshots...
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you better say goodbye to pedobait, they're not bothering with more potatos after this massive flop
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Nahida is really sexy.
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Because people just wanted SU in Genshin
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>limits your roster
>demands you use characters you don't use
>doesn't tell you how to play those characters
>doesn't tell you proper support setups for them
It's a bad event mode, but they made it permanent.
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>shitters and lazy asses have been seething for a day over IT
Non shitpost OP:
no bro, you have to wait for iansan to use that bait
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
I fucking suck so much...
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It didn't. People are just upset they cant Neuvtoilette every fight. It's unironically really easy unless you're extremely picky about who you pull for. And in that case, they can't fault the game mode over something they have direct control over.
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one will have to go... I can only top up that much
Ignorance isn't an excuse shitter
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>best healer
>T0 support
What's shitpost about the OP? Did you just mean to say you don't like it?
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This is why I got her the lightcone. It's not a huge increase but it felt wrong that the character I liked the most was without her lightcone. Even if it does almost nothing.
Hotaru Rabu
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its too late you waited to long and didnt even post it in the old thread
>>demands you use characters you don't use
>>doesn't tell you how to play those characters
>>doesn't tell you proper support setups for them
>It's a bad event mode, but they made it permanent.
skill issue
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>meanwhile in my world
how am i meant to respond to this
They're both really fast. DU was only taking me longer because I was trying out Difficulty 6. If you're an Acheronlet going for SU, then I'm sorry.
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I'm getting filtered by Imaginarium Theater, I got filtered by Act 6
It is when the game already has character demos and guides built-in, but the game just decides to hide them in this mode.
People have been waiting for new Permanent modes to be added for years. I think it's only fair that people are mad
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I love SU.
I do the modes for fun sometimes since there's still obscure grindy crap to unlock. Just 2 more to go on Swarm Disaster's hidden light thingies. It rewards almost nothing, isn't worth doing, I just do SD5 runs for fun.

Theater is NOT that. You don't choose your starters and there is almost no depth to the mechanics.
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I have 60 characters total and 48 of them are fully built. The reason? Waifu > Meta
I got my first Layla. She's really cute, I don't have any cryo characters built, and I don't have any shielders. How is she at C0?
Actual real poll this time

Reposting from last thread
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I got cucked by the cooldown...
Yea nice try lmao
It filters billions. The seething that I have seen on social media is funny as fuck
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i miss the bwuhposter
>make a bad mode
>pretend to feel superior because you dislike the mode, but also dislike the people who also dislike the mode
I don't get it.
I think playing with varied teams is literally the most fun part of Genshin Impact
>that image
Holy kino. Genshin could never.
I like this event because it lets me build teams with characters I dont have
yea i don't think i need to post anything
ill comeback when it's slow hours
>SU and especially DU are fucking slow

Don't out yourself like this bro. DU can be slow, but only if you choose to do the highest difficulty for no reason. None of the rewards besides 20 Jades are locked behind it
That's not my poll
This is
>Baizhu is a giga meta 3.6 character
>Instead of comparing him to fontaine's x.6 character he's compared to Chiori Lawrence
my problem is there aren't enough Geos or Cryos that I like enough to build, and I have the inkling that if I do build my Noelle, she'll just be in the initial cast anyway, and im not grabbing zhong dong, alpedo or itto just for theater
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>shieldless wanderer and arle
>dendroless clorinde
>no chevy trial
do i even need to doompost this shitass mode they really thought forcing overload and then not giving chevy was a good idea
fucking retarded ass devs
>people are draining resources for this right before natlan
Devilish dawei, thankfully I was smart enough by the end of sumeru to realize I should have my entire roster at 90 in case this would have ever occurred
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I like how they went out of their way to nerf Sigewinne's turn speed during her burst, proving that they could have done that for Neuvillette too but only chose to do so when it would nerf a female character.
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I wished the Hoyolab page showed off the awards too.
Charlotte heals more than she does for more tics off field and she's a 4star while Jean heals more than she does and she's Standard with Baizhu or Xianyun being the best Limited 5-star healers
i like the IDEA of it, but my run wound up just using really stupid dogshit teams with multiple onfield dps and supports that did literally nothing.
Same here bro. But I think it's a decent LC desu. It still beats out Maxed SU-cone
She is a reliable 12 second shielder, her best con is C1 but she still works fine at C0.
>Breezes through contents
>haha this game is for kids
>Faces the tiniest of push back, having to pick and choose teams
>Nooo this is bad design
>caring about synergy when IT makes you use random teams
>>shieldless wanderer and arle
Thoma is a trial character
>>dendroless clorinde
Should've pulled baizhu lmao
I don't, i have my favorites and i build around them
>with each female character the playerbase shrinks further
flopfus flopped
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501 years old.
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your friends with C6 chevy? dont tell me you skipped?...
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Then they should remove team restrictions but add overall buffs for different reactions. Everybody wins
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502 years old.
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I like rolling for one 5* every 4 months or so, and then using her (and a team of built around her) for the next few months until my next 5*, and then build a team around her next.
I just rolled Clorinde, so my current team is based around her, and it's really fun! And half the team is locked out of the new mode, so they won't let me have fun there.
Raiden is tailor made for hyper carry they aren't competing for the same role
can really tell who's first gacha is genshin by how they reacted to imaginarium
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It's way too fucking easy. You can literally just pick some random bullshit and clear in less than half the time.
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I mean I do have all the healgods.
But sadly, Kokomi's time as my reliable right hand has come to its end. I just don't want to be bound to circle impact as much.
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I'm /gig/'s only Baizhu owner and I use him all the time.
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I cleared Spiral Abyss with 36 stars for the first time because of the buffs from Imaginarium :3
then why has she been a deepwood bot on my team for nearly 2 years
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You can totally skip geo and its still ok, although Zhong is way too good to ignore to be fair. You can build Layla, Diona, Kaeya or Rosaria. All of those are great supports and half of them build for themselves with noblesse or any Emblem you can spare.

If i could finish this event with freaking Dori you can too anon, don't be stingy with your resources and only leave the artifact mines for a while.
your >B ? your thoma? your dodging? mobs die in like 2 hits why do you need to deal millions of damage?
>shieldless wanderer
they give you a trial thoma
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I just renewed my welkin
Don't need to spend money in HSR anymore
>great characters like Lyney
You have HIV
You have AIDS
You have GRIDS
You have HPV
You have Anal Worms
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It's pretty funny to be able to hyperbloom in this just because of sigewinne
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Well that post aged poorly by negative-8 seconds.
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Genshin Impact gameplay is getting stale

If Natlan were to save Genshit, how could it do it?
>Random bullshit
>Scara/Faru/Thoma comp for acts 1 and 2
>Classic overload comp for acts 3-4
>Aggravate for 5, 6 and 7
>Raiden hypercarry for 8

Not quite random bullshit.
Fuck me. Why did I ever think Mihoyo would give the trial Faruzan VV? She was useless in the final stages. Had to get 7 stars for the time being. Might try again once I leveled up my Chevy.
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>al haitham AND baizhu
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post something angry
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For me, it's Iansan.
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I fucked the Yaoyao bot and she told me she was too young for sex, you guys are fuckin liars
but SU is shit, even the new one, it's fun for the first or second time than it's a chore you're obligated to do because of rewards and planars
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she has VV... 2 pieces of it
>I'm rewarded for pulling
I'm glad mihoyo respects my investments unlike other trash companies
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3 more days until I can finally uninstall this game
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uhhhh, I already did it, it was pretty easy, but logistically im fucked if they combine cryo with geo (unlikely but it can happen), i started in march last year so im doing ok all things considered, i already have layla and rosaria built
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I have C7 Faruzan bros. What is she good at? What teams can she be used in? And I don't have that hatted faggot. I fucking refuse to ever pull for that disgusting twink
Is Tighnari good? I really enjoy his character whenever he shows up for story stuff.
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>but SU is shit
SU is the best!

>even the new one
Screwllum should be sued.
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I didn't like the Theater but the fact that new players are crying and shitting their pants over not being able to do it makes it all worth it. Keep crying newfags.
Why would she have VV she's an anemo DPS support lol
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maybe genshin could use a weekly chore. there is jack shit to do in the game right now.
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I like Imaginarium Theater and I'm ready for any element combination. I also got Wormveh from standard and I will build him too.
He was good before the VA change
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bro, update to the new launcher.
This. SU gets stale really fucking fast. Same shit with ER in HI3. IT isn't perfect but at least you get on play with random shit that you normally don't try out. SU is straight up auto/skip gameplay after the 1st few runs.
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501 years of pure fatness...
But half of the teams had dead weight characters with no synergy
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stop gaslighting people into rolling for cone
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she can be a decent dps on her own, very relevant now for saving vigor in theater
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No... it's just some chronic problem...
Only do it after you get E2
What weapon and set does she use bro? She's really cute so I wouldn't mind building her at all
i fumbled and picked by own thoma who didnt have artifacts and didnt realize
also the randomly put together teams feel awful to play while not being hard enough to force you to think
it was just slapping shit with 1 guy and 3 cheerleaders
>pigeon toed
what are you hoping for the natlan teaser on 4.8 stream?
Do you have Yae Miko?
It was her E1 I went for and I'm sinking every last jade into hoping for E2 before banner end.
After all, there's at LEAST 2 filler chink patches worth of trash for me to savechad back up.
Her E1 is godly and will allow her to retain relevance considerably longer.
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Why is Imaginarium Theater easier than abyss floor 10? It was supposed to be our new endgame content..
>it was just slapping shit with 1 guy and 3 cheerleaders
What game do you think we're playing?
His old VA shouldn't have done whatever he did then.
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If your not going to roll for faggotdouche, your only other options are, either the edgy manlet or turning the bird milf into the on field damage dealer.
which genshin is the designated girlfriend?
Because why not? She's not C6 so every little bit helps if you want to use her outside of Wanderer.
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not very well built, but I don't use him super often so it's fine

the one where you have to follow hte fucking slow ass melusine to the coffee stand is worse because you can't move fast
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>Raiden can be brought as a friend unit this month if you don't have her/do have her but have a friend with a C3R5 raiden or whatever
>can't be used at all next month
>is just a DPS in a sea of DPS since you can't even try to use hyperbloom unless you have Alhaitham/Baizhu and Sigewinne
>Sigewinne can be used but only if you have her this month
>can be used as a friend unit if you don't have her next month
>is a healer that also buffs off-field E (such as Yae, Raiden herself, C6 Faruzan's Q, Nahida next month, etc)
This argument is incredibly stupid because they both do different things and even have a pretty good incentive to be run in the same team, but if you have to pick one I'll pick the one usable in two seasons over the one usable in one season
Anyways post cute Siggy please
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Cute boar.
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I can only clear 11-3 in abyss, hard mode here is harder than that
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Too much fried tofu
>YouTubers now have to decide if they recommend characters for IT or Abyss
This should be fun
I do not.
she's boaring
Well I got the cone because it just feels right. Should I try and pull for E1 too? And maybe see if I can get lucky and get C2 against all odds? I also pulled RM's Cone so I don't have many jades left
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Get better soon, bro.

Bina being teased as the 5.2 weekly boss because she'd probably come out in 5.3ish then.
However, if she does come out then, I guess she won't be some Light element character which is very disappointing.
Genshin isn't allowed to have nice things like that
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I like both of the edgy manlets but man, we really need a female anemo dps.
Because it was balanced around shit trial characters I guess
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For me, it's Yaoyao.
>theater buff just makes the whole game easier
Well that's kind of okay but it's going to make gameplay clips even more retarded because retards are going to add it to the > list. Does the buff apply to Abyss too? I'm assuming not.
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>tried rolling for furina's weapon
>siggy bow
guess I'll roll for the slug
So? You haven't needed all 4 slots for a synergized team since like, version 2.1. Not in abyss, not in IT. DPS+Support+Support (depending on DPS, can only need one support) or Applicator+Driver.
i don't like raidentroons
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>skipping shotgun waifu
shiggy dig
nah, if its a 4* you get it, if its a 5* nothing changes, unless they're geo, then its always an upside
Where's the boar princess porn?
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She killed Billions
me on the left
last time i shot a bow was when i was like 10 at a camp. kinda wanna do it again
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>unlimited FPS
kek fuck dawei
>not charging
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Is this a hag or a hebe?
Ayaka, but she can't be compared to Firefly in terms of (You) pandering. Even Xiao has got more pandering than her.
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If we share our UIs, then we'll be able to play each other characters. Just saying.
wait what i thought the game wasnt out until july 4th
usually you swap to the other members this shit was diluc slapping a chicken with blunderer xinyan and lynette watching and giving resonance
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It does. That's why next abyss they're upping the HP values. So you're forced to use whoever they're shilling at the time
>That sideboob 20 seconds in
Holy Yum.
If you could barely beat abyss this month just use the boosted characters kek, can't believe mihoyo made the game EVEN EASIER and people are STILL crying
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Fischl but that only is for me.
I intend to help no one and be helped by no one
so how do you like the imaginarium theater?
>try rolling for siggy bow dupes
>get furina sword
every time
yeah, but you can predownload and mess with the settings
I facepalmed when I saw the teamwide global boost
it's so incredibly unnecessary
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based lone rangerGOD
me too
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>tfw you share your UID only to get this reply
three more dinos
It's always the cryo girls
I wouldn't be surprised if the cryo archon got up and raped tabibito as soon as he sets foot into her territory
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add me fellow lv89 utilitarian CHAD
UID 656636760
They should swap the cost of getting a buff and getting a character so you can fill up teams a bit faster, but otherwise it's really easy as long as you actually plan it out
Who gives a fuck, next month one of the three legal elements is hydro so you can just kill 2 floors with Furina buffs, 2 floors with Neuv, 2 floors with Yelan, and 2 floors with some hyperwhale Ayato or whatever
Nilou I think is doomed due to a total lack of dendro, so no blooming sadly
You guys don't actually think Nahida is sexy, right?
Any whales here lending their C6's
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>I also pulled RM's Cone
Man you got baited fuckin hard.
People don't actually think sometimes about what their future team will look like.
It's gonna be some survival/sustain character, HTB, and Firefly for certain... a 2nd break dps like Firefly kicks Banjo Mei out.
Hell, you could kick Banjo Mei out right now if you were a madlad who got Boothill and Firefly both.

Sadly for Banjo Mei, she was made before Super Break and thus she's just doomed to being quickly kicked out of her own niche since she doesn't do anything with the niche's gimmick.
I burned ~155-160 pulls in her during her 1st run, if it makes you feel better to know we share in suffering there.
Without E1 it does become muddier, the E1 is the entire reason Firefly could run with a 2nd dps.

As is so for all gachas, only pull what you want and you're comfortable with pulling without regrets.
I will still laugh when people regret skipping Siegwinne within a few months though.
If that happened to me, I'd probably remove all my friendlist and refraid from any form of multiplayer interaction forever.
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>new "endgame" has more time spent in cutscenes and dialogue than actually playing it
yeah ok, I think I'm done
best standard 5*
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Nahida is really sexy.
>using Neuv
Stopped reading right there. You have AIDS.
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>share my characters
>take all of the artifacts and put them with lv 0 weapons
cute and canon
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just for you anon
I don't remember which characters I put in the theater shared list though
you can install the game now you just can't login
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>want to roll
>Narukami shrine fortune was misfortune
Hurry up and give me great fortune.
that dude is going to feel like a retard once he realizes that you can only borrow 1 character per friend
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I did not regret skipping troonvillette
I did not regret skipping wormzhu
I did not regret skipping arletroon
I will not regret skipping shitgy
>duuude I need Endless treadmill content
are you a faggot streamer or what, play another games or go outside
.sexy really is Nahida
Threadly Reminder that Furina is for you.
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I have 3 /gig/gers already in my friend list and I'm happy with the state of things for the time being. Sorry bro.
White haired elves are sexy, so she's actually sexy. She'd even better if she was pregnant.
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I guess I can share my shared again
You can see the weapon and gear a character has on them before you invite them bro, you aren't trolling anyone
I use filters btw
your response, autist? >>484322801
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I think Nahida is really cute.
Because she is and my brain can't escape thinking about that fact.
I regret not rolling for Cld
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nta but iirc she wants 4pc ToM, not sure about her ER, ATK%/ANEMO/CRIT
i think is should 90/90 her for the new abyss stuff
Eh, I'll wait to see how it plays out. Getting 20% stats from a single character slot could allow for some team variance. This is making me wish artifact loadouts were actually a thing though because I hate manually swapping sets every time I want to fuck around with other characters.
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Don't regret getting RM's LC at all bro! My usual main-team is DOT so she will always have a place there. The extra SP also feels pretty good desu

What do you think about the upcoming Phys girl? She looks cute, but people are saying she's just going to be Clara 2.0?
She looks like a little girl so yes
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>charlotte [lie]
>jean [lie]
and reminder both of them are either energy blackholes or field time hoggers
wormzhu is getting demoted in 5.0 too
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maybe just a little.
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How would you make genshin exciting again?
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She failed to kill millions
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not at all
>You can totally skip geo and its still ok
Imagine skipping Albedo + Chiori.
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Sex with lolis
What time should I go to sleep?
Release girls that look like >>484323925
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I didn't get her LC, that pull count was just for E0 Banjo Mei...
I have won 1 (uno) 50/50 of like 12 limited characters in Star Rail. And most of those went to double 70+ pity.
Imagine actually having spare pulls...

Yunli has definitely got the legs and barefeet thing going but Clara was always my only E6 hope, and I did manage to lose enough 50/50s for that too. I don't even know what Yunli does, don't care either. Gonna use the chink wank patches to save.
Are we pedophiles?
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Which 3 poses did you guys choose? I spent my 3 Toy medals on Raiden, Xiangling, and Jean.
It's wild to me that Sony still has miHoYo by the balls. I doubt they ever would have taken whatever bribe they were given if they had known Genshin was going to become such a massive success.
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yesterfuscia sourapple e-flat
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daily reminder
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Only mine Nahida is sexy. The rest are TRASH.
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when your zzz preload is done
daily reminder
>can't use the traveler in IT
>geo and dendro traveler banned
This one will make people mald more than anything else
You can borrow multiple characters so long as it's one per friend?
And then we got the Year Of Worms right after Nahida all the way until Furina's release.
>But Dehya
Shut the hell up, we saw what they did to Dehya.
fine nahida I'll go to sleep
just make sure I have comfy fluffy dreams
Buy an ad
>I have won 1 (uno) 50/50 of like 12 limited characters in Star Rail. And most of those went to double 70+ pity.

Jesus bro... I honestly hope your luck turns around and you get some double pulls for someone you really want! But yea I am not glad myself that we are going back to chinkland... Have a nice one bro!
We're mintophiles
oh yeah, with tabibito banned you can't do zhongli microwave memes
that could have actually been viable in theater
I'm too lazy to go swap to Electro/Anemo Traveler and test, but you can't use them at all?
I know they were greyed out on the teams you send out to your friends, but that made sense to me.
>sudden nahida posting
>seething ceases
Uh oh
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unironically Teyvat Idols. I bet fujotrannies in hoyo gonna rewrite her to be some boring witch or something.
Fix launch reactions and add more characters like Xianyun who enable alternate playstyles.
>horrible feet balance
>elbow too high
>held for too long
>armpittu sexo
she gets a pass
redditors are pedos yes
The only /gig/ approved eceleb is Kurumi.
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Don't get me wrong. As much as I wish Ninguangg could go back to being the killing machine she was in 1.0, Geo is a bit too self centered on it own element and really needs a big push. Despite that Navia is probably my second strongest dps
Does this mean no one in general is rolling on these two or that the rest of the rolls haven't come in yet (and will come in later)?
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She's too cute to seethe at
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spitroasted by asmonghoul and mizkif
I know, right?
It would be cool having a bit of excess to fuck around with, but usually every other patch I'm literally scraping the barrel to get someone half way through their banner.
My luck elsewhere is better mostly.
Genshin's been pretty shit since Sumeru though... I've also gone to double pity for most banners since and including Nahida.
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wait for the 5.0 update bro,

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and kektone is mintcuck
that's a clean fucking pit
my hero....
i thought only apple has higher fps for genshin
I'm not expecting much from this. Maybe some higher res textures or a new UI.
this but with my niece
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Idk if anyone noticed but I think having certain characters also upgrades your buffs
Like idk why Candace is here
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Bwos is $41 a ripoff for gym membership? There's one really close by but im not sure if id be getting ripped off.
Why are you pags obsessed with popularity rolls on meta sites? Are you that desperate to be a part of some majority conformism?
you can use them you just can't lend them to friends
they have a backlog of characters ready to be shipped
yao yao's model and data was there in day 1
iansan is already going to be playable
the real question is when are they going to try something new since they obviously don't design these characters with the intent of selling
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Theater UI is too confusing help
a month? yeah that's a rip off.
So, to get all primogems from the new Abyss-thing you HAVE to waste materials on 4-stars you will never use?

What the fuck, that's just wrong.
It would be better if you get penalized in some way (lowering your stats or something) instead of forcibly locking you out of playing the damn thing, that's bullshit.

I wouldn't even mind if at least it gave aditional primogems, but it replaces half of the Abyss's normal rewards.
they fucking better be unlocking the dogshit 60fps cap on PC as part of this
I'm almost done, I'll get back to seething
You always do fights to advance.
Spending the currency for more characters/upgrades is your only decision point.
my euler upgraded something once
Why is Genshin so out of RELEVANCY today… wtf happened??
Just to start:
-Massively buff ordinary normal/charge attacks across the board so that actually attacking is a viable alternative to skill/burst quickswaps for the cast that don't have some E infusion.
-Add a target / lock-on to enemy button
-Revamp Superconduct and Geo reactions in general.
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I don't really post here much, but this artist I get commissions of my dumb OC from posted this cute Sigewinne, so I brought it to /gig/.
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Rework the gameplay engine to have more Parkour capabilities that closely resemble the cutscenes and character demo trailers.
Yeah right, like that's ever gonna happen
breeding material
Sumeru was nothing but homo and pedo pandering. Scared most people away.
I had kaeya upgrade the bond of life one
weird mechanic
>lost divergrass
>lost to auto-battler
>boring & piss easy 10 mins of endgame
is there any hope for genshin? do you think 2nd natlan teaser will restore all the hype?
>Geo is a bit too self centered on it own element and really needs a big push.
You say that in response to the new Zhongbedo.

Crystallize should be fixed but I don't think most Geo characters are self-centered. At worst you can say nearly every team including Geo ideally wants 2x but that's not much of a downside considering it enables a universally useful resonance. Itto and by extension Gorou are the only ones who want 3-4x Geo comp.
>HAVE to waste materials on 4-stars you will never use?
>What the fuck, that's just wrong.
You will never be a moralfag
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its literally kokomi all over again /gig/ is so mindbroken by the tranny colors they refuse to just see a cute girl that is also a T0 support healer
>on 4-stars you will never use
half the fun of the game is fucking around with different teamcomps to see how well they do or don't work with each other, given the individual quirks of each character's kit and their element

if you aren't leveling up all your characters, why the fuck are you even playing?

>put warframe's parkour and movement systems in Genshin
I fucking wish
you're not getting penalized for anything, its optional content. You're just afraid of leveling up your xinyan because you're a fag
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Thanks for sharing bro.
Yeah, that's the problem. Mobile players have access to it but console/PC doesn't and it's most likely because of whatever contract Sony has miHoYo under. They frequently add some bullshit in their contracts about not allowing versions of games on PC or other consoles to be vastly superior.
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RARE hair down siggy
>after about an entire week of using her more people still think that Sigewinne is better than Raiden
I feel like I'm going to go insane
Why is so much of /gig/ incapable of thinking? At all?
They see the small slug and go "hey lets mock the Raiden mains because they have thin skins and cry whenever someone better comes out"
Fuck off
I'm tired of this shit
Stop it already
>do you think 2nd natlan teaser will restore all the hype?
unless they show level 100 with third abilities and another ascension talent natlan is DOA
Only combo I think I'd have an issue with is cryo+pyro and it's mostly due to a lack decent off fielders the two have in the game
If it was Sony causing it, shouldn't the PS5 be capable of running Genshin at 120?
stop ignoring my falseflags
I have feelings too
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What's going on with the new mode by the way?
highest quality post itt.
let's predict ZZZ tiktok hours
>can hyperbloom thanks fo sigewinne in IT
>didn't even take raiden and took kuki instead
Yea I'd say sigewinne is better
You do it and get some primos
you flopped.
we're doing great
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Itto was effectively the only Geo onfield carry until shotgun waifu dropped, so he might as well have "been" Geo - and he really wants to run monogeo due to his required supports to do anything approaching decent damage compared to any other popular team. Navia breathed new life into Geo due to requiring non-geo units in order to reach her power cap.

not a single person in the last 3 threads has made that comparison or said those things

cut your own throat and/or drink bleach, fag
You can't rape the willing.
It will be the first burger tiktok hours ever
Furries will solo carry them to the top
Anon have you seen how many PS5 games are dropping to 30 FPS as a standard? Running at 120 FPS would likely require some sacrifices elsewhere that make the game look ugly. Sony does not want that.
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boring slop unlike simulated universe from HSR
the only thing shit is you lmao
imagine being this bad, people with fucking bullshit starter accounts have done it, you're just bad
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can your raiden?
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>scara's theater voiceline
why is he such an asshole?
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The lore... she's coming back!
I want to explore natlan bwos
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That's an impressive number.
its fun, doomkeks new target
its actually really easy but you can read all the mald about it being something it isn't here, acquire good demographic info about who is a actually /gig/ger and whose a raider, its pretty cool
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Pray for me bros
i beat it though it just felt like shit to play through since the enemies are too fucking weak and the restrictions make it so you are just playing solo electro/pyro dpses
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>burgers tiktok hours
yea right
I want to explore that big breasted geo mommy
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All in a day's work.. well, most of it
all into flat atk
that is very high, about 2x normal, but then if its actually nice might be worth it. most sleezy gyms cost like 15-20$ a month but then maybe this place is actually a nice place to be, i can't say that is your call
30fps at 4k is somewhat of a AAA game standard because 4k is a meme and consoles are trash

at 1080p or even 2k even a toaster like the ps4 should be able to push a game like genshin at 60 or 120hz

2 in ER
1 in CR
1 in ATK

overload was a really poor combination for them to choose as an introductory restriction

even electrocharged would have been better
It's filtering casuals and seasonal players because they either don't have enough characters or only play national and hyperbloom
based Hu Tao, I also hate any story that pulls a surprise revival or death fake out for the happy ending.
>Leyline Defense
>against 30+ fungi and slimes
>the slimes have no innate element infusion, so anemo does nothing
>"enemies are easily grouped" but every purple fungi sprints away
I beat it, but fuck whoever designs these fights. It's just frantic instead of fun.
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star rail bros...
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Naruhudo...a shame. its a 20 minute walk which is just right. Its anytime fitness if that means anything.
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Is this normal?
Man I remember the days when people would non stop talk abt Inazuma and Liyue… Rage beneath the mountains… Raiden Shogun… Zhonlgi the CCP God… non-stop Shonen action… Bing chilling memes with John Xina playing Genshin… the game award shows… google classroom… BOTW malders… being called a pedo game because of Klee… good times… where did they all go?
It's over
they don't play this game and are stirring shit and trying to look relevant here
its been this way for like 4 years how are you catching on to this now
i don't get gymfags
like who are you trying to impress? men?
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You know why and what should be done
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Noelle suffers the same case of Itto, aside from having great sinergy with Furina by using marechaussee, but still beneffiting a lot from gorou+another geo.

Chiori also requires another geo character with a geo construct to fully maximize her potential.

Yunyin is probably the most free geo unit that works with any NA dps because she's a dedicated buffer for that role.

Trust me bro, I want geo to succeed, but replying to the other anon is probably the element that you can skip first unless you're willing to invest on it (aside from Zhonli)
fuck you, all into flat atk
and I didn't like Sumeru's story, so yes.
Um Dilucsisters? Is it over? Is he getting replaced??

wuwa killed genshin...
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is this gonna fuck up nude mods again im getting really tired of fixing this shit every other patch
i remember anons complaining about this sort of thing in hsr so i wouldnt put it past them to do that with genshin too. if they wont then genshin writers actually respect their work.
fontaine killed genshin
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my raiden sucks and if its Bennet Chevreuse then yeah thats about right for higher invest
don't have C6 Chev but when i tried to make her do big damage it was like 140k or 180 i literally can't remember (i usually played Raiden Yelan Sara Jean instead of super-buffing)
>all the "challenge" accounts are filtered because they are either one element or one weapon type only
Makes IT even greater
holy fucking kek, it just keeps happening
I'll get to exploring Natlan once I'm done exploring siggy
Now WE don’t even have the power to BOMB WUWA on the app store… forget Google Classroom

the absolute state of this pedo game
she should've stayed dead stupid asspull
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is paimon thinking about worms?
Every other patch fucks up mods just from the general changes they make it seems, so its a safe bet 5.0 will, even if those changes are completely unrelated.
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Ei is just too powerful in the right hands
Ei diver especially is immortal.
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unironically looks like shit
why are all modfags bottomfeeders with zero taste?

not too shabby

I recently rolled almost the exact same thing, funny enough
no it was hsr
Fake news I have C0R1
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but the best girl is still dead.
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By the will of Allah I am allowed to say this, all SEA monkeys are low IQ mudslimes

Muhammad likes to suck Neuvillette's dragon penis

Thank You
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>they have a backlog of characters ready to be shipped
i don't know if you could tell but it wasn't a overtly raiden-centric post, im not saying she is super crazy insane, in a few teams like raiden fischl i do like how it flows tho very nicely, and with chevreuse that is arguably one of the best options. not perfect but she is very ungabunga and thats always good imo
jesus dying for our sins is what makes him the messiah
him coming back three days later was wholly unnecessary, cheapens the story, and introduces supernatural elements that lead people to doubt the veracity of the tale to this day
the resurrection should have been part of the bible
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Cope and seethe Hu Tranny
further proof that nahidapedos are redditcore
it was obvious from the get-go that she would make it, because she had the same disease as collei, a playable character, and hoyo can't kill off playable characters
>A friend that really existed was raped by famous person x!
>The proof is gone now but fortunately I took screencaps from 11 years ago!!
Anything for 5 minutes of fame
Remove EN as whole
No....not fucking rean....I knew when AsianGuy and tectone were arguing /gig/ thought the unknown creep was him but damn...
>15 year old trans boy
average genshin player
characters get scrapped all the time
Why dig it up now?
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>repleace zhong dong with c2 furina in my mono geo itto team
>shave 26 seconds off on 12-1-1
Nice. Wonder if i should swap alpedo for kuki
why are furries like this....?
These players unironically killed Genshin
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If you're C0 maybe.
We do tho.
All lolis and hebes are for tender love and fucking.
That guy is probably the s*yupedo
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ohnonononono.... pedokeks
can you defend this? I'm waiting for your response.
hopefully you are still here and keeping the same energy as before.
>he's actually responding and fighting back
>farming Golden Troupe for a full year
>not a single circlet with more than 12cv
>not a single circlet with more than three total offensive stat levels
Fucking hell at this point I'm just hoping for some good goblets so I can use circlet off-pieces.
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Can anyone here in the America server help an anon out and add me so I can borrow one of your characters for IT? I only need one more to qualify. I made mine available as well.
>there are troons defending the furryfaggot
No, it's what makes him a blood libel human sacrifice and celebration of human sacrifices to grant you absolution is inherently demonic. Judaism does the same thing by murdering random small animals, it's even the source of the term Scapegoat. Abrahamic religions are all vile and their whole gimmick is
>Be as evil as you want, but still get into Heaven with this one simple trick God doesn't want you to know about!
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Its over...
Why the fuck there are so many dramas with EN VA scene?
I had siegwinne story quest play in the background while I play gardenscapes
okay but the point is the resurrection part is stupid
Damn son, how? Benny + Chevy + C6 sara?
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Pregnant Nahida would be really sexy.
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its anytime fitness and not some indie so that makes sense. >>484326194
Cause lifting is fun blubber-kun.
180? see ya later guys...
The extra requeriment is just extra flowers, it doesn't add anything important.
>80 is literally just free to shit currency pulls on the boopon banner
Sad that will likely trick people into thinking there's value
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.sexy really be would Nahida Pregnant
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Will this game ever have a respectable and normal playerbase in the west other than furfags nonbinary gender asexual rainbow conforming fags?
Is the little flower blossom the one that you get thespian pose from?
Which playable genshin will be killed off first in the story?
Yeah but they still said that her dream disappeared and sharthida with her all powerful self just saves her at the "last moment"

>Not playing Genshin, HSR, and ZZZ
Better times
everyone knows it's gonna be cheld
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It did in 1.0-1.2
Guy has plainly said video games are for stunted children and that he don't give a shit about Genshin.
So who cares about some twitter tranny trying to create even more drama as per usual?
Very nice. I could not get Benny since I had to use him in another floor. Ei is strong enough that even with a bricked team she can still win.
is diluc's VA gonna get replaced too? What is happening???
Do I just turn my 3* artifacts into mora or is there an exchange or something I can use them for?
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several years old mod was one of the first but I use it still since im sucker for leotards
Hmm now that ZZZ exists, I’m gonna have to sack either Genshin or HSR. Since Genshin wastes my time too much, I might as well sack that game and maybe pop in if a big update takes place
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extremely cute
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>dual vishap
>with this
Jesus fuck. Even if I beat it, I don't think I have enough characters to do the later floors.
theyre either for Artefact XP or mora. there's nothing else.
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if yoimiya can, clorinde should, right? she is supposed to be damaging.
Well it's gotta be diluc now that his en va has been outed as a pedo
>my friend has a c6r2 ayaka
>he cleared IT just fine without her but he felt lifeless
>a few hours ago he told me he's considering on quitting genshin because he can't use ayaka everywhere anywhere

Is the Imaginarium Theater actually further killing the Genshin playerbase?
what is this?
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Playble before Signora lol
Yeah, if your Ei has cons then she'll be completely fine no matter what for the boss floors because the bosses in IT are much weaker than they are in the Abyss.
siggy failed
only good for one thing
>people are buying buffs rather than characters and causing themselves to lose
They should axe the EN dub entirely and use that budget for literally anything else
That would make their friend 26. What gives them the right to speak on their behalf?
a painting in the imaginarium room
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For me, it's boar princess.
It's funny, because you are the one shitposting. And you are going to BEG people to use your thread the second this one gets close to 700 posts.
good morning saar
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you are missing out
my imaginary pig wife
Only for the mentally ill
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You need to stop being a paranoid, slurper-kun, because I personally enjoyed IT.
>another super short event
bwos... are we dying????
i'm sure you did saar
i like her face when she's tossing the pinwheel
who should they bring in to replace diluc's pedo VA??
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>first dialog
yoimiya, you whore!
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>Genshin players not beating the pedo allegations
>Tranny furfag
>EVER leaving the internet
Already fake news.
A little research turns out that this /co/ troon got upset because the VA from xers woke cartoon (who only coincidentally voices a Genshin char) ignored her shipping art and now she's trying to cancel him
I saved bennet and xianling specifically for the boss floors. If you can use your flowers early to get more characters do it, its totally worth it.
>diluc's VA liked sayu
Yea there was always signs
so is Ellen the first banner or second?
sayu is trans?
who cares lmao
>being this mad an hour later
holy cute....
please dont say anything bad about genshin
she's ugly, same thing
Loregods, who is she?
playable when?
i like that catholic guy who was like, wow buddhists are cool, ayy these muslims are alright, and for like a tiny bit of time catholics almost became cool but then they just said no and diddled kids again
shame honestlyu
you cant fuck yourself with imaginarium right? i want so mess around with stuff and i cant be fucked to read rules and shit
Honest question. How do you not feel pathetic for spending 90% of your life screaming "u mad!!!" at people on 4chan?
That IS all of my characters. Everyone else is gone. I used a "buy a random character" ability and my only option was Diluc.
HSR better
>VA from xers woke cartoon (who only coincidentally voices a Genshin char) ignored her shipping art and now she's trying to cancel him
lmao whats the name of the cartoon?
he mad
adam west
Give me logical reasons as to why I should continue playing GENSHIN backed by sound and astute observations, objective facts, and complete rationality. No emotional drivel please.
the boar princess from the boar princess book

did you waste all your characters this early in the run? You still have 3 floors before reaching the end. I guess bad RNG and RIP
its a fun game
>you cant fuck yourself with imaginarium right?
You can, yes. If you use a certain combo of your characters, you can make it so you only have 3 units (with 2 vigor each) before a level, and then the level won't let you start it because you NEED to equip 4 characters.
we have pedo VAs getting into trouble every year
I'm mad
tf is hu tao talking about here
presumably the boar princess from that book, playable never hopefully
Bill Cosby
you want to rape Collei.
>my only option was Diluc.
Not anymore after this news LMAO
You don't get it, the evil cunt called her ships cringe so now he has to be ruined!
The amazing digital circus.
Bitch openly talks about browsing /co/ and /x/ too in her daily 100 tweets if you just scroll down on her profile
>Trust me bro, I want geo to succeed, but replying to the other anon is probably the element that you can skip first unless you're willing to invest on it (aside from Zhonli)
In the context of a new player, sure, though most of the better comps will want the same or more investment in terms of primogems by the time you've got them optimized. Realistically Clorinde doesn't need Nahida to perform well but you're going to get Nahida eventually anyway just because she's the best Dendro character outside of the very specific case of Furina wanting Baizhu.
It was a bit of a pain until I realized you don't actually need to do the star challenges for anything. I thought you needed them to get the pose medals but you don't
You enjoy torturing yourself by sunk cost
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I love him
>did you waste all your characters this early in the run?
I don't have the trial characters, and I don't use any of my pyro characters, so this is all I have. Arle carried two floors, Clorinde carried two floors, and now Raiden carried a defense floor and can't carry this floor. Wanderer is shit because anemo is bad.
You have aids
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you are ugly!
barbara killed this
we commissioned her
reanfa- I mean, dilucfags?!?!? Your pedo EN VA??!?!?!
You have GRIDS
calm down Miss Yun…
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After seeing just how few of you pulled for Sigewinne, I just dropped another 75 pulls on her banner and got C1. I unironically could have spent that getting C1 Furina, but I've instead decided my girl deserves it.
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>because anemo is bad
nah, demo wanderer is shit because hoyo brilliantly made demo faruzan fucking c0
What happened to the Tencent spammer. They finally decided to sleep? (Hopefully forever)
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No real UNMATCHEDbro uses EN anyways
It was only a matter of time desu
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because it is simply the superior gacha
You have anal worms
Both of these things can be true at once. Uggo
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It's both. "Anemo floors" should have slimes packed with elements. Instead, there was one single floor with a few cryo slimes, and that's it. Nothing else to really juice up anemo reactions (that doesn't just work with everyone else better). Anemo is bad, it's why nobody used it before or after Wanderer.
You have dreams
>the boar princess from the boar princess book
Well it did kill my desire to C6 Furina that’s for sure LOL. I doubt whales will C6 that much anymore, further sabotaging their sales.
omg diluc sexted a trans? boy...? so it was actually just a girl? fucking based keep giving me diluc samas constellations
>Cryocels are leaving
This is good news. We don't need those trannies.
>keaya was a gay furry all this time
Explain's his skin color and fruity personality
Did you never notice the dangling tail he has? Furries wear those.
>all that shit
Okay but is there any definitive proof because it's easy as fuck to fake conversation logs and taking the pedo angle is the easiest way to cancel someone you don't like.
>Emilie isn't until August 7
fucking epic
Yeah I don't think I'll C6 Columbina anymore, either. I horizontally and vertically invest btw. Genshin devs are so retarded it's unreal.
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uh bwo? I C6'd my angel
>kleefag being a retard yet again
Because doing normal male things like working and raising a family is far beyond your ability, so if video games don't distract you, a school shooting is bound to happen
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Bless you. I'm not made of money though.
Is it just me or are Xiao mains going to constantly be winning by being allowed to take Xianyun, Faruzan and him to every element's IT?
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cryocels are what keep the game afloat. you need C6 Eula/Ganyu/Ayaka/Shenhe to clear abyss with how anti cryo it is nowadays so if they cant use their hyperinvested cryo characters for everything then they have nothing.
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except that one is false.
sayu is a beautiful maiden!
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play ZZZ gweilo
Well I'm glad I get use Wanderer again for the next season of Imaginarium Theater too.
>circle of witches translates to hexenzirkle
German is such a funny language
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>the Boar Princess went and find her Wolf husbando and sacrificed her friends to him
>they ate Mr. Fox and Mr. Turtle despite the two being Boar's loyal companions
This will likely become relevant in the future lore.
Don't diss my nigga Kaeya like that
Elliot Gandhi(Tig former VA) was cancelled and fired for less
Was that not obvious from the word itself?
>SUDDENLY /gig/ goes SHE WAS JUST 17 YEARS OLD 354 DAYS YOU SICK FUCK because a twitter tranny from /co/ told them to
Oh you dumb, merry cattle..
Same here, I do both vertical and horizontal investing. If I like a waifu particularly I spend a good few hundred or more bucks on their cons and weap. I guess I won’t be doing that anymore… so thank you for making me spend less on this game devs
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nah Elliot had way more proof and 15 different girls after his head
Not after Diluc was done
so? I wanna see him get cancelled
Now you're getting it, explains lyney's kit as well, mihoyo was clearly planning this for at least a year
I want to punt this radish across a field
More like "the mentally ill are the only ones willing to stay."
xiao felt like an absolute shit to use, i know this because I borrowed one
No? German is the ugliest and weirdest language of the west. Nothing they say makes sense
It was over for him when he apologized and admitted to wrongdoing giving the rest of the cast to dogpile on him. Lyney's VA is also a sex pest with proof but he has money and connections and got away with it
>woman will literally kill their best friends for men
What did hoyo mean by this
you are retarded for spending in the first place when you can clear every abyss on C0
warwick davis...
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Thank you for posting my wife.
This game is unironically run by pope devs LMFAO. Even our next Archon is a twink, I’m deadz
Vertical investment is king, after all
I want to have sex with a Lawchurl
You will never be Japanese
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you are a pedo.
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>only 3 characters left
the only way is to buy companions?
no fucking way, what did he do?
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Ayakabros... I cant keep going on like this...
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Do you use your crowns optimally and wisely? I do
What does that have to do with mihoyo making more mono teams viable?
Furina also enables monohydro and especially after sigewinne and monogeo has been a thing for years
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abloo abloo. Are we supposed to feel bad for these morons who think they own the game?
I used him and Xianyun and their section was a breeze, the other characters didn't even matter
That women are monsters and a femcel's only saving grace is that they won't sacrifice their friends for men because:
1. They have no friends.
2. No man will look at them anyway.
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I kneel, king.
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how is everyone's farming for emilie going?

yes i know it's not her optimal set
no I don't care, fuck farming that dogshit domain
This guy is a /gig/ger
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this post doesn't even make sense
Works on my machine
But Eula is the one with porn of it tho.
A lot of people are like that, especially F2Ps. When getting every new character isn’t an option, heavy vertical investment looks more and more attractive

t. horizontal low spender
Gosh, all I can think about is Diluc in jail...
You do know she can use Deepwood just as well as the new set, right?
wuwa is laughing at us... delete this...
Molested an underage fan at a convention and there were texts between them confirming it. This came out during the Vic Mignogna litigation and all the dirt was coming out on all the Funimation VAs. But the whole thing was memory holed and he threatened to counter sue the kid since he could actually afford it so they dropped the matter and other VAs didn't speak out against him because he's been connected to the industry for a long time
Not really but the game polishing, animations, and marketing is all funded by those whales tho. 1 whale alone is worth more than 100+ Welkin buyers
>Started playing 4.2
oh nice now im rich
muteGODS wwa?
>"arguing" like a braindead retard on reddit
yes, he actually probably is a /gig/ger
>a slurper
You have good taste
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he's making fun of people pretending whales are dropping the game because they can't use their favorite in everything
i would defintely have sex with furina
NTA, but some people, myself included, don't like the forced pause at the top of xiao and birdmo-powered pogo jumping, it's fucking annoying and breaks the flow of combat

yeah but all my deepwood pieces are already in use and I hate going back and farming old domains
just got him to c6
what are some strong comps without xianyun?
You can bring Ayaka to this puzzle and then use another character you like.
You can't bring Ayaka and/or the other character into the new mode, depending on the season.
So why spend time building and investing in those chararacters, if you can't use them? Apathy is stronger than your personal autism.
I have never got this reasoning, if you go to a store and steal a 1 dollar candy isn't that a crime too ? or are you going to say IT'S ONLY 1 DOLLAR MIGHT AS WELL BE FREE ?
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There should've been prison gangs in meropide
in diluc-samas defense transgirls have to be the biggest liars about age i've ever met on the internet
but i don't think they lied so probably isn't that
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Thank you Dawei, Tiffany, Fat Xiao, popedev and any other /gig/ boogeyman I might have missed, and of course, an extra thank you for the one who actually gave him this kit.
>Pyro character who revolves around big hits with no ICD
Come on anon. You shouldn't need to ask.
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Is this grooming?
How are whales affected by this though? The people most affected by Imaginarium Theatre are F2P plebs
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why is it always yakafags jesus christ
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dang you beat me I still am waiting for few more rolls to guarantee sigewinne
>he doesn't know
oh that does make sense, nice
hats off to meta shitposter
i love children
stinko was canonically always insufferable even as a kid
Don't you want a gf who would kill her best friends for you?
why are they naked
Fucking someone a day before their birthday doesn't make them disappear from their family nor cause a financial loss. Unless you're some kinda Muslim or other third worlder where bride selling is common I guess, but those guys don't even care about age anyway
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I'd like a yandere gf, yes.
>get to use my sigger two IT seasons in a row before they eventually nerf the restrictions from all the backlash
feels breddy damn good bros
I always knew Sean was one of us when he said smash to Sayu
Thank God, now I'm guaranteed C6 Noelle next month if I don't get it on this banner. Bring on the Geo IT, see if I care!
if we are talking about anime girls i will use that defense, also the defense where i don't care what age they are if they look conventionally hot
but i have no clue wtf you are talking about, the diluc diddler was after a 15 year old so not sure what you are speaking of, and rl totally different thing
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good thread
We know sean
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This is why INT/WIS/DEXfags are better than CON/STRfags.
There were. They just sucked, so you forgot them. Childe even had his own gang who helped him escape.
>How are whales
What do you consider a whale?
The people getting raked over the their pulls are people who knowingly skipped characters because "muh abyss" and similar people who don't level their characters up
Anyone else who leveled their 4*s or pulled a lot of characters over the years will be fine, even free to plebs
IT is mostly an account check and a way to force spending on older characters
Bishonen vs Ikemen. Both are gay.
so Rean is a pedo?

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i dont understand. why wouldnt they be?
Oh yeah I forgot I did those quests like 8 months ago
me too
who's sean?
Always was haha...
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giggers... im not feeling so good...
My boogieman will never be real
wtf the imaginarium is actually really fucking cool. this thing should just replace abyss entirely.
>How are whales affected by this though?
Because spending for a C6 Furina means jack shit when she's locked out of the rotation.
Imagine if there's a "hag whale" who rolls for nothing but hags. All he has built on this rotation is Raiden, Yae, and Arlecchino. Everything else is either a 5* he doesn't have, or a 4* at C6 Level 1.
Leaked future banners in order doko?
I don't care if you're a pedo, but what sort of mentally ill freak thinks Genshin potatoes are sexy? Go jerk off to Bridget the midget you freak
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more money than brains
oh how the entitled little baby weeps
they should have let the player choose any 1 unit of theirs from every element to be on the starter team, then just apply the seasonal element restrictions to any other members getting invited through the events and shit


the zones themselves look great and so is the music, yeah
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>15 year old trans boy furry
imagine joining multiple online sex cults as a teenager and then pulling the
>"i-i- got g-g-groomed!!!"
card years later
if you're joining a bunch of online pedo spaces, don't act all surprised when a pedo talks to you
I don't understand the point of higher FPS when 60 is more than good enough
My shitty 1080 TI can't run this game past 60 FPS in 1440p anyway
cool, but can you jump?
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Childe SOON
The FBI and CIA got really fortunate people will just do their jobs for them FOR FREE lol
Why did IT fail to regenerate hype into this game? Why does nobody care?
>vertical sync
>no horizontal sync in sight
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>watch a few videos on IT
>everyone mostly likes it and thinks it has potential for the future with more difficulty and using unusual teams

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this doesn't actually stand up to scrutiny because if you know whales then you know they didn't care about spending that much money in the first place (99% of the time, few poor whales bankrupting themselves excluded)
now if literally every whale was complaining that would be a problem, but some retard spent literally 500k on the game, deleted all hi artifacts and weapons, then his account because Xiao fell out of the meta (this was like 3 years ago before he came back in), this guy is nothing lol
no, fuck you
60 fps visibly stutters when you're used to 120+, just like 30fps visibly stutters when you're used to 60+
>tfw Sean was trying to deny this in /fg/ before the accusations came out
Spiral Abyss was already ignored or hated by the majority of players. Saying "We have a second SA now instead of a Summer event!!" is a dumb idea.
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Imagine having sex with your daughter/pet you raised>>484330792
Yeah I know some aren't a fan of Xiao's playstyle, just saying if anemo is cycled in often for the theater Xiao is probably going to be one of the best characters for it, with his proper team even coppelia got destroyed. I prefer more shallow plunges myself anyhow.
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Thread got good all of a sudden.
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>literally another Genshin VA being a pedo, a furry gay pedo at that
why does it only happen with genshin
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Unironically just waiting for albedo's en VA to get outed as a pedo now.
And you're just a spoiled faggot. Try playing old N64 games where you're lucky to get 20 FPS
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its alice isnt it
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why does anyone anywhere care about EN VAs? hoyo are massive weebs, the game is meant to be played in JP

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i wish we lived in a world where both were wrongs
might be tyrannical but there would probably be a lot less bad life decisions both ways, a lot less wasted lives and traumatized retards
the only thing it conflicts with for me is i do think class mates should be allowed to fuck since all the best balanced adults i know as a adult banged somebody in HS but whatever
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Why is it always trans boys
Uh oh melty
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I want more controversies to happen to the EN dub so mihoyo goes the Snowbreak route and gets rid of it entirely for being too much of a hassle
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Your defense, genturds?
easiest to groom i guess, they are mentally retarded
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because they are mentally ill
there's only two genders
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Men are huge faggots
Have you ever looked at the lolishit posted here
It's legit just flat boys with vaginas
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i don't get it, isn't trans boy just a biological girl?
It's true. Hoyo obviously agree since they reverted that shit with HSR. Having domains locked to certain days of the week is indefensible.
This but to every language but CN
I want it to filter as many people as possible
He's right. The grind in this game is awful.
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I love smug characters
wtf are you talking about
nah, no they aren't, the market is important rich asshole don't mean shit. you are literally playing a game that was designed to run on a poorfags phone. all the best action games are the same be it some girlshit cookie click farmville shit or fps stuff.
stop acting like rolls royce funded the model t, it never has and never will
go build a fucking line in the desert and live in your dystopian state no one asked about your tears from being too rich to be understood lmao
correct, just with more autism
He's doing it in /v/ too, it's so fucking obvious that it's him too LMAO
Why the FUCK would cyno's VA say this
Ungrateful fucker, gets a second SQ and THIS IS HOW HE REPAYS THEM?!
makes me shake my head that people like that would bite the hand that feeds them
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Delete the off-topic too, janny. Earm your pay.
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this is the correct take. farming is one of the reasons i barely play this game anymore. certains weekdays for talent materials and having to wait 3 minutes for bosses to respawn is fucking ridiculous. farming in HSR is infinitely superior.
He also tried doing so in the falcon subreddit but quickly deleted his post after people pointed out the inconsistencies KEK
What the fuck do you people want then to "restore the hype"?
Normies were RIGHT all along... Genshin is truly a game for pedos
I blame Catwoman and Black Cat for my obsession with wanting to fuck catgirls.
HSR is unironically killing half of genshin playerbase with all of their qols
is ZZZ gonna kill anything even?
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why did withering worms flop?
Diversity hire
>conjuring, illusions, and so on
Imagine if each of the 8 hexenzirkel coresponds to the dnd wizard school
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A lot of people will never understand that time-gating is there because of:
1. China
2. Too lazy/hard to do a global version and a China-only version.
Kys sean
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I can't get past act 5 since I always run out of characters
big tittied geo mommy milkers
>having to wait 3 minutes for bosses to respawn
Luckily they're fixing this in the next patch. It respawns much quicker now.
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>Wants to fuck nubile girls and save them from the tranny groomers
Only in the hsr community would dicking girls back to womanhood be considered bad
Sean...I thought you didn't like genshin...
>being this autistic
Wew fucking lad. Also tl;dr
i dont wanna wait till thursday to level up yoi's talents i wanna do it NOW he's right
He groomed a girl, though
Why does this game have pedos and trannies? I wonder how the East Asians think of the western fanbase
Don't summon him again, please.
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that's fair, I also wouldn't care if they dropped it entirely

the only grind is for artifacts, because those are nothing but RNG, and even with those you're pretty much guaranteed something usable in a reasonable amount of time

it's trying to substat minmax that stretches to infinity and beyond
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didn't know that, that is nice at least. a bit late but certainly a step in the right direction.
it couldnt even beast the deadest genshin patch after hyping the game so much? lol
No it's not. Else it'd be the same in HSR. It's not.
It's content you breeze through within a few minutes once per month. Something like that can never generate hype.
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elden ring can
why can't genshin?
We're talking about a different Sean(diluc's voice actor), he'll understand
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I like seeing smug characters get corrected
the only problem is that they removed half the spiral abysses to make space for this new gamemode because they didn't want to give players 3 more pulls per month
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>Two new characters + archon rerun
>Dead patch
you could sell a log of shit for $60 and from bronies will hype it up if it had the name dark souls on it
Oh no, not the hecking 3 debate clubs?? How can poors even handle this??
We are disgusted.
Basically your society over there in the west is so fucked up and lacks discipline.
By current Genshin standards, everything is dead except new region… so 4/12 months in Genshin are dead
>black cat
We like Gwen Stacy here
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i blame it on adding a level of abstraction that i can still enjoy tits and ass to
when the real world sucks sometimes you need a bit of abstraction to wake up the monkey brain
New characters doesn't mean new content anon
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Firefly expy
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Raiden is for manlets only
ei just has to swing her sword around and yae immediately gets wet for her
it's such a stupid fucking system. its even stupider when you realise we already HAVE the solution in game but its limited to sundays only
the game is 4 years old now....get get rid of the cheap timegate strategies
idk about east asian, but southeast asians have already abandoning this game en masse
HSR is time-gated too, but in a different way.
Thats Capitano
dead [insert game/patch/etc] has lost all its meaning
i remember when it used to actually be a insult now its just a cope people throw around when they are losing
>the only grind is for artifacts
No, you grind for anything involving resin. It's just that artifacts have the longest grind.
The average person doesn't have fun spending 60 seconds to fight the same enemies to get six silver books and three bronze books, anon. You're not "tough" for not considering it a grind. You just sound like a bootlicker.
>Saar I am spiritually japanese so I can speak for them!
>have already abandoning
oh? why didn't you join them, seapag?
It's not time gated by the days of the week. You can farm any talent or any boss at any day of the week. That's what the problem with Genshin is.
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Easy and mentally ill
Does /gig/ really?
the only thing time gated in HSR is weekly bosses like genshin
>New [content] doesn't mean new content
Post the full images, you cowards.
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It's a technique from older gachas to keep you on the daily treadmill. My old dead gacha had specific day shit too.
this thread would be so dead without me
you should be grateful that im still bumping this thread and play this shitty children's game
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she's making that face because she's getting cummed in by a manlet right? its not because she's the one fucking them right?
The guy is a moron. The fuck does he mean a calendar? You click on your character, check their talents and the game tells you which days you can farm. I don't particularly think that sort of gating system is needed but I don't think it's detrimental either.

Working on characters is pretty fucking easy in general and unlike a vast majority of other gacha games you're not being tempted to replace your characters every single week due to constant power creep. With a complaint like that he's just coming off as an idiot.
The real solution is to just have 1 type of material per region.

Like why is there 3 different weapon mats and 3 different talent mats in the first place?
In fact, 3 isn't even right, there is 9 talent mats and 12 weapon mats per region because they pad out the inventory with the versions with x3 and x9 (and x27 for weapons) of the basic drop for some bizarre reason I don't understand, beyond veiling a player from realizing how much grinding they are going to have to do.
the funny thing is that people call it a dead patch when there is no new zone to explore
Anon said East Asian and not just Japanese.
You guys forgot AP (is that what they call it in HSR) is also a form of timegating.
Every game is a game for pedos because they're diverse enough to play all kinds of games, thinking otherwise is deluding yourself and becoming one of those people who gets extremely shocked when their otherwise normal friend gets outed as a pedo
they should have just cut the reward in half and run it parallel to the abyss instead of replacing half the abyss entirely

the 3 pulls or whatever isn't the point you nigger, it's removing existing content which is objectively more interesting (no team restrictions)

you're going to spend the time one way or another, faggot
whether it's in 30second intervals between jerking off or otherwise
could it be better? absolutely, remove fuckign resin altogether
but that shit isn't going to happen because of mobilefaggotry
>"xis was molested by [famous person] 50 years ago, retribution now"
Thread theme:
The funny thing is that this was brought up multiple times over the years and he's changed his excuse multiple times kek. He's fucked.
penal substitutioncels seething over christus victorchads

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