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All American Meal edition, Thread #1191

Previous thread: >>483891029

>Game Links
Steam Edition
Physical Edition (And Merch)
The console editions (Switch, PSN, XBL, PC Gamepass) have some exclusive content.

>Character Birthdays | Sunny ⋅ Omori - July 20

>Fangames, Projects, and Etc
https://pastebin.com/XQX7CSip (OMARIO fangame)
https://totally-fungal.itch.io/doomori (DOOMORI fangame)
https://files.catbox.moe/7phzuk.pdf (manga ch.1)
https://imgur.com/a/YJb6dTT (beta & prerelease art)
https://goats.dev/omori/#KEL (game dialogue dump)
https://files.catbox.moe/nxd8dm.png (faraway map)
https://files.catbox.moe/3ng1by.torrent (sprite dump)
https://postimg.cc/gallery/G4krtVR/13ec9e79 (Omori Official Walkthrough & Guide Art/Developer Interview & Messages)

https://files.catbox.moe/6kewkg.torrent (RPG Maker MV 1.6.2)
Try _omariAU, rainy_mari_mod, omorimodreverie, omori_daydream on Twitter
https://files.catbox.moe/5ddmjn.zip (Console content)

>/omog/ Archive
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SGf6LRkzuLpou5Neqppl3Tm7c3hPAitFhCTrIPRfC_c/ (anon's Universally Loved day-by-day guide)
https://mega.nz/file/zaQXDYyQ#bG0yK3nl-w6hx5u6IOcvn3GUrGDY53X9faa7nfzC0Yk (MEGA archive 2021)
https://files.catbox.moe/e5yhbo.png (Whiteboard 2021)
https://rentry.org/756352 (OC Fic and Greentext)
https://youtu.be/bKNwUnIMjVo (/vg/ sings My Time)
https://arch.b4k.co/vg/post/482879356 <<< Δ (/vg/ sings Good Morning)

https://rentry.org/omogtemplate2023d/ (Thread Template)

Also, if you write or draw anything don't be afraid to post it, don't worry about the quality, just post that shit!
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Pride Month is over. Post straight ships.
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The cutes
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sunburn is good any month of the year
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I'm happy to see Cris' family in fanart, and more Cris
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Sunflower CUTE!
Sunflower CANON!
Sunflower THE BEST!
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Can never have enough Cris.
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Would Sunny be a Star Wars or a Star Trek guy?
I'm pretty sure I was told the answer before, but is this really Basil and femSunny? This drawing feels like it could be anything in a vacuum
Yeah, the artist just has a way of drawing the grown versions or Omori characters.
What throws me off so much is how radically different Basil looks, femSunny having braids, and the name Rowan being referenced. Other than my grievances with Basil's design and how not Omori it seems, I think it's cute
Oh my god. I'm just now realizing there's a third person in that image and that's why the name's being used. I've seen that drawing so many times now, how did I miss that?
He would be a Star Fox guy, forever suffering from lack of new games.
Just like me... :(
Kel reaches out to him for the first time after the hospital and tries to break the ice by asking to play games with him
Sunny pulls out his SNES and copy of Star Fox
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I love Kimsil but I love YOU even more!!!!
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Nigger Bagel....
She’s really hungry for that monochrome dick huh?
Sunny walking in on Mari and Hero having sex. He represses the memory until years later, Hero says something that accidentally triggers it.
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Such fine knowledge...
That line above his head in the thumbnail made me think he was a fuckin' pikmin.
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and that's how he knows what her bed looks like
Sneed Aubrey singing this

every week, I get dreams about my former friends, that we are hanging out and we are still friends.
2 years, I haven't talked or seen them for more than 2 years, yet the dream keeps reminding me of them.
am i becoming sunny omori irl???
>Mari and Hero having sex
They’re both too much of a goody two shoes to even attempt it. I bet they hyperventilate whenever they hold each other’s hands.
OMORI's story could've been a lot more interesting if it actually made a point that Headspace, as extreme of a coping mechanism as it was, was ultimately what helped Sunny stay alive long enough for the true route's events to take place. I think there could've been an interesting discussion about this. Sure, it may be called "maladaptive", but If he's still here, that means it worked as an adaptation for him, didn't it?

Ofc that sort of point would require this game to be nuanced lmao
> OMORI's story could've been a lot more interesting if it actually made a point that Headspace, as extreme of a coping mechanism as it was, was ultimately what helped Sunny stay alive long enough for the true route's events to take place.

The game actually points this out, specifically in a conversation in Black Space with one of the Strangers, but of course this retarded mouthbreather didn’t actually play the game.
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I hate how my dreams and aspirations fucking dies once I turned 23. Life is hell. If I can turn back time I would've went to trade school 8 years ago.
Omori related image so i don't get warned for off topic.

Anyway passion doesn't feed you. No point having rich parents as well when they don't bother to stay at home and listen to your inputs. It's easier to spoil your younger siblings rotten.
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I actually like the ponytail and glasses on adult Basil
auberys dad is... sans
how does stranger feel about sunny making headspace basil his bitch
Irritation at Sunny still running away from what they did
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little guy
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wonky eye
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Which quote was that?
A bunch of sillies
kys indog
Not much, what's in with you?
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There's nowhere to run
hostile zucchini's
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imagine her big sloshing pregnancy tits
i dont like art where mari lives and sunny dies because my own younger sibling died at sunnys age
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>Next scene shows a disappointed Sweetheart leaning against the Carbonite frozen body of Spaceboy
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I think Kel and Hero’s mother should’ve died of complications from giving birth to Kel. I like this idea mainly because it’d make their relationship an “inverse” of sorts to Sunny and Mari’s - in the latter’s case, the younger sibling would resent the older one whereas in the former’s case, the older sibling would resent the younger one - and IMO that’d give it a bit more flavor. it’d make Hero’s pursuit of a degree in medicine more tragic. What if he wanted to honor his dead mother’s wish the best he could, but also had this irrational feeling he wouldn't be doing right by her if he were to become a doctor?

A doctor’s job is to save people’s lives, right?

So why couldn’t the doctors save his mother?
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hey sunny
The Cris
Who’s faster? Blackspace Kel or Sonic man?
Alex pls rape her, like I don't care what cock rapes her, you can get your own cock out and do it yourself but fuck Sweetheart
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this but sunny mikheal mari and daphne
I don't get whats happening here. Both boys are fantasizing about intermarrying but the girls are disgusted by the gross colors?
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Much better...
I read TIASS and it's funny to me how Kel, Hero and Aubrey are mad at Basil for not going to talk to them for two years, when they didn't go to check on him either, even though they know he tried to kill himself. Two years pass and it seems that Kel didn't know if Basil was still alive until Basil hands him the can he dropped. The first contact with his "friends" in two years is Aubrey punching him, and Hero and Kel going to his house to make him confess his crime to the entire town that used to insult him for years so that Hero forgives him and Aubrey doesn't keep hurting him.
>Dick Dastardly and Muttley DC Comic series.jpg
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Sunflower CUTE!
Sunflower CANON!
Sunflower THE BEST!
Wtf is TIAAS
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Do you guys think OMOCAT is going to do anything thing cool for Anime Expo? It starts in 2 days.
Cool and Omori related of course.
Sunny and Basil's friends, especially Aubrey, are awful in that fic, yes. It made me really wish Rowan got to meet them after how his run in with Hero went. Although to be fair, from what I remember Sunny just told them that he killed Mari and left out how things got to that point so they had the worst view of him possible.
>Hero and Kel going to his house to make him confess his crime to the entire town
Wait, wasn't that Basil's decision entirely? I could have sworn him confessing in front of the entire church congression was his decision without any outside influence. But it wouldn't be the first huge thing I've forgotten about this fic over time.
such fine knowledge...
Only of you think overpriced ugly shirts are cool
very cute
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Sleeping forever
link to fic
This one.
And despite what I said I still had a really good time reading this fic. Enough to be excited for each update. It's just the issues Aubrey got under my ski.

are those tags implying aubery grooms him?
Nope, not Aubrey.
who does
i normally dont like aubey x sunny because of Kimbrey brainrot but who grooms him
>Wait, wasn't that Basil's decision entirely?

It was Basil's decision, but come on, what else could he do to be forgiven? If confessing his crime was the only way, then Basil is more than justified in avoiding them if he wanted to take care of his mental health.
Not sure about the glasses part but I can see a older Basil rockin the ponytail look.
The OC Rowan, although it's not because he wants to sex Sunny or anything, he does it because he's a serial animal murderer that took an interest in Sunny after saving him from committing suicide, seeing him like a pet of sorts that he'd have no qualms disposing of later like the others. At least at first. If I remember correctly.
There's also another character that takes part in the Sunny grooming later on for her own reasons.
you might be one of the only people who actually likes kimbrey (this is not an insult)
i know most people who do kimbry only do it because they want to ship sunny with the other characters but i think kimbrey is cute and plausable esp since kim clearly helped her out of a very dark part of her life
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So cold, yet you being there made it feel warm
I was going to go to Anime Expo but I'm moving across the country the second day of it :(
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Definitely not vegan
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Having picnics in places only you could think of
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Being there for it all
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Cool Kid
Dream Moony my beloved
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sunflower is the holy truth
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cute nya nyas
She hasn't done anything cool in her life
perfect mewos
Little bubby loves his big sister...
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He is going to steal your nose
Do not resist, it will only make things worse
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The sun shined brighter when she was here
Moony dev
not really I just got this from that tumblr page thing. Just read the filename.
They're about to have some wholesome sibling fun
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They want to BATTLE!
Mari thinks they're sharing a special sibling moment sneaking out like this, but Sunny's keeping a double secret since he sneaks out to Hobbeez with someone else at this hour sometimes
Not that he'll tell Mari that and ruin her fun
>About to do an incest
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Cute and kitty, Hero's so happy

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bad hair day
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sunny's not supposed to grow tall he's supposed to stay the small baby of the group
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So do you guys think the Omocat 10th anniversary is going to have an Omocat plush

Would you guys even like an Omocat plush

Do you think Omocat is going to stream as Omocat to announce the Omocat plush in the Omocat collection for the 10th Omocat Anniversary?
Only one way to find out. My bank account is hoping she doesn't release anything good. If she is then I'm going to buy it and my wallet will hurt.
Had a dream, I had sex with Omocat
my favorite autism creature. the snuny
Omocat store does NOT have shit for masc men
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if you look like a chad in real life, you absolutely should wear an omocat shirt out in public. purely for comedy.

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