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Zenkai no /llsifg/!: >>484101420

LLLL: Summer gacha
Nijigasaki Tokimeki Mirai Chizu announced for Switch

Aqours Club 2024 set releases June 30th
Bloom the smile, Bloom the dream! releases July 17th
Aqours 5th Solo Albums start releasing August 1st
Tsubaki Takizakura Girls' High School Idol Club After Party Album! releases August 21st
Cerise Bouquet 4th Single releases September 4th
Niji Conclusion Arc Part 1 releases in theaters September 6th
Dollchestra 4th Single releases September 11th
Mira-Cra Park! 3rd Single releases October 2nd
Superstar S3 begins airing in October

>SIF2 databases, teambuilder, misc stuff

>LLLL gameplay guides
(in Japanese)https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rrZFdnRXX9cigAH3jI6874KVv8RcI9A9CaXdWFus3OE/edit#gid=515581572
>LLLL card database

>dead game offline/private server guides

>Aqours Club 2024 set releases June 30th
Who ever makes the next thread please don't be a retard and update the OP for fuck sake
Lets pretend the tragedy hasnt happened
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Still not watching hasu until it gets an anime
Just say you hate Aqours.
Let Hamada write for the Hasu anime
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Wow, I hate it!
this is tomori
It's July
this is coco
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isnt that the futa artist
This is tomori and mayu
>only chapter 3
whats taking them so long?
this is nana
stop posting
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Isn't it the same story from the game
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yes, but like any adaptation in a different medium it has its own charm
Super gay
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I can't believe it.
This is Setsuna.
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theyre just friends
What was wrong with the other thread? Does having 2 aqours-themed OPs in a row really blow out OP's ass this badly?
I await the anime
Why did she...
'fraid so
>caring this much about the OP
Are all Aquatards this insecure?
As opposed to the one who felt the need to make a 2nd thread because of the OP?
The last Aqours OP got 404'd
Well at least you answered the 2nd part lmao
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Holy double standard
relatively speaking, whats the point of announcing these final lives? It just kinda sucks when LL groups are expected to all end at some point, meanwhile i've been following million live for 10 years and none of that happens. I guess they want to go out with a bang? idk
cheaper and more profitable to milk an arena live one last time than continue to do basketball court sized events
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>milk an arena live
concluding their full group lives is the opposite of milking retardbro
Read the full post retardbro
Chika -> Python
Riko -> Java
You -> C++
Yoshiko -> html and javascript
Hanamaru -> pseudocode
Ruby -> need I say more?
Kanan -> Rust
Dia -> Assembly
I don't get this
it's definitely more profitable to just keep them around forever
Honestly the more i think about it, Aqours not doing 9 member lives anymore barely matters.
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If they're paying them x amount, and their return is lower than what they are paying them, then no the fuck it isn't.
Simply announcing they're reclining and giving you closure.
"It's worse when their activities slow down gradually and you're never made aware that the thing you're emotionally attached to has ended" is what I saw some jp fans say, Aqours will go down that route as they run out of new things to shill to justify having radio programs or events, eventually they will have to draw a line somewhere and end for real without outright saying it, the cast will move on; but at least you got your Final(e) Live.
This only applies if they no longer have a salary after the final live.
Bold of you to assume they'll be getting paid the same after the final live.
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i mean, i wouldn’t be surprised if Kyan does considering that she is still so active for love live. Same with furi and Shuka
we can all agree that kinchans salary will be 0 after this shit
There was nothing wrong with the other thread. Don't use Hasunosora for your shitpost agenda
No one wants to use your shitposter thread.
>Hasu OP
Ok fags, tell me your favorite Hasu's song
do do do is pronounced dough dough dough
Natsumeki Pain
Pleasure feather
I only listen to Love Live music in the games and I didn't play their songs enough in SIF2 to really remember them
This is Sparta
>yohan the troon
Ha tfu
Shame Dia never did that in sif
Dunno who on the left
We hope so
>Dunno who on the left
I think it's chizuko but im not sure
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>Dunno who on the left
Nozomi done right
This cutie
Nozomi is always right you fool
Now's that Aqours is dead, who's gonna be the designated meme group next?
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liella obviously
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Come on anon. She's waiting.
I'm seeing tweets from jpbros saying they can't buy Aqours Club because stores are sold out. It's dumb that they didn't prepare for this
Hi, Zuramaru
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Idiots, they don't deserve it. I pre-ordered months ago.
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Holiday Holiday or Tragic Drops
ok thats pretty cute
My wife!
wtf I love Dia now
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I do miss the impact aqours had on overseas audiences
>kinchan is the only one that didn’t make a sad tweet reflecting on aqours disbanding
she is not helping her case
what a kinBITCH!
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Super Shitty Uggo
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>again with this old rinboyshit art from pixiv at this time
Just fuck off already turdmiyu with this ugly as shit boy you don't even like when you're just posting old garbage, faggot.
Just say you're a newfag
That's how she always been
obviously but you would think this changes on the final live announcement
True, she had always been shit.
Who is the most dedicated for each group?
Emi, Kyan, Niji idk, Liella idk, Hasu too early
you're a newfag
That's how she always been
i wont be able to watch the movie for 6 months
Wait for a camrip like we did for hags and flops newfriend
i dont want to watch it like that
Then that's a you problem
Thats a terrible way to experience a film
Maybe you could watch it more than once.
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I will miss Aida-san and her weird eccentric personality ;_;
I agree, but claiming you won't be able to is not the same as "I choose not to watch". If you really loved Kasumin you would watch the cam rip.
aqours content will continue and if anything shes probably gonna be one of the members that sticks around
I saw aquakino in the kino just fine
it'll have a day 1 bd
I love that Tomori is still a part of their lives. No disrespect to Coco, but I really miss Tomori. She has such a unique and lovely voice. I’m glad she’s at least active, even if she’s not in the group anymore.
Not if it's an an actual movie they can stick event lottery codes in
I doubt they will have livestream in the future anon
Even hags still get the occasional stream
>their lives
They will sell it before the 7th live for 7th live lottery
I don't recall her showing up to any lives after she quit. Was she in the audience or something?
What a disgusting person
Choose wisely
Even the hags get one sometimes
I choose multi-track drifting
>What a disgusting person
It would be more disgusting if she lied and pretended she was sad. We all know she's the reason they are retiring anyway.
Why didn't they just replace the seyuu? With tomori they did and everyone is happy.
Not forgetting already that the worst traitor is Inami.
The leader who betrayed her group. What a disgrace, what a downfall.
explain without sounding like a retard how anju killed the group. aside from not appearing on streams very often she was always appearing at lives
Why didn't they do that with Muse?
as long as their reputation doesn’t unanimously go down the shitter in an irredeemable matter, the seiyuu is not getting replaced. Tomori left in her own im pretty sure.
Tomori got fired because she was bad at singing and acting.
cool now back it up with a source that she got fired because of this
Explain SWW
I mean controversy retard. The best example is Runa leaving Shiny colors because she caught being a sex addict who cheated on people and beagged about getting cummed inside.
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Who would they replace? After all, no one there betrayed.
Holy based
It was funny but definitely one of the most humiliating things ive ever seen a seiyuu get exposed for. The Emi and Homin shit don’t even come close despite being caught in actual porn
Yeah, Amuro's VA had a way worse scandal, but this shit was fucking hilarious. She pissed the other woman off by bragging about her "celeb status" and she went nuclear on the bitch and made all her dirty laundry public.
The ironic part is all she had to do is stop being a bitch at any point before that and she's have been fine.
It's obvious.
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She's the reason why we love Riko so much.
>Shizuku sucking my balls
I would nut immediately.
Where's Shioriko?
Nijiyon season 2 gas sold 8k blu ray, pretty impressive for a shit post show. The boogieman will bring it up if i dont mention it but #1 is GBC and #3 is euphonium I think
>#1 and #2 are ugly 3DCG shit
Anime is dead
very good for niji and crying girls. how did nijiyon s1 do?
>ugly 3DCG shit
Stop being blind. They're both good looking 3DCG.
and GBC BD/DVD is only cost 5k/4k yen
Nijiyon BD is 11k
yep, Eupho is 3rd
Yuru Camp 5th
a very packed season for otaku-oriented shows
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Anime has been dead and shit for ages.
The last good one came out in 2011.
Around 7k i think, so it was actually an increase which is rare for a sequel >>484426364
No anime failed to meet the hype worse than steins gate 0
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shes so funny
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Rina better get that fucking paper away from my cock.
when did Ai become a futa?
>getting your cock sucked by the most sexual first years
I wouldn't last...
Pic unrelated?
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>most sexual first years
that's not Liella.
I hate this fag's art.
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How does this guy post porn every single day and never get banned? I just don't get it
dynamic IP or phoneposting
Probably different people. Most 4channers like porn.
Porn poster doesn't post enough for me to care. I'll take that over genwarring shit.
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Kaorin as skinny as ever, but im shocked Mayu doesn’t look chubby here. Her arms and legs were always kinda bigger than the other girls,
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The smell..
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I'm surprised the height difference isn't more pronounced in that picture.
Mayu is only 155cm, thats only 9 cm taller than Kaorin
Those are third years
That's still a pretty significant height difference.
I normally don't like porn being posted here but I'm particularly upset this time since it was of 3 of my favorite girls and he didn't post the source.
Mayu? More like Ma-eww!
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Not as much as you do.
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Mayu <3
I love Mayu.
Also steins gate is meant to be read, don't be a secondary
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Glad Coco is around now so we don't have any more Azu.
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is this coco or tomori?
this is tomori
>huge tits
You can't look at that chest and say Tomori.
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I need a hand on each of their boobs to check.
cocos giant teets
Has anyone uploaded this yet?
Nope, im still waiting
She actually looks like a titty monster in those 2 photos ontop, what the fuck
Why are plushfags so cringe
Because she has large breasts, unlike Tomori.
Just read about Aqours dying
Did I miss the celebration party?
Dying doesn’t feel like the right term since they’ve been relatively unactive since covid. If anything we got the most aqours related projects ever announced all at once
This is tomori
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your new ren
This is Tomori Coco.
>huge tits
This is Coco.
They're being laid to rest. The announcements are akin to a funeral and a wake.
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not at all, put your head right here to celebrate
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Zero sex in this image
i bought 2 pulls, i have a random chance to get 2 things in this fucking image. I obviously want the plushes, wish me luck
Just say you hate Liella.
fuck you
I hope you get 2 Megumis
You hate Liella.
I would be ok with that
Niji 4 life
Let Umi and Kotori d!e
I masturbated to Hasunosora today/
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She Look like Eri.
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I want to have sex with Rina.
I hope you get 2 Himes
We know, Ai-san
Okay pomu.
Okay me.
Damn erotic idol child...
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kinda kino, reminds me of OP art style before it went to shit
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I saw some nip uploading the full art for the 2025 songs, I can't find any of the others though.
did the nijiyon bluray come with any bonuses? aside from the extra episodes. 8k is pretty impressive
lol, these aren't related to the 2025 songs
i'm retarded? what the fuck, i thought all this artwork was for the lead up next year.
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not much, some store bonuses have card sets like these
it's for a pop-up store in August
they only showed full versions of the 3 members that were in last week's livestream
Ayumu > Kanata > Karin = Rina > Setsuna > Ai > Lanzhu > Mia = Shizuku > Shioriko > Kasumi > Emma
Wow, i had no idea. Thanks for letting me know
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>jellyfish slop only solid 1k blu ray
rip that shill
Is this Coco or Tomori?

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