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>SMT VV Trophy List

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks will be available for listening on digital streaming platforms soon...?

>Funny reddit bird

>Funny photo featuring Alice

Previous thread: >>484195756
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I want to marry and have puppies with that dog
The Aogami Husts respawning is pretty stupid. You can just get Boon Boost on every support demon.
Jack tempest should have been jack aramasa but it pierces as well
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Kaneko has fallen.
i hate this
Atlus owns Raidou, but they don’t know it’s him under that mask
why isnt dante in SMT V Vengeance
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This time for real, I've finally done it. I've become Reddit.
So I have beaten SMT 2 chaos route. I heard its a good ending, but it doesn't feel like that at all. Mind you, I got Law ending first, and while you watch the eradication of Earth, it felt like there is some hope to humanity. Is it because if you just kill Yhvh, you will just get a shitty murderous Yhvh instead of a potential good Yhvh in Law?
CoC and CoV go hand in hand. Play creation to get Aogami by your side for the whole game then play vengeance to see MC react to his death
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am I the only one not excited for metaphor
i tuned it the FUCK out when they said there would be no romances
nobody is except for the unpaid intern Atlus has put in this thread
Oh no Beano is down!
Are there any Shin Megami Tensei power scaling tierlists like pic related, but exclusively focused on demons instead of the human characters who are Atlus OCs?
Who is this cum drum?
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This was posted in the previous thread but I'll post it in here anyways just in case.

>yea replace him with eistheth or any other comptetent phys demon
No can do because I'm on Canon of Creation. As for why that is, the first reason was that I wanted to see CoC's story for myself to see it's differences between it and Canon of Vengeance. The second reason was that I unfortunately got tricked by the myth that you needed to unlock the True Neutral Ending in order to unlock Godborn. So what other competent phys demon would you recommend? Alternatively, I'd be willing to recreate Yoshitsune from scratch if I absolutely have to. Will this build work?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGuCSKJ2dm8 [Embed]

Thanks for the build recommendations.

>There’s no reason to have spells on him.
Yeah, I was still in the mindset of "gotta cover as many elemental weaknesses as possible with all my demons" when giving him skills. Though I might use this Loki build for Mitama hunting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIQVk62wiM0 [Embed]

>All those skills are available at his level, but idk which ones you can get through essences.
I can figure that out as I play the game and check on my available essences.

Pic related is my current demon stock so far. Got big plans for my demon haunt harem. But I'll use male demons as well if they're cool or overpowered.
Satan and shiva are always top dogs, then you got masakado being nippon BANZAI
Any good ideas for a Luck build in VV?
Man how come we don't get Energy Drain in V or VV?
Shit was a staple of my build in IV and IV:F
>luck build
kek. unless you want to be an ailment bitch for your party, luck is useless
There's this classic. Just mentally remove the humans.
Is Metaphor a Shin Megoomi Toonsay Game?
Cute Mermaid!
Nah, I'd win
>Weak to everything
Well this will be easy.
bro just doxxed himself
>finally figure out McCool's AI pattern
>bring him to red
>He proceeds to Ultra Instinct and dodge ALL of my attacks in Critical mode
It's in the game. Just locked off until lvl 60ish. Muu Shuwuu has a stronger version as a personal skill if you want it earlier.
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Idk why but why does Azazel's face look like it came from the Sims?
It's so you can have a actual chance against him since his unique skill will nearly or completely one-shot your party
There isn't any romance in Metaphor? Despite having tons of female party members?
>Weakened form
Oh, I just realized something. The claim that you need to beat CoV to unlock Masakado is completely false, so I guess the same applies to Satan?
Is Atlus really satisfied with this guy's design. Because man is it just not cool. Especially in 3D. Masakado is supposed to be the most badass samurai who ever lived and he looks like he's wearing a paper bag and can barely move his arms.
There's a stronger form of him?
You do need CoV to grab the sword for the True Fight. Satan can be done in cov by having two save, beat one, and then visit the trustful angel to start on the satan quest
You can fight masakado without beating CoV, but in CoV there is an item that will allow you to fight against a stronger version of masakado.
Though I am not sure that you need to beat CoV and then play CoC on that file to proc or if you just need to find it in CoV and then you can fight his upgraded form on any fresh savefile.
The former is how satan's boss fight works appearantly.
>He doesn't know
>What's that you blocked one of my dracostrikes the previous turn?
I'm looking forward to it but not exactly excited
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>fantazio: simile edition out in 2-3 years
is it even worth it to buy games at release?
There's a special item in CoV that makes his fight harder
Metaphor won.
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this made me laugh harder than I'll like to admit
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Bean is stronger than him
Nanashi solos both
if nanashi gets a superboss they'd have to model Krishna
Your screenshot doesn't show the rest of the cut content though so how do we know it's true?
Ahcope tier list with Aleph being above nanashi,flynn and others
>aleph kills yhvh in his regular form
>nanashi needs his gaggle of gays to shout mean words at yhvh because hes unkillable to them until he devolves into a demonised form first
sounds right to me
Massacre Nanashi is canon
Also Aleph needed Satan
>Krishna, Dagda, ???
Thinking Satan maybe but that feels not on theme. I do think it should be Genocide Nanashi though
>Regular form
>its just a single head toying with ALeph
>Nanashi needing others to beat YHVH
Are you the guy that think their talk is "power of friendship" or whatever
No I am not some random retard you were presumably arguing with and are for some reason still bitter about. They observe him into a demonised form because of the observation retardation apocalypse founds itself on, I thought the game pretty blatantly stated that even if I think its dumb.
Great so did you also realize Nanashi was fightning the undemonised form too or you just ignored it? And that the part members are just there to parrot the "observation" for the silent protagonist and not a necessary factor?
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you think amabie got tengu'd...?
You all use Yoshitsune and you know it
I use Matador
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Did YOU ignore all the dialogue? They are fighting the undemonized form but they explicitly say they can't kill it and need to drag him down to the state of a regular demon to kill him. Also this screenshot is from anarchy, they need to observe him into a pretzel in both routes not just bonds.
Nope, I actually think he's overrated as fuck.
I use him with Cu and Cumhail because they are hot
Yeah, and did Aleph kill YHVH? Did Aleph hold his ground against an infinite amount of heads of YHVH? And Nanashi himself have the power of observation so i dont' know your point, they have to do it literally while fightning YHVH, its their own power
hot boy summer!
>Nanashi's friend are somehow more powerful than almost everyone else because of le power of observation
>even though every human in IVA possesses this ability
>even though Nanashi doesn't even need them to reduce YHVH to his demonized form
Fithers is actually retarded
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vv in one image
Is that Johnathan?
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Observation as its used in apocalypse is retarded. On paper it makes perfect sense that gods can be slowly influenced and warped/changed by millennia of shifting human culture and faith, its the kind of subtle "humanity wank" I like. Their power over gods is their mark on the world and history as collective cultures etc etc.
But apocalypse turning observation into "yeah like 8 guys (peace)/3 guys (anarchy) calling god a peepee poopoo head who doesn't deserve his power instantly turns him into a different easier to kill guy in the span of 10 minutes" is so gay and bottom of the barrel I can't get over it
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Why is the cycle bad again? Is this more Chaosfag retcon/wankery post-SMT2?
>"yeah like 8 guys (peace)/3 guys (anarchy)
Was it not the entirety of Tokyo and Mikado, IE all of remaining humanity, doing it? That was the plan was it not? And for gameplay reasons you only see your partner characters during the fight.
How do I get good at SMT games?
use buffs, exploit weaknesses, don't let enemies exploit weaknesses
Its been a while since I played apocalypse(2017), but my memory was that because YHVH closed himself off into his disconnected from conceivable space pocket universe and he removed his name from human language observation didn't affect him, but your party managed to actually break into his universe with epic masakados monolith and the cum chalice containing all of tokyos hope or whatever so your parties observation actually reaches him.
Frankly though it could be the entire pre apocalypse 7 billion strong populated planet simultaneously wishing for it like they were sending power to goku and I'd still think it's pants on head retarded to just instantly transform him. I think its dumb its this weird instantly takes effect superpower, that the point where humanity wank really becomes WANK. It being the slow yet powerful effect of decades of shifting culture and faith is so much more effective.
Meant more millennia than decades but point stands
Nanashi won. The final bosses of other games are just mini bosses to him. Metatron is a random encounter. Showing human traitor edgelords the true power of indomitable human spirit
Metatron was a random encounter in SMT2 as well
Nanashi plows through hordes of them at the same time
what allies would superboss flynn have?
what allies would superboss nanashi have? bons or massacre?
sex with asahi
This guy has a kamen rider belt
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Nothing will make me dislike his existing output from the actual megaten franchise but seeing him leave atlus and just... blatantly recycle one of his previous characters into a slightly different enough to avoid a lawsuit form yet still obviously a rehash just the same makes me completely lose interest in his future endeavours.
Dare I say it, he can join the once great creator who completely lost the plot club with tomino.
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thoughts on Doi Stan's original design
looks like a persona 3 boss
I like it better, but the main one is very in line with what is in revelations major interpretations.
I don't like it.
I'm playing SMT IV and it feels a lot like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon for some reason. The quest menus, the dungeons, the random dungeon wipeouts.
my berith bugged and now his battle cries sound like manananngal
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Why when continuing to use maria in the franchise past NINE did they use the "THIS IS A FAKE ARTIFICAL GODDESS" white version instead of the actual intended to come off as a real goddess black veil wearing version? Its not like she's artificial in SJ and V/VV, its supposed to be the genuine article
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I'd buy this
Observation is retarded, it should be a power that only Godslayers have acess too,it makes no sense everyone having it
For Strange Journey Redux, the 2nd form has a more unique design for static portrait, and SJ also had Pillar Zenelim which looks stylistically similar to that form. Then Persona followed suit.

It IS awkward in SMTV where Maria needs to move though.
These aren't Alex
Why is SJ mainline when there's no number?
take care of your back bros... you'll appreciate it when you get older...
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How long did kaneko have the idea for raidou, seem to remember him saying it was an idea he'd had for a bit
Theres a "raiho" in persona 1 in the SQQ wearing the same period piece jap school uniform, makes me wonder if he had that idea as far back as then
>Also Aleph needed Satan
Neutral Aleph doesn't need Satan or Lucifer to beat YHVH.

IV/IVA had a similar idea, but with a more meta take about law/chaos/neutral happening over and over and just giving away to the other, basically referencing the series itself.
Probably, stuff for SMTV were cut from the original idea of Nocturne
because mainline has numbered game and games like if, SJ and NINE.
How come angels look like the eldritch abominations in SMTIV, but Mastema just looks normal?
If what?
raidou's design was older than his game, but seems like the idea for raidou was something Kaneko and Yamai came up with adding to each other's ideas.
It's just the Archangels that got redesigned into that. The other angels still looked normal.
Gay fox?
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By the way I'm not sure if the lore tab mentions it but I'm pretty sure Black Maria is based on this mysterious statue of her that came to Sicily from the Byzantine Empire, and I've always found it pretty weird to have such an obscure saint cult reference
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Thanks anon, I got confused
fither is such a retard
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so why wouldnt atlus/sega let him pitch his own ideas again?
Guest design. The Archangels in 4 are very demented in their viewpoint while Mastema is much more humble and more in line with the Bible. The game is basically saying they have become like demons. It's why Merkabah says he is tainted in the Law Ending.
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Mastema isn't in the bible
thanks anon
Mastema is Jewish Satan who is a judge for God instead of being the main rebel.
people will swear up and down that it being a single head vs infinite doesn't matter
You just have to come to terms with liking little girls anon.
They were redesigned by one of the guest artists for SMTIV. Specifically they were redesigned by Keita Amemiya.
He is a bro I very much felt bad whenever he kept saying this may be his final talk with me
>It's why Merkabah says he is tainted in the Law Ending.
No, he says that because being in Tokyo = makes you tained with filth.

There are multiple sources, it's not just that one case.

>"A holy mother of the dark, of Christian descent.
>The statues in regular churches are usually of the Virgin Mary, but there exist some suspicious black statues. They say that these statues have their origins in the Middle East, such as Egypt's Isis and the Phrygian Cybele."

See this wiki page for what's it's referencing


Although something not mentioned there and that seemed to play into the design is the idea that these Black Maria statues were used to continue worshiping pagan goddesses under the veil of Christianity (which is why Black Maria is actually Danu in SMTIV).
I am very little knowledgeable about myths, is SMTV the first time we got African gods?
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Demon based on this religious painting when?
Black Frost already exist.
>Dare I say it, he can join the once great creator who completely lost the plot club with tomino
Every single vidya "auteur" from the 90s and 00s has gone to shit. All of them.
Well, we have some Egyptian and Arabic demons, but for Central/Southern Africa, there aren't many, yes.

Soul Hackers 1 had Ogun, Devil Summoner had
Holawaka. Both of them were just grunts/compendium filler. Devil Children actually had a bunch, but generally Devil Children's demon selection was mostly unrelated to other SMT games aside from the Jack Frosts.


The wiki lists more, but looking at them they're either Arabic, myths from elsewhere -about- Africa or myths from African culture elsewhere (a few Haitian voodoo demons like Loa).
Kill yourself nu-smt fags.
kaneko worshipers will tell you that design is actually original and better than anything atlus has put out since SJ
>blatantly recycle one of his previous characters into a slightly different enough to avoid a lawsuit form yet still obviously a rehash just the same

It's so weird how people make copyright law a moral issue. Yeah, it's a rehash because he can't use Raidou after leaving Atlus, but considering how he was one of Raidou's creators, I don't see the issue. If the scenario of this game he makes is just NOT-SMT or NOT-Devil Summoner I don't think there's any problem at all. The actual problem is more if the game just isn't good (which is very likely considering the developer).
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What a funny thing to say to me lol
Get shit for being a nostalgia blind ape who mindlessly hates all new smt one minute and the next I'm apparently a nu-smt fag
Make up your minds will ya...
Don't remember seeing this guy in IV at all
>for Central/Southern Africa, there aren't many, yes
That's a shame, we should get more
Never played Devil Children, mostly stuck to mainline SMT, is this worth checking out?
God i love Alice
No, it's Kawakami.
Lahmu is pretty good, he's been trying so hard not to get fusioned away, that he boosted his magic 4 times in a row at demon haunts, he's got as much magic as Cleopatra while being 10 levels behind
He's also kinda chill when he's not trying to murder people
It's not, the rulers are more closely to being the problem than the cycle itself, i could only see this Lucifer wanting to destroy the cycle if its to bring new forms of chaos
This quote is funny because it would imply this Lucifer would support Tao
>beat shiva because he wants to destroy the world
>destroy it anyway with yoko
Is there no changed dialogue if you only go there after the route lock? I guess there isn't, but has anyone tested it?
easy i get to fuck yoko thats why it's better
It's simple, we cannot let the indians win.
What do you guys think about Kozuka writing whole battle themes for story irrelevant demons that show up once like Turbo Granny, Mara and Beelzebub?
more music for me
brahma would remake the world Shiva is just doing his own cycle
I can't disagree, but it also feels weird having penis and fly man with the best themes in the game
That's not Raiho, it's mistranslated. This is Heeho-kun from If...
THey are cool and deserve good themes,i like Theom theme more though
Oh thats good to know, neat.
see fly man is at least apart of the main story even if his role is tiny

i didn't expect a turbo granny theme but cock and fly are iconic
I like Mermaid's theme.
I missed turbo granny until i was like level 45 when I went back to tokyo to check my allignment
Yeah if you want to fight her at the proper level, you have to go back to Tokyo immediately after the school... when there isn't really a reason to.
my take on this is we lost Kaneko on what could
possibly be his best era of work, and for wharever reason he lost his control to his art and IP he had a major role in creating
I don't blame him for doing something that's a mishmash of what atlus themselves have the right for and are currently doing, I just think it's sad that it went down like this.

I still kinda want to know what's his opinion on Doi as a demon designer
not just battle themes, stuff like
it somehow made the demon's presence in Da'at more pronounced.
IV and SH had a ton of "story quest that ends with a battle" style of quest, but giving it specific music makes it a more well rounded experience. I hope VI comes with a 10 disk soundtrack full of random demon themes
Quest - Elegy
It's not a battle theme but was made with Mermaid in mind, basically making it her theme.
Fuck off Mandala
A creator doing a spiritual sequel isn't anything new.
>I still kinda want to know what's his opinion on Doi as a demon designer
He is probably neutral about him.
No matter how bad this game ends up being, it will still be better than Metaphor since it will have soul.
Lucifer's is yet to be beaten, but that's because it's a multi-phase theme and I think it's pretty good
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DDS bros...20th anni this month...can they drop the fucking ost already
Don't think Kaneko gives as much of a shit as the fanbase does about him being traded for Doi
They will announce remasters for both games then drop the OST
Screencap this
>Shiva destroys the world
>Throne still exists
>nothing changes
but if they could work with the company that owns the IP in their own terms they wouldn't do that.
I don't agree, he was really specific about his own work. wouldn't you be super opinionated about a thing like that?
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serph bros...are we back??
Not really, at the end of the day it's still just a contract, and it's not like Kaneko's demons are being touched on.
>it's not like Kaneko's demons are being touched on
>he was really specific about his own work.
Was he, really? Palletswap demons in Soul Hackers. Many redesigns of various recurring demons before they got stuck with 3d models. I don't think he really had a single portrayal of each demon in mind like a lot of fans have.
Prove me wrong?
doi and soejima worked under him anyway. I don't care much to speculate but just from that it's probably safe to assume he isn't as mad as people think he is

He was the one who pushed the younger gen onto P3 and he was still around during IV too
he made a ton of designer per game.
also go read his design comments, or interviews, your impression of him is way off imo.
No, I'm just going to greentext you and walk away
I'm not saying he didn't have ideas behind the different portrayals of the demons, I'm saying he didn't see each design as definitive, which is why he was often redoing them.
Also, by palletswaps in Soul Hackers, I'm not talking about reused designs within the same game, I'm saying many Soul Hackers designs were radical pallet swaps of existing designs from previous game, like Devil Summoner Thor getting dark purple skin and white clothing.
so is CoC true ending needed to unlock Satan fight?
No, you just need to have a clear save. In CoV, you can just save before the final battle, save the clear file in a separate file then reopen before the final battle and the Satan battle will be available.
No, you just need a clear on your save file. You can fight him on your first route if you put your complete save on another file then reload the original save.
difference is Doi worked on designs under Kaneko and not art and illustration, that's precisely why when they had him as the character designer some people had mixed opinions. because Soejima was long known as Kaneko's assistant but Doi never had that position. that doesn't mean Doi didn't work under Kaneko as much as Soejima did cause my general impression is that he did and knows plenty about Kaneko's design philosophy.
I'm not saying he's mad, I just want to know what he thinks.
actually do I? if he outright says he dislikes them there would be hurt feelings and arguments, maybe it's better the way it is right now.
I think the reason he changed them had more to do with the kind of game he was working on in terms of hardware and setting. he tweaked them to fit the overall aesthetic of the game better. he was also learning how to do digital art at the same time.
specificity in terms of how a design and art aesthetics should come off to players, Kaneko established a whole design aesthetic and philosophy for the series.
SMT 6 wont have negotiations. Instead in order to get demons you have to find their fossils and/or artifact. Mokele mbembe is a new Doimon.
i honestly highly doubt he'd say anything negative at all unless he's just gonna lose all his shit and go crazy. I'd like to see an interview with the old and new guard at atlus though would be great
Highly doubt Kaneko has anything bad to say about Doi, his work has been pretty good thus far
holy shit a new fossil fighters that won't be shit bros???
Why is Brahma not a demon like the other 2
new to the vengance route for smt v. any tips on what to prioritize in terms of stats, demons, abilites to get, etc
Prioritize luck and demons with high luck, nothing else matters
Spectrobe GODS
Am I gonna get locked out of a lot of shit after pushing the button in SMT IV??
Mermaid sex
When you choose Walter or Johnathan for the first route split, you lose access to some stuff. Then you have to do the other world events until the real route split, where you get locked out of Mikado outside of Law. The only thing you need to worry about is the Mikado stuff if you aren't going law.
He sorta is but for some reason he desn't show up in mainline, at very least he exists
Oh I just wanted to fight Yaso Magatsuhi. I thoutht he'd be at the reactor but I guess the Samurai old man gave you the ID Cards to to back to the floor where he knocked you out.
>but if they could work with the company that owns the IP in their own terms they wouldn't do that.
In the latest news, Kaneko wasn't in good terms with Atlus.
I hope Phen-288 is a demon in the next installment of the True Goddess Reincarnation series.
The route split isn't there, you can go back. On the Law path, you get sent back there in the main law sidequest line
What news? If i was him i'd be mad at Alus and Sega too desu, especially seeing how Dx2 demons can't be used by Atlus the whole thing must be a shitshow
Whats the lucifer difficulty choice do exactly? Does it change the endings or just to make it harder
It just makes the battle harder. You fight a version of Lucifer where he changes forms into a black version of robot Lucifer for a while.
Also, he has more exposition dialogue during the battle too, but the ending itself doesn't change.
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>white Lucifer changes into black Lucifer
where have I seen this before
Inb4 we get a megaten game with frontier in the title
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A bit late to answer this but he's in IV as a NG+ Challenge Quest boss.
>He's white in IV, and is fucking easy
>He's black in IV:A, and suprisingly way harder now
What did Atlus mean by this.
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>Lucifer in V kills YHVH without observation memes, unlike that pussy Nanashi who needed to nerf him to win
>Consumes YHVH's Knowledge and ascends to a higher plane of existence, far more than YHVH could imagine
>Nahobino reaches a level where his observation can affect transcended existences like Transcended Lucifer before the final fight
>The only options are to fight normal Transcended Lucifer or fight an extremely more powerful version
>Literally goes "WAKU WAKU, give me harder battles!" by buffing his enemies to give himself a harder challenge
Yeah I'm thinking beano is the strongest.
>NG+ Challenge Quest boss
Ah, that would explain it
Yeah, and so are Izanami and Astaroth, the latter of which is funny to think about considering he's in the cover.
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Is it ever mentioned if its YHVH that lucifer destroyed?
>still get tutorials on NG+
Come on, man.
I really wished they changed it so it can be skipped
I don't know how it could be anyone else other than YHVH. He's called God, the Creator, and others many times in the game. There's really no one else who Lucifer has this much of a hateboner over. The biggest opposition to Lucifer are similar Transcended existences such as Mastema or demons who have been summoned by Transcendence like Satan, and both work for the Greater Will rather than YHVH.
Running through all the endings on NG+ is the biggest fucking chore
>the nahobino we play as is not even the strongest as a commander type exists we can fuse with
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I doubt they'll deliver on this ever due to marketability concerns but I'd love human to see demon/demihuman transformations in this series touch on a bit more visceral body horror. They did kinda broach the subject with abdiels fall but I'd like to see human characters get similarly detailed transformations, not just already demon characters.
I didn't know this either why the fuck is a level 24 demon exclusive to a newgame+ quest??
It would be cool, but I have a feeling most of it would be off screen with the final product due to age ratings
Don't let beano haters tell you otherwise. He may look like a fag but he got the spirit and the strength
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>Law has nothing besides Amakuso Tokisada and Seraph, which only need Law alignment during Jonathan/Walter split
>Chaos has Astaroth, Asherah, Mother Harlot, Ishtar AND Demiurge, alongside Izanami and Kartikeya which need either this or Neutral due to being in Blasted/Infernal Tokyo for each
>Just by NG+ alone you have Ogun and Take-Mikazuchi
Yeah, IV's NG+ is kind of funky to think about.
young man...
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Market is so mild nowadays I doubt even something like Devil Children would get approval.
Link to manga?
beano is that guy who pretends to be gay so he can see his female friends naked
Yeah you are right,i wish they would have show YHVH directly or showing a bit of the lucifer fight, does demi-fiend have a compedium? I never looked into it
didn't work on yoko she wanted that beano cock
You get to have him as a guest in your team after beating him, but you don't get to register him in the compedium.
nyaa 1403866
Despite it all, he is still the bull.
Can I do that in NG+ or Godborn? Cuz otherwise it seems kind of pointless
nope, you don't need NG+ or Godborn. You can get him in your first run.
You can't register him in the compendium no matter what.
No I mean can I have him from the get go on NG+ or Godborn after getting him on a normal run?
I'm afraid not. You have to beat him every time recruit him in your party. This means doing the Return of the True Demon quest every time.
Because it's true. That design looks better than anything Doi drew since 2013.
Imagine saying this when Made in Abyss exists
You are genuinely insane and should be put in an asylum for observation.
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
Yoko won, fujos lost
Fuck off retard. Kaneko artwork will always be better than Doi's swirly mess.
Doi is good. But he's no Kaneko. I like his angel design tho
He's right though
>Imagine believing this unironically
Kanekofags do yourselves a favor and end your lives, he's not coming back to the series.
Nah I think I will live and enjoy SMT while also pointing out Kaneko is superior, but thanks
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I prefer bondage angel imo, but I like his amon and mermaid design
So what if he's not coming back? Doi will never live up to Kaneko's artwork, no matter how many swirly or coomer demons he makes. He'll always be inferior to the man whom was there since the very beginning.
Kaneko designs got worse through the years and i blame digital art
>Doi will never live up to Kaneko's artwork
Already surpassed him.
the Japanese version of the game clarifies that the higher ups who were sending yoko to death missions were men I noticed this cause the streamer I was watching went on a drunken rant on how yoko is a twitter feminist who wants to defeat all men
Abbot Hugo deserved more spotlight.
He gets it in the DLC, but he's a negative bastardization of the church, and it's why he lost all his power when Merkabah took over
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Lilith redesign is proof enough that he hasn't at all.
Oh I guess I won't be able to play the DLC since the store is dead.

Gotta wait for a Steam re-release.
Feels odd that they made Marduk so integral to the backstory and motivations of the antagonists in VV and yet didn't actually add him to the game. Would have been nice to see him as the superboss instead of just falling back on dead horse characters satan and masakado.
i mostly like doi but don't kid yourself
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haters will say you are wrong
>he says while posting a Kaneko design
I guess a reason that atlus didnt put him in yet would because they haven't chosen a design yet. He seems to be in early demon hell only appearing in spinoffs and early persona
all this discourse and clearly the only good artist atlus has is soejima
in terms of art and design contained in one game I can see that happening someday, but he's not there yet. nevertheless he has been very consistently improving and balancing different ideas to appeal to different demographics, and I really hope someday we can have a game on par with PS2 megaten in terms of art direction and design.
but then again, Kaneko's creative work was more than just an artist. in that aspect I doubt Doi will contribute to a game in that capacity. still I really like his designs and general aesthetic.
personally I'd say Doi's career as demon designer and megaten dev has suppressed Kaneko's if he properly brings up a successor and sets up an art and design team.
Lilith's redesign is several times superior to Kaneko's the fuck kind of delusion is this?
Oribe is flexible as hell and her art from Arena is kino.
Shimada has a lot of potential though.
Soejima has trained his girls really well.
What's the cheapest fusion combination you can do to get Camael? Getting all Angels is gonna be awful if Camael keeps costing 50k on the compendium.
what happens if noone takes the throne for an indenfinitive amount of time?
orange man would be forever alone
nocturne says worlds that don't go through the cycle of death and rebirth will run out of energy.
what does nocturne say about joe
>"I recommend that you travel with but a select few of the total demons you come to assemble. Too many heads will simply get in each other's way. Priorize quality over quantity in such matters."
Never thought I'd get team building advice from Hydra
If we don't have a timeframe to when it happens its kinda of a non-factor desu
joe mama?
foiled again
I don't like that advise. My playthrough of VV really stood out to me because I was incentiveised to use my whole stock and constantly swap demons mid battle. Hydra clearly just wants you to use the OP demons and never rotate. What a shitter.
He's just telling you to focus your investments on a few chosen
Kozuka mentions several times in the notes that
the voices in the songs are not saying words, so I wonder if he knows people were searching for lyrics in nocturne battle themes
I used Yoshitsune, Sakuya and Cu for most of the game, I bet that makes you seethe
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Soon he said
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if this was a doi design niggas would say its the most uninspiring boring piece of shit
Well yeah, he has a lot of brains.
Best law theme?
the orochi fight would have been more kino if his heads would gradually get cut off as his hp lowered
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and second
I thought Maya's whole gimmick was illusions and sleep? Copy pasting Cleo's charm attack doesn't seem right to me. Should be inflicting Sleep and Mirage instead. Like a more powerful version of Slumber Vortex.
Do I have to beat Shiva before Metatron?
deal damage to him until his hp runs out
he's weak to ice
Hit the enemy's weak point for massive damage
I'm not sure about the CoC route in VV, but in CoV, you can still do everything outside right until you fight the final boss
Yeah, I think the project mask stuff is just a way for him to use raidou without having to deal with any of that legal stuff. Sucks that had to happen though
>Managed to get to phase 2 Babel but lost
I'll get it next time
I've seen someone complaining that they beat Shiva right before Lucifer and the option to fight true Lucifer didn't appear, but I haven't tested it personally. I defeated Shiva before Metatron.
This is like the few times kaneko has used that type of design, doi has been using that style for most of his demons my guy.
That's my wife
No reason not to use Balms right
Yeah, you can use balms as soon as you get them.
>level 99 nahobino
>level 99 demons
>all balms and incenses used
>all sutras maxed
Yeah it's showtime. You're going down Hydra
Taobros won.
I don't want to leave either of them behind...
not according to my dick
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How do I get these in Shinjuku?
It's a rail to the north (not right next to that building), on top of building ruins you can actually climb up by yourself.
Found it thanks. It's always a damn rail in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
>Hydra gets Godborn stats
I haven't tried Godborn, but I did beat up the first Challenge mode for Minato with my endgame team. They're actually pretty weak still compared even to the last few story bosses due to their bad skills.
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rate my halphas
when will they make AGI relevant?
reddit bird
They do have that one agi based attack for moonbino, but they really need more of those for all demons if they aren't going to make agi more relevant in overall calculations.
Make it also increase number of hits so that multi hit spells/attacks need you to spec into it

Or scale it like nocturne where going +4/-4 on suku made you unable to be hit by anything
very important
>level 70
>already beat literally every other quest and Metatron except for Shiva
>Gospels will only bring me about to lv84
Did I miss something?
Probably skipped too many battles in the Tower of Eternity. You can level up really quickly there up to level 80 or so, especially if you use the attract item to have chain battles.
I see, I will do that then
most normal take i've seen about this all day the fuck?
mastema is the proto-jewish satan that appear in some ancient text and the dead sea scrolls but none of the modern denominations of Judaism acknowledge him.
>Had to use all my chakra pots suffering through Norn
>girimekhalas refusing to drop chakra pots
Please kill me
I'm sorry that you have to deal with this but you're gonna have to either buy the DLC demon for easy MP refills or do those annoying trading quests for charka drops
Those Dis in Norn fight really were annoying, I spent most of the time on that fight trying to kill the one that kept doing Diarama on itself than Norn.
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Man, kinda makes me want to play CoC for these two alone, is their neutral route good?
no nigga, none of the routes in coc are good. and theirs is probably the most unfinished one.
It's good. Every route has the route rep die early off screen
>good routes
Choose one
only True Neutral, because Yakumo and her die in regular neutral, but in True Neutral Nuwa actually lives, and entrusts Yakumo's ideals to you, im sure even the fusion likely has some extra dialogue for her
Yakumo saves her from dying regardless of route
I dont get this argument. CoC's shortcomings were NOT the quality of the routes, more like the story didnt spoonfeed you enough. Heck, with CoV now in contrast, Yuzuru feels more like a fleshed out character, and CoV's Yuzuru being driven by the events that happened relating to his sister in contrast to CoC Yuzuru who is but a puppet of Tsukuyomi makes a lot of sense now.
>CoC's shortcomings were NOT the quality of the routes
>more like the story didnt spoonfeed you enough
so... the shortcomings were the story. which translates to the quality of the routes
CoC was already fixed in VV via Demon Haunts and the new quests.
Prior to VV these routes didn't have this kind of context so yeah, they sucked, and I still don't care about them that much even after playing CoV desu
the word distinction here is important, you had enough information to connect the dots, even moreso now that the CoC routes have the bench talks, there was even one anon in particular who already called most of the story out before here in this very general who was made a mockery out of, despite most of the CoV story spoonfeeding exactly the information he himself had gathered from CoC at release of SMTV.
This fight doesn't work without level scaling.
doesn't matter anyway with avocado on the team
Don't reply to the schizo
I have no idea what you're talking about nor give a shit
that's only on /v/ bro...
They should have maxed out all of their stats to provide some sort of challenge at least.
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howmst the heck are you level 65 and then you have a 96 Alice and 94 Masakado
probably newborn NG+ with compendium summon. no idea why you would even do newborn with compendium though
Alice came from save file bonus and Masakado was obtained early by cheesing with DLC demons.
Oh right. I forgot I'm an idiot
A bit older than what she should be but still fine.
The nude version is very nice too.
sex with mermaid
Hey... for someone who hates reddit bird you sure did raise her to an awfully high level didn't you... someone might be a tsundere
Why would you play CoC first if you hate V so much?
I was forced to use her and clearly as shown with this build, I didn't put much effort into her.
To 100% it.
Forgot image.
seek help, completionist fag
>I need to 100% this game I hate and vehemently shitpost about
I guess that's why you're a schizo.
>VV banners and links already removed from atlus social media
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>I was forced to use her
By who, the voices in your head lmao??
This isn't even a good build, what the fuck are you doing
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Use Muh Shuwuu anon, it is the only way.
ATTENTION: the dust is currently reforming. Dial your opinions of Vengeance back to where they were 5 days ago and post accordingly
Most of V bosses were weak to Ice, so I essentially gave all of my demons Ice Age by farming Gabriel's Essence to get through boss fights faster via multiple playthroughs.
Also pic related as a example.
this nigga play on normal mode lmao
For the love of god, give her some fucking ailments
>NIgga, nigga, nigga, nigga
Shut up
Do level 999 enemies offer any unique challenges aside from stat bloat?
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hear me out though
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Have opinions on VV shifted at all since launch? Seems to be a consistent the new content/changes are good, but a little more would've really polished it off nicely. I'm sure some youtuber will come out saying actually its bad that Yoko has her sexy legs out or whatever. But the most justifiably controversial I could see someone being is simply not liking what V is about.
Not really, it just gives you a reason to engage with the games hyper min maxing endgame and gives a bit of longevity since you cant just steamroll it
All these hags fucking me at once
Mind giving some examples?
>He doesn't know about Kabuki
Oh no...
How well does Switch Emulation work these days?
Naked Tao.
Emulating it on my machine is the same quality as the switch version.
emu for switch is usually better if you wait 2 weeks or so after release when most bugs have been fixed. naturally that is mostly due to the switch being a pos that cannot even handle stable framerates at its native resolution.
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yep, this is cringe
>beeno gets 2 goddesses thirsting after him and he gets his robobro back
I kneel.
>white faced the phys whore
holy kek
Back when V came out my opinion was that it was a 7/10 game, and that the story and the level scaling were my biggest issues, as well as Magatsuhi having little uses
After going through VV, which im not done with yet but nearly done with my first route, I can say those three points were all improved upon, I have not used the Crit Magatsuhi ever since I left the first area of the game, I am invested in the characters at hand, ive been underlevelled relative to the bosses but I can still win and put up a fight, its a genuine improvement on all fronts, id give it a 10/10 but I still felt like the demon variety isnt there, especially noticeable when doing fusions they just have ludicrous requests to some fusions and frankly too many Special fusions
Do I need to play Persona 1 (or at least read the manga adaptation) before Persona 2 IS & EP?
I mean... you don't NEED to but just as a matter of principle I'd recommend you play 1 of a series before 2
Yes, on a positive note Persona 1 is easy as shit and its better than Persona 2 gameplaywise so just enjoy it
Why didnt bino just choose both yoko and tao
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I don't click on catboxes. Not sorry
Yeah, unlike the later Persona games you have characters from 1 appearing in the main plot of 2.
Wouldn't say a must but there is some characters,and references that are straight from 1 including one of main characters was also on 1, so playing 1 does enhance the experience of the second game
Get in the box
You should. It's combat is really good.
you must be 18 to post here
fr shin gyat tensei V is bussin
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It certainly isn't perfect. I would've liked more new content for Taito (especially story), better dungeons, also how certain reuse of content from V and in Yoko's route is awkward. However these complaints are on a similar level to ones I have for the whole series. 4 still has a considerably more wonky third act and VV is top 2 if not the best balanced game in the series. There's only so much you can do with a re-release though even if this is way beyond my expectations.
i just want to point out that a zoomer can be around 28 years old by now. its over bro...
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Is it worth it for the affinities or it's better to keep it for the skills?
Those rock textures...
Lilith Essence? I used it for the affinities, got Null Light and I'm still using it. Just beat Shiva on Hard and I don't see myself switching it except for the obvious Demi-Fiend essence. Resist Phys is nice on top of the occasional Drain.
I see this critiscism a lot but i cant think of a game thats both critically acclaimed and has particularly good texture work
Baldurs Gate 3 is RIGHT THERE
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Is it just me or Tsukuyomi sounds weirdly excited when talking about fiends in japanese
If metaphor Fails, atlus is Fucked.
Meta 4 million copies sold
Meta 4 hundred copies sold
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Tao won't be happy about this
meta 4 copies sold
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Not Funny.
How many times does Hashino have to teach you guys that without him Atlus can't make any good games
Naamah is a better affinity and if you're in ueno you should have at least one essence with resist phys. 2 skill slots to resist every element.
I want Atlus to fucking die already
She cute
Is Freikugel worth keeping despite having Murakumo?
The crit chance bonus is only 20% on freikugel so no.
apparently freikugel is just sakanagi with 20% crit chances while murakumo is actually stronger.
No, it's strictly worse
Mine has improved
It's not perfect, but every change they have done to the story and characters and gameplay is effective and clever. It feels like a game made with a certain vision rather than a set of loosely tied areas and story ideas.
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Goodbye alice.
*farts in her face*
I liked the improvements. Too bad you don't get to keep them in new game plus in the beginning + everytime you start new game plus the game explains the enitre tutorial again
So, what's the better essences to seek out early game if going all magic?
OC deities bad unless is muh Nocturne
Miracles are dumb. They just wanted to use the app system from IV without putting in the effort to make it fit in the game.
In IV it made sense. You use app points to purchase upgrades for your comp. Expanding your stock made sense because you were purchasing storage space to store more DIGITAL demons.
In V and even Nocturne there is no good reason why you can store 10 demons but not 12. How demons are stored and summoned in those games is a whole other issue. Basically stop making the protagonists magic men that don't interact with technology at all.
Upgrades should be digital.
Storage should be digital.
And fusion should be digital.
go back to /v/
It’s been awhile since I played the original, but I think they might be the same lines Aogami had. I thought Aogsmi’s dialogue was weird on these quests and didn’t fit super well with the game’s other dialogue. Maybe the Fiend DLC had a different writer or something.
haha based
So I can only have 1 repel phys person on my team for demifiend? I wanted to dump my incenses into Mother Harlet to make her an invincible tank but this is the only thing holding me back.
By *record scratch* of course
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Unless they changed him from V, you can have 3 demons null/absorb/repel phys. If everyone blocks phys then he only uses Freikugel which is bad news
I mean nahobino already looks sort of a sentai transformation so there is no reason why i t couldn't be "digital"
Demons can fucking access the internet and enslaved by cellphones what more do you fucking want you goddamn freaks
I want sex with demons.
Belt comps
Is this "Canon of Vengeance" girl anything like Strange Journey Alex?
I hope not
I died to the second charm witch fight more than I thought I would due to her getting lucky crits
sex with not-ugly Eisheth >>484421289
For the protagonist to interact with demons through technology? You know the whole gimmick this series was based on?
how did you do this?
I want a super robot that i can summon in fights for attacks through sacrificing demons in my party
Mr. Doi will see you now.
he's not a demon summoner or anything, he's a nahobino this time around. he's a whole new gimmick, he's allowed to use miracles.
by drawing it
with a mouse and 20-year-old software
Instead of some sucker giving power, MC gets in contact with the super robot that grant him magical abilities and a stronger demon summoning program and his initial goal is to find a way to fix the mecha since he is a mecha enthusiast
Mermaid naizuri
Vengeance literally has demon summoners using technology to summon demons tho (Yuzuru and Dazai), Nahobino summons them with magic because he's literally fused with a god
Ok but where is the Axiom? The Greater Will? Stephen? SMT V cant be Canon (heh) without those
>he's a whole new gimmick
Actually he's just Demi-fiend again. Which already poorly explained how you are summoning and storing demons.
demi fiend didn't fuse with a demon, he just became one.
Axiom/Great will is the transcendence that Satan mentions

demons are just digimons
Semantics. There is functionally no difference.
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Perhaps it's because I'm playing on normal but holy shit I'm punching way above my weight.
Still I'm not complaining, definitely having fun trying out builds more freely than IV Apocalypse on hard
Need to fuck tiamats tiatitties
wrong, Sophia aids only the nahobino and gives him the power to use miracles, meaning she wont aid the demifiend and therefore he cant use miracles. simple as that,
I think most people agree that VV is an objective improvement over V, but that doesn't mean it's a good game now, that's up to personal preferences.
>holy shit I'm punching way above my weight.
once you hit early-mid 50s you can tear nearly all of the base game a new asshole
I see you have Lahmu
if you want some real fun, try Alice - Lahmu - Vritra and use Omagatoki Dance; an 8-hit Die for Me that can crit is pretty degenerate, even if you haven't optimized the setup with swaps and passives
>definitely having fun trying out builds more freely
VV is a massive leap in the right direction, but I hope they go even further in making as many demons useful as possible
Miracles are just apps from IV. If Nocturne got a proper remake they would also give him a similar upgrade system and call it something different like "Demonic Favors" or some shit. You don't need to be a Nahobino to purchase upgrades.
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>Miracles are just apps from IV.
what is the lore behind why beelzebub's innate skill does not work with primarily female races in your party
does he hate women or something in abrahamic lore?
Retarded frogposter
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>Whole thing with them is about vengeance
>They don't do jack shit in the new route
What were they thinking?
now say it again without crying.
>White clothes, white fedora
Shohei, from the Raidou games, is the father of Kamen Rider Skull
Refighting Demi-Fiend makes him give you an another one of his essence, right?
Crazy how it took until V being announced to realize that SJ isn't mainline
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>just beat chaos route CoV.
>Not sure if I should just go straight to reborn and fight masakado and then leave satan and demi for CoV law route or try to beat satan and do all that on godborn.
If... is mainline
NINE is mainline
SJ is mainline
simple as
Shes an even bigger mary sue do it all everything
>Can magic
>Can be liliths knowledge
>Can control and guide tiamat, the primordial goddess
>Can summon the literal void abyss
Yeah but she's hot
What's the best way to make money in SMT IV?
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Which version?
Money beg
Are there other games like SMT on Steam?
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is VV really costco?
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Nothing, they just don't like Sahori
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If and SJ are already confirmed to not be mainline
NINE being mainline is debatable as while it canonically takes place in the same universe as SMT 1, Atlus barely acknowledges it since it was mostly outsourced to Nextech
I wish a woman would look at me like that
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Tao lost
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I wish we got a Buddy Cop game where MC and Burger Frost travelled America to hunt demons.

Driving a car was the only comfy part of that one FF game.
Sophia explicitly mentions The Greater Will in your face at some point in the story when you're about to re-create the world. I think during the Demifiend quest? Yeah, the Greater Will wants you to re-create the world.
2 completely different and original characters.
Based taste.
>Alice calls you a tranny during demon haunts
Oh nononononononono yoko sisters lost
She's so beautiful, sucks she got less in VV
Less content than Tao route btw
I wish she got her own route.
less meat than Yoko btw
About to finish my first CoC run. Do I NG+ it for the true ending or should I just go to CoV next? Also is CoV largely the same with changes or entirely different?
her hair looks dumb
Feed the cat asshole
NG+ Vengence, it's mostly the same with some changes
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>try to reply nicely to people, help them out and express optimism
>game says, "Oh, you're going for the law ending? Have all these law alignment points"
If Chaos isn't the "evil" ending why do you have to be a dick to unlock it?
Youre a dickhead for even considering that
so yoko is a fatty,gotcha

i hope the cat take a shit on your food
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Why is the persona 5 protag so much cooler than the smt5 protag? i fucking hate this so much one is a lesser version of the concept for jojo/ a dating sim

the other is a post apocalyptic world where you fight beside creatures of mythology damn it man its making me rage so badly why do they treat mainline so fucking badly?!

is this even mainline anymore?! fuck
Fuck you
chaos is the edgy ending so you have to be an edgelord to unlock it, and being edgy is not "evil" per say.
>Reflect Shitpost
SMT should just have a few giant, clear choices that determine your morality throughout the game. I dont like the idea that you have to look up a guide for every seemingly unrelated choice just to not fuck up. I also dont like the idea that morality in SMT is strict and decided from the beginning, the choices should be lined up in a way where you spend some parts as law and some as chaos, with neutral being a difficult thing to attain. The replay value would come from which parts of the game have you at which alignment, and I think the devs having that much control over your alignment would allow them to create more interesting scenarios for each.
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Behead Dazai
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what was the deleted post??
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umad bro?
The real depths of depravity stemming from apathy and depression (he didnt feed his cat)
Metaphor is actually doing something like this IIRC.
The volume mixng on this fucking game is so
I think it might be ryujinx
Okay, I think this is good. Although tempted to get rid of Endearing Soul.
Does the tao route have as much handholding as the yoko route?
Also do beano and Yoko die in that ending or is the tree with the red snake in it supposed to symbolize that they are the new adam and eve.
Is Chiyoda the Eridanus of V?
bro where are your skill potentials?
Umm broski, your potentials?
Actually Tsukuyomi talks about miracles, he says this is a divinity that comes with being a Nahobino, Sophia also comments about what she and her realm mean when you complete 75% of the compendium.
they are supposed to be dead
They become the new Adam and Eve
Still waiting on someone to use Sahori's model and make a Nahobino form that uses Lahmu as fusion
they die and become a new adam and eve
this build is fucking retarded
I can totally imagine yoko posting on reddit: "We will purge every living thing in the multiverse to make a new world,that what people that suffer wish for"
>mary sue
>"I fucking hate cars"
Shes funny at the very least
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why does panagia yoko get dark red lipstick, a retarded smile, and legs crossed like shes trying to seduce you

i fucking hate Doi
I mean nocturne basically did tge same where gozu tennoh gave you power and that just gave you the ability to carry around more demons.
He seriously aggravates me in Vengeance, in a good way. I like how Bino was just willing to murder him for standing close
Yoko is Yahoo Answers for complex ethical questions
>anon gets mad after finding Yoko sexy
he is gay
>stupid sexy yoko giving me a boner and making playing the game harder
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>stupid sexy Yoko
shes supposed to be the emobdiment of chaos and yet she looks like a crackhead whore trying to attract customers
Explain how.
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can't believe you got this many (you)s with this obvious bait kek, here have another one.
I don't think you have any idea how a crackhead women actually looks like, granted she does look like a whore but she looks like a high class whore.
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can you unlock the Shiva, Demi-fiend, Masakado & Satan fights for the virtual trainer?
she looks like someone that would take a dump on your bed desu
Thats odd i got the no leader deaths title despite Amane dying in the final battle
was it because i revived her?
or the final battle doesn't count since there no result screen?
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And there it is.
When should I fight demifiend on vengeance? Is it still recommended to be 99 like base SMTV? I'm 88 after fighting shiva, tiamat, belial, samael.
Oh and if I use all my gospels I'll reach 99 instantly. Should I do it?
just play the fucking game you anxious mess of a zoomer faggot
that has to be the most disgusting 3D model I've ever seen
>no affinities
>physical piercing skill when you already have murakumo
>a physical single target attack when you already have murakumo
>murderous glee when you should be getting crits from crit gems

Chaotic Will
Critical Zealot
Almighty Pleroma
High Almighty Pleroma
Enduring Soul
Kannabi Veil should be on all nahobinos
Critical Aura if you dont want to use gems

its better to do one thing well than 3 things shitty
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Mmh, tough choice.
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>Emulator would rather crash my PC for 10 minutes than shut down a game
Yeah I ain't dealing with that shit. I already played the game, not much worth dealing with more autism for backend stats.
Alright, thanks for the advice. I was worried that my build wasn't exactly good.
The PC port can run on a fucking toaster and you still chose to emulate it instead...
I'm not buying it twice.
NTA but I wouldn't use Chaotic will unless you want to fully dedicate your beano to support. If you have at most 2 actions per turn and one of those turns should be dedicated to setting up Kannabi Veil then with your other action you either want to deal damage or use Chaotic Will/more support. Having both seems unoptimal to me.
Is sophia your prostitute?
Am I to understand that if I go STR build then by the end I only use an Almighty skill and no actual physical skills?
How do you farm crit gems?
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would you fuse with bondage angel, smtg?
what would i turn into
what depends, what is your race?
No. I installed cheat engine on my comp so I just give myself stats and skills instead.
CoC you only have almighty, CoV gives you another new option in parasene blur
Like this anon said >>484448516 she looks like a high class whore, however that can be justified since the qadistu are all high class whores
what is this from??
Anyone doing mage builds for their Nahobinos? What are the best things you can get and what affinities?
Endgame is definitely almighty spam.
depends on fight. ice build magic nahobino is the best for shiva
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>get my ass beat by the lvl 99 abscess
>show up again with Siegfried, Girimekhala and Arahabaki
>hillarity ensues
Compendium tpok my money, how do I farm macca fast?
Egypt Branch has a lot of money
They should add Joan of Arc back.
Buy the money DLC or head to Egypt Branch in Minato. There's shitton of mitamas and relics to find, which can sell for a lot.
I thought this was a joke about the Jews
doi's demon knowledge came to me and told me that the next SMT game will be like DDS but instead of hindu stuff it's greek myth
that reminds me of the time I was really into the mythology of Orpheus because Saint Seiya until I found out that he was the first pederast
They need to also add gremori back
Surprisingly believable. Kaneko's weird hatred for the major Greek gods has led to them never appearing in a title since like Megami Tensei 1+2. Hades is hot shit currently so a megaten game that focuses on greek myth would be a pretty good idea. This also means Doi would draw up the first actual designs for Poseidon and Hades.
I'm suprised their roman counterparts have so few appearences. Like pluto was in SMT4 as a bot and the rest only appeared in persona 2
Kaneko thought they were overused and too familiar even in Japanese media I guess, so he focused on Buddhist and Hindu figures
I forgot, what was the throne line of succession again? Was it Marduk > Ra > ??? > YHVH?
Marduk > Ra > Ba'al > YHVH > Lucifer > Susano'o
what is the name of that demon that looks like Surt but with tits and a bunch of tubes and shit?
Alright thanks. Wait, so Baal really try to get the throne again during Nocturne? Interesting.
Really I feel like there's alot more norse demkns then buddhist and hindu demons in SMT. I thought Norse gods were popular. Also brahma is fucked out of the games while vishnu and shiva are staples
is smt unironically the best jrpg franchise out there? i keep coming back to these games because i love the combat that much, and other jrpg franchises like pokemon and ff are just too easy. only subseries ive hated so far are the raidou games. those two fucking sucked.
ah yes, that unpronounceable bullshit
is there any reason why she looks like Surt?
Yes, he also wanted it in SMTV by using Bino's soul and become a nahobino himself due to the bull god lineage
Are Barions generally the best magic attacks, or is it the multi-hit named ones? I keep Huang Long in my party permanently now so that I can cast Dance if that helps
I mean most rpgs have atleast something broken that can trivilize most of the game. SMT has that but your probably onky going to get that tool in endgame and the bosses are challenging because they can fuck you over if your unlucky. Also buffs and debuffs are important on smt so it can be fun trying to mamage all your buffs/debuffs
He is persistence, I'll give him that.
Barions are best with no support. Multi hits are better with Dance and Pandemonic Crush.
>Kaneko's weird hatred for the major Greek gods has led to them never appearing in a title since like Megami Tensei 1+2.
Bro? Persona 2?
Press Turn system made so that even if you have all the right cards and build, you can still get fucked over by "luck". Surprise no other turn based RPG try to attempt that and just go the ARPG route instead. Customizable party member instead being stuck with party members that you might hate but force to use is another factor.
There are far more Buddhist and Hindu demons in V than there are Norse demons. You probably just remember who the Norse demons are because you’re more familiar with Norse mythology.
I like SJ and all but I think it's crazy anyone can think that Demon Co-op could be a suitable replacement. All the variables and different strategies that come from Press Turn compared to Demon Co-op just being "only use 1/3 of the demons in the game and you do more damage hitting a weakness" isn't a comparison
it really pisses me off when I see fans of other jRPG series say Press Turn is brain dead and "rock paper scissors" as if their jRPGs will a million stat combinations that end up meaning fuck all is superior
I dont think anyone like Demon Co-op all that much and most of the would rather want to just replace it with Press Turn or even SMT 1 and 2 style.
When will SMTVV mods catch up to Nocturne HD?
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We’ve had at least Athena and Dionysus. Outside of Zeus and his brothers, they’re about as big as it gets in Greek mythology. Of course there’s a bunch of others on a similar level.
I love SJ and like Demon Co-op but
>Demon Co-op could be a suitable replacement
no one actually believes this.
I thought it was a cool system that semi-forced you to use different demons rather than just the highest level you had at that moment.
Press-Turn I understand but SMT 1/2 system? fuck that, that shit is bare bones. I didn't even care for row system all that much
Carrying Artemis to endgame, is it worth keeping Astral Saintstrike?
Try being egyptian. At least they will wave it off that most of their gods got wiped out during the throne takeover
literal dogshit compared to figment slash
I think it could mix well with a squad based system, like the Devil Survivor games have, with squad leaders having different alignments.
It's still messed up that the best boss battle in the entire history of the franchise is in fucking Apocalypse.
What else gets shafted, V obviously had amatsu shafted because of lore reason but I suspect they will be back in VI
cry harder, Apocalypse has the best combat in the series
>is it the multi-hit named ones?
if you build your party to take max advantage of them, these by far
Cherub + Lahmu + anything (Madness Glint Zeus is a monster), just works
swapping Horus into any demon with a multihit spell for pierce works well too (Alice, for example)
you can also do debilitate setups with Heavenly Ikuyumi, or kick things off with a Shiva Tandava, etc.
hard to go wrong really
best comp is a stock full of figment slash demons with arahabaki and impalers anus + omagatoki strategize
just keep swapping in demons to gain full buffs and impalers anus to figment slash everything to death
bros I fucking love Tokyo Abyss
There’s a ton of demons from the Americas that Kaneko drew for Devil Summoner and Soul Hackers and most of them have never appeared in a 3D game
Do you fix Figment Slash's accuracy with Dragon Eye or Safeguard?
beast eye + dragon eye its accurate enough
Figment needs beast + dragon + max sukukaja+sukunda
on NG satan is the only boss where an optimized figment slash demon would ever miss for me due to his bloated agility and even that was like a 5% chance
> is it worth keeping Astral Saintstrike?
you can do a funny meme with her, Agrat, and Zaou-Gongen (or similar, like Metatron) that does extra damage based on the number of hits dealt that turn
Looks cool, ive only played IV's neutral route, will I miss anything important if I jump right into Apocalypse?
>best comp is a stock full of figment slash demons with arahabaki and impalers anus + omagatoki strategize
that or the other degenerate strats, like a stock full of dead demons to abuse Arioch passive
sucks all the fun out of the game though
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you HAVE bought your copy right anon?
imagine the smell of an IRL SMT roleplaying meetup
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>Someone added the boss-only skills in a mod
you didn't beat the game
It kind of depends what you’d want to use it for. I think it’s good enough against single target bosses that don’t resist physical, so I’d keep it for the cool animation, but it’s definitely not optimal. Outside of the super bosses, I don’t think you need to be optimal, even on hard mode, but some people would rather minmax.
its objectively worse than figment slash / akashic arts
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>Sophia and Gustav
im not adding mods till im done with it
Did you miss the part where I said ‘it’s definitely not optimal’?

If you just wanted the strongest option, I don’t think you’d use Artemis anyway.
newfag-kun, we've seen those mods ages ago. you're late to the party and nobody cares anymore
Lucifer himself is a ruler though. Bitch literally lived in a castle with dozens of generals guarding the way to his abode. And he wasn't a good ruler either. If YHVH/Law was cruel to demons then Lucifer was cruel to humans as he shot the Kuzuryu at Eden where innocent people tried to take refuge, and sapped the magnetite off humans living in Holytown.

Lucifer would support any system that allow him to have control and does not vilify demons. Is Tao's world like that?
I think Doi is a good artist
hes such a shit artist he replaced one of kaneko's best coomer designs (angel) out of sheer spite
He's okay
my atlus credit card stickers came in today
You forgot that he was so butthurt by Satan/You that he release the Kurzuryu, which destroy a good chuck of his domain.
>Lucifer would support any system that allow him to have control and does not vilify demons
Sadly for Lucifer after obtaining YHVH's knowledge he realized the Mandala system was rigged and he would never have the power to create his ideal world.
Anyone know why the quest The Succession of Ra won't show up? I'm playing on CoV
Time gated, it showed up for me after doing Amon's quest
You have to talk to the glasses guy sister in the fairy area and exhaust all her dialouge. Then you can go start the quest by talking to isis most underrated hot demon in the game npc in the egypt branch
What >>484466874 said but do it before the Tiamat fight
what happens if you beat most, if not all, Megami Tensei games?
Isis, pls
you turn into a wizard
based Isisfag
doesn't that whole quest line kick off with you beheading Horus? at least that's how it was in CoC
you become a Preta
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Koshimizu takes you into his room and you get to fuck this
You play Era Megaten
>if not all
No you didn't
>but I did play play Majin Tensei, Last Bible, and
Shut the fuck up Marsh
Ice is the best element by endgame, mostly for Shiva. Profaned land is good too, especially for longer fights. There's also Heavenly Ikuyumi which is your best almighty spell. The rest suck and you need to pay more attention to helpful demon passives than with strength to really push the damage.
I think so too, but when his designs are a miss, they're a huge miss
Kaneko was the same way though
I love how that artist that drew Hero's Mom is an apparent fan of the game and referenced it in his Apsaras comic
>There's also Heavenly Ikuyumi which is your best almighty spell.
Oh hey I did get that recently, gonna try that out
>The rest suck and you need to pay more attention to helpful demon passives than with strength to really push the damage.
Any good demons for that? I noticed Lahmu let's you crit with magic so he seemed good to hold onto at least, dunno about everyone else
I'm retarded didn't read daying you were playing COV but In COC atleast you also to kill horus and amon before you can start the quest. Along side talking with glass guy's sister
I will never forgive Kaneko for the Gummi Niggas in Nocturne
You don't kill Horu in CoV as far as I'm aware
He's a retarded manbaby who wants to play house with the world as its ruler. But he's too driven by his emotions and prankster personality to be taken seriously unlike YHVH.
why did no one ever question the fact that Isis asks you to kill her son?
I mean, the first demon-vs-demon sidequest in the original game at least shows you that each story has two sides with Apsaras claiming to be protecting the weaker demons while Leanan says she's building an army
>Demi-fiend fight canonically takes place before the Lucifer fight
>Beano makes Lucifer stronger by giving him Demi-fiend's skills
Damn I haven't gotten that far in my COV run, only beat COC sorry. Still if you did all the khonshu/sun related quests maybe try talking to the girl in that fairyland place. Thats my best guess
Beano? The straightest
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It really makes Satan beating the shit out of him and calling him a retard all the more satisfying. Shame that later version of Lucy revert him to being that stupid tricksters that you're forced to ally with, and he always plays a role with your character in some way.
>she's holding his book
Didn't isis say that horus went crazy and isn't the same horus she once knew? Kind of like oyamatsumi in the earlier section. Also isis could kill her own son makes her hotter
Imagine 4a yhvh fight except instead of nanashit its CHADbeano
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>hand holding not once, but twice.
How did they keep this smut in unnoticed.
Khonsu Ra is tougher than any of the Taito bosses so I did the quest as the last thing before the Temple of Eternity. Also, I think the quest is called Rite of Resurrection in CoV.
>Didn't isis say that horus went crazy and isn't the same horus she once knew?
I can't help but feel that's an incredibly suspicious line of reasoning. I guess it would have driven it home more if Horus had some actual dialogue to show he was actually insane.
also P4 Isis got dem child bearing hips, HNNNNNNNNG
I don't understand people who think he was a good boi bc he wanted to bring mutants to the surface. Since mutants are literally victims of the nukes which are caused by the Chaos faction summoning demons to the world in the first place in SMT1. And for the longest time Lucy decided to sit his ass on his throne in the Abyss instead of doing ANYTHING to help the mutants until Aleph came along. He's just an edgier and hypocritical version of YHVH that's not bald and ugly.

I like that Lucifer's original role was like that and that even reflected in Nocturne prior to the Maniax additions with the original Demon ending. I don't like how they changed the direction to make him seem more leader-like or "likeable" just because of his personality. It's especially jarring because Lucifer being a Western entity in a primarily Eastern/native-themed faction like Chaos is literally a damning critique and commentary itself, he literally has blond hair and blue eyes as a human even.

I'd much rather the series expand upon Chaos by pitting Lucifer the Western side with an Eastern Chaos leader, like Shiva/Virochana/Yama or something. Though Yama would probably be Law since he enforces the punishment part of the karmic cycle and all.
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It's not the handholding that gets me since you do the same with Tao, but the fact that he's specifically doing it in a way associated with things like knights/princess taking the hand of a fair lady. It's the way a man takes a woman's hand to kiss the back of it. The implications are subtle but simutaneously blatant. Very bold. But honestly I don't care about Yoko, I just want Koshimizu and Aogami to spitroast me, that's all.
You know YHVH uses divine punishment but at least he doesn't DIRECTLY kill off his subjects for no reason but to satisfy his own ego. The people who got nuked by the Megido Ark at least where bad people who refused to repent. It's really pathetic to see how many people are willing to overlook Lucifer's huge flaws and hypocrisy just because Chaos/anti-monotheism is cool or because he looks hot in his human form.
I would even argue that after HERO kill everyone in 1, both side had a chance to rise up. Lucy didn't take advantage of that and prefer to remain the "hidden faggot with a billion plans" role model while the Order of the Messiah did and took over.

I would agree that Lucy shouldn't have any Role that doesn't seem forced to make him look like the "good" guy, and the popularity of Nocturne TDE and SJ redux kind of cement that.
His speech at the end of the Chaos ending in 1 already made it clear enough imo, not sure why most people didn't catch on it. The traditional Chaos ending is typically framed as "selling your soul to the devil" to achieve your goals and by the end you get an "lol psyche" by Lucifer. This extended up even until the original Nocturne before all the Maniax shit tried to push for a canon ending and retarded lore/arguments by Lucifer that can easily be rebuked if one has even the slightest knowledge about demons being karma and the cycle of reincarnation. But I guess I expected too much from the Maniax writers and the player base to see through the retardation of the new direction of Lucifer's character.
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Tiny head wife
This is what chaos does to your body.
I could wrap one hand all the way around her neck too
Pandemonium with the ultimate, multi-hit ice spell is good. The only one with that AND ice affinity is mermaid though. "+ when inflicted with ailment" can work with profaned land. Lahmu's passive is great you just need to get resist phys on him asap because he's squishy as fuck to physical. He also annoyingly doesn't have support affinity so he can't efficiently help your almighty spell with debilitate.

Another thing, probably easier, to do is to just have a team for ice and dark, keeping a geared up "ally's X attacks will crit" in your stock and busting them out according to weakness. Putting the MC into the second party slot is great for this because you can start the fight, check weakness, swap demon to the right guy, then crit with your dude without using a turn.
Even with the Maniax, Lucy just see Naoki as a play toy and watch him suffer for his entertain. He inject his sperm into him so he cannot hold a reason, either. It annoys me that many Nocturne TDE Chaos Fags think its the best (chaos) ending but all you did just being Lucy's slave the entire time. At least with the "bad" Chaos ending, you tell everyone to fuck off and wander in the wasteland with your pixie waifu.
>All these lucifer hate
>But Mastema get a pass when he does the same thing
Explain yourself, faggot
mastema funney lel
>keeping a geared up "ally's X attacks will crit" in your stock and busting them out according to weakness.
better to just have Lahmu in the party, and Orochi, and then swap Orochi to whatever demon, since Orochi -> x will give that demon Critical Aura
wait nevermind, Crit Aura is St-only
how sad
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It's weird how the sefirot thing is used in both 2 and Nocturne to drive home the fact that Lucifer is just the same as YHVH but masks his intentions with buzzwords like freedom and pre-destined fate, and no one seem to catch on to this at all when characters like Mastema and YHVH are openly criticized even when in-story they often display much less blatantly evil or wrong behaviour. The first game literally had Lucifer admit it to your face even.

I think the original Demon ending is really cool, way better than TDE. It better characterized Naoki AND Lucifer too.
>Hijiri is cursed by YHVH to an eternal life of suffering without being able to save himself like a demon
>Don't you feel bad for him? Don't you want to not live a pre-destined life too, Naoki?
>Literally turned Naoki into a half-demon stuck in an eternal life of suffering and unable to change his pre-destined fate
To this day it still boggles my mind how Lucifer is treated like an anti-hero and YHVH slayer by Atlus and the fanbase at large when every thing he says and does always reek of hypocrisy and cruelty
That do be how the devil operates. They got seduced.
No it's a holdover from Lucifer being the ultimate good guy in SMT2. In SMT2, he wants to see humanity break free from YHWH's oppression and was the one that ultimately uplifted them from simple animals. YHWH is objectively evil, in all routes so this isn't up to debate on if his intentions were good. In SMT3, he one ups this by wanting to stop the true God who is causing the cycle of misery among the multiverse, by training you to usurp even himself and leading the demons (lawfags are demons too) to go fight the real villain. He's not doing it for the lulz because he just destroyed everything, there's nothing to be greedy about or take over. There's nothing left. The game is explicit about this, it shows you everything it's not vague or up to debate.

I try to explain it clearly because neutralfags are speedreaders in every game, so you need to walk them through it.
The only "reasonable" answer is Nocturne being the FF7 of the SMT series. Target Audience, being edgy teenagers that hate rules, will side with him.
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I am not even quoting you directly because I know you're full of shit. They outright tell you that Lucifer let you live because its funny to him, follow by the old woman telling you to not give him a shitty ending.
What being a Chaosfag does to your brain holy shit. The ultimate good guy in 2 is Zayin and Aleph before being shifted to Chaos route.

Also I fucking hate all the Lucifer wanking Maniax team added in Nocturne, a game that's almost entirely Buddhist-themed. As a result, no one wants to engage with the actual Buddhist themes of the original game and its Reasons. Freedom already fucked over Nocturne's narrative in the original release but it still painted the Reason holders, mostly your friends, in a somewhat sympathetic light unlike the braindead TDE where you destroy everything and follow the only Abrahamic-themed route of the Buddist-themed game because you refuse to engage with the Eastern theming of the entire story.
What's a good emulator to play the 3DS games? Both SJ R and IV A are crazy expensive.

A guy offered me to trade my physical copy of IV for VV and 50 burger bucks in Steam Shekels. Sounds tempting since I don't care about collecting.
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The Sefirot is explained by interviews and it’s actually weirder than that.

IE Jewish Mysticism is humans writing fanfiction based on shit they saw in dreams as they glimpsed Makai, which they attributed to God.
I put Demon Ending equal to Freedom Ending. Both plays both ways, but ultimately its a giant fuck you to everyone that tries to play Naoki.
Nocturne is bad because it doesn't have Mastema or Satan.
II does the opposite. In fact they intentionally wrote Lucifer to be more heroic in contrast to him in I, even though this leads to this weird ass contradiction where they aren’t really the same characters.

This is why Makai was a sanctuary to Mutants, Crowley was forbidden by Lucifer from his orgies, or Lucifer being BFF with Virochana who is Asura and who was only allies of convenience in I but now Virochana views Lucy as a dear friend he sends Atavaka and his Eastern Zodiac gang to protect him. The Visionary Items they even added later kept this inconsistent consistency by having Lucifer be a manipulative villain in I exploiting Lilith while portraying him as meant well but made mistakes in II
Because Nukes and the Flooding the world in response was done by LAW! These things killed, mutated, and murdered way more people, and they even mention in Interviews Gotou used his demons to shield Japan from being Nuked.

Like nuking is such an obvious overreaction that was done to kill lots of people and you have to be fucking stupid to think otherwise.The Mutants were victims who survived the nukes and then were persecuted by the people who nuked them, while the ones who took them in and gave them shelter were the demons.
What I don't like about the Freedom ending is that it makes light of the initial story premise. Most people picked it not because of the "Naoki forming his own Reason" or Naoki's reincarnation aspect but they think the game started as a schizo conflict between 2 cults. It's similar to how Yuko said something along the lines of "I wanted to change the world because I was depressed for being inadequate but I was wrong and should've worked on myself instead of wanting to fight back against the status quo" which is just a reductive way to looking at the game's conflict. Why bother having a game and making you think about the philosophical questions of it at all if you're going to act like it's crazy for a person to want to change the world they find corrupted?

I only play the original versions of these games, I'm not a fan of any form of re-releases that tries to "clarify" or "expand upon" the original story and characters because they're all made after consulting fan feedback and come with a certain degree of pandering. Atlus themselves are against Law, that much is evident in most of their stories even though they've always failed to find way to make Law truly unagreeable. Because most rational, non-mentally ill human beings in this world would always choose order over freedom.
Altus is against American Imperialism and hegemony, which is neck deep in Law. Like there was a reason it’s the US who spreads their beliefs in I and it was an American Ambassador who was secretly an agent of God.

Much like V also tries to overstep that Mastema came from America since he traveled overseas. Fundamentally a problem is that American values don’t really gel well with the series concept of Law, and using YHVH as a representative of this.

It’s the best I can give V is that it at least attributes the system to beings that predate YHVH instead of trying to fit it all into a single box.
>Because Nukes and the Flooding the world in response was done by LAW!

Because CHAOS summoned Demons into the world in the first place! The AG script is the one that claims the Americans are blatantly trying to set up a new government in Tokyo after the nuke, which is blatantly false post-nuke as the Americans are entirely gone post-nuke in 1. The original script only said that American troops were sent in to stop this, the imperialism aspect is much more of an inference based on real-life dynamics. At most, you can say that the conflict is based on irl American occupation of Japan post-WW2 which again, was also started by the imperialist Japs trying to take over Asia in the first place.

Just because you're an atheist or you hate monotheism, it doesn't make if okay if the non-Christian country started the conflict.

Japs are hypocritical fucks. Law in V:V is okay when it's Amaterasu, the goddess upon the Japanese imperial line is derived from, is its leader.
>I did not play the pre apoc of SMT 1
>or 1 in general
This is all your post tell me
Kinda just sounds like you're a bit butthurt they point out the flaws in Law. They're explicit about the flaws in all endings, none are ever meant to be viewed as the right end but part of a larger argument. I don't think we had to nuke cause there was no other way is gonna win any hearts. Like you can't complain Atlus always makes Law look bad but be pro any genocide they do. That just means they got it right about your type.

>Fundamentally a problem is that American values don’t really gel well with the series concept of Law
Didn't you guys just make it so your president is now king who can do crime long as its official business? American is more authoritarian than they realise.
I'm level 67 in Ueno, where the hell do I grind out some levels? Zeus and Odin keep spitroasting my Nahobussy
No dumbass. Launching nukes was a blatant overreaction. Just like nuking the entire planet with a Kill Sat or unleashing a giant nine headed dragon through Lucifer who didn’t release the Kuzuryu on the entire world like planned.

The actual shit that gets absurd is that they had the Raidou games be all about unleashing the demons in the first place was a secret agenda of Law all along, which is why Lucifer and Raidou XL both tinker with the timeline to prevent it from happening.
I'm not butthurt I'm literally pointing out that Law launched the nukes which was an overraction to what Chaos started in the first place kek. Sounds more like you're butthurt because people are pointing out that Chaos was the original troublemaker in these stories.
No no not that. America combines WORLD OF STR with their ideas of Order and Law.

American Dream, literally the phrase “Pulm Yourself Up by Your Bootstraps”, etc. are all phrases emphasizing they believe in the idea of Merit while having incompetent fucks who got their positions by lies and wealth. America even uses their spreading of Christianity in Africa to spread hate.

Ironically Chiaki is the closest to being American in both values and reasoning. Well her and Dazai on Vengeance.
ALL THIS TELL ME YOU DIDN'T FUCKING PLAY RAIDOU EITHER. Holy fuck, you really want to suck Lucifer's dick.
Chaosfags are retarded devil worshippers. Atlus wants to pander to the lowest common denominator possible. Water is wet.
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No fucker Raidou XL in the first Raidou game came from the future of SMTII and tried to destroy Tokyo to change the future. He was a Temple Knight of the Center who tried to prevent Law from ever winning to begin with.

And Lucifer himself will in his fucking NG+ quest line revealed the entire plot of Raidou 2 was him seeing if Raidou was the “spark” who would change the future.
Also to add to the “irony” of this shit the Kunitsu and Amatsu bs in II where Amaterasu patronizes the Kunitsu for siding with Law was revealed to be hypocritical bullshit cause the Kunitsu grudge possessed Okuninushi reveals the Amatsu worked with YHVH to persecute the Kunitsu.
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You can play through the DLC in Citra, though...
Here, since I just woke up:
Ah shit I forgot to mention this was a quest line in Raidou 2.
You're weirdly try to justify one side by going well they started it. I maintain that the goal is never to have one side be the good guys and a struggle at best to justify. Even neutral. Its better when you can view the endings as part of a whole statement rather than saying my genocide is the good one actually.

Remember how the angels sided with Chiaki? Law isn't against the strong ruling, they just believe a certain group should remain the strongest and be so untouchable challenge never comes. Though an individual may become more holy through works there's a hierarchy that must be maintained. America's claim to care about merit is questionable at best and its desire for total hegemonic power is undeniable.
>I remain neutral
>proceed to jerk off Chaos and Lucifier that did no wrong
Yes but America hides behind “Freedom” and shit while toppling democracies and installing dictators so America could leech off said countries, or taking away peoples rights in their own country.
This is another mistranslation by AG btw. In 2's original script, the Kunitsu worked with both Law and Chaos factions of foreigners (YHVH and Lucifer) to seal the Amatsu which is Japan's Law faction in the cave. Then after that it was the YHVH faction that turned the Kunitsu into stone. This is why the Amatsu faction is still categorized as Law.

This is why I want a Japanese Law (Amaterasu) vs Abrahamic Law (YHVH) and Eastern Chaos (Asura) vs Japanese Chaos (Lucifer).

I'm not justifying what they did nigger I literally said it was an overraction. It's simply an in-game, story-based fact that the nukes were launched to stop the spread of demons which was summoned by the Chaos faction in 1. I've never claimed Law or genocide was the good guys faction wtf are you on about, get off Lucifer's cock for once you retarded mongoloid.

Law is hierarchical as in God is the ultimate ruler and everyone else is equal. It's Chaos who claims is freedom-based and whatnot even when it's even more hierarchal than Law because below Lucifer, the rest are divided by strength.

As for Chiaki's vision, that is a meta version of Chaos where she completely eliminates the weak and ugly, only the strong and beautiful are allowed to exist. And it's supported by the angels ofc bc God is perfect and infallible so in that world he would still emerge as the absolute ruler. Nocturne has a more Eastern interpretation of the alignments with the Reasons and is applied strictly to the Japanese society that holds Japanese values instead of monotheism.

America does imperialism right because they make themselves look like the hero, unlike retarded Europeans and Japs who fuck over other countries and rule by fear-based submission instead of making the public "organically" support you. I'm not even American but you mongs keep criticizing them while your country is weak and retarded. America is the world leader simply because they are smarter than the rest.
No it was Law. The Visionary Items by Altus confirms it was Law with Metatron appearing to offer Amaterasu to join the Center and making clear they planned to betray the Kunitsu. II also, you know, has numerous Chaos demons who work for the Center thanks to lies and Promises by the Center.

The fact YHVH was secretly part of Japan and influencing things from the shadows is why the Yatagarasu were “angels” in Strange Journey and Hachiman was designed to be YHVH with a full body, cause he’s Japans version of YHVH.
I only play the original versions of these games, I'm not a fan of any form of re-releases that tries to "clarify" or "expand upon" the original story and characters because they're all made after consulting fan feedback and come with a certain degree of pandering and can often times contradict the original product.

Atlus themselves are against Law, that much is evident in most of their stories even though they've always failed to find way to make Law truly unagreeable. Because most rational, non-mentally ill human beings in this world would always choose order over freedom.
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>I just want Koshimizu and Aogami to spitroast me, that's all.
based me too
Thank you for the artist that's a steal at only 7k yen
Does persona count and if they count does shit like p4 arena count?
If you played shit like DeSu and DeSu overclocked do they count as seperate titles or do they count as 1 game?
The thing is that they tend to also elaborate on things about the games outside of the game or even in sequels or games that are prequels ala Raidou, and by default they do tend to leave a lot of stuff out of the games that are still canon. It’s how you get weird statements in interviews like Makai being based on the Sefirot is the other way around, humans basically wrote fanfiction they called Kabbalah about why Makai looks like that.

It then becomes noticeable when they say shit like how the Chaos faction in I were allies of convenience, but II they intentionally emphasize them as close allies to the point Crowley would refuse to engage in orgies out of respect for Lucifer and his rule.
law in general also has a theme of protecting the will of majority
majority of the world are monotheistic and seek to adhere to globalism
this meme is pretty old and I think the person who made it probably didn't take the billion persona spin offs and re releases into account
Only 1 to 4 since P5 has no Shin Megami Tensei on it
Same game with minor improvements so it's just one game
You are now thinking about Ronde and SMT: Imagine
I thought Crowley was horny over the lady who has the fury robe? Not sure where the orgy shit came from.

When viewed through a non-religious lens, Law can also be seen as a religious metaphor for abiding by the fundamental moral pillars of society, basically social conformity. And video game devs and artists living in a society with deep conformist culture like Japan would ofc make a game that tells you to not conform, while also hypocritically always making the "preserve the status quo" Neutral endings as their favourite, implied canon "solutions".
>Because most rational, non-mentally ill human beings in this world would always choose order over freedom.
In the same way you have an anon defending America's cultural imperialism, you assume that most normal people are rational and non-mentally ill when they are more than likely the exception.
That's just wrong. Lahmu deserved better.
P5 doesn’t have SMT in the name but it’s combat system is far more in line with SMT than Persona, weird.
>I thought Crowley was horny over the lady who has the fury robe? Not sure where the orgy shit came from.
SMT2 Translated by the chaosfag
>Only 1 to 4 since P5 has no Shin Megami Tensei
Adding Shin Megami Tensei to the titles was a western only thing to let baka gaijin knows that shit like Raidou, persona and DeSu are part of the same franchise.
The only games with Shin Megami Tensei in their title are 1, 2, if..., nine, nocturne, SJ, IV, IV:A, V and VV
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Honestly it’s a shame Sahori never got a proper Nahobino fusion. It’d be interesting to see what Lahmu looks like since the only other Female-Male fusions had the females as dominant.
Sahori will have whips and ropes as her weapons
She will also wear a micro bikini
I was thinking Lahmu would be a Naga considering the sperm tentacle.
Why is V-kun the only one that looks like his human self when turned into a beano.
Everyother beano form takes more after their respective god/demon?
He’s special as YHVH’s successor. Samael realized he was special just by looking at him just once.
I think its due to V-kun being given control and them being synchronised so well. Aogami doesn't have desires of his own outside the influence you have on him. The real answer is protagonist.
Kek, I was playing the AG version with only some basic awareness of the important things that were changed, not this small shit.

No one is defending imperialism kek. It's just how the world works. The strong prey on the weak, and it's easier to provide benefits first to make the public follow you willingly instead of subjugate them through fear and violence. America is utilizing these aspects of Law and Chaos in the most optimal way possible to expand its influence and power in a more sustainable way than previous imperialists. That's simply a fact, no one is saying it's "morally correct" for them to do it, but it's simply how life works. For a bunch of fags who love the whole "world of strength" and "strength-based freedom" shit, you Chaosfags don't actually like when it happens irl through America, but I guess it's fine if imperial Japan did it because >le anime and shit.
To be fair Nuwa has a pretty manly face in her Nahobino form, while Abdiel still looked more like woman even with her monster traits.
Young Man is given charge when it comes to running the body. First by Aogami, then by Koshimizu who isn’t even built for fighting.

Tsukuyomi Nahobino is Koshimizu taking charge since he can adjust his body for combat and Yuzuru isn’t a direct fighter nor does he draw upon his Knowledge to fight like Dazai or Yakumo do.
>Shit on america
>Immediately assume I'm a chaos nigger

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