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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Kraut Event "Welcome to Little Academy" - 6/27 - 7/10
SSR Alvitr
SR Z43
SR U-31
Teacher skins: Alvitr, Illustrious L2D, Duke of York
Preschooler skins: Z47, Z43, U-31, Eldridge
Foch META(Cruise Mission) & Attilio Regolo skin(Cruise Pass) - 6/1 - 7/31
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4

Scylla ASMR

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>484251457
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Good morning!!!
gm sir
Joffre a cute!

Do small botes at the little academy learn how to persuade the commander like the mature botes?
Should I be worried?
there was literally nothing in the event story that would suggest such a thing
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
well duh, if i was a bote i'd have it all under the radar, so the skk doesn't know about it.
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cute angle
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can't believe how easy it is to get (you)s off /alg/
Hey she's doing the reisa pose lol
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look at these fucking DORKS
How the fuck do i commission mayag
you download one of her public photos, then you send her a DM on twitter asking her to draw her daughters using her real life self as a reference
>all the samefags pretending like the commission is weird
i'm noooticing
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is z47 canonically on the spectrum?
Send her a message and ask her to draw Sheffield getting fucked by a line of Manjuus.
I dont mean manjuu cocks, but manjuus chain like anal beads and forced into her puss
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I, >>484341538 just want to know how to comm her and how do i pay up
But i only have pictures of her that I've taken privately, would that work as well?
i need to fuck alsace at the earliest convenience
Sea Hornet is a fighter.
This is the DB/TB page
>twitter dm
not gonna give myself away so fast
I clearly mean a fucking bomber version of the Sea hornet.
Which are the most based artists of /alg/?
Use a throwaway account and send her a voicemail
the drawgod from previous thread. go like his image on X(known as twitter)
Kamiwasher is the only loyal AL artist
I still don't know what they were thinking with the spearfish, they could have at least made it converging torp to prevent competing with wyvern
Hi MayaG, I'm a huge fan of your work, especially your character Richmond. I've got this wild idea: what if you drew her using a real-life model? Specifically, could you base her on you? I found your weibo and saved all of your pictures there so I have plenty of pics to help you get it just right. Looking forward to your thoughts!

I've never sent a formal DM before is this okay?
Did it exist or would it be manjuu fanfiction?
The wikipedia page says that the Sea Hornet only had a Fighter version, a Night-flight capable Fighter version and one for photographs.
You won't do shit
yea bro go for it make sure to request she draw richmond with a cock as well
Remove the part about you finding her social media. Actually don't send her anything at all.
>how come AL doesn't get art anymore?
Based, looks good to me bro, go for it
Indomitable in wows has Sea hornets with rockets and carpet bombers, bascically where i'm getting the idea for a 3rd rainbow plane, you could find a better plane or somethign stupid or obscure as the pancake and the spearfish
ignore the poorfags just send it
They could have made the rockets stronger so that it's not barely an upgrade compared to the converging torpedoes even when vs light.
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The ones who actually take matters into their own hands instead of just complaining about AL getting no art
>The anon from last thread who drew Constellation
>The Vittorio slop anon
>The Craneslop anon
>The Helmetslop anon

Special mention to that one guy who keeps commissioning Intrepid art
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New essex
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你好 mayag, I'm a huge fan of your art, especially your character Richmond. I have this bold idea: what if you draw her in a more... realistic style? I came across your personal photos and thought they'd be perfect for her features. Can you use them as a reference? It'll add a unique touch. Looking forward to your response!

How about this?
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"I came across your personal photos"
i'm laughing rn
send it or shut the fuck up
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yeah it's perfect bro just send it
comissioning ohisashiburi to make a new auntie, but this time she'll be milfed up and we'll call her Preussen or Schlieffen
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>Vittorio slop anon
Spaghetti western skins when
What about the twerkanon?
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>No one on /alg/ has the money to commission a bote's original artist to draw her
Lol. I commissioned art of Agano twice from hecha. This was one of them.
Nah that was me though
don't pay attention to the poorfag contrarian
floox? yeah he's based
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My wallet disagrees.
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Bad faith actor shitting up the thread.
Do not dare to compare that shit to soulful slop like pic related.
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>no pictures of botes twerking
>fine I'll do it myself
He's literally the slop progenitor
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Where is Agir's swimsuit skin?
my bank account you mean
cause I don't live in a third world country that still uses physical currency
you're ignoring all the other lame garbage.
he is talking about himself
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We hate M*gador here.
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His dream came true as well, now we have more ass focused skins than ever before
no clue what you're on about
Thought so
It would have had to have been an electronic transaction because otherwise I would have needed to send her physical cash, which Pixiv doesn't allow for commissions on top of it being difficult to do.
he's jealous, just ignore him
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We aren't called PAWG Lane for nothing
jealous of what
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We weren't known as that before the twerk anon though
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I'd fuck Agano. Whatever happened to her? Why are Noshiro and Sakawa shilled instead?
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4chan should run every image uploaded to an AI image detector and permaban AI sloppers
You don't have to pretend to like agano
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>The twerk anon
We had multiple twerkchads tho
We still do if the usual place is any indication
cute granny
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Until we have a wider variety of rainbow gear, I don't want three on a single page. C'mon.

The Fairey Gannet is the closest thing I can think of to the Firefly's direct replacement. It's even uglier than the other planes here. Feels a bit late for WWII stuff, though.
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Gib missiles
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Shackling Agir at a party!
Because Strasser said I should do it!
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Ass posting hours?
I fucked up with the timers and half of salvo was filtered by shields but it worked anyway.
Wasn't one of the anniversary artbook pictures revealed to be AI generated? People could get banned just from posting official art.
they could just rework the entire reward system from events like i said some threads ago, just instead of dropping regular BPs for 2016 gear, have events drop SR SSR and UR gear lab mats and prints, i really don't like slaving away at Opsi and hardly get these prints.
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20 push ups every time I see Levé's fat ass on my screen
kek so this is why we haven't got anything from him in a wile
I married a French boat, Am I destined to be cucked?
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i offer bataan ass but it’s aishit
You'll be fine as long as you remove her limbs and keep her in a suitcase that never leaves your side and use meth to stay awake
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jokes on you, we love AI here
Depends on the frog
Not all products of ai are equal
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Lovely fox
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Us assgods aren't bothered by slop
Why did you give her a ballsack
Yeah? Name one loyal frog.
it's a puffy vagina you uncultured swine
of course a fag like you would immediately think of balls
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you dont speak for me neither
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melty hours huh
I don't think >>484345629 was actually used in any of the artbooks, but it does appear to be AI slop.
its like he is throwing ever possible bait post he can
>BA posting
>anti frogposting
what is he going to use next
yea, looks like the start of one again
it's almost 10 AM in germany so it's to be expected
cute Riche
No that's a ballsack. We already know how Shinano's labia canonically look under clothing, and it's not like that.
You're the /trash/faggot, you were probably thinking of penises when slopping that
cock and ballse kek
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just like normal artists huh
Yes it's in the artbook
If you can't find it in the artbook it's because it pissed off the anon enough to purge it from the collection he uploaded
I don't get the twerk obsession and the AI attempts to show it look kind of pathetic. It's just motion lines and/or blurry ass.
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>try to gen bataan
>ai does up her left side like belfast
you can try slopping marina from blue archive, i find it gives similar results
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Cute riche? say no mee
>I don't understand why men find giant shaking asses attractive
you need to handle their balls more gently so they don't hurt
cute, cute!
I just keep running into them, it's like they're tracking my fucking face
>calling others homos
You gave Shinano a ballsack
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desu this should be more within reason, unlike that shit that other faggot does
How the fuck can you even tell this is AI? The only suspicious thing about this image that I can see is how Shinano holds the wine glass and they have 2 different types of glasses.
Now that I look at it, Musashi's nails piercing through the glove is suspect as well.
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PAIN is weakness LEVEing the body!
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I'm the guy who put that zip file together. I took it out because it did piss me off, but I've never actually seen any indication it was in the AL 6th Anni artbook. It's not in the year end artbook either (which I have a copy of). If it were in the artbook, it likely would have the AL logo in one corner and the copyright message at the bottom, like pic related (which he drew for EN's 4th Anni) and like all the official illustrations that are posted every year which do get featured in one of the artbooks.
nai or local?
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/ourguy/ Siu handsd own
its nai of course
i only ever ai as something to fuck around with when im bored so im not about to go the full mile to turn a pc into an AI engine
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It has that ai sheen
It's even more obvious in the r18 version
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>handsd own
translation, doko
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ooooooohhhhh i can smell it....the pungent STINK...i love it...aaaaaaaaah...bote ass STINK....
Imagine getting cornered in a dark alley by Alvitr and Katsuragi and being forced to listen to their rambling.
Why is niggerslopper trying to blend in again?
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in any case, slopping some cute and canon images will always be welcome
If you had an English keyboard you'd know the S key is next to the D key and knew it was simply a fatfinger typo
He tried to BApost a few hours ago and now he's cycling into /trash/posting
Now he'll hate frogs in a few hours
>"Le air condition is broken it's le atsuii here...."
>"guess i'll have to fix it on my own"
>Le javeling hops in frame and says "Sasuga Alvitr chan"
>Alvitr mentions some random nonsense about us probably, or not maybe it's more le atsui complaining

How did i do? my yapanese is a bit on the poor side but i get around
HOLY cute!
How do you slop white males? When I try it defaults to dark skinned males, sometimes it even turns the girl brown for some reason kek
Do the needful, Essexjanny
Try to pick artists that don't draw dark skinned men, there isn't a tag for light skinned men but there's one for dark skinned men so they're more difficult to gen.
I have one and it's annoying because I keep having to switch from the english layout to my monkeynese every now and then.
there are various tags for that, find the source of that pic
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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm whaddya think of this
Yeah fuck off
I think you should kys yourself
Now THIS is /ourguy/
>it's the tentacuck
I take back whatever I said.
Would you kindly deep fry yourself.
the anon that gens all that inflated ass shit can eat shit
Remember to report AIcucks, it's ALWAYS morally correct
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That guy and the slopper that makes picrel
twerkanon should fuck off too
So Owari just agrees to hold my hand like that? no foreplay or anything? I don't think i'll last long bros...
>Vanilla slop kings start posting
>"w-we are a-against slop now!"
AI niggers should fuck off in general
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You still enjoy Lulu's fat fucking lulus don't you SKK
very convenient, isn't it?
>can eat shit
>iranian slopper
He was doing it since he was born.
Report the /trash/nigger too
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Don't think I will
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release me from this prison please, I want to go to bed it's 5 AM
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Truly the GOAT, he has no equal.
I never said the tentaclecuck was wholesome.
the reason for tentacles is to try and muscle out the /trash/shit and put up an alternative unwholesome option in its stead
Yeah no
it's not going to work
>look I took a dump on your shit! Haha owned!!
well shit that idea’s going to the bin then
You're not going to turn them off with that when they already have to see their reflection in the mirror every morning.
Or on their screen(s). Yeah, their screen is more likely now that I think about it.
>xis goal is to shit up the thread
>I'll defeat him by joining him and adding a different flavor of shit
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Just slop straight up wholesome stuff, my guy
>suddenly concerned about tentacles
>all that samefagging
kek keep going, it's clearly working
Just to be clear shota isn't wholesome so stop posting that
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Not going to work. You either need to double down on unabashed vanilla or countersignal with over the top bleachposting, as it is known that only Kertified Kracka KKKangz are worthy of passing their aryan seed into bote wombs and saving the west. One time I said the tap water was too spicy and I heard Takao's squirt hit the ground. The future is only as bright as you want it to be bros
definite wholesome
>not liking shota
you are not a man then
you bet that's the local yuricuck
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a reno bunnina
>fucked hand
like hell im taking this ai program seriously
put negatives on anatomy defect or deformation
Shota it's ok as long as it's not that obvious gay shit with the sexualized kid.
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SKK canonically looks like this, so anything that deviates from this appearance is not wholesome
Anything other than skk x bote is trash
>you are not a man
>shotafag retard with mommy issues
go back into exex spamming, retardf
mom out of nowhere
is SKK a kid? Are you a kid? no? Then it's literally cuckoldry.
Shota enhances the mommy
A woman having sex with a boy can hardly be considered cuckoldry, it's more like nursing someone. It's like getting mad when a girl kisses an animal.
This is what lack of hard ingame content does to a general.
and we're still on page 3
Not sure if you're just the guy shitposting at every corner or you have unresolved RL issues.
erm uhmm ehhh Challenge mode bros?
>yea bro what's the problem with another person fucking my wife it's just a boy lol you mean your wife doesn't kiss animals
Yes I am the one with unresolved issues lol
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>(You) but age regressed
just admit you can't stand /alg/ talking about vanilla as it destroys your shitposting
my sister kisses the dog all the time
>inb4 haha white girls fuck dogs
we're not white
it's universal human behavior
if you don't have affection for your pet then you're literally a psychopath
It does indeed destroy his shitposting.
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i can feel the sovl...
Proof skk age regressed?
>we're not white
Explains a lot, actually.
Notice how the niggedshit stopped right after the shita trashposting began
There's no confirmed age of him so...he can be whatever age i want
Don't put me together with the other guy.
I'm just saying that if you get that angry at the thought of yourself as a kid, then you're either the retard that wants the whole thread to revolve around him or you have problems relative to your childhood, like you grew up in a garbage family or straight up got molested.
Also he's supposed to be (you) and if (you) look like that then you have to leave this website
How the fuck is shota vanilla? Do you even know what vanilla means?
>He is sperging against shota now
Not an in game depiction, sorry try again.
What the fuck is this logic lmao why don't you just imagine yourself as a nigger or a tentacle monster as well? I've never had sex as a kid so I can't imagine what it would be like, maybe it's you with unresolved issues?
It's official though
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>/alg/ - AI slop
>why don't you just imagine yourself as a nigger or a tentacle monster as well
Because those are used to degrade characters, and i don't like that
we* don't like that
Not even black people want to be black.
I don't have a problem with tentacles, though I'm not a fan of that pseudo vore shit.
You don't need to have sex as a kid to know how it's like, sex is sex.
So I guess that it's the first option then.
>get that angry at
why do i feel like i’ve seen this specific phrasing before on earlier ai arguments on /alg/
oh so botes committing statutory rape isn't degrading?
No, forgot about her long time ago
I don't know, I usually just report ai shit given its contents.
Post the webm
>pseudo vore
This is pretty much unrelated to the argument at hand but what does pseudo vore mean to you? I know what vore is, just want to understand the pseudo part
negative iq retardation
I'm not a manlet so I don't know how manlets have sex. I imagine the woman would have to sit on top of him and that's about the extent of their sex.
even the thought disgusts me
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the webm
>literal textbook samefagging he did weeks earlier but now against shota
i'm nooooticing
the webm
You've never seen goblin porn? It's pretty much that.
No, how the fuck is that vanilla?
Of course not, it's shotafied skk.
i wouldnt have given it much thought but then i remembered shit like
>why does /alg/ get so angry at pic of ass?
>said ass pic is super inflated slop shit with very niggery replies that betray the intention of said ass slop
And it’s with that phrasing, "get so angry at", idk what about it annoys me
Stuff like the girls being in a meat chamber inside the tentacle monster. Like it's not really vore and she's not getting literally eaten, but it's still inside some organic place.
If I had to give an example it would be like the tentacle stuff from Nosuke.
AKA not me having sex with bote
AKA literally the dictionary definition of cuckoldry
>bote masturbates with a dildo
>aiiie help me i'm getting cucked!!!
Neither children or tentacles are self aware and are practically inanimate objects.
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Essex has a nice tummy and pits.
>bote masturbates with a dildo
>aiiie help me i'm getting cucked!!!
nobody said that, botes masturbating to skk pics is hot
>Neither children or tentacles are self aware
in real life, we are talking about fiction here
So you want to imagine self-aware children and tentacles. You're literally cucking yourself.
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Outside of 4chan "getting angry at" is normal expression because you won't (shouldn't) find people outside saying shit like "seething", "malding" and the likes.
What's likely is that the ai slopper shiteater writes like that because he wants to get on the nerves of others as he feeds on it:
He tries to explain himself in a manner that feignes ignorance, so that the tonal dissonance between the text and the attached image can trigger people and make them reply to him.
>jamal has a room temp IQ so it's the same as masturbation
>children aren't self aware
Were you dropped on your head as a kid? You don't remember your childhood?
I want to imagine myself as the kid with the bote, i was previously a kid so i know what being a kid is like, tentacleshit can die in nuclear fire for all i care.
Don't you see that he clearly strawmanned you?
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>Neither children or tentacles are self aware
>Neither children or tentacles are self aware
6 yo child isn't self aware?..
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Most normal shinano slop but unironically
I really don't care, me answering truthfully is not for him but for anyone reading the thread, other anons already can tell who that sperg is.
Don't tell me you were in control of your actions as a kid. If you still act like a child then you should see a psychiatrist.
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That fag is clearly on your side
Literally who
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>self aware
>you were in control of your actions
ESL, or just incredibly dumb mutt?
How can you be self aware and yet not be in control of your actions?
not him but
Of course they have free will, what the fuck is he saying
they’re basically in the role of horror boogeymen or b movie monsters desu i watched one too many youtube videos of b movie monsters eating sexy women and obviously fake softcore vore as a kid many years ago
No they don't lol, don't even bother arguing with me because the law obviously disagrees with you.
Some racing anime Yostar and AL sponsored
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So, we have a mutt that's mixing up free will, full legal capacity, self awareness and self-control.
>ncredibly dumb mutt?
Don't know what the laws are like in third world shitholes where children are put to work but in civilized countries juveniles are considered incapable of making decisions for themselves thus not fully culpable for their crimes
can we post E instead of letting this retard conversation go on
he is german yet has the nerve to call any other country a third world shithole lol
>german pedophile
living up to the stereotype
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>he is german
The age of consent is like 12 in germany kek, no wonder he thinks shita is vanilla.
>11:35 in germany, all he did the entire morning is seethe about shota
It's the opposite though, he clearly supports shota?
>call him a mutt
>call him a kraut
kek every time
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Even when he tries to play both sides it's so painfully obvious.
The animations where her eyepatch snaps back is funny
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I slap every botes butt
>schizo hours
same thing
Nah, that's retard hours.
crawling into kiis womb
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>get called out for shita trash
>immediately go back to posting /trash/
lmao even
You can't make up a more pathetic creature.
>posts made within the post timer
are you ok clitler?
>Implying you haven't samefagged with your phone for years now
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you got xim
Just look at Hanazuki's ears and look at any other Hanazuki picture done by him
Where was the "found it" reply lol
Feel it
Took a bit because that was a hard one, but i found it.
That's what he does when he gets completely destroyed.
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does hindy rape herself with her tentacles when thinking about me?
If you buy the farm Marco will go out of business
get fucked, i got that pic straight from the artist pixiv unedited
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Hindy love!
You mean fuck herself with her own tail?
Dumb dog.
They just reply "found it" and shit to most pictures even when they're not edited.
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Well I just baited him into doing just that on an unedited pic
Posting fat asses is verboten now
it's they/them you fucking bigot
55MB update?
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most normal shinano in jean slop
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Ass too small
Cute Riche and Bearn
>hiding prompts
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because fuck you lmao
Why, so you can use my style to prompt her into fucking niggers?
>"my style"
The audacity of slopniggers
That’s not important
See >>484356215 for the real answer
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Oh my yuri!!!!
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When are they going to announce the Vanguard rerun?
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What are SKK's pronouns?
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Rapie and Victim
I want to save skk from the botes
Google says that Alvitr infers that she needs to call an expert to fix it (Akashi) and then, as it's too hot to work without AC, that this could be a plan of the commander to ask her out for lunch.
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Not canon
You're lucky I'm not at my pc
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>pov: you're the port's guard dog
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>botes don't stop raping SKK even on his birthday
Truly their cruelty is unrivalled
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this is a pink general.
Approximately less than 2 days to the start of PR7 reveals.
blue board
I don't believe you.
It's fucking over
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Love me some bong boobs
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Last year they revealed the new season on the Thursday before the end of Gorizia/Attilio's event, and the PR6 release was paired with new augments when the event was over.
In 2 days, it's Thursday and they announced that when this event is over there will be new characters and new augments.
I am always saying this.
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>AI Ajax
>not AIjax
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i can fix him
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Any boats getting rapey eyes - it's on sight.
Are you sure about that?
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>fixing SKK
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bros... I had a terrible luck these past few events and Alvitr refuses to come home again.... I'm dipping below 1000 cubes... it's heckin' over....
the past years worth of SR events have fucked me on repeat. Surely my luck will start rebounding soon.
What if I headpat Essex without her consent?
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This has happened to me on the phone far too many times.
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You think a handgun can do anything to a warship's armor?
SKK sure loves his dark alleys.
What isn't to like about them?
well no shit, how is he suppose to lead if he isn't emotionally able?
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By relying on the most outstanding maid available, of course.
Okay...so where is Belfast then?
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In Greenland, remember?
Okay, well looks like I need to pack my bag and go get here then. See you when I get back Scylla!
I wish Manjuu released MMD models of some botes
I'm sure they're aware of how horny the fandom is, so it could be a good pr move
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If SKK is fixed, then he'll realize that being constantly raped by botes is a bad thing.
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AL's skk should be like Last Origin's skk and violently fuck all of his girls
they're all willing, anyway
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What do you think our Iowa will look like?
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See you soon.
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
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What she gonna do with that Banana?
no you fucking can't loser
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they should give a UR to yano mitsuki
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Group Hornet Tsu!

My first wife is in my group
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>Shikikan-sama it's time for your milk.
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>mfw historic Blackbeard was all about getting meds for his crew and blockaded places for meds
>mfw he styled himself as this hellspawn with lit fuses around his face
>mfw we will never get a medicine and health obsessed Queen Anne's Revenge UR trying to create a new Nassau
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>Shikikan-chama..... care to practice...
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>Now that I have you Shikikan, would you like to play divisions with me in WoWS?
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Marco Polo? Oh, no, no, you must've misheard me, what I actually said is I marked Pola.
this but hornet 1
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NJ, Bremerton and Cleveland RQs this year?
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>Cleveland RQ
god I wish
I'd buy brem and nj rq skins, but the ones on the pic don't look that good. Like what are these completely covered up swimsuits with jackets on top.
Probably not all 3
Hijabbros, we won, we fucking won.
What's Golden Hind's doing with Jeannu?
100% would buy god bless america
Holy fuck secondary...beyond secondary even.
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>Anti tentacles posters
Funny how skk is getting his ass gapped and drilled nightly
tempesta are not allowed in my base, only proper, straight-edge and law-abiding botes are permitted in this port
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i'm in danger
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We posting slop?
Bani the killer?
Massive german succ titties
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Do you think if I squeeze them enough milk will eventually come forth?
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Remember to milk your pasta's today!
it flows freely for you, no need to squeeze. remember, PR/DR ships are designed to (you)r exact specifications
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Oh god, I cant wait to see what the Pasta DR will look like then.
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That outfit must really hold boobs well for those puppies to not fall out in that position.
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Breast tape.
DR boats are magic and designed to your specifications. with precision german engineering, it works
may she be thick
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What would you think Napoli would look like if she gets added?
Zara with even bigger tits and an even lewder personality.
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>remember, PR/DR ships are designed to (you)r exact specifications
Where're my oppai loli and 7ft. tall amazon paperbotes then.
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How Oppai are we talking about?
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Takao is done with Vanguard's shit
Vanguard is just much cuter than the dog
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Big enough.
Who is your "i can fix her bote"?
hyperactive airhead cutie who loves me truly bote gf
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At least Shuz's oppai loli level of oppai
bro I am the one who needs fixing
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Glasgow, she needs no fixing.
FDG with my child from Bismarck....
hey deadbeats Essex here
which bote would sing me a lullaby and give me a pacifier?
let me enhance your question:
which bote would sing me a lullaby and give me a pacifier, find it dumb but still comply?
vanilla is anything without ugly fat old bastards, rape or ntr, tentacles, scat, guro, ryona or any sort of shit like that

shota / loli are vanilla
futa is too
Vanguard is precious, but whenever I draw her I struggle with her hair
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my lovely phone addicted childwife...
I just want to feel real love
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little mesugaki brat...neeeds correction!
Meant to reply to >>484376214
Mog, i will fix her and make her addicted to hand holding.
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Lusty but will her big fat milky titty instead of a pacifier
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The face skk makes after kissing bani.
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I will fix h
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Pull her top off!
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Take a pic of her ass crack.
post the hot glue
hotglue it and upload the webm to /gif/ cum trbitue thread
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Hmmmm nyo.
worthless useless poster
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unfathomably based woman respecter
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How long is this minievent?
It ends thursday
This one, or next week?
this week
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Bottom left is cute
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Chapa, I can tame her into loving, sweet, caring, and clingy, vanilla wife and mother
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thoughts on this image?
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No thoughts, head empty.
It's hot out and I still want to crawl under that jacket.
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Lust provoking.
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she won again...
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Surely Agir won't get another feetshit skin
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Glad they put the name of the character, I wouldn't have recognised her.
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Agir is the gote, and she needs another skin, a very lewd one.
W-White supremacybros...
Someone burnt that manjuu.
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Love Helena. This is a threat.
It was eskimo.
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can I get a bote with NJ personality and da Vinci body?
How about Da Vinci body, with Mogador personality?
More serafuku skin when
Robutt sexo
I want a manic pixie dream gf, not a whore
You want something like Lucy then?
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That's just Torricelli.
I have no idea what it is but it seems trash
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>this week
Threesome with mog and torricelli
Threesome with Mog and Kersaint
>nosedives into pussy
Imagine Da Vincy showing Mog and Torricelli how to work the skkdick
That would be funny haha
Threesome with SKK and a body pillow of SKK!
both titty DDs, what did Mimo mean by this? Janus upgrade soon?
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Were you guys going to let me forget Taco Tuesday? Awfully rude of you.
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I like the BASED HOT AND CANON version a lot more
Which botes are specifically wealthy?
I know of St.Louis, Harbin, Golden Hind then I guess QE and other faction leaders.
Love dogs
does laff-ey like being molested in her sleep?
Harbin slapped some bitches with her wallet during the cruise event.
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cute succ
>making those designs as merch instead of ingame skins
Why though
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Don't leave out Otto.
Impregnate robutt
Turning her breast size and sensitivity sliders to 11.
Bro, you already put a chan in her, calm down.
>a chan
It’s multiple for me
If you don't accept Chapayev's Femdom side but you still marry her just because she looks pretty you are a pussy that deserves to be cheated on
niimis boobies on my face
Good answer.
Good thing I haven't married her then.
I want more botes with this exact body/body type.
SKKs want one thing
How's that OS going?
I don't accept any of her. I scrapped mine ages ago.
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I accepted Chapa being a switch
I don't have much time so I just started the CL5 zone, but I think that by today's night I'll be done up to CL6.
I don't feel the need to spam 12-4 yet when PR7 is next week.
>PR7 is next week
Wait what? They haven't even announced them yet, have they?
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>when PR7 is next week.
Patternkeks making shit up as usual.
Next maint will introduce new characters
So reveals start tonight?
Please understand...
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Shimanto was the first PR6 to be revealed, and her reveal came on July 6th last year. She was shown in a pic earlier though.
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That Agir > Cloud's Agir
Fight me faggots
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Which bote is the best rapist?
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does 'brilliant' for impero translate to 'autistic'
I liek Ägir
I want to snuggle with her and marathon LOTR director's cut
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>raaaawrr I'll choke on your dick!!
what are botes like when they're not lewding themselves for skk's amusement and arousal?
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Super competent
The moment they get a whiff of (You), though...
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slop aunt sloppy bjs
>two seconds later Auntie is messaging you to get on Stardew Valley with her
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Imagine the smell...
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would they get into my autistic hobbies?
Other botes may be a rapist, she's therapist.
I need this to be a skin amd/or figure. Now.
Alvitr-chan SEX
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she seems more like a mad dmc combo fag or some rpg/rts for edgelords main
>skk, we're playing warhammer tw and I'm playing morathi and you're playing malekith
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keep your robots well greased
I want to practice being Lusty's husband who's into babyplay..
Which botes will play Factorio with me?
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Bath water and maybe some hints of soap?
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botes for this feel?
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I played the entirety of through the fire and the flames on Ulrich's clit
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Scylla duh
based auntie letting me have the best warhammer villain
She does seem the type that would be into orgasm torture.
>botes filming bote porn
Uhh based?
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Roll the Sex Gacha and post result
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Not that rare of a sex.
Scylla please pamper me..
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do you even need to ask?
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erotic seducing chibi
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I got this one. I think my game is broken or something.
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Cute Joffre
I think botes are more likely to film skk porn and sell it to other botes.
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too late sensei
>Make sex tape for own enjoyment
>Sell it
This is a very Akashi thing to do, but no one is having sex with cat. I guess it wouldn't be hard to persuade other botes to sell to her though.
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>Agir's body unbound by the stocking
Better question:
Which botes that are not mechanics or gamers would pick up Factorio for you and actually get good?
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She's been eating. Excellent.
how did I know a women drew this before I even saw the name
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The new installation of the ongoing IRF/Yamaha Motors collab doesn't just use Essex. NJ, Cleveland, and Brem are also getting illustrations and merch.
She COMPLETELY removed any idealism a male artist probably would've applied. That is to say, they all look like boobs you'd expect to see on a real woman rather than the boobs a man would want to see on a real woman. She did what she was trying to do too well.
Master racist Essex.
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>rather than the boobs a man would want to see
Why the fuck would I want to see real life boobs in my animus
el Thornberry
If you're like me, you don't. I assume that was kind of his point. In perfect 2d land we want idealized not normality.
You wouldn't. Attractive drawn boobs are real-ish, usually with more perk and fullness than real-world average even when the artist gets it "right." meg's boobs are just real.
>She COMPLETELY removed any idealism a male artist probably would've applied.
Meanwhile, Maya G and Ibuki's water balloons...
I will NEVER install this auto battler again but I will fap to ATAGO furiously!
To me, the best female bodies in games and art like this are the ones that straddle the line between "looking realistic" and "too good to be real". It's got to be a proper balance or else it ends up in an uncanny valley or just too unrealistic.
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she won...
boats that act tough but crumble if you fight back?
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Gonna manhandle this Cleve later. Maybe bring in Helena too.
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this baka
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aye back in my day me and the shikilads, yeah way back in the day, we didn't have any fancy gotes or agirs or whatchamacallit, we had our prinz eugens and we liked her
Eugen is still great for our dicks grandpa
Predict the other 4 PR7
She just needs to find the right bote actresses and trick SKK into debt.
Both sound easy to accomplish, the latter can be arranged with the next mega VR machinery SKK needs.
>idealized not normality.
That's what I'm saying in a nutshell, yeah. You can find 3D women with those perfect "realistic" anime titties (for a few years anyway), but if you have most women lift their shirts for you that's not what you'll find.

That wasn't to say women can't idealize, of course.

It's a fantastic thing when that balance is struck. Belko bote when? Pochi bote pls?
Eugen clones are the future, old man.
>lolicept and pochislop
Holy shit taste batman.
Which artists do you want in the game then?
agir licks my ballsack
I lick agirs ballsack
licking botepussy has become a fulltime job...
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I lick their slits
my ballsack licks agir
I want to rub bote slits to evaluate their characteristics.
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Jun, santa, maybe kimiatsu.
So I woke up with morning with my dick down Belfast's throat.
I lick my dick
I want to explore Cleve's slit as a way of reassuring her of her femininity.
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Brutally mating pressing little destroyers
Lovey dovey mating press with all the bote
As in Tsuji Santa? I don't really care for his eyes but those bodies would be interesting.
rape skk!
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The hips are expanding to the point where we won't be able to contain them.
...Huh. Well, I'm not uninterested.
botes want your babies skk you will impregnate them right?
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Sex if she real
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No way, fag.

Contain them? Kearsarge and the new girl aren't contained at all. They've escaped and they'll never be imprisoned again. It's glorious.
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I'm gonna fuck the bote
boats from this year that you liked so far?
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is it weird if the most exciting part about a potential Ayanami Ni is seeing what kind of sword she'll get
she already has a totally not CE-style anti-ship sword but they never go all the way and give it a beam blade
LOVE black panties
I want Alvitr to bear my quintuplets
PR7 news when
Never ever
[the last two digits of this post] days
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USS Iowa when
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Devonshire is my bote of the year so far. What on earth were they thinking making her a purple.
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8 or so years ago.
Huan Chang
Friedrich Carl
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>so far
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i can feel it
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>want to support the devs for pandering to my fetish
>don't want to buy the skin because it's for a bote i don't care for, will never use and don't want to have as a secretary
which one?
is this from some official trailer? it has the vibes of formi's transformation from the muse trailer
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holy shit taste
Lung Wu, Soyuz, Ognevoy, Carl, Devon, Shina-chan, Alsace, Mog, Fleuret, Epee, Z47, U-31.
they could have given something like this to FdG and i would have bought it in a nanosecond, but no, they give it to a bote that doesn't have those tendencies and already has 20 fucking other white dress skins
fucking retard devs
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It happens she looks great in white bro
>it's an FDGfag
well that explains the shit taste
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Mommy Lusty..
>kraut event
>childcare and toddlers are the focus of said event
>babyplay skin
>uuuuuuuuuuuuh give the skin to uhhhhhhhh illustrious who already has a gorillion other skins
make it make fucking sense
it would be perfectly logical to give it FdG - she's a kraut, she likes kids, she already babies skk, and she hasn't had a skin in years

i'm just fucking annoyed by the retarded decision they made
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>The krautkek throws a fit when they don't get 110% of what they want
Like clockwork
i'm "throwing a fit" because it's a stupid decision
My head. Her lap. NOW.
I like em all.

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